Verde County free porn video

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I looked due west, over the hood of my Mitsubishi Eclipse and see the Rocky Mountains standing high above the horizon. I’m lost in their beauty and my mind wanders to the future.

I am really looking forward to meeting up and spending the weekend with Karen, in Estes Park. It really sounds like fun. Especially now that I am rid of that loser, Joshua. I can’t believe I wasted one of my 28 years on that jealous, cheap, son of a bitch. I should have dumped him after the first week. I supposed if he wasn’t so cute and had such a big cock, I would have.

That thought made me chuckle to myself. Oh my God, Connie. What a slutty thing to say. Is that really the only reason you stayed with Joshua? I supposed when I think about it, yeah, the sex was pretty much it.

I glanced down at the dash. Oops. 80 miles per hour (130 km/h). I have always had a lead foot. I need to slow it down. I don’t need another ticket. Especially not one from out of state. It’s a long drive from Sioux City, Iowa. I supposed they would let me mail in the fee, or maybe pay it on-line.

I wonder if I will meet anyone in Colorado? Karen says it’s a great state to live in, especially if you like the outdoors. She said there are tons of nice guys. Denver attracts a lot of professionals and she said someone as pretty as I am would have my pick.

She’s probably right. I don’t talk it about constantly, that would be conceited, but all the guys say I’m pretty. They love the red hair, but they aren’t usually crazy about the temper that comes with it. I don’t have to ask if they like my bust. My 36 D-cups (14D) usually catch their attention pretty quick. I just wish men weren’t so damn obvious. It seems like my emerald green eyes would have to be where my nipples are, to get them to look at me when we talk. I’ve gotten compliments on my butt, too. Well, if you call some jerk yelling ‘Nice Ass!’ as he drives past when I am jogging. But, a girl knows. A girl knows when she is getting stared at….

Woooooooooooo! Woooooooooooo!

Shit! I checked the rearview mirror. A cop! Damn! I thought, as I glanced back at the dash. Fuck! I was back up to 80 (130 km/h) again. Man, I am so busted.

I pulled over and stopped on the side of US-34 and continued the narrative in my head.

How fucking much is this going to cost? I wonder if I can talk my way out of it? Maybe if it’s a guy? Should I maybe undo a button or two, to show some cleavage? Fuck! I’m wearing a t-shirt! Dammit! Stay calm. Smile. Oh, I need my license and stuff! Shit, where is my purse! Oh, Yeah. Floor.

I glanced up and see the policeman get out of his cruiser. It’s a man. Well, at least I have a shot. I watch him walk over and I look through my window as he speaks.

“Hello, Ma’am.” Said the policeman “Do you know why I pulled you over?”

Jeeze. I thought. He’s cute. He’s about 35, I’d say. Short black hair. Dark eyes. Very handsome. Broad shoulders.

“Umm” I started, trying desperately to come up with something clever

“You wanted my phone number?” I tried.

That earned me a smile. Brilliant white teeth. He’s too perfect. He must be married. I checked his left hand. No ring. Gay? God, I hope not. His name badge said “Ellis”

Officer Ellis chuckled.

“No, Ma’am. I clocked you going 79 (130 km/h) and the speed limit is 65 (105 km/h). I need your license, registration, and proof of insurance.” He said, casually and with a big smile.

I fumbled in my purse, but eventually came up with two of the three. I didn’t have car insurance. I handed them to him and explained.

“I have insurance. Really. I just don’t know where my card is.” I lied

“Ma’am insurance is mandatory in the state of Colorado. I have to write you up for that. I’m sorry, but it’s a $500 fine. The state will waive that if you provide proof that you are insured.” The hot looking Officer Ellis said conversationally.

The whole time he is telling me this, I can’t help but notice how good he looks in that dark blue uniform. The way his shoulders stretch the wool fabric across themselves; how the short sleeves reveal his rippled forearms and his thick upper arms. I imagined those strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.

“Ma’am?” I heard him say. “Ma’am. Do you understand?”

I wasn’t sure I did. But I nodded stupidly and I watched him turn around and head back to his car. Even a nice butt, too. Small and tight. I wanted to get out of the car and bite it.

He went back to his car and spent a few minutes doing something. I watched in the rearview as I saw his strong shoulders move while he did something below my view. I thought maybe he was writing out a ticket, and then I remembered I was supposed to be talking him out of this ticket, not fantasying about jumping his bones.

He got out, walked back over and came to my window.

“Officer, pleaeeese.” I started in my most sweet voice “Is there something we could work out on this? If I promise not to do it again…”

But he interrupted me, and did so in his official police voice.

“Work out? That sounds like you are offering me a bribe. That’s a serious offence. I need you to step out of the car, Ma’am”

“Bribe? What? No! You misunderstood me.” I stammer out, completely surprised.

“I’m gonna need you to step out of you car, Ma’am.” He said more forceful.

I fumbled with the car handle, as my heart beat a million miles an hour and the adrenaline put my stomach in my throat. As I got out and was about to try to explain, Ellis took me by the shoulders, spun me around, and shoved me towards my car.

“Heyyyyy! I exclaimed

“Get up against the car, ma’am. I need to check you for weapons and contraband.”

I was wearing tight running shorts that hugged ever curve down to just past my ass. Not wanting any panty lines I had opted to go with thong panties this morning. I had a bra under my tight t-shirt. There was no place for me to hide a weapon.

“I don’t have a weapon….” I began, but he cut me off.

“Hands up against your car and spread your legs!” he barked in his official voice.

I jumped when he said that and for some reason the words “spread you legs” gave me an uneasy feeling in my still fluttery stomach.

I moved into the position I had seen on TV so many times, leaning forward onto my car. Officer Ellis kicked my left leg father apart, nearly causing me to fall.

He started a slow search by placing one hand just above my knee, inside my thigh and the other on the outside and moved them all the way up until his hand impacted with my covered pussy.

“Watch the hands!” I yelled at him. “Shouldn’t a lady officer do this?”

“We don’t have any lady officers in Verde County. And if you aren’t quiet, I can arrange for a body cavity search.” Officer Ellis said with menace in his voice.

