Reginald's FamilyChapter 8 free porn video

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Peter LeBrun laughed at the tale. “So it was a case of the human left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing?”

“That is a good description, sir. The English were in competition with the Spanish, so neither would do anything to help the other in any way. It could be that the turkeys got from Spain to France, and from there to England, where exotic species were all the rage in that era. The English would have been unaware that it was an American bird.”

“I can believe that scenario, Mr Robertson.”

“Please, sir, do call me Reginald, or preferably Reg. Everyone else does.”

“Very well, Reg, provided you call me Peter, or preferably Uncle Peter, as you are married to my niece.”

“I shall be happy to do so, Uncle Peter. As the father of such a wonderful set of twins, you merit praise for that achievement alone.”

Uncle Peter glanced at Frances, slightly concerned at the comparison between Frances’ looks and his gorgeous twins. She smiled sweetly, and told him, “Uncle Peter, you needn’t concern yourself about what Reg might say. He treats all girls according to their personality, brains and abilities, not simply on what they look like. For example he married me, and Erika, and Freda, and Prudence.”

Peter seemed embarrassed at this comment, and admitted, “I had heard from my girls that you and Reg were not exclusive, but I didn’t think you could all be married.”

“You are quite correct, Uncle Peter. We found that Reg could only marry one of us, so we elected to have no marriage, but a group commitment that is just as strong as a marriage. We held a public ceremony to tell the world – or at least the university community – that we are a family, and we are now known as married there. The other girls and I all regard ourselves as married, and we girls all changed our names by deed poll to be Mrs Robertson, so we are effectively married, and eventually we will have Reg’s children.”

“What? All of you?”

“Yes, Uncle Peter; all of us.”

“My goodness,” exclaimed Peter LeBrun. “Are your parents aware of this?”

“Yes, uncle. We explained it all to them, and they are on board with it. We invited them to our Commitment Ceremony, and so they saw that we meant it. We have visited them recently, and they saw that we love Reg and he loves us, and that is all there is to it. They have been very generous to us.”

“Frances?” asked Peter, looking around. “There was another young woman here that I was introduced to, but you didn’t name her as one of your marriage team. Who is she, if I may ask?”

“Oh, that’s Fiona. Hang on a mo.” She glanced around, and noted that Fiona was not in evidence. Grabbing Erika, she whispered, “Where’s Fiona?”

Erika whispered back, “The loo. She found she was still dripping cum!”

“Okay. That’s fine.”

She turned back and told Peter, “Uncle Peter, Fiona is what you might call a volunteer. She is a couple of years older than us, but was unhappy. She has a proverbial evil stepmother who wants rid of her, so Fiona is looking for a stable family she could put up with, and whom could put up with her and her problems. She is a clever girl, already a graduate in sociology, and embarking on a PhD course, but has emotional needs. She has just moved in with us to see how she likes it, so don’t embarrass the girl.”

“Oh, I see. I shall say nothing, Frances. You are being very nice to everyone around you, aren’t you? I am impressed.”

“Oh, we are not nice all the time, Uncle Peter. We had a run-in with a teenage burglar and his family, and we had a bully problem at the university, but we dealt with these. Prudence’s Dad made this building more secure, and Freda’s father, as a lawyer, handled some legal matters for us in relation to the burglar, when his family tried to bribe us to drop our complaint. Our families have been very helpful in a number of ways, including financing the twins’ salary here. You chipped in, too, didn’t you?”

“That’s right, we did. We were glad to see Carol and Holly settled in a safe environment where they will learn their occupations and be happy with it. I suspect it was your idea.”

“All I did was observe that we had difficulty with looking after ourselves while studying, and the twins were looking for exactly that kind of work. We could offer them jobs if the finance was there. I just put the two problems together, et voila!”

“Well, thanks for that insight, Frances my dear girl. How long do you expect my girls to remain here?”

Frances looked him in the eye, and informed him, “That is up to them, Uncle. We hope they will continue to work for us. We have several years to go on our courses, so we hope they will be here for that period. They have agreed that if we start a family, they will help with the child-rearing, so that we can continue our studies while having children.”

