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Table of Contents

The Contract
Investigation Starts
On Target
A New Investigation
Clean Up

The titles in use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section.

30 August 2019 version


I’ve never been to Scotland, the UK, or Europe. That’s easy to prove because there are no airline tickets or accommodation bookings in my name anywhere outside of Australia. I’ve never been issued a passport by the Australian Passport Office, contact them and they can confirm that. Despite his memory of events my cousin George is wrong as he couldn’t have seen me on a Qantas flight to the UK because my name isn’t on the passenger list. He checked after landing because he was very angry when he thought I’d ignored him, since he’s a very touchy person.

The two electronic transfer deposits of US$100,000 into my bank account from two Swiss banks in late 2005 relate to some general contracting work I did, nothing else.


I’m very slow to wake up and in extreme discomfort because my head hurts and I’m very cold. I’m sitting upright and I’m tied to a rough wooden chair in a dank stone walled room with a very bright battery lantern shining in my face. A male voice says, “He’s awake.” There’s movement in the room. I can hear shoes scuffle, clothing rustles, and the clink of metal on metal. I can’t see a thing beyond the light and it hurts my eyes to have it shining directly into them.

A very deep voice says, in anger, “What are you, a thief, relic hunter, government agent, papist spy?” I laugh. I can’t help it as the situation is so melodramatic and bloody ridiculous; it’s right out of a vintage film. A figure steps forward and slaps my face, hard. I laugh harder. He slaps me again, much harder. I continue to laugh.

Don’t get me wrong, the slaps hurt and I’m no masochist. But I can’t help laughing. The silly old bugger is in medieval clothing; a Knight Templar in armour, no less. The whole situation is seriously ridiculous.

A third male voice says, “The fool is hysterical, out of the way.” I get hit in the face with a bucket full of icy cold water. I stop laughing to start choking on the water that went down my throat. Several minutes later I’m settled down and calm.

A fourth male voice says, in a commanding tone, “Who are you?” I tell him my legal name. He continues, “The author of ‘Living Ethically’ and ‘Hire the Right Investigator’?” I acknowledge my claims to limited fame. He asks, “Why does the ID you’re carrying say Jack Campbell of Australia, born in Glasgow, Scotland?”

I’m very calm when I reply, “It’s a cover identity set up by my client so I won’t be recognised and asked about why I’m here.”

They talk to each other while they all turn and leave the room, I can hear them walk into another room nearby. I sit there shivering and thinking about how I got into this mess. My mind goes back to a day four months ago.

The Contract

On a quiet Tuesday morning in March 2005 I receive an e-mail with directions and codes to make a reverse charges international call to the USA. A rich man I’ve heard of wants me to call him; well, it’s his dime. I take the time to make the call, despite the early hour local time.

He has a strange tale to tell. He’s a dedicated ufologist who believes in all things UFO and alien and he has recently come across a lot of material about an alien base hidden under an old church in Scotland. His best friend is some what sceptical and they had a very heated discussion on the matter. They have a bet going on. Does the base exist or not? The main problem is there are many existing investigations that were done by ufologists or their detractors. In each case the people investigating had a pre-set mind about what they would find, thus each found exactly what they expected to find. They need an investigator they both can agree on and they both feel will not be prejudiced one way or the other. I’m the first one they can both agree on.

Both know me by reputation, my books, and have had good reports from friends of friends. They want me to do the investigation and report back to them. They’ll split the operating costs and whoever is wrong will pay me and the winner US$100,000 each. They know I believe in aliens but I don’t believe any of the unproven claims about abductions, bases, etc. Both feel they can trust me to ‘tell it as it is,’ regardless of what ‘it’ is, and I’ll stick to the proven evidence. Despite none of us knowing how we’ll go about it.

Over the following two weeks we have numerous phone calls and e-mails about the matter, and a contract is worked out. Arrangements are made for a local solicitor to represent them. I go to her office to read and sign the finished contract. The following is a simple summary of the contract because the original is much longer and very complex.

Parties of the first and second parts promise to:

1. Share all operating expenses and provide the party of the third part with reasonable funding for miscellaneous expenses which are to be accounted for after the event.

2. Organise an agent in Glasgow to provide the party of the third part with all equipment, personnel, and help as needed by the party of the third part.

3. Organise cover identity and documents for the party of the third part.

4. Organise all of the travel arrangements for the project personnel.

5. Provide the party of the third part with copies of reports on all investigations previously made that they know of.

6. Pay the party of the third part US$100,000 per question when the party of the third part can provide a definitive answer of Yes or No with supporting evidence to each of these questions:

(i) Is there a secret alien base concealed under the church in question?

(ii) If yes to the above, what happens there?

7. The party of the third part to have total control of the project and full authority over the assisting personnel hired.

8. The party of the third part is to provide a full written report to the parties of the first and second part within twelve months of signing the contract.

I sign as the party of the third part, witnessed by their solicitor and a Justice of the Peace I’d brought along. It’s already signed by the other parties so I take my copy, $20,000 Australia as initial funds, and a large packet of documents. Leaving the solicitors I take my friend, the Justice of the Peace, to a nearby restaurant where we have lunch at my expense.

Later that day I send an email setting out the initial equipment list I want available in Scotland and the number of helpers I want. I’ll adjust these as I feel the need to after reading the files they’ve sent me.