I knew what that was, and the thought of some guy (would it really be a guy?) sticking his fingers in my most private areas scared me.

I was quiet as he moved his hands to my other thigh and repeated the motion. This time going much slower, and moving both hands up and down, and pausing at the top to rub my pussy through my clothes.

“P..please don’t do that” I said with a tremor in my voice.

I was praying another car would stop, but there were none evident, way out here on the prairie.

“Quiet”! He barked again.

Ellis moved his hands back down my leg, still using the same up and down action, like he thought he had missed something the first time. As he got below my shorts, I’d hoped he was done, but it was soon clear he was just getting started.

He twisted his hands so his thumbs met in the back of my legs and began moving them up. When he encountered my shorts, his thumbs went underneath and he began to pull them up, exposing my lower ass to his gaze.

“Please” I said, but the rest of my sentence was interrupted by a hard slap against my bare thigh.

“Owwwww” I cried out and then was still

Office Ellis continued to pull my tight shorts up exposing more and more of my ass. He withdrew his thumbs, but left me with half of my right butt cheek exposed. Officer Ellis then moved over to my left leg and did the same thing. I was almost in tears as I felt him drag my shorts up further exposing half of my ass for his eyes to lust over.

After taking his hands off of my ass, he gave my shorts a tug, completing the wedgie and pulling them tight into my pussy. I was so embarrassed, leaning up against my car, legs spread and my ass hanging out. I felt so vulnerable. To my further embarrassement and shock, I noticed my pussy had gotten wet.

He placed both hands on my hips and traced my hips down to below my hiked up shorts, moved his hands to my bottom and firmly squeezed each cheek a few times. I was now very worried about what he was going to do. I started to wonder if he was going to rape me here on the side of the highway. If he did that would he kill me, too? I had to say something.

“P..please let me go” I stammered


I jumped as the sound of Officer Ellis’ nightstick impacted on the top of my car, inches from my hand.

“This is the last time I am going to tell you to be quiet” he said menacingly.

I saw him move his stick back and I was praying that he would not hit me. I felt the cool wood of his bludgeon touch the inside of my leg and begin to move slowly up between my legs. I felt the goose bumps appear as the contrast of hard, cool wood, on my hot inner thigh combined with the anticipation.

He dragged the stick up slowly, but steadily until it was resting against the lips of my even wetter pussy. I was so ashamed; being aroused by this. Then he began to move it back and forth, massaging my clit and vulva through my shorts. I took in a quick breath and held it, not knowing what else to do. Then he pulled it back, and I was half expecting to feel it impact with my head, so he could take me while I was dazed and concused. My senses were on edge, every hair sticking up. I heard him put the nightstick back into it’s loop and I let out my breath.

“That takes care of the bottom half. Now let’s see if you are hiding anything up top” the bastard said with a cruel twist to his voice.

My half-bare ass was not letting me forget that he was interested in not what my body concealed, but what was concealing my body. His hands found their way under my shirt and began to move up my stomach; there destination completely clear. His touch was soft and I felt my nipples constrict as he touched my lower breasts, gently. He slowly traced the outline of my boobs with the edge of his hands, barely touching the cloth, but nonetheless setting my heart racing.

When he found my erect nipples, he caressed them, up, down, up, down, feeling their hardness, and making me lightheaded. As the top of his hands cleared my areolas, he gave both breasts a firm squeeze and kneaded them like dough. He released both breasts only long enough to reposition his hands underneath and to squeeze my breasts from that angle.

He had pulled himself in close to me; while he conducted his ‘search’ and I could feel his warm breath on my neck and ear. It smelled of mint and I caught myself enjoying the fondling he was giving my boobs.

Officer Ellis leisurely withdrew his right hand and continued to knead my left breast and rub that nipple. His right hand came back underneath my shirt, but it felt different, half closed. He touched my breast with that hand and then said brightly

“What do we have here?”

He pulled both hands out from under my shirt and I turned to see him holding a ziplock bag with white powder in it. He was smiling triumphantly.

“That’s not mine!” I said finding not only my voice, but some red headed anger.

“Oh, I think it is. That’s what the arrest record is going to show. And with your prior drug conviction I’ll bet we are talking significant jail time for possession of a controlled substance.” He said smugly

“What fucking drug conviction” I said

He gave me a second and he saw my expression change as I remember the suspended sentence I received just out of high school for getting busted with a single joint.

“That’s wasn’t a drug charge. That was just a joint” I argued and mindlessly pulled my shorts out of my ass.

“That’s ten years in Canon City. Turn around and put your hands on your head”

I started to argue, but he spoke loud and sharp, ordering me to do as he told me. I turned around and put my hands on the back of my head. He took one, spun it down, and I felt the cold steel of his handcuffs grip my wrist. A second later I was shackled.

Then he grabbed my shorts and pulled them up, hard, giving my back my wedgie, exposing my ass, and burying them deep in my pussy. I jumped and felt one of his hands caress and squeeze the bare part of my butt, while his other hand reached around to grab my breast again.

“It’s really a shame you don’t have a friend in Verde County.”

He said as he continued to feel me up. I was trying not to enjoy having my erogenous zones stimulated. He is a bastard and I hated him. But he wasn’t groping like a 16 year old boy. He was squeezing gently, rubbing, swirling his hand, caressing, and then repeating all of that, the whole talking in a low soft voice.

“Yes, you need a friend. A friend in this situation would be a good thing.”

My head was swimming. This was so much so fast. He hands felt good. My nipples seemed to pulse each time he touched them. My pussy ached and the cloth between my pussy lips transferred each movement directly to my clit. He moved his hand from my ass and underneath to directly stimulate me. God, it felt good.

“A friend in Verde County is what you need. Someone…”

“S..s.someone like you?” I half moaned out

“Exactly” he said with a smile in his voice as he moved both hands to my breasts and continued to arouse my body.

I felt his hands move from my breasts down to my hips, and he gently turned me around. Then he hooked his fingers into my shorts and as he slowly began to pull them, and my panties, down. As slow as he moved my shorts down, he said with that same soft voice.

