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To the Oak and ?

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Life was much quieter in the new stable where Judith and Beth kept their personal mounts.  Between Beth’s visits, the hands made certain that Big Boy was kept well groomed and in excellent condition.

Just like any other morning, the grooms roused Big Boy soon after dawn. Today they told him that he might expect Beth.  Big Boy treasured his sleep and hated to be awoken, but he was always eager to see his mistress, Beth.  He thirsted endlessly for her attention.  He lived and breathed for her approval.  His yearning was endless.  Ponies are herd animals and Beth, like the mistress of any well-run herd, had impressed herself on her Ponies as the uncontested leader of their herd.

Big Boy drank some water and did his necessary business while the grooms waited impatiently.  Too much to eat or drink before a ride made a pony sluggish and lazy.

Finished, Big Boy stood passively but impatiently while the grooms attached his saddle and bridle.  He could barely restrain his roiling excitement.  The petite girl’s determined grasp on his nose lead was little more than symbolic, given their disparity in size and strength.

The saddle, a small leather seat, perched between his shoulders at the base of his neck.  The strong but light aluminum tubes were secured to the thick belt that circled his waist and supported the saddle to lower the center of gravity.  Adjustable stirrups hung from the saddle.  One strap of his bridle circled his forehead with handholds on either side and a second strap passed under his nose.  Together, they held the reining rods in place, thin wooden dowels that intruded into his sensitive ear canals.  Pressure on a rod pulled his head promptly to the left or right and yoked his considerable strength fully into the service of his rider.

Saddled and bridled, Big Boy was secured to the slip rail.  A metal ring pierced the glans of his cock.  The grooms clipped this ring onto a second ring that pierced his navel, lifting his penis safely out of his groin and away from his brawny thighs, exposing his fat scrotum beneath.  Once male genitals had been the symbol of male dominance.  Now they were the symbol of male vulnerability.

Soon, a second, unfamiliar mount, similarly saddled and bridled, was tied to the slip rail beside him.  The two males examined each other suspiciously.  Big Boy shared the stable with a number of mounts and he disliked each of them individually and despised them all collectively.  In his jealous eye, each was a rival for Beth’s favor.  His intense hatred was returned with equal passion.  All the intact males vied desperately for the attention of the trainers, exercise girls, and grooms, as well as the riders.  Jealously was the norm and actual fights were not uncommon.

Big Boy hated Beth’s other mounts most of all.  Like many riders, Beth kept several Ponies.  Beth loved long rides and she often took a spare Pony along so that she might change mounts midway and keep a fresh mount under her.  All proudly wore her brand.  All competed fiercely for her attention and prized any precious hint of her favor.  Beth had vainly hoped that her Ponies might get along better.  Somehow, they might be friends, she hoped, if only to please her.  They should take pleasure, she hoped, or at least take comfort in each other’s company in the stable or on her Pony trailer.

Caitlin laughed at Beth’s stereotypic female sentimentality and naivet?.  A dog might be a more fitting companion for an intact male than another male, the chief trainer had explained to her old friend more than once.  Sometimes, it seemed that only Beth’s fierce will kept any sort of peace among the quarrelsome beasts.  At best, the creatures tolerated each other and only barely in order to preserve Beth’s good will.  More than once, Caitlin had pointed that castration was a ready option to decrease the level of tension in the stable.  Her geldings in the main stable caused much less trouble.

However, elite riders often preferred intact males.  A more spirited mount might provide a more thrilling ride.  While distractible, lazy, and prone to violence, a very special bond might be formed between a rider and her mount.

Big Boy was always covetous of his mistress’ attention.  This new male beside him at the slip rail was not at all familiar.  He had no knowledge of the other’s standing in Beth’s esteem and his claim for her attention.  Big Boy’s ignorance inflamed his insecurity and made the other seem an even more dangerous rival.  He feared that he might have to share Beth’s attention today.  He glared at the stranger. 

The stranger glared angrily back.  The other Pony was large, but few Ponies were as large as Big Boy.  Big Boy stood up straighter to flaunt his greater stature.  The stranger showed Big Boy his teeth.  Big Boy pulled against the slip rail.  He stomped his foot and kicked the dirt in frustration as the other was just out of his reach.  The stranger turned and Big Boy saw that his brand was not Beth’s.  The stranger looked back at Big Boy and farted.

