Diaphanous Siren free porn video

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Soft blue eddies around the slow scissor motion of her thighs as she wades toward the sand. The slow rock of her stride reduces the sea to ripples of turquoise honey. Fingers trail ribbons along the surface, nails lightly scoring a lover’s skin.

She falters, as if stepping on a shell takes her by surprise. A passing flaw in her selfless poise. She pauses, closes her epicanthic eyes and fingers back wet hair like a waterfall of midnight. Strands catch. She fights the tangle to brush it off her face.

The burnt cinnamon shade of her skin has a lacquered look as the water slides off.

Her eyes open again, dark as onyx and full of bashful strength. There’s a proud impudence to the luxurious jut of her breasts. Soft elegance quivering under their own weight with every step. Glittering droplets roll over them, diamonds cascading over deadly contours of pure woman.

A column of volcanic rock stands up behind her like an ancient guardian. If it could blink, they would never have been here. Hot sand grows shy when she steps on it.

The geckoes ignore him, watching from the shade of the palms, while a sleek animal paces its cage inside him.

He knows she senses him, but she refuses to look his way. He’s an exile, and she is his native country.

How it was the day before. How it is again today. Tomorrow is always a fearful storm of hopeless questions.

She pads across the sand in a scant, blue thong that seems pasted on. She’s favoring the left foot after her misstep in the water. The curve of her wet hip teases the sun as she retrieves her sarong off a rock. She leans and reaches like a constellation shifting in its seat. The thumbnail curve of each sculpted cheek flexes in soft defiance.

The animal inside suddenly leaps at the bars of its cage.

She presses the muted turquoise fabric to her face, then wraps herself inside it. She binds herself snugly, streamlining extravagant curves, as if she could turn herself into a secret. Then she reaches for the straw, wide brimmed cowboy hat. Shaking her dark mane back, she places the hat down low, hiding under its shade, then turns to walk away.

Bright sandals dangle from her hand. It’s a simple clockwork of easy motion. His sinews tighten like harp strings, but he remains in the shadows as she saunters away. She glances briefly off to the side, but not all the way over her shoulder. Her walking away is a profusion of impossible heartbreaks.

He goes out from the shade and feels the soft weight of the noon heat. By the rock where she’d left her things, he peels away his shirt, slips from his sandals and loosens his drawstring. Naked, he places his things in the spot where hers had just been.

He looks down to see how he’s thickened more than he knew. He leans against the rock. Humid air and voracious sunshine are palpable as fingers. His cock shudders with the driving pulse of his heart.

In the distance, there’s the sputter of a motorbike coming to life. A whining rev. He imagines her astride the bike, shooting off onto the dusty road to wherever she has to go. He replays her concert of unconscious motion in his mind. His cock continues to thicken, harden, rise. Air. Sun. Desire and longing.

Back in someone else’s life he knew her name is Siren. Vague memories prickle under his skin.

Everything collides, and nothing crashes. He walks to the water. The animal curls up for a fitful sleep. He wades in, sinks yet continues to rise.


Today, Siren pauses at the water’s edge to slide off the neon yellow thong as she leans down in a sweeping play of flesh and sinew. The spheres of her ass part barely enough to form a thumbnail shadow.

She rises and tosses the crumple of bright string onto the sand near the faded yellow caftan. She takes a half glance over her shoulder where she knows he stands watching. There’s a shimmer of playful deadliness in her eyes. A visible streak of uncertainty, as if she isn’t quite the same inside as out.

His throat tightens. Air goes in and out of his lungs in a stream too small for his body. Blood hammers through his veins like traffic from a foreign country as he watches but never sees the constellation of imperfections that plague her.

Her hands make sweeping gestures over the front of her body he can’t see, brief caresses of her breasts and mound. His cock thickens with heat while her body stiffens slightly. He feels her twinge of self-consciousness.

A sense of irritation comes over him there in his spot under the palms. She shouldn’t have come. She doesn’t belong. Neither in that place nor in the pulsing river of waking dreams from which he was finally breaking free.

She steps in the water. Blue foam curls around her ankles. He follows the supple curve of calf and thigh to the smooth spheres of her ass. Thumb-size dimples above her cheeks.

She pauses and turns her head. As she looks at him he wonders if she can discern more than his silhouette in the shadows. She smiles, looks down at the water and goes on.

The cosmos freezes and points at where she’s standing.

His cock prickles with heat while his muscles fill with steaming blood. He steps out of the shade, aching for the lick of the sun. He moves, stumbles and strips at the same time. A cotton shirt. Dark muslin drawstrings that fall without a whisper.

