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I would like to thank the wonderful Bella Mariposa for helping me re-edit this first chapter. Fixing the many typos and grammatical errors in the original text was long overdue, and I apologize for the delay.


It was probably the first warm day of the spring, and it was a fine time to wander about the city streets and reinvigorate the soul after such a long, dreary winter. It was a usual routine of mine during lunch, or just after work, to take in the city sights, and just window shop, or, most particularly, to girl watch. Spring, a time when a young man’s fancy turns to love, and all that sanctimony.

So it was that I happened down a narrow street not far from where I worked, looking for the unusual. It was one of the older streets in the city, lined on both sides by moderately sized buildings characterized by late-Victorian style architecture. It was very rare to find such structures still standing with our ever increasing urban renewal projects where stone and brick are always given way to steel and glass, and so I thought it would be interesting to explore the street further. Occupying the ground floor of one such building was a small antique and curio shop with the most peculiar name, Beetlesmith’s. In the window was the usual display of old books, furniture, and other antique paraphernalia, nothing really out of the ordinary, but being adventurous this day I decided to take a closer look at the inside of Beetlesmith’s.

A small bell jingled as I entered the store. The wares on the interior appeared as ordinary, at least in an antique sense, as those on display in the exterior. There were shelves filled with leather-bound books, interspersed furniture and paintings, ancient armory and firearms, some jewelry and other antique bric-a-brac. Nearly everything was covered with a fine dust, and permeated by the subtle aroma of tobacco smoke and wood mold. A short and portly man, with thinning hair and rounded spectacles that rested along the end of his nose, remained seated behind a large glass counter. He was thumbing through one of his many books, seemingly unaware of my presence.

I asked, ‘Are you the proprietor?’

‘Forgive me, I didn’t hear the bell,’ the small man said, as he waddled toward me, ‘Old age you know, first go the eyes and then the hearing. Bartholomew Beetlesmith, proprietor and owner. How may I help you?’

‘Well Mr. Beetlesmith, I’m not sure, but I’m always on the lookout for anything unique and out of the ordinary.’

Beetlesmith began rattling off various items he had in his possession: a first edition Tom Sawyer and Moby Dick signed by the respective authors, various late seventeenth century settees, numerous Grecian and Roman urns, Chinese vases, Italian tapestries, more books, early American colonial and Civil War muskets, bed warmers, swords, cameos, rings and bracelets, and on and on, ad infinitum. All of which I found to be of very little interest.

I finally had to stop the antique roll-call, ‘I’m sorry Mr. Beetlesmith, but nothing is really striking my fancy.’

Beetlesmith stopped his inventory and scratched his chin, ‘Well sir, you are a hard sell.’ He paused for a moment as if in thought, then inquired, ‘May I assume that you are a worldly man?’


‘Yes, are you given over to…oh, how shall I say it…are you inclined toward excessive ecclesiastical ruminations?’

I almost laughed at his purposeful covertness, ‘If you mean am I overtly religious: then no, I am not a particularly religious man.’

His face brightened, ‘Well then, I may have just the thing for you. Please come with me.’

Beetlesmith led me back to the counter where he had been seated when I first entered. From a shelf, he pulled out a small glass vial, which looked similar to those that would contain a very expensive perfume, but now held a purplish liquid. He held it forward so that I could take a closer look, but he would not allow me to touch.

My curiosity was piqued, ‘What is it?’

Leaning toward me, and in hushed tones so that not even the moldering books could hear, he said, ‘This, sir, is the world’s most effective and powerful aphrodisiac.’

I stepped back and laughed, ‘You guessed correctly Mr. B. that I am a worldly man, and as such please refrain from treating me like a rube. Really Mr. B., rhinoceros horn and Spanish fly? In the way you built up this item, with such theater and in such hushed tones, I had expected something less pedestrian and fraudulent than folklore and wives tales.’

‘Pardon me sir. It was not my intention to imply that you are a fool. You and I both know that the substances you mentioned are mere placebos, and cause no actual biochemical change in the subject. This, which I hold in my hand is…how would you say it…the genuine article. You see sir, in my younger days I was a chemist for one of the larger pharmaceutical companies, and quite good at my trade, if I do say so. Anyway, I came upon this formula and its effects, quite by accident. I won’t bore you with the details, but over the years I have perfected its biochemical interactions. It is, and I say this in all modesty, one hundred percent effective on any and all subjects you desire to try it on.’

