Knox County Ch. 02 free porn video

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When Cynthia awoke, she reached over for David. He wasn’t there. She flipped on the light and saw that his side hadn’t been slept in.

Oh great, she thought. An all nighter with whoever the fuck she was. She got out of bed and shrugged a robe around her shoulders, tying the sash tight against her slim waist.

When she descended the stairs, he was in the corner next to the couch, cradling his legs in his arms. His eyes were red, tears dried on is face, dark bags under his eyes.

‘David, honey, what’s wrong?’

He didn’t seem to hear. He was rocking gently, in his own world. She approached and kneeled down in front of him. She reached out and touched his cheek. It was hot, feverish.

‘You’re burning up,’ she said. When he said nothing, she lifted his chin. He looked at her, seeming to notice her for the first time. ‘Baby, you need to get to bed,’ she said, her voice low. ‘You’re sick.’

‘How could you?’ he said, turning his chin away from her hand and looking at the walls. His rocking picked up.

‘How could I what?’ she said.

‘Sleep with him. Fuck him.’

Her eyes went wide and she drew back from him.

‘Fuck who? What’re you talking about?’

‘That cop,’ he said. He turned back and looked at her. His eyes were glowing now. ‘In the parking lot. Every fucking Tuesday night. How could you do that to me? To us?’

How did he know? she thought. Her mind raced. She was afraid to say anything, needed to sort this out.

‘Answer me,’ he said, his voice cracking.

She said nothing, only stared at him. She was frozen.

‘I never cheated on you,’ he continued. ‘Ever.’ He was almost yelling now, his voice on the verge of breaking into sobs. She felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. She was convinced–hell, she was positive–he was banging someone at the office. Secretary or some such. His eyes, though, and his voice told her she was wrong. She’d been wrong all along.

She felt tears well up and stream down her cheeks. She reached out to touch him, to tell him she was sorry.

‘Get the fuck away from me,’ he shouted, pushing her hand back. He started crying, burying his head in his arms, rocking. ‘Just get away from me,’ he sobbed.

She was going to be sick. The knots in her stomach were churning, the bile rising in her throat. She was crying now, too. ‘Please David, please.’

But he ignored her, sobbing into his legs, rocking.

She felt it rising and dashed to the bathroom, trying to get the toilet seat up before she vomited. She wasn’t quite fast enough.

What have I done? she thought, covered in vomit and sobbing against the cool toilet seat.

* * *

‘Hart Shafer and Coombs,’ the voice on the other end of the line said.

Elizabeth hesitated, not sure she could go through with this.

‘Hello?’ the voice queried.

She sighed. ‘Will Sherman, please.’

‘One moment please,’ and her call was redirected.

He answered on the second ring. ‘Will Sherman.’

She bit her lip. ‘This is Elizabeth,’ she said. When he said nothing, she continued, ‘From the other night.’

‘Of course,’ he replied. He sounded giddy. ‘Just one sec.’ She heard him tell someone to shut the door, then he was back on the line. ‘How are you?’

She said nothing for a moment, and he seemed content to wait her out.

‘Will, I’m not really sure how to say this. To ask this.’

‘Ask what?’ She signed. ‘The other night. We didn’t use any protection. You know, a condom.’

‘You’re not pregnant, are you?’

‘No, it’s not that. It’s just, well, you know. Do you have any–’

He laughed. ‘No,’ he said. ‘Nothing like that. I’m clean.’

‘Will, it’s not that simple. I need some proof.’

‘Like what? Why?’

‘Like a blood test.’ He wasn’t laughing any more, and she was afraid he’d hang up. ‘Listen, this is really important. I’m really sorry, but I gotta know for sure. I’ll pay for it. Pay you back.’

‘You don’t have to do that,’ he said. ‘My fault, too, I guess. It’s just that, well, you know. Heat of the moment and everything.’

They were both silent for a moment. She was reliving the evening, and she was almost sure he was as well. He broke the silence.

‘I’ll break away this afternoon, get a quick test. Give me your number.’


‘So I can call you when the results come in. Should probably only take a day or two.’

She hadn’t thought it through to this point. She didn’t want to give her number, was unsure where that would lead.

‘How about I just call you back in a couple of days?’ she suggested.

‘Sure,’ he said. ‘Couple of days then.’ They said their good byes, and she flipped the cell phone closed.

