Knox County Ch. 04 free porn video

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Cynthia had the house in good order now. The rooms were all cleaned, polished, floors mopped or vacuumed. She was folding the last load of laundry when the phone rang.

‘Mr. McMahon’s residence.’

‘Cynthia?’ said the cheery voice.

‘Good morning, Ms. Cuthbert.’

‘Emily,’ she reminded. ‘Please call me Emily.’

‘Of course. Emily it is.’

‘How’s he doing?’

‘He’s sleeping.’ He head turned to the doorway to his bedroom. ‘Been sleeping almost nonstop for a day.’

‘Oh yes, he does that. Works himself into total exhaustion painting and painting. Doesn’t stop ’til he’s done with whatever project’s caught his fancy. Then, when he’s done, he sleeps. Sometimes for days, it seems. Then it starts all over again.’

‘Well, he must be done.’

‘Good, he’ll need to be rested,’ said Emily. ‘For tonight.’

‘What’s tonight?’

‘He’s getting a visitor. To take care of his other . . . you know . . . needs.’

Cynthia hear the embarrassment in her voice, and she knew Emily was blushing. She smiled and pushed the point.

‘His needs?’

‘You know, his . . . .’ She cleared her throat. ‘He’s a man, right? With needs?’

Cynthia’s smile got wider. She was enjoying this, enjoying Emily’s discomfort.

‘So how do you take care of these? These needs, as you call them.’

The voice was cheery again. ‘Oh, that’s simple. We contact this company, an escort agency, and we retain their services. Kind of like a . . . .’ Emily stopped. ‘Like a prostitute?’ ‘Oh no, it’s nothing like that. More like . . . I don’t know . . . companionship?’

‘And what time will this companionship be arriving?’

‘Seven o’clock.’

‘And you need me to do what exactly?’

‘Well, if you could stay somewhere for the weekend, that would probably help. Give them some time . . . uh . . . well, some time alone.’

Cynthia paused. She didn’t know where she’d stay.

‘And you need to have him awake, of course. Shaved up, cleaned up. You know, ready to meet visitors.’

‘I suppose I could do that,’ she said. A thought occurred to her. ‘Emily?’


‘How long have you been doing this for him? For Sean. How long have you been arranging for his companionship?’

‘Oh, this is the first time.’

‘Then why now?’

Emily paused before answering. ‘Truth be told, dearie, he probably hasn’t been intimate with a woman in ages. Since before his Holly got sick. Roger thought he’d need it, and we know he won’t leave the house anytime soon to get it on his own.’ The conversation ended on that note, and they said their goodbyes.

Cynthia thought back to yesterday, to the bathtub. Now she understood the look in his eyes, the curiosity and the need. Holy shit, she thought, I couldn’t live without sex for a year or more.

This led to two more thoughts. First, he had lived without sex for more than a year. Instead, he had thrown his obvious obsession for painting into caring for his wife and ignored all of his own needs. Second, she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to sacrifice so much for another person. Sure, she’d loved David, but when he wasn’t enough, she’d sought what she needed elsewhere. Without a thought of anyone but herself, she’d gone out and taken what she wanted without regard to the man she thought she loved.

What the hell was wrong with her?

* * *

‘Get up, Timmy,’ he heard his mother say. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was back in his bedroom, the bedroom he’d grown up in.

Little had changed, he noticed. Pearl Jam and Smashing Pumpkin posters still covered the walls. His bedspread and comforter were the same striped bedding bought years ago at Sears Roebuck. And his mother still woke him up when she’d decided he’d slept long enough.

‘Morning, Mom,’ he said.

‘Get up,’ she said again. ‘I’ve got your lunch ready. It’ll get cold if you don’t hurry.’ She turned and left. He got out of bed, swinging his long legs to the floor and kneading the cramped muscles of his back. He looked around again. Welcome to it, he thought. He pulled on a pair of pants and a t-shirt and went down to the kitchen.

He sat at the table and his mother placed a plate in front of him. Grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomato soup, just like when he was a kid.

‘So what’s the problem?’ she said, sitting across from him and dunking her sandwich in the soup.

He didn’t want to talk about it, so he ate instead.

After a few more minutes of silence, she repeated the question. When he again didn’t answer, staring instead into his soup, she said, ‘I called her this morning. Aimee. I called her.’

He looked at his mother. ‘What did she tell you?’

‘She didn’t,’ his mother replied. She fixed him with a glare. ‘She said to ask you.’ He looked back into his soup. ‘What did you do, Tim.’

