L’Affaire C. 05 free porn video

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Nicki was nervous and she was drinking too much. Any minute now she was going to start saying something inappropriate. She had been thrilled when Matt had barely waited twelve hours to call her, and even more thrilled when he asked her to dinner. She was still having trouble trying not to think about how forward she’d been last night, and how hard and hot he’d felt under her palm. Just remembering the heat from their kiss had Nicki shifting in her seat. It was ridiculous how much she wanted to be sitting in his lap right now (okay straddling his lap). This was only their first date!

‘I can’t believe I’m finally sitting here across from you,’ Matt said. He was one of the most frank and open men she’d ever been with, and she couldn’t help but be captivated by him.

‘Me neither.’ Me neither? God, she was a dork. Why was she being such a dork? ‘I mean, I didn’t ever expect to be on a date with you, especially once—’

‘Once you realized I was friends with your boyfriend?’

Nicki gave him a wistful smile. ‘No. Anyway, he hasn’t been my boyfriend in awhile.’

‘I know,’ Matt said. ‘I even almost feel guilty for being glad.’

Nicki wasn’t sure whether he noticed her blush because their waiter arrived with their appetizer and an inquiry about whether they’d made a decision on dinner.

‘A few more minutes,’ Nicki said apologetically. She’d tried to read the menu, but she was so intoxicated by Matt’s presence, (and the glass of wine she’d already drank…plus the one she drank in her apartment before that) that she couldn’t concentrate on the offerings.

Matt started slipping some of the calamari onto his plate, ‘Wow, I wasn’t expecting so much. This looks really good though. With the bread and the appetizer someone could get away with skipping dinner.’

‘We could skip dinner. I mean, if you want. This really is enough food. We could go somewhere a little less crowded where we’d have more privacy.’

Matt shook his head, a devilish look in his eye. ‘If we had even a little more privacy I don’t think I’d be able to be a gentleman. That dress is incredible,’ Matt motioned to her dress, a simple black cocktail dress that was conservative in many respects—no plunging neckline, no bare shoulders—but nearly stopped short of decent with the amount of leg she was revealing.

‘Oh.’ Nicki said, and pushed a piece of calamari into her mouth. They ate in silence for another minute before she took a sip of wine and spoke again. ‘I wouldn’t mind a little more privacy.’

Matt looked surprised at first, but recovered quickly and reached for his wallet as he signaled for the waiter. They grinned at each other in silence as they ran his card and, once he’d signed, both stood at once. Nicki moved to put on her black wool pea coat but Matt took it from her and held it so she could slip it on. His fingers brushed against her neck as he adjusted to coat and a thrill went through her.

When he turned away to put his coat on she took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t even get through one date without practically begging this man to have sex with her. Was she really that shameless? Did she miss sex that much?

It was another cold night. The air against her bare legs was refreshing. Matt kept his arm at the small of her back as they strolled. Nicki looked down at her feet as they walked, admiring her shoes. She’d bought new shoes for the date. It had to be good luck to have new shoes. Even if it wasn’t it did wonders for her mood. They were beautiful shoes, wine red pumps with a slim heel and pointed toes. Combined with the short skirt, they made her legs look miles long. She’d piled her dark curls ontop of her head for the evening, and she realized now she must look ridiculously tall. She was 5’10’ without her heels. But Matt had to be at least 6’3′, and next to his broad shoulders and big hands she felt dainty and feminine.

There were people milling around everywhere, spilling out of bars, standing on the sidewalk smoking or talking or falling down drunk. It was so busy that at first she didn’t hear anyone behind them, but soon enough she heard a familiar male voice, calling to Matt.

Matt heard it, too. He grabbed her hand to stop her and turned to confirm that it was Adam. Nicki turned to look just as Matt’s fingers tightened around hers and tension seemed to flow through his fingers and transmit itself into her body. By the time she looked up and locked eyes with Adam, he was only steps away from them. A man she didn’t recognize stood slightly behind Adam, off to the side. ‘Hey Matt,’ the stranger nodded. Nicki could tell he was embarrassed. Matt nodded at him and gave him a tight smile.