Investigation Starts On the Way

While we wait for our lunch to be served I open the large packet the solicitor gave me. Inside is a biography on Jack Campbell, a bookkeeper born in Glasgow on the same day I was born. Migrated to Australia at ten months of age, grew up in Sydney, and became an Australian citizen soon after his twenty-first birthday. This is all very good, same date of birth, same places of childhood and youth growing up, nothing to memorise. There’s also an Australian passport and a British passport in Jack Campbell’s name, both with my photo and details. An open date return Qantas flight to the UK, and an open date Regional Express ticket: Wagga Wagga to Sydney. Instructions on how to contact their Glasgow agent, and a large detailed set of files on the prior investigations.

After lunch I go shopping, stocking up on long shelf-life foods for my son and cat. I take the shopping home, and while I put it all away I tell my son I’ll be going away for some time. The next day I arrange for a few friends to keep an eye on my eighteen year old son to see he has all he needs because he’s on a disability pension. I pay the rent, phone, and electricity for six months in advance. I contact the travel agent for my employer, and we make arrangements to fly out on Monday.

I wake up on the Monday morning a few days later, have a bath, and dress to be comfortable on a long trip: nice warm tracksuit pants, t-shirt with collar, and a long warm coat. I look like an overage student on a back packing holiday. Leaving the house at 7:10 a.m. I’m at the road in time to catch the 7:30 a.m. bus into Wagga Wagga. I take the taxi to the airport and the mid-morning flight to Sydney. I only have the one bag, and it qualifies as ‘carry on’ luggage. A couple of hours later, in Sydney, I get lunch at one of the airport restaurants and I take my time travelling across from the domestic terminal to the international terminal. Buying a book, some chewing gum, and some jelly beans along the way.

At the Qantas desk I book in and ask for a window seat. They issue me a boarding pass and tell me the gate I need to use. I’ve a two hour wait for the plane to board, so I decide to wait at the gate. Heading to the gate I clear customs. At the gate I show the staff my ticket and ask them to wake me when it’s time to board. After moving off to the side I sit in the corner to lean back on my pack while I go to sleep.

Some time later I wake up to the feel of a hand in my shirt pocket. Squinting, I see a small child, a girl about six years old, sneaking some jelly beans out of the open packet visible in my pocket. Waiting until she has her hand out of my pocket I open my eyes and ask, “Do you like the black ones?” She jumps as she lets out a low squeak. Looking at me she nods her head yes. Getting the packet out of my pocket I pour the jelly beans into my lap to pick the black ones out while saying, “I don’t, so you can have all the black ones.” After handing her all of the black jelly beans I put the rest back in the packet then put it back in my pocket.

Looking up I see the staff are preparing the gateway for boarding, so I nod to the staff member who’s looking my way. She smiles and nods back, noting I’m awake and don’t need waking now. Getting up I stretch then walk to the toilet. Coming back I stop for a drink of water. Standing to the side of the gate I watch most of the people board.

When most have boarded I thank the staff for looking out for me during my nap while I show my ticket and boarding pass. They’re a bit surprised because I’m a lot scruffier looking than most of the first class ticket holders. They tick me off the list and send me in. On entering the 747 jet plane I’m directed to my seat in first class, only to find my jelly bean friend sitting in it. When the cabin crew take my bag and coat to put them away in a nearby cupboard I ask for a pillow and blanket. I watch where my things go as I thank the cabin crew lady for the pillow and blanket she brings me.

Nice Flight

The girl’s mother is busy apologising and telling her daughter to sit in her seat, the one beside mine in the middle between her mother and me. When the girl is settled I step in to take my seat. Once I’m seated I lay the chair back just a little, place the seat belt on, put the pillow behind my head in the corner made between the chair and the aircraft side, then I wrap the blanket around me. Once I’m comfortable I say, “If your daughter wants to look out the window until it’s time to buckle up I don’t mind if she sits on my lap. She can’t be much worse than my son was at that age.” The girl smiles at the offer.

The mother gives me a pensive look, then nods her approval of the temporary seating change. Wearing a big smile the girl climbs into my lap and looks out the window. The extra height caused by me makes it easier for her to see out the window. I pull out my book and I hold it in one hand while I read. About fifteen minutes later the cabin crew come around checking everyone is seated. I ask to be informed at the last possible moment to seat the child so she can enjoy the view of the airport while we taxi. The smiling cabin crew member says she’ll return when the girl must be seated. The mother thanks her. The girl is delighted to be looking out the window for a little while longer.

Talking to the mother I find out this is the girl’s first flight, so she’s excited about it. I smile, “That’s better than being like me.” The mother looks at me strange, so I reply, “I’m scared of flying, partly from a bad incident in a light aircraft as a kid, and partly from not being in control of the vehicle. That’s why I get a window seat, so I can try to sleep through most of it. When I’m awake I can look out the window to pretend I’m flying in the air by myself and it’s all part of a dream.”

She laughs as she says, “Yes, better to be excited than scared. We’re on our way to visit my in-laws in Scotland, where are you going?”

While smiling I say, “I’m heading to Scotland. After an overnight stay in London I’m taking the fast train to Glasgow the day after the plane arrives at Heathrow.”

The woman replies, “It sounds like we’ve got the same travel agent or package deal. That’s our itinerary too.”

I grin, “Could be, but I don’t know. A friend wants me in Scotland, pronto, to sort something out for him, so his people made all the travel arrangements. However, I’ve an open return flight so I can take some time off to look around while I’m there.”

She says, “Oh, you work for your friend and this is a business trip?”

