Davids Plight free porn video

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David Dawson could not believe his luck that week. His mother and her new husband were going on a three week trip to Europe. His new step-sister would be in charge. Shelia was a twenty-two year old student. For a sixteen year old boy David saw nothing but blue skies for three weeks. David loved to play hard and work little. His father had been killed when David was six and left the family well off. David would spend most of time doing nothing. In the summer he partied with his older friends who could get access to alcohol. David was already planning a Friday night party with his pals. Sue Baxter was just the opposite. She was an athlete, scholar, and notoriously hardworking. Her mother died when Sue was 10 and Sue accepted much of the household responsibilities. She was attractive but not a babe. She was looking forward to the three weeks and money she would get for essentially housesitting for her father. Before she left David's mother confessed to Sue that her son was essentially out of control and that she was reluctant to place such a burden on Sue. Sue had assured her that everything would be okay. Sue had cared for two teenage girls the previous summer and saw no problems here. David's mother, Helen, reminded Sue that girls were different than boys. "Not to worry. If he gets fussy I will just paddle his fanny and send him to bed without supper." "You might not have such good-luck with that," she responded. She took Sue's remark to be joking. However she did notice that Sue's athletic physique mind be enough. Helen and her husband soon departed leaving Sue to take control. She would establish order early. She was organized and efficient and this chore would be no different. She was planning a small get together were a few of her friends tonight and did not want any problems. Sue had met David only a very few times and she was not impressed. He was arrogant, brash, and did not show much respect for others, including his mother. Shortly before four o'clock he arrived home. He came into the kitchen and started to make demands. He would quickly learn that Sue did not like demands. "Get supper on by six I'm going to a party tonight. I should be home after midnight," he barked. "Super will be at seven. You can use the interim to clean up. You smell like a garbage truck and I won't have you eating at this table. Your shower awaits." "Screw you bitch. I'll be watching the tube 'til supper." Sue had a flare for the dramatic and the bold. She knew how to make a point so it would not easily be forgotten. She grabbed a bottle of detergent, a nylon bristle brush, and a large beach towel. She placed them on the counter. She gave David a swift punch to the abdomen. He doubled over in pain. She then grabbed his collar and pulled him outside and tossed him to the ground. He put up weak resistance and she stripped him naked if less than a minute. Using the garden hose and the detergent she made him scrub himself with the brush. In a few minutes she hosed him off and then threw him the towel and had him dry off. Next she marched him upstairs to the master bathroom. There she found an ample supply of shampoo and conditioner to clean his hair. She also noticed a large bag of rollers. In a matter of minutes David found himself with twenty brush rollers in his hair and a state of shock. Sue went back to preparing supper. People would think after such an event that David would have to good sense to realize when he was beat and accept his fate. Not David. David found his cell phone and called his buddy Robert to rescue him from his fate. David then sought to get dressed and remove the rollers. Sue had anticipated his removal and pinned each roller to the next one at the base. Even if David figured it out it would still be time consuming since she ran the pins forward and back. When Robert the rescuer had arrived David still had a head full of rollers and no idea how to remove them. Robert was a year older and a little larger. When David told him of his plight he failed to warn him about Sue. That should not have mattered except for the fact that Robert was more clueless than David. When he arrived he saw the roller-laden David in a hapless state. It had not occurred to Robert that he might not want to mess with person who had just made short work of David. However, Robert was not that quick. Upon seeing Sue he demanded the release David. Sue left and returned carrying a bright red sundress and white heels. She gave Robert an ultimatum. He could leave immediately or he could leave in two minutes wearing the sundress and heels. Robert missed the opportunity. Sue did not keep her word. He left wearing sundress and heals in less than a minute. Sue was beginning to wonder if this was "Stupid Day" in the 'burbs. An hour later supper time approached when Sue heard the doorbell ring. She answered and saw Robert, his mother and his giggling sister. Sue answered the door expecting the worst. A somewhat stern looking woman addressed Sue. "Robert would like to return your dress and apologize for his behavior. I would have been here earlier but I felt it necessary to keep Robert in this dress a while longer so he would learn his lesson." Robert stepped forward put his head down and apologized. Humiliation was dripping from his voice. "I am sorry for my earlier behavior and I would like your permission to put my other clothes back on. Thank-you for letting me wear your dress. It is really a lovely dress." Sue could hardly contain herself. She almost felt sorry for him. If he had not caller her "a slutty bitch" earlier she might have shown him some mercy. However would receive no slack. "Thank you Robert. I accept your apology and thank-you for the compliment on the dress. I picked that dress up at a garage sale last year for two dollars. So I want you to keep that dress as a reminder of today." Robert's sister Kathy was smiling from ear to ear. She gave Sue a big thumbs-up. "Your clothes are on the table and you can have them. Your mother and sister can decide when they want you stop wearing it. Since it is supper time why don't you both stay for supper?" The mother was smiling as well. "I'd love to my dear and I will find you a dress to replace that one. Two Dollars? Well bring the heels back tomorrow." When they went inside Kathy whispered to Sue. "Would show me how to do that?" "What" "Roller sets hair. How do you set a boy's hair? Would you show me?" "Sure." Cathy scurried to the van and produced a bag of rollers. "Let's do Robert." "Well we have to ask first. You ask him." "Robert can we set your hair. So it will go with your dress?" He glared at her and replied in the negative. Kathy looked dejected. Sue however smiled and spoke to her. "My dear that is the whole point. They are not supposed to like. It is more fun if they don't like it. I'll show you. We are doing this and he will hate it but he has no choice." Kathy smiled again. Sue motioned to Robert to come over. He did so. "Robert you sister has been so kind as to offer to set your hair to go with your new dress. You should be so kind as to accept. Now I am sure you do not want to challenge me again today. So here is the proper answer. 'Kathy I would love to have a new hairdo to go with the lovely dress. Can you do it right now?" He repeated her answer nearly verbatim. Sue reminded Kathy to use her cell phone to videotape the event so she would not forget how it was done. "We can save it to my server so you will always have it." "I doubt it will let me do it again. He is scared shitless of you but he will tell me to piss up a rope." "That is another reason for the video. He will do anything to prevent his friends from seeing it. After tonight you will own him. He is your bitch and he will know it." Kathy was a quick learner and quite adept with rollers. In minutes Robert was sporting a head full of rollers. When supper was served Sue put a skirt on David since Robert had to wear both a dress and rollers. The two are very little and said nothing their humiliation was total. Sue was the boss and everybody at the table knew it. Kathy had named them 'Prissy' and 'Sissy'. Sue made sure they publically thanked Kathy for their new names. Sue said she would allow the names only for the meal. They were not girls they were feminized boys. However they could be referred to as girls for a few hours. When supper was finished the women adjourned to the patio. Sue said the girls could do the dishes and cleanup. Kathy stayed behind for a moment or two. "Come Kathy when I said girls I did not mean you. I meant the