Adam got within speaking distance and stopped, moving only when Matt pulled her out of the foot traffic and up tight against a building. Adam’s pupils were black pools and she could tell he’d been drinking. If it was anything like any other night, he’d been drinking a lot.

‘Well hello Nicki. Matt.’ Adam spoke slowly, carefully measuring each word. Matt pulled her back so that she stood slightly behind him, so that his body was between Nicki and Adam, shielding her.

Adam spoke to Nicki, his eyes roaming up and down what he could see of her, taking note of the short dress and the way Matt had positioned himself, almost instinctively, as if to protect her. ‘I guess it suddenly makes sense why you aren’t answering your cell when I call.’ He turned to Matt. ‘So…are you fucking her? I guess I can’t blame you, she is pretty good.’

‘That’s enough. We can talk about this later.’ Matt was calm. Nicki wasn’t calm. Nicki wanted to gouge out Adam’s eyes. And she wanted to cry, or hide, or both. She felt dirty, but she wasn’t quite sure why.

‘No, really. I’ve had enough, man,’ Adam said, plastering a smile on his face and giving Matt a brotherly slap on the shoulder. ‘She’s all yours. I just didn’t know you were into sloppy seconds.’ ‘Enough,’ Matt said, a warning tone in his voice. Nicki didn’t give a warning. She stepped past Matt and took a swing at Adam, who’d already drowned his reflexes in alcohol and didn’t move fast enough to avoid her fist. Her knuckles connected with his jaw and pain shot up her arm. Immediately, she felt Matt’s arms wrap around her, pulling her away. ‘Shh, baby, it’s not worth it. He’s just drunk.’

‘You fucking bitch,’ Adam spat at her, but didn’t advance because Matt wasn’t about to let Adam get near her. The other guy had also come alive on his feet and was ready to pull Adam away if he decided to hit a girl.

Nicki had relaxed her body into Matt’s. His words were like a sedative. Her entire body had warmed when he called her ‘baby’. No one had ever called her baby before. She was inexplicably thrilled by it.

‘I didn’t want you to find out like this, man, I’m sorry. I’ll call you tomorrow.’ He looked at the other guy, the one Nicki didn’t know. ‘Scott, just make—’

The other guy waved him off. ‘I got him, get out of here. Catch you later, man.’

Matt started walking, tugging her along with him, his hand linked with hers. She heard Scott cajoling Adam off in the other direction. The situation had been diffused quickly, but not quickly enough to save her hand, which stung like crazy.

They walked in silence back to the car and with each additional step she felt dread building within her. He was going to drop her off at home and she was never going to hear from him again. Sloppy seconds. Who could ever get that image out of their mind? She couldn’t even blame Matt if he never wanted to see her again. If he couldn’t stand the thought of touching her. She felt like she needed a shower and she hadn’t been with Adam in months.

They reached his Explorer and she let her hand drop from his and started for the passenger side. He grabbed her elbow and turned her around, pulling her into him. ‘You okay? You’re awfully quiet.’ His eyes were soft, but search
ing. Warm brown eyes, maybe a little bit hazel. A five o’clock shadow that made him look dark and dapper.

She managed an awkward smile. ‘I’m fine, thanks.’

Matt settled his hands on her hips, pulling her into him so that they were face to face. He leaned his forehead against hers. ‘Are you sure?’ he whispered, the tips of his fingers tracing soft figure-eights where they connected with her body. She breathed him in. He smelled spicy and safe.

‘It’s okay, really. It’s just—I’m just—Well, let’s just say I know that was probably a mood killer.’

‘Mmm,’ Matt said, pulling her hips against his, wrapping his arms around her waist. He hadn’t heard her, she realized. He hadn’t listened to a word she’d said. She was about to reiterate that she understood if he just wanted to take her home and forget any of this ever happened when his lips found hers and he was kissing her, softly at first, slowly adding his tongue to the mix. Prodding, he coaxed her mouth open. She relented and open her mouth to his and he groaned audibly, suddenly moving them so that she was pressed up against the side of the SUV, trapped between cold steel and frosty glass and his hot body.

