LowbornChapter 10 free porn video

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Mindblind blinked his eyes open, squinting against the morning light streaming through the window, and tried to focus on his surroundings. Eventually, Raven congealed out of the haze, standing at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Morning to you, too," he said as he sat up and groaned. He was stark naked, and as the sleep fog burned off, he recognized he was in a room at the Cat.

"The hell made you run off alone like that, you damned idiot? Figure you were just going to walk up there, cut his head off, and come back for a beer?"

"Not exactly like that."

"And what about this?" Raven knelt down, and then stood up with a blood-stained sheet. "Damn healer had to spend an hour pulling chunks of steel out of your hide before he could do anything else."

"It's a long story."

Raven walked over and plopped down on the foot of the bed. She lifted a hand and made a little circling gesture with it. Long story or not, she planned to hear every word of it.

Mindblind sighed and launched into the tale of learning that Reed was behind the whole thing, and how his sword had urged him on, almost taking control of him. The metal shards were explained by the explosion of the magical blade. There wasn't much to tell after that, because Raven had arrived not long after.

She blew out a whistling breath. "I've heard about magic stuff that gets in your head like that. You're lucky as hell. Guess we should have listened to Indigo."

"Magic never has worked real well on me. My sisters used to throw spells at me all the time. Started calling me Mindblind because I was the only one who couldn't do anything with magic. Hell, even Vlad can do some little things he's learned from the Heraklan temple."

Talking about them set off a sudden surge of homesickness he never would have expected. Home was only a few miles away, but it suddenly felt like a thousand.

"Well, I guess you survived, and you have a good enough excuse, so I'll let you off this time."

"Thanks," he said sarcastically. "Don't suppose my pants are around here anywhere?"

"It's a whore house. Who's going to notice if you're swinging in the wind?" She laughed. "Actually, Pomp sent over some things, because your stuff was pretty torn up and bloody. In the drawers there."

"It's nice enough and all, but I hope he isn't going to follow me around like a damn puppy trying to pay off that debt he has in his head," Mindblind said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and opened the drawer.

"Not going to complain about one part of it. I can't believe the change in Yani. She's almost ... Normal."

"Yeah, she looked a lot better when I saw her last night, even when she was passing out. What time is it, anyway?"

"About midday."

"Damn. I was out for a while."

While Mindblind dressed, it was Raven's turn to tell him about a few things he'd missed since he collapsed the night before. "Between Pomp, Indigo, and Yasmine, they convinced the guard and the governor to leave us out of it. Only other one they talked to was Yani. We're all free and clear."

"Least I don't have to get raked over the coals."

"Guess the two that were with Reed didn't really know what he was up to. They knew enough for him to bribe and threaten them, but had no idea how far he was willing to go to salve his burnt ego. His lordship is going to give Yasmine the coin from selling off that blueblood scum's stuff. Hardly makes up for what he did, but I guess it's something - and he is dead. You could have saved some for me, you know?"

Mindblind cinched up his new pants, which were of a cut and material that probably made them worth more than the whole of his sparse wardrobe at home. The shirt was likewise fine. His old, comfortable boots contrasted sharply with the new attire, but he was going to put them on anyway. "Suppose you could find where they've laid him out and stick him a few times."

"Don't tempt me. I'm of half a mind to cut off that inch worm of his that started this whole mess."

A knock sounded on the door, but it almost immediately flew open. "Are you decent?" Alice asked as she swept into the room with Betty and Cammie hot on her heels. "Damn, we're too late."

Mindblind shook his head and chuckled as he pulled on his boots. "Things getting back to normal?"

"Nope. Yasmine isn't going to open back up until tonight. We've been shooing guys away from the door this whole time. And that's sort of what we wanted to talk to you about."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Yasmine really likes all our ideas. She's sending a letter to Yvonne and Samantha about it, and she's going to help us set up in Stingy Pussy. We were kind of wondering if we could use one of the wagons?"

