D?terminisme Naturel III free porn video

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D?terminisme naturel III Les jours se suivaient, et Marc s'accommodait peu ? peu ? son r?le de secr?taire. Il pouvait regretter de n'?tre "que" secr?taire, ses dipl?mes auraient du lui offrir une bien meilleure situation, mais il devait admettre qu'il assumait avec difficult? ses t?ches pr?sentes. Il r?vait ? d'autres ambitions professionnelles, r?vant de devenir le bras droit d'Amandine, mais revenait ? contre-c?ur sur terre quand la jeune M?lanie lui faisait reprendre son travail pour corriger des erreurs. Surtout que M?lanie ne se g?nait pas pour s'amuser de ses bourdes devant les autres filles, devant Cl?lia et Hanane, et m?me Amandine. M?lanie appelait Marc "petite t?te de linotte", "gourdasse" ou "b?b?te", sans oublier le classique "cocotte" et "poulette". M?lanie ?tait une jeune femme gaie et spontan?e, un peu superficielle et port? sur la plaisanterie, elle savait toutefois bien faire son boulot, et elle se montrait stricte avec Marc sur le travail. En quelques semaines M?lanie avait totalement pris l'ascendant intellectuel sur Marc, et on ressentait nettement l'autorit? naturelle de la jeune secr?taire sur son assistant. Marc ne prenait pas vraiment la pleine mesure de la position qu'il avait endoss? avec M?lanie. Par ricochet c'?tait encore pire avec les autres filles. Avec Aur?lie il se mettait en 4 pour r?pondre ? ses demandes, et si Aur?lie ne manquait pas de l'encourager elle aimait se plaindre de ne pas avoir une secr?taire aussi exp?riment?e et comp?tente que M?lanie. Face ? Hanane, Cl?lia et Amandine Marc ?tait presque une petite souris, toujours intimid? et servile. Sa peur de commettre un impair avec les "sup?rieures" le faisait stress? au possible et perdre ses moyens, le rendant gauche et h?sitant ? r?pondre ? chacune de leurs demandes. Hanane bluffa les autres filles lorsqu'un jour, ?tant au t?l?phone, elle claqua des doigts et montra ? Marc sa corbeille ? papier pleine, et que celui-ci se pr?cipita la vider. Autre chose dont Marc n'avait pas conscience, c'est qu'en essayant d'?tre le plus apte possible ? son poste il prenait comme mod?le M?lanie, et que forc?ment, par mim?tisme, il se f?minisait encore plus. Ses gestes se calquaient sur ceux de M?lanie, sa fa?on de r?pondre au t?l?phone imitait celle de M?lanie, et il guettait la mani?re de faire de M?lanie pour s'en inspirer. Il n'y avait pas que le travail. M?lanie et Marc devenaient complices, aimaient papoter, parler de s?ries ou d'?missions de t?l? r?alit?, et les conseils de M?lanie au sujet des tenues vestimentaires s'enracinaient profond?ment dans l'esprit de Marc, bien malgr? lui. Marc ?tait sous l'influence de M?lanie, qui bien que n'?tant pas une personnalit? dominante, avait bien plus de pr?sence que le discret et effac? Marc. Celui-ci, assez en confiance, avoua ? M?lanie qu'il appr?ciait vraiment sa nouvelle garde-robe. Pour ce qui est des v?tements f?minins Marc ne pouvait plus se nier qu'ils ?taient bien plus agr?ables ? porter. De mani?re pratique, il se sentait plus soi-m?me avec ces affaires qui correspondaient ? sa morphologie. Mais une fois qu'il n'?tait plus au boulot il ne savait que porter. Ses anciens v?tements lui ?taient tout bonnement devenus trop inconfortables, et ?a lui faisait bizarre de porter en week-end ses affaires "bureau". M?lanie ?clata de rire et taquina Marc en essayant de l'imaginer en chemisier et pantalon/veste tailleur ? la maison. "Mais ma poulette, m?me si certaines de tes fringues peuvent faire l'affaire, il te faut des trucs plus d?contract?s pour te mettre ? l'aise dans la vie de tous les jours, ou plus mimi pour la life de tous les jours. Allez hop, ce soir c'est shopping entre filles!" Marc devint rouge pivoine "Mais M?lanie je ne suis pas une fille... et d'abord je peux pas faire de shopping je n'ai plus que 100 euros sur mon compte". "Fais pas ta b?b?te, je n'ai jamais vu un gar?on en chemisier mauve et jean stretch girly, et c'est bien ce que tu portes en ce moment, donc voil? quoi! Et pis tu seras dans le rouge niveau banque, comme beaucoup de filles, pas grave!" Marc avait envie de refuser, mais le ton de M?lanie ?tait sans appel, et il lui ?tait devenu totalement naturel que "sa chef" ait le dernier mot. De plus si Marc ?tait secr?tement amoureux d'Amandine il n'?tait pas insensible au charme de ses autres coll?gues. Il ?tait sujet toutes la journ?e ? des "coups de chaleur". Le d?collet? g?n?reux d'Aur?lie, les fesses fermes d'Emilie, les jambes superbes de Cl?lia, le regard envo?tant de Hanane, tout cela lui faisait tourner la t?te et le mettait au supplice. Heureusement il avait un petit sexe, court et fin, et on ne s'apercevait pas quand il ?tait en ?rection. Mais c'?tait une vraie torture pour un petit puceau d'avoir en quasi permanence son gland tout chaud en proie ? de terribles d?mangeaisons. Sa souffrance quotidienne accentuait sa gaucherie naturelle, et il s'?tait r?solu de se masturber, rapidement, une fois par jour dans les toilettes des bureaux pour faire retomber la pression. Ainsi avoir l'occasion de refaire du shopping avec la piquante petite rouquine ?tait trop tentant, et il ne cessa d'y penser jusqu'? la fin de la journ?e. Oh si seulement il avait pu avoir une petite amie comme M?lanie, ou si seulement les gens pouvaient croire ce soir que c'?tait sa petite amie, mais au fond de lui il savait que les gens penseraient sans doute qu'ils ?taient simplement deux copines en train de faire les boutiques. Le soir venue ce fut donc sa seconde s?ance shopping avec M?lanie, et malgr? sa fiert? virile qui lui disait qu'un homme ne s'amuse pas ? faire les magasins pour remplir ses sacs de jolies affaires f?minines, il ne peut s'emp?cher de s'amuser. M?lanie riait souvent, pour tout et pour rien, et le trop s?rieux Marc finit par copier aussi ? copier cette habitude. Marc refusa ?videment les affaires trop filles, mais des petites chemises, un jean d?contract? avec de l?g?res broderies, des t- shirts bien ajust?s qui mettaient en valeur son petit ventre plat, des pantalons de femme, vari?s et divers, deux-trois leggings et quelques blouses, peu ? peu, on s'avan?ait de plus en plus dans la f?minit?. Le pic ?tant atteint par l'obligation impos? par M?lanie de s'acheter quelques foulards et ?charpes indiscutablement f?minines. M?lanie insista pour que Marc n'attende pas pour s'enrouler le cou dans une petite ?charpe blanche et bleu turquoise, petit accessoire subtil, mais grand effet de f?minit?. Solange l'accueillit avec une aide bienvenue pour porter tous ses sacs ? l'?tage. Elle lui r?p?tait que voil?, une jeune femme active avait bien raison de se faire plaisir, et que Marc lui faisait ? penser ? elle jeune fille, quand elle ?tait mont?e ? Paris pour travailler. ?puis? de sa journ?e Marc renon?a ? protester devant cette comparaison, et il protesta pas plus quand elle lui rappela "Et une fois que tu as rang? tes nouvelles affaires ne lambine pas, il y a du repassage ? faire, tu es en retard de trois jours, j'ai presque plus rien ? me mettre!" Marc disposait maintenant d'un ?ventail de v?tements de femme plus large, lui permettant de s'habiller en dehors du boulot de mani?re ad?quate. S'il trouvait que telle chemise ? carreaux rose et bleue pastels ?tait vraiment trop fille, il ne pouvait pourtant s'emp?cher de la mettre, se sentant tout simplement ? l'aise avec, et puis c'?tait un v?tement naturellement appropri? pour une sortie de week-end, ou fl?ner tout simplement chez-soi. Une nouvelle journ?e de travail, et Marc, sa longue queue de cheval se balan?ant au gr? de son roulement de fesses dans son pantalon blanc pr?s du corps, un petit pull noir col V sur un chemisier blanc, un petit foulard burberry autour du cou, avec une veste noire en cuir pour casser le c?t? sobre de sa tenue, rentra dans les bureaux pour trouver M?lanie, Emilie et Aur?lie papoter avec des mines de conspirationnistes. Quand M?lanie lui demanda de se rendre directement dans le bureau d'Amandine, qui voulait la voir ce matin, il devint p?le d'appr?hension, terrifi? d'avoir fait une grosse b?tise dans son travail, ou pire, craignant qu'il soit finalement mis ? la porte pour incomp?tence. Amandine le re?ut avec un grand sourire, et la chaleur de ses mots de bienvenue fit redescendre directement la pression. En moins d'une seconde son d?sespoir se mua en fol espoir, et il se mit ? caresser l'id?e folle que finalement Amandine allait lui proposer de travailler directement sous sa supervision, et qu'elle le couverait pour en faire son lieutenant. Le principal argument qu'il se r?p?tait int?rieurement ?tait que, malgr? sa faible virilit?, il restait tout de m?me un gar?on, et que masculiniser une entreprise au niveau de son management constituait sans doute une valeur ajout?e. Amandine se pla?a ? nouveau derri?re lui, tout en parlant du boulot au quotidien, et elle soupir d'agacement, s'indignant de la queue de cheval de Marc, pas assez correcte ? son go?t, et s'attela ? lui refaire, lui rappelant qu'il s'?tait engag? ? adopter une attitude soign?e plus en phase avec sa nature eff?min?. -"Marc, on en a d?j? parl? : tu sais bien que naturellement on va te prendre pour une fille, alors je t'ai d?j? demand? d'aller dans ce sens. Je ne te demande pas de te faire une mise en pli non plus, mais une jolie petite queue de cheval c'est un minimum. Je t'assure que la prochaine fois je te fais moi-m?me un chignon bien serr? si tu arrives aussi n?glig?!" Marc b?gaya, comme ? son habitude, partag? par son orgueil masculin r?volt? et son trouble de sentir les mains d'Amandine lui arrangeant les cheveux. -"Mais Amandine, on n'avait pas parl? que je ressemble plus ? une fille, mais que je m'habille selon mon c?t? gar?on eff?min?. Je reste un homme, m?me si je suis androgyne, donc ?tre m?trosexuel ?a suffit comme m?me." -"On ne dit pas "comme m?me" mais "quand m?me" petite idiote. Je ne comprendrai jamais pourquoi tu t'ent?tes ? vouloir endosser le r?le d'un homme. Il faut respecter les choix de la nature, et visiblement elle t'a fait plus fille que gar?on, et ceci est vrai autant physiquement que psychologiquement ma belle." Marc, rougissant, ne savait plus quoi r?pondre. Dans une ultime tentative de r?bellion Marc serra ses petits poings crisp?s et essaya d'avoir un ton confiant et masculin, mais sa voix ?tait perch?e et aigu? : -"Mais non je suis un gar?on dans ma t?te et je me comporte comme un gar?on je t'assure!" Le rire franc et moqueur d'Amandine suffit ? r?duire ? n?ant ses protestations. Dis moi Marc, et ne me mens pas :"Petit tu jouais ? la poup?e ou ? la guerre?". -"? la poup?e" convenu du bout des l?vres Marc. -"Tu tra?nais avec les filles ou avec les gar?ons?" -"Seulement avec les filles" murmura Marc. -"Et honn?tement, tout petit, tu t'identifiais aux personnages f?minins ou masculins dans les dessins anim?s, les livres et les films?" Marc, abattu, et se demandant