Danielle Logan The Teenage Witch: The Beginning Of The Spell Disease free porn video

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Note: This story is different than most. It's not a true female to male story or she-male or any kind of gender swaping. It's more along the lines of Gender Mixing. It has bearded women (or girls in this case) and the story line is unique. It would be intresting if people who read this are inspired to write more stories about women growing beards. Danielle Logan the Teenage Witch: The Beginning of the Spell Disease written by Freaky_Girl (a.k.a. Mandy) Part 1 "Alexandra, wake your sister up!" I heard my mother scream. "She's going to be late for school." "Why can't she get up herself?" my sister complained as she trudged up the steps to my room. I heard a pound on the door, then the door slam open. "Mom says wake up and get out of bed before you're late for school," my sister said bluntly. I groaned and pulled my comforter over my head. "I'm not getting up," I said, half-asleep and half-mumbling. "Yes you are. I'm not going to miss my meeting this morning." "What meeting Alex?" "The meeting that my friends and I have once a week before school." Alexandra Logan is my 18 year old sister. She's a senior at Jackson High and one of the most popular and beautiful girls in school. Alex belongs to the most popular clique at Jackson High called "The Pink Ladies". With a 5'6" frame, her weight complimented her height. She had beautiful almond shaped eyes which were hazel colored and light brown hair that was shoulder length. It was fashionably styled and I always wondered how she kept it so immaculate throughout the school day. Her nails and toes were perfectly French manicured and her makeup was always well done. She had no boyfriend, but almost every guy in school wanted to be her boyfriend or wanted her. She seemed perfect. "Can't you guys pick a different day for your dumb meetings?" I asked. "Um...let me think.......NO! So get up!" Alex yanked my covers off and pulled me out of bed. I fell to the floor and have no choice but to surrender to her. "I'm up, are you happy now?" She crossed her arms across her chest and frowned. "No, I'm not happy. Just hurry up and get dressed." She stalked out of my room and I shut the door behind her. I walk over to my mirror and look at my reflection. I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't absolutely gorgeous. My name's Danielle Logan and I'm 16 years old. I'm a junior at Jackson High. I had the same beautiful almond shaped eyes that my older sister had except my eyes were brown. My brunette hair was shoulder length and I tried to keep it styled how it was fashionable. I was 5'3" and weighed 125 pounds. Unlike Alex, I was extremely self- concious and I didn't like to show my body off. Especially my thighs, which I thought were so huge. I sighed at my reflection and got dressed for school. My mom had a bowl of cereal in her hand when I walked down the steps. "Danielle, can't you get up on time?" "Mom, I was having a really good dream." "Too bad. You need to stop living in your 'dream world' and learn to live in reality. Now get in the car before your sister starts to complain." I rolled my eyes at my mother. I think that she sometimes played favorites and her favorite was Alex. I slid onto the backseat and my mom pulled out of the driveway. We were on our way to school when Alex asked what day it was. She wasn't all that bright sometimes. "Well, CSI: Miami was on on Monday and CSI:NY is on tonight, so it's Wednesday." "You are such a nerd," Alex said, rolling her eyes. "Those shows are so stupid. There aren't any hot guys on them and there's dead bodies." "Do you know nothing. The dead bodies are PART OF the show. And there are hot guys! My ABSOLUTE favorite is Carmine Giovinazzo. He's so hot and he has a great personality. My second favorite is Adam Rodriguez. " Alex snickered and laughed. "How would you know if he has a great personality? You don't know him at all and he doesn't even know you exist!" I shut up after that. She knew she was right and it wasn't worth trying to prove her wrong. Alex was seemed to be always right. It wasn't fair. And just for the record, just because I didn't know him didn't mean that one day I couldn't. Hell, I'd get even with her one day. We arrived at school and Mom said good bye to us. I walked over to my best friends Victoria Carson and Marina Davis. Victoria and I had been friends since seventh grade and nothing has changed since. She still had a bunch of pimples on her face and the same brownish curly, frizzy hair. She was 5'5" tall and 130 pounds. Marina on the other hand was the exact opposite. I had know Marina since