Joke for today
- 3 years ago
- 19
- 0
I woke at ten fifteen, but was still bone tired. I got up, showered, dressed in my work clothes, and headed to the bank. Thank goodness they were open till noon on Saturdays.
By the time I had something to eat, it was time to go to work. Gladys was there and I asked her, "Don't you take a day off? You have to have some time for yourself."
Gladys smiled and said, "I usually take Sunday and Monday off as they are the slowest days. When Joe needs me though, I work seven days. The last time I worked multiple weeks straight through, Joe sent me to the Cayman Islands for two weeks, totally on him. For as much as he pays me, he doesn't even have to do that."
I nodded and said, "Gladys, this is a good job. I'm making some decent money and I'm going to be able to save up fast."
"What are you saving for Tess?"
I had to stop and think for a minute, "Well, I guess I'm saving so I can go back to school and finish, but I'm saving for my future. Perhaps a home, I will need a car one of these days. I think mostly just to put money in the bank and be secure for a change."
"Well, Honey, make hay while the sun shines. Get out there and make some money while it's available. Go do your thing. You'll be on stage in about thirty minutes, so you have a chance to work the floor for a while if you want."
"Thanks, Gladys," I said, and put my purse into my locker and walked out into the dark club with the loud music and all the lights shining on the stage.
I did six lap dances real quick, then headed for the stage where I put on the best show I could. This continued through the afternoon, until I took a break with another dancer, and we walked across the street to get a steak dinner. On the way back, some guy began harassing us, wanting a blowjob or quick fuck for free. The dancer I was with, a girl named May, had her hand in her purse and told the idiot, "Get the fuck out of here or I'm going to hurt you. You are threatening me and I'm not afraid to hurt you, so now get."
The guy became belligerent and began yelling, "You cunt, I'll fuck you right here on the side of the road for God and everybody to see. Don't threaten me, you two bit whore, or I will have your ass while I'm at it." When the guy made a move toward us, May pulled her hand out of her purse and shot the guy with a stun gun. Two wires leaped from the gun and stuck into the guy's chest. He immediately fell to the ground and was withering around. May kept pulling the trigger, recharging the probes.
A cop car pulled up and stopped with his lights flashing. He came out of the car with his handgun pulled. May threw down the stun gun and pointed at the guy, "He was coming for us, threatening to harm us physically."
The cop looked at me and I just kept bobbing my head in agreement. I didn't know what to say.
The cop pulled the probes from the guy's chest then pulled him up into a sitting position. The guy came around and began cursing and hollering immediately. He made the mistake of yelling he was going to fuck both of us right there on Dale Mabry because we were just cunts. Now I was pissed.
The cop told the guy, "You know, you're going to jail, Buddy. You may not even remember tonight, but you'll be pissed at yourself tomorrow." He cuffed the guy and manhandled him into the back of his car. He took May's and my name for his report then took off.
"May, you were awesome. That was quick thinking on your part. You didn't even hesitate, you just shocked that guy."
May said, "It's better than shooting him. If I had shot him, I would have been questioned all night long. That's what the stun gun is for. It takes care of the non-life threatening situations. I'll tell you where you can get one."
We went back to the club, and after telling Gladys and Gwen what had happened, we went right back to work in the busy club. It was another crazy night where I didn't quit until almost four. Again, I was so tired I was just sitting, staring at nothing. Gladys said, "If you don't want to come in tomorrow, don't. You've worked hard and might need a day off. If you want to come in, come in around three and work till midnight or something like that. The money usually isn't as good on Sundays and Mondays, but you can make some in the evenings."
At home, I counted my money and found I only made thirty-nine hundred. I laughed at myself, "How can I feel bad with making thirty-nine hundred. That's a lot of money. I've made and saved over ten grand my first week and it wasn't a whole week." I smiled.
I slept until almost noon then got up, showered, and dressed for work. It took a while to find a good place to hide my money until Monday.
After having something to eat, I was at the club by two. There was a part time manager who spoke to me, using my name. She said, "Gladys said you would probably be early, even after she told you to either take the day off or wait till three to come in."
"I just thought you might need an extra girl, so I came in," I said. "If you don't need me, I'll stay in the dressing room so the girls can make the money."
"Not to worry, Honey, get ready and I'm sure the girls would be glad to let you dance so they can work the floor. My name's Julie and I need to tell you that I'm not that strict with the girls out on the floor. My deal is, don't get caught. The bouncer is a fag and he couldn't care less what you do, but he'll caution you if you're being flagrant. Like I said, just don't get caught. So go dance and do what you want. Oh yeah, and don't let Gladys or Joe know either."
