Angel with a devil inside
- 2 years ago
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Author's note: This is the second part of a two-part series of stories in the fourth semi-annual Jake Rivers Invitational, this one based on country-and-western songs.
This story is based on John Prine's "Angel From Montgomery," as sung by Bonnie Raitt. It picks up after Rosalie, describing her first true love to her recently-heartbroken granddaughter, tells of running off to be with that lover on the Great Plains rodeo circuit.
Apologies for the delay in getting this second part done. I had hoped to have it completed a week or so earlier, before going on a little vacation, but that didn't quite happen.
For awhile, life on the road with Clint was fun and romantic. We followed the circuit all through the Plains, and we did make it up to Cheyenne. I even sent my family back in Montgomery a postcard from the Frontier Days celebration.
Clint was everything I could have hoped for in a lover, and he taught me just about everything I know about sex.
He'd always introduce me as his Angel from Montgomery, so much so that a lot of people called me Angel instead of my real name. I wanted so much to believe in our love as something that would never die, something that would last forever.
I loved that man, and I'd have done anything for him.
After the summer was over, he took me back to Sweetwater, where we stayed in a little trailer on the ranch his folks owned...
That's when the bloom started falling off the rose. I'd already noticed that Clint didn't shy away from the attention of other women. No, sir. He basked in the glow of all the rodeo girls he charmed, even with me standing right there next to him.
I really don't think he could help it, but it pissed me off.
Then, once we got to Sweetwater, we set up housekeeping, and that was when such a practice was considered living in sin. For sure, his family didn't like it, and they looked at me like I was Coonass trash, which I guess I was.
Of course, they didn't mind an extra hand around the barn, especially someone who was as good with horses as I was. So I pitched in, hoping to ingratiate myself into their good graces.
Most Saturday nights, we'd go into town, to some honky-tonk, to drink a few beers and dance, or at least we did for awhile. I got tired of it pretty quickly. I'd never been into that sort of lifestyle before, so I really didn't know how to handle myself.
Soon, Clint was going without me, and often he stayed way past closing time. I'd go on to bed, rather than wait for him. I had a bad feeling I didn't want to know what he was up to.
As the weather turned cold, I started to really get homesick, and I also started to get sick in the mornings.
Everything came to a head one Saturday night a few weeks before Christmas. I knew I was pregnant, and I wanted Clint to commit to me. I hadn't told him yet, but I think he suspected it.
But he got duded up that night and was gone before I had a chance to talk to him about it. I made up my mind that I was going to wait up and have it out with him. Either he was with me, and our baby, or he wasn't.
It was 3 in the morning when I heard him come home. He kind of stumbled in, then he stopped when he saw me sitting on the tiny sofa that was about all the seating there was in the little front room of the trailer.
I could see the smudge of lipstick off to the side of his mouth and as he walked by, looking mighty guilty, he smelled of perfume.
"Was she pretty?" I asked with as much sarcasm as I could muster. Clint was halfway through the door to the bedroom, and he stopped and stared at me hard. I'm pretty sure that was the last thing he expected me to say.
"She was OK, not as pretty as you," he said finally. "But she was there, and you weren't."
"That's your excuse?" I said, my Cajun temper coming to a rapid boil. "You think it's all right to cheat on me just because I don't feel up to goin' to some smoky bar and swilling beer until half past never? Whatever happened to us spendin' time together, just you and me? Goddamn it, Clint, I love you, and you ain't got no call to treat me this way."
"I'm sorry, Rosalie, I..." he started, then turned away and walked into the bedroom. There was nothing he could say that could make it right, and he knew it.
He came right back out and stared at me long and hard, and I knew he'd seen my suitcase sitting on the floor by the bed. I stood up and walked over to the sink in the tiny kitchenette, which afforded the only window in that part of the trailer.
I stared out the little window as the tears started to gush from my eyes. Then, the dam broke and I started sobbing. Clint came over and tried to console me, but I angrily pushed him away.
"Leave me alone!" I said through my sobs, as I dashed toward the door. "Please, just leave me the hell alone!"
I stood out in the cold night for maybe 10 minutes, getting control of my emotions. Everything was haywire in my mind, but one thing I knew: I needed to go home. I wasn't sure what kind of reception I'd get, but I knew it would be better than living like this.
In that moment, I made the decision not to tell him I was pregnant. If he guessed and said something in the short time we had remaining before I left, I wouldn't lie about it, but I wasn't going to volunteer the information.
I thought that if I told him, he'd try to do the "right thing," and get me to marry him, and I had finally realized out that Clint Rouse wasn't the marrying kind.
Oh, I'm sure he'd have tried, but I'd figured him out in that moment of clarity that came from a deep emotional wound, which he'd inflicted on me by coming home with evidence of cheating on his person.