She paused, then went on, “Of course, Carol and Holly have plans in the way of children themselves, so who knows what they will do in the future?”

“They seriously want children? I thought that was simply little girl fantasies that would change as they grew up.”

“Uncle Peter, they have ALREADY grown up, I assure you. Starting a full-time job is a sign of growing up, isn’t it? Their future desires in the way of children are up to them, and we in this household will do our best to act in loco parentis. Does that help?”

Peter sighed. “My baby girls have grown up. In some ways I am sad, for I enjoyed watching them grow over the years; but at the same time I have to let them become adults with their own ideas of what they want to do with their lives. You will face the same dichotomy a couple of decades from now, Frances.”

“I expect so, Uncle Peter, but I hope I will know when to give my children their freedom.”

“I am sure you will. Now I should be getting home again. Where have my girls got to?”

“The others have have been showing them their bedrooms and helping them unpack. We were unsure if they wanted to share a room, or have their own places, so we are starting with them having their own rooms. If they want to be together, we can sort that out later.”

“I never thought of that. They have always shared, but if one of them fancies a boy, she may want a bit of privacy. That was a wise thought, Frances.”

“Perhaps. We do not have any intentions of letting either of them have a boy in their bedroom; not for the present anyway.”

“You really mean to act as a mother to them, don’t you?”

“Uncle Peter, I can tell you confidentially that I have been designated Chief Wife of this family, so being in charge of the twins is not a great extra task.”

“An unusual title, Frances. I shall keep it to myself. I don’t think your parents will want to know that title!”

At this point there was the sound of clattering feet as the twins and their handlers came down the stairs from the bedrooms.

“Daddy! We have our own bedrooms here! Can you imagine that?”

“So I was just hearing, girls. Don’t abuse the privilege, through. I am just about to leave, so is there anything else you need?”

Carol told her father, “There was a chair in our room that I particularly liked, Daddy; the leather one with the wooden arms. Can we ship it here?”

“I don’t see why not. We’ll leave the rest of your furniture as it is, so that if you come back to visit, you can use your old room. Okay?”

Holly came in with, “That’s great, Dad. Give our love to Mummy. Tell her we are happy here. The girls are SO nice. We haven’t even had time to say hello properly to Reg, but we saw lots of him back at Uncle Paul’s.” The double meaning was lost on their father.

“Right. Farewell, girls. Behave yourselves as your mother expects.”

“We will, Daddy. ‘Bye,” they chorused, each giving him a kiss.

The rain had stopped, so Reg and Frances went out to see him off, trailed by the twins. Peter told Frances, “We will probably send the chair by carrier. That is easiest, and cheaper than driving both ways.”

“Thanks for bringing them and their baggage, Uncle Peter. It was nice of you.”

“That’s what fathers are for, Frances. Reg, look after my girls, and that includes Frances.”

“Will do, sir.” he said, while Frances interjected, “Reg knows how to take care of me properly, Uncle Peter. We have taught him what to do, so he has been well trained.”

Peter LeBrun was uncertain of what she was referring to, so took it as Reg learning to do as he was told.

Once the car had left, Reg and Frances returned inside, where the twins now greeted Reg the way they really wanted to. They smothered him with kisses, and pushed their breasts against his chest. Eventually Frances had to intervene.

“Girls! Girls! Enough is enough. You will be living here, so Reg will always be within easy reach. Let him breathe for now.”

The twins recognised Frances’ common sense approach, so ceased their attentions for the moment. Reg told them, “Girls, remember that your prime task within this building is cook and housekeeper. All else is incidental.”

Holly looked at Frances and pointed out, “So, Reg is incidental? Not a priority for you, then, Frances?”

Frances remonstrated with her, “That is misreading my words, Holly. Looking after the building, and cooking for its residents is your primary focus. That is what you will be paid for. Seeking Reg’s attention must come lower in your priorities, girls. Remember my words from before you arrived, about your work having to be satisfactory before we let you near our Reg for anything else?”

Holly’s face fell. “Awe ... yes, Frances. I thought you didn’t mean that seriously; just a joke.”

“It is important that you learn when I am being serious, Holly. I am your boss, remember?”