This worried me; if the girls were being loose out on the floor, a cop could have a field day. I would have to stay away from where the girls were doing stuff.
I danced a set and received a pretty good amount of tips. As soon as I was on the floor, the guys seemed to know Sundays was a no holds barred day. They were trying to negotiate for what they called a half and half, bj's, a quick fuck, and just about everything and anything. Since I wouldn't go the whole way, I didn't get that many lap dances. I watched a couple of girls fucking, saw one give a customer a blowjob, and even saw the manager Julie leaning forward on the couch while a guy plowed her from behind. This was too much.
Just to be safe, I went to the dressing room to have a cup of coffee. While I was in there, I watched as a girl came in and was messing around with something on the dressing table in front of her. The next thing I know, she pulls out a little short silver looking straw and starts snorting whatever it was on the table.
Nope, I wasn't doing this. I went to my locker, got my purse and left the club. Two guys hassled me all the way to my car, but they did let me get in and lock the doors. They watched as I drove off. I drove home and went to Candy's and Misty's place. Candy opened the door as soon as I knocked.
"Candy, have you ever been in the club on Sunday?"
"Yeah, I have. If Gladys wasn't there then the place was probably a free for all, a regular whore house."
I was nodding when Misty came out of the bedroom stark naked. She said, "I used to use Sunday to make a few bucks and to get fucked. I could almost get enough dick at one time for a change. I would go through a couple dozen rubbers and make three or four grand, but the scum that is coming in on Sundays now wants to fuck for the price of a lap dance. What did you see?"
I said, "Exactly that, plus people were doing dope. At least one girl did some coke or something right in the dressing room in front of me. I don't want anything to do with that."
Candy looked at Misty, "I better call Gladys and Gwen at home so they can go see what's going on. If the cops come, Joe will get shut down for a week or so and a lot of the girls will go hungry."
Candy made a telephone call, then turned to us, "Can you two go in to work if they sack everyone?"
I said, "Sure, I'll go, but tell her she'll need a bouncer too."
Candy had the conversation then hung up. "Come on, Misty, let's get going. We might be in for a long night."
By the time we got back to the club, Gladys and Gwen were there and they were shoving girls out the door, as well as the bouncer. Joe Redner was there, yelling at the girls and some of the customers. He had the lights turned up and had a strange guy there going around picking up rubbers from the floor. If the cops had come in, he would have been shut down.
It took an hour to clean the place up to make it ready to do business again. By the time we opened, there was a pretty big crowd waiting to get in. Gladys was outside telling the men trying to get in that there would be no fooling around inside the club, but if they wanted regular dances and to watch the ladies, to come on in.
Gwen said that a lot of the late Sunday night crowd was traveling businessmen in town early to go to work tomorrow. Joe Redner stayed until after midnight, watching to make sure the place stayed clean. Gladys and Gwen had called in several girls to come in to work, as she said the entire crew that had been in was now terminated. When Candy, Misty, and I left at four in the morning, Gladys handed each of us an envelope and said, "This is from Joe. He said you three deserved this because you came right in and kept his place going. Like I told you, Tess, Joe will treat you right."
We three went to Park Place for breakfast, then home for a shower and to sleep. I had to peek into the envelope to see what Mr. Redner had given us. There was four thousand dollars in hundreds. Wow, that was in addition to what I had made, which totaled over three grand. All in all, it had been a very nice Sunday.
Monday morning about ten, I woke to mope around the house, wishing I had some food. Knowing that I needed to get going, I showered, dressed, and drove toward work. I made a quick stop at a McDonald's, and ate while driving the rest of the way to the club.
I walked into the club, noting that it wasn't quite as dark in the couch areas as it usually was during the day. The cashier smiled at me and handed me a sheet of paper, "These are the regular rules. Mr. Redner wants all the girls to re-read the rules and to sign them. You know what happened in here yesterday, don't you?"
I said, "Yeah, I was here for a few minutes while it was going on. I didn't want to be a part of it, so I left. I did come back when Gladys asked me to come to work."
The cashier said, "I wish they had called me. My old man would have been able to watch the kids while I made some money. I'll bet Mr. Redner gave you a nice tip for coming in. He always does that for the girls that help him out."
