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Sixteen, and just a girl Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I slipped the dress over my head and zipped it up, then looked in the mirror. No makeup, my hair a mess, no shoes, and I was flat chested. But I saw her, and I was captivated by her. Not the ugly broad staring back at me, but the cute girl that she could become, if only I knew how, and tried a little harder. As I took the dress off I just knew that my parents wouldn't understand if they saw me all dressed up as a girl. Hell, I didn't understand it! All I knew was that I always knew how I felt. I was allowed to dress as a girl twice. Once when I was little, maybe 12. I went to a costume party at school dressed as Snow White, and later, when I was 14, I went out on Halloween as Cinderella. Since then I have secretly trying on my mom's clothes, using her makeup and so on, all in an effort to look as good as possible when I am dressed up. I could, if I tried, almost make myself passable, but it took a long time, which I rarely had. As I put everything away I did so with a sigh, since it would be a while before I could try it again. For me to dress as a girl, I was just about the right size. I'm on the short side at 5'7" tall, and I weigh about 130. Not quite skinny, but for most boys a tad small. But I am just right for the average girl, plus, as was the current style, I had let my hair grow out until it reached my shoulders. All I needed was some way to figure out how to be a girl without making my folks really mad at me. After I had put everything away, I went out to wash my car, which is where I was when my buddy Bill walked up. "Hey!" "Hey yourself Bill. What's up?" "I need a girl." "Yeah. You always need a girl" I said with a smirk. "Yeah, but this time I need a special kind of girl." "Those kinds of girls cost money, and you don't have any money" I said. "You got that right! But, well, the kind of girl I need has to be a guy, like us." "Let me get this straight. You need a girl, but she has to be a guy?" "Yeah. There's this big deal kind of party at my folks country club, and this year, those little old ladies that run all the party stuff decided to have what they call a mixed up wedding party. They drew names from the membership list of the members sons, and some were selected to be the brides, and on top of that, they also said the brides would need an escort, a groom they said. My name was drawn, but just look at me, then tell me I could become some cute young bride!" Bill had that right. 6'2" tall, and at least 235 pounds, with a crew cut and muscles out to there. He could never do it, unless he had a wedding dress made by a very talented tent maker, and a cement mason to do his makeup. "So? You get to be a bride. Why do you need a girl if you're going to be the bride?" "They drew 12 names, but there are three of us that obviously couldn't do it, never in a million years, so they made exceptions for us. We get to be the grooms, but we have to have someone that is willing to be the bride." I just knew that he was going to ask me, and my heart began to beat faster with anticipation, because I knew it would be the perfect way for me to dress as a girl, and have the perfect alibi. But I put on a stupid face, trying not to give away my willingness to do it. "You interested?" he asked. "You want me to be your bride? What makes you think that I would even be interested?" "Because you're half the size I am, and I just thought that you could do it, that's all! Don't get yourself in an uproar!" "Me as your bride? That's getting out there a bit isn't it Bill? I mean, it's not like I'm used to wearing a dress or anything like that, but just for kicks, say I did agree. What's in it for me? Besides having the chance to make a fool out of myself I mean." "A nice dinner, music, dancing, your own wedding cake, and me as a date of course." "Don't sound like much, especially a date with an ugly like you. It sounds crazy as a matter of fact, but I'll think about it, and even then I'd have to ask my folks of course. I'll let you know, but don't count on it." Bill walked away, but I was panting inside. A bride! The very top of the pile when it comes to dressing as a female, which was my greatest wish, and he had just asked me to do it! Now all I had to do was talk my parents into letting me do it without sounding over eager. I finished washing the car and broke out the vacuum. I was under the dash cleaning the carpets when I felt a finger poking me. Turning, I saw that it was my mom. "Hi mom. I was just cleaning the car." "I see that. It looks very nice dear." Mom paused for a moment, and got a strange look on her face. "Did Bill stop by and talk to you this morning?" "Yeah, and he sounded crazy." "Did he ask you to be his bride for that party?" "Yeah! That's the crazy part. I said I would have to talk to you, and even then I would have to think about it. How did you know?" "Oh, Fay and I talked about it yesterday." Mom got that look on her face. "I didn't say anything, but given the number of times you have been into my clothes and dressing up I can't see you saying no to an opportunity like this, do you?" I started to say something, but mom held up her hand. "Lets just skip over your denials for a moment. That party is going to be in the fall, which is almost four months away, and that's plenty of time for you to become used to wearing skirts, and learn how to make yourself pretty, don't you agree? If you're going to be a beautiful bride that is." Mom knew! I was struck dumb, but rather than say something really stupid, I kept my mouth shut. Mom however, asked me to come inside when I was done with the car. She said she wanted to talk. Well, knowing what she wanted to talk about, I was done in record time, put everything away, and went in the house. Mom was in the familyroom, waiting for me. The minute I sat down she started in on me, telling me that while she did not understand why I liked to dress up as a girl, even once in a while, she was willing to help me, since becoming a bride would be a very big responsibility. On top of that, she said that since I seemed to want to be a girl so much, she was going to make sure that I met that responsibility, and I would meet it by becoming a girl, from the next morning, and continue until the party was over! The way mom put it, it wasn't a question of would I do it? She said I would, and that was the end of it! I was stunned, but did my best to keep a straight face. "I want you to go to your room and strip to your briefs. I'll get a few measurements, then you and I will get you enough clothes to get by on until we can get out and do some proper shopping. Bill's mother told me she is going to pay for the wedding ensemble, but the rest is on us, and if we are going to spend that kind of money, I want you to have clothes that fit, and look nice on you. Now go get undressed." I went to my room, undressed, and waited for mom to show up. When she did, and before she did anything else, she sat on the bed and for the first time, asked me if I was willing to become a girl for the next four months. "I know that you have been into my clothes, but after I thought about it, and to be fair to you, I want you to answer me truthfully. Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to become a girl for the four months between now and then? Remember, if you say no, your days of rummaging in my clothes will be over young man. If you say yes, well, we will see to it that you not only learn how to be a girl, I'll see to it that you are the best dressed teenage girl around." It was no contest. As far back as I could remember, I had wanted to be a girl. To dress like one, to smell like one, to act like one. I wanted to wear a bra and pantyhose, perfume, and flowers in my hair. I didn't hesitate. "Yes mother, I would like to be Bill's bride" I said, and mom, without a word, went about measuring me all over. As mom worked she told me that the first thing in the morning she was going out and get me the bare basics, just enough so that I could look like a girl my age, then she was going to help me get ready, and as soon as we were done, she said that the two of us were going shopping, right after I had my hair and nails done at her salon! I had never been in a salon before, and had no idea what to expect, but actually leaving the house dressed as a girl, while a long time dream of mine, gave me the shivers. When mom was ready, she handed me a bottle of hair remover and some bubblebath, and told me that by the next morning, she wanted me hairless, clean shaven and with my hair washed. The minute mom left the room, I headed for my bath. After reading the instructions on the bottle, I stripped and began to cover myself with that foul gunk. After half and hour or so, I showered it off, and was rewarded by seeing lots of hair piling up on the drain. After that, I waited while he tub filled and I added bubblebath into the hot water, then sank into the tub. By the time I stepped out of the tub I had shaved every inch of my skin that I could reach, and my skin felt smooth and silky to me. Since I only shaved once a week anyway, I finished that ritual and washed my hair. I had no idea what would happen after I rubbed in the skin lotion, so you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that my skin got even softer! With nothing but a towel wrapped around me. I put my jeans back on, the denim, although soft from washing, felt really odd against my now smooth legs. Socks and tee, then my gym shoes, and I went outside. I walked over to Bill's house, and found him under his own car. "I'll do it" I said, which made him come out from under the car. "You will?" "Yeah. I can't see myself as a girl, but when I told mom about it, she got all excited. She has some really strange ideas about all this Bill. Sounded strange to me anyway, but I don't want to say what they were right now, since I'm still not sure. I'll see tomorrow and fill you in." Then I added..."If you laugh when you see me dressed as a girl, the deal is off Bill, and I mean it!" "Okay! I'll let mom know that you said yes!" When he stood up, he towered over me. "Just keep this between us for now Bill...okay?" "You got it! Say! When will I see you? Dressed as a girl I mean?" "I don't know Bill. When I know, you'll know." I went back home, hoping that how I turned out looking like a real girl, was at least close to my mental image. I mean, if I turned out looking like an awkward guy in a dress, I would end it right then and there, no matter what mom said. I positively would not make a fool out of myself that way. If I looked real good, then I would merely be practicing for doing this bride thing, and hopefully, the other friends of mine would understand. I mean, I'm not going to be the only guy in town wearing a dress, there would be at least eleven other guys doing it. As I went in then back door, I saw dad standing there. "I hear that you're going to be Bill's bride." "Yeah dad. It'll be a kick." "Well, I'm proud of you son. It takes a big man to wear a dress. I know that you'll do your best for Bill, and us. I mean, isn't that what I always say? Do your best, that way nobody can fault you for giving it your all." "I will dad, I promise. I'll give it my best." Apparently dad did not know what mom had planned! But, no matter how I looked, I could always say that I was doing exactly what he told me to do, and that, "was my best", even if, as mom told me, I would be dressing as a girl every day from tomorrow onward. How could he then tell me not to? If doing my best required me to dress all the time, just to get better, all he could do was go along with it! Oh, he could make me stop I suppose, but somehow, I had a hunch that mom was going to take that option away from him when she and I visited her salon. But she would also take it away from me. I knew that I better have a hair style in mind, or mom might just pick one that I wouldn't like! In my room, I went on the Internet, and did a quick search on hairstyles, picked several that I liked, and printed them out. At least I would have something to go by when we were at the salon. I heard mom come in, but stayed in my room. I didn't want to seem anxious, even though I'm sure that mom knew I was. It was dad I was worried about. A few minutes later mom came into my room and put a number of packages on the bed. "I picked up a cheap bra, a pair of panties, some pantyhose, a skirt and blouse, plus a pair of flats. Based on your shoes size, the man said they would fit. We'll get you ready for your debut tomorrow morning, right after breakfast." After mom left the room I quickly opened the packages to see what mom had bought. The skirt was dark green, the blouse white. The bra, also white, had a narrow band of lace on it, while the panties were plain white cotton. The shoes were black. Holding the skirt to my waist I saw that it would be just above my knees. The blouse had short sleeves with a normal collar. Nothing special about them, but they signaled my impending foray into the world of girls. I could hardly wait. That night at dinner, everything seemed peaceful, the only comment came from dad when he told me that he would be gone most of the day, but asked me to stay dressed so that he could see me! If mom did what she said she was going to do, he would see a lot of me dressed as a girl, and there was no doubt in my mind that I would be dressed as a girl when he got home! I had a somewhat tense night as I anticipated the coming day. Every dream, every wish, I ever had about being a girl was about to come true, but somehow, I knew that no matter how I felt, I would have to be real careful not to be seen as a guy that was eager to be a girl, because that it would cause my friends to think that this is what I really wanted. I would have to sort of grow into the role, slowly, so they would get used to seeing me trying to get along, as a girl. What mom did not know was that I had a name all picked out. Tracy Elizabeth. I had picked that name a long time ago. When mom asked, or maybe even if she doesn't, I would tell her. Probably before we even started. I looked over at the door to my closet and in the dim light of the moon I saw the clothes hanging there. My clothes. A skirt and blouse! It