Daniel and Madelyn
- 3 years ago
- 55
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Neral walked with purpose. ‘One must always walk with purpose,’ her mother had told her often, ‘head up, spine straight, and eyes ahead. Never look like you don’t know where you’re going or what you’ll do when you get there. We are judged in all things.’
In the hindsight provided by the journey from child to adult, she realized that her mother was speaking the truth on a great many levels. Being of noble birth from one of the most well-known and longest-surviving Houses in the land it seemed that sometimes not a breath could be taken without someone taking note and whispering their commentary at the next party or official function, though sometimes it seemed there was very little difference between one and the other.
Then there was the fact that her future in the military was virtually mandated by her House of birth. It wasn’t much of an exaggeration to say that much of the military history of her land was written by her ancestors who had served on the line in almost every position, from messenger, to medic, to marksman, to leader of men, the latter leading to another point of judgment far older than her House. Mother had taught her the fine points of marching even as she took Neral to the park as a girl.
More of mother’s wisdom came with drilling into her and her sisters on a near daily basis that, as a woman, she would have to prove herself twice better than the best male simply to be considered an equal. That had proven far closer to true than not, and if it were not for her family’s closeness to the royal House, opportunities to rise may not have come at all, but they did and Neral knew that her job was to take them when they came and to excel in such a way that no one could question her skill. She did that many times over until she stood today as only the third woman to be placed in charge of her kingdom’s military.
As much as part of her relished the battles as they came to her, she preferred peace, if for no other reason than she wasn’t in a position to have to order someone’s spouse or children to their deaths. Being a woman of honest introspection however, she hated that peace usually consisted of meeting after meeting, either greeting people she’d never seen before and would never see again, or explaining the same intricacies of battle or logistics to the queen’s advisers over and over again. Fortunately the queen often took pity on her and aided where she could to make the time pass more painlessly.
Despite those efforts Neral would be happy to finally be home for the evening. It was a short trip from the castle to her estate. Even its placement mattered in the grand scheme, showing all her family’s position near the royals themselves. She walked up the stone pathway, beginning to remove her cloak just before reaching the door, which opened just before she reached it. ‘My Lady.’ The soft voice greeted her as it always did: firmly, but as if the girl could be frightened away. ‘A good day?’
Neral crossed the threshold and handed Tessa her cloak, ‘Thank you, Tessa. It was a…normal day. That it wasn’t particularly bad is always a positive.’
‘Of course.’ Tessa trailed behind as Neral walked, the curls of her copper hair bouncing with each step as she filled in her Lady on the events of the day. For her part, Neral was already focused on how she might spend the evening and how tomorrow would unfold. Part of her mind was there and part was listening for keywords from Tessa, good ones and bad, but a certain sequence stopped her in her tracks. She turned and eyed the smaller girl, ‘What guest?’
Those green eyes projected puzzlement and her body shied away slightly. ‘Deres. He said he was expected.’
Neral was irritated, which caused Tessa to shrink towards the wall a bit more. ‘Someone knocks on the door and you let them in because they say they’re expected?’
‘Certainly not.’ She looked appalled at the suggestion. ‘I checked the book and his appointment was already set.’
She sighed. ‘Show me.’
Tessa hurried away and returned with the appointment book. Rifling through the pages quickly she found where the entry should have been. She puzzled at not seeing it and became visibly flustered. Tessa flipped pages back and forth thinking that perhaps she’d entered it in the wrong place. ‘The appointment was made. I’m certain of it. I—’
She was more annoyed for the fact that her day wasn’t over and what few hours she would have to herself would be further whittled away by whatever this Deres wanted than by the fact that it wasn’t entered even though the girl usually missed nothing. The young assistant could rattle off Neral’s daily schedule between the time she’d finished breakfast and the time that she’d headed out to actually accomplish it.
The oddity troubled Tessa a good deal as she tried to resolve the issue in her own mind. ‘I…I’m sorry, it must have slipped my mind.’
