Chief Sec HFSS Orion
- 3 years ago
- 32
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As a new member of the crew, you are assigned to engineering. It is a busy department that keeps the ship operating at all times. Your duty is to stand a watch on the engineering station each day, helping the ship’s engineer keep the ship’s warp drive running smoothly. Your watch partner is a female engineer who has been assigned to monitor the warp core. She is a little older than you and she seems to enjoy showing you the ropes.
"gee thanks for the help i just didn't guess that this was so easy?" miles said
She smiles. “Well, the warp core itself is a complex piece of machinery, but it is also very reliable and predictable. You will probably find that there is not much to do at first. But if something goes wrong, or at any time that red light flashes on the control panel, you will need to act swiftly and correctly. That is the hard part.” the co-engineer said to him
"thanks for the tip." miles said thankfully.
“No problem. And remember, all the important functions of the warp core are controlled by people on the bridge, including the chief engineer and the captain. You are just here to watch for any problems that could affect warp core operations. So if there is a problem, just light up a comm channel and let them know the issue. Do you have any other questions?“ the co-enginner asks miles if he had any requests.
"well i..." but before miles could say anything the ship suddenly starts to shake as sparks and red lights start going on and off.
“Oh no!” She runs to the engineering status panel. “The warp core is destabilized! I need to shut of the plasma flow. If I don’t it might go into overload!” the co-engineer said with fear in her voice.
Two more status lights appear, indicating issues with the warp flow regulator.
“That’s going to need the main engineer... I need to let him know right away.” the co-engineer said to miles as she went to find the main engineer.
"i'll check the comms" miles said as he opened the comms and see that there are many channels. yet miles knew that he the chief engineer is on channel 2.
it was then someone on comms was trying to contact miles
“This is engineering, there’s a crisis here. Chief Engineer, we are having a major issue with the warp core and all systems. There’s an issue with the plasma flow. Should I shut it down?” one of the engineers asked
miles then went back over the comms. “No no no, that would be disastrous... Wait! Is it the flow regulator? Yes, it’s got to be. Don’t shut down any systems, let me check something. I’ll be right down!” miles said, suddenly the captian's comms are announced throughout the ship.
“All hands to battle stations! All hands to battle stations! The ship has suffered heavy damage in the warp core region, and it is unclear whether the ship will survive. We are in urgent need of help. Engineering is calling for a rescue party to come to engineering and assist. All hands please report to the designated battle stations!” the captian said throughout the ship.
then miles' co-engineer returned with new instructions from the main engineer “Okay, Miles, keep monitoring the engine. Do not leave the panel or attempt to interact with any of the controls unless the engineer sends down special instructions. Keep monitoring for any problems with the flow regulator or the warp flow. Are you alright to monitor the engine and do you understand the instructions?” the co-engineer asked him as miles nodded his head.
"yes ma'am" miles replied to her as he went back to work.
“Okay, good. I am going to run a diagnostic test on the engine to see where things went wrong.” the co-engineer said as She punches a few buttons. A screen starts to flicker and show a series of diagrams.
“Here’s what I think happened. The plasma coolant pipe was clogged by the plasma flow controller. The main plasma line is shut down to prevent a plasma fire. The backups are still running and the engines have cooled off. So it seems like the warp core is stable again. Let’s open up the plasma flow channel. Stand by to confirm.” the co-engineer suggested, but then another announcement was sent throughout the ship.
“Attention all hands! the ship that just attacked us has appeared on the long range detectors. It appears to be an Orion cruiser. I am trying to make contact but they are not responding.” the communications expert said.
She turns and looks at Miles. “Miles, do not go off this control panel for any reason! The engineer and I will have to handle the situation by ourselves. You continue to monitor and inform us of any status changes. Do you understand the orders?” the co-engineer said
"yes ma'am" miles said as he nodded his head.
“Good. Good man. Alright, engineering to bridge, we would like to take the lead in this situation and take a look at the orion ship, perhaps it is looking for a friendly interaction. What do you think?” the co-engineer said while pondering to herself.
A voice comes back over the comms. “You are cleared to take the lead, but keep a healthy distance, that ship is armed and ready to fight. And if I were you I’d keep a few torpedoes ready. You know how stubborn and proud the Orion empire is… This could get ugly.” the communications expert said from the comms.
"i kinda heard about orions are they pirates, traders and slavers" miles said as he recalled reading info about orions.
“You heard right. They are one of the most dangerous species in the galaxy. They have a reputation for being ruthless and cruel, but they are also a powerful trading empire. We have to proceed with the utmost caution as we approach this ship. There are three possibilities: Either they are here to trade, they are just looking for trouble, or they are here for a rescue mission to help us. I don’t think it is that last option…” the co-engineer said
meanwhile on the bridge
The comms officer announces, "I'm picking up a request for communication captain."
"Put it on the screen, please... and ship-wide for the record."
(then suddenly the screen changes to a video feed of what appears to be three a very attractive orion girls wearing the sexiest outfits)
"Captain, this is Ula'aria, Captain of the U.S.S. ARES. this is my lieutenant, zari and over here on my right is rila, she's my right hand lady. We have you surrounded. What do you think you can do against us, with one ship like yours?"
Miles’ jaw drops. He can’t believe what he is looking at on the screen. He is speechless.
“Wow!” His engineering partner laughs. “Who knows, maybe they are just here to trade after all!” she said to miles as she turned to see miles uttering to himself "homina homina homina homina homina homina homina" miles said repeatedly to himself.
She gives him a light shove. “Get it together, Miles! We have a job to do!”
out in space, several orion attack shuttles appeared unexpectedly, surrounding the federation starship.
the captain was surprised by this sudden move of the orion empire.
meanwhile at the engineering bay
the co-engineer turns back to the monitor. “We are preparing the weapons just in case, but we will try a friendly approach just in case. Attention all hands, engineering has initiated a friendly approach and we have cleared the weapons. We will see how this goes.” the co-engineer said before turning her face towards Miles. “Miles... Are you still on your panel?” the co-enginner asked him as she noticed that he was still uttering the same word over and over again
"homina homina homina homina homina" miles said still uttering that same word.