seventh grade as well. Marina was 5'0" tall and 120 pounds. She was shorter than Victoria and I, so she was affectionatly named "Pygmie." "Hey Danny," Marina said. Danny was my nickname. "What's up homie?" "Marina, please don't try to sound gangster." Victoria gave Marina the "I-don't-know-you" look as some football jocks walked passed us. Victoria was more into guys than Marina and I, so we let her try to impress them. "Danny, is your sister dating Jack Morrison? You know, the guy from the football team?" I gave her a surprised look. "If she is, this is the first I'm hearing of it. Alex hasn't had a date since freshman year." "Why?" Marina asked. "Does she have crabs or some kind of STD?" I laughed. "No. My sister may be the biggest flirt in school, but she's still a virgin." "Wow. That's a surprise. Normally the two go hand in hand." We all looked at each other. We knew plenty of girls who flirted and slept around. We talked some more about our classes and about what we were going to do after school. The bell rang and we went our seperate ways. I was in the middle of second period when I first experienced it. I was sitting behind Katherine Daniels, one of the "Pink Ladies." Katherine and her boyfriend David Roberts were sitting in the same row, next to each other, when she threw him a note. He read the note, looked at me, and laughed as he wrote back to her. I knew it was something about me. I whispered under my breath, "I wish I knew what that note said." I looked down at my notebook and I found writting that wasn't my handwriting at all. It was Katherine's and it was what the note said. The note read: Kath: Have you seen what Danielle is reading? It's like......so like........dangerous. David: She reads too much. She'll never get laid if she's too smart. Kath: Who would ever want to fuck her? She's not even pretty. Her eyebrows are too thick and her arms are too hairy. I was pissed off at reading that. How dare she say I would never get laid? It's not like I'm trying to. I have too many plans and for a guy interrupt and ruin them, he would never screw another girl again. I was thinking about what I would do to her if she said that to my face when I must have drifted off. I woke up to find a little haggard old lady sitting on a stool next to a bubbling cauldron. "I've been expecting you Danielle. Come sit." She conjured up a stool and I sat down, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" I said, my voice shaking with fear. I looked around to see if I was still in Mrs. Pinkley's English III Honors class, but the surroundings were different so I guessed I wasn't. "Danielle Logan, did you wonder how you saw what was written on that note?" "Yeah. But..............." "Only one kind of person can do that. Do you know those kind of people who can do that?" She was two feet away from me and I could see that she had an extra finger on her right hand. I swallowed hard and I shook my head. "No ma'am. I don't know." "A witch. And a powerful one at that. You had no idea you were one?" "No Miss.............um..........what's your name?" She smiled, revealing yellowed teeth and there was things stuck between her teeth. "My name's Sorceress Candice. I'm 450 years old and still young." She chuckled at her little joke. I smiled, knowing that this old woman could strangle me with her arms, which were unusually hairy and large for a woman's. "I'm sorry but I don't believe I'm a witch nor do I believe in magic." Her eyes flared and she walked over to the caludron. I had said something with had apperantly pissed this old woman off. The Sorceress snapped her finger and a young woman suddenly appeared. She was tall blonde woman who seemed to be in her mid-20's. Sorceress Candice had the young woman stand 10 feet from me and I looked at her. "You don't believe in magic, eh? I'll prove to you it exists." Candice pointed her finger at the woman and the woman shreeked in pain as her small A-cup breasts grew to large C-cup sizes. Her shirt looked as if it was about to burst. Then the Sorceress, apperantly not done her demonstration, snapped her fingers. The woman's shirt came off and I covered my eyes. I peeked between my fingers and saw that she was wearing a bathing suit. "Thank god," I thought. "I'm not a lesbian who needs to see that." The girl came closer until she was 5 feet from me. I saw that she had a brown spot of something in the middle of her chest. The spot grew larger and the color went from brown to blond. In two minutes, this poor young woman went from pretty and petite to large chested and a hairy chest to match. "Do you believe in magic now?" Candice asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "I think so," I said