Character Creation Ch. 10 free porn video

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The role of sex in a role-playing game is a controversial one, and must be handled with sensitivity, and ideally up front. Some players may see having their characters sleep with saucy bar wenches or fall in love with the handsome son of the duke as an expected part of the proceedings, others will become uncomfortable at the inclusion of such material, and prefer their character stick to what they’re best at – slaying monsters and over-paying for treasure.


‘That old man was a fuckin’ quack. If I ever see him again, I’m gonna beat his ass just like I beat that asshole Hunter.’

‘Are you higher than usual, Shane? You’re telling us you kicked Hunter’s ass for trying to force himself on Danni, and some old man showed up and gave you some kind of magic power to overwhelm people with lust?’

‘Yeah, except it barely fuckin’ works.’

‘Man, you know I don’t normally say this, but… maybe you need to lay off for a while. That’s some pretty cracky shit you’re talkin’.’

Shane rolled his eyes and concentrated for a moment, then watched as Caleb’s brow furrowed in confusion.

Then Caleb suddenly dropped his already loose pants and thrust a cock that was hardening with incredible speed into the center of his burrito.

Then, a second later, he blinked. Everyone in the food court was staring at him. He drew up his pants in a hurry and threw down the burrito, then booked it the hell out of there and off into the mall, his smug friend in his wake.

‘Da fuck was that, man!’

‘I told you, asshole. Now you believe me?’

Caleb was quiet as he stormed off into a bathroom. Shane politely turned his back as his friend wiped beans and queso off his dick. ‘OK, fine, I believe you. Lucky I didn’t burn myself,’ he grumbled as he tucked his gear away. ‘Now how could you be pissed about it? This is the best shit that ever happened!’

‘You didn’t notice anything else about it? Like, oh, maybe, that it lasted for like six fucking seconds?!’

‘Huh. Yeah, that’s kind of annoying, I guess. Not that I mind, ya prick. So like, can you do it whenever you want?’

‘Seems like, yeah.’

‘So why not just keep doing it over and over then?’

‘Nah, I fuckin’ tried that with that tasty bitch in the next unit over – remember her, with the legs? – and it’s just too fuckin’ distracting to be worth it. And I don’t say that lightly. I spend like half the time just making it happen, and with her gobbin’ my knob I can barely keep it going. And who the hell knows what’d happen if I got too distracted and let it wear off.’

‘Yeah man, that’s a bitch. Man, there’s gotta be some way you can capitalize on that shit, though.’

‘I’m open to suggestions.’

Six months later…

‘Are you Shane? The, um, the Matchmaker?’

‘I sure am, buddy. You Arthur?’


‘Well, Art, why don’t you tell me what I can do ya for?’

‘Please don’t call me Art,’ he said stiffly. ‘Sorry, it’s just a pet peeve. Is it… is it true what they say? That you can make anyone fall for anyone?’

‘Damn straight it’s true. Make any lonely man’s dreams come true, that’s my slogan. ‘Sa good slogan, eh?’

‘Um, sure, it’s grand.’

‘All right, I can see you want to just cut to the chase, Arthur, so why don’t you tell me who you got your sights set on?’

The reedy man cleared his throat nervously. ‘You see, sir, I’m Hollywood talent agent. I manage the personal and professional affairs of various celebrity clientele. And, um, if you can really do like they say…’

‘Celebrity, huh? That’s a tall fuckin’ order, man.’

‘Of course, I understand, I’m sorry to have wasted your time…’

‘Hey now,’ Shane said, stopping the man as he turned to retreat. ‘I didn’t say I couldn’t do it. Hell, I like a challenge. Not that it’s really a challenge, I guess. So who’d you have in mind, exactly?’

Arthur cleared his throat again, and mumbled something. He had to repeat himself twice before Shane finally heard him. ‘Whoa, damn, Arty, you got some fine-ass fuckin’ taste, son! You rep her?’

‘It’s ‘Arthur,’ and yes, I ‘rep’ her. So… are you saying you’ll try?’

‘Try? Hell, I tell you what. This is gonna be baller, man – for this, I’ll let you do it for free.’

‘For… free? There’s gotta be a catch. I wouldn’t feel right, soliciting your services without compensation…’

‘Don’t you worry about me.’

The blonde starlet strode impatiently into her agent’s office, breezing right past his receptionist. She didn’t have time for small-talk. Besides, urgent as Arthur had been to have her come in today, he’d better be waiting for her.