He stands at the water’s edge where the shy siren wades to the middle of her strapping thighs. She suddenly turns to face him. Her breasts look improbably heavy. The blushing tips gather into knots. She looks down, looks back up and then down again.

He mutters something unintelligible. She looks back up, raises her arms and falls backward.

Shimmering fingers of water scuttle across her skin and she backstrokes away. He walks in after, cock rising against his will, until the water licks his balls.

The sense of entitlement at the core of his being falters. She puts her feet down where the water trips around distended nipples that tease the sea. Her skin seems as deep as it is smooth.

There’s quiet rebellion in her eyes. Light of a quick revelation flickers through his mind. The fear behind her eyes isn’t fear.

He teeters between laughter and sobbing, but the ache seeping through the cracks in his soul takes him down to where he’s standing in the subtle lapping of a lethargic sea.

Her hands drift somewhere down beneath the surface, bringing her arms in close and bunching her breasts in between. When they make eye contact, something snaps inside him – like he could be walking through any city park on any sweet day of the year and turn to see the eyes of quietly smoldering beauty walk in and out of his life in a matter of seconds.

She holds his gaze for the first time. Weeks of dancing at a distance, and the grip of her swimming eyes is pulling him down.

She begins to wade back toward the sand. Glittering rivulets running over a pneumatic terrain of skin and contour. He watches her move and strains to ignore the strutting spine of gristle jutting up from the apex of his thighs.

As she passes she glances briefly into his eye, then a longer glance at his cock. She brushes against him lightly as she wades on toward the sand.

She sits on dry sand, while her heels dig in where it’s damp from the soft lap of quiet waves. He kneels where the water pools and ebbs around his knees. His hand rakes his sac lightly, flirting with the idea of gripping his sap-dripping shaft.

She leans back on her elbows, thighs closed while the pout of her bald mound is a bold hint of the woman broiling inside. Patient. Giving him a chance to speak. It’s as if she’s expecting to hear something. She looks away down the beach where a naked couple are walking their way.

“You not remember,” she says, calmly. Her voice has a slightly nasal twang, but a kind of smokiness that makes him feel something more than naked.

He watches her breasts rise and fall while her neck turns back and she faces him. He reaches for her straw cowboy hat on top of her caftan and leans forward to place it on her head.

“Sun was in your eyes,” he says.

Siren smiles. He hunkers back to his kneeling position, hands on knees and his swollen cock standing up between his thighs like a petulant narcissist. He tries to ignore it. She doesn’t, but she gives his face as much attention.

“You not remember,” she repeats, almost frowning, but not quite.

The brim of her hat obscures her eyes. It’s as if there’s another sky behind her skin and that’s where his breath is coming from.

“Not remember me.” Her knees drift slightly apart.

He remembers, but he’s not about to tell her how well.

Silence and heat swim between them like schools of fish. One of her thighs relaxes, cocks slightly aside and opens the curtain no wider than an anxious whisper.

“What makes you think I don’t remember?”

She almost pouts, but not quite. Fingers curl around his cockshaft, squeeze until a bubble of precum oozes. He thumbs the fluid around his dome. Slow seconds pass and her knees drift wider.

Her nipples are the darkest, most arrogant thing about her while that intoxicating slit between her thighs is demure. Her knees drift again, sumptuous curves opening like night blooming cereus.

“Not talk to me. Stay far.”

The strolling couple are close enough to skirt the edges of their privacy. He’s dark haired while his mate is petite and blonde. They sink down on wet sand. He kisses the blonde and caresses her breasts.

“I’m not so far away now.” And he takes hold of her ankle. Her other heel pushes forward, digging a groove in the sand. Her hands come to rest on her upper thighs, the spread of her fingers fanning close to the pout of her freshly waxed mound.

The dark haired man grips a handful of the blonde woman’s hair and pushes her head toward his growing cock. She yelps and giggles. Then he sighs as she fills her mouth.

Both heads turn to watch the playful couple. They’re drunk on each other and want everyone to know.

Then he realizes he’s stroking his cock and Siren is watching intently. The pulse in his shaft jars his flesh. He begins to imagine the slow but unstoppable crawl into place between her thighs and the slick, wet plunge of his cock through her yielding sheath.

“Touch,” he says. He tightens his grip on her ankle, nods at her mound.

Tentative at first, Siren’s fingers move to her slit. She takes an experimental rake along her flushing lips. Nectar oozes where she touches. A quiet rumble vibrates in his throat and his grip tightens around his cock.

The dark haired man groans aloud while his lover’s blonde head bobs and turns between his open thighs. They become and inspiring afterthought.