meekly, unsure of what she was capable of. "I think so is NOT a good enough answer. Perhaps I have to do more to this girl to prove to you magic exists." The Sorceress clapped her hands and the young woman had begun to change. Her blond hair was getting gray streakes in it and her blond bushy chest hair was already gray. She still had her mid-20's body, curvy in the right places, skin still tight, and breasts not sagging. However, her face was getting a few almost invisible wrinkles. She now looked as if she were in her mid-30's, but her chest hair gave her the apperance of a 40-something year old. "Now," the Sorceress said, "time for a little mixing. What would make this woman unique? Ah! I have just the thing." The old witch reached into her cauldron and scooped up a cup of the green goo. The woman in front of me drank the goo and then began moaning in pain again, this time she was holding her private area. I noticed that her tight jeans, which clung to her curves in the back, began to hug a small bump in the front. The bulge grew larger until her jeans split in half, leaving the poor woman in nothing but a bikini bottom, which held a piece of equipment that was growing larger by the second. The woman moaned and screamed but it was no consolation. Her "package" finally stopped growing and you could say without a doubt that it was longer than six inches. She was also feeling her face, which had a 15 inch beard. She stroked her beard and moaned with slight delight. The more she stroked her beard, the longer it got. But also the longer she stroked her beard, the more of her chest hair vanished, her breasts grew, and her hair got grayer. By the time she was done, she wasn't a pretty picture anymore. The Sorceress had conjured up a rocking chair. I looked at the woman and couldn't believe my eyes. She was sitting in the rocking chair, her once beautiful blond hair now dark gray with lots of white invading. Her beard now measured three feet, but unlike men's beards, her's was thick, full, lushious and it didn't get stringy at the tips. It tapered to a point but it didn't lose it's fullness or thickness. She had another tight pair of jeans on that showed her "package" grow ever so slightly if you looked closer. Her scoop neck shirt showed the largest size C-cup breasts and no chest hair. Her face was now more wrinkled and she kept stroking her beard. This woman was still a woman. Only a few things had been altered. She still had her womanly curves and other womanly things, but those two male attributes were still there. "There," said the old woman. "I've proved to you that magic exists. You'll make a great witch. But I warn you, a dark time is ahead. Beware of witch wine. There is a great hazard to society which can be released anyone. It's called the Spell Disease. You can't tell if you have it until things start to happen to you. You are the only person able to fix it if the need arises. This black magic can come in any form. Be on your guard. But no pressure dearest. Take care." "Great," I thought. "No pressure dearest. Please, how isn't there any pressure. If something bad happens in the world, I'm the only one who can fix it." I said good bye to the lady and returned to my blackout phase. My head snapped up. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was back in Mrs. Pinkley's class. I had decided weither what I had seen was real, so I gave it a try. "Katherine, you said I'll never get laid because I'm not pretty. Well, you'll never get laid again either with the wrong parts," I whispered and pointed my finger in her direction. I saw a small cloud of purple dust go toward her crotch area. I was watching and waiting for something to happen when the bell rang. "Shit," I said. "I wanted to see what was going to happen." I walked to my next period class, Physics, and sat through it until the lunch bell. I had to tell Victoria and Marina what happened. "Danny, what are you talking about?" Victoria asked, placing her lunch tray down at our table. "How can you be a witch? Magic isn't real." She sat down and took a huge bite out of her hot dog. "Yeah Danny," Marina said. "Magic isn't real. Did you fall asleep in Mrs. Pinkley's again? Cuz if you did, then it was probably all a dream." I blushed. I wasn't one for falling asleep in class, but I had been really really tired recently. So, yesterday and today I fell asleep in Mrs. Pinkley's English class. "I was tired, ok? Give me a break," I said, trying to sound like I had been tired. That whole weird dream/reality thing wasn't exactly something you wouldn't forget. "Whatever," Marina said, walking over to the snack stand. She bought french fries and was walking back to her seat when Troy Davenport, the