Vengeance 35 free porn video

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That was the million dollar question. We’d satisfied the who, that part was easy, I thought as I watched her scribbling down plans. A strand of hair fell from her loose pony tail. Not to be annoyed by trivial things, she tucked it behind her ear and kept writing.

The what was equally simple, having bee formally proposed last week. Marriage. After the years of longing, trepidation, growing confidence, and the bold first step that had set us on our path, I couldn’t help but look back with astonishment. I always thought, ‘wow, a million things had to go just the way they did so that we’d find ourselves where we are now.’ It was almost overwhelming.

Neither one of us were one for religion, or the religious aspect of marriage. We’d chosen the park, the hill where one of our first trysts had taken place. The dished out area at the top would be a perfect setting for a small ceremony. The right combination of simplicity and beauty for the girl I loved.

“That leaves when.” She told me, stirring me from my thoughts. She set her planner down and slid her chair away from the table, looking at me expectantly. “Do you think it’s bad to do it sooner rather than later?” she asked me. “I’m anxious,” she smiled, “but I don’t want to rush into it…”

I stood and moved around the table, around behind her. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. Her hands wrapped their way behind her, around my head, pulling me closer. I pulled her to her feet, staying behind her, running my hands down to her hips. “That’s right,” I whispered in her ear. “Because neither of us are prone to hasty decisions.” She raised her hands high above her head, stretching after hours of notes and calculations. Before she had a chance to react, my hands slid beneath her waistband, dropping her sweats to her knees where gravity did the rest of the work. A split second later, they’d found their way under her shirt and in one smooth motion had pulled her tank top and sports bra over her outstretched arms.

I spun her around, now nude before me and kissed her on the lips. She stared at me, then down at her new predicament, then at me again. “That…how you can do that…is really hot.”

I lifted her up and carried her off into the bedroom.

“Aahhh! She screamed as I suddenly tossed her onto the bed. Before she could recover, she found me on top of her, straddling her stomach and pinning her arms on either side of her head. I kissed her once more before quickly shedding my clothes as well.

“What, no rope, no contorting position? No two girl blowjob?” she mocked. I grabbed the back of her neck, pulling us close together. Before she could get another word out, our lips met, and my tongue forcefully passed between her lips. I ran it up and down the roof of her mouth, teasing an erogenous zone she probably didn’t think I knew existed.

“Jesus,” she breathed as I pulled away for a moment.

“No rope right now Babe. That’ll come later…along with my blowjob.”

She giggled, “Yes sir.”

I rubbed my cock up and down the length of her pussy, eliciting a long low moan. The more patient of the two of us, I kept teasing her, watching her lips part more and more, her back arch at greater and greater angles. She gripped my leg, “God, just fuck me already.”

I obliged, sliding it in, inch by inch until my full 6.5 impaled her, and stopped. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her again.

“Missionary, are you feeling alright?” She teased again.

“Tell you what,” I returned, “you can spend the rest of the day hogtied, double stuffed and buried in Sarah’s pussy…when you’re not sucking me off that is. Sound good?”

She laughed again, the moaned as I slowly thrusted in and out. “No, I wanted to talk…so did you, don’t lie, and I figured this would be a nice comfortable setting.”

“Oh god,” she moaned as I continued slowly fucking her. “Plus like this, you know I’ll give in to anything you want.”

“You’ll do that anyway. Two weeks.”

“What?” she looked at me, pulled slightly out of her sex-induced stupor.

“Marry me in two weeks. Sunday.”

“Jesus, you don’t ask things, you demand them,” she breathed.

“You’re free to counter any time you want.”

“Now why would I do thaaaaattt!” While she was distracted, my fingers had slowly found their way to her clit.

“Two weeks.” I reminded her.

She smiled up at me, as though the reality was just hitting her for the first time. She’d been doing that a lot lately. “I love you,” she said before pulling me close for a long passionate kiss. The rhythm of our love making matched the swirl of our tongues for several minutes as we hung together in that moment.

“What’s your dress look like?” She simply lay there for a few moments, biting her lower lip while I moved in and out of her. Finally, it seemed, she’d heard my question.

“You…know…I…can’t…tell…you…that,” she managed to get out between breaths.

“How about your bridesmaid’s dresses?”

She looked me in the eye and grinned. “Slutty. You’ll like them.”

I watched her breasts bounce as we both drew closer and closer. Her hands wound their way under the pillows to the headboard, giving the illusion of restraint.

“God you’re a good little submissive.” She grinned, but her mouth quickly opened.

