Knox County Ch. 03 free porn video

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Will was waiting for her at a table on the sidewalk. She turned the corner, a half block from the diner, and saw him looking around, his face lighting up when he saw her. He waved, but she kept her hands jammed in her pockets.

‘Hi,’ he said, standing as she approached and holding a chair out for her. She sat and he pushed the chair in after her.

‘Can I see it?’ she said.

He reached into his pocket and retrieved an envelope, folded in half. He smoothed it out and slid it across. Northwestern Medical Center the envelope said. She tore it open and pulled out the piece of paper folded inside. A photocopy of his driver’s license was on the front with his vital statistics and billing information. She saw the date of birth. He’s thirty-one, she noticed, right around where she’d guessed. She scanned to the bottom. The results were clear: Negative for all sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis, and HIV.

She folded the paper and slid it into her purse. ‘Thank you,’ she said. He nodded, smiling. She saw he was dressed much as before, light blue oxford dress shirt with heavy starch, red tie loosened at his neck with the top button undone, navy blue suit pants, and a matching navy blue jacket draped over his chair.

A waitress appeared, handed them menus, and took their drink orders. He ordered a bottle of Lite, Diet Pepsi for her. Then she turned back at him, raising her eyebrow but saying nothing.

He seemed embarrassed. ‘I’m sorry,’ he started. ‘You think I’m some kind of stalker or something. It’s just that, well, you know. There was more there.’

He was right, of course, but she could let him know that. She couldn’t let this get any further.

‘Are you going to say anything?’

‘How much was the test?’ she said.

He shook his head. ‘I don’t care about the test. I want to know if I’m right. Was there something more?’

She sipped her soda, trying to dodge the issue. ‘Why don’t you slow down a little,’ she suggested. ‘You don’t even know me.’

He took a swig of his beer before speaking. ‘Okay, you mentioned a babysitter. Do you have children?’

She smiled. ‘I have a little boy. Brandon. He’s three now.’ He pursed his lips. ‘Scared yet?’ she said. He shook his head. ‘No, it’s not that. I just, well, I guess I never thought about it until you mentioned a babysitter. Didn’t seem like. . . .’

‘Like something a hooker would have?’

‘You’re not a hooker. You’re. . . . I don’t know. Different. But not a hooker.’

‘Just because I don’t stand on the street in skimpy skirts, charging fifty bucks for a blowjob, that doesn’t mean I’m not a hooker. I’m just an expensive one, which is the only kind I would be until I don’t need to be one anymore.’

He said nothing. The waitress came, took their order, and left. Still he didn’t speak, so she spoke for him.

‘I know you want to ask, so go ahead and ask.’ He looked at her, and she said, ‘Okay, I’ll ask it for you. ‘Why?’ Right? That’s what you want to know. How does a single girl with a little boy decide to do it.’

He said nothing, but his eyes told her she was right.

‘Because there’s no other way for me to make money, pay for my school, and support my child. That’s why.’

‘Where do you go to school?’

‘I’m in the pharmacological program–the last year, thank God–at Wisconsin/Madison.’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘A pharmacist? At Madison?’ She nodded. ‘But that’s three hours from here.’

She nodded again. ‘Exactly. So my chances of ever running into a client are between slim and none.’

‘Then you live in Madison?’

She shook her head. ‘I’m not telling you that. Where I live.’ His face told her he was going to push the point, so she headed him off. ‘Listen Will, you’re a great guy. Smart, handsome, sweet.’ She smiled. ‘Great lover. But we can’t date. You don’t want to date a hooker, okay?’

He shook his head. ‘No, you’re wrong. You could give it up.’

Her eyes flashed anger. ‘And do what? Feed my baby how? It’s not that easy for all of us, Will. Sometimes you make choices, do things you never thought you’d do. But you do them because you have to. You have to so you can get a shot at something better. Something better for me. Something better for my boy.’ He reached over and placed his hand on hers, but she jerked it away. ‘No, don’t. The problem’s that when you make those choices, you give up certain things. You give up chances. Chances like coming here, to the Big City, and taking up a career. Chances like dating anyone because they’ll get jealous and get in the way. Don’t you see that?’

He shook his head. ‘But no one would know,’ he said.

She laughed. ‘Don’t be naive,’ she said. ‘They already know. Can you imagine me going to some firm get together with you? Running into two or three clients? They’d laugh at me. Maybe not to my face, but they’d laugh. And they’d laugh at you, too. And that would probably be to your face. You’d be done.’