His tongue delved into her mouth, exploring. His hands moved to her ass, caressing, before he finally grabbed her ass in both hands to pull her in hard against him. His mouth moved down her jaw to her neck, just below her ear, and Nicki let her head fall back against the SUV. She could feel his erection pressing into her abdomen as he rocked against her. Nicki tried to remember whether there was a streetlight shining down on them but couldn’t quite open her eyes to double check. She pressed her hips back against his and hands were suddenly on the backs of her thighs, pushing her legs apart as he lifted her up against the truck. This took Nicki by surprise, and she opened her eyes as he ground himself against her. Her dress was so short that he’d managed to connect his fly with her panties.

Nicki noted the darkness around them and the tree he had parked under before her eyes slid closed again. His movements were stimulating her clit and suddenly she felt empty. All she could think about was having him inside her, filling her up.

Matt groaned as she squirmed her hips, moving with him. He could feel her pussy hot against him, even through the layers of clothing. Only poorly functioning self-control was keeping him from unzipping his fly and pushing her panties to the side. He wanted to slide home. She was amazing. Her slender body felt even better than he’d imagined under his hands and she moved against him in a way that made him feel wanted and needed, which turned him on even more. He’d wanted her for so long that he craved this reciprocation.

‘Please,’ Nicki groaned as his mouth found hers again. Matt kissed her, sweeping his tongue into her mouth, exploring. She squeezed her thighs tight against his hips and buried her hands in brown waves. She tugged and pulled and moaned and sucked his tongue into her mouth before pulling him away by the hair. ‘Please, I can’t—’

Matt kissed her again. He wanted to keep her quiet. He knew she was going to ask him to stop but if he let her he’d have to stop and more than anything he didn’t want to stop. She took charge of this kiss, sending her tongue into his mouth. He sucked her tongue into his mouth and released it, slackening his jaw enough that she could explore him. He’d forgotten he wanted to keep her from talking.

‘Please, Matt,’ just her voice saying his name made him want to bury himself in her pussy. He wanted to lay claim on her. It was absurd but he needed to make her his. ‘Please I can’t wait.’

A surge of relief flushed through Matt. She didn’t want to stop. His hand slid up her ribcage until he was cupping her breast, kneading and sliding his thumb over her nipple.

‘Please take me home.’

Matt kissed her again, a long, slow, kiss. A gentle, tender kiss that he only hoped could convey what he was feeling now that, finally, she was in his arms. She was a queen and he wanted to treat her like a queen, which unfortunately meant not fucking her up against the side of his truck. But he really wanted to fuck her up against the side of his truck.

Matt let his hand drop between their bodies and sent his fingers exploring, pushing silky panties to the side and exposing her wet pussy to the cold night air. Nicki’s whole body shook in anticipation. Matt slid his middle finger inside her. She gasped and arched her back, pushing her pussy down onto his hand. Her need pushed him forward. He added another finger and started sweeping his thumb over her clit. ‘Oh, fuck, oh–‘

Matt lowered his mouth to hers to muffle her cries as he shoved his fingers into her slick, hot pussy.

‘I don’t want to cum like this,’ she begged, when he finally let her up for air. ‘I want you inside me the first time I cum for you.’

Matt stilled his movements. His cock was stiff and aching to be inside her. His balls were on fire. He could just pull his cock out of his pants and, if anyone happened by, they wouldn’t know they were doing anything more than dry-fucking over clothes. Matt slid his hand out of her pussy, set her on the ground and pulled her dress back down.

‘Nicki,’ he said into her hair.

She kept her arms wrapped around his neck, still using him for support. ‘Take me home, Matt,’ she said, he voice languid. ‘I want to be in your bed. I want you to remember fucking me when you look at your bed.’

