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Vengeance is Bittersweet By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. and Bob Arnold Features characters from The Protector and Change of Course stories Angel cameos courtesy of Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1 Detective Matt Walsh was slightly surprised when the woman had called his station and requested him specifically by name. She insisted that she had important information regarding one of his cases. When he asked her which case, she refused to answer him, insisting that he meet her in person. He looked at his watch and asked her when she could come in to talk. It was late, and he was hoping to get home soon to catch the last few innings of the Padres game on TV. She insisted that he meet her out of the station. Reluctantly, he agreed. She stated that she was presently sitting in a local coffee house located a few blocks from the station. She went on to say that she was sitting in a booth, wearing a ruby colored dress, and that he couldn't miss her. He checked his watch and agreed to meet her in ten minutes. Matt half expected this to be a wild goose chase or a joke concocted by some of the other detectives; still it was a worth a shot, if her information helped him clear up one of his many cases. He checked out of the office and headed to the coffeehouse. When he walked inside, Matt was stunned when he saw her sitting in a booth near the back; she was probably the sexiest woman he had ever seen. Matt was thirty-six and had been a detective in the San Diego Police Force for eight years. He was six-one and was a muscular two hundred pounds. He had short dark brown curly hair, a matching moustache and a killer smile. Because of this, his nickname in the department was Magnum. Matt's reputation of being a ladies man was well known in the department, but it was immediately obvious to him that this woman was way out of his league. Out of habit, he scanned the room as he walked towards her; it was almost empty and he saw no signs of danger. As he sat down across from her, he casually pulled out his badge and ID and showed it to her. "I'm Detective Walsh, how can I help you?" he asked as he studied her. Matt stared at the stunningly beautiful woman sitting across from him. Every pore of her body oozed sexuality. Living in California, he had seen plenty of surgically enhanced and improved women. The joke was that most such women had as much and quite possibly more plastic in them as the average car. However, whoever had done her surgery had been an artist. It was as if she had been sculpted by one of the grandmasters and had come to life. Her face had a very classic look of beauty, high cheekbones, a perfect petite nose, and sensual lips. Her breasts were in Matt's opinion, perfect. They were round, full, and firm. He estimated that they were at least DD, probably bigger, and looked perfect on her frame. In fact, her entire figure looked perfect, from her shapely hips to her long smooth legs. She was dressed in a red mini dress that seemed painted on her body. Normally, Matt felt that sort of dress made the wearer look cheap, but it worked for her. So did the four-inch heels. Her shoulder length hair was blonde, and while Matt sensed it wasn't her natural hair color, it complemented her looks. "Are you through running your eyes over me?" asked the woman. Her tone was a combination of amusement and slight annoyance. Matt was about to say "almost," but the last thing he needed was a complaint in his record. "I'm sorry; it's just that I don't usually see someone like you in my line of work. Now, how can I help you?" he asked. "It's okay; I'm getting used to being gawked at," she said. Her response seemed odd to Matt. "You don't recognize me, do you, Detective Walsh?" she asked in a soft tone. Matt shook his head. "Should I? I'm pretty good at remembering faces and I'm sorry, Miss, but I'm positive that I would have remembered you." He looked at her again and wondered if she was in show business. San Diego was only 120 miles south of LA, and they did get their share of celebrities, but she didn't look familiar. Still, he didn't exactly run in those circles. When a celebrity got in trouble in San Diego, it was handled carefully by others in the department. The only celebrity case he'd been involved in was when one of the Chargers linebackers beat up his girlfriend following a loss. The woman nodded as if she expected his confusion. "My name is Jean Logan, does that help?" Matt cocked his head. Something about that name was familiar, but it didn't seem to match the woman he was looking at. "Jean Logan?" he asked. The woman nodded. "Let me see if this refreshes your memory: fourteen months ago, in the interrogation room down the hall from your office, you questioned me for three hours concerning the alleged rape of Angie Harris." Matt shared back in disbelief. "What the fu... I beg your pardon? That's not possible." "You questioned me for three hours before releasing me, stating that you didn't have enough evidence to file charges, but that I would remain a suspect," continued Jean. "Wait a minute, I remember questioning a man, a man named 'Gene' Logan...." his voice tailed off. "No, you can't be him." Jean nodded. "I was once a male named Gene Logan, but that was what seems like a lifetime ago. Here, if you don't believe me, check my DNA. I can give you a sample if you like. In spite of what they did to me, it should still be the same. You can also check my fingerprints, they haven't changed either." She held out her hands. "That won't be necessary right now, maybe later. Why don't we go back to my office and talk?" suggested Matt. Jean shook her head. "I didn't want to meet you in your station, because I don't trust everyone there. You'll understand as you hear me out." Chapter 2 Matt now remembered the case. A woman named Angie Harris claimed to have been raped at knifepoint in her home. Her husband was a sailor on one of the aircraft carriers stationed over at North Island Naval Air Station. Angie claimed that she had been raped the night before her husband came home unexpectedly from sea. She didn't file a police report until two days later, and the lack of evidence created some doubt in the initial policeman's report. She did give a general description of the rapist. He was described as white, 5-8, medium build, light brown hair, blue eyes. Three days later she was out with her husband, Rod, in Horton Plaza and suddenly began screaming and pointing at a man, Gene Logan, claiming he had been the one who raped her. Her husband immediately attacked Mr. Logan. By the time the police arrived, he had nearly beaten Mr. Logan unconscious. The story was immediately jumped upon by the local media and Petty Officer Harris was being called a hero even as Mr. Logan was being checked out by the EMTs. Surprisingly, his injuries weren't that severe, and he was brought in for questioning. Matt was assigned the case, and he conducted the initial interrogation. Much to his own regret, Matt had got caught up in the hoopla of the case and assumed that Logan was the rapist. Gene Logan did fit the general description of the rapist, and Angie was convinced he was the one. Matt figured this would be a slam-dunk, and he could get back to his other cases. The assistant DA assigned to the case was just outside the interrogation room, anxiously awaiting the thumbs up to start the indictment, so he could talk to the press. To Matt's surprise, Gene agreed to the questioning, claiming that he was the real victim in the case. As Matt questioned Gene, it became clear that something was definitely wrong. Gene Logan was twenty-four and a computer systems technician. He worked for one of the defense contractors and had a top security clearance. Other than a few speeding tickets, he had a clean record. Gene claimed that the night in question he had been working up in Orange County and didn't arrive home until well after the time Angie claimed to have been raped. Gene said he could even provide proof. First, he said that he signed out of work just after midnight and that he had been pulled over by the California Highway Patrol on I-5 just north of Camp Pendleton around one in the morning for speeding. The officer had given him a warning and let him go. While Matt questioned Gene, other officers were checking out Angie's story. It turned out that she had filed a similar charge of sexual assault back in Norfolk, Virginia. The detective in change of the case found no evidence of assault and suspected that the charges were falsified. He wrote that he suspected that she had filed the charges to cover up an extramarital affair, but he couldn't find enough proof to press charges against her. Another detective had questioned the neighbors of Angie and Rod, who said that they fought often. They also said that Angie seemed to have a lot of male visitors whenever her husband was out of town. Two hours into Gene's interrogation, Matt was handed the Norfolk file. Combined with what the other detective had told him, this convinced him that Gene was innocent. However, by now the case had become a media circus. It was a very slow news week, and many television and radio stations were all camped outside the station, waiting for news of Gene's arrest. Thanks to the spread of cable news, the story was even starting to get national coverage, the war hero husband returns to fight for his wife's honor. It was a great story. Matt excused himself from the interrogation and talked to the assistant DA and his own supervisors. "The guy's innocent. Besides, we have no physical proof that the woman was even raped," explained Matt. "That's not going to fly, Detective Walsh! Do you have any idea how many reporters are outside? Do you expect me to go out there and tell them that she made it all up and her husband assaulted an innocent man?" asked the DA. "If we let this guy go, they'll eat us alive!" Assistant DA Dale Gold was an ambitious man, and many suspected that he was planning a run for city council the following year. His cases almost always seemed to get a lot of media coverage. "Since when do we let the press dictate who we arrest? What do you want me to do, make up some evidence? I know, I can beat the guy up some more and make him confess; would you like that?" asked Matt angrily. "Are you sure about this, Matt?" asked Matt's supervisor, Captain Ron Bolton, ignoring Matt's emotional outburst. Matt was one of his best investigators, even if he did have a temper. "Cap, the guy wasn't even in town when the rape was 'supposed' to have occurred. The company's security log shows him checking out right after midnight, and we just got the CHP report that placed him right where he said he was. The medical report on Mrs. Harris shows she had sex, but they couldn't determine if it was rape or not. I have a strong gut feeling that if we investigate her, we'll find that she's lying and probably cried rape to avoid being caught in an affair." He then handed Ron the reports from the other detective and from Norfolk. "You start saying things like that, and the press will crucify us!" yelled Dale. "Screw the press. Look, if we charge Logan with rape, he'll not only beat the charges, but it'll make us look really stupid in the process. A half decent lawyer would have no trouble getting a judge to toss the case out of court. I know the press is all behind this woman because it's a great story, but from a strictly police point of view, there's just no proof to charge Logan," stated Matt firmly. "You positive about this, Matt?" asked Ron. "One hundred percent," replied Matt. "Shit," stated the DA. "What the hell am I going to tell the press now?" "What do you mean?" asked Matt. The DA shook his head. "I sort of jumped the gun and stated that we had a confession from the suspect." Matt looked at Capt. Bolton and then back at the DA. "It's your mess, you unfuck it." "Matt! Watch your mouth!" stated Capt. Bolton. "I'm being honest; this isn't our problem. There's no evidence to press charges against Logan, and I'm not about to frame an innocent man," snapped Matt. "Okay, okay, here's what we'll do. We won't charge Mr. Logan at this time, but we'll hold a press conference and state that he's still a suspect. We can say that we're waiting for 'additional tests;' yeah, that sounds good," said the DA. "Captain, have your department run a full investigation on this man Logan, maybe