‘Messed up,’ he murmured.

‘Messed up missed a birthday? Messed up spending too much time with the guys?’

He looked back at her, saw her eyes narrow as she took in the look of shame on his face. ‘Messed up with another woman and got caught.’ When he said nothing, she continued.

‘Who was the other woman?’

‘No one.’

‘Is it serious? This other woman? You in love with her?’


‘Did you tell Aimee that?’ He shook his head. ‘You need to tell her then. Tell her it’s over and beg her to forgive you.’

‘You don’t understand.’

‘I understand better than you think I do.’ He voice softened and she took a bite of her sandwich, chewing slowly. When she swallowed, she said, ‘Your father had an affair once.’

His head shot up and his eyes locked on hers.

She nodded. ‘A long time ago, when you were a little boy. She was a friend of ours. Her and her husband. Real good friends. And I caught him–caught them, actually–in the bedroom one day. Doing things I’d never wanted to do.’ She blushed at the thoughts and turned, staring out the window. ‘I moved out, swore I’d never come back. Took you with me, too. But I went back to him.’

She turned back and looked at him. ‘Everyone makes mistakes, you know. Even your father. God knows I made enough of them, too. Just not like that.’ She smiled. ‘Oh, I thought about it from time to time. God knows I thought about it.’ She turned back to him, the smile fading. ‘But I didn’t act on them. I had a husband. And a child. A family. So I swallowed my pride and took him back.’

‘Did you still love him?’

‘Of course, dear. That’s why I took him back.’

‘So you put it behind you?’

She shook her head. ‘It’s not that easy. Sure I still loved him. And I wanted to be a family again. But some of the trust was gone. You know, if he was late from work, I’d wonder. Maybe not consciously, not always. But the later he’d get, the more I’d wonder where he was. If he was with someone else. And I’d get almost sick sometimes.’

‘Then it was worth it?’

She reached across the table and placed her hand atop his. ‘Were you happy? Growing up, were you happy?’

He nodded.

‘Then it was worth it.’

After a few minutes, he looked back down at his soup, no longer hungry. ‘I don’t think it’s going to be that easy,’ he said.

‘Why not?’

He paused, wondering whether he should tell her.

‘Timothy, tell me.’

‘Because there was more than one, Mom.’

‘How many more than one? How many were there?’

He said nothing. He wasn’t sure.

His mother’s language shocked him. ‘You stupid bastard. What have you done to her?’

She jerked his food away and put the dishes in the sink with a crash. He cringed at the noise, and she stormed from the room and walked down the hallway, slamming the door behind her.

* * *

Elizabeth found the house with no problem. She knocked on the front door and waited. A moment later, the door opened.

‘Ms. McMa
hon?’ she said. This is going to be one of those, she thought. Husband watches while wife experiences the other side. Could be worse, this woman was at least very pretty.

The woman chuckled. ‘No,’ she replied, looking Elizabeth up and down. ‘Just the housekeeper.’

Elizabeth was surprised. This woman had to be the sexiest housekeeper she’d ever seen. She had brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, high cheekbones, straight nose perfectly proportioned to her face, and round, expressive eyes. She was nearly as tall as Elizabeth, around five feet six inches, and slim. Her legs were smooth and well tanned, her breasts firm and pointing up. Elizabeth guessed her for late twenties.

‘Come in,’ the housekeeper said. She held out her hand. ‘I’m Cynthia.’

‘Elizabeth,’ she said, stepping into the house and shaking the proffered hand.

‘Make yourself comfortable and I’ll go get him.’

Elizabeth watched the woman walk to the end of a long hallway, open a door, and disappear behind. A moment later she re-appeared, pulling a man out by the hand.

He was short, only an inch or so taller than Cynthia, and thin. His clothes, jeans and a t-shirt that said ‘ARSENAL’ were baggy, his feet bare. He had graying curly hair, was clean shaven, and pale. Very pale. If not for a slight reddening of the cheeks he’d have looked like a ghost.

‘Come on,’ Cynthia said, ‘you have a guest.’ ‘Elizabeth,’ Cynthia said stopping before her and pulling the man closer, ‘this is Sean. Sean, this is Elizabeth.’

He raised his head and looked into her eyes. Shyly at first, but soon he was gazing into her with the deepest, darkest eyes she’d ever seen. They were like coal, and they started traveling her body. ‘My God,’ he said, ‘you’re lovely.’ He had an accent. It sounded like My Gawd, yer low-vly. Scotsman? Irish maybe?

