- 4 years ago
- 46
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After dinner we all sat in the living room having what my mother liked to call cocktails. Really it was wine, beer and for my father, vodka and tonic. We were situated around the room comfortably, my mom and dad on the loveseat, my brother Brian, Diane and then Josh on the couch. Josh’s wife, Emily, was sitting in the overstuffed leather chair (on account of her bulging stomach) and Johanna and I were sitting on the floor against the fireplace, directly across from the sofa. Everyone seemed to be talking to each other and carrying on their own conversations. Josh looked at me.
“So,” he said. “How have you been?”
“Okay for the most part.” I smiled. “I see you’ve been busy.” I said nodding to Emily.
He smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, well, things happen.”
“So it seems.” I paused. “When did you get married?”
“Four months ago. It was a small ceremony, just our parents.”
I thought about this for a moment and then looked over at Emily. Well, I thought, she is more than 4 months pregnant. I looked back at Josh and he nodded his head.
“Yeah, it was a pre-honeymoon baby. Kinda happened I guess.”
“Uh-huh.” I looked down at my chipping nail polish and tried not to be hurt. Inside I was fuming, although I had no right to be, I mean after all I wasn’t here, but it still stung to see my first love married to someone else and her pregnant with his child. I sighed.
“Well, I am going to the kitchen to refill.” I said waving my glass. “Does anyone want anything?”
No one seemed interested so I stood and stepped over Johanna’s legs to walk to the kitchen. I saw out of the corner of my eye Josh getting up to follow me, but before he made it to the door, Emily grabbed his arm.
“Grab me a glass of juice would you?” She asked of him sweetly. He took her glass and nodded. She smiled and returned her attention to Jo, telling her of her baby name choices. I wanted to gag.
I made it to the refrigerator and opened it to retrieve the bottle of wine stashed in the door and I felt hands around my waist and a breath on my neck.
“God, I’ve missed you Angel.” Josh said into my hair. I stood still for a moment, deciding what to do. “I’ve missed you so much. You have no idea what it is like here without you.”
“Sure. And I guess Emily just happened to keep you company while pinning away for me huh?” I said sarcastically.
“Angel, it was a mistake. She said she was on Birth Control. How was I supposed to know?”
“Duh. Wear a fucking condom.” I snapped back, stepping away from him and closing the door to the fridge.
“I know. I know! It was stupid. I was stupid. But this happened and my mother and especially her father wanted us to get married for the sake of the baby. I didn’t want to do it. Honest.”
He stepped so he was in front of me, a hand on either side of my body, leaning on the counter. I held my glass with my left hand with my right crossed across my middle.
“Let me go.” I said
“Listen Angel, I need you.”
”What you need to do is let me go before your wife walks in here.”
“She won’t. Plus, I want to spend some time with you.”
I sighed. This was going nowhere. I had two choices: put him off or listen to what he had to say. I figured that he was going to say what he wanted anyway, so I might as well go with it.
“You never wanted to spend time with me before. I mean, all I was to you was a good fuck when you didn’t have a girlfriend and sometimes even when you did. I liked you Josh. I think I loved you at one point, but I am done now. Done. I have moved on, have my own life and you have yours. Don’t do this to me, or to you.”
“You don’t know what its like. She’s a bitch. We never fuck anymore. She sits on her ass while I work for her goddamn father. She complains and bitches about everything. When we do have sex, she’s like a fucking fish. Just lies there. I need you. I need to feel you again.” He nuzzled my ear and whispered, “I need to cum with you Angel. Just like old times.”
I leaned my head to the side and closed my eyes. God that felt good. Josh always had an effect on me, and he knew how to use his power on me. I moaned softly. “Yes.”
“Yes, Angel. You know you want me. Just like I want you. Need you.” He stressed the words. “I need to feel you.”
“Yes.” I said again, my body betraying me.
“Okay. Tonight, meet me at the old barn up the hill. You know the one. With the loft.”
“That old thing is still there?”
“Yes, Meet me there at 11. Don’t tell anyone you are meeting me. Just be there.” He kissed my mouth hard, darting his tongue into my mouth swiftly. “Please be there.”
“What about her?” I asked, nodding towards the living room.
