Logan Ch. 07 free porn video

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Will woke the next morning and smiled, realizing that they were still tangled in each other’s arms, Logan holding onto him tightly. He felt something cool on his chest and realized that she was crying.

‘El,’ he whispered, kissing the top of her head. In response, she just huddled closer to his midsection and held him tighter, ‘What’s the matter?’ She shook her head, looking up at him. Her eyes were red from crying and Will felt his heart twinge. ‘Shh,’ he rocked her, kissing the top of her head, ‘don’t cry, El. What’s wrong? We can fix it, just tell me what’s wrong.’ She shook her head, wiping her tears and sat up, looking him in the face.

‘You,’ she said, tears falling silently as she traced the outline of his jaw before shaking her head, ‘I don’t think I could lose you again.’ Will sighed with relief.

‘Is that all?’ he asked, kissing her collarbone. She blinked at him. ‘Baby girl, don’t you worry yourself about me.’

‘I’m not just worried about you,’ she said, chewing her bottom lip as she looked up at him under her long lashes.

‘What do you mean?’ he asked, pulling her into his lap and kissing her gently.

‘I mean,’ she said, struggling off his lap to look him in the face once more and taking a deep breath, ‘that I want our child to grow up with a father.’ It was Will’s turn to just blink.

‘Do what?’

‘A baby, Will,’ she said, smiling at him apprehensively. A broad grin spread across his face and she giggled.

‘That’s my girl,’ he whispered as he rolled her onto her back and kissed her feverishly. She giggled as his hands teased her sides and stopped when his hands suddenly found and entwined with hers as he raised them above her head, sliding all the way into her in one stroke. She gasped and then sighed, content as she wrapped her legs around him, her hips meeting his. ‘You mean it?’ he whispered in her ear.

‘Yeah,’ she said, a shiver running up her spine as he kissed and licked her neck and shoulders.

‘Have I ever told you how much I want a family?’ he said as his mouth attached to hers, his tongue dipping into her mouth and she moaned. She barely felt her orgasm approaching and it was suddenly upon her, crashing over her as she writhed beneath him, biting on his shoulder to stifle her cry. As she clenched around him he went over the top and collapsed on her.

‘Just for good measure,’ he whispered in her ear as he pulled her gently to his side. She sleepily licked the salty sweat from his side. ‘Hey El?’ he whispered in her ear as she was drifting off to sleep.

‘Yeah, Will?’

‘I love you.’

‘Love you too,’ she whispered, sighing and falling to sleep.


The dogs arrived the following week with a trainer and everyone spent a couple of days adjusting to the dogs and learning commands and such. That afternoon in the mail there was another letter addressed to Mrs. Logan Languest.

‘El!’ Will called to her as she played fetch with her dog.

‘Yeah?’ she said, jogging over to him.

‘One,’ he said, holding the letter above her head as he pulled her to him and kissed her, ‘Are you sure you can run around like that?’

‘Of course I can, the more active I am the healthier the baby.’

‘Well then in that case we’re going on a five mile run in T-minus ten minutes,’ Will teased.

‘Okay not that active,’ she rolled her eyes, ‘And any who, we shouldn’t really spread this around…’

‘You kiddin, El? I’m telling the world!’ he whispered in her ear before pulling away slightly. ‘We’re having a baby!!’ he screamed in the front yard, ‘Did you hear that?!’ Logan pounced him and he fell to the ground. ‘What’s the big idea?’

‘The doctor said there’s a good chance that this one won’t make it since I just lost the other one three months ago,’ she said, shrugging as she straddled his hips.

‘Oh,’ he said, frowning.

‘Most miscarriages happen in the first trimester which is why we should wait a while before we yell it to the whole frickin world,’ she teased, kissing his nose. He nipped playfully at her face before catching her mouth with his. It wasn’t until she moaned into his mouth and his hands were up her shirt that she remembered where they were.

‘Will,’ she breathed heavily into his mouth, ‘Not here.’

‘Nonsense,’ he said, looking around, his eyes sparkling as he panted, ‘no one’s watching.’