Matt pulled her into a hug, stroked the pale skin of her neck. He didn’t want to remember her every time he looked at his bed. He wanted to see her every time he looked at his bed. ‘Let’s go home,’ he agreed.

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An Arresting Officer Officer Greg Morris couldn’t wait for his shift to end, so he could just go home, pop a few beers, put his feet up and call it a day. It had been one of those days that just seemed endless. Greg was proud to be a Police Officer. He worked hard, was diligent, helpful to everyone, did whatever was required of him. He took his job seriously. Greg was proud to say that he had yet to ever draw his weapon, despite working in a tough area. Greg was also proud to say that he had...

2 years ago
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Rachel Grahams Precious Little Life Chapter 3

You don't do subspace on an empty stomach. That's the only thing I remember about it from class. Apparently I remembered it wrong, because the second I landed, I threw up. I wish I could describe what it's like being inside your own head, but it's one of those things that you just have to be there to understand. All the pictures you see, where it's all black except for you and wherever you're heading? That's made up. Suffice to say it's weird. Maybe that was because I wasn't quite...

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Mistis Adventures Part 77

Sam was still sleeping, so William, with Robbi's assistance, went into the bathroom, relieved himself, and stepped into the shower with the younger girl. "Sit back, Lover Boy. I"ll clean you up." She had, intentionally, made the spray a tiny bit hotter than he usually used. It quickly brought him around, as she scrubbed his body from head to toe. As she soaped and lathered his private parts, she sank to her knees, admiring him, and commenting. "Looks so small and helpless, now. Hard to believe...

3 years ago
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A Legal Trap Chapter 5

Author retains all rights to this original work of fiction. After Chapter 4, I was biting at trying to get this next chapter done. So many things in focus and hiding in the background for this story - I got on a roll and put this chapter together. Hope you enjoy! As always, interested in your thoughts. Keep going or wrap this one up in a nice pretty bow and move on? Thank You!!! XOXO Rachel... March 10th 5:12 AM I had managed to catch ten minutes of sleep on the way to the...

2 years ago
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Park Bench

I hate to reveal how naive I was at 18. Here I am now, 48 years old, two grown kids, a loving husband I cheat on, and financially well off so I never have to worry about when the bills are going to be paid. I am 5’6″, around 125-130 pounds, a 36C bust and mousy blond hair. The rest of the measurements are 36-30-40, a far cry from the 34-25-35 I was at 18. But now a lot wiser and well worn, I can look back with a smile and tell you how it began. No, I was not raped by my...

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The Angel Across the Hall

Maria was an angel; there really was no other way to put it. Well, maybe savior or goddess or something like that, but angel just seemed to fit her better. She was a kind, merciful, loving spirit encased in a lovely body with a gentle face and a beautiful heart. Just when everything in Carrie's life seemed bound, bent and determined to bring her to her knees in agonized surrender and defeat Maria appeared to make it all better which just her presence, her kind words and soft loving touch. To...

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Chapter 18 The Affairs Circle Crumbles Is My Husband Leaving Me I Move Up

Erica's blabbing about our country-western bar hop and Thumper transformed “A-T” to "Now Now" into an “Affairs Circle” star. A trophy ring quest among the members ensued. It was notoriety I didn’t relish. Outsider’s gossip about members would eventually compromise my staid super mom/wife image. I wanted out.To exit, I stopped aiding and abetting their affairs, renounced mine, avoided those in the group and only smiled if one was met by chance, then scurried away. My parting advice was.“Put...

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Black Familys Nasty AdventuresChapter 2 Carols Animal Adventures

Once the two sluts had finished gulping down all the nasty dogjizz, Emily took hold of one of Carol's nipples and used it to roughly pull her over to the stable. She pulled hard on Carol's nipple, distorting her huge tit into cone while she twisted and pinched the nipple and Carol stumbled after her. The horny housewife felt her cunt juice from Emily's dominant behavior, and even more so when she saw the big horse in one of the stalls. Emily shoved Carol to her knees on the dirty wood...