He was. Or at least, he was watching the door when she entered like he was, only there was some other dude in here with him, some shady-looking guy dressed like he was auditioning for the part of Street Thug #4. She didn’t think the agency represented nobody’s like that.

‘You’re here! Come in, come in, Miss–’

‘What do you want, Art? I was’t even planning on coming into the city today, and traffic was a nightmare. You better have some amazing fucking news.’

‘Yes, well. Please do have a seat, make yourself comfort–’

‘You have three seconds to get to the fucking point, Art. I have no patience for having my time wasted. You keep wasting my time, and I’ll find a new agent before you can calculate your ten percent of zero.’

‘Damn, bitch has a mouth on her, don’t she,’ said the stranger.

‘Excuse me, but who the hell is this?’ She didn’t even have the decency to direct the question to Shane. Men like whoever he was were clearly beneath her. ‘You know, nevermind. I woke up this morning bloating like crazy and with a pimple on my chin that I can barely fucking hide, and now I get to deal with my moron agent and his foul-mouthed pervert friend. Yes, that’s right, my eyes are up here. Buy a copy of Maxim if you want to look at these,’ she said, hefting her breasts.

Arthur looked to his companion, looking increasingly nervous. His companion grinned – leered, more like – and nodded. ‘All righty, let’s do this.’

She glared at him, a withering look that had literally knocked men on their asses before. ‘Do what, you degenerate piece… piece of…’

The glare faded, and she glanced back at Arthur. She couldn’t look away, and couldn’t imagine why. Skinny, boring, slightly balding definitely graying Arthur. A nobody. Not only wasn’t he in her league, she wasn’t sure he was in her housekeeper’s league.

Although… maybe he wasn’t so bad, actually. Maybe she was being harsh. He was kind of cute, in a weird, undefinable kind of way. She could see how a girl could fall for that shy smile of his, the slender physique. He was pretty damn cute, honestly.

No, not cute. Hot. He was actually really hot. God DAMN was he hot. How had she never noticed before? Had a man ever been so hot? He was hardly a man at all – more like an Adonis, perfectly sculpted to inform her every sexual desire.

She had to have him. Kiss him. Touch him. Fuck him. Oh shit, she had to fuck him. Get him inside her. She hardly cared where. Her mouth, her pussy, her ass. Her tits, even. Guys had been begging to fuck her tits practically since she grew them. Finally, for once she would be more than happy to let someone.

No, not let. Beg. Beg him. She’d do anything for him to fuck her. It didn’t matter what it took. She’d never been so happy to be blessed with her big tits, her round ass, her gorgeous face. They could help her get this perfect man to fuck her. They just had to. She didn’t know what she’d do if he wouldn’t.

These thoughts took place over the span of about half a second.

Then, she was sauntering across the room and pulling Arthur in for a scorching kiss, her tongue darting right into his mouth as she squealed in happiness. Her mouth moved down his jawline and to his neck, sucking
on it like a love-stricken teenager.

‘It… it worked! You really can…!’ Arthur exclaimed.

‘Told ya, dawg. Now she’s good and…’ he paused, as if concentrating on something, before finishing the thought. ‘and ready, so you want to do the rest, you go for…’ again, a pause, ‘…it. I’ll be here, doin’ my thang.’

‘Could we have some privacy, actually?’ the agent said, eyes fluttering as the busty starlet reached a hand down his pants and started grasping at his hardening cock.

‘Sorry, no can do. Would if I could, but it takes… concentration. You gonna forget I’m here soon enough, buddy… now c’mon, get to your plan.’

‘Mmm, what plan, Art?’ she asked between sucks on his ear lobes.

He took a deep breath. ‘Stop calling me Art.’

She winced at how stupid she’d been. How could she never have learned what he liked? ‘Of course, baby – what do you want me to call you?’

‘Oh wow, she’s really…’ he said to the other man, then turned back to her. ‘Um… sir? Call me sir?’

The top-heavy blonde nodded vigorously. ‘Oh yes, sir. If it makes you happy, sir.’ She resumed grinding her pelvis against his hips, annoyed with all the stupid clothes getting in the way of her goal.

Arthur looked relieved to see her go along with it. ‘And another thing – I want you to apologize for how rude you were to me earlier.’

She could do that. No problem. If it was a hurdle in the way of getting his cock in her, she’d do anything to clear it.