His eyes traveled over her from top to bottom. It didn’t seem like desire, though. He seemed to be appraising her. He reached a hand out and placed it on her hip, turning her to the side. Her hips followed the hand, her eyes looking at Cynthia. Cynthia’s bemused expression told her nothing.

‘You’re perfect,’ he said, rolling the arrs slightly. He circled her now, and she looked back to Cynthia.

‘Well,’ Cynthia said, ‘it seems you two will be getting along fine then. I’ll just be running along. I’ll see you two on Sunday.’

‘What?’ he said.

‘I said– ‘

‘I heard what you said, but where are you going? For two days?’

Elizabeth heard panic in his voice, and she watched Cynthia’s face go soft.

‘Sean, do you know why Elizabeth is here?’

He shook his head.

‘Emily and Mr. Hollister thought you needed some time alone. With a woman.’

His look was blank, not understanding, and Elizabeth felt awkward.

‘But I’ve got you,’ he said.

‘Not for that, honey.’ She took his hand in both of hers and spoke to him softly. ‘I’m just hear to cook and clean. You need someone to . . . something more. You need to– ‘

‘How will I reach you if I need you?’

‘There’s plenty of food in the fridge, your laundry’s all clean. You’re not going to need me, okay?’

He looked unsure. ‘Listen, I’ll leave my cell number on the fridge. Any problems arise, you give me a call. Okay?’

He nodded, clearly not happy about this.

Cynthia smiled from him to Elizabeth, her eyes looking Elizabeth up and down. ‘I don’t think you’ll be needing me though.’ She leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. ‘You have fun now.’

Cynthia went to the kitchen, and a minute later Elizabeth heard a door close and the garage door open. A car started, and the door closed again.

She turned back to Sean. He was again looking her up and down, his right hand moving in front of him. She took the hand in hers and he froze.

‘What do you want to do?’

He looked back to her eyes, not seeming to understand the question. She had heard Cynthia mention that somebody named Emily–and a Mr. Hollister–had decided he needed a woman. Ergo, she decided, he hadn’t hired her and had no idea what she was there for, which was most definitely a first.

‘Do you understand why I’m here?’ He shook his head. ‘I’m here for you, for your needs. Do you understand?’ He said nothing. She reached out and brushed a finger against his cheek. ‘Sean, I’m yours for the weekend. To do with as you wish. Anything you wish.’


‘Well,’ she said, leaning over and pecking him on the cheek, ‘almost anything. No Greek and no groups. Other than that, anything you wish.’

He smiled. ‘Splendid.’ He turned his back on her and strode down the hallway. ‘This way,’ he called over his shoulder.

She followed him down the hallway and through the door. It was a studio of some kind, and she saw paintings lined up against the walls.

‘Would you sit there, please?’ He motioned to a straight-backed chair, and she sat in it. ‘Now get comfortable. This could take awhile at first.’ She did.

She saw him lower the angle of an easel and pick up a large sketch pad, some pencils, and an eraser.

‘So why don’t you tell me about yourself,’ he said to her. And he started to draw.

* * * Aimee had cried for most of the day and night. By Friday night, she was cried out and lonely. Not just alone, she realized. She was used to being alone while Tim worked evenings. But now she was lonely as well, knowing he wouldn’t be coming back any time soon.

She hadn’t answered her phone in a day and a half, so she picked it up and flipped it open. She had twelve messages. Eight were from Tim, one each from her mother-in-law and David, and two from Alan Bridges, the principal at school.

She listened to the first few from Tim. They were the same. Honey, I’m sorry. Can’t we just talk about it. I miss you. Please forgive me. After listening to this for the third time, she erased the remainder of his messages.

She listened to David’s message. ‘Aimee, this is David. David Holloway. I’m just wondering what you’re doing tonight. Nothing dirty or anything. I just wanted to talk. Give me a call if you’re interested.’ He left his number, and she wrote it down.

She dreaded the next one, but decided to listen anyway. ‘Aimee dear, this is Dorothy.’ Aimee cringed at the anger in her voice, knowing for sure what was coming next. The rest of the message surprised her, though. ‘Tim told me what he’s done. I just want to tell you how sorry I am. And if you need anything from me–and I mean anything–please call me. I just . . . .’ She heard quiet crying as the message ended. She was surprised. He’d told her?

The next two messages were from her boss. ‘Ms. Rogers, this is Mr. Bridges. Please phone when you have a moment.’ Why did teachers always have to do that? Talk to each other like they were in front of the children? The next message was more of the same.