star quarterback on the football team, tripped her and him and his buddies started laughing. "Have a nice trip nerd?" he roared with laughter and his friend next to him slapped him on the back for congatulations. "Freak of nature," Marina mumbled as she sat down next to Victoria. I looked over at Troy. He was still laughing, bringing himself almost to tears with laughter. "No one does that to my friend and gets away with it." Victoria and Marina both looked at my with surprised expressions. "You can't do anything about it," Victoria said. "He'd kill you in a minute." "Oh yeah? Watch me." I mumbled, "Troy, prepare to meet your ladies," and snapped my fingers. Troy howled in pain and stood up as he grabbed his chest. Everyone in the cafeteria stopped talking as they watched Troy's chest swell until he had two bouncy largest possible sized C-cup breasts. His shirt had burst and everyone laughed as he looked at his new boobs and the hair that covered them. "What the fuck just happened? Is this some kind of sick joke?" He tugged at them and instead of him thinking they would come off, he had aroused himself and was patting his crotch to keep "it" down. Troy bolted out of the cafeteria and the minute he left, Katherine came in. She was crying, her mascera making black lines on her face. She too was holding her crotch, but not because she was aroused. "I have a fucking dick," she screamed, everyone's head turing to her attention. She indeed had a dick. The bulge in her tight denim short shorts wasn't a vagina, that's for sure. I smuggly smiled, knowing that my spell had worked. "OMG!! Danny, I'm sorry I didn't believe you," Marina said, hugging me. "Mar, it's alright. Nothing's going to happen to you for not believing me." We continued to talk about what each of our teachers were like and we went to our only class together, U.S. History II. We said good bye after school was over and I headed home. I normally saw Alex walking ahead of me on my way home, but today I didn't. "That's strange," I thought but I continued on my way home. Alex came home later than usual that day. I looked at Alex. Her upper lip was darker than usual, which meant she hadn't gotten it waxed yet. She was haggard looking too, which was something else that was unusual. "Danny, I think I've must have some kind of disease or something." "What do you mean you've been affected with a disease? Is it crabs? AIDS?" "How the hell would I get crabs? I'm still a virgin Anyway, Danny, you've got to believe me! Something happened after school today. The girls and I were having a bottle of wine that Miranda bought at this store in the mall called Witch Wine. She thought that it meant 'witch wine to choose', if you get my word play. So she bought a bottle with her fake ID. It tasted great but when I started to walk home, I felt really funny. Something is wrong." For the first time in my life, I heard the fear in her voice. I opened my mouth in shock. The old Sorceress woman said something to beware of. Come to think of it, she said to 'beware of witch wine.' "Lovely," I thought, "trouble is starting in my own house." Could it be the Spell Disease? But how would I know if it was? I looked at Alex. If she could show me that she has something wrong with her, maybe I could tell if it is the Spell Disease. "Can you prove to me something is wrong with you?" "YOU want ME to PROVE that something is wrong? Are you freakin' crazy?" I gave her a grimace smile and realized that I would have blackmail on her if she proved to me she was sick. "Yeah. I guess I am freakin' crazy. Prove it." "Fine. I'll show you what I mean." She walked out of my room and into the bathroom. I followed her and she shut the door behind me when we were both inside. "Sit down on the toilet seat." I did as I was told, knowing that if I didn't, she might not show me. Alex opened the medicine cabinet and took a can of men's shaving cream and razor off of the top shelf. I was confused with what she was trying to show me. She took the lid off the shaving cream can and squeezed some out of it. She rubbed the cream between her hands until it foamed and rubbed it on her face. "Alex, what are you doing?" I asked. "Why are you shaving?" She shot me a look of pure venom and then spoke. "You said you wanted to know how I'm feeling funny. I'll show you how I've been freakin' sick." Alex picked up the razor and began to shave. She washed the remaining cream off her face and turned to face me. "Alex, you've just shaved your face. What the hell is wrong with you?" "Danny, I'm showing you. Just like you asked." I opened my mouth to speak, but when I saw what was happening, I had to say something. "OMG!" to be continued...............

