Helen… Ch. 01 free porn video

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Helen lay on the single bed settee, covered only by a black duvet with her breasts exposed. She was reading a copy of Synchronicity by Carl Jung and deeply engrossed in its knowledge. From time to time she would unconsciously stroke her breast as if for comfort or unconscious amusement in concentration. The book purloined from the university library so that she could own it for as long as she liked.

Suddenly her phone rang out the comic laughter of a downloaded jingle. She answered it and politely said ‘Hello…’ yawning nonchalantly with tiredness. The voice of Jack replied in it’s seductive tone that made her feel alerted to his intentions.

‘Hi my sexy one. How’s things with you tonight?’ he asked.

‘I’m ok. Where have you been? I’ve missed you.’

‘Ah, now that would be telling.’


He started to laugh and that slightly annoyed her. She had missed him, which was true. Over the six weeks she had known him he supplied her with companionship and eventually romance as she began to admire his humour, kindness and passion.

‘I’ve been in Paris. It was urgent business I had to attend to.’ he replied, with a serious tone to his voice as if the visit was something he wished he could have avoided.

‘Why didn’t you call me and tell me where you were?’

‘No. I didn’t want you to get involved. My father had a heart attack and while I was there, he passed away.’

‘Oh no! You are joking. Tell me you are joking’

‘No, it’s true. But not for you to worry about. I’m home now and thought I should give you a call. Everything was dealt with. I’m now free to visit you again whenever you say it’s fine.’

I missed you lots. Really. I was worried…’

Helen pushed away the duvet. She sat naked on the edge of the bed to continue her much wanted conversation with Jack. ‘So, where are you now?’

‘I am at my apartment drowning my sorrows. I’ll be fine.’

‘I would come and see you, only I have a lecture in the morning.’

‘Today you mean. It’s almost one in the morning. I knew you would be awake or I would have left it. I have just got home myself.’

‘Well, thank you for calling.’ she smiled to herself, feeling much better and anxiously aroused by his voice. More than anything she wanted him near, although the voice contact would suffice for now. ‘I have been busy with this silly study program. I know it’s part of the whole thing, but I already know most of it.’

‘When does your lecture end? I was thinking I could take you to lunch or dinner in that nice restaurant we found. I know you like it. And afterall, it was the first time we kissed and for me that was like being in heaven and kissed by an angel.’

His charm ran like a torrential stream. She was not that impressed by it. Infact, she accepted it as part of his nature, like most men. Eventually it would set with the sun one day and be replaced by his true nature within. Did not all men do this? she thought.

Still, he made her feel wanted and loved. So much so she found him irresistibly provocative. His dark Gallic complexion and inflexions turned her on. Asking herself, is this the man she was looking for in life. Although deep inside she knew that there were more ideal men to discover and explore. At nineteen, life was still full of new horizons.

His intentions were obvious. He was eager to see her and quench his desires. She could tell with the charm he used and that tone of voice. It was his ‘come on’ voice despite the dilemma of losing his father.

He continued talking and making suggestions of what they should do when and if they were alone. Helen listened intently running her fingertips along her thigh until they rested upon her sex, not intrusively, but more tactile and gentle.

‘Are you touching yourself?’ he asked. ‘I know you must be.’

The whole conversation was turning into a typical erotically motivated phone chat. His voice making suggestions of how he would make love to her, as she stared out, imagining the fantasy which they both yearned to be real and would be soon enough.

‘Ok, lets leave it until we meet.’ she suggested. He accepted and they both exchanged their words of love for each other until either one of them gave up the call. And that was Jack.

Helen closed the book she was reading and snuggled inside the warmth of the duvet before reaching to switch off the bedside lamp. Soon without any help, she fell into a deep and calming sleep.

Her lodgings were meagre. Two rooms in all. A kitchen and living room with a bed settee. The bathroom was shared with four others on the third floor of the converted victorian house. Sharing the bathroom was inconvenient and to over come this, she used a bucket for convenience, only for urinating purposes. Such emergencies were rare however.

