Knox County Ch. 06 free porn video

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There was a chill wind in the air. Cynthia wore a stocking cap, jeans, gardening gloves, and a sweatshirt over a long-sleeved insulated t-shirt, and still she felt goosebumps. Next to her, Elizabeth wore a jacket, and she certainly seemed warmer.

‘I think I bid in too low,’ Elizabeth said, picking up the trimmings and stacking them in a wheelbarrow behind her.

‘How so?’ Cynthia was kneeling, pruning the rose bushes three inches above the ground.

‘I figured posing would be just that. Posing. Didn’t realize posing meant being his landscaping crew.’

Cynthia finished the bush and pushed mulch over the exposed stalks remaining in the ground. Her internet research told her this was the best way to protect them from the cold Wisconsin winter and insure they came back next year in full bloom.

‘Better than last week,’ she said.

Elizabeth nodded. ‘Anything’s better than pretending to clean bathrooms for five hours.’

Cynthia laughed. She looked to her left. Sean was sitting on the porch, sketching them as they worked. Next to him sat Brandon, his tiny brow furrowed in concentration, doodling on a smaller sketch pad. She watched Sean glance at Brandon’s drawing, reach a pencil in and slash a line, then look back at them, smiling and nodding before resuming drawing.

‘What’s it like living with him?’

Cynthia pondered this, not sure what was being asked. ‘Well, it’s a lot easier now than when I first started.’

‘How so?’

‘First time I came here, I thought he was going to die on me. Literally.’ She saw Elizabeth’s eyebrows arch. ‘His wife had just died, I suppose. They told me it took her a year to die. Some kind of cancer. A really nasty one. And he took care of her the whole time. Here, I guess. And he didn’t do any of his work, his drawing and painting.’

Cynthia glanced back at Sean, saw his narrowed eyes as he peered at some detail her mind would never pick up on. ‘So when I came, he had this burst, I guess, this compulsion to get it all worked out of him. He was painting day and night. He didn’t bathe–Christ, he smelled like a barn–wore the same clothes for days on end, lived on toast and jam. He looked like a ghost. He was so pale, huge, black bags under his eyes, like he was on death’s doorstep. And he was emaciated.’

She saw Elizabeth turn around, stare at him for a moment. ‘He’s like a boy sometimes, you know?’

Cynthia nodded. ‘He was worse then. Like a zombie, almost. He just had this look, this vacant stare kind of. He didn’t speak. The day after I got here, I had to lead him into the bathroom to take a bath.’ Cynthia paused, not sure how much to tell.

‘Total wreck?’

‘Worse. He . . . uh . . . well, when he got to the bathroom, he just stared at me. I had to undress him. He didn’t do anything, just stared like he was in a dream or didn’t really understand what was going on.’ Elizabeth stared at her, and Cynthia decided to move on. ‘Then, I put him to bed, and he just did it. Like, if I said jump through this hoop, he’d have just jumped. I don’t know, it’s hard to describe.’

‘He was totally lost.’

Cynthia nodded. ‘That’s as good a way to put it as any. But after a few weeks, he started to come around. Started to get some energy back, smile sometimes, hold conversations that lasted longer than thirty seconds.’

‘So what do you talk about?’

Cynthia shrugged, starting in on another rose bush. ‘Anything and everything, I guess. Except his wife. He’s never–and I mean not even once–mentioned her, and I’ve never brought it up.’

Elizabeth said nothing for awhile, and they silently went about clearing the landscaping bed. With two bushes to go, Elizabeth asked, ‘You ever sleep with him?’ When Cynthia said nothing, she added, ‘Sorry. None of my– ‘

‘It’s not that. The answer is no, I’ve never slept with him.’

‘Sorry, but– ‘

‘Not sure I could, tell you the truth. It’s not like that. When I undressed him that one time, put him into the tub, and gave him a bath, he got . . . you know. Aroused.’ She smiled. ‘He’s equipped, I can tell you that. Wow.’ She held her hands low to the ground and spread them apart. Elizabeth’s eyebrows shot up. ‘He needed it, I could see it in his eyes, and I kind of helped him along with that. But it wasn’t sexual. For me at least. It was . . . I guess you’d say clinical almost. Like this was something he needed and I was the only one around. You know what I’m saying?’

Elizabeth nodded. ‘That’s what my job was like most of the time.’

‘How so?’

‘It was never tender. I usually felt like a receptacle, like I was there just for something warm and wet to pump into.’

‘I think you were a little more than that. They could’ve gotten that for far less than they paid you.’

