ShockwaveChapter 14 free porn video

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The skin covering the wings and body of the wing-suit is a pale, grayish color. I felt the outer skin and it’s like touching the skin of a deflated hot-air balloon, yet I could see the finely woven fibers of the metallic cloth.

Adam opened the compartment which contains his experimental, hydrogen fueled, turbine powered rocket.

I watched Carlton as he reached out to open the engine hatch on the small, tubular rocket. He looked it over, and quickly turned to Adam, “Adam, we’ve already designed a New-Age turbine which will fit right inside this same tube. The only thing left for us to modify, is mounting the fuel cell securely inside, so it will remain stabilized with the turbine during any and all flight maneuvers.”

The tube of the rocket he spoke of, looks like an aluminum-stainless steel alloy pipe, six inches in diameter and roughly eight foot long. The intake has a mesh grate covering the opening, and would appear to lay along the pilot’s back, extending forward a foot past the pilot’s head when he is encased inside the wing-suit in a prone position.

The wing-suit has a Swallowtail design in the rear, with the tube of the rocket extending out a foot or so – into split of the Swallowtail. I assumed this design was to allow the heat from the rocket to disperse without damaging the fabric or burning the pilot’s feet and legs.

As I looked it over while Adam and Carlton talked, I realized why Adam wanted to convert to the New-Age turbine power, for his rocket design. There would be no heat coming from the exhaust. That, and the facts that there would be no noise and never require refueling.

That made me think of the meteoroid. It had not burned out upon entering the earth’s atmosphere. What if Adam and Carlton could somehow use the heat resistance of the hardened meteorite shell, in a heat shield for the wing-suits?

“ADAM,” I spoke so loud, he and Carlton both jumped.

When I told them of my idea, they just looked at me ... Then both of them grabbed me, dancing me around in circles with them as they laughed.

Before they got totally out of control, I stepped away from them.

Just then, I heard Hawk and Falcon calling me – Daddy, we’re out of school and Mom says we can come see you.

I’m at the shop

I stepped to the door to see them standing in the doorway, grinning up at me. They are now chest high to me. It amazes all of us at their rapid rate of growth. Their six sisters have also grown.

The oldest girls now have bodies more like pre-teens.

Falcon and Hawk now wear their flight suits Savana made them. She made them as much like mine as she could, except for the fact theirs are not made of bulletproof material. The sleeves have altimeters and air speed indicators sewn in. Adam has already fitted them with safety helmets and face shields, including the flight recorders built into the top of the face shields. He’s also installed their communication devices inside their fabric, ski-mask, type helmets. Savana even included a transponder in their suits, when the military sent three for me to use. These special transponders will identify me – and now my sons – when we appear on NORAD radar.

Adam informed me that Hawk and Falcon would have flight suits identical to mine, in every aspect, when the Pentagon and CIA, each deliver our next shipment of supplies.

I stepped out and closed the door. Then I told my sons, “Let’s walk over to the command post and let them know we’re going for a ride – and inform them that ... we may make some noise.”

Falcon and Hawk have previously heard me break the sound barrier and they’re eager to know if they too will ever fly fast enough to break Mach-1. Today is the day. The sky is clear, winds calm and we have military personnel covering this place like it’s under military lock-down.

The sergeant in charge at the command post told us, “We now have our base radar set up and operational. We’ll see if we can track you and your sons. We’ll also record your flight – if we can keep up with you.”

“I hope you can, this is important to my sons ... and to me.”

With a wave from me, and a salute from Hawk and Falcon, we were off. When we were in the air, close to a mile high, I spread my arms. As we flew three abreast, each of them spread their arms.

My fingertips were touching each of my son’s fingertips. We have previously determined this would be our flight formation whenever we fly together.

Maintain formation and stay with me. We’ll take it up another mile, then we’ll go into a dive. We need to stay away from the houses, and military structures – we could possibly shatter some windows

West of our ranch, and joining our property at one point, there’s an area covering close to fifteen sections of desolate land, filled with nothing but deep gullies and rugged arroyos, where the extreme drought and the dust storms of the 1930s caused major erosion of the topsoil.

This is where I wanted to test my sons’ speed, and test their abilities to stay with me in flight. I knew the day would come, when they would want to fly with me on a mission like the one in Mexico City.

I was already looking forward to the day.