‘What is it then, something like Rohypnol?’

It was Mr. Beetlesmith’s turn to project outrage, ‘Rohypnol! Please sir, Rohypnol is nothing but a knock-out potion used by pathetic, wannabe necrophiliacs. Anyone caught administering that drug should be beaten to an inch of their life and then forever banished from polite society.’ Beetlesmith calmed himself and smiled before continuing, ‘No sir, unlike Rohypnol, the person who ingests my elixir remains perfectly cognizant, and, in effect, becomes not only a willing participant, but an actual instigator in any…how should I say it…nocturnal activities you so desire.’

Obviously, I was skeptical of his claims, but decided to humor him a bit further out of morbid curiosity, ‘Well how does it work if I may ask?’

‘In short, the elixir works by greatly elevating the hormones that affect the libido, while simultaneously dampening those synaptic connections in the brain, specifically within and from the cerebral cortex that regulate the more moral and ethical tendencies of human nature. In layman’s terms, the person under the effects of my elixir will experience overwhelming sexual desire while losing any normal inhibitions that could counteract those desires. I’m afraid I am not at liberty to say any more on the subject. Trade secrets you understand.’

‘Mr. B, please forgive my continued skepticism, but if this so called elixir did as you claim, then why not mass produce it and make a fortune?’

Beetlesmith smiled, ‘Believe me when I say that I have given considerable thought on that very subject, but over the years I have had many unpleasant run ins with the more pious members of society, as well as with members of certain women’s groups. Needless to say I have learned to keep buyer transactions clandestine so to speak, and limit knowledge of my discovery to a small, yet distinguished Clientele such as yourself. Trust me sir, I have no want for money. I am doing quite well.’

I was pondering Beetlesmith’s words when I heard the entrance bell jungle, and in walked another potential customer. Beetlesmith recognized him immediately, ‘Ah Mr. Jasper, please come in, I have your order ready if you will just come back here with me.’ Beetlesmith turned back toward me, ‘Would you excuse me Mr…?’

‘Henry, William Henry,’ I responded.

‘I’ll only be a moment, Mr. Henry.’

As Beetlesmith waddled toward the back of the store, the newly arrived Mr. Jasper stood several paces from me, humming to himself. In looks, he was similar to Mr. Beetlesmith. In fact, they could have passed for brothers, diminutive, pudgy, and he wore thick glasses with heavy frames. The only real difference between the two was that Jasper appeared younger and sp
orted a fuller head of hair, beard and mustache.

A few moments later, Beetlesmith came back with the man’s order, which consisted of two vials of the purplish liquid that Beetlesmith had just been trying to sell me.

Jasper didn’t take the vials right away, but looked at me sideways for a moment before Beetlesmith assured him of my trustworthiness, ‘Not to worry Mr. Jasper, I can vouch for Mr. Henry’s character. In fact, with a little more prodding, I do believe he may become another of my valued customers.’

With that, Mr. Jasper put the two vials in his pocket, and proceeded to slide a large roll of bills across the counter at Beetlesmith. Jasper went back to his humming, while Beetlesmith went about counting the large roll. I watched the whole spectacle with disbelief.

Finally, Beetlesmith counted the last of the bills and put the cash in a safe behind him, ‘Everything seems to be here, down to the last penny. See you in another month, Mr. Jasper?’

Jasper nodded his head in affirmation and turned to leave. Then, for a brief moment, he paused, smiled knowingly at me and winked, before continuing on his way.

What an odd little man. I watched him leave the store as Beetlesmith started to resume our previous conversation, ‘Now where were we Mr. Henry? Oh, that’s right, mass production…’

‘I’m sorry to interrupt, but didn’t that Mr. Jasper character just buy the item in question?’ Beetlesmith nodded, and then I asked, ‘Exactly how much do you charge?’