* * *

Sean was in his studio. Engrossed in the details, he didn’t hear the doorbell. The music was loud, something by Springsteen, but it was only background noise. His focus was on the canvas, on the delicate tip of the brush as it curled just the right amount and applied the perfect shimmer to the edge of the reflection of the bottle against the picture frame.

This was his favorite part: Taking the colored shapes and gradually honing them until they were lifelike, jumping off the canvas at the observer. Such realism was commonly derided in the art world. They mocked Rockwell and Wyeth as illustrators, revered Pollock and de Kooning as innovators. Sean understood the slams against Rockwell. Too kitschy, idealized, cutesy. But Wyeth? Sean loved Wyeth, thought he expressed more in a perfectly executed portrait or landscape than Pollock ever did with a shitload of drips. Where was the technical skill in dripping paint, for Chrissakes? No, Sean was convinced, the real artists combined technical virtuosity with deep emotion, their paintings said something more than ‘My, isn’t this cute’ or ‘What the fuck is that.’ The real geniuses conveyed pain, suffering, and ambiguity all at once. And they conveyed it realistically.

So engrossed was he in perfecting the shimmer that he didn’t notice the door to the studio open. As a result, he almost jumped out of his skin when Roger spoke.

‘The painting looks beautiful,’ he intoned. ‘You look like shit.’

Sean’s hand skipped into the painting and he turned, throwing the brush across the room against a wall. ‘For Chrissakes, you know how to knock?’ He reached down and grabbed a clean brush, trying to fix the glop of paint now marring the shimmer. A few flicks of the brush and most was dabbed away, the balance feathered in.

‘Very nice,’ said Roger, watching over his shoulder.

‘My God, Sean, when’s the last time you slept?’ Emily said.

‘I’m on a roll,’ he said, waving the brush toward the corner.

Roger and Emily walked over and looked, first from ten feet or so, then getting closer.

‘You’ve never done still life,’ said Roger. When Sean didn’t reply, he continued. ‘They’re powerful. Very powerful.’

Sean kept painting. He glanced now and again at the drawings to his left and squeezed paints onto the pallette at his right arm. The brush danced over the canvas, dotting in color, making the bottle come to life, the amber liquid glow . The rug was so real you could touch it, feel its coarse, damp texture.

‘Grab me that brush,’ he said, holding his hand out, his eyes never leaving the canvas.

Emily retrieved it and placed it in his outstretched palm. He went to finer detail, tracing in the shadows of grain across the hardwood floor where the it met the edge of the rug.

He felt her hand on him, but still he focused. ‘You need to stop,’ she said. ‘You need some rest.’

He ignored them. ‘I’m fine.’

* * * Roger made tea in the kitchen.

‘Jesus Christ,’ he said, waving his arm over the counters. Emily’s eyes followed his hand and took in the moldy bread, hardened cheese, and a sink full of dirty coffee mugs.

She nodded. ‘
We’ve gotta do something here Roger.’

He shook his head. ‘But what?’

He looked at her. She said nothing, still taking in the mess. Her body sagged and she started cleaning. The food went into the garbage can. Roger started running water in the sink, rinsing out the dishes before placing them in the dishwasher.

After fifteen minutes of cleaning, the kitchen was again at least somewhat clean. They sipped their tea, and Emily broke the silence. ‘He needs someone. He’s gonna kill himself out here.’

‘Doesn’t look like he’s had a proper meal since before the funeral.’

‘Housekeeper or girlfriend?’ Emily asked, looking at Roger.

He leaned back against the counter, sipping his tea. ‘Both I should think.’

Emily nodded. She’d done this before, for other clients. Artists could be so damned single minded when they got going. When they were done, the high of creativity led to depressing lows. Drugs, booze, womanizing, they all reared their ugly heads in spirals of self destruction. She’d dealt with it dozens of times in the past. The trick was to get them back to even keel, let them relax and sort things through before they crashed and burned.

She made two calls. One to place an ad for a live-in housekeeper in the Knox County Herald, the second to the William Rose Escort Agency.

* * *

Aimee watched David Holloway pull out of the garage and turn onto the street. She pulled from the curb and followed him, turning on the outskirts of town into the Saunter On Inn. After a few minutes, she followed him into the diner and looked around. He was alone at a booth in the corner, his eyes staring past her, gazing at nothing.

She walked over and stopped in front of his table. ‘This seat taken?’ she said.

