Therapist Ch. 05 free porn video

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It is early Sunday morning. The ringing phone wakes Detective Stone Phelps from a beautiful dream. A dream in which he was eating the most delicious peach cobbler topped with pure vanilla ice cream he has ever eaten. He rubs his eyes and looks at his bedside clock. It is a few minutes after six. He groans. Before he answers it he halfheartedly hopes that it is a wrong number so that he can have whoever it is arrested for disturbing his peace at this ungodly hour.

‘Hello,’ he mumbles into the receiver.

A pause while he listens.

‘Where at?’ he asks.

Another pause.

‘OK, I’ll be there as soon as possible. I’m just getting out of bed now so it’ll take me a few minutes to get there. Meantime, don’t let anyone fuck with the scene.’

He starts to hang up but brings the receiver back to his ear. He listens. ‘Yeah, call Olivia. Tell her I said to meet me there. She’s going to give you some flack about her vacation starting. But tell her I said her vacation doesn’t officially start till tomorrow morning and I want her there if it is at all possible. I need her.’ Then he hangs up the phone and falls back into the pillow with a sigh. He is lying on his back, his wife is on his right.

‘What is it?’ Darlene asks although she knows the answer. She is leaning up on her left elbow. She touches his hair at his forehead and plays with a lock of it with her fingers.

‘They’ve found another victim. This one’s in a vacant lot in the Lower Ninth Ward. She’s branded just like the one found behind Audubon Park last week. I’ve got to get there. If Olivia calls tell her I said that I want her there because I need her. She’s good at protecting the evidence.’

He throws the covers off himself, sits up, stretches and yawns. Darlene lays back down as he lifts her sheer pink neglige with his left hand and looks her supple breasts, then down to her pubic mound. He cups her right breast and gently squeezes it. He flicks her nipple with his thumb. Then he leans over and pecks her on the mouth. He heads for the bathroom, he is naked.

Darlene watches him walk across the room. She smiles and touches her right nipple. He is middle aged but still has a great physique, every centimeter of him.

Darlene gathers the discarded sheet around herself, covering herself. She knows that he threw the covers off her just so that he could look at her, to see her pussy hair. She smiles at the thought. She is wearing only the top to a sheer neglige tied with a bow at the neck, the bottom having been removed by Stone the night before while they were making love.

‘Want me to fix you some breakfast first Honey?’ Darlene calls to him.

‘I haven’t got the time Babe. Tell you what though. Put a couple of chocolate chip Pop Tarts in the toaster for me and fill my mini-thermos with milk.’

‘That’s no kind of breakfast,’ she complains.

He returns to the bedroom. He is running his portable electric shaver over his chin as he opens his dresser drawer and pulls out a pair of jockey briefs.

‘Yeah, well I ain’t got time for anything else. So be a doll and fix it for me, will you?’ Then he begins to get dressed. Within ten minutes he is out the front door, juggling his thermos and Pop Tarts in his right hand while he slips his left arm through his jacket.

Detective Phelps uses his police siren and he is at the scene in another fifteen minutes.

He parks his car near the vacant lot and downs the last of the milk in his thermos. He gets out of his car and looks around. He sees that his African American partner Detective Olivia Martinique has still not arrived. He doesn’t really expect her to show up, she’s supposed to be going on vacation to Florida with her family. He vainly hopes that she hasn’t left yet.

As he approaches the scene he notices that there are already two television news teams and a reporter from the Times Picayune at the scene. There is also a small crowd of spectators standing across the street. Some are in the street, a little too close to the scene as far as he is concerned.

A petite auburn haired girl, wearing a UNO sweatshirt and short jogging pants, is talking to a police officer. She is holding onto a leash with a dog on the other end of it. The officer is taking notes of what the young woman is saying. Det. Phelps notes that she has great looking legs and a nice curve to her ass cheeks. He assumes that she is the person who found the victim. He will talk to her later.

The brunette reporter from WDSU-TV, the one he thinks has a sexy sounding voice, recognizes him from last week’s victim. She approaches him and sticks a microphone into his face.

‘Can you tell us anything detective? Someone said that the victim was branded across the chest just like the one found in Audubon Park last week. Is that true?’ she asks him.

