Gathering Fallen Rocks Ch 02
- 4 years ago
- 30
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The special order parts for Howard’s truck finally arrived at the auto parts store. He called while Gail was going back to her office and asked if she could stand a night at the ranch so he could get his truck running.
‘Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful’ Gail chanted, ‘I’m lucky I left my suitcases in the truck, but I’m almost out of clean clothes. I’ll do laundry while you’re working late tomorrow. I’m missing my furniture more, every day, especially my washer and dryer.’
‘Damn, you should have said something. You can use the washer and dryer in the house.’
‘Howard, I can’t keep imposing on Melanie all the time.’
‘Why not, it’s half mine.’
‘What?’ Gail had never heard him say anything other than that it was Frank and Melanie’s home.
‘The house and all the furniture is half mine. I thought you knew that. I don’t need it. I have the ranch house and my half of the land. Frank has Dad’s truck and his land. He was supposed to pay me half of the value, but heck, they can just barely afford to buy groceries and pay the utilities, so I don’t bother him about the payments. They’ll pay when they can, or more likely, never.’
‘Howard, I’m suspicious, so don’t be offended. How old is the house? Who pays the taxes on the house? How old were those taxes the county said were never paid on the ranch? Were those same year’s taxes owed on Frank’s land? Is that enough questions for you?’
‘You are talking way, way, over my head, Sweetheart. I don’t know any of the answers, but maybe there are papers at the house. Ask Melanie or Frank, when you get home. I’ll be there as quick as I can. Okay?’
When Gail walked in the office door, she asked Petra what fees she should pay for a personal report she wanted the tax research company to collect for her. Petra didn’t know and Gail finally filled out the forms, faxed them to the research company, and wrote a note on the copies that they were a personal request she would pay for. Gail gave the signed note to Petra, asking her to see that it got to the bookkeeper. Gail hadn’t seen Atwood, other than to nod at him while passing the window where he was sitting with men in suits, signing a tall stack of documents.
Petra gave Gail keys to the front door, saying it was a little tricky to open, plus a key to the new office space. Gail had no need for the other key, right now, but as her office would eventually be in the new space, Atwood had the keys made at the same time. When Gail left, she looked in the large front windows of the new space and saw the wallpaper was finished, interior walls were beginning to look finished, and she wondered what Atwood did to get so much work finished in such a short time. The doorways were framed in the new space. As soon as the doorways were cut all the way through to the old space, the air conditioner in the new space would begin to run full time.
‘Gracious woman, you are a lot of trouble,’ Howard started telling her on the way to the ranch. ‘I called Frank and he doesn’t have any kind of filing system. Any taxes he paid are in the folder with his tax returns.’
‘Yes,’ Gail agreed, ‘that’s what most people do, and it won’t do any good to get a copy or an abstract of a tax return from IRS because none of the account numbers are on the return.’
‘I think he or I will have to go through Dad’s old desk for anything more than five or six years old,’ Howard said. ‘Some of what you were asking about is at Aunt Jean’s. I hate to say this, but I can’t trust Frank not to go through my private paperwork and with the number of times the old ranch house has been broken into, I’m not going to keep important papers out there.’
‘I found a couple of errors, the innocent kind many people make,’ Gail explained. ‘A seller gave Atwood a paid receipt and a copy of a cancelled check for some taxes he paid. It wasn’t the right account number for that property and the cancelled check was for more than the taxes owed on the property, but he didn’t write the account numbers on his check.’
Howard looked at Gail and grinned, ‘And you think Dad paid taxes on the house and ranch with the same check.’
‘Yes, exactly’ Gail told him, ‘See, the county clerk wrote the account numbers on the top of the check. The writing was so sloppy you could hardly tell what it was. But there’s the number eight on the check and the property account number doesn’t include an eight So, I’m thinking if we can find the tax receipts, maybe your dad took them with him, if he paid in person, or if you can find the cancelled checks, I can try to reconstruct every year’s tax payments.’
As they continued down the highway, Gail told Howard about requesting a research of tax charges and payments for the house, and both Howard and Frank’s ranch land. The tax research companies would usually show dates payments were made. It might take a long time, several weeks anyway, for the research company to return the completed report because she was asking for such old information. If Frank could not find the cancelled checks it might get expensive, but old bank records may give them what they need.
