Wot Happened After I Kissed Me Str8 Mate
- 2 years ago
- 36
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‘And the Devil whispered
‘Knight to Queen’s bishop four.’
That’s when I knew we were all pawns.’
-A laughing man in a truck-stop, over coffee and a game
Drizzle blew lightly against the door. In The Undergrounds, a smoky little coffee shop I’d been visiting for a few weeks, now, the air was thick with smoke, like every busy night around here. All the regulars were there, and they all pulled the same schtick when they got inside. You could see them flying down the stairwell through the glass door and they all made a beeline for the coffee urn at the end of the counter, hurriedly stripping off their gloves and dropping a dollar in the old can next to the mugs. It made me think about those St. Bernard’s that were supposed to roam the mountains of whatever European country they were from, the ones who sniff people out and offer them the brandy from the little cask around their neck. I always felt sorta sorry for the drooly beasts, tho’. All that slobber’s gotta freeze up somethin terrible. Imagining droolcicles hanging from the mouth of a gigantic, galumphing dog made me smile, and Satan raised an eyebrow at me, from across our little two-seater table.
‘Do you always think about things like that?’ He’s got a quiet voice, when he wants to. The kind of voice that makes chopping your parents’ fingers off one at a time, and then feeding them their own meaty little bits sound reasonable. Heads turned at the sound, people peering across the dingy room to stare at him.
I shrugged. ‘I make weird associations like that. S’why I fit in here.’
‘I knew it could not be an undying devotion to the coffee.’ He smiled. I’m not gay, or anything, but he’s really pretty.
‘It’s hot, though. S’gotta count for something.’ I grinned at him, watching him light a cigarette with his thumb. I also saw what everyone else saw, like the ghost of a thought. A Lucky Strike Zippo appeared in his hand, and way back inside my head, I heard the lid of the lighter he was letting everyone choose to see click open and the wheel strike and then the satisfyingly no-bullshit sound of it flicking closed.
‘I know what hot counts for.’ He said. Satan always spouts melodramatic shit like that, when you mention anything that’s even vaguely associated with him. That’s part of the reason I never bring matches in here. One whiff of sulphur and the guy goes berserk. It took me a week to talk the manager into letting him back in, after the last time that happened. Something about the lingering smell of brimstone and the coffee cups dancing around sorta freaked the guy out. It made me laugh, though.
‘I bet you know what hot counts for, ‘cos I got you in hot water right now Beeblezdub!’ I said, and pointed at his king’s castle, the bowl of which was perpetually filled with ashes and cigarette butts. ‘You gonna move that rook, or are you just gonna keep it over there so you don’t have to get your lazy ass up to grab an ashtray?’ We were playing chess. Everyone in this place plays chess. It’s not exactly a prerequisite for acceptance, here, but if this dump had an entrance exam, the ol’ 64 square checkerboard would be it. They even gave it a cool twist, here. Every two seater table was hand-painted into a giant chessboard, with giant pieces to match. The pieces were so big, I couldn’t wrap my hand all the way around the king. And the slotted tops of all the rooks were ashtrays. Guy that owns this place is a fuckin’ genius, even if he couldn’t afford more than these cracked-ass formica jobs, the type of shit that looked like it was in its’ prime in some burger joint in 1952. But fuck it, anyway. The tables fit in, ugly or not. They’re comfortable here, like cranky old men. They rock back and forth on the diagonal, most times, and if you don’t pay attention, they’ll spill pieces on you. Bad deal, if your cigarette’s in the top of a rook.
‘Why would I move the piece that is going to mate you away from where I want it?’ Old Scratch was regarding me with the expression one feels that he generally reserved for small piles of dogshit that happened to get in the way of his shoe. Or Roman Catholics. ‘And it’s Beelzebub.’ I grinned at him and shrugged.
‘Mark this, Ken. Good chess isn’t about the pieces you take, or even about who gets mate. It’s about developing a plan, gaining position. Do you know what good position is, Ken?’ I hate it when he looks at me all intense, like that. I shook my head. He nodded, knowing I wouldn’t get it without one of his patented speeches.
‘Good position is about controlling the board with one piece, on one square.’ Waiting for the point, now. He’s a windy son of a bitch. ‘Can you tell me how many opening choices there are, in the beginning of every game?’ It occurred to me to point out to him that his conversation wandered the way my mind free associated. For the life of me, the sudden switch of topic didn’t make any sense, but I still thought about it. Eight pawns, two possible moves apiece. Two rooks, two moves each. That made…
‘Twenty’ I said, confidence in my every expression.
