A Fool Stumbles Into Love Ch. 06 free porn video

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Maureen and her mother leaned against each other as they waved good bye to Cal. It had been a long day for both, but another event was still in store for the younger woman, an event she had no inclination of.

Cal had asked Maureen to marry him the night before at the Olive Garden. Maureen had said yes but no too, she’d played a silly trick on him about being a virgin, saying she couldn’t marry him until he lost his cherry. He’d given it up to her later that very evening. In fact he’d given it up, and given it up, and given it up.

Technically Maureen hadn’t been a virgin, but the experience she’d had with Cal was her first ‘true’ romantic encounter, it was far different from the two other times she’d been with boys. It was something she’d remember for the rest of her life, something she’d cherish for always.

They’d gone to the tavern the next night where she thought she’d tricked him again. He’d asked her to marry him, that was true, but only he and she and her mother knew it. At the tavern she manipulated him into publicly announcing their engagement, but then he ‘one upped’ her by telling everyone about the condition she’d placed on her acceptance. After that he asked for volunteers among the ladies to make him eligible for marriage. The girls all understood the joke and most volunteered to help him out. It was an embarrassing but heartwarming few minutes.

Later he took her home and dropped her off. Cal had to attend to his dog Maggie, and Maureen’s mom, Andrea, wanted to have a heart to heart with her daughter.

Maureen’s mom had suffered through her own tribulations over the years helping her daughter struggle with her injuries. Andrea stood beside the now hale and healthy young woman she had helped make whole, it hadn’t been easy.

Even after twenty years the awful sight of her precious baby lodged beneath that fearsome branch horrified her, it was a nightmare from which she was never quite able to escape. She remembered those first seconds of desperation, trying to dislodge the limb from her screaming child, then the terrifying wait after she called 911.

That had been twenty years ago, and now, even now, standing on the porch, her palms would get sweaty and her limbs would start to shake. Standing on the porch with her arm around her daughter the terror of those first moments were as stark and real as when they first occurred. It was an enervating remembrance, an omnipresent fear.

She remembered every single minute, every single day, the arrival of the paramedics, the fright in their eyes, their grim solicitude convinced her child’s chances were nonexistent. She remembered their frantic efforts to lift the branch, finding her husband’s chain saw, cutting the limb away, the baleful screams of her little girl every time the branch moved even just a fraction of an inch.

Riding in the ambulance that day was the longest trip of her life. How much pain killer could one give a four year old, not much. The high pitched agonizing screams, the sight of little bones extruding through tensed muscles, the pathetic pleas for help, and those green eyes crying out for her mommy’s help, these were terrors she relived every single day of her life.

Andrea had relived those moments, those hours of helplessness every waking moment of her life. Maureen was her little girl, her only little girl. The doctors had said she could have no more children, it didn’t matter, to lose one, to lose one in the manner that had been shaping up was unthinkable.

As Andrea watched Cal drive away thoughts of those first days and weeks crowded in. Of course, they had never, ever, been far from her consciousness. She remembered the long hours that turned into days at the hospital. There had been the homeward ambulance trip, that trip wherein she was sure the doctors and nurses believed they were sending her child, her baby, home to die.

For days after their return Andrea had been afraid to go to sleep, even to close her eyes. What if she dozed off and her baby left her in those fleeting moments? Even after twenty years she still habitually awakened just to check, just to see. During the first year of Maureen’s great adventure away at college she called day and night, to check in, fearful.

She recalled how finally it had been Maureen who had put her foot down. Maureen had insisted she stop constantly calling, explaining that she was able to fend for herself. She stopped the daily phone calls, but she still worried. She also knew Maureen had forgotten her accident, she would never understand how fearful her mother was, she’d never know the terror.

During those first days after the hospital Andrea’s trauma never abated, her fear never receded, but her lonely vigil was eased considerably when the hospital called with news they’d found a full time, affordable, nurse. That had been Cal’s mother, Ms. Burkheim. She thought her first name had been Lauren or was it Dorothy, she didn’t recall?