“Miles! Get yourself under control! Focus on your job! This is an extreme situation and you have to pull yourself together!” the co-engineer said as she gives Miles a second nudge to get his attention. “I am going to ask one more time. Are you still on your panel and ready to inform me of status changes?” she asked in a demanding tone
"what oh sorry about that and yes i am, god me and my dirty mind for alien gals" miles said as he started talking to himself again.
“Oh, Miles!” She said as she walked over to him and then slaps him this time, hoping to give him a quick reality check. “This is no time for dirty thoughts! We have to act as professional representatives of Starfleet! Not a... “She catches herself before she says something she regrets. “Not a moment to be thinking like that. Do you understand my orders?” the co-engineer asked in a demanding voice again.
miles just rubbed his left cheek where she slapped him "yes ma'am i understand" he said as went back to work.
“Good!” his co-engineer said as she smiles and turns back to the comms. “Alright, bridge, Miles is ready to watch his engine. I will come up to the bridge shortly and take the lead in initiating contact. Are you okay with that?” the co-engineer said to the captain through comms.
Captain John H. Clark gives these orders to the engineering crew: "Engineering, put shield power to full! Raise the shields!" captain john h. clark said with a determined and commanding tone in his voice.
"Tactical, ready the weapons!"
"Science, scan the pirate ships for weaknesses"
"Fire everything we've got at those shuttles!" Captain John H. Clark says.
The tactical crew is ready and fires off multiple phaser shots at the pirate shuttles. The pirate shuttles are hit by the phaser shots and start taking heavy damages.
Captain John H. Clark says, "Fire phasers in rotation. Keep them focused on those shuttles! All engineering crew stations!" the captian said
The tactical officer replies, "Captain, the pirate shuttles have been destroyed! The enemy ship is now trying to get behind them!" he said as the pirate ship approaches them.
"Keep a lock on them at every angle!" the Captain orders.
miles then took a quick look at the internal scans of the shuttles carefully and notices that something was not right with the shuttles. this causes miles to head up to the bridge to inform captain john h clark.
miles manages to arrive up to the bridge
"captain the readings on shuttles show that there are no life readings aboard them, they were remotely controlled." miles said to the captain
The captain studies the internal scans and nods, "Very well. We have destroyed their shuttles, but our phasers are still ineffective against the shields of their pirate starship. I want our shields raised to maximum power. Tactical team, target their engines. If we can force their ship to stop, we have them. Let's finish them off." the captain said as the prepares to attack the orion ship.
"sir we are being hailed..." the communications officer said as the captain suddenly pauses for a moment and then started thinking to himself.
“You are cleared to initiate contact and open communications with the ORION ship. But be careful. Orion pirates are a very dangerous species. Make sure the weapons are ready in case they open fire on us, but do not show any hostile intentions, unless you want to start an altercation. Stand by.” the captain said to miles, until the co-engineer arrived on the bridge.
"miles what are you doing up here?" the co-engineer asked demanding an answer.
"well i came up to the bridge to inform the captain about the scans we took of the orion shuttles, well you can guess the rest. plus its good to know that the captain is willing to negotiate, but i wonder what they will negotiate on?" miles whispered to his co-engineer as he explains to her about the situation
The co-engineer shrugs. “It could be many things. They are pirates. They are known for raiding and attacking the Federation, so perhaps they want to negotiate a trade deal, or a treaty with the Federation and promise to not attack Federation vessels anymore. Who knows? There are many possibilities. The important things that they are friendly and are not going to harm us at this time. We have been granted the luxury of negotiating. This is a good outcome in my opinion.” the co-engineer explains to him.
but miles just can't stop thinking about the orions "yes ma'am... you know i remember this one time i was reviewing the captian logs of the nx-01 enterprise history logs and read about captian archer and his crew taking on-board three orion slaver girls and they were using pheromones on the crew." miles explained as his co-engineer looks at Miles with a raised eyebrow.
“You know Captain Archer had the most difficult time keeping his composure with those Orion’s, right? Do not make the same mistake he did! It was the only time he lost his cool! Focus Miles, we are not here for pleasure, we are on a serious situation to try and negotiate and perhaps we might be able to survive this, so keep your mind on the job, and your thoughts clean. Is that understood?” the co-engineer said in a commanding whisper.
"yes ma'am" miles replied after confirming an understanding.
“Alright, good." the co-engineer said
"on screen" captain john h. clark said as the crew did as they were told and the orions answered the hailing "You think you will get that close? I appreciate your enthusiasm. But you will never get within 3 million kilometers of our ship. " ula'aria laughs at the boldness of the Federation starship when they started speaking on screen.
the captain of the uss amsterdam and its crew felt rudely mocked by that comment she made, but they continued to listen through comms at her words "You will now hear my first demand, if you want your life, and the life of all of you, you will comply. Your captain will order his engines to maximum warp and fly away. We are the ones who will remain here." captain ula'aria said calmly and demanding.
the captain felt insulted “I am not ready to let you bully me into submission, Pirate Captain! I can assure you that we will NOT back down from this battle.” john h, clark said
John then turns to his crew, “This battle will be tough, but we can defeat her. If she refuses to negotiate we have only two options. We fight an all-out battle. Or we ram them at full speed and leave them a burnt wreck. So if you are ready then prepare to attack!” the captain said,
miles was nervous and felt that this is turning into aggressive negotiations, then out of the blew he jumped in-front of the captain and spoke out "pirate captain of the USS Ares, we, of the federation starship USS amsterdam, hereby wish to initiate trade negotiations with you. what is the orion wish from the federation hands?... captain ula'aria." miles said as he shouted out trying to intervene.
then there was a moment of silence between the two starships, the orions became curious about this sudden proposal.
but she couldn't help but notice that rila was already staring at the human that burst in wanting to negotiate.
the orion captain ula'aria on the bridge begins to speak. “To the Starfleet ship, this is the Orion pirate cruiser ‘Ares’. did this young man there say that he would like to discuss possible negotiations. Does the Federation ship accept negotiations? Or would you prefer open combat? The choice is yours. Your decision will be respected.” ula'aria asked as she awaits their response.