That seemed to startle him out of his reverie. His mouth opened, but he seemed unable to speak. She slid in across from him. He looked about forty, thinning light brown hair, with sad hazel eyes. He was shorter than Tim, just shy of six feet tall, and looked to be in good shape. Right now, though, his face was haggard and gaunt, his eyes vacant, dark bags puffy under them.

‘It was me,’ she said.

The waitress approached, short, plump, on the other side of sixty, all business and no nonsense. She ordered a cup of coffee and toast.

When the waitress left, she looked back at David. He was staring at her, his mind in a daze. ‘I left the pictures.’

He said nothing, only stared, and she didn’t know how to proceed. He seemed brittle, about to break. This was worse than she’d expected.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘I don’t really–’

‘Why?’ he said. His eyes were glistening and she tightened.

The waitress approached, placed a cup of coffee in front of her and slid a plate of pale toast toward her. She topped off David’s coffee and placed the ticket in front of him.

David’s eyes didn’t leave Aimee the entire time. ‘Why?’ he repeated.

She looked down, into her coffee. ‘I don’t know,’ she said. ‘I just wanted it to stop. Still want it to stop. And I figured that. . . . Well, that if you knew, if all of them knew what he was doing, that he’d stop.’

‘Who is he?’

She looked up and into his eyes. ‘My husband.’

He said nothing, looking away from her and around the room. He was trying to hold back tears, she saw. Pressing his lips together, his neck tensing, blinking in flutters.

He was shattered. She saw that, saw it more clearly now than when he’d first seen the pictures. He couldn’t cope with this, and she’d done it to him.

‘I don’t know what to do,’ he finally said, his voice little more than a whisper. ‘I don’t want to lose her, but I think I already have.’ He turned back and looked at her. ‘I think I lost her a long time ago. Just never noticed. Too busy. Too busy making the perfect life to actually live it.’

A tear was streaming down his cheek. Without thinking, she reached over to brush it off. He hadn’t shaved, and the stubbles on his face were coarse against her fingertips.

‘I can’t stay here,’ he said. He stood, reached into his pocket and grabbed a ten, threw it on top of the ticket.

She rose with him. ‘Please,’ she said. ‘Don’t go yet.’ He turned and looked at her. She walked to him and took his hand, leading him out to her car.

He sat without a word, staring straight ahead. She said nothing, unsure what she was doing. So she drove, aimlessly, far out into the country. The windows were down, the warm summer air blowing through the car.

After nearly a half hour, she pulled the car into a conservation district parking lot. She shut off the car, got out, and walked around to his side. She opened the door and he turned to look at her. She held her hand out, and he allowed himself to be guided from the car. ‘Let’s go for a walk,’ she said, leading him to the overgrown path at the end of the parking lot.

They walked in silence, her hand in his loose grip. He seemed in a trance, not paying attention to the birds or the trees, the warm air. A half mile in, there was a small clearing with a picnic table. It was covered in dried leaves, the nearby fire pit overgrown with weeds and thistles.

She let go of his hand and bent over, clearing the bench on one side of the table. ‘Here,’ she said, sitting down and patting the bench next to her. He obeyed, looking at her.

‘Listen,’ she started, ‘I really–’

He leaned over and kissed her, his hand going to her shoulder, his eyes closing, his lips pressing into hers. She was startled, and she didn’t respond. But still he kissed her, his lips parting and his tongue seeking hers.

She opened her mouth and kissed him back, her tongue meeting his. With her response, he kissed her deeper. His left hand pulled her closer, and his right closed in and cupped her breast, squeezing around her nipple until it hardened in his palm.

‘Make love to me,’ she whispered in his ear. She realized her need for this, needed to make him feel better, needed to love and be loved.

He pulled her shirt over her head and kissed her harder, his hands reaching around and unclasping her bra. She shrugged it forward and leaned into him, her hand pulling his head to her breasts.

He wasn’t gentle. His mouth found her nipple and sucked it in roughly, his other hand squeezing her other breast, pinching the nipple until it was hard before switching her mouth over to it and sucking it in. He scraped his teeth against it, causing her to moan in a mixture of agony and pleasure.

She felt his hands fumbling at her shorts now, trying to unbutton them. She reached down to help him, to shed the rest of her clothes as quickly as possible. Once unbuttoned and unzipped, she lifted her ass from the bench and pushed them off, her mouth seeking his at the same time. They kissed again, long and deep.