‘Yeah, they wanted the glamor of it, I guess. And confidentiality definitely. And someone who dressed and looked like their secretaries. You know the look, young, slim, dressed in a business suit.’

‘That’s how you dressed?’

She nodded. ‘Always. None of those short, tight skirts.’ She laughed. ‘Imagine trying to get past the doorman in some of those neighborhoods dressed like a fifty dollar whore.’

Cynthia started to say something, then stopped herself. ‘You can ask,’ Elizabeth prodded.

‘Well, was it ever good? For you, not them. Was it . . . erotic, exciting?’


‘Just once?’

Elizabeth giggled. ‘The first time, I was so nervous it was impossible to really enjoy. That took awhile. Then it got boring, tell you the truth. Almost always the same. Blow ’em and bang ’em. But there was this one guy, it was different. It felt . . . . It was almost loving, tender. He’s the only one that didn’t see me as a whore. He saw more there.’

‘And how was that one?’

‘It was awesome. We did things I’d never allowed anyone else to do.’

‘Like what?’

‘Well. . . .’ Elizabeth pursed her lips and her voice lowered to a whisper. ‘I let him put his fingers in places I’d never had them. Or ever had anything else, for that matter.’

Cynthia smiled and raised her eyebrows, looking Elizabeth square in the face. ‘And how was it?’

She nodded and smiled. ‘Awesome.’

‘And did he ever . . . did you ever see him again?’

‘Once.’ She picked up another bundle and put it in the wheelbarrow. ‘He wanted to meet for dinner, try to date.’


She shook her head. ‘Would’ve never worked.’

‘How do you know?’

Elizabeth lowered her head, staring into the mulch. ‘I don’t.’

‘Because you were an escort, right?’ Elizabeth nodded in response. ‘Well you’re not anymore, right?’

‘But the people he works with, the places he goes, what if I run into one of them?’

Cynthia snorted. ‘What’re the chances of that really happening? And of them actually remembering your face or your name? You said it yourself. They didn’t notice anything more than the opening between your legs.’

Elizabeth sat back and curled her legs to her chest, holding them there with her arms. Cynthia followed suit, then hopped back up when she felt her jeans getting wet. Elizabeth didn’t seem to notice, though. She was staring down at the half-pruned rose bush.

‘Was there something there? Beyond the sex?’

Elizabeth nodded.

Cynthia put her hand on top of Elizabeth’s knee. ‘Let me tell you something. You heard the long, drawn out sob story of my . . . my . . . of what I did to David. You heard how upset I was that night, right?’ Elizabeth nodded. ‘A month or so ago, David calls me out of the blue. Says he wants to meet, maybe talk it all over. Maybe it wasn’t all my fault.’ Cynthia snorted at this, and Elizabeth’s eyes peered deep into hers, hanging on the next word. ‘So we meet, we talk for awhile. I was afraid at first. Worried he’d humiliate me again, like he did that night. I probably half-hoped he would. I deserved it–still deserve it, rea
lly. I betrayed him, and no matter what his faults, he didn’t deserve what I did to him.’

Cynthia fell back to the ground now, ignoring the damp mulch soaking the seat of her jeans. ‘But he didn’t humiliate me. He wanted to talk it all through. See if maybe there was still a chance.’

Cynthia turned her head and looked at Sean and Brandon. Brandon had abandoned the sketch pad and was running around the lawn, kicking a ball. Sean was sketching intently, looking up every few seconds before going back to the pad.

‘So is there? Still a chance?’

Cynthia shrugged. ‘I don’t know. I hope so, but don’t know.’ She looked back at the girl. ‘I know I’d give almost anything, but I don’t want to rush back into it. He wanted me to move back in that night, but I said no. I don’t want to go back and have him realize he still can’t trust me. That wouldn’t work. We’d both be miserable, and it’d just be dragging out the inevitable.’

‘So what’re you going to do? Are you going to see him again?’

‘I already have. We’ve met a few times, for coffee or dinner. We talk about things.’

‘How’s he feel about this?’

‘Me living here? With Sean?’ Elizabeth nodded, and Cynthia said, ‘He was jealous at first, but I explained he had nothing to be jealous about. If he didn’t believe me, he could move in for a week and see for himself.’

Cynthia put her hands on Elizabeth’s shoulders and looked into her eyes. ‘What I’m telling you is this. There’s always a good reason to never take a chance. David has a million excellent reasons to never speak to me again, but he is. Because at the end of the day, it’s really hard to find someone who can be your best friend, your lover, and your soul mate. I didn’t realize that until I found out what I’d lost, and David didn’t realize that until I was gone. We can both go out and find someone else. But love, real love, love that supports more than just sex but also a marriage, is harder to find than you think. Got it?’