comment Amandine pouvait avoir devin? tout ?a, baissa la t?te, vaincu par une telle clairvoyance : "Je m'identifiais toujours aux filles." -"Ne fais pas cette t?te, ce n'est pas un probl?me, sauf si tu ne l'assumes pas. ?coutes, j'ai bien compris que tu tenais ? ?tre un gar?on. Pourquoi pas, que tu penses ?tre un gar?on. Mais pour plus de commodit? je te demande de mettre ?a de c?t? au travail, d'accord? Je veux que tu t'?panouisses et que tu trouves ta place ici, alors voil?, je te demande comme une faveur de faire la fille, et je t'assure ce ne sera pas bien compliqu?..." Le ton d'Amandine c'?tait fait de plus en plus charmeur, ses l?vres murmuraient les derni?res paroles ? ses oreilles, son souffle enivrait Marc qui sentait son sexe devenait dur et palpitant comme jamais. -"On va bient?t recevoir des clients ici, et j'ai besoin que mes secr?taires soient impeccables et disponibles pour ceux-ci. Alors j'en ai d?j? discut? avec les filles, et on a toutes convenu qu'on ne pouvait pas continuer ? t'appeler Marc, c'est ridicule et inad?quat. on t'a trouv? un joli pr?nom de fille, ton nouveau pr?nom..." Le c?ur de Marc battait la chamade. Quand Amandine, pench? sur lui, envelopp? dans sa blondeur de princesse nordique, fit glisser sa main sur son sexe ? travers son pantalon blanc si pr?s du corps, il du se contr?ler pour ne pas d?faillir. Il se demandait s'il vivait enfin un r?ve ?veill?, et perdait toute capacit? ? raisonner. Marc se perdait dans ses pens?es : "Elle veut que je prenne un pr?nom de fille au bureau? Pourquoi pas. Je serai moins ridicule devant des visiteurs en jouant le jeu de para?tre une vraie fille.. Mais mon dieu, que c'est bon, qu'elle est belle, il ne faut pas que je jouisse, au non surtout pas..." -"Apr?s quelques minutes de discussions, on s'est toutes mises d'accord sur Cindy, j'esp?re que tu aimes ton pr?nom Cindy..." Le pr?nom semblait si stupide et nunuche que Marc fit mine de se ressaisir pour se plaindre, mais Amandine accentua ses caresses sur son entrejambe et colla soudainement sa bouche contre la sienne, sa langue p?n?trant avec vivacit? et s'enroulant autour de la langue de Marc dans un fantastique baiser mouill?. Non seulement c'?tait le premier baiser de Marc, mais en plus c'?tait une d?esse qui l'embrassait. Marc, ayant renonc? ? se battre, se laissa aller, et finalement son sexe ?clata dans de violentes saccades ?lectriques. Amandine, consciente de son ?jaculation, acheva son baiser suavement. Marc se sentit aux bords des larmes tellement il ?tait envahi de honte. -"Amandine, je suis vraiment d?sol?..." -"Tsss tsss il ne faut pas, c'est la nature. Je pense que tu vas devoir aller aux toilettes avant d'aller ? ton bureau Cindy, non?" -"Oui, oui, mademoiselle Lacour", murmura Marc, essouffl? et humili?. -"Cindy, ne dramatises pas ? cet "incident". Moi ?a me plait de voir que tu n'es pas insensible ? mes caresses". Marc commen?a enfin ? ?tre rassur? par les paroles d'Amandine, bien qu'il soit encore sous le choc de tout ce qu'il venait de vivre. -"Cindy, je peux te demander encore une petite faveur? Tu pourrais te faire ?piler ces sourcils pour les affiner, bien qu'ils soient d?j? mimis il faut un petit plus. Et tu ?viteras d'?tre pris pour un gar?on par les clients si tu te mets enfin au maquillage. Un joli gloss, des couleurs chaudes pour tes adorables yeux verts, du fond de teint pour une bonne mine, et je ne r?ponds de rien!" Amandine conclut ses mots par un nouveau baiser, mordillant l?g?rement la l?vre inf?rieure de Marc. "Allez Cindy, finit de s'amuser pour aujourd'hui, au boulot! Et n'oublies pas de passer aux toilettes avant" s'amusa t'elle avec clin d'?il. Evidemment les filles ?taient toutes au courant de son nouveau pr?nom, et Marc eu droit ? plein de "Coucou Cindy" sur Skype. M?lanie ne cessait de l'appeler "Cindy" sous n'importe quel pr?texte, et devant la mine d?confite de Marc elle lui assura que c'?tait un joli pr?nom. peu convaincu Marc lui retourna qu'il trouvait que ?a faisait vraiment fille stupide, presque cassos. M?lanie pouffa "Ben Cindy, justement ?a te va bien, ma petite cassos ch?rie", et elle pin?a Marc dans les c?tes. Marc, amus? par l'espi?glerie de M?lanie, ne put retenir un gloussement aigu?, et particuli?rement stupide. M?lanie et Marc retrouv?rent leur esprit quand la belle et t?n?breuse Cl?lia s'avan?a vers eux. "Je n'en ?tais pas s?re, mais voil?, c'est bien toi Cindy qui est ? l'origine de ces gloussements de dinde que j'entends depuis peu, mais de plus en plus fr?quemment, depuis mon bureau." M?lanie, Aur?lie et Emilie ?clatant joyeusement de rire Marc ne put s'emp?cher de r?agir par deux nouveaux gloussements incontr?l?s et bien nunuches. Cl?lia sourit, avec une certaine condescendance, devant tant de gamineries et de superficialit?. "Alors Cindy, je voulais te voir en particulier. Je te f?licite d'avoir mis de c?t? ton ridicule orgueil masculin pour accepter ton r?le au sein de notre entreprise. Il faut faire preuve de courage pour faire le bon choix en mettant en sourdine sa fiert? de coq, et les hommes sont incapables de ?a." Marc ne savait comment prendre le compliment de Cl?lia, si c'?tait vraiment un compliment. Il eut le plus grand mal ? ?touffer un nouveau gloussement. -"Alors voil? Cindy, j'ai travaill? dans la grande distribution, et je g?rais des ?quipes de caissi?re. J'ai remarqu? que tu n'?tais pas naturellement port? sur le sourire. Il faut corriger ?a. Je te donne donc un exercice tr?s