Exotica free porn video

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Jonathan wiped off the bathroom mirror with a towel; erasing the steam from the hot shower he had just emerged from. He inspected his freshly shaved face for nicks and cuts, and, finding none, gave a satisfied nod. He let his hand linger over the skin of his face, knowing that if this was a normal day, it would be rough again in just a few hours with a five o'clock shadow that never waited until five. He smiled with the knowledge that this was anything but a normal day! Jonathan Hayden... "Jon" to his male buddies, but always "Jonathan" to his lady friends... was a very successful bank executive who definitely enjoyed the fruits of his labors. His salary was more than generous, even by the standards of the blazing worldwide economy of 2035, and he saw no reason to be ashamed of his wealth. From the luxury apartment and its top of the line automated butler, to the pre-millennium Ferrari he drove, Jon considered himself a connoisseur of the finest wine, the best cuisine and the most exotic sex... He was particularly enamored of the last one. Two years ago, when the FDA had finally given its approval to the incredible new gene and chromosome changing cocktail "Endocrinazine" and authorized its release under the brand name "Exotica". Jon had jumped on the sex changing bandwagon with the enthusiasm of a high school cheerleader. In fact, with its recent advances, Exotica could even change him into a high school cheerleader if he so chose. But such coarse fantasies weren't for him... He considered himself a classy and sophisticated young man, and he therefore enjoyed himself immensely when he became a classy and sophisticated young woman. Of course, despite the outwardly elegant appearance and mannerisms of his female alter egos (there had been four of them so far), the libido encased in his designer dresses was anything but sophisticated. Apparently, in addition to the total physical metamorphosis that Exotica brought about, there was also something in it that caused the user to become more easily aroused and more able to stay that way for long periods of time. The company that put out the drug had never admitted to such an additive, claiming that the sheer excitement of becoming the opposite sex naturally elevated the user's sex drive, but Jonathan wasn't so sure. Every time he popped one of the wildly expensive pink pills, he knew he was in store for a night where only utter exhaustion could keep him from demanding more and more from his lover. The scientific properties of the drug were a well kept secret, but it was widely considered that each pill contained millions of tiny bio- machines each assigned a specific gene or chromosome. One of the ways Exotica got easy passage from the FDA was that the drug didn't actually change any DNA that wasn't already present in the user... It merely clicked a pre-selected series of naturally "off" genes to "on", then sped up the process of the body getting in line with the new state of its genes. To avoid a bunch of identical men and women running around, the makers of Exotica would let you choose things like hair and eye color, breast or penis size... even skin tone, but users could never exactly specify the man or woman they wanted to be. If you looked hard enough at someone under the influence of the drug, you could always see some minor resemblance to the person he or she used to be. Finally, the FDA would only approve the drug with a significant rider... Exotica's effects had to be naturally reversed within 24 hours. There were "antidote" pills that came with every package that the user could take to bring about the change to normal earlier, but even without the antidote, the process would come full circle naturally after 23 hours and 59 minutes. The manufacturers called it the "Cinderella Clause!" As the popularity of the incredible drug spread, a new social scene catering to the adventurous wealthy who enjoyed Exotica had sprung up. High tone clubs that advertised themselves as discrete meeting places for "changees" suddenly became very common in the larger, more progressive cities worldwide. Some had even gone so far as to require an instant blood chemistry test at the door as proof that would-be patrons were indeed the opposite of their birth sex. Jonathan was a regular at one such club. For the past several weeks, he had been frequenting a disco called "TransExpressions" in a wonderful guise he had named "Jodie." Jodie was a svelte brunette with porcelain skin and luminous eyes who topped out at just over five feet. Despite her short stature, she had long legs, generously curvy hips, and wonderfully large breasts that easily filled a C cup. Even though the physical resemblance between Jodie and Jon was barely recognizable, Jodie was definitely Jon as a woman. Assertive and self-assured, they each did well in both public and one-on-one situations. As Jon, he was the ultra-smooth lady-killer with impeccable manners and masculine charms that always seemed to sweep his girl of choice off her feet and into his bed. Jodie, on the other hand, accomplished the same goals with a nameless seductive femininity and a special glance from her smoldering green eyes. Jodie had lately been keeping frequent company with Trent, a changee she had met at TransExpressions. Trent was that perfect type of man that Jodie found extremely attractive, and Jonathan, had they ever met, would have enjoyed having as a friend. He was a blue-eyed muscular specimen of manhood of at least 6'4 with sandy blond hair and a hell- bent boyish grin that left nothing to the imagination. As a couple they engaged in educated and diverse conversations on a wide variety of subjects and even shared the same taste in vintage wine, but while that was good, the time they spent in bed together was utterly magnificent! Unlike most first time encounters between Exotica users, Jodie and Trent had clicked from the start. Jonathan, as Jodie, was able to instantly release any inhibitions caused by his masculine upbringing and let himself assume and enjoy the female role that he now occupied. Because of the natural chemistry between them, Jodie was able to surrender herself completely to the joys of womanhood, doing things and having things done to her that as Jonathan, she could never have imagined. Trent was a natural... His gentle but insistent foreplay worked its magic on her until she practically begged him to take her to the stratospheric heights that only a confident and practiced man could provide. One of the many benefits that Exotica gave was that while normal sex roles were obviously reversed, a user still retained an intimate knowledge of what was especially stimulating to his or her lover. It takes a man to know what feels good to a man, and only a woman knows the secret buttons to push on another woman. Jodie and Trent took full advantage of that knowledge to their mutual satisfaction! But tonight was going to be extra special. Jon had always taken his pill and changed into Jodie before meeting Trent at the club. Trent, of course, had done the same. In fact, neither of them actually knew what the other looked like or even each other's names when not under the influence of Exotica. Typically, before they parted company after spending the night together, they would set a date for the next time thereby avoiding any awkward phone calls from unfamiliar voices. Their night would begin after finding each other at the club. After some flirting and dancing, they would go to a top flight hotel always reserved by Trent and indulge themselves fully. But the last time was unusual... Trent had suggested that they meet before either one of them had changed. Both agreed that this would add an extra mischievous element of excitement to their relationship, but the