A short time later, Beth came down to the stable from breakfast.  Her dark hair was braided in a tight ponytail for riding.  A brilliant white silk blouse and black leather jodhpurs accented her olive complexion.  Knee-high black leather boots enclosed her small feet and accented her shapely calves.  Thin, supple riding gloves covered her graceful hands.  She could feel a male’s beard through the thin black leather.  From her belt, hung her worn leather crop.  A smile illuminated her face.  Her glittering silver rowelled spurs jingled when she walked.  Beth often joked that she felt absolutely naked without her spurs.

Big Boy heard her jingle jangle of her spurs and recognized her perfume before he saw her.  He did not miss the spurs’ glistening sharp points or overlook their meaning for an instant.

Caitlin, Beth’s good friend, followed eagerly a step behind.  She had tied her thick blonde hair back in a French braid for the day’s exertions.  She wore a white blouse over white leather jodhpurs and white boots.  She had brought the other mount, a gelding named Lucky, from the main stable.

Beth and Caitlin had been friends for since college.  As teenagers, they had worked together as grooms at the Blake’s Mountain Stables.  Caitlin had pursued her interest and become a trainer.  She was taller than Beth and blonde.  Beth had become an attorney.  Caitlin’s build was more athletic while Beth’s was more petite, though Beth was no fragile flower.  Beth’s wiry frame provided unexpected strength.

Caitlin had always had a great sense of humor.  One time, she had touched her sex and rubbed her finger, redolent with female scent, under the noses of four unsuspecting Ponies tied at the slip rail.  A number of women bringing their daughters for an after-Sunday school ride had found three of the four sporting rampant erections – all but the gelding.  Doc Johnson had a schedule busier than usual the following week.

Beth saw the mounts secured at the slip rail, saddle and bridled, already waiting.  The stable was well ordered and well run.  The Ponies were both fine specimens and well groomed.  Their strong legs supported muscular buttocks and broad backs offered their riders secure seats.  Their male size and strength were undeniably impressive.  Beth’s easy confidence in her undeniable mastery elated her.

She ran her gloved hand over the thick muscles of Big Boy’s back.  He pulled against the slip rail and pushed himself back against her hand, trying to increase the contact.  She patted him on his muscular rump fondly.  He was a spirited creature, and he was hers.  Her brand marked him unmistakably as her property for all to see.  She thrilled to own such a magnificent beast.  His skin was smooth and hairless.  Except for the hair of his head and his closely cropped beard, her grooms kept completely depilated.  Ponies were waxed regularly.

Beth chuckled when remembered her days as a groom when Caitlin and she struggled with an uncooperative mount.  He didn’t enjoy his waxing – not in the slightest.  He enjoyed it even less when Caitlin held his buttocks apart, while Beth, flashlight and tweezers in hand, searched out the last elusive hairs around his anus.

As always, Big Boy was glad to see his mistress, even giddy.  Trying to turn toward her, he pulled unsuccessfully at the slip rail.  His attention focused on her gloved fist.  More often than not, she brought him some sort of treat.  Salty or sweet, anything with flavor was a welcome relief from the bland monotony of the healthful stable diet.

Beth slid his lead from the slip rail.  Eagerly, Big Boy turned his head and nuzzled her fist, hoping for a treat.

Grinning, Beth pressed her opened but empty hand over his open mouth.  His fat tongue tickled her palm through the fine thin leather.  Big Boy’s enthusiasm faded when he found her hand was empty.  A sad frown darkened his guileless face.

?Silly Boy!? Beth said affectionately.  She reached into her small pocket and retrieved a piece of dried fruit from her slit pocket.  Big Boy opened his mouth to receive it.  Careful to avoid his teeth, Beth popped it into his mouth.

Immediately, Big Boy sensed that the treat shared the warmth of Beth’s body.  He enjoyed its tart sweetness.  The dirt and lint acquired in its passage through Beth’s tight pocket did not diminish his pleasure; rather he envied its nearness to her body.

