The Angel of Warward Prostitutes Chapter 2 Blue Orchid
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Introduction: This is the continuation of my last story. Its kind of brutal but I hop you like it. ~G.W. Magnus lay entwined with Darius for quite some time. He found himself lightly tracing the myriad of scars that covered the boys skin.
Whatre all these from? He asked softly.
Im a klutz. Darius answered simply.
The response sounded like a well-rehearsed line to Magnus. Not only could he not picture Darius-who even in stillness was almost unnaturally graceful-being so aloof, but the scars were uniform. Like they had been made by blades.
He didnt push however, assuming that Darius would only close up further. Instead he focused on the warmth of having another body beside him again.
It had been almost ten years since Jonathan had died. This was only the second time Magnus has been with someone else since. Hed loved Jonathan dearly and his heart still ached for him some days, but the ache had lessened ever-so-slightly when hed spotted Darius. He knew it was cheesy, but something about the red-head made him feel&hellip,not better but something like it.
So why did you come up to me? Dariuss voice in the darkness was small, almost an echo of his own thoughts.
Magnus took a moment and then replied, Your eyes.
Darius seemed to find that amusing, Its always the eyes.
Not because of how stunning they are, Magnus clarified, But because they looked so lonely. Ive never seen someone your age look so completely alone. I can relate.
Darius glanced up at him, clearly surprised. Though his cerulean eyes were almost painfully lovely, they seemed so sad-even now-that Magnus felt compelled to understand why.
To me you looked like a fallen angel, beautiful and tragic all at once. He brushed his hand lightly down Dariuss cheek.
For a moment it looked like he was on the edge of something. Maybe speaking, maybe sobbing, his handsome features twisted into a mask of painful uncertainty.
But it was only for a moment.
Quickly his expression changed back and he sat up.
I-I should go. He stuttered.
Magnus meant to catch him by his arm, but midway through the motion he saw the scars on the boys back. There were scars on top of scars, and in some areas they were so thick it was barely recognizable as human skin. But Magnuss attention was drawn to the center of his back where the word Mine was carved into his flesh with handprints that looked to be burned onto him on either side of the word.
What on earth had happened to this boy?
Wait, dont go yet! Magnus implored.
Darius hesitated almost imperceptibly, but then, I like you. Youre nice and all, but this is a bad idea. You seem like one of the few good guys left and I dont want to ruin you.
With that he pulled on his pants and strode out the door, ignoring Magnuss pleas to stay.
Darius could not recall being more confused.
He couldnt understand why leaving Magnus had him feeling so empty. Hed known the man less than three hours, yet walking out his door had been one of the hardest things hed ever done. But it was better that way and he knew it.
So why did he feel like sobbing?
He also couldnt figure out why lying had felt so terribly wrong. He lied to people every day without so much as a twinge of guilt, why should this virtual stranger be any different? Why should the idea of deceiving him spark Dariuss nearly non-existent conscience?
Everything he was feeling was ridiculous and pointless. He knew he would most likely never seen Magnus again anyway.
A pain pulsed through his chest, robbing him of breath and stopping him dead.
Darius clutched at a wall for balance as the strange phantom pain flared through his chest, forcing a small noise from him.
What was that?
Darius tried to take a step forward, but hit the ground instantly. His head was spinning and his vision blurred from the incredible pain. Whatever it was, it was crippling.
As he gasped for air, he heard footsteps in the mouth of the ally way he was collapsed in. He knew he needed to move, but he just couldnt.
Hey there sexy! A harsh, slightly slurred voice called, How much?
He could hear dumb laughter and other stumbling steps now. Great, a bunch of drunk guys, just what he needed.
Not&hellip,for&hellip,sale. He managed past the agony threatening to rip his consciousness away.
The staggering steps got closer, Oh come on, we see you whoring at the bar all the time! How much?
Under normal circumstances a few drunk guys were less than a problem for Darius. He could handle three sober guys without really straining too much. At six foot five most people didnt even bother with him. However that night Darius would have been lucky to fight off a lady bug.
There was absolutely no way this would end well.
Not. For. Sale. He repeated through his teeth.
The group reached him, and the one whod been speaking knelt by him. He reeked of alcohol and an unpleasant smile was marring what would have otherwise been a passible face.
Okay, then we wont pay you.
Darius willed himself to move with all this strength. There was no way he was letting this happen, not again. His effort was rewarded with a blinding supernova of anguish.
