Gathering Fallen Rocks Ch 02
- 4 years ago
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"Santos said his multi—grandfather bought his ranch from my multi—grandfather. But if it happened like Dad said, Santos is full of bluster, trying to keep something that's not really his."
"Yes, Texas, like most of the other southwest states, is a fee simple state. The owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will."
"Okay Gail, I'm going to think about all of that, while I try to remember everything Dad told me Grandpa said."
"Ah, Howard ... did you move ... did you do something with my letters? I left them here in the bottom of my food box."
"No, I gave you the ones I read, the one to your mother and the other one, to your ex—husband. I didn't look at any of the others and I didn't pay much attention to where you put them. Are you sure they were in the food box?"
"Yes, I only had them in my handbag or the tray between the seats of my truck. When I brought them into the house, I put them in the pocket on the outside of my handbag, here in the food box."
"And we didn't grab your handbag when we left, did we?"
"No, leaving was a much bigger priority than anything else."
"You don't think ... no, Santos wouldn't ... but maybe someone else might. Look, tomorrow we can drive down to Santos's ranch and ask him if anyone went through your purse. Can you tell if anything else is missing?"
"I don't think so. I never have carried a large handbag, just my wallet, keys, a lipstick and my checkbook, and all of it's still there. Oh wait, yeah, I had a business card case, darn it's gone, too. Good grief, who would want a cheap thing like that? It's just plastic and holds maybe ten or fifteen cards."
"Gail, go lie down for a while, you've been on your feet for a lot more than you're supposed to be. The ten days aren't up yet."
"Doctor Jackson didn't say anything about..."
"Oh yes he did, remember? He asked if you were staying off you feet as much as you can for the first ten days, didn't he?"
"Well, yes he did, I forgot about that. Okay, but I'll fix supper."
"And you're still complaining about my cooking, huh?"
"No, not a complaint, I just want to do my share as long as I'm here."
Howard watched Gail sit down on the side of the bed, and then she jumped up and ran to the food box. "What are you doing? Bed time, remember?"
"My cell phone, I just remembered, it was in my handbag, too. It's gone. Oh hell, it has all my phone book in it. Oh lord, now what. Whoever took it has had it all week."
"Gail, I don't know if it will do any good, but I can take you back to town and you can call your cell phone company and report it as a theft. Is that going to keep you being charged if any calls were made on the phone during the week?"
"Howard, I have no idea. I'm on a plan and have hundreds and hundreds of minutes rolled over every month. Who ever has it probably can't use it anyway. When I was driving down here, the battery was already showing I needed to charge it."
Howard walked over to Gail, took her by the arm, and pulled gently, "Come on, Sweetheart, bed, remember? It's your doctor's orders."
Gail turned and looked at Howard. "I need to get out of your life, Howard. I can't stay here with you. I need to leave."
Howard put one hand on her cheek and said, "I don't want you to leave."
Gail looked up into his eyes, "You can't possibly want me around to complicate your life."
"I'm not sure what I want. I just know I don't want you to leave." Slowly, giving her a chance to turn her head or back away from him, he leaned forward and kissed her gently.
Gail closed her eyes, feeling him put his arms around her, pulling her closer, and putting her head on his shoulder. It was a natural reaction for her to put her arms around him, holding him as easily as he held her.
"I don't have a very good history with guys, Howard. My life is a mess. I don't want to mess up your life, too."
"Sweetheart, I'm not a guy, I'm a man. Your life is not a mess. You've left the mess behind. We can worry about my life later." He removed his arms from around her and stepped back, took her hand, and led her to the bed. "Now, come on, bed, doctor's orders."
When she sat on the bed, to remove her shoes, she looked up at Howard, "You can't save me as a substitute for Marie."
"No, and I wouldn't try. Marie didn't give me a chance to help her. I just hope you will."
An hour later, but what seemed only a moment to Gail, when she opened her eyes, Howard was sitting on the side of the bed, looking at her. "Do you know," he asked, "you smile in your sleep?"
"No, I don't think I've ever had anyone sit and watch me sleep, before."
"No, probably not, I came to wake you up for supper, so you wouldn't sleep too long. I saw you smiling and I wanted to watch. You're a beautiful woman."
"Not that beautiful, I'm sure. You don't see a string of men trailing behind me."