The beached Siren looks at up and pushes her finger inside herself. A whimper comes out of her throat and she closes her eyes, leaving only his hand on her ankle to tether them.

Her sexlips move to the pull and suck of her finger. Her body’s perfume begins to singe the edges of the air. He spirals into himself and then back out again.

“Dammit, you know I remember everything,” he hisses. He grips her ankle harder, vice like.

“Stay too far away…” Her hips arch. She slips another finger beside the first and grinds them back inside.

She won’t look at him, but the other hand slips in near the first and her fingers fan across her distended clit.

He watches her become something he’s never seen before. Somehow, this arcane, erotic side of her being makes everything more sensible. The woman he knew back in the world was suddenly more real, more familiar. A lifetime of courage and fear pulses through the length of his aching cock.

Time stretches and bends back on itself. The dark haired man cries out in weakness as the blonde ravens his gushing cum.

Siren’s hips buck and twist while her hands move in a single-minded blur. He snarls and rises off his haunches, fucking his own pummeling hand as her body floats above the sand. He realizes it had always been her heart pumping his blood.

All her muscles tense in relief as she cries and kicks against his grip on her ankle. But he holds her. He holds her like the only thing keeping him bound on this earth while the force of a glittering darkness gathers up inside him and erupts in a shower of sparks.

His cock leaps and sprays across the sand, leaving a dollop of cum on her ankle just above where his hand grips. He finally thinks to let go.

The couple down the sand are looking at them, grinning, imagining their game had been joined.

He looks back at Siren and catches his breath. She huffs, her breasts heaving with the effort, and she still won’t open her eyes.

He moves in to lie across her body. His slowly relaxing cock presses her mound while his chest settles onto her breasts. Her breath touches his face in synch with the rise and fall of her body beneath him. Her skin feels made of the air, heat and water surrounding them.

His lips touch hers lightly. The ends of their tongues come forward to meet.

“I’ll be coming for you,” he says. “And soon.”

Her eyes remain closed but he knows she’s listening. He stands to gather his clothes, dresses slowly as he watches her roll to her side.

“I remember everything,” he says, looking down where his shadow crosses her body.


The night has that kind of sultry tackiness to the air that makes you feel far away from everyone wherever you go. The flow of people is light but steady. He weaves among them like an echo falling on deaf ears.

He comes to the doorway he’s been seeking. Four women he doesn’t know stand around the entrance. They all seem younger than Siren. They greet him as if they’ve been expecting him. Their laughter makes him think of jewels raining on glass.

“Siren,” he tells them, and the laughter stops.

One of them turns inside. Siren comes out a few seconds later. Something in her face falls a little when she sees him, but she nods as expected and leads him inside.

He pays without bargaining. There’s a dim corridor lined with curtained stalls along one side. Siren leads him to the middle and holds the fabric aside as he bows his way in. He turns around, expecting to see her, but finds himself alone.

Moments later, she comes back dressed in loose cotton gym shorts and tank top. She carries a towel and oil. Sets them on the floor beside the mat without facing him.

“Why didn’t you come today?” he asks.

She looks up from her kneeling position and puts her finger to her lips, warning him to shush. She rises and whispers.

“You say you coming. For me. I wait for you.” She tugs at his shirt. “Take off.”

He unbuttons the shirt. Sandals, pants, all but his scant briefs. She waits. Patiently.

He sits on the mat and she floats onto her knees beside him. She touches his chest to urge him to lie down for his massage, but he catches her wrist in his hand. He tugs at her top with the other.

“Take off,” he barely whispers.

She almost smiles, but not quite. Peels the top over her head without a sound, leaving her breasts to quiver with motion. He touches her collar bone and studies her face in the dim, sweet smelling hovel.

“You understand what this is?”

“You here for me.” She touches his bare chest and smiles. Her face breaks open like the beginning of a fresh season.

He nods and pushes her to the mat. “Take off,” he whispers as he hooks his fingers in the waist of her shorts to pull them off. She raises her legs and allows it.

She indulges an audible snicker as he rolls her to her stomach. He kneels at her feet and oils his hands. His thumbs press hard in the calloused soles of her feet, grinding against the nerves and sinew, stopping the blood and letting it flow again in tiny bursts.

He leans his weight onto oiled palms and presses them up the length of her calves, passing back and forth, up and down, until the tension surrenders.

He spends forever on her thighs, pushing hard and deep into pliant flesh, pushing his palms up over her cheeks and spreading them as he kneads.