"Hell, I got no use for the damn things," Mindblind said with a shrug.

"Hard to hide from the law in a wagon," Raven added.

"Great. We figure it will only take us a couple of months at the inn to have enough to find a place of our own."

"Stuff that," Raven said. "I'll give you some coin so you can get your own place to start, and hire some burly guy to watch out for you."

"I ... R-really?" Alice stammered. All three of the prostitutes wore looks of stunned surprise.

"Yeah. Just a few conditions. I don't pay when I need some pussy, the place has to have a back door and a basement, and I can crash there sometimes if I need to."

"Done. Hell, we'll set you aside your own room," Alice said.

"I'll give you all the free ones you want," Cammie said, and giggled.

Raven grinned, and then moaned. "I'll catch up with you later. I've got to do some business to get the coin."

"Don't get caught before you get back to us," Betty teased.

Raven twitched her eyebrows. "As if."

"Well, we're going to see about hiring a guard then. Maybe we find somebody who will do it for free ones, and save us some more coin."

"Probably can," Mindblind said.

Alice cocked her hips to the side and struck a provocative pose. "Interested?"

"Thought I was already getting free ones?"

She laughed. "You are. A girl has to try, though."

"Go on," Raven said, waving her hand. "Lots of guys in Stingy Pussy waiting to get their pricks wet. You don't want to keep them waiting."

"We can't thank you enough - either of you," Cammie said.

"You're welcome. Now get out of here," Raven told them, again waving toward the door.

The three filed out the door and Mindblind heard Betty say, "Think he's about to get a free one." The other two laughed as the door closed.

"Heh. Tempting, but I figure you're pretty much fed up with bed, huh?"

Mindblind nodded. "I need some fresh air."

"And I need to go fence a few gems to get them that coin. Meet back here in a couple of hours?"

"Yeah, guess so."

Raven looked him up and down. "You know, Pomp's got pretty good taste. You look good in that."

"What worries me is how well it fits."

Raven laughed. "Yeah, that usually requires some measuring. Think he just has a knack, though. Sent over things for all the girls that fit just as well, so doubt he was measuring you up with his eyes - at least specifically."

"Real comforting."

"Don't be late getting back here. Last time you weren't where you were supposed to be, it got pretty hairy."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"You do that," she said, and offered her crooked smile before heading out the door.

It took Mindblind a few minutes to make it out of the brothel, because everyone wanted to greet him. Even Yani was up and about, looking better than the night before. The healer was obviously good at his job.

Eventually, he made it out the back door, and took a deep breath. Feeling the need to be alone with his thoughts for a while, he walked straight out from the back of the Cat, into the fields scattered around town.

Mindblind knelt next to the rectangle of recently turned earth and sat down a bunch of wildflowers he'd gathered up just before returning to town. Delly had kept flowers in her room whenever they were in season, so he guessed that she'd probably have liked the gesture.

"Ain't real good at this," he muttered under his breath. "Guess I just want to say sorry, and thanks. Never felt like a damn outcast when I was with you. Wish I could have done something to keep you from getting killed. Best I could do was kill the son-of-a-bitch that was responsible. Hope that's enough."

Feeling extremely self-conscious, he remained for a minute or two more before making his way out of the graveyard. As usual, he kept his eyes fixed straight forward, trying not to notice what was going on to the sides. It helped when he couldn't see the people staring at him or darting inside.

It was impossible to completely avoid, though. A man walking down the street in the opposite direction drew near, and out of the blue, offered a brief nod of his head before passing by.

Somehow, Mindblind contained his surprise. What happened next was even more shocking. Someone approached him from the side of the street, moving to intercept him. He paused, not sure what to do in the completely unfamiliar situation.

"I just wanted to say that you did a good thing," the old man said. "Sure he didn't hurt anyone as bad as he did those folks at the brothel, but he caused plenty of pain to the folks around here over the years. Wouldn't nobody else have stopped him."

