- 4 years ago
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That was her name, Angel, the meanest woman on Earth. She had made a fortune trafficking in women, children and drugs but had not caught our attention until she began to traffic in weapons.
Angel was a public figure, heiress to a fortune, the public had no idea what her foreign ‘charities’ were. Her local charities were legitimate and her city of Marseilles very much loved her. She had as good a cover as one could have.
I was a private contractor for various international government agencies, I would neutralize bothersome entities for an exorbitant fee. I never killed anyone purposely but would fix things so that after I led them to a bit of paranoia his or her own associates would force the organization to disintegrate.
I was a bit skinny, of average height and wore glasses. I was average in looks and shy, I was the anti-James Bond. I had several personas I could slip into and spoke various languages in various voices but my main weapon was that I was a very good accountant. I could make ledgers sing or scream.
My first step was always the hardest, I had to convince the target that they needed to hire me. I took a short cut when I induced an apparently near fatal heart attack in Angel’s business office as I interviewed for a job. The recipient of my magic potion was the mid-level accountant interviewing me. I was widely credited with saving his life. I got the position of top ranking accountant for the charities home office in France.
I came in early and stayed late, I claimed I needed extra time to get used to their system but I was simply copying everyone’s files. I took the copies with me and used my own program to ferret out anomalies. I found none in any of the European charities but could not get into the files of the overseas groups. All were password protected. I had not expected it to be easy, it almost never is, and decided I needed to make some friends.
In most places I infiltrated I was the quiet new guy and in most of those places there was somebody that wanted me to join in with the gang. That was the person checking me out to see if their secrets were safe with me. I gave my reluctant non-participant speech and retreated deeper into my personal shell.
Eventually someone similar to me would seek me out. In the Angel headquarters it was Ana. She was a somewhat plain looking bookkeeper, a bit younger than me and as tall as me. She had nice breasts and a small waist. Her hometown was Barcelona and had worked in France for just over a year. Ana nearly jumped for joy when I spoke to her in Spanish and asked me to keep her company for lunch.
She was lonely. Seducing her was so easy I felt a trace of guilt. She did have some spectacular orgasms however so I was happy to provide her with those. I liked her.
I learned from her who the visitors representing the overseas charities were. Ana referred to all of them as animals including the woman overseeing an orphanage.
Ana told me which accountants they visited and that Angel did not know them as far as she knew. The vice president for finance did know them and greeted them warmly. He was Angel’s uncle Maurice.
I asked Ana if she ever had dealings with Angel herself and she answered, ‘No, no one does except her uncle and her executive secretary. If we need clarifications or anything from her we go to one of them and ask. Sometimes we get an answer the next day by e-mail, sometimes the question is never answered. I have never seen her in person myself even though she has an office one level up from us.’
‘I will bring dinner,’ I said as I caressed her hand before I left for my desk.
Ana was very good in bed. We were also good company for each other. We began to go out on dates and always held hands. She loved the symphony and she loved dancing. We began to travel to Barcelona on some weekends because she also loved Barcelona futbol.
Before I went to her flat that day I put in inquiries about her uncle, Angel’s secretary, and on each accountant handling the foreign ‘charities.’ When I returned to my flat late that night I had a folder in my computer with the results of my questions waiting for me.
The results for the executive secretary showed she had expensive tastes but nothing to send up any red flags. There was nothing very interesting about the accountants other than they lived well above what should be their salary level.
However there were very interesting notes on her Uncle Maurice starting with the fact he was fond of girls. He also owned pieces of all the illegal companies under Angel’s umbrella.
I loaded photos of innocent looking girls in school uniforms and used them as my screensaver. The girls in the photos were actually women, (one was thirty-two and my first lover), that were the cast of a Little Orphan Annie spoof which played small theaters.
As bait the photo worked well. Maurice asked me who they were and I told him they were actresses in a play and I had done the books for them, which was actually true.
He did not seem to believe me but said nothing. I asked him if he wanted me to e-mail the picture to him and he accepted the offer with enthusiasm. The next day I saw the picture on his desk computer. I was in. My screen saver had an embedded program that allowed me into his computer.
At home it took me just two tries to figure out Angel’s Uncle Maurice’s password, ‘fillette.’ I had tried it with the term petit first.
I found a trove of porn but nothing on the overseas charities.
I figured he had a different password for those files and I began to search for clues to his personality in his computer. I was stunned to see Shakespeare as his most non-work, non-porn reference. His screen savers were mostly posters of his plays. His password had to be ‘Iago.’