Neral saw the extent to which it was troubling the poor girl and took it as a sign of contrition, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ she said, placing her hand gently on her aide’s shoulder. ‘Everyone forgets now and then. I’d probably go out half-dressed most days if it weren’t for you.’
Tessa’s eyes lit as she breathed a sigh of relief, ‘Thank you. Again, I’m very sorry.’
Neral waved it off with a flourish as Tessa once again started to trail behind. ‘It’ll be fine. Where did you put him?’
‘In your study.’ Her tone was once again self-assured, having taken Neral’s dismissal of the issue at face value. ‘He declined any refreshment. Should I bring you something?’
‘No, thank you.’ She actually took it as a good sign that he didn’t want anything. Perhaps his issue could be quickly disposed of and she could still have time for a quick meal, a long bath and a book in bed.
Half a dozen steps from the door Tessa scampered ahead to open it for her. The handle turned with a loud click and the heavy wooden door to her study pushed inward. It was a large room, but not so that it lacked a sense of intimacy. The small fireplace was alive with a steadily flickering fire and the air had the spicy scent it always carried because of the oils and powders used to maintain the furnishings as well as the books themselves.
At first glance the room was empty until Neral turned to her right to see the man known as Deres, neck craned, examining a row of spines just above him. When he turned to look at her she eyed him carefully, attempting to take his measure. It was an almost reflexive habit these days that tended to cause those with softer spines to wilt under her gaze. The enlisted men often whispered that the battles she’d won came simply from staring her enemy down.
This one’s spine wasn’t soft though. He was a good head shorter than she with blue eyes that seemed at once piercing and playful. His body was solidly as well, as though he’d worked most of his life. Clearly he was no stranger to fighting either. His stance, at once casual but with enough tension held in the legs that told her he would be ready to move in the blink of an eye. His cloaks were dark and just worn enough to be broken in and comfortable.
Of course, he looked her over as men often did, though he at least had the class to not leer and she didn’t begrudge anyone a look. Even the rank and file soldiers were allowed a glance and a daydream so long as they looked at her with respect when she looked them in the eye and did their jobs. Men were men, they were going to look and dream anyway so she may as well accept that and meet them with that unspoken compromise.
And, being honest with herself, she was attractive enough and didn’t mind the looks. Tall with deep brown eyes and hair almost the same color that flowed to her shoulder, sharp features and a firm jawline with a few small scars here and there that added character. Add to that the muscle of a runner and a rider and a fighter and she knew she had appeal.
Chastising herself for the momentary lapse into vanity she focused on
the stranger in her study. Extending her hand, she met his gaze, ‘General Neral Jaye, though I assume you already knew that as you went to all the effort come see me, and at such a late hour.’
His grip was firm without attempting to assert dominance, ‘I did. It’s my pleasure to meet you. He took his hand from hers and shifted on his feet slightly, ‘I didn’t want to presume before your arrival, but I’m feeling a bit prickly.’
The slight brush of his hand against his cloak was all the cue she needed. ‘Please, make yourself comfortable.’
He exhaled sharply as he put his hand to the clasp of his cloak, ‘The old manors in this quarter were built to withstand siege as I recall. They don’t lose a bit of heat, do they?’
‘Since most nights have bite…’
‘True enough.’ He rested the cloak on the back of the chair in front of her reading desk. The clothes under were more casual and loose, but didn’t hide that broad chest. Add to that the piercing blue eyes and close-cropped dark hair and he was most attractive in his own way.
Eager to move things along she ignored his interruption. ‘I would have met with you sooner, but I’m afraid our meeting slipped the mind of my servant. She’s usually very good with such things.’
He waved her off, ‘Don’t worry about it. She didn’t remember a meeting before an hour ago because that’s when I put it in her head.’
He said it so casually, as though he were commenting on the shape of a cloud, that it took her a moment to process it and stayed silent as he turned the chair slightly to face her. ‘Did you say you…put it in her head?’
‘I did.’ He said it with that same casual air. You should commend her. She was very resistant at first at even such a small thing. She’s quite loyal to you, but once I assured her that I meant you no harm and I let her feel that, she was quite easy to work with.’