Helen had no problem with waking up without an alarm clock. The method she often used was still not proven as being reliable, yet it worked for her for some uncanny reason. Before sleep she would gently hit her head on the pillow for each hour of required slumber.

There was the usual dash to the bathroom and as always she made it before the other girls. She did her usual ablutions within a space of fifteen minutes, occasionally being reminded by the others that they were waiting patiently for their turn. She acknowledged them with a simple reply… ‘Ok, I’m nearly finished!’ which was sufficient.

She hardly knew her flatmates. They were not her type of young women to befriend so easily. Often they would be drunk and or high on some obnoxious narcotic which made them argumentative. However, life had to continue that way for a further two years and she had become used to it after one year.

She desired a better place to live. The rent would sap up most of her annual grant and leave her with almost nothing to live on. Her parents were both unemployed and far away. And in her case, she was atleast carving a future in psychology, which would hopefully give her a better chance in life of avoiding the social poverty she had escaped from.

Professor Lord was her favourite lecturer. This made studying Carl Jung easier for her, if only to look at her tutor and listen to his smooth voice. He was three times her age and it was not sex or the desired want of it with him, it was more admiration than anything else. He was someone to look up to and it seemed he had desires on making her his favourite student.

After the morning lecture, Lord took her to one side for a quiet chat. Helen enjoyed those private one to one extensions to the lectures. This time he looked less ambitious and concerned as if holding onto something he wanted to reveal.

‘I’ve been watching you,’ he announced. Helen listened with curiosity hugging her notes. ‘It’s difficult for me to explain to such a beautiful young woman as yourself.’ He began to gesture with his hands nervously. ‘I have to ask you this, and please be gentle with your answer should it be negative.’

‘What is it? I’m fine.’

‘I want to ask you to join me for dinner or whatever it is you like best,’ his face gave a slight blush as he anticipated her answer.

‘You mean you want to become more friendly?’

‘Well, yes. I think I need your company, as a friend. It is something I have been meaning to ask you for a very long time. I know I’m an old man and perhaps an old fool after my request. But I need to see you more often. I think you would be an ideal professional in the field. Last years paper said it all. You have that unique talent that I am looking for. A student in my project would be really good. So, I have decided that student is you.’

Helen was flattered yet she thought deeply about his proposal. How would she study if she joined his project and would it help in achieving her degree? It seemed that Lord was waiting for an immediate reply. ‘Can I get back to you Professor?’

‘Of course, please take your time. Yet I stil
l would like to have dinner with you perhaps?’

She thought about dinner and was suddenly reminded about Jack that she had forgotten about. ‘Can you excuse me Professor, I need to make a phone call?’

‘Yes, of course my dear. I’ll be here waiting.’

The term ‘my dear’ had never been used before by Lord and she saw it as endearment that was now beyond Lord’s usual rapore. She left him in the corridor and found somewhere isolated to call Jack. The reception was poor, but sufficient.

‘Jack, it’s me Helen. Are you free this afternoon for early dinner?’

‘Sure. My place?’ he asked.

‘No. Not yet. I want to visit that restaurant again in town. I think I need time to think about a few things. Not us, just studies that have become a little complicated.’

‘I can help you to relax and that would help you.’

‘I don’t think so,’ she replied with an amused tone. ‘I know what you really want and I think you will have to wait a little longer for that.’

‘Ah, I see. Is it that time of month? I can wait my sexy princess.’

‘No. As I said, it’s studies. And I love you.’ She hung up before Jack could answer with a smile. Then she found Lord waiting patiently. His anxiety for her reply was making him appear nervous. He was sweating as most over-weight men in their middle ages do.

‘So? Dinner this evening?’ Lord asked.

‘Yes, at eight if that isn’t too late?’

‘Not at all. Eight will be fine. And thank you.’