“I’ve always been curious about red heads. Is it true about their pussy hair?”

“Please” I again found my voice and slightly scared I continued “Someone will see”

Someone will see? I thought. I just agreed to show him my pussy. He’s molesting me and I was going to let him! But, I don’t want to fight this drug thing. He is so cute, and those hands…..

He moved me around to the other side of the cars and to a spot between them. A few cars had passed while I was being searched, but I had no idea if they noticed exactly what was happening. Here on this side, we were mostly hidden. With the way he had parked his car, it even shielded us partially from on coming traffic. Had he done that on purpose, I wondered?

I faced him, with my back against my own car, my manacled hands up against the door. Officer Ellis got down on his knees and began to pull down my shorts again. I closed my eyes and tried to hide from the embarrassment and my own arousal. He moved them down slowly. I swallowed as the waistband cleared the swell of my hips, and any resistance to exposing my pussy to the open air evaporated.

I heard him take in a deep breath, as if to smell my scent. I could tell I was very wet and he could likely sense it as well.

“It is true.” He said in awe as he marveled at my neatly trimmed red pubic hair.

He continued to take my shorts and panties down and I felt the warm metal of my car, on my now bare backside. When they were at my feet he nudged me to lift my shoes, so he could remove them, leaving me naked below the waist.

My embarrassment had vanished, and I felt myself move my legs further apart, and then actually lift one leg up, at his nudging, to give Officer Ellis unrestricted access to my most private area. I felt his tongue touch my labia and a shiver went up my back. He moved his tongue inside me and began to lap at the juices oozing from my pussy. It took him only a few seconds to find my love button and I shivered again with the jolt of pleasure that brought.

He spent a heavenly amount of time using his tongue on all parts of my pussy, licking the inside, nibbling on my outer lips, and flicking at my clit, until he had me openly moaning like a whore, on the side of the road.

I felt him withdraw and say

“Your turn.”

“Take the cuffs off me, please. I’ll be good.”

He got up, put his hands on my naked hips and moved them up slowly to my waist, then ribs, and then to my shoulders. He looked me in the eyes the whole time. His soft, confident smile melted my brain, but I was jolted back to reality when he aggressively spun me to face the car once again. I felt the cuffs on one wrist, and then the other, release their cold grip, only to be replaced by his own steel-like embrace.

Officer Ellis moved my hands to the top of my car, found my full breasts, and squeezed them firmly as he ground his erect organ into my bare ass. He felt large through his pants, his cock straining to get out. He continued to knead my breasts for a few moments, then as before, he spun me to face him.

“Strip” he ordered.

I was naked from the waist down already, but he wanted to see all of me. I thought of telling him ‘No’, but I did not think he would accept that answer. I looked both ways, checking for traffic. A car zoomed by, but seamed to pay little heed. I was wondering why people were not staring.

“Quit stalling” he said impatiently “I want you naked”

That statement drove the point home. I knew I would be naked shortly and I thought I knew what was going to happen, but him speaking it seemed to make it fact. I trembled a bit as I pulled my top off, leaving only my red lace bra between me and his hungry gaze. As I reached behind my back, I once again realized, with both dismay and embarrassment that I was soaking wet. My body seemed to understand what my mind could barely comprehend. I closed my eyes, as I let my bra fall to the ground through my arms.

He looked at my heavy breast, admiring my erect nubs, on top of my brown areolas. I thought I saw a dark look come into his eyes, as he reached out to hold my bare breast and then to worry my nipple with his thumb.

“Put your hands behind your back, and keep them there.” He ordered.

I felt so defenseless and he leaned in to take my left nipple into his mouth. He sucked gently on it, teasing it with his tongue. My other breast was soon under assault with his other hand; squeezing it firmly, and kneading it, feeling it’s fullness and weight.

I moaned out softly, in spite of my self. What kind of slut am I? I’m being felt up against my will, and I’m enjoying it. But, his touch is sooo nice.

He withdrew from my breast, rose up, and pulled me into a wet kiss. I resisted for just a moment, until my own pleasure beat down my will to disobey. I wrapped my arms around him feeling the tight muscles in his back and the strength of his arms around me.

His hand traveled down my back, tracing the contours until he felt the rise of my bottom. He paused to caress the top, and then grabbed a handful of my ass, eliciting a moan from me. He continued to kiss me deeply, passionately and to fondle my ass for what seemed an eternity. Each squeeze was felt in my pussy, and it so ached. He pulled back.

“Your turn” Officer Ellis reminded me.

I got down on my knees while Officer Ellis took off his gun belt, and undid his pants.

“Take it out” he ordered while motioning towards his very erect cock.

I closed the distance between us, and hooked his briefs with my thumbs and pulled his underwear down to his knees. His cock sprang out in a bouncy way that would have been humorous if not for how tense this situation was.

I took him hesitantly into my mouth feeling him push his way steadily to the back of my throat. I had given blow jobs before and Joshua was bigger. But, this man did not care for my comfort and would take charge if I did not please him. I applied as much suction as I could and began to bob back and forth at a steady pace. I paused occasionally to lick around the crown of his organ, and I used my tongue to apply as much pressure to the bottom of his shaft as I could.

“Ohhhhhh Yeah! You’re a good little cocksucker, aren’t you?’

He threaded his hands into my hair and began to control the tempo of my pace, forcing his cock a little deeper each time. I knew what he wanted, but I had never taken a man all the way. I knew I had to, or risk his wrath. On the next in stroke I fought as hard as could against my gag reflex and tried to swallow him whole.

“Ohhhhhhhh Fffuck!” he groaned as his penis went all the way in and my nose was buried in his coarse pubic hair.

He held me there, not letting me withdraw. He gently pumped my mouth trying to go just another millimeter deeper, but it was not possible. He held steady, letting his tiny thrusts massage his cock.

“Fuck” he exclaimed. You’ll make me cum, if we don’t stop. Get on all fours and point your ass this way” He demanded.

