Hartstein (A Hartstein Story)Chapter 11: Fit To Be Tied free porn video

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Twenty-three year old Callie Monahan was enjoying the warmth of a spring day in the 70’s. Callie was blonde, blue eyed, beautiful, slutty and seldom wore a bra, preferring the looks her breasts received from the men she passed by while walking or running in Central Park.

A former high school cheerleader, she was more than aware of her good looks and used them to her advantage. She had always dated whichever boy was the current season’s sports star and was not above popping open an extra button on her blouse in order to extract preferential grades. She had found that the business world wasn’t that much different than high school and was becoming more and more confident that her good looks would allow her to coast through life. Drew Patterson was her steady boyfriend although she cheated on him whenever it suited her.

“Can you really get him to come over?”

This came from Marti Spelvin, Callie’s best friend and jogging mate. Marti was twenty-four, from Texas and one of the girls rooming with Callie. Marti was referring to Paul Hartstein, whom both had fucked at least once during the previous two weeks.

Marti was a beauty in her own right; where Callie used her looks to gain her every advantage, Marti was much more self-deprecating about her looks, though of equally stunning beauty. Taller and slimmer than her friend, she had long auburn hair and big blue, almost violet eyes, which stood out in stark contrast to her mane. In high school she had relied on her intelligence to get high grades and win a scholarship to Brown University, from which she graduated the previous year.

“I can get him to do anything I want. He’s a man, isn’t he?” Callie said and laughed as she stopped jogging to step up on a park bench to retie her left sneaker.

Marti glanced over at Callie; as usual Callie’s tee-shirt gaped at the neck, giving anyone with passing curiosity an eyeful of her lovely tits. Marti sighed, Wish I had boobs like Callie, instead of these humongous jugs that I need a specialized bra for, she thought. But she doesn’t have my movie star mouth!

It had recently been pointed out to Marti that she and actress Julia Roberts, had similar wide, full mouths, complete with straight, white teeth. Caught peeking by Callie, Marti flashed a big smile at Callie.

“Would you quit staring at my puppies, Marti?” Callie said, feigning exasperation.

Flushing with embarrassment, Marti quickly replied, “Like you mind! Quit hanging them out if you mind so much!”

Callie giggled and shook her shoulders, causing the exposed portion of her breasts to ripple and jiggle.

“You can’t be jealous of my puppies---not with those E-cups you lug around! Now am I hearing you saying you don’t think I can get him over there?”

“Well what you’re asking is---to say the least---unusual, right?”

“It’s not like inviting him over for dinner, or drinks, no, but he’ll come. He did bring the subject up at Reece’s party. Didn’t he?”

“Umm, now that I think about it, he didn’t, we did.”

“No matter,” Callie said aloofly, “I’ll persuade him easily enough,” she finished with a confidence she didn’t feel.

She caught Marti looking at her tits again and her confidence rose up. If she likes them, Paul will go gaga over them! She thought exultantly.

The softball game in Central Park was just ending when Paul heard the girls calling his name and saw Callie, Drew Patterson’s girlfriend waving him over. He groaned. Just what I need, he thought, more cock teasing and with plenty of witnesses to cause trouble with Drew.

“Hey, Paulie, C’mere, We won’t bite!”

Some of the other players and their girls turned to watch, so Paul adjusted his baseball cap and moved toward Marti and Callie.

“Hi Marti, Callie,” he said graciously. “Did you watch the game?”

“Some of it,” Callie replied, but you know us, we get distracted every time a good looking jogger passes by.

“She followed one,” Marti laughed. “I had to chase her down and throw cold water on her.”

All three of them laughed at that. Paul waited patiently. He knew enough to wait them out, knowing they wanted something from him.

Callie noticed his furtive glance at her breasts, realized her nipples were hard and visible through the tee’s thin material and feigned an unconscious itch as she pushed a fingertip between her cleavage, making the material that much tighter against her nipples and compelling him to focus on them.

She knew she had him and her eyes sparkled with her victory. “Paul, Nadine’s waiting for you at our apartment,” she blurted, and then added, “She wants you to tie her up.”

“Excuse me?”

Callie squinted at him and said, “I just said...”

“I heard you. Nadine’s looking to play tie me up games.” But we’ve already played that game---kind of---does she want a reprise with witnesses?

“That’s right...”

“And I suppose you want me to referee,” Paul replied drolly.

“Mmmm, not exactly; we want to watch, maybe participate, but we need you to lead the way, you know?”

“We want? And who might that be?”

“Marti and me; and of course, Nadine.”

Both girls picked up on the fact that he hadn’t declined right off the bat.

“I can live with that,” Paul replied, confirming their suspicions.

Brightening, Callie chirped happily, “Then you’ll do it?”

“What’s the address?”

“I’ll share a cab with you, if you don’t mind.”

“Marti ... you coming with us?” he asked.

“Umm, no ... I have to make a stop first. But I’ll be there as soon as I can,” the Texas cutie replied.

Turning to Callie, Paul inquired, “What about your boyfriend, Drew?”

“He’s more into beer than me right now,” Callie said and gave him a lewd grin.