Then she felt his hand press firmly against her sex, his middle finger pressing against the length of her slit. She was grinding her hips against him, the bench rough on the bare skin of her ass.

He broke the kiss and looked at her. He seemed angry, she thought. Then he spoke, his first words in nearly an hour. ‘Why?’ he said, pressing his middle finger into her. She was still dry, and it hurt as it pressed in. ‘Why did you tell me?’

‘Oh God,’ she moaned as his finger roughly pushed in. She felt tears well in her eyes. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said, her body trying to back away from the invader. ‘I didn’t mean to, didn’t want to–’

‘But you did,’ he said, jabbing his finger in deeply. She yelped, and he held it there. ‘You ruined by fucking life.’

She felt herself getting wet around the invasion, her nipples hardening with the onslaught against her. ‘Yes,’ she gasped, leaning in and kissing him. He kissed her back, his tongue insistent, his finger beginning to saw in and out of her.

He broke the kiss and leaned into her breasts, sucking her nipple in forcefully. She arched against him, pushing her
pussy back against his finger. He pushed another in and rubbed them hard against her upper wall, his thumb brushing over her clit. ‘Is this what you want?’ he asked, mumbling around her nipple before sucking it back in harder. She ached with the pain, but his fingers were building her up. ‘To get fucked,’ he mumbled. ‘Your husband doesn’t fuck you so now you want me to? Figure he fucked Cynthia, you’ll get even by fucking me?’

‘Yes,’ she said. ‘No.’ She didn’t know what she wanted. She only knew she had been this aroused in years, since she first married Tim, young newlyweds happy and blissfully in love.

He looked back at her and saw the pain in her face, the confusion. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, guilt and shame overwhelming her and conflicting with her arousal.

‘Oh my God,’ he said, pulling his fingers out of her. ‘I’m sorry.’ He wiped the tears on her cheeks, but she pushed him back. Her hands went to his pants and unbuttoned and unzipped him.

‘What are you– ‘

‘I need this,’ she said, pulling his pants down to mid thigh and sinking her mouth into his lap. His arousal had subsided, and she sucked his soft cock into her mouth. Her hands were cupping his balls, squeezing them.

She heard him moan. ‘No,’ he said. ‘We’ll get caught.’

She broke her mouth from his hardening cock with a pop and pumped him with her hand. ‘There’s no one for miles,’ she said. He was growing rigid in her hand. ‘But we can’t. This is– ‘

‘What I need,’ she finished for him. ‘What we both need.’

She lowered her head again and sucked him in deeply. He got harder and harder in her mouth, his breath now coming in shallow gasps as her lips traveled his length.

His hand was on her head now, on the side of her face, feeling himself through her cheek. When she figured he was as hard as he was going to get, she raised her head from him.

‘Now,’ she said. He only stared. ‘Make love to me, fuck me hard, I don’t care.’ She straddled over him and reached behind herself, guiding his prick to her entrance. She leaned over and kissed him as she slid down. She felt his breath push into her, his groan lost in their kiss.

When he was all the way in her, deep, the tip pushing against her cervix, she held there. She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him, starting to grind herself against his hips. She opened her eyes, seeing his shut tight, the pain gone from his face and replaced by concentration.

She felt his hands go to her ass, spreading her cheeks. The breeze was blowing against her exposed rosebud, tickling over her soaking length, sending shivers through her pelvis and up and down her spine.

His hands were kneading her ass cheeks, clutching, guiding her now up and down his length. She felt him starting to move, too, pushing himself deeper into her with every thrust, as if trying to bury himself totally within her.

He needed this. She saw that now. The contact. No betrayal, no questions, just pure physical need. She felt her orgasm building, and she broke the kiss, squeezing him tight. ‘Oh my God, yes, just like that.’ She was getting louder, her voice echoing through the trees, and she heard him grunting with the force of his thrusts.

She felt his legs squirming under her and realized he was kicking his pants the rest of the way off. But it didn’t stop the thrusting, the spearing deep within her. ‘Yes,’ she cried, raising her head high and sobbing with relief as the warmth of her climax washed through her.

Her body went slack as her orgasm subsided and he took the opportunity to stand. He was still in her, holding her by the ass, her legs wrapped around his waist. He pumped into her forcefully a few more times before turning her around and laying her back onto the crackling dry leaves on the picnic table. She leaned back, and he reached forward, pinching her nipples, squeezing her breasts, one hand on top of her mound. His thumb pulled back the hood of her clit and started rubbing it in circles. His thumb wandered and gathered her juices before returning and rubbing more insistently.

