DesiderataChapter 5 free porn video

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Gerry drove away thoughtfully. He had thoroughly enjoyed his day and Isobel had continued to grow in his estimation. As usual they had talked non-stop and done a lot of laughing. They had teased each other and Isobel seemed to enjoy it, certainly giving as good as she got. Then, when he thought he might have overcome her reluctance to go out with him again she had gently, sweetly but firmly turned him down. What had she said after the Honeys' dinner party? 'I can't let myself get involved.' He wondered whether she had had an unhappy affair and was still unable to trust a man. It would not be wise to probe. She was pretty reticent about her family. She would clam up completely about a relationship that had gone wrong and probably send him away with a flea in his ear. That was the last thing he wanted. He just had to wait for her to tell him of her own volition. He would keep wooing her gently but not put any pressure on her.

Isobel was not happy either. She had thoroughly enjoyed the day too; too much. She was getting to like Gerry more and more but she could not let it become anything other than a casual friendship and so, much as she would like to go out with him more often, she must not give in. It might hurt him and he might give up which was what she wanted. Wasn't it? No it wasn't. She wanted his friendship. He was fun, gentle and amusing. She had liked it when he squeezed her hands before he left. It was a warm, genuine gesture without threat. She would not have minded if he had kissed her. Yes she would! That could have signalled the start of commitment. She banged her fists on the kitchen table. She was getting nowhere with her dilemma. Where was her brain?

The important thing was the Corsellis case. She had to keep Gerry on side until that was over. It would be easier to push him away after that.

The day of the hearing arrived. The case was not scheduled to be heard until eleven but Gerry had a conference room available from half past nine. Isobel had fixed that at his request. Mrs Mary Davidson was the district judge. Isobel and Gerry were delighted. She had been the divorce judge.

Arthur Corsellis was the first to arrive and was greeted warmly by Gerry and Isobel.

"I don't need anything from you, Mr Corsellis, at this stage but I thought you might like to be present when I talk to Miss Shepherd's ex-solicitors. Please feel free to butt in. I'm not going to talk to Larry before the case. I may not call him as a witness but he will be far more effective if what he says is straight off the cuff."

Corsellis nodded. He had confidence in this young man and in Isobel whom he had grown to trust, respect and like.

At around ten the two solicitors arrived. Isobel did waitress with the pretty indifferent coffee provided by the court. Gerry introduced himself and then the others to each other.

"Now, Mr Morris and Mrs Hardwick," he said to the two solicitors, "it is quite proper that you should both have consented to give evidence only to the facts. I cannot and should not ask you to do more. To do otherwise would betray the confidence of your former client. On the other hand, the fact that you are both prepared to appear today indicates to me that you have some sympathy with Mr Corsellis."

Gordon Morris, the minx's first solicitor whom she had sacked, smiled bitterly. "Yes," he said. "Like Miss Harris, the bulk of my work is family. Much of what we do is effectively counselling with a bias towards our clients. I am delighted to meet you at long last, Mr Corsellis. The impression I had from Miss Harris was of a straight, honest, gentle man whose priority was the upbringing and care of his son whom he genuinely loved."

Arthur looked at his feet.

"I tried therefore to represent this unselfish devotion to Miss Shepherd. I did not succeed, I'm sorry to say, but I stuck to my guns and my principles and Miss Shepherd decided to dispense with my services."

"Thank you, Mr Morris, for your frankness." Gerry grinned wickedly. "I rather hoped you'd say something like that. Now, I'm going to have to stress to the judge that you are only prepared to give factual evidence. So how are we going to play it? Let's see how this works.

"Mr Morris, I believe you have specialised in family law for a number of years."

"Yes. Fifteen plus."

"Where the welfare of a child is at stake what is your priority?"

"The child of course."

"With this as your priority would you say that a part of your service to your client is in an advisory or counselling mode?"


"Did you employ this mode with Miss Shepherd?"


"Did she accept your advice?"

"I can't answer that."

