Au Naturel Ch. 03 free porn video

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Thank you so much for the kind words of encouragement. Suitably inspired, I wrote this third chapter just for you …


The summer passed by in dream-like fashion for the young lovers. Simon had a part-time job working as a barman, and Kate was earning extra money behind the till of a local supermarket to see her through the coming university term, but their free time was theirs alone.

They spent every spare moment in each others’ company – sweating in the crowds at rock gigs or enjoying more cultural evenings at the theatre. Simon even found himself dragged along to modern dance, and much to his own surprise, enjoyed it a lot, even if Kate insisted that his pleasure undoubtedly had a lot to do with the scantily-dressed, super-fit girls in their tight leotards.

Much as Simon enjoyed having his cultural horizons widened, most of all he treasured his time alone with Kate, the stolen moments, the long kisses and the joy of exploring each other’s bodies. He thought that he would never tire of looking at her naked form, all these months after he had first gazed upon it on the beach.

All too soon, though, the lovers were parted, off to their separate colleges, Simon caught up in a brand new world, making new friends and trying to find time to do some work on his IT degree inbetween the social whirl, and Kate beginning her second year, back with her other friends. Both of them found it hard to think of anything other than the Christmas vacation, though, when they could spend some time together again.

Texts and ‘phone calls just weren’t enough, and even the online chats late at night left both of them with a yearning for physical contact.

‘God, I miss you.’ typed Simon.

‘Me, too,’ flashed up the reply on his screen. ‘Do you want to know what I’m thinking about right now?’

‘No, not really. Oh, go on, then!’ replied Simon, grinning inanely at the keyboard.

‘Pig! I shan’t tell you that I was remembering the first time you kissed me, then.’

‘Ah, yes, that day at the beach. It seems like a lifetime ago now.’

‘That was a very special day, but that wasn’t the one I was re-living.’ Kate teased.


‘I meant the day you said that you wanted to taste me properly …’

‘Ah, I’m with you now. I had no idea what to do.’

‘I would never have guessed. I loved the way you planted those little kisses all down my belly.’

‘Was that before or after I sucked your nipples?’

‘Both. I have this terrible submissive side to me, that just wanted to lie there and let this big, dominant man attend to my pleasure.’

Simon laughed out loud at that, even as he mused on what it would be like to dominate his feisty Kate. He resumed typing:

‘Well, we didn’t have one of those at hand, so you had to make do with me.’

‘Oh, you can play the part pretty well. I could have killed you when you stopped short of my pussy every time, it was so frustrating.’

‘Exquisite torture, just like you did to me before. I do remember you lifting your bum off the bed, practically thrusting yourself in my face.’

‘God, I’m such a slut,’ Kate giggled. ‘It was worth it when you finally got there – bliss …’

‘Mmmmm. You tasted so good.’

‘I couldn’t believe how quickly I came, and more than once! Are you sure you hadn’t done that to loads of other women before?’

‘Scout’s honour, Miss! You are my one and only.’

‘I believe you. Damn, I’m all hot again now.’

‘Oops, sorry!’ he answered, not in the least bit contrite. ‘Perhaps I should let you go and get some relief?’

‘You wait ’till I see you again!’

‘I can’t think of anything else.’

When they finally broke the connection, it was well into the early hours. Simon clambered into his cold bed, imagining Kate in his arms as he stroked what these days seemed to be a permanent erection. A hundred miles away, Kate replayed her favourite fantasy and bucked wildly beneath her own fingers as she pictured his cock sliding slowly into her …


It seemed to take forever, but finally the term was over and it was time to return home for Christmas. Inconsiderately, their respective families wanted to spend some quality time with them, and it was several days before they had the chance even to talk on the ‘phone. Both were uncharacteristically tongue-tied after their enforced separation, and after all the usual small talk about their friends and experiences at college, the conversation faltered slightly. Simon broke the silence first:

‘Kate, can I see you again – soon?’

‘If you’re sure you want to. You haven’t fallen for some IT wizard with a brain the size of a planet and boobs to match, then?’

Simon guffawed. ‘No, you’re safe from my classmates, they’re nearly all geeky – and male! How about you? Not been tempted by the older macho men?’