She gazed at him through half closed eyes, her hips arching with his thrusts, her teeth biting down on her lower lip. ‘Fuck me,’ she whispered. ‘Fuck me harder.’ His eyes traveled over her belly and breasts to her eyes.

His breathing was shallow, his hips shoving into her hard. ‘Tell me how you want it,’ he said, pulling her hips to him as he thrust in to the hilt. He held her there and still he pulled her harder into him, bumping her cervix with the spongy head of his cock.

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I opened the door and there stood Sienna in all her finery. I invite her in and take her through to the lounge. She sits down on the sofa as I pour a couple of drinks. I sit beside her on the sofa and we sip our drinks and explain that Felicity is just having a bath and getting ready. I ask Sienna if she has dressed as I requested and lifting her skirt she shows me her lovely clit covered by a pair of sheer tan pantyhose and a pair of sexy see through panties. I reach out and place my hand on...

3 years ago
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Meeting Miss Turner

Brandie skipped classes all day Friday, she had been feeling restless all week so she decided to visit little bar with the funny name on the Northside. One week previous she had felt very uncomfortable at the very same location, of course then the circumstances were quite different. As part of pledge week the big sisters of her sorority felt it would be a laugh to take some pledges to an alleged lesbian meat market to see how the new fish would react to that environment. Brandie felt uneasy...

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Souvenir Paddles

Souvenir Paddles I’d passed this place several times in the past. As a traveling factory rep, I had occasion to find myself in this part of the state, perhaps every six months, or so. This time, I had some time to kill — actually the rest of the day free — and yielded to my curiosity, pulling into the gravel parking lot spanning the front of the building. The building itself was old and made of concrete block. With windows fronting the store, it looked like it had once been a market — IGA, or...

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Coming of AgeChapter 4 Together Again For the First Time

As Rosa approached the old locker room, her pace slowed. She'd long imagined her first time having sex. Often. she had fantasized that it would be with Carlos. He was so nice and funny. But she had never visualized it like this. Two sex-crazed teens filling each other's needs. As she approached the double-barred doors, she heard the sound of a movie playing on the other side. As soon as she unlatched the door, the movie stopped. Inside the room was large HD monitor. It was currently...

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The Knobscot Cannibals

THE KNOBSCOT CANNIBALS ©2004 by Cameron Smith The following is a series of excerpts taken froma computer in the office of the Byron L. Thomas estate and introduced intoevidence at the so-called "Knobscot Cannibals" trial. They are printedverbatim as submitted to the court. WARNING: this material includes graphicdescriptions of cannibalism and other practices that are extremely offensive.Be advised that it is not suitable reading for children or those who findthe nature of the events too...

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15 Minute Ki kahani

Hi dosto mera nam hai Rahul age 24, aur ye ek short kahani hai, pichale mahine me mere gharwalo ke sath jaypur gaya tha, jane se pahle mene pure aane jaane ka aur waha hotal me rehne ka reservation kiya tha Magar waha jane ke bad jab hum hotal me gaye to waha pata chala ke kisi karan wo hotal kal rat se band hai, aur unhone humara kisi dusre hotal me bandobast kia tha, to hum us dusre hotal gaye, Wo ek bahot purana hotal tha, ke jaha purane type ke ek building ko unhone hotal banaya tha, lekin...

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Christian Wife Scorned

My writing tends to suggest that I am in my thirties or forties because I want to seem closer in age to the young audience who dominate the Lush family. In truth, I’m a good bit older. Of course, things we publish here don’t have to be factual. As it happens, this new story–from about three and a half decades ago–is very close to true… There was a decade in my middle years when televangelism was superinfluential here in America. One famous Christian con man wept dramatically on camera as he...

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Reapers 7

Anisa sits up, looking around the small room she’s found herself in, a bed the only piece of furniture, no windows and only one door. She wonders what could have happened on her wedding day, why she was there, and most importantly where was Shan "Sleeping beauty awakes."   Shan walks in, looking exhausted, but smiling none the less She smiles softly “Hi… I feel like someone tried to split my head open… What happened? How long have I been out? Are mom and dad okay?” "They're...