‘So if you think there may be something more there with this guy, something more than just great sex, then you owe it to yourself to give it a shot. Don’t look back fifteen years from now, alone, and think about him and ask yourself what could’ve been. Try to make it be, and if it doesn’t work out, at least you gave it a shot.’

* * *

Sean walked in the kitchen as Cynthia was putting on her coat. ‘Where you going?’

‘I’ve got to run into town and pick up some groceries for your dinner. Any special requests?’

He shook his head. ‘Mind if I tag along?’ She did a double take. ‘What?’

‘You’ve not left here since I’ve been here. That’s been, what, three and a half months?’

He shrugged. ‘Then I suppose it’s time I got out a bit, eh?’

It took awhile at the grocery store. Sean kept putting items in the cart and Cynthia just as quickly put most of them back. He’d have some nutrition in his belly or nothing at all, she’d told him. He sulked, but enjoyed the game. By the end, he managed to sneak in a few candy bars and cheese popcorn. He didn’t even like cheese popcorn, but it was fun watching her look when she watched it pass the scanner.

When they were back in the car, he prodded her shoulder. ‘Fancy a nip?’

‘Why not? Where do you want to go?’

‘Not a clue. Never been to a pub hereabouts.’

She smiled, keeping her eyes on the road. ‘A pub you want, a pub you’ll get.’

She drove to the old downtown district, away from the box stores on the state highway and onto the quiet, bricked streets lined with law offices, two banks, antique and hardware stores, a diner, and scattered taverns.

He gazed at the buildings. The brickwork was wonderful, the clean tuck points of the banks next to the sloppy, worn down looks of a boarded up laundromat, clashes of architectural styles lining the street. He spotted an alley pass on the side street.

‘Wait,’ he said, his arm shooting to her bicep. ‘Back up, park over there.’ She drove around the block. ‘Over there,’ he said, pointing to the alley. ‘Park right here, okay?’

She pulled into a parking spot. He reached between his legs on the floor and picked up his sketch pad and pencils. Then he heard her sigh, and turned to look at her.

‘Are we going to have that drink, or do you want to draw?’

‘Can you give me maybe twenty minutes? I’ll meet you there.’

She got that stern look, the one she shot him when she put the chocolate covered raisins back twenty minutes before. ‘Twenty minutes. Lion’s Head, right around the corner. You’re even a minute late and I’m leaving.’

He nodded, sliding into her seat and all but pushing her from the car. ‘Okay, twenty minutes.’

The alley was gorgeously decrepit. The narrow lane was filled with potholes exposing chipped, bare bricks beneath a few inches of asphalt. There were sagging, unpainted porches, overflowing trash containers, sixty-year old murals faded to almost nothing, missing bricks, and boarded windows. All right here, twelve miles from home. How could he have missed this glorious ruin?

He heard a tiny voice behind him. ‘That’s incredible.’ He ignored the voice, concentrating on the panorama. He didn’t have much time left. He started making notes on the bottom, colors to use and textures to apply. ‘What’re you writing?’ the voice said. He didn’t need this, and he turned to tell whoever she was to bugger off.

‘Listen,’ he said, tilting his head. He stopped. He was staring into the brightest green eyes he’d ever seen, deep, captivating, and lively.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘It’s just that you have real talent. That’s really very, very good.’

He felt himself blushing. He cleared his throat, unable to speak. He managed a nod.

‘May I?’ She held her hands out, and he raised his arms, handing over the sketch pad. She had light red hair cut short, and freckles sprinkled lightly across her nose. She was a vision, he thought, a vision from his Belfast childhood. The comely Irish lass with bright smile and wit, a pixie-like figment of his imagination.

‘Where did you learn to do this?’ She looked back at him and smiled. When he said nothing, she said, ‘I won’t bite, you know.’

He cleared his throat again. ‘I do it for a living.’

He could see the surprise in her eyes. ‘Really?’ She looked back at the picture, and a sadness came over her face. ‘It’s what I wanted to do at one time. But I had nowhere near this much talent.’ She handed back the sketch pad and he closed it, threw it onto the seat behind him before standing.

‘I’m . . . Sean.’ He held out his hand, praying she’d shake it.

‘I’m Aimee,’ she said, gripping his hand into hers. It was smooth, warm, soft. ‘Pleased to meet you, Sean. Live around here?’ He managed another nod. Her eyes were dancing again, a smile curling her lips upward revealing a small line of straight, very white teeth. ‘Where around here do you live?’