When Cal’s mom arrived it opened the opportunity to find work to help pay the costs. She never dreamed how much doctors and medicines cost. She and her husband were buried under an unbelievable mountain of debt almost overnight. They were lucky, a government loan, a local funding project and her husband’s veteran’s benefits, had enabled them to get a good mortgage contract. Without it they would have been homeless very quickly.

Her husband had one job, he found another, a second job. She found a job at the local thrift store. It didn’t pay much, but it enabled her to be close by if a crisis emerged, and there were crises.

Cal’s mom brought her little boy with her. They stayed on day and night. She remembered Cal so well. He was a lonely little boy. He needed a place to hang his cap, and her daughter needed a companion.

Andrea reflected on the influence Cal had on her daughter. She, Andrea, remembered when she was a little girl her dad had brought a puppy home once. That little dog was the ugliest damn dog she’d ever seen, a little brown thing with grotesquely long gray whiskers, but she fell in love it with it right away. Tragically the puppy had a spinal deformity, and as it grew, it became increasingly unable to get about, any movement was a painful battle.

She remembered that tiny little dog sleeping all day, waiting for her father to get home. When her dad got home the dog came to life, like it’s only reason for hanging around was to get glimpse of her dad, a chance at some feeble play. In the end they had to put the dog down.

Andrea squeezed her now strong grown daughter’s waist. She thought about the way Maureen used to looked at that little boy, Cal. She remembered thinking about how her daughter reminded her of that little dog, the only thing keeping her daughter going being the presence of that little boy. Andrea knew that young man who just pulled away had saved her daughter’s life.

Andrea looked at her daughter, her happy visage, her wonderful blissful innocent smile, to think the boy putting the color in her daughter’s cheeks tonight was that self same boy who’d done the very same thing two decades before.

Andrea looked at Maureen and smiled, ‘Shall we go in?’

Maureen smiled back at her mom, ‘OK.’

As they crossed the threshold into the kitchen Maureen thought of her mother. She loved her mother, she’d do anything for her, but she hoped tonight they could skip the mother daughter talk.

Maureen felt all dreamy about Cal. All she wanted to do was go to bed, and fantasize about her hero, the newly discovered center of her universe, her lover. Sure her mom was important, she’d always been there when she needed her, sometimes when she didn’t need to be there too, but the time was coming when she was going to have to start to let go. She couldn’t pretend to try to protect her forever. Maureen was a grown woman. She needed her space.

The two women went inside, they crossed through the cluttered old kitchen to th
e living room. Maureen could see her daughter was tired and obviously preoccupied, certainly about the young man who’d just left, but she still needed to talk.

Andrea asked, ‘May I get you a drink or something?’

Maureen answered, ‘No I’m good.’

Mom kept up the one sided banter, ‘Come on in. Let’s sit on the sofa a while.’

As they both sat on the old sofa Maureen sort of assumed this was going to be another one of those big mother daughter talks. Her mom would probably warn her not to rush into anything, to make sure this was really the right boy, to admonish her about early pregnancies, birth control, fidelity, or worse, abortions. They’d had these same talks a hundred times.

Maureen decided to sit and listen, confident her mother only had her best interests at heart. She’d be a good girl. She figured she had a good answer for all the stuff her mom might bring up. She’d let her mother ramble and amble on, let her talk till she ran out of steam, then they could both go to bed, her mom satisfied she’d gotten her points across, and she, Maureen, satisfied she’d been the dutiful daughter.

OK, maybe she was being a little condescending, but she loved her mother. If sitting through another long lecture made her mom happy, then it was the right thing to do.

Andrea sat down beside her daughter on the sofa. She sat in the center of the couch on her daughter’s left making sure Maureen would get the benefit of the better lighting from the end table. She glanced down at her daughter’s now strong, powerful, muscular legs. She remembered not so longer ago the brittle little bones, the emaciated little sinews. Her girl had grown up to be a strong, intelligent, sometimes willful, but always wonderful young woman. Yes, she’d beaten the odds. She was so proud of her. She loved her so very much.

Andrea took her daughter’s hand, ‘You really love him?’

Maureen thought, uh oh, we’re going into the let’s make sure you know what you’re doing mode, ‘I do mom.’

‘You and he, you’ve both thought this thing through?’

