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Danielle stand vor dem großen Spiegel im Schlafzimmer ihrer Nachbarin und versuchte verzweifelt den Reißverschluss des neuen Kleides zuzumachen. "Macy...Dieses Kleid ist sehr eng...Hilf mir mach ihn zu! "
Macy durchquerte den Raum und schloss den Reißverschluss an Danielles Kleid, was ihrer blonden Nachbarin die Spannung nahm.
„Danielle. Wie groß ist das Kleid überhaupt? "
„Es ist Größe drei, aber ich denke, meine Brüste sind ein bisschen gewachsen seit heute morgen.“
„Danielle...Du bist genau so verrückt wie ich, Mädchen! "
Danielle saß auf einem Stuhl und fing ihre hochhackigen Schuhe anzuziehen, als sie antwortete.
„Macy...Ich bin wohl die, die verrückt ist hier weil ich mich von dir überreden lasse heute Abend mit dir in den Club zu gehen. "
Macy zog das enge rote Kleid hoch und zog es sich über ihre wohlgeformten Hüften, während sie auf Danielles Schuhe blickte.
„Hey...Du passt besser auf die auf, die Absätze sehen gefährlich aus...Wie lang sind die? "
„Sechs Zoll und ja, ich werde sie als Waffe einsetzen wenn mir einer zu nah kommt heute Abend. "
Macy und ihr Mann, Ted waren vor kurzem umgezogen in das Haus neben Danielle und Hank...Mit 26 war Macy 3 Jahre jünger als ihr Nachbarin, Danielle…Macy war irgendwie eine wilde Hummel und seit dem Umzug nach Tampa aus New Jersey, waren sie und Danielle gute Freunde geworden.
Sie waren genau so langer verheiratet und nur ein Monat trennte die Hochzeitstage...Beide Paare hatten noch keine Kinder...Macy wollte noch keine Kinder haben und ihr Mann arbeitete die meiste Zeit nicht in der Stadt, was es auch schwer machte die Familie zu vergrößern.
Macy und Danielle waren beide blond und trug ihre langen Haare offen...Sie hatten die gleiche Kleidergröße und lange wohlgeformte Beine und ihre Büsten passten gut zu Frauen ihrer Größe.
Danielle war gerade bereit zu gehen, als sie ihren roten Lippenstift auftrug und ihr Parfüm in ihr Dekollete spritzte.
Sie schnappte sich ihre Handtasche und ging ins Wohnzimmer, wo Macy eine Notiz für ihren Mann hinterließ ihm mitteilend, dass sie früh nach Hause käme, und dass sie mit Danielle ausgehe.
"Macy...Warum habe ich davon gesprochen heute Abend in diesen Club zu gehen? "
„Danielle...Es wird Spaß machen, entspann dich einfach, genieß den heutigen Abend! "
Macy zog ihre Hochzeitsringe aus, streckte ihre Hand nach Danielle aus und wartete darauf, dass ihre Nachbarin auch ihre Ringe abstreifte.
„Komm, Danielle...Wir haben keinen Spaß heute Abend, wenn du die anlässt. "
Danielle zog widerwillig ihre Ringe ab und gab sie Macy.
"Ich werde sie an einem sicheren Ort in mein Schlafzimmer bringen. Erinnere mich daran, wenn wir nach Hause kommen und ich werde sie dir zurückgeben. "
Danielle wartete nervös darauf, dass Macy aus dem Schlafzimmer zurückkehrte...Sie war in all den Jahren, seit sie verheiratet war, nie ohne Hochzeitsringe ausgegangen und hoffe, dass Hank es nie herausfinden würde.
Die Fahrt zum Club dauerte fast eine dreiviertel Stunde...
Die Frauen waren jetzt mitten in der Innenstadt, wo Hank arbeitete und Danielle sorgte sich, dass sie ihm vielleicht begegnen würde, wenn er unterwegs war um noch etwas zu trinken, wie er es normalerweise Freitags tat.
Sie parkte das Auto auf dem Parkplatz neben dem Club. Danielle war nervös, als sie aus dem Auto stieg, weil so viele schwarze Jungs rund um die Front des Gebäudes herumhingen.