thing that both were anticipating the most was what Jodie had suggested... That upon reaching the hotel; they would each take Exotica at the same time. Both had heard stories of how incredible it was to change while making love... Now it was their turn to find out if the stories were true! Jonathan looked himself over in the mirror, admiring the open collared silk shirt and black slacks he had chosen. He threw on a suede sport jacket that matched perfectly and headed for the door. Halfway there, he snapped his fingers and turned around toward his bedroom. He took out the little travel bag/briefcase he owned... TransExpressions had a bag check at the door for just such items... then walked to the back of his enormous closet and the little dresser that was hidden there. He opened the top drawer and took out a pretty pink shell bra, and some matching lacy panties. After rummaging around a little bit through the exquisite women's clothes that hung next to the dresser, he chose a tiny peasant blouse and a little denim skirt to go with it. From the shoe tree, he selected a sexy pair of tan pumps with little bows in their center. He wasn't sure about the shoes... If he was in his Jodie persona, she would be able to model them to make sure. Still, he trusted that his fashion instincts worked whether he was male or female, so he carefully put them in the bag with the rest of his "morning after" outfit. On an impulse, he then added an incredibly sexy bustier, a garter belt and some dark stockings, thinking that maybe he would surprise Trent after a morning shower! Finally, he put in a few basic makeup items and toiletries, then strode confidently out of his apartment. He had decided to take a taxi to the club instead of driving... Despite the fact that for a large part of the evening he would be the man, Trent had insisted that he would still take care of the overnight arrangements and transportation. As the cab neared the club, Jon felt the butterflies in his stomach really start to flutter. Even though he had already done things with the person he was meeting that would make his grandmother blush, he still felt like a teenager on a blind date! At their last meeting just a week ago, Jodie had briefly described to Trent what she looked like when she wasn't occupying the sexy and desirable body she was then wearing. In turn, Trent had told him to be on the lookout for a reasonably attractive blonde of medium height. They had agreed to meet at 10 o'clock just outside the bar in the club that featured a jazz trio playing soft classics. There it would be sufficiently quiet enough for them to have a conversation, but energized enough to where they could listen to the music if their talk was overcome by jitters or awkwardness. As the cab drove up to TransExpressions, it was met by the valet who opened the door for Jon, took his bag and checked it for him, then ushered him into the stunning interior. There was a short line at the blood test entrance, but once "Mr. Hayden" gave his name to the doorman, he was let in with no delay. Management of the club went up a notch in Jon's book... Though he had never before visited the club in his present gender, he was still recognized as a regular! As he entered the main lobby, the elegance of the club again mesmerized him... It was luxurious without being over the top, dimly lit, but not so dim that you couldn't see your partner, and with multiple bars with music so diverse that you could always match your mood. As usual, the club wasn't overly crowded, and he recognized plenty of faces and bodies that he had seen before. Jon smiled to himself as he took in the various outfits adorning the happy Exotica users. Probably because he had never been to the club in his normal gender, he hadn't before noticed just how extreme the difference in the sexes were... The women leaned heavily toward dresses and outfits that showed their new figures to the extreme with daringly plunging necklines, incredibly short hemlines and very high heels. While they strutted their stuff sexily, the men did the same thing in their own way... There were lots of very tight pants and plenty of obvious bulges, and, nearly to a man, the shirts they wore emphasized their chemically enhanced build to maximum effect. Jon was very comfortable in the company of the "beautiful people," and here was no different. He nodded and smiled at several acquaintances who looked at him curiously. He would have to try and remember that the people he was greeting knew Jodie, not Jon! As he neared the jazz bar, he tried to remember the well-rehearsed small talk he planned to use with the female Trent, but now that the moment was nearly upon him, he found he couldn't remember any of it. Momentarily panicked, he retreated against a wall just as he rounded the corner to the entrance of the jazz bar, but not before he caught sight of a pretty blonde woman standing by the doorway. She was elegantly dressed in a glittering flesh-colored dress that fell just to a pair of very shapely thighs. Her hair was done up in a casual, yet styled fashion that framed a very beautiful oval face. In the split second that he had to size her up, he knew immediately that it was it the feminine version of Trent. He breathed a sigh of relief and was just getting ready to round the corner again and introduce himself when, to his utter surprise, he found himself face to face with her. She was standing right in front of him with an amused and knowing smile on her face. "Jodie?" she said with a hint of a giggle. "Not right now, but maybe later... Trent?" Jon replied. The pretty blonde laughed at this... A tinkling, incredibly feminine laugh that Jon liked very much. Then, without warning, she leaned into him and kissed him long and hard. He was shocked for a second, but then took the cue and kissed her back. He could feel the curves of her body pressing against him with urgency as her arms went completely around his waist, puller him harder into her. Despite having never seen Trent in this body before, there could be no doubt about the familiarity in her kiss... She kissed like Trent! It was a kiss full of passion and sensuality, but with just a hint of mischief and amusement. He felt her tongue flutter briefly against his lips before she broke it off and leaned back with a smile. "There," she said, still smiling. "That ought to take away the awkwardness!" Feeling like it was his turn to take some initiative, Jonathan swept her up again and said, "Better try one more just to make sure," and kissed her again. This one was even better than before... Warmer, lustier... more confident! When they released, he could see a slight flush on her cheeks and a glow in her brown eyes. She playfully waved a few long nailed fingers in front of her mouth as if to fan away some of the heat. With the "introductions" out of the way, they proceeded to the jazz bar and ordered drinks. The conversations they had were short and clipped. They both knew what they really wanted to do, but each felt like the other should make the move. As they talked, Jon couldn't help but be amazed at how much the blonde woman talked and acted like Trent. Her gestures, her way of leaning forward while listening to him, even the flirty way she touched him when she was making a point... All were things that Trent did when Jodie was with him. Still, where Trent would emphasize a point by putting a hand on Jodie's knee and leaving it there, the blonde woman would instead caress him with rapid quick touches and picks at his sleeves. It was an interesting difference and he was sure that the woman he was with was thinking the same things about him! After an hour or so, Jon couldn't stand the anticipation any longer. He stood up, then bent down to his pretty date. He gently laid a hand under her chin and lifted her face up to