‘Will!’ she squealed as he rolled on top of her and slid her skirt up, still looking around mischievously. She shoved him off and stood, sprinting away from him. ‘Barkley, heel!’ she yelled to her dog standing by the gate. He came sprinting over to her and attached at her side. ‘Barkley, guard,’ she said, turning on her heel and stopping. Will almost collided with her but didn’t have enough time before Barkley, Logan’s guard dog, jumped him and pinned him flat on the ground. Will gasped for breath as the dog knocked it out of him.

Soon Logan was standing over him, her hands on her hips. ‘That’s what I thought,’ she giggled, walking away as she called Barkley to her once more.

Will felt himself start to drool as he watched the mesmerizing sway of her hips. He leapt up after her and pulled her into the house and off to the right, into her study, sweeping things off the desk with one arm while kicking the door closed with his leg. He pinned her between him and the desk.

‘Will!’ she blushed.

‘Who’s going to save you now, little one?’ he teased, hiking her skirt up above her waste and perching her down on the side of the desk.

‘Will, what are you—?’ she gasped suddenly as he pulled down her underwear and licked her whole length, pulling and tugging gently on her outer lips before dipping his tongue inside her. ‘Oh,’ she sighed, laying back on the desk and wrapping her hands around the sides, spreading her legs wider. He grinned at her wantonness and brought two fingers up to slip inside her while his tongue worked at her clit. Soon she was climaxing into his mouth. He held tight and then licked her clean when she was finished.

‘I know it was quick,’ he said, pulling her underwear back on for her, but I figured it would get the job done.

‘Consider me satisfied,’ she said, standing to kiss him. Their tongues dueled for a few minutes and when Will became aware of his surroundings again he found that he was pressed against the wall and that Logan’s hands were making quick work of undoing his pants and sliding them down.

‘El,’ he groaned as she knelt before him, ‘What—,’ her mouth silenced him as she licked up and down his shaft. He stared at the ceiling and tried concentrating on where the wall met the ceiling just to get his mind off of her mouth and keep from exploding right then. ‘Fuck, El,’ he managed as he let out his breath.

Suddenly her mouth had engulfed him and her head was bobbing up and down, her teeth running ever so gently along his shaft on the way up, teasing him just enough to bring him closer. When she brought one hand up to stroke the part of him that wasn’t in her mouth and the other hand began cupping his balls and squeezed them softly, he lost control. He clutched at the chair on one side of him and the wall on the other to keep from controlling her too much as he humped at her mouth, letting out an animalistic growl from deep within as she actually swallowed his cum.

She licked him clean just as he had done her and stood, looking unsure of herself and staring down at her feet, ‘Was that—?’ she trailed off. He blinked a couple of times and then pinched himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming before scooping her into his arms and pinning her against the wall, his mouth feverishly meeting hers.

‘Amazing? Yes,’ Will answered, finally setting her down, ‘in fact, do that any better and I’m liable to die on spot.’

‘Well, we can’t have that now can we?’ she giggled, taking his hand as they left the room.

Jacob’s office was directly a
cross the hall and when Logan noticed Jacob sitting at the desk, she blushed a deep shade of red.

‘Hey, Lo?’ Jacob called to her and she stood uneasily at his door, looking at him expectantly, ‘Next time try to keep it down a little more.’ Will let out a hearty laugh as Logan grew extremely pale before turning every other shade of red.


‘Oh!’ Will exclaimed as they sat down at the kitchen table for lunch, ‘this was the whole reason I called you over in the first place,’ he said, handing her the envelope. Logan grew solemn as she read the name before sighing and opening the letter.

Better watch out for your new love, Logan was all it said on the inside. Logan shivered and dropped the letter on the ground. Will looked down and shook his head with disgust, noticing the words were written in blood.

Just then the doorbell rang and they both jumped a mile. Logan went to the door wondering who it was and noticed a pizza man. Who ordered pizza? She wondered, and why didn’t anyone ask me what kind I wanted? She opened the door and tried slamming it when the man looked up.