Holly gave her a mock salute. “Yes, sir, boss lady!”

“Right. As soon as you are settled in with all your luggage unpacked and put away, today’s first duty is a working tour of the building, when you can list all the things that need doing, maintenance-wise, and how often. I have laid out a couple of notebooks and pens for you to use. Repairs are simply to be noted and reported to me, and I will determine the action on these. Some may require a tradesman.

The kitchen area, before we start today, is simply for recognition that the pair of you will need to check it over for any missing implements, materials – dishcloths, etc. – and ingredient supplies. Got it?”

“Yes, Frances,” they chorused.

“When do we start the cooking, Frances?” Carol wanted to know.

“Make that tomorrow. Today is investigation and note-taking day.”

“Okay. We can live with that, cousin.”

Reg found himself tapped on the shoulder from behind, and found it was Freda.

“What’s up, Freda darling?” he grinned.

“My Dad has just been on the phone to me. I emailed him copies of your mother’s documentation, and he says the data is fine and will allow him to get the legal process started, but he needs the originals for the court when it gets to that stage. He wants to get to that stage ASAP, so I need you to authorise passing the originals to him, dear.”

“Of course, Freda. They are no use to me as it is. Their value is when they are in the hands of our lawyer – your Dad. How do we get them to him?”

“He can get a courier firm to collect the parcel from here today, and deliver it to him early tomorrow. He will send me a security code for recognising the courier as genuine. The courier will give you that code when asked for identification.”

“Sounds well planned, Freda. Can I leave you to deal with it from this end? Make sure the parcel is fully secure against tampering.”

“Sure, Reg. I like having a modicum of responsibility. Any message to go with the parcel?”

“Just a message of grateful thanks from this family; and I really mean it, Freda; your Dad is a wonder!”

“Thanks, Reg. I wish I could say the same about your mother, but she is still in the ‘possibly reformed criminal’ category.”

“I understand, Freda. Your assessment is true, so I can’t complain. Just in case I haven’t said so recently, I love you, Freda!”

“You are my own true love as well, Reg. I love being your wife!”

A thought struck Reg. “What about...” then he shut his mouth, remembering he should not ask such questions.

Freda queried, “About what, Reg? You lost me there.”

“Sorry. It was my old difficulty, worrying about costs. I know now to drop such questions. You girls have hammered that into me.”

“In this case, you don’t need to bother about costs, darling. Daddy will ask the court to award costs to you, as the innocent victim, so Daddy’s charges will be paid by the insurers. I can’t imagine any other outcome.”

Reg allowed his relief to show as he said, “Wow! I had read of that, but I admit I hadn’t considered it in this case.”

“Daddy being a lawyer, he would have thought of it from the start, my darling boy. Lawyers are good at getting adequately well paid, you know.”

Reg smiled with pleasure, knowing his father-in-law would be exceedingly well paid; lawyers don’t come cheap. “Great. I am pleased for him, Freda. He deserves all he gets.”

“Huh. I sometimes wonder, Reg. I think some legal costs get inflated, based on the ability of the client to pay; the richer the client, the higher the charges for the same work. It is like antiques and art work, with rarity pushing the price up. In the legal profession, it is often the level of the client’s finances that determines the level of charge. That way, the legal profession are able to take on some cases pro bono publico. Everyone benefits to some extent.”

“I get you. Some of your Dad’s knowledge has rubbed off on you, Freda.”

“Just as well, sometimes. I’d better get that stuff parcelled up and sealed, Reg, in case the courier comes soon.”

“Oh, right. I’ll let you get on with it, love.”

Lunch was a buffet style affair; snacks en masse to be taken and consumed until you were full. Unlikely as it appears, it did not lend itself to discussion. Each member of the family was busy selecting their favourite snacks, or had their mouth full, or were going back for a refill. As a result, Reg’s interaction with the twins was little more than ‘hello’ in passing. Fiona was not permitted to spend time with Reg. She had taken her chance during the morning, so now the others made sure she was diverted.