He sat back, looking down at the table in front of him. His voice was low. ‘You’re right.’

They said nothing until the food arrived. ‘Come on,’ she whispered, ‘I’m starving. And I’ve got a train to catch.’

He nodded, and they ate in silence. He walked her to the train station, and she let him hold her hand. But she turned a cheek to him when he leaned over to kiss her goodbye.

Watching the train pull out of the station, Will realized she’d never answered his question. Was there something more there?

* * *

David stood in the shower, playing through the whole scene again in his mind. He played it through in his mind, on the picnic table, exposed to the world, Aimee trying to comfort him, then allowing him to use her to channel his rage. She’d done that, all right. She’d gotten off on it, too. He was getting an erection at the thought.

She was beautiful, he realized. Fifteen or so years younger than him–mid-twenties tops–with short-cut red hair parted off-center and falling straight, fair skin with light freckles, and bright green eyes. She had an outstanding figure, too: Short, maybe five three, slim hips, and small breasts, pert and pokey with quarter-sized areolae. She looked so pure and innocent, young, not yet jaded. Yet he saw her last night, watching something that would send him purple with fury. He couldn’t quite read her reaction. Was it curiosity? Sadness? Was she unconsciously turned on watching her husband fuck another woman? Probably a mixture, he figured.

Aimee was nothing like Cynthia, though. Sure, Cynthia was also beautiful, kept in shape, and had a great body, but she was different. His wife was older obviously, but still young enough to turn the heads of any post-pubescent male she passed. She was also more experienced, liked it rough sometimes, and was always ready with a devilish smile, a blazing look of desire that he knew only too well.

With that, his erection died. He missed her, and he wasn’t particularly happy about that realization. Was some of this his fault? Maybe, he realized, he wasn’t satisfying her the way he had. Maybe he was spending too much time at the office and not enough time with her. Still, he didn’t want her back. He needed to move on, and he realized he could never do that with Cynthia back in his life.

But how? How the hell was he going to move on? He thought about it long and hard as he finished getting ready for work and drove to the office.

By the time he booted up his computer, he still had no answers. And before he knew it, he was again lost in his world of security codes and encryption.

* * *

By the time Aimee awoke, the sun was beginning to beat down. She wanted to close her eyes again, knowing that in only two weeks she’d be starting another school year when lazy mornings in bed would be restricted to weekends and holidays.

‘Good morning, Sunshine,’ Tim said.

She rolled her head. He was on is side, hand propping the si
de of his head, staring at her and smiling. She smiled back.

‘Mornin’ Sweetie,’ she said.

Under the blankets she felt his hand reach over and brush her hip. He raised an eyebrow, stroking back to her ass and cupping a cheek in his hand.

What am I thinking? she thought, leaning over and brushing her lips against his. Morning breath and stale coffee wafted around her nose, which only aroused her further. His schedule made it difficult to make love during normal hours. As a result, when they managed to find the time to make love they did so in the morning, before either brushed their teeth or showered. This used to turn her off, but she barely noticed now. Instead, it triggered her body to what was coming.

He pushed her over and leaned in close, now stroking the flat of her belly. His lips lowered to her and kissed, his tongue darting out. ‘Frisky?’ he whispered.

She only murmured in response. She ran her bare hands over his chest, tangling her fingers in the coarse, curly hair. He was muscular, his pecs ripping hard and his stomach washboard flat and toned, and she felt his hard physique through her fingertips.

His hand ran down her belly to the mound under her panties and pressed, his finger reaching out and rubbing her slit through the thin cotton. She felt her clit hardening and reached for him through his boxers.

He was already hard. He was always hard, she thought, her legs parting and hips rising to meet his finger as it ran the length of her. And he was always gentle, but apparently only with her. She heard his soft intake of breath as her fingers reached under the band of his boxers and grasped his cock. She squeezed, stroking him and feeling his hips pumping into her hand. Images started racing through her mind. He’s bigger than David, she thought, but David was more forceful, more urgent than Tim had been almost since they first started dating in high school. She felt herself getting wetter and more aroused at the memory of David, and she wondered if there were marks on her bottom where he’d slapped her. She still felt tender there, but she knew she wanted it more rough.

She wanted it, she now knew, more like Tim gave it to all of them.