She sunk to her knees. In her loose silk top, he had an easy look at the 34DD’s contained within. She wondered if he knew her size. Her measurements were easy enough to find on the internet after all, and now, he’d get to see what those letters and numbers meant firsthand. ‘Of course, sir. I’m so very sorry. Sometimes I can be a little bratty… can I make it up to you? I’ll do anything.’ She nuzzled her face into his crotch shamelessly to make sure he knew what she meant by it.

‘We’ll see,’ he said. (We’ll see? Here she was, one of the most lusted after women in the world, on her knees offering to blow him, and he says we’ll see? Her tits had made one of the lamest video games ever made into a national phenomenon without even showing a nip, for fuck’s sake!)

‘Hey, one quick… thing before you two get to it,’ Arthur’s friend spoke up. Oh yeah, she’d forgotten he was here. I mean, who cared. It was Arthur. She’d be proud to be seen begging to suck him off. I mean, annoyed by the audience, but not enough to stop. Never enough to stop.

‘Something wrong?’ Arthur asked, smiling down at her on-going nuzzles.

‘I needs to get paid, ya know.’

She was glad the man kept interrupting. Arthur wasn’t paying enough attention to fend her off as she undid his belt and fly. ‘I thought you said this was pro bono? This is an under-handed renegotiation technique, Shane…’

‘Naw, dawg, not… you. Her.’

She blinked, momentarily gazing over at this man. Then she realized that was stupid. She’d gotten Arthur’s briefs off. She could look at his cock. His bare, beautiful cock. Hard, just for her. She never wanted to look anywhere else again.

‘I’m afraid I don’t quite understand…’

‘You said you wanted her to act like a whore. That’s what you said, right?’

‘I… did.’ She wanted to swoon, and not only because, after all these seemingly endless seconds of not having Art’s cock in her mouth, she finally had Art’s cock in her mouth. He wanted her. Wanted her to be his whore. That was the best news she’d heard since she’d gotten that bikini modeling gig in the Virgin Islands last winter.

‘Well, that’s what a whore is, yo. She fucks for money. Except here, she’s fuckin’ for money for me. Damn, look at me, pimpin’ for this fine-ass bitch.’ Part of her grew angry at the presumptuous way he was talking about her, but most of her was too busy moaning delightedly around Arthur’s heavenly cock.

Sir looked up at Art. Sir. (She had to stop thinking of him as Art, or she might accidentally say it again and he might make her stop sucking him off.) ‘Well… you heard the man. Pay up.’

She grudgingly let sir’s cock slide out from between her ruby lips with a pop, rubbing her upper lip with its little mole against its saliva-slicked length while she talked. ‘If I pay him, then… you’ll let me fuck you?’

‘You gimme whatever you got on you – and that jewelry, that’s mighty nice – and yeah, I let you be my boy Arthur’s fuck toy, long as you want. Sound good, hot stuff?’

Whatever. She only had a few hundred bucks in her purse, and her jewelry probably wasn’t worth more than a couple thousand. Chump change, especially given the prize. ‘Money’s in my purse,’ she said, unclipping her earrings and undoing her necklace. She tossed them over to him as he ransacked it, helping himself to the contents of her wallet. The moron probably didn’t realize the bag itself was worth more than all of the rest of it, she thought as she blew her agent.

‘Goody! Now I can fuck you, sir!’ she said gleefully, rising to her feet and hastily undoing her skirt. Both men gaped at the sight of the starlet stripping down to her panties, then shucking those off too.

‘Damn, you fine, girl,’ the man said. ‘It true Playboy offer you half a mill for dem titties?’

‘Watch your mouth, punk,’ she snapped as she eagerly rubbed her bare, neatly trimmed pussy against sir’s cock. ‘They’re breasts, not ‘titties,’ and no, they offered the full million.’

‘They look like ‘titties’ to me,’ sir commented as he grasped them through her top. Ugh, what a stupid bitch she’d been! She quickly threw her shirt off so he could enjoy them without barriers. Anything to keep him touching her, to keep touching him. Even being leered at by his pervy friend. For sir, she didn’t mind playing the part of the mindless T&A trophy bimbo.

‘Duh, sorry – I meant to say titties, obviously. Boobs like this are titty material. It won’t happen again, sir.’ He didn’t seem to care – sir was already busy taking her breasts (fuck, no, her titties) into his mouth. She delighted in the rapturous expression on his face.