Beth slipped his reins from the rail and touched her crop to his knee.  Immediately, Big Boy knelt with his left knee touching the ground and his right leg bent.  Beth stepped up smartly on his brawny right thigh and swung her left leg over his thick neck, seating herself securely in the saddle.  Her booted feet deftly found their places in his stirrups.

Beth jabbed him lightly with her sharp spurs and he rose quickly to his feet.  Given his size and strength, Beth’s petite form was little burden.  Eager to be off, Big Boy turned to the door in anticipation of Beth’s command.  Beth pulled him back sharply and he fought the reins briefly.  She jabbed him with her spurs – sharply -to gain his attention and he stopped.  Sentimental as she was, Beth had great affection for her beasts.  However, she brooked no disobedience.  Big Boy, spirited as ever, took one more rebellious half-step.  An experienced rider, Beth raised and lowered her heels, dragging her spurs over the bare skin of his flanks.  The discomfort of the spurs – a single scant degree shy of pain - quickly brought him back under control.  ?Easy, easy, boy!? she said to calm him and just let him feel the smooth, cold metal to remind him who was mistress and who her usually obedient creature.  A spirited beast gave a more thrilling ride, but some doubted that the difference was worth the extra effort.

Caitlin loved to ride too.  However, she was less sentimental than Beth.  Like Beth, she contributed to PET’M or ?People for the Ethical Treatment of Males,? but her attitude was less syrupy and more utilitarian. She was a student of male psychology.  Caitlin prided herself on her high success rate; few males, indeed, failed her training and had to be destroyed or sold off.


?Last one to the old oak is a stinky rotten egg!? Caitlin taunted and ploughed through the waist deep water, laughing.  She lifted her knees high as she ran.  The lazy ride to Crescent Lake had been pleasant.  The women had tied up their mounts and gone for a swim.  Lucky and Big Boy stood unsaddled in the shade but hobbled and securely tethered to a sturdy tree, up from the narrow beach.  Their saddles lay stacked beside them.  Bright sunshine illuminated the brilliant afternoon.

Grinning, Beth screamed her defiance and charged after Caitlin, water dripping from her naked body.  ?To the old oak and back!  And you’re the rotten egg!?  The water streamed from her body as she emerged from the neck-deep water.  The bottom was slippery and her footing was precarious as she charged up the bank.  The water formed droplets in the neatly trimmed bush that crowned her sex.

Big Boy heard the noise and tried to turn toward the commotion.  A short chain hobbled his ankles.  His lead was tied to a sturdy tree branch and he could not turn his head far enough to see very much.  He could turn only so far to see Lucky standing hobbled beside him.  Lucky also had heard the noise.   Big Boy pulled against the sturdy branch, the reining rods pressing against his sensitive ear canals, and only then he saw Caitlin and then his mistress, Beth, burst up of the bank and sprint toward him.  Both were stark naked.  Their wet hair, blonde and brunette, lay plastered to their laughing faces.  Water ran from their dripping, very female bodies.

Once a woman’s nakedness was termed her shame.  Now her nakedness could only be called her glory.  Once male genitals symbolized male power and prerogatives.  A lone male could intimidate a dozen women simply by threatening to expose his paraphernalia.  Now that time is safely in the past and male genitals are known as ineluctable proof of male vulnerability and proximity to the bestial.

Caitlin was the larger of the two women, athletically built and blonde.  The sun had lightened her hair a shade or two.  Blonde also, but a shade darker, was the patch of golden hair between her thighs.  Beth was dark and petite.  Her small, wiry frame could scarcely contain her immense will.  Their soft breasts jiggled when they ran.  Caitlin’s breasts were larger than Beth’s.  Their shapely legs devoured the distance, but Caitlin’s height and longer stride gave her an initial advantage.

Caitlin reached Lucky first.  In a flash, Beth knelt before Big Boy and worked to him from his hobble.  Her bare back, cold and wet, pressed briefly against his bare muscular thighs.  Big Boy looked down and the rounded line of her heart-shaped buttocks made him tremble.  She was so far beyond him, yet he ached terribly for her.