She pushed into him and broke their kiss. ‘I want you to fuck me hard,’ she said, looking into his eyes.

His smile vanished and was replaced by–what was it? Doubt? Surprise?

His hand stopped rubbing her, and she pushed her hips upward toward his hand. But he’d stopped and was staring at her.

‘What did you say?’

She smiled. ‘You heard me,’ she said, licking her lips and pumping his cock faster. ‘I said I want you to fuck the shit out of me. Now. I don’t want you to be gentle.’

He was stunned. His mouth hung open, and his throbbing hardness started shrinking in her hand.

‘What’s wrong?’ she said. She was taken aback. He was so forceful with all the others. She wanted that, wanted him to do the same thing to her, for her. She wanted him to ravish her and make her feel sexy and wanted. She didn’t, she now realized, want the same old boring, gentle, tender lovemaking.

He only stared at her, and she felt her face going flush with anger. ‘What the fuck’s wrong?’

‘When did you become such a . . . a . . . . When did you start talking like that? What’s come over you?’

She was flustered. She was worked up, wetter than she’d been since . . . well, since yesterday actually. But yesterday with David had been the best sex–the most exciting sex–she’d had in years. She knew she wanted that now. Maybe not always, but at least some of the time. And she wanted it with Tim.

She settled down and snuggled into him, trying to re-establish the intimacy. ‘Nothing’s come over me, honey. I just, you know. It’s just that we’ve been in a rut lately. Maybe not– ‘ ‘A rut?’ Anger seeped into his voice. ‘I’m not doing well enough for you? Is that what you’re saying? You wanna try something different?’

She tried to interrupt him, but he was getting worked up now. ‘What the fuck do you wanna try? Maybe something you read in one of your little books? Something you saw on the internet?’ He pushed himself off the bed and readjusted his boxers, glaring at her. ‘Something a boyfriend did for you?’

Her eyes went wide. ‘Fuck you!’ she screamed. ‘Fuck you and fuck your whores!’

He froze, his eyes narrowing and his lips pressing together. ‘What did you say?’

She hopped from the other side of the bed, reaching for her bathrobe and tying the sash around her waist, her back to him.

‘I said, what. Did. You. Say?’

Her shoulders sagged, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. She felt his footsteps around the bed, felt his hand grab her arm and squeeze.

‘I’m not going to ask you again,’ he hissed into her ear.

Her anger returned and she turned her face to his. ‘You heard me. I said fuck you. And fuck your whores. Every goddamned one of them. That’s what I said.’

‘What are you talking about,’ he said. He was still angry, which made her madder yet. How dare he be angry at her?

She looked down at his hand on her arm. He was squeezing harder. ‘Get your hand off me. Now.’

He looked down and saw his hand, then he looked back into her eyes. She felt his hand loosen, then drop away from her arm. Her eyes stayed on his, locking them in, blazing with fury.

‘I know about them, Tim,’ she said. She shoved him away from her. ‘All of them. So quit playing Mister Fucking Innocent.’ She walked past him and out of the room, his footsteps following her into the kitchen.

‘Who?’ he said behind her. ‘What are you talking about?’

She spun on him. ‘Who? Jesus, Tim, I’ve got pictures of you with them. Pictures going back the last four, five, six months.’ His face went pale. ‘Yeah, hotshot. Pictures of you fucking the chick with the red convertible. Fucking the mechanic’s wife.’ She laughed. ‘Fucking little Jenny’s ass last night.’

His face turned from surprise to shock, so she decided to pour it on even further.

‘Oh yeah, Romeo. All of them. In living color. In the dugout at the little league fields. Behind the Ford dealership. And, of course, in the parking lot at school.’ She laughed at him. ‘Brilliant, Einstein. The fucking school I work at.’

She strode past him and back into the bedroom. When she reappeared a minute later, he was still frozen, his eyes following her return. Then he saw what was in her hand, and his expression turned from shock to horror, his jaw dropping.

She stopped in front of him and thrust the panties to his nose. ‘Smell familiar?’ she said. She reached down and shoved them in the front of his boxers. ‘Maybe you should give them back to Miss Red Convertible,’ she yelled, pushing them hard against his balls and feeling him gulp with pain. ‘And maybe you shouldn’t leave them in your fucking uniform for your wife to find, Einstein.’