Helen returned to her bed-sit and prepared herself for Jack. She liked to tease him and keep him keen. Denial of sex was a means of keeping him ‘warm’ and wanting. It was a kind of sacrifice for her own needs, then again, the longer he waited, the better the sex was in her opinion. She dressed to kill. Just a simple blouse, skirt and thong that left nothing to the imagination. She had perfect breasts, firm and still youthfully pert. The show of aroused nipples beneath the light green blouse was a way of drawing attention, not only from Jack but also others who noticed.

She found her way to the restaurant in town. It had been a while since they had last visited. The meals were French, like Jack. She enjoyed everything that was gallic as it reminded her of those school trips to the continent twice every year, if only they lasted a weekend each trip.

Over their meal Helen and Jack exchanged both conversation and glances. She was dying to challenge him on one recent aspect. ‘Jack, what would you say if I told you that there was a middle-aged man wanting to fuck me?’ Jack paused in taking a sip of his wine, looked at her and thought hard.

‘Well, that doesn’t surprise me one bit,’ he said with a grin. ‘Has this lucky man told you this?’

‘Not in so many words. I think he hinted in a certain way. The question now being, would you mind if he did?’

Again Jack thought before offering his answer: ‘No. You are a free agent regarding your social life. I have no god given right to stop you my love. But there is one question I must ask you Helen,’ he sat back into his chair. ‘When do we make love? Before or after this assumed person has made love to you?’

‘He isn’t assumed. He is real and I think quite serious about it. I can tell. He’s quite lonely and probably desperate. A widower of some four or five years and a respectable…gentleman.’

‘Gentleman you say? Interesting. So are you going to keep me in the dark with his identity, or do I have to guess from your present social life? That is, if you have one beyond you and I?’ He took her hand in his across the table and kissed it. ‘Am I that gentleman?’ he almost whispered.

‘No. But you thought I was referring to you. I don’t even know your age yet. So, having mentioned middle-age, you responded with yourself in mind.’ She laughed softly.

‘You are clever. You would make a splendid psychologist. Yet my age is not important. Or is it?’

‘I’m just curious.’

‘If you must know, I am forty-four. Is that all you wanted to know?’

‘It wasn’t intended. I really do think another man wants to fuck me besides you.’ Her smile said it all. It was something that she could tease Jack with, and make him jealous, if that was at all possible. She loved to make him jealous if only he showed it. Jack was a self-preservationist and did not wish to appear imperfect.

‘I see. And how do you know this if this gentleman has never directly asked you?’

‘I don’t. I’m guessing.’

‘You assume.’ He corrected her. His charm began to falter before her very eyes. Had she achieved her goal, her objective to make him jealous? ‘Come back to my place. Let me show you what real love making is.’

‘I can’t. I have dinner at eight with one of my tutors.’

Jack nudged forward, grasping her hand again. ‘Wait. Is this the gentleman you are speaking of? If it is, then enjoy his company. That way I can show you who is the better lover.’

It was jealousy. Helen was convinced. She had achieved that goal. Nothing changed in Jack’s usual behaviour. When it was time to leave the restaurant they kissed passionately with gentle hugs that showed no aggression or possession of each other. Their relationship was on equal ground and still fresh.

Helen wanted to make her own way back to her lodgings. The day was warm and pleasant and there was some shopping to do on the old open market, even though the shopping was just looking and not purchasing. The old town market was the place to find some artifacts from the distant local past. That interested he quite a lot. History should have been her chosen study perhaps.

Whilst meandering she caught the eye of a young stallholder. He whistled and drew her attention to which she ignored him at first. He called her over until she responded. His brashness amused her and reminded her of the lads at home in Leeds.

‘Can I interest you in some rather entertaining DVD’s?’ he asked. ‘You look the type of girl who would find pleasure in what I’ve got. Under the counter of course. Nothing the kids can see.’

‘And what would that be?’

The lad reached down under the stall and produced a blank cover. ‘This stuff is red hot.’ She looked at him with a smile knowing it was not a family film for a wet Sunday afternoon. ‘I think you’ll like it,’ he continued.