“She’s asleep by 9 for sure. I’ll stay up doing some work I brought from the office. I do it all the time. She won’t have a clue.”
I bit my lip for a second and then took a swig from my glass. I sighed. “Fine.” I said, “I’ll be there.”
Josh’s eyes lit up. “You won’t regret it, I promise.”
He turned back to the fridge and I walked to the living room, reclaiming my seat next to Johanna. I never regretted being with Josh and some small part of me wanted to be with him again.
Before it got to late, Diane Hart left with a promise to stop by tomorrow to take me and Johanna shopping for some ‘real’ clothes. Obviously our city clothes weren’t to hip in our small town in PA. Moments later Josh and Emily rose and headed for the door as well.
“It was so nice to meet you finally,” Emily said to me after she gave me a hug good-bye. “I have heard so much about you. Angel this and Angel that. Its nice to put a face with a personality.”
I smiled, not sure of what to say. “Same here.” I said, because that was the first thing to pop into my head. She walked out the door ahead of Josh and when he hugged me goodnight he whispered again, “Be there.”
I pulled away and smiled and nodded slightly. He left after saying good-bye to my mother and Jo. With the door finally closed Jo looked at me.
“Holy Shit. You weren’t kidding!” She said. “He is one hot guy!”
I smiled. “Yup. He’s not too bad to look at.”
”Not bad? He is a fucking god as far as I’m concerned.” She paused. “Too bad he’s married.”
“Who said that had anything to do with it?” I said.
“You have got to be kidding me. Do you think he would go for that?”
“He is the one who asked me.”
“Are you kidding? Are you going to do it?”
“Yeah, why the fuck not? I’m entitled. And besides, his wife is a bitch he said.”
Johanna frowned. “I thought she was pretty nice.”
“Well, whatever. I am meeting him tonight at our old playground of sorts. Will you be okay here by yourself for a few hours?”
“Me? Hell ya. I am going to take a long hot bath in the huge bathtub and chill out for a while. This is my goddamn vacation and I want to enjoy it.”
“Okay, but only if you are sure. I don’t want to like dump you for a guy or anything.”
“Please. This isn’t 3rd grade.” Johanna said. “I’ll live. I just want to hear every detail.”
At 20 of 11 I stepped out the backdoor and into the cool night. The dew had already started settling into the grass and it made my feet wet. Small puffs of air could be seen each time I exhaled, but evaporated almost instantly.
I took the trail through the woods, which was worn from years of my brother and I running with our friends to the old barn with the loft. When we were younger, we begged to have a tire swing put in and eventually my father made it out there and put one up. Of course this meant hay had
to be placed in a pile so we could jump off into, but I think it was done so my father knew we weren’t going to kill ourselves. 15 minutes later I breached the hill and saw the gleam of the roof from the reflection of the moon. I jogged the rest of the way into the opening and into the barn.
“Hello?” I whispered softly. I glanced around, hoping nothing was going to jump out at me.
“You came.” Josh said from the corner of the barn. He walked towards me. He was bare-chested and my breath caught.
“I’m so glad.” He said, closer now so that he was able to take my head into Ü¥e
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After dinner we all sat in the living room having what my mother liked to call cocktails. Really it was wine, beer and for my father, vodka and tonic. We were situated around the room comfortably, my mom and dad on the loveseat, my brother Brian, Diane and then Josh on the couch. Josh’s wife, Emily, was sitting in the overstuffed leather chair (on account of her delicate situation) and Johanna and I were sitting on the floor against the fireplace, directly across from the sofa. Everyone seemed to be talking to each other and carrying on their own conversations. Josh looked at me.
“So,” he said. “How have you been?”
“Okay for the most part.” I smiled. “I see you’ve been busy.” I said nodding to Emily.
He smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, well, things happen.”
“So it seems.” I paused. “When did you get married?”
“3 months ago. It was a small ceremony, just our parents.”
I thought about this for a moment and then looked over at Emily. Well, I thought, she is more than 3 months pregnant. I looked back at Josh and he nodded his head.
“Yeah, it was a pre-honeymoon baby. Kinda happened I guess.”
“Uh-huh.” I looked down at my chipping nail polish and tried not to be hurt. Inside I was fuming, although I had no right to be, I mean after all I wasn’t here, but it still stung to see my first love married to someone else and her pregnant with his child. I sighed.
