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My thanks as usual go to Techsan for having a look over this one before I repost it.

Only one thing that he came up with that might cause some confusion. He wanted me to use the word pavement, where I have chosen to use the word tarmac. A pavement in the UK is where pedestrians walk (A Side walk to all you colonials). Although they can be surfaced with tarmacadam the same as car parks can, as is the case in this story.


Back in those days I had considered myself to be a bit of a Don Juan, sowing my wild oats wherever I could. Well, anyone that lived through the later part of the sixties will remember what it was like back then. Free Love, they called it, the Pill had been invented, was becoming widely available and there was no HIV to worry about back then. Yes, there were other things you could pick up, but a couple of trips to the clinic normally sorted those out.

Christ, if it had two legs and a skirt, you shagged it. That is, unless you were in Scotland, of course.

If you had any sense, you popped down to ‘The Clinic’ every couple of months where, if you’d been unlucky, they gave you a couple of jabs in the arse (painful I can tell you). But generally there wasn’t too much to worry about.

Anyway one day I was at ‘The Lido’, no more than a disused reservoir really, that had been turned over to a leisure and boating lake, when this vision of beauty caught my eye. She was wearing one of the tiniest of bikinis that I’d ever seen and it left absolutely nothing to the imagination.

My first sight of her made me sit up, in all senses of the word. Whilst my fellow lechers were still taking in her beauty, I was on my feet and in for the kill.

Unfortunately, this beauty who’s name turned out to be Jean, was well aware of me and my reputation before I even knew she existed. She told me to sling my hook in no uncertain terms and using some pretty charming colloquial language.

But I was smitten and my days of shagging anything that moved were over. Thoughts of Jean filled my every waking moment.

I was to spend the next year or so in my pursuit of her. Strangely enough after that first meeting at the Lido, I seemed to run into Jean just about everywhere I went. Maybe it was that I was just aware of her now and was consciously looking for her. Regrettably, she would always tell me to get lost in the most colloquial (but not very lady like) of terms every-time I tried to chat her up.

I think if it were today, I would probably have been called a stalker, as I would swing past her house every chance I got, trying to catch a glimpse of her. I think I would be safe in saying Jean wasn’t too enamoured with my efforts to win her favour.

But she had stolen my heart and I just couldn’t get her out of my mind. Jean of course was dating other guys, and it would break my heart to see her with them. Still, I persisted!

Then one day I had gone to a Pub that I just happened to know she and her latest boyfriend were frequenting. It was out in the country and not too crowded. As usual she gave me a black look when she saw me in the bar, but her boyfriend was apparently unaware of my presence.

I couldn’t hear their conversation but Jean was not looking very happy with him that evening. I could see that he was putting it away a bit, and I wasn’t too keen on him driving my goddess home having put that much drink down his throat. It was around ten-thirty that they got up to leave.

I gave them plenty of time to get out the door, before I made my move to go home. I’m not a voyeur, I had no intention of watching them make out. But when I got out to my car I just happened to notice that Jean’s date’s car had not left the car park. He had driven over to a dark corner someway away from the Pub’s buildings.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I didn’t get into my car. I just watched to see how long they were going to stay there making out. After a while there was some movement in the car, and it rocked around a bit. I had visions of him shagging the arse off of Jean, but what the hell could I do? She wasn’t my girl!

Then suddenly I thought I heard a scream. No, I definitely did hear a scream. Then I heard another one. My brain switched off and instinct took over. I was running over to the guy’s car, before I knew it. As I got closer I could hear Jean shouting.

‘No! No! Get off me, you bloody bastard!’

I could hear him shouting as well but couldn’t make out what the hell he was saying. I got to the car just in time to see him land a back hander across Jean’s face. Incensed, I yanked the car door open and dragged him out by his collar. He landed in a heap on the tarmac in front of me. In the dim light I could see that Jean’s clothes were torn, most of her assets were now on display and she was crying.

I didn’t actually hit the guy. I just kind-of dropped onto my knees, landing both of them in his stomach. He kind of rolled into a ball and lay there quietly moaning.

Jean was trying to cover herself and with a deft movement, I chivalrously slipped my jacket off and handed it to her.