“Is he now?” Paul said with sudden interest in the blonde whose breasts were wobbling braless under her tee-shirt as they moved toward the street to hail a cab.

Paul whistled one down plopped down beside Callie in the back seat his bare leg contacting her smooth thigh. When he leaned across her to pull the door shut, Callie made sure she pressed both tits against his arm. Then she gave the driver her address and turned back to Paul, saying, “There, comfy now?”

Paul’s hands went right to Callie’s tits.

“Oh, Paulie!” she giggled feigning fighting him off. He noted that she hadn’t told him to stop and deftly ran a hand under her tee-shirr and fondled her left breast.

“PAULIE!” she moaned softly, unconcerned that the driver might be watching them.

“Lift the shirt up, I want to suck your nipples,” he croaked sexily.

“No, no, just---just do what you’re doing. I don’t want to put on a fucking show for anyone to see.”

Paul continued massaging her breasts while extracting his penis from the fly of his shorts. “Go down on this, Callie!” he said in a voice laden with lust.

“Oh, Christ ... this isn’t what I had in mind...”

But she bent her head down, and hoping the driver wouldn’t notice, enveloped the head of his cock between her lips and tongued him furiously, trying to satisfy him before they arrived at the apartment.

In that she failed. The trip was shorter than either of them expected and the driver was as disappointed as Paul, who tucked his throbbing erection away and zipped up his shorts before paying the driver and goosing Callie as she got out of the cab.

“You’re crazy!” she barked, half amused and half shocked by his antics.

“Maybe, I am, but look at what you’ve invited me to do at your place, Callie.”

Callie refused a ‘quickie’ as they entered the vestibule, but stopped for several minutes to allow him to paw and then nibble at her breasts before tucking them away and leading him to the door of her apartment.

Paul could smell the arousal emanating from Nadine’s cunt the moment he walked into the apartment. She was unaware of his arrival, as Marti and she were lost in the images on the screen before them. Nadine was already firmly secured to a sturdy wooden chair, as Marti resumed her earlier position sitting on the floor next to Nadine, after opening the door for him. She held a large feather with which Paul assumed she had been teasing Nadine while awaiting his arrival.

“She looks ready for anything,” Paul said to Callie as he gave her ass a gentle squeeze.

“We tied her up about an hour ago. Then came to the game to bring you here.”

“Well, here I am,” he said, taking in the lush nudity of Nadine’s body. Callie prattled on, not hearing him: “Marti helped of course. I secured Nadine’s arms to that bamboo pole that you see running across her shoulders. Next we spread her legs and strapped them, fully extended, to the legs of the chair. Nadine was still giggling when Marti attached the weighted nipple clamps, but that stopped when we inserted the soft ring gag that’s still holding her mouth open.

“Since then we’ve had her watching specialized porno films. Not the run of the mill kind, but specialized ones from Japan mostly, featuring extreme stuff like spanking and needle piercings, or even getting pissed on as well as the usual infliction of pain to the nipples and labia.”

“And how has she responded?” Paul asked. Callie whispered her response in his ear. “We’re not sure. Her body seems to respond favorably to what we’ve done so far, but...”

“You have no idea, do you?”

“No, we don’t, and we don’t want to over step ourselves.”

“So I’m here to take over and see what her limits are, is that it?”

“Yeah ... I guess.”

He stepped up to the bound woman and whispered, “Hello Nadine.”

Her eyes widened with a tinge of fear. Unable to speak coherently with the ball gag in her mouth she made sounds that could have meant almost anything. But Paul could guess she was more than curious about his presence in the room. He reached out and rubbed her ass, giving the plump flesh a nice squeeze. Relief spread across Nadine’s face, and her beautiful smile returned.

Paul wouldn’t hurt her---he just wouldn’t.

Marti stepped behind the chair bound girl and placed both hands on her shoulders. Callie now stood on Nadine’s left side, her fist double wrapped tightly in Nadine’s hair, holding her head back. Despite this, Nadine wriggled uncomfortably in her chair.

“I’m here to further your education,” Paul said softly. “Your friends ... if they are your friends, invited me. I hope you don’t mind.” His voice took on a hypnotic rhythm and tone. “You’re the kind of girl who wants to give up control ... well we know a little about that kind of thing.”

Callie chimed in with” “Yeah, you’re the sort who wants to do something really crazy to prove she’s really free, and not a scared little mouse.”

Paul gave her a warning look before turning back to Nadine and saying: “Oh, I know you can get off with a good fuck, but something’s missing isn’t it?”

Nadine tried shaking her head. Paul cut her off, saying: “Don’t bother answering, I know.” He gestured at Callie and Marti, “Our conversation at the party a while back apparently got you girls thinking about bondage and its benefits---sexual benefits that is.”

“That’s true,” Callie said, rubbing her hands on her upper thighs. Off to his left he heard Marti’s sudden intake of breath. That told him they hadn’t been certain about his participation; that they desperately needed him to lead.

Paul moved to Nadine’s side and ran his index finger along the cleft of her cunt, and finding it wet, held the finger aloft and said: “Look girls, Nadine has been having fun.”

Marti grinned at him, and then took the proffered finger into her mouth and sucked, looking into Nadine’s eyes the entire time. “Why not do me a little, Marti?” Paul said with a laugh.