‘About twelve miles out.’ He raised his arm and pointed, his eyes staying on her face. ‘That way.’

She nodded. ‘Well, Sean, I suppose I should be leaving you alone now. It was nice to meet you, and I hope we meet again.’ She nodded at him and walked away, nearly reaching the corner before he found his voice.

‘Wait,’ he called to her, slamming the car door behind him and jogging over to catch her. She stopped and turned, smiling at him. ‘I was just going in to meet my housekeeper for a drink. Can I . . . would you . . . maybe if you’re– ‘

‘I’d love a drink,’ she said, taking his hand in hers. He didn’t move, content to stand there holding her hand and gazing at her. After a minute, the pixie laughed. ‘So where’s the housekeeper drinking?’

‘Lion’s Head.’

She nodded and led him down the street, stopping and pushing into a dark tavern.

‘What does she look like?’ He stared at her, not understanding. ‘The housekeeper?’

‘Yeah, yeah, Cynthia. She’s . . . I don’t know . . . a few inches
taller than you, really pretty, brown hair, about thirty-five or so, I should guess.’ He peered away from the eyes and into the bar, saw her walking toward them. ‘There she is.’

As he tried to pull Aimee into the bar, he felt her hand tighten in his and her arm became rigid. He looked back and saw the shock on her face, then he turned back to Cynthia. She, too, had stopped, and she looked scared.

‘What?’ he said to Aimee. ‘What’s wrong? It’s just Cynthia.’ She said nothing, and he turned to Cynthia. ‘Cynthia, come here. I want you to meet– ‘

The hand jerked from his and he turned back in time to watch Aimee dash out the door. He turned back to Cynthia, dumbfounded. Her eyes went from the door to Sean and back to the door. She strode to him. ‘Wait here,’ she said as she passed. The she, too, was gone.

* * *

Aimee was walking fast, trying to get back to the safety of her car two blocks away. ‘Wait,’ she heard from behind her. She turned her head and saw Cynthia Holloway jogging, trying to catch her. She started jogging, too. Cynthia kept calling to her, telling her to wait, come back, but she couldn’t. She needed to get home, to her couch, the warmth of a cup of cocoa and a book.

A half block from her car, the drawing popped back into her mind. And the shy artist who drew it, bumbling his way around a simple invitation for a drink. And the darkest, softest eyes she’d ever seen. She felt her jog slow to a walk and heard Cynthia’s voice get closer. Then she stopped altogether and waited. This quiet artist was the first spark, however brief, she’d had in her life in months. In the ten seconds it took Cynthia to reach her, Aimee decided she wasn’t going to let Cynthia Holloway get in the way of her and happiness anymore.

‘Thank you,’ Cynthia panted when she caught up. She bent over, hands on her knees, gasping for breath. ‘Please go back. Please.’

Aimee’s eyes narrowed. ‘Why? Why should you care what I do?’

Cynthia shook her head, still looking down and catching her breath. ‘I don’t care what you do. I do care about him, though.’ Her breath was coming back, and she leaned back and sucked in gulps of air. Then she looked forward, straight at Aimee. ‘I know you hate me. Fine, I can understand that. But don’t take it out on him. Go back and have a drink. Have a whole mess of drinks. I’ll leave, he can call me when he’s ready for a ride home.’

‘What’s your angle on this.’

She shook her head. ‘No angle. Well, yes, there is an angle. The angle is that he needs someone.’

‘He’s got you, hasn’t he?’

‘You don’t understand. I’m his housekeeper. I clean, do laundry, cook for him, make sure he gets enough sleep. That’s it. But he’s all alone. He’s getting better since I came on board. But he’s still alone. I didn’t know him before– ‘

‘Before what?’

‘Before his wife died. So I guess I could’ve been reading his look wrong. When he came in with you. But we’ve both seen that look, and that’s what I saw.’

Aimee looked at her. Her face, her eyes, her whole body was pleading with her to go back to that bar and have a drink. She looked around Cynthia’s shoulder, back down the street. She saw him over a block away, standing outside the door, shuffling his feet and looking at them. She could see the anxiousness in his face from where she stood.

‘And you’ll leave.’

‘Promise. Just have him give me a ring on my cell when he’s ready and I’ll come and get him. I’ll hang around town.’

Aimee shook her head. ‘Don’t bother. I’ll give him a ride home.’

Cynthia nodded, relief pouring over her face. ‘Thank you. We’ll go back, I’ll grab my purse, and I’ll write down the directions to his house.’