‘Ok, what is it called,’ Helen folded her arms in wait.

‘This is the best lesbian porno out at the moment.’

‘What makes you think I’m a lesbian?’

‘I don’t. I assume. But if you are not, then may I offer you this one…’ He reached down again to produce another blank cover. ‘Gang bang orgy… again a brilliant movie by the equally brilliant Hollywood porn directors.’

She looked him in the eye and so did he in return, leaning forward across the counter. ‘So, what do you think? Do you want it?’ he asked. Helen was impressed by his innuendo about wanting. He was trying to impress her with his style of charm. He liked what he saw and wanted it. Wanting her.

‘Movies like that don’t interest me.’

‘Ok, fine. The real live thing is always best. And this is your lucky moment. I can offer you an invite to a very exclusive party. Are you interested,’ Again his brashness impressed her. She smiled, thinking as he exchanged his glances with hers. He waited for an answer.

‘What kind of person do you think I am?’

‘Dressed like that? One that I would certainly like to know.’

In a way the lad was quite handsome. His brashness turned her to favour his chances even though he was still a total stranger. His style was cheeky and that tended to make her think he was not the usual kind of charmer one would find in nightclubs and bars.

‘What’s your name?’ she asked.

‘Harry. And what is yours?’

‘Helen. I’m a student at the university. I live quite close to here.’

‘I see. And are you free right now?’

‘I could be. Why are you asking? He looked down as if he was pretending to be shy. B
ut he wasn’t. He looked up at her and waved his hand to another stallholder who came running over. The man seemed responsive as if Harry had a self imposed leadership status.

‘Do us a favour mate. Watch the stall for us and take care of business. I have something urgent to attend to.’

Both of them walked the tiny streets in the old part of town. Her home was part of the Victorian sector, partly preserved and partly abused by local business and time. Harry knew it well as ‘studentville’ a name given by the local townsfolk because of it’s high population of students living in cheap accommodation advertised as being historically aesthetic. Helen was lucky. Her cheap aesthetic accommodation was probably the best.

She invited Harry into her bed-sit. She offered him coffee to which he accepted whilst making himself comfortable on the one easy chair. ‘This place is a dive. You can live with me if you like. It’s much better than this hovel.’

‘Do you live alone?’ she asked, handing him his cup. He took a sip and found it too hot to drink.

‘I do. But where I live is a palace compared to this. Two bedrooms a bathroom, kitchen and lounge.’

‘Is it your parents house? Be honest.’

‘No. It belongs to a mate of mine.’ He looked at her in a certain way as he spoke, moving closer to her. ‘He’s in South Africa.’ He raised his hand so that the back of his finger touched her blouse gently. Helen watched and waited with that certain expectant smile on her face. ‘He studies butterflies or something like that.’ His finger touched the outline of her nipple, noticing she did not intend to stop him. Her test confirmed that his brashness was only a mask. He pulled away quickly and coughed before drinking more of the coffee. ‘So, what do you think?’

The idea of living with Harry was still a far off goal. Atleast for now. The brash stranger was worth studying some more. His looks and mind intrigued her and in a way, he was what she was looking for regarding the same age group. Older men were mature enough to supply the sexual experience she wanted. Younger men were fun and more energetic. They reminded her of who she was. And taking a total stranger back to her bed-sit? That was a risk she was prepared for. She trusted her knowledge of personalities and characters. Harry was too well known in the market community to be a great threat to her life.

‘Don’t get me wrong Helen. I’ve been watching you for a long time.’ He began to confess his interests in her, and she listened. ‘You and that other guy. The one I saw you with for weeks. Is he your boyfriend or a relative?’

‘You mean Jack. He’s a boyfriend. I love him, or atleast I think I do.’

‘Ah… you think? Now that is another thing.’ Harry gestured with his finger. ‘You have to be sure. He’s old enough to be your father. Am I right?’ Helen nodded her reply. ‘Good, see, now that is important. Guys like him only want you for sex. Well, that’s what I think anyway.’