‘Sweetheart, can you tell me why you are doing this? I mean, I can see that it might show I didn’t owe those old taxes, which I would personally appreciate. But I don’t think that’s your real reason.’
‘Oh, well, I just want to do it.’
‘Gail …’ Howard’s voice warned, saying he did not believe her statement.
‘Okay, Santos made me mad,’ Gail admitted. ‘He’s a horse’s rear and if I can prove he’s wrong, I’ll know I’m not as messed up as I thought.’
Howard asked, cautiously, not wanting to hurt her. ‘Is this about your letters, and not wanting to destroy them?’
‘Partly, I mean, I read them again and I didn’t like what they said about me. It’s like I was holding this big funnel over my head letting anyone and everyone pour trash on me and I decided to turn the funnel upside down, so not as much would get through.’
‘That’s an unusual way of putting it, but I understand,’ Howard said, as he turned off the truck engine. ‘While you still have some daylight, load things we need to take in the morning. I’m going to check on my cows.’
After her second trip taking things out to the truck, Gail’s cell phone rang. ‘This is Gail.’
‘Gail, its Atwood. Sorry about the late call, but my wife said she would like you to come by tomorrow evening. You probably don’t have a pen and paper right now, so make sure you get the address and other information from Petra in the morning.’ He stopped talking long enough for Gail to say thank you, and then he continued. ‘I noticed your tax research request. I’ve been meaning to tell you, but it seems like all I do is nod at you in passing. Somewhere in all those boxes in my garage are some files, highway department stuff, I think. When we get to them, I’ll let you review them, it might answer some questions from back then. I think some Pleas land was involved in the taking the state did for the highway expansion or it could have been a county road that was made wider. Old age is horrible on memory.’
‘Atwood that would be wonderful, I may not even need the tax research. It will take awhile for them to do it, anyway. But I think I’d like to have it, so which ever one I get first, the other will just help.’
Atwood continued, changing the subject, ‘Gail, I hate to do this on such short notice, but I have a commercial closing at the bank tomorrow and it will take hours. Can you close two residential sales for me?’
‘Yes, sir, as long as I have Petra to help.’
‘Oh yes, she will be there. Thanks, I need to go, Olivia has supper ready.’
‘Okay, I need some personal advice when we get a few minutes, but it can wait. I’m sorry, I’m keeping you from your supper.’
When Howard walked in from checking on his cows, he looked hot and sweaty. Gail told him to take his shower while she got the venison steaks started. Howard teased her about
eating all of his steaks and Gail said she would buy him some beef steaks if he would rather have them. He said, no thanks, venison suited him just fine.
Gail asked questions all through supper. She was encouraging Howard to try to remember everything he could recall his dad telling him about the ranch, and any uncles or aunts who might have inherited from Harold’s grandfather. Then she asked him about the generation before that.
‘I guess what you’re asking about is things like a will and who inherited what part of the ranch. Dad didn’t write a will. I don’t know why. Mom didn’t either. I’m not sure about his dad, I was just a little kid when he died, and dad was their only child. All the rest of the ancestors, I think you call them, I don’t know. Some people pay a lot of attention to that stuff, I just never did. It didn’t ever mean anything to me. So, am I supposed to find out about my family tree now?’
‘You can, but only if you want to know about a family tree. What I’m concerned with is this ranch and the chain of title. That would be the actual legal owners and what they did to the property when they owned it and to whom it was passed by devise and descent.’
‘You want to tell that to me in people speak?’
Gail took a deep breath and began to explain, allowing Howard to ask questions so he could understand. ‘To start with, you need to understand that ownership of land in a state is controlled by the laws of the state where it is located.’ Howard nodded, so she continued. ‘When you borrow money and use the property as security for a debt, you still own it, but the bank has a lien, meaning they have a claim which they can enforce if you don’t pay the debt. That’s what you would call a foreclosure and the bank could sell the property to collect what you did not pay.
‘When you pay off the debt, the lien is released and the bank’s interest goes away. If you don’t pay taxes or home improvement money, it acts the same way as the bank’s lien. The debt and release become documents affecting ownership.
‘Now about your dad who died without a will, I’m sure you already know but I’ll tell you a few things anyway. Because this is a community property state, a wife who already owns half, inherits one half of his interest and their children divide the remaining half. The wife would then own three–fourths and the children combined would own the remaining one–fourth. If one of the children died before the father, their other children inherit. If Marie had had a child, the child would have inherited her share. Because she did not leave a child, the remaining siblings, you and Frank, shared her portion of the estate. That’s the basics of descent. Another document would be created to change ownership from the deceased to the inheritors. That document would be described in the abstract of the land.