Without speaking aloud, I told them... When I call ‘dive’ we’ll bank hard right, into a vertical dive to within one hundred feet of the earth’s surface. From there, we’ll set a course – northeast to southwest – then fly out the far corner, before making a vertical climb back up to ten-thousand feet where we’ll stop. If either of you experience any physical discomfort or problems of any kind, let me know and we’ll instantly cut it short. When I call ‘check’ I want each of you to check your air speed indicators and call out your numbers – I’ll call mine back to you.

We were ready – I was nervous – but they were hyper as hell. We were flying in a circle, maybe a mile across. We were three abreast, banking slightly to the right as we circled lazily at a hundred knots.

‘DIVE-DIVE’ I called, banking hard right to dive straight toward the earth’s surface.

Hawk and Falcon were in perfect formation as we neared the earth. We leveled off at one hundred feet above ground, and I called, ‘CHECK’.

Falcon called, ‘six-six-eight-zero’

Hawk called, ‘six-six-eight-zero’

I called back, ‘six-six-eight-zero’

Without calling for a climb, I went vertical at full speed, my sons still in perfect formation. They were flying with their arms straight out in front of them just as I was. Each gave me a thumbs-up. I turned both my thumbs up ... and – just as we reached ten-thousand feet, I shut it off, stopping in mid-air. They were right beside me when I lifted my face shield.

“Boys, that was the most awesome feeling I have ever experienced in my life. Even more so than the day I first realized I could fly ... Simply because we did this together ... We hit Mach 10, and I know there has to be more in the tank for the three of us.”

“Daddy, did you look back when we hit that vertical climb?” Falcon asked.

“Yeah, Daddy, look down there now!” Hawk shouted, pointing to the desolate area we had just flown over.

The large block of land below us appeared to be totally flat from up here.

“Lets go take a look at that. Turn your cameras on, Papa Adam will not believe this.

The more I fly with my sons, the more I learn what we’re capable of. They are constantly trying new things and in doing so, teaching me things I had never thought of trying. Like now, when both of them suddenly dropped feet first from the sky as if a string had been clipped that was holding them up. I dropped with them and it was like free-falling in a parachute jump, until we reached the earth ... Then we stepped to the ground as if we were walking down a flight of stairs.

We were in the middle of what was once, a windblown, eroded and worthless piece of Oklahoma landscape. Now, the land is perfectly flat all around us – as if it had been precision leveled by earth moving equipment.

As I stood looking this place over with my sons, I knew that as soon as I could, I was going to see if this land is for sale. If it is, I want it.

Falcon asked, “It was the shock waves, wasn’t it, Daddy?”

“That’s exactly what it was. Low level – Mach-10 times three – to be exact.”

“Let’s go fly some more, Daddy. We want to see Oklahoma City and Dallas, Texas from the air. Could we?”

“Do you know how to get there from here?”

Hawk shouted, “Sure we do, Daddy. We have GPS... follow us...” They were off so fast, I had to try hard to catch them. I was as eager as they were. Just to be flying with them like this was a thrill for me. I knew that after today, I could possibly be gone for a week to ten days and I wanted to cram all we could into this time together.

Though we had already entered the airspace around Tinker Air Force Base, we cut our sightseeing trip short when we saw Interstate 35 – South ... Then we headed due south toward Texas.

In minutes we were in Dallas, two hundred miles south of Oklahoma City. Let’s go have a closeup look at AT&T Stadium, where the Cowboys play, Daddy – Falcon pointed to the west toward Arlington. We could see the giant dome from here, though we were still miles away.

Let’s go. We’ll fly down and have a close look, then head back. Just be careful when we fly lower

Look Daddy! The top is rolled back. Let’s go inside and have a quick look around, Hawk suggested.

– I knew better – but I gave them a thumbs up. I took the lead and banked to my left just as we entered the large opening in the domed roof. There was no game being played, but there was a grounds crew working on the playing field.

With a quick glance at each of my wingmen, I pointed to the other end of the field. We flew down each sideline, across both end zones and back, at sixty feet above the surface. Then I turned vertical between the cross beams and up through the open dome. Just as we turned vertical, the men below yelled and pointed up at us.

Oh well, let them try to explain what they saw ... We’re headed home.

Flying at twenty-one thousand feet, we were back at the ranch in minutes. When we settled to the ground near the shop, the sergeant ran from the command post, waving his hands.