‘And guys like you?’

This made Harry think. He finished his coffee and walked around the room pondering. She was amused to watch him. He stopped and turned to her again, pointing his finger. ‘No. Guys like me respect girls like you.’

‘You touched me in a very intimate place. Don’t you think that was a little disrespectful?’

‘No. You invited me.’


‘Flaunting yourself. You enticed me. Dressed like that, it’s not easy to resist. I know what your game is. You are looking for sex. And, I think I saved you from being abused.’

‘Really? How?’

‘By being here.’ His answer was direct. The look upon his face was sincere and also wanting. He wanted her badly. His youthful desires made him like a sexual predator and she was his prey. His cock, swelling in his leather pants said it all as he stood before her. She had noticed it quite clearly.

His intentions became obvious. He was cautious in touching her. Now it was Helen’s turn to touch as he moved closer, letting her eyes focus more on the object of desire. She knew the game he was playing, taking chances with, testing her. Helen was not falling for it. It was too early to get dirty with a stranger. It was not her style. She was not the slut men thought she could be. Flaunting yourself never really means that. Or does it?

Same as Helen… Ch. 01 Videos

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"Daaaaaadeeee." Tenchi seemed to hear from a great distance. "You gonna wake up?" The darkness shrouding his senses seemed to be lifting gradually, though the room about him remained fuzzy. "Key?" The child's voice came again. "Why don't he open he eyes?" Tenchi tried to concentrate, certain that he recognized the voices. Not an easy feat, feeling like he was swimming in Jell-O. "Give him a moment sugar bear," He seemed to hear distinctly. "You're daddy's been through a...

1 year ago
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Blackfun day

I had a a thing with black guys. only for the black guys ifantasies about whatthey do to me.I prefer older men of color i had a old black friend as my neighbour we know each other very well.we met in pub and got together about our sexuality from that day . Am going to tell about how we enjoyed . That day we finished drink and got up.We went to his room,which was conveniently close to the bars.Wow he started to unfasten my pants. I slip my hand inside his pants and feel his cock half hard .I...

4 years ago
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Well used by two black cocks

That summer afternoon was being really warm.My beloved hubby had left early for his office; but after having a shower, he had returned to bed and fucked me as I deserved.I was amazed, as my sweet Victor did not use to have me in the early morning. As we were recovering the breath, I asked him about his sudden arousal. But the he laughed, saying today would come some young black guys he had hired to do the back yard and he wanted me sexually satisfied, just in case.But now after lunch time; as...

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DanicaPart 5B

Danica awoke sore the next morning. The muscles in her legs, chest, and tummy all burned with a dull ache. Occasionally, a stab of pain would shoot up from her loins to spread through her chest. Those stabs even made her breasts ache for a few minutes when they hit her. "Never again," Danica muttered as she rose from her bed; though she revised the statement in her mind, Never again so many times with a cock that big, she thought. Thinking about the night before caused her body to...

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Just what he needed

You came home a little late from work so you expect to find me sound asleep. You walk through our bedroom to the master bath to get ready for bed. The sudden light wakes me up from my nap that I was taking waiting for you to get home. Luckily for me, you don’t think about how bright the light is. You turn on the shower and quickly undress, ready to wash away the stress you endured today. I hear you enter the shower and take a quick peek to make sure you are actually in there. I can tell by your...

2 years ago
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"Sean!" Mum yelled, "Wake up" "Aww" i groaned, loud enough so she would hear. "Whats wrong?" She asked doubtfully knowing that since i had obtained my drivers license i had been trying to get off sick for the last few weeks. "My head, it really hurts" I said, trying to sound sick "You're not just saying this to get out of school are you?" She asked. "No Mum i swear I've got a real bad headache, can i just sleep for another thirty minutes and see how i feel" i asked...