simple, comme je le faisais avec certaines caissi?res. Tu vas t'efforcer de sourire en toute circonstance, d?s que tu es en contact visuel avec l'une de nous. Il faut que ce soit syst?matique, pour que syst?matiquement tu aies un sourire d?s qu'il y aura un visiteur. Je ne saurais que trop te conseiller que m?me en dehors du bureau tu affiches en permanence un beau sourire tr?s aimable, ?a rendra l'exercice plus simple et efficace, tu as compris Cindy?". -"Oui Cl?lia, j'ai bien compris, je dois sourire tout le temps." -"Cindy, si tu a compris, pourquoi tu ne souris pas en ce moment?" Un ?clat de rire de M?lanie entra?na un gloussement chez Marc, et de son plus beau sourire il r?pondit ? Cl?lia : "Je suis d?sol? Cl?lia, maintenant j'ai bien compris". -"Il faut qu tu t'entra?nes s?rieusement pour que ton sourire soit naturel, spontan?, beau et avenant, tr?s plaisant ?l'oeil. Et tr?s important, tu dois ?galement sourire d?s que tu es au t?l?phone. Je compte sur vous les filles pour que Cindy fasse son exercice, tous les jours ? partir d'aujourd'hui, aucune d?rogation." Les filles r?pondirent un grand "Oui" en ch?ur, et en effet, pendant toute la journ?e elles s'efforc?rent ? ce qu'il affiche un joli sourire. M?lanie la taquina tout du long de la journ?e en la surnommant "Cindy la caissi?re", et Marc ne pouvait r?pondre autrement qu'en souriant et en l?chant un gloussement de temps ? autre. Marc comprenait qu'une nouvelle ?tape dans l'?rosion de sa virilit? avait ?t? franchie, mais essayait de se rassurer qu'il ne fallait pas broyer du noir, qu'il r?pondait par une attitude tr?s professionnelle aux demandes de sa hi?rarchie. Une fois rentr?, motiv? plus que jamais de faire plaisir ? Amandine et de gagner ainsi d'autres ?treintes de sa dulcin?e, il se mit ? afficher son plus beau sourire ? Solange. La vielle dame comprit tr?s vite qu'il y avait quelque chose sous cette bizarrerie, et une fois tout racont? elle d?clara souscrire compl?tement ? la demande de Cl?lia. Marc, de fil en aiguille, se mit ?galement ? ?voquer toutes les demandes d'Amandine concernant son pr?nom, ses sourcils, ses cheveux, le maquillage... Solange r?conforta Marc, en lui disant que plus il correspondrait ? ce qu'on attendait de lui, et plus facile serait son travail. "Tu es une secr?taire, ce serait ridicule de perdre ton temps en pinaillant dessus. C'est comme ?a, alors autant le vivre bien, et ?tre une secr?taire performante. Bon Cindy c'est vraiment un pr?nom de fille cr?tine, et pas d?gourdie pour un sou. Mais finalement, est ce qu'il te va si mal que ?a? Je pense pas." Marc bouda un peu Solange, vex? d'une telle assertion. "Rolala fais pas ta pimb?che Cindy! Tu n'es pas la premi?re secr?taire nunuche, et pas la derni?re! Tu devrais plut?t te pr?occuper de ta coiffure et de ton maquillage. C'est peut-?tre pas ? ta port?e d'?tre une lumi?re mais travailler son apparence toutes les Cindy du monde savent le faire!" Et c'est donc Solange qui prit les choses en mains et sous son impulsion ils firent des recherches de tutoriels sur internet pour les coiffures et le maquillage. S'il ?tait ?vident que Marc devait se constituer une belle boite de maquillage et apprendre, en regardant des vid?os , ? se maquiller, ne serait-ce que l?g?rement pour commencer, la coiffure posait un probl?me plus s?rieux. Les cheveux ch?tain de Marc ?taient soyeux et d'une belle souplesse, mais jamais coup?s correctement m?me une queue de cheval ne pouvait ordonner tout ce beau fatras trop longtemps laiss? ? l'abandon. Solange trancha en disant qu'il fallait le travail d'une vraie coiffeuse, et qu'elle connaissait une amie retrait?e ancienne coiffeuse qui se ferait une joie de venir ? la maison pour s'occuper de ?a. Tout au long de la soir?e Solange reprit Marc sur son sourire, et son attitude stricte ? ce sujet fut b?n?fique ? l'exercice de Marc. Le jeune homme, oubliant toutes les petites humiliations de la journ?e, enthousiaste ? l'id?e de satisfaire les demandes professionnelles d'Amandine, mais aussi de lui plaire, s'investit avec joie dans les recherches, et finit par ?tre tellement subjugu? par chaque tutoriel, chaque conseil, chaque proposition de coiffure, que Solange avait l'impression d'avoir affaire ? une adolescente excit?e comme une puce ? l'id?e de devenir une jeune femme. La soir?e fut conclut par l'?pilation des sourcils de Marc par Solange. L'op?ration se r?v?la douloureuse, mettant les larmes aux yeux de Marc, mais malgr? toutes les j?r?miades Solange fut intraitable. Le r?sultat final ne fut pas du tout au go?t de Marc. Solange avait affin? ses sourcils en arc bien trop fins, et trop hauts, et si le r?sultat f?minisait incontestablement son visage, ce n'?tait pas des sourcils ?l?gants, l?g?rement ?pais, ? l'am?ricaine. Ses sourcils, effil?s, accentuaient d'une certaine mani?re la rondeur f?minine de son visage, et lui donnait un regard un peu h?b?t?. Marc remercia le ciel que Solange ne les ait pas encore plus affin?s, sinon il aurait eu des sourcils de pauvre fille de bas ?tage. Il avait toutefois les sourcils d'une fille vulgaire et se promis que ce serait bien le seul ?l?ment de son visage ? l'?tre, vulgaire. En se mettant au lit il se fit la promesse que s'il ne pouvait fuir sa f?minisation, au moins il ne devait pas la remettre aux mains d'autrui, mais s'investir personnellement, bien qu'? contre-c?ur, pour ?viter un autre incident pareil ? ses sourcils, et avoir ainsi la chance de pouvoir devenir une "jolie fille".