As if the sickening pain in his chest werent enough, the speakers fist connected with his temple. His vision spun and his ears rang.
Nice shot, Alecto! One of the drunkards behind the speaker called.
Well dont just stand there, grab him!
Two pairs of arms were around him surprisingly quickly, hulling him up to his knees. He nearly screamed as his chest protested against the adjustment.
That a boy, on your knees where you belong. Alecto snarled, unbuttoning his pants.
One of the men holding Darius whipped out a knife and put it against his throat. The blade swayed slightly, adding to Dariuss anxiety.
Bite me, Alecto said, And Joey slashes your pretty little neck. Now open up.
Fuck you. Darius growled. The pain was almost worth it.
Oh youre going to. Tony, his mouth.
Dariuss arms were shifted into a different position and a hand reached down and forced his mouth open. Dariuss heart broke out into a sprint as he tried once again to move. Nothing.
Darius barely had time to prepare as Alecto reamed his entire cock down his throat. He gagged and wretched, attempting to pull free. His reward was another spasm in his chest and a blow to the stomach.
Suck it, whore.
When Darius didnt oblige he was dealt another blow.
Suck it or we start cutting off all the bits that stick out. Alecto smiled again with even more repulsive venom.
Darius hesitated a second too long and felt the blade at his throat bite into his skin.
Now! Alecto ordered.
Slowly Darius began to suck the cock rammed down his throat. Alecto then began to rock his hips, ensuring that Darius was nearly always gagging.
Mmmm, suck it like you mean it, slut. Alecto moaned.
Rather than make a bad situation worse, Darius began to lick and suck and kiss Alectos cock as if it were Magnuss. It was only later that he realized who hed pictured however.
Look boss, Tony pointed out, This little slut likes it!
A hand-presumably Tonys-reached down and cupped around the bulge that had grown in Dariuss pants, The little queer has a hardon!
Alecto grinned mirthlessly, You like sucking my cock, fag?
Darius was unable to answer but the three took his silence as confirmation.
Well then boys, lets give this cock whore a good time! Alecto laughed.
Dariuss heart dropped as the two other men joined in Alectos sinister laughter. Tony bound Dariuss hands with a length of rope from the ally and Joey stripped off Dariuss pants-still the only clothing he had been wearing. All the while Alecto held his cock firmly in Dariuss mouth until his eyes began to swim from the lack of air. Darius thought he might mercifully pass out until Alecto pulled his cock out and slapped him with it.
Since you seem to like cock so much, Tony and Joey are gonna take care of your other hole. Alecto grinned, I hope its as hungry as this one.
Alectos cock was back in his mouth before he could retort or scream or even think to.
Joey grabbed his hips and pulled him backwards, forcing him onto his hands and knees. Ironically the pain in his chest had receded just enough for him to be able to hold himself up.
Mmmmm, Joey growled lustfully, Hope youre loose.
And just like that, with no preparation, Joey rammed his cock deep into Dariuss ass. Had his mouth not been full, his scream would have woken the entire block.
Joey wasnt the largest Darius had ever taken by far, but without any sort of care taken he might has well have been. As he plunged in deeper, it felt as though he were ripping Darius in half. The only thing that kept him from being destroyed was the left over cum from earlier that night. But as it was tears of utter agony dripped down his face.
Aw, did that hurt? Tony laughed as Joey pumped in farther.
Ugh, wow, hes pretty tight for a slut. Joey grunted.
Not too tight for me to get in there too, I hope.
Dariuss eyes widened in panic as Joey chuckled, Naw, shouldnt be.
There was no way. There was absolutely no way, it wasnt physically possible. They would kill him if they tried. Surely they couldnt be serious!
As he felt Tonys hands on him, he tried once again to wiggle away. This time the rope kept him in place. He was trapped.
Hold still, whore. Tony grunted as he put his cock to Dariuss already stuffed hole.
Darius squeezed his eyes shut and prayed.
With even less finesse than Joey-if that were even possible-Tony pushed himself up into Darius. Darius could almost feel himself tearing as the second cock worked its way inside of him, slowly.
The pain made him sick and had spots dancing in his vision. If he were lucky, he would have passed out. But he never passed out until he was almost dead, and this time wasnt any different. He screamed into Alectos cock until his throat felt raw.
His eyes floated half open and he saw Alecto gazing down with almost animal lust as Tony worked the final few inches of his cock inside Dariuss ass.
Damn, he is tight. Or he was. Tony chuckled.