‘Well, I did have the rugby squad in the shower last week, but apart from them and two of the professors, there’s been no-one.’

‘Tart! I guess we’re stuck with each other, then.’

‘Mmmm. Um, my parents are going to my Dad’s works Christmas do on Friday, so you could come over then. If you like.’

‘I like.’

There was a small pause at the other end.

‘Oh, and they’re staying in a hotel overnight.’

‘Ah, OK, Friday it is, then.’

As he put the ‘phone down, Simon wasn’t sure whether he was reading too much into her casual comment. His heart was certainly beating very fast, but of course she may have just meant that he didn’t have to worry about what time he’d have to leave before they got home. Oh well, it didn’t matter, he told himself, the important thing was just seeing her again. And kissing her. And …

The remainder of the week went by more slowly than Simon would have believed possible. He hadn’t realised just empty his life had been without her, how much he needed her, but he’d never told her that – what if she didn’t feel the same?

By the time he finally stood before her door, his mouth was dry, and in spite of the hour he’d spent showering and getting himself ready, the palm which clutched her Christmas present felt uncomfortably sweaty.

His anxiety melted away, though, when the door was flung open and she stood there in a simple white dress with a big smile on her face. He’d almost forgotten how gorgeous she looked. After a second’s hesitation, he pulled her close and she came to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Their lips found each other in a deep kiss which ended only when both had to come up for air.

‘Come in before somebody complains about indecent acts in a public place.’

‘I thought you liked being an exhibitionist!’

‘Not in this weather – you’d freeze your bits off!’

As they chatted over coffee at the kitchen table, it felt like they were getting to know each other all over again, and the conversation slipped into their usual easy banter and teasing.

‘Are you going to give it to me, then?’ she asked eventually with a twinkle.

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘That interesting little gift-wrapped parcel you still have in your hand.’

‘Oh, I forgot all about it! Must be the effect you have on me. Happy Christmas, Kate!’

She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek and tore the brightly-coloured paper, then opened the box inside. She held a fine gold chain in her hands, with a sparkling stone pendant dangling from it, catching the light and reflecting it in her eyes.

‘Oh, it’s beautiful, thank you! That’s a real diamond, isn’t it?’

He flushed with pleasure. ‘Well, yes – just a small one.’

She turned to him, the playfulness gone from her face now.

‘Simon, I’ve been thinking.’

His heart sank like a stone. He’d blown it, getting too serious and now he was going to lose her.

long time ago, I promised myself that I would ‘save myself’, as my Mum used to put it, for a man I loved. I know that virginity isn’t fashionable, and that we’ve pretty much done everything else anyway, so it’s hypocritical of me, but it still means something to me.’

‘It’s OK,’ Simon tried to reassure her, ‘I don’t expect …’

She put her finger to his lips, shushing him.

‘Let me finish. I haven’t bought you anything yet for Christmas, but I do have a present for you.’

He looked at her, confused.

She picked up her new pendant. Then she took him by the hand, led him into her bedroom and turned to face him, now with a slightly nervous smile on her face.

‘Aren’t you going to unwrap your present, then?’

He caught her meaning and all of its implications with a lurch of his heart. The wave of relief which washed over him was palpable, and in that moment he learnt a great deal about what this girl meant to him. He leant in and kissed her, very softly, on the forehead.

‘Are you sure?’

She looked up at him, almost shyly now, and said simply,

‘I’m sure.’

‘You do know that I love you, right?’

‘Bet you say that to all the girls.’

‘Yeah, but this time I mean it!’ he grinned, and then spoke seriously. ‘Don’t move!’

She stood obediently in front of him, her head slightly bowed, as he took a good look at her.

‘I love the way my present has buttons all the way down the front. I wonder how many layers of packaging there are.’

She coloured slightly, but didn’t speak.

He stepped forward, and ever so gently undid the top button of the dress, before moving unhurriedly down to the next one, and the next.

She shivered slightly at the touch, but remained motionless as the dress gave up its secrets, revealing that she was, as he had guessed, completely defenceless beneath it. He undid the last button, then pushed the dress slowly off her shoulders. It slid down with a whisper and pooled around her bare feet as she stood, perfectly naked, in front of him.