"Did she dispense with your services?"


Gerry beamed. "Were you happy with that?"

"Yes." He paused and smiled disarmingly. "I wish I could say a great deal more but I'd be struck off."

"The judge may ask you to although not publicly. What was your letter of dismissal like?"

"Extremely rude almost maniacal."

"Would you be prepared to give the judge a copy if she asks for one?"

"I think not," he said but added with a smile, "On the other hand, if Mrs Davidson were to invite me to a private chat I might reveal its contents."

"Great!" Gerry smiled winningly at Mrs Hardwick. "Your turn now, Mrs Hardwick. Are you happy with the way I'm going?"

"Very. I resigned, as you know, but that was because my client refused to listen to advice which was based on the same premises as Mr Morris."


"Oof indeed, Mr du Puys. We are dealing with a very selfish woman who also harbours a grudge. I don't doubt her love for Larry but she wants his love for herself alone and if that hurts Mr Corsellis so much the better."


"I'm sorry to say it is ouch. She is a most unpleasant woman in my opinion. Sorry, Mr Corsellis, I'm criticising your judgement."

Arthur smiled wryly. "Not any more, Mrs Hardwick."

She returned his smile and then turned back to Gerry. "So how do you want to play it, Mr du Puys?"

"Much the same, I think, except that when I ask you whether you were sacked as well you could say something like 'No', pause for effect, 'I resigned'. Does that sound all right?"

"Yes and then bite my tongue."

"Brilliant! Isobel, how well do you know the clerk to the court?"

"Quite well."

"Well enough to get her to persuade Mrs Davidson that she would like a private word with Mr Morris and Mrs Hardwick?"

"I reckon."

She left the room.

Gerry turned to Arthur. "Mr Corsellis, I think we need do nothing more than run through the occasions that your ex has been obstructive, touch on Larry's long hair, because I hope that he will explain his feelings on that, and then move onto his teeth. I have asked his dentist to be present and hope that she will show up at any minute. I think that we should cover your concern nevertheless and I hope that I can engage Larry on that as well. It may sound callous but I hope to show that Miss Shepherd is intent on stealing Larry away from you."

Arthur Corsellis nodded unhappily.

Isobel returned in five minutes. "Fixed, all things being equal."

Gerry and the two solicitors smiled. Arthur did not. Isobel went to him.

"It's miserable, isn't it?" she said softly

Arthur nodded.

"But we ought to get something positive out of it for you and Larry."

"What if she chucks in the towel and hands him over to me completely? I can't take full time care of him."

"The judge won't wear that. She is bound to give priority to Larry's welfare."

"So she could place him in care."

"She could but I don't reckon Miss Shepherd would take it that far. Despite all her behaviour she loves Larry, don't you think?"


"So she may throw a fit but the judge will see through that. I don't think that she will change the custody rules but will make it clear that if your ex continues to be difficult she risks losing her son to care or adoption."

"Neither of which I could bear."

"Nor could she. There may be a show but I suspect she will crumble."

"God! I hope you're right."

Isobel could not restrain herself. She took his hands and smiled warmly. "I'm pretty sure I am."

Gerry was impressed. He might tease her later about unprofessional conduct but what Isobel had done was reassure a very nervous and emotionally disturbed client and he was impressed.

There was a knock on the door and a tiny, raven-haired, young woman came in.

"Good morning," she said in breathy shyness, "I'm Dorothy Maynard, Larry Corsellis's dentist."

"Hello," said Isobel warmly. "I'm Isobel Harris. It's nice to meet you at last. Thank you very much for coming."

She introduced Miss Maynard to everybody and then offered her coffee which she accepted.

Gerry took over.

"After years of male dentists," he said, "I suddenly found myself at the mercy of a female. All my male whatevers surfaced but then I found that my mouth wasn't full of big fat fingers but slim ones that seemed to do things just as well if not better. I was converted. Thank you very much for coming today. I hope we're not losing you a small fortune."