"Nope, there are no other men." Hesitatingly, he said, "I haven't had ... I don't look for ... There aren't any..." Howard paused for a moment and took a deep breath, "I'm sort of bungling this aren't I? I think I'm just trying to say that I'm attracted to you. I'm not accustomed to having a woman in my bed. I'm not a monk, not by any means, but I don't bring women here. This house is special to me. I'm very glad you are here." He paused for a moment and watched the blush creep up her neck and fill her cheeks with color.
He put a finger across her lips and said, "Sh-h-h, I'm not going to ... I'm not the kind of man who would force a woman, or anything like that. I just wanted you to know, I want you here."
Gail rolled over, her shoulders began to shake, and Howard was pulling her into his arms. "Please, Sweetheart, don't cry. God, it hurts me when you cry like that. I know it's hard. I know you lost something ... something you wanted. I can't get that back for you, but I can take care of you if you'll let me."
Through her sobs and hiccups, Gail said, "It's not ... It isn't about, not about the baby ... I know Dad would ... he would tell me to get an ... I never had anyone ... not anyone who ever ... cared enough."
Howard put her back on the bed and brushed her hair out of her face. She put both hands up to cover her face and he pulled her hands away. "Don't hide from me, please. Talk to me, yell at me, scream, throw things, have a temper tantrum, I don't care. Just don't hide from me."
"I don't ... I'm not temperamental ... I don't throw tantrums."
"Well, maybe you need to. Take a picture of that useless "guy" who abused you last, and use him as a target. When that's out of your system, start on the one before him."
"Is that what you do? You, Frank, and the others, when you holler, throw beer cans and shoot guns?"
"It could be." He stood and offered his hand, "Come on, Sweetheart. Let's eat supper and try to figure out a way to keep any more rocks from falling."
"Golly, that was good," Gail complimented Howard's cooking as she pushed herself back from the table. "I'm never going to make enchiladas with plain hamburger meat again. I might have trouble finding venison at the meat market, but I'm going to ask."
"Then, if you are so appreciative, you can wash dishes and I'll get the pillows and blankets."
Standing with the empty plates in her hands, Gail looked at Howard and asked, "Pillows and blankets?"
"Yeah, I need to count my stars. I think I noticed one missing the last time I counted, so I figured it was about time to do it again."
Gail laughed, "You are crazy. You aren't really going to try to count the stars?" She stopped laughing and changed her tone, "Are you?"
Howard grinned, "Sure, I don't have television; radio stations play mostly music I can't dance to, or it's some evangelist telling me I'm a sinner. I already know that. So, since there's not a whole lot to do after dark, I figured I'd try to count the stars, again."
"Alright, I'll hurry with the dishes and as soon as you get the blanket spread out, come get me and I'll help you count your stars."
When Gail got outside, she asked, "Hey, this is not just a blanket, is it?"
"No, it's an old cowboy camp bed," Howard told her. "I made it while you were taking a nap. See, it's an old blanket, folded in half. You sew the bottom and sides together and fill it with moss, grass, and leaves. You have to be careful and not get any sticks in with the grass. It can get sort of painful, trying to sleep on a stick or a rock after a few hours."
After they were comfortable, lying on the stuffed blanket with pillows under their heads, Gail said, "This cowboy bed isn't very big, is it?"
"No-o-o," Howard drawled, "Cowboys didn't take women on a trail drive." He was lying on his side, his elbow dug into the blanket and his head propped on his hand. He was looking at Gail.
She turned her head to the side to look at him and reminded him, "You're not counting stars, Howard."
"No, I'm not. I'm thinking about kissing you."
Gail started to move away from him, but he put an arm across her to hold her still. "Howard, that's probably not a very good idea."
"I don't know, I sort of like it, myself." He leaned over and gently kissed her. "In fact, I was thinking, I've already done that a time or two and I sort of like it."
Gail said nothing, just looked up at him, waiting to see what he would do or say next.
Howard was confused. He was a mature thirty-two year old man who had enough experience with women to know when one was flirting with him and when one didn't need much attention before being ready to share his bed. He'd been receiving mixed messages from Gail. She seemed shy, inexperienced, she blushed when he smiled at her. Yet she had a woman's confidence in the way she talked to him. From the little she had said about her ex-husband and the former boyfriend, Howard felt she was almost virginal, requiring he show some patience to this very young twenty-three year old woman.
Howard lowered his head and kissed her again, just a little longer than before. Then he said, "But it seems to me that you never kiss me back, and I was wondering why that is. I figure, that if you really don't like me, you would have already left."
He moved a little closer and kissed her again, just a little longer, slowly moving his lips from one side of her mouth to the other, before lifting his head. "Then I thought that you might be afraid of me, like maybe you thought I would do something to hurt you, or take advantage of you. But I don't think that's it, either."