‘Kate, look at me,’ he whispered. ‘You’re beautiful.’

She flushed, but her eyes were brimming with emotion as she raised her head to meet his gaze. She picked up the pendant again.

‘Can you put this on me, please?’

His hands shook slightly as he took it from her, fumbling with the catch as she turned to face away from him, giving him a glorious view of the curve of her back and bottom. She lifted her long, dark blonde hair up to give him access to her neck, and he failed utterly to resist the urge to kiss the delicate skin there before snapping the chain in place.

‘Now you belong to me.’ he joked.

She smiled and simply replied, ‘Yes.’

She walked over and lay on the bed. ‘Now, are you just going to stand there fully dressed?’

She giggled as he tried to tear his clothes off, his hands suddenly clumsy and his legs tangled in trouser legs and pants as he hopped around comically. Eventually he, too, was naked. He lay down next to her, both of them slightly shy.

‘I suppose this is where I’m supposed to tell you to be gentle with me.’ joked Kate, but the catch in her voice betrayed her nervousness. He silenced her with a kiss, then was struck with a thought of his own:

‘Um, I didn’t bring, I mean I haven’t got any …’

‘It’s OK. I’ve been on the pill for a while. Women’s problems, you don’t want to know.’

‘Yes, I do. I want to know everything about you.’

‘Maybe later, then,’ she laughed, before speaking more softly. ‘There’s no rush, though – we’ve got all night. Now shut up and kiss me, please.’

The ensuing silence was punctuated by whispers and sighs as he found her mouth, kissing, nibbling and exploring with the tip of his tongue, intertwining it with her own and feeling her open to him as the kiss became more passionate.

Her arm, surprisingly strong, around his neck, holding him close. His fingers, running through her hair, across the softness of her cheek, her vulnerable neck, the smoothness of her flank. Her breasts, flattened against his chest, warming his heart in every way. His cock, pushing blindly but insistently against her as she raised one leg and dragged its warmth across his own, provocatively brushing his erection as she did so.

It was moving too quickly, and he pulled away, afraid of spoiling the moment.

‘Are you nervous?’ she asked.

‘Yes, it’s my first time, too, remember?’

‘OK, then let’s be all sensible about this. What’s your biggest fear?’

‘Coming too soon,’ he volunteered immediately. ‘And you?’

‘Pain. Disappointment. Messing up the sheets. Letting you down. Is that enough to be going on with?’

He laughed and held her tight. ‘It’s OK, I know it probably won’t be great the first time. It doesn’t matter. And we can put some old sheets or towels on the bed.’

She smiled ruefully. ‘I’m sorry, I know it’s not very romantic. How about, just for now, we do something else?’

He was in no mood to argue as her cool, slender fingers reached down and found his aching erection.

‘Ahhhh, that’s good,’ he sighed. ‘Careful, though, it won’t take much to make me come.’

‘That’s the idea,’ she murmured, sliding her fingertips up and down. She knew his responses so well now, she could keep him quivering on the edge of orgasm for long periods, but this wasn’t the time to tease. Licking the palm of her other hand, she slid it rapidly over the head of his over-excited, over-sensitised glans, round and round and over the opening, and in what seemed like a matter of seconds he was coming, jerking uncontrollably as his come burst forth and left her with a warm, sticky mess in her hands.

‘That’s better,’ she said sweetly, kissing him as he collapsed back onto the bed, the tension drained from him. ‘Now, when you’ve recovered, you can get me ready.’

Even after a short rest, he had serious concerns about how long it would take him to get it up again, so was more than happy to take his time and enjoy himself exploring her body again. He propped himself on one elbow to enjoy the view, musing happily that the solitary diamond and gold chain actually made her look more naked than nothing at all.

Her skin was just begging to be stroked and to have tiny kisses planted on it, and he teased her this way for an age, until she leapt at the ticklish feather-light touches and begged him to use his whole hand. He relented, interspersing heavier stroking with stronger kisses, from her forehead down to her toes, even sucking on them.