‘Wrong.’ He smirked.
I sighed. Guy never asks a straight question. ‘How many, then?’
‘Twenty-one. You didn’t count abdication.’
I frowned at that, because, well, ‘Abdication isn’t technically a move, though, because the king doesn’t change squares. Doesn’t even move, unless you tip him over.’
He nodded. ‘True, but I said opening choices, not opening moves. You can always admit defeat, even before you start.’
I wasn’t in the mood to argue. ‘Alright, then. What’s this got to do with position?’
‘Attend,’ he said, with a twinkle in his eye, ‘The best defense you have got is an unopened game. Nothing but knights can pass the front rank, and even then they would be taken by the pawns before they could get into range.’ He moved his black bishop out and took one of my horses, as if to emphasize that removing such a versatile piece was the most important development in his game. He continued, setting the giant white piece on the table to my right, ‘Therefore, it would follow logically that the best position is occupied by your two ranks of pieces, in the beginning of the game.’ I thought about chopping off my parents fingers. He really is that convincing. I sighed.
‘You said that position was about controlling the game from one square, with one piece.’
‘I did and it is. You set the tone for position with the first move.’ He was trying to throw me off, mixing the truth with liberal amounts of smoke and mirrors, but I didn’t let it faze me. As if I wouldn’t notice that he’d contradicted himself twice in as many sentences. You get used to it. Sometimes, that scares me. But tell me, what good would it do to call the Devil himself a liar? He just smiles and nods and goes on like nothing is wrong. It’s fucking exasperating.
I snagged his bishop with my queen, mulling over what he said. I’ve noticed that he telegraphs his blows, if you know what I mean. He’s got this habit of telling you he’s going to fuck you over, by one means or another, telling you how to get out of it, and then conning you into thinking that it’s OK to let him boink your sister and impregnate your dad while enrolling you in a military school. And you’re happy with it. Drives me bonkers, because the only person I have to be mad at is myself, when all’s said and done. Free will can be a motherfucker, sometimes.
He flicked a quarter-length of cigarette ash into his remaining rook, and smirked at me. He was giving me his ‘Hey, check this out, I’m crazy like a fox’ look, and I waited for him to take my queen with a pawn I hadn’t paid attention to.
Sometimes I think the only reason he talks to me when we play is for distraction’s sake.
We played on in silence, which is the best atmosphere for chess, I think. No sound but felt-padded pieces of wood sliding across or tapping gently against the board and your coffee cup clinking down after a quickly stolen nip. I’ve said more than once tha
t the coffee in this place tastes like they brew it with the rat shit still mixed in with the grounds, and the manager always gets pissy with me when I ask him to ‘lower the ratio of turds to beans, for the night, Chuckie! Rat poop doesn’t grow on trees, you know. You’ve got ends to meet!’. I once suggested that they named it The UnderGrounds because they buried it in a compost heap fresh every night at close, and dug it out the next morning for that day’s brew after letting all the local dogs urinate on the midden. Manager didn’t think that particular barb was funny, either. Satan nearly busted a gut. For once having been highest amongst the angels, the old boy’s got a pretty lowbrow sense of humor. Then again, so do I. Maybe it’s why we get along.
I’m a terrible chess player, by the way. He always lets me win the first game. Sometimes I think I should skip the second game and quit while I’m ahead, because I know he only does it to make me think that this time I’ve got a chance.
‘It’s your move, Lucie.’ He hates that.
Satan gave me a look that would curdle milk. Probably did. I’d noticed there seemed never to be much fresh cream for the coffee when the old goatfucker was around. God bless sugar, I suppose. He moved the rook he’d mentioned earlier and said, ‘Checkmate, Ken.’
I said, ‘Goddammit, Satie,’ rhyming it with ‘Sadie’ and sighed, flicking my middle finger against the cross on top of my king-piece, making it fall over. He laughed as I started to set up, again. It probably doesn’t need to be said, but I always played white.
I looked up, when all the pieces were laid out proper, staring at him over the tops of our gargantuan pieces. There was something different, here, as we readied for our third game. I shifted uncomfortably on the brittle vinyl seat, and sipped my coffee, just for something to do.
‘Have you ever wondered why I always ask you to play, Ken, when there are so many others here more skilled than you?’
‘And what the fuck does mortal skill have to do with the Devil?’ Satan frowned. Got him. I grinned a little like maybe it was my fingers being cut off, shrugged, and said, ‘Yeah, I wonder why the big cheese of the underworld wants with me and my shitty chess game.’