‘I don’t know, I’ve just arrived here.’ Then to a uniformed police officer standing nearby he says, ‘Could you keep those spectators back? We don’t want anyone mucking up the evidence.’ Then he starts to walk toward the body but is again stopped by a reporter. It is the tall black female reporter from WWL-TV.

‘Was she tortured? Was she sexually assaulted?’ she asks.

‘I’ve got no comment at this time,’ he says as he continues to walk toward the crime scene. Then he stops and turns around to face the three reporters as a van from WVUE FOX news pulls to a stop near his police car.

‘Look, I’ll make a statement later. Right now I need to inspect the scene, the body and everything. I know y’all have a job to do but so do I. Please don’t come any closer. I don’t want anyone screwing up the integrity of the evidence. So, if y’all will excuse me.’ He turns back around and slips under the yellow tape surrounding the scene.

‘Looks like we do have a serial killer on our hands detective,’ a white female officer says to Det. Phelps as he approaches closer to the body.

‘What makes you say that?’ he inquires.

‘She’s branded just like the one found last week in Audubon Park. The word WHORE is burned across her chest just like the other one.’

‘Let’s not jump to any wild conclusions,’ he tells her. ‘This one might be a copycat. Let’s hope so anyway. Mardi Gras is just a few weeks away and New Orleans doesn’t need a serial killer on the loose at this time of year.’

As he stands over the nude body Stone does what he always does at a homicide scene. He says a silent prayer for the victim.

Praying for the victim is something Det. Phelps has done ever since he became a homicide detective, ever since his first case.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

It was eleven years ago, a Monday morning and the day after Christmas. Stone had transferred into the department a few weeks prior, just after making detective. Everyone was on vacation except him and his partner Noah, a Jewish detective who had just come back from spending Hanukah with some relatives in Pittsburg. Someone had to cover the call and he and Noah — a veteran with over twenty years experience in homicide — were the only ones on duty.

The call came in to the department about midmorning, a domestic dispute that had turned sour . . . real sour. A man had beat his girlfriend with the butt of a 12 gauge pump shotgun and then shot her, once in the chest and once in the head. Then he turned the gun on himself.

She was lying on the kitchen floor. Her chest was a mass of blood. Her face was completely obliterated. He was sitting on the sofa. He had obviously put the barrel of the gun in his mouth before pulling the trigger. The top of his head was missing, there was blood and brain tissue on the wall behind him.

There was blood, overturned and broken furniture in both the kitchen and the living room. The small Christmas tree was knocked over with presents and wrapping paper thrown all around the living room. The queen size bed had been shoved up against the wall and the mattress was
askew from the box spring. A bedside lamp was lying on the floor, broken. Even the bathroom mirror was broken with fresh blood on it.

Stone had never seen such carnage in his whole life. It looked as though he must have chased his girlfriend around the small one bedroom apartment before he killed her.

There was one long empty box lying on the floor next to the sofa. An open box of shotgun shells was lying next to it, three shells were missing from the box. It was obvious that the shotgun had been in it Christmas morning. There was also a card lying next to the box with a note, ‘for you baby when you go duck hunting.’

Stone was holding his own until he saw the note. But with the realization that she had given him the instrument of her own death for a Christmas present, Stone broke down. He was a veteran police officer, had seen hundreds of deaths by accident, murder, suicide, you name it. But none of them affected him the way this case did.

He quietly excused himself, told Noah he would be right back and went to his car and just sat for about ten minutes. He didn’t cry, he just grieved. He grieved for her and for every victim he had ever encountered.

Before he went back inside he said a silent prayer for her. He’s done the same for every case he has been on since then. Then he gets to work.

Noah retired about a year later and went to live in with his daughter and her family in the Fillmore subdivision and he got lucky and picked up Olivia for a partner.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Stone takes out his note pad writes that the victim is lying on her back with her head turned to her right. Her right arm is twisted and her right hand is under her, in the small of her back. Her left arm is across her stomach. Just as if she were sleeping. But her legs are splayed wide open almost as if the killer wanted everyone to see her vagina. He wonders if this was on purpose or if she just ended up that way when he dumped her here.