Her whole body felt wonderfully alive and responsive, one huge erogenous zone, and she moaned out loud as his hands and mouth began to approach her pussy from different directions. Her knees seemed to draw themselves up of their own accord, but it was his firm grip which parted them, leaving her completely exposed to him. One hand was stroking the sensitive skin of the inside of one thigh, tantalisingly close to where she needed his touch, and a wet tongue tormented the other one, sliding right up to that hyper-sensitive place where leg met torso.

When she really thought she could bear no more, he flattened his hand, moved it to cover her whole pubic area and gently squeezed. She exhaled in bliss, thrusting her pussy into the warmth of his palm. His middle finger slipped easily between her outer lips, slick with her arousal, and she felt the tip of it curl and begin to enter her. This intrusion was a new feeling, but Kate knew that he was trying to prepare her and tried not to tense up.

She felt so tight around the tip of his finger that Simon had no idea how she could accommodate his penis, which whilst not exactly gigantic, was certainly a lot bigger than his finger. He was determined not to cause her any unnecessary pain, though, and resolved to wait until she was ready, however long that took. In the meantime, she seemed to be enjoying the touch of his finger,
which he alternated between exploratory forays inside her, and teasing her clit in the way he knew she loved, bringing little gasps from her. She seemed to be wetter now, and he tentatively pushed his finger in a little further, withdrawing quickly when she winced.

‘No, it’s OK,’ she whispered, ‘Go on. I don’t think I have much of a hymen left anyway.’

He worked patiently, following her signs of encouragement and stopping when she was uncomfortable. Soon, he had one finger buried in her welcoming warmth past the second knuckle, and he was surprised when she began to respond as he stroked the pad of his fingertip up and down the internal wall. There was one area, almost as far as he could reach, which felt a little spongy to him, and seemed to be particularly sensitive for her. Emboldened, he began to use another finger, guided again by her reactions. He slid them in and out an inch or two, then around her clit and back in.

Oh, that felt good! She’d done a little exploring herself, and even tried to stretch herself to make things easier for tonight, but it hadn’t felt like this. His two fingers delved deeper, and she felt a stab of pain, making her tense up momentarily. He’d stopped moving right away, but didn’t withdraw, bless him. She willed herself to ignore the pain, which had in any case subsided to a dull throb now, and pushed her crotch at him so that his fingers slowly moved further into her.

She was in control now, and the good feelings were definitely out-weighing the bad. He flexed his fingers inside her, and both of them were now pushing against that sensitive spot. Hmmm, that must be the fabled G-spot, then, and she could now vouch for its existence. With little movements of her hips, she made his fingers slide a little way in and out of her, and a wave of pleasure that was unlike her usual orgasms began to build.

Simon sensed the eagerness in her, and followed her movements. She was still extremely tight, but there was enough lubrication for him not only to move his knuckles in and out, but also to curve his fingers, bringing pressure to bear on that spongy area. Instantly her body began to respond, as did his own – her excitement communicated itself to him, and his cock stood to attention once more. Ignoring it, he watched her face intently as his hand went to work, and was rewarded by seeing her begin to pant, her breasts, filmed with a fine sheen of moisture, rising and falling with each deep breath.

The feeling seemed to start from somewhere deep inside her, and spread like an earthquake. She knew that she was out of control now as she thrust blindly against his hand, ignoring the pain which was in any case being overwhelmed by waves of pleasure. As the orgasm hit her, she grabbed his hand and moved it up over her clit, rubbing herself furiously against him, using him in her need. A scream of pure pleasure broke from her throat as she came, bucking violently with her body arching up to meet the movements of his hand.

His hand ached, but he didn’t care. He was still in awe of her sexuality and the power he had to make her come like that. Besides, he had more urgent things to think about as she pulled him down to her.

‘Now, please, take me now!’

He lay down on top of her, kissing her mouth, but she was already grabbing for his erection and guiding it between her legs. He let her take control, trying to take some of his weight off her whilst she parted her legs wider and tilted her pelvis to get the angle right. He felt the warmth and wetness as the tip of his cock found the spot and began to enter her. He was so grateful that he’d already come, as he knew that this moment would have sent him over the edge otherwise. Bloody hell, he was close anyway! To his relief, the feeling subsided as Kate let go of his member and put her arms round his neck instead.