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DAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Helping Hands Part III

A Mother's Helping Hands - Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDFORWARDI can't thank all my fans and friends enough for the wonderful support, and countless inquiries about Part III... and most of all your understanding and compassion as I dealt with my loss in 2014. Now onto the story. If you haven't read Parts I or II recently, or not at all, I might recommend you do so for continuity's sake. You can link them...

2 years ago
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Scarlett and the Yankee CarpetbaggerAct III

As the curtain fell down on Act II, Scarlett was lying on her bed. Her sobs were heart-rending and pitiful. The creamy white cum from both Rufus and Horatio was still leaking from her roughly-used pussy and anus. Her nipples were still sore from their nasty treatment at the hand of the disgraced girl's schoolmaster, Horatio Sherman. She had asked for this special treatment to her titties to drive her into a mind-blowing orgasm. It was just what she needed as her posterior was stretched...

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Dterminisme naturel4

Marc eut une nuit agit?e, pleine de r?ves. Il se trouvait allong? sur une plage, accompagn? de toutes les filles du bureau, y compris Amandine, qui bronzaient ? ses c?t?s. Elles portaient toutes de jolis bikinis qui mettaient en valeur les avantages de chacune. Le superbe bikini noir d'Amandine lui correspondait totalement. Une pi?ce ? la fois ?l?gante et sexy, qui sublimait son magnifique corps et soulignait son statut de femme de go?t appartenant ? un milieu privil?gi?. M?lanie, pas de surprise, avait un min...

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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

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Meeting Karen Part III

Meeting Karen Part III by MadQuill This is a four-part story is about a woman who models herself on another. I hope readers will enjoy this trans-lesbian tale. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your comments. This is a work of Fiction. Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. Meeting Karen - Part III Preamble : Carrie and Karen meet and ride...

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Melissas Tribulation part III

Melissa’s Tribulation part III Melissa lost track of time. She wasn't sure how long it had been since the three sailors had left her alone in the woods. She had been trying unsuccessfully to free herself from the rope that tied her wrists together ever since they had gone. What would they do when they came back? And then Melissa was struck with an even more frightening thought. What would SHE do if they DIDN'T come back? Would someone find her before she died of thirst? She was...

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My Neighbors Incest part III

Introduction: More of the story Part III redone. Part three of My Neighbors Incest. (If you have not read the first two, you might not follow this). Disclaimer: If you didnt like the first installment then hit the back button now. If you dont like stories with bestiality, incest, young girls craving and having sex, then hit the back button now. If you have not liked any of my stories so far, then hit the back button now, you will not like this one either. Additionally, I know I over used ass,...

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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part III

Summer of 93’ Borrow HimPart IIIMaggi took about 20 minutes before she was completing whole sentences again and Natalie kept asking me about The Venus Butterfly. We had a lot of fun. We moved into the kitchen bar and sat together snacking on some leftover pizza and replenishing our fluids. Natalie and Maggi got up and laid down in our bedroom. They were on their backs, legs spread, Natalie said, “come lay down Pete let’s kiss and cuddle.” I said, “in a couple of minutes I need some more water....

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Letrsquos Swing Spring of 92rsquo Part III

Let’s Swing, Spring of 92’Part III. Girls and their toysMaggi was filling our Jacuzzi tub in our master bath, it took about 20 minutes to fill. I put an adaptation on one of the water jets so a 2 ft hose comes out of one to apply direct water pressure. This was for Maggi, she loves holding it against for pussy it would make her cum in about 60 seconds. She would do this after a stressful day at work, this would help her unwind and relax.I went out to the swim spa to relax.Maggi ran over to see...

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Letrsquos Swing Spring of 92rsquo Part III

Let’s Swing, Spring of 92’Part III. Girls and their toysMaggi was filling our Jacuzzi tub in our master bath, it took about 20 minutes to fill. I put an adaptation on one of the water jets so a 2 ft hose comes out of one to apply direct water pressure. This was for Maggi, she loves holding it against for pussy it would make her cum in about 60 seconds. She would do this after a stressful day at work, this would help her unwind and relax.I went out to the swim spa to relax.Maggi ran over to see...

