One Stormy Night
- 5 years ago
- 36
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They'd put almost three hundred and fifty miles between Aruba and the Gon Waki 2, enjoying steady winds from the east of around seventeen knots. For most of the three days since they'd left Oranjestad, the skies had been clear and sunny. But by four o'clock on that third day, the weather threatened to turn stormy.
"Brandon," Tracy's worried voice called from the navigation desk in the cabin, "you might want to come and have a look at this weather report. It looks like one hell of a storm coming in over Barbados. Says here that it'll hit everything from Grenada to Puerto Rico."
Brandon left the helm to Celeste, then hurried down to where his sister studied the computer's screen.
"Umm, not so sure I want to tackle a storm like that one," he let her know. "That's a big son-of-a-bitch, and if it hits Grenada, it'll hit some of the other islands, too. Maybe we should leave the Caribbean until we're on our way back?"
"How do you mean?" her incomprehension came out.
"We're far enough away that we can turn around and head for Panama, maybe stay ahead of that thing, and come up the east coast of South America later, like after we sail around the Cape of Good Hope. The west coast of Africa might not see us if we cross the Atlantic that far enough to the south.
"The Gon Waki 2 can probably weather a bad storm like that one, : he went on, "but I'd hate to be in the middle of it and find out I'm wrong. Besides, if we go down the South American coast from here, we'll be fighting the Horn in their wintertime, and that part of the world can see some pretty nasty storms in June. I think I'd rather tackle the Pacific before the Atlantic."
"Do we get a vote on this?" she asked him.
"Sure, but you have to admit that after the weather we've enjoyed so far, fighting a tropical storm isn't all that appealing, is it? Especially if we don't have to."
The two made their way back on deck, sharing what they'd learned with the current helmsman, then waiting for her input.
"You're the Captain, Lover," she finally deferred. "Wherever you want to take this ship, I'll do my part to help. I know you gave us those swimming lessons in Grand Cayman, but I'm not so sure I'm ready to test out how well I learned just yet. The idea of swimming several hundred miles has absolutely no appeal to a landlubber like me. What I'm wondering is whether we can outrun that storm, even if we turn around and head west. Wouldn't seeking shelter in Venezuela make more sense?"
"If that storm runs along the coast, Venezuela won't be any safer than Grenada," he filled her in." I'm not sure that we'd make it back to Aruba before it catches up to us, either. If we head due west, we might be able to outrun it enough to escape the worst of it, though. Those are my thoughts," he gave his opinion.
"How long would it take us to make it back to Oranjestad?" Tracy wanted to know.
"A couple of days, maybe," he estimated. "I'm hoping that this storm will track north and leave us alone. Once we get closer to Panama, we should miss the worst of it. I guess we could hide somewhere in Columbia if we had to, but I'd like to stay away from that place if we can."
"I guess I vote with Celeste, then," Tracy gave him her proxy. "Wherever you want to take us is fine by me. Whatever happens, we'll survive as long as we all work together."
Brandon leaned into his sister, kissing her lips, then did the same for their helmsman. As much as he appreciated their confidence, he said a silent prayer that he'd be able to deliver on their expectations.
"Bring this thing around, Angel," he finally declared, "and put us on a heading of three-three-five degrees. Tracy, give me a hand raising the spinnaker. Let's make this Old Girl fly, and see if we can get our asses out of this mess."
For the next fifteen minutes, the deck of the Gon Waki 2 was a beehive of activity, with the Genoa jib being lowered and replaced with the colourful spinnaker and the mainsail set for running with the wind, while Brandon raised the centreboard all the way into its well. As soon as they were on that run, Tracy followed her brother below, looking over his shoulder as he plotted a course towards Panama.
""If we hold this course until just after noon tomorrow," he shared his strategy with his sister. "That should keep us away from the centre of this thing, hopefully. It'll take us about four days after that to reach Panama, as long as the winds don't shift too much. I'm hoping that this storm won't move that far west."