She could feel him poised on the brink of taking her virginity, and hesitated for a moment. She knew that this was what she wanted, though, and this was the right time. She took a deep breath, and stretched her legs as wide as they would go, curling them around Simon’s back. She felt incredibly vulnerable, but Simon made no move to force her, which gave her the confidence she needed. She used her heels to press on his backside, gradually increasing the pressure until she felt his penis start to move ever so slowly into her.

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You are David Grayson, a married man for 21 years. And in those years, you discover that you are not into women but into men. And after you discover your sexuality, you caught yourself in an affair with a man who shares the same lust and desire you have. It's wrong, you say to yourself. But everytime you are near him, you lost all your sanity and want to be him. The question is, how long will the affair last? (Note: Your sexual position depends on the love interest that you choose.)

2 years ago
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Love For An Older Man

Michelle looked out over the blue-green waters of San Diego bay on this warm summer’s morning.  There were just a few white wisps of clouds in the sky and it looked like it was shaping up to be a beautiful day to go sailing.  She had never been sailing before and wondered how she had come to be standing here.Michelle was a twenty-six years old tall and shapely brunette beauty, standing five feet ten inches tall, with long flowing golden brown hair.  Her measurements were 36-26-38. She had B cup...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Wife Shared and Her Husbands Ulterior Motives

The silence was deafening. And although we had repeatedly spoken at length in preparation for this evening, we knew that talking about it now – though it might be stimulating – might also jinx the occasion. Plus, the mental images that we were likely both having might have been just as stimulating. We had discussed it enough and we both knew it was time to put our plan into action. Therefore, we both sat silently watching the car lights and dark landscape pass as we drove.There were so many...

2 years ago
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Pretty Lady

I met her at the lingerie store. We were both buying sexy panties. She was so pretty and asked if I thought the panties were sexy. She said she loved sexy panties. I told her I thought she would look good in them. She then bought six pairs and we went and had coffee. After coffee I took her to my house and she was going to model the panties for me. She stood in front of me and began to strip for me. She had long dark hair and a beautiful face. When she removed her bra her tits were firm and...

2 years ago
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awakening richard

i was really happy growing up with the family i had. we were always very close and open with each other, and i had the chance to grow up without hangups and the problems many have with their sexuality.none of my family was body shy, and bumping into another family member naked in the house would never raise even an eyebrow. there were no locks on the doors and most of the time they were all left open including when someone was in the toilet, and if someone was in the bathroom´and we needed...

4 years ago
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Family DayChapter 1

Mark and I had been married seventeen years when he was turning forty years old and I asked him what he most wished for his fortieth birthday. "Well, hon, you and I have often talked about trying out the naturist lifestyle and, well, with two teenagers at home, that just doesn't seem too likely, so maybe we could go away for a week to one of those camps, just the two of us?" He was right, we had talked about nudism, I had a girlfriend when I was young whose family was nudist and I...

2 years ago
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The True Story About Me And Neha 8211 A Night To Remember 8211 Part 1

Greetings to the readers of Indian sex stories. This is drex with his first story to add into ISS treasures. Hope you will like it.its a big story and you might find it slow but I request you to be patience… To began somewhere..I guess we all have someone in our lives who triggers the sexual desire inside us.. Well this story is about her with 10% of fiction(writer liberty as u may say).. The story goes back when I was 18 going to a wedding.. Was too excited cause I was going to meet my cousin...

1 year ago
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Four Way Sex

As soon as Harry was spent Charlie mounted me again and rode my butt till he shot another load, Harry recovered enough to remounted my butt and rode me another thirty minutes and deposit more fuck juice into my ass hole. Harry pulled from my butt lowering my legs as I pleaded and cried for him to have mercy. Harry showed me mercy alright, he flipped me over to my stomach and mounted my butt from the back ramming his massive fuck tool up my butt again causing me to scream out in agony. This was...