I was so torn. This was so wrong to be made to fuck this strange man. But, my body ached for it’s own relief. I had never become so hot from giving head in my life. My pussy ached to have him fill me. I was wet; I could feel my own juice on my leg. I did as I was told.

He finished removing his pants, leaving him clothed above the waist, and knelt beside me. I waited with every nerve on edge for him to take me and release the unbearable tension that was building in my body. He nuzzled his hips against mine, and his cock teased my pussy, going between my legs and barely parting my lips. I began to notice my breathing and how heavy it was.

His hands, which had been on my hips moved steadily up my body and underneath to take hold of each breast. I felt him pull back, adjust his angle of attack and then thrust himself into me in one violent motion. The suddenness startled me, but that was overwhelmed by the feeling of having his cock inside me.

He pumped me quickly, but being taken from behind avoided my clit. I yearned to have it touched, while he hammered me from behind. I reached underneath and found my pussy and began to rub myself closer to orgasm.

The sound of a passing car added tension with the thought of being discovered and to the eroticism of being taken in the bright Colorado sun. Officer Ellis continued to pump me, fucking me hard and deep, each thrust seeming to go deeper into my aching cunt. My own hand was helping to build me to climax

“Fuck! Are you tight! I hear him exclaim.

Officer Ellis is still using my breasts as his handles. That thought arouses me for a reason I can not comprehend. I am disappointed when he releases them, to grasp my hips. But, his more violent thrusts soon have me forgetting about my dangling and bouncing tits.

“Fuck”! He exclaims once again.

I am sure he is about to fill my pussy with his lust, when he stops and pulls out.

“Do you have lotion in your purse!?” he asks excitedly and breathing hard.

My mind is muddled. I am slow to pick up on why he wants my lotion. I nod my head and he gets up and opens my passenger side door.

It begins to dawn on my why he would want it and I cry out.

“No! Please! Don’t do that to me! Not there! Please not there!”

He tells me to be quiet as he searches my purse. I am afraid of anal sex. I had only tried it once, with Joshua. But, he was too big. It hurt. I don’t want to be torn. But I am frozen into place as he returns and kneels behind me. I hear a snap as the bottle opens. I jump as the cool liquid touches my little bunghole.

“Please. Don’t. It will hurt.” I stammer.

He is silent as he works the lotion into my ass with his thumb and the knuckle of one hand. It feels strange as I am slowly spread open. The pain is not intense. I relax and let him work. I hear the bottle burp as he squeezes a large amount of lotion out, and I imagine him stoking his own cock, as it hovers over me. I am scared. I try once more.

“P.pp..please. Don’t”

He ignores me and touches my forbidden hole with the head of his cock. I jump and yell



I feel the hot sting of the slap to my ass and he says in voice that drips of lust and excitement.

“Look, bitch. I’m fucking you in the ass. You can either relax and let it hurt a little, or you don’t and I shred your ass. Which will it be?”

I do not reply, but I put my head down to the ground and offer him my most private orifice. I relax as best as I can, but it’s little use. I feel him once again touch my tiny hole, and this time I hold still as he forces his way inside me. The pain stabs; I jump, and then will my body to relax. I feel his head pop in. He is more gentle than I expect; giving me a moment to accommodate his girth. Then he takes my hips and pushes steadily.

My breath catches several times. I need him to stop; to give me a moment. But he does not. My butthole is stretched and I feel like it will rip. I try very hard to relax and I feel him bottom out.

“Ohhhh, Fuckkkk!” I hear him cry out.

His manhood is deep in my bowel and I feel him shiver with pleasure. I breathe shallowly, not wanting to put anymore tension on my on staining ass. His pause lasts longer than I dared hope, but not long enough. I feel his hips pull back and then he slides back in. It hurts marginally less, as my ass stretches to allow his assault.

“Rub your cunt, like you did before.”

I don’t want to. I don’t want to cum. Only a whore would come with a dick in her ass.


He strikes me once again. I jump and pain stabs me again as my ass tightens. I concentrate on relaxing while I move my hand underneath me, and find my pussy. I think, for just a moment of only pretending to masturbate for this bastard, but I feel myself become aroused again as he steadily pumps my ass and moans loudly.

I touch my clit, and the electric jolt of pleasure pushes the pain out of my mind and I begin to pleasure myself. It takes only a few seconds of this before I moan audibly.

“You like this, don’t you bitch?” the bastard says as he pounds my sore ass.

I feel him move in and out, gaining confidence and momentum. He is drunk with the power of having my body under his control and that spurs him to pump harder. His breaths come in quick gasps and I know he is close.

“Awwwwwwww!” he yells as I feel him shoot hot liquid deep inside my ass, and drive his hips into mine.

I can feel his balls against my pussy and I work my pussy harder trying to cum before he pulls out and leaves me frustrated. He is still pushing into my ass, trying to drive just a little deeper as he finishes his own orgasm, when I explode.

“Ohhhhhhh.” I say as quiet as I can manage.

It shames me to know this bastard is making me cum by fucking my ass. But, my body will not lie and I go rigid as my orgasm takes me. It is more intense than any Joshua had ever given me. I quiver slightly as the climax invades every fiber of my body, and pushes everything else out. I am paralyzed with the intense pleasure of it, and it purges me of all reality. I give myself completely to the feeling and let it wash me clean.

Time stands still and slowly the pleasure dissipates and the ugly reality of the situation comes creeping back in. I exhale and take in a deep sustaining breath as I become aware of my heart beat slowing and returning to normal.

I am still on my hands and knees. My head is on the ground, turned to face one side, and I am still touching my pussy. I realize the full feeling in my ass is gone and I can feel his liquid oozing out of my ass and down to my pussy. A piece of paper flutters down in front of me.

“Have a nice day, Ma’am” I hear Officer Ellis say.

He walks away as I ease myself up. By the time I am on my knees he is in his car and pulling away in cloud of dust. I can now be seen by approaching vehicles and that reality brings me fully to my senses. I gather up my nearby clothes and open the passenger door. I quickly pull my tee on to give the illusion I am properly dressed and can pause for a second.