The way her body opens under his hands feels like a hopeful sadness with only one cure. Her skin is living silk. It makes his hands feel borrowed from some Olympian myth. His cock simmers and uncoils, pushing against the snugness of his briefs.

He oils his palms again and leans his weight into the heels of his hands as he presses them into the dimples above her ass. He leans, pushes down against her, waits – waits a little longer – then lets his hands plow upward along her back, over her shoulders.

She lets a sigh escape. He knows she didn’t mean to, afraid the others might hear. His ripening cock nudges her ass as he works her shoulders, fingers digging and searching through her flesh.

He can’t help stopping to indulge the warm, intoxicating rub of his cotton sheathed cock against the globes of her ass. She mewls and presses back, egging him on.

He rears back and tugs on her hip, urging her to roll over. She watches him push off his briefs. His cock snaps free.

For a while, she watches him. His face remains intent, focused as he presses his palms deeply into her thighs. Her eyes finally close as his sliding hands rub and smear the flesh beside her swollen mound. Her pussy seems such a tiny, simple thing, and yet he would trade away years of his life without remorse just to be near it.

Her thighs push wider every time he works his palms against the muscle. He chuckles softly, thinking her pussy doesn’t open like a flower, but that it’s the other way around. Nature keeps making flowers, never stopping – forever trying to get it right.

He suddenly grips her thighs and pushes them up and apart. He opens her pussy by pushing apart the meat of her thighs. Her lips and flushed with nectar. The bud of her rim peers up from underneath.

She’s made of everything either of them is ever going to need to survive. It’s a good thing, because he has nothing to give back. His cock ripples with ravenous greed as he grows nearly ashamed. It’s as if an entire lifetime of taking suddenly comes down to these moments together in the near dark of this arcane way station.

Around them come the disembodied sighs of pleasure and weakness from other stalls.

He presses his oiled thumb over her rim and leans close to her open pussy. Thumb pressing harder, he exhales across her dripping slit. She sighs and he inhales. The redolence of her arousal fills his skull.

He presses his mouth to her pussy and grinds his thumb against her bud. Kissing her, letting his tongue stroke once inside before he rears back upright.

“Not pretty,” she frowns, her whisper nearly silent.

“More perfect than you’ll ever imagine,” he tells her.

He lets her thighs go to the sides and knees under them, bringing his pulsing cock to rest against her heat engorged mound. He takes a moment to oil his palms again and begins kneading the pliant globes of her heavy breasts. Her nipples are thick, hard yet pliant under the twisting grip of his slippery fingers.

The belly of his stalk runs over the wet furrow of her slit as his hands clamp and knead her breasts. He pushes, pulls, grips and releases. He fans his fingers over the gathered tips until her spine arches slightly and her mouth opens on a swallowed gasp.

The skin of his cock is wet with her honey as he moves away from her, scuttling to the side where he leans over to capture a nipple with his teeth. He presses the heel of his hand against her splayed open pussy, gnashing onto her clit as he sucks the russet nub into his mouth.

Her hips begin rolling against the grind of his palm as he flickers his tongue over her nipple. One, then the other, then the first one again. She bangs a loose fist against his arm and fucks at his palm.

He leans down and holds her face in his hands. When her eyes open so close to his, it feels like a spectacular escape from death, and he kisses her with all the joy and relief of waking up alive one more day. Her head arches and she kisses back like drinking something cool.

He guides her to her side and straddles her bottom thigh. As he fingers open her pussy, his ballsac drags along her flesh, his shaft nudging and grinding its way past her slick, yielding lips.

Inside, he’s falling off the precipice of his own dreams. Her body swallows his cock with a hunger that leaves him raw. He rears back and thrusts again deeply, gripping hard on her breast. He rolls her nipples roughly as he rocks back and forth on his haunches, stroking his ripe shaft into her honey soaked core.

His thumb is rolling over her clit while his cock drives hot and steady. By the time their breathing begins to grow audible, he slows his pace, finally drawing his wet cock out into the air. He touches her shoulder and guides her onto her back. He pushes her legs up and apart. When he pushes his burning cock back inside, he leans over to be close to her face.

He holds his cock inside. Still. Nothing moving but their spasming hearts and heaving chests. He nips at her bottom lip. Then he presses his own to her ear.

“Can you feel that?” he whispers.

“You cock?” she whispers back.


“You crazy. Just fuck.”

He snickers softly.

“Like everything just makes sense now,” he tells her. “You. Me. Everything. Like suddenly knowing there’s never going to be anyone else. Like suddenly knowing you just came home.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know, I know,” she almost giggles. “Talk later. Fuck now.”