Marti dropped to her knees, and with the practiced flamboyance of one who has done it many times before, freed his penis and began licking the residual precum from his cockhead.

Nadine’s whole body jerked at the sight. Paul took his cock from Marti’s mouth and waved it at Nadine. The bound girl’s eye’s bulged out with unbridled lust and she poked her tongue out through the ring-gag in a clear invitation to lick him herself. He allowed Marti to fellate him until he felt the first pangs of his orgasm then took his cock from her mouth.

Laughing, Paul began rubbing his cock against Nadine’s face, leaving a trail of precum over her cheeks and under her nose. Nadine made a gawking sound as he took a step back to permit Callie to attach metal weights to each of Nadine’s nipple clamps. Nadine groaned when Callie set the weights swinging like pendulums on a clock.

Nadine’s arousal was like another presence in the room; loud, needy and deeply physical.

“She’s not quite ready,” Paul told the others. “Come here, Callie,” he said and placed her cheek against Nadine’s jaw. A moment later he tendered his erection to Callie’s mouth already open wide in ready acceptance, than maneuvered the cockhead so that it pressed firmly against the side of her face resting against Nadine’s jaw. “Feel that cock, Nad?” he whispered. “It could be in your mouth. Remember how good that was? When was it, just a few days ago, wasn’t it?”

“You’ve already fucked her?” Marti said, obviously surprised.

“You didn’t know?” he replied.

“No, I didn’t.”

“I thought you girls talked about things like that.”

“We do---mostly, but apparently she neglected to tell us about it.”

Marti meanwhile was doing her utmost to pleasure him, licking and sucking his testicles while tickling his asshole. Callie was dutifully blowing him, sucking voraciously on the tip of his cock when he eased it away from Nadine’s jaw line.

“Mmmm, almost there, Callie,” he said, then extracted himself from her mouth and directed his cock at Nadine’s face as he ejaculated, sending rope after rope of hot sperm into the bound girl’s face while she bounced the chair she was secured to in a futile attempt to get even closer to him.

“Thank you, Callie, and thank you Marti,” Paul said as he examined the remnants of cum splattered across Nadine’s cheek, neck and breasts. “Oh, Nadine, look at the mess you’ve made. Whatever are we to do with you?”

“We could beat her with this belt,” Marti said, offering him a wicked looking spiked belt that would undoubtedly do serious damage to a person if used properly.

Paul accepted the belt from Marti and said, “I don’t think anyone here wants to maim Nadine, including Nadine. Let’s find something less threatening, shall we? And I think you two should get naked so Nadine doesn’t feel like she’s on display in Macy’s window.”

Marti’s hands were shaking and it took her longer than usual to unbutton the front of her blouse, though she was quick to slip it from her shoulders. She started to struggle with the zipper of her skirt, until Callie intervened then followed up by unclasping her bra and after Marti shrugged her shoulders out of the straps, tossed it across the room.

Marti stood bare breasted and self-conscious as her nipples hardened in the cool room. The stares of the others didn’t help. She was unable to meet their eyes, even those of the bound-up Nadine.

Callie peeled off her tee and tossed it in Paul’s face then yanked her shorts down and quickly stepped out of her panties.

“Marti?” Paul said quietly.

“Huh ... what?”

“You’re not finished.”

Marti glanced down and saw that she still had a pair of designer panties on and nodding her head in silent agreement, bent at the waist and removed them, tossing them in the same direction as her bra, and then stood there, legs slightly parted providing him with a good look at her genitals.

“Wow, she’s fucking wet!” Callie crowed after leaning in to take a closer look at Marti’s vagina.

“We ... umm, inspected Nadine before tying her up, Paul. Had her bend over, her ass is made for spanking. It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to smack it a few times.”

“What else did you do, Callie?” Paul inquired dryly.

“Marti helped me pry her cheeks apart. She’s got the pinkest asshole ... well her pussies nice and pink too, I’ll give her that.”

“Can you get at her asshole the way she’s tied up?”

“I think so, Paul, let’s see,” Callie said as she moved to Nadine and ran her hand between the bound girl’s legs. “Mmmm, yeah I think so. What do you want me to do?”

Before he could answer, Callie drove her middle finger into Nadine’s cunt and wriggled it around. Nadine groaned, and Marti gasped in shock as Callie withdrew the glistening digit then held it under her nose and sniffed, then with much greater difficulty, probed Nadine’s anus, drawing a little moan from the passive, but red-faced blonde.

“Tight?” Paul asked, with a prurient leer. “Oh, very,” Callie answered, wriggling her finger, and drawing a long moan of shame and despair from Nadine.

“Probably a virgin back there, but if I know you, Paulie, it won’t be for long!”

Paul took note of Nadine’s labia, now gaping enough to reveal her inner lips, a study of pink and deeper on an angry crimson with her juices beginning to seep out and slowly trickle down to her inner thighs.

“You know, the scene isn’t right.”

“What’s wrong?” Callie asked obviously puzzled by the statement.

“I’m not sure, but it’s not right. Let’s start over. Untie her,” he said, and both Callie and Marti quickly freed the bound up Nadine. “The mouth gag too,” he added a moment later.