‘A very reasonable rate, I assure you sir, one thousand dollars.’ He said it as if he were quoting me the price of a fast food hamburger. I stood there, mouth agape, as he tried to justify his price, ‘But for that thousand dollars you will be able to administer ten to twelve applications. If you look at it that way, the cost is rather inexpensive given the effectiveness of the product. A very good bargain, more bang for the buck, as it were.’ Beetlesmith laughed to himself over his double entendre.

‘That’s to be seen Mr. B, but you really can’t expect me to shell out that much cash on nothing more than your word alone, and the allure and promise of what is really a fable, no matter how powerful or persuasive your word may be.’

Beetlesmith pointed in the direction of the departed Mr. Jasper as proof of the validity of his claim. Having guessed this inference, I cut him to the quick, ‘Yes, I’m sure Mr. Jasper believes in the effectiveness of your elixir, as I’m sure there are many in the world that would pay just as high a price for rhinoceros horn, but each of their results, elixir and powdered horn alike, may just be as poor.’

‘You wound me Mr. Henry,’ Beetlesmith said with some incredulity, ‘But please, before you render your final decision about my elixir, allow me the chance to put forward my final offer.’ I nodded out my morbid curiosity so that Beetlesmith could conclude his pitch, ‘Now Mr. Henry, if I were proposing to sell you a car for what would be a large sum of money, I certainly wouldn’t expect you to buy it sight unseen, or without, at least, taking it for a test drive? Of course I wouldn’t. Nor would you purchase it without first kicking the tires and checking under the hood, so to speak.’

I again nodded in agreement.

With that, Mr. Beetlesmith slid a small baggie across the counter. In it were two small tabs that looked remarkably similar to windowpane or blotter, drug paraphernalia that I had not seen since the days of my youth.

‘What’s this,’ I inquired, sarcastically, ‘Acid?’

Beetlesmith chuckled knowingly, ‘The delivery system is the same I suppose, but instead of acid, as you so descriptively put it, each tab is laced with a mere drop of my elixir. As to its application, administer one tab and one tab only per individual, either by allowing it to dissolve in their drink, or in their food. Hot fluids such as tea or coffee work the best. Now depending on the subject’s body mass and metabolism, the effects of the elixir will start anywhere between fifteen and thirty minutes after ingesting, and will last, depending again on their body mass, etcetera, anywhere between three and five hours. If you are planning on participating directly, you should ingest a tab yourself, however, if you are content on just observing and…how shall I say it…directing the festivities, then it is not necessary for you to take one. Will two tabs be enough?’

‘More than enough I should think,’ I said, still with some skepticism, and then added, ‘And at the end of it all, the subjects, as you call them, have no memory of the festivities, as you call it?’

Beetlesmith was surprised by my question, ‘You misunderstand me Mr. Henry, whoever ingests the elixir is always cognizant about what is happening, and as such, when the potion wears off they will have perfect recollection of the events. However, because there is no distortion of reality associated with the elixir, the person assumes it was a randy evening, and nothing more.’

All of this was getting increasingly difficult to swallow, but I continued to ask questions anyway, ‘I have to ask, but what are the side effects?’

Beetlesmith shook his head, ‘No immediate side effects, except that the subject, or subjects, will remain somewhat groggy for about twelve hours after the elixir wears off.’

‘Groggy, you mean like a hangover?’

‘Nothing quite so acute. It’s more of a feeling one gets after a bad night’s sleep, a pervasive feeling of listlessness, but these effects wear off quickly.’

I was about to accept the baggie when Beetlesmith snapped his fingers, ‘Oh, before I forget, a word of warning, do not allow the subject to drink too much alcohol in conjunction with the elixir. The combination has a boomerang effect, and by too much, I mean more than five or six ounces. The effect is not particularly dangerous or harmful, but it is unpleasant for all those involved.’ I thought that was an odd statement but I let it pass so that Beetlesmith could conclude his instructions, ‘But no need to bother yourself with these particulars now, we can go over this information in more detail when you come back tomorrow to purchase a full vial.’

I laughed mildly at his bravado, ‘You mean if I come back.’

Beetlesmith acted like he hadn’t heard my response, and checked his watch, ‘Oh look at the time. It’s after closing.’ He placed the baggie with the two tabs in my hand, and walked me to the front of the store, ‘Just remember, Mr. Henry, tomorrow’s a Saturday, and I close promptly at noon. Have a good evening, sir.’