I smiled and carried the paper back to the dressing room where I read it, found a pen in my purse, and signed the paper. The day manager walked in and held out her hand. I gave her the paper and she said, "Glad you came in for the day shift, Tess. I need you to heat the place up. Go out there and really tease the audience and get them warmed up. Let's make the place sexy and fun. You do a great job of it, so help us out a little. The other girls are a little afraid to get wild after what happened yesterday."
"Actually," I answered, "Mr. Redner was here yesterday and after we cleaned up, it was like a party. We had a great time and were able to get the customers worked up real well. I had a decent evening considering what had gone on. The girls that were here all played by the rules and kept the guys in line, and we still made good money."
The day manager said, "Mr. Redner left a note that you and the other girls that came in yesterday don't have to pay your fees for a week. You get a reprieve for another week. Enjoy the extra money."
Monday daytime is supposed to be a slow day, but I know I was busy all day, and I think the other girls were busy too. I did notice that as the day went along, the lights got dimmer in the audience area. The girls were all being careful to make sure we didn't let customers get too frisky.
Gladys had me leave about eight, which gave me a chance to run up to the mall to visit Victoria's Secret. I bought some neat lingerie that I could use while working and some of their sexy perfume. You can't use much of it as it is really strong, but I do know that it drives guys nuts.
I stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home and bought over a hundred dollars worth of groceries. Now I could have breakfast and supper at home.
At home, I made a small salad and had a weight watcher's frozen dinner. After cleaning up my mess, I felt like taking a walk, so I put on some shorts and tennis shoes and started off by walking through the athletic fields. This was really a nice place. I walked back through a business park that had a big RV sales area then an over the road truck dealership. Across the street was the S&S golf cart showroom and it said factory, too. The showroom windows had a variety of passenger and utility carts.
Back home, I showered, then fell asleep watching television.
My days were running together as all I did was work from noon to eight or nine or from noon all the way through till around four. I had some fantastic days where I made over five grand, even after tipping out everyone and paying my fee. But I had some other days where I barely made a thousand dollars. By my third week, I had saved up an amazing amount of money. With the tip from Mr. Redner, I had deposited almost forty thousand dollars in the bank, plus I had at least five hundred in my purse. If I can keep this up, I'll be able to go back to school next semester without any worries.
I asked Gladys and Gwen for a couple of days off during the week and asked them what days I should take off. I explained that I wanted to go out to USF to apply to get in for the last credits I needed for my degree, and I wanted to be able to leave my car at a shop to get all of the maintenance done as it had been a while. I also needed to find an insurance agent as my Texas insurance was going to run out. Oh yeah, I needed a Florida driver's license too. Things were building up that I needed to take care of.
My first day off was Tuesday. I was up and at the Tuffy car repair place by seven in the morning. I gave them a list and they took me back to the park. I had them let me out at the patio area, where I asked if anyone was attending any morning classes out at USF. One young guy named Ben said he was going out for a nine o'clock class, would give me a ride, and drop me off at the administration buildings. He was a neat guy and gave me a brief history of his family. His dad had been killed in the military and his mom had remarried here. He said his second dad was really a neat person and I would like him. He began explaining about Steve Sharp and I laughed. I said, "I've met Steve Sharp. I've met Sue Sharp, too. How many wives does that guy have anyway?"
Ben smiled and said, "Four, and my mom is one of them. Steve really loves them all and loves all of his kids too. He really treats us all great. My mom couldn't be happier."
I was thinking that I wouldn't play second fiddle to anyone. If anything, I wanted several men at my beck and call, not to be one of many women in a family. I kept that to myself, and smiled demurely at Ben. Perhaps he might be a welcome suitor.
The bureaucracy at universities is unbelievable. Even with my transcript and a 3.8 grade point average, I almost had to beg to be allowed to apply for enrollment in two classes. After two and half miserable hours, I left with a submitted application for enrollment. They said my transcript would have to be approved as whether all the classes I had taken would be counted toward the dual degrees. Shit, I might as well go back to Texas and finish.
Luckily, I was standing out at the curb in front of the admin buildings when Ben swung by on his way home. Back at the park, he insisted I eat lunch with him on the patio. We had soup and sandwiches, then he asked me if I wanted to do anything that afternoon.
I said, "The only thing I have to do later is to go pick up my car. I probably should get a cell phone, and I'm going to have to find an insurance agent. Oh yeah, I need to get my Florida driver's license and register my car here."
Ben said, "Tell you what, how about I take you over the license office. They're usually not busy on Tuesday, and we'll go from there. Let me be your guide today." He turned and said, "Hey, Mom, I'm going to take Gerry around to the license office and help her out a little this afternoon."