his. "I'd like to go home with you now if you're ready," he whispered, his lips only an inch away from hers. He felt her tremble for a second and then she smiled. "I'm more than ready," she said and kissed him passionately. As they were leaving the bar, they both picked up the bags they had checked. The blonde woman eyed Jon's bag with curiosity... "I wonder what's in there," she said. "If you are a good girl/boy, maybe you'll find out!" said Jon with a laugh in his voice. The woman gave her check to the valet and Jon climbed in the passenger seat of a late model Corvette. "Fast car for a fast woman?" he questioned. "Takes one to know one," she said. In only minutes they had reached the ritziest hotel in town. The woman let Jon carry her bag, but indicated that she had done all the rest of the "men's work" by flashing the keycard at him. She opened the door for him and he surveyed the room with pleasure. It was a suite with all the trimmings and there was a bottle of wine chilling in the silver ice bucket. Before he could even put the bags down, she was on him... She ripped open his shirt and began to nuzzle his chest. "Do you have your pill ready," she asked, her voice muffled against him. Jon reached into his pocket and took out the little shimmering pink pill. "Jodie's right here" he said. She took a quick glance at it, smiled and resumed kissing his chest. Both knew from experience that Exotica took about 15 minutes to completely transform a person. Instead of swallowing the pill, the user bit it in half, releasing the microscopic bio-machines to do their work. The change itself did everything as advertised... It was sensual, thrilling, and gradual enough so that the user was aware of every little transition, but speedy enough so that once the metamorphosis was underway, the climactic conclusion happened in only minutes! As the woman locked her lips on his, Jonathan fought through his obvious arousal to unzip the back of her dress. She took a step back and let it fall to the ground. He took in her firm but curvy form with pleasure. "Like what you see?" she said as she reached around her back to unhook her strapless bra. He nodded as she revealed her smallish but perky breasts. "Like it enough to want a pair of these for yourself?" she said, taking his hand and stroking it over her erect nipples. "So much so that mine might be even a little bit bigger than yours." She laughed and stepped into him again, her fingers fumbling with his belt. "Hmmm... Speaking of size, lets see what kind of competition Trent is up against." Her nimble fingers unsnapped his pants and pulled down his zipper in one motion. She bent down and looked at the bulge in his boxers, her hand caressing it with purpose. She tugged on his waistband and he stepped out of his pants and underwear, his regulation-size penis standing at attention. She encircled it with her thumb and forefinger, then showed him the circle it made. With an evil grin she said, "It's very nice, but I think Trent may have you beat by an inch or two!" In mock anger, he grasped her by the shoulders, lifted her up and carried her to the bed, pausing for only a second to reach for the pill he had left on the coffee table. Once he had laid her on the bed, she rolled over to the other side, reached into the drawer of the bedside table, and produced an identical pill to the one he carried, only this one was blue. They each held up their pill to the other. Together, they said, "One... Two... Three!" and popped the pills in their respective mouths. There were two audible crunches as they each bit down, the pill casing dissolving instantly on their tongues as soon as it was broken. Each of them felt the little thrilling blood rush as the tiny machines made their way immediately through their systems. Jon rolled over to the blonde woman and they shared an excited kiss, his hands running over her breasts and sides while hers caressed his back and broad shoulders. Both could feel the small red fog of imminent change even though nothing was visible yet. Jon turned his attention to her rosy nipples, alternately sucking and nipping each of them until they were teased into hard points beneath his tongue. Enormously aroused, he pressed his erection into her thigh, quivering slightly as he felt her soft hand encircle it again. As she pulled back and forth on him gently, he lifted his head up to give a masculine gasp of approval... What came out, however, was the sigh of a contented woman! It was starting! He opened his eyes to look at his lover... She still looked the same, but he noticed that her eyes had turned a startling blue... Trent was on his way! Determined to play his male role for as long as he could, Jon straddled her around her waist, taking her arms and pinning them to the bed over her head. He then scooted himself up and pointed his incredibly hard penis at her face. With her arms still pinned beneath his, she moved her head toward it as far as she could, finding herself just able to take the tip of the head between her lips. She made another attempt to get more of it in her mouth, but Jon's strength wouldn't let her. She tried to make a female noise of passionate frustration, but it came out as more of a baritone growl. Then, she made a more determined attempt to free herself and get at what she wanted. This time she was successful and Jon was surprised at the strength he felt in her as she wrenched her arms free of his and clamped her mouth firmly on his cock. Her head bobbed back and forth excitedly as she took him on an in and out ride. Jon could hear her satisfied grunts and slurps as she blew him, but she was going too fast. He took her head in his hands to slow her down to a more reasonable rhythm and when he did, he noticed that his hands were much smaller and softer with pearly colored nails visibly growing from his fingertips. He looked closer at one of them, causing his lover to remove the oral lock she had on him and look at what he was doing. She must have seen something in his face because her own eyes took on a look of even more lust and excitement. She grasped his newly female hand in her own, noting that hers was definitely becoming larger, and guided it to the moist, warm femaleness between her legs. His slender finger instantly found the magic button that in only a few minutes he would own himself. The woman shuddered violently as his finger stimulated her and he heard a low and husky voice whisper to him, "Now, baby... Put it in me now... Hurry!!" He needed no further encouragement and rolled completely on top of her as she spread her legs wide to accommodate him. Without any fanfare, he expertly plunged into her up to his full length. Both of them trembled violently with the entry, the sound of their synchronized moans of passion becoming louder. He eased back slowly, then again slid up to his hilt, more gently this time. As he did this again and again, Jon felt the change spreading throughout him internally. The pleasant pins and needles sensation that he had experienced every time before were out in full force. He opened his eyes to gaze at the incredibly aroused lover beneath him Her face was contorted with passion, but he could tell that her cheekbones had vanished and the peaches and cream texture of her soft skin had been replaced by a ruddier, more manly complexion. He watched with fascination as her nose suddenly grew larger and her pencil thin eyebrows became a little shaggier. He continued to thrust, but realized that each thrust was making less progress than the last... There was little doubt in his mind that he was shrinking. She must have noticed this because she began urging him on gently with her hips and legs. He felt her place her large hands over his buttocks pulling him into her with all her might. As she did this, he felt his hips swelling and becoming