A nasty thought skipped across Maureen’s brain. What if she said something like, no we’re just two assholes out on a lark. She didn’t though, she could put up with another well meaning motherly interrogation, ‘Not exactly, we’re in love, we’re old enough, and I think we both know what we want.’

Andrea’s squeezed Maureen’s hand. It was a good strong womanly hand now, once it hadn’t been that way. She looked at her daughter’s fingernails. She remembered polishing them for her when she was little.

She mentally slapped herself, she had to stay focused, ‘I’ve talked to your father. He knows the boy, and thinks he’s a wonderful choice, a good fit for you. Oh, and Jared, Cal’s grandfather, you know him, he’s already in love with you.’

Maureen looked up, surprised. She asked, ‘How does dad come to know Cal?’

Andrea gave her daughter’s hand another squeeze. She thought she really is an innocent, ‘I’ll come to that in a minute. But first there are some things I want to talk to you about, and I have some things to show you.’

Maureen thought her mom hadn’t given an opinion about Cal yet. She brought it up, ‘You haven’t said anything yet. How do you feel?’

Andrea burst out, she bubbled forth, ‘Oh I think he’s a wonderful choice. You and he are a perfect fit. But there are some things I want to tell you. Will you listen?’

Maureen thought, uh oh, she has objections. She didn’t say that though. She gave her mom a warm, slightly condescending, smile, ‘Of course mom, but I’ve made up my mind.’

Andrea reached over and picked a piece of lint off her daughter’s dress and flicked it on the floor, ‘I don’t want you to change your mind. I only want to help you better understand.’

Maureen leaned back slightly, ‘Understand? What’s not to understand?’

Andrea saw and sensed the growing impatience, ‘Has Cal said anything about your legs?’

Maureen looked down at her legs, the scars, the dozens of striated white lines that betrayed years of surgeries and therapy, ‘No, I don’t think he’s noticed. Does it matter?’

Andrea asked, ‘Have you thought about what you’re going to tell him?’

Maureen answered, ‘I don’t know. I’ll tell him I was hurt, and had work done. I don’t think he’ll care.’

Andrea first reassured, then corrected her daughter, ‘I know he won’t care regarding marriage. It won’t change his mind. In fact, it will more than likely reaffirm his commitment to you, but I do think it will matter. I think it will matter a great deal.’

Maureen suspected her mother knew something or thought something. Maybe she knew something from earlier, something she hadn’t let on about. Maybe she had an axe to grind. She didn’t see her mother as one of those clinging types, but she wasn’t sure. Suspicions were beginning to rise to the surface.

Maureen asked her mother, ‘Do you know something I don’t?’

Andrea answered her daughter’s question with another question, ‘You don’t remember much about your injuries do you?’

Maureen was tired and getting a little irritable, ‘You know that mom. You and dad never brought it up. You guys said it didn’t matter. You said it happened when I was so young it didn’t matter.’

Andrea looked her daughter in the eye, ‘It matter’s now.’

Maureen had to put a stop to the cat and mouse she thought her mom was playing. She held up a hand, ‘First tell me you’re not going to say something like dad is Cal’s father and we’re brother and sister.’

Andrea ran her right hand around the side of her daughter’s face. She took a piece of her hair and twirled it in her fingers. God she loved this girl, ‘Of course not. You’re father has always been loyal, faithful, and true. You get that foolish notion out of that beautiful brain. Cal knows who his biological father is, always has. That has nothing to do with I want to say.’

Maureen pushed her mom’s hand away. This was all very disquieting. Her mom knew as much, if not more, about Cal than she did. Where was she getting all her information? She was sure her mom hadn’t been snooping, that wasn’t her style.

She leaned her head back on the sofa. It had been an awfully long day, she was barely able to keep her eyes open. Weary, that was the word. She was weary. She hoped her mom would get to the point.

‘OK,’ she said, ‘so what have you got to tell me?’

Andrea spoke to the question, ‘It’s not so much what I have to say. I have some things to show you.’

Maureen’s mother reached behind to the sofa end table and pulled out a stack of pictures. She spoke to her daughter, ‘You remember these.’ She handed Maureen a small stack of pictures from her college, high school and middle school years.