“Well, I am going to the kitchen to refill.” I said waving my glass. “Does anyone want anything?”
No one seemed interested so I stood and stepped over Johanna’s legs to walk to the kitchen. I saw out of the corner of my eye Josh getting up to follow me, but before he made it to the door, Emily grabbed his arm.
“Grab me a glass of juice would you?” She asked of him sweetly. He took her glass and nodded. She smiled and returned her attention to Jo, telling her of her baby name choices. I wanted to gag.
I made it to the refrigerator and opened it to retrieve the bottle of wine stashed in the door and I felt hands around my waist and a breath on my neck.
“God, I’ve missed you Angel.” Josh said into my hair. I stood still for a moment, deciding what to do. “I’ve missed you so much. You have no idea what it is like here without you.”
“Sure. And I guess Emily just happened to keep you company while pinning away for me huh?” I said sarcastically.
“Angel, it was a mistake. She said she was on birth control. How was I supposed to know?”
“Duh. Wear a fucking condom.” I snapped back, stepping away from him and closing the door to the fridge.
“I know. I know! It was stupid. I was stupid. But this happened and my mother and especially her father wanted us to get married for the sake of the baby. I didn’t want to do it. Honest.” He stepped so he was in front of me, a hand on either side of my body, leaning on the counter. I held my glass with my left hand with my right crossed across my middle.
“Let me go.” I said.
“Listen Angel, I need you.”
”What you need to do is let me go before your wife walks in here.”
“She won’t. Plus, I want to spend some time with you.”
I sighed. This was going nowhere. I had two choices: put him off or listen to what he had to say. I figured that he was going to say what he wanted anyway, so I might as well go with it.
“You never wanted to spend time with me before. I mean, all I was to you was a good fuck when you didn’t have a girlfriend and sometimes even when you did. I liked you Josh. I think I loved you at one point, but I am done now. Done. I have moved on, have my own life and you have yours. Don’t do this to me, or to you.”
“You don’t know what its like. She’s a bitch. We never fuck anymore. She sits on her ass while I work for her goddamn father. She complains and bitches about everything. When we do have sex, she’s like a fucking fish. Just lies there. I need you. I need to feel you again.” He nuzzled my ear and whisperehis hands. He kissed me softly, and I swayed on my feet. “God I miss that.” He sighed. I pulled away to look at him. I wanted to hit him, yell at him, anything to let him know how mad I was at him for all those years he toyed with me.
“Why did you ask me here?” I asked.
“Why? Because I wanted to see you. Alone.”
“But why? I mean, when I left here, moved to Baltimore you didn’t seem to care.”
”I know, I know.” He moved back so he was sitting on the bale of hay.
“It seemed to me that every time you came back to me, every time we had sex, I thought ‘this is it. We are going to be together now’. And every time, you’d find a new Barbie doll girlfriend.”
“Angel, it was more complicated than that.” He sighed, and reached for my hand. Obediently, my feet moved toward him, standing now between his legs. “It couldn’t have worked. You father would have killed me if he knew.”
”My father has nothing to do with this. It was your deal, not mine. I…” I trailed off, biting my lip.
“You what?”
“I loved you. I would have done anything you asked. Since we were kids, I wanted to be something to you. The day in my basement, I thought that was the beginning. You took my virginity and then left. Just left.”
“Angel, baby, I didn’t mean to do it that way. It happened. I am not sorry it happened, but I did want you. I did like you. I do like you.”
“Josh, what do you want really? I don’t think I should be here.” I said and tried to pull away. Instead of letting go, Josh leaned against me, pressing his cool face against my stomach. I felt his breath through my shirt. He wrapped his hands around my back, starting to caress my ass.
“I want you Angel, right now. Please, let me have you.” He asked, nuzzling against me, his hands lifting my shirt in the back.
“No, Josh. I can’t let you do that to me again. It will be too much when I have to leave.” I sighed as I felt his hand creep up to my breasts. I closed my eyes.
“Oh yes, Angel, you can. You want to.” He said sliding my shorts low on my hips, caressing with his thumbs as he went.