The two went back up on deck to share the information with Celeste, who was splitting her attention between what her Captain was telling her and the sight of building thunder-heads behind them. Her worried expression had the other two feeling similar trepidations. In sharp contrast, those same skies had been cloudless only hours earlier, and their chances of outrunning the massive storm were by no means guaranteed.
"Are we going to make it?" Tracy enquired as she joined her brother on the aft deck.
"Gawd, Pip-squeak, I sure hope so," he expressed his own concerns. "That storm's a big mother. Keep your eye on the weather reports, would you? I have a feeling this one's big enough to hit Aruba, and if it can reach that far, it could make it all the way to Central America. Shit, I thought those things took the winter off. So much for outwaiting hurricane season, huh?"
"Now I'm beginning to understand why you wanted a steel hull," she let him know. "Would fibreglass be strong enough to withstand this kind of a beating?"
"Maybe," he wondered about his own decision, then added, "Probably. It's wood that I'd be worried about. A wooden hull will take a lot of twisting and stress, but when it finally does let go, you're fucked. It'll break up like matchsticks."
"I think I'm scared," Celeste confessed as she gripped the wheel tight enough to turn her knuckles white. "I'm too young to die, especially in the middle of nowhere, and I won't make it if you two aren't there, too."
"We'll be fine, Angel," Brandon lied. "Let's just concentrate on getting our little asses out of the path of that storm."
"Double watches until we're out of this," he added, "and no one is to be on this deck unless they're attached to a safety line. Tracy and I will do the first watch tonight at eight o'clock. Angel, head below and see if you can get some sleep. You'll be relieving me at midnight."
"You really think I can sleep when we're all about to die?" Celeste angrily responded.
"We won't die if we keep our heads about us," he reminded her, "but I want two people on deck at all times so that one can keep the other awake. We can catch up on missed sleep later. Now go," and he gave her a reassuring kiss, followed by a light pat on the backside.
"Are we really going to be alright?" Tracy enquired once her sister-in-law was below.
"I sure hope so, Sis," he murmured. "I sure as hell hope so. We haven't gone far enough to call this voyage off yet, and there's a lot of beaches in the South Pacific that I want to lounge on."
"How are we doing?" Celeste asked sleepily as she returned on deck just before midnight to trade watches with Brandon.
"It's catching up to us," Brandon told her the truth. "The centre's about fifty miles this side of Grenada, according to what Tracy found from the weather reports. That puts the leading edge about two hundred miles behind us. I'm hoping that it won't get here until after sunrise. We're making almost nine knots, and that's all the Old Girl has in her. But that storm's moving faster than we are, and it seems to have changed direction, too. Oranjestad figures they're going to see it sometime tomorrow."
"By the sound of it," Tracy added, "Grenada's getting hit pretty hard. They're estimating almost five hundred people missing already, and the destruction in Saint George's is pretty bad. I think Brandon had the right idea to run from that thing. Even Jamaica has alerts out, although it looks like it'll go south of them. There's not much else that I can find that's up-to-date."
"Guess I'd better make some coffee while I can," Celeste sounded resigned. "I don't think I want to be playing with the stove when things get rough. Do I have fifteen minutes?"
By the time she'd finished in the galley and had rejoined her sister-in-law at the helm, Brandon was ready for whatever sleep he could get, insisting that someone wake him no later than three forty-five. Tracy bid her brother a good night as he headed towards the cabin hatch and bed. The chances of it being a good night, he thought to himself, were pretty remote.
It felt like mere minutes later that his sister shook him awake, and he struggled to get his eyes to focus, but when they did, the sight of her worried face pulled the last of that sleepiness out of his system.
"How's it going?" he asked as his legs swung off the bunk.
"Not bad, but it's getting pretty windy out there. Celeste's having a hell of a time keeping us on course. The waves keep trying to turn us sideways," she reported.