‘Logan,’ the man said, stepping inside, ‘now is that really a way to greet an old friend and future potential lover?’ he asked. She reached up, trying to slap him but he caught a hold of her wrist. ‘Tsk, tsk, you’ll pay for that one later. When your little pets aren’t around,’ he whispered in her ear. She didn’t call Barkley in though, knew that there was no proof he had done anything wrong and he would easily sue her ass.

‘Who is it, El?’ Will asked, turning the corner. The man released her and started laughing as if he had heard the funniest joke.

‘Really, Logan, you chose this over my brother?’ And the laughter started again.

‘Will, this is Kyle,’ she said, her voice sounding weaker than she meant it to. Kyle stuck his hand out to Will and Logan cried out, ‘don’t!’ but Kyle kept his hand up, as if it was a challenge. Finally Will took it.

‘Really, Logan,’ Kyle whispered in his ear as he hugged her, ‘you couldn’t possibly think that I’d try something here.’

‘Don’t touch her,’ Will said as he took Logan’s hand and gently pulled her to him.

‘There will be plenty of time for me to touch when you’re no longer around.’

‘I’m not going anywhere,’ Will said, sticking his chin out defiantly.

‘Really? Jack told me that you won a permanent vacation somewhere. And that you’re never going to return, although it’s not like you could if you wanted to,’ he said, laughing again. He turned and left then and both of them stood there, dumbfounded.

‘Who the fuck let him in the gate?’ Logan yelled to the rest of the house. Jacob emerged from the door.

‘I’m sorry, Lo, that was me.’

‘What the fuck were you thinking?’ she asked, livid.

‘I was in the other room recording his conversation,’ Jacob said, shrugging, ‘I figured he would either threaten you guys outright and then we could have him arrested again or that he would give us some hard evidence against him if something should ever happen.’

‘That ‘something that would happen’ would be Will dying, Jacob,’ she said, ‘And then it would be too late and wouldn’t really matter one way or another, would it?’

‘I’m sorry, Lo,’ he said, ‘I won’t let him in again.’

‘And now he knows what you look like,’ Logan said softly as she turned and cupped Will’s face in her hand, ‘my baby.’

‘Nothing’s going to happen. I’m a big kid.’ Logan just nodded half-heartily.

‘Let’s go out tonight and celebrate family,’ Will whispered in her ear and she smiled, nodding.


Will stared at her across the candle lit table, sighing contently. She was his, always and forever.

‘So how long have you known about the baby?’ Will asked, taking a sip of his wine.

‘Well I went into the doctor to get birth-control pills,’ Logan said, smiling at the irony, ‘and since I was sexually active I had to take a pregnancy test before I could get them. What do you know, it came back positive.’ Will laughed and smiled to himself.

‘Apparently my boys don’t waste anytime in getting the job done.’ Logan rolled her eyes.

‘I waited so long to go in though because the church condemns birth control but then I thought, hell it condemns sex before marriage too. And also I didn’t really worry because the doctor said it would be really hard for me to conceive again after such a ‘traumatic incident’ as the last one. He actually wasn’t even sure that I would ever be able to have kids again,’ she said, looking down at the table.

‘Well I’m no doctor,’ Will teased, ‘But I’m thinking that you don’t have any troubles.’

‘Thank you, captain obvious,’ Logan laughed.

That night when they got home, Will led her upstairs and into her- their room. They took their time undressing and caressing each other, memorizing every detail of the other. They explored each others bodies and took note what nooks were most sensual to their lover. And then they made slow, corporeal love.


The months flew by the next thing he knew, Will was being shoved out the door for the girls to have a baby-shower while Jacob took him out for a night on the town.

‘You’re a lucky man,’ Jacob said as they pulled out of the driveway.

‘And don’t I know it,’ Will said, sighing contently as Jacob pressed the button on the inside of the car to open the gate.

‘Whatever happened to Kyle?’ Will asked.

‘I called the FBI on Jack. A couple of bad-cops got turned in and I guess that’s it.’