‘I would bet that part of you already knows.’ Oh, fuck a duck, I thought. I never like this beat-around-the-bush-oh-boy-we-should-make-the-most-of-the-drama bullshit.
‘You want my soul, right? S’what this is about, isn’t it?’ I hunted up a cigarette about as physically twisted as the spirit of the demented fucker eyeballing me from over the enormous black king.
‘Of course. We could play for it, if you were willing. White against black, your positive set against my negative.’ I watched the chessboard swirl on the table-top, becoming for just a second a yin-yang made out of chess-pieces and crappy chrome-edged formica.
‘We could, at that, ‘cept I’ve got as much chance of beating you as a snowball’s got in your living room, bucko.’ He smiled this radiant smile and I would swear that he was all set to purr like the universe’s biggest black cat.
‘I could place myself at your playing level. I could give you a fighting chance.’ He waggled his eyebrows temptingly.
Note that he said he could put himself on my level. Not that he would, necessarily. Even if he said he would do it, he never said when he would do it, or whether or not he would do it in a different game, after he beat the pants off of me in this one, or even if he ‘would do it, I really would, and gee, sorry I didn’t, but I’m allergic to playing fair, so, y’know, I WOULD have done that for you, but, so-sorry, I didn’t say I was going to’ and even if he said he was going to, well, ‘I was going to, but decided not to at the last minute. My, my, did I forget to tell you? Why, I dare say that’s your bad luck, is it not?’ Satan gives me a headache.
And then he might not pull any of that happy-crappy horseshit and really play fair. The thought of beating the devil was appealing. And there’s really not much to do around here on a Wednesday night, anyway. I figured I was going to Hell, in any case. Why not give it a shot? I shrugged and nodded.
The Devil grins like souls screaming, when he’s in his element.
‘Is it a deal, then? This game for your soul? I win, it’s mine, you win, it’s yours, all stalemates go to Him.’ He flicked his eyes upwards with… It might have been reverence. It might have been sadness. It might have been a lot of playacting. He looked at me and added, ‘I’ll even make and keep a promise not to read your mind during the game, for a change.’
‘Sure, it’s a deal, but any way it turns out, you’re buying the next round of coffee.’ I grinned at him.
‘I would rather drink blended pig intestines.’ To you, that might sound like sarcasm. I heard it as an honest craving.
‘It’s your move, Ken. Remember, I told you there are Twenty-one to choose from.’
I stared at the board, and all of a sudden, the black squares weren’t part of the table-top, anymore. They were black holes, sucking at the spirit behind my eyes. And his pieces changed. The pawns were shrunken, screaming things, chained to their pedestals with chips of ice that I swear to God had fire flickering inside them.
The clock ticked and I stared at the board. I was realizing that this really wasn’t a joke. It’s gonna sound disgusting, but sweat was pouring down my ass-crack the way rainwater runs through a drainpipe.
He whispered, ‘Twenty-one, Ken. Which one will you choose?’
I thought for a long time. Fifteen minutes, twenty, twenty five. He sat patiently, his queen making nasty little gestures at me and reaching over occasionally to squeeze the crotch of his king. The bishop on her side would use his staff to probe at her rear, every once in a while in a way that was too disturbing to look at for any length of time. And king’s bishop whoring himself to that horse, on his hands and knees, didn’t do much for my concentration. Or my appetite, for that matter. I fixed my eyes on my own pieces. It was my opening.
My pieces didn’t look the same, either. I know they couldn’t afford ivory, in this place. I looked and looked and looked. And there was hope. The Devil isn’t the truth, and he doesn’t tell it to you, either. But he gives you just enough to hang yourself with.
I couldn’t abdicate. That cut me down to twenty. And I couldn’t bring myself to move a pawn forward. I know a couple of the classic openings, the Napoleon and the Sicilian, but couldn’t bring myself to move. When the answer came, me staring at my white king, I almost laughed, but kept my mouth shut. What I did, with no pun intended, was put two and two together.
‘Twenty-two opening choices,’ I said, ‘You lied.’ His eyes got this hard look, and he frowned at me. For a second the illusion of life he was lending his pieces flickered, like heat waves, and then gamely reasserted itself.
‘What is the twenty-second?’
And I stuck my open hand across the table, waiting for him to shake it.