That done, he bade them to, “Bring her here and bend her over.”

Marti obliged, taking the submissive and very surprised blonde by the hair she half dragged her to the chair Paul had just sat down on and forced the prisoner to bend over before him.

Nadine’s breasts hung, swinging pendulously, even though they weren’t the largest of the females in the room. Without uttering another word, Paul cupped them in both hands and squeezed them as hard as he could.

“AAAAGH!” Nadine howled in pain.

He released them momentarily then hefted them as if weighing each on a scale. With Callie and Marti watching and seemingly enthralled by his actions, Paul mooshed them together, thinking of how he would tit-fuck her at some later point.

Just when Nadine grew comfortable with his mauling her breasts, Paul stopped for a moment to tighten the clamps on her nipples. Perhaps he overdid it, for Nadine screamed in pain---at first.

Then her series of “Oh, Gods!” turned into a repeated cry of “Yes---Yes---Yesssss!”

Everyone in the room knew she was experiencing pure pleasure derived from the sudden onset of pain from her nipples.

Paul stood and pulled Nadine against him. At the earliest opportunity, she pressed her body against his and rubbed her pelvis against his groin and on finding his newly revived erection, concentrated on it, rubbing and pressing with everything she could muster, hoping to entice him into fucking her.

“Didn’t I see a stick or something when I came in?” he asked Callie.

“Oh, you mean the quirt?” Marti said as she pointed to what was actually a riding whip with a short handle and a rawhide lash at one end.

“That’s it, a quirt, huh? It’s perfect for what I have in mind. I’m going to fuck her, but at every opportunity I want one of you to swat her ass with the whatchamacallit? Oh, yeah, the quirt.”

He leaned in and bit her right nipple, tasting both her teat and traces of his own semen that had wound up on the nipple. While her face had received the brunt of his ejaculate, a good deal had found its way to her neck and chest.

Nadine moaned with pleasure for the sensation of his teeth went right to her clit.

Releasing Nadine to totter around on weakened legs, Paul stripped his clothing off, and when totally nude turned back to her. “Arms around my neck,” he said.

She quickly complied. Paul took note of the fact that some of his semen was now drying on her face and chest, although several large globs were conspicuous as they clung fiercely to her skin.

“Hop up and wrap those legs around my hips.”

The moment Nadine tightened her legs around him; Paul sent his throbbing cock deep into her sodden cunt.

“OHHH! That feels soooo good! Fuck me, Master! Fuck me to death!”

Marti was so aroused by the sight in front of her that she couldn’t help but masturbate, using both hands to accomplish it and not caring what anyone else might think.

Callie was also highly aroused by the rutting couple, but recalled Paul’s admonition to use the quirt on Nadine’s ass as he fucked her.

She picked the whip-like instrument from the floor and moved closer to the couple humping like wild beasts during mating season. Callie saw that approximately every third hump exposed Nadine’s ass to her enabling her to lay a hard swat from the quirt to Nadine’s tender ass flesh and did so with a gusto that surprised her.

From the instant the first blow landed, Nadine went crazy. The sudden influx of pain was heightened by the orgasm that followed almost immediately.

“Good work, Callie!” Marti crowed. “I’d forgotten all about the fucking stick!”

“Give it to her! Punish her, Callie!”

Marti was still fingering herself and grew even more aroused watching Callie’s tits jiggling as she swatted Nadine’s ass.

“Careful,” Paul rasped, “leave a welt but don’t draw blood, understand?”

Callie added a second and then a third blow before seeing the damage the initial strike had bought to Nadine’s derriere; a long red mark turned deep crimson then doubled in size as the surrounding tissue swelled up from the blow.

Seconds later the other welts followed suit. Callie put the quirt down and stared in horror at the damage she’d done.

Nadine had, of course, felt the pain from the quirt’s vicious blows, but with the soaring pleasure Paul’s cock was providing as it reamed in and out of her cunt hardly felt anything more than a passing sliver of searing pain at the time.

The next orgasm rode in with Nadine yelling: ““Ohhhhh ... yesssss ... fuck me ... fuck me! Harder! Yesssss, Harder! Ohhhhh---shit---shit----shit! I’m---I’m---I’m cumming again!”

Paul intensified his thrusts until Nadine came again and then slowly eased his cock from her frothy, cream covered sheath.

“Who’s next?” he asked facing Callie and Marti.

Callie, still stunned by the damage she’d done to Nadine’s rear, reached out and nudged Marti, saying: “You go. I’ll wait.”

Turning to Paul, Marti said, I guess that’s me. Where do you want me?”

He grinned at her, pulled her tight, sending his fingers over her ass until they dipped between her thighs just short of her dripping pussy.

“You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you Marti?” he said, and took hold of her newly installed pussy ring and gave it a gentle tug.

“Mmmm, yeah ... I got it, you know, after we...”

He kissed her neck and whispered so the others couldn’t hear. “I take it you’ve fucked another woman before?”

She licked her lips. There was a slight hesitation before she replied hoarsely, “Yeah, I love to eat pussy almost as much as I love to suck cock!”