She looked at the clock. Seven thirty. What the hell, she thought, and dialed him up. He answered on the second ring and, after brief chat over the fact that summer was ending, told her about a faculty meeting the following Wednesday. She said she’d be there and looked back down at the list. She decided to phone David.


‘Catching you at a bad time?’

‘Aimee,’ he said, recognizing her voice. ‘No, no, just give me a sec.’ She heard some rustling, then he was back on the phone. ‘How you doing?’ She heard concern in his voice.

‘Not so hot,’ she said. ‘We fought yesterday. I confronted him. He denied it, of course. At first.’ She paused, not sure whether to tell him and decided what the hell. ‘I threw him out.’

‘Are you okay?’ She said nothing. ‘You want to have a drink? Nothing frisky. Scout’s honor. Just a drink.’

She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t really attracted to him. Sure, there was that one time. But that wasn’t attraction so much as need. She didn’t want to repeat it, didn’t trust herself if she did. He seemed to be reading her
mind. ‘Listen, I know what it’s like. What you’re going through. That house is suddenly pretty big and awfully quiet, isn’t it?’ She nodded into the phone. ‘And I know you need someone to talk to because I need someone to talk to. Someone who knows this.’

She agreed to meet him for dinner.

A half hour later she walked through the doors of Cucine Bella, what passed for a trendy restaurant in Armitage. He was standing at the short bar and gave her a wave when she saw him.

She walked over and he leaned in and hugged her. It wasn’t intimate, she sensed, more brotherly. ‘I’m glad you could make it,’ he said. She sat and ordered a glass of wine from the bartender. David remained standing behind her.

‘You look good,’ he said.

‘I look like shit,’ she said, appreciating the compliment. ‘I’ve been crying for two days. My eyes are red, cheeks all puffy.’

‘Nonsense. You look great.’

The hostess tapped him on the shoulder and they were led to a table in the far corner. When they were seated, he looked at her again.

‘How did it go.’

She told him. All of it, right down to the last detail. He cringed at the part about Cynthia’s underwear, but smiled broadly when she told about using them to crunch his balls. ‘Priceless,’ he said. When she was done, he just stared at her, his lips smiling, but his eyes sad.

‘I wasn’t nearly so smooth in my confrontation,’ he said.

‘You miss her?’

He thought for a moment. ‘I don’t really know. I mean, look at me. Middle-aged workaholic with no life, no prospect of a life anytime soon.’

‘Oh come on, don’t sell yourself short. You’re a cute guy. You’ll have no problem with the dating scene.’

‘I don’t know. It’s all so different now. Different than when I was dating.’

‘How? Boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy asks girl out, boy plays his cards right–and is patient–boy gets lucky. Everything goes well, boy will keep getting lucky, right?’

He smiled. ‘You make it sound so simple.’ She said nothing. It wasn’t that simple, and she knew it. It was hard to find someone you clicked with. At least for women it was hard. Men were different.

‘You know, maybe you shouldn’t be so picky.’

‘How so?’

She sipped her wine and smiled. ‘If you’re just looking to get lucky, that should be no problem. I mean, what is it you’re looking for?’

‘I don’t know. I mean, it hasn’t really been that long, but . . . .’

‘But you’re already feeling alone in the world.’

He nodded. ‘I mean, well, I got lucky last night, okay?’ She nodded. She was surprised, but not jealous. ‘But afterwards, on the way home and pretty much all day, I regretted it. Felt . . . I’m not sure . . . guilty or something. Like it was empty. Don’t get me wrong. It was nice while it was happening, but I just don’t think that . . . that . . . .’

The waitress approached and they placed their order. David swigged the rest of his drink and ordered another of those, as well. When the waitress left, Aimee looked at him.

‘Finish your thought.’

‘Where was I?’

‘Last night was fun, but . . . .’

He thought before speaking. ‘One night stands just don’t seem to be for me.’

This was a first, she thought. A guy not out to fuck everything that moves.

After a few minutes, David broke the silence. ‘Why do you think he did it?’

She looked at him, raising her eyebrows.

‘Tim. Why’d he cheat on you? Do you think he wanted more than you were willing to give? Maybe something you’d never do?’

She thought for a minute before answering. ‘No, I don’t think it was that. I think Tim wants a mother. As a wife, that is. That’s what caused the problem. I didn’t really understand that until yesterday. So I tried to give him everything. The things he did with the others. But he was . . . I don’t know . . . shocked. And disgusted. Like he couldn’t believe any wife of his would do those things. Sure he could do them. He wanted to do them. He just couldn’t stand the thought of doing them with me. With the future mother of his children.’