She had earlier been introduced to the twins; told they were the new staff. They in turn met her as a new resident of the household. It was left unclear for the present what her exact relationship was to the Robertson family. The twins assumed she was a lodger in difficulties, being given help by the family. The fact that she seemed older than the Robertsons made that more probable than a close relationship.

That was the position until it dawned on Fiona that Frances was a cousin of the twins. She became annoyed at this apparent nepotism, giving jobs to relatives, and so when she met the twins during the afternoon in a corridor, she confronted them.

“Girls, I understand you are related to Frances?”

Holly was quick to agree.

“Yes, Frances is our cousin. We were visiting Uncle Paul and Aunt Dolores when we met Reg and the other wives. Reg was a real sweetie, and we were enamoured of him almost at once. He is a man worth being interested in, don’t you think?”

In a moment, Holly had swept Fiona’s assumption into oblivion. The twins’ interest was in Reg, of all things. Deflected by this revelation, Fiona declared, “Yes, I soon found him interesting enough to want him for myself.”

Holly and Carol both halted when they heard this. Carol demanded, “You fancy him as well, do you?”

Fiona suddenly realised what she had revealed, and tried to divert attention away from her.

“What makes you interested in him, girls? Hasn’t he got enough women to satisfy already?”Holly frowned at this and retorted, “Oh, he is happy with his wives, I agree. We just need him to take our virginity for us. We know he is a safe man for that job.”

“Oh, he is good at that job, I agree,” admitted Fiona, then blushed. The twins stared at her, and Carol offered, “Don’t tell me he is fucking you, as well as his wives?”

Fiona found herself stuck for words, despite being years older than these teenagers.

Her silence and red face told its own story. Carol turned to Holly, “He is, Holly. He is fucking her as well! How come?” she demanded of Fiona.

Fiona confessed, “I asked him. I needed a man I could depend on; and a stable family where I could feel comfortable and safe.”

Holly retorted, “No way! You are a liar. Reg wouldn’t fuck you simply because you asked. He has higher ideals than that.”

Carol added, “Frances and the other wives would have to give their permission, for Reg to even touch you. Are you a slut, then?”

Horrified, Fiona declared, “I was a virgin, young lady, and Reg’s wives DID approve of me, after giving me an extensive grilling.”

“A virgin? At your age?” Carol accused.

Fiona responded angrily, “Yes, at my age! I am a graduate, working for my PhD, and until now, I steered clear of entanglements with boys. You don’t seem to have the same high moral standard that I did.”

Holly was not going to let her away with that. “Did? Past tense? You dropped your standards so you could have your way with our Reg?”

“What do you mean, YOUR Reg? He is your employer, girl. You shouldn’t talk of your employer like that.”

The argument had brought attention from elsewhere, and Prudence had heard the last of the exchange. She slipped away to fetch Frances as family policewoman.

Frances was there in moments, and called out, “Girls! Enough of this arguing. It is time you got to know each other properly. Now what was this all about?”

Holly rounded on her cousin, “This hussy has been fucking Reg, we discovered. She claims you gave her permission; as if you would!”

Fiona, in turn, accused the twins, “These two have their eyes on our Reg, Frances. You had better warn them off!”

Frances took ma step back, and regarded the three of them with dismay. This wasn’t what she had planned. She decided she might as well make a clean breast of al the facts.

“Girls, come into this bedroom, all three of you. I need to tell you something.”

She ushered the three into the nearest bedroom, which happened to be Erika’s, but she knew Erika would not mind.

She got all three to sit; the twins on the bed and Fiona on the single chair. She herself remained standing, giving her the height advantage.

“Girls – that means all three of you – you are all starting from a false preconception. Let me tell you: you all are here as potential extra wives, in the future. You are not in competition for Reg’s favour. You are in competition for MY favour, and that of the other wives. Is that clear?”

“What? The staff are here under false pretences?” Fiona was confused.

Frances clarified, “No. We invited them to work here, to cover a multitude of questions, but they had asked me earlier if Reg could remove their hymens for them, before any job offer came. The job is partly to give them work experience, partly to protect them from workplace bullying, and partly to solve an important need by this family – looking after the house and cooking means so that we can all concentrate on our studies. The parents of us wives are all contributing towards their salaries, so they will work hard for their pay, but what happens with Reg as we go on is still unsettled.”