Along the whole drive home I continued to have the same debate between whether or not Mr. Beetlesmith was either a certifiable loon, or a biochemical genius. Generally when things sound too good to be true, they usually are, too good to be true—which is another way of saying the whole thing is a fantasy. So I was leaning toward the former position.

The elixir was either a fabulous practical joke played on yours truly—but why go to all that trouble to fool a stranger you will never see again?—or it was real, or, at least, real enough to have someone pay a thousand dollars. That was my quandary: fabulous hoax or unbridled fact, and either possibility really didn’t make any sense.

Oh, but this can’t be true, aphrodisiacs are a myth, and no amount of slick salesmanship can change that fact. Still, from all I could tell, Mr. Beetlesmith seemed sincere—but so are a great many, successful con men.

Well, we shall see, because I had the perfect test subjects waiting for me at home.

The first subject was an obvious one, my wife Karen. Now that Karen and I have crept into middle age it has become obvious to both of us that our sex life isn’t setting the world afire. We have fallen into a rut, which neither of us has really attempted to pull us out of. Now, I have suggested that we change up our sex life by introducing role playing or adult toys, but, for reasons known only to her, she has
been reluctant to go in these directions. I think part of the problem lies in the fact that with middle age comes expanding middle girth. Both of us have been putting on the pounds, Karen more so than me, and I think this is affecting her psyche. She just doesn’t see herself as desirable anymore, and probably thinks other people, including me, do not desire her as well. Nothing could be further from the truth. She is, for want of a better phrase, pleasantly plump, a condition I find very alluring. Her breasts are much bigger, full and firm, and her hips, although wider now, has a natural, seductive sway when she walks. Yes, even after twenty years of marriage, and ten more pounds added, I still thought Karen as hot. I’ve told her so, a number of times, and although she thanked me for the compliments, I don’t think she really believed me. The mirror is telling her a different story.

The second subject for my little experiment is an even bigger enigma than Karen. Gloria Resik has been a friend of ours for almost as long as Karen and I have been married, and for the last few days has been visiting us from out of town. Gloria is a registered nurse, and manages the intensive care ward at one of the larger hospitals in her home city. Her drive to reach the pinnacle of her profession has probably contributed to her current marital state, which is single, and not just divorced single, or widowed single, but single-single, as in never really dated, single, an actual forty year old virgin, single. I asked Karen about this, and whether or not she thought Gloria was a lesbian, albeit a closeted one. Karen was positive, or as positive as one can be about another person, that Gloria was not a lesbian—which is still hard for me to believe—and that Gloria was, indeed, a virgin—which is even harder for me to believe.

Part of her problem is that Gloria tends to have the lethal combination of possessing both an overbearing personality that most men find off-putting, including myself at times, coupled with plain looks. She’s not ugly, nor homely, just plain. She’s a very plain Jane, and because of her personality, her looks never provided enough of an enticement to keep men attentive. There are also other problems with Gloria that stem from early childhood scars, but there’s no point relaying them now. In our long discussions together, Karen came to the conclusion that Gloria just wasn’t comfortable in her own skin, and because of that, she was never comfortable enough to get close to a man, or sexually close to anyone, for that matter.

There was the test, all laid out at home for me in happenstance, and no greater test could I even purposefully devise for Mr. Beetlesmith’s elixir. Could his potion actually work in turning a wife, who was slowly creeping into sexual atrophy, if not downright frigidity, and a self-imposed celibate, into two, insatiable, seductive nymphomaniacs?

That was my plan anyway. For most of tonight I would just sit back, watch, and direct the potential passion play.


By the time I reached the outskirts of my town, I had convinced myself that if Beetlesmith’s elixir only delivered on a quarter of what was advertised, this would shape up into an exciting evening. I considered stopping by the local adult novelty store and pick up some props that my test subjects could use to enliven the evening more, but decided against it. There was no point in making myself out to be more of a chump than I would, if the elixir was a hoax.

I got home to find the house empty. Karen and Gloria must be out shopping. Instead of waiting for their arrival I decided to start dinner for the three of us, which was always a welcome gesture by Karen, and putting her into a more relaxed and generous mood.