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All About You

It’s been a very long week for you at work. I hear the exhaustion and tension in your voice immediately when you call to let me know you’re on your way home from the office, slowed down by the light snow that has made traffic even worse than usual. As I hang up I think for the millionth time what an amazing husband you are. So smart, talented, hard working and ambitious yet always there for me and so generous with showing me your love. My love for you wells up inside as I think of how to help...

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Compulsion ballbusting

Anna was gonna have the best day ever she had managed to find a way to compel people to do anything she wanted but it only worked on boys so when she got to her middle school that day she was ready. In her homeroom class she knew exactly what she would do she would compel a bunch of boys into coming to her house so she could do what she pleased with them. In her first period she went to a boy named Nate and compelled him into going to her house later, Nate was an average guy who was always nice...

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Sharing my Wife An evening with Ginger and Eric

Shortly after lunch, Michelle called. She said that Shaun has a rodeo conference of some kind in Bozeman, Montana Tuesday through Thursday and asked if she could go with him. She said she’d already let her office know that she needs those days off and wanted to let me know where she’d be. I’d already told her she could spend a few days with Shaun so I didn’t think it’d be reasonable to tell her no. She wasn’t really asking anyway, just telling me what she was doing. She said she’d be home...

Wife Lovers
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hotel 2

We arrived at K-west nice and early..got into our fab room and had a champagane fuelled late morning fuck...just the kind Conrad loves..ended up with him spunking a weeks worth of pent up man juice inside me...mmmmmm...that night we got down to the bar...Dave and Tony introduced themselves...I noticed Conrad look both guys up and down as we stood, Tony was huge, about 6' with a huge chest and massive arms from body building and David was just a little shorted but with a lean look about him. The...

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The Games Part Fifteen

THE GAMES PART FIFTEEN By Nancy Rose If you haven't read the previous parts, you really should! Part One is here... https://fictionmania.tv/searchdisplay/authordisplay.html?word=1473 If you have read this far, then thank you! I hope you have enjoyed yourself. I appreciate your time very much. Could I ask one small favor? Please leave a review, just a line or so will do. Thank you!...

1 year ago
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Suppose my fascination is about lingerie and femininity - ever since I sneaked my mum's Penthouse magazine stash for a quick daily rub (before I knew of masturbation let alone how to perform it !) the attraction of pubic hair peeking from lacy underwear just got my immediate and lustful attention. Then the stories slowly started to interest me just as much and these nurtured my imagination - especially the lesbian ones. I imagined being not really been involved with myself in a threesome with...

4 years ago
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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress The School Secretarys secret spanking desires Part Two

The Head Mistress returned a few minutes later and found Amber Fox still lying face down in the cushion on her sofa. She continued to sniff and sob loudly and Amelia ignored this as she placed her tube of Aloe Vera gel on the coffee table and removed a couple of wipes from the pack before she placed these on the table too. Miss Marks got on her knees and began to wipe the moist wipes over every inch of the younger woman’s sore bottom. The forty-two-year-old woman ensured that she touched every...

4 years ago
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Surfing The Gender Waves

Surfing The Gender Waves Chapter One - Introduction Please forgive this rather rambling story as I'm a now, senior citizen and I did lead a rather rambling life surfing the gender waves. Yet, my life might be a tad interesting. My name is (was) Billy James Ryan. At almost ten years old (when this story really began), back then, I was a bit of a hellion hanging out with the wrong crowd of a peer group. My parents had divorced. My dad ran away with his secretary to find himself...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend with Testing Device Part 19 Revenge is a Dish Breast Served Cold

Author's Note: Hello again! If you'd like to see what happens next, I have up to chapter 22 currently on my deviant art with chapter 23 now available on my patreon! I've also still got my poll for the next story ongoing at surveymonkey.com/r/TKN7H6C be sure to let me know what you want to see! For more details - as well as the aforementioned other chapters - you can go check out razmagurk.deviantart.com and patreon.com/razmagurk . Thank you so much for reading! Warning: This...