She stormed past him again and returned to the bedroom. She went to the closet and scooped out all the uniforms she could find. She carried them back out to the kitchen. He had the panties in one hand now, the other rubbing his crotch. She threw the uniforms at his feet.

‘Now get the fuck out!’

Her tears came back, welling up in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. She ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. A few minutes later, she heard his footsteps outside the door, heard him knock softly.

‘Please, baby,’ he kept saying. ‘Please, can’t we just talk about this?’

He did this for a half hour, but she wouldn’t respond. She sat on the floor, her back against the tub, crying into her hands.

Ten minutes after he stopped and she heard the front door open and close, she went back out. Her tears had dried, but she was still sniffling. His uniforms were still sitting in a pile on the floor, the panties now on top.

She knew he wouldn’t leave, so she went back into her bedroom and started throwing all of his clothe
s into garbage bags and piling the bags in the middle of the living room.

When she finished, she found a pen and paper and wrote him a note, taping it to the top garbage bag.

The note read, ‘Take your shit, get out, and stay out. If you come back, the photos go to Chief Lewis and the husbands and fathers of your whores.’

* * *

Cynthia had stayed awake until nearly one in the morning her first day at Sean’s house. She’d cleaned the kitchen and the living room thoroughly. The surfaces were dusted, trash disposed of, magazines stacked neatly on bookshelves, and floors swept, mopped, and area rugs vacuumed. She’d gone through the refrigerator and thrown away the spoiled foods, which was most of it, and done the dishes, wiped the counters clean, and mopped the floor. She was exhausted by the time she’d finished the kitchen went to bed, still fully dressed when she sank into the comforter and dozed off. The next morning, she awoke and wondered where she was. Then reality came flooding back and she looked at her wrist. It was nearly eight, and her eyes shot wide open as she sat upright and pushed herself off the bed.

When she entered the kitchen, Sean was standing at the refrigerator, staring in and rummaging around. He was dressed the same as when she’d seen him last night. My God, she thought, he hasn’t been to bed.

He turned and looked at her briefly, then looked back into the refrigerator. ‘Where’s the milk?’ he said through the door. He had an accent. It wasn’t heavy, but there was a lilt to his cadence and a slight rolling of the arrs.

She smoothed down her blouse and realized she must look like hell. ‘It was spoiled,’ she said, walking toward him.

His head peeked back up over the top of the door. ‘Who are you?’

His eyes were rimmed in red, his hair greasy and matted down, and big bags were under the eyes. His voice was calm, curious rather than inquisitive.

She smiled, trying to put him at ease. ‘I’m Cynthia Holloway,’ she said, stepping closer and holding her hand out. ‘We met yesterday. With Mr. Hollister and Ms. Cuthbert?’

‘We did?’ he said. He reached over and shook her hand. His hand was dry, his grip firm, and she thought she felt a tremble. She didn’t know if it was fatigue or nervousness.

‘I’m your new housekeeper?’ she said, trying to jog his memory.

‘Housekeeper?’ He seemed lost. His voice and expression told her this didn’t ring a bell.

She nodded. ‘Mr. Hollister said you need someone to take care of you for awhile.’

‘He did?’

‘He did.’

‘Then does that mean you’re going to go out and get some milk? For my tea?’ She smiled. ‘I suppose that’s exactly what that means.’


‘Do you need it now?’

He nodded.

‘Then I’ll get cleaned up and go into town and do some shopping.’ He seemed pleased with that. ‘And when I get back I’ll make you some breakfast, if that’s okay.’

‘Nonono,’ he said, ‘no need for all that bother. I’ll just make some toast and jam.’

‘No you won’t,’ she said. He was like a little boy, curious, eager to please, and she realized she was treating him as she had treated her little brothers all those years ago. ‘You’ll let me make you a proper breakfast. And you’ll eat it and like it, okay?’

‘Yes, mum.’ He yawned, and she saw the exhaustion washing over his body and face.

She placed her hand behind his arm and guided him into the great room and to the couch. He allowed himself to be steered and sat on the couch. She placed her hand in the middle of his chest and led his back to the couch, feeling his sternum and ribs, the beating of his heart, through his shirt.

He said nothing, staring into her eyes the entire time. He allowed her to reach down and lift his legs and scoot him fully on the couch. ‘I want you to take a nap until I get back. Okay?’ He said nothing in response. She pulled an afghan from the back of the couch and slid it over him, tucking him in. He snuggled into the blanket, and she ran a finger through his hair.