David’s nodding stopped. He was looking over her shoulder, his lips pressing tighter. She turned around and looked. Cynthia Holloway was walking into the dining room with another woman, a tall blonde. She saw them, and Aimee saw her eyes narrow and her body go rigid. The blonde bumped into her, then turned and looked. She saw David and smiled, waving. David waved back. Aimee watched Cynthia say something to the blonde, who took a seat. Cynthia placed her purse on their table and approached David and Aimee.

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2 years ago
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Body Parts Part 1

In medical history, there has never been a completely successful sex change operation conducted. The patients may have the anatomy of their preferred gender on the outside, but anatomically, they lack the equipment to fully function as the said gender. Doctor Michal is a surgeon who wants to change all of that. Doctor Michal has good reputation amongst his peers; he is well-known as a cosmetic surgeon and specializes in sex change operations. Unknown to many, he has an obsession with...

1 year ago
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Craiglist post leads to sex right next to me

Well this starts late last night. I woke up around one in the morning. Went out to the living room, and saw Oregon was on Espn, watching the game, from the couch I saw outside, two people making out as they walked up. The man was grabbing her chest, messing with her low cut shirt. Not much to see him pop her nice plump boob out, and start to suck on it. She smacked him, and they walked up to their door. The thought of her boob got me horny. I could wake up my wife, but lately she been getting...

2 years ago
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Doomsday the day my life changed

I woke up at 5:30am to get ready for work, jumped into the shower & washed my 25 year old body clean to prepare for the upcoming day of working & being in an office building full of people. I decide to indulge in some self-gratifying pleasure before work today. Now at 25 I’ve had my fair share of flings with the opposite sex but none have lasted long or been all that emotional for me. Now I am by far no ladies’ man but with average looks & a likeable personality I had my share of experience...

3 years ago
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The Night I Met Pam

I was in a strange mood as I sat at the bar and watched the crowd. I had been hit on by three guys in the last thirty minutes but none of them seemed well….right. So, I politely refused their advances. I put my glass of wine down on the bar and looked at myself in the mirror wondering what am I doing here? This is not what I want. That was the problem, I did not know what I wanted. I walked outside to go to the car and looked down the street and noticed Dolly’s had a pretty good crowd....

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 111 Expiation

Notwithstanding the density of the crowd, M. de Villefort saw it open before him. There is something so awe-inspiring in great afflictions that even in the worst times the first emotion of a crowd has generally been to sympathize with the sufferer in a great catastrophe. Many people have been assassinated in a tumult, but even criminals have rarely been insulted during trial. Thus Villefort passed through the mass of spectators and officers of the Palais, and withdrew. Though he had...

3 years ago
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Anita inside the changing room

Anita wanted to purchase some new sexy lingerie at the mall; so she begged me to drive her there and help her with the choice…Once there, we went directly to a store lingerie at the second floor.Ana picked up some stuff she wanted to try and then we went to the back of the store, where my sexy wife entered a changing stall. She asked me to wait outside and I obeyed her, sitting down on a very comfortable couch right there. Five minutes later, I noticed Phillip coming down to the changing...

3 years ago
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Brother and SisterChapter 9

"Ohhhh, that's good, Steve!" Toni breathed, hunching up on his fingers. She gripped his rigid cock hard and felt the delicious thrills coursing through her loins. Wetness was leaking out on his knob, he was turning on! She wished that he would get around to going down on her one of these times! John Wells had lived up to their agreement, he had not tried to fuck her in the cunt--but he had gotten her interested in anal sex and she had naturally let him go off in her rectal passage! I...

2 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 10 Liz SindersonChapter 8

Bobby didn’t hear from Liz for two weeks. He thought that maybe their curiosity had finally been assuaged ... that Jeff’s needs had been met ... that they could move on to ... whatever. Then as September began to produce mild days and cool nights, he got another call. “The last time I saw you, it looked like one of your tires was low,” she said, without preamble. “You should probably drop into the station and get that checked.” “I see,” said Bobby. “When do you suppose I should do...

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Hot Naked CousinChapter 6

Dave Walker sat nakedly in his bed, cupping the telephone with one hand while his other hand began to stroke his growing hard-on. The boy could hardly believe that, on the other end of the phone, his cousin, Lani, was mouthing obscenities into his ear. His twin sister, Dina, had told him all about her torrid fuck- session with their cousin, so he should not have been surprised by her early morning telephone call. But, somehow, he had always thought it was only males who liked to make obscene...