I rested my hands on the top of his head, letting him explore my now more womanly body with his. He lifted my shirt in the front, kissing me softly on my stomach, trailing his tongue lower, and nipping at the waistband of my cotton shorts. Lost in a world of sensation, I allowed Josh to lower them, and he kissed feverishly as he went.
The shorts dropped below my ass, exposing my shaved pussy. I heard Josh inhale deeply, and he looked up to me and smiled.
“Goddamn, Angel. You have really grown up.” He followed this statement by rubbing his fingers over my slit, and I felt a heat radiate from between my legs. I let out a soft breath. He continued to tease the outside, never penetrating, but playing the outer lips and center until I felt I was going to cum right then. Slowly Josh slid one long finger into my fold and I let out a moan, instinctively arching into his hand.
“See Angel,” he said moistening a second finger for penetration. “You need this. You need to feel my
cock in you.”
I nodded, urging him with my hips to continue. Slowly he twirled his fingers in my juices, pulsing slowly in and out, using his thumb now on my clit, building me up to frenzy. I griped his shoulders, afraid to fall over if I didn’t support myself.
“Cum for me Angel. I want to feel you cum on my fingers. Yeah, that’s good. You like that huh? My fingers in your pussy, making you cum. You feel so good!” Josh said, quickening his pace, when I began to moan loudly. I rocked against him, wanting my orgasm hard and brutal. My legs began to shake and tense as it started, each second better then the one before until I finally subsided.
Josh stood up and slipped my shirt over my head and easily unsnapped my bra. My breasts were instantly crushed to his chest, as his mouth came down on mine for a kiss. I could taste my juices on his lips, and loved every second of it. I rubbed my hands over his shoulders and back, feeling the muscles he had accumulated over the years. I slipped down to his jeans and eagerly undid the leather belt. I next unbuttoned the fly and unzipped it. His hard cock erupted into my hands.
Hurriedly, Josh pulled away and pulled his jeans off his hips and stepped out of them. He had to take off his sandals to get the cuffs off, and did so with ease. Standing naked in front of me I realized fully how much he had grown too. His abs were chiseled and cut, defined shoulders and large arms matched his easily 230 pound body. A trail of light colored hair trailed from his navel to groin, almost invisible in the dark barn. His erect penis bobbled when he stood upright.
Quickly, I shed the rest of my clothes, standing almost shyly in front of him. My nipples were erect mostly from the chilly air, but mostly from arousal. My hands wandered down my flat stomach, lightly skimming my hips and thighs. My salon induced tan looked deep in the waning moon, but Josh looked at me through liquid eyes.
“My god Angel…You are beautiful. I don’t remember you this way.” Josh said.
Suddenly embarrassed, I crossed my hands over my chest, like I did when I was 16. “I don’t think we were ever naked together.” I said. “We always did it with mostly clothes on, my skirt hiked just enough to get your dick wet.” Josh turned a deep shade of red, embarrassed it seemed at the thought of his behavior those years ago.
“I’m sorry Angel,” He said, pressing himself close to me again. “Please, let me feel you. I need to feel you around me.” Kissing me deeply, he moved my body with his closer to the bale of hay. His hand roamed over my naked body and I could feel the dew begin to settle around us. I wasn’t cold at all and the heat was radiating between our bodies.
Josh sat, pulling me with him, hiking my leg up to straddle him. I could feel his prick at the center of our bodies and the hard mass was pressing against me. I pulled away from out kiss and positioned myself over his cock. With my left hand I held his dick and guided it in side me. I settled around him, slowly dropping my pussy down. I winced from him stretching me, filling me inch my glorious inch.
When I got all of him in, I paused and smiled. “I don’t remember you this big.” I said.
“I don’t think I ever felt anything so tight as your pussy.” He said back. Leaning over, he took a freed breast into his mouth, taking over the erect nipple, flicking his tongue back and forth over it while I started to ride him. Holding onto me, his large arms and strong hands guided my body up and down his shaft, bouncing me over and over.
I held onto his chest, grinding my pussy against him, wanting him deeper and deeper. My breath was ragged and deep, and soon my breaths turned to moans. Rhythmically he fucked me, seemingly driving deeper and deeper each time. Slowing, I started to protest, but he shushed me, lifting me, still impaled on his rod. Walking a few feet to the one of the barn walls, he leaned me against the old quilt that was hanging there.