Clint wasn't capable of fidelity. I think I'd known it all along, but I'd been so blinded by love that I couldn't make myself believe in my head what I knew in my heart.
I knew if I married him, I'd be setting myself up for endless heartache. Better to get the heartbreak over with now, in one fell swoop, than to open myself up for pain in small doses, all the time, for however long it took to finally drive me away.
And, trust me, my heart was breaking. I'd given him my heart and soul, even turned my back on my family, and he'd played with my heart, then tossed it away as casually as a smoker tosses aside a cigarette butt.
He was sitting on the sofa nursing a final beer when I came back in the trailer. He looked at me with those deep blue eyes, with an expression that was designed to melt my heart. He'd used it on me before when we'd argued, and I'd always caved in before.
Not this time. I shook my head sadly as I told him how it was going to be.
"I'm catching the bus and going home in the morning," I said. "Either you can take me or your pa can take me or I can walk. But I'm leavin'. This was all a big mistake. I appreciate all you've done, Clint, but it's over. I can't share someone I love, and you obviously don't love me enough to stay away from the whores at the honky-tonk."
"Angel," he started, but I cut him off.
"Don't Angel me," I said sharply. "You know that's what they are. Aw, hell, I'm as big a slut as they are, I guess. I ran off from home for you, so what does that make me."
I could feel the tears and bitterness coming on me again, and this time I let him when he got up off the sofa to hold me and console me.
"You ain't like them at all, Rosalie," he said. "Don't ever sell yourself short like that. You're a hell of a woman, and you're gonna make some cowboy a mighty fine wife someday. But it ain't gonna be me. Hell, I know what I am. I'm a free ramblin' man. I thought I could settle down with you, because I do love you, no matter what you think. You and that baby you got in there need someone who's gonna be around, and I cain't guarantee I'll be there. I got to roam, Angel, and ... Aw, hell, you know how it is."
I stared at him in disbelief.
"You know?" I said.
"Of course, I know," Clint said. "You've put on 10 pounds in the last couple of weeks and you're getting sick in the mornings. What else could it be? Look, Angel. If I really deep down in my heart thought I could settle down and be a proper husband and father, I'd drag you to the Justice of the Peace and we'd get hitched in a heartbeat. But I can't. I know it and you know it. It'd be a waste of time, for both of us."
And that was it. We spent our last night together just holding each other, fully-clothed, then we got up in the morning and drove over to his parents' house. I had some business to attend to with the Rouses before I left.
They were in their church clothes eating breakfast when we came in the kitchen door. As usual, his parents looked at me like I was something the cat dragged in, until I said I was leaving.
"But, see, there's the matter of my pay," I said. "I've worked here for free for a couple of months now, and I need the bus fare to get home. I don't imagine you can just catch a bus from here to Houston on a couple of bucks."
"We didn't exactly put you on the payroll, because you really weren't..." Mr. Rouse started to say when Mrs. Rouse jumped up and interrupted him.
"Come on, dear, we'll take care of that," she said, giving her husband a stern look, which he wisely took under advisement.
Mrs. Rouse, especially, was so eager to be rid of me that she was willing to give me about anything I wanted. I never could figure out where their animosity came from. I worked hard for them and I was never anything but polite in all of my dealings with them.
I followed her back to their study, where she opened the wall safe and pulled out a stack of bills, peeled off a dozen or so, closed the safe and handed the bills to me. There was $1,200 there, which was more money than I'd ever seen in one place.
That incident left a distinct impression on me, especially a few years later when that family in Kansas was murdered, in eerily similar circumstances. Yeah, I read the book. It was kind of creepy, but I read it anyway.
I wondered if the Rouses realized how dangerous it was to keep that kind of money around a house that was fairly isolated as their place was. I'll bet they rethought that policy when they heard about what happened to the Clutters.
We drove into town in silence. Whatever needed to be said had been said the night before. I knew at some level I'd always love him, and that has in fact been the case.
Clint waited there at the bus station in Sweetwater until the bus came, then we embraced before I got on the bus. I swear, he looked like somebody had just run over his favorite puppy dog, and as for me, I cried until well past Abilene.
With all the stops and then the layover in Dallas while I waited for the southbound bus, it took me two days to get to Conroe, where I got off. I hesitated a long time before I made the call for someone to come pick me up.
It was Flo who answered, for which I was eternally grateful. She squealed when she heard my voice.
"Praise Jesus!" she cried when I told her I was home, which surprised me, because I'd never known her to be a particularly religious person. "I'll send your daddy to come pick you up right now."
"Um, Flo, I'd appreciate it if you'd come," I said sheepishly. "I need to talk to you first, woman-to-woman."
"Oh my," she said. "I'll be right along."