"Shit," he cursed in a low tone. "Whatever happens, we've got to keep this thing from breeching. If we don't, we'll be lying on our side so fast, it'll make your hair curl. Guess I'd better get my ass moving, and you, little sister, had better get some sleep. We may have to reduce canvas, and I'll need your help if we do."
"Should we do that now before I go to bed, or should we wait?" she suggested.
"Let me have a look at things topside, then I'll let you know," he hedged, scrambling into some dry clothes as he talked. This was definitely not the kind of weather for their usual uniforms.
Heading up on deck, Brandon assessed their situation, then decided that it made more sense to reef the sails while Tracy was still awake instead of waking her up later. Reducing the mainsail proved easy, but the spinnaker had to be dropped down the forestay enough that he could roll the bottom edge up and tie it off. In the process, his safety line restricted his movement, to the point where he disconnected it – and got reamed out by his First Mate.
"That's the only way I could do it, Pip-squeak," he gave as an excuse, "but next time, I'll have to make sure there's a long enough line."
Now with sails reduced, the Gon Waki 2 moved slower through the water, but became a little more stable against the effects of the following seas. Once Tracy was off to bed, Brandon took over the helm, giving Celeste a much-needed reprieve and the chance to catch her breath again. As he'd been informed, each wave that rolled under the ship tried to swing them at right-angles, and like his helmsman had before, Brandon found himself fighting to keep the ship from breeching.
"It'll slow us down, but I'm tempted to drop that centreboard," he mentioned to Celeste. "Maybe it'll help stabilize this old barge and make her easier to control."
"This 'old barge', as you call her, happens to be our home," Celeste snapped at him, "and I'll thank you to keep a civil tongue in your head when you're talking about the Gon Waki 2!"
"Point taken," he conceded, then dropped the centreboard, just to see if it made a difference to steerage.
"It's a little better," he reported to his watch-mate, "but not enough to make it worth our while. What we gain in stability, we lose in speed. Let me pull it back up."
For the rest of the watch, they talked about anything and everything, just to keep each other awake. By the time the sky lightened the following morning, poor Celeste looked like she hadn't slept in days, and Brandon found himself appreciating her efforts more than he'd thought he would. If it hadn't been for her, he'd have never made it through the watch without falling asleep at least once.
"Go get some sleep, Angel," he suggested strongly as the end of her watch neared, but while she relished the idea, she was more worried about his welfare than getting the rest she needed.
"Not until Tracy's had enough sleep," she let him know. "I'll be alright for a while. You're the one I'm worried about. You were up here all day yesterday, and weren't in that berth anywhere near long enough. Someone has to keep you awake, and I doubt that Tracy's in any shape to do that."
"You're probably right," he acceded, "but if you don't get some shut-eye, who's going to spell me at the end of my watch?"
Reluctantly, she headed for their berth, looking over her shoulder to make sure that Brandon would be able to stay on his feet. Only when she knew her sister-in-law was on the job did she allow herself to drop off in a dreamless slumber.
Noon came all too soon, yet Tracy's insistence was enough to rouse the sleepy woman. Suddenly concerned for Brandon's welfare, she jumped out of bed, quickly dressed, and hurried up on deck to make sure he was still with them. As he spotted her coming out of the cabin, an involuntary smile of happiness moved his lips into an inverted frown.
"Get any sleep?" he enquired.
"Yeah, some," Celeste admitted before turning to her sister-in-law. "You ready to be relieved of your watch yet?" she addressed Brandon.
"Only if you're ready to tackle this storm. It's right on our ass," Brandon warned her. "Priority one is keeping us running with the waves. We'll worry about our course later."
'You must have managed to keep us from floundering for the last four hours," she reminded him, "so why would I have a problem? You're not that far away if we get into trouble."
It took Brandon less than a second to understand that Celeste was hiding her fear, or at the least trying desperately to keep it under control. For that, there was a real warm spot inside him for this woman that had been dragged off a comfortable beach in Florida and onto the deck of a ship that she still didn't fully understand.