1 year ago
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I have a tacit agreement with my man (he is eight-inches and thick) that I can please and be pleased sexually by another man around once a month. We set some basic rules a while back, outer sex only, no intercourse, my man can watch and masturbate. If the second man wants to blow my man I love to watch. Occasionally we have another woman instead of a man to pleasure us both, same rules apply. Something I insist on is the second man must be much younger than me, usually fifteen or...

2 years ago
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ABS Education

Twenty five and I have had my share of amazing sexual encounters and a few fantasy checked off of my list. I bought a swingers magazine with my normal purchase of Penthouse letters at one of our local noveltie stores and I read it from cover to cover. There was a lot more going on around town when it came to adult activities and Adult Book Stores. I knew we had an adult theater down town, I was about to go on an adventure and check them all out. Three stores just merchandise, three stores with...

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Wilbur Sees It DifferentlyChapter 16

Our spirits continued to be good as we neared the ranch. Fawn took good care of all of us. She was as advertised; a good woman. After twelve days of travel we got home to the ranch. All of my family came running out to greet us. I tossed my reins to Grass Bird and jumped down to hug my family. They all came and hugged and kissed me. Fawn and Grass Bird looked the other way. Little Antelope stared until Fawn made her look away. "I have missed you so much," I said as I hugged and kissed my...

2 years ago
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After School Without Rules

He had a grin on his face as he took her hand and led her into the media center. To her surprise it was completely deserted, normally it was packed after school then she saw why. As Teal walked by he flipped the sign to "closed" and locked the door behind them. She became suspicious pulling gout of his grip behind one of the bookshelves "what are we doing?" Without any warning what so ever Teal pushed her against the bookcase in a long kiss. Surprise shot though her body as he pushed...

3 years ago
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Sexual Healing

I recall the evening like it was yesterday, even though it's been over ten years. I stared down at the table and mindlessly picked at my food while my wife sat silently across from me. Nancy and I had been married almost 25 years at the time. We had been through so much together in those years, good times and bad. Of all that we had been through together, nothing was as tough as this. I just stared down at my plate. I really didn't want Nancy to see the tears that were forming in my eyes."What...

Love Stories
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Sally Decieved

Sally, If you want to see your husband again you’ll follow the instructions below. You will dress in the clothing which you will receive shortly, make sure you Wear everything; you will then be at the Hotel Castor by 8pm Enter the bar and sit in the 3rd booth at the far end of the room. You will be contacted with further...

3 years ago
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Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue 1 Of Bugs and Brawn

Mister Muscle and Love Bug Issue #1: Of Bugs and Brawn Chapter One: A Bug in the House She spent a lot of time playing with her zipper. It was either a nervous tic or (and this is the explanation I preferred) an attempt to draw my attention to the fact that she was all woman. Oh, and what a woman. I’d known, even before she walked through the door that she was in heat. Her presence had been announced by what I can only describe as pheromones. Not at all subtle either. I could feel the blood...

2 years ago
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Trophies Part 2

 I didn't mention it earlier: Carl practiced law mostly in Charleston SC, one of the more romantic cities in the South, and it's also home to MUSC -- the Medical University of South Carolina. One of my research grants includes a provision requiring me to offer seminars and training sessions at other universities. About two months after the ‘Show and Tell” I just told you about in part 1, I was scheduled to spend several days at MUSC. Women who travel for professional reasons know something...

Wife Lovers
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Johnnys ClosetChapter 7

There's something I haven't told you. Something that my sister Marie and I started doing shortly after we started peeking at mom and our sister Barbara. We started videotaping. That was 15 years ago, when I was 14 and she was 12, and you should see our tape library now. Not only have our video skills improved, but our methods of getting subjects have taken a quantum leap also. What we did next, after spying on the three couples in our motel the night before, will prove to you just how...

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Pregnant Louise X For R xx

Louise: Heavily pregnant former, next door neighbour.Lisa: Busybody friend of Louise.Larry: 'Me'!Italics: my thoughts/memories.Ginger breathlessly and slowly, straightened her legs and slowly straightened her legs. As she stood, my semi hard cock schlupped out of her cunt and immediately, cum gushed from her stretched hole; over her puffy, glistening cunt lips. The gooey mess began to trickle and wet my ballbag with the glistening, thick sperm. Blondie and Brunette 'ooh'd' and 'aahed' and...