Turns out Daddy was righteously pissed at me for leaving like I did, but he cried like a baby when I stepped through the door. I was also gratified to get a heartfelt welcome-home from my little brother and sister, who were both little more than toddlers. They'd missed their Rosie.
Surprisingly, Daddy wasn't angry when Flo told him I was pregnant. Disappointed, yes, but he was just so grateful to have me home safely that he accepted the news with as much grace as I could reasonably expect.
I had done a lot of thinking on the long bus ride home, about my life and about my future. I knew I couldn't stay in Montgomery during my pregnancy, and I really didn't want to stay in Conroe either. Too close to home. I really didn't care what people said about me, but I just didn't want to deal with it until after the baby came.
So after the turn of the new year, I set about finding a cheap apartment and a job in Houston until such time as the baby came. I finally found a little garage apartment in a working-class section on the north side of Houston.
Today, that neighborhood is a high-crime area rife with gangs of various ethnicities, but back then it was a fairly quiet area, and reasonably safe. Daddy found an old Ford for me to drive and I took it to go look for a job.
That turned out to be easier said than done. Not many places were hiring pregnant 19-year-olds, especially when there wasn't a husband in sight. I finally found a job -- irony of ironies -- as a waitress at a tavern a few blocks from my apartment.
It could have been a real nightmare, because the clientele wasn't the best. The place was kind of seedy and it had a few shady characters hanging around that I had to fend off. Fortunately (I guess), the tavern owner, a big middle-aged fellow named Sal, had my back.
Of course, in order to gain his protection I had to sleep with him, which I wasn't real keen on. But it wasn't like it is today, where such a practice would be cause for a lawsuit on the grounds of sexual harassment.
I needed that job, he knew it, and I was willing to do what it took to keep it. He wasn't a bad lover, and he didn't hurt me, which he easily could have. I think he sensed that I'd fight him if pushed too far, and he was a lover not a fighter, although he could hold his own in a scrap.
I put up with it, and there was a part of me that welcomed the intimacy as I came off the rebound from Clint.
But in other ways it served to drive home what I'd lost. Sex with Clint had been an expression of love. Sex with Sal was just part of my job, and I always felt used when it was over...
I was approximately eight months along and starting to really be uncomfortable when tragedy struck. It was in late June when Cameron Parish -- my parents' old home -- was virtually wiped out by Hurricane Audrey.
Out of all of Daddy's and my mother's people, the only ones who survived were my grandmother, my mother's mother, and my mom's sister, Aunt Polly, and her family.
I think Mamere had a sixth sense about what was coming, because literally at the last minute, she decided she wanted to leave, and Polly, her husband and their three kids helped Mamere get out.
Folks down there had never seen a storm like it before, especially that early in the year, and most of them weren't prepared. They thought the sand dunes along the shore would protect them, but the 12-foot storm surge rolled right over the dunes and washed everything away.
Losing so many loved ones in the storm changed my father in ways even my mother's death didn't do. He became very depressed, and took on the attitude that he was like that guy in the old comic strip that always had a rain cloud over his head.
The memories of all of the family he'd lost haunted him until the day he died, and that day wasn't all that far off, as it turned out.
I worked at the tavern almost until the day my water broke one night while I was behind the bar. I called Flo frantically to meet me, then Sal drove me to the hospital, for which I was grateful.
I honestly don't remember a lot about going through labor and Angel's birth; it was all such a blur. But I do remember clearly the sound of Angel's squalls moments after she was born, and the feeling of her squirming body as she was placed in my arms.
I looked down at her and I knew immediately that she was going to favor Clint. What little hair she had was blonde and when she finally opened her eyes, I could see they were sky-blue, unlike my deep brown.
I sent Clint a brief letter, telling him about his daughter and that we were fine, but I never got a response, and I wondered if he even got it. I felt like he would have sent some acknowledgement if he had.
I never went back to the job at the tavern, nor did I return to the dingy little apartment I'd called home through my pregnancy. I look back on that period as a kind of exile I put myself through as punishment for the sin of leaving my family for something as "trivial" as love.
Of course, it wasn't trivial, but I felt like I needed to be alone to try to mend my broken heart and to pay for the pain I put my family through. Something deep in me needed for me to be subtly degraded so I could learn the lessons from my mistake.
And it was certainly degrading to live in that little place, working at a menial, sometimes dehumanizing job -- a job that included barely-consensual sex on the side -- and trying to scrape out a living, all while carrying a growing baby in my belly.
I resolved when I left the hospital with Angel and returned to Montgomery that I would never live like that again. And I haven't.
The first thing I did was work out a rent agreement with Daddy and Flo. I was going to live under their roof again, because it was easier to live there with a newborn baby than to try to find another place. But things would be different this time
Flo was pretty much a full-time mom, although she worked part-time giving riding lessons. But she had my little brother Michael, who was 5 at the time and getting ready to go to school, and my sister Cheryl, who was 3.