‘I know you don’t like the idea, Jean. But I think you had better let me take you home tonight,’ I said.

Jean slowly got out of the car and began walking, she seemed to be in a daze and I had to physically guide her over to my own car. The jacket wasn’t covering very much, so I put a travelling rug over the lower half of her body once she had got in.

‘You’re not looking too good, girl. Would you like me to go and get you a brandy or something,’ I suggested.

‘Home,’ she whispered. So I drove her to her house.

As I pulled into her driveway I was getting just a little bit apprehensive. Her parents were well aware of my unwelcome pursuit of their daughter. And here I was bringing her home, in a state of shock and virtually naked. Jean was just sitting there staring through the windscreen. I jumped out of my car and battered on the door. Then went back and opened the car door for Jean, but she wasn’t moving, she just sat and stared.

Jean’s father came out and on seeing me standing in his drive, demanded to know what the fuck I wanted. Then he saw that I was lifting his daughter from the car and came to help me. Between us we carried her inside and placed her on a sofa in the lounge.

‘That bastard she went out with tonight attacked her,’ was all I could think of to say.

‘How do we know you didn’t do this?’ Jean’s mother demanded.

‘Don’t be silly, woman. He might act like a bloody idiot. But he wouldn’t be stupid enough to bring her home in this condition if he’d done it to her. Now go and make Jean some tea. No, better see if we can get some brandy down her. I’m going to call the police.’

I said that I had better be leaving, but Jean’s farther said the police would want to know what had happened and Jean was in no condition to talk.

Then he said, ‘By the look of you, you could do with a Brandy too, boy.’

The police arrived quite quickly, explaining that they had already been on their way. A guy had been found with serious injuries, laying by a car in a pub car park, some torn women’s clothing had been found in his car, along with Jean’s handbag.

I began to explain what had happened and next thing I know, I’m down at the ‘Nick’. Jean’s attacker was apparently suffering from a ruptured kidney and a busted spleen, it seems that these were quite serious injuries and he was going to be in hospital for a long time.

The police were talking Grievous Bodily Harm, and I was shitting myself! A few terrifying hours later, Jean’s father turned up at the Police Station with a solicitor, and I was on my way home.

I made the decision that night, that although I thought I was in love with Jean, I was going to back right off.

Christ, I could finish up doing serious time because of that girl. I’m no bloody hero, I just wanted a nice quiet life.

In the end, the GBH charge was dropped against me in return for Jean dropping the assault and attempted rape charges against the Wanker. Back in those days the police used to do the prosecuting, if you didn’t push things, they tended to let things go.

I stayed well away from Jean from then on. I told my friends that she was just too much trouble and that I was back playing the field again. In the weeks that followed I didn’t get that much in the way of action though. Playing the bloody hero had got me too well known locally.

So for the next few months, I just kind of hung around, playing Gooseberry on my friends and spoiling their action. Then a friend asked me to go on a blind date, as his girlfriend wanted someone to go out with her friend from work.

Oh, yeah, I thought, I’ve been caught like that before. What kind of a dog had they lined me up with this time?

My friend’s girl insisted that my date was a nice girl. She said that she was sure I would like her when I met her. With some reluctance, I agreed to go and we all arranged to meet in one of the local pubs on the Friday evening.

I arrived early. I thought I would get a couple of drinks down me up front. If I were to be lumbered with a dog, a couple more drinks and with any luck, I wouldn’t notice what she looked like by the end of the evening.

I was sitting at a table waiting for the others to arrive, when who should walk through the door, but Jean.

‘Shit!’ I thought and tried to disappear into the corner.

‘Bugger!’ She spotted me straight away, and she came strolling over to my table.

‘Hi, Pete! Aren’t you going to offer to buy me a drink?’

‘I would have thought that after your last episode, you wouldn’t go taking drinks from strangers. Anyway, my date will be here any minute and she might get upset if I’m drinking with another woman when she arrives. Wouldn’t you be?’

‘I don’t think your date will get upset at all, because she’s already here. But she will get upset quite quickly if you don’t buy her a drink.’