It was only a short while before I heard the car pull into the garage. The two women entered the house with arms full of merchandise, bought during a daylong shopping spree.

‘Oh, you’re making dinner, how sweet,’ Karen said with surprise, and then added while batting her eyelids, ‘Notice anything different about me?’

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After lunch I entered to uncle’s room for a solution of mathematic, I observe that he was watching some movie, actually it was blue film, realizing that I turned out, Uncle asked me what happened? I replied nothing, one math problem, ok in later I shall discuss with you. He told no no come here, he mute the voice, and taking my copy he solved the problem. My eyes wandering the movie, the scene of fucking. He smiled and asked do you like to see blue film? I replied no and ran out. He came out...

2 years ago
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Confessions of a college slut

My old friend Emma was in town last week and I was excited to see one of my besties, especially as I was feeling lonely with Laura at university. Now Emma, I know has a bit of a past. She has a naughty streak to say the least. However, I was surprised when she confided in me over coffee in Starbucks. “You got any new stories?” She asked. “One or two in the pipeline… why do you ask?” I asked. “Oh it’s just that I have a little tale from college that I’ve been keeping to myself,” she said....

2 years ago
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Fucked My Neighbour In Her House

Hi, I am Anirudh from Mumbai but I forgot to mention my email id in last sex story. My email id is This is my second story and I hope you like my story. I want to hear your lovely feedback. In this story, I will narrate how I fucked my neighbor aunty. Her name is Priya, her height is 5 feet 7 inch and figure is 34-33-36. She has been married for 3 years. She is beautiful lady and a sex bomb. Oh! Her age is 32 and my age is 19. Important my dick is 6 inch. Let’s come in story. Ye story 2 years...

3 years ago
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Finding Her Master Pt6

Finding Her Master By: Ropetease c 2010 Chapter 10 She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin's wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed. "Who is doing this to me? Who are you?" her muffled screams demanded from behind her gagged mouth. Shaking her head side to side she began to panic, pulling against the bonds holding her. Her muffled screams of "Nooo!" behind the ball gag. Panic began to set in, her...

4 years ago
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Stranger Fantasy

As arranged, I knocked three times on the front door and waited a minute before trying the handle. It turned and I pushed your door open. Inside, I could see all the doors to other rooms closed bar one, exactly as you had told me so I stripped off and hung my clothes on the hooks by the door. Stroking my rapidly hardening cock, I walked down the hall and into the darkened room. By the flickering light of a single candle I see you kneeling naked and blindfolded on the floor in front of a large...

4 years ago
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Woodland Car Park Exhibitionist Part 2

A little while ago I told you about Jay’s little exhibition to lucky voyeur in a woodland car park not too far away from us. It got us both so turned on having her show herself off in public to a stranger that we decided to go back and do it again.With the sun shining last weekend we took the opportunity to go back to the same car park with Jan dressed in a little summer dress, white bra and panties and high platform sandals that emphasised the length of her long legs.It was early evening as we...

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Antique for Gordon Pt 02

I had a lot of great comments and e-mails about Part 1 of this story and I hope that you all will enjoy part 2 just as much. I generally don’t write in a fantasy venue and I was not not at all happy with my first attempt. (HOTM) Having lived on Lookout Mountain and being familiar with the Chattanooga area I hope will add an aura of authenticity to the storyline. Anyone who has lived or visited the area will know the geography and personalities. Again I thank all my readers for their...

4 years ago
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Finishing School 2

Finishing School 2 By Yvonne Kristine Emerson Author's note: Please read my other stories to see how our heroine ended up here. Ms Maddy came in early in the morning to awaken Yvonne. "Come dearest, time to get up. You have a big day ahead." Two nurses wheeled in a gurney and Yvonne was strapped to it. Ms Maddy produced a syringe and gave Yvonne a shot. "Just a little sedative dear, so you won't be nervous. Your new breasts are awaiting you and lots more."...