gave me a chill just thinking about it, and I fell asleep eventually, but I had all sorts of dreams that night, all of them pleasantly feminine. Dad left for work at seven, and a half an hour later mom was in my room with me. I had already put the panties on, so she merely watched as I struggled with the bra, which was my size, but fastened in the back. After a few moments she told me to fasten it in the front then spin it around and pull it on. Unlike hers, this one was tight on my chest. "I also got these for you. They'll work a little better than rolled up socks." Mom handed me a pair of soft, flesh colored blobs. "Just put one into each bra cup and lets see how they work." The minute I had them in place I loved it! The breast forms filled the cups and while I didn't have any cleavage at all, it certainly looked as if I had breasts! "Before we go any further, lets see what we can do about your hair, then I'll show you how to put on makeup." Mom took me to her room where I sat at her vanity. She used a small spray bottle to wet my hair, then she began to brush it out. Using her brush, she pulled my hair back real tight with a part done the middle of my head. The she brushed out the front, leaving me with bangs that hung in my eyes. Since I had let my hair grow out, Mom quickly braided my hair so that I had twin but short pigtails, which she pulled together in the back, then added a white bow to hold them in place. I was left with a very girlish hairdo. Then came the makeup. I wanted to just say I knew how, but I knowing how bad I was at it, I let mom tell me what to do. I usually put the foundation on like mortar, but mom told me to use two fingers and use it sparingly. Then came powder, which I had never used, but after I brushed away the excess, my face was smooth, all one color, and better yet, my face didn't look like it was ready to fall off. I was ready to add lipstick since foundation and lipstick was all I ever used, but mom said no. "At your age I think you can wear a little eyeshadow. Not much though, we'll accent your eyes with eyeliner and mascara. They might do something different at the salon, but for now it'll be fine." Carefully using the applicator, I managed to get two colors of eyeshadow on, a very soft green and a very light plum, blending the color with my finger, like she showed me, then I had to draw a thin brown line over each eye with a liquid eyeliner brush. Under each eye I used a soft green pencil. The mascara was easier to use once I got up close to the mirror. The black made my eyelashes look a lot fuller, and with the eyeliner, the mascara did seem to make my eyes look wide open. The girl, yes girl, that I saw staring back at me from the mirror was so unlike the girl I had ever managed to create in the past that I was stunned. That with so little effort, mom could make me look like a girl, after I spent so many hours trying, made me realize just how inept, and foolish, I had been! I put the blouse on, then sat on the bed to pull on the pantyhose before I stepped into the skirt, making sure the zipper was in the back, which mom noticed, and mentioned. The shoes fit perfectly, just like mom said they would. "Now you can do your lipstick honey, but use the pinkish red one." While I did my lips, mom set a purse on the bed. "You're quite pretty you know" mom said, "better than you expected I'm willing to bet. What do we call you now? I'm sure you have decided on that." "Tracy" I said with a smile that just refused to go away. Mom walked out of the room with me following close behind her, and after she grabbed her purse, I went outside dressed as a girl, for the first time ever. Without a word she waited for me to get buckled in, then we drove off. I saw Bill mowing the lawn. He didn't even look up. The salon was very quiet when we went in. Some lady, the owner I think, met mom, and after she introduced me, I was taken to a chair. The stylist was an older lady, maybe 40, but nice looking. "Just a trim and cut honey?" "I...I have these." I showed her the pictures I had printed out, and pointed to the one I liked best. "Sure! We can do that, but I'll have to soften the look a little, that's a little old for you." She set the chair back, and washed my hair, then set me up. "Just relax honey, I know what I'm doing." Mom was in another chair, the owner working on her. They didn't even look over at me. The woman working on me began to wind rollers wrapped in foil into my hair, making them tight enough to hurt a little, but I didn't say anything because I didn't know if I should. Chemicals were washed over my head,, then she pushed over a dryer. As my head was surrounded by the warm air and a drone from the fan, she took my hands and began to work on them. I could see her, and watched as she washed each fingernail, then began to push, cut and file each nail. Then a white glob that looked like wet sand was put on each nail, patted flat and shaped with some sort of template. I knew what she was doing, she was making my nails longer! By the time she was done with my nails I felt like my head was well done, like a roast! My nails were now a soft rose color that glinted in the light, and just a little longer than my finger tips, and tapered to a rounded end, just like the girls at school wore theirs. They also made my fingers look thinner. Once I was out from under the dryer, all of the rollers were taken out, my hair brushed out a little, and another chemical that smelled really awful was rubbed in, then I underwent another dousing in the wash sink and ten minutes under the dryer. When I looked in the mirror, I knew why it had taken so long. My once brown hair was now a soft auburn color, just like in the picture! As she brushed out my hair she began to trim and shape my hair until it was almost dry, then she began to set it. That part did not take long, and before I knew it, she was done, and I had the most feminine hairstyle I could imagine. Every time I moved my hands I saw streaks of my new polish, and I knew that I never wanted to give up being a girl. Every sensation, each smell, all the tightness of the rollers, the way my hair flicked at my face and ears all, the new, longer nails, all combined to draw me into the web of femininity that I had sought for so long. "All you have to do is wash it and let it dry honey. Maybe a few strokes with a brush, but it'll pop right into place, good as new!" "That color looks wonderful on you Tracy" mom said, "Was that your idea?" Mom had not said a word to the woman that did my hair, so she didn't tell her, but I did ask for it, so... "Oh that! Tracy showed me a picture, and I matched it as close as I could. It does look cute on her though. I like it! Don't you?" "Goodness yes!" mom said, "with her coloring it's a wonderful color! And I like the way you did her hair! It's a perm isn't it?" "Oh yes. To get that style, and with her straight hair, I had to use a body perm. She's good for about six months with that style!" I had gotten myself a perm! I had no idea that was what she was doing, and less idea that I needed one to get that hairstyle! All I wanted was to look nice! The only thing that stopped me from saying anything was that I did not want to sound like a dummy, and besides, I really liked the way it made me look, and of course, the fact that it would last six months. I didn't say a word. Mom paid our bill and we left, but I felt entirely different. After seeing myself in the mirror at the salon a wave of excitement washed over me as I experienced a new sense of femininity, and I was certain that there wasn't any way someone would figure me to be a boy! Mom drove straight to the mall, then right into the lingerie section of a huge department store. With her list in one hand and me trailing behind her, she started handing me things, starting with panties. I had no idea I would need so much stuff! Two more bras, but mom let me pick them out, then two padded pantybrief's, slips, nightgowns, a white waist nipper and a robe. From there we hit the dress department where I was allowed to pick out four skirts and three dresses, jeans, some blouses and tops, and a coat. In shoes I got three pair of heels, black, white, and taupe, plus pink and white gym shoes. I was dragging a lot of packages by that point, so mom and I took everything to the car and went back in. As we passed one of those costume jewelry places, mom went in, taking me by the arm. "You need to have your ears pierced Tracy. Everything is post now, and your earrings will be cheaper. Sit here." Well, I had each ear pierced, then, because everything was on sale, we bought 12 sets of earrings plus assorted bracelets, hair clips, bows and barrettes, then necklaces and two rings. As we strolled through the mall, I saw one of those makeup places, and mentioned to mom that maybe the makeup she had used on me, which was hers, wasn't right for me, and asked if we could go in. With a nod of her head I turned into the store and was assaulted by the aroma of so many different kinds of makeup and perfume that it shook me for a moment! But, I went in, with mom right behind me, and looked around until a woman asked me if I would like her to "do me". With mom standing there, I said yes, and the woman handed me a towelette to wash off my makeup. If the woman suspected anything she never showed any sign of it, and simply began to redo my face. It took her about twenty minutes, but when she was done the difference was dramatic! As good as I looked earlier, it was ten times better now, and begged mom to buy everything that she had used on me, which she did. Then we went home so that I could put all of my clothes away. Mom left me to put the new clothes where I wanted them, and didn't even say a word about how I looked, but she had seen me all day, so I didn't expect her to say anything. Besides, I think she already knew how I would look. It took me an hour to get everything settled, then I decided to change into one of the new skirts and change tops. I picked out the red skirt. I liked the pleats, and it was short, almost mid thigh on me, then a light weight white pullover top that only had a pair of straps at the shoulder. The first thing I did was pull one of those padded pantybrief's on, the white one, then I quickly changed, put on my new gym shoes and went down to tell mom that I was going to walk over to Bill's. After all, I told her, he was entitled to see what he was getting, and besides, I wanted to shock him. Mom waved her hand at me and I left the house. For only my my second time out, I was alone, but I felt just great about how I looked, and I could hardly wait to get a reaction from Bill. With every step I took, my skirt swayed back and forth, and I could feel my breasts bouncing, like in the mall, but also, the addition to my hips gave me a rounder shape, and made me feel even more complete. There was no doubt in my mind that this was exactly what I wanted. I could only hope that Bill felt the same, but I wasn't sure why. I mean, he was my buddy, a neighbor. He and I had done a lot of stupid things together over the years, the usual the stupid things that boys do, and I had never once thought of him in any way but a guy friend. But dressed this way, and knowing that I look just as good as any other girl we knew, I wanted him to be pleased. I wanted him to want me I guess. It felt strange to think that way, but just how much stranger was that than having my hair set in a perm, getting my makeup done, then showing up in a skirt and top? He wasn't anywhere I could see him, but they have a pool, so I went around the house, and saw him laying out in the sun, wearing nothing but his swim trunks. Quietly, I went up the short stairway, went over to him, and tickled his ear. He swatted, then his nose caught the scent of my perfume, and his eyes popped opened. He looked right at me, the question of who I was forming on his lips before he sat straight up and looked directly at me. "Holy Shi...! Is that you?" I nodded my head yes, then sat on the chair closest to him, my hands folded in my lap. My skirt had ridden up, and he could see a lot of leg, but I didn't move. I smiled instead. "You can call me Tracy from now on." He stood up, his eyes locked on me, but he had an obvious problem, and quickly sat down to hide it. His was excited! About me! "Well?" I asked, "What do you think?" "Hell! You look better than my sister does! How did! Don't tell me. I don't think I want to know!" "I'll tell you this much" I said, This is a perm, and my nails are acrylic, and that means that I'll have to dress this way every day or look like a total geek, and since you are the one that asked me to do this...for you, you are going to help me when the other kids in the neighborhood see me!" " problem...Tracy?" He stood up again, and I could see that his problem had not quite gone away. His eyes never left me, then..."Why don't we, you and I," he asked, "head over to Sandy's tonight? You can get all fixed up, and that way, everyone can meet you at one time!" "I'll say yes, but I have to ask my mom. Call me in a little bit, okay?" "Sure...Tracy. You bet." I had his undivided attention, that much was for sure! The minute he saw me he had become...excited. I twirled around and left this house to go home and ask mom about going out that night with Bill. Sandy's is one of those teen hangouts. Sort of a disco for kids that can't drink. They have music, usually a band on Saturday night, and plenty of kids go there. "Okay" mom said when I asked her, "but you have to be in by midnight." "Midnight?! My curfew has been one for a long time now!" "Yes, I know that, but nice girls are in by midnight, and you will be too, or you can stay home if you like." Grudgingly, with no choice, I agreed and went to my room to change. Dad would be home within an hour or so, and remembering what he told me, I decided to just change for the date then rather than wait until later. Dad would get an eyeful, that's for sure, because I would see to it. I had just the outfit. I took a shower, careful not to get my hair or face wet. In the excitement of the day, I had built up a little aroma but didn't want to ruin my hair or face. Especially my makeup, since I wasn't sure that I could duplicate it, not yet anyway. I put on clean panties, then the padded pantybrief. It was