I don’t know, I must be bloody thick or something. But I didn’t get what she was talking about for a minute. But then I realised that I’d been stitched up and Jean was my blind date. I bought her a drink and we settled down to talk. Jean told me the others weren’t coming. And that she had arranged this meeting because she wanted to talk to me. She said she had called my home quite a few times, but I hadn’t returned her calls. She was beginning to think I was avoiding her.

‘I didn’t get to thank you for what you did for me that night,’ she said.

‘I don’t need any thanks. I didn’t think about what I did whilst I was doing it. I was acting on instinct. Most people would have done the same thing.’

‘But you aren’t most people, are you? You were my guardian angel that night and a gentleman too! I will never forget the way you gave me your jacket and wrapped that blanket around me. I could see that you were trying not to look at my naked body. You looked so funny!’

‘I got an eyeful when I opened the car door. I was just trying not to upset you any more than you already were. From the way you had been acting towards me, I thought that having me staring at your tits would be the last thing you needed. I was stupid to keep chasing you like I did.’

‘If you hadn’t been following me, I would have been raped that night. Maybe even killed! My mum says that probably I owe you my life.’

‘Don’t be silly you owe me nothing. I was just the twerp who was in the right place at the right time for once in his life. Look, I spent over a year making you hate me, so I figure what I did should make us even. You don’t have to worry any more, I don’t intend to pester you in the future.’

‘Now that I do find worrying. I had got quite used to you being around, and just why should I hate you? To be honest it had become a little game for me, trying to work out when and where you were going to show up. Some of the blokes I went out with were so dammed boring, it was fun knowing you were going to appear sometime.’

‘Well, you won’t have play that game anymore, I know when I’m beat. I’m going to set my sights a little lower in the future. Now, do want me to give you a lift home.’

‘What are you talking about, give me a lift home? We are supposed to be on a date, aren’t we? Christ, Peter, you spend god knows how long trying to get me to go out with you, and when we do go on a date, you are going to take me home after half an hour. Don’t you like me anymore? Have I grown horns and a tail or something? Or was it that you didn’t like what you saw that night when you saw me in the flesh, so to speak?’

‘Oh, God, no! Damn you, Jean, I have been in love with you since I first saw you at the Lido. It’s just that you have always given me the impression I was the last person you would ever go out with. I thought you only came here tonight to thank me, as we have not seen each other since that night.’

‘You are a fool, Pete. And you are right, I didn’t want to know the Casanova who tried to chat me up at the Lido. But that’s not the man that’s sitting here with me tonight, is it? The man that cried as he drove me home after he saved me from that monster. The man that was more worried about me than his own safety. No disrespect to you, Pete, but that Pratt was well over six-foot, he could well have whipped the floor with you, had he got the chance. My dad and the policeman both said they couldn’t believe how you bettered him.

‘I couldn’t talk on that journey home because I just didn’t know what to say to you. You were supposed to be the bad boy. You will never know the relief I felt when I saw your face at the car door. I was thinking of all the times that I had told you to piss off, and the other insults I had thrown at you. Now I was thanking God that you were there. It took me days to work out that I loved you and when I….’

‘What do you mean, you love me? You have never said a civil word to me since we first met.’

‘Let me finish, will you. I have always liked you. I just didn’t like what you were in the beginning. But as time went on I got used to that cheeky smile of yours. Then you were always saying hi and things at the wrong time. Just to wind me up and upset my boyfriends. Just like my little brother John does. But then I realised I don’t hate my brother, I love him. When he’s not there, I miss him, and when you’re not there I was missing you. When you opened that car door that night, I knew that I loved you.’

‘Now don’t be silly, girl, you were just relieved and grateful that I was there to rescue you. You mustn’t mistake that for love.’

‘There, you see what I mean. The old Pete wouldn’t have thought twice. It would have been, ‘She’s grateful, now can I use that to get into her knickers?’ Come on, be honest. I’m telling the truth, aren’t I?’

‘Well, if we’re being honest? You’re probably right. There was a time when I would have had your knickers off before you realised what was happening. But I suppose people change, I don’t think I’ve conned a shag out of a girl in ages.’