The co-engineer shrugs. “It could be many things. They are pirates. They are known for raiding and attacking the Federation, so perhaps they want to negotiate a trade deal, or a treaty with the Federation and promise to not attack Federation vessels anymore. Who knows? There are many possibilities. The important things that they are friendly and are not going to harm us at this time. We have been granted the luxury of negotiating. This is a good outcome in my opinion.” the engineer said while whispering to miles a he stood there pondering to himself.
"or they might demand a crew member selection or steal the ship for the market." miles blurted out.
She grimaces a little bit. "That is possible. There are plenty of bad possibilities. But we could also ask you the same question, why were you entering Orion space?" It seems to her like her junior is trying to play mind games. It feels like a subtle way of warning him to pay attention to detail, because any small details might be a life or death situation when dealing with violent, dangerous and unpredictable people like the Orion. The best way to make his way out of the current situation is to think it through carefully and look for any possible threat as they are negotiating.
"hey i can't help myself its just that im still single and had dating issues back in school, do you know how many girls picked on me for being a dork." mile said while whispering to his co-engineer.
She rolls her eyes and smiles. "I can't say I'm surprised. But I guess I'm sorry about that. But right now we are in serious trouble Miles. Your personal issues are not that important at the moment. We have to focus on getting out of the Orion situation safely. Do. You. Understand?" the co-engineer asks miles.
She looks Miles straight in the eyes, as if to punctuate the importance of her order.
miles looks down and nodded his head.
"Thank you, Miles! Let's review what we know: This is the Orion ship 'Ares'. they first attacked us with an orion shuttle assult and threaten our lives and joke about it in my opinion, but now They are willing to negotiate with us. These could all be tricks or lies, so remain cautious." the co-engineer whispered in miles' ear.
She looks at the screen of the enemy Orion ship and looks back at Miles.
"Alright, Miles, take the lead. You are at the negotiation table, tell them your best offer. Whatever you do, we should never mention the warp core or that we have any other problems. Never show weakness, especially in such a situation as this one. You could easily be betrayed. Be ready for them to lie at any moment. If you do this, be careful, Miles. Show them no weakness, or they will swallow you up and devour you like a lion and a lamb. Now... Show them your teeth!"
"okay but we're on the bridge here... (breathes in and out) remain cool, i am worried about being... NO NO get a hold of yourself." miles said to himself as he took the time to collect his words.
"Good. Whatever you do, do not look unsure of yourself. Remember, Miles: These are violent and deadly Orion pirates. You are a Starfleet officer. Act like it. Now Miles," she says, looking Miles directly in the eyes. "I give to you full discretion to act as you see fit. Act as you believe you need to. I have complete trust in you to complete this task and bring us out of this situation. Do you understand?" the co-engineer said as miles nodded nervously.
"yeah i guess (gulp) hello this is miles of the uss... uh... we will be willing to negotiate... we will be willing to offer any possible... uh trade... negotiations" miles said nervously
"Are you nervous, Miles? Calm yourself and steady your breath. This is your opportunity to show your strength. Orion pirates like the Ares often take advantage of the people who are weak, or those that are scared. Show them you are not scared, Miles. If I may give you one last piece of advice, Miles, never show any emotion or hesitation when dealing with them. Just answer each of their questions with a calm demeanor. No wavering. No doubt. No sadness or anger. Just a clear mind and a strong voice. Go to it, Miles!" the co-engineer whispered to miles.
Ula considers this proposal for several silent seconds as she stares directly at Miles on screen.
In a soft but sinister tone, Ula says “Trade negotiations? You are right. We should talk. The Federation has something I want, but what do you have to give me other than my continued life?” ula'aria asks them.
"Well Pirate Captain, the one thing we have to bargain with is the Federation starship's technology." replied John. "You know I am sure that you would love to get your hands on the tech from the Federation starship." the captain said as his crew sat in their posts dumb-founded.
"But I will also need a good reason to agree and give you my technology. You will have to give me a good offer, Ula. An offer that will guarantee that the pirate race on your ship will not attack our people again. If you can do that, then I will give you the technology you seek." the captain said while he continued to speak.
miles then became surprised of this and what the captain is doing, but miles what supposed to be the one negotiating, then suddenly he had an idea of how to intimidate captain ula'aria with, but is worried that she might lash out at them and fire at their ship and worse get fired from the federation... if he does survive.
miles then butted in again
"excuse me captain! im trying my best to help us out of this mess and save your hide, are you thinking that im no good at negotiating." miles said to the captain in an outraged tone, but he was doing it to intimidate the orion captain.
the orion captian ula'aria on screen seems to be impatient, but now she appears to find this very interesting because this is starting to be amusing, however she also notices her right hand woman rila still staring at miles on the screen and realizes that she seems to be gaining quite an interest and curiosity towards miles.
"you like this one don't you rila?" ula'aria whispered to her right hand woman. rila softly giggled to herself at the comment "of course i do... he is quite a cutie." rila said in a whisper voice.
Ula stares directly at Miles on the screen. "you know young man, I can tell you are intelligent and brave. But what makes you think you are a good negotiator?" ula'aria said
Miles suddenly has a flash of realization. He is in a position to negotiate with Ula for a trade-off that will help the Orion pirate crew AND the U.S.S. Amsterdam. But will he be able to do it without compromising the honor of the Federation.
it was then rila took this moment to speak up "hello there, Are you new to negotiations? You seem to have spoke well. I am rila, commander of the Orion Cruiser Ares and right hand of captain ula'aria." rila said as she introduces herself on screen.
At this point, Miles notices rila on the screen, her voice is very... Well, it sounds to him like the very hottest Orion he has ever heard or seen. He is a little bit dumbfounded. He takes a deep breath. "We, of the Federation Starship Amsterdam, accept your message of negotiation. We are now open to negotiation." miles said as he awaits a response. "and yes i am new to this" miles added.