skirted variety. I have to say I really enjoyed seeing those two little darlings sitting there so well behaved and passive." "Terrified and helpless is what you mean." "That is what I love about brush rollers you can double pin them and it will take guys forever to get them out. Two years ago I saw a guy spend four hours trying to unroll his hair and still only removed three. Just set them and forget them. Even if they do get them out the hair will have dried and the curl is set. In a few months you can move him to heated roller. They take about twenty minutes start to finish. Robert will be so happy to only spend twenty minutes you will never have to ask him again. Remember feminization is not about hairdos or dresses it is about control. You will get bored dressing up your brother. However, when he has to use hot rollers every morning because you want him to that is control. A friend of mine makes her husband get a perm every six months. He has to go to her hairstylist and she schedules it when there are lots of women in the salon. Yet that is his reminder of who is in control. She always acts like she will forget about it. She never does. Another friend of mine has a red dress she never wears. It is her husbands. She hangs it in the closet near his shirts. She has told him that he has to wear that dress whenever she wants. That is her control over him. He has never worn that dress. She made a mistake when she bought it. It is four sizes too small for him. Yet he might as well have to wear it every day." When they were ready to leave Sue showed Kathy how to do a super-girly comb-out. She used enough hairspray hold for a month. Sue placed the rollers in a plastic bag and handed it to Robert. "These are his rollers now. He owns them. They are for his use. Next week I wil show both of them how to do their own hair. Kathy it is really nice out tonight. Do you and Robert wish to walk home? You can show off your brother's new look." Kathy agreed. On their way out when the others were leaving Sue grabbed Robert by the shoulders and whispered to him. "If you ever call me a 'slutty bitch' again you will really have to pay Cunt!" "I don't think Robert will be back for your rescue tonight. Okay now you said something about a party. Okay, I thought your mother's polka-dot dress would work, her heals might be bit much but I got some flats that will work. I'd better get hopping with that comb-out. No makeup tonight we can take care of that tomorrow." "I guess I won't be going to the party." "Oh! Why not? Well that's okay you can attend mine. Just a few friends are dropping by. The girls are a little bit out of you league however there is gay guy that might be interested." "I think I will go to bed early tonight." "Good idea. There is no sense removing those rollers tonight. We will just leave them in until morning. Robert needs to get used to skirts and curls. I told Kathy she can blackmail him for years. Now what I want you to do is to call you friends up one at a time and when they come to your aid. I will make them sissies just like Robert." "What do you want?" "I am in charge here for the next few weeks and I want you to understand that. If I want you in curls then you will wear curls. If I want you in dresses then you will wear dresses. If the Avon Lady wants to show you how to wear makeup then you will learn how to wear makeup. Your mother says you are out of control. I am not going to put up with that princess." "Another thing you are in terrible physical shape. You are sixteen and have physique of a twelve year old. I had no problem handling you or your buddy. We are going to the gym tomorrow and do something with your body. Tomorrow is day one of your renewal program. However, it time for you to turn in. You can watch TV until ten then I want lights out. You will not die from sleeping in rollers. I am going to put you in bustier pajamas. I think they look sexy but you probably will disagree. If you don't like them we can shop for Baby Dolls tomorrow. If you start to enjoy yourself too much in women's clothes take them off before they are soiled. I do not need any DNA samples. I will check on you throughout the night. If the lights are not out by ten, I will bring you down to our party. I am sure they would love to see your jammies." She produced a sexy red bustier corset with a lace up front and zip up back. She quickly laced it up tightly. She then slid a long pair of satin pants on him watching carefully for any rises in the lower section. She noticed a little activity. Not much certainly David was not enjoying this. However, she decided not to take chances. She prepared a "dick diaper" for him. It was a combination of jock strap and sanitary napkin probably not that effective. However, it was another chance to humiliate him. "My guest will be here in twenty minutes. This is your last chance to get something from downstairs unless you want my guests to see you." David got two cans of pop and retreated to his bedroom. When saw himself in the full length mirror in the lingerie he nearly fainted. There was a women staring back at him. The rollers and the clothing were convincing from a distance. In a few minutes the guests started arriving. David watched television. A nine-thirty Sue checked in on him. At ten Sue and her friend Ellen entered the room. "David I am sorry but I promised Ellen to show her the bustier jammies and I forgot you were wearing them. It won't take long. Stand-up I'll get some heels to go with them." David got out of bed and stood before Ellen. Ellen looked at the sleep wear and had David turn around. Seconds later Sue appeared with heels and slipped them on David. They were very tight and the heels were quite high. David wobbled a little but stood up in them. They led David to the hall and had him walk back and forth. "Wow! Sue how sexy! I mean he looks totally fem in them. I mean hot babe fem. I swear if you look from the neck down you swear there's a vagina in those pants. Really though roller sets. I mean sleeping in rollers. I haven't done that since grade school. Are you doing retro sixties on the hair? Is that an underwire? Looks like one. He is damn near a b cup. A little estrogen and you could have him all the way to C in a few weeks. Are you going to build his boobs?" "No on the estrogen. Ellen. The underwire is all that is needed." "David is that comfortable to wear. You know I could do something with you hair and makeup and you could pass easy. Sue give me five minutes and a little lip gloss and we can show him off. I mean you have less arm muscle than most girls and that gives a lot of trannies away. But I mean your arms are half the size of Sue's. No wonder she can make you wear.......never mind." "Okay Ellen lets go. David needs his beauty sleep." Ellen kissed David and grabbed his fanny. "Good night my little precious. You are gorgeous if it were up to me you would never see short hair or men's clothes. I work in this area. I could march you down the runway now." "Ellen that is enough for tonight. Let's give him a break." The two left and went downstairs. When they were safely out of earshot the two nearly convulsed in laughter. "Ellen you should have been an actress. You were terrific. Whatever ego he had was gone now. You are really a sadist." "You are the sadist. I mean bustier pajamas on a fifteen year old boy. Sleeping in rollers?" "I made Marilyn's brother wear them and he is thirty." David finally went to sleep. Day one of his nightmare was over. Chapter Two If Friday was a nightmare for David Saturday would not be much better. At least sleep had provided him relief from the mental torture Sue was putting him through. However 6 A. M. came early for David. Sue had rousted him early. David was already in a state of fear and anger. How dare her do this things to him. He was furious about supper. Robert and Him had to sit there in rollers and dresses like two little girls. That little bitch Kathy sat there smirking at them. "The girls will do the dishes. I mean the skirted girls" the words echoed in his mind over and over again. He had a notion to deck Sue on the spot. Sadly he thought better of it. She could beat the shit out of him with one hand. He was not going to let Kathy off so easily. She was going to get her ass kicked. She burst into the room and shouted. "Pretty boy are you going to stay in those jammies all day. We've got work to do. Get these on," She tossed him a pair of cut offs and a t-shirt. She removed the rollers from his hair. It took a minute or so. She was half-tempted to leave the curls in however she grabbed a brush and brushed his hair quickly. The