Maureen glanced through the stack, and handed them back, ‘Oh mom. Of course, I remember all this.’

Andrea handed her a second stack of pictures, ‘You remember these also I’ll bet.’ There were five pictures from her last two years of elementary school, fourth and fifth grades. Maureen was standing in crutches in some, sitting in a wheelchair in a couple, and just sitting at the kitchen table in one.

These were pictures Maureen remembered, but more in an off hand way. They reflected a time when a lot of things were happening around her that had been blurry.

She told her mother, ‘I remember what’s in these pictures, sure, sort of.’

Andrea knew she had passed through the ‘safe’ pictures. The next sets were going to be different.

Her mom handed her some older pictures of the house. There weren’t any people in them. Some had been taken inside, some outside. The pivotal photo showed the old gazebo.

While Maureen whisked through the house pictures Andrea asked, ‘Do you remember any of these?’

Maureen looked at them. She saw the old sofa they were sitting on. It looked newer in the snapshot. The porch looked different, cleaner. There was a gazebo in the only outs
ide picture. It was surrounded by a bunch of huge trees. She didn’t remember the gazebo or the trees at all.

Maureen told her mother, ‘Cal found the footers to this gazebo. Was it here when we moved in?’

Her mom answered, ‘Oh yeah, it was here.’

‘What happened to it?’

‘Your dad had it and all the trees torn down.’

Maureen figured it must have been old really old, ‘I guess it was so old you and dad decided to get rid of it.’

Andrea wasn’t very reassuring, ‘It was old, but that wasn’t why we had it torn down.’

Maureen didn’t know where her mother was taking this. It was boring, she was tired, she wanted to go to bed, and she was a little scared about the whole gazebo thing too, ‘OK, I give up. You had an old gazebo torn down. Why?’

Her mother answered in a very strange way, ‘I can’t explain why we tore it down. Maybe if you looked at another picture.’

Andrea handed her another old snapshot. This one was small, grainy, and wrinkled. There was a little girl in the center. She was much smaller than any of the pictures of Maureen that her mother had shown her before, so Maureen figured it wasn’t of her. The girl was sitting on a chair in the gazebo that had been in the other picture. The girl was sitting off to the right on the side a little. The whole thing was faint, blurred up too, too blurry to tell anything. This seemed like such a waste of time.

Maureen couldn’t take her eyes off the girl’s face. It could have been her! No it wasn’t her, but whoever it was, she sure looked sad, like real sad. She looked sickly. She looked like she’d either been crying or wanted to cry. Maureen felt sorry for her. She couldn’t tell much more. The little girl had dark, maybe black hair. The picture was in black and white so she couldn’t get any clues about complexion, and the thing was so small eye color would have been impossible to tell. It wasn’t her anyway. She never looked like that.

Maureen kept staring at the face in the picture. She was tired. She wanted to go to bed. Sitting on the sofa with her mother looking at old pictures of some sick little girl wasn’t what she wanted to do. That wasn’t her in the picture. That couldn’t be her.

Maureen didn’t want to do this any more. She looked at her mother. Andrea had her special warm loving expression on, the expression she always evinced when something real sad or real bad was about to be brought up.

She really didn’t want to do this anymore. She was afraid to ask her next question, but blurted out anyway, ‘Who is this girl? This isn’t me.’ There she’d said. It wasn’t her. She’d said it with a finality that would have convinced the most hard boiled judge.

Maureen’s mother answered her, ‘No, that’s you dear.’

Maureen put the picture down on the sofa, ‘No. No. That’s not me.’

Andrea wanted to tell her it wasn’t, but it was, ‘No honey, that’s a picture of you.’

Maureen lashed out, ‘You never showed me this before! Why now?’

Maureen didn’t like the picture. She didn’t like the flow of the conversation. She wasn’t very sure if she liked her mother very much right then either, ‘Why did you wait till now to show me this?’

Andrea didn’t answer her daughter. She handed her another photograph.