Oben im ?berhitzten Wohnzimmer angekommen, streifte Biggi ihre Pumps von den F??en. "Puh, ist das warm!" Dann zog sie ihren Pullover aus und beobachtete aufmerksam Petras Reaktion. Oben nur noch mit schwarzem Spitzen-BH bekleidet, lie? sie sich aufs Sofa fallen. "Du hast recht." Petra zog ihre Bluse auch aus und setzte sich zu Birgit. "Sieht echt super aus, dein BH!", machte Birgit ein Kompliment. "Tja", lachte Petra, "kein Sonderangebot!" "Darf ich mal", und schon strich B...
Am n?chsten Tag machte Marcy weiter gute Fortschritte. Jetzt konnte sie bereits allein gehen, nat?rlich unter Aufsicht. "Alles klar", meinte Birgit l?chelnd zu Petra, als sie aus dem Zimmer von Frau Dr. Bodkowicz kam, "alles verl?uft bestens. In zehn Tagen k?nnen wir nach Hause. Der Hormonspiegel wurde auf weitgehend weibliche Werte eingestellt. Dr. Bodkowicz wird ihn aber noch etwas h?her halten, um eine gewisse Depotwirkung zu erzielen. Dann k?nnte man auch auf Beruhigungsmittel verzi...
Mein Name ist Tina Baumann ich bin 29jahre alt und bin seit 3 Jahren Lehrerin in einer Berufsschule in der ich nach langem Suchen endlich einen Job gefunden habe. Den Job habe ich meiner Meinung nach nur bekommen weil ich beim Bewerbungsgespräch meine weiblichen Reize eingesetzt habe und der Direktor mich sehr ansprechend findet ich hatte ein enges Figurbetontes Kleid an was meine festen Brüste (B-Körbchen) sehr gut zur Geltung bringt und farblich gut zu meinen langen blonden Haaren passt,...
Ulrike ist mit ihren 24 Jahren eine wahre Schönheit, sie hat schulterlange, lockige, blonde Haare, hat leuchtend blaue Augen, einen hübschen, strammen Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen sehr knackigen Po, sehr lange schlanke Beine, ist im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes bildhübsch, bei einer Größe von 1,78 wiegt sie 60 kg. Sie ist Referendarin an einer Gesamtschule, ist strebsam und ehrgeizig und hat sich dadurch bei so manchem Schüler unbeliebt gemacht. Darunter war auch die Gruppe um Tom, bereits 18,...
Petra wachte auf. War da nicht ein Ger?usch unten an der Haust?r? Sie machte Licht und sah zum Wecker: halb drei. Jetzt h?rte sie wieder etwas. Ihr Blick in die unber?hrte H?lfte ihres Ehebetts lie? auch kaum einen Zweifel aufkommen, wer sich unten an der T?r zu schaffen machte. Ihr Mann Marc war nach einj?hriger Ehe am Ende. Alkohol, Berufsstress als erfolgloser, selbstst?ndiger Vertreter, dauernder Ehekrach: Petra stand es bis zum Hals. Schon wieder besoffen, dachte sie. So ging's jedenfa...
Als Petra und Birgit fr?h am n?chsten Morgen den Keller betraten, schlief Marc noch fest. Er bemerkte weder das helle Licht noch ihre Unterhaltung. "Lassen wir ihn schlafen?", fragte Petra. "K?nnte man, aber wir m?ssen doch nachher weg. Das Mittel in der Spritze wirkt zwar noch, aber Wasser lassen muss er in den n?chsten Stunden. Notfalls macht er sich in die Hose", dozierte Birgit fachkundig. "Und was jetzt?", krauste Petra die Stirn. "Ganz einfach, im Krankenhaus setzt man einen Ka...
A few weeks after her life had changed completely by fucking first her sons, then her niece then her sister and brother in law, Danielle figured it was time for a holiday. Her son Billy had opted to stay at home with his cousin Kayla, while his twin brother Jack accompanied Danielle on her two week vacation on the island of Kapthros.After driving to the airport, checking in their luggage and going through passport control, Danielle and her eighteen year old son Jack settled into their seats on...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. **All characters are OVER the age of 21 and...