4 years ago
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Work Hard Play Hard

After a long hard day of work, everyone decided to go to the bar after work. It was a busy day and everyone was stressed out, a beer amongst friends was just what the doctor ordered. The whole gang met at a Gino’s, a local bar in a small Illinois town. The bosses were buying round after round, till everyone was all nice and liquored up. There was quite the crowd, about 15 in all. Dirty jokes, loud music, and smoke filled the air in the bar. We walked around like we owned the place, of course we...

3 years ago
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Cheating with my friends wife 2

Lisa had just returned from the park, where she left her husband Tom with the kids, apparently so she could do some laundry. I was now sitting on the sofa in the living room. My house, as are most new houses in Australia, has got an open plan living area, which is basically a large room in which the kitchen, dining and sitting areas are not divided by any walls. I could hear the pouring sound of the water as Lisa mixed her punch in the kitchen. All I could think of was her underwear which was...

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Overboard TooChapter 47

It’s Sunday morning, and Kaitlyn’s not quite awake yet. She moves a bit, and stretches luxuriously, enjoying the gentle rocking sensation. But she feels another sensation, an unfamiliar stickiness that suddenly brings her fully awake, an expression of wonderment on the wide-eyed face peering out through that disheveled hair. Mmmmm ... wha? Whazzat? Sore! But it feels good, too ... Rob! Omigosh! Wow! I’m, oops, can’t roll that way, his leg’s in the way. Gotta pee! Ahhhh! Better! Messy,...

1 year ago
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Whores in My Bedroom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Connie was not very pleased when she heard about my elder sister Nikki’s visit the coming week. Like all other women in the world, Connie, my dear wife of last three years, too did not seem to like the company of my relatives, certainly not when they plan to stay with us for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I consider this as natural trait to a woman, and therefore I did not blame her for her feelings. The call from Nikki came last night while Connie...

4 years ago
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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 07

Edited and polished by Bronzeage. Great job, thank you. While Samantha rested, Andromeda unceremoniously was in the prime of her arousal. She quickly dropped to her knees and a second later his slimy cock was deep in her throat. Her mouth and tongue intensely played with the base of his dick and his heavy balls. Her soothing wet mouth around his cock was a great relief for his stressed manmeat. Todd closed his eyes and thought of the sensations of the past hours. Unexpected hot sparks shot...

5 years ago
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One of those daysChapter 5

Day of days: Jimmy was preparing his breakfast in the kitchen when the phone rang: He glanced at the clock and wondered who it could be at that time of day, picked up the phone and wearily greeted the caller; rarely at his best before a cup of coffee. "Hello Jimmy," said Dan. "Do you know where your mother is?" "No idea," he admitted. "I've only just got up." Dan chuckled amiably; "you always horny?" He asked, his breathing short and fast. "You know it. But that's not what I...

4 years ago
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1 Stormy MondayChapter 18

The nondescript sedan came to a stop in front of the small house, and all of its doors popped open at once. Ron Harris grinned, as he was only half way up the walk to the house, with Julie, Bobby, and Collette trailing, when the front door opened. 'Well, she is the president of the neighborhood watch, after all, ' he thought wryly. Muriel Wilson came out the front door and moved nimbly down the path to meet them. She smiled cordially to Harris, Bobby, and Collette, before moving to Julie...

2 years ago
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Teen Cam X! Before I start this review, let’s have a show of hands: who here loves some fine and tight teen pussy? I think that if I was in a huge room with all my fans readings this review, I would see many hands up in the air and I’m right up there with you guys. Teens are some of the hottest girls in the industry, and while some dudes prefer the skills and huge tits of MILF babes, many of us like to see younger girls who have just turned 18, or are getting into their early 20s. Well, on...

Hall of Fame
4 years ago
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Sarahs Piercing Experience

This day was her birthday. She was turning 18. She had been talking to her boyfriend about getting her tongue pierced, but he had other things in mind. She had already had her belly button pierced so that was out of the question. And he absolutely refused to let her pierce her gorgeous face in any way. “Why not the tongue?” She asked with a pouty face. “Because I don’t want guys wanting you.” He replied kissing her lips. She sighed and looked away, “I’ve got one that I think you...