"Sacred still, Angel?" he softly enquired, letting her know that he could feel her anxiety.
"Almost bad enough to pee myself," she quietly confessed. "We are going to survive this, aren't we?" her false hope attempting to re-enforce itself.
"As long as we keep fighting, we will," he lied again. "It'll take all three of us to get through this storm, but if my crew keeps giving me their all like they are now, we'll be fine."
"Lying son-of-a-bitch," she accused him, "but I love you for trying. Keep it up and I might even believe you."
"Night, girls," he bid them as he left the deck, aware of both women's discomfort at have to fight the storm without him beside them.
All too soon it was time for Brandon to relieve Tracy, and as she headed for the berth, he gave her a quick kiss and held her reassuringly for a moment. She gazed into his eyes with a look of resigned hopefulness mixed with pure exhaustion, then headed below.
"Is she okay?" Celeste needed to know, once they had the deck to themselves.
"She's scared shitless, but she's hanging in there. Gawd, Angel. She's such an amazing woman. Completely out of her element, and still she gives everything she's got. I can see why you fell in love with her – and why she fell in love with you. You're both like two peas in a pod. I'm one lucky son-of-a-bitch to have a crew like you giving me your full support like this."
"We're here because we want to be, you know. Give us half a chance and we'll follow you to the ends of the earth," she assured him. "Now, let me go below and warm you up some coffee. I need it, and you deserve it. Will you be okay by yourself for ten minutes or so?"
"I promise not to fall overboard," he smiled over her concern for him, then watched as she disappear below, the soft roll of her hips capturing his attention. For Brandon, it was a delightful diversion from the severity of their situation.
While their microwave warmed the stale coffee, Celeste took time to surf on the computer, finding little snippets of information here and there. From what she could glean and correlate with the last weather report they'd had, the worst of the storm was almost on top of them. Whether she should tell Brandon or not, she hadn't decided. But once she found herself back on deck with his coffee, that open honesty that she needed from him compelled her to tell him what she'd found out.
"It looks like the worst is yet to come," she opened the subject. "According to the marine weather service, that leading edge should be on our doorstep in a couple more hours."
"Which is a nice way of saying that the fun is about to begin?" he added his own version.
"Something like that," she admitted. "Brandon, I'm not sure which one us is more scared, me or Tracy. Promise me that when this is over, we'll find somewhere to be alone? Just the three of us, I mean? I'm not too good at facing death like this, and I'm going to need all the reassurance you two can give me."
"Angel, do us both a favour; stop talking like that! We're going to get through this and when we do, we'll be just fine."
"Promise? She pleaded.
"Cross my heart and hope to... " he stopped himself from finishing a phrase that had no place on their boat right now.
"Don't say it!" she let him know that she disagreed with what he almost said. "You'd better not die. We need you to get us through this shit. Just remember that I love you, and so does your sister."
"I know, Angel, I know. I love you, too. Both of you. But how about we leave this for later and see if we can keep this ... ship ... afloat?"
By eleven o'clock that evening, they were in the thick of it, with rolling waves lifting the stern of the Gon Waki 2 high enough that the rudder lost most of its bite. Whenever that happened, it took every ounce of strength Brandon had to keep her from floundering.
Tracy had come up early, and had relieved Celeste, hoping that their galley officer could find them something for nourishment. She braced herself by sitting on the deck, pushing her feet against the instrument console. Still in that position, she watched as Celeste made her way through the hatch with hastily-constructed sandwiches. By the look on Celeste's features, her sole focus was to pass that food to the other two crew members.
"Angel!" Brandon hollered. "Safety line! Now!"
Celeste bent over to attach the other end of the line that was tied around her waist to the steel cable that ran the length of the cockpit, just as a large wave picked that moment to lift the stern up in the air again. When it did, she lost her balance, falling backwards and sliding along the deck until her head slammed into the aft wall of the cabin.