tight enough that with careful tucking, I would have no trouble presenting a smooth front. I just picked up the same bra I wore that day just as mom came in. She suggested that I "dust" myself with the powder that came with my makeup. Unfamiliar with what she was talking about, she had me undress again, then used a powder puff the size of her hand to pat the powder all over my body. It smelled just like my perfume. I put my clothes back on, noticing that everything slid on easier. The bra was rather plain, without any padding, but I was eager to try something I had read on line, so I went in the bath, grabbed the tape, and as mom watched me, I pulled each side of my chest in to the middle and up a little before I set the tape. Very small mounds had formed, so that when I put the bra on, which was easier for me to hook up since the hook was in the front, and added those breast forms, I filled out the bra a lot better, and I had the appearance of a modest cleavage, just like so many girls I had seen as Sandy's. Mom gifted me with a smile as I sat on the bed and pulled on the pantyhose. Then I went to my closet to get my favorite dress. It was the very first one I had picked out. It was a powder blue sheath dress that flared a little at the hips and had a hemline that was at mid thigh. But the best part was that it has two straps over the shoulders and a square cut neckline that would expose just the tops of my breasts, if I bent over that is. I slipped it on and mom zipped it up, then I went to the pile of new jewelry and picked out a pair of silver chandelier earrings that had a small blue stone set in them. The necklace didn't match, but it was silver, and mom said it looked nice. With my spritzer, I added some perfume, then touched up my lipstick before I stepped into the white heels. "As much as I never thought it possible, you really are quite lovely Tracy, and based on the way you handled yourself today, you really do like dressing as a girl. Tell me, are you scared?" "I was, at first, but now I don't have to be. It's perfect mom. Everyone knows about this party, and since I'm going to be a bride, what can they say? I mean, all I'm doing is getting used to the clothes! On top of that, dad told me to do my best, which is exactly what I'm doing! Why? Is there something wrong?" "No...but you and I, we know the truth, don't we?" "What?" It was a stupid question, and I knew it as soon as I said it, but all I could do was stand there. "That you have always wanted to be a girl, and when Bill offered you have this chance, you jumped on it as a way for you to dress like a girl, and yet you have managed to have everyone thinking that it's just for Bill. I know that you know your dad well enough to know exactly what he would say, because he says it all the time, and he did. You have managed to fool everyone so far Tracy, except me of course, but what are you going to do when Bill, or maybe some other boys wants to do more than just hold your hand? Face it. You're pretty, and pretty girls don't sit on the sidelines for long, and you know it. Sooner or later, one of the boys is going to want more. Have you thought of that? And if you did, what are you going to do?" "Since everyone will know, why would some guy, say Bill, try and get me something? They'll know that I can't, so why bother? Nah, I'm not worried about that mom. I'm safe, and they'll know it." "We'll see, but somehow, I doubt that. I think that it won't be long before someone sticks his tongue in your ear, and you'll do something you shouldn't. Just be careful Tracy. Everyone might not know about that party, and some of them can get violent." "I'll stick to Bill like glue mom, promise." Mom gave me a hug then left the room. Mom knew everything. She had discovered my plan, sounding like she did it almost without trying. I hate it when she does that. As far as being with guys went, I had no intention of doing what she had hinted at, no way. Maybe a hug, or possibly a kiss, on the cheek, but that was all! I made sure that I looked okay, then took my new wallet out of the dresser and moved all of the stuff from my old wallet to my new one. I used the white purse, and once I had everything I would need in it, I went down the stairs to await dad's arrival. When dad came in I stood up, waiting for him to see me. I could hear him in the kitchen talking to mom, then his footsteps. He walked in and saw me, and his eyes went wider than I had ever seen them, his jaw tightened, and his mouth became a straight line. "Your mother tells me the name you are using is Tracy." "Yes sir." He looked at me for a moment, them, "What did you do to your hair? And those nails? Are they real?" Before I could answer him mom answered for me. "Just what did you think was going to happen? Tracy and I went to the salon this morning, just like I told you, to get her hair done, and she had some pictures of styles she liked, which was very smart by the way, and the stylist did her hair just like the picture. You cannot fault Tracy because she didn't know that her hair would be colored, or set in a perm! She didn't know, and the stylist simply did what she was told! As far as her nails, they are the acrylic ones. Once I saw that she was getting a perm, I let her get her nails done because there isn't any way to hide a perm, especially that one! Now settle down! Tracy is very pretty, which you can see, and she did exactly what you told her to do. She did her best!" "But she has pierced ears on top of that!" "All girls, and most of the boys as well, have pierced ears dear. Besides, pierced earrings are cheaper and will hurt her less." "But...I never...I mean..." "What you mean is that you never expected her to turn out to be so pretty. Well she has, and Tracy will be with us for a very long time, so you'll just have to get used to the idea that we have a daughter now! Besides, she has a date tonight." "A date?! With who? Where is she going? What the hell is going on here?!" "Bill is taking her to the teen club on Madison, and since she is going to be his bride, they are just getting acquainted." "Those two have known each other almost from birth! What's to get acquainted?" "Honey, that was when they were both boys! As you can see, Tracy is now a girl!" "Midnight! You be home by midnight, and no foolishness!" Dad had not reacted like I expected, but mom had jumped to my aid, and boxed dad into a corner. Dinner was really quiet, with dad peeking at me a lot, especially when my napkin fell on the floor and I bent over to pick it up. He had a clear view right down my dress, and I just know he looked, and saw what appeared to be a pair of small but definite breasts. After dinner I touched up my lipstick again, then waited for Bill to arrive. At the stroke of seven, the doorbell rang and I went to get it, but dad beat me to the door. He let Bill in while I stood waiting. The reaction when Bill saw me was much like earlier that day. He broke out into a smile, reached out, and took my hand in his. Dad fumed a little, but said nothing as we left the house. Bill was so polite that I was beginning to think he was another person! He did not, as I expected, just drive to Sandy's. He stopped at his house, telling me that his parents wanted to see me. What could I do? They would see me sooner or later anyway, so I joined him as soon as the car stopped. His dad saw me first and stood up. His mom smiled when she saw me, then, after she got a closer look, smiled wider. "So!" his mom said, "You're Tracy! You're very pretty Tracy, and now I know why Bill has been so edgy all afternoon. He doesn't usually go out with girls that are as pretty as you are!" "Thank you" I said, careful to stand just like mom told me to. After a few minutes, we left his house, headed for the club. He kept looking over at me, but I ignored him, and simply looked straight ahead. As soon as he parked the car he ran around, opened my door for me, took my hand, and helped me out. I waited as he locked his car, then I felt his arm around my waist as we walked to the door. Once inside, he saw some friends of ours at a table, waving at us. They had two open seats, so we joined them. Bill introduced me as Tracy, but never mentioned my role as his bride to be, and everyone accepted me for what I seemed to be. Bill asked me to dance, and while I was unsure about dancing, he removed my options when he took my hand and pulled me to my feet. As he held me and moved around the floor, he whispered in my ear. "You're the best looking girl here Tracy! Everyone thinks so, even the other girls. Just look at them." Bill was deluded. The other girls were just as pretty, and they could have cared less how I looked. They were only interested in the boys, not another girl. Since Bill was so much taller than me, I was always looking up just to see him. During a slow dance, he and I were in one of the darker recesses of the dance floor which is when he called my name. When I looked up, He smiled at me, and I thought he was going to kiss me. I think he did too. Just thinking about it was as if a shot of electricity ran through me, and I shivered. Bill merely smiled at me, then pulled me closer to him. I was at a loss as to why he looked at me like that, he certainly knows that I'm a boy, just like him! I did not say anything because I didn't know what to say! Bill, my best friend, had the urge to kiss me! As he held me closer and closer, I knew that he wasn't simply being polite or protective. Everyone gave us the eye when we returned to the table, but I saw the other guys winking at Bill. I knew the signs, they were hoping that if Bill got lucky, he would share the details with them. The other girls patted my hand and smiled at me. They were glad that it was Bill that had fallen for me instead of one of their guys. I was no longer a threat, if I ever was, since they assumed that I was "taken". At first I was shaken, but before the night was out I knew that everything I had felt about myself was true. I was a girl, and always had been. All I needed was the chance to become that girl, and nature would take over. Apparently, Bill had accepted me as a girl, and somehow ignored what he knew. Every time he looked at me he smiled, and that made me feel giddy inside. On the way home I expected him to stop somewhere, like the park, but he didn't. He stopped about three houses from mine. I looked over at him, only to see him undo his seatbelt, then lean over to me. I did not move as his lips touched mine, once, then twice, and a third time. "Bill..." I said, breaking away. "You better take me home." "Are you afraid?" he asked, and I nodded my head yes. "Good! You should be afraid! You're only the best looking girl I know, and my best friend on top of that!" "Bill." "Okay. Home." Right at the front door, my front door, he held me tightly and kissed me again, but this time his tongue slid into my mouth, then he broke away before I could. I went in, shut the door, and slumped into the chair in the foyer. Bill had elevated my opinion of him, and myself at the same time. He was more than I imagined he would be like. He had traits about him that I never saw when we were just two guys. He was gentle yet strong, handsome without being rugged, polite to a fault with manners to match, and he was very protective around me. I did not expect that. He also, I realized, never mentioned my part in all this, or why I was dressing as a girl! I went my bedroom and undressed, washed my face, and headed for the bed. On the pillow was a note. "Honey. It's okay to dream about the boy that gave you your first kiss. Sleep tight. Mom." What I wanted to know was how mom always seemed to do that! Dad was not immune either. Mom always knew what we were doing, and usually why. Nothing got by her, but just how did she know that Bill would kiss me? I slipped into my nightgown and went to bed, and did just what she told me. I dreamed of Bill. Every thing about him seemed new. How tall he was, how he smelled, how he tasted when he kissed me, how hairy he was. I had no reference for any of those things, yet they pervaded my mind and I could do nothing but think about him. Eventually I fell asleep, but in the morning I could still taste him on my lips. With a small smile, I put on my new jeans, my gym shoes, then my bra and a tee. My hair only need a few flicks with a brush to return to its shape. I bounced down the stairs and went in the kitchen. Mom was there making bacon and eggs. "Have a nice time dear?" "It was wonderful mom!" "I'm glad. Have you made any plans for today?" "Nope! I'm free as a bird!" "Good. You can help me with the housework then." It wasn't what I had in mind, but then, mom was treating me like a girl, just like I wanted, plus, she had saved my butt when dad seemed to be falling off the edge yesterday. Without a word I nodded my head yes. I didn't mind, I had helped do housework all my life. The only difference that day was that I was wearing a bra, had longer nails and auburn hair. Dad came down and ate breakfast, looked at me, but didn't say anything, and right after breakfast, mom and I started cleaning in the kitchen. By the time noon rolled around we had finished all the downstairs and had all the beds stripped when we took a break. After about twenty minutes, I started the vacuuming while mom did the laundry, and by the time it was four in the afternoon, we were done, and the house sparkled. Bill did not come over, which surprised me a little, but, hot and sweaty, I went to my bath and took a quick shower, this time, washing my hair. As I dried off, I wondered, once again, what it would be like to have my own breasts, real ones that is, but since I don't, I slipped my bra back on, added the breast forms, and pulled on clean panties and my padded pantybrief. Since it was warm, I pulled on a pair of my own shorts, then one of the new tops. Like a regular tee, it was quite thin, and you could see my bra right through it. After drying my hair but not brushing it out, I slipped my shoes on and went down the stairs to get a soft drink and sit on the patio. Mom was there, also sipping on a drink. "We work good together. The house is clean, and it only took one day. Thanks for the help." "No problem mom. I owed you a big one for stepping in with dad." "Oh, your dad is okay. He was just shocked at