Carol corrected her, “Frances, you said we were ALL here as potential extra wives. Did you really mean that?”

Frances sighed as she answered, “I didn’t mean to say that, but it was the truth. I didn’t want to have you two concentrating on Reg until you grow up a bit more. We wanted you to discover yourselves first, and possibly meet nice boys; and only if that didn’t happen would we be thinking of letting you join our clan in that way. At least that was the plan...”

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Jan looked at me and asked, “Hawley, will you let June and me move into your new mansion with you and your other women.” “What about your dad? I heard your uncle mention him.” “He’s as bad as Uncle Dan, about wanting to see us naked. Now that June can talk, we don’t have to hide the fact that our dad is a pervert, and tries to take naked pics of us each time we’re in the bathroom. “Come with me. You’ll never have to go back inside that house again.” June told me, “But our clothes! And we...

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Anal Exercises

Yes, it's probably true that I have the nicest ass in my college. I figure that's pretty good for a freshman, and I know some of the older girls are jealous of it, and of the attention it gets me from boys. Especially the older girls on my cheerleading team - they're practically green when they hear boys talking about my ass!But I have to work at it. The important stuff never comes easy, Dad says. Like learning my cheer routines. Or memorizing where Japan is for Geography class (it's in Asia,...

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The Allure of VirginityChapter 7 Pornography

After school Nancy rang me and told me to come over to her house. When I arrived I noticed she looked very worried. She stood at the front door with me, about to leave. "I'm going to the police to report Ella missing. My boyfriend's a policeman." Nancy started biting her bottom lip. "Where could Ella be?" "I'm sure they'll find her. Don't worry." "You're such a good boy, Keith. What would I do without you?" I smiled, proud of myself. "You said you wanted me to help Lily...

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Brendan FallsChapter 11

"What's wrong with you?" I asked my best friend, Sarah, taking a seat next to her in the cafeteria. "Oh. Hey, Dani." She was a pretty girl and black, like all my classmates. Sarah might have been slaveborn, but she was smart as well, which explained why her master sent her to Hathaway High School, and college after that, I was sure. She had a head for numbers and besides fucking her, Sarah's owner was going to make the girl one of his accountants at some business he owned. Or maybe...

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Stopping by for a BJ

Lately he seems to want to get in the shower when I'm in it. We even spent some time walking laps, talking in the yard. Which actually turned out to be a good thing. He finally admitted that he has been trying to figure out just what my thing is. That from what he's seen me doing he already knows I don't mind role playing for people That I'm no stranger to black dick either. But what he wants to know is what does it for me, and that he was just fishing when he said, what he said to me. ...

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College Hotty

You are sitting in the school cafeteria, eating some lunch between classes. Then you see her: Natalie. She walks down the cafeteria towards you. You admire her body as she nears. She stands about 5'7 with beautiful long legs. She has bright red hair in those tight curls you love so much. Her piercing blue eyes seem to see right through you. Her large, full breasts drive you wild, you guess them to be double D's, and wish she wore some skimpier clothes to show them off. The best view you...

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iBod Chapter Six Reality Upturned on its HEAD

"iBod: Chapter Six - Reality, Upturned on its HEAD" by Jaye Domino (NOTE 1: None of the email addresses used in this story series are real, nor are any web references to The iBod. Comments are appreciated, and I plan on writing more iBod stories, as well as a detailed instruction manual on how the iBod is used. I highly encourage people to write their own iBod stories involving any of the other users, but would appreciate a request by email to do so.) (NOTE 2: This is the start...

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Fun cycle run

Recently, my partner and I went away for the weekend to take advantage of the good weather. We checked into an amazing hotel for a nice quite relaxing weekend. On the Saturday afternoon we decided to hire a couple of bikes to take in some of the local scenery. I hadn’t exactly packed for cycling but it didn’t matter. We arrived at the cycle hire place, me, dresses in a skimpy vest top to maximise the amount of sun I was getting, a short skirt and, unusually for me, I decided I had better put...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 13

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Thirteen: Interrupted Incestuous Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II I woke up early. We were having guests over for dinner so I wanted to get some more work done on my prep for court in a few days. A lawyer's work was never done. And then there was more research to begin challenging the bigamy laws in California. I planned on using all the same...