This time he began to kiss her, raising his head long enough to say, "Then I decided that you are afraid of yourself, like you are afraid to kiss me back, because you want to and you don't trust yourself." He threw his leg across her and kissed her some more, moving down to place a few kisses under her chin and down her throat. He raised his head to look at her, "So, I decided I would promise you that I'm not going to do anything but kiss you. That might make you feel safe enough to kiss me back. You think you can do that, huh?"
Gail lifted her head and gave him a slow tender kiss, parting her lips slightly. She rested the tip of her tongue inside her lower lip and relaxed her tongue as she pushed the middle of her tongue against his lips, and then made several gentle sucking motions with her cheeks. She put her head back on the pillow. "You mean like that?"
"Oh, God yes, just like that." Now the message going to Howard's brain was that Gail was much more experienced than he had thought. A woman who could kiss like that made his toes curl and his cock hard. Then he was devouring her lips, moving over her face to kiss her eyes, her temples, down to the soft tender place under her ear, down her neck, and then back to her mouth, his promise to go no farther than a kiss forgotten.
He rolled over, pulling her on top of him and didn't stop until both of them were panting. Gail was disoriented, astonished at her participation in the few moments of meeting his probing tongue with her own.
"My lord, woman, where did you learn to kiss like that?"
Half on the camp bed and half on Howard, with his arms around her, Gail braced her arms and lifted her shoulders. Her first words were stammered trying to cover her embarrassment, "I didn't ... it wasn't ... I just tried to..." She stopped for a moment for her head to clear so she could explain.
Gail did not resist Howard's hand at the back of her head, encouraging her to relax against his shoulder. His other hand moved slowly up and down her back, soothing her, as he enjoyed simply holding her in his arms.
"You see, Carol Ann had this advertisement. She's my friend. Well, she used to be my friend. Anyway, this advertisement was about how to drive a man wild, I think it was seven steps or something like that. Maybe it was seven minutes. It was for a CD or VCR tape and Carol Ann checked the wrong box. She wanted the CD so she could play it on her computer, like before she had a date, well, that's another story. She ordered the VCR tape by mistake and came pounding on my door one evening, all in a rush. She had a date and no VCR and I did. We watched the tape and she was in such a hurry when she left she didn't take the tape out of the VCR. Well, I didn't understand some of what the tape was all about, so I watched it a second time."
Gail was so involved in explaining how she learned to kiss she didn't realize her hand was doing much the same as his was. Her palm smoothed his shirt over the flexing muscles beneath her hand. Her fingers traced down the midline of his chest, as if she were counting the buttons on his shirt, unaware his stomach clenched when she reached his belt buckle.
"And," Howard encouraged, shaking his head in puzzlement, "this tape was about how to kiss a man?"
"Yes, and a bunch of other stuff, but I'd already told Gary to leave ... actually what I told him was to get out of my life, and that he should turn around and run if he ever saw me coming his way. So I never tried anything on the tape. I just forgot all about it, until you asked me, just now. That was what the guy on the tape said. "Where did you learn to kiss like that?" I guess I just sort of had it in my head. I wasn't really trying, honest. I kissed you because I wanted to, I liked it, you kissed me back, not like you were going to, kiss-kiss, bang-bang, bye-bye, at least that's what Carol Ann calls it."
"This Carol Ann friend of yours, she's not very complimentary of men—or hasn't met many good ones."
"No, she's not a friend any more. That's the other story, that's why I ... why I didn't let Gary ... oh, never mind, it was just another mess I made for myself."
Slowly rolling Gail over, Howard put his head down beside hers and chuckled. He'd meant to go slow and she'd responded, testing her untried skills, alluring him into kissing her, showing how much he desired her. Then he began to laugh and was soon laughing so hard he had to sit up.
‘Howard, maybe I need to go stay with Aunt Jean. It would take a little pressure off both of us.’ ‘Baby, oh my beautiful Baby, don’t think that. I just need to know that I can hold you and I’m okay. I’ve been thinking about this all week and I didn’t know what else to do. Pete told me what happened to those people in the pasture when your cell phone was used to call in the report about the buzzards. It was all I could think about when Santos said if he ever got the chance he’d leave you in the...