Danielle and I — A Story of Forbidden Love For nearly the past four years I’ve been having an intimate relationship with a young woman who is almost half my age. I’m 47, she’s 27 — and I’ll call her Danielle. I’ve known Danielle for fourteen years, ever since she was a thirteen year-old girl in junior high school. Danielle is stunningly attractive. Her biological father is a tall, thin, dark-haired man, and her mother Susan is of Mediterranean decent — Susan’s mother and father are originally...
The next few days of their holiday passed relatively quietly for Jack and Danielle. They enjoyed lazing on the beach and exploring the town and just being together. As much as they loved the group sex with Adele the air hostess and the two twins, Summer and Autumn, they liked having time to be with each other, not just as mother and son, but also as lovers. By the end of their first week, however, their rampant libidos needed something more than just one on one sex and, unknowingly, it was...
Bryan and Danielle’s parents had been neighbors since before the either of the kids were born. Danielle was the first born of eight children (3 sisters and four brothers. Bryan was the first born of five children (3 sisters and one brother). The families lived in the country and very quickly became friends. It became natural for the parents to baby sit for each other’s children. Both sets of parents were active in the PTA and as the children grew both sets of parents spent considerable amounts...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 07: "Danielle at the Auto Repair...
With her two sons out for the rest of the Sunday evening, Danielle Kent settled herself down on the couch to watch her favourite porno. That she was the star of it was certainly the main reason she liked it so much. At 36, she didn't look old enough to have twin eighteen year old sons, but that was because she'd gotten pregnant while at university, a fact which had quickly got her expelled. Only her sister Tanya had stuck by her and, in order to make ends meet, when the twins were old enough,...
As I was entering my third week of pussy depravity, I was fortunate enough to have Fleas, a close friend of mine, arrange a blind date for me. I conceded to take part in this endeavor on two conditions. Firstly, I demanded from my associate that the woman whom I was to be set up with be a fine-looking, bona fide slut. I did not want to waste any time entertaining a buckled broad and I sure as hell didn’t want to sink into the depths of blind date desperation without a steady stream of ass...
The problem with females in the military isn’t necessarily that they’re all sluts; it’s just that they get thrust into being sex objects the moment that they show up. Everyone knows that women are just as horny as men are, and with all of the swinging dicks around, they tend to explore a little of the variety that is available to them. The only thing is, some of them explore it a little more than the rest, and tend to build quite the reputation for themselves. Danielle was one...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers and/or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, no posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures!. Thank you... :) Part 08: "Danielle and Her...
At noon, Kayla stood outside Danielle's house, wondering what was going to happen. Her dad had left for work before she got up and her mom had gone out so she'd busied herself round the house till it was time to visit her aunt. Because of the hot weather, she'd dressed in just shorts and a T-shirt that was stretched tight over her impressive rack."Kayla!" Billy said as he answered the door."Hi Billy. I thought you were going back to university today?" she asked stepping inside."Yeah, but mom...
Danielle Harris was enjoying the annual convention for Fangoria, it was a group of horror fans not unlike herself that loved showing their appreciation of all things horror. She tried to make it to one every chance she could get. She was flattered at the girls that would dress like her character of Jamie Lloyd from Halloween 4 & 5, and a little creeped out by the guys that would dress like Michael Myers/The Shape. She was signing autographs and talking to the fans in the Halloween area of...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more crossdressers. Also, this particular fantasy deals with consenting adults role-playing in a Daddy/Step-Daughter scene. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me,...
Danielle had been terrified for the last two weeks. The posh boarding school she attended in rural England had recently endured an outbreak of bad behavior. Students were caught smoking, drinking, making out, cheating on tests? and the administration had had enough. Some new policies had been instituted involving punishment, and Danielle knew she would lose her mind if she ever got punished. The trouble was? she had cheated on a paper the day before the new punishments were unveiled,...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please, *no* posting of any of my stories without my prior written permission(this new disclaimer supercedes any and all previous disclaimers). Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me! I do have many more ideas for adventures! Thank you... :) Part 06:...