3 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 7 Teen Temptress

It was not until Arthur had the car in the garage with the lights on that he'd seen the confirming evidence of the girl's virginity ... or rather, former virginity. The light coloured fabric of the car seat was damp from their juices but there was also a noticeable tinge of red. His teenaged chest swelled with pride and he could hardly wait until Monday to tell his friends of his accomplishment. "I got her cherry. Damn! She bled all over the car seat and I had a helluva time getting it...

1 year ago
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Mrs Reginas household

You have been working at Mrs Regina's place for a few months. It doesn't pay very well, despite Mrs Regina's great wealth, but you count yourself lucky working for such a gorgeous woman. You spend most of your time outside, tending her numerous trees and bushes of flowers, mowing the lawn and fulfilling other gardening duties. She spends most of her days outside too, sunbathing, swimming in the pool or criticizing your every move, for she is the kind of person who likes everything done exactly...

4 years ago
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Landlady Ki Pyaas Bujhaai

Hi Guys, how are you all… This is Sachin josui from gujrat .This is my first sex story. I am writing my real sex story ,this incident happened to me last week.I am a Software Developer age 23 living in Ahmadabad in a PG. My landlady name hetal is so beautiful and hot ,her age is 34 and figure is 34-30-34 Thodi chubby ,chut pr baal h aur gand to bahot mast h man krta h chaat te raho aur thappad maarke laal krdo.She wears saree most of the time but wo bahot dukhi lagti thi hamesha sad. Ek din...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 44

I was amazed as I stared up at the famous torpedo tits of none other than Traci Lords. She was 15 when she made her first porno and that made her a young 42. She first kissed me passionately. Since she was behind the others they joined in by touching and stimulating her any way they could. We spent the next hour or so sucking and fucking. She came 3 times, just as vocally as in her films. God was a turn on. Plus she brought off or helped me get both Christy and Margot to orgasm again. I was...

3 years ago
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Seven Year Itch

My husband has been pushing me to have sex with a stranger while he watches. I have never had any interest in this. Granted that after seven years of marriage our sex life was not tat great I really never wanted to have sex with a stranger but I gave in just to shut him up. I thought this would be quick and easy. My husband planned this all out and set some rules like wear a condom and no black guys. I am only thirty years old and weigh about 120lbs with sandy blonde hair, nice body and brown...

4 years ago
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DIY Teens ptII

I still had a crush on Gary; the boy from the other school but we went weeks before I finally plucked up the courage to talk to him. It was a Friday afternoon and I'd been especially horny all day because the weather was hot and sunny plus I'd been playing hockey in the afternoon. That alone wouldn't normally have made me horny; but afterwards when I got changed and showered I gazed at the other girls in my class for the first time and got a new kind of buzz from looking at all of their...

3 years ago
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Hot threesome in Summer

Hi my name is Ram. I am living in a village near Tamil Nadu- Kerala border in India. Well the incident, which I am going to narrate, happened in my 12th standard annual vacation. Now I am doing my U.G. in a college in b ‘lore India. I have changed the name’s to protect our privacy. Well my elder cousin sister’s name is Vimala .She is a normal Malayalee girl she is related to me is the fact that her relation married one of mine and I am a tamilian. Vimala had completed her D-Pharmacy and working...

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The Deal Ch 03

The executor of her grandmother’s estate looked to be just barely out of law school. Isla wondered how he had met the Grand Dame. Isla sat starkly still. She listened to the executor speak endlessly about how her grandmother had been a great woman. He went on a tangent about how she was always firm but fair in her dealings with people, and how she gave him a chance after spending one afternoon with him and his wife. Isla could tell that the executor, Marques, had great respect for the Grand...

2 years ago
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he New Pregnant Girl At School part 1

It was the first day of school and to be honest Maddie was pretty excited. She couldn't wait to see what people say about the "new pregnant girl" at school. For the first day she decided to wear something pretty tight to really show off her belly. A grey skin tight dress with a white pullover with a pair of flip-flops. Damn she look good she thought. she had straightened her mid-length bleach blonde hair and wore little make up, just some pink lip stick and eye liner and eye shadow....