‘You’re a sorcerer then?’ She barely kept the derision from her voice. Magics had their uses, but only in the healing arts. It was said that its power could be nearly infinite, but most of the texts that might lead down those roads were lost to war, time, and fear of corruption. As generations passed, to her people and many of their neighbors, the fact that it could be much more was nearly myth. Even so, this Deres believed it was more and acted as though it were so and that made him definitely unhinged and possibly dangerous.
She made a wide arc around the table while still trying to appear at ease, putting it between them. She was grateful for her mother’s dagger at her thigh, though she couldn’t help but wonder what good it would do if he were speaking the truth. It did make a sort of strange sense, as Tessa simply wouldn’t have forgotten the appointment.
‘ ‘Mage’ works for me. ‘Sorcerer has always seemed far too highbrow a term.’
Entertaining him seemed the wisest course until she could figure out more of what it was about. ‘All right, Mage Deres, what is it that you think I can do for you?’
He turned the chair back to face her and rested his hands on the table. ‘It’s what we can do for each other at the end of the day. But, for now, I only ask that you sit and listen to what I have to say. At the end, you’ll know its truth. If you reject my offer I’ll be gone, you’ll forget I was ever here, and what will happen will happen as it was going to without me.’
Those last words weighed on her. He was definitely dangerous, but maddening in her inability to read his motives. Despite her control, her frustration slipped into her words, ‘Why not just make me believe whatever you want?’
The first words from his mouth chilled her to the bone. ‘I could. Given enough time I could play your mind like an instrument.’ He softened his expression, offering a glimpse perhaps into…what, she wondered as she scanned him, a heavy heart? ‘But I don’t want that. It’s already been done to you quite enough and that’s not what I want.’ Please. Sit and hear me out.’
Her jaw tightened and fire burned in her eyes as she contemplated the dagger going across his throat at the implication. ‘What, by the Goddess, do you mean that it’s been done enough to me already?’
He met her anger with calm, spreading his arms and raising his palms at the table in a sort of surrender. ‘I really will tell you everything. Just sit.’
She sneered at him. ‘Why don’t you just float a chair over to me, Sorcerer?’
His eyes closed for a moment before his lips turned upward in a grin before opening again to see her staring at the chair that was once in the far corner of the room dropped behind her. ‘No strings or anything. Sit. Please?’
Neral was at a loss for the moment at seeing what was once a mythical use of power anchor itself in reality. Listening seemed to offer her the best opportunity to compose herself and investigate this man further, so she sat and waited for him to begin, and he finally did.
‘I was born in a hovel on the south side of this city. You know, one of the places you wouldn’t go unless you were ordered?’
She stiffened at the reality. It was the hard edge of town. Life was hand-to-mouth for most. Nobility never went there and the military only did to quell the occasional bouts of unrest, and even then only when it threatened to spill out into the rest of the city. It was a place for people with no place. Migrants with no place to claim as their own ended up there as did petty criminals and those who had been, for whatever reason, cast off from their families. They were drawn in for whatever reason and that’s where they lived their lives. Many claimed to prefer the sense of freedom it provided, but Neral couldn’t bring herself to believe it.
‘My mother died when I was too young to remember her face and my father died when I was six over a gambling debt in a bar, or so I was told.’
‘I’m sorry for both.’
‘No sympathy needed,’ he said, eyes distant for a fleeting moment, ‘no pity wanted. But, if you offer the former, thank you.’ He went back to his story. ‘I was taken care of for a time by some friends of his, but they had their own mouths to feed and their own problems, so I was left to my own devices. As you might expect I learned to feed myself with pilfering here or a quick pick-pocket of the middle-class merchants that come to buy the handmade wares.’
He smiled at the memory and it was actually a warm one, ‘I got quite good at it. I still am. Anyway, I was about eight and a woman happened through. She looked like all the rest of the middle-class ones: a little dim and quick to be in and gone. I saw the hint of a gold chain peeking from a pouch at her belt. If the gold was good enough I could eat for weeks.’
‘You got it, I take it.’