“Oh god, oh god,” she breathed. I felt her pussy start to tighten on my cock, and my own orgasm rise within me. She tightened, I grew harder, both of us were moaning now. Finally, my resistance gave way as rope after rope shot into her pussy. The warmth and pulsating of my cock was all she needed as she started squeezing me, milking the cum out.

We came together, each’s orgasm elevating and prolonging the other. Every time her pussy contracted, it seemed my cock had another load of cum for her. Finally, both exhausted, we collapsed on one another. My cock still twitched slightly, cum still oozing out. I kissed her cheek and lay there with her, on top of her, in her, next to her, relaxing for a while.

* * *

The next several days were a whirlwind of planning, inviting and ordering things. Since it was to be a small ceremony, only about 30 invitations were sent. It was to be mostly family, and a few close friends. Sarah and Alyssa would be Ellie’s two bridesmaids. Not one for tradition, I selected the person closest to me as my “best man.” My sister. Neither set of parents were happy with that fact, but neither set played closely in our lives. Hers weren’t fond of her sudden change in lifestyle, major and location when she began dating me, and mine and I had spoken on a very limited basis since I opted to live near school and not return home.

They would be in attendance, but would only do what they had to in the ceremony, nothing more. Between internships and jobs, Ellie and I had scrapped up a decent amount of money to get by on. Both of us would be graduating in a month. I’d already lined up an engineering job, she was still looking.

We were taking a week off classes for our honeymoon. Both of us had all but secured passing grades in the leftover classes we’d taken our senior year.

“So, what’s your wedding dress like?” I asked for the millionth time.

“I told you,” she said with a smile, “It’s elegant…but delightfully slutty.”

“Where are we honeymooning?” She asked me for the billionth time.

“You’ll love it. I pulled some strings with some people to get it.”

She’d planned most of the wedding, with minimal help from me, and I had, in return, taken over the entire honeymoon. We’d be gone nine days, two weekends endcapping a week of marital bliss. It wasn’t all that difficult to set up, so I’d been able to keep her pretty in the dark.

* * *

The day had, at long last, arrived.

We arrived separately at the hill. Two tents had been set up for each of us to prepare in. Even though we were hours early, most of the attendees had arrived. There were the usual Hello’s and tears exchanged with proud families.

I took my time putting on my tux, knowing it would take her far longer to prepare than I. After several minutes, I straightened my jacket in the mirror and checked my watch. Between talking to my dad and sister, and procrastinating with a dozen other things I’d been able to stretch things out so that there was only a half hour left until we were scheduled to start.

Five minutes later, the tent flap was peeled up and Sarah entered. It was all I could do not to stare. Ellie had picked out one hell of a bridesmaid’s dress. It was bright crimson, with spaghetti straps. Sarah’s cleavage was so large it looked like it was in danger of falling out. The dress was barebacked, dangerously close to exposing the tall girls ass, with cutouts just above the hips. I could only imagine what Ellie looked like.

“She’s ready to start now, if you are,” Sarah informed us.

I smiled. “Let’s go.”

I walked down the aisle, smiling. Weddings are supposed to be for the girl, or so I’d heard, but imaging Ellie, I couldn’t help but feel just as happy. I waited at the front for what seemed like hours before the music started to play.

Everyone stood and turned as Ellie walked, accompanied by her father, and followed by Sarah and Alyssa. My jaw dropped in awe. If Sarah was about to spill out, Ellie was positively defying the laws of physics. It would have taken an inordinate amount of willpower to raise my head those few inches to meet her gaze were her eyes not equally mesmerizing. Whether it was the rare makeup she wore, the dress, or simply the moment, they shone with something extra.

The fabric of her white dress was just barely see through. I could see the faint outline of her hard nipples through the bust. It was just enough so I’d notice, and yet so slight that no one else would pay any attention. The dress fit her form perfectly, accentuating her curves and hips, somehow managing to be both flowing, and flattering to her gorgeous legs.

She stood next to me, and her father took his seat. She grinned at Alyssa and Sarah and whispered in my ear. “I made them go naked under those.” She grinned evilly at me.

The preacher approached us and started in on the ceremony. We had it stripped down to the bare minimum, devoid of all the religious trappings and pointless traditions.

When it came time to read our vows, we turned to each other.