“Hold on,” he said pointing above to the tack rack above my head. Obediently I did, stretching a little to get a good grip. He held just below my hands, allowing him to propel him self into me. He stared to slowly work his cock in and out, bouncing my tities with each thrust. He began to increase speed, and he gritted his teeth.
He slammed into me over and over, driving his thick cock into me again and again. The barn was filled with my screams and his occasional grunt. He moved his hands down to my ass, and began an assault on my pussy that I have never felt. All his strength when into each thrust, causing a scream with each jab. Only seconds away from cumming again, I held onto his head.
“Fuck me, Josh! Fuck me harder. Harder!” I was screaming his name louder, daring him to tear me in half. “Oh God! I’m gonna cum!” I screamed at last. Josh leaned into me.
Vienna, 1899We turned the corner and arrived in the notorious Spittelberg Alley. I knew the place by reputation, but the thought of visiting it had never crossed my mind before that evening. My friend, on the other hand, seemed perfectly at ease. And he was not the only one, I noticed as I spotted a number of well-dressed men either going into or coming out of the houses lining the street. This was one of the few places in Vienna where class distinctions ceased to exist. No curtains hung in the...
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CHAPTER ONE"Joey!" Angela Banner called from her back door, straining her voice toovercome the noise of the lawnmower. "Come have a cold drink, darling!You must be terribly hot!""Sure am, Mrs. Banner!" Joey Watson shouted back, cutting off theengine and running to pick up his shirt where he had thrown it in thegrass.Angela was hot too, but the heat that was bothering her had nothing todo with the weather. Angela's house was cool and comfortable, but herpussy was steaming, steaming with lust for...
I first met Angela, my wife, when she was just sixteen, some thirteen years ago and was absolutely smitten by her looks and mannerisms. It was as if all my dreams had come true and she was my sole obsession in life thereafter.Nothing mattered more than getting acquainted with her and befriending her for life. As a senior to her by three years in the same institution - we kept bumping into each other every other day. We exchanged small pleasantries at times, which slowly matured from friendly...
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Vienna, 1899 We turned the corner and arrived in the notorious Spittelberg Alley. I knew the place by reputation, but the thought of visiting it had never crossed my mind before that evening. My friend, on the other hand, seemed perfectly at ease. And he was not the only one, I noticed as I spotted a number of well-dressed men either going into or coming out of the houses lining the street. This was one of the few places in Vienna where class distinctions ceased to exist. No curtains hung in...
Reading some of the stories on here I feel that my little ditty is going to be quite boring but it is completely true and may interest one or two.I know it's not good but for the last 9 years I have been having an affair with the wife of a friend...lets call her Angela.Initially it started as friendship but developed. It took us quite some time to start a sexual relationship and initially it wasn't that good mainly because I had to use the dreaded condom.After a number of years I steeled myself...
I don’t know where Ceridwen came from. I think she’s a melange of the tired city girls you see every day on the London commute. Our city is hard and jagged, and those of us lucky enough to have someone should be glad, too many people here are alone. — I was tired and cold. The Victoria line platform at Vauxhall was busy and I clasped my violin case to me as I dodged around other people and made my way towards the train station. It was a windy evening, with drizzle and low clouds scudding...
Last January my life changed in a way I never would have thought possible. The following story tells of the even that triggered this change. Before I get into the story let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Angela and I am 21 years old and a housewife in Tucson, Arizona. I am five feet six inches tall and weigh 110 pounds. My husband Travis always tells me I have a great body and he says he loves my 34B breasts. We have been married for a year and a half. Travis is 36 years old. He...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. ‘I love hardcore sex,’ it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. "I love hardcore sex," it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
Straight SexThe bar was crowded and I was half amused and half turned on watching the group of men literally salivating over her. She was a stunning, dark skinned, dark haired woman of 32. Occassionally a man would attempt to slip his hand beneath the material of her dress and she would laugh and remove his hand. One by one the rejected men left. She saw me laughing at the scene before me and asked me "You think it's funny?" "I do," I replied. She smiled back. "But you don't try." "No,...