So she could watch Angel right along with them when I was working, and conversely, I could watch Mikey and Cherie when Flo needed to get out and work. It was a good arrangement that worked well for the next few years.
As for work, I had made up my mind that I was going to do something I liked for a living, and what I wanted to do was work as a veterinary assistant.
I knew my way around animals, and I had the sense that that was what I wanted to do with my life. I wasn't sure yet exactly how I would accomplish it, but that was my goal, and I bugged the local vet mercilessly until he hired me on.
I also helped Flo with her riding lessons, and got to be quite a good teacher. Before I knew it five years had passed, and my little Angel was getting ready for school.
As the kids got older, Flo's riding school began to become a bigger and more important enterprise, especially after Daddy sold his gas station. His health had begun to fail, and in the spring of 1962, he'd come home with the news that he had lung cancer.
It was still a couple of years before they officially linked cigarettes to cancer, but I didn't need a government study to know smoking was bad for your health. Just listening to Daddy hack and gack -- even before he was diagnosed with cancer -- told me that.
It broke my heart to see him waste away like he did, and to get away from the awful reality of Daddy's condition, Flo and I spent more time at the riding school. And it was in that capacity that I met Jim Wilson.
Flo and I had taken the kids and gone to a livestock auction over in Brenham. She was looking for a couple of horses to add to her stable in order to meet the demand for riding lessons, and we had taken the kids and made a field trip out of it.
Jim was there bidding on some cattle for breeding stock for the ranch where he was working over in the Austin area. His family and Flo's family had long been acquainted, and their paths had crossed at auctions like that many times before.
He was a few years older than me, probably 29 or 30, and he'd been divorced about two years, so I guess Flo thought to play matchmaker. He hung out with us and I found him fun to be around. He was a natural wit, and sharp as a tack.
However, I really didn't think a lot about him after we went back home. I had dated some, and a few of those relationships had turned sexual, but I was being very careful, and all of the guys I dated sort of faded away when Angel started coming into the picture.
I sort of forgot about him until a week or so later when he called out of the blue. He said he was in Conroe and asked if I'd like to have dinner with him. I said yes, so we went to the best steak house in town, and that was the beginning of our relationship.
He never said until long after the fact, that the only reason he'd come to Conroe that Saturday was to call me for a date. I guess he was pretty sure of himself, because he just shrugged his shoulders and chuckled when I asked him what he'd have done if I'd said no.
THE FIRST WEEKEND…Friday seemed to come quickly this week. Angel had spent most of her time working around the house preparing for her absence over the weekend. Her thoughts always seemed to return to the big black man that she had taken into her mouth. The one who would now own her for the weekend. What was going to happen to her? What will she be made to do? Why didn’t Ken seem to care? All he had been doing was working or going over his books. He hadn’t even bothered to ask about...
THE LOAN…Ken was beginning to feel desperate. He needed a short-term loan for a business venture which could more than double his investment. He had tried all the banks, the loan companies, and even some of his friends in hopes of gaining the money that he needed to complete his plans. All without any luck. No one felt that the investment opportunity was worth the risks. He felt broken, down and out. Nowhere to turn. Where could he get the money he so desperately needed? An...
My little AngelEntirely fictitious. Not my story but had to post.Angel was just seven when her mother died. It took a long time for both of us to adjust to the void in our lives but it also brought us closer together. We became more than just father and daughter, we were best friends. Now, at 17, Angel was becoming a beautiful young woman, slim and blonde like me but with her mother's quick smile. She was even beginning to show signs of her mother's voluptuous figure.A few weeks ago I took...
I enjoy reading other authors writings on the Medallion of Zulo, so... I thought I would take a "stab" at one. Instead of focusing on the story like others, I wondered what would happen if an adult that used Zulo was suddenly transformed into a very young baby... less than a month old? Would they be able to retain all their knowledge when they reverted back? This story is what I think could happen. Angel By Anon Allsop The pendant laid dormant in the plastic baggie next to my...
Then we grabbed our things & went back out to the car. The girls got in asCarl & me put the bags in the trunk this time Carl also put Beckys blouse intheir bag while I put Angels skirt & blouse in ours. All the girls had in thecar to wear was their coats.As we were getting close to the freeway I handed each girl a vibrator & toldthem to put them in their cunts. I then instructed them that they had to leavethese in their cunts for the whole ride to Reno & whenever a trucker...
©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** Angel had been following the flagstone path for two days now. Not to long ago she saw a tall castle on a mountaintop in the distance. Bright flags flew from tall towers set in high-buttressed walls. She wondered who would live there and if they would know how she could get home. By now, her tits had stopped growing. They were now an enticing ‘C’ cup...