The captain ula'aria smiles. "I can see. But you do seem quite competent in negotiations. It is always best to have the negotiation partner feel like you know what you are doing. The more confident you seem, the less they will think there is any advantage to being tricky." ula'aria said
"um…" Miles is dumbfounded by the Captain's stare. He feels very flustered...
"whats wrong dearie... you were so good at requesting to negotiate before." ula'aria said sweetly and with a teaseful tone in her voice.
but it was then something seemed to have struck miles' nerve
"excuse me, are you questioning my negotiating skills too or are you thinking that im no good at negotiating." miles asked sternly at the comment she made.
miles started pointing at ula on the screen "oh great you too ... well you know what! i'm sick of people trying to think im no good at anything and now feel really offended by this. im trying to do my best but im now im starting to think im not good with girls, especially orion pirate girls, NO WONDER WHY I SUCK AT DATING AND STILL A VIRGIN" miles shouted outrageously feeling offended.
but then there was silence on between the ships and pretty soon miles then realized what the last part he said and placed both his hands to his mouth to cover it.
“Ah... What did you just say?” the first lieutenant of the uss amsterdam asked
meanwhile onboard the ares, ula was both surprised and impressed, but she seemed to be having a hard time hiding a grin behind her serious facade, while she was on the video call with miles. It certainly seemed like he was pretty new to negotiating, and with his last comment, he confirmed her suspicions. Her smile was wide.
rila too was surprised about this, the young man on screen is a human virgin, this just increased her interest in him even more.
back on the bridge of the uss amsterdam, miles then nervously spoke "whoops... um... i guess everyone just heard that didn't they?" miles asked aloud to the crew.
both the crew of the aress and the crew of the federation starship started to giggle and many began bursting with laughter.
rila of the ares looks back at ula's crew, who were all trying to contain their laughter. But she also notices zari who was also still trying to keep a straight face in front of Miles on screen. Instead of laughing, she lets out a smirk and tries to hide it. She is trying to decide if it's appropriate to have a little bit of mercy on this poor, inexperienced man, so as to not risk an escalation of the situation.
Captain John H. Clark was surprised by Miles' boldness and quick-thinking. As he watches the Orion Pirates on the big screen, he sees their reaction to Miles' slip-up. His eyes twinkle and he says with a mischievous undertone, "...well pirate captain, it seems as if my chief engineer knows no limit to his negotiation tactics. You should be impressed."
He turns to Miles, "Well done, Miles."
He takes a deep breath. "So, Pirate Captain Ula, what will it be? Do we negotiate or do you want to go to battle?" captain john h clark asks sarcastically
miles never felt so humiliated in his life, he felt so broken up he could not bear it, he felt like a joke or a clown to the crew
his engineer partner just lander her hand on her own face which appeared that she was thinking 'miles you just doomed us all'
miles looks down on the ground "you know what... forget it..." Miles said quietly and then suddenly out of nowhere he tosses his federation badge at the captain in anger, for real this time.
"FINE! laugh, LAUGH all you want! you're all like everyone at the academy... IT MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACH TO ENDURE THIS! IM DONE WITH THIS! im outta here... AND DON'T BOTHER BEGGING ME FOR HELP IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO REASON WITH OTHERS... I'VE HAD IT WITH BEING HUMILIATED ALL MY LIFE, im gonna go kill myself." miles finished as he left the bridge with a humiliated, angry, but deep down sad look on his face.
after he left, the captain john h clark sat there silently trying to process what just happened and what miles just said.
on aboard the ares, the laughter of orion female crew died down almost immediately after hearing what miles just said.
both captains looked back to each of their crew and are asking them the same question they are thinking "Is he really going to kill himself?" they both asked in unison.
commander rila of the ares was both terrified and shocked, She hadn't expected this reaction. She wasn't trying to make fun of him, She had not at all intended for him to take those laughs as a insult to the heart. This young man is clearly not as experienced as the crew had thought, and he is not the right kind of personality for the dangerous work that a soldier in Starfleet needs.
the crew looked at each-other and only a few started feeling worried for miles, those few were ula, zari and mostly rila, she really took a true liking to the young man.
they were not really sure what exactly they are supposed to do after what just happened. even zari has never felt this bad and confused in her life. On one hand, she has no intention of showing sympathy for her enemy. On the other hand, she is clearly a strong empath, and it's almost physically impossible not to feel sorry for the man after what they just did…
"i hate to admit it i feel kinda bad for the boy" zari said with some guilt in her voice.
"me too, i really like that chief engineer, from the moment i saw him, if only i could just transport myself onboard the u.s.s. amsterdam and bring him aboard to make him the happiest human ever." rila said as she felt her heart ache.
but then an idea or an opportunity just hit captain ula, she brought them close and whispered to them quietly "rila, since you really like that human so much... what if we made him our personal pleasure boy?" ula asked rila as her eyes widen and smiled.
"in fact we all should have our own personal human menservants" ula said as they three of them nodded in agreement.
ula'aria spoke on-screen "captain here are my demands, i want you to transport to me 6 of your lower male members of your crew, that includes that cheif engineer, it seems that my right hand woman here has taken a liking to him and didn't want him to be upset of what happened... please hurry and stop him from committing suicide... that will be all" ula'aria said pleading look on her face.
The U.S.S. Amsterdam does not respond immediately to Ula's demands. The bridge crew stares directly at the screen, silently. In the background, the engineering crew of the U.S.S. Amsterdam remains silent, also, they are just watching now. There is a heavy silence, almost as if everyone is holding their breath. Finally, after what seems like several long seconds, the U.S.S. Amsterdam responds.
"You have a deal." the captain answered as ula'aria smiled hopefully.
meanwhile in miles' quarters
he was about to take out his phaser gun and is about to shoot himself until two men beamed themselves into the room and they immediately stunned him to prevent him from killing himself.
it was then two men finally carried miles' then they unlocked his quarters door and carried miles out of the room and were heading down to the beaming room where the six men are selected to be transported to ula'aria's starship. they all were standing there in the beaming room in position of the circle lights shining on the ground awaiting for arrival of the guards escorting miles to the beaming room. it wasn't long until the two solders carried miles into the beaming room and carefully placed him down on the floor where he and the selected crew-mates were about to be beamed down to ula'aria's starship.
one of the men that carried miles into the beaming room whispered to the other one "good thing you stunned miles before he got the chance to kill himself... i can't believe that he was about to commit suicide" he said as they await the captain's orders.