"Celeste!" Brandon screamed, his cry echoed by Tracy's shriek of shock and horror. "Gawd, Sis, can you get to her? See how bad she is? I can't leave this wheel!"
In a daze, the injured woman held the top of her head with one hand, and when she lifted it off again, it was covered in blood.
Tracy fought her mind and body's instincts to shut down, crawling over to where her sister-in-law lay, then began to examine the extent of the injury.
"Christ, she's bleeding like a stuffed pig!" Tracy exclaimed. "I can't see the damned thing! There's too much blood and hair!"
"Grab a rag or something and try to slow down the bleeding," Brandon instructed. "We've got to get it to stop or she'll pass out from loss of blood. Sis, I can't leave this wheel, so it's up to you to do all the dirty work. You can do this, Pip-squeak. I know you can."
Tracy did everything she could think of to assess the extent of the now unconscious woman's wounds. While trying to staunch the flow with the T-shirt she'd been wearing, she lifted it briefly to get a good look at the injury's extent.
"There's a large gash on her head that's about four inches long," she reported to her brother, "and I can't get the bleeding to stop. What do I do, Brandon? I'm not a fucking doctor!"
"You are now, Sis," he gave her a field promotion on the spot. "Can you make it down to the galley? There's an unopened bottle of Scotch in the cupboard beside the sink, bottom shelf at the back. We'll use that as an anaesthesia, and then you'll have to put some stitches into her. Go!"
"Fuck you!" she screamed in frustration.
"After we get Celeste taken care of and our asses out of this goddamned storm, you can fuck me until I can't see straight!" he snapped right back at her. "Until then, move your ass before she loses any more blood. Tracy, if you don't do this, Celeste could die! Now go!"
Still in a fog, Tracy struggled down to the galley, finally found the Scotch, and brought it back with her.
"Three good shots of that and in about ten minutes, she'll be feeling no pain," he informed his sister. "There's a sewing kit in the navigation table, second drawer down, left side. Dip the needle in the Scotch to kill off any bacteria, then use the strongest thread we have to sew that gash up. Gawd, Sis, I feel so fucking useless, standing here and not being able to help you with this. But if this boat swings, we'll breech, and you know what'll happen next. I'm counting on you, Tracy. Both of us are."
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This is a continuation of Stormy Weather. For new readers, you should read that story before this one. Just like any other couple, they have had their share of domestic problems, but nothing that couldn’t be overcome. Except for one thing, storms, Sandy is still terrified during thunder and lightning storms, and John still cuddles her and soothes her during these difficult times. John has done well, advancing to be the Service Manager of the car dealership where he works. Sandy has taken on...
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Foreword: This story is based on a true event. However, I have changed the names and setting to protect peoples' identities, and have embellished it here and there for the sake of the story. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than fixing typos. Even beware of fixing typos, for I occasionally use...
Crissie was one of those gals you hardly notice. Her short straight brown hair, loose-fitting clothes, and quiet personality let her blend into the background. She had been a floor manager at a local supermarket since graduating high school and had the same boyfriend since then too. Four years now. She volunteered to help abused girls and mentored them. Every now and then she told her boyfriend that she had to go visit a relative that needed her help and she’d be gone a couple of days. He was...
I am Mick Odell, the Next and I was born on the boat coming over from England. My parents thought that this new world would be better than England and they were right. My father disembarked, with me in my mother’s arms, and walked straight away to the first smithy he saw. Being an experienced wheelwright, he found work, as you would say today, right off the boat. Making wheels for wagons and carts, at a time when the whole world seemed to be moving West, paid well, and provided steady work....
My mother and father were gone. I, Mick O’Dell the Third, looked at the note they had left for the longest time. I was born in Pennsylvania, but my father and mother raised me in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Like my father was, I am a wheelwright. My mother insisted that I move farther West in order to begin to live up to my potential, but I didn’t want to leave home. My choice was made moot when I had come home to find the note from my parents telling me that they had left and...