Every guy in the world wanted to do what he was doing right now. This was why she grew them to begin with. For him. They were big, beautiful, perfect fucking tits. (She could probably call them that, in her head. Sometimes.) She’d never posed nude, but she’d done as good as more than a few times. She never told anyone, but she loved knowing that every guy who wanted to could have a very, very good idea what her tits looked like, but not quite exactly. Just enough mystery to leave them desperate for more.

Except for sir. Sir could have them however he wanted if he’d just fuck her already. Speaking of…

‘Excuse me, sir? Um, I paid good money to fuck you, so… could you maybe suck my titties while I ride you? They’re pretty big, so it should be easy for you to get them in your mouth…’

Sir looked up at her. ‘No, dear, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. You see, as your agent I have to pay close attention to the wordings of contracts. And here, it was very clearly stated that the fee you were paying was to be my fuck toy.’

She frowned. ‘It was?’

‘Yes. You know what that means?’

She shook her head. She had a pretty good idea, but she was really afraid it might mean not fucking him, or fucking him sometime other than right this fucking second. ‘It means you’re a toy, who I can fuck. Understand?’

She shook her head again. Holy shit, her pussy – or was it a cunt? sir seemed to like dirty talk, so now it was a cunt. Her cunt was so wet she could feel it dribbling down her thighs.

‘A toy is a thing someone plays with. So now… I’m going to play with you.’

Oh thank fucking Christ, it was about time. ‘Goody! What would you like to play first, sir?’

Sir looked at his friend. ‘You know, Shane, in the part of me that believed your offer was possible, I reall
y figured I wouldn’t be able to resist, ahem, ‘dem titties,’ as you put it.’ She giggled and cupped her tits for him. Both men stared, she wanted to slap the other guy, but whatever. Sir was all that really mattered. She was his toy, after all, and hopefully would get herself fucked.

‘Only now… I worry I may have overlooked her other charms. Seriously, my friend… dat ass, as you would say.’ She grinned and twirled for him, thrusting out her voluptuous posterior, uncaring whose eyes took it in as long as sir was pleased.

‘What, you don’t got time for both? You’re all paid up, yo – I got nowhere else to be.’

She nodded. ‘Fuck both? Please?’

Sir smiled at that. ‘Say that again.’

Aha! Another one of his turn-ons. She filed ‘begging’ away along with ‘dirty talking’ and ‘big-tittied big-assed celebrity millionaire fuck toys.’ She adopted her most submissive tone.

‘Fuck me, sir, please. Pretty, pretty please? Fuck my jiggly, slutty titties, and my big round ass? My whorish little mouth? Please, pretty please with extra, extra sugar on top, fucking stick your big hard cock in my needy, greedy little wet cunt, sir?’

Had she overdone it? Arthur looked taken aback. ‘I realize you promise to incite arousal, but this level of lust, it’s just… unnatural.’

She took his hands and shoved her titties into them. ‘Sir, I promise you… I’m all natural.’

He fucked them first after all.


Ultimately, however, to remove sex from role-playing games altogether is to nullify some of the most fundamental aspects of life – love, pleasure, and the creation of still more life. Carnal desire is among the most potent factors influencing behaviors in the real world, so – barring certain magical alternatives – why should it not be in fantasy as well?

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The next two days were a nonstop orgy of fornication in the Nelson home. It had started simply enough, with Jeannie kneeling before her new Master with his cock in her mouth. She had given him a quick and successful blowjob, savoring the taste as he groaned and spewed his jism into her mouth and down her throat. Then they had gotten on the bed, and Tony had maneuvered the beautiful blonde into a sixty-nine position, with her sitting on his face as she again took his cock into her mouth. She...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 102 Spring Break Mission ndash Recreation

Everyone was told to leave this TV room so that it could be cleaned. I bet it will need good cleaning if the other boys came at least as many times as me. As I headed out into the main area I was invited to play pool with a small group of four girls and three boys. I told them I really had no idea how to play pool, but they said I could learn as we went. After being told the basics I caught on pretty quickly. I have always been good a geometry, so I had no problems figuring out the shots...

2 years ago
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The Change

I was staying at a friends house, helping her to look after it while her parents were away. One morning I was feeling particular horny so I decided to relieve myself by watching some porn. So there I was stroking my dick to a random video I had clicked on when an idea came to me. I got up and went into her room, my dick still hard and swinging freely, opened her laundry basket and picked up a pair of her panties. I walked back into the room I was sleeping in, sniffing the panties along the way...