He was incredulous. ‘Of course I did. I told you I was good. I tracked her and I got it. But that gold chain was keeping blue stone that looked alive. Light swirled in currents in its center. Idiot child that I was I thought it was some special jewel that belonged to some grand House. If I could offer that perhaps some family would adopt me and I’d be all right.’
Neral almost said she was sorry again, but stopped herself as that one really would have been nothing but pity.
‘I knew my part of the world pretty well. I could weave through crowds and fit through cracks in the mortar with the best of them. Imagine my surprise when this waif of a woman came from nowhere and picked me up one-handed as you might pick up a twig. You see, I’d taken a talisman of hers that she was tied to. There was nowhere in the world I could have gone that she would not have found me.’
He extended his arm, hand in a claw, grasping an imaginary neck, amused expression on his face. ‘Those eyes looked through me for forever. Then she grinned and let me down, telling me I had a gift.’ Lowering his arm, he pressed on, ‘Either way I was giving the talisman back, but she gave me a choice: come with her to a life in a place I could only dream of, or stay here. I had no parents, she
had no children, and if I said yes, perhaps we had things to offer one another. Since the something she offered was better than the nothing I had, I said yes.’
He leaned casually back in the chair, it creaking slightly at the redistribution of weight, ‘So off to Adar we went.’
She stopped him there at the mention of the name, the disbelief readable to anyone with eyes. She failed to stifle a small laugh, ‘You were raised in the fairy tale city where there is no want over the mountains and beyond the wastes where nothing lives?’
He nodded, ‘I lived there. I was raised there. It’s a beautiful city. There’s little crime, petty or otherwise, and the people work together because for centuries had they not they’d all be dead. Science and magic co-exist peacefully and all lives have value. Is it perfect?’ He shook his head in answer, ‘No place is, but it was paradise to a boy who slept under houses.’
Neral folded her arms across her chest as a ward against the ever more fantastic story. Insane. Definitely.
Deres paid the gesture no mind. ‘Too late to make a long story short, but she raised me and taught me her skills, which I am indeed gifted in. I loved her as my mother and still do. She loved me as her child and still does.’
Her head tilted, taking his measure. ‘Then why come back here? Why leave life in paradise to come back?’
He sighed. ‘Because as insane as you think I am, I may be. As horrible as it was in many ways, I miss home. I miss the cold nights and the view of the mountains and the fragrance of the wildflowers in spring.’ He thought back fondly, ‘Mother thought I was insane, too, but she kissed my forehead and wished me well as mothers do.’
‘Welcome home.’ Sincerity was lacking in her tone. He was maddening. Those blue eyes were still playful, as though he never took anything seriously, except perhaps his stories. ‘What brings you to me?’
‘Magic,’ he said plainly, seemingly done dancing around the edges, ‘I happened to see you and your servant at one of the upper markets a few weeks ago.’ He turned almost shy looking across the table at her. ‘You really are beautiful, you know. I could have followed you around forever just for that. But the magic coming off of you piqued my interest in that it was there at all and was well-concealed. She has some skill, that one. She’s not my equal by a mile, but she has some skill.’
The unease came back with a vengeance, ‘Magic coming from me? What are you talking about? And who is ‘she?”
He shook his head and, for the first time, looked annoyed, tension creasing his forehead and brow, ‘I don’t know yet, to be honest. My investigating of this had to be a bit more traditional than I would have liked. Ordinarily, I would have rummaged through a mind or three and found what I needed, but magic leaves a mark. I wasn’t sure if she would see it or what she would do if she did. If she called on others, it would surely make things more difficult.’
‘She seems to be a member of one of the mercenary guilds that you and your more grand neighbors pretend don’t exist because, if you only use magic to heal, surely everyone else does the same because you are to be emulated in all things, no?’
Sarcasm dripped from the last and she all but felt it. ‘So you’re telling me some woman from a secret guild of dark mages has cast a spell on me without my having a clue?’ The sheer absurdity was almost stunning.