When Ben turned back to me, he suddenly blushed, "Darn, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you to my mom. Come, let me do it."
"Mom, this is Gerry, ah," Ben looked at me, realizing he didn't know my last name.
"Shadow. My real name is Geraldine Shadow." I said this with a smile.
The tall lady said, "Nice to meet you, Gerry. You're lucky to catch Ben while he's home for a while. He's a good guy, enjoy your day, you two."
As we walked out of the patio, Ben said, "I'm sorry, I never asked you your full name."
I answered, "I didn't ask you yours, either."
"Oh, I'm Benjamin Sharp. Just call me Ben."
"Okay, Ben, thanks for ferrying me around today. With you knowing where everything is, this will be a lot faster. How far is it to the license office?"
As we pulled out of the park, Ben said, "Less than five minutes. All you'll have to do is take the written test and they will give you your license. If you're rated for anything else, like motorcycles or chauffeur, let them know so you can get the endorsement on your license."
"That's good to know. I do have a motorcycle license, as well as a chauffeur's license for big trucks. I drove a truck last summer on a delivery route. The test for it in Texas was pretty tough. I had to turn some tight corners, as well as back the trailer into a really tight loading dock. I grew up out in the country, so I know how to drive almost anything. When you're raised on a reservation farm, you get to do a lot."
"Reservation?" Ben asked, "Tell me about that. You sure don't look like an Indian or Native American with your blond hair, but you do have brown eyes and that is unusual."
"My Mom was blonde, with almost white hair. My dad was only half Native-American and probably had a lot of blond genes in him as well. That makes me only one-fourth American Indian, but I'm still considered a Native-American. It really wasn't a reservation, but a group of Kiowa that lived together up in the grasslands of Northern Texas. They were farmers, and together, they did well raising cattle and crops that fed them and made them a living. They always referred to it as their reservation as the Department of Interior reneged on lands they were going to give to the tribes. When my folks passed away, my grandmother, who had a sugar beet farm near Dumas, Texas, took me in."
Ben said, "You've had an interesting life. I hope we have time together to talk more about it. We're here; let's go in before a rush comes."
The place was very quiet, with no waiting. I took the simple test and the eye exam, had my picture taken, and was issued my Florida driver's license with all the endorsements I had in Texas. Ben walked me next door to the tax office, where I was able to get my Florida license plate using my current insurance information. This was really neat.
When we got back into his car, he said, "Let's run by the insurance office that Dad uses. They must be fair priced or he wouldn't use them."
We did go there and I was able to buy insurance that would give me decent limits. I didn't buy collision, as my car was over twenty years old. If someone hit it hard enough, it would be toast anyway.
As we walked out of the insurance office, Ben asked, "Okay, what else do you need to get done?"
I said, "For right now, that's it. This has been a great day. I have to pick up my car at Tuffy's, but after that I'm done. Say, are you twenty-one, so I can buy you a drink?"
"No, Ma'am, I'm going to be twenty next month. But if we go back to the patio later, I can have a beer with you there if I want. How about we pick up your car, then we could go for a quick swim before all the people come to the patio?"
I answered, "Sounds good, I need some sun and exercise."
Ben dropped me off at Tuffy's and said he would meet me as soon as he put on his swimsuit and walked up to the pool. I said I would meet him there.
After picking up my car, I quickly changed, putting on my cute bikini that is a little brief, but not totally a thong. Since I'm not huge on top, all of my breasts are covered. The panties on any suit have a tough time covering my rounded butt. My hips aren't wide, but my butt sticks way out. Some guys like it, some don't. I happen to think my butt is sexy.
Ben arrived just as I entered the fence around the pool. Ben took one look at me and jumped into the water. I put my towel and lotion down and dove in with him. I began swimming laps while Ben followed my lead, swimming next to me. When we had done more than a dozen laps, we drifted up to the steps where we sat together for a second, catching our breath.
Ben gasped, "Man, that was a good workout. My dad's friend Chuck Johnson swims like that. I was over at his house and he gets in the pool and swims as hard as he can until he's winded. That guy can swim fifty laps before he's done. A couple of the people who live over there with him swim like that too. You should see them. You would think they were racing, but they're just exercising."
I said, "This is the way I exercised at school. About every other day, I would go to the pool and swim real hard, rest, then swim hard again. Come on, we've caught our breath, let's do it again, then rest up."