‘And there’s only one girl you’re going to be shagging from now on, and that’s me. Don’t you realise, you’ve done what you set out to do at the Lido that day, and you’ve scored, Pete. But I’ll warn you now, I’m not going to let you get away once you’ve fucked me. You’ll be mine forever, whether you like it or not. Now you can take me home, and I can introduce my parents to my future husband. You don’t appear to be running away . Can I assume we have a deal?’

I was flabbergasted, I loved her. I had never even held her hand or kissed her. But I loved her I so much, I sat in the bar with tears running down my face. She moved and sat beside me, we hugged and kissed for God knows how long. In the end, the Pub’s Governor came over and asked if we could cool it down a bit or he would have to put and X certificate on the door.

So I took Jean
home, where she made me formally ask her father for her hand. Both her parents were as pleased as punch. We courted for another year or so whilst Jean and her parents planned an extravagant wedding,

Jean, her brother John, myself and anyone else we could con into helping us refurbished the little terraced house that we found. Jean had decided that she wasn’t going to have any children until she was thirty.

‘We will have some fun first. Then four children I think,’ she announced.

I said, ‘I’d be happy if we stopped at two.’

‘I think four would be better!’ Jean always had the last word.

It was about two years after our marriage, at Jean’s brother’s stag night that I found out that there was a little more to Jean than meets the eye.

John’s bride to be was three months gone with twins, and we were ribbing him about making an early start on a football team. John said that two was going to be enough for him, and I said that’s all anyone would want.

John replied, ‘You and Jean are going to have four children.’

I replied that it was open for discussion.

John laughed. ‘For Christ’s sake Pete, you’ve been married to her for two years. Haven’t you discovered yet that what Jean wants, Jean gets! By now!’

‘What do you mean by that?’

‘Well, she got you, didn’t she?’

‘No, I chased her for nearly two bloody years before I got a date with her.’

‘Oh, dear. You still don’t know our Jean, do you, Pete?’

‘Look, I think you’ve drunk too much already. You’re talking nonsense.’

John stood up and dragged me over to a table in the corner.

‘Now sit down. I’m going to tell you what I should have told you years ago. Jean had picked you out for herself when you were both in junior school.’

‘What the hell are you talking about, John. I didn’t even know Jean when we were in school.’

‘I’m not saying you did, but she knew you. She was ten and I was eight at the time. I used to follow her round like a bloody puppy. One day I heard her telling her friend that she was going to marry Pete Derwint. Her friend didn’t know who you were, so Jean pointed you out to her. You were a year older than Jean. So you left the school during that summer, to go to secondary school.’

‘I didn’t hear her mention you by name for a good few years after that. Then Jean suddenly took up an interest in ten-pin bowling. She would drag me along, as it was easier for her to con the money out of dad if we both went.

‘Can you think of anyone that was into bowling a few years back? Its funny we always seemed to go bowling on your league nights. Unfortunately for Jean you never even noticed her, but not for want of her trying. She would bump into you, stand behind you in queues and was always in your way when you were on the pool tables. Unfortunately for Jean, you just never seemed to notice her. It was like she didn’t exist in your world. Jean would get very mad, and call you all the names under the sun on our way home. After some time you gave up going bowling and guess what, so did we.’

‘A few more years went by, but Jean was still after you. When she was with her girlfriends, I remember your name being mentioned quite often. And a girl called Pauline Roberts was given a real hard time of it, because she was supposed to be going out with you, but showed up for Jean’s birthday party without you.’

‘Anyway, suddenly one nice sunny summer’s day Jean announces that we are going to ‘the Lido’. She dragged her whole gang up there and of course I had to go too. Well, she needed to get the cash to go out of dad. When we got there we sat around and sun bathed in our swimsuits. Then I heard one Jean’s friends say she’d seen you down by the café. Jean had been wearing a one-piece swim suite up until then, but the moment she heard you were there. She went and changed into this tiny little bikini that she bought for our holidays the year before. It was much too small for her. She had only worn it once because it was so revealing and she was embarrassed.

‘Anyway once she had changed into it, she set off for the café. Christ, she hooked you like a bloody fish. Your tongue was virtually hanging out when you followed her back. You spent the rest of the afternoon trying to chat her up, but she was having none of it!

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Different Male Milking Techniques

With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...