She began, “You took life, and showed me, not only what mine was, but what it could be. In one moment, you lifted the blindfold I’d been wearing, and released the self-made shackles I’d worn.” She leaned over and whispered mischievously in my ear, “and added some of your own.” I look at her, an oxymoron of emotion, grinning, but tears running down her face. I promise to, in being your faithful wife, repay all that you have given me…and face with excitement, all that we can create together.”

She was full on crying now, but her eyes remained fixed on mine with a fierceness I knew only I could inspire in her. I looked around at the crowd, the preacher, the bridesmaids, and the scenic view from atop the hill.

Finally my gaze settled back on her. “I always hoped that one day I would find myself in this very spot, looking into those very eyes. I think back to when we first started, what had to happen exactly as it did to bring us to this moment, well it just seems like fate. I think that’s a testament to the strength of the bonds that tie our hearts together.” She grinned at the mentioning of a few choice words. “I promise those ties will not only strengthen, but grow more numerous. Whichever paths life has me wander, I promise to walk them with you.”

The look on her face told me all I needed to know about whether the words had their desired impact. Normally a model of stoicism, emotions were starting to run across my face as well. We turned to the preacher.

“ Do you…” I couldn’t help but look at her as he rattled off a blur of words. I became lost in the moment, what it signified, and everything that had led up to it. After several minutes, she turned to look at me. I smiled, slowly coming out of the moment.

“I do.”

He turned to her, and the same words began to flow. This time we looked at each other. Seconds passed slower, and I thought he’d never reach the end, but finally only the wind made noise atop the head. Still dazed, she stood there for a moment, before giggling, realizing what she was doing. “I do,” she said with a laugh and a wide smile. We slid the wings on each others hands.

“You may now kiss the bride.”

I tenderly brushed my hand across her cheek to the back of her neck, slowly pulling her closer. We paused, an inch away from each other, before coming together in a fiery, passionate kiss that probably had parents covering their children’s eyes.

Sure enough, when we parted, most of the crowd stared up in shock. She laughed, then squealed as I picked her up and carried her down the hill to the waiting limo. We climbed in the back, sliding onto the bench seat. “You know where to take us,” I told the tophat clad driver. “And you,” I turned to Ellie, “are woefully overdressed.”

She looked nervously at the driver. The top hat rotated to reveal the tanned face and dark brown eyes of one Sarah. She smiled at Ellie. “Don’t worry, he’s all yours, I’m only taking you to the airport. Enjoy the honeymoon.”

Faster than I ever thought possible, Ellie peeled off her wedding dress and climbed into my arms nude. She simply lay her head down on my shoulder as I held her. As they often do, pecks turned into fuller, deeper kisses, and my hands began to wander. I cradled her in my lap with my left arm while the right slid down her stomach.

One then two fingers slid quickly into her. She was dripping already at that point. I curled my fingers around to tease her g-spot while massing her clit with my thumb. Rhythmically, I brought her very close to orgasm in a hurry. The airport was only a twenty minute drive from the hill.

“Uh, uh, uh,” came several soft high pitched moans. It seemed Ellie had a different orgasm for each way she got off. The subtle ministrations of fingers simultaneously tormenting her clit and g-spot brought about long, drawn out sessions, making her cum multiple times in creasing in intensity. The soft, almost cute grunts were the signs of the first.

I sped up, putting increasing pressure on both areas. My hand had begun to ache, but I ignored the pain. Her grunts had started to turn to screams. She gripped the handle above the door hard, writhing as I showed no signs of slowing.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Ohh Fuck!” She screamed. I heard a faint giggle from the front seat. Ellie’s hips were thrusting hard into my fingers at this point while the sensations kept rising. She came a fourth time, panting. I could tell she was gearing up one more. My hand moved furiously. Her eyes went wider and wider as she realized what was coming.

“Oh God,” it started as a whisper. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” The words blurred together, then lost all meaning and coherence as she simply screamed. Each contraction of her pussy brought a louder yell and more diverse stream of obscenities. A full minute after they’d started, she gave one last scream, tears streaming down her face, and collapsed into my arms.

I held her and kissed her once more, enjoying the dual sweetness and dirtiness of the moment.

“We’re here,” Sarah called out. I helped a wobbly Ellie put on the shorts and spaghetti-string white tank top I’d brought for her.

“You’ll take care of the dress, right?” I asked putting it neatly on the seat. Sarah nodded.

I grabbed both suitcases from the trunk while Ellie clung to me for balance and headed into the airport. Getting everything checked out and boarding the plane turned out to be far less of a hassle than I thought it’d be. In little over an hour and a half, we slumped into comfortable first class seats.