I watched her slip into this house and presumably into your room several nights a week since I started looking around. That and I’m almost certain that the Royal House of the Kressin hired them.’
A cold, dark pit formed in the center of her stomach. Kressin was a small kingdom in the Eastland that once spanned half the continent. They ruled with brutality for centuries until the noble houses there that would eventually form the basis for the five kingdoms that ruled most of the world today today led a rebellion, fracturing the Kressin.
Over the course of generations the remnants had tried everything from open warfare to sowing seeds of discontent. Why her people and those of the other nations hadn’t simply driven them from existence was lost to history. Perhaps it was a misguided sense of mercy or it was punishment, a permanent reminder to them of all they had lost.
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InterracialI had finished cleaning my room when Anita knocked on the door and said, “Referral for you.” I walked into Anita’s office and saw her standing next to a professionally dressed black woman who seemed about ten or twelve years older and two inches than me. She looked at me expectantly as Anita introduced us, “Cecilia, this is Phil; Phil, Cecilia has heard good things about you.”“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said.“Teresa and Linda both recommended you. I work long hours and need a good massage...
InterracialClaire took a deep breath and blurted out through her tears, "I was a porn star and a call girl." With that pronouncement, she again burst into tears and buried her head against my chest. In only seconds, I could feel her salty tears running down my naked body. I'd wrapped my arms around Claire's equally nude form and pulled her closer to me in a move to comfort and console instead of anything erotic. The others in the hotel suite's room couldn't have missed her confession,...
My name is Charles Harrison Javier. Friends call me C.H. I’m a big and tall, somewhat good-looking young black man living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. A couple years back, I graduated from Brockton Community High School and these days, I attend the South End Institute of Technology or S. E. I.T. My high school days were dreadfully dull but my college days got way better. In high school, I felt completely invisible. I stood six feet three inches tall, big and bulky, with dark brown...
"They'll Be A Change in the Weather" By Higgins and Overstreet (based on 1927 Bessie Smith recording) They say don't change the old for the new, But I've found that this will never do. When you grow old, you don't last long. You're just here, my Honey, then you're gone. I've loved a man for many years gone by. I thought his love for me would never die He made a change and said I would not do. So now, I'm gonna make some changes, too. Why, there's a change in the weather, a...
Duncan Somerville set his top hat on the coat rack that stood beside his bureau. Looking at his reflection in the large mirror on the wall that hung above it, he brushed a hand through his hair, a broad smile on his face. It was by hard work that he had made his fortune, but nature had been helpful by providing his good looks. Once again, he had charmed his way into another opportunity. At twenty-seven, he would be soon holding a third of another business.Duncan had just arrived home from a...
SteampunkMy first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...
I never dreamed that my marriage would turn out this way. I'm not sure that it's better or worse than I imagined; it's just different. I guess I should start at the beginning. I'd been married to Robert for about three years at the time. He had a nice government position in Washington DC, and I was working as a typist in a local office. Our life had turned into a dull routine, including our sex life. Robert would come home from work, and want to relax on the computer for a couple of hours....
-Best choice I made- I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others stories, and then I found the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as myself. I began chatting with people but was highly sceptical and wary of giving out any personal details, I found some very good friends who became close and trusted...
I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others’ stories, and then I found the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as myself. I began chatting with people but was highly sceptical and wary of giving out any personal details; I found some very good friends who became close and trusted friends. It was when I...
MatureI woke up at nine, which was fine except a bit too late to attend the buffet in the main building. Never mind: I called the kitchen again and ordered breakfast. It would take a while to reach me, but as long as I didn’t order any hot items that was fine. Yoghurt, a bun and some jam would do me. I selected a suit and showed up just in time for my daily session with Alexandra. Technically this was the start of a new week, although neither I nor Alexandra got any days off. It was crunch time...
Introduction: This is my story of The Best for the CAW 10. It is about a blossoming friendship within XNXX, between an older gent and a young woman. *Best decision I made* I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and...