we can turn up something. Who knows, maybe letting the suspect go will be good for the case; who knows what will happen once he's back on the street." He then chuckled. "You do what you feel is best, but I want nothing to do with this," stated Matt. He then glared at Dale, "Just so you know, Mr. District Attorney, if something happens to Logan, the blood is on your hands, and I'll run in any vigilante who hurts him." The Assistant DA addressed the press. Angie Harris broke down and cried. Her husband complained loudly to the press that there was no justice. A reporter asked him if he wanted another chance to finish the job. Naturally, the press ate this up. An hour after the press conference, Gene was released. All Gene wanted was to get home and go to bed. It was after eleven when he was released, and the police said that he would have to find his own way home. He was able to get out of a side door and escape the remaining press hanging around the police station. He walked several blocks before he flagged down a cab. He was about to tell the driver where to take him when the tranquilizer dart struck him in the chest. The effects were immediate, and he slumped down in the back of the cab. Chapter 3 "You mean you were abducted as soon as you left the station?" asked Matt, as he pulled out his notebook. Jean nodded "So, you didn't do this to yourself?" he asked. "When I next woke up, I found that my life was about to change drastically and no, Detective Walsh, I didn't do this to myself." Her tone was suddenly agitated and bitter. She glared back at him angrily. "I'm sorry, that was out of line, please forgive me." Jean nodded and sipped her coffee. "Apology accepted." "We tried to re-interview you the next day. When we couldn't find you, we received permission from your family to enter your home. A missing person's file was later created," explained Matt. "At first, the Harris family and press claimed that your disappearance was proof of your guilt, so did the assistant DA. He wanted to file a warrant for your arrest. However, as time passed and there was so sign of you, it became apparent that maybe something had happened to you." Jean took another sip of her coffee. "Personally, I thought that Harris had killed you, but I wasn't allowed to investigate them, as they were media darlings," said Matt. "Anyway, we can talk more about that later; please continue with your tale." Jean set her cup down. "Apparently, the news of the case reached a vigilante group soon after I was brought in for questioning. They were angered that, in spite of a positive identification by the so-called victim, I was released without any charges being filed. They abducted me and decided to punish me, since they believed that the legal system had failed them. I never saw any of them, but there were seven of them on the main committee, three men and four women. These are the seven monsters that sentenced me to my present life. I can remember every one of their voices, as they berated me and discussed my punishment," stated Jean. Her voice tailed off, and for a moment it almost cracked. However, she recovered her composure quickly. "They said that it was wrong that I wasn't charged and that Mrs. Harris's identification of me should have been enough. The assistant DA's comments at the press conferences further convinced them that I was guilty and that I would escape justice." "He's now on the city council," interjected Matt. "I'm well aware of that," replied Jean in a harsh tone. "Anyway, I was tried and found guilty by the committee." "Whoa, you mean they held a trial?" Jean nodded. "I guess you could call it that. I was brought into a room and listened to the charges against me. I was unable to speak and was also blindfolded, so I couldn't see them. In fact, during my entire captivity, whenever they talked to me, I was blindfolded. They said that they were tired of seeing men like me commit crimes and walk away without punishment, just because we were clever enough not to leave evidence. They said that they had taken it upon themselves to correct these errors and that I would pay for my crimes." "Wait a minute, they changed you into a beautiful woman as a form of punishment?" interrupted Matt. "That doesn't make sense." Jean grinned slightly. "The physical changes are only part of what they did to me. They stated that, since I obviously found women to be just objects of sexual pleasure, I should find out what it's like to be one. They immediately sent me off for the start of a series of complicated surgeries. In between the surgeries, I was subjected to what could be best called brainwashing." "Why?" asked Matt. "To give me strong sexual urges, cravings if you like, for sex. I was programmed to dress and act sexually provocative and given a body that would attract attention. The kicker is that, inside, I was the same person, Gene Logan, a rather average heterosexual male. They figured that the programmed sex drive for men would be the ultimate punishment for a rapist. I was horrified by what they were doing to me and helpless to do anything to stop them." "So they did this to you in the last fourteen months?" Jean nodded. "I want to tell you what they did to me and why I'm here today." "Okay, can I get you anything before you start?" he asked. "Another cup of coffee would be nice, please," she replied as she extended her cup. Chapter 4 Jean took a sip of her coffee and then appeared to look off in the distance, as if she was lost in thought. "Okay, I'm ready to tell you what happened to me," she stated. Jean started to describe how her unknown captors began to mold her body using state-of-the-art microsurgery. Before each operation, Jean would be told what they were about to do to her. First they reworked her face. They removed all her facial hair and transformed Gene's face into the gorgeous woman, Jean. "As they were punishing me, I found it strange at first that they were so careful to avoid any discomfort that I might have felt. I was never in pain, even as they reshaped my body. I later found out that this wasn't done for my benefit; they used this time to recondition my mind," she stated. "Pain would decrease the effects of the treatments." "How? Did they use drugs?' asked Matt. "Yes, among other methods. Again, I couldn't see the people doing this to me, I could only hear them. The doctor, and I use that term very loosely, who was in charge of my brainwashing was probably Chinese. I have a thing for dialects, as I took four semesters of Chinese when I was in college. From what I overheard, they used computer programs to give me my new personality." "This is sort of beyond the scope of this department," stated Matt. "I understand, but I need to start somewhere. I figured that my showing up here would clear one of your missing person cases. I also hope that you can direct me to an appropriate agency to take this to," continued Jean. Matt nodded. Jean went on to describe how she'd lost track of time, often waking up with new changes to her body. They'd reshaped every aspect of her body, making it extremely sexy and desirable to men. Her vocal cords were also operated on to give her a more feminine voice. "You know, the more I think about it, the more you sound like someone famous," stated Matt. "Lauren Bacall?' asked Jean. "That's it," he replied. "I noticed that too. They told me that they didn't want my voice too high pitched, but at the same time they wanted it to be sexy," she replied. "So what else did they do to you?" he asked. "I found that I started having sexual desires for men. No, that's not exactly true; I began to crave sexual contact with men. It was horrible, as deep down I still consider myself heterosexual, in spite of what was done to me," stated Jean. "They also changed by body chemistry." She then described how her captors injected hundreds of small time-released hormone capsules throughout her body. "They told me that it was a highly concentrated and genetically modified hormone. It would keep my body soft and feminine for many years. There was one aspect of the hormones they seemed extremely proud of; that I could still become aroused," stated Jean. Matt looked confused. "What do you mean?" "I'm not a complete woman; they left me with my penis, although like the rest of my body, it has been modified," she stated. "They wanted me to be, in their words, a 'she-male slut.' I would be able to get hard and achieve orgasm, even though my hormone levels are female. They said that this would make me very desirable among men who craved perverse sex, and with my modified thoughts, I would eagerly give them what they wanted." Jean went on to describe how her penis was smaller than before. It was now only a few inches long when hard. Her captors stated that they wanted her to have a constant reminder of her past life, and that she wouldn't be a real woman; she would have to live in fear of having her "little secret" exposed. "I guess they did it so that I would be living with conflicting emotions - on the one hand eagerly seeking man sexual partners, and at the same time fearful that they might be horrified by my mixed gender status." "Is that all?" he asked. Jean shook her head. "No, they also modified my... um... my rectum. It's been surgically changed to make it not only more easily accessed in terms of sex, but they made it more sensitive, so that I can get off while being made love to." "How did you get away?" asked Matt. He had thought he had heard it all in his ten years as a cop, but Jean's story was the tops. He wasn't sure if he believed her or not, but then, why would she lie? he thought. "Well, I suppose that I should thank you," stated Jean. "The surgery was completed first, and they were about to really start messing with my mind, when they stopped. Apparently, there was some doubt in their minds to my guilt. I wasn't sure how much later it was that some of the women came in and apologized to me, if you could call it an apology," stated Jean. "What do you mean?" asked Matt. "One said that the police had exposed my accuser as having made up the charges. Apparently, her husband caught her in an affair, and her story of rape collapsed like a house of cards," said Jean. "I later found out that you were the one who investigated her. Thank you." She then told him the rest of the information concerning the case. Matt felt embarrassed. "I don't think you should thank me for anything. I did suspect that she was lying, but I had no proof. I was given a tip by a neighbor, and she confessed, in part to avoid being assaulted by her husband." "I know; they told me everything. They didn't actually apologize for what they did, and then they told me that they couldn't return me back to the man that I had once been. The effects of the transformation were one-way. I was told that, on the plus side, they wouldn't kill me or complete their original plans for me." "That was nice of them," stated Matt. "Yeah, I know. 