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Double Exposure Part III

Double Exposure... Part IIIa reality-based fiction by DizzyDThe saga of the Evans twins and their friend Leah comes to a climax!This is Part III of a three part erotic novel. If you haven't read the first two parts, I recommend you do so by linking it here:http://xhamster.com/user/DizzyD427If you have... then on to the finale!A thin line of morning sun shined through the curtains and onto the queen-sized bed where the three naked teenagers lay sound asleep. Sarah Evans, her fraternal twin...

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Fuck My Arabian Slut Wife Chapter III

Nescafe Goes Wild In America And Hubby Approves. (Interracial, MMM……F, DP, BBC, BJ, Anal, Slut Wife, Cuckold) Introduction : My name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever,...

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Aunt Abby and the Artist Part III

Aunt Abby Makes Sex Fun... and Funny!Here is Part III of my reality based fiction, 'Aunt Abby and the Artist', dedicated to my dear friend Abby Rhodes. Again, if you'd like to see the real Abby, here she is... her beauty makes the story even more enjoyable, and she approves of this message:http://xhamster.com/user/AbbyRhodesIf you haven't read Part I and Part II yet, I suggest you do so. If you have, then on with the show... and there will be a final chapter, Part IV 'Aunt Abby and the...

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part III

Where Angels Fear to Tread - Part III Copyright 2001 by A. K. Remenko Preface: This story is told in a series of first person accounts by the parties involved. The story is, of course fiction, but is inspired by a number of personal experiences. Hope you enjoy it. The author welcomes criticism of any kind. ------------- Chapter Seventy-one Darla I was sitting in the office reflecting on recent events and on balance things could...

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All for Nothing Part III

Here is the last part to "All or Nothing" and I have no further plans to add on to it. Some have suggested that they might want to write within this "universe", creating other stories about Mason and Mason and its club, the Getaway. If you are so inclined, by all means do so. I would only be flattered. Also, if you are so inclined, feel free to post any of my stories here on Fictionmania to any other sites. Again, I would only be flattered. Anyway, this is Part III of "All or...

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Stupid Part III

Okay, part II wasn't as good as part I. Here's part III and like the other two parts, it's silly stuff, but I hope you like it. You can e-mail me at [email protected] Stupid part III Next morning I was woken up by a banging on my door early in the morning. Deborah walked in with a huge grin on her face. She was wearing tight jeans with heals and a loose shirt. "And how is our little slut this morning? Been dreaming about real men? I hope you're ready for a busy day...

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A Reward of Wishes III

A Reward of Wishes III By Bill Hart As I sat before the mirror, I brushed out my long silky hair. I was getting ready for my next date with Frank Carson; we were going to a party tonight that promised to be the highlight of my whole sophomore year. I smiled at the pretty girl being reflected by the mirror. Although I hadn't forgotten who I'd once been, I'd long since reluctantly concluded that the girl I saw there would be who I would see reflected back any time I looked into a...

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My Brother My Sister Part III

My Brother, My Sister Part III By Michele Nylons From Part II It was too much for me and I started to squirt hot semen, drenching my panties as he squeezed me harder. Tom grunted and pushed himself into me as far as he could; I was pushed hard against the kitchen counter as my brother's throbbing cock exploded deep in my ass. I felt the head of his penis pulsate against my prostate as he shot stream after stream of hot semen deep inside me. I continued to eject jets of come as...

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Lady In The House Part III

Lady in the House Part III By Michele Nylons From Part II Hot wet fluid suddenly soaked the tops of my thighs and the crotch of my panties. I felt stream after stream of his creamy seed shoot against my silken hosed thighs and being to slowly run down my legs. My crotch was soaked with hot sticky liquid and as I struggled to breathe I could smell the salty, slightly swampy smell that is associated with fresh semen. Eddie had ejaculated against me. He slowed down his thrusts...

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Long Lost Friend III

Long Lost Friend III By Teri Franken [email protected] Part II ended with Teri having Jack dress up in identical Victoria Secrets lingerie, they are both now dressed in powder blue panties, stockings, garter belt, stocking and black patent leather pumps. Jack is now called 'Mandy' and is checking out some new horizons.... Teri pushed me towards the bed and I fell backwards with her landing on top of me. The feeling of nylon against nylon almost put me on sensory overload! She...

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Princess Part III

Princess III By Teri Franken [email protected] Our Princess has basically lost her house to Tim; he has degraded her verbally, sexually and physically, taken over her bedroom and sent her off to sleep on the couch. -------------------------------- I closed my bedroom door. How the hell do I get myself out of this? I looked at my watch and saw it was 3am, I needed to wake 'Tim the King' in only three hours, plus I...

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Forced to be a Sissy III

Forced to be a Sissy III By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead or any other situation is purely accidental. If you do not like forced stories in which some pain is administered do not send negative commentary. Permission is granted to down load for personal pleasure. Down loads for any other purpose or for putting on pay sites is strictly forbidden. Forced to be a Sissy III Jacob stood before Mz. Nelson with...

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Band on the Run Part III

Band on the Run Part III: Why we hate Nano-bliminals! by [email protected] I awoke, head on fire, temples throbbing, wondering where I'd ended up, wondering how much I'd drank and why I kept doing this to myself. I was surprised to find the bed empty. I was used to finding one or two tarts passed out beside me, clothes torn, bite marks on their fleshy bits coincidentally identical to my dental...