Paul sat down and pushed Marti down on her knees before him. Callie walked with a predator’s hunger towards Nadine, who took an involuntary step back, glancing over at Paul.

He watched Nadine tremble as Callie stood before her, clearly frightened and unwilling to go down on her, yet wanted his approval.

Paul caressed Marti’s head as he watched Callie reach out, tracing her red lacquered fingernail across Nadine’s right breast, drawing a line down to her tightly clamped nipple, and then rubbing and pinching it between her fingers. Nadine gasped and jumped at the sensation, nervously licking her lips.

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Chapter 11: Fit to Be Tied Videos

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FITZChapter 6 The FITZ Gather

The door opened to another hallway. Doors on both sides of the hallway had signs: "Dojo," "Clinic," "Classroom," "Workout," "Toilet," "Storage." Beyond the hallway, the space opened up, becoming a living room, dining room and kitchen. It resembled a modest, tastefully decorated middle class home except expanded. The kitchen's size bordered on industrial. The dining room had a large table and four smaller tables surrounding it. The living room, defined by a large pastel carpet of...

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Robins Loving FamilyChapter 23 Fit to be tied

‘This is the strangest feeling’, Robin thought, ‘it’s almost as if I was being fucked hard in my sleep!’ As she slowly awoke, Robin realized that she was not dreaming. She really was being fucked, and she was surprised and glad that nothing seemed to hurt. She could feel the coating of gel still covering all of her tattoos, and realized that they must have applied another coating, and when she did not wince or ... well, wake up, decided that she was ok to be used. Again. She tried to lift...

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FITZChapter 18 FITZ Pulses

"Hi, my name is Nelson and I'm a white slaver. What I mean by that is my family kidnapped young women and men, boys and girls really, mostly runaways, and trained them to be companions to very rich men and women. That's a nice way of saying we forced them into becoming sex slaves. From the age of fourteen or younger until they reached maturity at about eighteen we sold them or rented them more often to corporate owners and dignitaries and politicians and anyone with the scratch and the...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 8 Fit to be Tied

"Well now, said Hoke, "Are you girls serious with your games?" "What kind of games?" I said. "The tie me up, tie me down, kind for openers," he said. "Or maybe you'd like a little spanking?" "We're not into serious pain," Julie said. "Nothing serious," he said reassuringly. "Let's use Yellow as the code word to stop anything before it goes to far, okay?" "Yellow it is," I said. "Yeah, yellow," Julie chimed in. Shimmying out of her robe and palming her pussy in...

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Andy Griffith Show

Introduction The Andy Griffith Show, which introduced us to the denizens of Mayberry, North Carolina, ran on CBS from 1960 - 1968. Griffith played the role of Andy Taylor, a small-town widowed sheriff, who lived with his young son Opie (Ron Howard), and his Aunt Bee (Francis Bavier). Sheriff Taylor was backed up by his cousin and deputy, Barney Fife, played by Don Knotts. In 1965, when Andy made noises about ending the series, Knotts went looking for other projects, including movies...

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Fittest Lad On Footie Team

Kurt and Damien, they both got subbed off at the same time. So they both went for an early shower. As they made their way to the changing rooms Kurt thought: oh fuck, this was gonna be really hard for me. He had never been in the changing rooms with just Damien before, never been in the showers with just Damien.Kurt and Damien played for The Red Lion. They were the best team in the Sunday League Division. Damien was the fittest lad on the team. Kurt found it hard enough getting changed and...

4 years ago
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Fit to be Tied

My first story attempt. Let me know what you think.He had watched her come and go on her daily jog. He had been infatuated with her since she had moved in across the hallway. He remembered the day vividly as it wasn't every day that a goddess moved into the building. It was her laugh and smile that first caught his attention. She had a smile that seemed to illuminate the whole world around her and beautiful full lips. She was carrying several boxes to her apartment when he had gotten home...

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FITZChapter 9 Conspiracy and Duplicity

Jordan Miller loved to fuck and be fucked. It shamed him too. Not when he fucked his wife of course, and his joy in doing it over the past ten years had produced 8 children, six girls and two boys. But fucking Kat and Billy had been his biggest thrill and biggest shame. Being so different from his Teutonic wife, all flesh with huge breasts and butt, relentlessly toning them to please him, Kat's petite, tight form as she climbed over him like she climbed walls and pressed her tight little...

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FITZChapter 13 The Fall of the House of Hawkins

"What is that?" Brittney wondered aloud. "I saw you plant one in the corner of that asshole mansion in L.A." "A warning," said Gina. "A warning?" "A bomb," Joseph completed. "A bomb!" Joseph nodded. "We're going to demolish The Plantation and record its demolition and let all the slavers and buyers know what will happen if they continue their evil ways." "Just this little thing can destroy a mansion?" Brittney asked. Joseph nodded. "More genius from the FITZ,...

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FITZChapter 16 Henry Growls and Roars

"Where's Constance?" asked Miko when Henry entered the private jet parked in the New Haven airport. He was accompanied by his two Aryan goons. "In the hospital," he replied. She resisted an accusatory retort though her eyes communicated her suspicion. "What's wrong?" she asked instead of "What did you do to her?" "She hemorrhaged. She barely made it, but is improving. And the baby is fine, thank God." "She's only a container for your heir," Miko couldn't help saying. A...