This story is a sequel to one of my first stories here on Fictionmania, Angel was a sad medallion story about the misuse of the Medallion of Zulo. In the earlier story, Angel was changed into an infant, forcing her husband Ray to move on with his life raising Angel as his daughter. While it isn't 100% necessary to read Angel, it is short enough to get you into the characters and provide you with a background for this story. While the first one was somewhat rushed, I feel this story...
Angel stared like a mesmerised rabbit at the length of black cock bobbing in front of her eyes. Her heart quaked with fear and disgust, and weakness. Igwe wanted her to suck his cock, and her stomach churned with the horror of it. She was losing the argument and she knew it! Igwe was not accepting her refusal. Not accepting that she had the right to say No! Her husband would never treat her like this. He had more respect for her! Igwe wanted his cock sucked, and what Igwe wanted Igwe got. He...
Introduction: This is based on a true story This story is based on a true story, honest to God. Of course some of the details are embellished in order to make it more interesting. I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 52 with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. Shes not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style,...
I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties. Not only am I lucky...
I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties.Not only am I lucky because my wife Angel...
Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...
CHAPTER ONEMy life changed at the tender age of fifteen. Just fifteen, and since then, I have never actually looked back or regretted what happened. Had my mother known, she would have raised hell, but she never found out. I certainly wasn’t going to tell her. I valued living a little more than that.I had wanted something we couldn’t really afford. It was a dress for the school party the following week. I had been begging for this particular dress for weeks, and was no nearer getting it. My...
The final events that led up to our NEXT Reno trip a few weeks later...After everyone left early that afternoon we finally went to bed to SLEEP forawhile before heading home that night. We had rented the room for the wholenight but we had already decided to go home Sunday night so that Becky couldgo to work on Monday.We all woke up about 7:30 pm. The girls then laid out their clothes to wearfor the ride home, or at least to wear until they were IN our car. They bothlaid out what they had worn...
A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel roomAfter the girls got cleaned up from their afternoon of fun at the Adult boutiquethey then got dressed to go to dinner & then to go down to gamble & pickup someguys to bring back later to gangbang them.Becky this time wore her new sheer black blouse. It was sheerer than her otherblouse so her tits were a bit easier to see too. Also she again wore her zipdown skirt with it zipped to just below her cunt.Angel however wore her new VERY sheer...
We got up about 7:00am on the 2nd day. We went out & had the girls startbreakfast for us as us guys woke up the boys. Angel & Becky cooked pancakes &eggs for us today. It did look kind of cute seeing them naked with pancakebatter on their tits. After breakfast we headed down to the river & our dredge to get startedfor today. The 1st thing the girls did was to rinse the batter off themselves.Then they each took their place beside the sluice box & started clearing...
Knock knock“Come in!” he calls from his office.Angel walks in heels clicking on the floor as she does, he knows it’s her so doesn’t even both to look up to greet her.“Boss, you're going to be late. You have your ten o’clock meeting in five minutes. I have your pad, pen and notes for the meeting,” she informs Paul, her manager of five years.Angel is his PA and she takes her job very seriously. Angel has always enjoyed being a personal assistant, it fits with her submissive side but also to her...
BDSMANGEL DELIGHT YEAR 1999 - LATTER HALF OF BUFFY SEASON 3 - JUST AFTER THE FIRST AMERICAN PIE MOVIE It was almost a week since Michelle Flaherty had arrived in Sunnydale. Or more exactly, awoke in Sunnydale. One night she went to sleep in band camp. The next, she woke up all alone in a strange lonely house. At first she was very disconcerted to be in a strange place. But when Buffy Summers turned up that same morning to see 'Willow', Michelle realised that she was in Willow Rosenberg's...
Thursday morning we got up about 6:45 & headed out of the tent to get up theboys & have the girls fix us breakfast. However, 1 of the boys was already UP.He said he had been dreaming about Angel & as soon as she walked out of thetent he bent her over & started fucking her. He was still fucking her as wewoke up the rest of the boys. When the boys saw Angel being fucked they allstarted getting horny too. 1 of them dropped his pants & had Angel suck on himwhile 2 more boys bent...
A woman living in a house with three men -- three brothers, in fact -- could be considered one lucky bitch or a whore. It all depended on who you asked. To most people, the brothers were lucky bastards to be sharing a house with a woman — especially if she put out to all three. Living with three young, virile males between the ages of twenty-six and thirty was a nymphomaniac's dream come true and Angel was living it. When she rented a room from the guys three years earlier, it was purely...
Spanking"Please," Angel begged, "let me go." "Let you go? Why would I do that, when I prefer you at my mercy." "I don't know what you want, I just want–" Damian snapped his hand up to her throat, cutting her sentence off. He enjoyed the feeling of her choking against his palm. It gave him a strong feeling of power, and he could feel the bulge in his pants growing larger. As he released his grip, Angel gasped for breath. Damian tightened the chains around Angel's wrist, hoisting her...