It took Gail and Howard less than two hours to load all but the Fletcher’s overnight things. Betsy promised to clean the refrigerator and bathroom before they left. Gail said not to bother, and then started doing those two things for her because she knew the older woman would do them anyway. When they were finally home, Gail fell on the bed, ‘Oh, don’t even ask me to get up for at least an hour.’ ‘Come on, Sweetheart, go take a shower, you’ll feel better and sleep better, too.’ ‘No,’ Gail...
"Howard, maybe I need to go stay with Aunt Jean. It would take a little pressure off both of us." "Baby, oh my beautiful Baby, don't think that. I just need to know that I can hold you and I'm okay. I've been thinking about this all week and I didn't know what else to do. Pete told me what happened to those people in the pasture when your cell phone was used to call in the report about the buzzards. It was all I could think about when Santos said if he ever got the chance he'd leave...
‘Are you Gail E. Fisher? And is this your cellular phone number?’ Pete held out a report showing her cell phone number printed beside her name. Pete Curran was stiff, acting so official that Howard was surprised by his attitude. He appeared formal and in asking questions, had Gail standing stiffly. They were outside Frank and Melanie’s front door. Although invited to come inside, Pete declined and politely asked Frank and Melanie to go inside the house so he could interview Gail alone. When...
The special order parts for Howard’s truck finally arrived at the auto parts store. He called while Gail was going back to her office and asked if she could stand a night at the ranch so he could get his truck running. ‘Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful’ Gail chanted, ‘I’m lucky I left my suitcases in the truck, but I’m almost out of clean clothes. I’ll do laundry while you’re working late tomorrow. I’m missing my furniture more, every day, especially my washer and dryer.’ ‘Damn, you should...
‘Santos said his multi–grandfather bought his ranch from my multi–grandfather. But if it happened like Dad said, Santos is full of bluster, trying to keep something that’s not really his.’ ‘Yes, Texas, like most of the other southwest states, is a fee simple state. The owner has the right to control, use, and transfer the property at will.’ ‘Okay Gail, I’m going to think about all of that, while I try to remember everything Dad told me Grandpa said.’ ‘Ah, Howard … did you move … did you do...
This chapter, including the Epilog, is the final submission for this story. I sincerely hope you liked the story. Once again I thank my editor, Erik Thread, for his tireless efforts to help me give you an enjoyable read. ‘All right, gentleman,’ Atwood nodded at Gail and smiled, ‘and lady. Let’s get a little curious. We are going to play a game of ‘What If and If, Then What’ and the more participants we have in the discussion, the better. Atwood put his right hand on the large paper on the...
I apologize, in advance, for taking your reading time, but felt some explanation may help you enjoy this story. It is longer than my usual tale so I’ve broken it into manageable chapters. The work is finished and edited which assures you of a complete story. Although some historical details are accurate, this is a work of fiction. The sex is minimal but essential to understand the evolving story. Additional chapters will appear about every second or third day. Please comment or send feedback...
"What time do you get home?" "Yesterday was early, so today is late. I'll be back, about dark, sometime after eight." "Do you eat supper in town or do you want me to fix something? That's the least I can do. Tell me what you want, it might be the only thing I do all day." "I'll wait until I get home, just surprise me. I'll eat anything that doesn't eat me first." As the sun was setting, Gail mixed crushed, dried garlic with some butter and spread it on the inside of the...
"Gail, oh Baby, don't do that. God, Baby, I'm trying to behave myself." "Um-m-m," she responded sleepily, "I was dreaming. I could feel your hands." Rolling her over, he was on top of her, resting his hardness against her heat. "See what you do to me." He moved against her. He was hard, so hard he hurt. He started kissing her and increased his exploration of her mouth when she responded, putting her arms around him, rubbing her hands up and down his back, reaching down as far as...
"Are you Gail E. Fisher? And is this your cellular phone number?" Pete held out a report showing her cell phone number printed beside her name. Pete Curran was stiff, acting so official that Howard was surprised by his attitude. He appeared formal and in asking questions, had Gail standing stiffly. They were outside Frank and Melanie's front door. Although invited to come inside, Pete declined and politely asked Frank and Melanie to go inside the house so he could interview Gail alone....
Atwood nodded, "So, tell me your license is current, your surety bond is good, and when you can start. I don't dare let you out that door. Someone else would grab you and I'd never get that office next door opened." "I don't know ... I mean, I'm really on vacation ... this was sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing, I've only had one job in my life. I was just curious to see if I..." Atwood threw his head back and roared with laughter. Gail couldn't help but smile and laugh a...