He starts to laugh, but somehow it ends up as kissing her. His tongue sweeps through her mouth while his cock begins rocking into her again. Rocking. Harder.

Sliding. Wet slap of bodies in concert.

Gasp and kiss. Their faces twist and cry out in the brittle silence.

Pump and fuck and live and die. Their bodies reform around each other. Making new places to fit together.

Fuck, pound, grind, bite and suck. They begin growing old together…

…and suddenly erupt, evaporating in a voracious blast of steam.

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betting lead to wife fucked

I m 29 yrs, i m 6 feet tall, i m fair and handsome, 32?waist, 72 kg…athletic shaped body stature and 6? tool and thick…. Possess decent personality traits. I believe in making good friends. And loves to explore new horizons of life… As far as my fantasies r concerned. I love to spend time with like minded people. How loves to get in to a sweet relationship which must me secure and discreet. I would welcome the opportunity to meet BM and like minded cpls and females for casual or one off scenes...

1 year ago
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Cascade of passion

As I sit here I imagine a steamy shower. Water cascading down our bodies. An intoxicating feeling of soap, body oils, and your hands. Kissing passionately. Hands exploring my body. Your fingers start pleasuring me. Running over my clit, entering me. Exciting me. Making me moan and sigh, and yet keeping me only on the edge, not putting me over. The water shuts off. We don’t even stop touching each other or looking at each other. Naked and wet, I kneel before you. Softly, I part my lips, and...

1 year ago
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FamilyXXX Mazy Myers Stepdaughter Mazy Becomes A Woman

Cute ginger stepdaughter Mazy’s memories are crystal clear from the first time her stepdad Dorian bent her over the dryer and fucked her tight pussy hard and deep as she rubs her pussy at the front door anticipating stepdaddy to walk in from work any second and take her hot tight wet pussy once again. No words were spoken as Dorian came right to Mazy and spread her pussy wide with his tongue enjoying all her sweet pussy juices before Mazy did her best to suck his fat throbbing cock deep...

2 years ago
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A Seasoned Slut At 38

I was 24 when I decided to voluntarily become a whore…my husband had recently died and was married for two years. I was married to Dhiraj and ours was arranged marriage. During my marriage I had lot of affairs with various men with my husband’s consent. He had a low sex drive and was sterile. He left me to be enjoyed by many men including his boss Shaikh . We were in Dubai during this time. As I had no parents and grew up in various locations of boarding schools supported by my Mama, he was...

1 year ago
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Its Midnight and Im LostChapter 7

There was blood on Mara’s tampon the next morning, but none had leaked out onto the bed or anywhere else. Mara was ecstatic! She could hardly wait to get to Fort Mentor to tell the other women about the tampon. From the way Mara was acting, the tampon was a real winner, and it seemed like women would join the Army just to get access to the tampon. All of the women grabbed a box of tampons to have available for their next bleeding cycle. I would bet that the word on the miraculous device...

2 years ago
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ips ki biwi ko choda

hi to all readers, i am shanky m 38 from indore is back with another story.after writing my story secretary ki chudai in iss, i got so many mails that i could not believe it. mujhe ek mail aaya panipat se rani naam ki lady ka jisme usne mujh se dosti karni chahi,maine uski mail se dosti badhana shuru kar di, dhire dhire woh apne life ke baare mein batane lagi,uska pati handsome hai,paise wala hai lekin uske paas samay nahi hai kyon ki woh ek ips officer hai aur raat be raat usko emergency main...

3 years ago
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Back To School

Hey, everyone, this is my first sex story, so I’ll need some honest reviews about this one. Ladies, if you like it, please drop in your comments at It was a chilly day of December. I was driving around the city in my car when I spotted her in the market. At first instance, I was about to pass her, but my heart said NO, just one last time, give it a try. She had been my all-time crush at the school. I’d never miss a class of hers and she unknowingly made sure she kept my dick excited all the...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Dido Angel Lovita Fate Kiss And Tell

Wearing a body-hugging bra and panties, Lovita Fate waits happily in bed until her girlfriend Dido Angel arrives home. Dido is all smiles as she gets an eyeful of Lovita’s lush body. Walking straight to the bed, she hikes up her short skirt to reveal her thong and then peels Lovita’s bra off between kisses to her puffy nipples. Dido’s dress is the next article of clothing to go so Lovita can do some oral work of her own. Her mouth is soft and sweet on Dido’s breasts,...