Maureen accepted it. This picture was in color! It was the same little girl. She was sitting in a wheelchair, Maureen’s old wheelchair, only the little girl was so small the chair dwarfed her. The little girl’s pallid complexion, her wan look, the frailty of her countenance betrayed everything, a million fears, ten million unspoken emotions, and pain. Maureen could see the pain in her face!

Maureen knew now it was her! She was shocked and angry! Angry with her mother for showing her all this after all these years, upset that she couldn’t remember any of it, and scared, scared because she didn’t know where this was going, and she didn’t want to know where it was going! She didn’t want it to go anywhere!

The younger woman shifted her seat further back on the sofa. Her muscles ached, her eyes scratchy with fatigue. They were diffident eyes, filled with un-uttered complaints, angry comments, as yet unscripted angry words too harsh to articulate to a loving mother, and yet there was a nascent desire to keep going, to follow her mother’s lead. She felt like she was in some old mystery novel where the captive girl had left a series of clues along the trail, follow the clues and find what you’re searching for.

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Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #3"S-Stop, it's fine. Just shut up," Anna said, her voice urgent.‘Wait, what?’ I thought, picking up on what she'd said. ‘If it was a guy? Does she mean that she and Anna...’"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I asked."It's nothing! Let's not talk about it, please?" Anna begged."Was she waiting for you that night?" I insisted."Uh, yeah. Sorry if that's personal," Melissa said, looking at Anna. "Oh, fuck. I fucked up again, didn't I?"She looked even more ridden with...

3 years ago
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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 2

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #2Near the end of the evening, as people were starting to leave, I stood in the kitchen talking to Matt and Rick once again. Us three, and some girl who was barely paying attention, were discussing basketball when Melissa came up to me."No way, man. Mudiay is definitely the first pick," Rick assured us, gesturing wildly."If you say so, I just think-""Hey, Sam," Melissa said, interrupting me. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, her globes mashing up...

3 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version AlphaChapter 5

I thought I’d pull a fast one on Cindy, so I left a note on the kitchen table that I’d had to go out of town on a project and didn’t know when I’d be back, and for her to just go on to bed. Then, thinking I would outwit her, because she’d go get in my bed, I went to sleep in hers. I was awakened by a naked body sliding into bed with me. Until, upon finding that bed occupied, when she thought I was at work, she shrieked. Apparently my bed wasn’t as attractive if I wasn’t in it. I got her...

3 years ago
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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

2 years ago
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Fooling around with her sisters boyfriend

I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer; I didn't have my first orgasm until I was eighteen years old. I had never been particularly interested in boys and sex and all that. My family wasn't well off, and if I was going to get into a decent university (unlike my sister Valerie who was still living at home and going to community college), I would have to get really good grades. I had tried masturbating before. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with it, that it's totally natural, etc etc. It...

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Badminton club

Hopefully erotica for those who would like to be titillated.Sorry to run off early ladies, but I have to get home to put the little ones to bed. See you all next week” shouted Amanda as she ran out of the changing room. I sat on the bench in the old school changing rooms, absolutely shattered. It had turned out to be a really lovely evening, with three other mums, from my k**s school, playing badminton. I hadn’t played since I was a teenager, and I used to love the game. Sadly age, ch*****n,...

3 years ago
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The Badminton Match

                         The Badminton MatchThe sports club usually closed at ten thirty in the evening but this had been a grudge match between two girls who did not particularly like each other and therefore neither would agree to a draw or a postponement when closing time came and as a result they were the last two in the gym.Jane was tall and fairly slim with long blonde hair, tanned legs and arms which were shown off to advantage by her white skirt and blouse. In contrast Alice was a...

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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...

1 year ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 3

Hey guys, this is the third part of the events that unfolded after our badminton session. To know more, read the previous parts. It’s been a week now, I and Kalpana would make out in college whenever we got the chance and I would slap her ass when no one is around. Sometimes, I would squeeze her ass when we were in a crowd. She sucked my dick dry many times in the college washroom and would swallow my cum. Now, we were friends with benefits. One day, I got a call from Mani (my badminton coach...