I notice the cabin crew member looking at us while she walks up the aisle, so I tap the girl on the shoulder and point to her seat. Smiling, she moves to her seat, and does up the belt. The crew member smiles and returns to the front of the section while I reply, “Not quite, I’m a genius trouble shooter who does all sorts of contract work. My friend’s own Mister Fix-it tried and failed to fix this problem, so he asked me to do him a favour. He’s not happy because I insisted on my usual standard of first class travel and he normally sends all his people business class. But he’s accepting the expense since I sent him my usual contract. No result is no pay for me, just the expenses. He’s prepared to pay the extra for a sure fix. Also, he’s more likely to get a final answer from me.”

While the plane accelerates down the runway she gives me a close look, “You must be very sure of yourself to link you payment to success.”

Just as we leave the ground I reply, “Well, all I’m out of pocket is time if I fail. But I find being paid on results makes them happier about paying my high rates, and when I’m working with their staff I make sure they know I get paid only on results. They’re more prepared to work with me to get things done, as they know I’m there to get results that work for them and the business, and not to pad a time sheet the way some people do. Add in my imaginative way of looking at things, and I can usually find a solution. A ninety-nine percent success rate speaks wonders when giving them my rates, because they’re very high.” She laughs.

I tell her my cover name and the woman introduces herself, Miranda, and her daughter, Melody. A short time later the seatbelt sign goes off and Melody teleports back to the window. While we both laugh at her quick move the cabin crew are walking around offering food and drinks. We accept the offerings of our choice then we chat for some time while we snack and sip our drinks. After a while we stop talking and I go back to reading my book while Miranda reads a magazine she has.

When the night descends I turn off the light above me and go to sleep with Melody still at the window. Some time later I come half awake because Miranda is tucking a blanket around Melody as she’s fallen asleep in my lap. After a few more hours sleep I wake up and I signal for the cabin crew. I ask for some more pillows when she arrives. She brings them to me. I gently pick Melody up and put her in her seat after using the pillows to make a nest, then I tuck her blanket around her. Getting out of my seat I ask the cabin crew member if there’s any place where I’ve room to do some exercises.

She shows me to the first class lounge which is nearly empty. Finding a clear spot I proceed to do go through my basic fitness regime, mostly isometric exercises with some sit ups. The few passengers in the lounge watch me with amusement. I just smile back as exercise like this is sure to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis as well as keep me fit for my work. When I finish I’ve some juice and a sandwich before going back to my seat. Wrapping myself in my blanket again I go back to sleep.

Sometime later the cabin crew come through to wake us up and make sure everything is ready for landing at our intermediate stop. Waking Melody I’ve her sit on the pillows in my seat while I sit in hers so she can look out the window during the approach and landing, she’s very happy.

Since the plane is only on the ground for forty minutes the people stay seated and chat, except those getting off. Once we’re back in the air and allowed to unbuckle I take my seat back and I go back to sleep with Melody in my lap looking out the window into the dark until she falls asleep again. When it’s time to land at Heathrow I give Melody my seat again, since she’s getting a lot more use out of the window than I am.


We land and go through the usual delays at customs etc. We’re bit quicker than some others because Miranda, like me and many others, is entering the UK with a British passport. When I arrive at the general concourse I find a limo driver waiting around holding a sign with the agreed upon company name. I offer Miranda a lift into London in the limo, and she readily agrees. I tag the driver and we all go to get her luggage. When we’re leaving the luggage area the public address system announces a request for Miranda to take a phone call.

Miranda is very upset after answering the phone. It’s from her travel agent. An error by their staff means she has no accommodation for tonight. They’ve tried to rectify the problem but all the accommodation is booked out. Understandable with the various major events occurring in and around London this week. They’re refunding that portion of her payment and suggest she see what she can organise on the ground. She’s spitting chips while she curses the travel agent up, down, forwards, backwards, and sideways. A small circle forms around her to admire her command of the English language and her show of how to use it to abuse someone without being very rude by using a lot of swear words.

When she slows down I say, “I used to think I knew how to abuse people, thanks for the lesson on how to do it properly.” She blushes, and I continue, “Let’s go to my hotel to see what they have there.” She sees the merit in going to the hotel, so we go to the limo.

Melody is beside herself because she’s being driving around in a limo. At least someone is really enjoying the trip, regardless of the problems. Arriving at one of the better four and a half star hotels I book in and I explain Miranda’s dilemma. The desk staff explain they’ve already called around everyone for others, and there’s nothing to be had within one hundred and fifty kilometres of the hotel.

Looking up at me the supervisor asks, “Sir, how many more in your regular party?”

I smile while I reply, “Just little ol’ me, why?”

She replies, “Well, sir, you’re booked into the presidential suite and that has two bedrooms, each with their own en suite. If you don’t mind sharing, your friend can stay with you and it costs no extra because the room’s already paid for.” Seeing the surprised expression on my face she continues, “I took the booking for your accommodation two days ago. At the time we had nothing else left so your travel clerk booked the suite. She wasn’t happy about having to book such an expensive suite, but she did so because it was all we had left. I think it was all that was left in London at the time too.”

Turning to Miranda I raise an eyebrow. She laughs, “If I thought there was any way you could’ve got at my travel agent I’d accuse you of setting this up to seduce me. However, since we never met before today and I know you couldn’t have got at my travel agent, who’s my sister - by the way, I’ll be glad to accept your gracious invitation on behalf of my daughter and myself.” We’re all smiling by now.

I smile while saying, “Actually, it sounds more like you’re an industrial spy planted on me to learn my most important secrets. I’m not sure I buy that, simply because Melody acts more like a young girl than a midget dressed as a young girl.” Miranda looks stunned for a moment, then she bursts into laughter when she realises how ridiculous it sounds and I’m joking with her.