3 years ago
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Sam and Dennis A Tale From The Girls Locker Room Part I

Sam and Dennis - A Tale from the girls locker room - Part One - by John Howarth - ©copyright 2001 My Stories may be added to Any Free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] * * * * * * * Forward This story used a Halloween story by Jennifer Adams as the stimulus. This story centers on Sam Smythe and leaves room for someone else to...

2 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 9

This was another morning that I woke up with Summer's bottom pushed into my rigid sex that was being held by Mildred. There was a fleeting thought that raced through my head about keeping both women for myself. But like I said, it was fleeting. After getting up, letting the dogs out, and using the toilet, I emptied the ashes from the stove and under the fireplace before putting another log on the fire. I lit the stove to warm up and boil some coffee, then went into the bathroom to wash,...

4 years ago
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Older guy in camp showers when I was a teen

When I was 13 my family and I stayed at a campsite with a small metal hut with two showers inside. The showers were separated by a divider about four feet tall. I went in late one night to cool off because it was hot and the place was empty. I stripped and started showering. Since I was alone I of course started jacking off. I soon came on the shower floor. Afte rthat I finished washing, dried off and left. I did that the next night, too. On the third night, I got naked, started the shower,...

2 years ago
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Meine groe Schwester ganz klein

Mein Name ist Michael und ich bin 21 Jahre alt. Ich studiere und lebe noch immer aus Finanziellen Gründen bei meinen Eltern zu Hause da ih mir nichts anderes leisten kann. Ich habe mein eigenes Zimmer und wie jedes Jahr feiere ich mit meinen Eltern und meiner Schwester Weihnachten. Meine Schwester ist 2 Jahre älter als ich und ist bereits vor einem Jahr ausgezogen. Sie heißt Christine und auch sie kam dieses mal wieder zu uns um mit uns zu feiern und wollte bis Neujahr bei uns bleiben. Da wir...

1 year ago
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A Dream of Love

In my dreams, I come to you as you lie in your bed, naked under the covers. You have your back to me, but you stir as I slip, naked, into bed beside you. I have just got out of the shower, so I am hot and clean. I lie against you, my little breasts pressed into your back, my pubic mound against your smooth buttocks, my legs touching yours. I put my right arm over your chest, gently clasping your breast as I snuggle up closer. I wrap my right leg over your warm thigh and massage your leg with my...

1 year ago
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The Old lady next door

Jon sat at home bored. It was a quiet saturday afternoon in mid summer, the sun was shining yet he couldn't head for town to meet his friends as he had promised his mother that he would do Margaret, the new next door neighbor a favor and mow the lawn for her in return for a few bucks. Margaret, an unmarried 59 year old single woman had moved in just a few weeks ago and had become friendly with Jon's mother. Margaret met Jon when she called in for coffee one morning and suggested that he might...

Erotic Fiction
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Trolling for Vengeance Chapter 1

Another story I wrote for Literotica. As always, I retain copyright. Please enjoy!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Trolling for Vengance Ch. 1It all started one Saturday, when my husband was out playing golf with a friend. I decided that it would be a great opportunity to do some early spring cleaning. I went through the house like a white tornado, the kitchen, the bathrooms, and the rest of the downstairs. I took a short lunch break,...

2 years ago
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E082 The rest of Wednesdays drive

Back on Interstate 95, they head to Connecticut, their next state.  They are getting closer and closer to their final destination. In less than fifteen minutes, they cross the state line.  Emma is ecstatic; she is now in New England.They continue to drive for about an hour more, being able to catch glimpses of the bay leading to the ocean.  When they reach Bridgeport, Connecticut Emma tells Donald to pull off the freeway.  She gives him the directions which wind them to the Discovery Museum and...

Love Stories
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What a night

Tuesday started off as any other day. Mike was up getting ready for work and I was trying to wake up. As usual everything went like clock work, I got up cooked breakfast and took my husband to work and spent the rest of the day playing with our son and waiting for Mike to get home. By the time he got off work, I was dead tired, but thankfully my sister had taken our son for the night so we had the whole house to ourselves. The night went on as any other night. I had decided to do something...

1 year ago
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Guy gets a wild ride

I had an eye opening experience recently. A woman I met on the Internet and I started e-mailing each other after an interesting night of chatting. We hit it off electronically and spent several hours chatting with each other, our conversation led to sex. She told me that I wasn’t ready for a woman like her leaving me curious about what she meant. We ended the chat on that note. I e-mailed her the next morning and we set up a meeting. She told me to meet her at a local bar, wear a white shirt,...