?Mount!? Caitlin called first.  Her one step head start and her longer strides had stood her in good stead.  Lucky knelt and Caitlin, holding his lead, leaped on his back.  ?Up! Up!? she urged.

?Mount!? Beth followed urgently, a fraction of a second later.

His ankles free, Big Boy knelt.  His left knee touched the ground.

Beth grabbed a handhold on his bridle, stepped up on his brawny right thigh, and swung her left leg over his neck.   She threw herself up on his shoulders.  The smooth skin of her tight thighs pressed cold and wet against his shoulders.  Her dense thatch of pubic hair scratched the back of his neck.  ?Up! Up, you motherless bastard!? she yelled fiercely, and then kicked him as hard as she might with the bare heels of her petite feet.  ?Run!?

Big Boy rose to his feet gracefully and powerfully.  He barely felt Beth’s bare heels when she kicked but he understood her urgency.  He loved to run and he loved to please his mistress.  Nothing mattered to him as much as Beth’s praise.

Big Boy ran, though without her spurs or even her hard-heeled boots, he hardly felt her heels.  Big Boy ran and Lucky ran beside him with Caitlin up on his broad, strong back.  Their fine riding leathers, boots, crops, and spurs lay forgotten on the riverbank.

Beth grabbed hold of his bridle’s handholds and reining rods.  She hunched forward, urging Big Boy to greater speed.  Her soft breasts pressed against his head. Big Boy ran.  His skin grew hot and slick with perspiration.  Lacking crop or spurs, Beth’s breath seared the his ear as she urged him hoarsely to ever-greater speed.  The familiar floral scent of her soap and perfume filled his head with her ineluctably feminine essence.

Big Boy ran.  An experienced rider, Beth kept her seat securely and rose and fell with his rhythmic strides.  In the corner of his eye, Big Boy could see her rounded breasts bounce as he ran.  He imagined how soft they would feel against his cheek.  Her nipples and areola were prominent and dark and begged for his lips.

Big Boy ran.  He had given his life and strength to Beth’s service.  He held nothing back.  Beth’s naked body pressed against his shoulders and neck.  The coarse thatch dark hair that concealed her sex scratched against his sweat slick skin.  Beth squeezed his strong neck between her shapely thighs and Big Boy ran. 

Lucky ran beside him stride for stride.  His mistress demanded speed and he would not give up so easily.

Beth’s sex was hot against Big Boy’s neck.  The wetness at this point of contact increased and dribbled down Big Boy’s muscular back.  Beth sighed aloud and pressed herself yet more firmly against him.  Big Boy ran.  A new element now spiced the clean scent of Beth’s perfume.  The old oak neared.

Caitlin and Lucky reached the old oak first.  Big Boy cleared the old oak a stride behind and Beth yanked hard on his left rein, bringing him smartly around the tree.  Beth ducked quickly to avoid a low hanging branch as she cut well inside of the taller Caitlin and Lucky.

They turned back to the lake and Big Boy had the lead.  The scent of victory gave him added strength.  Beth’s familiar weight was next to no burden.  Big Boy lost himself in his motion as his powerful legs pounded the turf.  His great chest rose and fell as he breathed deeply.  The rhythmic pressure on Big Boy’s neck began once again.  Her graceful legs gripped him ever more tightly, squeezing and releasing.  The wetness on his back became more pronounced.  Beth’s verbal encouragements ceased.  Her breathing became hoarse and her movements became more urgent.  Her scent betrayed her growing arousal.

The lake came into view.  Big Boy’s long stride quickly devoured the distance.  Lucky ran valiantly.  Breaths came with more difficulty now.  Caitlin, like Beth, had neither lash nor spur and still Lucky offered her all his strength.  He trailed now by two full paces.  He wanted to win.  He sensed his mistress’ desire to win and did not want to disappoint her.

Suddenly, Beth jerked and groaned as a first orgasm took her.  Inadvertently, she pulled back hard on the reining rods, bringing Big Boy to an abrupt stop right on the bank.  Caitlin and Lucky charged past them into the lake.  Greedy for pleasure, Beth pressed herself hard against Big Boy, suddenly oblivious to the race and everything else.  She trembled visibly as a series of aftershocks gripped her.  When she had finished, she was as breathless as her mount.