"Indeed he was." he replies to his partner. "I'm sure that the captain will ensure that your courage and bravery does not go unnoticed." he added.
pretty soon the captain arrives at the beaming room and speaks to the six selected men of his ship as miles laid there on the ground.
"The six of you and miles will be beamed into the Orion ship ares by demand of its captain ula'aria. i know you all have ether just joined up or just came aboard for hitchhiking maybe just wanting to see the galaxy. but this was a decision i had to make, not just because of some pirate's demand, not that i had any ideas of just being a sweet talker to space woman! but the reason cause this man laying on the ground with you six standing around had nearly killed himself over a ridicules or personal problem in his life on earth. also the commander and right hand or captain ula'aria has interest in our... former chief engineer miles. just make sure that he does not try to kill himself again or else i will have to take responsibility for it." He turns to the communications panel.
the six men stood there as they all nodded their heads understanding the captains decisions. the captain then left the beaming room and went back up to the bridge and contacted the orion starship ares.
"Ula, I am preparing to beam the selected six men into your ship. I hope that this is the beginning of a relationship or friendship between our nations!" captain john h clark said as the orion captain smiled brightly feeling pleased of this.
"i prefer to call it a temporary truce for now. but don't worry, your men will be in good hands now, especially the chief engineer of yours." ula'aria replied to the captain in a sweet and generous voice.
"indeed, also the chief engineer you requested to bring onboard your vessel, his name is miles." john h. clark of the uss amsterdam responds to the captain of the orion starship ares.
captain ula'aria nods her head "hmm miles, interesting name, yes i will remember that." and with that ula'aria then cuts off communications with the USS amsterdam and turned to her crew with a smile on her face "ladies we're about to have human man-servants on board our ship." ula'aria announces to her crew as they all giggled, chuckled and screamed happily.
"you can pick any man of your choosing and can share him with your fellow crewmates if you want, but the former chief engineer called miles is off-limits to all of you... only me, rila and zari can claim him as our own. is that clear?" ula'aria said in a clam and strict tone in her voice. all of the crew of the orion starship ares nodded their heads.
meanwhile back aboard the USS amsterdam
john. h clark then contacts the science officer in the beaming room. "Beam them down." the captain orders the science officer through comms.
back in the beaming room, miles was beginning to slowly regain consciousness until the science officer begins to beam miles and the six other crewmates to the orion starship ares.
it was then the crewmates and miles were already beamed over to the starship ares.
meanwhile on the orion starship ares
miles and the six crewmates were finally onboard the orion starship ares in the orion beaming room. it was then miles fully regained consciousness and started to get back up on his feet then stood there confused of what was going on.
miles then realized he was onboard the orion starship ares but was not alone, he also notices that there were six human crewmates with him and they stood there calmly waiting for something to happen.
it was then ula'aria the captain of the starship ares entered the beaming room along with with both zari and rila. to miles surprise these three orion women are even more sexy in person, but he tries to keep himself calm and not embarrass himself again. until then he immediately remembers what happened to him, he remembered that he was on the uss amsterdam and was about to commit suicide until he was taken by surprise and was stopped by two crewmen of the federation starship.
after the sudden flashback, miles was totally confused of this sudden realization and notices that his phaser was no-longer with him.
"where am i? whats going on and where's my phaser?" miles exclaimed in a panic but then rila notices his sudden panicking and approaches him as she tries to calm him down. miles felt startled as he felt rila's hand on his left cheek.
"shh, relax miles, you are on the orion starship ares" rila said softly as she slowly batted her eyelashes to him while staring into his eyes.
the captain approaches the six young human men and miles as she begins to gather her thoughts on what she has to say to them.
"miles as you are not aware, after your sudden outburst of the little... mishap, your captain and i discussed my terms and has been kind enough to give us six of his crewmen of his lower ranks, plus you yourself have been chosen to be welcomed to stay onboard the ares." captain ula'aria explained as miles surprised of these sudden turn of events.
"You may not have your phaser Miles, but you will have other methods of protection. also my right hand woman, rila seems to be taking quite a liking to you when she caught her eye on you." says Ula as she continues to explain to miles of the situation he is in now, but to him he was surprised that rila the orion commander of the ares is interested in him.
"as for you other six, your captain is willing to keep his honor as a Starfleet captain. so I expect you all to be polite and In return, my crew will be willing to grant you all protection under Orion law." ula'aria explained as the six crewmates of the uss amsterdam nodded their heads in response, confirming their understanding of ula'aria's demands.
Ula begins to head towards the door "As your host, I will personally take you to the mess hall where each of you six will be escorted by a member of each of my crew to show you around. since myself, rila and zari have chosen miles, well let the other members of our crew choose who they want." she says before she finished speaking.
ula'aria then turned to rila and spoke "rila please escort miles to your quarters, myself and zari will be with you shortly after we bring these six young men to the mess hall." ula'aria said as she leads the six men to the mess hall with zari.
rila then starts walking towards the entrance, then she turns her face towards miles while seductively motioning Miles to follow her.
IX — In Foxholes The force of the explosion behind him threw him out even further as he hurtled down towards the rocks below. During the fall his training kicked in, Patton tried to line up his body and evenly distribute the impact just as if he fell out of a helicopter or parachuted rapidly towards the ground. He expected a tremendous amount of pain knowing his body would most likely tear apart along the jagged rocks. And that was best-case scenario, there was a high probability he wouldn’t...
AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMER: This story series is a fictional work set in the Star Trek universe. I have made a reasonable effort to make the story's details consistent with known events, situations and hardware configurations established in previous Star Trek productions. I make no claim to be a Star Trek purist. Any errors, in continuity or otherwise, with prior Star Trek productions are unintentional. If such errors offend you, I apologize in advance. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this story...
PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 9AA Theme Trips/Tours-Pirates After leaving the clothing store you grab a quick bite to eat. You continue to joke with Wendy, "Um, maybe your not hungry? Have you eaten enough for the day?" "Perhaps if your cum was still a thick as it used to be, then I would be full. As it is, I'm definitely not thirsty at all. I mean I do intend to drink you dry a soon as I can." "Well, maybe I should eat some more of your thick cream. Sandy wasn't...
This story is copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D., and all rights are reserved, with the exception of any Star Trek related material and characters, which Paramount owns. I am just borrowing them for entertainment purposes. No one may resell this story for money. Ask me if you want to archive it. I may allow you to beam it aboard your site as well! ***** Star Trek: the original series mission continues Season Four - The New Adventures!!! StarDate: 4/19/98 - Log Updated...
Following the destruction of his real body the Jim Kirk of the Mirror Universe, who's stuck in the body of his Janice Lester, has travelled to the universe of the Federation to steal their Jim Kirk's body. But things aren't going according to plan.... STAR TREK: CONSPIRACIES by BobH (c) 2018 Note: This is part of an intricately interweaving series of stories that form a single, sprawling...
Star Trek: Voyager - Second Season Synopsis: After critical damage to engineering leaves Voyager nearly powerless, Harry Kim's landing party changes its mission from resupply to locating some new dilithium crystals to replace the stocks of the crippled Voyager. But something unexpected happens on the planet - something that doesn't begin to manifest itself until long after the starship departs. Note: "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount...
Jim Kirk is now Janice Lester in both universes, while on a backwater planet Spock climbs a mountain seeking answers concerning recent troubling events. An epilogue to 'Star Trek: Mirror Universe Turnabout'. STAR TREK: INTERLUDE ON ARAGON IV by BobH (c) 2014 This contains spoilers for all my Star Trek tales to date. Most characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * The trail up the mountain was well worn and its slope...
This is it, the big one, the culmination of all my Star Trek tales to date! With overwhelming firepower on its side, the Empire is finally ready to invade a Federation hollowed out by decades of Empire infiltration. And on opposite sides are two Jim Kirks, each inhabiting the body of his universe's Janice Lester.... STAR TREK: INVASION (part 1 of 3) by BobH (c) 2018 Note: This is a sequel to all...
Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? This is a sequel to my earlier story STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER. STAR TREK: THE SECOND LIFE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * 2269: Elba II "I stole your body because I wanted to captain a starship, something Starfleet doesn't allow women to do," said Janice Lester....
Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss (The names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ================================================== Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for...
Sex Trek: Voyeur (A Sexual Parody of Star Trek Voyager) by Miss names have been changed slightly for copyright infringement avoidance.) ==================================================Captains Log Star date 9801.01 It has been several years since we’ve made our trek back home to the Alpha Quadrant. The crew’s morale lately has been low and I must say something is going to have to be done to boost it soon, or we’re going to be in trouble. People are reporting late for their...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Star Trek The TNGTG. All Star Trek people here do belong to Gene Roddenberry and his estate. I only use them in fun and the spirit of Star Trek fans every where. Peace. Belle. I am Capt. Rene Saylor. Owner and Master of the good ship Little Dragon. It is a free freighter. I dont haul people or cargo for free. When I say free, it means none else but me owns the ship. Not bad for a 20th century human stuck in the 24th century. In the 20th century I was called Dave Saylor. I came to...
"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship 'Enterprise'. Its five year mission: The explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life, and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!" Star Trek Amazon: The Prince of Amazonia Captain's Log, Stardate 4176.4. We are currently engaged in a search for the U.S.S. Redoubt, last seen a month ago on a cartographic mission outside of Federation space. Though we are near areas claimed by...
This story is set in the world of the "Star Trek" television program, airing on NBC from 1966-69. "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended in this not-for-profit fan fiction. This may be archived/posted anywhere; just give credit where credit is due. Thanks! Hands of an Angry Goddess By Pretzelgirl Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission:...
Trapped in the body of a small girl, Spock finds himself in the mirror universe and at the mercy of the Empire's all-powerful ruler, a person he's already met in his own universe. ***************************** Trapped in the mirror universe, Spock finds himself at the mercy of the Empire's all-powerful ruler, a person he's already met in his own universe. STAR TREK: EMPEROR by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Prisoners'. All...
The Empire's fleet has been defeated and its planned invasion thwarted, but for the two Jim Kirks, each in the body of his Janice Lester, this isn't over yet. On Camus II the alien body-swapping device has been used again and one of them is in mortal danger, while the other holds the fate of the Empire in their hands.... STAR TREK: INVASION (part 3 of 3) by BobH (c) 2018 ...
Book Two — ‘Beneath Orion, Worlds Apart: The Diary of an Underdog’ — will continue with the main characters from Book One. However I cannot emphasize enough how different Book Two will be from Book One. With exception of a flashback or two, be warned that the high school phase is over, so if that’s why you started reading, you may want to end your reading experience with Book One. Please consider carefully if you are willing to continue reading about where Luke and Kaylee go from here. This...
Princess Ayumi and the PiratesBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] 1The VoyageThe storm had been fierce and had blown the ship off course. The only girl on board woke and found that the ship was no longer tossing and pitching in the waves. The worst was over andshe might finally go up on deck. Her cramped quartersreeked and needed airing because she and her maidservanthad been seasick. Stressed, she yelled at the older woman to clean the cabin.?You are a lazy, old hen,? she...
Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe has travelled to the universe of the Federation intending to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. Only now there's a third Jim Kirk.... STAR TREK: PLAGUE by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' and 'Infiltration' All characters...
Spock raised his hand and saw he now possessed dark skin, and slender fingers with long nails, all perfectly manicured and painted. This confirmed it. His mind was in Lt Uhura's body. "Fascinating!" he said. STAR TREK: PRISONERS by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures - 1 - Spock woke with a headache. It was the same headache that had been plaguing him since Dr McCoy had restored his brain to his body on...
Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe first ship the two Captains swam around had several lines, and wreckage hanging over the side. As the two swam around the vessel, in addition to what was hanging over the sides, they could also see lots of debris hanging down from the masts and yardarms. Looking up through all the wreckage, they were not encouraged by what they could see. Finally they picked what they felt would be the two easiest ropes for them to climb, and then started the long crawl up to the deck. Once they climbed...
Jim Kirk has been Janice Lester for three decades. Now, aboard the starship commanded by her daughter, she meets the wife she never had, and the grand-daughter she never knew about. STAR TREK: FAMILY by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'The Second Life of Janice Lester'. - 1 - I'm James T. Kirk. Or rather, I used to be him. For the past thirty one years I've been Janice Lester; I've been her...
Ever wonder what happened to Dr Janice Lester following the events of 'Turnabout Intruder'? (corrected and amended) STAR TREK: THE FINAL FATE OF JANICE LESTER by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures * "I don't like this, I don't like it at all," grumbled Leonard 'Bones' McCoy. "You surprise me, Bones," I chuckled, familiar with the other man's temperament after years of serving alongside...
Trapped in the body of Janice Lester, his real body destroyed, the Jim Kirk of the mirror universe is determined to get to the universe of the Federation to steal the body of their Jim Kirk. STAR TREK: INFILTRATION by BobH (c) 2014 Note: This is a sequel to, and contains spoilers for, 'Mirror Universe Turnabout' All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures - 1 - Fixing mirrors in front of treadmills has been standard...
(This story is based on the original Star Trek pilot, The Cage, which was later recut into the two-part episode, The Menagerie.) Captains Log: Stardate 3176.4 We received an 18-year old distress call from the uncharted Talos system. Orbital scans of the fourth planet, a class M planet, show wreckage and a small camp of survivors. We're preparing to beam down. We diverted from the Vega Colony. I hope the crew can recover quickly from the fatigue of our last mission. The deaths on Rigel VII have...
This story takes place within the last 30 seconds of the movie StarTrek : First Contact (You’ll see!)Complexities and Paradox’s“Engage the temporal field Mr LaForge,” said Captain Picard, gesturingforward with his arm.“Aye Captain, temporal field is opening.”The Enterprise E shot forward from it’s orbit around Earth, a ripplingin the space around them began to form and then the ship disappeared,leaving behind Zefram Cochrane and the Vulcans to make history.Inside the temporal field, the...
Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...
The Empire has invaded the Federation's universe! Now the captain of the USS Endurance finds herself facing the Empire fleet alone, while on Camus II her mother Janice Lester, the former Jim Kirk, discovers the terrible truth behind a conspiracy decades in the making. STAR TREK: INVASION (part 2 of 3) by BobH (c) 2018 - 7 - As we made our way to wherever Kate...
Wednesday, August 4, 1971 “Absolutely not!” Catherine said. “I am afraid I cannot support you in this, Michael. While the company has sufficient cash flow at the moment, most of it is earmarked for other projects. A wild-goose chase looking for buried treasure is not something that would be easily explained to the board, and...” I was seated at a conference table in one of the many small meeting rooms Kalani had in her office suite, along with my grandmother, Catherine, and my sister,...
I was not what you would call feminine, though in many ways I was. I wore dresses and cared greatly for the state of my hair, in which I carried so much pride. Groomed to perfection it was, shone in the light with shades of pale blonde and light brown. It was my eyes that my father always said he loved, a pale grey-blue, but they changed in the light. Sometimes they looked as pure blue as the sky above them; for they only showed that particular shade when the sky was clear and the sun was...
New York. Morning rush hour. Some people are running from one transportation to another, hoping not to arrive late to their work. Some small nudges make the crowd more cosier in the Subway hall, expecting to enter an already full train. It’s the year 2050. The United Nations have crumbled, just in the beginning of the century, after a bloody war on Irak by the United States. By now, only two confederations of countries have held: The European Union (that has for its borders the Atlantic and the...
Held By Pirates Tanya and I had been trying to keep out of the way of the men on the Pirate Ship ever since we stowed away after they sunk our ship. We had climbed aboard during the night 2 weeks ago, stole some simple clothes so we would dress like men and threw our dresses overboard. The Pirates figured we were just some young boys from the powder magazine and didn’t pay much attention to us but that was not to last. It was a very humid day with no breeze, the ship was becalmed and one...
The wind gave such a boost of speed, those last miles, we shot right up on the beach. The crew lurched forward, and the ship stopped hard. Then over the side, the men leapt to the sand. "Praise Poseidon! Praise Zeus! Tonight we make an offering." Several dropped to their knees, grabbing handfuls of sand and letting it spill through their fingers. They looked with rapt eyes at the firm earth beyond. Captain Miltiades released his tight grip on the railing. He smiled at me. "Have you any...
Fuck. This obviously wasn't going as she'd hoped. The cannon were low on ammo, though they'd ingeniously improvised with some chains, and even cutlery, doing a fork load of damage to the Royal Marines' vessels (pun intended). They hadn't been expecting an attack, and HMRM had been far more informed than the crew of the Ascent had thought. Rounding into the cove, the Ascent was stuck between three HMRM ships - one on either side and a third blocking their exit. Marisol had been on the stern deck...
The alarm in Jason’s ear began to blare loudly. He dragged himself out of bed but was quickly fully awake. “Alert pirate warning, imminent attack in seventeen minutes, report to weapons console on the bridge. This is not a simulation or an exercise.” Jason looked at his watch. It was 3 AM. Jason stood in the battle dresser, as it put him in his combat armor and helmet. Someone must have communicated where they were heading, must have accessed the navigation plan, and communicated the...
The rising sun's warming rays glinted off the ocean waves. Her eyes flickered open, squinting to see her surroundings. She lay upon what remained of the ship, bobbing lightly with the swells of the turquoise ocean. There was no land in sight. Something inside her clung to hope, like a newborn clings to its mother. Hope that she would see land or that a passing ship might see her. But part of her also knew that the sun and the lack of drinkable water would most likely get her first.During the...