My first internship was during my junior year of college. I was doing accounts payable for a small health clinic. It was run out of this old one story building with the clinic on the main floor and all the financial department located in the basement. It didn't pay well but I had to take it due to my poor grades. The accounting department was made up of just five staff. A accounting manager, who was an ass, and I suspected he was stealing from the clinic. A accounting supervisor, who was never...
Danielle was new in her town, and was determined to make a good impression on her new position at a nearby summer camp; Danielle was a very timid girl however, and was extremely nervous. She had silky straight black hair laying over her shoulders, and bright green eyes. Danielle just turned 19, was about 5’4” with nice full curves, and had a very fit, tan body, except around her chest and bottom bikini area, in which she was pale white. She feared ever showing any skin, usually being the...
There was little or no fall that season. The weather went from summer right into winter. Danielle found two more major mistakes Molly had made that brought Rose's business more income. This times it was nearly six figures. Thanksgiving, Christmas passed and the New Year of 2003 was upon them. Fashionable as always, Danielle wore the best of clothes for winter. Her suits were now all wool lined with silk and blouses of satin. She wore leather boots to mid calf with a three inch heel. She had...
Preface I want to state beforehand that this work is a fantasy based on facts mixed with my, shall we say, fertile imagination. I do know a young lady similar to the one I describe in this tale, and have thought of her many times. However, the intimate events detailed in this story have never happened, if they had, I certainly wouldn’t be telling you about them. That would be ‘ungentlemanly.’ Part One I first met Danielle when I was her supervisor at a small diner outside Philadelphia,...
Danielle quickly learned the tasks she was hired to do. She developed a routine where she wrote notes to herself before entering anything into the computer to double check her work. In the dog days of summer, she dressed down like the other girls. Cotton skirts and tops. She wore her hair down her back that fell to almost her spine. Every two months she'd go to the salon to have the tips cut to eliminate loose ends. On weekends, she just wore it in a long ponytail or braided it. She would...
Two years later Danielle sat in April's chair as a real estate agent. She loved the work and her great looks brought her high commissions because of the sales she made. She always dressed in silky or form fitting blouses. Always in high heels due to her height, she walked about the office in her stockings. She still didn't wear makeup except mascara, eye liner, and clear lip gloss. She wore the gloss to prevent the hot sun from baking them. "Now you have to get your bid in because this...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross dressers. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e-mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. Now read on, and enjoy. If you like what you read, tell me...
When Danielle opened her eyes it was daylight. It was still snowing hard and the wind sounded louder than before. She looked over at the woman sleeping soundly. Danielle smiled recalling Rose's knowledge of making love to another female. Never had she felt like that before. So loved, so appreciated, so lusted after. Rose had opened new doors to her sexuality. Though Danielle never dreamed of being with a man, she never thought of being made love to by a woman either. She thought her whole...
DISCLAIMER: This story involves sexual situations between one or more cross-dressers or adult males. If this offends you, please leave. Otherwise, please enjoy this fantasy of mine. Please post wherever you feel and share with your friends and loved ones. All I ask is that my e- mail address remain in place, as I am the sole creator/author of this work. All characters are fictitious except for me, so any similarities are purely by chance. **All characters are OVER the age of 21 and...
Three months later what was whispered in the office was now a means for discussion at lunch for the other girls. Rose and Danielle were fucking each other. Rose called every girl "Honey" but when she said that to Danielle there was a different inflection in her voice. It was softer. Gentler. Given with more passion than the others. They got into the office together and left for home at the same time. Little by little Rose was moving her things into Danielle's Lake Shore apartment. It was...
Marc wollte Widerstand leisten, aber ein kleiner Ruck von Petra am Halsband gen?gte, und schon musste Marc weiterstolpern, um nicht das Gleichgewicht zu verlieren. Die Zwangsjacke erlaubte nicht die geringste Gegenwehr; sie war ?hnlich wie ein Body, sa? aber durch die spezielle Konstruktion so gut, dass er den beiden Frauen v?llig ausgeliefert war. Oben in der K?che sah er auf dem K?chentisch einen Katalog. Marc sah genauer hin: das Titelbild zeigte einen offenbar gemalten Tr...