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Logan Ch 05

No more than a day had gone by since that night then the town car pulled into the driveway again. Will saw it first and went downstairs, sighing to himself as Logan slipped out the door to meet Jack half way. Will sat by the window, watching the scene. ‘Jack, get back in your car and leave.’ ‘Logan, stop being unreasonable,’ he said, approaching her as he took her hand in his and kissed it. They were so close then that Will couldn’t make out what they were saying. After exchanging many...

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Sandra Logan Don Pure Lust

Hot breath hit my ear over the throb of the pulsing music, piercing through my pot induced fuzziness. I felt long hair sway against my arm and a hand gently pull me closer. “We’re so fucking high,” whispered her voice, “We just want someone to come away from here and give it to us.” I gulped, swaying in surprise, and took a closer look at the girl propositioning me. She was alluringly sexy and instantly filled me with lust. I could see another girl a few feet away smiling suggestively at me. I...

2 years ago
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Skyping with Logan

Introduction: Kristy and Logan get to have some webcam fun, then they take it to the next level. I am 18 years old, i have dark long black hair and gray eyes that turn to blue at times, i have big bright pink lips. Dsl. im really white and it goes with me. Id say i have a pretty big butt, and i wear a C cup. I have an hour glass figure, im 53 and weigh around 110. Im pretty pleased with my body and id say im quite attractive. One time i got super horny and my boyfriend wasnt around so i...

2 years ago
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Skyping with Logan

One time i got super horny and my boyfriend wasn't around so i decided to go on one of these adult chatting sites. I created a profile and i used a picture of me in a tight small black dress as my defult. 10 minutes after i've already gotten a friend request from a user called 'Logan2bomb' i laughed a little at his username, accepted him and went to his profile to see how he looked like. He was a little short, i'd say maybe 5'1. He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes and nice abs. He...

3 years ago
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Witch Chronicles 007 Dark Beginnings

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

1 year ago
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Logan Ch 09

‘Hey, El?’ Will called into the bathroom as Logan was taking her time climbing out of the shower. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Do you think that maybe…’ he paused as he stumbled over his words, ‘That you could go out with me… that we could go out tonight?’ She laughed, opening the bathroom door and peering her head out to look at him. ‘Are you asking me out on a date, William?’ ‘Maybe just a little one,’ he teased, kissing her forehead gently, ‘Don’t let it go to your head.’ She punched him hard in the...

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Logan Ch 01

She was walking down the beach, watching her footprints appear in the sand and then seconds later be washed away into nothing. It’s funny how fast things can happen in only a matter of seconds. Her life had changed on that October night, only months after her eighteenth birthday. She had loved her dad, she had loved him a lot and had always stayed true to him, but there were just certain things that they argued about constantly. One of those issues was college, something she didn’t want to do,...

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Logan Ch 04

FOUR The next few days were spent moving Will’s stuff upstairs and contacting the contractors for the changes. A week and a half later and they were tearing walls down. Owning half of the largest money making strip of land in the whole town gives power to do things like that at such short notice. Will saw her standing, looking out at the ocean and came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck which she let fall to the side as a low moan escaped from her throat. ‘Let’s...

2 years ago
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MCTV Sabrina the Teenage Witch

There was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. The door opened and Trent stepped out of the linen closet and into the hall. He was in the upstairs of the house. The girl's bedroom door was directly across from him. Trent had come to the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch and he was looking for 16 year old Sabrina Spellman. She was to be his latest conquest. No one was a home when he arrived. He had to be careful on this show, Sabrina would have to be entranced quickly. He'd have to take...

4 years ago
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Logan First Summer Back from College

I was 19, just back from my first semester at college. My first year at college had been the most fun I had ever had in my life. In high school, I was well liked. I wouldn’t say I was popular, but I certainly wasn’t a loser either. I was about 5’10”, 160 pounds, thin build (I played tennis which no one paid attention too), but was relatively smart and focused on getting into a great university. In high school I had a few relationships that lasted a short while (a month or so), and one...

3 years ago
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Danielles holiday 1

A few weeks after her life had changed completely by fucking first her sons, then her niece then her sister and brother in law, Danielle figured it was time for a holiday. Her son Billy had opted to stay at home with his cousin Kayla, while his twin brother Jack accompanied Danielle on her two week vacation on the island of Kapthros.After driving to the airport, checking in their luggage and going through passport control, Danielle and her eighteen year old son Jack settled into their seats on...

1 year ago
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Danielle Works A Saturday

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. **All characters are OVER the age of 21 and...