And look, Alecto laughed, Hes still hard as a rock. Fuckin pain slut.
Darius was humiliated and in more pain than hed been in in years. His bodys traitorous reactions werent unexpected but none-the-less unwelcome. He despised how much pain seemed to excite his body.
Then Joey and Tony started thrusting and Dariuss world became one continuous wave of agony. He barely even noticed Alectos cock pressing into the back of his throat, even as he spewed a torrent of cum down it. The bitter, salty cum stung his raw throat but it barely registered.
Joey and Tony kept hammering away, grunting and groaning as Darius struggled to restrain his screams. Every time he made sound they only seemed to increase their tempo. He wasnt about to give them the satisfaction of knowing how much he was hurting.
After hed cum, Alecto retracted his cock from Dariuss mouth, allowing Darius to collapse forward. It lessened some of the pain but not nearly enough.
A minute or two later, Alecto leaned forward and started to lightly stroke Dariuss cock. The little pleasure was like a raft in an ocean of pain.
That feel good? Alecto chuckled, elongating his strokes.
Darius hated himself for it but he nodded.
Alectos hand continued to slowly bring him pleasure until Darius was biting his lip, trying to restrain moans. And now with the pre-sum from both Joey and Tony steadily leaking out, his ass was even beginning to feel good.
Darius squeezed his eyes shut against the onslaught of new sensations. He almost wished it hurt again.
Then in rhythm with Joey and Tonys thrusts, Alectos strokes became bigger, tighter and even more pleasurable. Darius was unable to keep himself from crying out.
Yeah? You feelin good, slut? You like us using you like the worthless whore you are?
Darius didnt respond and Alectos hand stopped, Say it.
The longer Dariuss silence wore on the worse the pressure in his balls became until he felt he might explode.
I like you using me like the worthless whore I am. He conceded, casting his gaze at the ground.
Alecto laughed and resumed stroking his cock and Darius made another small noise.
Joey and Tonys thrusts were becoming uneven and their breathing was morphing into panting. Clearly they were close to orgasm and so was Darius. He felt sick and cold all over for wanting it, but he was so close&hellip,
Ugh! Joey grunted, quickly pulling out.
He moved around to where Darius lay face down on the ground. A few seconds and a long groan later, Darius felt something hot on his cheek and neck. Joey came all over Dariuss face, neck, and shoulders soaking him in cream.
Tony was next, thrusting harder and deeper until he released his load deep inside Dariuss used ass. The warmth was like lava and made Darius feel even more sullied. Yet at the same time a familiar tingle started in his balls.
And then Alectos hand stopped.
You wanna cum, slut? He smirked, You have to beg for it.
The two others laughed at their leaders cruelty.
Darius considered forsaking his release. But his cock was already pulsating from the pent up pressure and his balls ached. But he could do it, it would hurt&hellip,
Then just the hint of pressure from Alectos hand, ramping up his need another level. He could resist&hellip,
Hmmm? What was that? You want your balls licked? Alecto asked, Tony?
Darius nearly screamed when he felt the light caress of Tonys tongue slide across his balls. It wasnt enough to push him over the edge, but it added to the pressure.
Alectos finger slid over his piss slit, collecting some of the pre-cum it was leaking. Darius was ready to blow.
Please let me cum. He said in a small voice.
What was that, I cant hear you? Alecto teased.
Dariuss cock twitched and his balls pulsed painfully, Please let me cum. He said louder.
Please let me cum, what?
Please let me cum, sir. Darius kept his gaze directed at the ground.
Hmmm, I dont know. That doesnt sound much like begging.
The flood gates opened.
Please master, I need to cum! Im a dirty whore who needs his masters hand to cum, please please let me cum master, Ill do anything! Darius shouted, once again with tears streaming down his face.
Alecto grinned maliciously, Thats more like it.
He reached down to stroke him and Darius forgot all else but his pleasure. He moaned and panted and yes!ed with abandon as he road the wave towards climax. And when it hit, he even screamed.
His cock exploded onto the ground and the three rapists chortled. But he was way past giving a fuck.
Pathetic. Alecto laughed, tossing a few coins at Dariuss feet. Lets go boys.
To be continued&hellip,
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Introduction: Okay, this is a story that takes place in a distopian society where there are almost no women. This is also a love story so if you no gusta, dont read it. ~G.W Darius was right back where he started. He was sitting alone at the scummiest bar in Brink, all dolled up hoping someone would pick him up. Of course someone would-they always did. There wasnt a man alive who could resist his big sapphire colored eyes. There were fewer still who could ignore the temptingly thin shape of his...