‘Offer a draw.’ I said, shaking another cigarette out of my mostly crushed pack with my free hand. Maybe I’d finally learned to quit while I was ahead. His hand felt like nothing I’d ever felt before, the touch of his skin walking a fine line between exaltation and revulsion.
‘You are learning, Ken. Shall we play another? No bets, just a game?’ The look in his eyes said that he figured I was gonna decline and he almost looked sad, like maybe he didn’t really like having had to try doing his job. Lucifer’s a tough nut to crack. I didn’t know if it was an act or not. He knew I would opt to leave, though and I’m willing to bet he didn’t want me to go. Loneliness sings quiet songs around him, when he’s not hounding you for your everlasting spirit.
‘Not tonight, Lucie. Maybe tomorrow.’
Author’s Note
I got the idea for this story from always happening to get pinned behind a chess board when people were talking
about religion. I got to thinking about how the devil would play and this story just sort of came out, one night. The quote at the beginning comes from playing chess all night in a Flying J truck stop, on Halloween. I was dressed as the Devil and kept whispering moves in a friend of mine’s ear. It happened after the story was originally written, but when he said it, I immediately thought of plastering at the beginning of this little tiddly-bit.
This story took place a few years ago when I was still living at my parents’ home, I was going out with a girl called Jess who was blond size 10 and attractive. On the night in question I had a good friend over for a smoke a few drinks and a session on the PlayStation. As the evening progressed we got d***ker and Jess was getting more bored so we decided to stick on a film. As the film was ending everyone was getting tired so we set up the sofa bed for my mate and settled down for the night....
This story took place a few years ago when I was still living at my parents’ home; I was going out with a girl called Jess who was blond size 10 and attractive. On the night in question I had a good friend over for a smoke a few drinks and a session on the PlayStation. As the evening progressed we got drunker and Jess was getting more bored so we decided to stick on a film.As the film was ending everyone was getting tired so we set up the sofa bed for my mate and settled down for the night....
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?Alright, mate?? Nick looked up at the greeting and found Danny Peterson standing over him, lunch-tray in hand. Nick scooted over to let Danny sit beside him on the bench and replied. ?Yeah, not bad. Same old, really? His bored tone revealed a little of his recent bitterness. Nick had asked out two girls in as many months and had been rejected each time, despite being on good terms with both and there appearing to be a connection, something more than 'just friends'. Nick had wondered if...
it all started out as another friday night out on the drink with my best mate shane.both 20 years old and constantly horny we did the usual drink ,chat to girls , get rejected , drink some more and try again til closing time then stagger back to shanes place. we always went back to shanes dads place cause his parents were divorced and his dad was hardly ever there. he was usually out doin the same as us just at different places...lol. anyway saturday morning arrives and im drifting in and out...
CHAPTER ONE CELL MATE This is a story that was stuck in my head for a while before I managed to find a bit of time and get it down on paper.? Hope you enjoy it.? All comments, hate mail, love letters, job offers, etc can be sent to [email protected] *? *? *? * Greg sat in his office, shuffling papers at his desk absent mindedly.? It was only 10:00am, and already he wanted to get on with his work, but there were always administrative tasks to be done.? As head of the...
Hey, people, Hot guys and girls and women, this is my sex story. I had already given away a couple of sex stories, hope you liked it.”Stranger fuck in falls”. Introducing myself again, Ram, fair enough and fit, with lots of sexual hunger.A big time porn addict especially porn as they are really hot, wild mating sessions with no inhibitions.A big fan of Indian sex story. I felt most of the Indian sex story lovemaking were decent and soft.I wanted to pour out my wild incident.But this sex story...
When it came to women Caleb Burkheim was a novice; a true babe in the woods, yeah he was about as inexperienced as a man could be. Sure he liked women; he liked them a lot, it was just that he could never seem to get his ducks in line. He was always on the wrong page; always looking to the left when he should have been looking to the right. His most recent wave of calamities had started with Sandy. Sandy was a real looker; the cat’s meow, the proverbial rose amidst the thorns. In fact...
Maureen’s mom had walked her daughter through her earliest years; her injury, those awful first months when she nearly died, the little boy who was her companion and savior, their separation, and her subsequent surgeries and therapy. Maureen listened at first with polite condescension, but her patronizing demeanor soon evaporated; fading into disbelief, then confusion and denial; and last to appreciation, an appreciation tempered with profound feelings of guilt and grief, guilt over her own...