‘A devise is a provision in a Last Will, where the writer of the Will gets to say what he wants done with the property. He can leave his property, or a portion of it, to a friend, an acquaintance, a relative, or an orphanage for cats. The Last Will becomes another document showing the property ownership changed hands. That would also add a document described in the abstract on the land.
Howard admitted that he had, like most people, a basic understanding of what she has said. But he still did not understand what she was looking for.
‘Howard, think about a what if, okay? Let’s consider that your dad paid the taxes. Either through error or because someone intentionally changed records, it appears they were never paid. That could have happened to you. You borrowed money from a bank to pay the taxes so the county tax department would not foreclose and sell the property to recover what was owed.’
‘Yes,’ Howard nodded, ‘That is exactly what I did.’
‘Now, what if a Will had been written, but was never used as the instrument that transferred the property. Instead, the descent method was used to pass the property to the wife and/or children.’
Howard looked at Gail and asked, ‘Is that possible?’
‘Sure, it may not be common, but it happens often enough that there is some history of it occurring. The problem occurs when someone doing research disregards, or does not see, an instrument, like something they think is a letter and is really a will. If a handwritten document expresses a person’s desires for the disposition of their property after their death, it’s a Will.’
‘You mean all that stuff dad said about Santos’s dad?’
‘Yes, that’s what your dad always told you, right? He said Santos’s great–grandfather took some land he was not entitled to and your dad could not prove it. He was only telling you what his father had told him, which was what his father had told him. That would have been your great–grandfather, the same generation he meant for Santos.’
Howard nodded, ‘And Dad said he thought Santos knew what that great-grandfather did was not legal. I challenged Santos one time and he laughed, and then said something like, ‘Proof of this, will not be found.’ And because he does not speak English very well, I might have misunderstood what he meant.’
When Howard started to describe another possible scenario, Gail held up her hands. ‘Whoa. Enough, okay? Next lesson is after I can see papers, or copies of papers that I know are actual conveyance documents and look for something that may be missing.’
Atwood was out of the office all of the next day. The closing on the commercial sale was delayed when the farmer selling his property insisted on being allowed to use the land until he could harvest the crop in his field. After the farmer’s lawyer and the purchasing corporation’s lawyers argued back and forth over several conference telephone conversations, Atwood finally took the farmer out into the hall and asked him ‘What is the highest amount you ever received when you sold the crops from that field?’
Atwood went back into the bank’s conference room and told the corporation’s representative to call his office and have that amount sent by wire transfer as fast as they could. When the bank received the money, and the farmer had the check in his hand, he willingly signed every piece of paper put before him.
Gail spent a few precious minutes with Petra, learning a few simple Spanish phrases, so she could at least tell people her name and greet them properly. Petra told her several times not to worry about getting the right tense, just concentrate on the word she needed to use, the rest would become more natural as she learned more.
By the time Atwood was back at the office, Gail was in the closing room with a husband and wife who were purchasing their first home and wanted to read every piece of paper they were signing. It took so long, Petra grew impatient, and Gail was just about as bad. She just barely had time to copy everything, get the buyers out of the office, and drive to Atwood’s home for the first No English Spoken Here meeting, which included a small buffet with each food labeled with the correct Spanish name. Some items around the formal living room and in the entry were also labeled with the proper English word and a corresponding Spanish word. Gail wondered if the labels were always there or merely put out for the special Thursday meetings.
Olivia Atwood was a tiny woman with a huge heart. In her youth, she was certainly one of the beauties of her time. That beauty was still very evident, as was her elegance of movement and speech. Although completely white haired, she must have once been a blonde, she had the fair skin and blue eyes of a blonde. She told Gail that everyone was expected to meet everyone who came to the evening get–togethers, trade names, occupations, employers, and at least one personal detail about themselves.
Gail was handed a small English–Spanish, Spanish–English dictionary, which Olivia had put together, then printed and bound. Its lists of words had simple translations with easy to understand pronuncia
tion guides. It was of immense help during the evenings and for future reference. It was a one–to–a–customer book, already autographed to Gail Fisher with a special message that said a person who spoke two languages was twice as smart as a person who spoke one.