4 years ago
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Confession He looked over the pictures in the envelope one more time and smiled, that ulta conservative little girl was having sex with one of the nuns up the convent.? He knew what her father would do, he would disown her, throw her out on the street.? He has heard him rail enough times about homosexuals and how they are the vilest things that live on this earth.? He puts the photos back into the envelope and slipped them into his draw.? As he teacher, he felt, he should bring this to her...

2 years ago
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Amy the Tease

Amy is a schoolgirl, the most popular girl in fact. Every boy sees her in their wet dreams, every girl wants to be her. Amy has always been a good girl though, had a few boyfriends, but never really let any of them take her virginity. Not because she wants to keep her innocence though, but because of the power she knows it can give her over all the boys. Virgins are something to sought after, something special, something a slut can't give you. She knows the things that some guys would do for a...

2 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt3

I wasn’t sure who would show up the next morning, so when Jennifer came in, I was thrilled, though I tried not to let my excitement show. ‘Good morning, Mrs. Baker, morning Danni,’ she said, acting perfectly normal. ‘I hope you don’t mind, but I stopped on the way here this morning and picked up some absolutely delicious Danish.’ ‘I’m afraid I don’t have time this morning, but thank you,’ Mom said. ‘Danni, don’t forget your speech exercises this morning, and the van will be here a little...

3 years ago
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A Genie Gift

You know, I'm not exactly sure if I'm lucky or I was cursed by the devil itself, now, don't take it wrong, I know this would be a wet dream for any guy or girl out there, I'm just saying that things have been really wild for some time and I don't have any time for rest since a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, this whole story will sound like something out of a fantasy book, or maybe you would like to call the closest medical ward and lock me up for life, but I swear, everything that you are going...

4 years ago
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paul and sara part 1

they had been dating for a while now. paul, a sturdy built guy fairly tall, worked in for an airline, sara was an extremely busty hair stylist and hated everything about her boobs, so much so that paul had only seen them in a bra, even during their active and playful sex life. she was forced to wear the playtex "grandma style bras" in an attempt to hide how large they were. to her, her boobs were ugly. slightly saggy and uneven with faint stretch marks and a slightly visible blue vein here and...

3 years ago
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Saga Of Losing Power To Dominating Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, myself Rahul and I am 31 years old. I am an obedient type person. I am married to Swathy and she is 27 years old. We are settled in Bangalore. I was working in an MNC and she was working in an IT firm. About my wife, she is beautiful, attractive, and much dominant type. Her figure stats are 34B-32-36. It’s like my femdom wife decides everything, and I must obey her fully! Things were going smoothly and then one day, she just forced me to resign from my job and concentrate on...

2 years ago
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Strict Owners Daughter part 2

My name is Angie and I worked in a butcher’s shop where Janine, the owner’s daughter, ruled the place. A few weeks ago I was made to witness and take part in the spanking of Jim, the 17 year old Saturday lad. She made him strip off and used the cane on his bum and a springy plastic ruler on his cock to teach him to control himself. When he came into work the following Saturday he looked down when he saw me and was clearly embarrassed so I did my best to put him at ease. I reassured him that...

2 years ago
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Quentin and Larry

Quentin and Larry Quentin and Larry were the best of friends, right up to the point everything fell apart, and nobody was ever quite the same. Both boys were very similar in body type. They were both slender, with soft, almost feminine faces. This lead them to be the targets of local bullies, and so they only really had each other for friends for a long time. If boys tended to treat Quentin and Larry like punching bags, the reaction of girls was a little more complicated. Some...

1 year ago
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Raped at Home

You enter your darkened home; unaware that someone has gained entry before you. As you take off your coat you strangely begin to feel randy, but you can't explain why. A sudden urge to go to your bedroom to fuck yourself with your favourite toy comes over you. Once in the bedroom, you decide on a slow strip, teasing yourself as you go. You slip off your blouse, running your hands over your swelling breasts; your nipples harden without being directly touched. You reach behind you and unzip the...

3 years ago
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The Diner

The XXX Diner was about 30 miles from anywhere, it served as a stop for truckers and others passing through the area. Mike Gretsky a forty year old who’d had opened up the diner after his wife had passed away. As the diner was practically in the middle of nowhere he realised he'd need to way to keep his business from going under. His solution was overly simple... employ attractive young women to work in the diner. A year ago he employed Emily a beautiful redhead in her mid twenties. Emily was...

2 years ago
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My girly girlfriend Casey has this great big treehouse in this huge old oak tree in her back yard. She tells me her dad built it for her when she was like four years old, but it's big enough for a couple of teenagers to spend the night in. She has sleep-overs in it all the time. Her dad even ran a phone line out there so she could call them if she needed them. S eesh! One Friday night in April, she told me to sneak out and come see her for a few minutes. "Be there by eight! But if you're...