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Author’s notes: 1. This story follows on from my previous story ‘Mixed Emotions’ in which the characters are introduced and developed. It is strongly recommended that ‘Mixed Emotions’ is read first. 2. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this series are neither condoned nor recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk. 3. All characters are fictional and any likeness to any living person is...
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BisexualJETLAG HIT ME big time and I had three cups of coffee thick enough to cut with a knife before I got in my rental car and headed southeast. I got a fast car and drove too fast all the way from Zagreb to Split on the A1. The mountain pass wasn’t as bad as I expected but spooky as hell. A five-mile tunnel. Before I took off, I sent a quick text to Jordan to let him know where I was headed. I want him to know, but I don’t want him to get there before I do. The big lie It took over five hours...
The next day I made my weekly phone call to Joel. I have a normal Bell phone line at my home, but I never use it for 'business'. Way too easy to trace. A few years ago, I did a favor for an IT uber-geek who set me up with a 110% secure Internet phone line that bounces off half a dozen private servers and tele-comm satellites before it ever touches a terrestrial landline, probably somewhere in Paraguay. Any bad guys short of the NSA wouldn't have a chance in seven hells of tracing me. Joel...
After dinner we all sat in the living room having what my mother liked to call cocktails. Really it was wine, beer and for my father, vodka and tonic. We were situated around the room comfortably, my mom and dad on the loveseat, my brother Brian, Diane and then Josh on the couch. Josh’s wife, Emily, was sitting in the overstuffed leather chair (on account of her bulging stomach) and Johanna and I were sitting on the floor against the fireplace, directly across from the sofa. Everyone seemed to...
EroticThe following week, Pennsylvania: It was the Tuesday a week after Angel left, and Josh sat on the couch watching the basketball game while Emily was baking something in the kitchen. Every now and then he would let out a hoot or a holler when someone from the team he was rooting for made a basket. Emily had gone through the trouble to make him a sandwich and bring him a beer the moment he came home from the office. He was still in his pressed shirt and the tie was hanging off the arm of the...
EroticChapter 17: Battle of the Century "What happened?!" a deep voice thundered through the darkness. Stepping into the light, the man in the black cloak growled as he saw Jinenji's dead corpse lying in a pool of blood. Evan was kneeling beside his fallen ally, who had finally (and very, VERY forcefully) been sent back to hell. "Sir... Jinenji is gone... I couldn't help him..." Evan said, a slight edge to his voice. A pair of serpent-like eyes glowed through the darkness of the...
Spend all your time waiting, for that second chance, for the break that would make it okay. There's always some reason, to feel not good enough, and it's hard at the end of the day. I need some distraction. Oh, beautiful release. The memory seeps from my veins. Let me be empty and weightless and maybe, I'll find some peace tonight. In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. From this dark, cold hotel room and the endlessness that you fear. You are pulled from the wreckage, of...
Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?! The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click 'shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced...
Robert Sebastian was balls deep inside Michelle La Marchand when he felt a tongue gliding across his butt-crack, but he didn’t worry about it just yet. It felt amazing, as did the fingers slipping into his backdoor, followed by the oil applied to lube him up for sodomy. The next thing that he knew, there was a cock inside him, fucking his ass while he screwed Michelle’s twat good and hard, and this just made things more delightful to him, of course. He didn’t know who the owner of the dick...
They came rushing in the door less than two minutes later. They washed quickly and joined the rest for supper. After supper, Ben said, "Sis, we need to talk." She got up and they went into the living room while Jack and Mike were getting chewed out my Miz Jones. Ben said, "Sis, you have to cool it. You don't' want to be sent home, do you?" "No, Ben." "Then the three of you need to be seen doing innocent things. Their parents will not tolerate our usual activities. The last thing...
The weekend had taken an ugly turn in Baltimore when Josh spotted Angel leaving the car of some dirty old man. At the time Josh didn’t want to confront her, although he wanted to strangle her for not telling him in the first place. The week she was visiting at home was nothing but sweet memories for him, but now he thought she was only playing him, or worse, getting back at him for being a shitty guy to her all those years ago. Josh was so confused and angry that by the time he made his way...