"Just did what I had to do," Mindblind responded, at a loss for words.

"Well, I'm glad you did, and I ain't the only one. I won't trouble you no more." With that, he nodded and returned to his place sitting on the weathered wooden porch of a storefront. The group of similarly aged men he was rejoining all nodded or touched the brims of their hats in Mindblind's direction.

After that, Mindblind let his eyes roam as he continued across town. Naturally, some still shied away as he approached, but others nodded, waved, and even offered words of greeting to him. In a few minutes, the people of the town gave him more notice than they had for the entirety of his life up to that point.

The feeling was odd, and even a little uncomfortable. He almost wished that they'd just put their heads down and walk away as they used to. Even as he thought that, he realized how absurd it was in light of his years of rankling over exactly that sort of treatment.

"Ho, my good friend."

Mindblind recognized Indigo's voice and turned that direction. The Draxnian met him in the middle of the street and reached out a hand to shake.

"I sought you out at the Cat, but they said you had gone out."

"Yeah, need to clear my head."

"Understandable, my friend. All is well that ends well, eh?"

"Guess so. You going to head home soon?"

"Actually, I think I will stay for a time. Travel this country. There are many things said about this land in my country, and already I find many of them are false. I would learn the truth for myself."

"You know, Alice and a couple of the girls are heading back to that town where we ran into you. They could use a man with a sharp blade riding with them."

Indigo laughed. "We are truly kindred spirits, my friend. I have already heard of their journey and asked to accompany them."

Noticing a shiny new sword on Indigo's hip, he said, "Speaking of sharp blades..."

Indigo muttered something in his own language and slapped his forehead. "I had nearly forgotten. It is a gift from Pompeil. Come, my friend. You need a blade to replace what you have lost. He asked me to find you and bring you to his offices here."

Despite what he'd said to Raven earlier, he needed a new sword, so he wasn't about to pass up a free one if Pompeil wanted to provide it. "Lead the way. I have no idea where it is."

"This way, my friend."

The place wasn't far, and Pompeil emerged from his office almost immediately after the doorman to the warehouse admitted them.

"Ah, welcome. Come, let us browse my stores and see if there is anything to your liking. If not, I will be glad to commission something appropriate."

"You know, Pompeil, you're going to go broke if you keep this up."

The merchant laughed. "Ah, rest assured that I have a very long way to go before I exhaust my coin. I have enjoyed some measure of success in my career."

"Well, I'm not turning down a free sword."

"And a suit of chain, if I may? I would see you better protected, should you have need of such in the future. I have someone on hand who can take measurements, and I will have it delivered as soon as completed."

Since he had been saving - very slowly - for a chain shirt, he wasn't passing that offer up either. "Sounds good."

"Splendid. Splendid. Sword first, though. I have a fine selection."

The merchant wasn't lying. Considering the unrest in the area - and it was much worse the closer to Draxnia or Normandal one ventured - only a fool who made his living in trade wouldn't take advantage of the market for weaponry. Nearly any type of blade Mindblind could imagine was represented in the crates opened for him to look through.

One immediately caught his eye - a large, hand-and-a-half broadsword. It wasn't nearly as massive as the weapon that had nearly turned him into a slave, but it was a dramatic improvement over the short sword he'd carried at the start of his journey.

Pompeil noticed his interest. "Please, test the balance. See if you like it. I believe it suits you."

Mindblind picked up the weapon, already liking the way the hilt felt in his hand. With his great strength, he was able to hold the sword in one hand, and after giving it a few swings, a wide smile spread across his face.

"I do believe we have found you a match," Pompeil guessed.

"Truly, it suits you, my friend," Indigo agreed.

After giving the sword a final swing, Mindblind said, "It feels good."

"Then it is yours. The scabbard should be in the crate."

Mindblind dug through the packing material inside the crate and located the scabbard. Having grown used to carrying the magical blade on his back, it felt perfectly natural when he strapped on the scabbard and slid the new sword in.