I took off swimming hard again and Ben took off after me. We were really moving this time, and I swear he was trying to swim faster than me. I'm not the world fastest swimmer, but I am a strong swimmer. This time, when we finished, we were both winded. We staggered from the pool to enjoy the hot sun beating down on us.
Picking up my lotion, I poured a bunch in my hand and spread it on Ben's back. He enjoyed my touch, moaning his approval. I handed him the lotion then flopped on my stomach so he could do my back.
Ben was amazingly gentle. He gently spread the lotion all over my back, then, as he got lower, I reached back and ran my hands under the bottoms and pulled them together into the crack of my butt. I heard him gasp and almost chuckled. I said, "Put some lotion on those cheeks. I can't reach them that easily."
I thought to myself, 'You nasty blonde. You're teasing this guy as bad as you do the ones at the club. They don't get to touch my glorious cheeks, though.'
Ben was cool, he spread lotion all the way down my legs, complimenting me on how nice they are.
When he was done, I told him to lie down so I could do his legs. I spread the lotion from his feet to his upper thighs, getting my hands way up under the legs of his baggy trunks. I told him to roll over, and I don't think he even thought about it, as he flipped over, displaying a very nice tent in his swimsuit.
I didn't make a big thing about it, and went right to work putting lotion on his nice chest. His eyes were closed as I massaged his pecs, so I could inspect the tent some more. He was so cute, I couldn't resist. I looked around quickly to make sure no one was looking and leaned over. My lips touched his in a very sensuous kiss. We both groaned from the intensity we shared.
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MatureContinued from part one … please read part one as this leads to a very exciting story ahead … . Avi and Pooja are in the car with me … .and we drive towards my apartment. All this time, my mind was ticking at the conversation in the restaurant, and waited for a signal from them to take it further. Avi broke the silence … said … what are you thinking of … ? Pooja said … I think hes nervous and wants to bail out … I said no way … I can handle you both … Are you sure?? Yes I said to Avi. Then...
It was a few weeks later that Luna pulled Harry and Hermione into an empty class room and made the statement that made grown men quake in fear. "Harry, we need to talk." Hermione couldn't help the giggles that burst forth from behind her hand as she stared at the look of absolute terror and fear that appeared upon Harry's face. Here was a boy who had climbed the back of a troll and stuck his wand up its nose in an attempt to save her without hesitation, and who had killed a massive...
Hi friends this is Sudheer, I am 22 years old. staying in hyderabad. I am fair in complexion and 5.7 in height. Any aunties or females wants sex please contact me at I am sure i will put them in heaven. Well coming to the story. This is the story that recently happened in my life with Anitha (name changed) who is staying near to my area. She is in Indian sexy complexion and 36 years old and her measurements are around 36-30-40. Yes she has big assets. Most attractive part of her body is her...
Cynthia went to the door. Before opening it she straightened her back and thrust her breasts out. Then she opened it and waited. Peter Stewart was coming up the walk. When he looked up, he saw the girl standing naked in the doorway waiting for him. Smiling, he said, "Hi! I'm Pete Stewart. You must be Cynthia Martin, my wife's new—" "—slave, Mr. Stewart," she finished with a smile. "I'm your wife's bond slave." Suddenly, she appeared flustered. Cindy had been prepared to take...
Boring Author’s Note: I hate deciding what section to put my stories in, then spending time chewing my non-existent fingernails when I could be wearing out my keys working on more stories, so if you think this belongs in Novellas I apologize in advance. To what I have found most publishers set the limit for Novellas at 20,000 to 80,000 words, and anything above that is considered a novel or some other category. I even looked at the submission guidelines to check on Literoticas’ writer’s...
The French lily was less than two inches tall. It sat on the back of her right hip where only its tip would show from under regular cotton panties. The hurt and the swelling had mostly gone. It wasn't the pain that kept her feeling mad; or even the permanent marking of her skin. On the contrary, she admitted that it was quite pretty. But what she couldn't accept, was the violation; she felt abused, used like mindless cattle. She felt raped and above all, betrayed. In the end it was her...
*(To recap, click this link for the previous installment [ ] or start from the beginning [ ])*It had been three days since my punishment began.Not allowed to touch myself. Not allowed to have sex with anyone else. Nothing. And he had built me up to an orgasm, only to deny me the release.He hasn't called me. Texted me. Or even emailed me. Nothing.I ache all the time now. It's at the bottom of my...