end result was a huge volume and wave. It was slightly on the girlish side but nothing compared to what she done to Robert. Of course you do not want male hairstyles when you are wearing a sundress. At least from a distance you could not tell he was male. "Come on big hair we got iron to pump today." "You should warn Kathy the bitch when I see again she's going to see red, black and blue." Twenty minutes later they were at the gym. It was a woman's gym. They did make exceptions for some males. Sue taught several classes at the gym and they let her bring in David. When David brought up the gender issue Sue clarified it simply. "It's for pussies but they will allow wussies." Sue started him on a circuit training routing going from machine to machine. She put light weights on all the machines. She was surprised. His strength rated at the lower end for high school girls. She knew she could bring this up quickly with some effort. He struggled to lift eighty pounds in the bench press and the leg and ab exercises were even worse. She remembered in 8th grade she could bench ninety six pounds and the boys were a lot higher. When he had finished his first circuit he was exhausted. She informed him that he still had five more circuits to go. When he finished his final circuit the weights were at the minimum levels and he was down to five and six reps sometimes. "Okay time for some aerobics." They both did one hour on the treadmill. He was drenched in sweat and totally wrung out. They returned home around nine. He crawled into the shower and let the water pour over him. Several minutes later he was able to walk back to the bedroom. Sue handed him a chocolate drink and told him to drink it. It was a bitter pseudo chocolate but he drank it. She then gave him a white drink and told him to drink that. "Get dressed young lady," she instructed him. She gave him a pair of bright orange shorts that were too short and some sandals. She gave him a white shirt that was too long. The tails hung below the shorts. If he tucked the shirt in it was too bulky. As he pondered his dilemma she gathered the ends and tied them in a knot in front leaving a slightly bare midriff. It looked girlish but he assumed that was the purpose. "Stick your feet up here princess. I haven't got much time," she commanded. He complied and she placed pieces of cotton between his toes. She then applied polish a few shades pinker than his natural color. The difference was enough just enough to suggest an artificial color. "Say one word and you are getting bright red," she warned. He said nothing He had no desire to provoke her. In minutes his toe nails were now a modest pink. Clearly not his natural shade but somewhat subtle from a distance. Minutes later they were off to the salon, Ellen's Salon. Yes that Ellen. The Ellen that wanted him to feminized to the level of runway model. Ellen was the one who wanted to grow his breasts with estrogen. Sue and Ellen talked for a few minutes while he waited in the front area. He had given up looking in mirrors. He could at least pretend it was not that bad if he did not have to look at himself. Ellen came to get him. She was more businesslike and far more sober than the previous evening. None the less she still scarred him. He foresaw a long day ahead of him at the hands of this woman. She apologized for the night before claiming the alcohol was at fault. She omitted Sue's involvement. She sent him to the shampoo girl and minutes later he was sitting in her chair. "Relax I am not going to do any roller sets. I despise brush rollers on women and especially men. My mother was born in 1970 and I will not give you any hairstyle that was popular prior to her birth. I am going to trim your hair and then we will discuss some things about the care and feeding of your hair. Remember gender fashion is an illusion." "What does that mean?" "It means that we look for certain clues when make our gender assumptions. If we see a blouse and skirt we assume female. If we see muscular arms and short hair we assume male. Of course we look to other clues to confirm. I will show you what I mean. Casually look to the station at the far end. Not yet. Big Joe is giving a client a perm. What color is her blouse? Go ahead and look but do not stare." He looked and looked again. "I can't tell her blouse is covered." "Look again and tell me her shoe color and how old do you think Joe is?" He looked again. "Shoes are white and he is probably twenty five." "How tall is Joe?" "Around six feet." "You're sure?" "I'm sure." "This is what I mean. Big Joe is really Joanne and she is five-five. Her client is a teenage male whose mother is making him get a perm. You see I suggested to you that Joanne was big and you made a size and gender assumption. When I said perm you assumed a female. I asked an ambiguous question and you made an assumption. The reason I tell you this so you can relax. With you sandals, shorts and toe nails some will think you are female. So what they are merely wrong. In fact some guys enjoy the deception. Things can only bother you if you choose to be bothered by them. Sue and I discussed your hair. There are really three options fem, flamer, and fun. Fem is full-scale girl. With your outfit it would work. I mean you could pass as female. Flamer is a male who acts effeminate. Sue dressed you flamer with the shirt and sandals. Flamer hair is moderately fem. Fun is a slightly girlish look. It is a guy's style with a little flair. However, if she puts you in skirts and dresses you will look like a boy in a dress and not female. She said the choice was up to you. Sue wants me to do the full fem. That means you will be choosing the full fem look as well because she says you two think alike." David was surprised by the way Ellen had written him out of the decision whatever Sue wanted Sue would get. He would have no choice in the matter. They both knew that. It also foretold of more humiliations to come. Ellen could not believe that he bought her line of bullshit. Anything she did to him now no matter how macho he would perceive as feminine. He would also have to wait in waiting area for at least two hours. Ellen enjoyed the mind games she played on people. She was an amateur magician and loved the mental aspects of magic and sleight of hand. "You look about as happy as our perm boy over there. That poor lad has really had a bad day. He decided he did not want a perm but mommy had different ideas. Mommy had to convince him to be a good little girl. It took her about five seconds but junior decided he not only wanted a perm but a curly and girly perm at that. In fact he announced it loudly to the entire place." "How did she do that?" Ellen placed a perm rod between his fingers and instructed him to squeeze. When he did with light pressure he felt the pain. She instructed him to squeeze harder. He did and got the idea that a strong squeeze would be unbearable. "We don't do that to our clients but if wives, mothers, and girlfriends want to use it that is their business. You know spare the rod and spoil the child." "Why do I believe you showed mommy that trick?" "Let's just say we do not use it." Ellen continued to work on his hair. She trimmed it and then dried it with the blow dryer. She then produced a curling iron. "Okay your mother has approved this purchase so here is you new curling iron. Actually yours is in the box. This one is identical. I am going to show you how to use it. It will take some getting used to but it is not that difficult. Since we doing girl hair today; we will use the medium barrel. I will do the first couple and then help you with the rest. We will do this a few times with a cold iron then we will try the heat." She instructed him on how to use the iron and he learned quickly. By the third practice he was quite adept. She plugged in the iron and to the amazement of the other stylists he produced twenty perfectly formed rolls. Each was exactly as Ellen has instructed for the fictional 'fem' look. She let the rolls cool for about ten minutes and then demonstrated how to comb out the curls. Words like 'picking' and 'finger fluffing' were unfamiliar terms. The result was a wavy coif that would have looked okay on a grown man. It looked casual by slightly coifed. It also would have looked okay on a woman with a little more flair. However, on a teenage boy with bright orange shorts it was perfect. It was just coifed enough to blend the genders. If David wore jeans and a regular shirt the look would be male. However, his current outfit provided just enough ambiguity. David had to spend the next two hours waiting for Sue. This