"Well, then only one thing remains to complete our business here today. The process is a bit uncomfortable, but shouldn't take long, and I believe it will be worth it. Ah, there you are, Emelia."

Mindblind turned to see a blushing blonde woman with a length of twine carefully marked in small, even segments. It was hard not to notice that the young woman spent a little more time with certain measurements than others - all below the waist.

Once she was done, Mindblind said, "I'd best get back to the Cat. If I'm not there when Raven expects me, she'll have a fit."

"Something I would wish on none, my friend," Indigo said. "I must draft a letter to my family, but I trust I will see you again before my journey south?"

"Sure I'll be around."

"And glad I will be to see you."

"Appreciate this, Pompeil," Mindblind said, nodding toward the sword on his back.

"As with everything else, it is a small price to pay for my life, which surely would have been forfeit but for your intervention."

"I'm off, then."

Both offered him farewells as he headed to the door and back out into the bright summer day. A look up at the position of the sun caused him to quicken his pace, because he guessed that Raven was already waiting for him.

He was right. Fortunately, she ignored that he had arrived a bit past the agreed-upon time. "Nice," she said upon seeing his sword. "So, what now?"

He'd made the decision shortly after leaving the Cat. "I should head to the house. The family keeps to themselves, but they have to have heard about what happened here. Going to get a dressing down for vanishing without a word as it is."

"Least you got someone who cares enough to do it. Catch up with me here tomorrow?"


"Get going then. Think I may take Cammie up on that offer before the three of them head out." She licked her lips and moaned.

Mindblind chuckled, though the thought made blood surge between his legs, and almost caused him to reconsider heading back to the house. As soon as he stepped out onto the landing, he saw Kayleen.

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Bridgettes New Closet

James Jackson was the new guy at the construction office so when the call came in that a customer needed someone to come over to remodel and expand her closet, he was the one that got chosen for the job. He was out helping on another job when his supervisor pulled him aside with the news."Hey J.J., some lady called and needs someone to come over and remodel her closet. Sounds like she went clothes shopping and got some new outfits and now has no place to put them! So I'm giving the job to...

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I thought I'd write to share an experience we had. Last year, my wife Stella and I went on holiday to Jamaica. Stella's 39, blonde and has a well-kept figure of 36-29-38. I'm 42 by the way. After a few days Stella shocked me by saying she'd really like to be shagged by a well-hung local. When I'd recovered, she explained that she wanted me to watch her just to make sure nothing went wrong.Now, for the last 20 years it's been a secret wish of mine to see her fuck with someone else but it had...

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Janet Entertains A Guest

Chapter 1Janet escapes the massage parlor, only to be quickly reunited with her seductress when Sherri, the masseuse, returns her lost bra. Hubby is still out of town and the two women end up in bed together, each finding something new in their sex. This is the third part of the "Janet" series; although this story stands well on its own, you may want to read "Janet gets Lucky" and "Janet Gets a Massage" first to better understand the characters. (FF, b**st)Janet arrived home after rushing...

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Milfty Richelle Ryan Independence Day Stepmom Dick Down

While banging MILF Richelle Ryan lays out by the pool, her stepson is getting ready to fire up the grill and throw some meat on to celebrate the Fourth of July. But when he sees how hot his stepmom looks in her American flag bikini, he cannot help but get a raging hard on. He drops the hot dogs she asked for all over the floor, but comes up with a quick solution. He presents his sausage in a bun for Richelle to chow down on. The MILF is surprised at first but catches on as she starts to suck on...

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The silken robe slipped off her creamy shoulders as the dial for the shower was turned on, jets of water raining from the shower head and hitting the tiles below, saturating them. She closed the shower door and let the water run for a moment as she piled her curls on top of her head and removed the last of the night’s makeup, though she was kidding herself if she thought her lipstick would fully remove itself. If there was one thing on God’s beautiful earth that would not budge; it was red...