‘Do you want me to bring you a pillow?’ He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. ‘Then I’ll try to hurry,’ she said.

She returned to her room, brushed her teeth, showered, and got dressed. When she returned to check on him, he was sleeping soundly on the couch. His lips were parted, and a light snore emitted with the gentle rise and fall in his chest.

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An American War HeroChapter 22

East River was moving swiftly as they merged into the stream of vessels heading south. Around them were tugs, barges and ferries. Those moving toward the city with produce and those away from it full of refuse, prisoners bound for Rikers' and workers on the night shift. Even in the light of early dawn New York was impressive. David was on the bridge with a German non-com, pointing out hazards and giving directions to their mooring site. Liz, Josh and Julia were at the bow, rubbernecking like...

2 years ago
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The Party Chapter Four

The Party Chapter FourWith a big grin, Dick asks if I will untie you so he can lie on the bed while you suck his cock. “Hey, you are a paying customer, so you can have her anyway you please.” With that I quickly untie you, leaving the collar, leg and ankle cuffs and blindfold on. While I am untying you, Dick has removed his pants and underwear and stretched out on the bed with his legs spread wide. His cock is hard and standing straight up; I judge it to be about six inches long and about as...

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On Bloodhounds and Not Falling in LoveChapter 3

Two hours later, the girls seemed to be loosening up a little, losing what little they had left of reserve. All four of them were seated at the patio table. The girls were still unclothed except for their heels, but the men had pulled on their polo shirts and boxer shorts. Despite sucking off the two men, Keryl and to a lesser degree her daughter both still seemed a bit shy and unsure of themselves in the company of their host. Still, when there were dogs around, especially horny dogs, the...

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MILF Neighbourhood

Introduction: I hope you like this story, if you have anything constructive to say please leave a message. "Fuck me harder!" Cynthia Young screamed at her new husband. It was their honeymoon, they were in Paris, France and they were staying at a fancy hotel. Cynthia's husband was George Young, he was the son of a famous musician and was himself a successful lawyer in California. At 22 years old Cynthia was younger than the 35 year old George. They met at a party held by a mutual friend and fell...

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Making the MILF List P01

We were five regular guys who did not specialize in introspection or self-examination till one day we were sitting around after classes were over for the week just being bored. Going to the local community college and living at home meant several things. We had to get good grades, none of us worked regularly and our parents paid for everything which meant we were broke all the time and had no fun. None of us were getting laid or getting close and we all blamed the fact that we were living with...

1 year ago
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Maid fucked

The MaidFriday evening, as part of my cleaning business I arrived at a large residence. You opened the door and welcomed me. You then went off to your desk and back to your work. Meanwhile I took my coat off and got all my cleaning things out. I finished cleaning your bathrooms, hallway and started cleaning the rooms. I walked into the living room in my maid outfit and began cleaning and dusting off the bookshelves. You peaked at me from other room without me noticing as the clicking...

3 years ago
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Brett and Amber Part IV

It was a nice day for sailing, the winds were perfect, the sails taut. The boat heeled over ever so slightly as we sped toward Maui. Sally and I were naked, as usual, as we soaked up the sun. Brett was at the wheel, keeping us on course. We wanted the boat to be tied up before the sun sank from the sky. Jake and Sally were talking together, something they hadn't had much chance to do. The few past days were filled with sailing and sex.I stared out to sea as I daydreamed of last night. How Brett...

Group Sex
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Spizoo Riley Reyes Loves Christmas

Riley Reyes is ready to make this Christmas season extra special. She’s used to having her way with Santa, but this year she helps his help in a festive Elf fucking. Not one, but two cocks, are serviced on this special day. This blonde hair, blue eyed, sex bomb is ready to do whatever it takes to make sure all are happy for the holidays. And she knows it wouldn’t be a real Christmas without some snow!! Take a POV look at Riley face receive an absolute blizzard from the north poles...

4 years ago
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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 17

Six weeks after I had my baby I had my first period and felt relieved that I wasn't pregnant. In a way I wished that I had been to minimize the effects of the fertility pills Ronnie had been forcing me to take everyday. The next month I wasn't as fortunate and missed my period. By my next missed cycle was feeling nauseous and knew without a doubt that I was pregnant. Momma had her double twins about ten days after I went back to work and Ronnie was glad to see there was a good assortment...