Since I’m providing the accommodation she insists on buying the meals during the stay. After putting our things away in the rooms we go out for food and a bit of sight seeing. Returning to the hotel for an early dinner, followed by going to bed early. Each bedroom has its own bathroom, so I’m able to linger in a nice hot bath to relax while reading.

In the morning we get ready and go down to have a delicious breakfast. Then await our limo driver. He turns up with lots of time to take us to the train station, where we split up due to being in different carriages. We do meet up again in the lounge car for drinks. It’s a nice trip to Glasgow as all three of us spend most of the time looking out the lounge car window pointing things out while discussing what we see. This is all new scenery for Melody and me, while Miranda is enjoying explaining things to us. The regular passengers are highly amused by our behaviour since we’re being very touristy, which they think it’s funny.


Arriving in Glasgow we get off the train. I’m helping Miranda place all her luggage on a trolley when a good looking woman in her mid-thirties walks up to her and hugs her. Winking at Melody I say, with a slight accent, “If that be all, Miss, I be on ma way.”

Looking up at me the woman says, with a laugh, “Now that wouldn’t be ethical, would it? Ducking off without even giving me a chance to get my copy of your book autographed.”

Both Miranda and Melody give me odd looks when I smile while saying, “Yes it would, because I made no promises to you. Anyway, I’m not here, so how can I sign your book?”

She gives me her card as she says, “Will you at least drop by and sign my copy when you’re here, or before you leave.”

I laugh while I reply, “If I can before I leave, I will.”

Miranda says, “I don’t think I want to know what that’s about, but thanks for helping out with the plane and hotel. You made the trip real fun. Oh, this is my sister-in-law, Grace.”

I say, “You’re welcome, I hope you both enjoy your stay.” Then I head off to a person standing around holding a card with my company cover name written on it.

The drive through Glasgow is nice and I enjoy the sights. Arriving at the office of the local agent I confirm all of the initial equipment is either on hand or arriving soon. It’s all there, except the special acoustic logging equipment that’s due to arrive by vehicle tonight or tomorrow. He introduces me to the other people who’ll be working with me. After we check all the equipment on hand is OK we head off to our various nearby hotels and hostels.

Booking into my hotel I place my bag in my room and go out to see some of the sights of Glasgow. My first stop is the Glasgow Tourist Information Centre for a map of the city. Followed by a stop at the address where Jack spent the first few months of his life, in case anyone is watching me. Next is a cab driver happy to take me, and two others, around the city for a special tourist trip rate.

I sit in the front to give the young couple some privacy in the back. It’s a nice trip, a bit like a mini-tourist bus, but much more comfortable. A beautiful city which I must see more of it when I get the time. The history is mind boggling to this poor Aussie.

Back to my hotel and a nice dinner followed by a good night’s rest.

The next morning it’s back to the agent’s office to find the rest of the equipment is on hand. I check it all over then I parcel it out to place it in the vehicles we’ll be using for the investigation. Following that with a thorough briefing of the assisting staff. I tell them what we’ll be doing on site and their cover stories. I finish up at 3:00 p.m. with a final check they all know how to use the radio and acoustic gear.

Splitting up we head off for our various accommodations as we’ll be setting off in different groups and at different times over the next thirty-six hours. We don’t want to arouse suspicions by us all arriving on site at once.

The next day a young lady with a nice vehicle turns up at my hotel asking for me. My ‘tour guide,’ executive assistant, has arrived. We spend the day driving around many of the Glasgow tourist sights I haven’t seen yet. The third morning after my arrival in Glasgow I sign out of the hotel and we head off into the Scottish countryside.

Taking a nice roundabout and touristy route we arrive in our destination town late on the day after our departure from Glasgow. It’s a pleasant and informative trip. Booking into a local hotel we arrange to join the regular visitor’s trip to the target church the next morning.

On Target

The tour group walks from the hotel up to the church, then we’re shown through the church. Like many others I’ve a carry bag with food and drink for my assistant and I to have lunch on the church grounds. Plus extra coats in case we feel cold. The pack also has a set of the latest miniaturized acoustic logging gear in the bottom of it. All I have to do is set it down then activate it with the remote control in my pocket. On the way there I notice all of my assistants are in place around the church.

Inside the church I check my large fancy watch with the built-in GPS unit, then I move a little to be at the correct spot. Once in place I send the signal to initiate the logging scans. Each of the six units around the church, plus my one in the church, take a turn sending a signal as well as recording the other six signals sent. Each unit sends a very high pitched sound wave into the earth which is ‘heard’ by the other units. When it passes through the earth the signal notes differences in density etc. It’s good for a depth of up to one kilometre.

Having got the first set of signals I move further down the church and initiate another round. During the tour I get readings from the front, centre, and back of the church as well as from the attached sacristy.

Leaving the church we walk around the grounds and eat lunch on the front lawn. While we eat one of my assistants walks up to discuss the nice view and church. During the discussion I pass him the memory chip from the acoustic logger because it has the results of the scans. After a while we pack up and head back to the hotel, only stopping to look at all the other touristy type things on the way. We return to the hotel just in time for an early dinner before retiring for the night.

During the afternoon the acoustic expert collects all the scans from the assistants and feeds them into the special computer he has in his camper van. In the program he notes the exact location of each unit during each scan. He has the computer prepare a visual summary of each scan plus a combined scan. He copies the summaries onto a USB drive which he hands to me when we leave the dining room.