was the longest part for him. Perm boy had made a classic mistake. He complained his curl was too tight. The stylist then set his hair on larger rollers. That meant an extra forty-five minutes. David sat across from perm boy's mother. She was truly scary to look at. She was good looking but she had a mean determination on her face. Why would anybody be fool enough to argue with her? She actually seemed to be enjoying what her son was going through. Her own hair was short and straight her nails were plain and she wore minimal, if any, makeup. David thought he bet he slept in sexier pajamas than she did last night. She gave him a brief glance. David had buried his head in a magazine. He was using it to hide more than read. In an hour perm boy emerged sporting a new do. A big pile of waves sat atop his head. His mother smirked and then smiled. It was more a smile of triumph than joy. His two fingers were swollen severely. She must have applied huge pressure to cause that much damage. Sue showed up around two o'clock. She was pleased with the results. To her it is more about power than anything else. She was not sure if David got the message yet. David went to the car while Sue talked to Ellen. "Sue I had a great time playing mind games. He is not sure which gender he looks like. He is really good with the curling iron. I mean twice through and he could put some of our stylists to shame." "Ellen last night you said he looked "totally fem" in my lingerie. You noticed he was growing a healthy bust line. You noticed how thin his arms were. You noticed his walk resembled a woman's walk from the back. I told you he did not need estrogen. Did you see a penis last night? No in fact you bet there was a vagina in the jammies. Did you see and Adam's apple today? Think hard. I told you he was male. His voice was deeper than normal for a girl by did it sound like a boy's either. Do you think today was the first time he used a curling iron?" Sue paid and left. She could play mind games too. Sue reckoned Ellen would spend the rest of the day wondering if she saw an Adams Apple or not. David would make more trips to Ellen in the future. She can figure it out then. "Damn I should have noticed this. She was a girl after all. I should have noticed the walk. There was no Adam's apple. I should have noticed," Ellen thought to herself. Ellen had prided herself on deception and she had been conned. Sue telephoned Kathy to see how things were going with Robert. "Hey girl what are you doing?" "Sue good to hear from you." "Everything okay there. Did you get home alright? "Wow you could not believe what is going on here. Robert is cleaning the house now. Mom and I thought that would be good work for him. I afraid his shower wiped out the do. Funny he decided he needed a haircut today. He is probably going to have to wait a few months to replicate his previous style. The dress is hanging in Robert's closet and he lives in mortal fear. Dad and Mom have been at war since the divorce. Dad hears about Robert and goes off and come over to raise hell with mom. Big mistake. She drops him with one punch and kicks his ass all over the yard." "No offense Kathy but your family really sucks at rescue missions. I thought we could take our titless sisters shopping for nighties. The stores will not let them try them on. However we simply threaten to have them do it. We can usually get the clerks to play along and they sit there in total fear." "Sure can't do it until next week though. Let's try Tuesday. I put Robert to bed in a bra and panties last night. What did David wear?" "Just jammies." "Jammies? What kind of jammies? Girl jammies?" "I'll show them to you some time. Come over this afternoon and I will show them to you. David just had his hair done. It took hours and it looks good. He has to clean the house now. That will probably take up the rest of the day for him and then he has his first cooking lesson." "Mom and I are going to the mall. She keeps trying to help Robert with the housework out of habit. So if we can get her out of the house Robert can work faster. Can't wait to see the jammies and the do. I thought Barbie Dolls were fun but brother dolls are even more fun to dress up." "Got that right. Ssee ya girl." Sue was working a plan for the next three weeks. She was fairly sure David understood the rules and would need only a little more convincing. Robert was not her problem however he needed an attitude changes and Kathy was happy to help. "Well princess I love the hair. Mary Kay lady is going to be over at four so we have to be ready." That was a lie. Sue would tell him she cancelled in a few hours. Keeping him on edge was the main objective. Following brief instructions he began cleaning the house and would spend the rest of the afternoon doing housework. At six Sue started showing him how to prepare supper. It was all about control not fashion. David was under control the rest was simply reinforcing that control. When the house work had finished Sue noticed on thing that surprised her. He had touched up and sprayed his hair. There was something else she noticed but was not sure. She went upstairs and the smell gave it away. He had applied another coat of polish to his toenails. It was a lighter shade and closer to his own skin but a coat of polish none the less. His new curling iron was in the box. However his mother was out on in the master bath. She felt it and it was warm. For Sue this was a good sign. Sue was planning to go out with friends. David would still have to remain at home. She wondered what to do. She did not want to leave David alone. It had been only two days and she was not entirely sure he could be trusted. She communicated with his mother earlier. His mother was thrilled with the progress no matter what the methods. His mother told Sue that she had lingerie collection from her earlier days stored in the master closet. She also stated she had two sets of hot rollers stored in the attic. She wanted to see some pictures of the bustier pajamas. Sue had decided that David's behavior justified some slack. He could sleep in his own underwear and he would not need rollers anymore. They would still go to the gym the next day. She finally decided to ask Kathy to ride herd on things until midnight. Kathy was building her confidence and a little responsibility would help. She had grown fearless in the last twenty-four hours. Her basic job would be to see that the TV worked. A short phone call did the trick. Kathy arrived about a short while later. Sue showed the Kathy Helen's lingerie collection. Apparently Helen had a flair for the provocative and sexy. She also wanted plenty of variety. She agreed to stay until midnight. She needed a respite. She noticed her new pedicure. Kathy informed Sue that Robert would rather give pedicures than receive them. Sue showed Kathy the bustier pajamas. Kathy nearly freaked. Sue warned Kathy about David's earlier threat about seeing black and blue. Around midnight Sue returned. Kathy was watching the late movie. "How did everything go?" "Just fine. I checked on David about ten. He left you a note." The note spelled out all the details. Sue could read between the lines. She knew there must have been some conflict and David was the loser. "Sue there must have been some confusion over what I meant by statements about Kathy. I have subsequently apologized to Kathy Dearest. She thought it would be a nice symbolic gesture if I would wear mother's black and blue lingerie. I readily agreed and thanked her for allowing me to wear this lovely lingerie. She also felt the red nails would cement to symbolism. I readily agreed and thanked her for allowing me to stay up late and do my nails properly. Her instructions were most helpful. However, I do ask that you wake me early tomorrow so I may finish the remaining coats. She suggested that I use my first initial 'D" instead of David. I agreed but said I would spell it Dee. She and I thought that would befit my new status. Kisses and Hugs DEE" Sue rushed upstairs and saw David in the bed. He was wearing very sexy black and blue lingerie and his finger and toe nails were fire engine red. Kathy had left her a note. "Sue leave the nails polish on for a few days. It will remind Mr. Toughguy of how tough he really is." Sue realized this was going to be an interesting time and there were still twenty days to go. She knew Kathy was a forced to be reckoned with. However she had crossed the line. David was Sue's responsibility and Kathy was not supposed to take liberties. She had already forbid female names and furthermore she was not going to taking orders from Kathy.