September 27, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written September 28] After practice, dinner, and homework, the five of us returned downstairs in prep for taking Gracey and Dad to the García house. We found Dad and the Moms on the Monstrosity, Dad naked, the Moms wearing shirts and skirts. The Moms were commando: Sandy was riding Dad’s cock, while Carol was just starting up the Stairway on Dad’s face. Carol’s ascent seemed to encourage Sandy’s, and the two of them quickly peaked in nice, little...
When i was younger i never got the pretty girls and never functioned down below well and soon became transgendered. I dont have the pressure to perform any more . I was still attracted to girls but one day saw a huge black man with 2 sexy girls and i began to wonder why so many females had black boyfriends. All of my female relationships ended with the girls going to black men so got intrigued. One day i was out one night in Manchester and was asked by a very tall black man if he would be...
(Part 2). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual), that event happened on a Friday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the rest of the weekend and it remains to this very day, probably the single most sexually life changing event in my life. It's now Saturday, in the early morning hours. My best guess, it's about 6 am. The sun has not yet come up but it's close. As I start to get up, I realize that I smell like baby oil and...
As you sat staring off into another world, you could hear your stepmother arguing with your high school principal. You took a deep sigh. This could not be happening. You had a legitimate shot at making the high school lacrosse team your freshmen year. Now it looked like more and more that it was going to be that weird boarding school. Ikuji Nashi. Ikuji Nashi was one of the strictest boarding schools in the country. Only preppy nerds openly wanted to go. Most of the other enrollments were like...
I didn't know where the information came from, but I knew she was a Tarqa. Oh my God! That was what Bandor thought Sammi was when she kicked his butt and released Amy in Iraq, when he had said 'What have you done? You have released one of those? Are you crazy? Do you know what you have done? It will destroy us all!' I didn't know much about whom they were or what they were. The information I was processing I knew came from the white energy. I relaxed a little. What I had heard about the...
my wife christine is a real head turner having men admiring her at 5ft6 natural blonde firm tits and a nice shaped arse for a 26yr weve been maried for 5yrs so sexaul experience were limited having only been with few parteners .she told me about some of them and the things they would do to her at times both shocked me and exited me there was her past lover john he was well hung sporting a good 10 inches who after awhile could get his hole cock into her he was very gentle an taught her how to...
For those who complained about the mixed up headings of the different chapters, sorry, it was a technical problem. I typed the right numbers - my keyboard made the mistakes. Princess by Default - Chapter 13 Coup and Countercoup "Lady Jasmine, Lady Jasmine." I heard the voice through a web of cotton candy. I tried to answer only my voice didn?t work. Something cool dabbed at my face. I felt my body being...
Reddit DirtySnapchat, aka r/DirtySnapchat! You know what? My fucking grandma, God bless her soul, was right about some things. There are things in this world that are purely Satanic, and they can't exist in any other form. And, one of those things is what we're exploring today. You see, the world's best scientists all agree on one single thing. Young people do have less sex than their boomer counterparts, and that's unfortunate information. Many people like to blame porn, and maybe they're...
Reddit NSFW ListI had 2 best friends at school, Alison was a pretty petite girl with shoulder length hair and a beautiful face. She lived at home with her mum and dad and I’d go up to her house a couple of times a week, and she’d come to mine at least once a week. This Tuesday we were sat on her bed talking like teenage girls do, with the latest pop songs playing on her record player, when she took me by surprise and kissed me. She pulled away and smiled it didn’t take long for us to be snogging, tongues and...
Jessica slumped onto her bed in her teal silk pajamas and sighed. Her first week at college had come to an end, and her early classes had gone well, but she didn't feel satisfied. She had always been a quiet, shy, introverted girl, but she had naively hoped that going to college would suddenly change everything. "Just for once," Jessica thought to herself, longingly, "I want to be the centre of attention. I want to be more popular!" She sulked as she began to think about what to do. She...
Kunal is 42 and good looking 6-footer with fair skin and well-maintained physique. He had 2 live-in relationships that didn’t work out and he finally decided to go to a marriage broker. After 15 years of teaching in London, he had taken a UK passport and decided to stay there permanently. I’m 4 years younger to him, a bit less fair-skinned and an inch shorter than him. I got married at 29 and had 2 kids. I maintained a small supermarket and did a lot of physical labor, so my whole body is well...