Adrenaline once again retreats and I relax. What do I do now? I’ve been raped. I should report him. I feel so many things at once, not the least of which is the afterglow of my orgasm. I look down and see the paper. It’s a ticket!

I pick it up and read it. It’s not a ticket. It’s just a warning for a burned out tail light. It won’t even affect my insurance. This warning has another warning handwritten at the bottom.

“Come back and visit Verde County again. We’d love to see you.”

That single underline made my decision for me. I didn’t know exactly what it meant, but I did not want to find out. I cleaned myself up, got dressed, and headed for the county line.

Author’s note: There is no Verde County, Colorado, nor do I know any policeman who would behave in this way. This was pure fiction written for a single special person. I hope she and the rest of you enjoy it.

Comments and positive ratings are my only payment and constructive criticism is welcome. If you leave a negative rating, drop me a line with how to improve.

The White Hat


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"You What?" Homer and Connie both yelled at me. "Jesus, Wilbur, don't you have a brain in your head? You want to be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor" Two of them yet." Connie looked about ready to crap a brick. "Relax, they are both twenty-one years of age. I saw their driver's licenses. Now Connie, I want you to call that idiot Hoot up and complain the two young girls are going to be appearing at the Buck Horn tonight in next to nothing string bikinis. Moose...

1 year ago
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She Was Too Sexy To Refuse

I was doing some work around my house last Saturday. There were some repairs needed on the back of my house that I had been putting off. Well, I couldn’t put them off any more. I was about halfway finished when my neighbor’s wife Angela came around the house. She said, “I heard you around here working, and I thought I would just come over.” Knowing she doesn’t just come over, I wondered what she wanted. I asked, “What can I help you with?” I was thinking, I would love to help her out of...

3 years ago
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No Slave To Destiny

I’m talking to myself again. So what? Who else would listen? God, it hurts. It hurts so bad. I knew it was coming. But there’s no way I could have prepared for this. The pain’s deep down inside my fucking chest. The feeling of emptiness is unreal. The loneliness. I’m gonna lose it. I just know I’m gonna lose my mind. They’re going to put me away somewhere. A place where the world can forget about me. But I won’t forget. I can’t. Maybe I should just end it. It? Yes, it. End it all. It can’t...

2 years ago
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Georges Three Loves

George Clancy's place in the pecking order of high school boys was that of the safe, friendly, tall, reasonably good looking, good-dancer, guy, that girls would date, just to go on a pleasant date. To most girls, George was a square. He did not drink or smoke. He was not one of the local guys who had connections with one of the college fraternities, thereby able to bring a date to their parties. His family was as nice as a fellow could have. He was a solid student that teachers and adults...

3 years ago
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Grannies need loving too

I recently had an affair with my grandmother. I know it, don’t judge me. She lived in a distant city and was visiting my family for about a week when it happened. It was nice to see her again and listen while she told stories about the family during the years I was growing up. Grandfather had died a few years earlier so Mom and Dad often invited her to visit us and stay a few days. During this particular visit, Mom and Dad had to attend a special social obligation one evening. Mom asked me to...

1 year ago
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Axe VictimChapter 24

The next two weeks went by in a blur of activity for Don and Hailey. There were dates to choose and people to see and when the two weeks ended, Don sat back and sighed. His first marriage hadn't been such a hassle. But the smile on Hailey's face when some part of her dream could be accomplished was worth every minute. And so it was that Don found himself on the couch idly sipping at a bottle of beer. Hailey was in the bedroom with Leslie, Jenny and Kasey. It was time for the prom. Don was...

2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 1Chapter 46

I was happy that Tiffany was gone. She was putting herself into a situation that made me uncomfortable for her and her future husband. I called over to Shannon's place. "Hello?" "Hi Shannon, how are things going?" "Your sister is awesome. She already earned a raise and she has brought in twenty-six new customers. I recognize talent so her job won't include looking at any more toilets. She's my new Office Manager." "Shannon, you keep cleaning my place to keep you grounded and to...

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Chloe Moretz Hitchhiker 20

By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...

1 year ago
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Piano LessonsChapter 3

Waking up on Sunday became a exercise in laziness for Kristy. Waking up when the sun is warm and strolling downstairs to an empty house was nothing new to her, but always welcome. This time though, she could hear her brother practicing, and could only assume his tutor canceled. She poured herself some cereal, and listened to him play. It was a new piece, and he seemed pretty good at it. Kristy then realized her mistake when he started to miss a few keys in the song. She thought about his...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 18 Rendezvous with the FoM Robert E Lee

The next morning I woke up to the ladies continuing to plan the structure of the household. By now the ladies sleeping with me the night before knew the plan too, and they were making recommendations. One of the ladies, who was a fourth tier lady said, "The only thing I worry about is, the promotion spankings. Up two levels is a lot of swats by the Captain". It turned out that at every promotion the lady would get a good girl spanking (something like the birthday spankings) as a reward for...

2 years ago
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Another Best Experience With Corporate Employee

Hi All, This is nashu working as software developer in MNC and also as gigolo for pleasure, as a develop I am getting the decent amount of salary for my parties but still I am feeling something missing in my life and found I am starving for sex. So I Decided to become the gigolo to satisfy myself and also for the ladies who are working in the IT Companies(With lot of pressure and also lust) and also house wife’s of IT Employees and Businessman’s( Who will not satisfy the wife’s but they satisfy...

1 year ago
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Mature young FFM

We met after I answered Lynne’s advert for companionship in a porno mag. We decided to meet at a coffee bar near her flat, and soon found that we had a lot in common. Before long we were chatting about everything, from the prices in the supermarket to different shades of lipstick. It’s strange but at the age of eighteen and with Lynne at the age of fifty-eight I might have felt in awe of her experience, compared to mine but she treated me as an equal and for that I have the utmost respect.After...