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davids lucky day be kind its my first attempt

David’s lucky day; part one David was alone in the house, and as both his parents worked and wouldn’t be home until six o’clock that evening he knew he had at least an hour and a half before he started preparing the evening meal to help his mother; it was a hot summer’s day and his body felt all clammy and sticky, he had got out of his school uniform and lay naked on his bed feeling the warmth of the sun against his skin as it radiated through the bedroom window.He lay there leafing through...

3 years ago
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Rogers Plight

Roger's Plight Book 1 - The Beginning An original saga By Constance Grant Copyright (c) 1999 by Constance Grant, Manasquan, NJ This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental. This story may be posted only if available to the reader at no charge, unless prior arrangements are entered into with the author. [email protected] This is a spoof guys, so lighten up already! Constance Grant,...

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Percy Periwinkles Passage Part I Percys Plight

PERCY PERIWINKLE'S PASSAGE PART I - PERCY'S PLIGHT by sissystevie "Another great brainstorm gone afoul!" the young man thought. "A tea party at the Society of Enlightened Ladies in friggin' Fromage, Wisconsin, now that sounds like a rockin' good time! Gimme a break! "How in God's name did I end up like this? Another stupid outfit that I can't move in is bad enough, but why out in public? How in hell's name can they dress a...

2 years ago
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Saras Plight

Sara's Plight ? NOTE: This story contains unrealistic 'breast expansion'.? I did not intend much of this story to sound realistic.? Please keep this in mind while reading, and definitely feel free to just lose yourself in the fantasy of it!? Any comments please send to [email protected].? I appreciate any suggestions on how to make my stories even better! ? With the economy the way it is right now, I am having a hard time finding work.? My bills are piling up, and I am about to lose my...

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Breeding Day at the MallChapter 4 Daversquos Plight

mc, mf. voy. Dave worked his way back to the South Entrance by running around the mall’s exterior. It could hardly be described as the fastest route, but it did allow him to avoid a possible encounter with the mall cop hunting him. As the running teen neared his destination he could just make out the blurry silhouette of the Man in the Hoody standing near the mall’s south entrance. Dave charged right up to the man and excitedly blurted out in between labored gasps, “Excuse me? Can...

4 years ago
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Davids delight

David’s delight Although he was on holiday David had still got up quite early to take his son to school. His wife Sarah was also on holiday but unfortunately she was ill in bed with the flu. It was Friday and they had originally planned to pop around to see Sarah’s best friend Debby after the school run but because Sarah was feeling so poorly David had phoned Debby last night to cancel. After he had dropped his son at school he decided to have a look round the nearby shops. He wondered around...

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Davids landlady Part 2

this is intended to be read after Part 1. It was 2 weeks after David’s fearsome thrashing by Mrs Robinson as they ate breakfast together on Saturday morning. ‘It’s such a lovely day today David I’m going to spend the day gardening, I could do with some help if you have nothing else you want to do’ said Mrs Robinson. ‘I’d be delighted to help’ David responded as they cleared the breakfast things and went upstairs to dress for their task. David wore an old pair of trousers and a T shirt which...

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Davids Landlady Part 4

Over the next 2 weeks Mrs Robinson called upon David on four separate occasions to service her pussy. He was a most willing pupil and was ever eager to please his landlady. On one occasion it was as they were going to bed that she invited David into her room and between her thighs. On the other 3 occasions she was watching TV in the evening and called upon David to pleasure her orally. She removed her knickers and hoisted her skirt around her bottom as David knelt on the floor in front of her....