2 years ago
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Caught Mum with a Black Cock Part 2

Caught Mum With a Black Cock.Part Two.When Julie fucked herself to orgasm she didn’t realise that she was being watched by a young black man who saw her earlier going to the side of the house. When he saw a beautiful young blond peeking through the window he wondered why. But he knew the answer when he heard the same noise coming from inside the garage. What he didn’t know was who the fuck this bitch was and where did she come from. Just as he was about to confront her he was stopped in his...

4 years ago
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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 26

If Soroya and Jacob as well as Kahoku and Lanikai had spent time talking alone about what had happened the other night, they were doing it even more this evening after they separated once again. Both couples were in their respective beds as they discussed the latest revelations. The relationship between parents and children had changed dramatically in how they thought about each other. None of them would ever be able to look upon the other without thinking of the other, whether parent or...

2 years ago
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Farm GirlChapter 2

Screwing the dogs got to be a habit with me for a while. They fucked me good and I didn't have to worry about getting pregnant or catching anything worse than fleas. I also didn't have to worry about them blabbing to anyone in town or school about me. After I clipped their nails, I didn't have to worry about getting scratched all over either. I didn't neglect my dildos during this time of course. I stuffed them up my cunt and asshole at every opportunity. Several times I pushed one deep...

2 years ago
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Nicole In Our Bed Threesome FFM bisexual firs

I was trying my best to just flow with it, not think too much. I always think too much. Feel, just feel. Breathe, that's the key thing. Be sure to keep breathing. In and out. Nice and easy and smooth. I could get through this.And don't look! I couldn't look. I will soon, I promised myself. But not yet. Breathe.I stood in our bedroom. My back to our bed. Eyes closed even though I'd just turned off the lights. Trying to keep myself under some kind of control as my husband caressed my shoulders,...

3 years ago
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The Coming of Age

Zoot was so excited. At last, after all these years, she was at that age, that special age, that coming of age, where she could drink, take drugs and have sex. Now, she could share the physical love, which until now she could only practise on herself. She hoped that all her practising had prepared her well for her new life, where her vagina could at last be penetrated. Her mother marked the day, as was the custom, by shaving off the hairs that had grown so wild and full in these years of...

2 years ago
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Breaking Monica Ch 01

Another work of fiction and fantasy. All similarities to anyone throughout history are pure coincidence. As always, we are all adults here. ***** The Bank and Trust. A small town place where small town people did small town banking business. Things moved a bit slower than the big city. Same people every day. Same business every week. Same old same old. And that was just how Monica liked it. She had moved here last year from another small town just like this one. And found the pace was...

1 year ago
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Mistress Monica

Monica Singh was 40 years old, independently wealthy to begin with and stinking rich after her parents passed away leaving her millions in inheritance. She was a tall, well built woman who worked out regularly and was muscular in almost a manly way. She was also a dominate lesbian and dream and fantasized of having a slave girl she could own and sexually use whenever she pleased!Living in New Delhi, India, she knew that she could not be public about her sexual preferences and more so about her...

1 year ago
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Pennarasi My Sweet Heart

By : Chin_harish Hi All this is Harish from Chennai writing about an incident with my office colleague some of you would have already read my story about how me and Pennarasi (36 -30 -38) became close to each other while going in cab. This is about how we ended up making love with each other .After having touched each other in the cab and in lift we were waiting for a proper time to take the fun to the next level. One day she sent a text saying all her family is going out and I can come home to...

2 years ago
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Delicious pussy

I met this gilr and after a period of dating we started to play around. first it was in the car kissing and me feeling up her jeans. she let me slide my hand into her jeans and in to her panties. Oh man she was so wet, my finger just slid right into her pussy and was covered with her juice. I pulled it out and could not wait to tast it. I brought my finger up to my mouth and tasted the her juice....WOW she tasted so good right than I wanted to just take of her pants and plant my mouth on her...

2 years ago
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Good Neighbors Part 2

Good Neighbors, Part 2 *** This story picks up in the middle of Stacey's recollections of how she came into her current situation. Please see Part 1 for the back story. *** "Listen, I can explain," I started to say. He cut me off. "No," he said simply. I saw an unmistakable glint in his eye as his next words seared into my brain. "You won't be able to explain anything with your mouth full of my cock." "Excuse me? I'm not...." "I know, not gay. But you are...