3 years ago
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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 2b

Mrs. Vandermeer had returned. She stood there in the door way, a fist resting upon her cocked hip, a leather satchel occupying her other hand. My mouth felt dry as I hung there, suspended by my wrists with only my toes to keep my full weight from my arms and shoulders, a desire so intense that I thought I’d cream myself right then and there. She’d shed her jacket and trousers, as well as her blouse since she’d abandoned me, stripping down to her underwear and a pair of knee high, black leather...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Hot Boy Toy

I'm a fifty year old white male married to a very attractive forty-five year old woman, Tina. We are both very athletic and work out every day. Our sex life is excellent; she is always horny and is multi orgasmic. Over the years it has become increasingly difficult for me to keep up with her. She wants it much more often than I do and she is not satisfied with a single orgasm but often wants three or more. When I was younger this was not a problem, but now I just can't keep it up long enough to...

4 years ago
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The Lesbian Exchange

I couldn’t get the image out of my head.It’d been a week since I’d seen her. Since she’d kissed me. And I still couldn’t get that image out of my head. Us. Together.I’d never been with a woman before. The whole idea seemed absurd. I was married. I was happy. My sex life was great. But the thought of being with her – kissing her, touching her, licking her – I just couldn’t get her out of my mind.I wanted her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted her to fuck me.I picked up my...

3 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 04

When Tommy got up Sunday morning he discovered that he and Aunt Karen were no longer alone. His cousin Kim had arrived home in the wee hours of the morning while he was sleeping. Kim gave him a bright smile when he walked into the kitchen. ‘Hi, Tommy,’ she said. Aunt Karen was making breakfast, so the young man went to the kitchen table and sat down. ‘Hi, Kim,’ he replied. He was surprised she was up already, given how late she’d gotten in. His cousin looked a lot better than he remembered...

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Asmodeus Demon of Lust Part 90

Cheers, Steelkat My father's dream envelops me like a tomb, it's darkness oppressing and tightening around my shoulders. This is what he feels, I realise, as I watch him pace. His footsteps pound in my ears; they are deafening in the darkness. I hear his desperation as he calls out my name and feel his frustration when I do not answer. Choking on his pain, my throat closes against my tears. I want so desperately to run into his arms and assure him of my safety, but Asmodeus holds...

3 years ago
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A friend lends a hand or should I say sperm

Jenny had settled down, her flamboyant life style had been calmed by the act of marriage and her husband had shown her the benefits of monogamy. She was content with her standard semi in her standard suburb with her standard husband on a standard salary. But she yearned for a family. Her husband, who had been married before, had other views. His divorce had been particularly fraught and he had taken the initiative to have a vasectomy. After marrying Jenny, however, his heart melted and the...

1 year ago
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The Boys Bet Ch 02

I shoved myself away from the couch, stumbling over my shoes that were heaped in a pile on the floor with my jacket and purse. ‘Bathroom,’ I mumbled, blushing profusely as all of the boys turned to look at me. I hurried into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I put my hand on the vanity, leaning my head forward to rest it on the cool glass. What the hell was I thinking. Johnny? Worst move I could have made tonight. What if Bryan had seen? Forget killing any chance I had with him- not...

3 years ago
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Crossing That Line Part 1

This is my first submission. Please rate my story and comment freely. I always welcome constructive criticism as I aim to please my fellow Lush members! I woke up feeling content and refreshed, the memory of a steamy dream starring a very sexy Doctor still lingering in my mind. Not just any Doctor, but my boss—Dr. Cole McLaughlin. I would see him again today, and the thought made me smile. Cole and I had been spending pretty much every moment together these past few weeks—well, apart from...

Straight Sex
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Lost in Europe

Your parents are very rich all your life you wanted for nothing. One of your friends just recently got married and as a group you all went on a tour of Europe. It had started as a bus trip of night clubs. But that's the only thing you remember. Two weeks later you wake up in an alley in some major city wearing a T shirt and a pair of lace under wear. No money No passport No form of identification No phone You don't even know what country your in. First question are you a guy or a girl?

1 year ago
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First Meeting

I see you standing at the bar...alone. I walk up behind you... I can tell by your dress that you are not wearing any panties. This excites me. I whisper in your ear...can I buy you a drink .... you don't even look back and say yes. I remain behind you as we have our hand slides along your side and rests on your hip. Your head leans back as your lips hand moves behind you and cups your ass let out a small sigh...a smile comes across your lips letting me know...

2 years ago
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Harrys Magical Wand

A Harry Potter Fan Fiction What should have happened in the ending of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire… PS: I do not own the characters. And this story involves male / male slash sex, so if you have anything against that, Leave (: . Enjoy! Draco wanted Harry to suffer, he wanted him to fail the competition so bad! He circled around his room and tried to think of a way, that suddenly came to his mind. He quickly got down to breakfast and went to the Hufflepuff table, demanding to...

3 years ago
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Music Love Ch 04

‘I saw you park so I started making it already,’ Jailyn smiled as she pushed the triple café mocha across the table as Lauren breezed through the doorway. Pushing a strand of her chestnut hair behind her ear, she grabbed the towel and starting wiping up the espresso machine. ‘Ugh, thanks you’re saving me’ Lauren sighed, dropping her bag on the floor next to the table. She fished a hair-tie out of her purse and slowly started gathering her hair with her hands before tying it in a messy bun....

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Filthy Whore

Fred lay on his back on his palatial bed. He was lying naked. His body freshly oiled and taut after the workout. His big thick cock was erect and throbbing. He had a glass of champagne in his hand and was sipping it gently, savoring the dry fruity taste of and the sight in front of him.Standing over his naked body was Jenna, the dirtiest, nastiest slut in the world. She was a cum hungry nasty slut whore who loved to get fucked like a pig. And that of course made her Fred's most favorite girl in...

2 years ago
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Petite Party Slut Darshana

I opened my eyes after a hand slapped me across my face. The alcohol was still stemming in my system and I was still noticeably high. I looked around to find myself in the bedroom of my good friend’s house. Ohh yes, Pratiks house party! Too.much to drink, I tried to find the source of the hand that slapped me. Lying on face down was a petite girl with a short skirt which was pulled up to her upper thighs and a skimpy top which was sticking to her body maybe due to sweat. Even with all the...