‘That won’t be necessary.’

Cynthia snorted a laugh. ‘Yes it will.’

Aimee stopped and turned to her. ‘He doesn’t know where he lives?’

She shook her head. ‘I’ll bet he couldn’t find the place in a hundred years.’

Aimee smiled, wondering what kind of man didn’t even know where he lived.

They went into the tavern, Sean following behind them through the doors. The relief was evident on his face, soon replaced by a joyful giddiness. Cynthia wrote down the directions at the bar while Sean ordered two pints, Miller Lite for her, Guinness and Harp for him. Cynthia handed her the directions, waved, and left.

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Veronica was an 18 year old firecracker. With her long tan legs, perky titties and plump ass, the men were always looking at her, fantasizing about her. She was truly one of a kind. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded perfectly down her back, and her big green eyes hypnotized man after man. But she was no slut. She was smart, and only slept with the men who proved worthy. As a part time job, Veronica picked up babysitting. She babysat for many single moms, and was surprised when she...

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Vanished Ch 11

My brown nipples were suspended. I looked at them in horror as tension on the rings was causing the recent puncture wounds to elongate. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t watch. I felt ill. I felt the bed move, someone was moving. Suddenly my ass was pulled off the bed as Buddy drove into me. My eyes flew open. “NOOOOOO. No.” “Oh man, Geoff is she hot, so tight….. very wet …. Gawd she’s juicy. She hugs my cock like I was made to fit in her. You sure she isn’t for sale? Name your price.” It finally...

4 years ago
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Priya8217s Journey Into Erotic Wonderland 8211 Part III

(We thank Mrs.Priya for sharing all details of her wonderful experiences and giving liberty to make changes in her story as necessary. Please send your comments and suggestions to or ) ……………………and I went into shock and depression. Rahul’s death was so sudden it was like a mind numbing blow with a sledge hammer. I lost interest in everything and would sit and stare vacantly for hours together. My parents were worried. All doctors and elders advised them to get me married and change of scene,...

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camping trip

So, a friend of mine told me about all the girls running around the campsite when he goes camping, so I thought I would check it out myself, so with a borrowed tent and some gear I ventured out. After I set up camp, I decided to check out the area and do a little hiking, while on the trail met up with another hiker and talked as we hiked through the woods, various subjects were discussed from cars to where the girls are, on our way back to the tent area, Don invited me over to his fire pit for...

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Aaichi Kamaal Ani Gharchyanchi Dhamaal Part 8211 1

Aamche trikoni kutumba hote mumbai shaharaat. Mi aai ani baba. Baba sarkari khatyat shetki vibhagaat hote tar aai shaalet shikshika hoti. Baba mulche punyache pan mumbait Sthait zaalele. Baba satat maharashtrat firtivar asat tar aai 9-10 vi chya mulanna science shikvit ase. Aamche ekdum madhyamvargiye kutumba aahe. Punyaala maze aajoba kakanbarobar raahat asat. Punyapasun 10 kilometer var tyancha bungla hota. Aaji baryach purvi vaarleli tar kakanche lagna houn tyanna ek mulga aah. Aamchehi...

2 years ago
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The Office VisitChapter 2

As instructed, Janet Simons returned to the doctor’s office the following evening, arriving a few minutes after five o’clock. She was met at the door by the doctor himself who double checked that the door was locked after admitting her into the waiting room. They immediately walked down the hallway to the exam room where Mrs. Simons began to disrobe. She did not bother to put on the exam gown that he offered. “Tell me about last night,” Doctor Miller said. “I did as you told me. I knew that...

1 year ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 3

John awoke with a start, and looked around the room. It was just like he remembered it the night before, and that did nothing to dissipate the confusion flooding his mind. The best way he’d describe the situation was his world was upside down, and, if that was uncomfortable in the real world, it was downright terrifying in prison! He’d been released from the hospital more than a week ago, but, for some unknown reason, he was still being confined to a section of the prison infirmary. He was...

2 years ago
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Bored Housewife Learns Her Lesson

Barnkitty had been home all day, bored, waiting for TomCat to arrive. She knew he would be extra-late tonight. Sometimes the office just got the better of his time, but he meant to earn for his family, take care of his wife, and excel in his career.The same cannot always be said of Barnkitty. She lacked focus, thought often of sex, fluffy clouds, and men with firm hands and deep disciplining techniques. Barnkitty did not have an exceedinly complex personality, but she loved her man and tried...