4 years ago
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Teal Suede Boots

Poppy rearranged the black lace thong a third time, trying to get it to drape casually over the gin and tonic sitting on the hotel room dressing table. She had already hung her bra on the dressing table mirror, and finally, pleased with the arrangement, she stood back to adjust the camera settings on her phone.Several pictures later, she was happy. The drink and panties were centre stage, with the bra framing the top corner and an out-of-focus reflection of her naked torso could be seen in the...

4 years ago
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Rainy Day

As I stepped onto the street I felt a sense of freedom burst excitedly within me. I had rashly cancelled my afternoon appointments and decided to skip work for the rest of the day. I hadn’t played hookie since high school so the thrill of pulling a disappearing act for the day was exhilarating. It had been a wet and miserable day, and all morning the dark stormy clouds kept luring me away from my work. I wanted to be somewhere cosy, and warm. Curled up comfortably in a blanket ... with wine, a...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 8

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. Elena was about to masturbate herself but she had to because Amy was already at the door. Elena got up and unlocked the door. Amy told everything that happened to her last...

1 year ago
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Becoming a Slut Wife Louise

I've come to the conclusion that the only thing worse than not knowing that your wife is cheating on you is knowing that she is. It's like that Country Western song, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." What makes it even worse is that I see the guy she's fucking everyday when I go to work - he's my boss. My wife has admitted to the affair and has made me promise not to say anything about it because she wants to keep on fucking him, but doesn't want him to know that I...

3 years ago
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Go With The Flow Ch 01

1 I can go… ‘That’s great Rachel. Now look back at me…’ …with the flow. ‘Toss your hair over so it’s covering…exactly. That’s beautiful.’ I can throw it all away. ‘Now, lean back. Remember. You’re ecstatic. You’re horny. You’re alone…’ Nothing I need anymore. ‘That’s it. You’re a prisoner to your own desire. Give me those eyes. Oh, that’s beautiful.’ Just shut it down. ‘You’re gorgeous. You’re desirable. Every man wants you.’ Let it all just slip away. ‘Now slowly lay back and let...

2 years ago
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The Model

I was sitting on a bench at one side of the room, a small suitcase filled with clothes beside me. Beautiful girls and photographer's assistants swirled around me, although none of them paid any attention to me. I was there to try and start chasing a dream, although right now it seemed like little more than a foolish quest fueled by some stupid ambition. I was a forty year-old divorcée, the mother of two boys, and I had always thought of myself as fairly pretty, at least in my own narcissistic...

3 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 11 The Biker Chase

Despite their best efforts, Ben and Lady Grace didn't get out of the city till after 9am. They had been in line since before six, but had spent hours sitting around while the customs officials had 'lost' files and had to 'verify' their records. If it had gotten to Lady Grace, Ben couldn't tell. Despite the fact that she hadn't had a square meal or a decent night's sleep in over 48 hours, she looked as polished and as calm as a fashion model. Figured. He both looked and felt like crap,...

2 years ago
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Why Me LordChapter 8

"I'll have to say I'm in your debt again. I'd really never thought of that but it sounds like sage advice now that you mention it. I'm assuming that you're the Mr Jefferson that Silas told me about before he had to leave for Dallas." "Guilty as charged, Mr Mayor, I'm Bill Jefferson," I said, admitting it. "George Clonnigon, Mr Jefferson. I'm happy to meet you." "I'm happy to meet you too, Mr Clonnigon and I'll bet you are just the person I need to ask about something. I...

3 years ago
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Rocky Horror Pegging Show Part 2

I woke early the next morning from a very wet dream and instantly regretted opening my eyes as I knew that I'd be missing out on one hell of an orgasm by leaving the dream world. But as the morning light coming through the blinds cleared some of my fog I realized that I was still in the wet dream. It had followed me out into the waking world. I was flat on my back with a set of very supple lips wrapped around my cock bobbing up and down. She was drawing up until only the head was still in...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Esperanza Del Horno 23331

Esperanza del Horno and her man want to start a family, but her hubby’s shooting blanks. But they so desperately want a child that he’s willing to to allow a set of surrogate balls do the job, and without any kind of doctor involvement. Esperanza’s boyfriend calls over his best friend Mike and tells him the situation, and asks if he’ll impregnate his woman for them. Looking at the sexy young Latina — like he always has — Mike doesn’t need to think twice about fucking his friend’s girl! The...


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