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Davids landlady Part 1

It was with considerable trepidation that David walked up the garden of this neat suburban semidetached house and knocked on the door. In all his 22 years he had never lived away from his home or away from his mother and elder sister. Now, having moved on promotion with his company he was about to meet his new landlady at his lodgings arranged by his company. She opened the door and David was met by an imposing lady in her mid forties, she stood very straight, wearing a blouse which strained at...

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Davids landlady Part 6

David and Mrs Robinson were eating their evening meal when she told David that her daughter Mary was coming to spend the weekend with her and would be down some time on Friday afternoon or evening. ‘Shall I do the washing on Thursday instead of Friday then, Mrs. Robinson?’ ‘No, don’t worry about that David she knows all about you’ That is exactly what worried him and he did not look forward to the weekend at all. He thought he would try to finish work early and hopefully get the washing done...

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Davids landlady Part 3

This story is the 3rd in a sequence. Mrs. Robinson delayed a few days before questioning David about his previous spanking experiences with his Mother and sister. They were both sitting down watching TV after dinner when she turned the set off and turned to David.’So tell me David all about how your Mother and sister used to spank you. Start with your mother’. ‘Mummy has always spanked me. When I was young she would spank me over her knee with her hand, she would always do this with me naked...

3 years ago
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Davids first time with a man

David's first time with a manI was only a young teenager when it happened -- he was at least 10 years older than I was and lived across the street. His name was Marc and I played tennis with him and often stayed at his place to watch movies or play video games.I never really realised that I could be turned on by other guys until that one fateful day. Of course, I had my fantasies about it every now and then but I only had girlfriends so far. But whenever Marc smiled at me or touched me, I felt...

3 years ago
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Davids landlady disciplines Barbara

                       Linda returned from her visit to her daughter with a number of things that needed attention. Firstly David’s experiences with Barbara and the result of his visit home to his mother and sister, and to take up the offer to discipline Barbara.                          ‘So David, tell me how you got on with Barbara while I was away’.                           ‘Well Mrs. Robinson she came round on Wednesday evening and punished me’.                             ‘Tell me more...

2 years ago
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Davids torment continues

David hears the front door close as his wife leaves their house to catch a taxi to a nightclub. Without him. Leaving him there in their house all alone after a painful orgasm while watching his wife’s homemade porno of her fucking another man. It was a painful but oh-so-strong orgasm. His hands were tied so he couldn’t do his normal iron-fist routine on his cock as he spurted. It felt like he was drowning and gulping air at the same time. It was such a pleasurable torment watching his sexy...

2 years ago
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Davids landlady part 5

                    ‘Mummy I’ve definitely decided I’m going to marry Oliver’ came breathlessly down the telephone. ‘Darling this is a bit premature isn’t it, last time I was talking to you were still undecided’. ‘I know Mummy but he’s so compliant now I only have to give him a maintenance punishment once every 2 weeks and I followed your advice about caning him if he came before me and it has worked wonderfully well, 10 hard strokes of the cane, a week in the spare room with no sex, as much...

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Davids Sneak Peek

When I was between school and university, I came here to Spain for the summer. It was, as it usually is, a tremendously hot summer with temperatures up around 40 degrees and so on. As with most summers, when you are a teenager you spend the days at the beach or at somone’s house in their pool. Then you spend the weekends sleeping off the parties that go on all night. This particular day I was at a friend’s house with a whole bunch of other girls I knew. We often did this sort of thing,...

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Brttys Plight

©This is fiction; any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. **************************************************************************** Betty jogged and walked the same paths every day. When she stopped to rest, it was always on the same bench in the same wooded area. She never varied her regimen from day to day, week to week. One shocking day she found out what a mistake that was. She slowed to a stop at the top of the small hill. Her bench, as she called it was...

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Evareias Plight

She had reached womanhood without so much as a passing glance at the fine males around her. Evareia the Pure they called her, and she wore that title like a badge of honor. What she lacked in sexual experience she made up for with speed, stealth, and grace. Her life was soon to change. A message found her one day, summons to the war front against the cursed Horde. And so Evareia traveled with her brothers and sisters. For the Alliance, for her people, she would do anything. And with that in...

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Megamans Plight

Megaman smashed his way into the abandoned warehouse. He had anticipated capturing several members of the Cravitz Crime family. Instead he only found one very beautiful, young woman. "May I ask who you are and what you're doing here, Miss?" The intrepid superhero asked. "Oh Megaman, I'm so glad you got here! I've been held prisoner for three days. If you hadn't rescued me, I don't know what those awful men might have done to me. I was so scared. My name is Gina Malone. Do you mind if I call...

3 years ago
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Mr White Rights Donnas Plight

Yes, I'll admit it, I'm a self serving, and selfish opportunist, I took advantage of her, but she got what she needed as well. I watched Patricia, and her two c***dren, several times as I would walk from my office down to the little convienient store on the corner. Just the sight of her usually gave me some pretty major wood. She was the epitome of a beautiful, ripe working calss woman, with a body that was made for fucking, tits that were designed for sucking and a mouth meant only to be a...

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Couples Plight

The vast expanse of the Nevada desert surrounded them like one yellowish, grainy amoeba Disclaimer:? This story is a work of fiction and includes adult situations and extreme acts of sexual depravity, including rape and torture.? It is intended for adults only.? If you are under the age of eighteen or, in some jurisdictions, twenty-one, do not continue past this point.? If you desire to read on, it is by your own choice and responsibility as a free adult in a free society.?...

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See No Evil: Contains sexually explicit and politically incorrect material. If you shouldn’t be reading this, or if it might offend you, simply stop now. Legalese: All actors and actresses are over the age of consent. Proof of age is on file. Any similarity of any character, event or place to any actual person, event or place, is purely coincidental. This is all fantasy, and the actors are all professionals — do not try any of this at home. Archiving: You are welcome to discreetly repost or...