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my sisters visit from Jamaica

I am from the island of Jamaica in the Caribbean. It is a tropical paradise known for its balmy sunshine and natural beauty. The local populations live carefree lifestyles, dancing to reggae music and swimming in the clear, warm waters off palm shaded, white-sand beaches.Yet, after all their liberal lifestyles, pussy eating is tabooed in my country where the religion of Rastafarianism predominates. In that belief-system, the purpose of sex is regarded more for its procreation value than for its...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 30

The Real Story Osama Bin Laden was living with three wives in one compound and never left the house for 5 years. It is now believed he called the Navy Seals himself. Your smile for today... Ma was in the kitchen fiddling around when she hollers out, "Pa! You need to go out and fix the outhouse!" Pa replies, "There ain't nuthin wrong with the outhouse." Ma yells back, "Yes there is, now git out there and fix it." So Pa mosies out to the outhouse, looks around and yells back,...

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Tmkoc Episode 11 Yahan Bhide Wahan Payal

Hello friends I am Humraaj and I am back with the next episode of TMKOC. In case you don’t know me, I am Humraaj from Ahmedabad. If any one wants to contact can mail me on Now lets go on to the story. Jaisa ki aap sab jante hai Bhide Babita aur Anjali ki bich fass jata hai aur dono abhi satisfy nahi hoti hai. Anjali ander room se Vicks ko bottle lati hai aur Babita ko de deti hai. Babita Vicks nikalti hai aur Bhide kuch samajh paye isse pehle Bhide ke lund pe Vicks laga deti hai. Bhide ki...

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Teen Son Sex With His Strong Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone. Thanks ISS for publishing my story. Readers! happy to see your feedbacks in emails. One thing please keep in mind whatever stories I publish all are complete fiction! Let’s move into the story. I said I love you too mom and placed my hands on her huge massive buttocks. Oh my God! What massive muscular buttocks! As my mom is taller than me, my erect penis rubbed her lower than her pussy. It rubbed her huge thighs. I ejaculated instantly after feeling her ass! My mom saw that and...

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Forbidden Fruit

Your name is Simon, you?re in your late twenties and you just lost your job. Due to outsourcing, downsizing, cutbacks, economy, and a half dozen other bullshit reasons your asshole boss gave, you've been let go from the dead end cubical job you had for a couple years. Well you have to pay the rent somehow, so you check the local paper. You noticed there's an opening at the local Youth Center. You don't have much experience working with teens, but at this point you?re desperate, so you set up an...

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Brynn and the King of Porn 2

I didn’t think I would hear again from Mason, the King of Porn, nor his manager Albert, so it was an instant bolt of hope when I received an email a week after our meeting. He said that Mason liked me and was thinking he might want to see me again and was I interested? Was he k**ding? Of course I was. I had spent two months and hundreds of hours watching Mason’s twenty year old videos and dreaming and fantasizing, not so much about the man, but more about his wonderfully contoured and...

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Community TooChapter 51

Cindy’s turn: I sort of took charge of getting Nikki back into the swing of things. “I’m NOT an invalid, Cindy Sue,” she told me. “I know you’re not.” “I’m not frail.” “Never said that, Miss Nikki of the Pen.” She snorted. “We have Munchkins to supervise, Miss Cindy of the Twelve Gauge.” “I know. And a quadrupedal, two-armed Bot-bot.” “Uh-huh,” I said. “Yesterday they were arguing with two industrial design students over ideas about the physical packaging.” She smiled. Yes, tragedy....

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Wife wants to teach but is surprised how good he

I had been having back problems over the past few weeks when Dawn brought up the idea of finding someone to do the lawn cutting for me. Rachel her close friend had recommended a young man who was looking for a few extra bucks before going away to college in the fall. His name was Dave, a hard working eighteen year old who had done several side jobs over the summer to raise a few extra bucks for college. My wife talked with Dave and set it up for him to come over and cut the lawn in a few days....