Olivia was the only person to whom Gail could speak English. She offered Gail one simple piece of advice. Just act natural and remember everyone else’s conversation skills are as limited as hers. If the room grew silent, it would not last long. She smiled and said, ‘This is for learning, but you should have a little fun, too. It is easier to laugh and learn than to fear you will not learn. Have fun.’
Some men were in dress suits, several looked like they had played golf all day and a few were in blue jeans, western shirts, and very expensive western boots. Gail immediately marked them as non–western men—the Yankees Atwood spoke of—who would soon give up their boots for sneakers or some other more comfortable footwear.
There were only two other women, both dressed in business suits, conservative heels, and a minimal amount of very expensive jewelry, heavy gold and larger than average colored stones. They looked at Gail’s jeans and sneakers with envy and nodded sagely when she said the business where she worked was under construction.
Several of the business people had Spanish–speaking skills, at least as limited as Gail’s, and she soon discovered she knew more Spanish words than she thought, although what she could say was still very limited, one or two words to get an idea across, but no details. Several times Olivia appeared at her elbow and offered to translate something she wanted to say or something someone wanted to tell her. Gail soon learned to repeat what people said and allow them to help her with pronunciation.
Another woman, younger than Olivia, appeared during the first hour. Gail discovered she was Atwood and Olivia’s daughter–in–law, Clarissa. She helped as her mother–in–law did, but her English was much better than Olivia’s with less of an accent.
Not long after Clarissa appeared, Atwood joined the group and was soon laughing at a joke one of the men tried to tell. He used a word, not the correct one, which made the joke even funnier. Atwood helped the man and sent every man in that corner of the room into peels of laughter. Olivia gave Atwood a very stern look and he blew her a kiss. She turned her back to him, so he couldn’t see her smile and shake her head at how childish men can be, calling them adolescente–almost the same word as it would be in English, just spoken in different syllables and accents.
By the time Gail left, her head was swimming from trying to think in another language and she had a headache–but she felt wonderful. She managed to make herself understood to everyone of the fifteen people in the room, of course with a little help. It would be easier next week and she might eventually be able to carry on a reasonable conversation. Gail almost skipped up the outside stairs to Howard’s room above the garage.
Howard was lying on the bed, watching a small television set on the chest of drawers. He’d already had his shower and wanted to know what she learned. As fast as she could manage, Gail was in and out of the shower and on the bed snuggling next to Howard, then climbing under the covers as the cold air conditioner blew across the bed.
‘Hey, what’s this? Are you trying to hide from me?’
‘No, you’re a polar bear. It must be sixty–five degrees in here, I’m freezing.’
Howard picked up the remote control, turned off the television, and crawled under the covers, pulling them over their heads and Gail into his arms, ‘Come here, you luscious thing, and I’ll warm you up.’
‘Howard,’ Gail asked, ‘did you and Frank go through your dad’s desk?’
Leaning over her, he whispered, ‘Papers later, I need some kissing now.’
‘Howard…,’ Gail said in warning.
‘I’ll be good, Baby. I promise. I know what the doctor said, but I need to hold you and kiss you. It’s all I can do right now.’ Instead of saying anything else, he put his hands on her cheeks to hold her head as he kissed her. It was a slow, lingering kiss, gentle and sweet as his mouth slid across hers and his fingers threaded into her hair holding her still for his kiss. He put his forehead on hers and looked into her eyes.
Note 1: Even though the characters start the story at seventeen, they all turn eighteen over the course of this first chapter. No underage character takes part in any kind of sex scene or situation. It was a special day in the small town of Azure Rocks, at least for its kids and teenagers, for it was the last day of classes before the students got another year behind them and could enjoy their summer. The tension was palpable in the air at Azure Rocks High School; more specifically in the...
Teen‘Howard, maybe I need to go stay with Aunt Jean. It would take a little pressure off both of us.’ ‘Baby, oh my beautiful Baby, don’t think that. I just need to know that I can hold you and I’m okay. I’ve been thinking about this all week and I didn’t know what else to do. Pete told me what happened to those people in the pasture when your cell phone was used to call in the report about the buzzards. It was all I could think about when Santos said if he ever got the chance he’d leave you in the...