Mein Name ist Richard und ich arbeite für eine große Maklerfirma in Atlanta, Georgia. Ich bin der Finanzvorstand und verdiene sehr gutes Geld. Aber egal was man mir bezahlt, ich bin immer verschuldet. Leider habe ich eine schlechte Angewohnheit: Ich spiele. Ich spiele nicht nur. Ich verliere zu oft. Ich hätte Geld für den Ruhestand weglegen sollen, aber wir sind bis über beide Ohren verschuldet. Ich arbeite seit 10 Jahren hier und halte mich für einen sehr vertrauenswürdiger Mitarbeiter. Gott...
After Billy and her aunt had let her out of the car, Kayla walked the short distance to her house. She heard their car drive off as she let herself into the house, wondering what would happen the next day. Her auntie hadn't seemed that annoyed with either of them and the way she'd looked at her in the car . . . Kayla wondered if auntie Danielle was all that innocent. She'd seen enough cum to know what had been soaking through her aunt's T-shirt."Kayla? That you?" her father, Steve, called from...
Danielle entered her apartment feeling elated. It had taken her two el trains to get from downtown Chicago to the building she resided in in Roscoe Village. Stepping out of her high heels, she walked with the shoes in her hand to the walk in closet. Placing them in their place, she undressed carefully hanging up her business suit, putting on her satin blouse in a bag for the cleaners, and tossing her teddy into the wash hamper. She was only in her thigh high stockings. Danielle stood in front...
As Mort made the drinks, Danielle undressed and appeared before him in her pink satin tap pants and a pink silk robe. She parked herself at the end of the sofa while Mort handed her her whiskey sour and sat at the other end. He noticed her tap pants since she had her legs underneath her. She took a long swallow of the drink and felt the burning sensation as it went down. With tears streaking down her cheeks due to the potency of the liquor. "You told me about your unbelievable story about...
It all started in the Autumn of 2019. I had been posting clips of myself and my TV friends online for a few years. I had acquired quite a following on the site I used but was very selective as to who I added as a friend. I really only wanted to connect with genuine people who shared common interests and who, on the whole, lived in the UK. I enjoyed looking at other amateur TV porn and in October came across a clip posted by a TV called Danielle. She was a lot younger than most of the TV’s I...
My name is Danielle and I am sixteen-years-old. I live with my family in Miami, Florida and let's just say that we're lucky enough to live ten minutes away from the beach. My dad is a supervisor at a big construction company and he gets paid well. My mom is my science teacher at my high school, and of course it's obviously my favorite class. My brother, Mike, is in the University of Miami and he is studying Marine Biology and this is his final year. My sister, Alison, is the same age as me....
IncestMaggie was beside herself with joy upon hearing that her son was going to marry the very beautiful Danielle Gray. She reminded Maggie of a little cupie doll one would win at a carnival or circus. Mort had won her heart and she didn't have to worry about her shy son becoming a mama's boy living at home. He was her only child and now the widow would have grandchildren to visit her and she in turn would spoil them. The ringing of the bell brought her out of her trance as she walked over to...
Danielle had no idea what she was doing as she let this stranger lead her through the dark streets, completely naked save for the heels on her feet. Her footsteps echoed all around them as she was guided out of the rich, gated community she'd known her whole life. The man finally stopped in front of an old, towering apartment block, the sandstone bricks, once a vibrant mix of yellow and cream, had worn down to a dirty grey. He turned to look at Danielle and looked at her with pure lust before...
My daughters friend Danielle had just been accepted into a new college and my daughter was upset, as it was in a different city to the one we lived in. "Why can't you just go to my college" my daughter whined, "im going to miss you so much!""I'm sorry" sobbed Danielle. "I can't change now its too late"After some more tears and sniffling, the girls finally settled down. My daughter, April, and my wife decided to go get some dinner for us and Danielle, as she was staying at our house for the...
Danielle only intended to stay a night or two at the most but living with Mort made her feel content and safe from the ravages of Rose. Mort was kind and considerate always trying to do things to please her. He let her have his bed and slept on the couch. He allowed her to shower and get ready first even if she took twice the time he did to get ready in the morning. Since they worked at the same place they had to drive both their cars to the office since each had to show properties, go to...