“Boyd, you and your boys broke Mach-10, back west of here. That’s not all either, I clocked you coming from Dallas and you were flying at six-nine-nine-zero knots. That’s Mach-10.5

“Man – you guys were really smoking it.”

“Thanks, Sergeant. I knew we were moving on. Now I know my sons are as fast as I am.”

“Yeah, and there’s probably going to be some phone calls about all those sonic booms out here today. There for a while, it was like a war going on, back west of here.”

That night at the dinner table, I said my goodbyes to each of them – family members and friends – since I would be leaving before daylight. Everyone knew where I was going and that I may be gone for as long as ten days.

At bedtime, I went to tuck my sons and daughters in. With them sitting on the side of their beds, I made them promise me that they would help their mommas and study hard in class.

I turned to Falcon and Hawk...

“Falcon, you and Hawk have a big responsibility here at home while I’m away. I expect you to watch over your sisters, and be aware of anything at all around the property, that looks suspicious to you. Your momma has told you that you could go see Poppa Adam after school. I want you to take your sisters with you, and I expect you to be very careful as you fly with them. Except for an extreme emergency, I don’t want either of you to fly anywhere other than to the shop and back here.”

“We understand, Daddy. We’ll make sure everything here is safe and that our sisters are safe too,” Hawk replied as he and Falcon bumped fists.

Connie and Nora were awake when I went to our bedroom. Savana and Andrea were in the shower as I sat on the side of the bed and talked to the Cherokee cousins. “When are our babies due?”

Connie answered as she rubbed her swollen tummy, “Less than a week. We were just talking about it – hoping you’d be back before they’re born.”

“I’ll try my best to be back in time. If I’m not, I’ll be here as soon as I can.”

Nora told me, “We know, Boyd. We’ll have the rest of the family here with us and we’ll be fine. We just want you to be careful and not get hurt way over there on the other side of the world.”

Adam, Savana and Andrea were up to see me off at 5:00 the next morning. I had awakened at 4:30 and decided to stay up and shower. Wearing my Under Armor compression leggings, I slipped into the new flight-suit the CIA had sent me. I thought the flight-suit Adam and Andrea fashioned at the lab in Stillwater, was top notch, until I donned this one. As I stood before the mirror in the bathroom, I had to smile. There were eagle emblems on my chest and back, with a smaller eagle on each shoulder.

When I pulled my poly-carbonate flex-helmet over my head, I saw the dash-lights activate inside. There, above and below my line of sight, were all my instruments. They were built into the clear, UV Reflective, Li-ion battery powered, Poly-carbonate face shield. I powered up my electronics and watched as the instruments flashed, then lit up with a soft green back-light.

Adam told me as he walked out the door with me, “Boyd, in case you haven’t noticed the new speed indicator inside this newly designed flex-helmet – you now have the latest NASA version. This one has been tested on rocket boosters in excess of Mach-20 in space. I have a feeling, while on this long flight, you’ll discover that high-gear you’ve always talked about.”

“Thanks, Adam, I noticed the upper and lower instrument panels and glanced at each one, but I didn’t notice the difference in the speed indicator...

“Maybe by the time I return, you and Carlton will have your new wing-suit modified and you can test it with me beside you.”

“I’m looking forward to flying with you, Boyd. Be safe and keep in touch. The Pentagon has switched our frequency over to the digitally encrypted military communications satellites. We should have secure contact from anywhere around the world.”

“I’ll keep in touch so we can check that out.”

Adam turned to me, opening his arms...

This is the first time I’ve been asked to get involved in the security of our country, but I knew I could get in and out of a foreign spy outpost quicker and easier than anyone else ... without being caught.

Before lift off, I double-checked my communications and all my indicators. With a thumbs-up at Adam, I was on my way to meet the brass at the Pentagon.

Now that my new, voice-activated transceiver is built into my pullover helmet, I spoke in-flight as if talking to myself...

Eagle One to Eagle Nest. Do you copy

Eagle One, we have you loud and clear as we track you on NORAD. We have you at Mach-8, and the Boss Man is standing here watching the radar screen. He wants to know if you are flying at max speed?


Boss Man wants you to Check-It-Out, one time, Eagle One.

I knew I had plenty left. I’d hit Mach-10 yesterday with Falcon and Hawk flying with me. With President Sullivan asking me to check it out, I was more than happy to oblige.