2 years ago
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Danielle and I

Danielle and I — A Story of Forbidden Love For nearly the past four years I’ve been having an intimate relationship with a young woman who is almost half my age. I’m 47, she’s 27 — and I’ll call her Danielle. I’ve known Danielle for fourteen years, ever since she was a thirteen year-old girl in junior high school. Danielle is stunningly attractive. Her biological father is a tall, thin, dark-haired man, and her mother Susan is of Mediterranean decent — Susan’s mother and father are originally...

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Danielles holiday 2

The next few days of their holiday passed relatively quietly for Jack and Danielle. They enjoyed lazing on the beach and exploring the town and just being together. As much as they loved the group sex with Adele the air hostess and the two twins, Summer and Autumn, they liked having time to be with each other, not just as mother and son, but also as lovers. By the end of their first week, however, their rampant libidos needed something more than just one on one sex and, unknowingly, it was...

3 years ago
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Danielle at the Auto Repair Shop

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 07: "Danielle at the Auto Repair...

4 years ago
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Danielle Quarterback

Bryan and Danielle’s parents had been neighbors since before the either of the kids were born. Danielle was the first born of eight children (3 sisters and four brothers. Bryan was the first born of five children (3 sisters and one brother). The families lived in the country and very quickly became friends. It became natural for the parents to baby sit for each other’s children. Both sets of parents were active in the PTA and as the children grew both sets of parents spent considerable amounts...

2 years ago
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Danielle friends and family 1

With her two sons out for the rest of the Sunday evening, Danielle Kent settled herself down on the couch to watch her favourite porno. That she was the star of it was certainly the main reason she liked it so much. At 36, she didn't look old enough to have twin eighteen year old sons, but that was because she'd gotten pregnant while at university, a fact which had quickly got her expelled. Only her sister Tanya had stuck by her and, in order to make ends meet, when the twins were old enough,...

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Danielle joined the Navy to make money for college

The problem with females in the military isn’t necessarily that they’re all sluts; it’s just that they get thrust into being sex objects the moment that they show up. Everyone knows that women are just as horny as men are, and with all of the swinging dicks around, they tend to explore a little of the variety that is available to them. The only thing is, some of them explore it a little more than the rest, and tend to build quite the reputation for themselves. Danielle was one...

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DANIELLE smeared reputation

As I was entering my third week of pussy depravity, I was fortunate enough to have Fleas, a close friend of mine, arrange a blind date for me. I conceded to take part in this endeavor on two conditions. Firstly, I demanded from my associate that the woman whom I was to be set up with be a fine-looking, bona fide slut. I did not want to waste any time entertaining a buckled broad and I sure as hell didn’t want to sink into the depths of blind date desperation without a steady stream of ass...

2 years ago
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Danielle and Her First Photo Shoot

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers and/or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, no posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures!. Thank you... :) Part 08: "Danielle and Her...

3 years ago
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Danielle Harris the shape stalks

Danielle Harris was enjoying the annual convention for Fangoria, it was a group of horror fans not unlike herself that loved showing their appreciation of all things horror. She tried to make it to one every chance she could get. She was flattered at the girls that would dress like her character of Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 & 5, and a little creeped out by the guys that would dress like Michael Myers/The Shape. She was signing autographs and talking to the fans in the Halloween area of...

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Witches Taboo Spell

Wanda the Witch. That was what they called her at Bradford High School. Not because she was ugly or anything like that. In fact, quite the opposite was true as she was one of the prettiest girls in school. She couldn't remember exactly when she got the nickname. It just began when one of the girls at school joked that she must be a witch as every time anybody got on her bad side, weird things would begin to happen to them.And, unfortunately today was one of those days for Daphne Cones. Daphne...

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Danielle friends and family 3

At noon, Kayla stood outside Danielle's house, wondering what was going to happen. Her dad had left for work before she got up and her mom had gone out so she'd busied herself round the house till it was time to visit her aunt. Because of the hot weather, she'd dressed in just shorts and a T-shirt that was stretched tight over her impressive rack."Kayla!" Billy said as he answered the door."Hi Billy. I thought you were going back to university today?" she asked stepping inside."Yeah, but mom...

2 years ago
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Danielle and Daddy

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more crossdressers. Also, this particular fantasy deals with consenting adults role-playing in a Daddy/Step-Daughter scene. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me,...