I tried it that evening and got into his files. Most of it would pass an audit by an independent agency but in my experience I knew there were layers under the numbers. I dug into the prostitute files first because I figured that would be his favorite offshore ‘charity.’ Over one hundred working girls a year had been sold to clients in Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Some had apparently stayed with him for a few weeks first.
One night at about ten PM I joined the cleaning crew and went into Angela’s office. I was surprised to find that her office was bugged. There was also a security cams recording everything Angel did. Why would anyone bug the bugger? I asked myself. I copied Angel’s computer hard drive and just on a whim I also copied her secretary’s but I expected little out of that one.
I checked through them at home. Angela’s computer had not one reference to the illegal activities and no mention of income from them. All of her business notes where about her charities in Spain, France, and Italy.
There where some files that were protected but almost anyone who knew her would guess her password was stvincent. The protected files had employee records including their salaries and found that her uncle, her secretary, and the targeted accountants were not paid anywhere near enough to support their lifestyles. Angel was listed as earning one euro a year. I began to suspect she had no idea what was going on.
That triggered some doubts in my head so I went back to her uncle’s files and I realized Angel had never been mentioned once. I had gone into the job expecting she was the mastermind of the organization but I was now thinking it was all her uncle. I needed to meet Angel.
My opportunity came when it was time to do her personal taxes. The accountant designated to do her personal finances was the accountant for the home office and that would be me. Her uncle warned me that her income and expense reports had always been a mess.
I found that she had underpaid her taxes by millions and dug into it and found unspecified income received from donations to her charities but never used by the charities.
I had
her uncle call her and asked to allow me to see her under the pretext that her favorite store had charged her for deliveries when she had apparently picked up the items at the store herself.
The ploy worked and she asked me to come up. I took Ana with me so she could meet her hero. Her secretary hovered around us at the start but when I began to quiz Angel about the store she left the office.
Angel was older than her photos suggested, she was now in her mid-forties. She was more than a little underweight and very pale. She looked as if she may be ill. She was a bit quirky and absent minded, very pleasant to be with. Of course it could have been an act but I became was pretty much convinced she was not capable of running a criminal empire.
Ana was upset by Angel’s appearance and Angel noticed.
Angel told her, ‘I have been trying to get my people to update my photos but they keep saying that they are selling an image and the image brings in the money Do I look that bad?’ she asked Ana.
‘No, you still look like a model,’ Ana lied.
Well perhaps she didn’t lie, she likely still saw Angel with her heart, not her eyes.
I stealthily turned off the intercom and turned on my bug disrupter then stood between the camera and Angel and showed her the discrepancy between income and expenses that was going to cost her millions in taxes. She was stunned.
‘That isn’t what my accountant shows,’ she said. ‘I have last years papers right here,’ she added as she opened a desk drawer and pulled out a folder. All of the amounts listed were much smaller than they should have been. The incomes from the overseas accounts were not there.
‘Who prepared these for you?’
‘Uncle Maurice’s son, my cousin Carlo. He does our family taxes.’
‘Well, one of these sets of numbers is wrong. Do you have the papers for the last five years?’
‘Yes, in that cabinet. I think we have to keep them for five years but I have them for the last twenty. The earliest are in francs.’
‘May we take them with us? We will copy them and bring them back this afternoon. That will help us figure out where it went wrong.’
‘Ok. I’m sure it is all a simple error somewhere.’
‘Thank you. We will get on it immediately. If we may suggest don’t tell your uncle about the discrepancy. It might make trouble for Carlo.’
‘Oh, right. Carlo is such a sweet boy but I was surprised he became an accountant, I didn’t think he had the intelligence for it.’
‘We will find out if he does. Thank you. We will return with this before five. Oh, did you pick up the items from this store or did they delivered?’
‘In truth I have no idea.’
‘Then I will check with them for you.’
I stopped by the secretary’s desk and asked her about Angel’s health as Ana went past with the folders. The secretary said Angel had a problem with digestion and all she seemed to eat were crackers and tea. The charities own doctor was taking care of her.
I went to Maurice’s office and waited as he talked to the guy that ran the drug operation and when he left I told him that Angel had no idea if she picked it up or not.
The uncle said, ‘She is like that, her memory is not very good and she starts projects, buys things, and even promises to appear someplace then forgets. She is an angel but a bit ditzy. I suggest you just go by the numbers you have.’
‘Will do. Thanks. I do have a call to the store to check their records and she has asked me to tell her what they said. It bothered her.’