IncestHii boys and girls mai ek high profile girl hu ya phir aap keh sakte hai ki mai ek bhut badi randi hu kyuki sabhi mujhe yhi khte hai sabse phle me apne bare me bta du me Suzzan Khan meri age hai 27 years or me delhi me rahti hu me dikhne mai kafi sexy or hot hu mera hot figure joki 34 28 38 he jise dekh kar log apne pant ke andar hi apna maal chod dete hai me jb bhi bahar jati hu to bhut tight jeans pehanti hu or panties nhi pehanti jisse meri ass puri shape me dikhti he or sbhi usse ghurte hi...
My name is Dan. I am a professional working at a large accounting firm in the Midwest. I had remained unmarried into my thirties partly because I didn’t want to give up the variety of different women that I bedded and partly because I couldn’t find a women that I was willing to wake up next to for the rest of my life. I met Sharon at a party about two years ago, and was immediately captivated by her looks as well as her personality. We started dating and fell in love. Soon after, we...
My name is Otto. I'm 13 since last month and just started the new school year of 6th grade. My life wasn't the best as it was for my friends. Well at least I thought they were. Not so long ago was it that my best friend Alex said if we kissed the girls would love me forever. So in the middle of our old grade school playground me and my best friend kissed. I didn't know then that kissing another boy was so bad. But either way kids all around laughed at me. Alex laughed too, I couldn't...
I awoke into darkness. I couldn’t really wrap my head aroundwhat happened until I felt my brother adjust next to me. It suddenly became very clear. I just had sex with my brother….. and I was ok with it. Suddenly I heard the front door open and kids ran in. “Oh shit!” I thought as I jumped up and ran to my closet“Whoa, hey what’s the rush?” Ryan said as he woke startled“Carson, Ryan are you up there?” I heard my mom call from downstairs“That’s what’s the rush” I said as I through on my robe and...
IncestBefore I proceed with Chapter 2, I need to introduce you to Emily, or Em. It will be two more instalments before she returns to the story properly, but it will help you to understand the scope of my history, and where it is going. Emily Barrington – Em – my teenage best girlfriend, that is, best friend who happens to be a girl. We were both school friends and swimming team mates from the age of 10 or 11 to when I dropped out from the club at 17. As teenagers, we spent a lot of time together....
Listen, the world kind of sucks right now. Even I can’t go plowing pussy as much as I’d like without throwing a goddamn gas mask on. But, as with many other markets, the porn industry is thriving better than ever. In a time where we can’t go fucking random whores we meet in a bar, we can jerk our dicks to live cam sluts. That’s pretty much the next best thing. Sure, it’s not the same. But a private cam show is probably the closest most of you pathetic cucks will ever get to getting laid...
Live Arab Sex CamsVirlane stood outside his lair, he spread his wings and stretched, his neck arching, he flexed his talons and sighed with pleasure, he turned to watch Trink heading down the mountain path muttering about donkeys and his most treasured assets. Virlane entered his lair, prowling around, looking, touching, smelling, it was all there, just as he had left it, not that there had been any doubt, Dragons are just rather possessive about their hoards. He went into his study, touching his books that...
I was 39 years old and I have been a female inside a mans body. I've dreamed of changing into a full woman. Yet I got married, and had a wonderful boy. I asked my wife one night what she thought of being with another man, & was very upset. I continued to explain how I fantasized about being her cuckold an being feminized completely including hormones, body modifications, and living as a female on our Jamaican vacations were she could fuck, suck, and eventually be impregnated by a BBC. She...
Only after Barbara had gone did Laura see the folded piece of paper with Trina Townsend's phone number on it lying on the floor by the sofa. She had quickly retrieved it when it had fluttered out of her bra, but then in the heat of really torrid fucking with Barbara, she had lost track of it. But now she picked it up and looked at it, wondering if she would ever see Trina again. And so she was in almost total shock two days later when Trina actually called. "This...
A Change of Lifestyle Part 21 By Sandy Paris Melissa takes up her new job, goes on a date and gets closer to Jess. Chapter 48 - Salon opens Mary came back to work the next week and I took her through her first day to show her a couple of changes that had been made and let her get settled. The rest of the week was spent getting the new salon ready for the opening on Friday. Most of the work was done by Jess and...
Market Research Part 2 This was a standard white envelope addressed to Ms. Andrew White. "Why is this continuing?", I thought. Every letter addressed "Ms" was another opportunity for my secret to be exposed. Resigned, I opened the letter and read. Dear Ms. Andrew White, We hope you are enjoying your Sheer Energy pantyhose. We value our customers and their feedback and hope you will fill out the questionnaire included with this letter. Feedback from customers like yourself...