I was flying at twenty-two thousand feet when I glanced from my altimeter to my speed indicator. I was at six-one-zero-zero knots, accelerating fast when I let it all out for the Boss Man. In three seconds, my indicator passed nine-nine-nine-zero knots.

Eagle-One, you nailed Mach-20 to the sky with that acceleration. We’ll have a sentry meet you at the door in two minutes.

Same as Shockwave
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Panting like two marathon runners we both reached the shower at nearly the same instant. Mom's butt was pink from the cracks I landed and she reached back to try and rub the sting out. "You really know how to get to a girl don't you. My ass is sore but it's a nice sore." She kissed me and when the shower water was up to temperature she grabbed me by the dork and pulled me into the stall with her. Her shower was very modern and was finished in granite. The shower heads (twelve) were all...

4 years ago
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Harry Potter Rons Birthday

Rose and Hugo tumble through the Floo into Molly's waiting arms, and Hermione smiles and waves as they disappear into the green depths of the fireplace."They'll have a lovely time with us this weekend," Molly says, grinning with the not-yet-worn through excitement of having her grandc***dren for two days. "And we'll see you and Ron for dinner on Sunday.""And don't forget the cake," Hermione says at the same time that Molly does. They smile at each other, then laugh. "We'll see you on Sunday....

3 years ago
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Ravis VacationChapter 3

Ravi felt strangely energized in the morning. The ring on his finger was still warm and stuck, but it seemed to have become more comfortable to wear. As he lay on the bed, thinking of his encounter with Radha the previous day, he heard footsteps approach his room. By the time he had gotten off the bed, Vandhana had rushed into his room. "Did you have a good sleep, Ravi", she drawled. Ravi could only nod his head and look the other way. Today Vandhana had worn nothing more then a...

2 years ago
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Main Course Wife arranges Thai for dinner

We hadn't seen Ben for several days after we had both fucked Cherry. I thought maybe he was feeling uncomfortable so gave him a call and asked him to come over for a beer. He was definitely sheepish around Cherry and she could tell immediately that he was troubled. She convinced him that it was fine and explained how she had enjoyed it and told him it was a fantasy of ours to have the threesome. He cheered up after that and once she saw he was now ok with it she mentioned that it was also his...

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my obedient wife

I’d had a tough day at work with the boss on my case as usual and I couldn’t wait to get home to my gorgeous wife. She waited for my arrival every evening,ever the dutiful girl that I married,and as soon as I got through the door my life took an fantastic turn for the better.She was sitting exactly where I had told her to be and had prepared herself for me to my very exacting standards.My beautiful big breasted lady never disappointed me.I didn’t have to utter a word to her such was the...

1 year ago
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Motorcycle Riding

There was a guy I had been seeing off and on for about 8 months, one day he called me and asked if I wanted to go motorcycle riding with him the next day. I thought about it for a few minutes then told him to pick me up early so that this other guy I was seeing would not find out about it. I knew I could get some drugs from him and have some fun and do some drinking. We rode around getting high for awhile, when he told me that he was going to stop at a house and make a deal with a friend. I...

Group Sex
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 76

I woke up to the sound of Bud's laughter in my ears. His laugh sounded as giddy as I had been feeling just before Harley pulled me back from the rush I'd lost myself in. "Uhh," I groaned. "Ahh, Cooper, you're awake?" Bud asked. "I think so," I groaned. "What happened?" "You figured out how to power the suit," Bud said. "And more importantly, you survived the experience." "Thanks to Harley." "So he has been telling me," Bud laughed again, a little less giddily this...

1 year ago
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The Best Sex Ever Chapter One

My name’s Stefan Ricci. I’m a 26 year old resident of Arlington, Texas. I’ve been doing some part time college studies in recent years; But I’m hardly devoted academically. I’ve been through a handful of jobs in recent years; And, in all honesty, Had felt like a bit of a restless spirit that hadn’t found my niche in life until recently. About 3 months ago, I took a job as a maintenance worker at a research facility; And found so much more than I could have dreamed.The place was called Dream On...

3 years ago
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Arduer Part 1 New Beginnings I

This was going to be a good weekend, Violet thought to herself. Her parents were out and she had the house all to herself. Her mom was away visiting an aunt with her younger brother, her dad on some business trip. She liked it like this, no nagging parents or irritating little brother. Why couldn’t they do this more often? Finally, peace at last. Smiling, she headed up the stairs towards her bathroom for a nice warm shower. As the shower warmed up, Violet stripped off her clothes, discarding...