Never had a bride looked so beautiful. Her gown of satin interlaced with faux pearls was a sight to behold. Despite the heat in the church, Danielle looked cool and happy. Mort stood by the minister, sweating under his hot tuxedo waiting for his bride to come down the aisle. She was alone. No one to give her away but she glowed with a wide smile. She wore opera gloves that matched her gown and little satin slippers. Her long blond hair, neatly done up at the salon that morning along with a...
Note: This story is different than most. It's not a true female to male story or she-male or any kind of gender swaping. It's more along the lines of Gender Mixing. It has bearded women (or girls in this case) and the story line is unique. It would be intresting if people who read this are inspired to write more stories about women growing beards. Danielle Logan the Teenage Witch: The Beginning of the Spell Disease written by Freaky_Girl (a.k.a. Mandy) Part 1 "Alexandra, wake...
As you may recall from part one of this narrative Danielle is a buxom 18-year-old BBW TV from the North of England that had desperately been searching for a “Daddy” figure to use and abuse her. With her parents away for a short pre-Christmas break I had taken the opportunity to visit Danielle in their house. She was dressed in a lace and fishnet bodystocking that accentuated all her curves and a pair of black heels. I had put her into a pink chastity device to prevent any “accidents” and was...
It was a humid August evening, rain was in the forecast after a week of high temperatures. She walked briskly through the moonlight lit park, checking her high value watch as she went. Despite the beads of sweat forming on her brow she pulled her fur-lined jacket tighter around her toned body. 2:15am, if she wasn't careful she'd be late and it would delay the rest of her schedule. Adrenaline coursed through her entire body and a smile spread across her face as she approached the bench that was...
"This is," Danielle's papa commented, "the last harvest of the nineteenth century. When everything's green and new again, it will be really new. The twentieth century, the Christian Century. Isn't this an exciting time, Nellie?" Danielle didn't feel excited; being new wasn't -- pardon her -- very new for her. Tomorrow, she was going to be the new girl in class once again. She'd be starting the tenth grade in her ninth school. (They'd stayed in Fort Plain two years.) School was a...
Die 25-jährige Isabella, arbeitet schon seit zwei Jahren bei der Detektei Brant in Düsseldorf. Von ihren Kollegen wird sie nur Isabel genannt, was sie nicht weiter stört. Sie kommt mit ihrer aufgestellten Art sehr gut bei den Kunden wie auch bei ihren Kollegen an. Nicht zuletzt auch wegen ihres Aussehens. Sie ist 1.70 groß, 55-60 Kilo. Sie hat schwarze schulterlange Haare, ein sympathisches Gesicht. Ihr Hintern ist etwas zu groß geraten, was für einige ein Hingucker ist. Ihre C-Titten hängen...
Bibi Blocksberg die große Hexe kann so manches wovon ihr träumt, und sie wird euch immer bumsen, denn sie ist euer bester Freund! Bibi Blocksberg du große Hexe komm und zeig uns was du kannst! Wir mögen deine Streiche, wie du hext, wie du lachst, wie du fickst! Bibi, eigentlich Brigitte, Blocksberg war vor kurzem 18 Jahre alt geworden. Und wie alle 18-jährigen beschäftigten sie die üblichen Probleme. Was sollte sie anziehen, in welche Disco sollte sie gehe, wen sollte sie ficken? Da traf es...
FantasyIch hatte gerade meinen Mann zum Abschied geküsst und beobachte, wie das Auto langsam auf die Straße einbiegt. Ich kann jedes Mal sein lächelndes Gesicht sehen, wenn er zu mir zurückschaut. Ich versuchte mein Bestes, so natürlich auszusehen, als ich fortfuhr, ihn anzulächeln. Mein Herz beginnt, zu rasen, als ich in das Haus gehe und auf die Uhr sehe. Ich habe nur zwei Stunden, bis ich im Zentrum sein muss. Wie kam ich in dieses Durcheinander? Mein Name ist Calico, und ich hatte die letzten...