4 years ago
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The Old Lamplighter

There he was, just as always, working his way down the street. It was shortly before dusk and the shadows were already beginning to grow deep. Darkness would soon descend upon the town and its streets, but the gloom would be partly dispelled by the gas lamps. Mrs Lucy Gilyott, who used to be Miss Lucy Ormerod, was standing at the window of her drawing-room looking down the street. There he was, the old lamplighter who came day in, day out, to attend to the gas lamps. Old? How old? Sixty,...

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Meanwhile Back at the Lamplighter

It is no secret that a lot of people really, really like living in Colorado. Karen Carrigan, who met Doug Yanevich while attending the University of Colorado, Denver, certainly was happy that Doug was able to get a job in Denver, shortly before she married him. They are somewhat of an odd couple. She is a tiny five foot, one inch, and weights one hundred and five pounds. He, who was a second string lineman on the football team, is six foot five, and weights in at two hundred, fifty-five...

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Copyright © 2002 They Got Us Hi, Robert. Yeah, it's me. Your self. If you're reading this, it means that they got to you. To us. To me. Wow, this is weird, talking to myself. Or writing to myself, as the case may be -- to a now-ignorant version of me... I knew they would be after us when they found out -- after all of us. Something like this is just too big to not squash when it begins to leak. When I realized this, I took several of our journal entries and included them with...

1 year ago
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David Sandra and Me

100% fiction! My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy having a...

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David and Sarah

script"David and Sarah"Copyright2005, Steve chaseFADE IN:EXT. Backyard pool party -- AFTERNOON -establishingTwenty or so young people, men and women in their mid twenties in swim suits in the afternoon.The camera focuses on different groups and different activities and we see that this is a fun party with fun people.SARAH, a young blonde is sitting on white lawn chair. A young brunette approaches and sits in lawn chair next to the blonde.brunetteThis must be heaven for you, Sarah.SARAHWhat do...

3 years ago
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David woke up cold. He found himself in a plexiglass cell with laminate floors. The pillow on the cot looked as though he had drooled right into the center. How goddamn embarrassing. These were not his clothes. These were more like pajamas, light cloth, more appropriate for the Dubai climate. Wherever he was now, it didn't feel like Dubai. A constant hum softened by thick walls, a noticeable slow shift in the floor, small windows leading to blinding light.. This was a ship. A...

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David 2 Family secrets

When David got home he was relieved to see the house in darkness. It was unusual for his parents to go to bed early on a weekend but he was thankful that he didn’t have to face them.Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed.He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for...

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David 2 Depravity awaits

Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...

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David 2 Family secrets

Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...

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David 2 Family secrets by Fatman50

Once in his bedroom he checked his clothes for any staining or residue of his cum. Satisfied that everything was ok he went for a shower before getting in to bed. He picked up his iPad with no real idea of what he wanted to look at. Automatically, his fingers found his favourite porn site. It opened on the page for mother and son. He tapped on the first thumbnail and immediately the screen switched to a scene with a middle aged woman sucking the cock of a boy who looked to be about David’s...

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David Virginity ends

David was in his bedroom, watching porn and masturbating slowly. Not an unusual situation for him, in fact during the last two years it had become his main form of relaxation. Now, with two years of intensive study, followed by exams and applications to University, he was at last able to relax slightly, the trouble being that the last two years had seen most of his friends drift away as his concentration on his studies became more and more intense.His routine had become just that, routine. Home...

3 years ago
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David The end of virginity

His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...

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David The end of virginity by Fatman50

His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...

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David The end of virginity

His routine had become just that, routine. Home from school, evening meal then four or five hours study, shower then an hour watching porn as he slowly brought himself to orgasm, then bed. Things had begun to change just over a month before, exams finally finished meant that there was no need to study, that had left him at a bit of a loose end every evening. He had begun to spend some time with Evette. They had known each other virtually all their lives, growing up almost like brother and...

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David Finally Gets His Wish

David Morrison had just graduated from college. His father called in some favors and got him a job at a leading Marketing firm. He was an Account Level Executive. He liked the company, because most of the employees were young like himself. David was learning the job and getting situated comfortably there. David did very well in college and maintained a 4.0 grade point average. He was part of a popular fraternity. He pledged his second year of college and got in. All of his fraternity brothers...

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Hi, everyone, this isn't my best, but then i wrote it as " therapy " anyway i hope you enjoy it, AnnaRichard had just left for the store when David came walking through the door. I was sitting in the kitchen in a towel as I’d just come in from the pool. I said hi to David as I was walking to the fridge to get a beer. David asked for a soda and I handed him one and sat back down. I wasn’t expecting the words that came out of his mouth when he asked shaved or bush? I laughed more than anything...

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david and suzi

David pulled on his girls panties, he hated wearing these but suzi insisted, it was sometimes awkward like if he needed to pee in public but suzi suggested simply using a cubicle and siting down to pee so thats what he did, it was easier to agree with suzi. The same when he had brought up the argument about using the gym, "how can i get changed at the gym with these on " he asked "you cant " agreed suzi, david actually thought he had won a small victory until her next remark...

1 year ago
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David Matthew PART 3

Almost a month has passed since David and his family had arrived in California. David has not ventured outside except to take out the trash or cut the grass. He has been having the most wonderful dreams that he is still back in Minneapolis with Josh. They had planned to tell their parents about the new dimension of their relationship. They had started to grow tired of having to sneak off somewhere to do something that other people do in public. David thought how nice it would be to sit in the...

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David and Abi

(Many thanks to orvette1 for his help in editing this story for me and for the very helpful tips.) It was raining, not heavily by our usual standards, it was the wind that helped it along just enough to make people not even bother with the hope that an umbrella would protect them. Instead seeking refuge in a building they hadn’t even thought to be in. David’s choices were limited to one, the diner. Being a stranger in a city sometimes makes there choices for you. Sadly for him it seemed...

5 years ago
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David Housesits pt 1

As he entered his house, his mom called out to him. “David, is that you? I need to speak with you.” He wondered what the hell his mom wanted as he tossed his dirty socks and shirt in the laundry. He was about 5’11” and 165 lbs. He wasn’t horribly muscular, but he could stand up to most people and be considered in shape. He found his mom in the kitchen. “What’d you need, mom?” he asked as he grabbed a glass of water. “You know Mr. and Mrs. Stephens from church?” He nodded his head as he gulped...