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When Social Misfits Find What Fits Part 1

I think we all know that one strange nerdy girl that's a little twisted, maybe even a little too insecure and bordering on scary-desperate. Like Michelle, the flute playing, band camp character from American Pie, or maybe more like Osgood, the scarf wearing, inhaler sucking character from Doctor Who. She typically mumbles sarcastic comments under her breath, dresses like she doesn't much care, almost always looks a little unhappy, and occasionally blurts out an inappropriate comment that lets...

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"How detailed?" I asked. "Why don't you start at the beginning. Leave nothing out." "It may take awhile." "We've got all night." "Ok then." I thought for a moment. Well if they wanted everything, I'd give them everything. I'd decided to drive cross country. I was 22, no good job prospects. I was tired of the New York area and thought California or Oregon or someplace would be different. I had all my possessions packed in a few equipment bags in my trunk. My only other...

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Reflex reactions revistied

Wal=mart was not very busy on this mid-june evening.mom told us she wouldn't be long so just wait in the van. Beau had just bought a porno book from a corner news stand. so we had our entertainment. I bought the current Victoria's secret catalog. A larger van pulled in next to us and an arguing couple slammed out of the front yelling instructions back into the dark tinted cubicle area. They didn't walk to the big store, they went to a small one on the mall. Beau nudged me to look thru the only...

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Inside Out Part 1 Stuart Fitzgerald need to Disappear

Inside Out - Part 1 -- Stuart Fitzgerald Needs to Disappear By Suzanne Knight Well I don't know how to explain the situation I am in, I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I might as well start at the beginning. My name is Stuart Fitzgerald, I live in Boston am in my mid forties, divorced, and I work as a management consultant. Since my teenage years, I have been a cross dresser. My alter ego is named Sheila, as Sheila I am pretty much a loner. I look decent,...

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FITZChapter 5 A Muse at Last

The door from the corridor opened to a maze of rooms. Some had clear walls like Miko's lab. Others had opaque walls of various material: drywall and wood and stone and cement. Along the journey through the maze, the path they followed through the rooms--all doors open--was lit with tube lighting along the ceiling that made the walls glow in various soft and dim colors. Besides the neon tubing, the rooms remained dark except one lit by the glow of a large computer monitor. Sounds came from...

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FITZChapter 8 Strange Bedfellows

Booming laughter filled the big office like helium pressing the wall of a balloon threatening flight and nearing explosion. Henry Igor Miller the Fifth, or Prince Hal--soon to be Henry V once his dad finally kicked the bucket--extinguished the image of the threesome, two Joes and a Gina, from his state of the art laptop. The endless vigil would continue elsewhere in the Connecticut castle grounds. Well paid and trusted minions had the boring task of observing the FITZ and their company of...

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FITZEpilogue Hows Connie asked Jordan

"How's Connie?" asked Jordan. "Weak but fine," said Sam. "Touch and go with transfusions, but she managed to breast feed little Henry albeit via expressing into a bottle." Sam beamed at the incubated, premature baby as if his own progeny. Though small the infant squirmed and balled, full of life. "Henry the Sixth," Jordan shook his head. "Constance likes it in the pentagon?" "She told me when her husband succumbed she couldn't help feeling a burden lifted off her shoulders,"...

2 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 28 Introducing Nick Fitzgerald

Nick Fitzgerald, a balding, well built thirty-four year-old former guard for a UNCW college basketball team, sat in his plush leather recliner. He was staring at the architectural drawing of a huge development pinned to the wall on the opposite side of his office. He was richer than he'd ever thought he would be. He had a great looking wife in Janet, and a secret lover in Harrison Von Damm, who he was helping to get rich selling his real estate properties. Nick had a good thirty minutes...

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Fitness Mom Loves Her Virgin Son

Hi ISS lovers. I’m back with the sequel of which is about my fitness mom. I hope you guys enjoyed a lot reading the story. If you are new to this story, please read my previous series. In this conclusion, I’m going to reveal what exactly happened between my mom and me after coming back home from marriage. Let’s get into the erotic story without any delay. After spending the final night in a hotel room with my mom, we checked out of the hotel and reached my relatives’ home. My mom got ready...

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My mother is really hot and mature. I started looking at her in that angle when I heard a bunch of guys in a mall secretly talking about her. They were not able to move their eyes of my mother. Then I realised the beauty of her. She is of above average height. She has very less belly fat as she does all her household and the garden work for herself. The diet she takes and the household activities she does made her really sexy in building up her body well.I completed my 12th and am free for like...

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Fitness Model Moms 3

Fitness Model Moms 3 Introduction Dean held his fiancée Deanna’s hand. She wasn’t responding. Lying in her hospital bed, shortly after being moved from the emergency room, Dean was saying goodbye to his first love. Her parents were on the way; Dean was unable to reach his mother. “Please don’t do this,” Dean was crying. He thought about their plans. Things would’ve been so perfect. College graduates, together since freshman year, getting married, and having a wonderful...