2 years ago
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Motheracutes big jiggly ass 1

Because of my extreme , rebellious and outgoing Personality , I turned out to be the black sheep of my Family . This is why my Dad abused the fuck out of me . His problem c***d had a stubborn mind . He just couldn´t break me . As I turned eighteen he gave up the beatings . Despite all the troubles I put my Parents through , my Mother never gave up on me . Somehow she tried to understand me . Never becoming too tired to soothe me with her consoling words . Unfortunately I had a lot of troubles...

4 years ago
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Amber pt1

Part 1I rolled my eyes as I stopped in my daughter's door, a little shocked, but wanting to laugh at the same time. I leaned against the door frame, watching as she masturbated with her left hand. Her eyes were closed and her hand was moving furiously, flat as if trying to scrub herself, with an expression of frustration on her face. Of course she chose that exact moment to open her eyes and saw me standing there.I sighed as she screamed, "Mom!" Then turned and covered her face with a pillow....

4 years ago
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Im not Gay Creampie Eating

For as long as I remember I have always been on the fast side when it came to ejaculation. As soon as my woman starts to clamp down or moan louder, I just cum without warning. Something in the female orgasm makes me just blast off!If I am with a new partner, I am no good at all. As soon as I enter her pussy, I cum almost immediately.I am a man who is unusual in that I really do care and want my woman to cum before I do. I learned at an early age that if this was to happen, I would have to learn...

1 year ago
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Foot Fetish Booru! The first time you visit this place, you might think that is a shitty site, but it is actually not as bad as their homepage. Obviously, this site offers loads of naughty content with the foot fetish, since why the fuck would the site have both ‘foot’ and ’fetish’ words inside the title if that was not what the fuck they had to offer.However, one thing they kind of do not explain in their title is the fact that this place offers animated content, and...

Hentai Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Night With My Sister

I suddenly woke up. With my elder sister I was sleeping. Under the bed sheet she was holding me tightly. Her legs was circled me & her hand my chest. Her thigh was rubbing my penis & her big boobs were pressed with my left hand. She was slowly moving her hip touching my hip & her boobs. I can’t imagine what is happening. But she was breathing loudly & my face was burning. She was hot. I was feeling her without her knowledge. She put her finger in her thigh joint. Her finger was moving must be...

1 year ago
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A Second Chance to Make It RightChapter 7

The summer of 68 was hot in more ways than one. Large cities like, Detroit and Newark had suffered through weeks of unrest and rioting in the streets the year before and the unrest, along with the political climate and the war, made for an uneasy peace. Mom and I continued working out every morning right after Dad went to work in order to avoid the heat of the day. She was really making good progress. Because of her healthier cooking and eating habits, she had continued to lose weight; now...

4 years ago
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Mistress Humiliates Horny College Couple In Library

Hello cocks and pussies! This is your mistress Simraan eager to share the latest experience and make you masturbate.???? College students will relate to this incident or will be inspired by it… One day, I got a call from my friend (female!) who wanted to go out for lunch and gossip. It was my day off and I decided to catch up with her (my friend). She is a college teacher (junior staff bending over to seniors) who works even on Saturdays. That particular Saturday was her half day. I stood...

3 years ago
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An Odd Request

I'll write about how I met the couple in this story one day, how I ended up being used as a plaything by them and how much I enjoyed it. This is one adventure I had with them. All this happened about ten years ago.After a few meets we'd got to know each other very well and we'd got to the point where I'd get a text from their fun phone asking if I was about and fancied some fun. That was what happened one afternoon but this time they asked if I was available in a couple of days for something...

1 year ago
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Happy Birthday Part 2

  The next morning I was up early preparing breakfast for us and another special treat for you. Fortunately, I finished before you got up allowing me to bring it to you.As I enter the bedroom I stop and take in the the stunning sight before me. You have propped yourself up with pillows and are looking out the window. The bed sheet slowly slips from your body exposing your full firm breasts and I see that your nipples are very prominent.As you pull up your knees, the sheet slides further down...