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Camping with Stepdaughter 15

I had just got a cup of coffee poured and I heard a moan come from the van. I walked over and peered into the door. My two little lovelies were locked into a warm naked embrace. Their hands exploring each others firm bodies. Lesly’s tight behind was facing me. She was straddling Susan’s leg with hers. Susan’s hands were gently caressing Lesly’s back. It was the most sensuous thing that I had ever seen. Susan slid her hand down Lesly’s back and on to her muscular little ass pulling her pussy...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled

On her knees, Jennifer waited in the abandoned room bathed in the light of the bulb she had to bring with her. Servicing someone at a glory hole had been a bucket list kinky dream of hers, and her husband Derek had found the perfect place. An adult bookstore a few hours from home had a glory hole room that was a relic from a much simpler time. Last weekend they did a test run to get back to the room. Just a lightbulb and some disinfecting wipes were all that were needed. Back in its heyday the...

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You Cant Hurry Love Chapter 1

After a long, hard day at work, Roxanna had very little energy left. It was all she could do to drag herself over to the office of the dating service she belonged to, to resume her search for that perfect man. It was a cool, gray March day. It looked like rain was coming soon. So that was all the more reason it was so difficult for Roxanna to feel motivated about driving over to the dating service on that day. But Roxanna hadn’t had a man in her life, nor in her bed, since her husband had...

Love Stories
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Wendys discovery

Wendy Harrison grew up just like her two big brothers, both in stature and in looks. Like her big brothers, she was almost two metres tall, with a solid build, and she looked very much like how her brothers looked. Fair to say, that's not pretty, with short mousey brown hair that kind of gave her a nondescript look. Wendy found getting work difficult after leaving high school with an average set of grades. She spent several months job hunting and had short stays at a few places, but that lead...

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Hots for teacher

Sara quickly walked around john into the foyer and looked to the left into his living room and then to the right into the kitchen. “Is your mom home?” she demanded “No she went out shopping about an hour ago” john replied somewhat shocked by Sara’s attitude “How about your dad or Jake?” she said finally bringing her beautiful eyes up to look directly into johns.  “No my dad’s at work still and Jakes is at football practice, he’s really driven I know its only his freshman year but he...

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Sadistic Treatment of a Painslut pt 1

With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...

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Raising WWE ratings

An hour before Raw on this Monday night, every one of the WWE Divas were called into Vince McMahon's office. They all stood waiting until the chairman strutted into the room."Ladies, you are probably wondering why I brought all of you here." He said in his classic Mr. McMahon voice. "As you know, ratings for Raw and Smackdown have been down way too much recently and the people at USA Network and SyFy are not too happy. We need something big to draw the coveted 18-34 male demographic back to the...

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Persephone In WinterChapter 11

"She does love you. Perhaps too much." Simon's voice still carried the same self-confidence that Steven remembered from the only other time he had heard it. His thumb hovered over the "End" button, an instant away from silencing him. Instead, he pulled the car to the side of the road, unable to look away from Elyse's name staring back at him from the tiny glowing screen. "How did you get her cell?" Steven asked, after a moment's pause. He was determined not to let the defeat show...

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A Little Twist at My Last Massage By BigSof

I have a really bad back from an auto injury several years ago and have been getting massages to relieve some of the discomfort I have. The problem with that is I, like so many people with injuries, have an addiction. I’m not talking about pain killers… I am now addicted to massages! Now I know some of you are laughing thinking I am trying to 'be cute', but I am telling you, I could get a massage right now and 1 hour later if given the chance I’d do it again, and again, etc. The overall feeling...

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Busted Pipes

Stacy is new to the neighborhood, her apartment is finally put together. She still has a few days before starting her new job. A loud noise comes from inside her building. Stacy runs back to her apartment to see the shower head laying in the tub. Water is squirting everywhere. When she tries calling the apartment maintance man, all she gets is his recording of not being in the building.Stacy decides to call a local plumbing company. The lady on the phone said there's a crew down the...