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Elizabeth and her master pt 2

I could hear master circling in front of me. He traced his finger around my stomach, and suddenly he pulled off my nipple clamps, one at a time. My gag stopped me from screaming. To add to my humiliation I could hear a car loudly honking its horn as it drove nearer; then the car stopped, and the engine turned off. A small group of young boys began hollering at master and I. Master enjoyed the attention, I craved it. "You like what you see?" He yelled at the boys, "Come on down here, she'll...

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Sunset Kiss Ch 03

Wyatt laid in bed, grinning. He could remember the feel of Sarah’s lips pressed against his, her body almost touching his. He couldn’t stop smiling. It had been the best thing he’d ever experienced. Sure, he’d kissed girls before. But Sarah was different. * * * The next day, Wyatt heard the phone ring. He rushed to answer. ‘Hello?’ He smiled as he heard Sarah’s voice over the phone. ‘Hey, Wyatt.’ Wyatt said, ‘Hey, Sarah. What’s up?’ Sarah took a deep breath. ‘Look, I loved last night. I...

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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 62

‘You’re doing it,’ Sandy said. ‘Oops.’ I was lapsing into my Katherine Hepburn voice again. It was getting easier as the evening progressed. I used to handle these things effortlessly. I was playing a role and it was just another acting gig. Collect information from the other participants which I could use when appropriate. Tonight I was in a leading role and I hadn’t taken the time to prepare for it. The shower was being given by a gaggle of women somehow associated with my father or...

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College Boy

My sex life began to take shape the day I got beat up by my girlfriend’s little brother. In a single day my fantasies shifted. After the fight, in my car, I had the beginnings of an erection. I did not know why. My girlfriend, Kelly Givens, said, ‘Wow, he really worked you over, didn’t he?’ She sounded almost gleeful. Her words, her attitude, gave me a full-fledged hard-on. Again, I did not know why. At the age of nineteen I was home for the summer with a year of college under my belt. I...

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GenerationsChapter 34 Dinner And Drinks

An unexpected business trip to Seattle for software development kept Peter away from Lauren’s the following weekend, so it was two weeks before he was able to come back to see about ‘taking care of business.’ Fortunately, it was going to be a quiet weekend; Frank and Shirley had volunteered to take Jimmy and Holly for the weekend, and Heather was able to take care of herself. Helen and Jack had taken a long weekend to go to the lake country for a small vacation of their own. When Peter...

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Caitlyns anal awakening

Caitlyn wore her new red dress to the party. She knew it made her look hot. It was sooo short, it was off the shoulder and it had a cutout on one side. She teamed it with her silver platforms and a little red thong. It was Jessica McKinley’s 19th birthday party. Caitlyn didn’t know Jessica well at all, but Jessica was a friend of Caitlyn’s bff Shona. Shona was also dating Jessica’s brother Jeff. Jeff was on the basketball team and he was hot! He was the only white guy on the team. Jeff’s dad...

2 years ago
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Creampied and All Holes Fucked in Dance Club

Creampied and All Holes Fucked in Dance Club Hi! My name is Emma, I live in Boston, going to college and staying at my sister and her husband’s house. (Please check my other stories about how my sister’s husband creampied me and my other sensual adventures!). I am a typical all American girl who turns heads when walking down the street, with my blue eyes, blonde hair and cheerleader type mini skirts I always wear. When I turned 21, I wanted to celebrate my birth day with my best friend...

1 year ago
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The Natural Part 5

Update from the previous four parts. Joe and Karen, a normal couple except for one small thing; Joe likes to dress occasionally and Karen has decided to support her husband. Joe's problem is that, while he loves to dress he is less than happy with the result. The torment threatens their marriage so Karen decides to act. She finds a wonderful support group headed up by 'Aunt Mary' who helps Joe accept his feminine side. Joe seems to be adapting well until he begins to feel that...

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Ms Sarah and Danni Pt1

Dan was 19 and in his Sophomore year of College at UW Madison. All his post-puberty life he had secretly crossdressed. At school, Dan had a Teaching Assistant for one of his classes that he often made friendly small talk with. Her name was Sarah and she was 38 years old - a bit older than most of the other TAs, but she seemed to enjoy talked to Dan. She was 6 feet tall with an hourglass shape, dark black hair and big boobs. She almost always wore heels with stockings and a skirt. ...