In my room I examine the reports on my guide’s laptop computer. The evidence is clear, there’s no secret base under the church unless it’s more than a kilometre down and there’s no access passage below the church or surrounding grounds. Well, the contract is completed. There’s only one disturbing item of there being a hidden room under the sacristy.


The next morning I take the laptop with me when I go on a visit to the headquarters of the trust which looks after the church. Once there I go through the publicly available records to see what they have to say about the church and the hidden room. Nothing, so it seems they know nothing about the room. I check to see what they have about legends and stories about the time of its construction, again - nothing about the room. After asking to speak to the manager I’m soon seated in her office.

I smiling while saying, “Regarding the chapel, I was wondering if there are any legends or old stories about its construction and why it wasn’t finished.”

She looks at me for a moment, then replies, “Why do you wish to know?”

In a calm voice I say, “I’m interested in old stories and legends. And the chapel looks like a perfect one to have many. I already know about the stories concerning the Knights Templar and aliens. I’m more interested in the real people as well as those who were involved in its creation and construction.”

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She'd walked back home not knowing what to think of her afternoon. Who was this man, this Sir Edgar? She reminisced on the events that took place in the barn. She recalled the pleasure and smiled. She recalled the confusion and frowned. She recalled realizing she had a secret. For the people of her community would surely think her actions were a disgrace. She snorted at the thought. A disgrace. She entered her small hut just outside the settlement. Out of habit she started feeding the small...

First Time
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Marisol Hari Seller of Secrets

Up from the bowels of the vast underbelly of Europe in that region formerly known as the Balkans appeared a female child of great beauty and feminine charm. She became known as Marisol Hari the Mistress of all Spies. Of course, that was not her real name. Her real name is obscure because her mother chose not to name her father, a man who was reputed to be a black marketer of despicable character. When she was but 18 years old, she found employment in a cabaret in the midst of the charming but...

2 years ago
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Panty Secrets

Panty Secrets By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Carded Timmy. My parents named me Timmy. Timmy Garconette. They didn't hate me or anything. In fact they loved me very much. And they're good parents. They probably thought Timmy was a nice name. But it just gives you an idea of the flavor of my life. Timmy is not the name of a guy who scores the winning touchdown or scores with the winning babe. It's kind of a wimpy name. My one-year-older sister Clare got a pretty good name and some...

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Secrets by r. gold It's my little secret. Sitting at the kitchen table, I'm looking over at Billy Talbot dreaming about sucking his cock. I'm half listening to the conversation between my roommates. As the sound of their voices recedes to a low buzz, I'm imagining the warm heated member pushing against my lips as I wet and lick him. Lost in the rush of heat to my face and body, thinking about kissing the swollen head, chewing and flicking the underside of his foreskin with...

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Trouble at home the sharing of secrets

“Chris, do you remember my friend Hillary?” Becky called to me from the kitchen.“The one with the nice arse,”  I replied, raising my voice above its natural level, so I could be heard from across large open plan living area, where I was just packing my case for work. The comment was a throwaway one, and I didn’t need to turn around to sense the frown forming of on my wife’s face. It was one of the gifts of long-time husbands, that we can always sense our wife’s displeasure.  “Not the time...

4 years ago
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Revealing Secrets

Marriage is, of course, a ceremony and institution of compromise. The best thing being, naturally, to get all the compromising out of the way well before the ceremony occurs to become the institution. The circumstances vary from couple to couple--that goes without saying. Some guys have to give up their Friday night out-with-the-buddies bowling league. Or shift it to a Tuesday. Me, I had to forswear pussy-eating for the rest of my natural born life. The first few times Ariel and I got...

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Keeping Secrets

"You told her yet?" "No." Troy Garcia looked at his friend. "And don't you tell her, either." Reed Delaney held his hands up. "Not like I was going to. I'm your sponsor and your friend, but I'm not your mom." Troy stared at his half-eaten slice of pizza. "I'm gonna tell her." "When?" "I don't know. Soon." Reed ran a hand over his buzz cut. "That's a little on the vague side." "Got any suggestions?" Troy glared across the table. "Oh, for fuck's sake, man. The...

4 years ago
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Young Cross Dressers Secrets

Young Cross Dressers Secrets *Sandy was busting at the seams to tell someone some very exciting secrets she was keeping. She couldnt tell anyone she knows. She decided to tell them here. __After reading My Bra and Panties are Missing, my own real story kept nagging at me to be told, but I wasnt sure how. I decided to change all the names and write a story all about this secret world I stumbled into. I started getting very horny just thinking about all that had happened&hellip,. __My story...

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Promises and Secrets

Author's Note... This is my first attempt at a Cross-dressing story. So please forgive me if it seems a little disjointed. Above all I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are welcome. Promises and Secrets By Maria Ski Dedication For Samantha, thank you for the encouragement to actually finish this story. And to the usual suspects, they know who they are... And then of course there is You, the person who is reading this...

3 years ago
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SECRETS SECRETS Chapter 1  I had always been interested in bondage but had never done anything more than look on from the safety of my lounge room, via the Internet.? I had also over the years collected a number of items that I could use for some self-bondage when the mood took me.? I can remember as a child trying to lie so still in my bed pretending I was tied down and the excitement when some TV show would have the heroine kidnapped.?? Of course, as a child I had no thoughts that it...