1 year ago
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Just a Little Dip Chapter 2

Just a little Dip Part 2 Thanks everyone who read the first part, here's the second part, which still doesn't have any answers but certainly has some more action! It's the little things that aren't immediately noticed that were bothering Kevin. As he walked out of the department store he realized he no longer walked he strutted. His hips rolling, his gait entirely feminine, his long legs proudly carrying him, but it was his ass that bothered him the most, now that he was in less...

4 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 25

The next morning, us six guys headed out to another golf course. This one was another private country club that Terry had conned his way into tee times. Fred also knew the pro and invited him to play with us. Dad, George, and Dan played a three-some in front of us, and I played with Terry, Fred, and the Pro. Fred told the pro I had shot a sixty-seven the day before at the difficult course, and the pro said I would probably beat the course record today. I didn’t beat the record, but I did...

2 years ago
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A Passionate Love Making With Manager

Hi folks, I have been a regular reader of stories here since long time and took a long break of late as the site was under maintenance. Now that I am back with my own real experience with my sexy curvy Manager. I am Pavan working in software MNC from Hyderabad, who always loves keeping a view on elder ladies. This is one such experience which made my life colorful and passionate with my Manager who is of 36 years of age. I am 27 years currently, fair complexion though I am south Indian; many...

3 years ago
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brother and sister

Mom & Dad had gone out on the weekend and we had to stay back because of the endless assignments we had from college. It was just me and my younger brother alone in the house. Some days back I had forgotten to knock on the door of Jeremy"s room and had entered the room only to discover that he had come out of shower without his towel on. I had a glimpse of his massive cock hanging partially limp and had turned around to avoid an embarrassing situation. He might have noticed me have a look...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 4 ResolveChapter 2

"You beast, I can't believe you kept me in there as long as you did," said Suzan softly in her deepest voice with a sexy smile, as she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. They stood in front of their room door and she gave him a light kiss on the mouth. Dusty could feel her every once in a while massaging his neck, while she was holding him with her arms draped over his shoulders. He noticed she was doing that more and more lately to various parts of his body, but to tell the...

2 years ago
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Always on GuardChapter 44

The ships from Freeland arrived just after Jorgarn managed to track down Pernice. Their conversation was shortened because of the ships' appearance on the horizon. "First off, the battle plan has changed," Jorgarn said as he watched the five ships in the distance. "Landor has come to his senses and either you or I – or likely both of us – will be in charge of the battlefield. The Freeland militia will play a major role." Pernice raised his eyebrows. "I'm sorry I got so angry...

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The Train Journey

Hi. My name is Adhi. I have been following Indian Sex Stories from some time and always wanted to share my experiences too and finally, this is my first attempt out here. Hope all of you would like this sex story. It would be great if you could share your feedback or even if you want to catch up on a talk. My email id is So, a brief about me. I am Adhi, a 26-year-old from Bangalore. I am a little less than 6 feet tall and fairly well-built body (not a typical gym body) with the shoulder of 42...

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Tante Ineke

                                 Tante InekeDit verhaal gaat over mijn 72 jaar oude tante Ineke en een 35 jaar oude jongen, die zijn droom waarheid zag worden. Het verhaal begint bij mijn tweede bezoek bij mijn Tante.Vroeger fantaseerde ik altijd over mijn Tante Ineke. Ze zag er altijd zo mooi en sexy uit.Het was inmiddels al weer tien jaar geleden dat ik haar gezien had. Ik trok de stoute schoenen aan en besloot haar te bellen of ze het niet erg vond of ik een keer langs kwam.Ze klonk er...

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MylfBlows Dava Foxx What Deepthroat Dreams Are Made Of

Bookish MILF beauty Dava Foxx is all about giving guys exactly what they want. When she sees a devoted husband not getting the attention he deserves, she springs into action. She likes to wrap her fingers around a hard cock and stroke it until it is ready to burst. Then she wets her lips and puts it in her mouth, working her magic as the orgasmic sensations kick in. All the while, she whispers sweet nothings, making the incredible blowjob that much more seductive. She is especially good at...

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Dirty Jokes

Q: When do you kick a midget in the balls?A: When he is standing next to your girlfriend saying her hair smells niceQ: What's the difference between your job and a dead prostitute? A: Your job still sucks! Q: How does a woman scare a gynecologist? A: By becoming a ventriloquist!Q: How do you kill a circus clown?A: Go for the juggler!Q: Why couldn't they get the dead mans casket lid shut?A: Because he overdosed on viagra!Q: Why does Dr. Pepper come (cum) in a bottle?A: Because his wife died!Q:...

2 years ago
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ConvergenceChapter 2

Mark, with insight that had eluded him briefly, suddenly and firmly ordered, "Kari! Quiet! Relax!" To everyone's amazement, and with a little shock at the intensity of Mark's command, Kari suddenly sat up straight, went quiet, and silently began to wipe the tears from her face, as if nothing untoward had happened. Turning to the others, he said, "I'm sorry about not explaining more about our situation. Give me a minute to get my thoughts together and I'll let you know more about our...

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Halloween Party

1666 Dead End Boulevard, they call it that because the street is literally just a cul-de-sac lined on either side with dense trees and no buildings aside from a large community center at the end. The lone structure was once an elaborate mansion from the 1800s owned by a rich plantation tycoon. It was passed down through the generations until 1910; the final heir to the house, after living there for ten years, rushed out and decided to donate the land to the community. The reasoning is still...

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It all started with that sms, on the 14 February around 11:00am. Judy was just on her way out to get some milk and fruit at the corner shop, when she got the sms.‘I’ll pick you up at 8:00pm. To a night, to unlock floodgates of desire.’She had no idea of who this sms came from. The number was not in her phone list. What now? She thought.So she sent a message back. ‘I think you have the wrong number, sorry I don’t recall this number on my cell.’Not long after she sent it, she got a reply...

First Time
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The DreamChapter 3

“We’re living the dream,” I told Karen one sunny afternoon after our second month as Master and Slave. She was referring to me as Master in private, and while I didn’t call her ‘Slave,’ I also found it difficult to think of her as just my wife or Karen while she submitted to me. During the times when she was submitting, I thought of Karen as my slave and so did she. Things had generally been better than I had expected. In that month, I laid down the fundamentals of a Master-slave...