My name is Mick O’Dell the Fourth. I was born here on our family farm, located on the land granted to us by the US government. I was raised and educated by my father, Mick the Third, and my mother, Angel. I have four younger brothers who moved back East to attend college and to establish their careers, and who now are living there with their wives and families. I am the only sibling that remained on the farm. In fact, one day my mother asked me to remain, and so I did. My mother and father...
My father, Mick O’Dell IV, inherited our farm from his father, Mick O’Dell The Third. One day my father got this crazy idea to dig a hole in the middle of the farm in order to stop the town north of us from taking over our land and incorporating it as part of their town. I think my mom talked him into it. She was always the driving force in our family. I am my parent’s first child and they named me Mick O’Dell the Fifth. The story is that my mother, Angel, told my father that she wanted me...
I woke up to see my folks go driving towards the south side of the farm in my dad’s old pick up. If I had known that it was the last time I would see them, I would have been more upset or run after them. I took a shower and went down for breakfast. After a six-egg omelet with various veggies and bacon, I went out to get to work on the farm. Around noon time, I came back in to find the house empty. The truck was still gone. but I had no worries. After eating lunch, I went back to work and...
“Really? Melted diamonds?” “Yes, the pressure and the carbon and the heat have created an interesting phenomenon.” I sat there still and quietly thinking ... for a long time. “Mick?” Angel sounded concerned as she drew out my name. “Ship?” “Yes, Mick.” “Can you get some of that melted diamond?” “Yes, I have the ability to take samples of any surface material.” “Ship, it would be wonderful if you could get some of that melted diamond and form it into a ring for Angel.” Angel spun on...
Sandy and Sammy finally found Van's house, pulling up to the curb opposite the front door. Their search had been hampered at first by the darkness of the stormy night, and then by the storm knocking out the neighborhood's streetlights. But the porch light of Van's house illuminated the address, as well as the front door that was splintered and standing open. "Damn," breathed Sammy, "he's already here." When Sandy's car pulled to the curb, Pete cut the lights of his police...
100% fiction! I woke up around 3 O'clock in the morning with a raging hard on. the night was stormy and the rain falling outside the bedroom window was coming down in sheets. Rolling over on my side I slid my body closer to my wife. placing a hand on her thigh I preesed my engorged member into her the crack of her ass. I moved my hips back and forth sliding my sfaft up and down her crack. I leaned forward kissing her ear and whispered " I'm going to slip this in your ass". My wife ground her...
Incest100% fiction! It was a very stormy night lots of high wind and lightening and thunder, i was at home with my stepdaughter who is 27. It was late at night so we went to our beds, i stripped off naked and jumped into my bed and snuggled in , it wasn't long till Nadia called out that she was scared , the next thing i knew she was in my room and had jumped into bed next to me before i could say anything , as she moved over closer to me i quickly told her that i was naked , but she moved over anyway...
IncestIt was a hot humid summer day. Thunder storm warnings had been issued all over the state. The sun was going down and I had a feeling we would be in for a long stormy night. It was so hot in the house I couldn't stand it. I knew I was going to have a tough time sleeping tonight. About 11:00 PM I began hearing the rumbling sound of an approaching strom in the distance. Here it comes I thought to myself. mom and dad had gone to bed already since they usually start work early. Me and my sister...
IncestIt was a stormy day, and high school was finally over. My friend Nick was giving me a ride home as usual. The parking lot was a long ways away from our class and we had to run to his truck. By the time we got there, we were both dripping wet. I saw him staring at my chest and I looked down an realized why. My t-shirt was stuck to my chest and Nick could see every thing because it was a white shirt. Eventhough I had a bra on, he could still see my hard nipples pocking out and the dark outline...
First TimeIt was finally the weekend and this slave, Little Bitch had time to sit downand start writing his story. He had Mistress's preferred toys laid out andhad just gotten done getting himself cleaned up and dressed. Mistress had requestedthat Little Bitch wear a little lace white thong. It took some time to shaveall the private places and that is only after a couple quick enema's to makesure Little bitch is clean inside and out. Little bitches instructions wereto write as much as possible until...