It took Gail and Howard less than two hours to load all but the Fletcher’s overnight things. Betsy promised to clean the refrigerator and bathroom before they left. Gail said not to bother, and then started doing those two things for her because she knew the older woman would do them anyway. When they were finally home, Gail fell on the bed, ‘Oh, don’t even ask me to get up for at least an hour.’ ‘Come on, Sweetheart, go take a shower, you’ll feel better and sleep better, too.’ ‘No,’ Gail...
"Howard, maybe I need to go stay with Aunt Jean. It would take a little pressure off both of us." "Baby, oh my beautiful Baby, don't think that. I just need to know that I can hold you and I'm okay. I've been thinking about this all week and I didn't know what else to do. Pete told me what happened to those people in the pasture when your cell phone was used to call in the report about the buzzards. It was all I could think about when Santos said if he ever got the chance he'd leave...
‘Are you Gail E. Fisher? And is this your cellular phone number?’ Pete held out a report showing her cell phone number printed beside her name. Pete Curran was stiff, acting so official that Howard was surprised by his attitude. He appeared formal and in asking questions, had Gail standing stiffly. They were outside Frank and Melanie’s front door. Although invited to come inside, Pete declined and politely asked Frank and Melanie to go inside the house so he could interview Gail alone. When...
‘Santos said his multi–grandfather bought his ranch from my multi–grandfather. But if it happened like Dad said, Santos is full of bluster, trying to keep something that’s not really his.’ ‘Yes, Texas, like most of the other southwest states, is a fee simple state. The owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will.’ ‘Okay Gail, I’m going to think about all of that, while I try to remember everything Dad told me Grandpa said.’ ‘Ah, Howard … did you move … did you do...
This chapter, including the Epilog, is the final submission for this story. I sincerely hope you liked the story. Once again I thank my editor, Erik Thread, for his tireless efforts to help me give you an enjoyable read. ‘All right, gentleman,’ Atwood nodded at Gail and smiled, ‘and lady. Let’s get a little curious. We are going to play a game of ‘What If and If, Then What’ and the more participants we have in the discussion, the better. Atwood put his right hand on the large paper on the...
I apologize, in advance, for taking your reading time, but felt some explanation may help you enjoy this story. It is longer than my usual tale so I’ve broken it into manageable chapters. The work is finished and edited which assures you of a complete story. Although some historical details are accurate, this is a work of fiction. The sex is minimal but essential to understand the evolving story. Additional chapters will appear about every second or third day. Please comment or send feedback...
"What time do you get home?" "Yesterday was early, so today is late. I'll be back, about dark, sometime after eight." "Do you eat supper in town or do you want me to fix something? That's the least I can do. Tell me what you want, it might be the only thing I do all day." "I'll wait until I get home, just surprise me. I'll eat anything that doesn't eat me first." As the sun was setting, Gail mixed crushed, dried garlic with some butter and spread it on the inside of the...
"Santos said his multi—grandfather bought his ranch from my multi—grandfather. But if it happened like Dad said, Santos is full of bluster, trying to keep something that's not really his." "Yes, Texas, like most of the other southwest states, is a fee simple state. The owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will." "Okay Gail, I'm going to think about all of that, while I try to remember everything Dad told me Grandpa said." "Ah, Howard ... did you move...
"Gail, oh Baby, don't do that. God, Baby, I'm trying to behave myself." "Um-m-m," she responded sleepily, "I was dreaming. I could feel your hands." Rolling her over, he was on top of her, resting his hardness against her heat. "See what you do to me." He moved against her. He was hard, so hard he hurt. He started kissing her and increased his exploration of her mouth when she responded, putting her arms around him, rubbing her hands up and down his back, reaching down as far as...
"Are you Gail E. Fisher? And is this your cellular phone number?" Pete held out a report showing her cell phone number printed beside her name. Pete Curran was stiff, acting so official that Howard was surprised by his attitude. He appeared formal and in asking questions, had Gail standing stiffly. They were outside Frank and Melanie's front door. Although invited to come inside, Pete declined and politely asked Frank and Melanie to go inside the house so he could interview Gail alone....
Atwood nodded, "So, tell me your license is current, your surety bond is good, and when you can start. I don't dare let you out that door. Someone else would grab you and I'd never get that office next door opened." "I don't know ... I mean, I'm really on vacation ... this was sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing, I've only had one job in my life. I was just curious to see if I..." Atwood threw his head back and roared with laughter. Gail couldn't help but smile and laugh a...