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Toothbrush Part III

TOOTHBRUSH PART III After a deep, dreamless sleep, John awoke on the sofa. He became aware of the crampy feeling he had felt the day before, but it was stronger now. He sat up, and pulled the front of his panties down a bit. "Woah" John said; he saw he needed to put some of the hygiene lessons Anna had taught him to good use. He softly padded off to the washroom to get a fresh maxi pad and properly dispose of the old very much used one. On the way he passed Anna's door, slightly...

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One Summers Day Part III

One Summer's Day, part III By- G.K.S (Sorry everyone, I didn't proof this. it's been sitting on my HD for a year. I feel like if I don't post it now, I never will...if you know what I mean. As always with my stories, if you want to see a part IV, then post a review! I only do continuations if the story gets reviews. After all...why continue a story that no one wants to read? I've got some sequels and continuations to some of my other stories on the way in the near future, so keep...

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From Gary to Greta Part III

This is Part III of Gary to Greta once again written by my Domme Mistress whose name will not be revealed The story isn?t for underaged people. So if you are too young or don?t like TG stories don?t read further From Gary to Greta Part III by Domme Mistress and Greta The beauty of our apartment was that it had huge windows overlooking Paris. The kitchen, the social area, her bedroom, and mine all overlooked the city. Every morning I would open the shades to let the light...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

PART III "You are in danger, Harry Potter, but from yourself." Confined inside the Slytherin dungeons, curled up on the black leather couch, dressed in a green and silver coloured uniform was Heather Potter, now a Slytherin, apparently. It was the worst possible thing that the curse of the Emerald Witch could have done to her. To become a member of the house she had resented for so many years was not only sickening but it upset her greatly. She felt as if she was...

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Angel S1 E3 Pilot Part III

Angel S:1E:3 "Pilot Part III" By G.M. Shephard Copyright 2012 Editied by: jeffusually kiitylover -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Pilot Part III "Icarus" ---Deliverance Exterior--- They weren't replying. Are they not hearing me? I kept my head against the hull so that the vibrations could reverberate into my ear. After repeating my message for about 5 minutes, I finally saw a body...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part II of III

Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part III of III

Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...

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Towards a Surrender Act III

Towards a Surrender Act III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. The following story is the second of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. I hope that the larger narrative arc is interesting to all. I suggest you may enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone has been most helpful. Thank you for your comments Act III Is there love...

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Summer au Naturel

We lived in California and there were a great many places you could go that were nudist or clothing-optional. I just never thought much about it. I mean growing up, it was comfortable and I even had some of my Mother's friends admire my 'little dickie,' as they called it. It was when I went from ten to eleven, then on to twelve years old, that my 'little dickie' began to give me away. When I was around an attractive woman or a girl near my age or older, I was like any other boy, I got...

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Cindy Lou Goes Au Naturel

This is the latest story about Cindy Lou, the sexy blonde swinger from Alabama and her carnal adventures in New York. For more background on her and her beautiful roommate, see previous episodes. * One Friday evening in July, when Cindy Lou Dobson came home from work to the apartment she shared with Amanda, her cousin and frequent sex partner, she was already looking forward to the party she expected them to attend the next day. She and the pretty brunette kissed each other’s cheeks, rather...

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Au Naturel

Simon hated weddings. Weddings in general, and this one in particular. As if it wasn’t enough that he was missing out on a gloriously sunny Saturday afternoon in June, he was also dressed in a formal jacket, shirt and tie, literally feeling hot under the collar. Oh, and he had to be nice to all these relatives, half of whom he hardly knew, although he supposed that he had that joy to come, being the younger brother of the groom and all that. He wondered how many other eighteen year olds were...

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Au Naturel Ch 03

Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement. Suitably inspired, I wrote this third chapter just for you … ********************************* The summer passed by in dream-like fashion for the young lovers. Simon had a part-time job working as a barman, and Kate was earning extra money behind the till of a local supermarket to see her through the coming university term, but their free time was theirs alone. They spent every spare moment in each others’ company – sweating in the...

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Au Naturel Ch 02

Simon lay in Kate’s arms in a wonderful state of drowsy contentment, the pleasure endorphins flooding his system and slowing the passage of time to a drugged haze. Eventually he recovered sufficiently to prop himself up on one elbow and grin foolishly at her. ‘That was amazing!’ ‘Why, thank you, sir! Considering I don’t have much idea what I’m doing, that seemed to work OK.’, she smiled, poking her tongue out at him. ‘And there was me thinking you were the experienced one,’ he said,...

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Summer Au Naturel

It really never felt different. I just grew up that way. Oh, I knew that not everyone went away to a nude resort during the summer. And, of course, I wore clothes to school and when I went out. Of course. But it really didn't seem all that different. After all, my parents had friends who were also naturists. They would come over or we would go to their house and take our clothes off. No big deal, really. I never thought much about it. We lived in California and there were a great many places...

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Beach Party Au Naturel

Cassie babbled on the drive to the beach where the party was being held. It was the nude beach which was technically closed for the evening but the authorities looked the other way as long as things didn’t get out of hand. “Ooooo, my pussy is tingling with anticipation!” said my date in an excited voice. “I’m so glad we ran across each other last week. This may be like that spring break between a few years ago when I was dating your buddy and you went with us to Florida. You two guys screwed...