3 years ago
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Caught dressed like a sissy slut

My girlfriend was away for the weekend so I had the place to myself. I was feeling incredibly horny so I went through her knicker drawer and decided to dress up (which I've enjoyed many times before). I put on a really tight, pink thong, black fishnet stockings and suspenders, and her black mini skirt. I looked at myself in our full-length mirrored wardrobes. God, I looked so sexy and couldn't control myself. I got on my hands and knees and pushed my ass into the air, letting the skirt ride up...

2 years ago
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The slip of the tongue

PART 1 - Beginning It was a cold November day in London, and David and Maria were lying in bed talking about their eventful days as usual. The conversation started with discussing trivial matters, but then things changed.David and Maria were married, in their late 20s and generally happy as a couple. David was originally of French descent although he had lived and been brought up in England; he did not speak a word of French for that matter. Maria was Colombian, a real beauty. She was curvy in...

3 years ago
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Working in china and one day got back to hotel feeling horny, got to room and powered my laptop up logged in and got xhamster on. I stripped naked got on bed and start my then hard cock. After about 10 minutes i noticed the background noise had got louder but just took no notice of this and carried on wanking my cock. What i didnt know was the maid had came into my room and could see everything i was doing ut i couldnt see her as my door to room was round corner, the way she could see me...

3 years ago
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Hard day for stools

''Hard day for stools''The boy called Andy lives in the 1st floor of an apartment building with his mom. His mother is going to have a trip with her job and she has to leave Andy for a whole week. But Andy is too young to stay alone in the house so his mom asks the neihbour's help. Lady Maria is 41 years old and lives alone in the 3rd floor of the same building. She is tall with short hair and she is too strict. Thats why she lives alone and has no husband or family. But she had no problem to...

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Old School Erotica with a GILF

I was on backpage, trying to find myself a good time. You know how that site is, people spamming ads so as to get themselves laid etc. It wasnt long before i came across a post, one by a GILF (Dee) at that. It looked pretty simple, which was what made me click on it. And so the usual happened where i got her contact (PM me if you want it) paid the damage and got the ball rolling. Written below is exactly how everything penned out that one night, and gosh did I wish i could meet her in person...

1 year ago
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The Red Rose and the White

And he would have her. Despite the light and music and plentiful women (whose morals became progressively looser the richer they were), François Devaux was utterly bored. He was not royalty nor nobility, but a very wealthy businessman. A businessman whom held the purse strings of a great many of the nobles who were now dripping in the very same jewels his loans helped them to keep. That alone would have given cause for his invitation to a royal ball. It was for his devastatingly handsome...

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Meri bahan ab chhoti nahi rahi

Maine kabhi nahi socha tha ki bhai aur ankita ke beech sex ka rishta bhi ho sakta hai lekin us din meri aankhen khul gayi. Phle mai apne parivar ke bare me bata du.(name changed in this story) mere parivar me hum do bhai aur 1 ankita aur daddy hai mujhse bada ek bhai sanjay hai jiski age 22 year engineering student in jodhpur uske baad mai sunil age 18 aur meri ankita ankita jo mujhse 2 year chhoti hai meri maa nahi hai ankita dikhne me thodi savli hai lekin uski height uski age se jyada...

2 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 18

It was bad enough that I had become obsessed with my little and youngest sister Princess but now I had to confess to my unsmiling face in the mirror that I was cheating on her with her BFF Samantha or "Sam". The fact that I had allowed the beautiful but devious Sam to exert a sort of power over me that made me submissive for the first time in my life should have sent a warning signal to my brain but I suspect that organ was located in a region south of my belt buckle and was not receptive...

4 years ago
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Just the Tip

“ Now slowly pull down his boxers,” Joi commanded from her leather office chair. The thin brunette reached down to the waistband of the man across from her and slid her fingers between the fabric and his flesh. “Stop, Ashley.” The girl freezes in position. “What is this game?” Ashley, scolded, withdraws her fingers. Her knees cross as she fidgets. Joi glances at the gap between the girl's inner thighs. Joi looks over the top edge of her glasses. “The game is service. And that means?” Ashley...

Straight Sex
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Gazebos and Vermouth Part 4

Although a little sore I stripped down and cleaned up around the house. I had to make several detours to my bedroom full length mirror. What I saw sent waves of erotic stimulation pulses to my mind. My cock was hanging and being pulled down by the weight of the heavy ring. My body was smooth and hair free. My cock was leaking like grandmother’s kitchen faucet. Before leaving room 11B Evelyn had informed me that she ‘only’ had the tool to remove the ring from my cock head. I loved it but hadn’t...