The legs of last week’s victim were closed by the waves of the Mississippi River washing up against the body. He guesses that the opening this one’s legs wide was a purposeful act. He looks for finger prints in the blood stains on her legs, ankles and feet. He doesn’t see any and makes a note to tell the coroner to check for some.

He stoops down and studies the nude body. He particularly studies the word WHORE branded just above her breasts. The first thing Det. Phelps looks at as he inspects the victim is the letter H. He is looking to see if it too has a slight bend in one of the legs, just like the first victim. He tells no one what he is looking for. It is a piece of evidence that only he, his partner Olivia and the coroner know about. The bend is there and Det. Phelps comes to the same conclusion as the female officer.

There is a serial killer on the loose in New Orleans and Fat Tuesday celebrations are just around the corner.

He shakes his head in disbelief. Then he examines her left wrist and her ankles. They too are scarred. There are welt marks and bruises all over her body, just like the one found last week. He does not want to turn the body over just yet. He assumes that her right wrist is also scared. He can see that she was punched in the face several times, her lower lip is split and her nose is broken. Her left cheek is bruised. Stone writes in his pad that the assailant is probably right handed.

He can also see that she has been sexually assaulted. There are several contusions on her vagina. He assumes that there are also bruises on her buttocks. He wonders if she too was ravished with a wooden object, another piece of evidence that only he, Olivia and the coroner know about. The coroner said it was probably a broomstick but he couldn’t be sure.

Her clothes are nowhere in sight. There is only a black stocking tied tightly around her neck and a gag on her mouth.

He gets up from the body and starts to search the tall grass around the body for tire marks. He does not find any. He tells the police photographer to make sure he gets some close up photos of each letter of the word WHORE branded on the victim’s chest as well as some close ups of her wrists, ankles and face.

He approaches the young female officer who spoke to him earlier, she is standing on the sidewalk. ‘Has anyone found her clothes,’ he asks her. His depression over the vicious murder is evident, both in his voice and in his demeanor.

‘No sir.’ She smiles at her superior officer in an attempt to somewhat brighten his gloomy mood.

Stone guesses that she is in her late twenties or early thirties. She has a dimple on her right cheek that makes her smile look genuine. Stone notices that she has a nice round ass, it’s not too big or too small.

He looks back toward the victim ignoring his own thoughts. He knows that Darlene does not mind him looking at other women. She knows that he keeps his ‘wondering’ to merely looking at them, he loves Darlene to too much to get involved with another woman.

Then he looks back at the young officer. ‘OK, I want you to get a couple of officers and I want every dumpster and garbage can within a three block radius searched for her clothing. Who knows maybe we’ll get lucky.’

‘That’s a lot of dumpsters and cans. It’ll probably take us all day,’ she answers him.

‘I don’t care if it takes you all day and half the night. I want those dumpsters searched. Now get some more officers and get on it,’ he orders her.

‘Yes sir,’ she replies. Her smile is gone.

He looks back at the body again and then to another police officer standing nearby.

‘Who found her?’ he asks him.

‘That college kid over there who was talking to O’Malley a few minutes ago,’ he answers and points to the petite auburn haired girl. Det. Phelps notices that she also has nice supple breasts, just like Darlene’s.

‘Thanks.’ Then he walks over to the young coed. She is leaning against a police car across the street from the scene. ‘You found her?’

‘Yes sir. I was out jogging with my dog and noticed her.’

The detective looks from the student to the back of the lot where the dead woman is lying. ‘She’s lying in the tall grass way back there in the back of the lot and you saw her from the street? How’d you do that?’

‘I just saw her. Then I called 9-1-1 on my cell phone. What’s wrong with that?’

‘Look kid, I can’t see her from here in that tall grass and I’m a good ten centimeters taller than you. Now tell me how you found her or I’m going to start thinking you got something to hide. I’m going to start thinking that maybe you did something to the body.’

The young coed looks down at her feet and tugs on her dog’s leash. She frowns. ‘My dog got away from me and I had to chase him. Hey! It wasn’t my fault. I stopped him as soon as I could.’

‘Stopped him. What do you mean?’ The detective asks her.