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Tied by Unknown Marta led me to the cedar chest at the foot of the bed. She didn't have to order me to kneel, just the pressure of her hands on my shoulders was enough to cause me to slowly drop onto my knee's. I watched her tie a cord to the hasp where a large padlock hung, then she quickly ran the cord through the hole in the end of the cock-gag that protruded from my stretched lips. I could feel the straps pulling at the back of my head as she tightened the cord. ...

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A Trio of Misfits

For over 20 years, three office workers had dealt with a great deal of BS from just about everyone they so much as bumped into on the street. Their only comfort was the fact that they were not suffering alone, and a friendship of sorts formed between the three misfits. Gregory, the middle aged one, was taller than anyone else at work, and just about everywhere outside work as well. He had a squared out jaw covered in stubble and short dark hair that defied combs and gravity alike. While he was...

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the young refit man

my partner used to work in a retail store. she was 55 at the time but still very attractive and still in great shape. every few years the store would be refitted, new shelves. and new layout of the floor space. this story happened before i met her. about five years ago the refit work started. this work had to be carried out while the store was open and still trading so the refit team had to work round the staff while they carried out their everyday duties. one of the team was quite young. about...

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Three Square MealsChapter 55 The Invictus undergoes a refit John gets to know the Maliri

“There’s two of you?!” Dana gasped in alarm, before Rachel elbowed her in the ribs. Alyssa had reached Irillith by this point, and she knelt next to the Maliri girl, pulling her into a hug. She shot Dana a disapproving look, and the redhead was shamefaced at her outburst. Reaching out through Irillith’s grief stricken thoughts, Alyssa spoke to her in a comforting murmur, I’m here for you now, you don’t have to hold this pain in any more. John walked over to squat down on Irillith’s other...

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The Girl Scout 7 HOGTied

The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced A new fear overcame Lisa. What , what would happen to her at Lamont’s? Where are you going to take me Sir. What are you going to do, Sir. I gonna fuck your cherry asshole. Dad says he saved your shit hole fo me. U gonna get my 14 inch cock up yo butt. Lisa’s knees buckled. Maybe she would be better dead. Lisa would have collapsed but Lamont still held her up. Wat u crying abouts, wese...

1 year ago
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Fitness Model Moms 2

Fitness Model Moms 2 Chapter 1 “Mmm, damn woman, that feels good,” Amy said, lying topless on her tummy in her bedroom. Her best friend, Monica was sitting on Amy’s butt, covered by boxer shorts, massaging her back. “Glad you like it. I picked up a few tips over the years,” Monica said, enjoying her last night visiting Amy in Miami before her drive back to Tampa tomorrow. “Mmm,” Amy moaned. “Monica? Can I tell you a secret?” “Of course!” Amy started to move, Monica...

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Fitness Model Moms1

Fitness Model Moms Chapter 1 “So then what happened?” Stacey asked, popping their coworker Ulysses’ cock head out of her mouth, quickly resuming sucking on it. Her younger sister, Trish was sucking on Ulysses’ balls. “Mmm,” she slurped on a large testicle. “He got scared. It’s like he turned white and blushed at the same time.” “Poor kid,” Stacey said of her nephew. “Mmhmm,” Trish nodded, her tongue sliding all around Ulysses’ nut sack. The three nude fitness...

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Jodis Fitness Training

Mistress closely inspects jodi?s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a but ?????? Mistress closely inspects jodi?s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a butt plug from her vast collection for jodi to wear for the day? the entire day. The plug is held in place by a thin chain goes around jodi?s waist, down through his ass cheeks through a ring in the plug then up between his legs where it?s locked...

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Fitness By Flash Elena

Elena wasn’t always this fit though. In fact, she was a good 75 pounds overweight for most of her adult life. The 32-year-old beauty had spent the past year working out at Flash’s Fitness Factory, adhering to a strict and unique fitness regimen that has allowed her to shed the pounds systematically and shape Elena’s body into a curvy delight to any man’s eyes. Growing up in Hawaii and raised by a Polynesian mother and a Caucasian father, the 4’10” short girl with the pretty face and dark...

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The Fantasy Fuck Store part 2 lovely mature ladies want a man for private girdle fittings

The store starts new home visit girdle fitting service. And the lovely BBW hairy mature ladies only want a man to measure them After a few months of working for Heather, the Fantasy Fuck Store owner, she approached me with a new offer. “Ken I have received several phone calls from ladies who have got wind of your ‘personal services’ from their friends - you know how our clients like to show off - but the difference is that they admit to not being confident and would rather be...

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FITZChapter 12 Adventures in India and Arabia

Everything coming together rather quickly, Sam and Miko needed to be somewhere else than FITZ East resting. The phone call they'd been awaiting for months from Miko's uncle letting them know the girl they planned to purchase had gotten her menarche had come amidst a late evening fuck, the timing frustrating Sam. And with the raid on the Plantation about to happen along with the raid on the Saudi harems, everything seemed to be falling into place simultaneously. In the past months Sam's...

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FITZChapter 17 The Main Event

"He's moving," Jello reported. "Tracking," Billy responded looking at his GPS device. "Better go," said Kat kissing her husband and Angela before exiting the SUV into the alley behind the target's townhouse. The SUV took off immediately, driven by Joseph. Gina and Josephine also shared the ride. "About the right timing, Boss," said Joseph. "You think Mr. Jones will be there in person?" asked Gina. "He might be heading to the office to pick up the feed," Billy...