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A Tale Of Love

My Dad made mistakes the year I was 18. He was a deputy sheriff in Oklahoma City. He was busted for dealing pounds of methamphetamine, and given thirty-five years. Because he was a lawman, he was put in solitary confinement. Putting ex-lawmen in solitary confinement is a clever way of letting the general prison population know they’re cops. I was just finishing the drawing I was going to send him for my 19 Christmas, when I found out he had beaten himself up and then hung himself in his cell...

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First time

My parents split up when I was young. One day my Mom just took off, I never saw her again. Unfortunately my Dad was a bit of a drunk. When he got out of work he went straight to the bar and rarely came home before 2:30 AM. My neighbor babysat me till I was a teenager, at which point it was my responsibility to stay out of trouble. My best friend was named Lori, and her Mom was also noncommittal, as in she was never around. Most nights Lori stayed at my house with me. After a couple of...

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The Debutante

The Debutante Janet Stickney [email protected] When I was 16 I bought my first formal. It was all white, floor length, with a sweetheart neckline and puffy cap sleeves. It cost me almost $200, but it was worth it simply because it was mine. I tried it on in my room and then hung it in the basement among all of the other dresses that were there. My name is Jeff Grant, I'm 17 now, a short skinny guy with no girlfriend or even many boy friends. A serious student,...

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Passions of Innocents Chapter 2 Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Introduction: The story continues as a divorced mother of two overly sex incoragable teens has one on the hook. lets see if she can real him in without the plan going disastrously wrong ( Passions of Innocents ) Chapter 2 &hellip, Thank Heaven for Little Girls &hellip, By &hellip, Barbusie &hellip, Gloria woke at around noon Saturday to the sound of a cat meowing by the front door. She was spooned real comfy with Keith holding her from behind, she could feel his cock nestled good and firm...

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BlackAmbush Kiera 12222018

Saving the best for last! Just kidding, this one’s the second and last backup featuring fill-in ebony ambusher JC. But first, 19 year old blonde, blue-eyed super cute first timer Kiera tells us about a shockingly libertine sex life. As a Wisconsin native with German heritage, she hasn’t been exposed to a lot of color though. She’s never been with a black guy. That’s about to change, she just doesn’t know it when she drinks her coffee during out interview. I make...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 68

Adam and Sarah had decided shower sex was highly overrated. Adam's ass didn't like the hard porcelain tub and neither did Sarah's knees. Plus the tub wasn't wide enough for them to be comfortable. So they took their efforts back to the bedroom. Sarah was surprised at how easily Adam lifted her up. She wasn't a pixie like Allie or Shelly or a string bean like Karlie. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him feverishly during their trip across the hallway. Adam spread out a...

4 years ago
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An Admirers Tale part 1

Michelle - The MuseI am knelled down to pick my mobile phone from the floor, and just before I stood up I saw her feet, those amazing arches on those sexy high heels and I tough to myself, what amazing feet she have.Almost guessing what was on my mind, her hands reach her knees and little by little she start to pull her skirt up showing two paths to paradise.Then she start to spread slowly her perfect legs, and I understand the invitation.I crawl under the meeting table, and I was amazed by...

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Sleeping in the winters

It was one of those winter days when all you want to do is cuddle into the quilt and keeps warm. Bhaiya had gone out of the city for some work and Bhabhi’s kids were playing out somewhere. I cuddled with bhabhi to keep away the cold and she didn’t mind the physical touching since she was quite comfortable with me. I fell asleep soon knowingly keeping my head on bhabhi’s breasts which acted as a warm and comfortable pillow. When I woke up I saw that I had Bhabhi’s right nipple in my mouth and...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 24 The Families Story 07 It Gets Even Better

November – Year 4 “Bill behave! I’m sorry my dear. I am Gwen, Blossom’s mom and this Cretin is my husband William.” “Call me Bill, please.” “Mom. Dad. Last week Pa ... Terry was attacked after his band played a show.” “Oh my.” Gwen gasped with a hand to her mouth. “Son, are you ok?” Bill’s eyebrow went up again. “He was unconscious for a couple of days and when he woke up...” “He remembered who he was.” Bill looked at me and I nodded. “I did. I feel really uncomfortable here, but...

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