‘El’s still worried,’ Will said, shaking his head, ‘And I can’t say anything to make her stop worrying.’

‘You know girls,’ Jacob laughed.

‘Hopefully this baby will take her mind off of it for a second,’ Will said, shrugging.

‘This is Lo, Will… if anything I’m betting she’ll worry even more what with the need to protect the child from Jack at all costs.’

Will sighed, ‘I think you’re right.’

They went to a little pizza place in town and just hung out, ordered a couple of beers and played some pool. When they finally got around to looking at a clock they saw that it was already a little after midnight so they decided the girls had had enough fun and it was time to head home.

Will felt his heart jerk as he entered their room and saw her laying peacefully in the bed on her side. They always left the door that led out to the balcony open and it was open now, the sheer curtains blowing slightly in the wind, the moon cascading an eerie light on her that made her look like something not of this world, something angelic. Will made quick work of his clothes and soon slipped into bed behind her, pulling her body against him.

‘Took you long enough,’ he heard Logan say, her voice deep and raspy form sleep, ‘I thought you were never going to get home.’

‘Sorry, darlin,’ he whispered in her ear, capturing the earlobe in his mouth and nipping on it gently. Encouraged by the shiver that escaped her body, he rolled her onto her back as he positioned himself above her, sitting gently on her thighs as he dipped to kiss her.

‘Damn you,’ Logan said, pulling away for a second a smiling.

‘What?’ Will asked, concerned.

‘Do you have any idea how long it took for Sasha to fall asleep? She wanted to wait up for daddy and after hours of kicking she finally decides she’ll see you in the morning,’ Will grinned broadly, ‘And you’ve woken her up again,’ Logan said, taking his hand and positioning it on her swollen belly so he could feel.

Will pulled Logan’s shirt up above her stomach as she tried to pull it back down.

‘Will—,’ she protested.

‘You’re beautiful,’ he said, kissing her softly, ‘why won’t you let me see you?’

‘The stretch marks…’

‘Probably aren’t any worse than they were yesterday,’ he teased and she swatted at him playfully, ‘I’m kidding, love. They’re b

‘They’re hideous,’ Logan said seriously, pulling her shirt down. He caught her wrists and stopped her.

‘Look at me, El,’ he said quietly and she looked up at him beneath her lashes with the big blue eyes that made his heart melt. ‘You are beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful because it’s you. I always thought stretch marks were gross until you had them, but now that you do they’re absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t have you any other way.’

‘Swollen feet, too?’ Logan smiled broadly.

‘Especially your swollen feet,’ Will said, kissing her again as he exposed her stretched midsection.

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Naked in a Hotel Corridor

This story is affectionately dedicated to NudeClaire, whose own story "Claire's Nude Hotel Exhibition" inspired it. I was slightly tipsy as I stepped out of the lift on the tenth floor. The official Conference Dinner had dragged on as long as I’d feared, and only copious quantities of alcohol had made the endless parade of speeches endurable. There are only so many times you need to be told what a good year it’s been, and how we’re looking forward to an even better one next year. But of course...

3 years ago
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Bite MeChapter 4

Mom now approached me on her knees, a strange gleam in her eyes as she took me into her mouth. It was a very sudden epiphany on her part ... and it seemed to put a bit more spring into her step, a little more life into her soul. I pulled her closer, caressing her face and stroking her hair as she started sucking my cock in earnest. Something in her eyes ... what was it, anyway? I had to know. “Victoria Diane Larson, what is going on in that sneaky human mind of yours?” I demanded to know of...

2 years ago
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12th GradeChapter 37

We spent over an hour looking at cars over at the Chevy dealership. They had two Corvettes, one black, and the other one canary yellow. Brenda didn't care for either one of them. Joyce suggested we go see the man who helped her with the lease on her Lincoln, so we all drove over to his office, and spoke to him about what Brenda wanted. There was a new Buick Regal Grand National, with a custom red paint job, that he had sitting there in stock, due to a customer failing to get his credit...