‘OK, no problem. How long will the return take you?’
‘I thought it would take forever but following your suggestion I should have it ready to sign in a week.’
‘Fabulous. Go crunch numbers.’
As I walked to my desk I decided that Maurice did not know much about bookkeeping or accounting either but was more of an office manager. Each legitimate and each illegal charity had its own accountant and bookkeeper. My bookkeeper was an older woman that needed no supervision. Ana was the bookkeeper for the charities in Spain. All of us reported to the uncle.
I was now certain he did not have the ability to check our figures. Someone else must be running the show and I decided to inquire about Carlo.
Ana copied the tax files and we took them back to Angel as soon as her secretary left her office for the day and put them in Angel’s file cabinet.
‘Does your organization have a preferred banker?’ I asked Angel.
‘Yes, Bank of France and Lotus Bank Shares in Grand Cayman. The last one protects us from taxes.’
As we left Angel’s office I asked Ana, ‘Why would a charitable organization need to be protected from taxes by a foreign bank?’
‘It wouldn’t,’ she said. ‘Are you coming over tonight? I will help you with your homework.’
‘I will bring dinner.’
It became our daily routine. I would go to her home, we had dinner, tried to put the puzzle together, and then had sex. Most nights I slept in her bed and we had sex again before going to work.
We were a couple by then even though we had never talked about our relationship. I soon had most of my stuff in her flat and lived there. I went to my flat only to work on my assignment. Somehow in the intervening weeks Ana had become very pretty.
Ana had deduced I was there as an investigator. She never asked about what but had obviously assumed I was on Angel’s side. I was happy I was now on her side although tentatively.
I managed to get into the computers of the targeted accountants through Maurice’s computer and began planting little untraceable snippets to the people running the scams. It was basically a hint that someone in their organization was trying to force them out. When I got a return inquiry I cited that the numbers for their organization did not add up and they were going to be blamed for the shortfall.
My inquiry on Carlo told me he had nothing to do with accounting. He had not passed a single math class since the fourth grade. That brought my suspicions back to Maurice.
Ana traced back Angel’s taxes and found that the deviation began in 2005 and had become massive the last three years.
Uncle Maurice became the office manager in 2005.
Ana and I were stunned when one piece of the puzzle came into place. Angel’s charity had 2.8 billion euros stashed in the bank in Grand Cayman, that was where the extra income was going. The next piece of the puzzle hit us hard, the only one authorized to withdraw funds from it was Angel herself.
I used my special channels and found that she had never withdrawn money from the account.
‘So, who would inherit the money if she died?’ Ana asked me.
‘Let’s find out.’
On the larger front my small injection of paranoia had worked wonders. Maurice was visited by the bosses of each overseas organization demanding to know who was setting them up. Their accountants all swore they had not sent any messages and it was obvious no one believed them. Everyone checked with the bookkeepers and all claimed no knowledge. The accountants and bookkeepers were siphoning money for themselves so the nervous denials were noted. No one trusted any one now. I was winning.
While distracted after the meetings Maurice gave me permission to talk to Angel. I told him the tax forms were ready for her to sign. Once in her office I asked her if she was healthy, did she feel well?
She said she felt low on energy but felt OK otherwise.
I asked her who would inherit her fortune if she died.
‘Uncle Maurice and Carlo,’ was the answer.
Then she turned on the light bulb.
‘My secretary would be the executor of the will. She used to be my chief accountant but Uncle Maurice thought they should trade places and did. He had been my aide.’
Her secretary was the brains of the outfit and had power of attorney, she could withdraw the money.
That evening I checked on the secretary’s
copied hard drive and found an enormous slice of memory assigned to a folder titled ‘Other’ but I could not get into it. I searched for frequent references and was not too surprised that her most referenced non-work subject was also Shakespeare. Rumors of a relationship between her and Maurice were rampant in the office.
I tried ‘ladymacbeth’ and I found the entire plot in her files. We had suspected there were four illegitimate companies but I found seven. Fortunately the accountants, bookkeepers and local managers were listed.
That Friday I called my support team and had them pick up Angel and give her a complete physical over the weekend looking for poisons. Then as a government inspector I sent each chieftain a portion of the financial record that showed they had shortchanged the Angel Charities and asked who did their numbers.
The organizations soon collapsed from internal pressure. Each of the foreign charity accountants charged with their books vanished. Foul play was suspected but we knew those people had considerable cash stashed away and were probably in Tahiti.