June 17, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Good afternoon, Agent Cavanaugh, Agent Johnson,” Melanie said. “As we agreed, Mr. Adams is represented by me for any personal issues, and by his corporate counsel, Ms. Deborah Rice, for anything related to any of his business activities. She also represents NIKA Consulting, which is party to one of the immunity agreements. Also, as we agreed, there will be no recording of this session in any way, nor will any devices such as a ‘voice stress’ analyzer be...
I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for; a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and wary of giving out any personal details. I found some very interesting people, some of whom became close friends. It was when I decided to throw my hat into the ring with...
When the vehicle that Captain William Mastov, 4/632 battalion, was riding in first came under attack on the high road, it had become routine for the men in his company and they reacted accordingly. All about the ensuing battle seemed to be going well when a huge explosion had ripped through his vehicle killing his driver and leaving Will dazed and numb. As he was pulled from his wrecked vehicle, he fought to continue to lead in the battle until all went black as he lapsed into unconscious.It...
Straight SexHigh School was difficult, but I did know a couple of people, so not totally a bummer, but college was a different story, I didn’t know anyone, I wasn’t able to make friends easily, my room mate in the dorms never spoke at all, so from day to day, I was becoming more and more depressed. Looking ahead did not seem promising, I was not sure if I’d even come back after this one year. Then one day in the library, not only cute, but breathtaking cute girl sat down at the table I was working on. “Hi...
The week passed slowly and somewhat agonizingly, since Gwen couldn’t rehearse again until the following weekend, and the homework was being laid on thick. I was anxious to make as much progress as we could on the set, which we still hadn’t quite settled on. Certainly as the battle approached, I was imagining more and more how it might turn out, even though I knew that daydreaming about the glories of winning was a dangerous game. Things could turn out so many different ways, surely, but in...
Hi i’m rajesh! I am a big fan this amazing iss stories and love everything in it! After looking at all the stories people have posted, i decided to put true experience that happened in my teen …… I am sending my story first time Let me describe my self now. I am a well built man with 5’10” height in late 40s staying in pune.my email address is This incidence happened when i was studding in my 12th science. I was staying with my parents in a big old wada. We had a maid, quite old, working...
Since a long time i was curious about poppers. I experienced a submissive Part of mine. Allthough i was hetero and dominant, there were certain circumstances under which the thought of getting fucked in rubber drove me crazy. I jerked of to several poppers-stories and Videos. Guys who inhaled poppers through their rebreather masks and guys wo became sextoys after being forced to inhale poppers overdoses. After Years of jerking of I wanted to try this for real. I particulary searched for guys in...
Tony obediently fucked Evelyn's sloppy cunt. I rubbed her clit, taking many photos of Jody's hard cock being mastubated while I did so. Wendy was stroking Jody's giant erection, while Evelyn was playing with his balls. Jody, being an amatuer, managed to produce two cums while Tony kept up his relentless pounding of Evelyn's hairy snatch. He never even lost his erection between orgasms, merely softening a little before Wendy's expert touch had him ready again. By his fifth cum of the day, his...
Relationships Are Made By SuppositionLife Two lonely people find true love. As I looked spiral stairway as the bellman pushed our luggage into the elevator and thought " Ronnie did great as always picking this place for our honeymoon". I have never stayed at a 4 star hotel before and on my meager teacher salary probably never would if it was not for Ronnie. We were married this morning at the courthouse in Spartanburg SC and drove here to Charleston, where Ronnie booked us here at...
Match. Made.With every ounce of self control...I beat at the pleasure taking me over. The mightiest betrayal to date was having it's way with me......and so was she......Face against the filthy stall wall .....Hands behind me wrapped in my nice, soft, black leather, J-crew belt (which matched my boots exactly in color & material). I was fuzzy all over with confusion and to be quite honest, submission. Now, truth be told I am nearly germaphobic all public things considered. So, to be so...
Decision Made The hotel rep was addressing the crowd now, telling them that their new celebrity would be a guest in the hotel for the rest of her stay and that there would be a public event the next day where she would be presented with a check for her winnings. While he had the crowd's attention, Crystal took a few steps back and was able to merge into the mob around her. When a couple people looked at her questioningly, she said quietly that she needed to use the restroom. ...