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The BraceletChapter 4

We must have slept because an hour had passed. We all got up and went to the kitchen, naked, to get some water and lunch. Funny I was drinking water. This is new to me as I prefer coffee or coke-cola. I asked the girls to sit at the table and I would make lunch for them. Collecting 6 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 3 spring onions, 3 radishes, 6 mushrooms, 3 garlic bulbs, and two tins of chopped tomatoes. I cooked the bacon, garlic and mushroom in some olive oil in the large frying pan. Beat the...

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Iam Not Gay You Are Gay

The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...

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Dare YouChapter 16

I smiled at Kirsty as we waited for everyone else to troop out of the theatre. It wasn't like the usual rush and I saw at least one of the girls reaching behind her to fasten her bra before she stood up. Kirsty spotted her as well and was giggling beside me as the couple involved walked past us. "Stop it," I hissed, "Do you want to cause trouble?" "No, but it was so funny," gasped Kirsty, her face turning pink. "What was?" I asked, "Her having to fasten her bra?" "No," she...

3 years ago
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Secretary Day after Day

Monday – Giraffe on Rollerskates There are a million ‘secretary’ stories and fantasies out there. I have often used varying scenarios to help myself cum. Here is the beginning of one… (there will be more as I’ve completed Tuesday and Wednesday) She had just started the new job. A secretary. Well below her station, but the unemployment was running out, there were no jobs that fit her degree. She could copy, and email, so figured she was qualified. She wasn’t sure exactly what her new boss did,...

4 years ago
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The Coppinger Camping Trip

As expected, the afternoons were chaos. Trying to read my book with the noise was not cool.It was always chaos during the day on the annual family holiday. Quite why Mum and Dad still insisted we all went was beyond me, but here we were. Every year the Coppinger extended family pack themselves into caravans, tents, you name it, and spend a week together. This time, we even had a lodge. Big wow. It’s why I found myself spending a week with my mum, my dad, my two sisters, my younger brother, my...

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My Girls III Truth Power and HopeChapter 3

"Now, we all have to go to the cave. We have to go through step two there." She flicked her hand lazily and we were all inside the cave in Utah. We all followed the girl into the computer room. She was still an unknown to all of us, except Lisa. Oh wait, no, Lisa had never seen her before in her life; I forgot about that! Megan was starting to come around; I helped her down to her feet and she stood for a second, then stumbled. That was all the excuse I needed. I scooped her back up in my...

4 years ago
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Making Of A Slut Part 1

Dear indian sex stories dot net friends, Welcome to my fictional world, a literal paradise for the fans. A quick introduction. I am 5’1 height, weight 45 kgs, 36c. Fair tone skin and medium black hair. Age 19 I have always been curious about sex from a young age and had past experiences which I shall narrate some other time. But this instance happened when I was shopping in the mall for lingerie and the sales woman who must be between 25 -27 was helping me out and since it was an afternoon on a...

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Carla Chapter 1

The pretty butch pushed me back against the wall behind the bar and, hands on my shoulders, pressed her crotch hard against mine. I’d noticed the clearly non-biological bulge in her leather cut offs when I’d first caught sight of her indoors, it had been hard not to but now I could feel it. It had been a mistake, of course, to take a night off going to the bar but, to be fair, my bodyguarding duties were not required for a while since the businesswoman who employed me, the CEO of one of the...

1 year ago
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Virginity Of A Vampire Part3

Daniel got home and went straight upstairs to his bedroom. Locking his door he then got a magazine out from under his bed along with his manhood, and masturbated while images of Monique went through his mind. After tea Daniel had a hot bath and an early night. Whilst sleeping Daniel dreamt of Monique and him together but then Rishcu grabbing Monique by the throat and saying "You want the girl, you burn the tape" then sounds of laughter could be heard. Daniel woke up sweating and out of breath,...