‘My dog Frisky was licking her face. I’m sorry, it wasn’t my fault. I pulled him away as soon as I got there.’

‘That’s OK. Where on her face did the dog lick her?’

‘I don’t know, just her face that’s all.’

‘Don’t worry about it. Did you tell that to the policeman who took your statement?’

‘No,’ she answers him.

‘Go give that information to him right now. Tell him I said to put that in his report. And don’t worry about it. The only thing you have to worry about is if you’re hiding something from me. You’re not are you?’

‘No sir.’

Stone then gives the petite woman his card and tells her that if she happens to remember anything else to please give him a call. He tells her that she did the right thing. As the coed walks over toward Officer O’Malley Stone writes in his notes that a dog licked the victim’s face.

Next he calls the coroner to give him the bad news. He informs him that this latest victim has the bent leg in the letter H, just like the first victim. He also tells the coroner about the dog lic
king the victim’s face and about checking the blood stains on the victim’s ankles and feet for possible prints.

They discuss the possibility of other victims who haven’t been found, in the Spillway, the bayous, the lake. He makes a note to call the eleven parishes surrounding New Orleans to see if they have any unsolved murders with similar Modus Operandi.

After he finishes talking to the coroner he lists them in his note pad so that he can check each one off after calling them, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James, St. John, Ascension, Livingston, Tangipahoa and St. Tammany.

Finally, he calls his partner on her cell phone. Before she answers he pictures her thirty-seven-year-old perfectly shaped ass in his mind. He smiles.

When she says hello he asks her why she has not reported to the crime scene, although by now he knows the answer. She tells him she cannot come. She’s in Orlando getting ready to order breakfast before going to Disney World with her family.

He jokingly asks her if she would cut her vacation short and return to work tomorrow, he knows she can’t. She says that she would gladly do it but then her breakfast would get cold. He tells her that he understands and for her to enjoy her vacation. He will fill her in when she gets back next week.

Before she hangs up, Olivia tells him to get Det. Falwell to help him out. She reminds him that Det. Falwell is a homosexual and has got a great looking ass. Det. Phelps is amused at her witticism and tries to tell her that Det. Falwell is not his type but she has already hung up. He smiles at the knowledge that she knows that he thinks she has a beautifully shaped set of cheeks, almost as beautiful as Darlene’s ass.

He spends the rest of the morning gathering evidence from the scene and overseeing the preparation of the body for shipment to the coroner’s morgue. He makes sure that the victim’s hands and ankles are securely bagged for protection. He is pretty sure that there won’t be any skin under her fingernails but he figures it may be another long shot that might not prove fruitless.

He gives the news reporters a statement that does not tell them anything they don’t already know. The cute reporter from WDSU again asks him if the word WHORE is burned into her chest. He reluctantly affirms it but tells her not to draw any conclusions as it may be just a copycat murder.

A report from the white female officer later in the afternoon produces no clothing. He wonders how thoroughly a search she and the other officers actually performed. But he immediately dismisses his thoughts, as it was a long shot anyway. He didn’t expect her to find any clothing.

By Sunday afternoon he is exhausted. He meets with the coroner. The coroner’s preliminary report confirms his suspicions that the victim was sexually ravished with a wooden object.

Det. Phelps lack of a substantial breakfast catches up with him. He and the coroner go to Mandina’s Restaurant on Canal Street in Mid City — one of his favorite eateries — for a Po-boy sandwich. Mandina’s Restaurant suffered damage after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 as did much of New Orleans, but the owners have since brought it back to life, as much of New Orleans has done. Today it is again the quintessential neighborhood restaurant. After looking over the menu he decides to have a seafood platter instead, the coroner orders a spaghetti and meatball dinner.

While he waits for his food to arrive his cell phone buzzes, it is his boss. The Captain wants to know about the latest victim. Stone fills him in on what he knows so far about the young victim, he does not tell him about the bent leg of the letter H nor does he tell him about the broomstick.

The Captain issued orders long ago that restricted information was to be given out on a need to know basis. Not even he was to receive it. No one was to receive information about a case unless they needed to know it, the fewer individuals to know about prohibited information the less chance of it getting out to the general public.