'We abducted you and fucked up your mind and body, but to make it up to you, we won't further mess you up.' One of the women even justified their actions by saying that every man is a potential rapist, and what they did was right, in a symbolic way. God, I hate them!" exclaimed Jean as she banged her fist down on the table. Jean told Matt that while the surgery wasn't reversible, they were able to ease some of the effects of the mental changes. "The best they would do was to make my sexual urges 'controllable.' The overall mental state they had programmed into me stayed the same. I have feminine traits and persona. I feel a strong need to dress the way I am now. It's like I get a sense of well-being when I'm dressed and looking sexy. I've tried to fight it, but it's impossible." "Sounds like they didn't do much for you," stated Matt. "Oh, it's what they didn't do to me that counts. They told me in no uncertain terms that I would have been turned into a totally sex-addicted slut. They said that I would have probably ended up on the streets doing tricks to get a sexual high. It doesn't take a detective to figure out that they have done this to others. I suspect that if you check missing persons, you may find some that have fallen into their hands," stated Jean bitterly. Matt nodded as he scribbled some notes on his pad. "From what you've told me, it sounds like they have quite an established organization. I agree with you that they must have contacts in my office, and that's frightening. So, what happened to you next?" "Anyway, they said that they would release me when the time was right. Without warning, I woke up yesterday morning in a suite at the Hotel Del Coronado. It's booked for the rest of the week in my name. I have a full wardrobe, a BMW coupe, several gold cards, and a bank account with $25,000 in it. My driver's license states that I have a Las Vegas address. Obviously, they have money and can afford to 'pay' me off. That doesn't make sense to me. An organization like this is obviously expensive, and I can't see how you can make money by punishing sex offenders." Matt nodded. "I mean, there has to be another reason for doing this to people," she continued. "May I see your license?" asked Matt. Jean pulled it out of her purse and handed it to him. "If it's a fake, it's the best I've ever seen," he stated as he examined the Nevada license. "I agree with you; there's something missing as to why they're doing this." "Oh, the credit cards are all real too," added Jean. "Another thing I can't figure out is why they dumped me here. It would have been easier to leave me in Vegas." "I have no idea," said Matt. "So, besides clearing up your missing person's status, what else do you want?" "I want them," she stated firmly. "What they did to me isn't right, and they shouldn't get away with it." "I see," said Matt. "I know I should let it slide, but I can't. They have a big organization, and it scares me that they've taken the law into their own hands." "I was thinking the same thing. You mentioned some things to me about the case that weren't made public," replied Matt. "But what can you do?" "I want to see someone, anyone, who can examine me; maybe they can narrow down who did this. There can't be too many surgeons who have this level of skill," stated Jean. "That sounds reasonable," said Matt. He was impressed with her logic. "Look, I know that people escape prosecution all the time. You work within the rules, and it must burn your ass to see the guilty walk away, but we have rules to protect the innocent. Someone told them that I was guilty and got it wrong. If they screwed this up, how many others have been hurt?" continued Jean. "You sound pretty strong about this. Aren't you worried that, since they know who you are, they may come after you again?" Jean laughed. "What else can they do to me? They've ruined my life, turned me into a freak, fucked with my mind -what else can they do to me?" "Kill you," said Matt. "So be it. Detective Walsh, I find that I have to concentrate to not come on to you. I feel this way with every man I see; do you have any idea what that's like?" she stated. She then smiled for a moment. "No, of course you don't. What's scary is that I know that I will give in eventually to someone, and I will do it again and again. I can't sit back and let them get away with this." "I'll see what I can do," he said. Matt found that he was starting to like Jean, she had spirit. "Thank you. I'll be staying at the Del through the week. Here's my room number," she said as she wrote down the number. "I'll call you in the next day or so," he stated. "Thank you, Detective Walsh," she stated as she stood up. "Thank you for believing me." Matt smiled. "I didn't say that I believed you, but I'll make some phone calls." Actually, he had no idea who to talk to about this, but he felt he owed it to her to at least try. Jean laughed. "That's all I can ask for." "By the way, what made you think that you could trust me? I mean, I could be in with them," he asked. Jean shook her head and smiled. "No, you're not with them. A couple of my captors called you a macho sexist pig who thought he was god's gift to women, and it sounded like they meant it." Matt smirked back. "I'm glad that they hold me in such high regard." Chapter 5 Jean drove back to the hotel. She knew that she was taking a risk by contacting Matt, but she couldn't let this lie; she couldn't let the people who did this to her get away with this. She also knew that there were others being hurt as this very moment. They had, for all practical purposes, killed Gene. Her family thought she was dead, and she decided to let them continue to think so for now. She wasn't sure how they would react to knowing that she was now a woman, more or less. She also wasn't sure of who she was yet. Hopefully, she would find out more of her new life when she returned to her hotel room. Jean returned to her room and began to sort through her belongings. All her clothes were top quality, although most were quite revealing. The jewelry was all the real thing too. She had no idea how much it all worth, but she suspected that it was quite expensive. It was strange that her captors had given her such nice things. She opened up one of her Prada suitcases and examined the contents. It was filled with more designer clothes and a large amount of high quality lingerie. There was also a leather-bound organizer. She opened it up and found that it was filled with addresses and phone numbers. All the people in the book were men. Next to each name were letter and numeric codes. She paged through the book and found the key to the code in the back. She gasped when she read it. Her captors had inflicted one last punishment on her. "Those fuckers turned me into a high price whore!" she exclaimed angrily. The codes listed the sexual preferences of the men and how much they usually paid. She began to look through the book and found that there were several names in the San Diego area. With much trepidation, she turned to the calendar and found that she had appointments with two of those men that week. The first one was tomorrow in La Jolla with a man called Tony, and the other one was in downtown San Diego a few days later. His name was Lee. That's why they dropped her off here, she thought. She was here to be a high-priced sexual plaything for some perverts. She then went back to the suitcase and opened it, finding a laptop computer. The room had WiFi, and she logged on and instinctively checked her mail. Inside was mail from potential clients. They were forwarded from an escort service in Nevada. She opened up the webpage for the service and found that it was protected by a password. Without any hesitation, she typed in an alphanumeric code, and it opened it. The site had profiles of her and many other girls. Jean then was drawn to a secure file on her hard drive. She opened up the file and found detailed profiles for Tony and Lee. It listed in explicit details their sexual desires and fantasies. She then noticed six more files with dates for the next two weeks. Her mind raced on about what to do; she decided to pack up her stuff and leave. Just then, her cell phone rang, and she instinctively answered it. "Hi, Jean. I'm Tony, and I just wanted to confirm our dinner date for tomorrow night," he said. Jean was about to hang up on him, when her programming kicked in. She felt a strange sense of calmness sweep through her. "Tony, how nice to hear from you. I can't wait until we get to meet." It was as if she was being controlled by an outside force. "Is there any particular way you'd like me to dress tomorrow?" "Yes, dress in something black and very revealing. I want you in stockings and high heels; I want you very sexy and hot," said Tony. His breathing started getting heavier, as if he was getting turned on. "I have just the dress," said Jean in a very seductive tone. "Um, one more thing, you are... um functional, right?" he asked nervously. "Oh, yes, I'm very functional, as you'll soon see," she replied with a giggle. "Great, I can't wait to see you," said Tony. They talked for a few more minutes concerning the fee for the evening. Jean automatically knew that she was being paid to be with Tony as his date. She would get an automatic message on her cell phone telling her that he had paid his fee. When she had sex with him, he would "tip" her, making it legal. Jean hung up the phone and cried. Chapter 6 Matt returned to his office and checked the database of missing persons for San Diego and the rest of Southern California. He found ten names of men who had been accused of sexual assault on the list. He wondered if they'd ended up like Jean, if not worse. Just on a hunch, he shifted his search to known transgendered prostitutes in the area. Several of the names were similar. He was at a loss on what to do next. He drove home and hoped that a few cold Steinlagers could help him think. He logged onto his computer and searched other law enforcement departments. Someone must have the ability to deal with a case like this, he thought. He gradually moved up from state to federal. It then hit him; there was that fed that he had dealt with a few years earlier. He searched his memory until it came to him: Special Agent Steve Williams. He looked at his watch; it was after one, and he doubted that even a Fed would be in his office at this hour. Still, it wouldn't hurt to leave a message. He found the main number on the website and dialed it. The operator politely asked him who he wanted to speak to. "Special Agent Steve Williams, this is Detective Matt Walsh, San Diego PD," he stated. "He's not in his office; would you like his voice mail?" she asked in a matter-of-fact way. "Yes, please," he said. "I'll connect you, Detective Walsh," she said. Matt heard the standard greeting, and after the beep he left a message. "I doubt if you remember me, but my name is Detective Matt Walsh, San Diego PD. I have a case that I think falls into your jurisdiction. I would appreciate if you called me back at my cell number and not at the station." Matt left his number and hung up. Chapter 7 It was a little past six when Matt's cell phone rang. He fumbled for it and answered. "Detective Walsh, this is Special Agent Williams; how can I be of assistance?' Matt sat up in bed. He hadn't expected so fast a response. "Thanks for getting back to me. I doubt you remember me, but I worked with you a few years ago out here in San Diego. Anyway, I have a rather unusual case, and I was hoping that you could assist me." There was a momentary pause on the other end. "I remember you, Detective Walsh, go ahead." Matt told Steve about Jean. "I know this sounds crazy, but I believe her." There was another long silence on the other end. "Who else have you talked to about this?" "No one," replied Matt. He was taken aback by the sudden seriousness of the tone of the Fed's voice. "Good, keep it that way. I'll be out there tomorrow; I'll call you when I arrive," Steve stated. "That's it? You're not going to tell me anything else?" asked Matt. "Nope," replied Steve. "See you tomorrow. Also, do nothing concerning this case; stay out of your database and any files regarding the case." Matt was very surprised by this reaction; at best, he thought he would be politely jerked around by the Fed and never hear a thing from him again. The fact that he was actually flying out to San Diego told Matt that this case was more serious than he'd thought. "Okay, I look forward to seeing you," replied Matt. Chapter 8 Jean sauntered into the restaurant wearing a tight little black dress. It was low cut, and her cleavage was very prominent. She had tried to fight her programming, but it was impossible. In some ways, she felt as if she was a puppet. The dominating thought on her mind now was pleasuring Tony. Her date for the evening was an overweight balding man in an expensive Armani suit. She knew from her notes that he was in real estate. Jean greeted him as if she had known him for ages. He got up from the table and kissed her on the lips. "It's good to see you, Jean. You're even lovelier in person; your photos on the website don't do you justice." Jean suddenly recalled the website for the escort service she worked for and made a note to check it out when she got back to her room. As they ate dinner, she could tell that he was getting off by just being seen with a sexy woman like her. The fact that the woman had a cock only increased the eroticism of the event for him. She instinctively knew that this was all part of his fantasy. For her part, Jean acted as if she was having the time of her life. She couldn't help but notice the eyes of the other people in the restaurant. The men were drooling over her, and the women were viewing her with scorn. When Jean glanced over at one woman, she saw the woman mouth the word 'whore' at her; she was so right, thought Jean. Not surprisingly, the actual sex was