1 year ago
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Logan Ch 02

The next morning Will woke to a soft knocking on his door. Thinking that it was just Jacob checking to make sure he was awake, he answered the door in his boxers. ‘Well good morning to you too,’ Logan laughed before stepping into his room. ‘You’re up early,’ Will commented. ‘Yeah, I’m the crazy boss that gets up before everyone else to make sure all is well.’ ‘You work too hard,’ Will said, grinning as he pulled her to him and kissed her. She kissed him back with such urgency,...

3 years ago
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Danielle on the Train

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 06:...

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Danielles Punishment

Danielle had been terrified for the last two weeks.  The posh boarding school she attended in rural England had recently endured an outbreak of bad behavior.  Students were caught smoking, drinking, making out, cheating on tests? and the administration had had enough.  Some new policies had been instituted involving punishment, and Danielle knew she would lose her mind if she ever got punished.        The trouble was? she had cheated on a paper the day before the new punishments were unveiled,...

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My first internship was during my junior year of college. I was doing accounts payable for a small health clinic. It was run out of this old one story building with the clinic on the main floor and all the financial department located in the basement. It didn't pay well but I had to take it due to my poor grades. The accounting department was made up of just five staff. A accounting manager, who was an ass, and I suspected he was stealing from the clinic. A accounting supervisor, who was never...

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Danielle At Summer Camp

Danielle was new in her town, and was determined to make a good impression on her new position at a nearby summer camp; Danielle was a very timid girl however, and was extremely nervous. She had silky straight black hair laying over her shoulders, and bright green eyes. Danielle just turned 19, was about 5’4” with nice full curves, and had a very fit, tan body, except around her chest and bottom bikini area, in which she was pale white. She feared ever showing any skin, usually being the...

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DanielleChapter 4

There was little or no fall that season. The weather went from summer right into winter. Danielle found two more major mistakes Molly had made that brought Rose's business more income. This times it was nearly six figures. Thanksgiving, Christmas passed and the New Year of 2003 was upon them. Fashionable as always, Danielle wore the best of clothes for winter. Her suits were now all wool lined with silk and blouses of satin. She wore leather boots to mid calf with a three inch heel. She had...

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Preface I want to state beforehand that this work is a fantasy based on facts mixed with my, shall we say, fertile imagination. I do know a young lady similar to the one I describe in this tale, and have thought of her many times. However, the intimate events detailed in this story have never happened, if they had, I certainly wouldn’t be telling you about them. That would be ‘ungentlemanly.’ Part One I first met Danielle when I was her supervisor at a small diner outside Philadelphia,...

2 years ago
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DanielleChapter 3

Danielle quickly learned the tasks she was hired to do. She developed a routine where she wrote notes to herself before entering anything into the computer to double check her work. In the dog days of summer, she dressed down like the other girls. Cotton skirts and tops. She wore her hair down her back that fell to almost her spine. Every two months she'd go to the salon to have the tips cut to eliminate loose ends. On weekends, she just wore it in a long ponytail or braided it. She would...

3 years ago
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Danielle Part 2 At the Office

DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross dressers. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me...

1 year ago
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DanielleChapter 7

Two years later Danielle sat in April's chair as a real estate agent. She loved the work and her great looks brought her high commissions because of the sales she made. She always dressed in silky or form fitting blouses. Always in high heels due to her height, she walked about the office in her stockings. She still didn't wear makeup except mascara, eye liner, and clear lip gloss. She wore the gloss to prevent the hot sun from baking them. "Now you have to get your bid in because this...

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Danielle wird verfhrt

Danielle stand vor dem großen Spiegel im Schlafzimmer ihrer Nachbarin und versuchte verzweifelt den Reißverschluss des neuen Kleides zuzumachen. "Macy...Dieses Kleid ist sehr eng...Hilf mir mach ihn zu! " Macy durchquerte den Raum und schloss den Reißverschluss an Danielles Kleid, was ihrer blonden Nachbarin die Spannung nahm. „Danielle. Wie groß ist das Kleid überhaupt? " „Es ist Größe drei, aber ich denke, meine Brüste sind ein bisschen gewachsen seit heute morgen.“ „Danielle...Du bist genau...

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