First Time
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Mothers Submission Chapter 17

"What are you doing", Alex said, his eyes drawn to his aunt's fit, nude body. "I just got off the phone with your mother", Polly said as she stepped closer. "She told me about the two of you." "She did", Alex asked, surprised that his mother had revealed the truth. "Yes. And she's very upset about what she did, but I know that you're hurt too." She put a hand on Alex's chest as he backed against the wall. "What I think you need right now is something to let your frustration out...

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The Trial Part Four

The Trial Part 4 It turned out to be far simpler than I had expected. "Are they a better fit, Peter?" She already knew I was in panties from her weekly examination of the ruins of what were originally my reasonably well-filled sack. My Blush Index went up slightly, but only slightly, this time. "Yes, Claire, they are. They are very different from my Y-fronts but I can't say they are at all uncomfortable under the circumstances." She smiled. "Well, they are made for the...

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Glory Holes

This will be a short addition to my last story. As i said I started to visit that bathroom almost everyday. I was about 17 when I first went into a adult video arcade. I know i looked older then I really was but never thought they would let me in. Now I know that having a young boy in the booths is just what they wanted but I just thought I caught the guy at a good time and he just let me go in. This was back when they still had 8 mm movies. I got a hand full of quarters and went to...

2 years ago
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One Days Work

A modeling agency responded to one of Bethany’s emailed headshots with an amazing offer. $5,000 for one day of work. The email said she would be doing a “tasteful bikini shoot” and was offering not only to pay Bethany, but to fly her first class to Los Angeles and put her up in a hotel. Bethany jumped at the chance and was on her way to the studio in a heartbeat. She first thought something might be up when the taxi dropped her off at the studio. Bethany was expecting a glamorous agency...

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Carmen Calvin again pt 2

We had finished our little sex scene and I went over to Marci and sat beside her, "Well" I began, "What did you think of our little escapade?" I asked her. I could see she was still a bit nervous when she looked at me, "I don't know" was all she could barely get out. "I've never seen anything like that before" she added. Laughing a little, "Honey, it happens all the time" I finally said to her "You'd be surprised how many people love this sort of sex" I added. I knew she needed to be made more...

1 year ago
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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 22

Mary had quickly put on the sexy big black strap-on dildo and she'd gotten Bethany to flip over and bend over the couch in front of her while Pam and Crystal had traded positions on the nearby loveseat where they'd started out. Pam had brought Crystal to her first ever girl/girl orgasm and now Crystal was already licking and kissing on the hot wet lips of Pam's horny pussy. With all the ladies in the room knocked up from their copulations with Philip, it was quite a sight to see -- four...

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The Mainframe

"Good morning, John Doe," the mechanical voice chimed. "What interests you today?" "More sleep," he muttered. "I'm sorry, John Doe, but your request cannot be granted. Time of arousal in the Mainframe is 7 o'clock, a.m." He sat up, grumbling. "Yes, time of arousal in the mainframe..." he muttered, standing and starting toward the bathroom. He wanted a shower, but he could hear the water was already running, and when he opened the door, steam struck him in the face. "John, is that you, Hon?" A...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Intruder

Have to confess. I read a similar bit what you are about to read. So I am using it but doing my own twist on it. I am a lonely horny man. I usually dont have a problem getting a woman or a girl to fuck I was looking for something new and daring. I been chilling at the park for awhile and notice a man and woman just down from me. She was wearing a hot tank top with no bra. Her tits was being flashed out every so often with or without her knowing but course I noticed. She was wearing tight short...

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A Chefs JourneyChapter 6 Jason A Bad Meeting

Once the ski season picked up I was back to serving a hot breakfast, and even preparing hot lunches for happy skiers. Robert had found some additional help and Patricia was back working the front desk while I trained some new assistants. Patricia still came to my room several nights a week and I had discovered that my nightmares involving Rebecca and Monique were almost gone. I was beginning to consider returning to Phoenix when Linda walked in to the resort to register. I was standing next...

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Master Calls

You walk in & sit down, reach for your book, then wonder why there isnow a hook in the ceiling.Ring, ring, you jump half out of your skin, bloody thing. "Yes, ****speaking" "Well Slut do you like it? "Master, I like everything you do,do you mean the hook sir?" "Go to your room, get your collar on & thenthe hood with only the mouth opening. Then go back & stand under thehook" "Yes sir" placing the phone on the table you rush into your room.Within minutes all your clothes lay on the...