After Det. Phelps finishes eating he goes back to his office. There he finds out that both this victim and the one from last week were prostitutes. He knows that he’ll have to visit the French Quarter and several other places that the local ladies of the night frequent, a task he does not relish. He’ll do that tonight after dinner and a hot bath at home.

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Boys Will Be Boys By Kayla Kuffs 1639 words She was naked except the cuffs that covered her wrists and ankles, kowtowedin the center of his living room. Her long hair was flung forward and displayedbetween her arms that were pushed straight out from her shoulders. As he walkedaround her, he could see the end of the butt plug that sealed her ass and acord trailing from her pussy. Taped to her tailbone was a sign that said "HappyBirthday Sir." He smiled and pulled the sign off. It blocked his...

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My Sweet Neighbor Maya Teacher

Hello everybody! I am a new comer to your site. Hope you will encourage me in my work. I am Leo, aged 24, graduate, now days free from studies and in search of a job. For the last one year I have been idle and engaged only in preparing job applications, bio-data and e-mail it etc. But I haven’t had any computer in my house. So I have to approach by neighbor’s house and also have a good relation with them. The subject neighbor was a lady named Maya – teacher in profession, aged 28, well...

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One of US Part 1

One of Us - Part 1 It was ten years ago but seems like yesterday. After finishing the 3 hour drive - thanks to mind-numbing traffic- back from my sister's funeral in Glen Ridge NJ and finding a parking spot 3 blocks away from my 4th floor walk-up, I was ready to crash. Ignoring the conversation on the second floor, I trudged up I to my top floor one-bedroom on pure instinct. I had just peeled my suit tie and shirt off my body and dumped them all unceremoniously in a heap. Just...

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iSster Act 2

iS!ster Act #2Previously:'Something feels different, like he's... Oh! My! God! He's getting hard.' She thought, her eyes settling on the boy's groin. 'Maybe I wasn't imagining it when I thought they might have been making out when I was in the bathroom. Kissing always did get him all riled up. Oh, hell, I can't let this opportunity go to waste.'Sam rubbed her heel over his semi-hard dick. "What's this, Fredstud? Happy to see me?" Freddie's mouth dropped open, this was NOT something he wanted...

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Sperm Donation 1

Jack found the small advertisement in the local newspaper. ‘Sperm donors needed. To apply please come to…’ with the number and street of a local address. Intrigued, Jack decided to go down and check it out since the next day was his day off. The address brought him to a nondescript office in an industrial park with nothing special to distinguish it from any other. He went inside and introduced himself to the receptionist sitting just inside the door. He was directed to wait and someone...

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WebYoung Emma Hix Skylar Snow Dance With Me

Emma Hix and Skylar Snow, two teen girlfriends, are getting ready to go to the most magical night of their lives: high school prom! They’re excited, though Emma is a little nervous about them going as girlfriends. Isn’t Skylar worried about what people might think? Skylar assures her that she’s not worried at all, although their optimism is short lived as Emma receives a text from their principal. Apparently, he thinks a couple is only one man and one woman, so the girlfriends...

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And the Fat Lady sanghellip

In my early twenties, I worked as a stage-hand at the local theatre to make a bit of money to get me through university. Since I loved theatre and opera, this was a win-win situation for me as it allowed me to a make some money and watch most of the shows.It was not a very big theatre, it did not have an orchestra pit and it only had about 500 seats, so there was a limit to the type of shows that could be brought in. One night, the theatre put on an opera. There were tenors and baritones,...

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Darkness In Daylight

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘good and evil exist in every single human being.’ History, culture, and religion have tried to show us what’s good and what’s evil. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote about these struggles in his famous novel, Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Today, Jack and Pam experience the dark side; for one of them, it's the first time.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Like most fifty-five-year-old guys, Jack carried extra weight from bad eating habits, his hair loss was...

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Come for the Fag

It had been way too long since I had some nice hot come in my faggot mouth and I was determined to get some yesterday.Headed out to the Happy Time Book store. I have sucked dozens of cocks at this place and been fucked in my tight asshole so many times I lost track. When I got there, the parking lot had about six cars. Not bad for a midweek afternoon. I went in, handed the clerk a 20 and got a 5 dollar script.After checking out the videos on the wall entrance I headed to the booths to check...