4 years ago
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Sissy payment in kind

My wife had gone away for the weekend to stay with a friend so I had the weekend all planned out. I couldn't wait to get home from work, dress up in my wives stockings and play with myself on Skype while an online admirer watched and played with himself. So there I was was wearing her black silky hold-ups bent over in front of my webcam with two fingers in my arse working my way up to the large dildo I had waiting when there was a loud bang on the door! I panicked a slammed down the laptop lid...

2 years ago
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Aether Ever After

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Ai. Ai lived in a magical land, which was only right as she was a magical girl. She had bright blue skin, short black hair, and black eyes that danced when she laughed. Not that she laughed often, for Ai was a quiet girl. She liked laughing, and dancing, though. Sometimes she would do both at once. What she liked most, though, were flowers. Every day, after she woke up, put on a pretty dress, ate her breakfast and brushed her teeth, Ai would...

4 years ago
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Children of the LightChapter 17 Wide open Spaces

The battles of Precipice angered and elated us. It left us feeling glad and empty at the same time. We were still kids after all, and even though we admit we are precocious compared to others our age, we still see life through young eyes, and young hearts. The mighty Sh'kxu technology had been a shell, covering the ultimate truth. Everyone had wondered how a race with such an extreme ability had developed a technological society advanced enough to travel between the stars. They...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 71

Phil returned to the new house two weeks after his first foray, this time in the company of the rest of the ownership group. Baseball practice was due to begin in two days and the summer jobs had concluded for the rest of the crew. Only Hailey stayed behind. Beth needed her for a series of meetings the following week and Hailey had grudgingly agreed to stay. The penthouse had been abandoned; the few personal items the occupants had left behind were moved into storage. Hailey’s belongings...

3 years ago
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Fangs for the Mammaries

My prey this night was in a modern American city. People who live here feel compelled to go out at night no matter how dangerous it might be so there is always plenty of nourishment to be had. The occasional mugger is a worry, to be sure, but no one is worried about vampires in this enlightened society. It was quite different as little as a century before when the vast majority stayed indoors at night and set wards against my kind. Being able to feed regularly was a challenge. Now, it’s...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 06 Lesbian Babysitter

After the birth of my second child, a cute little girl, we decided to hire a part-time nanny or babysitter. The agency sent a young girl to us and after only one session, we decided to change as she was totally clueless as to what to do with the baby. The second nanny came and she was in her late twenties. She had previous experience before and she had brought up her own child before. Hence, we were very comfortable with the way she handled our baby. She dressed simple but she looked sweet from...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend and I

Introduction: Read on Caroline is average height, big boobs, long blond hair, light green-grey eyes, and full lips. Basically the opposite of me. Im goth (black hair, black eyeliner, black clothes), full dark pink lips, tall, with sparkling, emerald green eyes. But we have been best friends since before I can remember, she always brought out the best in me, while I made her get her head out of the clouds and be more grounded. This story really begins…now. Hey! I call as I hear the front door...

4 years ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 6 Commissioned

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 6 Commissioned! by Tawny Suede "Miss Robin! Surely you can't be serious!" "Introduce us, Alfred! Just like any other guest arriving, we deserve to be introduced to the crowd!" demanded the lovely sissy! Robin and Jamie were dressed in very attractive summer dresses - Robin in blue and Jamie in green which accentuated his green eyes and emphasized his bright red hair! The dresses would have been beautiful on two young women, but were startlingly erotic...

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Lupe Loving Learning To ShareChapter 6

Jill felt very conflicted, her own personal love life was really going great. Tom Patterson had been courting her continuously for the past three weeks and the two of them had finally given in to their mutual attraction. For the past week they had made love together every day. The sex was great but the personal closeness and sense of belonging together made it even more special. It had been a very long time since Jill had felt so personally fulfilled. Unfortunately, her personal happiness was...