Ellie leaned over and curled up, placing her head on my lap. She giggled as her pillow grew significantly less comfortable. She rubbed it gently. “Take care of it later Babe, just rest for now.”

I wrapped my arm around her and started to doze off myself. The three hour flight would make a pleasant nap, and both of us had had an incredible, but emotionally exhausting day.


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Behan ko chooda 1

Hi man again my id aaj ma apko apni sister ki chudai ka barama batana ja rahahu sapna meri bua ki larki ek week pehala ma uska ghar gaya bua job kartiha wo 8baja jatiha aur 9baja aatiha phupha bahar rehataha sapna ghar par akeli rehatiha jab ma uska ghar gaya to bua job kaliya jana walithi wo mujha gate parhi milkar chali gai ma sapna ko dhundta hua chupchap uska room ki taraf gaya usko dara kar surprise dena kaliya uska room ka door halka sa khula tha ma uska darana chatatha par jab maina...

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JapanHDV Chihiro Akino Chihiro Akino and her lover are on a date in The Philippines

Chihiro Akino is on a date in The Philippines with her lover. They have gone to a lovely small place where they can enjoy the beach and the sunsets. The hotel is on the beach where they can swim and enjoy the water and the sand. These two feel very free here as they are away from home and in this environment they feel more open. Chihiro Akino is very happy to have this time with her lover and wants to take this time to get to know him better. Her lover is also very happy to be away from home so...

3 years ago
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Leftovers A Bulls Story First time cuc

This was written up a few years ago by a lover of mine. It sits somewhere in the the middle of fact and fiction (my husband is a perfectly good lover) but it does capture several good memories that we all have. The original author eventually moved out of state, got married and his wife has no idea how kinky he can be...If you like my stories, please subscribe, follow and send a friend request!K----->MWhen I met Kathleen she was as hot as the sun and exuded sex without even trying. Her...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Shay Evans Hot Maid Cleans my Cock

The other day I called a maid service, and man was I surprised with the juicy treat they sent my way. This super hot Latina with giant tits came knocking at my door. Once inside, I couldn’t contain myself as she was cleaning. So I offered her more money to clean in her underwear. This chick seemed to be money hungry cause she took the offer. A little bit later I decided to ask her to go all the way and clean naked. She agreed, and soon after my cock was deep down her throat. After this hot maid...

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The warm colors of rain-drenched sunray dawned upon the magical coconut grove, filling the shaded oasis with the crimson glow of romance. It was to be our first ever encounter, and there was no looking back. For days, my shyness had kept me from her; the fear of her apprehensive reproach would haunt me forever, the poisonous stake of rejection would tear through my heart, snuffing life out of me, leaving me a lifeless, loveless corpse. But here was the moment, and she would be there, in all her...

2 years ago
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In the Beginning

In the Beginning Everyone has a story about how they started crossdressing and how after many small and tentative steps they came to accept and enjoy it. For my own part it started, as it did for many of us, when I was not quite a teenager. The how part of crossdressing is usually easy to explain; the why part is much more complicated and varied. In any case for me it had to do with whom I identified with, namely my mother rather than my father. That combined with an abundance of...

2 years ago
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The Comet Changed Everything Ch 01

—This is my first attempt at having a work of fiction read by others. Constructive criticism is encouraged, or you can tell me it sucks. So long as it is done in a cordial manner, all comments are welcome.— * Before it happened, I could have been labeled as ‘average.’ However, more specifically, I was a dreamer, a video game aficionado, and a kid who wished his life was more than it was. By the time I was 16, this disdain for the normalcy of my life led me to kendo, karate, studies of ancient...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 1

While waiting at the airport, Karla Kosta resented having to wear a raincoat but because she was wearing her hotel maid’s uniform she felt it must be concealed. Moreover, on such a beautiful day she had a scarf around her hair and that bothered her, too. For a change, it was a bright, sunny and very warm August afternoon in Prague. Then, of course, there was the fact that she was a major in the Czech Secret Police, a summa cum laude graduate of Charles University right here in Prague — Praha,...

3 years ago
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Sunday with Larry

James Jimmyson felt better. Soon James Jimmyson had a runny nose, dizziness, and a decrease in semen. James Jimmyson stood up and experienced a sudden decrease in blood pressure that could have resulted in fainting. James Jimmyson noticed he’d had an erection for four hours. “Damn dog” though James Jimmyson, “I’ve got a runny nose, dizziness, and a decrease in semen. I stood up and experienced a sudden decrease in blood pressure that could have resulted in fainting and I’ve had an...