2 years ago
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Ginie Boomerang

Genie Boomerang by shalimar The Late Summer Festival was an annual event for our town with the proceeds going towards the many charities that needed our support. My employer, Compton Industries, was one of the major sponsors. I worked in the IT department. Because I was unfettered by a girlfriend I worked a substantial amount of overtime. Mr. Compton made sure that everyone who worked for the company, even us nerdy IT workers, would be able to attend this carnival, and sort...

4 years ago
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Skeletons in my Closet part 18

Skeletons in my closet chapter 18 Love returns and the fun begins We all laughed together. Keith then asked if we all were ready to go to dinner. Linda got up and whispered something into Keith's ear. Keith shook his head yes then said, ”Take Kate to the truck and you two stay behind as I want to talk to you both,” pointing to Megan and Sara. Linda took my hand leading me outside. I asked her what that was all about. She told me Keith was giving them both a lecture about no trouble...

2 years ago
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Internet Meets Real Life

Mike sat at his computer watching his messenger waiting for his Girlfriend to get home from work. He had just gotten home himself and opened his email to find a letter from her: Dear Mike, We have talked online for almost a year now and have been a couple using this and the phone for the last three months. Well I have some time off from work coming soon, and It just so happens to coincide with the start of your summer vacation. I was hoping that tonight when I log on we can discuss when and...

3 years ago
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Getting Even With an Old Enemy

Harry appeared whistling right in front of a posh looking door. The door belonged to a huge luxurious looking building surrounded by grounds all round. This place was Malfoy Manor and Harry was here on an errand. A very pleasurable errand. Rapping his knuckles against the door sharply, he waited. In a few moments, the door opened to reveal a blonde beauty in a night gown. She was Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass. “Hello Harry,” Astoria purred, leaning against the door frame. Harry grinned, “I...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Haley Reed Jillian Janson Fantastic Finish

Jillian Janson can’t stop moaning as Haley Reed pours suntan lotion on her bikini clad body and rubs it in. She pays plenty of attention to Jillian’s tits, caressing them and lubing them up with the oil. Then she slides her hand beneath Jillian’s bikini bottom to caress her twat with her lubed up fingers. Jillian gives as good as she gets, lapping away at Haley’s hard nipples and palming Haley’s hot snatch. When Damon Dice finds both girls and takes them by the...

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Afternoon in the zoo

She knocked on my door just as I was giving final instructions to the babysitter, a spectacular feat of timing when you consider she’d come all the way from Texas. I flung open the door and she swarmed over me in a hug. It’s really kind of like that, there’s very nearly a foot’s difference in our heights. I’ve always maintained that it put me at an advantage in certain matters, namely the ones I was snuggling my face into. We separated a little bit and I grinned up...

3 years ago
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My Best Friends Brother part 4

“Shit.”I cursed under my breath. “Shit, shit, shit.” I yanked off the duvet covers causing Garfield to hiss in protest and stumbled over to my laptop. Facebook was my first priority, and my fears had been confirmed. She’d already posted the picture. The caption read: Boyfriend fucked around with his little sister’s best friend. Guess who got dumped? I almost cried. My phone was already buzzing with messages and there were hundreds of comments on the picture. Since Harriet was so popular I...

4 years ago
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A Lovely Night Journey

Hi everyone this is anil writing for the first time. So if there are any mistakes in it, I request you to pls give your feedback on it, so that I may rectify the same. I am a great fan of these lovely & sexy stories. Hence I am sharing this real story that happened with me. I live in Navi Mumbai, the city of the 21st century, near Mumbai. I am an average health man with fair complexion & smiling face (as per compliments received from aunties). This story is about my latest sex encounter in a...

2 years ago
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My Sissy son by his dad and lover Part 4

Hi,thought i better update you...how my son and i carried on with our life together.Been a few weeks since we "found" each other! Some days we can't believe how lucky we are,other days we worry about how our lives will carry on.I love Lucy and i can't imagine my life without her,but she has days when she struggles with the scale of our relationship! I said to her one day she needed to see me dressed up,might make her own feelings about dressing up etc; easier! So she sat downstairs waiting for...