A night of Gangbanging the girls in our hotel room - The REST of this story...When we got back to our room we saw that the party inside was going in fullsteam. Becky was on 1 bed with 3 guys servicing her, 1 in each hole. The otherwife was on the other bed being DPed by just 2 guys. All the rest of the guyswere standing around them playing with either their tits or their butts. Ithen put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door too. However, we did not getany ice in those ice buckets.I told Angel...
Angel Flashing & Fucking Truckers Angel loved to flash truckers & finally got the chance to fuck a few.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you look at Angel's pictures you will see a few of her riding over theyears flashing herself while riding around. She started off just flashing her titties to truck drivers many years ago.As she got a little braver she flashed more & more nudity to them & anyoneelse high enough to see in to our...
Angel My SlavePROLOGUEI met my slave Angel on the net and we shared Master and slave fantasies for along while before we finally met in person, she is beautiful and with a very sexy body. 5 ft. 9 in., 125 lb., 36C-24-36, long blonde hair with just a hint of red and soft green eyes. When we met for the first time, I seduced her immediately turning her into my obedient sex slave over night, using her tall slender body as I wished and as often as I wanted for what ever pleased me.Angel was the...
After a long & stressful half a year this get away was just what was needed. Negril Jamaica could not be a better spot for hot sun, sandy beaches, warm nights with cool breezes and not to mention hot exotic men! All the elements needed to take your mind and body to a different world. You, Angel & Myself decided to pool some $$$ together & take an awesome end of summer vacation. We found a reasonably priced resort on the western side of the island. Nothing but 4 days & 5 nights...
Wednesday morning we figured we would kind of give the girls a break somewhat &Carl & George cooked breakfast for all of us. Nothing fancy, just pancakes &eggs. While they were cooking breakfast I told the girls to get down on theirhands & knees & go around & give the guys a blowjob while we were waiting forbreakfast & while us guys were eating they could finish the job on whoever hadnot yet been sucked off. I also told them that if they were still hungry...
Tuesday morning we told Angel & Becky to cook us some bacon & eggs forbreakfast. We had 5 pounds of bacon & 3 dozen eggs for them to cook. Since thegirls were naked they were also going to get splattered with lots of HOT bacongrease as they cooked this breakfast. Both girls were squealing almostconstantly as hot grease splattered their cunts & tits while they cooked too.Actually this cooking platform was a bit low, so MOST of the hot splatters hittheir cunt area too. By the time...
Introduction: Steven fucks Lisa on top of her sister. I left a hotel key for Lisa at the front desk. Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her younger sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisas younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little...
Hours later, around midnight, she swiped the key and walked through the sitting area. Greeted by warm den-dim light, she halted in the bedroom doorway. A fuck-nasty sight made her visibly shudder. Her younger sister, Loretta-the vivacious, nineteen-year-old, dream-bodied kitten-pawed on all fours on the king sized bed. Lisa's younger sister ground her fabulous ass in the air-a little post-fuck tease. The catlike Italian hottie reached back and smeared a thick film of my glistening...
Laura and Angel had been friends since Laura moved to the area a few months earlier. They had met through work and became fast friends. Both Angel and I had been attracted to her since we had met her. She was 25, short only about 5 feet tall, skinny, but with lovely big tits. She had big brown eyes and mouse brown hair and a beautiful smile. Not only that but a lovely girl smart and funny. Angel had asked her to join us in a threesome but she didn’t want to as she was only interested in Angel...
Introduction: cat in hat Angel 2 This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************* Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. Who are you? She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. I thought everybody knew that. He said. Im the Stripped Tailed Cat. He said waving his tail proudly. Most just call me Stripe....
More fun in the Adult Sex Boutique with a fucking machine in AngelNow Judy came back again & asked if she could let Angel try another new thingshe had recently got in so I said "OK'. She came back with a fucking machine.This thing had interchangeable attachments. 1 of them was a double dildo with1 about 10X4 & the other about 9X3. I told her to use this 1 on Angel with thebig dildo in her cunt & the other in her asshole. We extended the arm on thisfully & then pushed it up to...
Friday morning we got up a bit after 7:00 & went out to wake the girls & theboys. However it turned out we did not have to wake them ALL up. Angel wasawake with 2 boys double fucking her cunt together. She said they had woke herup about 10 minutes earlier when 1 of the boys just uncovered her & startedfucking her. When the 2nd boy wanted to join in the 1st boy just rolled herover & the other boy shoved his cock in her as well. That was about 5 minutesago & they were hotly...