over pretty fast. The fact that Tony's fantasy had been played out exactly as he had planned was too much for him, and he climaxed very soon into the sexual act. Jean played along and told him what a wonderful lover he was. Tony also insisted on giving her oral. For Jean this was so bizarre, but she went along, as he was paying for it. She also knew how to pleasure him. Her programming had turned her into an expert in sex. She should have felt revulsion, but instead she found that she enjoyed it. She worked his cock in her mouth to get the maximum response from him and was rewarded by his climax. Later, as she dressed to leave his hotel room, he told her that she was incredible. Jean was tempted to ask him how he'd got her number, but she knew she couldn't. Tony opened up his wallet and handed Jean her tip for the evening. It was $2,000. Jean smiled, kissed him, and took the money. It wasn't until she got to her car that the tears started. She was a whore, and there was nothing she could do about it. As she wiped her tears away, her rage grew; she would get those people who'd done this to her, if it was the last thing she ever did. Chapter 9 While Jean was pleasing Tony, Steve arrived at Lindbergh Field and called Matt as he stood in line to get his rental car. "Matt, this is Steve. I'm staying at the Omni in the Gas Lamp District, can you come over here?" "Sure, I'll be there in thirty minutes," said Matt. A short time later, Matt was sitting across from the Federal agent. "I must admit that I'm surprised that you flew out here; to be honest, I would have been surprised by a return phone call," said Matt. "Well, don't let others know, I'd hate to lose our reputation for being uncooperative. Actually, we've dealt with other organizations like this in the past. There's a huge market for sex slaves in the world. This sounds like it may be another supplier," said Steve. "A pure vigilante organization would just kill the suspect. Why spend thousands of dollars just to change their bodies and then release them? No, there's something more to this. To be honest, I'm sort of surprised that they let Jean go." "I was thinking that there had to be something else to this, but sex slaves?" asked Matt. "It's a huge business," replied Steve. "Now, have you talked to Jean today?" "No, I have her number at the Del if you want it," replied Matt. "Call, and see if she's in," said Steve. Matt dialed the number. He shook his head and then left a message. "Obviously, she's not in. Well, hopefully she'll call you back. I had my office access missing persons reports for Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada and compared them to suspects in criminal cases," stated Steve. "What did you find?" asked Matt. "A higher number than one would expect. We also found that a large number of male sex-offenders who served minimal sentences also had gone missing. It appears that this started at least three years ago; we're checking to see if it goes back further." "But couldn't they just be men hiding from the law?' asked Matt. "Maybe they were really guilty and decided to run." "Some probably are, but many on the list left suddenly, leaving behind money and other valuables. They also fit into the same range of physical appearances. Most are young, thin, healthy, and free of addictions." "You were able to do all this is one day?" asked Matt. Steve shook his head. "My head computer tech came up with it in three hours. Granted, I cheated a little and had the search narrowed to those men who could be more easily transformed into women." "Still, there can't be that big of a market for transgendered sex slaves, right?" Steve shook his head. "We broke up a major ring a few years ago that supplied transformed teen slaves to the rich and powerful all over the world. Even then, we knew we were just scratching the surface. Now the missing aren't teens, but neither is Jean." "Okay, so there's a market for sex slaves out there, and they decide to grab males accused of crimes; why them?" "Maybe that way they can justify their actions, who knows? Could be they think that no one will be looking for them. Maybe that's why they let Jean go, as it violated their code. We won't know until we start searching," said Steve. "So where do we start?" "With Jean - I've arranged for her to get a very through physical exam. I'll also question her and hopefully we can get some clues on where to start," said Steve. "I wish you good luck," said Matt. "Whoa, you're not walking away from this," stated Steve, "What do you need me for? I mean, I'm just a local detective; I have no experience with this sort of stuff," replied Matt. "First off, Jean trusts you. I imagine that she's doesn't trust many people right now. Also, I could use some help in dealing with the locals. If I start asking questions, it might tip them off," said Steve. "I have a pretty big workload right now." Steve smiled and pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to Matt. Matt read it and stared back at Steve. "Is this real?" "Yep, you've just been recruited for the duration of this case. I can also tell you, Matt, that, should you wish, this can become permanent. This letter will be on file with our local office; if there are problems, we'll show it to your superiors. For now, I'd like to keep your cooperation a secret - at least until we uncover the leak." Matt cocked his head. He had thought about applying to the agency a few years ago; it would be a big career jump. "I also checked out your record. You're an above average investigator, very clean, and ethical, but you'll never rise above your present rank here because you often don't know when to keep your mouth shut. You also refuse to play political games," stated Steve. A smirk grew on Matt's face. "I'm flattered." "I understand about fighting BS and politics; we can always use another good agent. When this is over, we'll discuss it, if you want." Matt nodded. Chapter 10 Jean arrived back at the Del and saw she had a message. It was nearly two in the morning, and she decided to wait. The one thing that couldn't wait was a bath; Jean needed it badly to wash the smell of sex from her body. As she soaked in hot bath, she replayed what had happened over and over in her mind. She cursed her programmers for what they had done to her. After her bath, she slipped on a silk nightie and feel into a deep sleep. Mid-morning, Jean called Matt's cell phone and was relieved to hear his voice. "Hi Matt, this is Jean," she said. "Thanks for calling. I have a friend here who wants to help you," said Matt. He then asked her if she wanted to meet Steve. "Do you trust him?" she asked. "Yes, I do," he replied. "Okay, I'll talk to him," she replied. "Thank you for taking me seriously." They talked for a few minutes and set up an appointment. Chapter 11 Jean was sitting next to Matt as they drove to meet Steve. She was wearing a floral pattern satin dress. As with her pervious outfits, it showed off her curvaceous body. Her hair and makeup was also perfect. "Do you always look so... nice?" asked Matt as a grin appeared on his face. Jean smiled back softly. "I can't dress down; I don't feel comfortable unless I'm looking my best. My programming doesn't seem to allow it." She hadn't told him yet about her meeting with Tony. She decided to wait until she talked with the federal agent. Jean was a little nervous about meeting the agent, as she wasn't sure how he would react to her. She was slightly suspicious of government agents, but she was willing to overcome these feelings to get the people who had changed her. They pulled into an industrial park filled with offices and warehouses. It was pretty nondescript, thought Jean. They walked into an office marked Regent Marketing. The front door was locked and Matt pressed the button next to the intercom. "This is Matt Walsh to see Steve Williams," he said. The door buzzed and they walked inside. There was a desk with a receptionist sitting behind it. The receptionist didn't say a word and just motioned for them to sit down. A minute later, a large man in a navy suit stepped out of one the offices. What struck Jean was how average he looked; he was a pleasant looking man, but there was no really distinctive aspect of his looks. He could blend in anywhere unnoticed. He had short brown hair and was clean shaven. She noticed that, even in his suit, he was obviously in very good shape. He smiled as he greeted Matt and then turned to Jean "I'm Special Agent Steve Williams; I'm pleased to meet you, Ms. Logan." His pleasant smile made Jean feel immediately at ease; she felt that she could trust him. "Pleased to meet you too, Agent Williams," she replied. "Please call me Steve," he said. "Now, let's go back to my office and talk. Would either of you like something to drink?" "Coffee would be nice, thank you, Steve, and please call me Jean," stated Jean. Matt nodded. "Coffee would be fine." "Three coffees, please, Grace," said Steve as he led the others into his office. "Please sit down." Steve sat down behind a desk. Matt and Jean sat down in plush leather chairs across from him. "I know this seems a little cloak and daggerish, but I didn't want to bring you into our main office downtown. Matt told me your suspicions concerning the local authorities, and I agree with you." The receptionist walked in and set down a tray with mugs of coffee and departed. ""Where do we start?" asked Jean. "Tell me your story," said Steve. "Now, just so you know, I'll be taping this. I'll also be asking you a lot of questions. It's not that I doubt you, it's just that I may want a more detailed description of something." Jean nodded. "Fair enough." She then began to tell Steve her story. "When the dart hit you, did you pass out immediately?" he interrupted. Jean nodded. "Yes, I was out immediately. Is that important?" "It shows that someone planned the abduction. For a drug to work instantly, the dose needs to be set for the victim's weight. Too much, and it will kill; not enough, and they might have time to scream or escape. Please continue." Jean began to describe the meeting with the people she called the committee. "Can you provide us with descriptions of each voice?" asked Steve. "Yes. I've always had a knack for voices and languages. It's sort of a hobby of mine," she replied. "Excellent, I'd like you to provide as detailed as possible a description of each person," said Steve. "Right now?" asked Jean. "No, but can you tell me a little about them?" asked Steve. "What stands out?" Jean thought about it. "There were three men and four women. Man One had a New York City accent; he was the oldest one. There was a slight click when he talked; I think he may have dentures. Man Two was also from back east, highly educated, spoke in perfect English, no slang or curses. He used many legal terms and was very precise in his terminology. Man Three didn't speak much. Judging by his language skills, I would say he was the least educated of the three. I think he was from Philly or South Jersey, and I think he was the one who abducted me." "Did you get a look at him?" asked Steve. "Just a quick look - he had a dark complexion with a thick moustache and dark curly hair. I initially thought he was Mexican-American, but now I think he might be Italian-American; it would match the accent better," she replied. Steve nodded. So far he was impressed with Jean's memory. "Please continue." "Women One had a slight French accent. Still, she spoke English in a very proper and formal manner. She was obviously well educated and had a medical background. She was the one who briefed me on each one of my many surgeries. Woman Two was Chinese, and she was the one who brainwashed me. Woman Three had the same sort of pretentious form of language as Man Two, and Woman Four also had a slight French accent. I think she may have been from Quebec though. I can give you more detailed descriptions later." "Good. This is a great start, Jean." Jean smiled and continued telling Steve about her transformation. "So you believe that when you were recovering from your surgery they conducted the programming?" asked Steve. "Yes. Woman One would brief me on what they were about to do to me and how I would be more feminine when I would wake up. She took great joy in seeing me squirm. When she gave me my breast implants, she told me how they would attract men and how they would be big enough that a man could fuck them, shooting his cum into my eager mouth. She obviously saw me cringe, and she laughed, saying that soon I would crave the taste of cum. She laughed telling me how I would soon be a total slut, and that she loved doing this to me. I hate her." "Sounds like a real bitch," said Steve. "She is," replied Jean. "Anyway, when I woke up from my breast enlargement surgery, I was totally healed, very little pain. I began to think about how nice it would be to pleasure a man, to have him fill my mouth with his seed. The thoughts were very strong, and it was as if I had always had them. It was this way with each round of surgery." "I've heard of this kind of mental programming," said Steve. "It's very difficult to counteract, especially if it is enforced using chemicals. When we do your physical, we'll analyze your body's chemistry. If drugs were used, they should still be detectable." "I need to tell you both something now. I wasn't released scot-free. I'm a working escort," confessed Jean. She then told them about the information in her calendar and computer and her rendezvous with Tony. "That may explain why they let you go here," said Matt. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you immediately," said Jean. Tears began to roll down her face. Matt reached over and took Jean by the hands. "It's okay. I understand that there's nothing you can do about it. I don't think any less of you." "Jean, you're a victim; and this is just part of the process. I'm sorry that they did this to you, but it may lead to their undoing," said Steve. He handed her a box of tissues. "What... what do you mean?" she asked. "You say that you work for an escort service; well, this may lead us back to the people who did this to you. No legitimate service would just put you on their payroll, especially sight unseen. I'll have my computer people see what they can find, and I'll start an investigation of the service," said Steve. "I suppose that I should just keep working for them, so that they don't get suspicious," said Jean. "There has to be another way," said Matt. "I'm open to suggestions," replied Jean. "Look, if my doing this buys time to find the monsters that did this to me, then I'll do it. Besides, until there's a way to reverse what's been done to my mind, I really don't have a choice." "What happens if they grab you again?" asked Matt. "We can track her," said Steve. "How?" asked Matt. "There are ways. We can take care of it tomorrow," said Steve. "Do you really think that this is that serious?" asked Jean. "Yes, I do. From what you've told us, this is a well-funded and highly organized group. They have no regard for the rights of others and seem to take perverse delight in hurting others. From past experience, I doubt if they're limiting their abductions to adults, as teens and children are even more profitable," explained Steve. "My god, you don't think that they would do this to kids?" asked Jean. "I've helped break up other groups that have done things like this," said Steve. He looked at his watch. "It's getting late; I think we should end this for today." Jean looked at her watch, it was almost seven. "I had no idea we were here so long." "I'd like to see you back here tomorrow morning, Jean. I'd like to continue our interview. My medical team will be here in a few days and will conduct a physical. Is that okay with you?" asked Steve. "Absolutely," she replied. "Um, when is your next client?" he asked. "Not until tomorrow evening. I expect to hear from him tonight," she replied. "Can't you find a way to get out of it?" asked Matt. Jean smiled at his gesture; it was obvious that he had compassion towards her. "I can't, Matt. I can't fight the feelings inside me. They're too strong. Besides, if I cancel the appointment, it might tip off the people who did this to me." "Isn't there anything you can do for her?" asked Matt. "Not until we figure out the process; even then there's no guarantee," answered Steve. "It could be worse," said Jean. "How?" asked Matt. "I don't know; I just wanted to sound positive. Look, my clients are all high rollers; as much as I hate doing it, I doubt I'll be in any danger," she replied. "I'll drive you back to your hotel," said Matt. "No, I'll do it; it's best that you're not seen with her in public, Matt. In fact, don't come back tomorrow; I'll brief you on everything later," stated Steve. "You two shouldn't be seen together." "Okay, you're right," said Matt. He knew Steve was right. He looked over at Jean and thought he saw something in her eyes as she stared back at him. Chapter 12 "So tell me about yourself, Steve," asked Jean, as they drove towards Coronado. "I noticed that you're married." "Yep, and I love it. Maggie is also in the agency, but she's on a leave of absence since our son was born," he stated as he held up his hand, exposing his wedding ring. "That's nice. Do you only have one child?" asked Jean. "No, we also have a daughter; she just started her freshman year at Penn," he replied. "Her name is Beth." "That's amazing," she replied. She noticed the sense of pride in Steve's voice when he talked about his daughter. "Why so long between children?" "Beth is adopted," explained Steve. "Not that it makes any difference; we both love her as if she was our own." "Oh." "It's a long story, but she's the reason Maggie and I first met," said Steve. "Why do I have the feeling that there's a very interesting story behind that?" said Jean. "There is," replied Steve. "It all started not far from here." "But you're not going to tell me everything, right?" she asked. "Not right now," he answered. "I will tell you one thing; Beth was once abducted by an organization that turned teens into sex slaves. We knew she was targeted, and to make a long story short, we got her back unharmed and recovered dozens of kidnapped teens. Many were recovered from the sick bastards who had bought them. We also destroyed the organization that was responsible." He then gave her a short version of the raid on Margo Simon's farm. "Did you get all the teens back?" asked Jean. Steve shook his head. "We broke up the ring, but not all survived. Even some we physically recovered, we never really got back, if you know what I mean." "Why didn't I hear about this? I mean, it sounds like this would have been a big deal. Did it happen while I was being changed?" "We kept it low key, partially to protect the teens and their families; they had suffered enough. I can't imagine what the press would do with a story like that," said Steve. "Most of the people we arrested copped a plea; the last thing they wanted was a public trial." Jean thought about what Steve had said. "I understand. So this isn't just a regular investigation to you." Steve glanced over at her. "That's right. After seeing something really vile, it's hard to ignore it. I take this sort of thing rather personally now, as it's affected my family and people very close to me." Jean could tell that he wasn't telling her everything, but she also knew that she could count on Steve to protect her. "We'll continue talking about your abduction and transformation tomorrow. My medical team will be in town the following day to examine you," said Steve. "Whoever did your surgery was a specialist; they had to learn their skills somewhere. Hopefully, our medical experts will be able to get some clues as to where they learned them." "She said that if she had kept me longer, she had other operations that she wanted to perform on me," said Jean. "Like what?" asked Steve. "She wanted to make my breasts even larger. Right now they're 40-F; she wanted to make them huge - rather make that really huge. She also said that she wanted to make my waist smaller, sort of like a living Barbie," explained Jean. "I think she got off on molding other people." "I've met a few people like that," stated Steve. Jean sighed. "Do you think that they'll leave me alone?" "I don't know," replied Steve. "I do have something that might put your mind at ease; we have a device that can be planted in your body. It's a bio-electric tracker. It runs off your body, and we can detect your location from five miles away." "Really?" Steve nodded. "I'll have our medical people implant one in you. It's painless and will last for sixty days. It's also biodegradable, so it will just be absorbed by your body." "I'm sorry," said Jean. "For what?" asked Steve. "I always thought you feds were a waste of tax dollars. I had no idea that you were fighting these sorts of crimes." Steve laughed. "Thanks for being honest." Chapter 13 Jean had dinner in her room, as she didn't feel like eating alone in the dining room; she also didn't want to be stared at. She wondered if she would have friends like Steve and Matt when this was all over, if it ever ended. Her phone rang a little after ten; it was Lee. He was a Korean-American businessman. From her files, Jean knew that he liked oral, both receiving and giving. He also liked to have sex in public places. Jean shrugged her shoulders, thinking it could be worse. They agreed to meet for drinks at the Prado Restaurant in Balboa Park. Jean knew it well, having eaten there several times on dates. She figured that he picked it because it would give him a large selection of places to have sex. He said that he wanted her dressed in pink. Jean agreed. After she hung up the phone, she poured herself another glass of wine. She knew that tomorrow night at this time she would be having sex with Lee; she shivered involuntarily at the thought. She prayed that Steve and Matt would be able to do something to prevent this from becoming her life. The idea of being a high priced escort for the rest of her life was nauseating. Jean knew that if they failed, it would be her fate. She debated taking her own life and knew that she had been programmed not to. They had thought of everything she thought, but then again, maybe they hadn't. The tears began to roll down her face, and she cried herself to sleep. Chapter 14 Jean was wearing a white floral sundress with spaghetti straps, drinking a cup of coffee as she told Steve the rest of her story. "How many applications of the hair removal solution did they use on your body?" asked Steve. "Two," replied Jean. "I'm completely hair-free from the neck down. They used laser and electrolysis on my face." "Interesting, Margo Simon used a similar solution on the teens she captured. Beth had one treatment, and it took nearly three months until she had hair growth again," said Steve. "That sounds about right," said Jean. "Now, you said that you were programmed to dress as you do, but how did you learn to do your hair and makeup?" asked Steve. "The first time, I woke up in my room and found the cosmetics on my makeup table. I was directed how to apply them. I never saw anyone while I was in captivity. I would apply my makeup and receive comments from a speaker located above the mirror. I spent several hours a day practicing my makeup and hair skills. The programming made me complacent and obedient," explained Jean. "I feel naked unless I'm made up." "So you were never threatened or hurt?" asked Steve, "No, not once. It made my submission more humiliating, as it made me feel as if I gave up without a fight," she replied. "Do you still feel that way?" asked Steve. "Deep down, I know I didn't have a chance, but I still feel the pain of submission to 'them.' I guess that was part of my punishment," she replied. Steve looked at his watch. "I think we should cut this short today. I don't want you to be late for your appointment tonight." Jean laughed. "I never thought a law enforcement officer would say something like that." Steve smiled. "I've had to do some strange things in my line of work. How's the leg?" She glanced down at the small Band-Aid on her right ankle. "It doesn't hurt anymore. I can't believe how small the bug is." "I feel better knowing you have it," said Steve. "I'll see you tomorrow," she said as she stood up. "Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. I guess I'm going to have to do some strange things in my line of work too." Steve called Matt's cell phone number after Jean left. Matt was presently driving back from a crime scene. "You sure she'll be okay?" Matt asked. Steve nodded. "She'll be fine. Look, I'm not any happier than you are about her going off, but if she doesn't, then her captors might notice and go deep. I want to nail them badly." "Okay, so what happens now?" asked Matt. "We're working on a database of criteria and compar