3 years ago
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The Jester

Thank you all for coming! A splendid time will be had, we are sure, or your pennies reimbursed! But, first, a brief word of discretion from our wonderful, magnificent, infallible host... the Jester himself! Round of hands, please! 1, 2, 3? Or 4, 5, 6? Or 7, 8, 9? Or 10, 11, 12? How about... Infinite guddledoo charalee DOM-muhck-fooshwargcks!? Infinite guddledoo korolee DOMmukafooshwargcks for everyone! Ha! Hahahaha hahaha HAHAHAHAAGH! You heard it here first, everyone! Free infinite guds!...

Mind Control
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Space DerelictsChapter 2

The four of us set up "housekeeping" in one of the officers' state rooms, specifically, the largest that we could find. With the help of the computer, we got a very large bed installed in there. The bed was large enough for all four of us to use at one time. Erin and Janice were not Space Marines, but they did well when faced with the inevitable. All four of us wanted sex, and I was the only male. Oh, what a terrible life I faced! Ha! Erin and Janice were both virgins, which was one of...

4 years ago
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Becoming a RangerChapter 10 Preparing for the fleet

Everyone was more than happy to see me. They had been listening to the Cariss signals and cheering each time I led them into trouble. The women pulled Dawn aside and I went to rest. For the next three days I stayed with the colony and the fleet sent a signal burst that broke through. It was encrypted and Mr Harris began decrypting it by hand. He finally looked around at everyone waiting, “The fleet will be here within a day.” Everyone was cheering but I was thinking of the welcome they...

2 years ago
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Beauty In Darkness

My name is Vikram and I am 39 yrs old. This story happened a couple of days ago when I was traveling in rani chennamma going from Bangalore to Kolhapur. It has always been a habit to check out the details of all co passenger especially females in the train sitting next to me. To my bad luck, I had got a side lower berth. I am 5 ft and 11 inch weighing 90kgs. For me, this is very small berth. The train started and I realized there was one interesting name Sahana (name changed) who was in the...

3 years ago
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The Brass RingChapter 7 Now What

I spent quite a bit of time over the next few days beating myself up over Joanna. How could I be so easily fooled? What was it about me that made me a sucker for a pretty face? You would think by now I'd have figured it out ... but no. I had my life all planned out. She and I would get married, adopt the boys, build a nice house, and live happily ever after. I wondered more than a few times what it was going to take to find the right woman. Maybe I was one of those guys who never...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 66 Short Date with Cindy

Saturday, April 16, 2005 (Continued) We parked fairly close to the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk. I had Cindy properly attached to my left arm, Julia on my right arm, and Carol to her right. Carol got LOTS of looks and knew it. And loved it. She stood tall, in her already tall high-heeled shoes. I noticed that she was not totally comfortable walking in those shoes, but was managing surprisingly well (even though Carol was two people away from me, I could still see her quite...

4 years ago
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Carlo Loses His Virginity With His Aunt

Summer had started, and Martin's folks had left for an anniversary cruise.  Aunt Jackie was going to keep an eye on things while they were gone.  Martin, Kelly, and Carlo would be home.  Aunt Jackie was what you would call a cool Aunt.  She let the kids have parties and even let them drink.  Martin and Kelly were twins, and Carlo was the youngest.Martin and Kelly shared friends and were quite popular.  Since their folks were out of town, their house was the place to be.  Aunt Jackie let them...

3 years ago
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A family of LovePart VI

That morning James got up last, after actually catching another hour of sleep, Beth had already gone upstairs and Kayla was standing in front of her mirror putting different outfits in front of her, deciding what to wear. Her white panties, with multi-colored flowers on them caused his dick to get slightly harder, though not much more than that. He slowly got out of bed and walked behind his big sister. He gently squeezed her ass check and kissed her cheek. Kayla turned and kissed her brother...

3 years ago
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Changing Lanes

Changing   Lanes Chapter one               I’d had it. Another relationship had gone sour. Damn greedy, selfish bitches anyway. Well, tonight I would just get drunk & hang out with the guys. No pussy for me. I was swearing off for awhile. I figured I’d go celibate and get my mind right.             I walked into a few bars downtown. I finally found one with no bar-fly, flirty women. Yes, I felt at ease here. I struck up a conversation with two construction worker types. Soon we were buying...