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Body Language Part 2

Part 1 was originally written by Taverner, but he graciously allowed me to write a sequel with his characters. Enjoy. Krystal stood up on the altar in her wedding gown, in all her glory, standing beside her future husband, Mark, a good man whom I approved of, and who I knew would make her happy. As I admired my 23-year old stepdaughter, whom I raised, I looked over at my younger stepdaughter Karla who was standing beside her, now 20 and turning into a gorgeous young woman. Karla smiled as...

3 years ago
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Between WorldsChapter 10

Cleveland, Ohio, same time It was one of those days that makes living in Cleveland, Ohio worth all the winter weather and lake effect snow. The southerly breeze brought the early spring temperatures into the high 70's, and energized the few scattered wisps of clouds. The brilliant blue sky highlighted the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's glass pyramid and the rounded dome of the Science Center. My daughters walked out of the large downtown Galleria Mall after sneaking lunch in the food court....

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Sissy Jennifers First Cock

Submissive sissy Jennifer's first cockThere is a shy knock on your door. You open it, wondering who it can be. A stranger hands you the end of a dog chain, you can see that it leads to a red strap round his neck."I'm Jennifer, Sir" he whispers, softly & huskily. It becomes clear now - you remember the conversation on the web a few days ago. Not saying a word, you pull the stranger into your room with the lead, shutting & locking the door behind him. You slip the end of the dog chain over a coat...

1 year ago
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Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chapter 3

Kristen and I, were really beginning to enjoy all of the new experiences we were having. Kristen continued to play on line and chat with many guys and couples. She chatted with one couple, Lacey and Brad, who were interested in meeting us for dinner and sexy conversation. We met them in an Applebee’s and enjoyed their company. We decided to meet them the following week at a cocktail lounge. The plan was for the girls to wear some sexy clothes. Kristen wore a white sheer blouse with a half bra...

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You left your wife a note saying the station called you in. You drive over to her place. You knock on the door. She answers in a skimpy top. You could here the song ”sweat” playing. She doesn't say a word her eyes just stared at yours. Waiting wanting. You step inside and shut and lock the door. You Reach your arm out and grab hers. You pull her close to you. You put both hands around her neck and pull her to you. Her mouth looks so tempting. Your cock is hard as fuck. you turn her back ...

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Seven Year Ache Part 2 Of 2

I sat on one side of the small rectangular table, she and Ray on the other, with Kaitlyn directly across from me. The steaks were perfect, mine rare as requested, and the side dishes and Cabernet I’d brought hit all the right notes. Partway through the meal, I felt Kaity’s bare foot touch my boot and then begin a slow journey up my calf and thigh until she found the soft bulge of my balls and my now-flaccid cock.Then began a long, slow tease, Kaity carrying on the casual conversation as she...

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Michelles Husband

Andrew thought back to when he first discovered Michelle's kinky side. She was only nineteen at the time, and he was twenty five. They both worked in the same open-plan office for a large Utility Company. Andrew could remember how Michelle used to wear tight-fitting, light-grey trousers that showed off her lovely heart-shaped ass. He longed to catch a glimpse of her strutting past his desk.He was always careful not to let anyone notice that he was eyeing up Michelle as she walked through the...

2 years ago
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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 2

It had been a long wonderful, holiday weekend. As is custom, Sunday was a family get-together/party at my parents. Food was plentiful, games were fun and plenty of drinking. Overall everyone just had a good time. Normally we would have spent the night but as Melanie had to work the overnight shift, we all had to get home so she could go to work. Monday was mostly spent lounging around recuperating from the fun of the night before. Since it was a major holiday, I was also free from having to...

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Teasing His Nuggets

“That's my seat.”“What was that?”“You're in my seat.” I showed him the cinema ticket. “I wouldn't make a big deal about it, because I don't want to break up your friend group, but I don't want to take someone else's seat either.”“We just have to each move down one. Guys?” He and his two male friends each shifted in the theater row to their assigned numbers.“Thank you.”“No worries.”“Hey…” I mused as rested in the reclining chair.“Hey!”I inspected his beautiful face. “You were in line next...

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