1 year ago
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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 4

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #4"Oooh, oh, mmm... That feels so nice," Anna complimented, holding her friend's head up between her legs. Melissa let out a sexy, muffled moan at the praise.After some time I got her free and they stopped, letting Melissa relax and massage her wrists. Anna and me took up positions on either side of her. We all lay together for a while, warm bodies up against each other."So, is this going to be a regular thing?" I asked."Not if you're thinking of tying me up...

3 years ago
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Fools Rush In

"Fools Rush In" "We'll take you on at football" said Marie the Captain of the University Ladies Hockey Team. "To prove that we are just as good at it as you are, but..." George, the captain of the University football team had been asking Marie for a match for months... It was a good chance to get up close with the girls and prove once and for all that as men they were superior and hopefully change shirts at the end of the game. What was the "but"? George interrupted Marie,...

2 years ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 3

Eventually, we finished dinner and had the kitchen cleaned and dishes washed up. And I’m sure that John was relieved. He was acting like a dog passing a peach pit as we all sat down in the living room. Everyone’s glass was filled, and we were all feeling pleasantly fed. Suzy gave me the go ahead to get started. So, I started the conversation. “Alright, John, this is your chance. Tell me about this ‘unusual’ guide group you’ve got.” “Well, Matt, Ms. Suzy, you know that my oldest daughter is...

4 years ago
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Fools Gold Ch 02

In the end, Anne agreed to meet with me and we were able to hammer out a settlement. It was easier than I expected. When we met, Anne acted relieved over the lack of rancor. I’m not saying we didn’t snap at each other, but we did try our hardest to keep things civilized. It helped that we both had one overriding concern, minimizing the impact on the girls. She was leery at first over the concept of sharing custody, but I was able to convince her that it was the best option for the girls. Of...

2 years ago
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Fools Gold Ch 05

Anne slowly got to her feet and started to walk back to her house. I watched her back for a second before stopping her. ‘Annie?’ At the sound of my voice she half turned reluctantly. ‘Why now?’ I asked softly. ‘It’s been over four years. Why did you decide it was finally time to apologize?’ Anne opened her mouth to respond, and then shut it with a snap as words failed her. She slowly turned the rest of the way, and moved back towards the bench. She sat down again with a thoughtful...

3 years ago
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Fools Mate

‘And the Devil whispered ‘Knight to Queen’s bishop four.’ That’s when I knew we were all pawns.’ -A laughing man in a truck-stop, over coffee and a game Drizzle blew lightly against the door. In The Undergrounds, a smoky little coffee shop I’d been visiting for a few weeks, now, the air was thick with smoke, like every busy night around here. All the regulars were there, and they all pulled the same schtick when they got inside. You could see them flying down the stairwell through the glass...

2 years ago
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Fools Gold Ch 04

Finally as the New Year began, my discussions with Annie finally lead to closure on the divorce. One Sunday, I had come over for lunch and was planning to stay awhile. Sarah had a friend over to work on a school project, while Lacey had a ton of homework to finish. After a while, Annie asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. We walked to the park down the street and set off on a stroll around the pond. After a few minutes, Annie glanced over to me with a rueful smile. ‘Bill, is it too late to...

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Fools Gold Ch 03

By the time we returned from Florida, I was at peace with my plans. I wanted to avoid giving the girls a false hope, so I planned on waiting a few weeks and then setting up a meeting with Annie. Then life intervened. The one thing that I never expected, occurred. It changed all of my plans. I fell in love. Her name was Jean and I met her on the job. My team had been assigned the job of designing a new corporate headquarters/factory for a client that was expanding into our region. Jean worked...

2 years ago
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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 2

Her progress at first was slow — painfully slow. I forced in spoonfuls of milk to her as often as I dared, day and night, and looked for even the slightest signs of improvement. I was treading an extremely dangerous path now, trying to force in enough nutrition as fast as was safely possible so that she would have some meager internal body strength to fight the excruciating pains of drug withdrawal. I wasn't even sure that performing this balancing act was even possible. The doctors on those...

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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 3

The next day I made my weekly phone call to Joel. I have a normal Bell phone line at my home, but I never use it for 'business'. Way too easy to trace. A few years ago, I did a favor for an IT uber-geek who set me up with a 110% secure Internet phone line that bounces off half a dozen private servers and tele-comm satellites before it ever touches a terrestrial landline, probably somewhere in Paraguay. Any bad guys short of the NSA wouldn't have a chance in seven hells of tracing me. Joel...