EroticThe rest of the week seemed to go by in a blur. Johanna and I spent our time shopping, catching up with some of my old friends and more often than not, I spent as much time with Josh as possible and Jo spent time with Brian. This was often difficult for her because his girlfriend Lacey made an appearance at the house several times during the week. Brian played it cool and Johanna stayed out of the way. She knew that Lacey wasn’t as good in bed as she was and Brian had told her so on many of...
EroticHello, all I am Vaibhav from Pune an average guy having 7-inch size. This is a real story that happened one month ago.I am a daily reader of the iss and this is my first story.So let me tell you about myself.I am Vaibhav working in one of software companies in Pune.It was Thursday and I came to know that my family member is going outside for holy culture on Saturday and Sunday.As I am busy working 5 days I rejected to go with them.I am horny all time so I thought this is a good chance for me.So...
The royal apartments of the castle were built to be fully enclosed, with the only access coming from the grand stairway (which was guarded by the fearsome Veronomigan Guard) and the throne room (which, itself, only had one entrance which was also under guard). Being so self-contained, the apartments themselves were built around an internal staircase that provided access to three levels- the bottom being primarily servant’s quarters, the middle having both larger suites and several functional...
“So, first things first. We’ve dealt with Prissy’s issues and allowed you guys to join us, but next on the agenda is to sort out for sure whether Prissy is gay, bi, pansexual, or queer. We know that she is not straight, but Robert, I want you to read her mind and find out what she really is. That will let us know our next step here,” Azrael ordered Robert, who quickly scanned Prissy’s mind with his angelic powers, which he hadn’t used that much in the past few years that way. “You can read...
Chapter 10: The Second Encounter with Evan The five spent the day training, and indeed, by the time the sun set, everyone was immensely tired and ready for sleep. Yawning luxuriously, Althea and Miranda sat in the back of Cal's jeep while they let Jeri sit up front with Cal. "So, whatcha thinking about?" Jeri asked Cal tenderly as he expertly steered the jeep past the large sinkhole in the middle of the dirt road. "You've been awfully quiet, lately... Something on your mind?" Cal...
It seemed that we made it back to PA in record time. Although I was tired, I was too wired to sleep. Johanna and I stared out of the front window, replaying over and over what had just happened. By the time we got back to my parent’s house, it was getting light out. Quietly, the 4 of us tip toed into the foyer and made our way into the basement. I plunked down on the couch and Jo did the same. Josh took the chair and Brian the loveseat. We all kind of stared at each other for a few minutes and...
EroticFor the next couple of days, he stayed in his apartment working on a new report for his client. It probably would have gone faster if he could have kept the thought of seeing Angel again out of his mind. On Monday afternoon, Paul drove back down to his client. He had a meeting with the president of the company, during which he took some good natured ribbing about his black eye. "You really should learn to duck. In fact, judging from your appearance you should probably just learn how to...
I left a hotel key for Lisa at the front desk. Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisa's younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little post-fuck tease. The catlike Italian hottie reached back and smeared a...
Group SexWell, I tried to be good. Really I did. I wanted to spare my sister the embarrassment of having her brother subject her to more of his aberrant lifestyle, but I just couldn't help myself. I mean, put any self-respecting teenager who's been doing without for the last half dozen years in bed with two beautiful women and just see what happens. I dare you. What happens is, he thinks he's being clever, and while the sister tries to sleep on the nearby couch he slides under the covers, after an...
She woke up in a cool, dark room. The worst appeared to be over now, all that was left to do was sit and wait. She heard the sound of feet as they walked down the corridor and then a door creak as someone entered the cell. Judging from the size of the silhouette towering above her, she could tell this must be a man. Could it be the one she was supposed to be waiting for? "You there, stand up female and come over here," His voice had a gentle, but commanding tone. She stood up and...
I was telling my five year old her favorite bedtime story, one found only in the Book of Life. “So the Moonlight Angel tired of her abuse and imprisonment and grew more fearful of her fate. She tried to escape the Ogre, running from his cave and leading him on a desperate chase. He caught her just as two of her sister Angels appeared to aid her in battle. They fought well but were hard pressed and the Moonlight Angel received a terrible wound, for the strength of the Ogre was mighty. The...
My angel's story, which she told me during the walk back to the house, was less heart wrenching, but still a tale of sadness and regrets. Her mistakes were largely and indeed nearly entirely of her manufacture; a fact that she was just now coming to realize. The recovery time had provided her with the opportunity for a good deal of reflection and self-examination. Like me, she wasn't entirely happy with what she saw inside herself. Growing up in a life of privilege, she had wanted for...