1 year ago
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Too Soft Of A BedbyMany Feathers©I had gone into the service straight out of high school, primarily because there was no way at the time to further my education by going to college. My younger sister Janice had done much better in school than I had, given several scholarship opportunities, and upon graduation which was only a couple of months away now for her, would be able to take advantage of going back to school where I had not. Already eighteen, she was an attractive young woman with long...

4 years ago
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The Final Cut

Can't we all just get A-Long Pig? Story: #34 Copyright ©2005 Written: August 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel & Anonymous friend Proofed by: Piasa_Troll Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** Jessica couldn’t wait to get in the door as she struggled with her key's and fiddled with the lock that kept her from her window in to her fantasy realm where she was a prime spit roaster...

1 year ago
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Story 2

PART 2 Lori sat back and thought about it. That would be awful. Cindy, who the new dress code was probably intended for, was a single Mom and needed this job. She needed the flexible hours and every Sunday and Monday off. "Oh David, I can't believe I went off like that..""My boss had every right to be upset with me, I will have to appologize on Tuesday first thing". "That's what I love about you, you are always ready to admit when you have made a mistake and make whatever amends you can,...

3 years ago
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A Request for Help

London, England. March 2006. Help. The most awful and most marvelous word in the English language. I recently found out how true this is. If you will listen, I will tell you how. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Frank Martin. I'm in the transportation business. No, I'm not the guy the movies are about. I just share his very common name and job. I transport people and things without asking too many questions. By birth, I come from Houston, Texas. My adopted city, though, is London,...

1 year ago
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Center of MassChapter 18

We had a week of peace and quiet, and damned if it didn't get boring! What do you make of that!?! By this time we were well into the wilds of the New Mexico Territory desert, and we were expecting to see our first Navajos pretty soon. In some ways they were harder to fight than other Indians because so many of them still used bows and arrows. It wasn't because they couldn't get guns, it was more because it was the traditional way to fight. The result of this was that they were much...

3 years ago
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My secret place or so I thought Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2Exposed On the night before my usual trip to the beach I check my private email address again.“I hope you will be there again tomorrow and I haven’t scared you off.” “I will be there, the photos are all so beautiful. You have talent!” I reply. As I come to the clearing I look around. I picture where the photographs have been taken from. He must have a telephoto lens as they were taken from the other side of the river. I feel more at ease. I set up my towel, apply lotion and start...

1 year ago
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Annas AwakeningChapter 14

Second Day — James I stand there for as long as I can staring at her shadowy form in the glass. I can't make anything out, that's what the glass is designed to do but I know. I know that on the other side of that glass is my naked daughter. The door's not locked or anything. I could slide it to the side, I could reach in and pull out my wet naked daughter and then... "And then she'd be surprised and screaming with fear," I think to myself as visions came and went and reality...

4 years ago
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Educating Kyra

"Kyra, would you mind joining me in my office? I'd like to discuss some details of the paper you handed in last week." Mr. Markman's voice interrupted Kyra as she stood up ready to leave the classroom. The bell had just rung and she only wanted to leave that place, but once she had gathered her stuff, Kyra looked up at her Sociology professor and a pleasant shiver ran through her 18 year old body. Mr. Markman was the youngest lecturer in the school and in addition, he was very handsome. He was...

2 years ago
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A Mother Confesses Part 3 My Son

It was only about six months after I first started sleeping with Alex that I began to have sex with my son Jon, too. He was only nineteen at the time but he was such a handsome young man. He was tall and muscular and neither Alex nor I could help but look at his abs whenever he walked around shirtless - it isn't wrong to check out your son is it? I hope not!It was during a long conversation with Alex one night that she confirmed my suspicions that Jon's feelings were mutual. She told me that...

3 years ago
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Target Practice

Franck lined up his rifle and took aim. His girl had a fat and round ass, he basically couldn’t miss. He let the first bullet fly, which impacted in the girls butthole. He aimed again, this time at the girl’s pussy and fired. The shot missed just by an inch, the bullet going through the wooden paneling and the girl’s chest. Jack obviously had the best shot and fired two quick shots. Both shots hit target, one bullet going in through the girl’s ass, the other entering via her cunt. ...