3 years ago
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Basic Parameters

The game always took place on the outer rim of the scorched city. An abandoned manufacturing facility long since left to decay by the authorities, far enough out that it was deemed too costly to demolish or protect from squatters, the dust, vermin and time allowed the privilege of sealing its fate. That's why it was perfect. Out of sight, out of mind. Those that picked up the coded messages advertising the date of each game knew the challenge was not necessarily winning. It was getting there...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

The taxi pulled up outside the imposing old house and I struggled out which was no mean feat with one stiff leg courtesy of an Afghan hand grenade. I'd spent three months in a military hospital while the facial wounds healed leaving me with a wicked looking scar from above my right eye down to my lower lip, it gave me a rather sardonic looking grin whether I was amused or not, but apparently it was a big improvement on when I'd been shovelled into the armoured car with half my face hanging...

3 years ago
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The Legend of Zelda

Link has been wandering the roads of Hyrule for a few weeks at this point, his last stop was at some inn at an unmarked town south of him. He was already running low on supplies, so he's had to ration out his current source of food. He was about one day out from a village known as Kakariko Village. That would be his first stop, at least he'd hoped it was. It was currently midday, and not much was going on, so Link decided to stop for now and take a break somewhere off the road and set up camp....

3 years ago
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My Calendar for KettieChapter 10

October 14th, 2014 Wednesday night, I went to Happy Hour at The Pool Bar. It was the only night during the week when they had Happy Hour. Wednesday was payday for the State, and the following Wednesday was ChipTech payday, so either Wednesday, there were folks with new money in their pocket and a little stress to burn off. I liked it because they had hors deuvres and that was dinner for me. A couple chicken wings, mini egg rolls and pizza made a nice combo with a couple beers before I...

1 year ago
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Jill Asks for a Spanking

Jill had sucked Father Leary's big cock just yesterday. The old priest enjoyed spanking the young fifteen year old's bare bottom every Thursday after hearing her confession. Jill was able to deep throat the priest letting his eight inches cum there, satisfying both of them. It was Friday and Jill's mother Carla had just returned from her confession with the good Father. She looked uncomfortable as she sat on the couch, wriggling her round ass to get comfortable. Jill wondered if Father...

4 years ago
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The Grid Girl

Up to a point some of this is true. The setting and the girl were real, everything after the concert is fantasy (unfortunately). An older story. **** I can’t say that I noticed her particularly to start with, she was just one of the girls who came out to mark the grid positions. After three or four races I realised that each girl always marked the same grid row, and as I was generally on the corner looking up the paddock (the cars were lining up in the paddock before exiting out into the pit...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e5 Carrie

Series 4, Episode 5: Carrie We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a crowded sandy beach – kids building sandcastles, parents sunbathing ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures ... And now we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer...

2 years ago
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Night on the WardsChapter 10

It was hot stood out on the heliport pad waiting for the chopper to arrive to take me over to the mainland. This was my monthly chance to escape from the monotony and routine of the island where sunbathing and swimming rapidly lost their appeal after several months of incarceration. Not that the small town that we traded with held much in the way of sophistication but at least it had a beauty salon with attached hairdresser, a few clothes shops and a semi-decent restaurant. I was dressed in a...

4 years ago
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How To Give Your Lady an Orgasm

The event must be worked up throughout the evening. What have you done to get her in the mood? Sincere compliments, playful touching (but not overtly sexual - not yet). The mood of the night must be good. In fact, for many women the mood of the whole day must have been good, but that isn't entirely up to you. Let's just focus on the time you can control. Throughout this post, remember that your lady love will be entirely "in her head" the whole time. She is thinking about what you are...

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The Crown

(Note to new readers, This is the old Version of this story and will no longer be updated, I am currently working on a new version with new content and higher quality story telling. However I will leave this here for anyone to read should they wish too, You however will not have to have read this to understand the New Version. Thank You to everyone for their support. Ducky.) Prologue: Black Sheep Oswald Regis: The Quiet Dragon The Kingdom of Arnor Castle Regis, Royal Wing, January 4th, 1722 the...

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fucking women

What if you could have any woman for yourself? any way you want? here you can!! if you can imagine it the scene will be seen here in your mind as the story unfolds before you!! also everyone in these storylines is over 18 (if you would like to have a short amount of chapters written for you please pm me and we'll figure sometjing out :))

1 year ago
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Silver ArrowChapter 10 Finality and Reconstruction

Ten days after Diane's death we held the funeral services and burial. The plot wasn't far from our home. Almost within walking distance, in fact. A lot of tears were shed that day. Diane's parents, my parents, the children, Christie, some of my co-workers, and myself. The service was mercifully short. I sucked it up and managed to say a few words without breaking down completely and Christie followed me to add some final comments about what a wonderful person and friend Diane was. But...