1 year ago
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HuniePop 2

Hunie Pop 2: Double Date has been out for about a year now, and it still seems to be picking up popularity with perverted gamers around the world. I hear its name making rounds in porno game forums, not to mention a surprising number of YouTube videos about it. Of the thousands of X-rated video games that come out every year, very few of them ever reach this level of notoriety. Naturally, if this many deviates were playing the thing one-handed, I was eager to see for myself how addictive it...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Give and Take Ch 01

It wasn’t the first time that week that Riley was bored. He lolled about in his chair at his workspace, looking around for something to get on with. Time was ticking by so slowly. For a Thursday it was dragging, and even though a lot of work had to get done, the unit was up to a full team — where the term ‘many hands make light work’ would be appropriate. He was well aware that the boss wasn’t around, and that had been the case for the past thirty minutes that afternoon. Every so often he’d...

2 years ago
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Iron Hearts Ch 02

She woke to aching bones and a pounding head. Physical pain wasn’t something that was new to her, and the familiar aches didn’t frighten her. When her sleep addled body adjusted to her new surroundings she finally opened her eyes and slowly investigated the small room she found herself in. She licked her lips, finding they were cracked and salty. Another familiar thing. At first she thought it was her own head that made the floors sway back and forth, but after a good amount of time had...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 17

“You were magnificent!” Abdullah exclaimed, as Tanya offered her arm to him. He pulled her up and out of the limo and gazed lustfully at her blood-streaked, painted torso as she stood up and tried to straighten out. Even though she healed unnaturally fast, had an unusually high metabolism and an incredible tolerance to pain, he had still required her to perish when that Japanese torture chamber had slammed shut, perforating her sexy body with a dozen long, needle-like spikes. She squirmed,...

4 years ago
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Jordyn Jones Tastes Her Asshole

"Oh God, I am sooooooo bored!" Jordyn Jones, 19 year old blonde internet star, was lying on the couch in the Mexican villa her family had rented. It was December 2019 and her parents had booked the place for a two week winter vacation. Today, Jordyn's parents and her two brothers had headed out to visit some historical ruins, but she had preferred to stay behind because that sounded soooooo uninteresting. But now the internet wasn't working and her phone was dead and she couldn't find the...

2 years ago
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Susan Jake Naked in SchoolChapter 10 Friday after School

Jake "What's going on?" I asked Susan when we left Whitaker's office. She just grinned and replied, "It's easy, sweetie. We've spent the last three nights at one of our two funny farms and I thought it would be nice to be away from the folks for one night." She paused and then added, "I've got plenty of money, so it's all on me. Okay?" Well, what could I say? I just agreed. Off we went to Susan's. She said she had to get a few things for the night, even though none of the...

3 years ago
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The Accidental Lover

I decided to write this account of a High School friendship after I read a story on Xham a while ago about High School Happenings. This happened the year I was graduating High School, during football season! All of us were seniors, 18 with a few even older, ready to graduate in about 7ish months. Being 18 years old in Ohio at the time we could buy 3.2% beer. HA 3.2% beer what a joke! A family friend worked for Anheuser Busch in Columbus Ohio. He told us that they brewed just one beer and it was...

3 years ago
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Fucking the Office Assistants Daughter

Coming home and finding your daughter being fucked from behind is probably not what a mum expects to see.I had been out shopping for clothes in the morning.I walked into this one shop and was greeted by a very attractive assistant.She was 20 years old,nice firm arse and magnificent and firm big breasts.I chose my clothes and she showed me to the changing rooms.I was'nt sure if i liked them or not so i asked her if she would give me her opinion.She came in and said i looked,'bloody good'.She...

2 years ago
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A Familys Unwanted Sexual Awakening rewrite

Michelle looked around the RV, her mother was sitting at the back reading a book, she had a enviously good figure and Michelle loved her very much. Across the table from Michelle and Amy, Craig and Adam were playing cards, they were laughing to each other about something when Michelle noticed that they kept glancing at Amy who was sitting opposite them. 'Bastards,' Michelle thought. “That man hor keeps looking at my tits,” Amy whispered to Michelle. “I know, their both pigs. We’ll get...