4 years ago
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F4 Keeping Secrets

(Author’s note: This story is an entry into FAWC (Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge), a collaborative competition among Lit authors. FAWC is not an official contest sponsored by Literotica, and there are no prizes given to the winner. This FAWC was based around the theme of music, with four songs given to choose from. The song that inspired this story was ‘Written in Rock,’ by Rick Springfield.) * * * * ‘You told her yet?’ ‘No.’ Troy Garcia looked at his friend. ‘And don’t you tell her,...

4 years ago
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Greg learns his wifes secrets

Greg is a medium guy. He is under 6 feet tall, medium weight, medium looks, small hands, feet and a small dick. He is an unremarkable and uninteresting man with a unreliable medium sized 15 yr old car. He has a middle ranked job at a large sized library in a huge sized city on the west coast of the united states. His middle income helps to make the payments on a middle sized house in a middle sized city. The only thing not mediocre about his life is his wife of ten years. Charlotte...

2 years ago
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Rules of Engagement The Three Secrets

Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, FF, dildo, toys, masturbation, oral, cunninglingus, sex, cheating Summary: An erotic story based on the television show Rules of Engagement. These are my descriptions and my story of the characters of Rules of Engagement by CBS. I do not own the show, the characters, or anything else related to the show. This is just a parody of the show using my own words. I do however approve heavily of Megyn Pryce and what a beautiful gorgeous woman she is....

3 years ago
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Sharing My Room With Sis 7 Secrets

Mom was already gone to work for the day. As I went to the bathroom I realized I was again a free man. On Saturday I had become Abby's slave for the day after loosing a childish bet and a childish argument. Abby had not only made me do a school project for her, but had made me walk around naked all day except for a bowtie. She had teased dick with soft touches and kisses, and when she found me jerking myself, she made me show her porn while she masturbated. Finally, she had me give her a...

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The nights sinful secrets

~ Chapter 1 ~ Athena giggled to herself as she ran through the Marquis’s maze. She heard the hushed ramblings of boots pounding the dirt in the far off distance. It has to be him and a few of his men searching for me. They didn't sound close enough to catch up with her yet. She ran deeper into the maze at a playful pace. The image of shock flashing over him pushed her further to the limits of just plain naughty foolishness and if she was honest with herself, she loved every second of it. Jase's...

4 years ago
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David 2 Family secrets

When David got home he was relieved to see the house in darkness. It was unusual for his parents to go to bed early on a weekend but he was thankful that he didn’t have to face them.Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed.He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for...

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David 2 Family secrets

Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...

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Learning Family Secrets

We climbed out of Norma’s car and went in through the front door. Francine, George, Brenda and Marcia were waiting for us in the living room. George stood as we entered, offering me his hand to shake. He had a good grip, and smiled as he told me, “We’re glad to have you in the family, Darrell. Norma and I both appreciate how willing you have been to share bodies with all the women in my life. I know you had a good time yesterday fucking Norma and her mom, and I certainly have missed fucking...

2 years ago
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My Pet Lucy Chapter 1 Secrets

It was early summer and Sam was helping Lucy get ready to move house. They had only been dating for a couple of months, but things were going pretty well. Neither of them had been looking for anything serious but they got on well, shared some genuine affection and had a lot of fun together.Lucy's mum would be arriving soon to begin ferrying her stuff to the new place. They had packed up most of the other rooms, which just left Lucy's room to sort out."So, what needs to be done?" Sam asked,...

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High School Secrets

High School Secrets By JRD Jimmy and his friend, Elmer, were walking home when they passed the house of David Bender, the school's star quarterback. David was sitting on the front porch with his girl, Amanda, the head cheerleader. Getting close, Elmer asked, "Want to make a break for it?" Before Jimmy could respond, David yelled out, "Hey, boy, get over here." Jimmy sighed. "Naw, indulging David means he protects me from the other bullies at school." Jimmy was an...

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I guess we all have them, I certainly did, but you don't realize that others do too until something happens, that many times brings them out into the open. My mother had been sick for quite some time, dad having passed away a few years before so she had pretty much lived alone, though she had many friends that she spent a considerable amount of time with, which I was very grateful for as at the time, I lived a considerable distance away out of state. So I guess depending on how you look at...

3 years ago
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Dark Secrets

Chapter One - NaomiEveryone has dark secrets right? Take Naomi for instance. She’s a bright girl, young, attractive. She’s married to a hardworking man, Buddy. They live in a nice house, on a large ranch, right along the Trinity river in Texas. There’s a horse barn and some cattle. Naomi loves to ride all over their property. Probably the only thing that she doesn’t have is the company of her husband. You see he works in the oilfield and is rarely home. When he does finally make it there, he’s...

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Dirty Secrets

Her Dirty Secrets from Her Lover and The Naughty Chef It began as a usual Saturday in the big infamous oval track town, racing capital of the world, home of the black and white checkered flag, the Indianapolis 500. Deanne was extremely tired. She had talked to her friend with benefits, her lover, in NYC through the night. Slowly over a period of about four months, they had been getting to know one another as friends and lovers. It was safe to say they were both pretty much suffering...

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Eric Olafson Space Pirate Vol 5Chapter 3 Sojonit Secrets

The woman in the red dress led me through a labyrinth of hallways, corridors and after an elevator ride, into the secret basement facilities of the Temple far below the surface accessible only through a complicated process of ID verification that made the Blue-Blue-Red Code process look like child’s play. We ended up in a small conference room of sorts with several chairs and a kidney shaped table in the middle. A Sojonit entered and handed the Mother Superior a PDD and said. “Arrangements...