She raised her eyes to his. Immediately, her pupils dilated more, until the black nearly obliterated the icy blue. Her nostrils flared, and a soft sigh escaped her lips. The tension in her legs abated, and she actually leaned back a little more, and widened them Yes. “Touch yourself,” he hissed. “I want to see you pleasure yourself.” Another breathy whimper passed through her plump lips, as her fingers dipped into her wet slit. Her back arched, and her eyes closed to glittering slits. Her feet...
SupernaturalThat was her name, Angel, the meanest woman on Earth. She had made a fortune trafficking in women, children and drugs but had not caught our attention until she began to traffic in weapons. Angel was a public figure, heiress to a fortune, the public had no idea what her foreign ‘charities’ were. Her local charities were legitimate and her city of Marseilles very much loved her. She had as good a cover as one could have. I was a private contractor for various international government agencies,...
© This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************* Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. “Who are you?” She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. “I thought everybody knew that.” He said. “I’m the Stripped Tailed Cat.” He said waving his tail proudly. “Most just call me Stripe. See how long my tail...
Last week Angel had walked in on Karly when she was in the bathroom. Karly had always been very shy around Angel. Now Angel could see why. Angel had a secret. And seeing Karly standing up to pee, with a dick between her legs… well Angel was very surprised.Karly looked up, shocked. “Hey!” she tried to turn away. Hoping Angel hadn’t seen her secret. But it was too late. Angel stared in shock. “Is that what I think it is? Angel said. A smile spreading across her face.Karly was embarrassed. “What...
A few weeks after the girls & us guys had our week of mining fun Carl, Becky,Angel & me got together on Friday evening to play pinochle again.Angel & me had rode down to their house for this. As usual all Angel wore forthe ride was a zipped down short skirt & a sheer blouse. This was partlybecause she liked dressing like this anyway when we went for a drive, but italso was because she knew that as soon as we got to Carl & Beckys she had toget naked anyway. During the drive...
About 9:00 the 2 of the last 4 boys came up & said the last 2 boys were gettingtheir cocks sucked clean finally. So some of us went back over to let the girlsdown out of the trees. In 1 way or the other they had been hanging there forabout 7 hours by then. As we got close I saw that dad & 1 of the sons were nowgetting 3rds in Angel & Becky & the other son had Angel sucking his cock, so wewaited for them to finish. This meant that all together this session the girlshad each been...
At the time I met Angel I was 29, average, if a bit sexually wild, and fairly cute, but when I met Angel little did I know just how wild my sex life could get. I first met Angel when she was a very ripe looking 15 year old neighbor of mine. I used to see her coming home from school and I couldn't help notice how very sexy she was. I thought she was much older than she was. She always dressed very sexily, and unless it was freezing out you could count on her wearing a miniskirt, revealing top,...
©This is a fantasy; any resemblance to real people and places is coincidental. ****************************************************************** Angel spent nearly three weeks with Snow and the Dwarves. She helped Snow clean house and was learning to cook. Often while the little men were away working, the girls amused themselves with lesbian frolics. They got more and more intense as time past. The dwarves were at the mine while Snow and Angel cuddled. They were laying in the shade near...
Jennifer Angel patiently sat back on her heels. I was lost in my reverie. Eventually, coming back to the present, I found myself looking into Angel's adoring eyes, surrounded by her halo of platinum hair.I smiled at her as I said gently, "I guess that stuff goes with us as well, Angel. See to it, please."Angel sprang to her feet, pulling a capacious Zero Halliburton wheeled metal case from behind the office door. She was carefully stacking the laptop, disks, and journals in the case, as I...
New porn stars are cropping up all of the time. Angel Youngs isn’t exactly fresh on the scene, but she has recently blown up in popularity. Her cute face, perfect tits, and bubbly personality are all I need to hose my bedroom down in cum.Tail DetailAngel Youngs was born on March 8th, 1999, in the growing Austin, Texas, area. As of 2023, that makes her 23 years young. She is five foot five, petite, and has a little bubble butt. Angel is neither married nor has a boyfriend. More on that point,...
Twitter Porn AccountsAngel DID enjoy being hung up & restrained, but not quite like in the modified pictures I posted of her. She did NOT like her weight hanging by her arms & legs.------------------------------------he living room in our home had a large ( 6 inch ) beam across the centerbecause we had a 2 story home & this bore the weight across the living room.In order to hang Angel from it I went out & bought a playground replacementswing. The kind with a leather seat & chains. Also I bought...
As usual we got up Saturday morning about 7:00am & went out to see how thegirls were. We had told the boys before going to bed NOT to fuck them thismorning. As soon as we got to them we took the blankets off of them & got agood look at their naked backs & exposed asses. Man were they kind of cute tosee in a way too. Both Angel & Becky were covered with nice red welts & a fewdried cuts on their backs & butts. We untied them from the tables as they wokeup & allowed...