Big Boy was still breathing hard when Beth caught her breath.  She twirled the hairs of his mane affectionately.  ?Caitlin, we won!?

Caitlin looked up from the water and frowned.  ?You didn’t win.  The race was to the oak and back – back into the water where we started!  Lucky and I won!  You stopped too soon.?

Beth, now fully recovered, feigned outrage.  ?You cheater!  Chicken fight!?  She kicked Big Boy hard and urged him into the water.  Her small heels did no damage to the large and powerful male.  However, he knew her meaning and charged down into the water.

Caitlin turned Lucky sharply to face her assailant. 

The cold water was a shock on Big Boy’s sweating body as he crashed into the lake but the cold was refreshing despite the chill.  He carried Beth deeper into the water, careful to keep his footing on the slippery bottom.  The water was quickly chest high.  He and Lucky collided.  Lucky almost fell but recovered awkwardly while Beth and Caitlin grappled, laughing, on the sturdy shoulders of their large mounts.  The women locked hands and tried to shove, pull, or twist each other from their seats, grunting with exertion and laughing at their unladylike laughter and deportment.  Everyone was soon soaked.  The mounts’ backs were wet and slick.  Without proper stirrups, the riders’ perches were treacherous and precarious.

Caitlin’s greater height gave her better leverage and in time her advantage told.  Beth was wrenched from her seat and slid helplessly into the water.  Desperately, she held on to Big Boy’s reins and pulled.  The yank on his reining rods compelled him to fall with her.

Big Boy fell and scrambled to regain his feet.

Beth hit the water, laughing and sputtering.  She swam a few strokes and brought herself to Big Boy’s side.  Deftly, she clambered back using on his shoulders, finding a foothold for her petite foot in the narrow space between his restrained cock and his belly.

Caitlin prepared a fresh encounter.  Beth waved her off, laughing.  ?Uncle!  I give.  Let’s do something else.?

Caitlin led Big Boy and Lucky from the lake and secured their reins to the same sturdy branch.  The hobbles were replaced.  From the corner of his eye, Big saw Beth spread a blanket on the grass.  Once the mounts were secured, Caitlin joined Beth on the blanket just out of Big Boy’s sight.  After the chill of the river, the warm afternoon sunshine was an unalloyed pleasure.

?Beth, it’s really been a brilliant day,? Caitlin said.

?You make all my days brilliant, my love,? said Beth.

Big Boy heard no further words exchanged.  Hearing impeded by the reining rods, he heard only unintelligible whispers and wordless sighs.  He heard the sound of flesh caressing flesh as the two women shared their pleasure.  He wondered briefly what Lucky was doing.  He himself could see nothing, but he closed his eyes and his mind returned to the run to the oak and back when Beth rode naked on his shoulders and pressed her hungry sex against the base of his neck.  Her naked breasts brushed the back of his head as she hunched over. Her sweet breath bathed his ear.  Big Boy breathed deeply and sighed.  He remembered Beth’s scent – a compelling admixture of floral perfume, lotion and her own clean female essence spiced by something else.  He inhaled deeply and tried to find Beth’s scent among the complex scents of the river and the forest.  The women’s moans became more urgent now and Big Boy thought he detected the secret fragrance, the aroma of female lust.

Big Boy was still lost in his reveries when the women, sated with pleasure, stopped and dressed.  Beth pulled on her leathers, then her boots and finally adjusted her spurs.  She and Caitlin exchanged one last kiss before going to retrieve their mounts.

?Caitlin, look at this!? Beth called.  Big Boy opened his eyes.  Beth grasped Big Boy’s erection in her gloved hand.  Restrained as he was, Big Boy could do nothing.

?Wow!? said Caitlin.  ?Let me touch.  That’s why you call him Big Boy – right??

Beth smiled.  Caitlin’s hand was larger than Beth’s, but even she had to stretch her long fingers to encompass Big Boy’s girth.  ?He’s really dirty and disgusting creature, isn’t he??  She wrinkled up her nose.  ?They only think about one thing.?