"Fuck you, Sakura! You miserable little fucking slut!" he snarled out. "Go back to that little fucking cock in our bed, enjoy! But know this, you will never see or be near me again. Your fucking loss!" Slamming the door in her shocked face. The rage begins to finally calm a bit as he climbs into the waiting cab and directs the driver to The Black Forest Resort. Making pit stops at some clothing stores to purchase new clothes and necessities along the way. Arriving at the resort exactly...
I made the suggestion to Colin later that afternoon, when he came over and I told him I was too tired to do anything myself, and he thought this was a great idea. I think the fact that he thought himself bisexual helped, and he obviously looked forward to having a boy and a girl to play with. It was therefore a couple of days later when I asked Colin over one morning, and he hadn’t been in my room more than a minute or so when, as arranged, the door opened and Susan walked in. I grinned...
All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over. Me, my bird Karina, and my gay mate Gavin, we have a fantastic time when we get together. We get together and once we’ve had a few beers we chill out. I’ve known Gavin for years. Knew him long before I met my bird. When my mate found out I met Karina he was really upset inside. I could tell. He didn’t show it though. Said he was made up for me. Thing is, Gavin had always had this thing about me. He’d fancied me...
Introduction: Exactly what it says – my sister fancied a 3-some with me and Colin Susan announced a few days later that she had wanted to have a threesome with me and Colin. She had declared it was only fair as I had been with her and Lynne and she was keen to broaden her horizons. I think she was also curious to see the pair of us together and although Sue hadnt told Colin that I had been watching the pair of them through the keyhole when she and Colin had sex, I felt sure Colin wouldnt mind...
His eyes rolled back in his head. That smell…He’d know the scent of his mate anywhere. Opening his eyes again, he quickly scanned the crowd. There, near the back of the room, talking to his best friend, Derek, stood the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Nodding and forcing a smile, Rhys made his way through the crowd, eager to get to the little man. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Rhys walked up beside Derek. “Hey, D. What’s up?” Derek took one look at Rhys’s eyes and grinned....
Well, last time I left you with how I basically got ****d by a black teacher at school when he discovered I was a crossdresser. There's a lot more involving him as I spent two years of my life being his personal fuck toy, including him giving me my first taste of pussy. But that's for another time. Today, I'll tell you how I got my first taste of cock, from my best friend.It's 1994, and PCs are still rich peoples toys. The internet is still for geeks and online porn doesn't really exist. As a...
This started many months ago and progressed over about 2 years me and my mate have always fancied each others wives.It all started on a drunken night out playing snooker and as always happens the conversation got around to our wives and our sex life, Phil said my wife was fit as fuck and always looked stunning i said she looked better with fuck all on and he said yes i bet she does have you any pictures and laughed. I always have got a buzz when i see men watching my wife and i know they think...
For months of my freshman year of college, I ha no room mate. Fine with me, as it gave me space to bring in other guys from the dorm and on campus for private fuck sessions. Then, one nite I got home from my bath house shift and VIOLA, I had a room mate. I gave him the once over eye, and damn if he wasn't a pretty boy. Shoulder length brown hair, a pouty mouth, very thin and pretty well hairless. We got to yapping and I found he had problems in another dorm because the jocks were trying to fuck...
Horny Flat mate punished Well it was one of those mornings when I woke up with a woody, I tried to go back to sleep up the earge in my cock was to strong as it poked out the side of my boxer shorts, I reached down and pulled on the fore skin to expose the head and gently touched it with my hand ooh that felt nice. I gently ribbed the head of my cock until it grew to full size, I needed to get up but wanted to stay in bed as well. I threw the blankets of me and gave myself a quick wank about...
( 100 per cent true story)Troy and I had been married for nearly 6 months, we were High School friends and after he left school he joined the Army so we lost touch for about a year, then one day when he was home on leave we hooked up at a disco one night. I think I had always loved him and he me; so it wasn’t long before we were an item. We dated on and off for around a year until he romantically proposed by taking me to a really nice restaurant and sang “will you marry me” in front of the...
Hi guys this is Shashank again…. Am back to tell my experience…. Any aunties or ladies or girls in hyderabad can mail me at And I am free for sexting also :) Ok sorry let me get into the story ….. This story is about how my fucked my college mate whom I have the lust to…. Her name is Aishwarya and she is of my batch… I daily stare her with full lust … I love her boobs a lot …. So one day I was telling about my lust to my friend through chatting… He is best friend of her … And he told her...