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Meriweather Way Secrets

We all have secrets…Elise Fairborough had many! Living at number twelve, Meriwether Way for the last six years she had discovered the very best way to press her husband’s shirts, the perfect stain remover for her white sheepskin rug even the best way to brew coffee in the morning to give it the strongest taste. Yet if one thing Elise had learned above all that she had perfected in the last six years, it was how to keep a secret behind closed doors. ‘Yeah of course just set up the meeting, I...

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Tell Me Your Secrets

Going through emails was normally quite tedious when you owned a website. Joseph's website, however, was a niche site that only attracted specific viewers, so the emails he received were very specific, and much more interesting.He scanned the list until he found the one that interested him. It was from Marie, his current client. She confirmed that everything was a 'go' for tomorrow night. Joseph smiled. Marie was a hot and horny one. This was going to be fun.His website catered to husbands or...

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Dirty Little Secrets

Dirty Little Secrets By Couture"Are you done yet Millie?" Victoria called from the living room."Almost finished ma'am."  The petite young woman hurriedly loaded the cups in the dishwasher and looked around beneath the sink for the detergent.  She was a pretty girl of only twenty four.  However, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, cheeks with a light coat of blush, sky blue eyeshadow, and pink lipstick, she looked nineteen."Hurry, you're embarrassing me in front of my friend.""I'm sorry...

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I Spy with my Little Eye Something Beginning with S Secrets

Part 4 I woke up the next morning and groaned deeply as I felt a pair of lips sliding down my morning erection. Even before I was fully awake I was thrusting my hips upwards to meet that willing mouth. “Isn’t your sister good at sucking cock, my little baby!” came the whisper in my ear. My eyes shot open and I would have been panic stricken except for the feeling of a pair of cheeks hollowing against the side of my cock. I looked at my mother lying beside me as her pointed nails took hold of...

1 year ago
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Do you have a secret stash? Of course, you fucking do! We all do! Whether you are talking about that ounce of reefer you have stuck behind your bookshelf or all those old VHS porno tapes you are hiding from your mother for some reason, we all have one! Or did have one, until we moved out of our parent’s basement like the big boys we are!Well, Secret Stash also has its own secret stack. So much that it named the premise Secret Stash! The platform has a fuck load of videos available for you to...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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sister SECRETS

I woke up Saturday morning from a really hot dream and as usual I had throbbing hardon. I knew Mom and Dad had both gone to work, leaving just me and my sister at home. As I lay in bed thinking about my dream I pulled off my underware and began to masturbate as I looked at some porn magazines enjoying the feeling as I stroked my hard cock. Without warning my bedroom door opened and my sister walked in saying "Hey, what are you going to do today..." then she stopped in her tracks as she saw me...

2 years ago
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Ladyboy Secrets

LADYBOY DIARYby utubeslutforgive the misspellings but inocent words get sensoredby the auto censelessDiaries can be dangerous and have unexpectedconsequences if they fall into the wrong hands.Or the right hands ….Early Spring and that meant a visit from myAunt Becky and my cousin Susie.I loved Susie but she was kinda weird.She had mood swings like she had permanentPMS, very unpredictable.Otherwise she was very sweet.Crazy bitch.The...

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A Day Full Of Secrets

Hello Everyone This beautiful experience started some 3 months back in December 2012. I still remember, it was a Saturday morning a weekly off for both me and my spouse. We were getting ready for a boring Parent-Teacher meet at my child’s school. It was this time when I got astrology alert on my cell saying this is a day full of secret affairs. Be cautious or flow with the destiny and I pretty much ignored it thinking its not gonna work with me as usual. It was a start of a vacation and I...

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Patchwork People XVI Buried Secrets

XVI. Buried Secrets. First thing I do on that first day is I take a detour through town to check out this totally demented store where Marcia mentioned she has a job. What kind of a job, I can't quite imagine. From what I can tell, it sounds like something super low-ambition, some not-trying-too-hard menial position that can't possibly pay very much. Given my main reason for showing up here in Hope Crossing, that doesn't bode well for the future of yours truly. You can imagine my...

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Goldshire Secrets

Goldshire Secrets By: Lyrissa "Come on, humans, do it. Push harder!" The seductive female voice was mixed with grunts, moans and the creaking of a massive bed as three figures were locked in furious intercourse in the cosily furbished room. The woman who had spoken was a very tall and lean purple-skinned elf, with long tapering ears which bobbed up and down as her two partners thrust into her. She had a lovely, natural face with silver-shimmering eyes and long dagger-styled markings...

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Finding out Dads Secrets

Dad always said, if anyone could save the world it would be characters like James, fighting the good fight. When I was teenager I read a lot about spies and the world of secrete agents. I would send away getting all the latest spy gadgets that were sold on the back of comics or magazine I happen to be reading at the moment. Most of it was junk of course, but in my mind and with a little imagination those spy gadgets were the best things a young man could have. It was when I turned 16 I...

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The ParkersChapter 49 Secrets

Frank and Janet Stone knew about their son's drinking habits. Greg was 16, old enough to be left alone when his parents left the house, but Frank and Janet realized that, in the last few weeks, there's always some bottle missing when they returned. They were not that worried. They didn't confront Greg, and thought he was simply being a teenager. It's not that they didn't care, but they realized that their only son was simply experimenting some alcohol. Both Frank and Janet had started...

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New Family Secrets

New family secrets My name is ryan and this is my story. When i was fifteen my mother and step father were killed in a car accident. My aunt (my mother's youngest sister) took me in and adopted me. My aunt and uncle were welthy due to them being big time investers. Okay now that you have the rundown of how i got there I feel that i owe it to you to describe my new family. My uncle Derrick is fourty-nine stands about six foot three with salt and pepper hair and looks like he works...