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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 4

My angel's story, which she told me during the walk back to the house, was less heart wrenching, but still a tale of sadness and regrets. Her mistakes were largely and indeed nearly entirely of her manufacture; a fact that she was just now coming to realize. The recovery time had provided her with the opportunity for a good deal of reflection and self-examination. Like me, she wasn't entirely happy with what she saw inside herself. Growing up in a life of privilege, she had wanted for...

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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 5

My plan, such as it was, was quite straightforward. Direct burglary of the house; find them and then kill them, asleep in their beds if necessary. In fact, that option sounded pretty darned good to me. I'd never actually killed anyone except in more or less straight forward self-defense, so I was a little weak at the dark arts of assassination. I was sure that this job would need way more preparation time than usual, but on the other hand, soon it would be common knowledge that the Angel was...

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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 6

Sweeping the floor turned out to be a perfect disguise. Hiding in plain sight nearly always works wonders. I had unlimited access to everything and no one paid me the slightest bit of attention. Seeing nude whipped slaves at work was apparently a very ho-hum part of daily existence around this place. The main security office provided a gold mine of information and no one seemed to either notice or care that it was taking me a really long time to sweep the floor. I guess it helped that I was...

4 years ago
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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundEpilogue

I wasn't back at the ranch in Texas for more than a few hours before my cell phone rang. The FBI agent in charge of the Ft. Worth branch wanted me to know that a forensics team from Quantico would arrive at the ranch early tomorrow morning to assist in my search for my mother's remains. While this was fine with me, I began to be concerned about just how many folks now had my private cell phone number. It was just a little late to start worrying about security again. The search team arrived...

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Fooled into Bed with sister

There was very little traffic on the roads that Sunday morning, which was okay by me. I, my sister and her friend Melissa were on our way into the city proper.They often invited me to their outings, though perhaps the fact that I had a car was partly responsible for that. I really did enjoy their company though. Melissa was a fun, not to mention attractive, girl and my sister and I had always gotten along well."Aren't we there yet?" Melissa called out from the backseat."What are you, a k**?"...

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Love on the Mountaintop

The road was every bit as rough as I remembered: granite boulders, sandstone, steep, deep ruts, narrow. I was in my new Jeep Wrangler, the first off-road trek I’d made with it. What a perfect place, the old Anthony Lakes lookout. I’d been there once before with my parents, probably twenty years earlier, when I was a teenager with much more important things on my mind than a mountain trek with parents and my brother, like girls.My parents were still around, but my older brother, he’d gotten...

Love Stories
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Love of PoliticsChapter 4 1992 The Clinton Years Begin Another Campaign

Well, the golf tournament was great fund-raising success. In the end we shared it with the national campaign, so that made the ticket prices higher and the turnout was huge, but I was in my true element. I mean to say that it was exciting to be manager of a small campaign right alongside the presidential campaign. Mark, in his second campaign for Stare Representative was impressing a lot of people. I was running Mark's campaign for the third time in six years. He would run again for the...

3 years ago
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Fooled Again

Fooled Again Synopsis: This Genie just can't help falling for the same trick every time. Tommy and Sarah help Jesse to realize her dream by once again calling upon the Genie. [-][+][-] On April Fool's Day, there were two friends sitting down to eat in a local cafe with a teen girl. When dinner was ordered, they began to talk. "Well, Jesse, what about you? You still getting the operation?" asked Sarah. 'Poor kid, she is where I was last year. Glad that Tommy and I switched...

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Fools Top

At different times before and during the summer, I had planted some cauliflower, broccoli, beetroot, onions, pees, rhubarb and various potatoes in a glasshouse on my mountain top. I had setup and calculated their respective growth cycle well. Already four wooden crates were filled with vegetables. The tomato plants were still giving generously and I plucked the ripe ones. With care I placed the crates on the platform to bring them down the mountain. Early tomorrow morning the platform would...