2 years ago
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She saw a shadow cross the window and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that the man she had come to refer to as Mr. Wonderful was home. He had been such a perfect neighbor during her long, cold winter holed up in a cottage on the Lake Michigan coast to try to write The Great American Novel. Sweating through long days of splitting firewood, shivering through long walks on the icy beach, laughing at the follies of politicians they both formerly worked for, warming themselves with hot...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends RevengeChapter 7

The sea wind rushed through the eaves of the large warehouse, sending draughts of humid air through the cracks in the windows and up the stairs into the rooms occupied by Cash and Ellen, the driver, Sylvia, and the German Shepherd. Cash sat nervously silent. After his face had broken into a grin of relief at seeing Ellen captive, he had said simply, "Hi, Sylvia," out of the corner of his mouth and then gruffly but not cruelly grasped Ellen's elbow and led her back upstairs. It was...

1 year ago
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Bad LandlordChapter 8 Epilogue

Tim answered the knock at his door and smiled at his visitor. "Hi Elaine," he said smiling. "Come on in." "Hi Tim," Elaine said quietly and smiling back. "You asked me to stop by after work?" It was obvious Elaine had just got home from work because she was still dressed in her conservative business suit. It had been six months since the first incident in her apartment and many, many more incidents had followed. She had been double fucked with both Bobby's and his cocks in her...

3 years ago
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I lost my virginity to my best friend

Nikki was 2 years older than me and was my next door neighbour. We played together when we were kids and hung out together as we grew older. There wasn’t much I didn’t know about her and vice versa. But all good things come to an end and she moved away to a University in Spain whilst I remained and got a job locally. We would meet up whenever she returned home but those occasions were very rare. A couple of years after she moved away she was due to return home during the summer holiday and...

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Theatrical…… 14 I woke and it was daylight, but I had been wakened by a tickling sensation on my legs, the gravity of what had almost happened the night before struck me but there it was again, the tickling, I kept very still and my eyes closed, I moved slightly as I would if I was being irritated by something, then I felt my nightdress moving slowly upwards, at first I thought it was my husband getting amorous and I slightly opened my eyes, Andrew was leaning over me looking at my legs, I...

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Ron And Ronnie Chapter 15 Ronnies Cheating Way

I met with Miriam and she gave me the script for the pill for when Sue came home. She said that she had a very busy couple of weeks ahead so we set a date to have lunch together on a Thursday in three weeks time. Afterwards, I headed home. It was getting late so I had a meal and went to bed.Again when I awoke the next morning, it was eight o’clock. I felt totally rested more so than I had for the last couple of years. I wondered why but after consideration I realized that I had been aware that...

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My weirdest sexual encounter at 19

You eat an ice cream for the first time and enjoy the taste, the coolness, and texture, all combine to trigger the response and it becomes a favourite, an acquired taste and this for me is how my sexual tastes are added, through experience, something happens, you get a kick out of it, and bang, before you know it, your out there doing it again.I was 19 and at the home of one of my boyfriends relatives. One of the guests was a man, extremely fat and hairy, like an ape, but make him even more...

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My Bucket List Four

“Take that dress off. No more clothes the rest of the night.”He didn’t have to tell me twice. I kicked off my heels and dropped the dress. Willis picked it up and hung it on the coat rack.“You’re stunning. You’re sparkling. How do you do that?”I said, “You mean 'How do you do that at your age?' And I’m not telling you. I’m not here to counsel you, Willis. I’m here to fuck you.”And that’s how we started fucking at his place. I stripped that bastard and left his damn clothes in a heap by the...

2 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 71

Phil returned to the new house two weeks after his first foray, this time in the company of the rest of the ownership group. Baseball practice was due to begin in two days and the summer jobs had concluded for the rest of the crew. Only Hailey stayed behind. Beth needed her for a series of meetings the following week and Hailey had grudgingly agreed to stay. The penthouse had been abandoned; the few personal items the occupants had left behind were moved into storage. Hailey’s belongings...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Helen

The phone call was hoped for, but not totally expected. I had figured that the soonest I would hear from them, if they took the deal, would be at least two weeks away. But at eleven-thirty the phone rang and Mortenson said, "We are going with you Bruce. I've signed the papers and a copy is being faxed to you. You should have the originals by FedEx in the morning. Looking forward to doing business with you guys. Talk to you later." I walked over to the fax machine just as the document...

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