4 years ago
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AnimalLoving BrideChapter 2

"Wheeeewwwww... will you listen to them!" Martin Delany laughed as he pressed his ear to the wall of his apartment that was next to the Hutch's kitchen. "Sounds like the newly-weds are having a little spat." "Uuuuuuuuuuuu..." Niven Mandel moaned from their bedroom. If there was anything she hated, it was being awakened by the screaming of other people. God knows she had had enough of that when she had been living at the Half-Way house. Fucking little kids! They were always crying...

3 years ago
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Turn of a Friendly Card

“You are into whaaaaaaaaat?” asked my best friend Sally, her large green eyes incredulous.   “You let him beat you!” she added for good measure to my escalating regret in confiding in her.   Taking a sip of my coffee, I strived to appear calm and in control.   Most of all I tried to appear sane while she contemplated the value of a butterfly net at that moment.     “It’s not what you think, flogging can be very sensual,” I said in a dignified voice, picking my words carefully in this minefield...

2 years ago
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GangbangCreampie Nicole Aria G300

Nicole looks so excited to be up on the pedestal with her legs spread, ready to take the dicks of FIVE COCKSMEN and get filled with creampies. Don’t forget this gangbang features the RETURN OF THE CREAMPIE COUNTER so you don’t have to count in your head how many loads Nicole takes deep in her pussy. You’d probably lose count anyway. Will is the lucky first Cocksman up to bury his rod in Nicole’s already wet hole. He has to pull out quickly, though, so he doesn’t...

3 years ago
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Ski Condo

Introduction: My first story My wife, Cathy, and I have been married for 5 years now. When we started dating, we were somewhat adventurous in our sex life. We had the occasional sex in the car. When we traveled we would sometimes have sex on the balcony of the hotel room. Occasionally we would talk dirty. Of course, when we first met I didnt think she would be that way. She is somewhat religious and pretty conservative. I learned quickly that, a few drinks in, she can get a little more...

2 years ago
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A Satyr Finds A Nymph

A Satyr is walking along in the forest. He has heard that Nymphs inhabit this forest, but he doesn’t believe it and needs to see it with his own eyes. Nymphs have become so hard to find these days. He wanders almost aimlessly through the forest, still not expecting to find anything interesting, but he quite enjoys this forest anyway.After what seems like days of wandering, he hears some movement just to his left. He assumes it is just an a****l, a rodent perhaps, until he hears joyful laughter....

4 years ago
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On the appointed day Trish phoned early that morning and asked if she could bring her new protege along. “Half my age, twenty, very pretty and very talented. I think you might both enjoy Honey.” “Okay, but remember our rules, no intercourse, oral sex only, but that leaves lots of options. I had known Trish for some time through our business network, she is a few years older than me, and had confided with her a few times about the sexual liaisons my man and I participate in. Not to be outdone...

2 years ago
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Dorm bottom One ndash two

With some effort I managed to open my mouth wide enough to handle the fatcock that was pushing its way towards my throat. With a gurgle and gag ortwo I manage to get about two thirds of the ass rammer down my throat. DamnI thought to myself this is going to take some work to handle. After acouple of deep breaths I took a deep swallow and started to work my waydown that massive pole. This time I managed to feel his curly hairs againstmy face. I worked him with my throat for a minute before I had...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Mess First Date

The morning is a whirlwind of getting my things thrown together and back home, so I can shower and change for work. I had no intentions of sleeping at Jack's last night, but after the mind-blowing sex we had, how could I not? It was after all, a beautiful mess. As much as I thought I would fight my feelings with Jack, everything seems so right, the way he makes me feel safe, like I can trust him, how we interact with one another. We're able to communicate easily. There is no holding back. Our...

3 years ago
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Quest For KnowledgeChapter 4

Lavender's return to consciousness was slow and incredibly painful. Waking up to a bruised and battered body was nothing new to her; she had experienced it many times before as a matter of fact, but the level of pain this time was new in its intensity and totality. As she tried to open sand-filled eyes she could swear that even her hair hurt! But it wasn't so much the pain, although it was sharp and intense, it was the absolute exhaustion that catapulted this to a whole other level. She had...