When we got to the edge of town we let the girls sit up & put their coats onbut they still had to leave them wide open with everyything visible. Just whenwe got off the freeway I told the girls to button 1 middle button on theircoats. When we got to Valet parking I told the girls they could button 1 morebutton AFTER they got out of the car. They did still need to give the valetthat helped us a good view of them & anyone else there could have 1 too ifpossible.When the valet opened the...
After dinner we all sat in the living room having what my mother liked to call cocktails. Really it was wine, beer and for my father, vodka and tonic. We were situated around the room comfortably, my mom and dad on the loveseat, my brother Brian, Diane and then Josh on the couch. Josh’s wife, Emily, was sitting in the overstuffed leather chair (on account of her bulging stomach) and Johanna and I were sitting on the floor against the fireplace, directly across from the sofa. Everyone seemed to...
Angel Prez is my wife's newest cunt lapping bitch. Angel is 32yrs a body that would give a 80yrs man a hard-on. she was in a dress shop buying a new dress for a party for her husband' new job. Kat my wife seen her go in and up to her old tricks acted like a sales cleck and soon had Angel naked in the try-on room, Angel never had a chance and soon was eating her first pussy. Kat keep her well fucked over the next two months they were together three days a week. Kat and her 11" strap-on...
Angel was a princess. After all, her mother was a queen. Although of humble origins, the Queen had lots of beauty, money, and influence, so she could play the role. And play it she did. Opulence was her middle name, in their home, her dress, and her child’s upbringing. Although not planned, Angel was welcomed anyway. She was beautiful and bright. Her parents were opportunists and saw this child as fitting into their plans. They loved only themselves and saw their marriage as a mutually...
My first story. Hope you enjoy it. No copying or whole or part please. Comments welcome. Angel The buxom brunette giggled as the dice were rubbed against her ample breasts and gave her goose bumps. He whispered in her ear and she blushed as he tossed the cubes. "Snake eyes! - The shooter looses." "Shit! - Not again!" swore Angelo. She kissed him gently on the cheek and whispered back to him, "So long honey. It's been fun but your streak is over and I'm outa...
Angel Adams moved into the house next door to where I lived with her parents, two younger brothers and dog Grant just before my senior year in high school in He fall or autumn of 1961. Blonde almost as tall as my six foot frame Angel had deep blue eyes an elfin smile, large breasts with flat tummy and long legs and was good at sports unlike myself. At that time having been bullied for years I was still low on confidence and couldn,t summon up the courage to even ask a girl out on a date....
Domenic: Hello, dear. Angel: Hello. Domenic: How r u doing? Angel: I’m good. I’m a bit turned on, tho. Domenic: Oh? Angel: Yeah. Y else would i b here? That made me laugh. This girl was clever. We talked for a few more minutes then roleplayed some hot sex scenes that made me marvel at how intense this girl could be. She loved name calling and rough sex and toys of all kinds. By the time she was ready to finish my cock was harder than it’d ever been in my entire life. We both came at...
© This is fantasy; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************** The walls surrounding the city were tall and thick, festooned with many colorful flags and pinions in celebration of high summer. At the main gate crowds of people and odd animals milled around waiting to enter. The city guards were women dressed in parade armor. They wore small polished helmets with tight bronze breastplates that held their...
I was so nervous that day. Walking quickly to the flower shop. My mind racing with so many different thoughts.What if she wasn't there today? No she was always there! What if she didn't have time to talk today? No she always made time to talk! What if she didn't want to hear what I had to say to her? I needed to stop thinking and just get to her shop.As I rounded the corner and the shop came into sight I stopped dead in my tracks and almost turned and ran the other way! My heart was pounding so...
Straight SexThe sun rose on Wednesday just like it always does. The sky looked different. A front had rolled through and it would rain soon. Ben and Erin woke together and kissed gently. It quickly went beyond that bringing on a lot of passion until Ben rolled on top of her and pushed into her pussy. He fucked her tight pussy for many long minutes until they came together gasping from their orgasms. He rolled off her onto his back and she went to suck his cock clean. There was a light knock on the door...
Chapter Eleven Davariel kissed the top of Devon’s head through the hood that covered him from everyone’s view. He held his son, although he was securely strapped onto his chest, while Luciel carried Lucien, who tended to be fussier. The soft grey hood on Davariel’s own head covered him well, but he was still nervous. The thought of what would happen if anyone were to gaze upon him made him tremble in fear. He remembered as a child accompanying the High Priestess, Alya, to the market one sunny...
SupernaturalAngel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...
The winter is so long and dreary that I really love the outdoors once the temperature rises enough that I can get outside during my days. It's not as if I didn't have enough to fill my days inside, what with my research and writing. I'm an author by trade, you see, having been successfully published a lucky 13 times so far. So I kind of set my own work schedule and sometimes, like early spring when it is warm enough to get out, the schedule is really flexible. Some days I just walk around...