2 years ago
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The Unfeasible Tale of Buster Gonad

We sat around the beach campfire, enjoying the cool evening as the blaze warmed us. The ten of us, five male/female couples, had gotten tired of trying to sing songs as nobody could play guitar all that well. Three or four different people told Ghost stories, Bob even told the “Dangerous killer with a hook for a hand” story, complete with plastic hook prop. I figured it was my turn to tell a tale.“Alright, alright, alright,” I began.“Shut up, You ain't no McConaughey!”“Bob, that’s your first...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Fantasy Night Turns into Femdom nightmare

Fantasy Night Turns into Femdom nightmareBackground Chapter One          Annie & Eddie had been married for about 18 months.  Annie was a 31 year-old stunning brunet who was 5’10? tall, 135 pounds - in all the right places.  She had a classically beautiful face, firm 36 D breasts, lovely nipples and the sweetest tasting pussy Eddied had ever known.   Eddie was a successful 50 year-old, married once before without children.  He was 6’2? tall and was in reasonable shape physically.  He considered...

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My Calendar for KettieChapter 8

December 30, 2013 I had forgotten to bring over a change of clothes so when her alarm went off I quickly turned it off and quietly got dressed and only shook her awake to kiss her goodbye so I could go home and shower and change. I promised to call her at lunch. At 11:30 my phone rang and the main desk said I had a call being transferred in. I picked up and heard Kettie's voice, making my day. "I didn't want you calling my place and not finding me. I'm in your house. I finished my...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, My name is Rohit Sharma and I am narrating you what actually happen few years back in my summer vacations. Writing down my first story here do give me feedback if you find any positive or negative points. Hope you guys will like it .My e-mail id is , coming directly to the story the story begins when I just finished with my 12th board exam and my parents already made the plan to go on some hilly region and I was totally cool with it and was pretty excited to go on vacations like...

2 years ago
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Night Skies Hotel The Unrelenting Tide

Night Skies Hotel: The Unrelenting Tide By XXXecil Historian's note: This story is set in 1400 CE, 200 years after the fall of Gaia, the Sisterhood's primeline, to the Patriarchy. It is a dark time for the Sisterhood's remnant, less than 10 years after the end of the failed Second Campaign to halt and reverse the Patriarchy's expansion throughout the known timelines. Most of the remnant's allies have been destroyed, and other civilizations - fearful of the Patriarchy's seemingly...

2 years ago
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Helena and me in the garage

Helena and me in her garage That morning I had stayed at home while Anita had gone to her office. It was strange to me receiving a phone call from Helena, my wife’s best friend. I asked if Ana was with her, if everything was fine, but then I was surprised when she told me she was alone at her home, feeling horny and looking desperately for a nice hard cock. I could not believe what I was hearing, that sexual goddess talking to me about sex??? I asked her for her husband Jorge, but she said...

3 years ago
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A Bargain Made Ch 01

Neral walked with purpose. ‘One must always walk with purpose,’ her mother had told her often, ‘head up, spine straight, and eyes ahead. Never look like you don’t know where you’re going or what you’ll do when you get there. We are judged in all things.’ In the hindsight provided by the journey from child to adult, she realized that her mother was speaking the truth on a great many levels. Being of noble birth from one of the most well-known and longest-surviving Houses in the land it seemed...

4 years ago
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Her First Barbie

She walked into the shop having not the slightest clue of which item should get to tickle her fancy. She perused the aisles aimlessly for less than a minute when the shop’s hostess beckoned to her. She asked if the young lady needed assistance and began to dig deeper. A simple, ‘No. I’m just looking,’ hadn’t satisfied the hostess’ vigor for making her quota. ‘Well…’ the young girl started. She eyed the woman carefully taking in all of her well-polished features. She noticed her hair was...

4 years ago
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Seven Years Since The Motel Ch 04

I’m afraid these two are still stuck in a present-day holding pattern. I’ve given you a dream sequence flashback (the third section, to avoid any confusion) to make up for it! In case you’ve forgotten, they’re both nineteen during the flashback, so there’s no underage activity. ———————- Alessandro shook his head in disbelief. Maisie was kneeling next to a strawberry plant halfway down a row, her hand hovering in mid-air as she stared off into space. She hadn’t noticed him, even though he’d...

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