the way you looked, even though I had warned him that you would look very pretty. He just didn't think it was possible." Mom sat back, and got the grin on her face, the one she uses when she wants something, or knows something special. "I read some of those stories that you have on your computer. Some of them are very well written, even though a few are completely off the wall. In one of them, a procedure to make you look like a girl by turning your outee into an innie was pretty well detailed, and the breast forms you're using at the moment were quite cheap, and don't look the slightest bit real. Since there is no doubt in my mind that you love being a girl, and you'll have all summer as a girl, which will include swimming I would guess, I was wondering if you would like me to try and make you look more like a girl? By that I mean getting you some really good breast forms, plus making it look as if you have a vagina. If it works, well, it can be our secret. Your father would not have to know, but if he does find out, we can explain it then. Are you game?" I knew exactly which story mom meant, and she was right. If it did work, well, I would no longer have a bulge in my panties that I would have to hide. I said yes without even thinking about it. Mom told me that we would do it that night, after dinner, because she would have to go to the drugstore and get a few things. While she was gone I set the table and started dinner. After dinner dad retreated to the den to watch television, while mom and I went to my room. I noticed that she carefully locked the door after she shut it. Then, with the correct portion of the story highlighted and in front of her, I undressed and lay on my back, my feet up in the air. "I raided your fathers medical cabinet Tracy. Don't say anything. It's the spray he uses to numb up his patients when he works on their teeth." Well, mom sprayed it on my groin, and within a few minutes, I was numb from my belly button to my thighs. I didn't feel a thing as she worked on me. I couldn't even raise my head to see what she was doing, but so far, she had not let me down, and I knew that she wouldn't hurt me. It was highly embarrassing though, especially with my feet up in the air like that. Mom worked on me for maybe half an hour. I did see her smile, and knew that she had managed to do it. "Okay, you can stand up and take a look now, then I want you to walk around the room, sit, bend and jump. We have to know if you hurt in any way." One look was all it took for me to realize that mom had done it! I walked around, bent over, jumped, sat, touched my toes, all without the slightest bit of pain! Forgetting things, my hand went to my new groin, and I touched myself. My finger went in, just a little, but enough to satisfy me. I grinned at mom, who told me that in the morning she and I would go out and see about some new breast forms. I was very happy. Mom left the room, and I quickly pulled on a pair of my panties, reveling in the way they fit. Then I slipped into a nightgown and went to bed. In the morning, when I went to the bath, I wondered if everything would work okay, then, all at once, I heard the splash of water, and was, literally, relieved. I slipped on my bra, then went in the bathroom to try my hand at doing my own makeup, alone for the first time. As I put on the foundation, I saw my face become all one color, and decided not to use any eye shadow. I pulled on my new shorts, then a top and my gym shoes before I brushed out my hair. Just like the woman told me, and my hair almost popped into place on its own, so with just a few strokes of the brush, I was done. I put on pink lipstick, then went to get breakfast. For the first time since this all began, dad called me Tracy. "Good morning Tracy." "Morning dad." "Your mother tells me that you two are going shopping again today. Just go easy on the wallet, okay?" "Sure dad. I only need a few more things." Dad went to work, mom and I ate, then cleaned up the dishes before we left the house. I had no idea where to go, but apparently mom did. It was kind of a long drive, but eventually we ended up in a small plaza that had about ten stores. I followed mom inside one of them, where a woman greeted us. Mom flat out told her I was a boy, but needed to look like a very convincing girl for the next four months, and the next thing I knew, I was naked to the waist, being fitted with breast forms! After three tries, she found the right color and size, then attached them to my chest using what she called a long term adhesive. When I looked in the mirror, I had a pair of perfect breasts. cup size A sticking out of my chest! While I had never actually touched a real breast, but they sure felt real to me, and when I put my bra on, the difference was immediate, and very satisfying. I now filled the bra perfectly, and pushing hard against the thin material were two small nipples. My transformation was now complete, and I never wanted to change back...never. Once we were out of there, mom and I hit the mall again, but this time I picked up a swimsuit, more shorts, and a few more tops. By the time I got home I wanted to race over and see Bill, to show him the changes, but mom said no. "Girls do not chase boys dear, let Bill come to see you." I went to my room to try on the swimsuit. The blue spandex hugged me like a second skin, yet there was no sign that I was anything but a girl! Then I tried on the shorts, and they were tight, just like I thought they would be. I left the pink shorts on and slipped back into my bra and top, then went down to the kitchen for a snack. As I stepped into the kitchen I saw Bill, and his sister Angel standing there. Bill and Angel look nothing alike. He has blonde wavy hair cut short and blue eyes, while Angel has long dark hair and brown eyes that would melt ice. Angel is a girl, there is no doubting that. She has always had guys hanging around her. She favored light pastel colors and bright red lipstick. "Bill said you were what he called "a stone fox", Angel said, "and I told him there wasn't a guy around that could look that good as a girl. I guess I was wrong!" "Thanks Angel. Hi Bill." "Hi Tracy. Angel said she wanted to meet you, so I brought her over." "That's okay, I don't mind." Angel could see my nipples through the thin bra and top, and my shorts were so tight that the center seam looked as if it were cutting me up the middle, and we all knew that no guy could stand that. She looked a little confused at first, but quickly recovered. "We were going to have a few kids come over for a pool party this afternoon." Angel said, "and we were wondering if you wanted to come over." Angel had that quirky smile of hers on her face, and Bill and I both knew that she had something in mind, which, since she was staring at me, probably meant that she was going to try and embarrass me. Since I could now get naked and still look like a girl, I glanced at mom, saw her head nod a bit, and decided to take the bait. "Sure. I'd like that. What time?" "Oh" she said, "as soon as you get there will be fine." She and Bill went home while I went to my room to get a towel and my swimsuit. If I carried it with me, I would have to change at their house, and Angel wouldn't be able to resist being in the room with me, and the minute she saw me naked, all of her plans would fall apart. She would have no choice but to accept me as a girl. Yet she knew, with absolute certainty, just like Bill, that I wasn't a girl, and that would drive her crazy trying to figure out just how I managed to become a girl. With a grin, I grabbed what I would need, put my lipstick in my purse, picked up the towel and swimsuit, and told mom where I would be. I did not tell her what Angel was planning, since I'm sure that she already knew. If I was ever going to succeed, I had to learn to handle things on my own, and this was as good a place to start as any. As I walked up to the house, I could hear some kids in the back, and walked around the side of the house, then up on the patio where I saw Bill standing there with a friend of ours, Stan. Angel walked over, saw that I needed to change, and took me to her bedroom where she sat on the bed. Seemingly without thought, I took my top off, then unfastened my bra and set it aside. I slipped my shorts and panties down with a single motion, turned to face her as I reached for my suit, and was rewarded with her eyes going wide. I slipped on the suit, played with the straps a bit, then grabbed the towel, smiled at Angel, and walked out of the room. In my heart I knew that I had just sent her into a spin. She had seen me naked, and there was no way she could deny that I was now a girl. By the time I reached the patio I was grinning. Stan saw me first, poked Bill, and he turned. I grinned at him, then set my things down and slipped into the pool. "Hi! I'm Betty." "Tracy" I said. I had known Betty since first grade, but she didn't recognize me. "Angel says that Bill likes you." "We just met the other day" I said, "so I'm not sure if he likes me or my body." Betty giggled. "They're all like that, right? All we are to the guys are sex objects." I looked her right in the eye. "Betty dear, we are sex objects! How else can we get them to do what we want?" "Right!" Just then Stan came rushing out of the water, right in front of me, his eyes wide open, water pouring from his body, a grin plastered on his face. I felt his arm around my waist, then I was dragged under the water. Of course I struggled to get free, but Stan was strong, and he held me pretty tight. Then his grip loosened, and I rose to the surface to get some air. As I went by him, he grabbed my breast and gave me a squeeze. Since they were fake I did not expect to feel it, but I did, so when he popped out of the water, I slapped him, then climbed out of the pool. "Trouble honey?" "Nothing I can't handle Angel, thanks anyway." I grabbed my towel and wiped off just as Bill walked up. "What's with Stan and you?" "He grabbed me, that's all, nothing serious." "Want a soft drink?" "Sure" I said, and Bill left to get one for me. Watching everyone, I saw Angel talking to Betty, who glanced over at me, and I knew she had told Betty who she thought I really was, but with my suit all wet and sticking to me so tightly, even the crack in my groin was outlined by the thin suit. I saw Betty shake her head no and walk away. Angel lost that round too. So far, I was batting a thousand. I hoped that Angel would ease off a little. She was making me nervous. But, she had always protected Bill, and around him she was like a hawk if another girl showed the slightest interest in him. He had been her little brother a long time, and she wasn't ready to let go just yet. Bill and I spent most of the afternoon together, either in the pool or at the table, and he always held my hand. I'm not sure, but I think it was a signal to the other guys that I was his. It was his way of showing "ownership". "I'm going up to change Tracy, want to join me?" It was Betty. "Sure. Why not." I turned to Bill, and told him to wait. Betty and I both stripped down almost at the same time, and I saw her naked for the first time ever. I was also naked as I used the towel to dry off a little more. Then I got dressed as quickly as I could, wrapped my suit in the towel, and went back to the patio where I saw that Bill had changed as well. Betty had not said a word, but I know that she checked me out. Bill once again stayed close to me, then asked me if he could come over later. I said yes, then went home. Inside I was smiling almost to the point that I was ready to laugh. Angel had it set up so that she could discredit me in front of everyone if I looked the least bit unfeminine, but when she tried it, her little plan had fallen apart. Mom had once again saved me. At home I took a shower and changed into a skirt and blouse, panties and a bra, No pantyhose or padded pantybrief. I redid my makeup and dried off my hair, then I went to help mom make dinner, but she was gone, so I made a sandwich and watched television for a while. Bill showed up about two hours later, and when he saw me, his eyes lit up and he was grinning. I didn't even think about it when I let him take my hand, but I did think about it when he kissed me. Every time he did that it was like I was set on fire, and I didn't know why! He and I sat out on the patio just talking for a bit, about Angel and Stan, then, he simply stood up, yanked me to my feet and swept me into his arms. I did not resist as his lips touched mine, nor when his tongue slipped into my mouth. When his hand touched my breast I flinched, but he held me tight, and I relaxed. His hand moved South, then he was holding me by the bottom, pulling me closer. I could feel his hardness against me, and while I was excited that I had done that to him, I was in new territory, and did not want to get too far over the line. Bill's hair was almost white from the summer sun, yet his chest hair was dark, matted, and curly. I found my hand on his chest, my fingers entangled in his chest hair, my nails making him shiver every time they touched his skin. With my hands busy, he adroitly slipped one arm around me while the other moved lower, and all at once his hand was on my crotch! I felt him squeeze before I was able to break away, panting, afraid that we might do something we shouldn't. Especially me. "Come on Tracy...I didn't mean it!" "Yes you did!'re a brute!" "Yes, your right. I am a brute, but you're a maiden, and maidens are supposed to give in to their saviors." "And just what did you save me from?" "Stan of course! He told me that he thinks your hot hot hot!" "I'll bet Angel liked that!" "Angel can be a bitch, but whatever you did to yourself, you have her thoroughly confused right now. She thought that no boy could ever become a girl and get away with it, so when you showed up, then changed, right in front of her, she went ballistic. Stan will calm her down, don't worry about that." "I'm not worried about Angel, I'm worried about you!" "Me?! Why me?" "Well, to start with, you've been busy trying to get into my pants, and that isn't going to happen big guy!" "Do you" he asked, "know why I asked you to do this for me?" "Tell me." "Because you're just like a toasted marshmallow, and always have been. Crusty on the outside, but