3 years ago
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A Love Story

A LOVE STORY My husband and I were just turned twenty nine with the big three zero on the horizon and had been married for seven years. "Gillian, do you realise that if we're not careful those two milestones are a statistical risk to our marriage?" Jeremy asked me one evening. "I don't think they're any more dangerous than the rut we've got into lately," I told him. "We have sex on Fridays and Saturdays and one more mid-week, it's getting to be an automatic task rather than...

3 years ago
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StepMothers Sex SlaveCrossdresser blackma

My heart pounds as I tip-toe across the soft, pink carpet in my parents' room. I'm home alone. My stepmother's lingerie collection awaits.A floorboard creaks as I make my way to the dresser. I'm facing my worst nightmare--getting caught playing with Ann's lacy undies. But I'm totally hooked on wrapping myself in her silk and lace. I decide to move forward. The risk adds to the adrenaline rush.I stretch out my fingers to grab the drawer's brass knobs. The sensual pleasures of cross-dressing are...

1 year ago
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Kinkiest Sex

This story goes eight years back when I had just complied my graduation and joined my father’s business. At that time I was not married and naturally was having deep interest in sex like any boy of my age. Before beginning my story I think I have to start with my background. I belong to a conservative family in Gujarat where talking about even friendship with girl was seen as taboo. I studied in a boys’ school. Then went to Ahmedabad for further studies. There I had a complete freedom to make...

2 years ago
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My Innocent Mother Changed As A Hot And Horny By Our Relative 8211 Part 2

Dear friends, First of all I am really sorry for the delay. As I haven’t got any motivating comments, I am a little bit dissatisfied. I had seen many other web sites copying my earliest story. So finally decided to go ahead. The once who failed to find the part 1, please on the link on top. Coming to the story, After the conversation with mayura uncle, I am sleepless. I had informed my parents regarding mayura uncle’s arrival. I am imagining like my mom in may uncle’s hands, he is kissing...

4 years ago
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Lost My Virginity To My Aunty

I m 20yrs old from Goa this happened when we went out for dinner at night. My aunty is 6ft tall and looks like a actress from the hindi daily soaps(serials) her hair is up to the shoulder length, her weight to body ratio is perfect her breasts are of normal size not to huge nor to small perfect for the body size. I could never see her nipples even when she used to be in her night wear then I found out that she used to wear a bra which had those spongy mounds which would prevent the impression...

1 year ago
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Not what I expected0

=====Let me start off by saying this has never happened to me before. This is merely a story I wrote for a friend. This story is completely fictional and I hope that this does not represent a real story in life for somebody. If it does, well suck it up. You got laid. Congratulations; it really isn’t that big of a deal. Now on to the story.===== The drive was unbearable. Seven hours on a deserted highway only to stop at two different gas stations for pee breaks and to stretch the legs....

3 years ago
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The Blue Roan

Christine Hamilton gazed at the passing scenery as the stagecoach bounced over the rough terrain. The differences between Nevada and Virginia were stark and had become more apparent with each passing day of her journey. Virginia had many more towns, homes and businesses along the more traveled roads, and far less dust. She hadn’t seen a single building in the entire five hours she’d traveled since leaving Carson City. As she watched the sagebrush and colorful wildflowers glide across her view,...

4 years ago
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Coming Home5

“OH, MY GOD! YES, YES, YEEESSS—AHHHH!!!” she squealed, burying her head in his shoulder as he exploded deep inside her… A FEW DAYS EARLIER… “Ok, we’ll pick you up at the airport at eight o’clock sharp. I’ll see you soon—Bye” said an older gentleman, putting down a cell phone as he sat near a computer. The man was of average height and weight for his age of forty-five, with slightly graying hair and wearing a work coat that read ‘Bill’ on the name-tag. Turning his attention back to...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Lily Lane Draven Star The Prospect

Xander’s Old Lady is the hottest bitch in the club! Lily Lane’s perfect tits and ass just scream out Fuck Me! And now, she is bringing around another hot bitch Draven Star! Draven is Lily’s latest Prospect, and Xander is going to meet them both back at the garage to see whats up. But knowing Xander, if this new bitch Draven does not give it up the way he likes it, then it’s going to be Lily’s ass on the line! And Lily is all about getting fucked anal style, that is...