3 years ago
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The Abduction

This is my fourth story. The 1st being a fantasy called "The well of my desires". The second a Sci-Fi set in the not so distant future "Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F". And the third "The chest and trunk" taking place in Victorian times. I have a few others planned including a follow up to Cyberterix Model 1X-RS-F. I hope you enjoy this story. The abduction Hiking the back country of Colorado was a love of mine. It allowed me peace and quit, not to mention a way for me to be in touch...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Karissa Kane 22617

Tutelage: it can be a hard thing. Which is why Karissa Kane makes it so easy on Brad! She’s his sister’s friend who needed a little help with her studies, and studious Brad was more than willing to give her a hand. But little did he know that Karissa’s been wanting to jump on his cock for the longest time, and now that the opportunity has presented itself, she’s going to make things hard — especially his big cock! There’s no turning back when she catches him masturbating after he excuses...

3 years ago
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Oil of Roses Snakes Among the VinesChapter 42

February 4th, 2007, Saturday – February 5th, 2007, Sunday Carol “Do you want to argue with her?” “Yes,” Dommi replied. “Then be my guest,” Carol said, as the two old friends walked around the mostly empty club. “Maybe you should talk with her, my little cherubic diplomat...” Dommi said. “No. If you want an argument with the senior Domme in our House, you’re going to be the one to make it happen. I’ll moderate, but you’re going to stick your butt in that buzzsaw, not me.” “The House...

3 years ago
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Trafficked Love Ch 5

The man reached up and brushed a few strands of hair from Angel's face. He put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up to look at him. She kept her eyes low, much to his disappointment. He leaned down, gently placing a kiss to her lips, ever so softly. She timidly pulled away from him, but he pulled her back to kiss her again, running the back of his hand across her cheek and down her neck. He pulled himself closer to her, kissing her a bit more passionately. He ran his hands...

2 years ago
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Barbers Pole

What a stupid question! No, of course not! No, I never regretted moving to the coast. Why would I? A tidy little inheritance and my early retirement had enabled it. My house was one of a detached pair in typical 1950s style. With extensive sea views and long gardens, I counted my good fortune every single day. The coastal climate was fantastic and I felt ten years younger at least. In fact, the only annoyance at my new home was the seagulls. Of course, you get them almost everywhere inland...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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How to train your fratboy ch 4

He knew them both. They were seniors on the women's soccer team. Tifa, a black girl from Venezuela, whom he had unsuccessfully flirted with several times and Gina, whom he didn't know much about beyond that she was Colombian and a Sociology major. He hadn't bothered with her because it was widely rumored she was a lesbian. They were both tall and athletic, and they wore matching, tight-fitting yoga pants and sports bra's, crashing like football players down the stairs. The latter stopped...

2 years ago
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JoeChapter 4

When I arrived home the following week, my daughters came over to talk to me. They said their mother saw me in Las Vegas at a party and that we spent some time together. Beth asked me, "Dad, how do you feel about Mom? You know she still cares for you. She told us she made a mistake cheating on you with Mark and did her best to live with the consequences. Now that Mark left and Beth and I are going to college is there any chance for you and Mom to get back together?" I was rather shocked...

4 years ago
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Sometimes, a hobby is more than a hobby. Dominic reflected on this truth while absently rustling through his pockets for whatever change he could find to pay for the bus. Sometimes a hobby is a means to an end. A subconscious expression of deepest feelings. Sometimes a hobby sets you free. The rain seemed to grow heavier as the evening wore on, and as night gathered her skirts and prepared to saunter onto the sky stage, the bus finally came down the street. He straightened his shirt and got up...

2 years ago
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Lesley Part 6

Rob was sitting in his garden when Lesley pulled onto his drive. Her battered old ford near exploding, she had driven so erratically. She slammed the door shut and walked straight into the house, not bothering to knock. She looked around, and, not being able to find him, shouted out his name. He was listening to music on his headphones and didn't hear anything. She went into the bathroom for a pee and decided to jump in the shower. She needed to get the stink of that old bastard out of her...

4 years ago
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Respect For All

Respect For All By: Londebaaz Chohan (I have never prefaced my stories but I am sure, you would love the twist in this story and enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. PEACE)It was most unfortunate. Only a month ago I had been promoted to the sophomore year of college and my younger brother Scott was about to graduate from high school in almost a year and this tragedy struck us. It was an accident but my dad’s fault that took the life of mom and dad in the end. I knew, this was the 3rd...

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