Hello ISS readers, I am Ashish Dhawan (Name changed) 20 yrs of age, sharing my 1st experience with my female flat-mate. Let me introduce you to the heroin of this story, Swati Khanna (Name Changed) 25 yrs of age 32-28-36 is her figure which I came to know later. I have an eight inch long and 4 inches thick dick. This is my first story and there fore please excuse me if there are any mistakes. I live with my father in Mumbai ,I am pursuing my B.E(electronics) in Mumbai. Swati’s Husband left her...
The Perfect Mate By Margaret Jeanette Gary Samson was on his way to work. He was thinking about Melissa, who had just broken up with him. She was such a nice girl. They were on their sixth date when he decided to be honest with her and told her he enjoyed wearing women's underwear at times. She left him sitting at the table in the supper club they were eating at. He wondered if in the future it wouldn't be better to not say anything about his hobby at all. He wasn't paying...
Hi friends , I am Rajesh from Chennai currently working in MNC company. Here i m going to narrate my experience about how i fucked my friend Anitha. She is my office mate and her size will be 34-28-36. A perfect girl to fuck for and in office many guys are eager to fuck her because of her brownish color , she always wear tight chudithar and her boobs size is more visible and more over she wont wear dhupatta She used to sit next to me and we start chatting well after 6 to 8 months in mobile....
When the recession hit I had to make some tuff decisions about how I could save money, where I could cut corners. I decided one of the best things to do was bring in a room mate. I put a lot of thought into it and tried different places trying to get someone I thought I could get along with. Newspapers, internet sites, word of mouth and then one day it just happened.I was on the bus when this lovely little blonde who wore a nurse’s uniform clamored on. A cup of coffee in one hand, a medical...
It was last summer when my brothers mate Will came to stay with us whilst our parents were away on holiday. He is your typical good looking lad; tall, deep blue eyes and dark spikey hair that begs to have fingers running through it. Being 20, the same age as my brother Jamie, he was only 3 years older than me, yet this still felt like a lifetime of an age difference as they both treated me as though I was ten years younger, very over protective. I think this is what attracted me to him even...
Straight SexHi, Friends, I am regular reader of ISS. It feels nice to read some of the stories posted here. I am also going to post my real encounter with my office mate 1 year back. I am Aman an engineer working in NCR. I am 5’8″ with good looks and good physique and good sense of humor. I won’t force any reader to believe it though, but for me it was a memory for lifetime. It was my first day in my company and i saw a beautiful girl in pink top and blue jeans. let me tell her asset. She was 36/26/34. Her...
Hi I am Jaisal. It is happened when i was in my second year Eng. I was staying in college hostel. My room mate was Rahul. Rahul was very attractive person and was with very nice perfect body ( which we see in the underwear advertisement) It was the random selection process made us into same room in second year. In few days itself, we were very good friends, even though we were not in same class, we used to go for food and go out for playing together. I noticed rahul from first year and had few...
Gay MaleThat Monday night in December of 1970 started well, got better, and ended in disaster. My girlfriend, Carmella, and I were resident students at the same university, but in different colleges. After a lovely dinner with her parents, we'd gone back to her room on campus, and for the first time, we were both completely nude in her bed.It had been coming for a while. When we'd started dating about three months earlier, she'd told me that she was determined to stay a virgin until her wedding night....
TrueIt was so unfair; my first long space voyage as First Mate after my promotion and I had to draw Captain Walters as commanding officer. Ethyl Walters, the tough-as-nails commanding officer of the "Venture." had a reputation as being demanding. As the first woman ever to captain a Federation frigate, she had a lot to prove. But she had been proving it for the last fifteen years by making the lives of the men who served with her miserable. To make matters worse, Captain Walters turned out to be...
Introduction: Maxs infatuation comes to fruition. Max lay on his side, watching the alarm clock as it ticked its way closer and closer to seven a.m. The sun was coming in strong and sharp through the crack between the curtains and he could hear birds chirping away in the hedge outside. It was funny, but every time he saw Eva, she reminded him of a bird. Maybe it was the way she walked, that edgy grace, the upbeat attentiveness. He sighed loudly, and felt foolish because nobody was there to...
Not to trivialize Cal’s situation, but it indeed had been the best of times, and it had been the worst of times. All right he’d admitted to a woman the one thing no man ever dared admit. Yes he was a virgin; a twenty-six year old virgin. More than a quarter of a century old, and never once had a woman. How lame can one man get? That was the worst of it. But there was an upside too. If there was one woman on the planet to whom he had to make that admission to it was Maureen. For some reason...