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Lusty Masseuse Peed On And Fucked By Dominatrix

Hello there, sexy Simraan lovers! I’ve got a cock melting incident to tell you guys that could have ended in me getting fucked and dominated by a guy had I decided not to take a piss in the parlour! It was peer pressure that took me to a high-profile beauty parlour that was known to provide ‘Happy ending’ services to its female clients. I had invited my female friends for a weekend kitty party at my house. 4 of my friends came to stay on a Saturday just so they could get into the party...

2 years ago
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The lure of the older Woman

It was the start of our office Christmas party and me and some of my colleagues were in the lounge having a drink before going into the main dance hall. I was 17 and had started work the previous year with this company. Unfortunately I was unable to have a drink due to my age and my colleagues wouldn’t sneak me a drink. However I found that I wasn’t going to need to have a drink that night when my boss walked in looking absolutely stunning. Short silver dress, silky smooth legs and nice...

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The Group A High School Sex Ring in ActionChapter 5 Girls Night Out

Janet felt the thick head of the cock spread her cunt lips and begin to fill her horny fuck-needy pussy inch by sexy hot inch. She loved to fuck and she'd been so horny all day for a hot lovely cock to ream her cunt out good. Janet tried to spread her legs a little further apart to give her lover better access for mounting her and giving her the hottest sexiest fucking she could imagine. She'd knew that she and her husband Ron would probably fuck again when she got home that night but right...

3 years ago
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Be My Guide Part 2

"Wake up birthday boy, we're going shopping!" Brooke shouted as I quickly awoke from the deepest sleep of my life. It had been about a week since our little adventure on the couch. "Don't you know how to knock?" I asked in a groggy tone. "I think you of all people know that I don't know how to knock," she laughed. "Hurry up, it's already noon. You've wasted half of your birthday!" "Fine, let me get dressed," I replied and Brooke left my room. I rubbed my eyes and looked up just in time to catch...

First Time
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Cumming in Brads MILF

Brad was a good friend of mine, we had been friends for about five years or so. I often just slept at his place after we went out partying or anything like that. She had been divorced for about two years and had really gotten into shape after the divorce was final. One night, Brad and I came home after midnight and Brad passed out drunk onto the couch. So I quietly went upstairs to go into his room to sleep. I saw Brad’s mom, Sara, was still awake, the light in her room still on. I opened the...

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Boat Banging Babes

As she passed through the last few minutes of her twentieth birthday, lying next to Tony on his sailboat, Cori reminisced. He’d been last on her schedule that day because he would “make love” to her as a finale, a great topping for the three earlier fucks she’d enjoyed with other lovers. Her body was still tingling from his skill which is why he got the invitation he did. She loved boats and she loved fucking, so his nice boat and nice cock made him a favorite. She’d found out about both...

4 years ago
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Week End Fun with Jim

We were sitting around just relaxing after dinner at Jim's house, where we were staying. Ed had just gone into the bathroom to take a pee. As soon as he went into the bathroom, Jim moved over and started hugging me and kissing me, running his tongue inside of my mouth and his hands on my tits, rubbing them and fingering the nipples. Oh, I was hot for him. We had been living with him a couple months, here in Anchorage, Alaska. Ed, my husband, and he had been real good friends for many years...

4 years ago
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The Class Project Chapters 17

Author's Note: This is a very slightly edited (cleaned up) version of the original 7 chapters of Class Project which I first posted to the newsgroup back in 1995. I've let this tale languish for a long time and I'm not quite the same person I was when I first started writing it. Recently I saw a hyperboard thread listing stories which need to be completed. Class Project was on at least one of those lists. Since then I've been working on the continuation and will be...

1 year ago
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Georgie Girl Ch 0709

Authors Note: This story was edited by ErikThread and DaveT with my thanks and appreciation. Any errors are mine alone. It previously was posted on another site. Georgie Girl Chapter 7 Hey There, Georgie Girl I have some vague memories of being attended to by a paramedic and being lifted onto a gurney and into a van. I saw Georgette once or twice, but I don’t remember what she was doing. I remember being rolled into what I thought might be an operating room, and then nothing until I started...

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