That is a follow-up to the first story: Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around...
The school was quiet the class of 12 year old Bengali girls were watching the white 16 year boys playing football there teacher had home early unwell, Suddenly it started to rain getting heavier all the time, the boys carried on playing unaware that their nylon shorts were clinging tightly to their bodies and had become transparent nor did they realise that the 10 Bengali girls were seeing there dicks, one girl said ” fucking hell look white cocks” another girl said I’m looking look at Steves...
It starts out like any other evening, the sky turning from day to night, in transition with the pinks and blues on the horizon. I finish dinner, and begin to wash dishes when a loud flash of light startles me and I drop the plate back into the sink, soapy water splashing onto the floor. Laughing at how easy I was startled, I dry my hands and walk to the large patio window. Looking out just in time to see the sky light up, I notice the clapping boom that follows it. Wanting a closer look I open...
The storm yesterday evening was a downpour, hail pounded the roof sounding like thousands of hammers simultaneously. We had not had rain in almost a month and this drenching provided some relief. I hope that the heat wave is broken also. The sun set a bright red on the western horizon. I awoke this morning to clear azure blue skies, bright sun, and calm winds. The sailor’s lament about red sky at night must be accurate, it was a beautiful morning. I was the only one awake and enjoyed the...
The banging on the front door was loud and desperate. The vibrations echoed around the lodge as Megan and I lay on the sofa, frozen in surprise.I couldn’t help get annoyed that someone was spoiling this moment of tranquility for us, especially considering we’d only just settled down after an incredible time fucking one another.The knocks continued in a desperate fashion, prompting Megan to shoot me a serious look.She didn’t have to say anything as I knew the fear that was running through her...
TabooFinding Cherie dead on the deck shocked me to my core. I was alone, the real alone, no partner in my life. I raced to call 9-1-1 then found a blanket to cover her. I searched for some kind of note, a message of good-bye, anything that I could cling to, nothing. The next several hours involved police statements, recounting our day, evening, our argument about incest, and my reaction to leave her standing naked as I went to my room. All the time, the coroner investigated and Cherie’s body...
I woke with a scare.I’d slept so well that for a moment I’d completely forgotten that a storm was raging outside. Its bashfulness showing no signs of abating as a flash of lightening turned night to day, and a boom of thunder shook the lodge.Whatever tiredness I would have had was instantly cleared by a rush of adrenaline.It was quiet, despite the beast of a storm the other side of the window. The space next to me in the queen-size bed was no longer occupied. I rolled over on my side, using my...
TabooOnly two weeks ago I’d decided on the spur of the moment to escape the bubble that is Silicon Valley and get some much needed time away snowboarding at my Dad’s ski lodge in Aspen.I came from money but I certainly wasn’t a rich kid by any stretch. I’d paid my own way through college and was now my own boss, having started what has turned out to be a very successful AI tech business. It's how I’d paid for my education without having to ask my absent father for a single cent. Still, I’d have to...
TabooA storm from the south-west was increasing in ferocity when the commander of a naval patrol boat looked through binoculars at a 38ft yacht being tossed around by the heavy swell. He ordered the vessel be contacted by radio via the harbourmaster’s office some 32 nautical miles away. ‘That should work if the sail lettering AV107 is a local yacht,’ he said to the coxswain. ‘Yes sir.’ A radio rating hurried over and said, ‘We have contact via radio-telephone sir. The sole occupant and...
It is a dark and cloudy night, the weather person had said we could get an evening storm. The wind is currently howling through the trees and rattling the windows of the office. It looks like they could be right.. Although the rain has not started yet, you can still smell it in the air. Checking the compound is secure one more time before deciding it would be best to stay over near the car just in case… You see I am helping my friend, they are short one security guard for this evening.The...