2 years ago
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Fools Gold

Who wins ... in love? Who cries tonight? Who's left behind? And who, who is lost? -- Nan Moravia Love Lost It's sad when a woman, a loving, passionate woman awakens in a cold, empty bed with no one there to embrace her, to hold her in his arms. To love her. There was this one woman. She was the saddest case of all. She knew what she wanted, but it just wasn't hers to take. "I don't know why you, of all people, think it's so disgusting." "Lisa!" "It's not as if it's...

4 years ago
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Fool Me Once Youre Out of Here Lies eventua

Lies eventually do catch up to you.Christy was every man's wet dream. At 5'9", she had long, jet-black hair, perfect 36C breasts, and legs that reached all the way to heaven. Her skin was flawless, with a slight olive tint, which made it look like it had never seen the sun. She was college educated, had a fantastic job, in sales with a large d**g company, and loved to watch basketball with me. My only problem with her was that she oozed sexuality, and was a huge flirt. I didn't care when it was...

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Letter To Clinton Crayle

HERE ISA LETTER FROM A YOUNG MAN WHO TRIED TO FOLLOW, IN CLINTON CRAYLE'S FOOTSTEPS! Dear Mr. Crayle, Ever since I became the youngest officer on the Campus Security Force, I've been bound and determined to make a name for myself here. Of course, I consider this job only a temporary stop on my way to becoming a big-name Private Eye like you, but still, I wanted to do something really spectacular as long as I was here. That's why I assigned myself the task of catching a thief...

3 years ago
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A Jessie McClintock Story SUCCUBUS PART 1

Jessie looked coolly at the man sitting across from her. She didn’t like him. Not his silk shirt, not his slicked back hair, not his fake tan. Gino the strip club owner. He was a walking stereotype. Her thoughts drifted mournfully to the Glade plug in working overtime in her office to combat this douchebag’s aggressive use of Axe body spray. Then she thumbed through the bundle of cash he’d tossed in her lap. “Look, I need this done, and I’m told you’re the only person to talk to...

1 year ago
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A Jessie McClintock Story GHOST

This appointment tonight filled her with a modicum of hope. Her doctor had made her believe this could be the solution. It had to be. Because Melissa wasn’t sure she could survive another day. Not. One. More. Day. Not like this. The street numbers flew past, but then she stopped. She’d gone too far. She back tracked and still couldn’t find it. But it had to be here. It had to … There, a barely visible alleyway descending into pitch darkness. Away from the...

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Fiona intoduced to the lane

I admit fucking Alice was out of this world, her tight cunt and sweet mouth, awesome, and the fact that she too was now being manipulated into fucking strangers for me had made me regrettably overlook my sexy whore mother in law. I had to change this and as my girlfriend was away for two weeks and Alice was helping out in the pub till late I had time to get my cock up Fiona. Alice cleared off to work and I sat in the front room on the sofa next to Fiona. The clock was ticking round to 7pm...

3 years ago
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Under the beams of the mointor

Hiii … hiii …somehow time passed unnoticed , we talked about lots of stuff , exchanged emails , she told me I’d like to see more of u , sure I told her . then later we did chat by the messenger , all was nice & pure . I saw her the other day in the library , where we sat outside & she started to tell me about herself , how old is she , her personality , what do people think of her, told me about her family….told me that she is not allowed to go out with me unless I go meet her father , then...

1 year ago
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Don Jacinto8217s Foot Fetish

It’s started this late Saturday night at a night club. Colette Enzo’s has woke up & found out she was laying down past out in the middle of the dancefloor. Colette has been partying and drinking all night with her girlfriends. Colette was looking very sexy. She had on a hot red leather tight pants and a black blouse and high heels opened toes shoes. Colette was enjoiying herself and having a good time…too much of a good time. Colette was drinking all types of alcohol and took...

2 years ago
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Fiona intoduced to the lane

Introduction: Fiona has no idea that the cock that uses her holes tonight is the same cock that fucked her daughter the night before……neither does the farmer know that his had his cock up a mother and daughter on different nights The problem Id had over the last week or so is that fucking 3 women, all in the same household, a tiresome exercise. The only thing that made it achievable is the fact that my missus the eldest of the two daughters worked away a lot of the time. Since I began fucking...

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