Their bookkeepers were a bit slower to react and three ended up in custody. We were sure one was erased by their client. Three had vanished with the accountants they worked for. Maurice and Carlo also fled and I now controlled the office. I froze the assets of each overseas entity.
Angel was checked out at the hospital and found to have elevated levels of arsenic in her body. Her personal assistant had disappeared but was charged with attempted murder and arrested at the London airport as she hurried to catch a plane to the Cayman Islands. I had already frozen the charities accounts in Grand Cayman so the money there was safe from her.
I had figured out who was helping the secretary with her schemes against Angel and the doctor supposedly treating her and her lawyers were also arrested.
The arms dealing end was left with no arms to deal, they had lost any credibility and no one would provide them with inventory unless they paid cash. They ended up turning states evidence against each other.
The trafficking in children ended when the offices of the so-called orphanages were raided. I had sent the authorities details about their organization and asked them to check if they were using Angel’s name to cover a scam. The children were being used as factory workers. All employees were arrested. We talked various religious orders into running the orphanages for us.
The drug cartel split into factions and all of those became eradicated by existing cartels. They had been the most violent group and the biggest moneymaker.
The prostitution ring ended up with a complete overhaul of personnel and set up as a normal business in the countries where it was legal, we paid the taxes. All the ladies and the few gentlemen were placed on yearly contracts of salary and commission. I also allowed their bosses, all of which were accountants, to put them on our medical plan that included monthly exams. The managers for each enterprise were the most reliable ladies in each location. Even with generous salary and bonus plus the taxes I found that prostitution was a moneymaking business. That profit was diverted to the orphanages so the tax was minimal.
The smugglers and black markets managers were apprehended although they were soon back in business under different sponsors.
Angel never understood what had been happening to her. She was stunned to learn her secretary and her doctor were trying to kill her and sill believed her uncle and Carlo where good people even though she did not know where they were.
My people found them in Guyana. They were soon dead at the hands of their former drug cartel. I never told Angel.
I married Ana, she was great in bed. She was great in the kitchen. She loved to travel. She also worshipped me. I loved her more than a little. Well, maybe even more than that. I was faithful and happy. I understood we belonged together. She was gorgeous.
The public love for Angel multiplied tremendously when the plot against her life was announced. The illegal activities were buried by the outrage over the attempted murder of one everyone already believed was a saint.
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It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. ‘I love hardcore sex,’ it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
It was early one morning when I happened upon Angela. I was bored and browsing an internet dating site when her profile jumped out and bit me on the pecker. "I love hardcore sex," it said. Now that is a very unusual way for someone to sell herself on what is a supposed tame dating site. My interest was piqued and without delay I wrote my first mail to her. I realised that she would be inundated with mails of the lascivious type, I also had a suspicion that she was a clever cookie, one that...
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BLOOD AND VINEGAR Lovers walk hand in hand Through a desolate land Full of demons, Their only friends and saviors One another, Until one of them becomes A traitor, And things end badly, in blood And vinegar. FUNHOUSE FREAKS If we survive ourselves And the change Of metamorphosis, We often forget The way we were, Imagining the image In the mirror shows Only what we were Long ago, funhouse freaks. PROPHETIC LIVES Daily We experience Epiphanies; We are...
*The fictional story of an everyday mature white woman who wants to feel really sexually alive for the first time before it gets too late as told by the one who she eventually turns to for help. Her first and most likely last Lover. A Black Man. CHAPTER 05 – TIME TO CUM CLEAN ‘Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it’ or so the old saying and this story goes. I never thought my writing an erotic story would actually lead to a real world scenario. But apparently in this case it...
Hello all, I am Ritika, 39 years old. I am married with a kid. I work in an IT company. I am going to share my real incident with you all. I am not a sexy girl. My weight is 95 kgs, and my waist size is 38, and my bra size is 42. I don’t have any obesity, but still, I am a fat girl. I completed my engineering and was placed in a good reputation company. My colleagues and roommates were having multiple affairs, but I didn’t find any boyfriend in the office. On weekends, my roommates’...
In my 20's I met a girl online that lived about an hour away. She was a sweet little high schooler and we naturally got along well. We talked about sex a lot, and the first time we met I rented a room at the cheapest motel in town. This turned her on by itself.This dark haired, dark eyed little bombshell didn't waste any time when she parked in front of the door to the room. She got out of her car, came up and started making out with me on the spot. She led me by the hand into the cheap...