The special order parts for Howard's truck finally arrived at the auto parts store. He called while Gail was going back to her office and asked if she could stand a night at the ranch so he could get his truck running. "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful" Gail chanted, "I'm lucky I left my suitcases in the truck, but I'm almost out of clean clothes. I'll do laundry while you're working late tomorrow. I'm missing my furniture more, every day, especially my washer and dryer." "Damn,...
Howard was pulling on the handle to the second drawer of his personal file cabinet, when Aunt Jean appeared at side door of her garage. "Honey, Gail called. She sounded a little upset. She wants you to go to Atwood's office. She said you should come by before you go to work, but ... well, she did sound upset about something." "Okay, I'll go on by there now. This is going to be a bigger job than I thought. I might need to box up some of this and take it with me." "Hi Sweetheart, it...
"I have the rest of the week for wearing blue jeans to work. Atwood hasn't decided if we're going to have another week of construction, so I need to go get some clothes out of storage. I don't know how much stuff I have to move out of the way to get to the boxes of clothes." "We can go Sunday, but what about all the rest of it and why make two trips?" "I guess I could rent a storage room here. It's all boxed. But I'd rather sell my furniture. I don't care what I get for it. Then...
It took Gail and Howard less than two hours to load all but the Fletcher's overnight things. Betsy promised to clean the refrigerator and bathroom before they left. Gail said not to bother, and then started doing those two things for her because she knew the older woman would do them anyway. When they were finally home, Gail fell on the bed, "Oh, don't even ask me to get up for at least an hour." "Come on, Sweetheart, go take a shower, you'll feel better and sleep better,...
The receptionist appeared at the door, her telephone headset cord dangling down the front of her dress. "Atwood, the Deputy County Clerk is on line three. Do you want to return..." "I'll take the call in my office, Emily," he replied before she could finish her question. They could hear Atwood speaking as he walked around his desk to sit down, while Petra was wrapping his hamburger, hoping to keep it fresh until he finished his call. "Hot damn," Atwood's voice sounded like an...
"All right, gentleman," Atwood nodded at Gail and smiled, "and lady. Let's get a little curious. We are going to play a game of 'What If and If, Then What' and the more participants we have in the discussion, the better. Atwood put his right hand on the large paper on the right side. "For the remainder of our discussion, we will deal with only this land. The other side is Blaze and I have no information or knowledge of any disputes there. "I believe our main contention is that about...
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THE AZURE LION - BOOK ONE: CLASHING LIONS A metallic blue sports car smoothly cruised through the road outside the small town of Azure Rocks, heading to the area known as Silver Lake, a beautiful lake surrounded by cabins belonging to the wealthiest families in the nearby town. Such was the case of the Ravers family, with Logan and Heather Ravers deciding to invite a bunch of their friends to spend the last week of summer before senior year at their family cabin. The cousins were both eighteen...
TeenAs Tom, Belinda and Jamie came out of the rec-room two children brushed passed them going in. These two children were clearly a brother and a sister and of course they were both naked and seemingly totally at ease with that fact. The girl who had brushed the three would have been about two or three years younger than what Jamie Williams was. This young girl also had two little, and very cute, budding breasts starting to make their presence known on the girl’s chest. There was also a very...
Chapter 17: Battle of the Century "What happened?!" a deep voice thundered through the darkness. Stepping into the light, the man in the black cloak growled as he saw Jinenji's dead corpse lying in a pool of blood. Evan was kneeling beside his fallen ally, who had finally (and very, VERY forcefully) been sent back to hell. "Sir... Jinenji is gone... I couldn't help him..." Evan said, a slight edge to his voice. A pair of serpent-like eyes glowed through the darkness of the...
Fallen Here I was in this dirty dingy bathroom in an equally dirty dingy run down rat trap of a motel fixing my makeup and making sure my lingerie looked good for my "date". I couldn't help but think just how far I had fallen in my life. Only a few months ago, I was a successful attorney in a large law firm getting ready to become a full partner. Then my world came crashing down around me. Back then I liked to stop off on my way home and pick up young, big titted street whores...