1 year ago
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2 Sex slaves

I was upset when my ex wife Karen left me. She said she wasn’t in love anymore so she moved out and we got divorced. Karen ended up moving in with one of her girlfriends, Mackenzie After a year she called me and asked if her and her roommate could move in with me for a few months until they could find a new place. She said she had made a mistake and wanted to come back if I’d let her. I was pissed she would ask me for a favor but I told her to come over Monday night and we would talk about it....

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The Pool Boy

My brother was in college and had this swimming pool service business where he would go around and clean the pools and check the chemical levels and all that stuff. Well the business did really well and he had hired some guys from his school but sometimes they would not show up or get behind. Then he would call on me to help out. I did not mind this too much. He had done all this on a shoe string budget. he paid me well so I did not mind. He needed me to fill in for most of the summer. I had...

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Fox in the Henhouse

Note: Due to numerous requests, pictures of some of the main characters can be found here: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Pictures.407721 Pink Rose Academy is one of the most prestigious private schools for girls in the country. Established over a century ago, it has long been a place where the very wealthy sent their daughters for education and preparation for college. A two year school, it offers associate degrees in various disciplines. Set in a small town, far from the distraction of a major...

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Freedom to Play V

Check my profile for the prior four chapters of this story. Might not make a ton of sense without the context.Abby, Mark, Justin, and Ashley were fooling around in the pool like any Saturday, playing Marco Polo while Mr. Jones and Mrs. Peterson kept an eye from the deck."You look hot in that swimsuit," Justin commented to Abby.Abby looked down over her body, thick and voluptuous. The plunging neckline of the one piece swimsuit showed off her huge tits and cupped her pussy. "It does fit me...

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Young Desire Chapter 01

“Hola mis amigos. Mucho gusto,” the small Mexican bus driver said to us as we approached him from the airport entrance.  The heat was the first thing you noticed as soon as you walk out the door, feeling like you had walked into an open oven.  He was short and slightly overweight but quick with a well-practiced smile.  His ball cap matched the logo on the bus we were walking toward.  I started looking around and taking in the warm weather, bright sunshine, and palm trees surrounding the...

First Time
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My StoryChapter 6

Marriage to Stan was divine. He was attentive, affectionate, (and with my training) marvelous in bed and I loved him completely. There was only one problem. I was my mother's daughter and she had indeed passed something along to me in her DNA. I remembered her telling me that she had been able to stay faithful to my father for a full four years before giving in to her needs. It turned out that I wasn't as strong as my mother. The itch started at around eighteen months and I managed to...

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Pantyhose on a plane

One of my friends at work had quite the pantyhose experience last week. He is in his mid forties has been married over 20 years but isn't sure where it's going as they have fallen apart and he often complains his wife never wants to have sex and at one time would even enjoy wearing pantyhose for him sometimes as he has the pantyhose fetish like the rest of us.So last week he had to fly on a business trip. As he got to his seat in the back there was an attractive blonde woman probably in her...

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I Grabbed It

About 8 years ago now, I reacquainted with an old friend that Had been my closest mate during our wild years. He’d returned from the UK, after being away with his fiancé for 15 years. In our heyday, we were non stop party a****ls . We would party all night, sometimes longer, and then we’d crash at some ones house for the night. It was usually mine, seeing as I had spare beds and no k**s. Nothing ever happened sexually between Andy and I, despite us being pretty open with one another. We...

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Jessica Alba

Sheriff Jasper T. Long sat at his desk in the small jail he ran in the desert town somewhere between LA and Vegas. The town consisted of a gas station and several rundown trailers but he was the sheriff. He was also the mayor, justice of the peace and the owner of the gas station. He also ran one of the most lucrative speed traps in the country. The highway that ran through the town went from 70 mph to 25 without any warning and his deputy pulled over anywhere from 20 to 30 motorists every...

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