a real softy on the inside. We all know it Tracy. I just figured that with your build, and being such a softy, that you could be my bride easy. I just never expected you to be so...cute, and dammit, you are cute! Everyone at the club thought so the other night, even the girls! What can I say? You turn me on, which is good if you're going to be my bride!" "I might be your bride Bill, but we're both guys! Remember? You're my best friend, and here you are, hitting on me!" "Angel and Betty also think you're a girl, and I intend to continue to hit on you Tracy. Stan was right. You are hot, and well, I want you to be my girl. We belong together Tracy. Like you said, we're best friends. We have an edge on everyone else Tracy! Don't you see it?" That was the problem. I did see it. I also saw that Bill no longer thought of me as his life long friend, his best buddy, but he thinks of me as his girlfriend! I had been a fool not to see it before! Bill somehow knew, or guessed, that I would accept his proposal, but I had surprised him by being as much a girl as his own sister! Then he had fallen for me. Our mutual like for each other had become more than that, much more, and I was shaken that he had told me, right out, that he wanted me to be his girl! "Take this Tracy." Bill pressed his class ring into my hand, and as my hand closed around the ring, he said, "Say that you'll keep it Tracy. Tell me that you'll be my girl." I didn't know what to do! I smiled at him, stalling for time, then it hit me. I had always wanted to be a girl in every way, and here was a guy that also wanted me to be a girl in every way. He ignored what he knew was the truth, and gave me his ring anyway. That ring burned in my hand as I turned, then grabbed his head, pulled him to my level, and kissed him. He had my answer, and it was yes. We moved to the backyard, walking in the fading light towards the bench that lay against the fence. As we sat down I put his ring in my pocket, and let him kiss me, caress me, and stroke my hair. I knew that he wanted relief, but I just couldn't do it. Oh, I thought about it, but I didn't. I was scared of what that would make me, beyond what I had already done to myself that is. Sooner or later, I would have to return to being a male, and then what? How could I look at myself in the mirror without cringing at the thought that I had helped Bill gain relief, even if I did it as a girl? I went in the house about an hour later, leaving Bill to limp home, excited, with a new girlfriend, but no relief. That night I put his ring on a gold chain, put it on the dresser, and went to bed. Like Bill, I was excited, but there wasn't any way for me to find satisfaction. As I lay there in bed, my hand fell to my groin, and I let my finger go in as far as possible. It felt good to me, because it was something that I had dared to dream about so many times, yet, I began to work to see what would happen. Well, you can guess my surprise when something did happen, and I had to clean myself up. Why that happened I'm not sure, but it did, and I realized that like Bill, satisfaction just took a little effort. I slept like a log that night, smiling of course. In the morning, as I got dressed, I pondered wearing the ring, but decided not to until I talked to mom. She knew that I had kissed Bill, which is why she bought the better breast forms for me. But dad had no idea what was happening to me, or our family. If I showed up with Bill's ring on a chain around my neck, the shock to dad would reverberate through the family, starting with me, then going all the way to mom. All I had on were panties, shorts, and a top with my shoes when I saw mom. She knew something was up, simply based on the way I was acting. When she asked me about it, I hesitated at first, then it all came out, starting with Bill of course. I told her how he made me feel, and how ashamed I was about feeling like that towards another boy, especially my best friend, yet I also told her how much I liked it. The shivers he caused, that tingly feeling I got when he held me, the excitement I felt when I realized how turned on he was. I told mom that I didn't know why, after such a short time, that I knew that I could never be a boy again. Then I told her what Bill had done the night before, where he touched me, and what happened once I was in bed alone. Every nerve ending was on edge as my feelings poured out on the table between us. Fear and love, loathing and lust, shame and elation, they all lay there where mom could hammer on them. Then I told her about the ring. Mom listened without saying a word, not smiling, not frowning, just listening. Then she put her hands over mine. "I have known almost from the beginning, after our first trip to the mall, that you had found out something about yourself. You only knew that you liked to dress up once in a while, until you got a taste of the real world. Then you blossomed and actually became the girl you always had inside of you. It didn't take me long to realize just how easily you adopted the role of a teenage girl, and while I cannot say that I have the faintest clue why you feel this way, I do know that you will never give up being a girl. I knew that early on, which is why I bought you those special breast forms and altered you to look like a girl." Mom squeezed my hand and smiled at me. "Tracy is such a pretty name, and it suits you. Those feelings you have for Bill are the same ones that every girl feels about her first love. The fact that you are actually a boy doesn't seem to matter...does it? I mean, you look like a girl in every way now, and I am, quite frankly, amazed at how quickly you have begun to use feminine mannerisms." Mom paused and pulled my chin up so I was looking right at her. "Tracy, how you feel about someone is not determined by what sex they are. It's determined by how you feel, and if you feel strongly about them or, in this case, Bill, as a girl would, I can't see a problem, can you?" I shook my head no, but the unanswered question that lay unspoken was all centered on my dad. He has always been flexible, and doesn't hold grudges. Plus, he does not judge people unless they prove to him they need judging, but this was me, and here I was, turning my back on him, and every masculine thing he believed in. As an only child, he assumed that someday I would get married and provide them with grandchildren to spoil. As a male turned female, I could never bear, or father children, which would dash his dreams completely. I love my father, and didn't want to hurt him, but... "Your father and I had a long talk last night Tracy. That's why we were gone. I told him just how I saw this...change, and also, what I thought was going to happen. I told him that he might as well get used to the idea that our son was gone. But that boy had been replaced by a cute little girl named Tracy, and it was our duty to protect you, love you, and support you. He surprised me Tracy. He told me that he figured out just how you felt when he saw Bill take your hand that first time you went to the club, and you let him, just like it was the most normal thing in the world. Did he like it? No. Then he saw you the night you had the breast forms attached. That thin nightgown didn't hide much, and while he didn't say anything to you, he asked me about it, and I told him everything, including how we managed to make you look like a girl. He had to swallow a lot Tracy, but he did, because he loves you. Now, lets talk about what a girl your age should, and should not let a boy do." It was disgusting. Mom started at the beginning, and followed right on through, all the way to how to clean myself! Mom cut me no slack as she detailed the inner workings of a female, and why it was so important to stay clean. When I tried to stop her, she reminded me that I had already discovered how to find joy as a girl, and went on as if I said nothing. Then she told me never to appear without a bra, and also told me to go change into a dress and heels. I had no idea what she had in mind, but I did what she told me. Makeup and hair, bra, padded pantybrief, pantyhose, the blue dress, jewelry, perfume, the works. She had me drive. As she directed me, I realized that we were headed for dad's office! That was the one place I feared most since it was dad's sanctum. He was the doctor, and his word was law there. Mom led the way into his office, then we waited for a few minutes before he was free. He took us into his office and closed the door. "We have spent a lot of money on you Tracy, and while I don't mind, because you need it, we think it's time that you started paying your own way. As you know, Alice quit last week, and that leaves me with an opening for a receptionist, and guess what? You're it! Starting tomorrow morning you will report to work at 8:30. You must wear business attire, although heels are not mandatory, and no slacks or jeans are permitted." Dad shoved some papers at me. "I have filled them out, all you have to do is sign them." I looked at the name. "Tracy Elizabeth" it said at the top of the page. All the rest was correct except where he had marked the sex female. I signed the papers and shoved them back at him. Then he told me how much he was paying, and also, if I did well, and liked the work, he would train me to be a Dental Hygienist, which paid three times as much! I got up and hugged him tightly, then mom and I left. I went to work every day, and quickly learned the system that Alice had developed. I found out that I liked the work, and didn't mind going in at all. I saw less of Bill, but more of dad, which seemed to work out. At first he seemed a little distant, but after a few days we both just accepted things, and dad and I actually grew closer. He and I would eat together each day, talk about work of course, but also, about my social life. My relationship with Bill cooled a bit, but that was because we weren't seeing each other every day, all day. Mom said that was a good thing. After six whole weeks as a girl, dad and I were having lunch, when right out of the blue he asked me if I thought I was ready to get rid of all my padding and become a real girl! I was stunned, but said yes, not knowing what he had in mind. But, he is a doctor, and true, a dentist, but he knew a lot of people, and was well known in medical circles as well as the police department because he is their forensic dentist. I was excited by the question, but had no idea what he had in mind. All I knew was that dad had asked me if I wanted to be a real girl! That would mean my own breasts, hips, smooth skin, and a narrow waist, all of which I was faking at the time. Dad did not expand on his question, and I was smart enough not to ask. My first effort to find a wedding dress came on Thursday night, and Bill's mom Fay was going to join us. She was paying for it, and she had a right to be there. I didn't mind at all. Fay had not seen me in a few weeks, and she seemed to be very surprised at how I looked and acted, but she didn't say anything. At the bridal salon I must have tried on ten dresses before we settled on one. White satin and Irish lace, it had a low cut top with a sheer netting of lace over my breasts, sleeveless, with a fitted bodice and a matching veil. We all agreed, then they started to pin the dress for the first alterations. I thought they would do it all at once, but both Fay and mom said no. I would have to return wearing the proper undergarments, so the bust and waist could be fitted exactly. Silly me. I had no idea. On Saturday morning I found out what "proper undergarments" meant. At a very expensive lingerie shop I was fitted with a white satin and lace corselet. After mom got done tightening the laces, my waist was down to 24 inches, and my bust had swelled up due to the compression of my tender little body! According to mom, I was a perfect 36-24-35. Then came the almost obscene white satin panties. More like a thong, they hid almost nothing and left my cheeks almost bare. I might as well have not worn them. Then white hose, and a garter. Standing there looking at myself, I was struck by the difference just a few weeks had made. I had gone from a skinny boy to this ravishing girl, complete with a bustline, narrow hips and a waistline. Mom smiled at me, and I prepared to take everything off, but she told me that I might as well leave it on. We could stop by and get the final fit for the wedding dress. The dress was altered to fit, then we went home. Dad was there, grinning, holding a stack of papers. "I need you to sign these Tracy. It's a name change, an application for a new drivers license, and permission for the attorneys to change you school records." I signed them all, handing them back to dad. Then he pulled out a syringe, and gave me a shot in the arm. "This is a shot of very potent female hormones Tracy. It will help your body develop as a girl normally would. I would guess that by the time the wedding comes, you won't need all that padding." I hugged dad, then mom, and was about to get a soft drink when I saw Bill at the back door. I joined him on the patio. "Hi Tracy. I've missed you." "I know, but dad has me working in his office, you know that!" "Yeah, but still..." "We always have every weekend, and every night Bill! I can't just quit my job!" "I know. I'm just...lonely I guess." "Lonely? Why don't you get a job?" He ignored that question. "Mom says that you look just beautiful in the wedding dress. I can't wait to see it." "Not until the day of the party Bill, and you know it! Its traditional." "Can I see more of you then?" "How much more?" I asked, almost certain I knew the answer. "A lot more! After all, we're going to be married, and a guy should know what he's getting...." "Bill, you are still a brute, you know that? Handsome, but still a brute, and no, you cannot see what you're "getting", because until we have a real live minister standing there, complete with a real bridal party, you aren't "getting" anything! If you want to get into someone's panties, then go buy some of your own!" He and I started to giggle, then laugh. Every time we saw each other we edged closer to stepping over the line, yet we managed to stay away from that. But last Saturday night he had me on fire again, and I had touched him, through his pants of course, but still, I