Group Sex
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Day ThreeThe trip to work was uneventful. Jess' tits really bounced without a bra. We were at the office before 6 so we went for a coffee. When the doors opened to the building Jess went and put on her usual short skirt. Without a bra her tits bounced every time she moved and her job meant she was always on the go, as were we all. At lunch I went out to pick up a few things , rope an electric cord, then to the adult store for some handcuffs, gags, a riding crop and some clamps, although I had...

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Hamari Office Ki Pyari Ladki

Sabhi pyaari gulabi chuto ko Ayush ka pyar bhara namaskar. Mere baare mein bata ta hu. Main Pune mein rehta hu. Meri height 5’10’ hai with fair color and average body structure. Meri is story ki heroine ka name Annu hai joki Delhi se hi hai. Annu 20 saal ki ladki hai with less height 5’2 par iska figure kamaal ka hai. Yeh baat 6 month pehle ki hai jab usne hamaari company join ki thi. Mere boss ne uske induction ki jimmedari mujhe di thi. Pehle hi din jab maine use dekha to mujhe woh bohut...

4 years ago
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Kristys New Owner ch 01

I never thought I'd be writing this down, never thought I'd be exposing all of our deep, dark secrets to the world but at this point, I have nothing left to hide. Nothing left to lose either. Isn't that right, Alex? Is that good enough for you? Is that what you wanted me to say? Does that make you feel like a big man? I have to be careful. Naw, fuck it, why bother? What else can he do to me now that he hasn't already done? What can he take from me that he hasn't already...

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I’m a dirty old man; I freely admit it here, though you’d have to put my life outside this new-fangled tablet or my phone under a microscope to spot it in what I now consider the real world. I’m 57, in pretty good shape for an old guy, still mostly dark hair covering my head, tall too, just reaching up the tape to 6’ 1” and although not as horny as I once was, I still admire any female I run across, though never played away from home. My wife used to keep this in check for me, but since the...

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Just a Date

Thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read. DG Hear I heard that to get people interested in your story you have to do it in the first paragraph. I don't know much about writing so I guess I should do it. So, I will start out by saying I had sex with my brother's fiancée. More on this later. My name is Dan Welling. I'm twenty-nine and still single. I was born into a wealthy family. My dad owns Welling Manufacturing. He has three plants at which we make...

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Grandmas Rituals 1

Its long but gonna make you cum like hellOn the king size bed in the privacy of their bedroom Alka was thrashing her body wildly while her husband was pounding his cock deep into cunt. She could feel his cock throbbing inside her cunt and knew that any moment he may spurt. As she lifted her legs and allowed his cock to penetrate deeper, giving a final trust her husband spent his sperm into her and being exhausted lay upon her crushing her on the bed. She liked it as it was on rare occasion that...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 3 Royal Delights

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Three: Royal Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Seven: Royal Delights Sven Falk – Faerie Ava's soft, stone lips pressed on my own as she kissed me with such a fierce passion. I held her in my strong arms, showing her that I would protect her. If she needed to flee her father and escape his abuse, I would keep her safe. By killing the bastard. I held her rose quartz body against mine,...

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HalalChapter 4

Good Thursday The méchoui had been a rousing success. The party finished late because the following day was Good Friday, a municipal holiday, as would be the following Monday, Easter Monday. Most of the City Hall employees had adopted the Barracuda Beach dress code for the party. Those that did not, wore sarongs for the most part. While I pretended not to notice, as the evening wore on, I saw that most of the women had retied their sarongs to leave the top free and that two of them actually...

1 year ago
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The bloke with the tattoo on his

A true story of a night that had "get in, get out" written all over it It was a Friday night and I was dragged out to the club with my slutty friend who just wanted to use me to grind and dance on to make the men stare and get hard in their 3/4 shorts and want to sleep with her. That night the joke was on her because when we put a bit of distance between us on the dance floor 2 chunky, muscly men happened to be close by. The tallest one was blonde with a pair of seductive blue eyes. He put his...