Had he ever known his wife? I guess that this is what husbands think when they get in his position. It is probably the hardest question for a man to handle, too. The answer could mock your entire existence. Like ripping a tablecloth from under crystal and china. Leaving a mountain of shattered illusions. You may be amazed that he never saw it coming. Sure, he had seen her growing distant, this last year. But he thought it was the empty nest thing. And he thought she had dived into her job,...
Could you imagine being one of those pathetic cucks that still faps to shitty games that don’t even have HDR? Cringe. If you’re going to jerk your dick to animated waifus getting fucked by monsters, then you should at least go all-in and do it right. I wanted to find the best of the best in terms of hot, monster-filled porn games. I didn’t want any 2D bullshit that looks like it was drawn by a horny high schooler during homeroom. And, well, I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t find the...
Free Sex GamesWhen I was eighteen and in my last year of high school, I was cruising around on a Saturday morning down at the city park. The park makes its way along the river that runs through the center of my home town. Following the river, there=s a drive that continues from one end to the other for about 7 miles. Along the way are several picnic tables, bathrooms, playgrounds, and a golf course. One, kind of deserted area, towards the easternmost end and between the road and the river, city work...
As said, it had been quite a long day in the office. He was organising the band’s upcoming world tour, a major event in promotion of their soon-to-be-released fifth album "13 Uses Of Woman", so there was a lot of organising to do. Whipmaster, who like many commercial acts were major lyrical proponents of the fun of the proper oppression and use of the female sex, most notably in the band’s music for pain, were renowned for their elaborate big-budget stage shows, featuring the prominent use...
The world past is shrouded in a fine mist, obscuring the history and concealing the lies of which it beholds. It was a time of which we chose to forget about, whether it was intentional or a natural as the passing of time that wears away even the mightiest of structures. Many things have been lost, covered with the aging of time, secrets to the world that we can only guess. How had it come that a time of such life and beauty is lost and forgotten to the world, only remembered by those nameless...
Andersonville 4 - Fallen Star by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to the volunteers and workers of AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) and other related, drug rehab programs. Fade in... I couldn't believe I was sitting here. Twelve years ago I was at the top of my game. 'Mack the knife' the fans use to call me. They gave me that name because I would slice through the defense of any team in the NFL. My team, the Cincinnati Bengals, was 14 and 2 going into the playoffs. We...
Chapter 10: The Second Encounter with Evan The five spent the day training, and indeed, by the time the sun set, everyone was immensely tired and ready for sleep. Yawning luxuriously, Althea and Miranda sat in the back of Cal's jeep while they let Jeri sit up front with Cal. "So, whatcha thinking about?" Jeri asked Cal tenderly as he expertly steered the jeep past the large sinkhole in the middle of the dirt road. "You've been awfully quiet, lately... Something on your mind?" Cal...
Fallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...
Phaeka would do anything to save her daughter. That urgent motherly instinct surged in her despite the nightmare unfolding. The petite noblewoman had endured the worst of the rape already – or so she hoped. Now it was just one man fucking her, lying on top of her, pinning her to the patio table. He was a muscular specimen – brutish but not unhandsome. The whipcord muscles in his arms bulged as he tensed his body and kept thrusting. The Prythian noblewoman felt his cock plunge deep inside her...
As I moved from my rack and got showered all I could think of was the beauty and how one kiss had changed me. Brovo knocked and entered my room and informed me that we were on deck at 13:00 hours. I normally, before the Innocent Beauty entered my life would have snapped to, ready to slay the next evil, rise to the challenge of the operation handed to me. But all I could think of was her, I had to call her, to let her know. I knew it was against protocol to even mention being called to action,...
Ich gab meinem Pilgerkostüm den letzten Schliff und betete, dass Mandy am Ende der Nacht eine neue Mutter haben würde. Alle Männer in der Garage sagten dasselbe: „Marcus, du musst dir eine Frau zulegen, Mandy kommt in das Alter, in dem sie eine Frau braucht, die ihr beim erwachsen werden hilft!“ Verdammt, diese Hosen waren ein bisschen zu eng, sie zeigten mein Paket wie eine Fleischwurst! Aber ich wusste, dass sie Recht hatten und ich hatte ein paar Frauen im Sinn, als der Himmel dunkel wurde...