had gone farther than I ever thought I would. Now, he was pushing me again, and I was resisting the best I could. Those words mom said rang in my mind. "I think that it won't be long before someone sticks his tongue in your ear, and you'll do something you shouldn't." How right she was. Bill had to be part iguana, and the way he used that tongue of his on me always worked. He never failed to turn me on, and he knew it. That Saturday night, he did it again, and I touched him again, this time without the pants in the way, and he responded by giving me a sticky hand. I did not feel the slightest bit ashamed at what I had done, but I wasn't going to go any further. School was going to start soon, about a month or so, and I would be returning as a girl. My new documents arrived on Tuesday, which made me "legal" according to dad. Mom and I went on a back to school shopping spree, and I bought new dresses, skirts, blouses, a new winter coat, and so on. Bill and I had reached the limit of my willingness to "help him", although he was shocked the first time I let him put his hand in my panties. He said he knew what Angel had told him, yet I knew there was an element within him that was still unsure. When his hand reached my most private place, and his finger traced the thin slit that now defined me, I saw his eyes open wide. That's when I had touched him, helped him. Now, with school ready to begin, I wondered how he would react. So many kids would never know, or even figure out my deception, that I wasn't worried about them. I was worried that Bill might not want to be as close to me, especially if some of the kids did know, or find out, although I couldn't see how they would. The day school started I wore a dress commonly called a Skimmer, which is form fitting except that it has a flared skirt. Over that I wore a plain white sweater fastened at the neck and my low heels. Nobody even bothered to notice me! I was just another high school girl as far as they were concerned. But the biggest change was not in my attitude, it was under my clothes. The drugs dad had been giving me had caused me to develop just a bit faster than the average girl, and I no longer wore the breast forms or padded pantybrief, although I still padded my bra a little, since I had not developed enough to fill it on my own. Dad and I had resolved our tensions, and he now treated me as if I had been born his daughter rather than being a "created daughter". Bill stayed close to me in school, sort of like he was telling the other guys that I was his, even though I wore his ring on that chain all the time now. The wedding was supposed to take place on Saturday, and Fay, mom, and I went to the bridal salon so that I could try on the dress one last time, then take it home. When mom laced me into that corselet, I was surprised that it didn't hurt quite so much, but thankfully, I had enough breast of my own that having swelling cleavage was once again possible. The dress was an absolute dream, and I loved it. Fay was in the changing room with mom and I when I undressed, and for the first time, she saw me wearing nothing but my panties. When she smiled, I felt as if I had conquered something, I just didn't know what. After I was all suited up in the corselet, but before I had the dress on, she made only one comment. "I see why Bill loves you so much Tracy, you are a truly beautiful girl." On Saturday morning mom and I went back to her salon where I had my nails, makeup, and hair done again. This time my hair was done with sausage curls down the back, sort of like you would see in Gone with the Wind. At home, I took a bubblebath and carefully shaved the few places left that still had hair, then mom helped me get ready. I had just put on those skimpy panties when we heard a knock at the door. Cracking it open, mom opened the door a little, and in walked Angel. Her eyes locked on mine, and she grinned at me, then she sat at the vanity. "Mom said that you were beautiful Tracy, and I have to agree!" "Thanks Angel" I said, even as I wrapped the corselet around my waist. "I have a surprise for you" Angel said,, "and I hope that you're not angry, but we all got together, and sort of put together a bridal party for tonight." I looked at mom, and she smiled. "A complete wedding? Just like the real thing?" "Yeah" Angel said, "A lot of the boys that were supposed to be the brides resisted doing it, and the rest turned out to look like boys in dresses, so the committee decided, after mom suggested it, that we hold one wedding, with you as the bride." Mom spoke up. "When Angel called me and suggested it, I was put off at first, then I decided why not, and we all set it up. Angel is going to be your Maid of Honor, Betty and Jill the bridesmaids. That's why Angel is here. As your Maid of Honor, it's her responsibility to help us get you ready, then she will go home and change herself." There was nothing to say, nothing to do, except agree. I sat on the bed and pulled up the white hose, fastened them to the garters and adjusted the tension, then pulled up the garter to mid thigh. In a way, I was glad that Angel was there, since the dress was absolutely huge, and it took all three of us to get it over my head without mussing my hair. Once it was zipped up I stepped into the white satin heels, then added the pear shaped pearl earrings and the pearl choker necklace. My perfume filled the air, then I touched up my lipstick. I was ready. Angel took some pictures of me, then mom and I, and finally, Angel and I. When she left to go home, mom told me to stay in my room while she and dad got ready. As I sat there I realized that this wedding was going to be as close to the real thing as you could get. Other than the fact that I'm still a guy under all this stuff, and we will not have a real Minister, I could be rehearsing for my own wedding, the real one! When the knock came, I opened the door and saw dad standing there, resplendent in his gray tuxedo, a smile on his face, his hand out to me. I took it, and he swept me into his arms. "You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful bride I have ever seen!" "Thank you daddy!" I squealed, then hugged him again. Dad had rented a limousine, which was waiting out front. I held his arm as we walked out, then we were driven to the country club and let out right at the front door. I saw Angel and Jill walking towards me. They wore long pale lilac colored dresses with puffy sleeves. Those Empire waisted monstrosities did nothing for either of them, and I hoped I would never have to wear a dress that looked like that! Then I heard music starting, and all at once Jill was on the arm of Ken, walking down the aisle! Betty and Stephen were next, then Angel and Stan. Finally it was my turn. Dad took my arm, and I entered the ball room, slowly looking around at all the people, most of whom I knew. The aisle looked enormously long, yet the walk took only seconds it seemed like. I saw Bill standing there, grinning like he just won the lottery, tall and proud, handsome, and yes, mine. Dad let my arm go as Bill took my hand, and we walked up the small steps. A man in a gray suit began. "We are gathered together here to join this man, and this woman..." After that it was a blur. I remember Bill raising my veil and kissing me, his hand in the middle of my back pulling me closer, then we walked back down the aisle, only to stand in the foyer to greet the guests. In every respect this was a real wedding, except it wasn't. Dinner was the usual, bad chicken and a lot of spoons ringing against the glasses. Bill removed my garter, threw it, and Stan caught it. Betty caught the bouquet, then Bill and I were whisked to the limo waiting at the front door. Once we were alone, He kissed me again, harder, yet I didn't mind one bit. "Our children are going to be beautiful Tracy. Our girls will be Goddesses, our sons tall and handsome." I wasn't in the mood to remind him that was impossible, so I didn't. The limo stopped at the poshest hotel in town, which threw me for a moment, but Bill was out of the car, his hand extended to me, so I took it. People applauded as we walked through the lobby, then we went up the elevator, down the hall, and finally, the room. Bill opened the door, and I walked in. It was the bridal suite! All of our desires, all of our groping without satisfaction was about to end, and for some reason, I didn't mind at all. I stood there as Bill unzipped my dress, then watched as I stepped out of it. Wearing that corselet and white panties, white hose and heels, I knew that I had his undivided attention, which is when I went to him, and began to undress him. When he was wearing nothing but his briefs, I untied the knot, and released the hooks holding the corselet on. My hose were next, then we stood facing each other in nothing but out briefs and panties, our inhibitions gone. It was with wild abandon that I explored his body, every inch of it. Smelling, tasting, kissing, and it was wonderful. I lay there as he did the same for me, finding what was inside my panties and a wonderful way to explore the new me, and they were driving both of us to heights of pleasure unheard of. I have no idea when we finally collapsed, but I woke first, and had the pleasure of waking him in that special way that I discovered he liked so much. I went in the bath to take a shower, and was surprised when Bill got in with me, but it turned out just fine. In every way I was a woman, and standing there with the soap in one hand, Bill in the other, I realized that I didn't want it to stop. I wanted this to go on day after day for years. Once I was out of the bath, I found a previously unseen but complete change of clothes on the dresser, right down to clean panties. I quickly changed, packed up the wedding dress and other things, then Bill and I carried everything down to his car. Over breakfast I realized that my parents had to know what was going to happen to me! I mean, Bill and I left together and didn't come back! Then there was that complete change of clothes, including a small makeup kit. Only mom could have done that. Looking up at Bill, he grinned, and took my hand. Then he drove me home, and we went in. Dad wasn't exactly beaming, but he wasn't angry either. Mom was beaming, and took me into her arms while Bill shook dad's hand. I dragged my bag to my bedroom, then hung up the dress and so on. Mom came in shortly after. "You're wondering why we let you do that." "It crossed my mind, yes. Don't get me wrong mom, it was wonderful, but why?" "Because you and Bill would have done it anyway honey. The way both of you have overcome the natural obstacles has been nothing short of amazing. Bill loves you, but you knew that a long time ago, which is why you two have been doing what teenagers always do, except that in your case, you can't get pregnant. By letting you two spend the night together, you have also conquered all of the physical obstacles, and now you can just get on with planning for the future." "Dad didn't seem real happy this morning mom." "That's because he knows that you have treated Bill to your body. He understands, but he just can't, or doesn't want to, let his little girl go." "His little girl?" "Yes, his little girl, which is how he thinks of you now honey, as his daughter. But his little girl became a woman last night, and he knows that too. Go talk to him. Let him know that you are still his little girl." "Thanks mom." I hugged her, and went to find dad. Bill was gone. I snuggled up next to him, put my hand over his, and just sat there like that, until he put his arm around me. "Daddy, I'll always be your daughter, nothing will change that." "I know honey, it's just that you have become a woman in every way now, and I'm sort of partial to having a daughter now." "That's good daddy, because that's just how I want it." Time passed, and we graduated from high school. Bill had been in NROTC, and had a two year obligation in order to qualify for a scholarship. Watching him leave was hard, but I had a plan, and he would not find out what it was for a while. I would miss him, but also, I would be very busy. Because I had been living as a girl since I was 16, the minute I turned 18, I was able to become a woman, then spent six weeks recovering from the surgery. Because of his connections within the medical community, dad found out about a procedure, still experimental, that would allow women like me to get pregnant and carry a baby to full term. I researched everything I could find about this procedure until I knew it all by heart. When Bill came home on leave, he had no idea that I had changed, and I didn't tell him anything, except that we had the bridal suite again. As we repeated undressing each other, he saw nothing different as he dragged me to the bed. He was ready, and I was hot when I rolled him on his back, and helped him find the right place. As he slid into me his eyes opened wide, then nature took over. He and I became one that day, and rather than wait, we were married the next day by a Justice of the Peace. I had my big wedding, now I had my husband. As I cleaned up I told him all about my being able to get pregnant, then, exactly how we had to collect what we needed. Using my hand and the jar I had been given, I collected enough to make thousands of babies, then we went home. Betty supplied the egg, it was fertilized, then implanted into my body. Within six weeks I knew it had happened. My parents would soon be Grandparents. My only wish is that we have healthy children, and not have to suffer the pangs of a less than perfect child. My pregnancy went well, and thankfully, Bill was with me when I delivered a healthy baby girl. Life is good. ©2001 & 2023 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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Hair like winter snow Tall and strong as cedar tree Love blooms from afar It had somehow taken him over an hour to compose his poem, but he finally felt that it was complete. Night had fallen, and his family was fast asleep. He would travel back up to the hidden pool and leave this note there for the Oni to find, nobody would even know that he had been gone. He folded the paper neatly, taking care not to smudge the ink, then blew out the candle on his desk. He waited a moment for his eyes...