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The BNB Cuckold

My wife Kelly and I had bought a house in an area that was a known tourist attraction. Our idea was to turn it into a 3 room bed and breakfast.It only needed some minor changes but we were open for business within 3 months. And our first reservation was for a lawyer and he booked a 1 night stay.He arrived around 2 in the afternoon. He was a tall, thin black man. Well built and very well dress. Kelly showed him to his room and informed him on the breakfast schedule. After he was settled in...

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Me Kese Play Boy Bana

Hi iss ke dosto main ARYAN, AHMEDABAD ka rahne wala hoon aur 21 saal ka, height 5.8 ft., hathiyar 6” lamba aur 3” mota, topa massroom ke chhate jaisa bara aur gulabi, private PLAY-BOY ka kam karta hoon. Main apko apni pahli PLAY-BOY kaise bana ki kahani sunane ja rahahu, jab main pahli naukri sooru ki thi. Suru-suru mein mujhe ek kaam mila tha us kam ke liye mujhe office main der raat tak rukana padata tha. Main jab kaam se nikal raha tha tab mere man main ek khayal aaya ki kyuna kisi ladki ko...

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My Cousin Got Me Started Pt3

I woke up the next morning and Kelly wasn't there. I had so looked forward to seeing her naked body after the lustful sex we had shared the night before. I started to get up and felt something between my legs and found it was Kelly's panties. I wa sure I hadn't put them there and I found myself thinking how sexy this was for her to care for me even after I was asleep.I stood up and put on my own panties and bra and then I heard a noise outside the tent. I started to cover myself and there...

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Friend hot sister slumber party

This happened a few years back.....When to Tony's parents place with him to check up on his sister while they parents is away on Holiday. Now Tony's sister Anna is 18 but she has always been the princess type that have no clue of how to cook, do laundry but she have one hot body... She is about 160cm tall with a slim athlete body and an ass to die for, bleach blond hair and b cup tits. Since I have became friend with Tony I have always dream of fucking his little sister. When we arrive at his...

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Jessies Journey The Private Club Chapter 1

Jessie was in the shower. She slowly dragged the blade of the cheap, disposable razor over the last bit of shaving cream remaining along side the lips of her pussy, leaving her mound and lips clean and bare. She ran her hand down and over to feel the slippery smoothness, allowing her middle finger to nestle for a moment between the folds of her pussy before sliding up and briefly circling her hooded clit.She breathed in sharply as she felt that familiar electric thrill shoot through her and her...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaFirst Interlude

“He’s hurting! Because of ME! I hurt him!” “No. I hurt him. I took you from him.” “Don’t say that!” “It’s true!” “I went with you. I wanted to go with you.” “I should have taken better care of you. I should have looked out for you. Like he did. Like he does for everyone he’s been with. Like he does for everyone he loves.” “That’s him. That’s who he is.” “Yes.” “That’s one of the reasons I loved him. Why I love him.” “You still do, you always will.” “Forever.” “Forever.” “Forever....

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An Alien AbroadChapter 14

It should have been a question I asked much earlier, but, offered the chance of a night in the chocolate factory, you don’t ask about the chances of stomach ache. What, I wondered, about diseases, generally but also specifically, sexually transmitted. ‘Naturally there are diseases here, some, like cholera are endemic beyond the borders here’ ‘Cholera!? How did it get here?’ ‘LIKE Cholera I said, transmitted in the poor sanitation of the less developed tribes. As you see, they have a quite...

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The Last 24 HoursChapter 8

We left the offices of Hoffman, Phillips, Browning and Dunne, and headed South down Main Street. I drove carefully out to the eastern edge of the city. As I drove Beth asked "Where are we going Alex?" I replied "It's a secret." I put a finger to my lips as if I would shush her. Beth was impatient but willing to go along with me for a little while at least. After nearly twenty minutes (I hate Friday rush hour traffic!) we pulled up in front of what looked like a warehouse. I got out...

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