Beth chuckled.  ?And they never do lose hope.?

?I think it’s so cruel.  That’s why I had Lucky gelded.  I’ve nothing bad to say about your Big Boy, but intact males are too often lazy, distractible and vicious.?

Caitlin rode Lucky back to the manor house.  Beth rode Big Boy at her side.  Big Boy’s erection lasted for some time, to Beth’s amusement, but eventually subsided when she went vigorously to the lash and spur for a great quarter mile sprint.  Lucky, carrying the larger Caitlin was hard pressed to stay even at the end of a long day.  Beth’s petite size finally came to her advantage.

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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

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The ShootistChapter 3 The Twin Oaks Kid

I rode into a little town looking for a meal. It was noontime, and I had eaten only a small breakfast in an overnight camp. This town was so small that it had only one saloon! I looked around for a restaurant, though it looked like it would take a miracle to find one. Not seeing anything that looked appropriate, I settled for the saloon. I figured that there was a good chance that I could find a sandwich in the saloon, since Mr. Jones always had the makings available for a customer who...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Seven OaksChapter 4 Seven Oaks

Seven Oaks was a small town just under one hundred miles due south of home. I could easily be there in an hour and a half. It would be late, but I would be refreshed by the time I arrived. The regenerative powers of my species are as phenomenal as their abilities to track their prey. I found myself in town by eleven that evening. It was still to late to catch any business open and the only motel was a seedy place long past its prime. The Seven Oaks Lodge was nothing more than a flophouse for...

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Seven OaksChapter 6 Girls In Uniform

The trip to the station was sadly a short one. Rachel was a petite, young blonde with an athletic build. She was slim and solid, but soft in all the right spots. The bulletproof vest did nothing for her figure, but I could see beyond that to the womanly form underneath. She was fresh out of the academy and was assigned the call only to see how she would react to a naked man on the highway call. In my opinion she had passed with high marks. She was kind, and more importantly she had...

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Seven OaksChapter 9 Going Home

The reception at the Sheriffs Office was a chilly one. Rachel and Roxanne met me outside in front of two more deputies. I was a suspected murderer who had left with their boss and returned alone, driving his car. "Where's the Sheriff? What happened? Why didn't he bring you back?" "Wait a minute, one question at a time. You guys are getting worked up over nothing. The Sheriff is fine. His wife is fine. They are as happy as pigs in slop. I drove his car back because they were busy and I...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Fucking Neighbour Girl Nandhini

Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...

2 years ago
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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra

I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...

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The story of Sandrine

Story of Sandrine (1) By Perverpeper on 05/15/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySummary: Sandrine is a young high school student.  A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.Comment?: This is a translation from the...

1 year ago
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

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The Legacy Chapter 1 Three Oaks

 “Good evening, Miss Elizabeth.” The voice should have startled her, but it didn’t. It never did; she knew how silently the big man could move, was familiar with the way he seemed to suddenly appear, and his voice was so soft and gentle, low and deep, a calm, protective voice she had known since childhood. Despite the fact that she’d had no idea he was there, his words didn’t startle her. She looked up at him, seeing only a silhouette, looking into the setting sun and seeing only the shape of...

Wife Lovers
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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

1 year ago
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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 17 Compassion

Nov. 6th, 2018 I had several good days in a row. Yay! As they say, all good things must come to an end. It started with an increase of my internal anxiety level that had absolutely nothing to do with the external world. Nothing had changed. I was still having seizures and Aphasia and living my life. Things just started becoming harder again. Being that my condition is neurological my mood can be and often is a precursor and indicator of coming events. When I laid down last night and closed...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 19 The Terror of Transformation

Nov .13th 2018 I began studying sign language last night. As I’ve mentioned, I am left mute from time to time, sometimes for up to 22 hours. If the battery dies on my phone and I am caught without pencil and paper I’m S.O.L. I already know a little sign that I learned when I was in my twenties. A friend’s son was deaf. I’ve discovered that signing while driving stick is a bitch. I don’t recommend it. The last few months as you know by read The Oak I’ve been remembering and re-evaluating my...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 35 Life In The Fast Lane

Jan. 21st, 2019 Hello Everyone, Sorry about the long update time. I’ve been so busy that most days it’s work, errands or function, then sleep. One night I was so exhausted I slept about 12 1/2 hours. I had my initial appointment with a shrink and it was really hard. I couldn’t even talk about The Night of Hell. I had her read the prologue to the Oak instead. It took me a few days to get calmed downed. On the 30th of January I meet my regular therapist. So if I start talking in a real...