3 years ago
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Alien Sexperiments

Today was Saturday, and like every Saturday night, Dave was jogging in the woods when he suddenly saw a bright light in front of him. He was a hard-working, 48 year old father of two and really needed his jogs to unwind on weekends! "Huh, what is that?" he went closer ... Behind thick bushes he saw a young blonde standing alone in a clearing. "Hello, Miss! Can I help you?" he shouted. Just then, he noticed something hovering above him! "A... spaceship!?" Dave mumbled hesistantly. "Miss, we...

2 years ago
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My Awakening

As I heard the doorbell ring, I felt my heart jump with it my pulse suddenly quickened as I knew it was him. It was John my 'DATE' I still couldn't help but be astonished at those four words, and I knew that was not all, here I was in a blue silk Sari (a traditional Indian dress, a cloth draped over a body with the hips showing over a blouse and petticoat), as Cathy has insisted that I wear as she had thought that it would be easier for me to accept and I would be more comfortable....

4 years ago
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Party Girl part 3 The other side of story

About two days after Sharron's email a package arrived at the house while Ellen was out and when I opened it up there were two DVD's. One entitled "Ellen's wildest Dreams" and "Ron's Amazing Night". I quickly put the one on Ellen into the DVD player. It started off where I had left them on the settee where they had quickly stripped each other and were now on the floor all three of then naked and sucking kissing and nibbling on each others vaginas and breasts while fingers were in and out of...

4 years ago
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Firtie Valley 2

Introduction: By Jim Davis part 4 my god bill,…theres just no way he could still……….but he looks like hes gonna……….. we were standing at the window of the pick-up, still frozen in shock over what wed seen right there in broad daylight. maggie was pointing at the old man in the truck. his huge prick was still throbbing and twitching as the little girl kept swirling her tiny hands around the fat slippery head of it. there was so much cum on her face, some of it dripped off onto her hands to join...

3 years ago
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Saskia My First anal rape REPOST

As we walked up a particularly long and steep hill, my dad changed the conversation to something I was not expecting. ?Adam, today we?re not just going to be walking.? He started to explain. ?What do you mean by that?? I asked quite curiously. ?You?re seventeen in less than a month and you?re still whipped on that Saskia girl. We need to get you over this, so I?ve arranged a little surprise for you..? I thought this over for the next couple of minutes. I?d liked this girl since the end of my...

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Defending Little Sis

I heard my mother and little sister Natalie talking in the living room that Friday afternoon. She was getting ready for her big date with Keith Reynolds, the captain of the wrestling team. At that time my sister had just turned 16 and was a sophomore and I just turned 18 and was a senior in high school. She was a cheerleader and very popular. I on the other hand was more into the academics but still had a good amount of friends. "Oh sweetie you look beautiful. That Keith guy is going to drool...

2 years ago
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Lucie Loves Luke

When we reached the boat we all stripped. Wendi had teasingly said she’d never had sex with a porn star before and Lucie claimed to have missed my older pecker. She wasn’t fucking Erik (her agent) anymore and told him this might be her last video. It was six hours after we picked up the “lovebirds” as we humorously referred to Lucie and Luke, at the airport. They had just starred in a new porn flick. Lucie’s agent Erik had flown back to Prague, Lucie’s home town where he would be working with...

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The Mysterious Lana Ch 6

The only thing that Lana could think about as she walked through New Orleans’ French Quarter was how much she must have hurt David. He seems like a very “down to earth” type of guy. He is someone that she should have met years ago, before she made the biggest mistake of her life; before she married Jay. After she went to the parking garage and paid the bill, she steered toward Canal Street. While negotiating the heavy evening traffic, she simply could not get David’s image out of her mind....

1 year ago
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Club Church Chapter 2

I went down the stairs to the bar and had another beer. What a great place this turned out to be and I had only been here about an hour.As I was sitting on the bar stool, I watched as guys went behind this large dark curtain at the end of the room. Some of the guys were at floor level and others went up a short set of steps. My curiosity was piqued and my balls and crotch tingled with excitement.I watched for a while as I finished my beer. Finally, I decided to look behind "Curtain Number 1" to...

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The Retired Headmaster and the Schoolgirl

This happened when my marriage was virtually at and end.I used to go out for long walks to get away from the house. My route took me out of our middle class suburb through one or two rough areas of the city.Near the footbridge across the river there is a path which leads through a council estate to the city so I thought I would go through and have a coffee at some nice place in the town.My attention was suddenly diverted by a very slim young half-caste teenager. She seemed upset and I thought,...