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Doing Judy Threesome Au Naturel

Judy and I had been sexually invovled since that summer I'd been her escort at her coming out and Debutante Ball. She was a physically sexy and maturing young woman at that time, but she was still somewhat immature and I didn't mind taking advantage of her and letting her seduce me whenever we had the chance to be together. In fact, you can read all about my affair with Judy in the 5-part series on "Doing the Debutante". And, for that one reader a couple of years ago who said it could never...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 2

George Dayton pulled up at the house in Elm Park Road in his executive salon. He spotted the frustrated figure of Adam, sat on the garden wall and smoothed his jacket as he got out of the car. "Hiya," Adam called out to him and George nodded. There were a few people milling around but his property was in darkness and silent. "What's happened?" Adam sighed. "They reckon the guys next door put a chip pan on and didn't turn it off and then they went out," Adam said calmly to groans...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 3

"Nat. Tab," Sarah called, the moment she opened the door. "Anyone home?" "In here," the booming voice of Tabitha answered from the lounge and Sarah turned right through a door at the foot of the stairs. "Ahh, we have a problem," she called out as she kicked off her shoes across the tiled hallway so they landed against the wall in heap. "You'll never guess what my stupid, pig-headed ... shit, Nat, are you OK?" Sarah paused as she looked down at the couch and saw her curvy house...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 4

"What?" Adam asked tired and still bleary-eyed. "I am merely asking," Sarah said in a sanctimonious voice oozing with fake sincerity, "what the purpose of that bag of peanuts was last night? After we went upstairs, you were here playing on the willy substitute and shooting fuck knows what with ya takeaway and ya had peanuts. Why?" Adam groaned, and scratched his testicles through the blue dressing gown. "Err ... to go with the beer." "You mean the beer that was in the beer can...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 5

"I want him out," Tabitha told Sarah with crossed arms. "He is just simply not appropriate to live with us." "Yeah, I know," Sarah snapped and then apologised as she shook her head. "I'm sorry, I know. I tried talking to my Dad. Told him, Adam living with us was as appropriate as bacon sandwiches at the Middle East peace talks but he just said we will have to make do." Tabitha sighed. "But he is a racist. And he is so intolerant. And I daren't tell him our secret, can you imagine...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 6

"I knew it. A bunch of dykes." The was silence as Adam looked all three of them. "Well I don't mind watch—" "We're naturists," Natalie interrupted sharply with a scowl. "What?" Natalie looked at the confused man and shook her head. "We are naturists. We like to live without clothes." Adam gulped. "You mean..." He started and his throat felt dry. "All the time?" The naked Sarah coughed and he tore his eyes away from her pert breasts and radiant skin, covering his crotch...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 7

Adam hesitated in the doorway as Natalie crossed her arms. "Well get 'em off then." "I've only just got in," he muttered as he looked around the room of naked girls watching him. Sarah was tapping away on her phone and looked up at him. "Well? I'm not answering you until I see skin." Adam sighed and pulled off his sweatshirt and then his grubby jeans as Natalie's eyes flicked towards his bobbing erection. While he soon got used to being around his house mates without getting...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 8

"You two muff munchers?" Adam cried. "You mean you two. Do you, you know?" Tabitha groaned and got up from the chair, using both of the arms for leverage to pull her bulk up. "I'm going to bed," she told her partner and the Sarah nodded, watching the thick eight-inch long sex toy, glistening in the half-light, swing between Tabitha's legs. Adam winced; it looked massive. No wonder the girls said he wouldn't measure up if they thought that was normal. "I'll be up shortly," Sarah...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 9

"Misteltoe?" Adam asked as he entered the kitchen to see a nearly-naked Sarah and a completely naked Tabitha kissing. "It's OK," Sarah said as she broke the kiss, her sheer negligee riding up as she swung around. "We aren't stopping. Just doing the breakfast." Adam pursed his lips and rubbed his nose. "I can give you two some space," he told her and Sarah looked back. "We are fine." "I spoke to Natalie," Adam admitted. "She got to her parent's at eleven thirty last...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 10

"Bella?" Adam asked a girl holding a red rose outside the small Chinese restaurant in the town centre and she nodded. "Adam?" she asked with a girly giggle and held her hand out for Adam to take. "Shall we?" Adam asked, and when she nodded chivalrously opened the door to the bright restaurant. "We have a reservation, name of Adam Hodson," he asked the waitress who ushered them to a small table in the window of the eerily quiet restaurant. "Bloody quiet," his date muttered and...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 11

"I can't believe you talked me into this," Natalie cried as she downed a single vodka shot. "I could've been at home, being middle-aged. I'm 23 not 18." Adam laughed and took his vodka downing it and turning his shot glass upside down. "What dya fancy next?" Natalie looked up and down her set of glasses and picked the blended whisky which Adam matched from his set, they clinked it together and downed them. Natalie coughed, looking at him and tilting her head back up towards the...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 12

"Get out of my room," the tall girl screamed. "Get out and don't come back." "Ivy, come on girl. Let's just talk 'bout it." "You shafted that slut. And you got her pregnant. Where's my baby?" "I've tried, hun, you know I have. But maybe ya just barren." "Barren," Ivy screeched and threw the nearest object to hand – his can of deodorant which bounced off his head. "Get out of my room, get out of this house." "Oww," he cried. "Baby, lets talk. 'Cause I was thinking....

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 13

"Five grand," Sarah whispered and looked up as Adam opened the door. "Pardon?" Adam asked and Sarah scowled towards him. "I wasn't talking to you." "Sorry," Adam muttered, dismissing the teacher with an abrupt tone and leaving the room. Sarah watched him leave and then returned back to Natalie. "£250 to African Aid and another grand to build a mosque in Manchester. A further £250 to Let's Fight Racism and £1000 towards a Lesbian Student Advisory Service. Joined Greenpeace and a...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 14

"Where's Sarah?" A naked Adam asked as Tabitha sauntered into the dining room. She had just arrived home from her friend's house at the other end of the street and scowled at the man crouched over their dining table with newspaper spread out and a dirty piece of machinery being cleaned by him. "She's not here, she's gone somewhere else," Tabitha said gruffly. "Where's Nat?" "She's not home," Adam replied. "It's just me." Tabitha snorted. "And that better be getting...

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