2 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 39 I Was Dropped On My Head

March 3d, 2019 Hello Everyone, Last Saturday, I was dropped head first on concrete. I was attending a meeting of one of the groups my wife and I do charity work with. The meeting was being held in one of the members shops. He had an inversion chair that he was letting people try. I have wanted to use one since the 1980’s. In I went, over I went and headfirst into the concrete I slammed. My shoes were not on tight enough and my momentum pulled me out of them. I thought I had broken my...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 49 Me Oh Me Oh My

August 14th, 2019 Hello Everyone, Has it been two years already? No, but the day after tomorrow will be the two-year mark of the onset of my illness. Since the Night of Hell, my new life has been sub-standard. There has been some good in my life. Several of the readers of the Oak have become close personal friends. Their support has helped me more than I can express. The love and support that the readers, in general, have given me have been amazing. I thank all of you. I don’t want to...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 50 Where was I

August 28th, 2019 Hi, I thought I’d check in as it’s been a little bit. I’m not sure what to say. I promised to keep it 100. I’m not sure what 100 is for me anymore. If I say I’m doing better I’m lying. If I say I’m getting worse I don’t know if I’m telling the truth. All I know for sure is I’m changing and I don’t like it. I’m having these tendencies to pause in mid-stream. I know who I am and where I am. I just don’t know what to do next. I think I mentioned it in the last Oak I almost...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 74

Dec. 23, 2022 Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope this entry finds you and your loved ones well and happy. What’s happened with Darian the last few months? Damned if I know. Actually, I know a few things. My wife changed jobs and I lost my gym privileges due to it. That bummed me out as I enjoyed being a metal head. I’m hoping after the first of the year to find another gym. I was working out 1-1/2 up to two hours a day four to six days a week. While I was sore and a bit tired it helped my...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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576 Shadow Oak Drive Part 2

As Molly drove down the highway, I sat in the passenger seat. Although I had always had a feminine side, I was experiencing all kinds of new emotions and feelings that I hadn't felt before when dressed. I don't know exactly what brought it out. Maybe it was the love and support of Molly. Maybe it was seeing myself truly dolled-up for the first time, seeing my own cleavage, having my manhood taped and pushed back. Whatever it was, for the first time in my life I felt more girl than man. Molly...

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576 Shadow Oak Drive Part 1

I met Molly on a seemingly random day. How could I ever have known she would change me forever? It was late April and I was working behind the cash register of a local department store. I was eighteen, just out of high school, and didn't have any sort of plan for my future. I figured that I would take a least a year off before applying to any universities. I liked working at the department store not only because of the discounts, but because I had figured out a way to sneak some of the clothes,...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Punishing Kandi

This is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I'll call her Kandi.She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact ... or else she'll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E19 Emma Withe 54 from Oakham

We fade in in the middle of a quiet street, in the low-rise central area of a small midlands town, with one and two story buildings around us. To one side, a long flat warehouse/factory type unit, stocking and fitting tyres for local drivers, to the other, the town’s train station. Looking like a traditional old station, but rebuilt fairly recently. There’s a small car park between us and the station, and it’s almost full. We watch as a car drives down the road toward us, then turns into the...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Sex With My Maid Nandhini

Hello to all the iss reader’s. Let me first introduce myself, I am sparta with nice athletic body and this incident happened in boys hostel when I studing my bachelor’s degree. The heroine of this story is the maid nandhini who works in that hostel. She is black in color and good looking. Her size is 38-26-38 which will make everyone tempt. This is the real incident happened between me and my sexy maid few months back. Nandhini was working as a maid in that hostel for more than three years. Her...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Night In Nellore With Sexy Girl Chandan

Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...

2 years ago
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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

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