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A Day with Daddy

A Day with Daddy By Cynthia Green This happened about four years ago when I was 17 and a junior in high school. It would probably be best if I told you a little about myself first. I was, what you might call a late bloomer. At sixteen I was skinny, wore glasses, had braces on my teeth and a bad case of acne. I grew up in a protected household. Not exposed to boys much. Not really interested in boys until after what happened in this story. I went to a private all girls high school and was...

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Feeling Adventurous Part Two

I obeyed his wishes and got up from my bed, switched off the light, and then walked to my dresser. On top of it I kept three candles for such an occasion as this; I had just bought them recently and had yet to try them out. I took my lighter and lit each one, setting them in a line on the dresser top so they cast a soft, romantic glow over the room.I then turned to him, then blushed when I saw the look on his face; it was a look of pure arousal."Come here." he said gently, tenderly.I...

Love Stories
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Heart BallPart 7

Steve was wearing a down coat. Better to sit in a cold car than to risk a walk from the car running out of gas. He turned the engine off. Theresa had a hard time fitting her key in the door. "Peggy needs you" was the first thing that Shannon said to her. She dropped keys, bag, and coat on her way to the chair. Her left breast had leaked badly. She fumbled open her blouse and opened the bra on that side. Shannon put Peggy in her arms, and the baby latched on. The intensity hurt at first,...

2 years ago
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Denise The Submissive Mom Chapter 21Rockys Mom Sheila Parties

Chapter 1- For the First Time Master Rocky Takes Mom (Sheila ) to a Swingers Party The last time Rocky took one of his ladies to a swingers party it was his mother-in-law Nina & that was when she ate black & asian pussy. This time though he was taking Mom/ ( Sheila ) to get fucked by other men . Of all his sex slaves , only Denise was used & gangbanged by other men & that was when he first met Dee & she was his fraternity slut when he was in college. As they got into the back of the...

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Danny and JennyChapter 4

I stood rooted to the spot as she kissed me, her tongue even darting briefly between my teeth! "Danny" she pulled her mouth away but still held onto me as she wept, "That is the nicest, daftest and downright silliest thing anyone's ever done for me" Which just went to show that women cry when they're happy, I think! "Now you'd better go and get out of that ridiculous get up, before you get another dose of flu!" I laughed and turned to go but she stopped me again, "That was...

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Housemaid in my 50 Part 5

HOUSEMAID IN MY FIFTIES By Monica Graz PART 5 CHAPTER 13 I was kicked out of the master bedroom! That was the end result of what Pam called this morning ?a slight rearrangement of our living conditions'. I was working for five hours and still I had a lot to do. The instructions were to remove all my clothes and other personal belongings from the master bedroom and install myself to the guest room that had a small adjoining shower/WC facility....

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Trans Porter

I went to Brazil for the Olympics, a hot wild and sexually liberated country. You can see things there that you would not see in many other places, including transsexuals. The transsexual culture there is huge. On many beaches, girls in bikinis do little to hide their "packages" and walk around like a normal woman. For all intents and purposes, they are woman, and very sexy ones at that. My name is Nigel and I am 26 years old, I have long dark hair and a close trimmed face, I have dark eyes,...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 5 Early Arrival

BEN NOVEMBER 1, 2001, SENIOR YEAR When I returned to my house, it was after midnight. All was quiet but there was a light on in my bedroom and the door was open. Great. Someone was up. I walked to the room and looked over to find my mom sitting on my bed, holding my cell phone. She first looked at me with a withering gaze and asked in a deadly quiet voice, "Where were you?" I had never, ever, once managed to lie to my mother's face. She always knew when I was hiding something. So I...

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It Runs in the Family

It was Thursday night at the local watering hole his parents so often frequented. It was ‘all-you-can-eat chicken’ night. It was generally the only night his parents ever invited their eighteen-year-old son to join them, since it precluded having to prepare dinner at home. Other parents seemed to have adopted the same regimen. As his parents joined the others in getting shit-faced drunk, the kids would shoot pool, play darts, drink sodas and chat. The place was a combination bar, hotel and...