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Davids Ordeal under Hen Party skirts

David’s Ordeal************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan September 2005The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************LADIES NIGHT OUT......... David was having a quiet drink in a local club one...

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David Matthew PART 2

David sleeps in the back seat next to his sister as the miles decrease to California. While his best buddy sits alone in his bedroom back in Minneapolis. From the day these boys met they’ve never been any further apart then the 3 houses in between theirs. Now as David’s father drives across another state line, he realizes that by morning he and Josh will no longer in the same time zone. He wants to cry but there aren’t any tears left or the emotional energy to bring them to the surface. He...

3 years ago
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David Housesits pt 2

He had fallen out of Amber but she had continued sleeping on top of him, neither of them apparently aware of the lack of his presence inside her. His hands instinctively ran his hands over her back and down to her firm butt, rubbing more than massaging her cheeks. At his young age, David started to get hard again and felt himself come in contact with her pelvis as he grew to full size. David felt her firm breasts and hot nipples pushing into his chest while her head rested on his bare...

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David Was A Straight Teen Boy Getting His Drivers License And A Gay Blowjob

I first met David when he had just recently graduated high school but was still without his driver’s license.  I graduated a couple of years before him.  I had lost my wallet so I needed to get my license replaced.  David was applying for his temporary license at the same time I was getting my license replaced. We were sitting right next to each other at the license bureau waiting for our respective number to be called and just started chatting.I was immediately drooling.  David had turned...

Gay Male
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David Beckham and Prince Harry

This story takes places a few weeks after my last story, David Beckham andChris MearsDavid Beckham's lust for men had been awakened. In the last few weeks hehad been with two of the hottest young guys in the world. He had fucked TomDaley in a drunken state in a London hotel and then been with his equallyhot mate Chris Mears. As David lay back on the long plane journey ahead ofhim, it was this experience that his mind wondered to. He loved the slim,youthful, defined muscle of Chris's atheltic...

2 years ago
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David his Dad and Denver

Debbie had gotten her first job about three months into the school year. It was part time after school as a checker at the small neighborhood market. Shortly after she started work a young man came through her line. He was about 6' tall and slim. He had short brown hair and Debbie thought he was cute. For the next week he came in to buy something every day and always picked Debbie's check out line. They started smiling at each other and saying hi. At the end of the week he...

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David and James

David felt that he was also ignored by his parents as they always kept fighting and never cared about him and he saw himself in his nephew. He decided to keep his nephew with him. His sister agreed and also said that she could visit her son when ever she wanted. David knew that she was just saying that and had no intentions of looking after her son. Now David started to live with his nephew alone whose name was James and he looked after him and started to have an attachment with him. David...

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David and His Forbidden Destinee Book 3 The Wait

"My Protector" David's alarm sounds off in the room abruptly waking him, immediately he reaches for his phone and shuts the alarm off. In doing so he realizes he has two missed calls from the office. To his amazement, Destinee is still sound asleep. Looking down at her body still laying on his, he smiles and kisses her forehead. He pushes himself up and she still clings to him. He positions her in his arms, her head in one and legs on the other. He wraps her in the blanket and carries...

5 years ago
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David and Kate Ch 02

I’d recommend reading the original ‘David and Kate’ though I suppose it’s not entirely necessary. I’d like to thank my sweet sexy friend Monicker for his assistance editing this chapter. Enjoy! * Kate shook her head, pulling herself out of the tenth daydream of the morning. She was still having a hard time believing what had happened the night before. It was only 11am, but she was fairly sure that she’d replayed the entire day and evening in her head, in its entirety, at least a half dozen...

2 years ago
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David in Bangkok 2001

It was the middle summer 2001 in the back streets of Bangkok and it was unusually hot, even for the Thai City, as the three young local girls, Mi Ling, Su Lin and Kim Su, were keeping cool in the large air-conditioned gym. They are employed to look after the sexual desires of tourists and they are very experienced in sexual techniques even though they are only 18 years old. All three had learnt to speak English as c***dren, which helps them now in their work with the tourists.The previous day...

1 year ago
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David finally got what he and I wanted

After talking about David seeing her naked I told her my feelings of wanting to see her fuck someone else. She would never believe me and just say that’s what you say now. Wendy said there was no way she was ever going to do it. I would bring it up and she would get mad but then be so wet later. I would ask her why and she would just say she was horny. One night after dinner we were watching a porno I had picked up, a rare occasion. She will not usually watch them with me. About 20 minutes in...

Cheating Wifes
4 years ago
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David gets a 50th birthday milking by the crew

Jenny, Angie, Karen, Bev, Teri and Jodie along with their partner David and a huge black guy called Michael had been making porn films in Nottingham, England for well over ten years.Jenny and David were now married with c***dren but still performed as often as possible.Michael’s beautiful black girlfriend Dolly and a young girl of Indian extraction called Ambar were now regular performers in their many films.It was Jenny’s idea that they celebrate David’s 50th birthday with a film just about...

2 years ago
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David Dreamscape Ch 01

His name was David, and David was ugly. I knew David in ‘real life’, he was the brother of a girl I went to high school with, and he really was so very unattractive. He certainly wasn’t my type of guy, I hardly ever spoke to him let alone look at him. Poor David, poor ugly David. For obvious reasons, I hadn’t thought of David, or his sister, for a very long time, and was therefore a bit surprised to find myself waking up after having dreamt about him. And it wasn’t just any old dream, it was...

1 year ago
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David Vickie and Me

Hard to believe it's been 25 years since we opened a door and didn't just step but jumped thru. David, Vickie and I were the closest of friends that summer. Where ever you saw one , the other two were not far away. We were in our early twenties. David and I were both tall and lean. The biggest contrast was my long dark hair and David’s long blonde hair. Well, there was one other difference. David was one of those lucky white guys with a cock that would make a black man envious. Even flaccid it...

3 years ago
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Melissa was beside herself. How many times had she masturbated in the last few hours? Six, maybe seven. She needed cock, a nice hard, flesh-throbbing cock to satisfy her. She logged on to one of her favourite contact sites and her avatar, MNC popped into life. Most people from the site realised what it stood for immediately; some were more naïve. She waited a few moments to see who was logged on before making a coffee and grabbing a bite to eat.The flat smelt stale, no, it smelt of stale sex,...


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