4 years ago
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 50 The First Wedding

Saturday Week 23 They slept in, with Kellie waking up with a start as she realised it was 8:30 am. "Sorry, Dave, I've got to fly. You can stay in bed if you want, but I have to be leaving in an hour, so I'm off to the shower" she told him, kissing him gently on the mouth before bounding out of bed and rushing into the ensuite. Dave lay there for a few moments, but then got up and joined Kellie in the ensuite. It was really a full bathroom, with a large double shower, a spa bath for two...

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Masturbating in the car

So i was driving home from work along the usual back roads to avoid traffic. It a nice day outside very sunny and warm. I start thinking about the busty girls i had seen at the beach the weekend before. My cock starts to get hard. I rub myself a bit through my pants and decide im going to jerk off when i get home. since i havent done it all day i knew i would shoot a nice big load. After another few minutes i cant take it anymore. My cock is throbbing in my pants, straining to get out. I...

3 years ago
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Pehla Nasha Pyaar Ka

Hello dosto,me hemang aap sab ka tahedil he swagat karta hu,me last 6 months se iss ka regular reader hu, Yaha par sabhi stories padh kar mujhe bhi laga ki mujhe bhi meri ek story add karni chahiye sabse pehle me aapko apne bare me bata du mera naam hemang he aur me Gujarat ke junagadh city ka rehne vala hu aur meri age 21 he,mere land ki size 6 inches jyada good looking to nahi hu par mera plus point he ki me sabhi friends ki help ke liye hazir rehta hu. Aur meri ye story usi ka natija...

2 years ago
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Spin The Bottle

Spin The Bottle œ By VaVaVoom The taxi pulled over at the side of the road and Jen and Zoe got outwhile Jake paid the driver.They had been to the football clubs fancy dress presentation evening.As Jake got out of the taxi and picked up his cane, to his head masters costume,the twoeighteen year olds stood there giggling and whispering. Jen was dressed ina school uniformcomprising of short black skirt with splits up either side and white sheerblouse, black bra and aschool tie, while Zoe wore a...

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The Firedrill

This is a short version of a day at work that my husband will only know about if he finds this story online. Remember how exciting fire drills at school were when you were a kid? You got away from your boring math class and got to go outside and check out all the hotties and if you were lucky maybe sneak away for a couple of hours with your friends. Well fire drills can be exciting as a grown up too… Serval years ago I worked on a team where I was the only woman and was able to enjoy...

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Incident Worth Reading

Let me start with the same preamble as other ISS guys start. I have never thought I will ever share an incident in a public portal. But as we mature our perspective towards life changes. I never bothered to ask her about the assets and stuff as well never measures mine too. Going to the incident, presently I am Middle East working as an engineer, kind of boring life, just office house and vice versa. I hail from Cochin Kerala pursued engineering from Bangalore and took masters from Australia ....

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My first cocksucking experience

We were on our way home from having beers at a sports bar. I have known Wes for 8 years. Never had a serious conversation around anything like this. Of course we have joked about it the ways guys do. We called each other "fags" and other not so PQ things when we were younger. This was what the conversation was about this night on the way home. He said something to the effect of "your so gay, I'll bet you wouldn't blow me." We had been going back and forth like this for about 5-10 minutes. I was...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Sex With Friend

Hi friends….I am Gagan aur aaj mai apko apki aur ek frd ki kahani btane jaa rha huu…. Before that if any girl or lady want any type of benefit from me then mail me on so here we goo…. Soi phle mai apne bareme bta duu mai ek healthy muscular ladka huu age 21 height 5foot aur lund kabhi measure nhi kia but jisse bhi chodda h sabne kha h ki bhoot bdda and mota h… Sooo February ki bat hai hum sub friends ek reunion party krr rhe the ek ladki megha joo ki meri bhoot achi frd h wo mujje milli...

2 years ago
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Female Lifestyle Dominant

I did not become a dominant by accident! It was party fate and it was a combination of three factors. The first factor is any hypothesis and only theory, but I'm sure it was a important part in my path towards the dominant side of B&D.A) PhysiologyWe all have male and female hormones; science has proven that the behavioural traits come from these hormones. Meaning male hormones produce an aggressive behaviour and female hormones produce a passive behaviour. Some females produce xxy factor...