2 years ago
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The Session

THE SESSION!By Richard Belfry"TWACK" "AAAHHHH"         The sting of my master's flogger feels so good against my back. Here I am strapped down to my master's favourite bench. It is actually a old wooden saw horse with D-rings fastened to the legs. My arms and legs are attached to these. No where to run, even if I wanted to.  "TWACK" "AAAHHHH" He is such a good little slave. So receptive to my flogger. I love the red welts that it leaves on his back. Here he is restrained to my saw horse. My...

1 year ago
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The Principal Rules With A Very Big Stick 8211 Part 5

She said it was so hot knowing that she and Mr. Jeffers were going to fuck and that the janitor was outside the door keeping guard as they fucked. She said that he had a powerful control over his custodial staff. (I found later that she was absolutely right about that). She said he went right to her and pulled down her skirt and thong in one swoop, then lifted her onto his massive shoulders and ate her pussy until she shuddered and came. She said he spun her around without even putting her...

1 year ago
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Scooby Doo Between the ScenesChapter 6

"That was a great dinner Aunt Jebadissa," Shaggy said, patting his full stomach before he let out a loud burp. "Reah, rhanks Aunt Jebadissa," Scooby added, running his tongue around his face and smacking his lips. "Oh, you kids don't have to call me Aunt Jebadissa," Jebadissa Bravo said with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Now that my good for nothing nephew Johnny is gone you can call me Jebadissa, or Ms. Bravo if you want to be formal." "Well we want to thank you for the...

1 year ago
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My Colleague and Me

This is 2006 and I was working in an event organizing firm and I was one of the best and most popular on-stage presenters. I was dating 3 men at that time. Agus: my new boyfriend. I used to live in his hotel room whenever he was in Jakarta. Every night and every morning, we used to have beautiful sex. Pramud: my fiancé, but we were in the process of breaking up. Whenever we met, we used to have sex in the car or in his house. Rafiq: my best friend’s husband. We were not dating as such, but we u...

Cheating Wifes
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My first threesome

We're the only house in our neighborhood with a pool, and most of the neighbors (the ones we like, anyway) have permission to use it. They also know that I work odd hours, so they don't bother knocking or anything. So far, the arrangement has worked out well, and I get the benefit of having a variety of scantily clad women (some attractive, come not so much) in my back yard all summer long.I left for work, but when I got there it turned out there wasn't anything for me to do, so I came back...

1 year ago
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A Hard Nights Work Part 2

It’s fifteen minutes past midnight when I finally knock on the front door of a smart dockside apartment; a part of a warehouse conversion. I’ve hurried here as quickly as I can but we were late closing the bar after the cash register was out by £50. After what seems like an eternity the door opens and there she is, my mysterious red head. “You’re late.” Her voice flat and cold sent shivers down my spine. “I’m sorry, there was a problem with…” “I don’t care. I said midnight or else,” she...

4 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 34 Susan and Jack Talk

On Friday, a few hours before the street BBQ, Susan had a good talk to Jack. Jack had recovered really well from their ordeal and had even had his head bandage removed. There were still a few stitches visible around a shaved bit of Jack’s head but a cap would hide that very nicely. With Jack feeling a lot better Susan thought it was a good opportunity to discuss with him her own discussions she’d had with her mother. She told Jack that mom knew all about their ‘developing relationship’ and...

2 years ago
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Vanilla and Chocolate Swirl

Vanilla and Chocolate Swirl.So here I am pushing my grocery basket doing my weekly grocery shopping. This is my routine that I do every Thursday for I don’t know how many years. I am a 59 year old white male who has never been married. Not that I can’t get a woman I just decided a long time ago I like being to myself and having my freedom. Financially I am doing good which does open the doors to a lot of dating opportunities. Just never found the right woman who will make me give up my single...

4 years ago
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Doing a Favour

It's 3am when you hear the banging at the door. You ignore it at first but when it doesn't stop you're forced to drag yourself out of bed and answer the door. Standing there is your friend Andy. He's soaked through and only wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. "I'm really sorry," he said. "My landlord has gone crazy. I told him I'd make rent eventually but I got home tonight and found he'd changed the locks. I just need somewhere to stay for a little while, and I thought of you. I can pay you...

4 years ago
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Lena and Liam 3

For two weeks Lena continually stretched Liam in every imaginable way. She wrapped rubber bands around his young boy beans and hung weights from them to stretch him while she forced him to lick her and suck on her clit. She began putting pencils, one at a time in his ass as she stroked his cock to stretch him. She also blindfolded him and did made him touch her and as she did things to him that were so perverse. She even took a raw hot dog and smeared it over his ass, balls and little pecker...

3 years ago
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Three Naked Teens

It had happened so quickly, but there she was sitting in Jason’s living room wearing just her thong panties and bra. The perky 18-year-old’s hard nipples were pushing against her simple white bra. Jason and Roger, also 18, were wearing just their briefs, barely hiding their hard cocks. One more question and someone would be revealing something. Stacey had been at Jason’s house for almost two hours. The first 60 minutes had been exactly what she had expected — a study...

1 year ago
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My BrotherInLaws Big Rican Cock

I have always thought that my sister Denise and I were lucky to be raised by parents who taught us to be unprejudiced and accepting of all ethnicities. We grew up in the suburbs near Philadelphia, which has a sizeable Puerto Rican population, and we had a fairly representative mix of Caucasian, black, and Latino friends. My name is Ed, and this story takes place when I am 42 years old and Denise is 43. But first, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about our pasts. Denise was 17...

3 years ago
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Kelli 1971

Kelli and I had been friends and playmates since word one; we were both only children of two-working-parent families, and the only kids our age for several blocks around. Her long brown hair and flashing brown eyes, ready grin and playful attitude -- not to mention practically inexhaustible energy and daring that matched mine -- made her as good as "one of the guys" in all kinds of adventures. At about 5'2" she was maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet; there wasn't an ounce of additional...

4 years ago
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My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country; Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....

2 years ago
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Cyreelrsquos JOB Interview

I just want to make some clarifying statements, first this is a work of fiction and fantasy. All individuals are over the age of eighteen and all aspects is of consensual sex. As this is my first story I have written all constructive criticism is welcome please direct all comments to [email protected]’s JOB InterviewI am married to Cyreel my name is Jim Edwards my wife and I are 28, we met when I was working in the Philippines for a construction company. She was in college working on a...

1 year ago
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Bucket and soap

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on her inner thighs... Her legs were spread wide apart as she was bent over with her neck tied to a chain, which was hanging from the ceiling. She wore only a tight corsete and garters. Her wirsts were bound on her back and her ancles were tied to metal rings on the floor. He looked at her for a moment before approaching from behind with a bucket of water in his right and a solid soap in his left. Although the water was not cold she felt the chills as he touched...

1 year ago
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The Thick Tramp

He met her at a playground. He'd been taking his nephew to the park, and she was with her gym together. She was older with a thick body. Her thighs and hips and fat ass jiggled when she walked. He instantly needed to fuck her. She kept hinting that she was single, so he said, "Let's go on a play date. Why don't you come with me back to my place?" "That's exactly what I want." The four of them went together to his house. It was an empty ranch-style home. He lived alone there, so the boys played...