RomanceAuf mehrfachen Wunsch unsere Leser poste ich hier nun doch das letzte Kapitel:Kapitel XV Erstens kommt es anders ... Nach jenem entscheidenden Sonntag war Bruno mehr oder weniger ständig mit Tina zusammen. Er ging bei Willi und Traudel ein und aus. Jürgen hatte inzwischen erfahren, dass seine Schwester Tina schwanger war und dass Bruno die Verantwortung für ihren Zustand übernommen hatte und gewillt war, Tina zu heiraten. Aber er hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen, indem er sehr stark vermutete,...
A sharp, white light burning into the core of my brain, scalding all trace of their existence... their very presence, as if to say "It never happened. We were never here." As if I could just forget the past few days and not wonder why. And yet even now I can feel my memory fading. The thoughts stripped from my brain, like weeds in a gardener's dirt crusted hand. Then the white light takes a shape... a shape that I now understand, but doubt I will until the next Halloween. When it will all...
It felt like I had jumped three feet in the air at the sound of Cynthia's voice as she walked up behind us. And unlike us ... she at least had a robe on, though I doubted she wore anything beneath it. "Seriously," she said taking a seat at the table. "I could use one ... and a drink," she added. "Bring the Scotch back with you when you come, and a couple of glasses." "Three ... glasses," Joy said jumping in. I turned heading back up the stairs and inside the house heading for...
Neral sat in her study to the left of the cracking fire, light reflecting not only in her brown eyes, but from the dagger before her. Usually sheathed to her hip, she let the light dance as she contemplated what to do with it. ‘If it is him, I can’t kill him. I want to. Under other circumstances I could, but not like this.’ ‘You have more than enough evidence, my love,’ Bryana answered, her disdain for the people they were discussing crystal clear. ‘Evidence that I can’t use publicly,’ she...
About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...
An angel once fell from heaven: too curious about the world below her. Craving desperately to find a love that she had only dreamed and heard stories of before. A love that stands the test of time, and could overcome despair, destruction, sadness, and all the things the world would throw at her. To her a love like this was worth more than any love found amongst the perfect realms of the heavens. She longed to feel, to experience everything she had never felt before. She hungered to feel pain...
Fallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) ‘Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering,’ my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. ‘What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?’ Her voice filled with loving concern. ‘The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul.’ I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. ‘I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my...
Thousands of years ago, on the small continent of Rexral, a group of twelve mages landed on the shores of the island. The small empire at the time, Raxus, invited the mages into their court and heard their story of escape from a far off land that feared magic and executed any that weld such a power. Raxus, being a much more tolerant people assured these surviving mages that they would never have to fear such actions here and welcomed them to settle into one of the five holds. The mages...
FantasyFallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) "Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering," my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. "What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?" Her voice filled with loving concern. "The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul." I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. "I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my heart...
Love StoriesThe idea of slutty supposedly "good girls" always gets my cock up. Julie is one of these women. She is married to my preacher. Looking at her the other day... well. Let's just say I was inspired.This is not her, but it sure looks a lot like her... Hope you enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I took off Monday to drive my wife to the airport. She and a group from church were flying down to Haiti to spend 10 days down there doing things like helping build some new...
It snowed last night. Just a couple inches but it was really beautiful. I’ve always loved snow. I’ve always had a fantasy of sex in the snow. I was outside this morning taking in the sight. It wasn’t too cold, about 33* The snow was still falling pretty hard, very thick flakes. Then my imagination kicked in. You were standing there with me. You were wearing sweat pants and a cute winter jacket. I couldn’t believe I was seeing you there. You smiled, walked toward me and then, with out...
Chapter 3: At the Market Place Althea woke up two hours later. Cal was up and about, going through his daily regimen of training in his fighting style of Ninjutsu. Doing an aerial drop-heel that shook the floor itself when his heel connected with the carpet, he looked over at Althea and smiled. "How are you?" he asked in a caring and gentle tone of voice. The digital clock on his dresser read: 1:13 PM. Sweating slightly and still naked, Cal came to sit down next to her to see how she...
Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...
Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...
Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?! The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click 'shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced...
Chapter 14: The Road through Darkness Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips. "It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up...
I m completed my studies from chennai now searching job here recently shifted to tambaram few month back my owner owned two rent house where I and my friend was staying next to us a family was staying contain mom dad and daughter of 5 the first day when I saw my neighbor aunt she just gave hard really hard on Let me give her description 38 30 36 she was 32 with mast figure from day I just talk politely to her I didn’t shown any of my intention her husband always in company tours so she was...