With several minutes remaining until midnight, Gladys appeared to enjoy herself attending the retirement party for an old friend. There was some dancing and drinking; Gladys tried not to overdue it, especially since she wasn't the partying type these days. Deep down she was worried about her friend Betty, who left rather sudden without even saying goodbye. She called her home to check up on her, but it turned out her dear friend was not alone and in good hands.Betty had told her she was being...
He still didn't understand. There was so much he didn't understand. But they were going to his house, and they would talk, and then, maybe, he'd finally comprehend things. He lived almost exactly one and a half miles from the university. She did not slow down. If anything, she lengthened her stride as he rode easily along beside and slightly behind her. He pedaled at a constant sixty revolutions per minute, changing gears to maintain that rate, as was his habit. He watched her legs and...
Shane drove through the big gates that led to his parent's house. He'd always thought that this house was too big for the five of them, then the four of them when his dad passed away. Back when his dad was alive he was a very rich man, owned a big computer firm, and inherited Shane's grandfather's money, who was a very rich man too. When Shane was old enough to realize how rich they were and also to realize that some of his friends and mostly all his girlfriends were pretending to be...
It was Saturday night, the night of Teresa's birthday party. I arrived at 8.00 pm, to find the party in full swing and about thirty people present. I squeezed through the crowded kitchen and made my way to the living room, meeting Emma along the way. She kissed me full on the lips and whispered "Still can't get over the excitement of last Saturday night, it was awesome!" "Where is Eleanor?" I asked. "She is in her bedroom!" Emma replied. So I continued but now heading for...
Kit’s cell phone signaled an incoming call. He recognized Nichelle’s number. “Hi,” he said. “How was the funeral?” Kit -- I HATE funerals. I HATE them. Promise me that, if we’re still in love when I die, there’ll be no funeral. Just cremate my body and scatter my ashes. Scatter them anywhere -- I don’t care. Promise me that. “Okay, I promise. Otherwise, how was it?” It was nice, I guess. A fair number of my white cousins removed and whatnot showed up so that was nice. We exchanged email...
Now I didn’t wake up thinking the events I’m about to document were going to happen, it started out as a very normal day. A day I’d assumed would be boring!(But hey I aint no psychic.), a day I would have never thought would end in sweat and pornographic passion! *Le Sigh*. Yes! A day that gave me a higher ranking in all things sexual and a crossed a hard to do off my bucket list! Yes people, I’m talking about a threesome.They say not everyone has the ability to handle the raw passion of a...
Like I said near normal, Sara moved to my bed that first night home, she had a valid point here's the argument she made. “What if my stitches open during the night, I may not be able to walk here. It would be better if I slept beside you that way if something happened you're here to help.” Truth is I found out I literally loved sleeping with her in my arms. As I come to realize that the love I felt for her was hers and hers alone. No transference, just honest to God love. Not to say it was...
The rest of the day could have been pleasant. Despite minor twinges of discomfort from her sore vagina, she was in the elevated mood good sex always gave her. She even smiled at Tom Ronack when he came by to sign copies of her supply slips. Was it her imagination, or did he take a bit longer than he needed to do so? She knew something was odd when, an hour later he came back to drop off some blank forms, when he could clearly see she had plenty. Just before he left her cubical, he glanced...
What Ronnie had to do was make sure that her primary fear of being discovered ... and then being blackmailed ... would not happen. She wasn’t sure how this was going to work out, but she knew the psychology of teenagers, so she was going to take her best shot. She went straight to the motor home, relieved that the light was still on, and that the generator was still humming softly. She was afraid that the door would be locked, and snorted derisively when she found it open instead. How stupid...
Everyone seemed to be in an upbeat mood as we walked home. We were joking around and playfully throwing handfuls of snow at each other. I thought everyone had experienced a good time, and I silently congratulated myself for thinking of inviting them. As we were ambling down Bradley, a shit-green car pulled up beside us. I recognized it. It was just my most favoritest person in the whole wide world, even more favoriter than Carol. The window rolled down. "What are youse doing out so late?"...
‘The bastard!’ I thought, ‘the incestuos bastard!’ I had been good fucking wife to my bastard husband and see what he did to me? The bastard has been cheating on me with his own cousin Radha. I could not belive my eyes when I saw him in Radha’s bed and the bitch was moaning in ecstasy as my Kishna pumped her pussy with his huge cock. I did not know what was inside her room and. I simply came to her house to borrow some money as I had forgotten my purse at home. I had an idea that Radha would be...