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WhippedAss Aiden Starr Gia Derza The Test Subject

Struggling college student Gia Derza needs some extra money, so she signs up for random medical testing for a little payout. Gia finds herself up against latex nurse Aiden Starr, who runs a creepy dark medical facility. Aiden puts Gia through a battery of tests. She starts by fitting Gia with a gag, in order to do a proper inspection. She then tests Gia’s senses with a Wartenberg wheel. She runs it from her sexy nipples down to her clit. Aiden then spreads Gia’s hot wet pussy with a...

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Annas release

Anna looked at herself in the full-length mirror, a daily ritual of self-criticism.   Her breasts had developed nicely, but without surgery they’d never be more than a small B-cup, but nonetheless, she was satisfied with what she saw.   She had grown her hair out to shoulder length, although it was quite a plain, straight, flat brown.   Anna was most pleased with her hips and bum, which with the aid of hormones and exercise, had developed nicely.   The transformation was nearly complete....

4 years ago
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Jens Story Ch 05

Stuck Between Jake and a Hard Place The summer vacation came to an end and I was excited to be entering college. Erika and I were going to be living at home and attending the local university. This didn’t really thrill me much given my family life, but I was excited anyway because both Danny and Steve had accepted full scholarships to attend the same university. I was so happy that Danny had not gone to some school far away. I now hung out with Danny’s friends which included Steve of course....

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Virgin Anal Teen 19 Meets Online Mature Couple On

I was up late one humid british summer night camming with one hand on the mouse and the other on my hairy thick bulging 19 year old virgin cock. I had a lot of interest with several guys chatting with me but none of whom really got me going enough to start any sort of show with. I am a straight guy normally but online my type becomes the older guy who becomes really attached in trying to get me to show and do more. The night remained pretty boring until I was about to log off when a guy starts...

3 years ago
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My first time with a stranger

I waited and waited for hours. Spent hours sitting on a bench and it was getting dark. Then a tall old man walked in. He was surprised to see me there. He looked like a bear, hairy tall, a bit of a belly and a moustache. He came towards me and stood infront of me. I pulled my earphones out. He: what are you doing here son? me: oh... i was just waiting for a friend we decided to meet up here he: boy this is not a place to hangout with friends... me: oh alright ill just leave when my friend...

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Jazz Club

We make a date to meet up in a dark seedy jazz club, it’s a busy night and full of people, There are people everywhere, and they have got a couple of really good bands on, so you know it’s going to get really busy in there, I’m standing in a   corner close to the   front where the stage is , it’s   almost dark with very little light,   dressed in black shirt and black trousers, I see you come in, looking really hot in a little black number which   just fits to the top...

Straight Sex
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The Country Cottage

Alan and Lorraine Robertson were both aged in their late fifties and had been married for thirty-five years but their marriage had been under strain for quite some while. Neither had anyone else, but there was currently little love between them and there had not been sex for quite a while, they slept in separate rooms.A few weeks previously Lorraine had rented a country cottage to see if maybe that would bring them back together but since booking it she had become less and less enthusiastic...

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Fun In The Night But Nothing In The Morning

Hi! This is Rahul age 25 from Mumbai this is my first story and please forgive me, if there are any mistakes. This is an incident happened few months back. I am basically from Mumbai and now, I’m not well built or an athletic body I am a normal, shy person. I always stare at the girl’s ass and breast, I can’t resist myself my eyes goes automatically. This happened during my travel from Goa side to Mumbai in government bus; in the bus, the person next to me was a girl, 4 years elder me I was...

1 year ago
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HorrorPorn Alien Invaders E53

When their ships appeared in the sky, it was too late. The terrible invaders from deep space had unleashed sexual hell on Earth. The world was disrupted, civilization fell into eternal darkness, and humans were reproduced en masse in human breeding grounds. Genetically modified alien hunters were capturing human beauties, fucking them with their thick cocks and filled them up with alien cum. A brave few remained as the last light of hope for humanity and they organised an armed resistance...

4 years ago
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I sat on her because I'd had enough. For over ten years she'd been the bee in my bonnet and I'd told her time and again that one day I'd have enough of her sarcasm, barbs, snide remarks, cuts and jabs and if it continued I'd turn her over my knee.She was a friend of an old girl friend. The girl friend and I had broken up within weeks of starting to go together but in that time I'd met a circle of the gal's female friends and she was one. After the breakup I still saw most of the gals around...