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The next couple of days were something of a haze, with the practices, the new routines and such. Mom repeated that the musical guidelines for time are, to avoid a penalty, between 150 and 210 seconds. “Annie’s Song” was 180 seconds, but a song that goes 223 seconds, like “Footloose” does, might be stretching it just too much. Claire told me that Josiah could trim music from the front or the end of the song to make it fit the 210 maximum. So, I asked her to have him cut the opening eight...

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A Casual Encounter

I looked down to the lower right corner of my computer screen and anxiously counted down the seconds. As soon as the clock struck six I was relieved that my day was finally over. I hurried out of the building and headed onto the streets. I was glad that the weather had finally warmed up as winter felt like it lingered around longer than usual. I decided to take advantage of the nice weather and took the long route to the subway station to go home. When I got underground I found taking the...

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A TS Friend Part 1

Hello readers, hope you enjoy this story. I am 32 years old guy and live near bay area in California. I have had a thing for Transsexuals since long but have not been fortunate enough… [email protected] I have lot of additional ideas to build stories on in continuation with this one but will decide based on the feedback. Hope to hear from you guys soon..

4 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 3Chapter 15

We didn't have a tournament this weekend, but we were going to Oregon next weekend, and then to Miami the following week. To catch up on things, I went into the office to see what I'd missed. The trophy case was already filling up, and someone had placed a team picture in the case as well. It was hard not to miss it as I went through the lobby. As I walked, I said hello to the security guards before ascending to the top floor, and my box of fun that they call an office. I felt...

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Halloween party

We had been invited to some friends for Halloween and they like us enjoyed an exciting sex life and we had played together on a few occasions. We had had a great night everyone was dressed in fancy dress, and most of these involved masks of some sort or other.You’re Ann Summers sexy witch outfit left absolutely nothing to the imagination and the rubber mask gave you anonymity to most but our close-set friends as they knew your body too well. Jake and Sarah who hosted the party had invited a lot...

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The Good Dirty

Before I give you all the dirty side of me, I'll give you the clean me first. Starting with in introduction into who I am :-). I'm Chris C. and I was born in Ninety Six, SC to Milford and Debra Coleman. I had a very humble upbringing that included some very old school teachings from my parents that include never giving up on your ambitions and no matter what it’s important to always put the needs of your spouse and c***dren before your own. I took the majority of my parents teachings to heart...

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Call me darling

It was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Nina, my best friend. A week before i found myself locked in passionate embrace with her and i think i have discovered the bisexual side of myself. Since then i had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me. At first i had tried to push it out of my mind, but the more it took over my thoughts. What are you going to be doing Monday?’ she asked. ‘Not...

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My first orgasm

I lost my virginity a year before I “should have” according to my at-the-time boyfriend. He says we rushed it and it wasn’t the right time blah blah blah. It was quick and not worthy of a moan, let alone a story. But that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the first time a guy made me orgasm, with no help from me or any toys, just himself making me feel that incredible feeling.I’d had a few boyfriends before that I faked it with, just to keep their little egos happy. Guys...

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FTL II First ContactChapter 16 The Grays Strike

Jim and his wives watched the battle between the Excelsior and the Flagship. The flag launched 80 fighter craft. All were keeping Excelsior busy as they had enveloped around the craft trying to prevent its escape. Basketball size explosions tore at the ship shields before Excelsior went to warp and fired a single phaser at the Flag's engines disabling them. Excelsior dropped out of warp .1 AU behind the fighter craft and started a systematic sweep with its phaser banks of the fighters....

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MomsTeachSex Brandi Love Carolina Sweets Mom Takes Charge

Carolina Sweets is visiting her aunt Brandi Love and Brandi’s stepson Alex D. When Alex spies the hot teen admiring herself in a bra and underwear in front of the mirror, he can’t take his eyes off her. Carolina happily beckons him in. Her sweet lips wrap around his fuck stick in a blowjob that is followed by the hardcore pussy pounding both of them crave. They barely finish in time to avoid getting caught by Brandi! Now that the two distant cousins have got a taste for each other...