1 year ago
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Full Circle Chapter Six

To those cowards that give me a negative vote yet lack the courage to say who you are or even leave a comment I say Fuck You and that’s the last you’ll hear from me on the subject. To my fans enjoy as this is a very long story with a couple of twists – THX Fix’m Full Circle – Chapter Six I turned the Suburban right and then swung it to the left and we had arrived at the Hilton. The look on the doorman’s face and that of the parking valet were absolutely, without a doubt,...

3 years ago
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Its a naughty world The initiation Part 1

thank you, and enjoy of course! For past several months, since I hit puberty, I had this desire to watch mom and dad making love. I couldn’t ask for a better parents. They are always there for me, whatever the weather may be. But as a married couple, I might say they should limit their emotions within the limits of their bedroom. You see, they are raising two teenage kids, me and my elder sister, Jessica. But still, I m happy that they kiss and hug each other in front of us, or even...

2 years ago
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A Tribe for Tethys Part 2 Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Sonia and Friends At The Lake I’ve made this trip dozens of times. I know how long it takes, I know how it feels, I know the bumps and textures and turns of the route, and I know just what to do to keep this precious cargo bottled up inside me. It’s only a couple of tablespoons, but it’s thin and slippery, and gravity is pooling it just above the narrow, muscular section of my tunnel. What sperm was mixed in with the semen is slowly swimming the other direction, still...

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The Ring AOChapter 36 Clinic Fund

For the next few days the girls were busy with life happenings, Whilst out walking along the beach towards Snapper Rocks she notice a surf clinic which was run out of the back of a white van. Stopping to look at the young people being taught skills to surf, The trainer said to the trainee’s surfers “If you do not give opportunity, or take opportunity then life will pass you by.” Continuing on with her walk she notice a Medical Clinic for skin conditions. Putting the two together Helena...

1 year ago
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Chapter 1 It has taken me years to learn to accept my lot in life. I've been called an asshole ever since junior high and I used to take great exception to it. More than a few fights came of it, but as I grew older I learned that it was stupid to get into a fight with someone just because he made a true statement. I am an asshole. How big an asshole you ask? Well, how big of an asshole is someone who seduces his brother's wife less than a month after the wedding ceremony? How big of an...

1 year ago
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This Couple Is MineChapter 1

The seeds of this story were planted in Germany nearly twelve years ago. At the time I was a junior NCO stationed at a small Kasserne located just outside of Stuttgart. I wasn’t where I planned to be when I was planning my future. From the time I was thirteen or fourteen years old my dream had always been to become a proud member of the 82nd Airborne and make that my career. Before I joined the Army I beefed up and worked hard at an exercise regimen of pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups and running...

2 years ago
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Kimberly and Trini show Katherine and Aisha who is better

Trini and Kat were waiting the living room of her house. In fact they both looked at one another and asked. Do you know why she asked use both to come here? “No Trini I don’t. All I got a was a text that said please come to my house right away and that was it.” “Yeah I got the same message as well. Kat” But what I want to know is why we are hear now and she is not. That is a very good question. So what is with that out fit you are wearing now Kat? I meam that is not you or the look I have seen...

1 year ago
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Death By FuckingChapter 4 Passion or Love Deirdres Story

I've done it. I've opened myself up to a man for the first time in many years, maybe for the first time in my life. I've had sex in the past, not often perhaps, but with several partners. I'm not an innocent young thing. But that's what I feel like. I feel like a virgin at the ball. I feel totally susceptible and yet totally accessible. What does that even mean? I'm vulnerable; very, very vulnerable. This could kill me. Can I take this kind of risk with this beautiful young man? I...

3 years ago
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ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE! SO I AM SORRY FOR GRAMMAR ERRORS! With that said, enjoy the story! This was the best coincidence of my life!! I live close to a couple in their late 50s, I always stay in my balcony in the afternoon because I like to see the sunset, but I also really like to see my neighbor… From my balcony I can see their bedroom and at this part of the day she always come close to the window and she get her bras out and changer her outfit, but she does it very slowly, I bet...

2 years ago
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The Old Lady Chapter 4

The handcuffs were beginning to chafe against my wrists, which I figured was because of the now much softer and weaker skin. Every time I shifted My body moved in strange and unusual ways. It was weird to have these two jiggling lumps of flesh attached to my chest and I didn't enjoy the feeling of them sagging from gravity. A soreness throughout my body reminded me of my new current age. I could see slight stretch marks scattered here and there on my unfamiliar flesh. These sensations...

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