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Jias Awakening Ch 4 12 Jessas story and family secrets

Introduction: And introduction to Jias family and their fun Jias Awakening Ch 4 1/2 : Jessas Story and Family Secrets Authors note: This actually takes place between chapters 4 and 5. She got home from school and threw down her backpack beside the door. Again, no homework that day, so Jessa could relax. Next she stripped off her tshirt and skirt, leaving her wearing nothing but panties. Jessa looked at herself in the mirror, wishing that her boobies would start growing like the other girls in...

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My true untold dirty secrets

I’m hot n sexy since from my c***dhood. Whenever I got the chance, I never missed and made the best use of it. I had many encounters and a few of them are here. This is the first time I am narrating my true secrets, but it feels all good to me to be getting out of it before you all. These are all true ones.First Time in 9th Grade!!The story starts when I was 15 years old and was only in the 9th grade at the time. At the beginning of the year I met a girl and we became instant friends. As the...

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Deadly Secrets

Disclaimer: This is not a true story no matter how much I wish it was any scenes or people who reflect real life things is done purely by accident or by chance with that said her is my newest story Deadly Secrets By Ruby Star Prologue My friend Robert Joe has had a very unhappy life. Why has his life been unhappy? Because he feels, and he is correct in that feeling, that his whole life is a lie. The things he does, the way he looks, the way he talks, and even his gender and...

1 year ago
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My true untold dirty secrets

I’m hot n sexy since from my childhood. Whenever I got the chance, I never missed and made the best use of it. I had many encounters and a few of them are here. This is the first time I am narrating my true secrets, but it feels all good to me to be getting out of it before you all. First Time in 9th Grade!! The story starts when I was 18 years old and was only in the 9th grade at the time. At the beginning of the year I met a girl and we became instant friends. As the year went on we flirted...

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Revenge is best served blonde Prt 3 Secrets

Introduction: Part three, as secrets come out and life gets more complicated for Zach Prt. 3 This night just kept getting more and more screwed up as it went on, and to top it all off, when I had my doubts and guilt about the whole situation Ali told me that Sara came home with a hickey on a night that I was not with her… That bitch was cheating on you!? Ali said, seemingly almost more angry than I was. Yeah I think she is. I said quietly. Like for sure? She is for sure cheating on you?...

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Big Girls Keep Even Bigger Secrets

Big Girls Keep Even Bigger Secrets. Chapter One It was my first day at College, being a freshman at a University filled with a bunch of people I didn’t know had me nervous, especially about my appearance. I woke up an hour earlier than normal, throughout the morning I tried on just about every outfit I owned including the five I just bought for the school year. I like to call myself thick, but that doesn’t fool anyone. I know I am fat and rarely in high school did I catch any attention from...

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Moms Sleep Mask Secrets

Moms Sleep Mask Secrets …..I can no longer keep this to myself. Moms who find they can no longer resist the desire to be with their son sexually….this is for you. It may not work for you, but it sure the hell worked for me. I knew all the taboo stuff, but one event changed all that when my son was a young teen.…..I went out to our lawn shed in the back yard to get something, when I opened the door…there stood my son just as he was shooting cum as he jacked off. In a millisecond I didn’t close...

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Sensualize Secrets

Sensualize SecretsHello everyone, I’m Julie from Sensualize and I’ve decided to start writing a Blog (weekly) to share just a selection of sexy sensual and quite often very funny sexual encounters I have been fortunate enough to experience. Real people’s names have been changed the only name that’s real is mine! Hope you enjoy my very first ‘Sensualize Secrets’The BeginningI met my now husband about 5 years ago, when we first met he was very open about his previous swinging lifestyle (at first,...

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Sensualize Secrets

Sensualize SecretsHello everyone, I’m Julie from Sensualize and I’ve decided to start writing a Blog (weekly) to share just a selection of sexy sensual and quite often very funny sexual encounters I have been fortunate enough to experience. Real people’s names have been changed the only name that’s real is mine! Hope you enjoy my very first ‘Sensualize Secrets’The BeginningI met my now husband about 5 years ago, when we first met he was very open about his previous swinging lifestyle (at first,...

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No More Secrets

As she shut the front door of the place she’d called home for nearly five years, she couldn’t help wondering if she’d ever step foot inside again, probably not, Tony, her now ex. had made it quite clear what he thought about her, dyke, lesbo, slut, to name but a few of the things he’d called her, she could understand his hatred of her, after all, she had dropped a bombshell on his cosy, safe life, to leave him was one thing, to leave because she preferred women was another, she’d not intended...

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The senator had two secrets. One was his gay hung black lover and the second was his sexy shemale. He had spent a lot of money getting the shemale just how he liked it. The surgery gave her big tits and nipples and a great ass. She had injections in her cock and now had a long very thick cock. She took hormones to have a soft female features in her face. She loved dressing sexy and showing off her big tits and nipples and the senator loved seeing her sexy. The senator loved his lovers with the...

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The Opening Of Chamber Of Secrets

Thank you all for overwhelming response. I never wrote anything and never imagined myself as a writer. But after reading your mails, I can get in your pants now! Haha. I am going to share my first story today! The opening of chamber of secrets. I was 18. My school was well know in city and across the Maharashtra. It was not that strict about lectures and believed more in learning outside the class room. Me and my friend were going in Library on 3rd floor. Let me tell you about him. He is...

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