Love Stories
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Becoming the Little Sister

Becoming The Little Sister The woman had met me after my parent's funeral and greeted me with open arms. She was an attractive lady with a thin waist and a smooth pretty face. Her long hair tickled my face as she embraced me. She held me tighter than I expected and rubbed her cheek against mine. She towered over me, which was not a large feat since I was only 4'7. I was almost as intimidated as I was intrigued by the greeting. She smiled and finally spoke. "James, you look just like...

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Valentine Vengeance

We have a saying in the area where I grew up and still live, if you don’t like the weather, hang on a minute. The people giving the weather on the news are viewed as something of a joke, through no fault of their own really. The fact is that if a wind whips down out of the North Pole or up from the gulf, there is just nothing to stop it or even slow it down. In my lifetime, all spent right here, I’ve seen it snow on Christmas and I’ve seen it eighty degrees. I’ve seen it a sweltering hundred...

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Astrid our first cuckcake

At 24 she was younger than i would have normally swiped on, but she was cute and had an infectious smile & a wicked personality. We'd been chatting for a few days & we had both been on the fringes of each others age limits but we got on like a house on fire. To be honest i didnt have high hopes for Tinder but here i was butterflies in my belly and a little excited that this meet might actually happen. Usually when i get excited about these sort of things, something always seems to...

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Smitha Bhabhi Summer Camp

This is my first story here and I hope you like it. Not sure if this is the best way to write, but will try my best to share my experience without losing steam. This happened 2 summers ago, when i went to drop my friend in a summer camp, who used to teach dance to kids. If you like my story, please send your feedback to I would be happy to hear from you and encouraged to submit more. Let me get going now.. It was a hot Saturday and around 9.00 AM, I just dropped my friend on my bike and was...

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Neighbors Teasing WifeChapter 10

Frank was the first to recover his wits. "Close the door, Shelly," he snapped. "We don't want the whole neighborhood to see us." "I'm sorry," the pretty redhead sighed as she shut the door. "I just lost my head when I saw what was happening." "How come you didn't knock, Shelly?" Joan said angrily. "And what are you doing here?" Vicky demanded. Shelly turned red as a beet, redder than her own hair. "Oh, shit, I don't know what to say. I know I'm being very rude. But I was...

2 years ago
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Ex Wife Pimps Me Out for Money

I got the shock of my life when I woke up one morning. I found out that my wife had walked out on me. A short note lay on the kitchen table telling me that she would not be coming back. And I had no idea that she had been unhappy with our marriage. I was devastated I thought we had the perfect marriage I started hanging out in bars and honky tonks. Then one night I ran in to my ex-wife she was dressed like a slut and acted like a whore, she came over to me and started talking about how she had...

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Trip To Lavasa With A Stranger

Hello. everyone. This is my real sex story. I was doing the online project in which, a group of 7 were made by the company. In my group, there was one girl, Ankita. Project submission deadline was approaching. So, I asked everyone for the project report. Finally, I submitted one. But in that process, I started chatting with Ankita. Initially, she was very adamant and rude. So, I stopped texting here. Then, one day, I saw her online on Facebook. I texted her, from there on, we became good...

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Sailing Lessons Pt 5

I followed her out of the lodge. The shorts made her legs look impossibly long. We walked up towards the cabin she was staying in with Edna and Albert and spotted them through the trees, heading down to the dock with their fishing gear.I followed Judith into the cabin and turned around to lock the door. When I turned back, I saw that Judith had stepped into the tidy little kitchen and retrieved a little squeeze bottle of maple syrup. She put the bottle on the counter and turned to face me as I...

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Halloween House

Halloween House By Xspy4u Those of you who have read the Rebecca and the Victoria series will recognize some of the themes in this story. I will warn that it is a departure from those. I have blended my usual genre as a supernatural horror writer with my new erotica writing –call is Erotic Horror if you will. I must also warn that it takes about 5400 words to get to the sex, but trust me it is worth it. The story is almost 14,000 words long – I wrote it all at once, so you get it all at once -...

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My Grandma 5

So my grandmother woke early the next morning and jumped in the shower. I was disappointed when I woke up and heard the water running. I really wanted to wake up with her in my arms and maybe even get to see my dried cum on her face. But I guess she feared the rest of the family might start knocking on the door and come in or something. So I woke and got horny. I climbed out of bed and crept to the bathroom. But she had the door locked. Can you believe it? So i sat and watched the crappy tv for...