Erotic Fiction
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Learning CurvesChapter 135

Clark Withers smiled broadly when he took his seat at the conference table. He and Anna Goldblum had met with Phil Warner just after lunch and told him of what had transpired Friday. Now it was time to give his presentation to the entire group. “OK, folks,” Phil said, standing at the head of the table. “First, I need to take care of a bit of housekeeping. Our insurance carrier has notified me that we are in violation of our contract with them. Part of our agreement for lower rates is that we...

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Woods Strip 8211 Wife Exhibitionism

A few years ago, in 2018, we were visiting ‘family’ for a week and most everyday we’d go for a walk in the woods near their house. Just behind the pine trees we walked in, across the gravel road, was a housing construction project. Most every time we’d walk into this wooded area I’d get her at least partially undressed, and one of the times photographed her taking off all but her panties. However, she wasn’t too happy about this as it was just a short...

1 year ago
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The Peculiar Case of the Pilfered Prototype Entwhistle Investigations 6

The Peculiar Case of the Pilfered Prototype Karl Robertson had never cheated on his wife before, but the blonde haired beauty had literally fallen into his arms in the supermarket. She'd tripped over a ridge in the floor and gone flying, unable to stand up in her heels once she'd lost her balance. He'd managed to catch her as she fell into him and as he did so their faces were close enough to almost kiss. She'd thanked him for saving her and had been so grateful that she'd offered to...

1 year ago
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Shashi Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

This part is in continuation of my previous parts. Please read the 2 last parts to understand the further story. Hi, how are you all. I guess you all have missed me maybe. Sorry for the delay in posting this story coz I was busy these days a bit with my next target, that I ’ll will tell later. Yeah, I ’m back with the next part of this series shashi bhabhi part 3, the concluding part. Yeah, let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me till yet. I’m deven shastri, residing in the capital,...

4 years ago
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Pussy Fingering At High School Dance

Hi, My name's Venessa. This is my story of my senior year in high school. It starts at a party/dance at my girlfriend's house... I walked in the door of my friend’s house and immediately smelled the scent of hundreds of grinding bodies and heard the deep bass of the music. As I entered farther into the house I pulled up my bra to cover more of my ample yet tight 36C breasts. I was wearing a very low cut tank, and a loose bra. My skirt barely skimmed the top of my thighs, and just hearing the...

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HornetChapter 6

The next day at school, Tom and I passed the word around that we would act as intermediary for any kids who had information for the cops but did not want to be noticed as being stool pigeons. It took three days for the word to get back to us that a counter threat had been issued over what would happen to somebody who was found talking to us. The result was a decrease in the number of kids who met at our table for lunch, but my staunchest friends, such as Sue, were still there with Tom and me....

2 years ago
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Fucking In The Family 8211 Part 1

Hey, guys, I am Mick and I am back again. I have received a lot of review and suggestions for my previous stories. Thank you for showing your love and reading my story. For first time readers, I am Mick, 20 years from Pune, studying in Mumbai. This is my imagination of fucking my aunt and cousin. This is a partially fiction story about my cousin sister. Let me tell about her. She is 18 years old. Her name is Arpita. Her stats are 30-24-30. She is my cousin uncle’s daughter. They live in our...

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Exploring my niece

My name is Samantha, I am in my 30’s. I am 5’7” dark hair, large breasts and a cunt that aches for pussy. I had a couple of disastrous relationships with men, they did nothing for me and I have since had some wonderful, sexually exploring, affairs with woman. I am a lesbian without a shadow of a doubt, I have learnt what women like and what I like and I am at last happy with my life.My niece Sophie is 18. My sister-in-law brought her up single handedly but due to her disastrous relationship...

2 years ago
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Once with Black Never Look Back

I'm Lisa, a half European brunette of 31 years of age. I'm married to a lovely white guy. But some strange reasons we parted 4 year ago since then I am living with my Boy friend and now I'm working as a marketing consultant, travel a lot around the world. Although I love my boy friend, our sex life is somewhat boring, so I use my short business trips as a way to escape a little and enjoy brief sexual encounters that leave me sexually satisfied but without carrying any complications, guilt or...

1 year ago
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Cuckolded slowly a postdivorce episode

The bulge in the man’s jeans is almost comically large and it’s about all I can see in the video I’m watching. The cameraman has zoomed in such that the man’s crotch fills the screen. A woman’s hand glides over the bulge from above his beltline, her wedding band and solitaire catching my full attention. She takes her time, fingers and palm meandering fully south to cup his balls in her palm. She pauses to squeeze and chuckle a compliment or two about his size, then moves back north and...

2 years ago
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UpCUMing Nuptials Part Two

“And now you may kiss the bride!” I kept on my big happy smile from earlier, plastered across my face like a billboard. Now that I had taken care of myself, the guilt was setting in. What the fuck was I thinking? How could I do that to Max? To Lauren! He’s starting off his marriage with a lie and it’s my fault. Well, a little bit his but mostly mine. I just had to make it through the reception and find a good time to pull him aside so we could talk about it. We had to clear the air and I needed...

3 years ago
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Katys First Time

I was browsing round our local store, in the clothes sale. When a young girl with her mum struck up a conversation with me, she said "Some dads just leave and are not dads", I said "You say that was experience", she said "My dad left before I was born", and with that we conversed about the subject. After I'd finished in the store I went into the coffee shop, and there she was.As we were talking she told me she was 18 years old, worked in a day nursery. She had long blonde hair, 5' 4", a decent...

2 years ago
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Point of no Return Part 5

“I will allow you to use a blanket and pillow tonight due to the weather will be in the 60s. In the morning you will be up at 5:30 am to help with the dogs, as well as Mary’s dogs, she will be bringing them by before taking us to the airport. Attached is a set of chores you will see as well as things you are allowed to do while I am away.” 1) Every morning you will make sure the dogs are allowed outside to use the bathroom and since Mary’s dogs will be there as well, let her’s out first,...

4 years ago
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I Fucked My Hot Aunt

I was a reader of this side for a long period.This is the first time i am going to share my real experience.. This happened when i was studying in 11.My father had 2 sisters.The younger one was staying in her house near our locality.She was a very sexy hot figure that would make any man go crazy.She had a 38 size bra and great hips and ass and was in her late 20s.She had 2 children -girls and her husband was in abroad.When ever she was in house she used to wear nighties and when she bend she...

2 years ago
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My life reboot Part 1

------I am David and this is the story of my life. I come from a family that is supported mostly by my mom (my dad died after I was born), she works two jobs she is a waitress and a secretary. We live in a three bedroom apartment. She supports me and my two older sisters, but ever since I was in school I started really taking care of my sisters. It wasn’t because my older sister Jen was slow or anything it’s just I had so much more time than her. She was always buried in her books trying to...

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Training of a Cum Slut Chapter 7

It was six weeks since Karen's visit to the Adult theatre; she was on edge looking for further excitement along her path to becoming the ultimate cum slut. I wracked my brain trying to find the right test for her; I knew we were reaching the point where my expertise was reaching the limit and Karen would soon need to be released to find another Master. I eventually came up with a new scenario; which I was sure would stave off her ever wilder desires for excitement. So on the Wednesday...

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Dragons PactChapter 2

It was about a week later that Pae got up the nerve to ask how Sarrone the pact had started with the village. The two were curled together in the nest as he began. "Well that is an interesting story. When I was much younger, I was very curious about humans. So much so that I would follow some of them around for days. At one point I was following this one group that looked to have been traveling for a long time and I longed to find out why. They were traveling by wagon train, which I was...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 12 Miss Piggys Adventure

The crew were getting the transporter loaded up. They planned to be gone a week or two and as Sean planned to get the land cleared before too many others came down. They had to pack a lot of gear into the transporter. Kyle also insisted that the wizard’s boxes couldn’t be left on the ship. So, they had to find a spot for them and at least one box of books. They were getting ready to board when Sparky turned up ridding Miss Piggy. Sean scolded her, “Sparky we need to leave. Why did you...

3 years ago
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Steaming desires

This is ks back with one of my recent incidents. A very warm welcome to all of you reading my story. It’s been some time since i came up with any of my incidents or encounters in the recent past. Most of you have read my story “sex with stranger” in the past which i have posted some 6 months back and received an over whelming response by many of readers here. After that, i have been sent to europe (germany) by my company. This incident happened there itself after 1 month since i landed...

2 years ago
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Impersonating BrianneChapter 3

With a start, Marissa jerked awake. She felt around in the darkness. She was alone in the bed. Blinking back the haze, she looked for the clock. 3:15. The curtains were drawn, but there was a soft light coming from the outer room. She slipped out of the bed and silently peeked around the corner of the door. Alan was sitting at the desk, facing away from her and wearing only a bathrobe. His laptop was open in front of him. He was flipping through pictures on the screen. Marissa could see...

2 years ago
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Black Neighbor Fucks My Wife And Teen Daughter Part 1

It took my family quite a while to get used to the lifestyle in Las Vegas after moving there from New York. My name is Connor, and my wife, Megan, and I grew up and went to college on Long Island. We married right after graduation and both had jobs in banking in Manhattan. Our daughter, Lindsey, was born one year later, and she was two years old when I got the opportunity to work for a major credit card company in Las Vegas.We moved into a nice home with a pool in an upper-middle-class...

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Maggie Climbs the Corporate Ladder

This is a patently romantic story, told exclusively through Maggie’s eyes, Maggie is an attractive, confident, intelligent, well educated young woman on the first rung of the corporate ladder. She finds herself increasingly attracted to—almost obsessed with—her new boss, a married man ten years her senior. Maggie is not a slut, she enjoys sex and likes men, but has always been very selective. As the story begins, her business, romantic and sexual life are all at a low ebb. The, ‘dirty parts’...

3 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 342

They arrived together at 3PM. In the old days there would have been files and drawings to spread on my dining room table. Since it wasn't the old days, we sat at the table with laptops. I stared at the screen of my laptop at the images provided by their flash drive. "So what am I looking at?" I asked. I knew exactly what I was looking at. There were three house models in the village at Hart's Mill. The image on my screen which was labeled Bluebird was one of the house plans. "It's one...

2 years ago
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Boys Only Pool Party Part 2

"Well, well, what do we have here?!"My shot wide open as I turned my head to the door. Greg's cum still dripping from my face.I saw two guys, one walking towards me while the other shut the door behind them."We were just, I... I was just.." I tried to explain."Don't worry about it, the whole point of the party is to have fun." one said."We like to have fun too." the other added.I was kneeling with my back resting on the bed as they stood on either side of me. I could see their cocks beginning...

3 years ago
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Awesome Tuition Teacher

Hello everyone this is my first story in ISS. My name is Aston and I have long been a fan of this site and have read many stories. I masturbated too many stories and I am sure I am not the only one! So coming to my story it is a semi-fictional which I hope had come true. This happened when I was in school about 18 years of age. I just discovered the pleasures of gals and used always look at their boobs whenever I had chance. In those days I was sent to tuition so that I do not fall behind in...

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