"No. Just a small bit of a small fortune."

Gerry laughed. "OK, Miss Maynard or is it Doctor?"

"Miss, which you know, or Miss Harris has not briefed you properly."

Gerry's and Isobel's eyes met and they both laughed.

"He's a flatterer," said Isobel.

"Ouch!" said Gerry. "I think I may be being ganged up on."

"Deservedly," interjected Mrs Hardwick.

That caused laughter all round and Dorothy Maynard relaxed.

"Miss Maynard," said Gerry, "I am not asking anything other than factual and professional evidence from you. As I understand it, you have had to remove four of Larry's baby teeth because he had been eating too many sweets."

"In a nutshell, yes. Should I not say also why I consider that to be true?"

"Yes indeed." Gerry grinned mischievously. "But I wasn't going to put words into your mouth. Seriously though, keep it as simple as you can. I doubt the judge is orthodontically informed."

Miss Maynard laughed. "I'll keep the big words to a minimum."

"Thank you."

After that there was a half hour wait. Isobel watched as Gerry deftly moved among his witnesses putting them at ease. She was intent on Arthur. She had elevated his case and she felt she ought to give him maximum reassurance. She moved over to him. He beat her to it.

"Isobel, thank you."

"It's not over yet, Mr Corsellis."

"Arthur, please. May I call you Isobel?"

She smiled warmly. "Of course you can. I'm slightly surprised you didn't assume you could do that a while ago."

"I'm old fashioned but thank you, Isobel. I know it's not over yet and we may have some tantrums in court this morning but I think from all I've heard that I will be vindicated. Thank you, my dear."

"You deserve to be. I've watched you feint and duck and thought it was time that you came back with a powerful uppercut."

"That's fighting talk."

Isobel nodded. "And you, Arthur, are a gentle man but, from what I have learned, strong and true. There comes a time when a gentle but honourable man has to stand up for himself and someone he loves. That's why I pushed you into this."

"Thank you, Isobel. I've always thought you were a good solicitor. Now I know better than that. You're special."

In another room there was a less than happy atmosphere. A slightly apprehensive Larry had been removed from his mother by a sweet but firm female court official.

"Don't worry, Miss Shepherd," she had said. "He'll be very happy."

Larry was, surprisingly. The court official knew her stuff. She had a collection of short stories to suit all ages.

"Now, Larry," she said. "Am I going to read to you or are you going to read to me?"

"I'll read to you."

"Great! What would you like to read? An adventure story, a school story, cars, trains?"


She was impressed with Larry's reading. There were only a few words that he found difficult.

In the meanwhile the atmosphere in Miss Shepherd's waiting room was strained.

"Why haven't I got a barrister representing me?"

"Two thousand pounds, Miss Shepherd?"

"Sheesh! So bloody money wins."

"Not necessarily at all. If you are open and honest the judge will appreciate that and take it into consideration."

"Why is Larry going to be called as a witness?"

"He may not be."

"What if he is?"

"I don't understand your concern."

"Well, kids sometimes say things."

"Is there something you haven't told me about that he might say something about?"


"Well, there's no need to worry, is there?"

"I suppose not."

The court convened in chambers so there was no public access. It was still a large room but there were no wigs or gowns all in deference to the possible appearance of Larry. He was not present. He would only come in if called as a witness.

All rose to their feet when Mrs Mary Davidson entered. She bowed to Gerry and the two solicitors. They all sat when she did.

"Good morning, Mr du Puys," she said. "I don't believe we've met."

Gerry rose to his feet again. "No, ma'am," he said. "I have not had the privilege."

"Hmph! You clearly take after Sir Norman. No more standing though please, Mr du Puys. Good morning, Miss Harris, Mr Corsellis and Miss Shepherd we have all met before. And finally, good morning to you, Mr Ellis. We haven't met before, have we?"

"No, ma'am."

"Hah! No barrister flannel from you. Right let's begin. Mr du Puys."