InterracialMein Name ist John und ich bin wohl das was man einen Verlierer nennt. Ein schlecht bezahlter, beschissener Job, scheiss Wohnung und meine letzte Freundin hat mich schon vor Jahren verlassen. Ich bin auch nicht gerade ein gu aussehender Casanova. Gerade bin ich auf dem Weg zu einem Medizinischem Experiment, irgendwas um die Hirnleistung zu fördern, so genau weiss ichs nicht aber ich brauche das Geld das man als Tester bekommt. Ich trete in die Praxis ein und sehe an der Rezeption ein super...
Mind ControlWie ich mit 20 mein Leben veränderte. Ich, ein, wie man sagt, bildhübsches Girl hatte einen langweiligen, schlecht bezahlten Job in einer miesen Firma; hatte aber Spaß am Sex. Übers Internet lernte ich Melanie kennen, eine süße Blondine, während ich braune schulterlange Haare, braune Augen, einen kleinen festen Busen, Wespentaille, Knackpo und lange, wohlgeformte Beine habe. Sie hatte tolle Fotos von sich als Sklavin eingestellt und so kamen wir ins Gespräch. Und bald wußte ich daß sie seit 4...
Einführung: Hier soll es um das tatsächlich lebende brasilianische Model Keity (ines) aktuell auch im Playboy (Br.) gehen. Keity ist jung und unerfahren und Männern gegenüber sehr devot (ist es gewohnt begrabscht zu werden, auch wenn es ihr nicht gefällt). Sie kommt allein nach Deutschland und fällt hier einem Zwielichtigen Fotographen in die Hände welcher eine vorliebe für analverkehr hat. keity ist 21 Jahre alt und sitzt im Flieger nach deutschland. Sie ist nicht ganz 1, 70 groß hat eine...
Marc konnte nicht schlafen. Er ruckte an den Stricken, vergeblich. Pl?tzlich h?rte er drau?en Motorenger?usche. Eine Autot?r schlug leise, dann betrat jemand das Haus. Marc lauschte angestrengt, konnte aber kaum etwas h?ren. Wer war das? Wenn das nun jemand war, der ihn kannte und jetzt so sehen w?rde! Marc verhielt sich jetzt mucksm?uschenstill. Er hatte jedes Zeitgef?hl verloren, langsam wurde es auch ungem?tlich kalt. Insgeheim war er deshalb ?ber seine zwar sehr damenhaften, aber doc...
Ron arbeitete in der Videothek für Erwachsene die seinem Bruder gehörtes. Es zahlte sich kaum aus für ihn, aber er dachte, die “Nebenverdienste” würden das Geld mehr als wettmachen. Er hatte den weißen Feiglingen dabei zugesehen, wie sie die Bücher über gemischtrassigen Sex lasen und sich die gleiche Art von Filmen ausliehen. Es musste sie vermutlich eifersüchtig machen, all diese großen, schwarzen Schwänze zu sehen, die diese kleinen weißen Fotzen dehnen. Er dachte, dass sie wahrscheinlich...
Stephanie danielle is the head of SAP Holdings, a small successful business founded by her late grandmother, Stephanie Danielle after whom she was named, and from whom she inherited her business sense. Stephanie's father had originally taken over the business when her Grandmother died but he was no businessman and the firm quickly got into difficulties. Rather than see SAP taken over and stripped of its assets Stephanie took over the running using all her resources to turn the company around...
It started as a girlfriend Danielle and I have been experimenting in the bed room as far as toys and now a little BDSM with the restraints. Numerous times I have brought up me wanting to watch her fuck another guy or my friend Danny. We talked and even texted stuff I wanted to see and she wanted to do. It recently came down to her saying she doesn't wanna do it and only wants me. So I haven't brought it up until we were out at this bar. Me Danielle her friend and my buddy Danny. I noticed her...
Cheating WifesDanielle kicks butt, a past life ( and jealousy) issue. Not far away, another dazzled in forbidden love kind of boyfriend was walking towards Joan's occult-minded social gathering. A seventeen--year old youth with an endearing, little boy handsome 'Beaver Cleaver' sort of face, his name was Danny Dubois and he'd just learned shocking news of romantic betrayal. A torrid gay love tryst between his exciting forbidden lover and his so-called best friend, they used to...