rounder beneath her hands. She felt this too and began caressing and cupping them more gently than she had before. Jon valiantly tried to continue, little feminine gasps of frustration issuing from him as his cock became smaller and softer. Suddenly, he felt a major change and was surprised to find himself sliding downward on top of her. One second he was staring at the top of her head and in the next, he found himself even with her dwindling breasts. He could almost hear the audible strain of muscles and bones as his height went from 6'0 to 5'2 in a matter of seconds. His perspective was further skewed by the fact that his lover had grown nearly a foot in the same amount of time! About to give it up, he made one last feeble attempt and was surprised to find that his thrust was blocked by something. Knowing full well what was keeping him from further entry, he held his position, the head of his penis in firm contact with her tiny brand new one. This was the moment that they had both heard about... the time when both partners were exactly halfway between what they were and what they were about to be... The emerging Trent locked in competition with the rapidly diminishing Jonathan! Jon gritted his teeth and desperately tried to remain inside his lover, but little by little he felt himself being forced out as Trent began to grow larger. Jon raised himself up a bit to get more purchase and when he did, his new breasts swung free. With all his attention to what was happening below, he hadn't noticed or felt the new feminine additions to his chest. As always, they were beautiful!... Big and round and tipped with delightfully sensitive large pink nipples. He gave a happy grin and proudly gave them a little shake, then looked into what was now Trent's face. Trent was smiling at Jodie's little show and reached up with his meaty but manicured hand to caress her suddenly smooth face. Jodie rubbed her cheek against it, loving the contrast between the texture of her new skin to what it had been moments before. Trent's hand traced the contour of her high delicate cheekbones, trailing his fingers ever downward over the slope of her long swan's neck, continuing southward over her left breast and coming to rest on her erect nipple. A gentle squeeze and Jodie felt her broad hips contract involuntarily, causing her now very small penis to slip out of the tiny little orifice, which was all that remained of her lover's womanhood. No longer blocked from freedom, in seconds Trent's cock grew much larger than before, visibly worming its way out the cage it had been locked in until it was at least four inches long. Jodie sat up cross- legged and looked down at what remained of her manhood. She grasped its three inch length with her small hand, but could get nothing but an odd sensation that felt slightly unnatural from it. Instead, she flopped back down against Trent's now broad and flat chest and hugged him tightly, her breasts crushing against his muscular abs. Trent moved his legs and hips slightly, and for a few minutes, the happy couple lay quietly together, their two small cocks rubbing against each other. Finally, Jodie felt herself become complete as the last vestige of her manhood first shrank to near nothingness then pulled inside the new, nearly hairless slit that had opened up. Still lying on top of Trent, she gave a small girlish whimper when she felt his strong arms tense around the sides of her slender torso. With little effort, she found herself being lifted off of him like a rag doll, moved slowly to his right side, and gently deposited on her back. Moments later, Trent pinned her to the bed by rolling his body on top of her, propping himself on his elbows. She looked up into his happy, ruggedly handsome face and felt pleasant womanly stirrings in her body as the newly unleashed female hormones began to sing in her veins. "Hi beautiful," he said with a grin. "How's my girl?" "Mmmmm, fine, and happy to be here," the new Jodie replied, feeling the hardness of his biceps. They kissed warmly, her soft lips yielding eagerly to his. The kiss became more urgent and Jodie suddenly felt a warm dampness between her shapely legs. Trent began to move his hips up and down against her and she became aware of his growing masculinity now pressed against her cute bellybutton. She began gently bucking her own hips against his, matching their rhythms. Her arms were raised above her head and pinned, just as she had done to him only 15 minutes before. She reveled in her vulnerability, arching her back in response to his easy manhandling of her. A gasp came from her as his mouth left hers and began to nuzzle and suckle her breasts. Their passions now stoked higher than ever before, she squirmed underneath him, loving the feel of his strength. Finally, he used his muscular thighs to force her legs open. She did so willingly, raising her hips and pointing her pubis at him in invitation. Trent knew this signal of the ultimate act of female surrender and eagerly took his conquest. His cock, now at least eight inches in length, paused at her entrance, teasing her with feigned entry. She squirmed under him, twisting her pinned arms in frustration and anticipation. "Honey... Please," she begged with her eyes closed, her hips bouncing upward to meet the welcome intruder. Unable to contain himself any longer, Trent launched himself into her, slowly at first since his lover wasn't that far removed from being a virgin. But Jodie didn't want gentle... She wrapped her silky legs tightly around his waist, meeting his thrusts with ones of her own. At her urging, he increased his speed until he was ramming his entire length in and out of her so fast that her breasts began to bounce uncontrollably. With every thrust, the breath seemed to leave her body in an ever-higher pitched scream of ecstasy. Jodie marveled at how easy Exotica made it to accept her new sex and new sex role. She couldn't believe how much she loved being on the other side of things, how eagerly she met Trent's cock with her own hips as he banged into her again and again. She loved being the pretty and pliant woman that the drug had made her in to, and thrilled at the thought of being the love object of such a sexy man. She felt herself biting down on her pouty lower lip as her climax neared. Without any inhibition, she let herself scream aloud as he drilled into her over and over. The sound of her very female voice turned her on even more. Just as she was about to go over the edge, Trent paused for a brief moment and she felt his strong arms lift up her long legs and drape them over his shoulders. He raised up a little bit and impaled her again, even more deeply than before. With that, Jodie surrendered to her orgasm, her hands clenching fiercely into the sheets and her back arching completely off the mattress. Her whole being was taken over by the waves of pleasure that shot through her... Her breasts tingled and her chest heaved as the little earthquakes worked their magic throughout her body. Through the oblivion of her pleasure she felt her lover suddenly tense, then shudder dramatically as he reached his own apex. She felt a gush of warmth inside her that signaled the proof of his orgasm. Jodie felt almost a material sense of loss as the hardness that had filled her so sensually began to dwindle. Moments later, Trent withdrew from her with a groan and collapsed, utterly spent and exhausted next to her. She stroked his arm and smiled as she looked at the contented face next to hers. She snuggled herself into the crook of his arm and let the warmth of the fantastic experience close over her. As she drifted off to sleep, a secret smile spread over her beautiful face as she thought of how happy her lover would be when he woke to a garter and stocking clad seductress with his cock in her mouth!