"Ma'am you will doubtless recall that Mr Corsellis and Miss Shepherd had a separation agreement which detailed my client's access to their son. In your ruling at their divorce you ordered that access agreement to continue." Gerry ran through that and then called on Arthur.

"Mr Corsellis, you have been divorced for approximately three years during which time I understand that you have met with obstruction to your access to Larry."


"Would you expand on that?"

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Most neighborhoods do not have a high concentration of swingers, but down here.... We are lucky. But with my little girl having just turned 18, could I really continue living that way....?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bob is a perverted neighbor that I have known since we moved into the subdivision 20 years. My bride and I were introduced to swinging by him and the hot tub on the back porch has had as many as eight naked people in it as a time, thanks to Bob. Then my wife died brain cancer...

3 years ago
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The New Restaurant

It’s my turn to pick a place for our weekend date. I’ve heard of a funky new restaurant that’s opened up that not too many people know about, including you. I dress carefully for you. I put on my sexy black lace push up bra, black lace suspender belt and thigh high pantyhose. I put on my new short black skirt, and tight button up red shirt, which shows my large breasts off to perfection. I spray on some perfume and put on my stilettos. As you arrive to pick me up, your eyes almost pop out of...

2 years ago
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My Awakening

Some of this story is true and some just fantasy. It's up to you to decide what's what!I was a teenager, shy and not yet sexually aware. I got hard on a regular basis and had wet dreams but that's as far as my experience went. Then it all changed. One day, when I was getting dressed in the small bedroom I shared with my brother, m*m suddenly came in to see that I was ok. Seeing that I only had my underpants on, she became frisky and tried to pull them down in a very playful sort of way. This...

1 year ago
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An ClochnChapter 71

On the knoll Zoe’s, Alana’s, and Vanessa’s teams described the events since finding the two bodies to Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, and Keriann’s Clans. Briana then told of finding four people near Siobhan’s shuttle, and their camp site. She continued with, “As to the victims by the cave, the forensic team’s initial impression is that they’ve been dead for several months, and perhaps longer. They are certain that the two victims were naked when staked out. What happened between that point and their...

1 year ago
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Winter Holiday Surprise

It was just 3 weeks passed after my encounter with you. I missed you a lot. Even though we kept in touch via messenger, emailing fantasies, texting naughty pictures and on the phone once in a while, but nothing is a substitute for the real thing as I still missed your smile, your laughter, your sparkling eyes, your soft touches and most of your entire arousing moan. After managing to settle a last minute project, I was able to get some off days ' a week! My first thought was to pay a surprise...

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Visit with a Filipina

This is the story of my week long visit with a Filipina ladyboy in Hong Kong.She is a 31 year old nurse who has worked all over the world but now helps her mother run a supermarket in her home town. Since she is from a bad area of Mindanao, I arranged to meet her in Hong Kong. We had been chatting daily so I was eager to see her and see how we got along in real life.After a long flight to Hong Kong, I left the plane and there she was waiting for me. She had been on a flight from Manila which...

2 years ago
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Savior of the Galaxy

© Copyright 2006 - Shakes Peer2b DING DONG DONG DING, DING DONG DING DONG! Once again I cursed myself for having installed that stupid chime as my doorbell. Then I cursed whoever had the temerity to ring it in the midst of one of my favorite masturbatory fantasies. FUCK! It was bad enough that I had little better to do with my time, but it was even worse that the asshole at the door chose the middle of one of my few enjoyable pastimes to ring the stupid bell. Didn't anybody knock...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Best Friend

bisexual wife - threesome – fmf – friend - swinging – bikini – facesittingWhoa!When I stepped naked from the bathroom and strode into the living room of our small apartment, as I did every morning, I was shocked to discover that my wife, Brooke, was not the only one sitting on the couch in the living room. Beside her sat her best friend, Nikki, and, wow, was I giving her an eyeful!Besides my slim and somewhat muscular body, I was showing a shrunken four-inch version of my eight-inch long cock...