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A new life2

I was in a barn with four stalls, the stalls had a dark red wood from the ground 3 ft. up and the rest of it were bars. The top of the stall had bars on it too. I walked up to the entrance of the stall, I put my hand through the bars and unlocked the stall. I pulled, but it didn't budge, I pushed but it still wouldn't move. I rested my head against the bars, when I looked up at the stall in front of mine I noticed there was a latch on the bottom of the door that a person couldn't reach. ...

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Milkman Chronicles

I check into a motel in my latest town after my last stop and milk raid of an innocent mommy. Her warm sweet milk still coats my belly and lingers on my tastebuds and her fear and terror fill my thoughts. I roll into a playground on a warm fall day during the pre-noon hrs. I sit in my rental car in the parking lot where I can see the playground and track. I choose this time because this is when husbands would be at work, older kids if any would be in school and milk moms can meet others to...

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After The Game

Note: All rights reserved. Hope you like this short story. ***** Friday nights were basically the same for Sam and his best friend Jason. Their over- 30 men’s softball game started around 6PM and ended around 9PM. After a few hours drinking beer Sam normally drove his buddy home. Since Sam was now divorced he didn’t have to worry about leaving the little wife home on Friday nights. For Jason however his live-in girlfriend of five years was lonely and bored. ‘So how does Janie feel about...

2 years ago
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Resolution With a RedheadChapter 6

We were sitting at a longer table and were quickly joined by Melody, Tracy, and Amanda. Carl arrived moments later and asked if he could join us. Agnes nodded and I said, “Sure, Carl. Leave your stuff and get a tray.” He got in line leaving his books on the table. He returned shortly with a tray of food. “Eric, who are all these pretty ladies?” “The one on my right is my beautiful lady, Agnes. Next to her is Melody, her roommate. Those two are Tracy and Amanda. They’re all good...

1 year ago
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A Week With My Nephew

100% fiction! My first experience with a guy was when i was eighteen. My best friend at the time was also curious about sex, and we had those constant uncontrollable erections that teen guys have. One day after school we were in my room listening to music and lamenting about not having girlfriends to relieve the raging fire between our legs. Well, that afternoon i experienced a guy's cock throbbing in my hand. Long and hard, with a nicely shaped mushroom head. Precum oozing out as i stroked it...

3 years ago
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What Happens On Corporate Retreat Cruises

If any of you happen to be a comedian and you get offered a corporate gig on a cruise, seriously consider taking it! Okay, I know most of you who read this won’t be a comedian, so let me explain. Big corporations often do a yearly retreat for their executives across the country, and it’s common for them to hire a comedian to come in and do a standup set. They are the worst kind of gigs in my opinion, because most of the audience are the overworked, overstressed kind of people who don’t care...

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Amazonian Womb Worms Womb Feeders Chapter 10

Also I'll be posting a few chapters of another story called The Yoni Flower and another called Lizzy's Flower Glizzy on my author page in the next week or so. Both stories are interconnected and in the same universe as Amazonian Womb worms. The Yoni Flower is about an ecosexual that loves stuffing her vagina with veggies and plants who happens to find a warm, slippery flower that ejaculates something foul from a giant, slime-filled pod underground. And this underground pod harbors a...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Kali Roses Try This Stepsis Cooch On For Size

When gorgeous Kali Roses is trying on all her new clothes after a long day of shopping, her creepy stepbrother cannot help but sneak a peek at her incredible body. He tries to hide it, but Kali catches him red handed. Later, they hang out together on the couch and Kalis stepbrother notices that she seems to be playing with herself under the blanket. She admits she has not been able to stop thinking about him creeping on her the other day. He helps fulfill her fantasies by whipping out his big...

1 year ago
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Quarantine relief

He was quicker than I expected and I felt his fingers on me spreading my wetness while he unzipped his pants I had been quarantining at home for about 5 months, it was August and it was hot as it always is in the Carolinas. I decided I was going to take a little road trip by myself. Maybe go to the beach, do something to get out of the house. I’d worn out 2 12 packs of batteries and about all the Pornhub I could take. I needed air and I needed other people. I got in the car and started to...

Sex With Stranger
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The Forbidden Love With My Aunty

Hi all , I am Rahul . I am from Indranagar Bangalore. Its a very posh locality . First let me describe myself , I am a 22yr old guy doing be in Bangalore. I live with my mom, dad and bro. Dad and bro are doing business. Mom is a homemaker. I am not a kind of guy having 6 packs but just a strong guy with good height and great stamina . I do workout everyday and maintain myself . Interested more in mature and married women .Interested to have a secret relationship. Now ill begin the story. I...