2 years ago
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Like a Good Neighbor 3

As with the other two stories, this is a continuation of our relationship, which did take a turn the night before, and now is going to get even livelier. See, Mo is bisexual, as is her best friend Jessie, and they have been lovers ever since Mo moved back to the area about 5 years back. From what Mo has told me, they were good friends in high school as well, and were first time lovers back then too. After we finished making love, Mo and I lay there trying to catch our breath, and she...

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Starlight 300Chapter 23

"So what's all this then?" I asked sternly as Candy and Erin stood before me, both beautifully naked. "We've had a crew meeting," said Candy equally stern. "And we have a grievance." "What?" I said trying to keep a straight face. "A grievance," repeated Erin. "It's you and 'er." She nodded to the room where Tasha was sleeping. "Since she's come on board, Candy and I don't get a look in," she explained. "All we want is equal dibs." "Oh," I said. "Sorry, I didn't...

1 year ago
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An Strict English Education in Thailand

Back in the early 70s after I had finished my degree in the UK I saw an ad in a national daily for an English teacher to work at a  school in Thailand. I liked the thought of it and wanted to see some of the world so applied and received an invitation to teach there. What subsequently happened there I have kept private for legal reasons. However, I feel a need to confess my shameful part in the day to day operation of that school. Maybe I will sleep easier. I cannot name the school and I have...

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I had spent enough nights at home crying during short term breakups with Scott. I am going to enjoy it while I could just like he always does. My selfish thoughts interrupted by Ann tripping on the chair and stumbling into me. As she caught her self I looked up found myself staring at her perfect C cup tits in my face. Wow. Never noticed how nice they were before. "Congrats on those beauts." I said while leaning in trying to plant my face in her chest. Denied. She smacked me upside the head...

2 years ago
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Gender Express

Gender Express Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Aww ... C'mon, Mom!" My mom sighed, hit the right turn signal, waited for a gap to open in the cruising lane, then merged with the slower traffic and set all controls to autopilot. Once the local traffic control confirmed our destination, Mom let go of the steering wheel and turned to me. "Why in the world would you want to do something like that?" "All my friends are doing it." "If all your friends...

3 years ago
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A special party for 5 Episode 4 Finale

Pervert has cummed a few times, he feels like he could only cum one more time, yet there are still two girls left. He had a great idea, a wonderful, perverted, sick idea, so he got his plan into motion.Maria showed up thirty minutes late, which gave Pervert enough time to set up his master plan. He opened the door and there she was, wearing a purple top and a light blue skirt, with a belt above her belly.Pervert wanted Maria for a long time, he and Lizbeth are perfect for his plan. He showed...

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And It Begins

There seems to be a common belief, if you want to call it that, that there are basically three “levels” of Crossdressers or Crossdressing. The first of these is what is referred to as fetish dressing. These people have no intention of doing anything other than wearing items of feminine attire. They have no desire to even attempt to emulate the female persona. This is purely a very temporary thing for little more than the thrill of it. The next group that they describe are interested in...

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Wonder Woman Batgirl Sushi AdventureChapter 4

Wonder Woman now lives to serve her new Master and Mistress Sanchez de La Gama and the supervillainess Katana, to the point of planning the capture of her sister Donna Troy aka Wonder Girl. Right now Katana and Wonder Woman are in Wonder Woman's invisible plane on their way to do some aerial reconnaissance of her home on Paradise Island. After several hours of flying Paradise Island comes into view. Katana instructs her not to fly to close, as she doesn't want to be spotted by rest of the...

2 years ago
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A Lesson Of Satisfaction

Hello friends, I am Mr Worldwide and I am a big fan of iss. I have been reading stories from a long time and now I feel that I should share some of my super real life experience with you all guys. Here I m writing the stories which are real and appealing. So without wasting more I start my REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE with you people. Well, I m 30 yrs athletic physique with 5’10” height and my junior is almost 7′ (wont boast like others) and I m from Ahmedabad. My email address is The story is about...

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