2 years ago
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Saving AmandaChapter 3

My supply chopper will be here tomorrow. I have arrangements for monthly visits by a member of my former guard troop, who runs his own chopper service. I give him a list of supplies when he comes, then he brings them on his next visit. This is the first time I’ve been without any communications at all. While he’s here, I hope to use his radio or maybe his cellphone if he has service up here. He does at times and I’ve used it before. I need to call my dish satellite service and have them help...

3 years ago
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Mind the TeacherChapter 3

Ms. Kraus followed the noise to the teacher's lounge and pressed her ear against the closed door. Her face hardened knowing that no one should be in there at this time, and she imagined all kinds of misbehavior from a card game to drinking. But when she opened the door, her open hand smacked against her mouth. What she saw was incomprehensible. Mr. Baxter was fucking a young girl while another naked teenage girl was licking the first girl's breasts. "Oh my god, what are you doing to those...

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Orgasmic Corn

AN IDEA FORMS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  When I was in college, a friend of mine, who had studied psychology, was talking to me about conditioned responses and he shared with me a lesser known story about Pavolv. In short the story was.... Like many scientists of his day, Pavlov had a wealthy benefactor who supported his research. Pavlov entered into a sexual relationship with the wife of his benefactor and every time she came, he...

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Sarah Carerra 324 Show and Tell

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: September 3, 2012) Chapter 24 - Show and Tell I received another shock Wednesday morning when it was announced that Starlight Cosmetics would have a booth set up outside the cafeteria at lunch. They...

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Daddys Sweet Lil PUSSY Cat Chapter 3

I looked at Kali then at Cheryl. I told Kali to move over to Mike and beg him to fuck you, then I looked as Cheryl, “So tell me slut are you your Masters bitch or just a cunt trying to please her man”? She stood there for a second then responded, “I love cock I love to be used not sure if Mike lets others use me because he likes it or because I like it. I envy your girl having someone that knows what he wants and takes it”. “Well Kali is not just another slut she is my daughter. Her...

2 years ago
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First Draft of an Autobiography

Be kind!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Ben. I doubt you will forget it. I don’t even remember how we had met… no, that’s a lie. Apparently, our parents had known each other before we were born. We joke that we had been friends since the womb. We must have been the most perfect opposites. I am a classical pianist. I go to school for it. And slide effortlessly through a social structure without friction....

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Affair with a BBW

A Low Maintenance Affair with a BBWRylee always wore a baseball cap and this day was no exception. It was a standard part of his maintenance uniform and kept the sun out of his eyes as he traversed between buildings fixing everything from busted pipes to plaster dings. He was six feet tall, naturally tanned by his work outdoors, and had incredible green eyes the color of a pine tree in a rainstorm. Along with his baseball cap, he wore a tan polo shirt with the logo of the apartment building...

4 years ago
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Maid to Please

Maid to Please I was thirty years old happily married and yet frustrated as I had a desire to cross dress on a more permanent basis but my day to day life tended to prevent it. I joined a web based dating service that specialised in the unusual and having shared my profile and my desire to become feminised in a controlled environment it happened. You see I am practical in terms of all manner of DIY and am a handy cook and good at housework. It occurred to me that a lesbian...

1 year ago
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ShesNew Winter Jade Submissive To Dick

Winter Jade is one of those girls who you would not expect to fuck on film because she just looks so sweet and innocent. Thankfully, she joins us today to show off her cute ass and sweet tits in one of her first scenes. She tells us that the first time she ever had sex it hurt, but after a few times it started feeling so good that she decided to make a career out of it! Well, Winter, you are absolutely in the right place. She hops on our studs cock after masturbating and bringing herself to a...

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Twenty Six

FRIDAY AUGUST-26 "So Justin, are you still joining the gang at the mall this afternoon?" My gang were all standing at the school gates having waited for footy and cheerleading practice to end and I hadn't really committed myself to going to the mall despite what I had told Marion last Friday night. "Uh, oh yes," I finally said as Julie Morris's question finally filtered through the fog that had been clouding my mind over the past three days and two sleepless nights. "You know that...

2 years ago
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Cheaters Stone Double of Nothing Part 3

"I'm Jay Heckmer." Then a moment later he added, "Julienne's cousin." "Fine Jay. Let me introduce you to the class," Mr. Kern said. Then in a louder voice, "Children, children, can I have your attention?" The class quieted down. Mr. Kern was a good teacher and had trained his class well. "This is Jay, he will be filling in for Julienne for a while. I want you to give him the same respect you would give to Julienne or any other student in this class. Is that understood?" The...

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