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Romantic Fitness

Be aware that there is a scene where the male eats his own sperm. If you are not into that then don’t read it. I wrote this for my wife initially. I hope you enjoy it as much as she does. ***** The instructor was quite hot. Leti had been having bad thoughts for weeks about her new fitness instructor. She was midway through a pose that worked on the core muscles but she craned her neck to view the instructors tight buttocks covered in spandex. The problem was, Leti hadn’t had sex for ages,...

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Cheating Girlfriend with fitness instructor

I am a 19 year old girl who is pretty lazy, i have a good boyfriend that loves me but i always feel that he has other things on his mind. I decided i wanted to get a bit more of his attention was to join a gym and get fit.I went to my local health club which is a really nice place, a decent sized gym and an amazing pool. When i went in i was taken around by one of the fitness instructors. He wore a tight tshirt with the gym logo on it and his muscles on his arms bulged out his top and his pecks...

2 years ago
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Andy Griffith Porn Parody Part One

Andy Griffith Parody: Barney Makes His Rounds (Part One)It was all that dern Gomer's fault.As Barney pulled away from the courthouse he noticed that a rear tire was low. Wally's filling station did not open until 10:00 on Mondays because that was the day that he took his sister to the foot doctor. Barney looked at his watch. 8:25. Maybe he could rouse Gomer from his cot in station's backroom and get him to turn on the air compressor (No charge for air....).The front of the station was dark, so...

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Misfit Hours

Misfit Hours I slow to a stop to allow Rita to gain some distance. It's a pleasure just watching her walk plus I want to see her reaction to the kind of attention she draws now. She's still learning how to handle it and needs the practice. The tight pencil skirt, the tailored cotton blouse and even the 4" pumps suggest a smart business woman who's taken off her suit jacket for a nightcap. The seamed stockings, perfectly aligned with the thin heels, and the long red nails flashing...

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New Neighbours Part 2 The Fitness Assessment

I knew Rachel was coming round early but wasn’t expecting her as early as this as I had only just got out of bed and was still in my boxers drinking coffee in the kitchen when she ambled down the garden path, I wasn’t sure if boxers was the most appropriate attire seeing that she had only a white sports bra which highlighted her perky 34b’s to perfection and a pair of matching white yoga shorts which were so tight that you could have driven a train through her thigh gap, I certainly wasn’t...

4 years ago
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margret being tied

I love being tied up and blindfolded. Last night he blindfolded me and tied me with ropes to the bed. Nothing gets my pussy wetter faster then being tied, helpless and blindfolded.He always starts these games the same way, leaving me alone for a few minutes. I lay there tied, unable to move, unable to see what's happening. His touch comes suddenly, unexpectedly. A light soft touch running down between my big tits and down my stomach; he must be using a feather. Another touch at my feet, maybe...

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The Tease Tied

She didn’t normally sleep on her stomach but she felt extremely cosy and deliciously comfy and completely disinclined to move.It was only when she felt his tongue licking the cheek of her bottom and she tried to wriggle away from him that she realised that she was tied – gently but very securely – spreadeagled on the bed.Her legs were spread apart.She imagined that her ankles had been tied to the legs of the bed.She could see that her wrists were tied to the iron bedhead.He knelt up and smacked...

2 years ago
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Fitness Freak Ordeal

Chapter 1 Chapter 01 ?Waking To Rape ???? ??I had a very normal reaction when the drug wore off and I woke up with a stranger on top of me pounding away.? I started screaming my head off.? His reaction was normal, too.???? ?Shut the fuck up, bitch,? said Oscar delivering an open palm slap to my face stunning me.? ???? The whole side of my head went numb and I tasted blood in my mouth.? I inhaled to resume screaming, causing Oscar to draw his fist back threatening me.? ?You don?t...

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New Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This picks up where Hartstein ends , it’s a year later, and Paul is working with the editors on the finalization of his novel. Carol is no longer the leading editor working with Paul and it seemed that each day brought someone new into play as the many details of finalizing a novel before publication begin to overwhelm him. But he was buoyed by the fact that he now had a publication date and his world was spinning faster and faster with each passing day. The work and its many ramifications...

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Friends in the City a Hartstein Story

This Continues the Hartstein Saga. Paul met several women at a party and has begun fucking them, one by one. It only happened because of what was said at the party a month before. Paul had joined a group of four women and the subject of bondage came up. “Have you tried it?” Marti had asked. After some less than adroit verbal fencing he had replied, “I think it depends on the woman. Some would never do it, some put up with it for their partner, and some are really into it.” “But what about...

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Incident at Cafe Orlin a Hartstein Story

The next few days flew by as far as Paul was concerned. On the one hand, he wanted to arrange another get together with Nadine, but was stuck on just who to bring into their little game playing. On the other hand, that morning Carol had called to tell him that Regal Publishing was ready to market his novel--that he would be expected to appear on the Today Show that Friday and Oprah on Tuesday and that he needed to come in to Regal’s offices that afternoon to cram for both shows--meaning the...

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