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A Man of the Modern Era

I am become, without choice, a modern kind of guy though I'm over fifty. I recall the heady days of JFK and his Camelot, when all seemed right with the world. As a kid back then, I had a head full of pie-in-the-sky ideals; everything seemed magical. I later watched men walk on the moon live-as-it-happened, with Walter Cronkite on TV gushing about the greatness of another uniquely-American achievement. That's when there was a world to speak of. Not quite such a thing any more. We...

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Summer Hire Ch 10

LunchMelissa looked in a mirror that was hanging in the salon’s vestibule as she walked out to the sidewalk with Erik. They were holding hands. The cut and style that Henri had given her were bolder and more sophisticated than anything she would have tried on her own. One of his assistants had taken her through how to duplicate the style on her own, twice, starting from a fresh shampoo. The repeated instruction had been a little tedious, but she was glad they had been careful to make sure she...

2 years ago
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Merry Birthday to You

Merry Birthday to You Merry Birthday to YouAuthor: Dr Charles ForbinCopyright ? 2005??????????????? I generally view birthdays with a somewhat jaundiced eye as I've advanced in years. And I will admit it is fair to say my sweet bird of youth has not just flown, but has been shot, stuffed and served at Thanksgiving.??????????????? So I honestly didn't expect there to be anything different this year than in the previous ones.??????????????? Low expectations prevent disappointments I have...

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First Time Phone Sex With My SIL

Hi to all iss readers this is my third story, sorry for delay. For new readers it’s me Ramprasad, Bangalore from Karnataka; 25y medium built, fair and working in one of the MNC. My tool is about 6” length and 1.8” girth OK coming to the story. As you all read my second story and I got plenty of responses and I am very glad for your support. As I told you in my second story that I had phone sex with my S.I.L. Today I am telling you that. That was one of the Sunday of this month 7th I was in...

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The Beach

THE BEACH The weekend away was just what Ade needed, her job had been slowly sucking the life out of her, leaving her tired to the point of narcolepsy. She was overjoyed that she worked in a place that was sensitive to her transition, one relatively free of twats and TERFs, but the relentless monotony was driving her spare. Her friend Jen had gotten them a caravan on the Gower coast for a few days, some family members of hers weren't using it for once, and the weekend weather...

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Sexperience With Lavanya 8211 A Great Adventure

Hi dear ISS readers, this is again your raj from chennai. You might have read my previous story “Night halt with a lady dentist – a great experience”. I have got some good responses from you, hope my next experience continues will make you to stick on your eyes in my story. So my dear iss readers continue your support in reading my experiences and place your comments either in the iss portal or through to my mail id: I have changed all the names in this story for security reasons. Now have a...

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The TravellerChapter 13

The Planet that Sar'ha lives on is called Zorba'n - it circles two suns and has no satellite which means the nights are very short and the days are long, with the brighter sun (Clander'n) rising and setting in nine hours after which the red sun (Clander'ha) is fully visible until its sets - which casts different colours during the remaining seven hours of its day. The planet has a rotation of 27 hours and takes 421 days to rotate around the primary Sun. With the lack of a moon at night...

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Bossing the Boss Ch 04

Author’s Note: To get background on the characters, please read the previous chapters. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments I’ve received so far. Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, or if it is offensive to you. All characters are fictitious. All events are fictional. Any similarities in this story to real events or people are unintentional. Tom was already at his desk when Suzanne arrived the next morning. He could tell the difference in her the...

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Horny meeting

I am sat in my hotel room wearing just my underwear feeling very hot and horny, I decide to go down to the bar for a drink so I slip on a short skimpy dress and hooker heels. I walk out my room and get into the liftYou are walking along the beach on holiday and decide to pop into the local hotel for a refreshing drink, you go up to the bar and order a pint and sit down relaxing.I walk into the bar of the hotel and order a vodka as I am waiting for my drink I look around the bar, I see you sat...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Lacy Lennon Pro Bono

Lacy Lennon is haunted by her newest client, Codey Steele, and his child custody case against his bitch of an ex. She prepares for their meeting as her nerves grow increasingly jittery. Lacy knows she has a crush on Codey, but she doesn’t want to use her position of power over him to take advantage. Once Codey arrives, Lacy does her best to be professional. She makes soothing noises as Codey expresses his fears, but all of Lacy’s good intentions turn out to be for nothing....