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Dec 24th 2008: the McLeod House, a small town in the American Midwest I stopped in the doorway when I saw her. She was sitting at the kitchen table with our baby in her arms, gently holding her daughters head as the baby's lips hungrily sucked at her fat teat. Involuntarily my tongue slipped between my teeth and started to lick my lips in anticipation. Of course she sensed my presence. "Hi you," she welcomed as she looked back over her shoulder with a broad smile on her face. I slowly...

3 years ago
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Pastor family 11

..Saturday morning I wake up and go pee. I peeking my bedroom and Luke's isstill sleeping. He is shirtless and my sheet is covering from his waistdown. I close the door and go back to Luke's bedroom. I open the door tothe hall and John's coming out of his bedroom. He has a huge duffle bagpacked and says good morning. He tells me to come on down and letstalk. We get downstairs and John throws his duffle on the floor near theback door. We sit at the kitchen table and John says we need to talk...

1 year ago
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All American BoyChapter 55

We were waiting for our orders when my phone buzzed. “You have a text,” Brandy told me. My first thought was Jeri but I knew she would still be at the gym. I opened the text screen and sure enough it was from her. “Slide over here, Brandy. You may like this.” “Who is it from?” she asked as she slid over next to me and I held the phone down below the table top. “Jeri, you met her last night,” I told her and opened the text. “Jeri, from the gym? You have a pic. Damn, I’d love to see her...

3 years ago
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Me Aur Meri Badi Didi

Hi guys myself satish from nagpur.Hamare parivar me hum char log hai mom dad me and my sweet elder sister jo ki mujse 2 sal badi hai.Meri umar 22 sal hai aur didi ki 24 sal filhal me mumbai me eng. Kar raha hu aur didi ke sath rahta hu.Didi bhi vaha medical ki padai kar rahi hai. Ab me story par ata hu.Bat 3 sal purani hai jab me 1st year me tha.Didi aur me sath h ek 1bhk flat me rahte the.Mujhe sex stories padne ka bohot shock tha me rooz iss me stories padta tha.Par ek din incent story padne...

2 years ago
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Our sexy neighbor comes over and joins us in our hot tub

“Where are you going?” I knew where he was going but wanted him to ask me. I love to have him ask me to join him. There is something sexy about a hot tub, with hubby and with friends. It’s my second favorite public place as the beach, oh yea the beach. I have to say that there is something so erotic about the beach. Mike and I purchased this house three years ago. It’s amazing that we were able to purchase that house before we turned twenty-one. Mike works hard and has...

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DEB’S SUPER BOWL SURPRISE: Part 2This story is based on the fantasies of ahrnycpl4u at xham. Printed with her permission.Remember, we left off from Part 1 with…Deb twisted her head and smiled so sexily and whispered to me, “Ryan, please Ryan. Get them ALL to fuck me tonight.”-------------------------I audibly gulped, which she heard and it caused her to giggle. 'I had to give myself time to think. Did she really know what she was asking?’First, her dress, I pulled it over her head, cast it away...

4 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 874

A minister was seated on a plane bound from Hong Kong to the US with a stopover in Honolulu... After the stopover a crusty old Marine boarded and as fate would have it he was seated next to the minister. After the plane was airborne, drink orders were taken. The flight attendant asked the Marine if he wanted a drink. The Marine asked for Rum & Coke, which was prepared and placed before him. The flight attendant then asked the minister if he would like a drink He replied in...

1 year ago
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Online Chat Room to Real sex First Experience with a Housewife

This story is about my first real life experience, how I met the first female of my life in an online chat room, which paved way into real meetings and my first sexual experience Hello. I am Deepak and these are my experiences in life. I thought of narrating the same for our mutual pleasure. I will be talking of my real life sex experiences. I will not take the real names of any of my partners and will neither reveal the same. So please don't ask me the same. But, I am looking forward to hear...

1 year ago
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BreakdownChapter 2

As he strode out into the blinding sunlight, Galen had no idea what to do next. PeeJay was getting heavy, and the as-yet nameless blonde, while not putting up any resistance, was also not helping him any. About this time he noticed that the blonde's hands were bound together by what amounted to leather handcuffs, and that her skimpy costume, which had been provocative enough in the semi-darkness of the bar, proved to be pretty much not there in full daylight. Oh shit! We're gonna get...

3 years ago
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Teach Pornography in school

I hope this isn't as ridiculous as it sounds? But as a confirmed pornography addict I did want to point out two things which I believe are massively overlooked by critics of pornography. As I understand it critics tend to point out two things.1. That pornography gives men an entirely unrealistic expectation of how women should look. I think when they make this observation they are focusing on a very narrow subset of women we see in pornography specifically bimbos.2. The second criticism is that...