4 years ago
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FaceoffChapter 2

Chapter 2 I will not bore you with a description of the wedding. To tell the truth, this affair was strictly for the women. I had very little to do other than to stand there and look noble, and no other men were involved once Sir Jorst verified that I was the man who had saved Anslee's life. After that, there was some sort of ceremony that I didn't understand. Anyway, when the ceremony was over, Anslee did confirm that we were indeed married. That was all I wanted to hear, and now I was...

2 years ago
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Stay At Home DadChapter 2

For the remainder of the month everything seemed okay. The following month Ray was back and Cara always came home later and often upset. She hardly played with our boys. Sometimes she didn't eat dinner. I had to find out what the problem was. The next time she came home upset, I told her we needed to talk. "What is it, Cara? Is Ray making advances toward you?" I asked. "Not exactly, John. He does kid around and tries to touch my arm or hand whenever I'm alone with him. He talks about...

2 years ago
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The Cleaning Lady in the CabinChapter 2

The rest of the day seemed like a blur. Between normal school stuff and his sexual encounter; Josh found himself exhausted. He had no idea who she was other than a custodian. Not knowing if he should tell anyone about the encounter, or about her stealing school supplies. The more he thought about it, he knew that telling on her would only cause more grief and questions. Josh also knew that he had just received one of the best blowjobs of his life. Walking down the hall way, Josh stopped by...

3 years ago
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AxemanChapter 28

At 9:25 Sunday morning, I stood on the steps of the condo complex waiting for my ride. A familiar metallic orange Charger glided around the corner. “Morning, Jason.” “Good morning, Ed,” I responded after closing the car door. She looked great. Edna had on a touch of makeup and a smile, enhanced by gorgeous deep red lipstick that set everything off and brighten her face. “Can you tell me your family’s names again?” I asked once we were on the road. I received the rendition along with a...

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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 11

As the school year was coming to an end, Chloe was satisfied with her accomplishments. Barring an unlikely brain meltdown at the term ending exams she was going to pass her first year at the University of Minnesota with a 4.0 GPA. She was also pleased with her tutoring skill. She had been recruited by her academic advisor to help Dexter Randall Hamilton, the university’s football team quarterback, in studying for his math courses. Chloe’s assistance was so effective that Randy was going to pass...

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Becoming Daddys Perfect Fucktoy 2

Chapter 1 Bad Dreams AAAAHHHHHHH! The ear piercing scream woke me suddenly from my sleep, bolting upright in bed and after just milliseconds while I wondered where I was, I shot up and bolted from the bedroom and out into the hall heading straight to Sophie’s room. I quickly got to her bedroom to find her standing next to her bed in tears and shaking, I was there in an instant hugging her petite body tight to myself, kissing the top of her head. “There, there darling, it was just a bad...

2 years ago
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The pleasure of pain

She was standing in a darkened room, stripped bare but for a strict black leather posture collar and a silk blindfold covering her eyes. Her arms were held high in the air, each one tied to the ceiling on opposite sides of the room. Her legs received similar treatment, spread wide with rope attaching each ankle to the walls surrounding her. No room for manoeuvre. As she heard the door close and his footsteps disappear she tested her bonds. First her arms, trying to pull them down, inwards,...

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DreamweaverChapter 27 A Big Step

I moved the rest of us to my office so Bob and Rebecca could have the cabana to themselves. As soon as we arrived Shannon said, "Debriefing," and everyone dissolved into laughter again. Once we settled down I reached to remove Amber's collar again, "I told you you could take the night off and be yourself, so..." but she pulled away. "Please don't," she asked. I almost slipped and let it go but then I snapped at her, "I did not ask you. You have not yet earned your place, take it...

3 years ago
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NEW fetish i just been doing my thing thinking i knew everthing . but latley i been noticingi atrract to the no good gitls that for less of a term aint shit. im no player. but i seen my female freind convince her boy freind t powwer.o go both wats. i wwas like damn. for real i was scared . but it attract me cause that was a her. power. i Use to mud her out but she bever took charge . so one day i told to punch me. she she just give order and i i was way out of line. so setting to get a some...

2 years ago
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Bollywood fetish sex

Here is my fantasy for 2 of bollywoods not very famous females rituparnasen gupta n sonali kulkarni,they have something very sluttish n sexy in their looks esp in desi outfits like saari, salwaar kurtas n all .We have some ancesteral land in a village n an old man takes care of it so i decide to make a visit there, i pack all my stuff along wit my laptop n some porn dvd’s , i reach the village in settle down in the small house in the farm , the old man has taken good care of the farm , i asked...

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