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 10

Hannah was seeing and hearing everything that was going on through her servant’s eyes and ears. She had watched the interaction with the state police officers and what had happened up to them coming to the door. She listened as Billy and Jacob talked with Meredith and Adrienne. “Meredith, you and Adrienne can’t stay here tonight. If they’re doing a recon, then that’s what they want is to catch you here alone. I’ve got a place you can stay until this is over.” She heard Billy tell...

3 years ago
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I Brianne was in the lavender garden tending to the newly planted flora when the sound of loud boots hitting gravel caught her attention. A young man was running in her direction. The look on his face was pure anguish. His white polo shirt was covered with brown stains and his khaki pants had a hole in the knee. She could tell he’d been crying from the blotchiness under his eyes. It made her heart ache to see someone in such distress. He looked up at her and stopped suddenly. His head turned...

1 year ago
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Vengeance of the Gods Pt 02

CHIDEBEM woke up suddenly from his sleep. In an instant, he was wide-awake, listening for the sound that woke him. He heard nothing for a while, but he did not relax. If anything, he became even more alert and tenser because he was sure he had heard something. He slept like a dog and the slightest sound would have him wide-awake in no time. Another instinct horned by seasons of hunting and warrior training. As he lay tense on the bed, waiting and listening, he looked through the little slits...

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Vengeance of the Gods Pt 01

Book One (1895-1900) The Beginnings of the Promise Look! Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah, the fruitage of the belly is a reward. Wise King, Solomon (Psalms 127:3) August 1895 RELIEVED, the young man stood up and quickly repaired his clothes, all the time scanning the bushes around him with narrow-eyed intensity. Stopping to ease himself was an unavoidable distraction on his long journey, for which he had to suppress his misgivings about the possibility of running into wild...

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…. 20 minutes before… She felt him before she saw him. Since childhood she had always been able to tell when he was looking at her. In all of their pictures growing up in he had looked at her with a yearning that at first glance seemed like innocent devotion to his big sister. But upon further examination his gaze held an intensity that was unsettling in one so young. Michael leaned against the brick building and just stared at his gorgeous older sister. Gabriella was still the...

4 years ago
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Vengeance 39

"Ahh!" Ellie's yelp of surprise pierced the morning air as she rolled onto her side, half asleep onto a bit of couch that didn't exist. Unfortunately, being wrapped up in the blanket with her, her fall brought me tumbling atop her. "Ooof," she gasped, as we tried to extricate our nude selves from the blanket and from each other. After far more work than it seemed worth, we were free. I stood and stretched, yawning, while Ellie knelt before me, folding the blanket and put it...

2 years ago
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Vengeance 35

When? That was the million dollar question. We’d satisfied the who, that part was easy, I thought as I watched her scribbling down plans. A strand of hair fell from her loose pony tail. Not to be annoyed by trivial things, she tucked it behind her ear and kept writing. The what was equally simple, having bee formally proposed last week. Marriage. After the years of longing, trepidation, growing confidence, and the bold first step that had set us on our path, I couldn’t help but...

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Vengeance 33

Ellie and I went to go get cleaned off at the main building. Like always, she followed me into the men’s room and into a shower stall. I kissed her, starting the soap at her shoulders and running my hands down her breasts and stomach. She started and ran her hands down by arm and abs, smiling as she reached my happy trail. Her hands found her way to my cock, but just off an orgasm, it barely moved for her. My finger on her clit, on the other hand, elicited a jump and a gasp. We grinned...