Sex With Stranger
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Quickie pt1

I had been looking forward to this for some time. 4 whole days and nights away to explore all that Daddy had promised me. I boarded the taxi to head to the cruise port a little nervous...would I be all Daddy wanted? Could I do all he required? I was dressed in the cute sundress and pretty red heels I had picked out for embark day. My skin was tanned and my hair and makeup were flawless as Daddy requested. I had on a pretty red lacy bra, but no panties. As the cab neared the port I found myself...

1 year ago
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First Steps to Sissyhood Part 3

The third part of the 'Sissyhood' trilogy, what began as an incidental and experimental story of mind games and control, comes to an end. Having created Sissy and Missy, two lust crazed sexy shemales Mistress Cindy sets about completing her kinky little family. Of course, anyone who comes into contact with this kinky perverse harem leaves themselves open to all manner of disgraces. Completing My Sissy Set ? by: Jennifer Richardson [email protected] From my viewpoint things...

4 years ago
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Natures Call A Fantasy

As we walk hand in hand along the covered path, heading deeper into the thick woods, fog rolls in thick clouds all around. The pure tranquility of the time we share brings a smile to my face. In this moment of total contentment, a vision of you and I lost in passionate lovemaking takes over my thoughts. The heat rises within my body, washing over me. I can hardly control the urge to pull you to the ground but I do resist, for the moment. I watch you maneuver the thicket, pushing aside vines...

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Community FourEverChapter 5

Dana’s turn: I’ve been through a lot of changes since I turned fourteen almost two years ago. Living with Mom. Mom incarcerated. Living with Gramma – a huge step up in Dana’s quality of life. Connecting with Ed. Even more huge. Meeting the Community. Marrying Ed. Moving us to Alabama. All that’s good. Really good. I’m loving the environment. Ed’s loving it, too, and Gramma’s married and she’s teaching her last, greatest class. None of her students here has an IQ that isn’t measured high on...

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A Bitch is Made

I never dreamed that my marriage would turn out this way. I'm not sure that it's better or worse than I imagined; it's just different. I guess I should start at the beginning. I'd been married to Robert for about three years at the time. He had a nice government position in Washington DC, and I was working as a typist in a local office. Our life had turned into a dull routine, including our sex life. Robert would come home from work, and want to relax on the computer for a couple of hours....

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RedtailChapter 4 Time Travel Anomalies

You know everything science fiction says about the rules of time travel? You can’t be two places at the same time. You have to avoid contact with yourself in the past. Anything you do in the past could change the future. You can go ‘back to the future’. From my experience, I’d say they’re all bunk. I don’t believe you can go back and change history. What’s done is done. You’re a kind of observer. It’s the things that aren’t history that you can affect. Think about what Kyle was doing. Or...

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Daddy and the Park Walk

I had been told what to wear and where to go so there I was in the local park at 9.30pm it was dark but several street lights lit the path quite well and I had been told where to walk by my Daddy who was a right kinky bastard .... I had 'dressed' as ordered and teetered along the path in my 5'' heels holding my skirt in both hands I raised it to my waist to expose my pantied cock framed by my stockings and suspenders.....as I clipped along the path my cock swayed lewdly infront of me hard and...

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mommy sissy boy p2

ziiiiip taking his large cock out , not full hard but ye so bigger than my lil cockmy knees hot the floor, looking at him remove my tshirt, leaving me in the white panty, his fat cock in my hand my mouth opening , he took my back head and help me get it in''thats it , suck the cock sexy little sissy, ohhh yes make me hard with that mouth''i was sliding it in and out, just the head , feeling him get fully hard made me proud and i sucked on the nice black cock''your mom was so right about you,...