“Bon appetit,” McGregor declared, slamming a large pan down on the table. Zhari examined the contents, it looked like the carcass of a bird of some kind. The skin was golden brown, with white meat protruding here and there. It was resting in a bed of assorted vegetables, none of which she recognized. “What is it?” She asked skeptically. “Roast turkey, with a side of roast sweet potatoes and turnips. I figured a chicken wouldn’t make much of a meal for you. Try the vegetables, they’re cooked...
Chapter Four: Sexy Vibrations By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I awoke to the first rays of sunshine streaming through Daddy's bedroom window. They fell on my face as I lay beside him naked. I blinked and groaned, rubbing sleep from my eyes. I didn't want to be awake. It was too early. It was summer vacation, and a Saturday, and last night had been wild. Daddy took Sun, my best friend, and I into his BDSM dungeon in the basement. The room I had been forbidden to enter all eighteen...
My day really begins when she leaves her apartment across the street.When I see her in the morning, it appears like she has so much positivity that she dances out of the front door to the small café nearby. That is how elegant she is in every way she moves.She doesn’t look like a sex worker. Like a prostitute. To me she is not prostituting herself, she is not working, she is not doing this for something as vulgar and plain as money. Somebody so beautiful must have more profound motives than to...
LesbianThe barn was huge, as all such buildings were. This one, was equally as ramshack-led, worse than when I'd first laid eyes upon it. "God," I wondered to myself. "What could this man have in store for me in there?" I felt creepy just thinking about all the little critters and winged vermin in that huge building. You will strip here, outside. I looked around me again and saw no sign of life. Shrugging, I did as ordered, removing my clothing. Leave them in the car, you won't be needing...
Life was good. My sister's best friend was my casual fuck-buddy (minus the fucking, unfortunately), my sister Lucy thought that she'd jerked me off more than 30 times in the last few months ... and I was pretty sure she found the idea pretty exciting. What's more, I was really starting to get the hang of this hypnosis thing. I could concoct a reality, check with their subconscious mind that they'd accept it as true, and then convince them that it was true. With my balls being emptied...
Night has fallen in the forest outside the walls of the cabin, and the crickets have begun their incessant refrain. The dim light of a kerosene lamp illuminates the interior of the single room with a warm, flickering glow. The room is bare, save for a single bed in the center of the clean wood floor. Only a single fitted sheet covers the queen sized mattress. There are no other adornments, although the bedding is clean; immaculately so. You lie on your back on the mattress, naked. Looking down,...
SupernaturalAfter 20 years since I had become a Teacher I was once more feeling that my career choice was worthwhile. I have spent the past fifteen years since my recovery wondering if I had made a wise choice, of sticking it out when my heart was wanting to give it all up and let me slink off into the underbrush of life, never to be seen again. This anticipation of this year, this class, had revived the enthusiasm with which I ventured forth to my first teaching job. It was a large country high school...
after a night clubbing my wife ann invited liz her friend back for a toke I got a crack pipe out as liz asked what it was as I told her asking if she wanted one after me and ann had a couple eachliz said yes and as she took a smoke she said it was amazing and as we smoked chatting we got round to sex as ann said to liz I always wanted to stick my 8 inch cock in her saying the thought turned her on as we had fantasised about it many timesliz was red faced asking what we thought about as I told...
lias woke late the next day, she hada shower and headed down stairs she pored herself a coffee and went outside, to where kim was again sunbathing naked, lisa sat on the next sunbed opened her robe and laid back, "mornig mommy, or should i say afternoon" "morning sweetie" replied lisa "sorry if i woke you when i came in last night" kim said "no i didnt hear you come in what time was that?". "about 12ish" "oh no wonder i didnt hear you i didnt get home till 4". "wow you...
“Where do you want to go?” He asked, I looked over at the beautiful boy beside me then shrugged “where ever” I smiled biting the corner of my lip. He stared at me and smiled slowly “well you live here, I don’t. You know where to go” He stated. I looked at him feeling my heart pound heavily in my chest. I wanted to be somewhere alone with him, somewhere cute. “How about the park?” I asked innocently. His eyes flashed to me for a second before returning to the road. “yeah that sounds nice” he...
Introduction: Some great sex after I was picked-up Girls Wild Night Out I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon...