2 years ago
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Mom My First Love Chapter 1

I’m in my late 60’s now. My mom recently passed away. Since she is now gone and since her grandfather and father both died several years ago I think it’s ok to tell this part of my story. I can’t tell everything because of course my daughter and her daughter are still living and I don’t want to jeopardize their privacy. Enough said. Perhaps if I get their permission I can add details of the last several years. After all I am writing this anonymously. I grew up in the 50’s and my mom grew up a...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Francesca Le Natalie Porkman Lesbian And BJ 3Way

Delicious, candidly named Natalie Porkman confesses her deepest sexual secrets to busty MILF Francesca Le. Francesca squeezes Natalie’s big tits and strokes the cute girl’s wet pussy as Natalie opens her mouth wide for a vigorous face fuck from Francesca’s husband, Mark Wood. It’s a double blowjob for Mark, as Francesca takes a turn sucking his cock and covering his dick head with slobber. Natalie’s hairpins fall out as she gives sloppy head. She eats...

4 years ago
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MyrnaChapter 2

During our leisurely breakfast, John inquired as to the availability of bathing facilities. “Does your village have a bathing facility that we might use?” he asked. “Yes, certainly, Master Bard! The village has a fine community bathing facility, and I will have it ready for your use after breakfast: hot water, attendants, and everything,” the chief assured him before sending one of the men off to arrange it. The bath building was at the end of the village’s main street, and was built of...

3 years ago
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My Favorite FelineChapter 11

Epilogue; A strong breeze lifted the kite into the air at Mt. Trashmore Park, here in Virginia Beach. Yes, I said "Mount Trashmore". At one time, many years ago, the site of the park was a landfill. However, it was filled in and the environmental engineers in the city had done what was needed to convert it to a place where people could come and relax and take part in any number of fun activities. Along the many walkways, were benches where a person could relax. Many of them were dedicated...

2 years ago
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Business Trip

I awoke the next morning with only the slightest of hangovers from lastnight's beer. I smelled like dried cum, which was caked on my cock, and stale pee and beer. A quick run thru the shower, this time for washing me not for playing in, and all the usual morning ambulations. Within a short time I was ready to head down to breakfast.As part of this software conference, the sponsors had set up a breakfast buffet, and were hoping that the attendees would get to know each other better. I grabbed...

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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 3

The next week was a blur with all the preparations the last few days of school and everything trying to come together. Before he knew it, it was graduation day. As the time to leave drew near, Barbara was just finishing up getting dressed. "Why don't you go see if Aunt Connie is ready to go, Tommy," she said."Okay Mom," Tommy said. He walked next door and knocked on Connie's door. She opened the door and Tommy was stunned. Connie was wearing a very beautiful black above-the-knee dress...

1 year ago
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“You’re in for it today, you slut. I’m going to stretch you pussy wide open.” I heard her whimper behind me. I buckled on the dildo and walked over to her, sticking it right in her face so she could see how much she was going to be forced to take today. Her eyes widened with surprise, but no sound escaped the gag I had tied firmly around her mouth. I sauntered over to where her ass was sticking up in the air, my stilettos clicking against the cement. I could see her juices dripping...

2 years ago
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Mel Part 1

Mel is a bit more than twenty-six now, very blonde and attractive. About five foot six, slender, with narrow shoulders and full hips, with a tight, round ass just made for spanking and fucking, even though I’ve really tried not to notice. Too much, even when she deliberately wiggled it at me. Her breasts are still small and firm, for those who keep track, probably a nice B-cup size, having not yet filled out to match her ass, although she rarely dresses to accent them, which could make a...

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Science Fiction

Nanites manipulating your body? A deep space expedition? A pervy escaped lab experiment? Who knows what will happen when science fiction gets horny.

3 years ago
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Office Friendship With Benefits

Hi all, I am Rahul and this is my second story here. This is about an incident at my workplace when I was in Bombay. I am currently staying in Bangalore and would love some feedback on my stories both via comments or via meetups too. So, getting to my story – this is about an office friend with whom I had joined together. Her name was Tanisha. She was a boisterous and friendly Punjabi girl who was friendly with most people in the office. She had a nice toned body with great boobs and a huge...

2 years ago
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Didi Ki Gaand Maari Jabardast Tareeke Se

Hi friends, mera naam Abhishek hai(name changed) main punjab me in rehta hu and Punjabi family ko hi belong krta hu, mere ghar me in main air mere papa rehte haim, mom ki death ho chuki hai, an main apni story pe aata hi, ye ek sachi story has bilkul bhi fake nhi hai. Main 19 years ka hun, and meri cousin sister 30 saal ki hai. Meri body bahut achi hai, and mera lund 5’6″ ka hair, and did I ki hand bahut bhaari and got hai, ek pornstar se bhi zaada achi shape mein, meri behan me boobs bhi bade...

4 years ago
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Who Do You Want

As soon as I met Donna at a party, I knew I wanted to be with her. I'm pretty tall, six-five, and she was five-eight, so we are at least in the same part of the stratosphere. She was bubbly and fun with wavy blond hair down just past her shoulders and her body, well, she's slender and curvy with beautiful long legs and a nice figure. Really she's got great boobs and likes guys to notice them. Well, the night of the party, I certainly did and I left with her phone number and email address and a...

1 year ago
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Pyar Se Bahut Pyar Kiyaa

Hi, my Seduced Friends, I am Raj Sharma. i m 20 year old and i am studying engineering. Now a days it is haolidays. vese me story to kai mahino se padh raha hu par jab meine 1 din pehle sex kiya to socha ki I MUST SHARE MY FIRST SEX EXPIRIENCE WITH YOU. Let me come to the point without wasting your precious time. When i come to my home from indore due it is vacation. mujhe pata chala ki meri chachi ke bhai hi ladki yaha mere city me padhne aayi hai. i have neevr seen her before and woh mere...

2 years ago
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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 01

A pounding noise reverberates through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, wondering who might be at the door, I realized that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn't alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices.In shock, I look around and find three other women in my bed, one of them is... This is too much for my extremely hung-over mind to fathom, and oblivion takes me.* * *I had just turned 18 a week ago, and my...