I glanced at the door when Simon stopped in it. He smiled and leaned against the frame, “I have a mission for you.” I sat back and pushed the data films away as I reached for my ready bag, “Tell me it is off world.” He laughed and nodded his head, “A prisoner transfer to Graham.” I stood as Dragon leaped from her perch and flew towards me, “Let Amanda know I went out?” He chuckled, “She is down in dispersing getting your vouchers.” I stopped when I reached him and sighed, “Simon...” He...
I vaguely remember Spock warning me about the potential dangers of approaching this odd singularity too closely. It was powerful and appeared to be more than a little unstable — all the more reason to get a bit closer to send in a probe or two and give it a complete look-over with short range sensors. Star Fleet would really want to know all about this singularity as they rarely lasted long enough to dispatch a science ship there before they burned out or do whatever it is these special...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
"Satirizing reality, since time travel is impossible! and we needed to make a few bucks" Terry and the Cross Time Pirates is a twisted reality show. The plot line fills in what they are trying to do in bits and pieces that are made up situations involving advertisements that bookend the show all being for none existent products and events. A skewed sense of absurd paradoxes presents this crew of would-be crooks trying to run a scam and make lots of money off of it, but they are also...
Hello Old Friends! Your favorite writer (I guess) is back with another of her sex episode about a smoking hot German guy, which will leave you wanting more. I thank you all wholeheartedly for appreciating so much. It is because of you guys that I keep coming back to this platform to share more stories. For those who are new to my sex escapades, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Chahat Khanna, 5’7″ tall, fair-complexioned, and have big eyes always looking out for hot sex partners. I have...
A warm, gentle breeze blew across Jilnar Jardaly's sexy bikini-clad body, caressing her completely hairless skin, which was as smooth as silk and as gold as honey. She loved nothing more than chartering a private yacht on the beautiful Pacific Ocean, nor did two of her closest girlfriends who had come to enjoy the Caribbean getaway with her. It was just the three girls together, along with the yacht's owner and captain, a local girl named Elly, who was every bit as hot and gorgeous as Jilnar...
The red-alert signal kept up its blaring until Captain Kirk shouted at an ensign to cut it off. The Enterprise shook with the impact of the unidentified ship's photon torpedoes. "Hard right!" Kirk barked at the man who had leaped in to replace the injured helmsman. "Get us over there, now!" "She won't move, Capt..." The man's words were cut off as he, too, was flung from his post and dashed to the floor by another smashing blow. Behind Kirk, the turbolift door opened with a mocking...
Stardate 54918.9. The situation was business as usual, for the most part, in the United Federation of Planets. For a select few of individuals, however, it was more than that. A fair enough amount of time had passed since the USS Voyager finally returned to the Sol system in the Alpha Quadrant. Its crew, on opposing sides of the Federation - Maquis conflict at the beginning of their journey, set foot on Earth for the first time in seven years after a seemingly endless time they spent traveling...
Prologue Captain Abrams looks out at the massive rolling cloud out the window of the ready room and rubs his eyes. He's been staring at this Hemmer Nebula one way or another for six days now. One of the crewmen referred to it as the Hellfire Nebula and it stuck. He walked out to the bridge and glanced around at his crew who were working hard not to miss a single bit of data on this phenomenon. Just as he sat in his chair the automatic alarms went off. "Captain three incoming ships, sir." the...
A Star Trek Plot Suggestion By Ricky Space... The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise... If you are a Trekkie I don't have to continue any farther, you can hear Captain Kirk's voice reciting those famous lines until, without a shred of political correctness, he proclaims: "To go where no MAN has gone before!" I have just received a report from a Star Trek convention held in Buffalo, NY where someone, perhaps one of our sisters, brought a...
Discovered in the late 2100s Seanix Prime was situated within a binary star system of two red dwarfs. Located within the small habitable zone of the two stars, the average temperature of the planet was a comfortable twenty-one degrees Celsius, and its gravity was found to be ninety-eight percent Earth normal. Over the next fifty years Earth spent quite a lot of time, money and resources in a huge terraforming effort in order to colonize the planet. Flora and fauna from Earth were imported,...
The waters around the small tree-covered island, jutting proudly from the calm sea, were dangerous. I knew this; I had been told. The coy young lady, whom I had spent half the previous evening with at The Red Lion warned me as her eyes twinkled and my hands massaged her thigh. I got nowhere with her, despite me drunkenly boasting I could bring any girl to a powerful orgasm with my tongue, but we discussed a few fantasies and I got a kiss on the cheek. She smiled sweetly and welcomed me to the...
Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...
SpankingEmma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...
SpankingStar Date: 23490723 Time: 5:30 PM (I don't know military time) Location: Star ship Inter lewd, currently orbiting planet Earth The Transporter hums as 5 new crew members appear on the pads. After the transport is complete they look around in awe as they step off the pads. Then as an officer walks in and they snap to attention. "Good evening" the officer said. "Welcome to the Inter lewd. I am Lt. Commander William's, the first officer. I'll take a role call and then we'll move into a...
My hands are tied above my head with my pantaloons pulled down and gathered around the tops of my leather buckled boots. On deck, my rounded arse is on display for the gawking crew. The whir of the propellers cuts the silence. Waiting is the most intense part. My delicate cheeks flinch, trying to anticipate when the first strike will be felt. The flogger is a devilish instrument with each of the nine tails acting independently, delivering its own unique bite. When it strikes, your mind doesn't...
Fantasy & Sci-FiYour ship has been taken out by a big storm. You manage to survive by tying yourself to a piece of wood and make a makeshift sail out of your clothes. You do all this before you pass out. For days you float not knowing what would happen. You were a man searching for new land and treasure. You obeyed the law and earn yourself money and the life. Your money and your life went sinking by the ship. A pirate finds you and takes you in. They nurse you back to health. You soon find your life in the...
FantasyZack was still cradling Nani in his arms in their cabin when he heard the Captain holler from up on deck. "Hey, were you coming back up here sometime today?" Zack could hear the amusement in the Captain's voice. Zack intended to just give Nani one last big hug, but she quickly reached out, grabbed his hand and pulled him to her. Taking his face in both of her hands she pulled his face to hers and placed her lips on his. The kiss that ensued curled Zack's toes and with great reluctance he...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...