Back then, My buddies and i we would always kick it at the homie Kengi's apartment (not his real name) We drink about every weekend and you see most of the time i would stay over. Sometimes I would bring my gf along and do what we do over there. Having a few drinks and you know it goes down when you're feeling it, taking risk pretending you're drunk, early headache kicked in or a false argument to check out the room real quick ahah Well that was us, just doing me and having a few drinks. I...
The following day she managed to arrange that she and Gladys walk home alone from school together. "Gladdie, can I ask you something?" Her friend didn't answer, only looking at her questionably. Michelle proceeded with caution, saying, "'Member, a couple of weeks ago you didn't answer when we were all talking about incest? I was just wondering, don't you think it's wrong?" Her friend was silent for a long time as she debated with herself whether she should respond and if so, then...
Hi, dear friends and this is Mohsin once again with a beautiful encounter with my lovely and sexy maid Lakshmi. I am thankful to for the replies you had given to my previous story. This is all happened in the last month. I am 30 years horny guy living with wife and a k**.I am good looking and somewhat friendly man. So everybody in our locality loves me very much. As I am a self owned business man I have lot of time to spend at home. I am very much horny guy who loves to attract the females for...
Hello guys mera naam sonu hai aur mai 26 mumbai ka rehne vaala hu.Mai mumbai mai ek mnc mai job karta hu as a software developer…Average height 5.11,fair and athelete body. Yeh last mahine november ki baat hai jab mai office se chutti lekar hyderabad bad gaya tha..Aur vaapas joining ke liye 4 din baaki the.Mai aapko sonia bhabhi ke baare mai batata hu guys kya batao voh dikhne mai kisi apsara se kam nai gori ekdum dudh jaise safad body aur uski figure 36 32 34 gazab gi body ekdum.Dekhte hi use...
This is a true story about a camping trip I was on last summer. A big group of us went from school. All of us were college students, out for a good time. Naturally it was mostly guys. But there were 5 of us women along. Me and a friend Julie were sharing a tent. The other three ladies had boyfriends. We had a great time that first day. It was hot, sunny out. We did a lot of swimming, drinking. With it being mostly guys, got flirted with a lot. Not that I am a super model. But I’m 19, 5’3”...
Straight SexHello ISS readers, thank you for supporting me and asking me to post further seeing her belly I again got turned on I tried to make my chance and again put my leg on her and hands on her boobs I can feel her pussy on my knees I got to know that she did not wear panty today. Then I tried to check if bra is there or not then I found even that is not present. I understood that today why she asked me about my virginity. I made my mind and moved forward I pressed her left boob and started searching...
Incest100% fiction! My younger cousin and I began hanging out when he was 18. He was kind of a douche but our lifestyle was similar. We would hang out often at his house. He was (and still is) an alpha male. I don't care for that type. If they aren't stroking their giant cocks, they're stroking their ego. He was always such a dick. I didn't care though. I wasn't fucking him. One night, we were hanging out and drinking together. I rarely drank. He often drank. I had a terrible headache. It surprised...
IncestThe vacation last year started like every other. Susan my wife and I had decided on a Jamaican holiday. Married for 9 years, we were looking for some kind of adventure. Sex was pretty straight, that is no swinging. Susan recently turned us on to x-rated movies to spice things up. In fact it was a movie we had recently seen, that had given us the Jamaican vacation idea. Looking back, I remember how turned on Susan got during an interracial scene. We actually watched that movie twice, and the sex...
I come home from work to find you dressed in your sexy jeans, a tighttee shirt, and a pair of heels. I can tell you are horny by the way you tell me to get into the shower and that my clothes are laid out for me after I finish cleaning up. My cock throbs as I shower and lather my body up with some scented soap. I know you want me squeaky clean so I insert a soapy finger into my ass, cleaning myself as deep as I can. My legs are weak as my cock throbs from lack of attention. I dry off, head into...
Crossdressing"Do you think she will go through with it?" Dina asked Sandra, referring to Vivian's plan. "If she's really as shy as she told us, I don't think she will do it. My best guess is, that they will try to find someone else to do it for them." "You know; I was a bit surprised when you told her that you had changed your mind about ADP." "It's like I told her. I'm not completely for it, but I can't deny the fact that is seems to work. Even when I still think that it is wrong to make...