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Dark Paths

Ranulf shivered under his shirt of padded chain mail, welcoming the first rays of jungle sun. Soon enough it would be steamy hot, the wilderness coming to dangerous life under Tarag's fervent sun. "Kick that scaly buzzard bait you call a mount and make it move", he growled. "Get humping, or I'll leave the both of you to find your own way out of here." "Patience, Warrior," Hissath answered, his voice an unlovely slow croaking. They were an unlikely pair. Ranulf was tall and rangy, with...

2 years ago
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mi sexi dreams

ok this is what mi dream was last night....i was in the tub then this butaful red haired women..comes up behind me and washes mi back...then another..women walks in to the room gets in the tub with me and asks it ok if i joine u..i say be mi gessted...then she kisses mi neck and i look in to her pretty green eyes and say would it be ok if i wash u? she says only if i get to wash u we wash echother hand slids jently down her butaful tits ....she kisses mi...

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Luck Happens Ch 01

This is the first part of a new series. It begins with romance and straight sex but will include much steamier explorations as the story develops in future episodes. These stories aren’t for little kids so all you underage, go somewhere else. I’ve been in the doldrums for the last few months. Not that things were bad, it was more like things were blah. Everything was blah – my writing, my social life, just my whole demeanor. I knew that I needed to change this outlook but it seemed that every...

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A Girls Story aka A Sluts Story

So... the guy I'm with really liked the idea of sharing me and seeing me fucked by a group of guys. I'd never done anything like that before, but thought of it alone made me soak my panties, so after talking about it for a while, we decided we would try it. We didn't specifically decide on when or with who or anything, just sometime in the near future. He decided to surprise me. Two of his friends loved the idea of gangbanging me and a couple of days later, they came over to play some games and...

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Family Lessons 1 Darklord

She stopped and looked in and saw naked bodies moving in an unmistakable rhythm on the screen of Brad's small TV. The grunts and groans of sex flowed out the open door. Sara was not surprised that her twenty-year old son was watching porn movies. She had to admit he was quite a hunk with a firm tan body and a sweet smile that was sure to melt some hearts and lure some hot babes into his lusty arms. She tried to see his bed to see if he was alone, pressing her head against the door and easing...

4 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 31 A Weekend at Gretchens Friday Night

As they entered the house, Gretchen steered Nina toward the living room, and had her sit on the edge of the couch. She knelt in front of her, and removed her ankle cuffs and her shoes. She sat back on her heels, and put her hands on Nina's thighs, pressing them open a little wider. She couldn't take her eyes away from Nina's pussy, which was fully engorged from the night's activities, and her own masturbation of it on the drive home. She finally looked up at Nina. "I still say that the...

1 year ago
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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 3 Life as a Couple

The day after we returned home, one of the first things I did was to type a Letter of Resignation addressed to the software company where I worked. Later that day, I went in to work and cleaned out my office cubicle and desk. After saying goodbye to my coworkers, at least those I was friends with, I delivered my resignation to my boss. He was upset with me for not giving the traditional two-week notice. I let him know that I would have given him more notice, but I had no intention of putting...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 52

..."Baby, I feel odd," Brenda said in Fred's mind. Fred had slipped his shoes off and had propped his feet on the dash as they watched the cotton picker work in the field. What do you mean by 'odd?' Fred asked, his mental voice concerned. "I don't know. It's ... hard to explain. Just an odd feeling that I've never felt before." "Brenda says she feels 'odd, '" Fred said aloud. Soon, all three women were touching Fred so they could hear Brenda, and asking her what was...

4 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 9

4pm I went into the usual chat room online. Maybe PuckPusher 3000 would be on today. She really seems to be an interesting young lady. Of course with my luck she's 43, weighs 305 pounds and is male. To quote a Meatloaf song, 'you never can be too sure about the girl'. Me? You can be sure about me. I'm Karl Whittiker. German on my mother's side, English on my father's. I turned 18 last year. Despite the promises of my ex, I remained a virgin. In fact I broke up with her that night. I...

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Mysterywriters Final Spring

Note from the author I hope you enjoy this piece but I don’t much care if you like my grammar or my spelling. So don’t bother sending me email about it please. If you want more of the same there is a free web site with nothing for sale, no adv, and no popups, just about two dozen novels and short stories galore. Email me for the address. If you hate it, let me know that too as I always love to hear from people who can write better. C Gurkin Mysterywriter’s Final Spring. When I saw the lights...

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