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Maid of Orleans

Tom Fisher, the game-keeper's son, was mighty proud of his new trousers. The pair they replaced had been threadbare, and he had worn them every day for four years, until they threatened to rip apart every time his enthusiastic friend tried to take the salute. Now, it was restrained by the tweed material, pushing the tough fabric out but with no danger of breaking through. This was a matter of some relief to him. He sat on a fallen log in the woodland round his home, casually throwing acorns...

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The Office Pam Angelas Secret

It was a long day at the office of Dunder-Mifflin, and the staff was slowly thinning out at the end of another interesting work day. The documentary crew had left and all the cameras were gone, leaving Pam as the last one to lock up, just like every other night. It was another strange day, with Michael giving the staff an awkward lecture about sexual harassment in the workplace. His use of dirty magazines as a visual aid was counterproductive, drawing some lewd comments and cat calls...

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Turmoil and Tribulation

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. I didn’t know there was bad trouble coming until it was almost too late for my continued health. Author’s note: All references to police, investigator, medical, and banking actions are figments of my imagination. I am Gregory (Greg) Arnold Rasmussen, 38, and father of a 10-year-old daughter Christina (Tina) Marie. I was married to her mother. I am not married anymore. I come from old and a lot of money, I am a poster child for a ‘trust fund...

4 years ago
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My sister my guide

Lee was reviewing the third quarter Alcoa financial report. It'd been a busy week with all the volatility in the market. He looked up at the wall across the office to relax his eyes, and noticed the clock. "Shit, and I promised Diane I'd be home early," he muttered to himself. He threw the report in his briefcase, and grabbed his coat as he shut the door. He relaxed a little as he got behind the wheel of his cherry red 1998 Mazda Miata. The roar of the engine always lifted his spirits, at least...

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school girl fantasy

When I was around 14/15 we had a deputy head teacher, he was a god amongst men and the rest of the all girls school felt the same way including some of the teachers, natural black hair that he always kept short but it always got messy, perfect skin with neat trimmed stubble, big bright ice blue eyes, straight white teeth which we got to see a lot because he smiled and joked with us and he always wore great suits with a silk tie, he never wore his jacket and never buttoned his cuffs because his...

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Tied and ass fucked by the home owner on a sale visit

I am a real estate agent and often visit houses or homeowners who want to make a listing for sale. That day was hot and I was sweating, so instead of my usual business attire I was wearing a tank top and a mini skirt. I had an appointment with the homeowner of a large ranch style house which had been recently renovated. I had been eyeing that house for a while as I knew I could get a good commission out of it. The story is not about making commission but how I got tied and ass fucked. I rang...

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Fun in the Sun

Rick stretched. He loved the feeling of the hot Florida sun as it baked his naked skin. Reaching for the sun block SPF 30 he squirted and languidly smeared it over his chest and stomach allowing his fingers to lightly ghost over his skin.Adjusting his sun glasses he turned his head and smiled at the similarly nude woman sleeping on their private sun deck beside him. He decided to wake her. He didn't want that luscious body burned and uncomfortable when he made love to her later that evening....

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A Bus Journey Turned Into Sex Journey

Hey people no matter how young or old a man is he always has lust and a want for a female companion for his sexual urges. I am not gonna ask you to believe me all I know is that I am sharing my real time experience. If anyone would like to comment or compliment me they can email me at As this is a real time experience it might get lengthy please bear with me. I am a 32 year old married guy having a hunger for sex 24/7, I own a tool which is not gigantic as its described in the stories here, I...

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My Aunt Seduced Me

Hi, all, I am Karthik and this is an incident that happened 6 years ago and how I started to ramp my aunt. This is my first sex story and all girls/aunties/grannies anyone is free to write to me at Let me first tell you about me, I am a 23-year-old software engineer now staying in Bangalore. I am 5ft 8” with an athletic physic with a 6.5” big but fat cock matching my skin color. The heroine of my life my pinni (my mom’s SIL ) as I call her was 41 when this first incident took place. She is...


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