The special order parts for Howard's truck finally arrived at the auto parts store. He called while Gail was going back to her office and asked if she could stand a night at the ranch so he could get his truck running. "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful" Gail chanted, "I'm lucky I left my suitcases in the truck, but I'm almost out of clean clothes. I'll do laundry while you're working late tomorrow. I'm missing my furniture more, every day, especially my washer and dryer." "Damn,...
Howard was pulling on the handle to the second drawer of his personal file cabinet, when Aunt Jean appeared at side door of her garage. "Honey, Gail called. She sounded a little upset. She wants you to go to Atwood's office. She said you should come by before you go to work, but ... well, she did sound upset about something." "Okay, I'll go on by there now. This is going to be a bigger job than I thought. I might need to box up some of this and take it with me." "Hi Sweetheart, it...
"I have the rest of the week for wearing blue jeans to work. Atwood hasn't decided if we're going to have another week of construction, so I need to go get some clothes out of storage. I don't know how much stuff I have to move out of the way to get to the boxes of clothes." "We can go Sunday, but what about all the rest of it and why make two trips?" "I guess I could rent a storage room here. It's all boxed. But I'd rather sell my furniture. I don't care what I get for it. Then...
It took Gail and Howard less than two hours to load all but the Fletcher's overnight things. Betsy promised to clean the refrigerator and bathroom before they left. Gail said not to bother, and then started doing those two things for her because she knew the older woman would do them anyway. When they were finally home, Gail fell on the bed, "Oh, don't even ask me to get up for at least an hour." "Come on, Sweetheart, go take a shower, you'll feel better and sleep better,...
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"All right, gentleman," Atwood nodded at Gail and smiled, "and lady. Let's get a little curious. We are going to play a game of 'What If and If, Then What' and the more participants we have in the discussion, the better. Atwood put his right hand on the large paper on the right side. "For the remainder of our discussion, we will deal with only this land. The other side is Blaze and I have no information or knowledge of any disputes there. "I believe our main contention is that about...
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Ich gab meinem Pilgerkostüm den letzten Schliff und betete, dass Mandy am Ende der Nacht eine neue Mutter haben würde. Alle Männer in der Garage sagten dasselbe: „Marcus, du musst dir eine Frau zulegen, Mandy kommt in das Alter, in dem sie eine Frau braucht, die ihr beim erwachsen werden hilft!“ Verdammt, diese Hosen waren ein bisschen zu eng, sie zeigten mein Paket wie eine Fleischwurst! Aber ich wusste, dass sie Recht hatten und ich hatte ein paar Frauen im Sinn, als der Himmel dunkel wurde...
RomanceAuf mehrfachen Wunsch unsere Leser poste ich hier nun doch das letzte Kapitel:Kapitel XV Erstens kommt es anders ... Nach jenem entscheidenden Sonntag war Bruno mehr oder weniger ständig mit Tina zusammen. Er ging bei Willi und Traudel ein und aus. Jürgen hatte inzwischen erfahren, dass seine Schwester Tina schwanger war und dass Bruno die Verantwortung für ihren Zustand übernommen hatte und gewillt war, Tina zu heiraten. Aber er hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen, indem er sehr stark vermutete,...
A sharp, white light burning into the core of my brain, scalding all trace of their existence... their very presence, as if to say "It never happened. We were never here." As if I could just forget the past few days and not wonder why. And yet even now I can feel my memory fading. The thoughts stripped from my brain, like weeds in a gardener's dirt crusted hand. Then the white light takes a shape... a shape that I now understand, but doubt I will until the next Halloween. When it will all...
It felt like I had jumped three feet in the air at the sound of Cynthia's voice as she walked up behind us. And unlike us ... she at least had a robe on, though I doubted she wore anything beneath it. "Seriously," she said taking a seat at the table. "I could use one ... and a drink," she added. "Bring the Scotch back with you when you come, and a couple of glasses." "Three ... glasses," Joy said jumping in. I turned heading back up the stairs and inside the house heading for...
Neral sat in her study to the left of the cracking fire, light reflecting not only in her brown eyes, but from the dagger before her. Usually sheathed to her hip, she let the light dance as she contemplated what to do with it. ‘If it is him, I can’t kill him. I want to. Under other circumstances I could, but not like this.’ ‘You have more than enough evidence, my love,’ Bryana answered, her disdain for the people they were discussing crystal clear. ‘Evidence that I can’t use publicly,’ she...