Snow covered the road., camouflaging it in with the rest of the landscape. Fortunately, the shadows my headlamps cast in the ditches gave me at least some indication of where the edge of the road was. That, and this road was anything but unfamiliar. I’d driven it many times. Hell, in good weather I could probably almost do it blindfolded, I’d driven it so much the past several years. There was a good set of winter tires underneath me, so that upped my advantage some. Still, one false...
“Oh hi Hope, is this a bad time?” I asked. “Not exactly. I mean you just caught me getting out of the shower, that's all, but Kayla isn't here though. She went out to meet her parents. That was of course before it started storming all of the sudden,” Hope replied. “Well OK then. Well if she's out with her folks, I won't bother her, but if she gets back in next couple hours, can you tell her I stopped by?” I asked. “Sure. I can do that for you,” Hope replied. “Well thank you...
Heavy clouds were beginning to shroud and cover the full moon that shone over the dark and quiet suburb.I drove down the dark street with my headlights off between the parked silhouetted cars. I didn’t want any of the neighbors to see me. They’d probably wonder what an old beater car like mine was doing in their fancy, schmancy little ‘burb.I parked across the street from my girlfriend’s house, a place I’ve only visited a couple times to pick up Nadine. Sweet Nadine was an easy lay who paid for...
TeenJetski, Samantha's dog, had waken up and stuck his nose in Samantha's face. "Jet, what are you doing," she asked her dog rhetorically. Jetski plopped down beside her and cuddled her until falling asleep. Samantha could not sleep. There was something about the storm that intrigued her. She watched it through her window. Every flash of lightening brought a new view of how far the trees were whipping around. The rain looked as though it was coming down in sheets. Samantha's heart...
A knock at my door, my phone showing one in the morning. I here the lightning crack as i begin to here the rain pouring. Another knock, as i opened the door. Blinking away the sleep I almost didn't believe it but there you were standing in what looked like a pea coat but longer. It was about mid thigh completed with a set of black boots that zipped up the side. As I stand there shocked and awed,you look up at me and ask "can I come in, I'm getting wet." as you bite your bottom lip...
I often wondered through the course of our growing up “why dose this prefect creature waist his time on a clumsy bookworm like me?” But for as long as I can remember David has been my hero. Since he lived four houses down from me we always went to the same school, and on several occasions he stopped bullies from beating my brains out. To show my gratitude I would do his math homework for him. But despite our differences, we shared a special kind of bond from the first time we met. As time...
Linda was curled up facing away from him. John as usual lay behind her facing her back. Regardless of what position they ended up in when they woke they always fell asleep that way. Linda turned. In the darkness of the room she couldn’t see him but knew he was looking at her. She moved closer and felt his lips press against hers. They were warm and wet and inviting. His hand went to her shoulder, moving down her arm to her thigh pulling her closer. John felt her breasts against his chest...
Dedicated to my Sunshine. I’m sitting down in front of you in a dimly lit room. There’s a large bed in the center of the room with an overhang and your stripping on one of the corner poles to an erotic song playing from a radio in the corner. It’s raining out and the lightning through the window is flashing on your blushing skin. I try to imagine how excited you are as you remove one piece of clothing after another… my eyes roaming over every bit of skin that you reveal. As the heat and...
We’d decided to take a cruise for our winter holiday, and booked one that took us to some nice warm parts, and far away from the tedious cold and dull British winter. On our fourth night the seas were rougher than they had been so far, though we hadn’t so far been affected by them. The ship did roll a bit, but the stabilisers seemed to work fine, and any roll was a slow one. There I was, newly showered and dressed and waiting for my wife to finish getting ready. She seemed to be taking ages,...
Introduction: My friends, I give you PART 1! Please note -I did not make this story. -I do not take credit for making it. -This involves underage persons, if this offends you DO NOT READ IT! All day all I could think about was going to Rachels house after school. Its sixth period now and I couldnt tell you what any teacher has said in the previous five classes. Rachel sits in front of me in first period Calculus. This morning after class she asked if I could come over to her house after school...