2 years ago
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Occasionally Three is Not a Crowd

I was lying naked in bed on a Friday morning, just beginning to awaken from a rather difficult night, when I thought I heard a muffled sound coming from the kitchen. I decided to ignore the occurrence, thinking it was merely the product of an overactive imagination, when at that moment, she burst into my bedroom with a huge grin on her face. "Hiya Dylan!! I was in the neighborhood, and after I knocked and got no answer, I used my key," she explained with a broad smile. Alison was a...

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New Adventure 6 Introducing ldquoLady Jrdquo hellip just my mus

New Adventure 6Introducing “Lady J” … just my musings on things xxSo where does that leave us? … months into our new fun and games we have an exciting little fantasy to call upon when the desire so takes us but, in truth we are no closer to having another party join us in our bed at night, or indeed the darkest corners of a busy club or bar.My wife, I shall give her a name, one she invented for herself, “Lady J”. Petite, is the term that comes to mind, I have always considered her simply...

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The Ultimate Guide to Kink Book Review

I recently took the time to read The Ultimate Guide to Kink: BDSM, Role Play and the Erotic Edge. The book is a compilation of work from leading sex educators in North America. It is edited by Tristan Taormino, an American author known for her activism in the sex-positive feminism movement. While I was initially skeptical about ‘sex guides’ or ‘expert advice,’ I found some of the writing to be enlightening and thought-provoking. I was able to borrow an electronic (e-book) version through my...

2 years ago
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She'd been drinking. That in itself was not unusual. Since she and her husband had started having their problems, she drank more each day. First, it was a couple of beers a night. Later it became a couple of beers and some champagne each evening to deaden that empty feeling. Now, it was a shot of bourbon and four or five beers. But still that empty feeling remained. The marriage was empty. He had not been intimate with her in a long time. She couldn't remember the last time they had made...

1 year ago
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Evening Drinks

We lay on the beach in the last flickers of the warm Greek sun. My eyes were closed. I could hear parents gathering towels, balls, and their children. I opened my eyes and looked around. The sun was slowly dropping to the horizon; people were packing up for the day. I could smell food being cooked at the bar at the back of the beach. My watch said six o’clock. My skin was warm and salty from a day on the beach. I felt wonderful. I looked over at my wife who was lying on her back. Her eyes...

Wife Lovers
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A Peek At Lisas Diary

*This is the first entry reformatted. I hope you enjoy!* Diary, I had the most fantastic evening with Michael last night...I can hardly contain myself! I just have to share it with you right away; he's actually still sleeping beside me and i'm still in my fav pink teddy. You remember when i told you last week how we started fooling around last month? Well I need to bring you up to speed! Mom let Michael sleep over last weekend, so after school on Friday we stopped at his house to...

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American girl

I’m Jeet from Sacramento, California…. 6’2 height, 190 lbs weight with good built because I go to gym every day. This is a true story that happened to me last month in California. I have been reading this site for a while and decided to post one of my true stories. To start with, I had come to the USA to do my higher studies. When you are out of your home country you start feeling lonely and spend more time to make money or do some other stuff. So i decided to do a part time job in a grocery...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Victoria Voxxx Ashley Lane Security Risk Part 3 Angst

In “Security Risk, Part 3,” a thoroughly fucked Victoria Voxxx is sent by her boss, Mayor Dee Williams, to retrieve her laptop and return it to crime lord Quinton James. Unfortunately for Victoria, Quinton’s goon, Derrick Pierce, is slowly devolving into complete paranoia in Dee Williams’ home while waiting for the Mayor’s daughter, Ashley Lane, to return… Derrick was charged with keeping an eye on Ashley, but he lost her during one of here all-night party sprees, and he is praying she...

4 years ago
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Family Therapy II

Ashley drives to Sandy's apartment an hour away. They talk a few minutes and decide which club they want to go to. Sandy was surprised that Ash called her at all and suggested it to begin with. Sitting at their booth and having two drinks Sandy finally mentions how much happier Ash seems the last couple of weeks. Sandy can tell something is going on and figures Ash has a new boyfriend. "So who is the new guy?" Sandy asks. "What makes you think I have a new guy?" Ash says. "Ash, I've...

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Lynn Shows Up Not Unexpectedly

It was Friday night about 8pm. My wife Debi and I were settled in. She was wearing a t-shirt and panties. I had on a pair of gray flannel shorts and a baggy tank top. I sat at the end of the sofa, Debi was on the end of the love seat next to me. We were holding hands and watching TV, the Netflix movie was R rated. Debi was bummed that they didn’t show any cock, we would probably watch some XXX porn later. But we both enjoyed watching the tits shake around in the nude scenes. Watching a well...

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My Riris Massage

My lovely wife Riry runs her own business as a massage ther****t.One of the big differences between her and most of her colleagues isthat she was formerly a physical ther****t at a large hospital. Dueto her training as a P.T. she has an intimate knowledge of the humanbody. She is a complete professional and is very dedicated to herclients, always going that extra mile to help them with theirphysical needs.Also lucky for me she is a gorgeous woman. At 38 years of age sheis still very firm due...

2 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 55

Morning always seems to come just when a dream is really getting good. My dream had me sitting with my two women and all of our kids. There were a lot more than the five I now had, so some of them must have been Sissy's and Shirley's. We were sitting by some water, enjoying the sun's warmth, watching the kids. A dog licked my face, taking me from my dream, so I crawled out of bed and stumbled toward the outside door. I suppose they mustn't have gotten their evening run completed as they...

3 years ago
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Peeping Tom Part 1

Introduction: The following story is true. Well some of it is true. Ok, the only part that is true is that I did have a paper route and I did maturbate a lot when I was 13. Everything else is purely from my dreams. Onlyl my second story attempt, and the first one that I think I can make into a series. If you have negative remarks, make them constructive please, dont just say that it sucks. Thats an opinion, not a criticism. Hope you enjoy it. I had an early morning paper route. It was a good...

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