3 years ago
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Wedding day whore 2

Please comment on this story and tell me what you think. Thanks Whorowner  “smile” The photographer was clicking away taking picture after picture of the newly married couple and their guests. Lisa was smiling for the camera, smiling with happiness that she was married, but also smiling to hide the unhappiness of what had happened earlier. Then the photographer suggested a picture with the bride and all the men. All the men attending the wedding started to crowd around the couple. Mark...

3 years ago
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My Life Behind Pauls Back PrologueReposted

INTRODUCTION: 1. My Dad 2. My Mom 3. My Husband, Paul & I I want to introduce my adventures and will start with dad. I want to begin with dad because through dad I met Paul. 1. My dad always kept himself in good shape by working out in the gym. He was always busy with the church and always available for his congregation but always found time to work out in the gym. He had a free pass because the owner of the local gym was one of dad’s, congregation. Even now at age...

2 years ago
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blackmailed wife part 4

Walking by the local highschool my eyes focus on a group of 3 girls,they look incredibly hot,how the teachers allow them to wear such short skirts is mystery to me,then again if i was a teacher i would not say anything neither,never mind.Suddenly one of them scream at a men a few meters away''What the fuck are you looking at. You fucking pervert!!!''She embarrass him a lot and he almost run away as they all laugh.I cant stop thinking at that cockteasing bitch,so arrogant but also tremendously...

4 years ago
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HealerChapter 5

Ray Pinsky might be a miracle worker in a hospital ward, but he'd had lots of time to get acclimated to his possession of that remarkable talent. But he found himself overwhelmed by all this praise of his sexual prowess. How would any man feel? Probably, more guys want to be Superstud than want to be President. And Ray had no illusions. His past sexual history had been in the "A" category up until now: "A" for "adequate." He had not rocked many women's worlds in his young life. But...

2 years ago
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Wife Fucked by a Close Friend

As the monsoons arrive, I am reminded of another day a couple of years back, when the heavens opened up in a sudden downpour, and took us by surprise in the first rains of the season. It was evening, and I was sitting with my friend Sanjay, having coffee at home. My wife Rachhna, who is an Air Hostess, had yet to return from work, when the downpour started. I got worried, as Rachhna had not taken any rainwear to the airport. I called her up on the mobile, and she said she would manage her way...

1 year ago
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Yokohama Awakening of Angel Part 2

The story you are about to read is true. I met Angel on the Internet through one of the swinger personal sites. The first part of our story begins with our e-mails to each other that began hot and finished hotter. This is our Friday night adventure. The reality was even better as you will soon discover. This has been co-written by Angel and myself.The Reality - Friday NightAfter rushing through Tokyo station and arriving at the “Silver Bell” meeting place I did not at first see her. When I...

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Ludivine Astrid Twin sisters

Ludivine & Astrid, Twin sistersFictionWe are two cute twin sisters. We are both blond and very much alike looking. We love to wear sportswear clothes. And sneakers. We like to wear those clothes directly on our skin. It is very pleasant to the skin either with the smoothness of the fleece or with the electrostatic sensation on our hairs triggered by the synthetic apparel. We have nice pussies that we do like to touch with our small fingers. We discovered how to please ourselves in our...

4 years ago
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The pool party

It was almost the end of school. Just ten minutes left until I would be done with school for the rest of my life. It felt good to have finally finished. I was talking to one of my friends when I got a text from my friend John. He asked me if I wanted to come over later for a pool party. I said sure! I drove home and went inside. I grabbed my bathing suit and some sun screen. I went out to my car and started to drive to his house. As I was pulling into his house I got another text. He told me to...

1 year ago
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Bobby Linda

Linda Stevens sighed in disgust. Another lousy weekday afternoon with nothing to do. She stared into her bathroom mirror and saw a reasonably attractive 39 year old woman staring back. Not bad, she thought to herself, a few wrinkles around the eyes and a few gray hairs, but otherwise I look fine. I wonder if I should dye my hair to hide the gray. No, she thought, it would just look fake and besides her brownish-blonde shade blended well with the occasional gray hair and it didn't look bad...