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Finished Off

By James X Pendergrass Copyright 2013 All Rights ReservedDisclaimer:  To me, and many other people, it’s an exciting fantasy, nothing more.  Some people engage in this sort of lifestyle and I offer no judgment on their character.  However, I believe that no man should subject himself to the fictitious female character(s) in this story.  That said, enjoy!Part I – When I thought I Finished him offHello, my name is Miss Nicola. I'm 23 years old and I abuse men for a living. If you’re expecting...

4 years ago
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Sex With Internet Aunty With A Surprise 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone. I am Shivang from Mumbai and I got huge responses from the 1st part of this story for which I would like to thank all my readers. This part is in continuation to the previous story where I had sex with my bua and her Father in law found her bra lying in the living room following which he entered her bedroom. I stood in the passage not knowing what to do. I thought of leaving right away but didnt feel right to leave my bua in such a situation with her daddyji. So I went to my bua’s...

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Sonnet 57Chapter 11 Freight Forwarding

Chapter Introduction. In which Harry goes east, Larry goes west, Sarah goes south and Rachel goes to Holloway. The Foreign Office Calls In the late afternoon, Chief Inspector Grantby’s extension rings. “Grantby?” he growls into the telephone. “Chief Inspector? It’s Michael Appleyard here, from the Foreign Office. I got your message earlier — about contacts made to someone here, after Mrs McEwan disappeared, well disappeared for the first time — and I am pleased to say that it was one of...

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At the Lickery

You've never been to the Lickery? Wow, really? Well, you should go. You should go, its THE place to be. You're going to understand what the weak males are for. You're going to realise your potential girl, you really are!! Naomi had never been before, to the Lickery. But then these last months had been a time of discoveries and truth be told of wonderment. Hidden within the polite and well mannered society of the city was a wholly different and a much more sensual society. It was unashamedly...

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My first times eating a cream pie

My first times eating a cream pieMy first time was with my first girlfriend so I can't mention my age. We'd had sex many times but I had yet ever eatin a pussy an I really wanted to. I was a really horny guy and could and often cum 7 or 8 times in a few hrs. and still be horny as fuck. My girlfriend was baby sitting one night and I went to where she was. We fucked several times and she said she was sore but I was still horny as hell. It was then I thought I'd eat her pussy. I remember how she...

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Casebook of Wilma JenkinsPart 2 The Roman Incursion

The time transport (Mark 23) was in action travelling back to the home time line of Wilma Jenkins, the eight people inside were relaxing; Michael and Wilma were in 'their' private room, lying together on the bunk. Wilma was talking, "And what I can't understand is why did I, I mean she volunteer for that? I mean knowing that he'd be sharing 'our' body with his men, how could I? I mean she?" Michael shook his head, he only knew about Wildflower from Wilma's description, he couldn't...

2 years ago
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ValerieChapter 8

After drinking another coffee I headed upstairs to clean myself up. Jan's not stupid and I didn't want her to taste Sue on my lips or check out my cock and see evidence of use upon it. After sorting that out I entered the bedroom to get my clothes and make sure Jan was ok. She was, though she was clearly suffering from an excess of alcohol the previous night and appeared to have the hangover from hell. I promised her some paracetamol and some brufen along with a glass of cold water and...

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The Confessions of A Horny Young Single Mother 1

Cumming on Mother Being a single young mother in a tiny country isn't easy. Take me, you could to if you were here with me right now because there's something about hot, humid weather that makes me insatiably horny. If I need an excuse for what happened at the beginning of this long, hot summer, I could blame it on the heat of the night. I was between lovers and hadn't had any steady sex in months. I could blame that. Getting laid in my tiny country village is a real problem for me no matter...

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Wifes Niece Continued

Later that evening my Wife & I were sitting watching TV when Tina came over & sat down next to me. Nance looked at her, smiled and asked............"So you like sucking Uncle Bob's Nipples?""Yea." Tina replied shyly her head slightly lowered."Go ahead and show me, Uncle Bob won't mind."Tina smiled, jumped on my lap and started sucking on my right nipple, then switched to the left. Then she started gently biting my nipples, alternating with flicking them with her tongue. I don't know if...

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