My husband Jack and his two friends had packed the car and left on their twice-a-year hunting trip. This all started after seven years of marriage. The other two were married for nine and eleven years. My lack of sex was getting to me. I called the other wives. I told both of them it was time for us to meet and plan a little adventure ourselves. I told them I would hold the first meeting at my house, and I am requesting you wear your sexiest outfit with heels. I thought I would get the...
BisexualOpening the inner waiting room door, Debbie helped Wilber walk through. He exited the inner hallway slowly, shuffling his feet and fighting the temptation to clutch the wall. Emanuel rose from his seat. "Holy Shi... , you're back!" Debbie flashed them a triumphant but weary grin. "Yeah, Wilber's recovered enough to venture back into the land of the living." Nate, the only other person present, glanced behind them as Debbie pulled the door until it clicked shut with a resounding note...
Tony Brooks headed out of NorthStar Oral Health where he worked as a dental hygienist. He started up his 2014 midnight garnet Nissan Maxima. He drove straight home which took about 25 minutes because of traffic. He pulled the vehicle into the garage of the two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath townhome. He let opened the baby gate that kept his Yorkshire Terrier confined to the kitchen. The diminutive dog barked happily as Tony walked to the door to let the canine into the small fenced backyard....
We are seriously thinking of going to Birmingham for a weekend to visit a city center porn cinema and shopping for her!We like the idea of men sat in the porn cinema watching the screen and then thinking it's Christmas when she walks in and sits down near the back?This time though she doesn't want to be fucked - just appreciated and played with by men, old young whatever. She will rub cocks until they cum and consider sucking men off as long as they are clean and you can finger her holes but...
“What are you doing? Tony will be home in less than an hour and you’re playing with that dog.”, Marian said. “Go get cleaned up and get dressed.” Johnny realized his day wasn’t over, and it was time to get serious. He dashed into the bedroom, took a quick shower and slipped into the outfit that his mother had purchased for him the day before. He closed the closet door and admired himself in the full-length mirror. He looked just like the girls that Bonnie would shake her head at when she saw...
I heard Mr. Ford blow his whistle, indicating the end of another practice. Over the last few days, I'd been spending more time with Lauren. After that amazing night, I'd thought of her every time I masturbated. I even sometimes forgot that I had had sex with Becca. After Mr. Ford dismissed us, I walked up to Lauren. She smiled when I came up to her. "Hey, Matt!" She said, reaching out to touch my arm. "Hi, Lauren! What's up?" I said, looking into her beautiful brown...
Jack: Earth. Frankly, I never thought I'd see the home world again. I got extracted in Year Three of the Diaspora in a classic pickup from a fast food restaurant and transported in a thousand-pod transport to the new colony of Nuevo Angelino, along with a shitload of other Californians (and Mexicans and transplants from a whole lot of other places doing the whole migration to the Land of Opportunity thing). Well, Nuevo Angelino was undoubtedly going to be a better opportunity than anything...
© 2000 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. Hmm... just how the mind thinks is a wonder. Just how the wonder controls the mind is amazing. In answering a feedback email about my stories, I noticed her text and immediately assumed, well, you are just not doing it right. LOL "Great story, I'm not quite a squirter more of a dribbler. But I love reading about other women who can squirt. Keep up the great work." Hmm... How do you do it right? Well,...
A Happy Ending, Or Not? Inevitably, Sandy and Jeremy began to argue and fight. They fought over Jeremy’s lack of attention for Sandy, over his long hours at work, and his general blasé attitude toward life. They fought over how Sandy had been unable to find work, and how Jeremy was footing all the bills by himself, and over the amount of time and space Sandy reserved for her favorite hobby. They fought over dirty clothes that hadn’t been tossed in the hamper, over what they were having for...
………….. Paul has a lovely cock, I just smiled thinking she was just getting her own back on Devon, and in the back of my mind thinking I might get a chance with Devon’s big cock…………………….Devon seemed not bothered at all at his wife’s acts of trying to get some reaction from him, he just chatted away about what some of there co workers had got on and what they looked like and how drunk Carl was, Monica joined in with what a slut Helen was and all he said was we all knew that and chuckled, BY now...
Following my encounter with Cindy, I had a busy few days and even though I work from home, I didn't get to see her. I had to make do with some vivid dreams where I repeated the energetic performance with Cindy but I wasn't sure whether I would get the chance to repeat the episode in real life.Eventually the weekend arrived and on Saturday morning I awoke early, like I always do, and after my breakfast I started my chores. I found that after I split with my wife last year I had to have a routine...