The “Mitzi Problem” solved itself in a way that neither of us could have expected. John found someone else! Mitzi had opened the door to John’s libido, and with his semi-rock star status with our music group, he was attracting the attention of other young ladies. I hadn’t been paying much attention to the handful of spectators that would drop in to watch and listen to us play during our jam sessions. John was still wearing his “signature” cowboy hat, wraparound sunglasses, and black X-man...
Maurice Anglesey, Head of the new Association pondered over his latest find. He was trying to trace the actions of the Association from its early days; the current documents he was reading had been put onto microfiche and then stored away. They had been forgotten until the archivists found it. Maurice read the documents and shook his head, this was astounding! It was part of English history but the involvement of the Association was unknown, his hands found the telephone and he dialled a...
Renea's big mistake was a simple one. One day she was reading a story on Fetlife. Aroused by the power of his prose, Renea sent some feedback to the Author. The story was called "You Will Submit". It is about a young woman being attacked in her flat, then reluctantly being fucked. The man wore no protection. The chances were high that he made her pregnant.The author received the feedback and replied. He asked her about her fantasies and soon they were chatting online. At thirty two years old,...
Rick looked over the new sex dolls that Amanda had created. "They look so real," he said shaking his head a bit. "I'd love to know how you make them." There were three of them hanging nude on some padded, wheeled hangers that looked something like hoists. They looked so lifelike and their skin almost felt real. What really set these sex dolls apart from others was that there didn't seem to be a seam where the two halves of the body would be joined together. He was very interested to know...
I'd pretty much put the matter of the boat being destroyed out of my conscious mind while Ardele and I used the Internet to search out potential replacements. We had made a mutual list of the things that were must-have, should-have, and would like-to-have on our next craft. The more things we listed, the more we realized we were going to need a boat bigger than fifty feet. While we were going to have to make compromises, we were in agreement about what the most important features were. Late...
The winter months in Burbridge were no happier than those in Tyrell. Elizabeth had bristled at Jonathan’s continued friendship with the king. The man had caused the death of her mother and the departure of the man she had long-presumed to be her father. Elena had been distant. The news of Gabrielle’s deceit had shaken the young woman. Joseph had filled her in on the entire discussion, something he hadn’t done yet with Jonathan. The news had caused a horrible thought to pop into Elena’s head:...
The decision, once made, was so enjoyable, and so easily executed.
FemdomFemdom, bondage, non-consent, teasing, anal, strap-on, chastity © 2012 by lsa3. All rights reserved. This story was prompted by an overheard conversation in a supermarket. One gal was asking her friend about what she could do. "He climbs on, cums, climbs off, rolls over and goes to sleep; leaving her unsatisfied. She has tried to talk to him with no luck; he just is not interested in taking care of her needs." The gals then moved on with their shopping. ………………………….. Something’s...
In this world, various traits and rights of a person can be sold at a public market, and are then taken away from that person until and unless they can buy them back. It sounds weird but if you read the story you'll get the hang of it. Their mother wouldn't let them come along for the actual bargaining. She was afraid it would be too stressful. So the three Mason kids waited in the waiting room to find out what they'd lost. The Mason kids was still how they thought of themselves, but they...
FetishGreetings all our perverted dirty boys and girls, Nathan has been playing again! Beautiful and sexy Chloe was having a bit of a shitty day at work, you know the type of days I'm talking about, customers with cruntish attitudes, co-workers that specialise in doing as little as possible, making themselves look like they are rushing around holding down the fort singlehandedly whenever the boss pokes his head around the corner, sending customers over to Chloe because they are just too damn busy...
I was killing time in a quaint little import shop a stones throw away from Picadilly Circus in the heart of London. I wasn't really looking for anything just browsing the curiosities they had on display. "Hello, Michael." I heard a familiar feminine voice softly call out a name I hadn't been addressed by for some time. I turned and fell into a set of brown eyes that still found a way to make my heart skip. It's amazing the range of feelings that can come over you in a split second. I felt...