1 year ago
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Gathering Fallen RocksChapter 9

The special order parts for Howard's truck finally arrived at the auto parts store. He called while Gail was going back to her office and asked if she could stand a night at the ranch so he could get his truck running. "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful" Gail chanted, "I'm lucky I left my suitcases in the truck, but I'm almost out of clean clothes. I'll do laundry while you're working late tomorrow. I'm missing my furniture more, every day, especially my washer and dryer." "Damn,...

3 years ago
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Verbal SP humiliation and masturbation from the wi

A bit of real verbal exchange between my wife and me...maybe a game you could play with your wife one night? If you dare.We lie side by side. It's 11:15pm and all the lights are off. Tonight is a night for imagination and verbal role play.I pass Emma her dildo and wand. She keeps the covers over her. I can't see much but then I hear the familiar buzzing noise. I pull down my boxer shorts and start to play with myself.'Emma, I want you to think of a guy you know. Have you got one in mind?''Yes....

2 years ago
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Lost Identity

Applause swelled and died off when someone opened the conference hall door and let it swing shut, leaving the crowd inside. Pryce had done the same thing twenty minutes ago. He’d gone into the bar and gotten a glass of bourbon, then opted to sit at the far end of the lobby close to the bar. Now the sudden noise pulled his attention from the twin, revolving doors where snow had begun to fall faster and thicker out beyond the glass.He turned to see a pair of slender shins scissoring their way in...

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i woke up in the night and had to have a piss so held it in as long as i could and could feel my ball getting bigger and buy dick was pumping and pumping and just let go the piss fill my pants and soke my bed and it ran down my leg and it was a good feeling and i cum at the same time and left my room and as i left my room my mum went in and she could see all the piss and cum and said come with me so i did and my mum put me in her bed and lick my ball to get the cum off and piss and she sat on...

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My Neighbors Teenage Daughter part two

I feel obligated to ask people to read part one before proceeding. I woke up with a raging hard on. As the fog of the exhausting events of the last week cleared (packing up my old house, moving to my new home and starting to unpack) I suddenly realized that part of my exhaustion was due to a sleepless night caused by the neighbor’s daughter. She had made it fairly clear that she wanted me yesterday. Then later before going to bed for the night, we put on a little show for each other through...

2 years ago
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Lesbian teens 4

Teenage LesbiansBy Doria LyonsChapter 3Shooting had been delayed for an hour because of some equipment problems. As everyone headed for the commisary for a bite to eat and a drink, Jo felt someone grab her by the arm."Hi," said Sue, nervously."Hello," replied Jo, noticing a young girl next to Sue."This is my sister, Jan. I brought her along today to watch the shooting," Sue explained."Hi, Jan. I'm Jo," she smiled.Smiling shyly, the young girl extended her hand politely."I'm very glad to meet...

1 year ago
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A Naughty Date With A Trans Woman

Hey everybody, and a very special welcome to all transwomen, femboys and queer folk. It’s been a while since I posted a story here. But I’m back to start providing some brand new content. Some info about me first: I’m 5’11, Punjabi by background. But been living abroad for quite some time, bisexual and most definitely a dom top. I find myself to be attracted to femininity in all of its forms. Although I find trans women incredibly attractive I don’t purely sexualize them. I believe there is no...

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All I Want Chapter 6

It had been a month since Olivia had spoken to Cameron. A whole four weeks without talking to him, seeing him, touching him, and she had been driving herself crazy while trying to forget about him. Every time her mind wandered off to that forbidden territory, she had to remind herself of why they were no longer together. He had called and texted her dozens of times each and every day, but she couldn't find it in herself to talk to him again and to reopen the door that she had tried so hard to...

Love Stories
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 381

Six Little Life Wisdoms: Once all villagers decided to pray for rain, on the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms to wake up. That's HOPE We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future. That's...

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