My name is Alyssa. I am 23 years old. I’m 5 foot with, blonde hair and around a hundred pounds. Men say I am very pretty for my size and very sexy. Kind of built like a gymnast. I don’t feel my breasts to be very big, but boyfriends in the past have liked to rub on them. My friend works at a local restaurant and of couple guys she works with, detail cars. I was interested in getting my car detailed and she said that she could probably help me out. So I took my car to the restaurant...
“Hey, guess what happened today,” Tom called when he arrived home after classes one day in early April. “Media event of the year, so far.” “Hi, darling,” Cynthia hugged him in greeting. “What are you so excited about?” “That journal article we did. The students who run the journal had reporters looking for them today—they wanted interviews with the article’s authors. You know, the seven of us who put the research together and wrote it up. At first I thought I’d keep in the background but...
My Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name was Bob. I was a skinny kid, I was short, most people thought I was younger than I was. Sometimes by 2 years. I wasn't into much really and I had glasses and braces. It was the 1980s and my light brown hair was a little on the long side, not because I thought I was cool, but because I kind of used it to hide behind. I didn't have any friends. My father, brother and sister didn't like me much. My...
Helen lay on the single bed settee, covered only by a black duvet with her breasts exposed. She was reading a copy of Synchronicity by Carl Jung and deeply engrossed in its knowledge. From time to time she would unconsciously stroke her breast as if for comfort or unconscious amusement in concentration. The book purloined from the university library so that she could own it for as long as she liked. Suddenly her phone rang out the comic laughter of a downloaded jingle. She answered it and...
As the dawn light streamed in through the cabin windows, Alexa was freed and ordered to dress by her master. "Allow me, my dear." The Senator leaned forward and closed each zip on her catsuit, except for the one along her crotch. Her master snapped his fingers to get her attention. "Run along to the bathroom, Alexa, then return here immediately." She nodded and padded down the aisle, passing the steward who eyed her suspiciously. Alexa sat astride the pan with the door ajar while the...
Kevin was still in bed when Sarah breezed into the bedroom. She looked down at her husband of 6 months who stirred, looked up through half opened eyes and asked “what’s up Sarah? Why the racket?” Sarah stood by the bed and said “Kevin, its 11 O’clock. You should be up anyway.” “But it’s the weekend” he sighed. He could see his wife looked stressed. She always did when it came to getting him to do anything around the house. He was generally a lazy person. He knew it. It made his wife very tense...
SpankingHi friends this is nakul again with a new story my email is is my previous story is sex with unknown aunty in Bangalore thanks for all the response. Here is the new story actually I was traveling from my hometown to Bangalore. In one of the station the TT checked all our tickets in reservation and found that persons next to me are just sitting there without reservation ticket. Then the TT waved his hand to call someone. I am eagerly looking their and finally a awesome looking aunty(32+) with...
All of what follows is a true story and really did happen. My wife and I had just got back from shopping ( where she had been very horny).she was showing me how hard her nipples were in the chiller area,and gave me a quick upskirt and then stood there laughing." Bet you would do me right here if you could".and with that she put her hand down her panties and showed me how wet she was by her finger and makeing me lick it!! As you can imagne I couldn't wait to get get her home. We get through...
“Alright, alright… I’m awake.” Sam said in a low, morning voice. “It’s already 8:45 AM!” His father shouted from across the hall. “Come on, you heard your dad.” Mom said in a much lower voice. Mom exited the room, and went to wake up Katie, Sam’s older sister by 1 year. Sam and Katie were really close at childhood; puberty separated them a bit but they still talked all the time. And Katie was a very attractive 19-year-old, she acquired the same incredible genes her mother had. She had a...
Earth Algonquin Park Dungeon, Ontario August 17, 2019 07:17 EDT “Thanks, Zaszi.” “No problem, boss. Good luck today, guys,” she replied, the portal winking out a second later. “Alright, let’s go. I wanna kill the boss and then move on to the next dungeon,” I said, making my way towards the building and noting that the damage from the assault was gone. New picnic tables had been placed in the same spot, and it appeared that all the burnt trees were replaced with new saplings. It turned...