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Vengeance 30

A week off and an apartment all to ourselves. Ellie walked in Friday evening after classes let out. She made it one step in the door before I had my fingers firmly wrapped around her pony tail and was dragging her in. Her bag dropped and skidded a few inches as her arms instinctively begin to flail to protect herself. I slammed the door shut, but not before she landed a few good punches. Ellie though not fat, was by no means small. Ellie enjoyed surprises so long as I didn’t rough her...

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Vengeance 23

After a long evening of homework, Ellie was on her knees in front of me. I sat on the futon with one hand stroking her cheek, and the other lazily lying off to the side. She worked slowly, hypnotically, up…down all the way…pause…and up again. My dick glistened with her spit. I closed my eyes and moaned softly, letting her do her work. Her right hand found my left and our fingers intertwined tightly as she blew. We were both tired, and I had finished eating her out just a few minutes...

1 year ago
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Vengeance 17

We sat on a blanket on the stones atop the roof of my three story dorm, looking into the small town that was a literal two minute walk away. It was a cold November night, but snow had not yet started to fall. She wore a hoodie over a long sleeve shirt over a black tank top over a black lace bra. I know because I picked it all out. I had a hoodie and an equal number of layers on also. I sat against the tall chimney and she sat in between my legs leaning against me, her hands and mine in...

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Vengeance 11

I wandered into Roebling Hall, room 200 that Saturday. The door was unlocked, she said just to walk right in. There was a girl sitting up in a bed on the left side reading. She wore only a red bra, her bottom half was obscured by the covers. The book dropped and she looked at me. She was also not Ellie. “You must be Ellie’s boyfriend,” she said with a smile, “I’m Abby…mmm, she’s right, you are hot,” she said with a mischievous grin. She closed the book and put it on her desk. I...

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Vengeance 9

“That first night…wasn’t the first time you’ve encountered bondage, was it?” “I’d never done anything with bondage before.” I pinched, waiting for the truth. “But I knew I was interested in it,” she admitted. “You’ve discussed this with people.” I said matter-of-factly. “No…ooo, ok, yes,” she said, as I released her nipples, her breasts falling, and simply cupped them. “A few girls that were on the softball team.” “Who?” She hesitated. In second I had grabbed the still tape covered...

1 year ago
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Vengeance 8

“Your father, sisters and I are heading to Liz’s,” my mom said. Liz was an old family friend who lived in Rochester. She had two daughters about my sister’s ages, and was probably my mom’s best friend. Her husband apparently entertained my dad enough for him to go also. I hated her, her daughters were brats. I had long since refused to attend her annual fourth of July party because there was nothing for me to do in a strange house an hour away there and therefore no reason to go. I...

3 years ago
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Vengeance 7

The basement was dark, there was a movie playing loud, music playing louder, ping pong happening in an adjacent room. People talking, more noise. Not my kind of place. I let my hands roam free, my one sliding up her body to her breasts. I started to push them out the top of her tank top, she laughed. “Let’s get out of here,” I whispered over her shoulder. She nodded in agreement. I pushed her up off of me, stood up and carried her piggy back style up and out of the basement to my...

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Vengeance 5

* * * Ellie lay on her back, I on top of her. My hands holding hers above her head. No rope. I ran my tongue around those lips, watched her eyes smile. Pressed mine to hers lightly, then harder, enjoying the fullness, the softness, the perfection. Finally I slid my tongue in, it danced with hers, they wrestled. I let hers win and enter my mouth for a few minutes. Softly, wetly they caressed each other. I grew harder, she grew wetter. Finally they slowly slid apart as I pulled off...

2 years ago
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Vengeance 3

The party ran deep into the night, Mark’s usually did, though we didn’t do much. A little swimming in the pool, a little cards, a little ping pong, just chilling with friends. Ellie was there, this time she played my typical role, quiet, shy, unseen, clearly her mind was occupied with something else. At one point during the poker game, her and I were the only ones left in a hand. Our eyes locked, I was the first to look away, back at my cards, but I could feel her hold her gaze for a few...

3 years ago
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Vengeance 1

Ellie came to quickest, her first instinct being to sit up, which she did, and quickly took notice of her predicament. Not only were her wrists bound, but her elbows were cinched together too. She was topless, but sill had on her white cotton panties. Ellie was about 5’6’’ tall, with a medium to large C-cup bust. Of Greek decent, she was olive skinned, and has shoulder length curly dark brown hair, and large brown eyes. Full of shit, I thought. Her stomach and legs were fat, but not in...

2 years ago
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Vengeance is Skin Deep

That. Bitch. "This seemingly reality bending suit, invented by Luluka of Advanced Biotecnical Industries or ABI, has the ability to non-intrusively make alterations to the wearer inside of it. The range of its effects are so wide that its applications are still being speculated but its easy to see the initial prospects cover everything from cosmetic changes to medical operations..." The news report on the television continued. "We were fortunate enough to get a brief interview with...

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Vengeance is Skin Deep ch 2

After about two weeks, Dhoran had finished fully moving into Luluka's life. He'd pulled his important research data and essential equipment/materials and merged his stuff with Luluka's personal lab at her home. Including prisoner Luluka herself. He had kept her to question for personal information and knowledge as necessary, but had been finding very little necessity, between finding her diary and reading her other personal notes and research. While trying to decide what...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part II of III

Part II -- The Crime * * * * * ****************************************************** ****************************************************** Warning: potential trigger scene here. A brutal crime is described, and the reader may wish to skip to Part III. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** * * * * * * * * * Part II -- The Crime Debby Taylor was dashing...

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Vengeance and Beyond Part III of III

Part III -- Other Participants' Stories The Witness's Story One of the witnesses in the rape/murder case against the Chester Caveman lived in a single room across the hall from Chester. Originally, he was a prosecution witness, because he'd seen Debby storming out of Chester's room and down the hallway towards the stairs. He'd been the last to see her before her body was found inside the trash bin. However, he turned out to be an excellent defense...

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A 'Power Broker' Story Part 1: Release The large steel door clanged shut with a bang that could be heard in the next street. As the sunlight speared from a clear blue sky into his eyes, the old man raised a hand to provide shade. Across the street, a long, sleek limousine gleamed blackly against the brick wall. The rear door opened, and a tall, elegant man, fortyish, and dressed in a smart dark blue suit climbed languidly out of the back. Hi Dad he shouted, running at a canter across the...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 4

Hannah I was standing in the upstairs hallway watching Meredith’s memories. Since the last spasm, I had been more connected to Meredith’s mind. We couldn’t communicate through the link yet, but I knew what she was thinking about. She was right in her thinking. Demons are supposed to be heartless and uncaring, but this young one had been through so much. To be honest, I have a soft spot for women that have been exceedingly wronged. I was watching her through my link to her. She was lying in...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 5

The sun in my eyes woke me up. I was lying in bed and felt the warm rays of the sun on me. My mind drifted back to the dream I had. The dream I had last night was so real. I remembered exactly what she looked like, and for a lack of a better word, she was perfect. The way she walked was so alluring and desirable. “She’s a dream Meredith, that’s all,” I said to myself. Still, there was a feeling of desire that hadn’t been there before. She intrigued me and I wanted to know more about her, but...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 6

With that bit of excitement out of the way, we loaded up my clothes and started back to the house. Von Maur was nice enough to have some of the stock people help us with all the bags since “she” spent so much today. I was driving again so she could pay attention to what was going on around us. I’m glad she was. She told me to not get on the interstate and that she wanted to see if we were being followed. Sure enough, she spotted 3 vehicles running a revolving tail on us. The first was a blue...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 7

Meredith “Get up and stop feeling sorry for yourself Meredith. You have no one to blame but you.” I said to myself. I got up to do what I had started earlier. I got up and walked back into Mom and Dad’s bedroom. Only now it was MY bedroom. I looked at the bed for a moment and then I looked into the mirror that mom used to use to use. I was still getting used to looking at the new me. But I swore then and there I would go above and beyond to make mom and dad proud, but more importantly,...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 8

Adrienne “Adrienne, my fierce one, it’s time to awaken,” Hannah said to me. I opened my eyes and looked around. Meredith and I had switched during the night. She was cuddled up to me now and was sleeping. Her skin felt so soft to the touch. I smiled a big smile this morning. I hadn’t woken up next to anyone in a very long time and I was relishing the feeling. “I’m glad you’re content Adrienne. You’ve been alone for so long, it’s my hope that you’ll fill the void in each other’s hearts in...

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Vengeance Is MineChapter 9

Adrienne We had finished with Darius in the back of Walmart and were walking to the front when we were stopped by an AT&T salesperson trying to pitch DirectTV to us. I looked at Meredith and smiled. She returned my smile knowing what I was thinking. “Sure, we would love to hear about your offer,” I told him. The salesperson started on his sales pitch, and I spoke to Meredith through our link. “This is an easy thing to master. Simply bring your magic forward, look them in the eye and ask...