Gentle fingers touch my bare shoulder. Dr. Conners is leaning over me. My vision is still dimmed by the sleep. "You have a visitor. I explained that you are too weak but he insisted to see you. He said that it was important. I'm sorry." A man in his fifties comes closer, and sits beside my bed. The doctor gets out of the room. "I am police officer. My name is Shipler," the man says. During the next fifteen minutes he is pouring me with questions. "How come you fell into the...
If I had been somewhat bored with nothing much to do before that Troll attack - or Jotunn, or Ugly People, attack, depending on who was talking - suddenly I was in a situation where I barely had any free time at all. The change from feared or disregarded oddball to a common hero was, in a way, a very nice one. Except, the fact that most of the younger women didn’t really know how to throw themselves at me. While Human girls followed the examples of their older girls, these girls here had no...
Introduction: Sex with a group of teenagers A couple of summers ago my wife Kate and I went on a beach holiday to Spain. We stayed in a rather mixed high rise hotel. When I say mixed it was rather rough at times having a strange mixture of couples, families and young boisterous adults in their teens and twenties who would return at all times of the night rather the worse for wear through drink. We spent many leisurely days lounging around the pool or on the beach tanning ourselves. One...
We were coming to the end of the quarter, the end of volleyball, and Thanksgiving. Volleyball was first. To have enough private schools of a similar size, they placed our school in a district that covered several states. Most were day schools, but some were boarding schools. There were more parents from the day schools showing up to cheer on their kids. When we arrived, for the district tournament, it was extremely loud. Many parents had driven in to watch their daughters play. They had...
My wife and I are in our forties. We have a very good sex life, although my wife has one fantasy left to fulfil.This involved me allowing her to take multiple cocks. I agreed to this on one condition: that I would be able to watch.This happened when we were on holiday in Greece. We arrived at our hotel at three in the afternoon and went straight to our room to unpack. We decided to go to the bar for a drink. This became several and we were soon a bit tipsy.We returned to our room to change for...
First TimeI am Rajendran and I was 18 years when this real incident happened on Nov 2,my 18th birthday. Now I am settled as a computer engineer in Gulf with my family and enjoying a very good family life but still I am cherishing the fantasy sometimes because I cannot forget my first lovemaking with my fantasy lady. It was with my fantasy lady, JAYABHARATHI, the famous actress of Malayalam. Now I have the film in CD and sometimes I used to watch it my computer. My wife knows regarding my crush about...
My new young maid This story I’m gonna tell you is a true one. Mi name is Mark, I was 22yo at the moment but experienced enough to accomplish sex without problems. It was now a few days since my mom had kicked out the maid, a mature lady who made all the housework for us, but my mom had decided to hire a new one instead. I still don’t know what reasons she had to send away this woman and she hadn’t talked to me either about her decision, so I ignored completely how old the new maid was...
Hello and welcome to story of you Kyle and how your life was changed forever on July 7th 2017, but before we get into the story we need to have some basics about you.
"Wait Haley, I don't understand," April said. "What about the remote?" "My dad bought this super fancy, touch screen remote control," Haley replied. "And my mom is so frustrated because she can't figure out how to use it. So my dad said he could teach me to use it, and if I could learn, why couldn't she?" "O.K. So, what happened?" "My dad spent like 20 minutes teaching me how to use the thing. It is pretty complicated. I'm totally not surprised that my mom couldn't figure...
Shortly after I moved to my neighborhood, a new family moved in. It was a military family, a major Jake, and his wife Bev and their two children Amos and Baxter. The boys were just toddlers, Amos about 16 months, and Baxter almost four years old. I invited the family over to my pool and soon we became good friends, especially Jake and I. Jake was a good-looking guy, dark hair like mine had been before the gray set in, and tall. Bev, as Jake had told me on more than one occasion had been a...
Who are we? I don't know, who are you? We are you. Oh? And who am I? You are us... And we are you... Very helpful... Why am I so cold? Probably because we passed out in this blizzard... Well, that'd do it... And why did I pass out in this blizzard? We don't remember? Yes, of course, I remember, that's why I am asking the voice inside my head. We have been in this blizzard for as long as we can remember. We remember nothing but this blizzard. Do you remember nothing? Wait... I don't remember...
FantasyEmma Jade has been a high-school cheerleader for a while now, but she’s SO happy that her friend Gizelle Blanco was able to join the squad recently. One day after cheerleading practice, however, Gizelle takes Emma aside and confides in her that she’s feeling pretty anxious. As the newest cheerleader on the team, Gizelle’s worried that she’ll totally BOMB the upcoming championship. But luckily for her, her good friend Emma agrees to give her some one-on-one practice! But...