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Sex with Twins My Mom and My Aunt Part 3

"Now that you sexually violated us by listening to our personal and private, sexual conversations, I'm going to show you what it feels like to be humiliated," said my mother with a long pause while undressing me with her eyes. "Take off your clothes. Get naked. In the way that you now know all of the sexual things that your father wanted me to do and some of the sexual things that I've done, I want to see you as nakedly exposed as you made me feel nakedly exposed by eavesdropping on me."Having...

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Encounter With Land Lord 8211 1

It happened 5 years ego. When i got my first job at patna. I am from Rajastan. I was 21 years old that time. I am searching for a single room flat, because i can’t provide more than Rs. 2000 rental. But, I got a chance of paying guest in the house. I have to pay Rs. 4000 all total. It’s a good bargain. Landlord was 35 years old manish,working in railway, with 22 years big size beautiful wife, sujata. They have given me a room at Ist floor.There was no bathroom only a lactrin was there. A big...

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Our 1st FULL swap

GF story: He he, we did it, we had our 1st experience with another couple, all the way. As written in previous post, we said we would be visiting Mark & Lisa in Calahonda and so we did.At first we talked for a few hours, just to see how we got along, get a feeling about each other and once that was done and we all had a really good feeling towards all, it happened…..Julie and Lisa went upstairs to change and a few minutes later they both got back downstairs with sexy outfits, Julie laid...

3 years ago
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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Eighteen

Chapter 18: Doggie In The House! A few hours had passed, and I awoke to find myself all alone in the bed. I could hear the girls mumblings of voices gently from downstairs, as I rose up, placed on a pair of boxer shorts and began to descend down the stairs. Entering the living room, I discovered both Amanda and Julia sat upon the couch, wearing very little upon their beautiful soft bodies, and chatting. ‘Oh, hello sleepyhead!’ Julia softly joked to me as I smiled at her. ‘Wasn’t sure if you...

4 years ago
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How I Became Vanessa Chapter 3

Hello dear readers,I strongly encourage you to read the previous two chapters of this story to fully grasp the sudden changes which affected my life.*At home, Elena was waiting for me but she wasn't alone, her boyfriend was there too. He was a tall black guy named Jeff. I told them all the things that happened at July's, blushing as Jeff was watching me with desire.Elena hadn't changed her sexy outfit and her beautiful face leaned towards Jeff's crotch uncovering his 10 inch cock which was even...

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Alex Teaches Eva the Importance of Sharing

Mia and I have been friends for years and we have always been there for each other.   I considered her to be my best friend and we were very close.   So close that we would always share intimate details of each other's sex life with one another and also shared a mutual secret obsession for porn although we had never watched it together.  I started to feel this sexual tension between us and I had a hunch that she might be feeling the same way.  I noticed that she lingered on the hugs she gave...

First Time
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The Love ExpressChapter 8 Sweet Home Chicago

March 15th, 1995, 6:40 EST; Mile 770; 2 miles east of Garrett, IN Oh dear god, no! George thought as he lay there, his cum all over both of them, How the hell am I going to handle this? “Jill,” he stammered, “I love you, I really do, and I want to do everything with you, like you couldn’t believe, but we can’t do this here.” “Why not?” “With the circumstances involving your minor status,” George tried to explain, “your aunt and uncle, your other uncle, your custody situation. We have to...

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MyDirtyMaid Dora Belle Maid Loves Cum

Dora Belle is cleaning Tony’s house today, he likes to pay maids to get naked. There’s nothing like new pussy. Once he sees she’ll get naked for money he assumes it’s okay to jerk his cock in front of her. She sees this and is freaked out a bit but when he offers her some money she’s ready to freak for real. She shlops up his dick with her dick sucking lips. Then he takes her to his living room and puts his wang in her. She gets fucked hard and then he cums in her...

1 year ago
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My out of control wife

My name is George I am 32 and my wife Kim is 30, she has long dark brown hair, brown eyes, with a set of 41c breast which look out of place on her slim body. We have a good sex relationship. We don’t go out to the clubs but drink a little beer at home to relax. One night we where watching a documentary on HBO about the Mardi Gras that was coming up in New Orleans. Kim said that it looked like a lot of fun, look at those girls flashing their tits for beads and I said there just having fun. She...

Group Sex
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The Rendezvous P3

We move back to the bed room leaving the towels on the floor as we enter. I reach down and fish a smoke out of my pack and light it offering you a drag as I sit in the chair by the desk. You take a puff and sit on the desk in front of me giving me full view of your glistening pussy. Its slightly puffy lips are noticeably throbbing. As I gaze up over you I also notice your areolae’s are also swollen with your nipples looking like hard erasers. Your breathing is soft but lightly labored as mine...

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