4 years ago
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Lapse in Judgment

Chapter 1 The Lapse   The couple paused as they stood on the front porch of the huge house and glanced at one another.  Neither spoke and each took a deep breath before she reached out and pressed the doorbell.  Moments later, her actions were rewarded with the opening of the heavy door. "Hello, hello," smiled their host warmly.  "Do come in."  He stepped back to allow the couple to enter the spacious hallway inside.  "It's so good to see you both again," he continued.  "Go ahead and...

3 years ago
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The best way that Margie Jackson could describe the morning’s events to her husband was a car wreck, a slow-motion car wreck like something in a movie or on TV or just a NASCAR race on the late news. First one car would hit the wall, and then a bit later another car would hit the first, and then after a while longer another car would wreck, and just to spice things up, a car would explode every so often. And through it all, you knew with the same morbid fascination that people watched auto...

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Naughty Nurse Ch 1

Deana Sparrow was a nurse in a small mid-western hospital. When she went to work that day, she discovered there was a shortage of aides, so she volunteered to do some of the patient’s bed-baths. After gathering some fresh towels and linens, she walked down the hall to her first patient, an older man recovering from a car wreck.His name was Jack Powell, a tall muscular man; age sixty-five, with a prominent chin, long broad nose, blue eyes, and black hair speckled with gray. In her mind she was...

Straight Sex
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Chriss Surprise Prize Part 3

Chris's Surprise Prize Part 3 Beverly said , "Don't blush so much, I think it's sweet a man likes to wear women's clothes after all women wear men's things." I said, "Yes but it's not acceptable for guys to wear women's clothes in public." Beverly said, "Anyway let's see what we can to for you to get your prize." Beverly took my hand and led me towards the rear of the shop. There were the most beautiful frilly gowns on display and I noted that most of them had sleeves and full...

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Trein Me Maza

Hi friends my name is Sam cool mai aj apne jiwan ki ek sachhi ghatna ap logo ko batane ja raha hun dhiyan se sunna ye ek dam sachchi kahani haiu chalo ab mai ap ko apne bare me bata dun mera name sam hai aur mai green park bareilly up me rahta hun mai 12 class ke just axam diye hain mai dikhne me gora aur height 5;10 hai smart hun aur mere laude ka size 6 inches hai ab dosto point pe ate hai bat aj se kuchh dino pahle ki ha axam Khatm hone ke bad ham sab dost ghoomne ke liye delhi jarahe the...

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Dirty Tricks chapter 5

9:48 amHeather’s heart was racing like a deranged metronome. Time was her enemy, and the life of her mayoral campaign was fading away with each passing second. Fuck the campaign! My entire life will be in ruins if those pictures get out!Guiding her Audi onto the expressway, she slammed the sole of her five-inch stiletto onto the pedal and the rapid acceleration forced her back into the seat as the needle raced beyond 90. Frantically weaving through traffic, she split her gaze between the cars...

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Adventures of Carl

Carl is a 52 year old black male. He is 5'8 and 155 lbs. He is physically fit runs every day and goes to the gym for at least hour and a half a day. He is also a widow. He married his grade school sweetheart Dawn, and she passed away from cancer. They never had any c***dren, but each had brothers and sisters and viewed their nephews and nieces as their own, there are 8 of them they even set up trust funds for them and college funds as well. They both had excellent paying jobs Dawn was a...

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The Submissive Liz Takes Control 3

The weekend after me and Liz engage in the most intimate sex, I begin to prepare and shower because my girlfriend Elizabeth has promised me a spanking over her knee last week. She's going to wear the new hot black leather skirt again for me to serve her and be punished.As I get undressed about seven o clock, I begin to shower in the bathroom because Liz is going to arrive between eight and eight-thirty. I begin to think about the spanking I'm going to get over her leather-clad lap. I begin to...

1 year ago
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Cruising with my Black Master

I woke up with my fingertips in my mouth, tasting my own scent. My memories about the night before were hazily drifting in my head. I began to piece together some fragments of that wild night.I closed my eyes again, afraid of losing the moment, while I licked and sucked on my fingers. My whole body seemed to be trembling slightly. I still felt excited.My breathing was fast and light. I began to notice some delicious light aches all over my body, tiny souvenirs of that wild night out. My black...

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More than I ever imagined

After years of reading stories online, I had become addicted to the various cuckold stories. Over the course of our fourteen year marriage I had occasionally brought up some of my various kinks like creampies, and strap-on play, but my wife, Kelly, never seemed to be very receptive. I have never considered myself bisexual, more of just a curiosity, but after years of fantasizing about creampies and cuckolding, I found myself in need of trying something on my own. Chapter 1 Four months ago I...

Gay Male
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GirlsWay Jenna Sativa Angela White Panty Theft

Thief Jenna Sativa breaks into the home of Angela White in the middle of the night. But the person she’s robbing sleeps with one eye open and owns a gun. When Jenna makes a noise sneaking through the gates, Angela wakens from her slumber. The sultry homeowner slips a robe over her naked body, grabs her glock and heads outside to secure the perimeter. Angela combs through each room of the house leading with her pistol and finally gets to her bedroom. There she finds a female thief, barely...

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Lockedup Little Fuck Toy

Bars all around her. Black metallic bars. She wrapped her arms around them and pulled and pushed, but nothing happened. It was a sturdy cage. She sank down and sat on the floor of the cage for a little while. She straightened the skirt of dress. She was wearing a mint green one today, with a strawberries embroidered at the seem and a tight body of smock stretching over her big boobs. Sir had picked out the dress for her this morning, like every morning Sir picked out her clothes. They...

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Void maiden

Quoted from TokhaarGol Void maiden CYOA: “Do not panic lumenus one, the blackness which surrounds you is not dangerous, you are not dead, far from it. As we speak your body is being remade to better accommodate your newfound powers. Your existence for the moment is… Complicated to explain. But do not worry you will be made corporal once again. Allow me to explain the situation you’re in. A long time ago the multiverse was created by a mysterious entity know as The Goddess. To safeguard her...