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 3

The duke sought out Roland, after resting for a couple hours. Roland was getting ready for dinner when a servant informed him that the duke was seeking him. Curious, Roland thanked the servant after finding out where the duke was, and went to him. "Ah, Roland. Thank you for coming so promptly. I wanted to discuss magic with you, if you have some free time," the duke said when Roland presented himself to the duke in the library. It was a generous room, and two full walls were full of...

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 4

Roland stayed in his room and thought. Should he trust this duke who was a mage? What of Gorman? The betrayal hurt him the most. His trusted mentor and friend. Withholding teaching! Roland sighed. He would let the duke make the judgment. If he did not like the judgment, then he could plan accordingly. He didn't know what he would do, but there had to be something! At the palace in Frontek, the king was having a discussion with his advisors. The storm was finally showing signs of breaking....

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 5

Roland was having sword practice and instructions. Now that spring had arrived, and the snow was but a memory, it was too nice a day to practice indoors. They were in the practice yard, and Roland was being hammered by his swordmaster. "Again! You're letting your point sag too low. If you keep giving me openings, or worse, give an enemy these openings, you're going to wind up dead!" the swordmaster said quietly. "I know. It's just my arm is tired. Can we halt for the day?" Roland...

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 6

Roland was still in a bit of a daze by the whole process of becoming a Baron. Duke Taft had indeed sponsored him. At the mid-summer's council, Roland had been elevated to the nobility as 'Baron Roland Talvon'. It had been a week now since he had been ennobled, and he was basking in the glow of the ceremony. He had been nervous during the days leading up to the ceremony, but when he had taken his vows of fealty, a calmness had seemed to settle over him. He had been proud that his father...

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Vengeance Heart A ContinuationChapter 8

Two clan chiefs, the Kahn (who was the leader of the clans), and the representative from the Tidus principality stood staring at the smoking remains of the star. Five bodies were laying dead and were still smoking. The star had been destroyed by some spell cast in response to the attack on the enemy's leader. The Kahn was not a happy man. He had been told that the book of magic they had used to create the star of five was a most ancient and powerful magical instruction. It was true, that...

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VengeanceChapter 2

The next afternoon, I was back in town. I was in the office when the girls first started arriving for their shifts and decided to put my next part of the plan into action. I picked up the phone and called Elliot. It was time to get him to cuckquean Paisley. He answered the phone, thinking it was his bitch phoning. LMAO, what a retard. I invited him to the club, telling him I had a job for him or some shit. Anything to get him there. I did need somebody new in acquisitions I didn’t have...

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VengeanceChapter 3

The club was a bit boring. I debased the women when talking with Elliot. I made him think I was worse than ever when it came to respecting women. Enhancing my rep in his eyes was part of my plan to cuck him. The worse it was for him, the happier I was. I had Roxy and Angel drugged up. Roxy was Crystals other really good friend that worked at the club. Roxy, Crystal and Angel were tight. I wanted something to do and Roxy was cute enough. We spent an hour and a half fucking in my office. I...

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VengeanceChapter 4

The next day Crystal is in her office doing interviews to hire new girls off the street. On the books, it was our spokeswoman that did the hiring and firing of the entertainers. In reality, it hadn’t happened that way for years. I think a couple clubs sent her their new hires out of respect, expecting a rubber stamp. Truthfully I expected her to give a rubber stamp too. That afternoon we had a board meeting. I intended to have Crystal sit pretty beside me. I planned to make introductions,...

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VengeanceChapter 5

The next morning I knocked on her door with Angel behind me. Crystal was surprised to see us. We sat down to coffee. Angel was nervous because she knew what was about to happen. I started, “Crystal, I’m sorry to have to do this. When I met Kevin, I didn’t trust him, so I had him checked out. Surveillance caught him with other women. I do not know if you have an open relationship, but I thought you should know. I know you have been through a lot recently, so I brought Angela for emotional...

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VengeanceChapter 6

After their tour, Roxy and Dirk headed to the studio floor for her shoot. Dirk asked to stay and watch. Roxy happily agreed. She wanted somebody she knew to be there, even if she knew him for less than a day. Watching her at the rave, I figured I could push her along quite quickly, so I had the first set on the beach patio with one male model. Dirk had instruction to step in if things got hot, and he thought it wouldn’t scare Roxy off. To get her comfortable, they introduced the entire crew....

4 years ago
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VengeanceChapter 7

The first two weeks Crystal was at the resort, I was fairly busy. I left the states for eastern Europe. My first stop was Istanbul. Where I was greeted at the airport by Azra, a Turkish girl I purchased a year ago and a rare beauty to find. The rarity wasn’t her long legs or good looks but because she had a Turkish girl with a western education in business management and had a good head on her shoulders. Once she was reprogrammed at the resort, I kept her there for three months to gain...

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VengeanceChapter 8

I kept busy until it was time to kidnap Seth’s friends. There was a lot to do between setting up the European divisions and the new projects I had on the go. Thankfully, I had compiled a group of people to take care of most of it for me. For the most part, I only needed to provide guidance, to coordinate and give advice. There were just too many projects on the go. When the kidnappings were to take place, I found myself with a bit of spare time, so I decided to tag along. These guys were...

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VengeanceChapter 9

I woke up to the delightful feeling of Cheryl practicing the fellatio skills she learnt the night before. When I looked down at her, her eyes were smiling back at me, and her head was bobbing on my shaft. I just plopped my head back down on the pillow and enjoyed her efforts. When she was finished, I comment, “Somebody is eager to start the day. How about we get dressed, and we can practice those cooking skills again to better help you remember.” At that point, I think she would have agreed...

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VengeanceChapter 10

The night Elijah and family went on vacation, I visited their farm with a security team. Because of the planted cameras, we knew where the entrance to the dungeon was. We headed straight there. In one of the horse stalls, there was a trap door leading to a basement. The basement was all one big room with blood-stained meat hooks dangling from the ceiling. One wall was a shelving unit filled with recordings. The VHS and Beta tapes indicated that he had been doing this for a long time. There...

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The Organization’s attempt to get Slutty to set up in Italy was an attempt to take over the operation of one of my legal enterprises. That was one thing they had promised me they would never do. It was all the excuse I needed to wrap up my plans to take them out. For many years I had been planting slave spies into the Organization. It was time to get a hold of them all and compile the evidence against the Organization. I was prepared for this. From the time The Slutty Resort Island opened...

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Vengeance HeartChapter 2

Roland woke the next morning, much refreshed. He had told his dad about the trip back, the previous night He had been awoken by one of the drivers, to find snow that was piling up, and no sign of it stopping. He had made the decision to stay at their camping location. Luckily, the snow had tapered off, and had stopped later that day. The teamsters' horses got a day of rest, and Roland had scouted the road a bit. He described what he found to the teamsters. They said that their horses...

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Vengeance HeartChapter 3

Roland and his father sat and talked for several hours, after sending Beatra home. Berandal had a hard time believing his son's story, until Roland pulled out the gems. There was more than Roland first saw in the pouch, when they were all dumped out on the table. Along with the emeralds and diamonds, there were rubies and sapphires. There was also a very heavy ring, that was the last piece out. the voice in Roland's head gloated. "Power...

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Vengeance HeartChapter 4

It was raining. The weather had warmed a bit, the snow had melted, and it was now raining. It had been raining, for most of the day. Roland was miserable. He had gotten on the barge, and rode it to the Kennersy River. There, he changed to a south bound barge, and rode it to its end. Still, Haflor said they had to go south, always south. Now with the slightly warming weather, the melting snow, and the rain; the roads were getting very bad indeed. In fact, it got so bad that Haflor had to work...

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Vengeance HeartChapter 5

Roland staggered to his feet. Despite the fact that Haflor was in control of his body, Roland still felt the pain. Haflor gestured with Roland's left hand and extended the right hand, which was wearing the ring. Two things happened at once. The man/possessed person in front of Roland was tossed back to the ground, and the ring emitted a fiery beam that hit him in the chest. Roland heard a thin scream, and then nothing. The man they were fighting got to his feet with a grimace and jumped...

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Having A Friend Teach Her

Angie wanted to become sexier and more popular among the guys at school. She was 15 years old and she was beginning to develop the nice budding breasts and rounded curves of a maturing young woman but she knew that she was so naive in the ways of guys, girls, sex and all that. She looked around to see which of her girlfriends she could go to in order to find out the things she needed to know. Angie finally decided on one of her best girlfriends, Beverly, to show her the ways of sexiness and...

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The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Part 6

The Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Written by Kristine Roland Edited by Joni W Part 6 - This is the Sequel to Jason's Story. Chapters 15-26. The continuing story of Kelly Anderson, a young transgendered teen, as she faces the challenges with her mostly supportive family and friends. Author's Note: My sincere thanks to Joni W for all her efforts! Chapter 15 Kelly handed a box up to John, who was in the moving truck with Meghan's father. She looked back at...

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