1 year ago
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The sexy women in my life

Hi, I am Kumar from Chennai. As usual, I got in to the Cycle Rickshaw which headed towards the convent where my elder sister was studying. Her school will close at 12 noon. I reached there by about 11.45. While waiting for her I took out the two books given to me stealthily by my friend Sohan that day morning. One of the book was an album containing photographs of couples fucking. The other one was a storybook. While looking at the photographs I got excited and my prick was slowly becoming...

4 years ago
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The Night

She knew it was getting late and he would be coming to her bedroom and making her undress. He was always naked with his big cock hard and sticking straight out at her. He started three years ago and would undress her and lick her flat tits and her bald pussy. He told her she was a "good girl" and made him feel very good. He liked her to look at his hard cock and told her she made it hard like that. He liked to rub his cock against her pussy but then he never put it inside her. He would leave a...

1 year ago
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FamilyHookups Maddy May Hooks up with her Dad8217s best friend

Maddy is living at her dad’s best friend’s house “Uncle Charles”, and she is not a following the rules he has set for her. When Charles goes to talk to her about it, he walks in on her half naked, he should leave but he takes a nice glance before hightailing it to the living room. Maddy knows what he saw and goes to confront him about it, but little does Charles know that she has a thing for him. Once Maddy voices herself all bets are off, he makes her swallow his cock...

2 years ago
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Getting Even 3 The Final Chapter Part 2

The morning sun hit Zane’s face and he heard a strange, unfamiliar sound. He opened his eyes to see Olivia in her swing and Katherine in a chair sipping coffee. “Morning,” she said. “Morning,” he moaned. “Coffee?” “Please.” “How do you take it?” “Black.” “Get your pants on please,” she said, tossing his slacks to him. Katherine left the room as Zane slipped on his slacks. She returned a moment later with a steaming cup of coffee. “Thanks,” he said. “Carmen said she’d be here in an hour to fix...

Love Stories
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Finally Fucked Aunty

Come to the story. Aunty k do ldke h dono hi bhar rahte h .Jase mane btaya wo meri neighbor h to humare ghar p ati rhti thi kbhi kch dene to kbhi help mangne .. Unke hubby jada time bhar hi rhte the due to work, to aunty humare ghar mery mom s chat krne bhi ajati thi… M apne bare m to btana hi bhul gya my nam is ravi (nam changed) m 19 years from uttarakhand mera lund kisi bhi choot ko satisfy kr sakta h .. Grmio ka time tha to m ghar p hi tha aunty ka call aya ki market jana h to m bola aunty...

1 year ago
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A Bra Fitting Expert

You know, dear, most girls can't wait to get home and out of their bras at the end of the day. You're the only person I know who can't wait to get home to get into a bra. Well, that makes me feel really good, Mother. You don't need to tell me how other girls feel about wearing bras. Maybe if they purchased the correct size bra, they wouldn't want to remove it at the end of the day. Oh, so you're the bra purchasing expert, are you? Mother was in a really good mood today. Maybe I...

4 years ago
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Black Friday 2

Black Friday By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Part 2 Marc held the rail, walking up the stairs for his first time in heels. His ankles were shaking with each step as he sauntered, very aware that he was about to head to work for Derek. He knew upfront it wasn't going to be good, but he never realized he would be looking anything like he did right now. "Ok, when you get there, ask for Tricia," Derek told him, looking at his watch while leaving. "Leave now, as it'll take you...

3 years ago
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my neighbor

My neighbor is a real bookworm. She is 18 years or so you would expect that they would have lots of friends, would have a boyfriend and that she often would go. But nothing of that. They would rather read a book. She is very kind and sweet and they may be best being, only she is a bit shy. At least if I contact her than she behaves always a little awkward. Maybe the reason is simply that I am a grown man and she is a girl that even through all hormones vultures. She lives with her mother in the...

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About last night p 5

He didn't say anything but only breathing and he was hard, his cock had to be at least 7 to 9 inches. In my head i wanted to just say ( Im gonna call the cops ) but i was still feeling honey and by looking at his cock, I went up to my window and said i never had a white cock before, why don't you come over here and help me out, he stopped, turned and at a good 2 minutes he was ringing my door bell. I opened my door and their he was, his name was Paul, 58 and was an european who came to america...

3 years ago
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Used Sissy

** I did not write this story and have no claim to it's ownership. I just enjoy the story. I found it posted by tvdebi to give the proper credit **A used sissy“This one right here” Bob said. “This little sissy is perfect!” Bob and his two friends had spent the last few weeks scouring Craigslist personal ads for a small transvestite that they could take advantage of. “I’ll email the cunt with a pic of my nine inch cock – see if she bites!” Bob said. Sure enough a day later, the TV named Debi...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Kyler Quinn That Went In My Butt

The lovely Kyler Quinn ? is back with us today and she’s here to take Damion Dayski’s 12-inch dick ? up her butt ? in this week’s Hussie?Pass update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ????? Damion gets Kyler all lubed up ?? and we get to watch her twerk that cute little ass of hers ? Damion then makes sure her pussy is nice and wet by going down on her ?? first while she’s twerking, then with Kyler spread-eagle. Kyler returns the oral favor by...

3 years ago
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Christmas Cheer

The following is a continuation to ‘My friends mum’. Again keep you feedback coming through on what you think!This story will goes back to when I was still 19 and was had been having an affair with my friends mother, Karen, for just over a month.It was Friday night, and like most Friday’s I was at their house for dinner. All the k**s were home, and Karen’s parents were over; all this not too uncommon, but Karen had told the family she had an announcement. I was sitting opposite her, and she had...

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Wife fucks my boss

Introduction: Mostly true, not long after we were married A few years ago I worked in sales for a small manufacturing firm. My boss was a guy named Jack, and was the co-founder of the company. He was a good businessman, but also a notorious womanizer. In the first week I worked there I heard stories about how he had managed to bag almost every woman who worked for the company. He was in his late 40s and was one of those rich, good-looking guys who had always gotten his way. My wife was...

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