About two years ago, I and a business partner of mine, a tall and leggy woman named Jenna, opened up a re-sale clothing store called Fallen Fruit. We don’t run it for the money, because we don’t actually clear any great profit off the place even though it’s become quite popular with the local youth. And we’re not terribly interested in the merchandise we sell. We just put on the floor whatever our supplier brings us each week, at as low a cost as we think will keep the hipster crowd...
An angel once fell from heaven: too curious about the world below her. Craving desperately to find a love that she had only dreamed and heard stories of before. A love that stands the test of time, and could overcome despair, destruction, sadness, and all the things the world would throw at her. To her a love like this was worth more than any love found amongst the perfect realms of the heavens. She longed to feel, to experience everything she had never felt before. She hungered to feel pain...
Fallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) ‘Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering,’ my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. ‘What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?’ Her voice filled with loving concern. ‘The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul.’ I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. ‘I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my...
Thousands of years ago, on the small continent of Rexral, a group of twelve mages landed on the shores of the island. The small empire at the time, Raxus, invited the mages into their court and heard their story of escape from a far off land that feared magic and executed any that weld such a power. Raxus, being a much more tolerant people assured these surviving mages that they would never have to fear such actions here and welcomed them to settle into one of the five holds. The mages...
FantasyFallen Angel Part Two ( A Lovers Conversation) "Sir, you are cold, wet and shivering," my pet gasps. Her soft cheek pressed lovingly into my chest, she tightens her arms around me. "What horrible dream could inflict such cruelty?" Her voice filled with loving concern. "The most terrible of dreams, my pet. A dream so cruel, I want it erased from mind and soul." I do not hide from my pet how shaken the dream has left me. "I dreamed I knew not where you were. The emptiness that filled my heart...
Love StoriesThe idea of slutty supposedly "good girls" always gets my cock up. Julie is one of these women. She is married to my preacher. Looking at her the other day... well. Let's just say I was inspired.This is not her, but it sure looks a lot like her... Hope you enjoy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I took off Monday to drive my wife to the airport. She and a group from church were flying down to Haiti to spend 10 days down there doing things like helping build some new...
It snowed last night. Just a couple inches but it was really beautiful. I’ve always loved snow. I’ve always had a fantasy of sex in the snow. I was outside this morning taking in the sight. It wasn’t too cold, about 33* The snow was still falling pretty hard, very thick flakes. Then my imagination kicked in. You were standing there with me. You were wearing sweat pants and a cute winter jacket. I couldn’t believe I was seeing you there. You smiled, walked toward me and then, with out...
Chapter 3: At the Market Place Althea woke up two hours later. Cal was up and about, going through his daily regimen of training in his fighting style of Ninjutsu. Doing an aerial drop-heel that shook the floor itself when his heel connected with the carpet, he looked over at Althea and smiled. "How are you?" he asked in a caring and gentle tone of voice. The digital clock on his dresser read: 1:13 PM. Sweating slightly and still naked, Cal came to sit down next to her to see how she...
Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...
Chapter 8: Vincent Fenway, the Amorous Demon Slayer The two sat on Cal's bed five minutes later, each very naked. Cal wrapped his arms around Althea as both leaned against the wall for support, the gentle light from his bedside lamp illuminating the room nicely. Althea massaged Cal's right thigh gently, luxuriating in the feeling of Cal's love pulsating through her. "Tell me about the war on the Astral Plane, Calvin of the Divine Soldiers..." she whispered lovingly to him as his...
Chapter 13: Another Demon Slayer?! The end bell rang. "Whew! Glad today's over!" Cal said as he shut off his computer. Althea looked up at him with a helpless look, and Cal sat down beside her. "Okay, to turn off the computer, love," he began, whispering, "first you need to hit that button on the bottom left corner of the screen with the mouse." She did. "Now then, what you gotta do is, click 'shut down', and the computer will do the rest." She did and sighed in relief. Advanced...
Chapter 14: The Road through Darkness Lightning flashed, illuminating the darkened room. Opening one bleary eye, Cal looked over and saw Tawny looking at him lovingly, her arm around his stomach. Althea was still asleep. "How'd you sleep, love?" Cal whispered as he slowly sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. Tawny moaned and sat up, kissing Cal on the lips. "It was great!" she whispered eagerly, shivering from the chill bedroom air. Seeing the shudder, Cal pulled his blanket up...
I m completed my studies from chennai now searching job here recently shifted to tambaram few month back my owner owned two rent house where I and my friend was staying next to us a family was staying contain mom dad and daughter of 5 the first day when I saw my neighbor aunt she just gave hard really hard on Let me give her description 38 30 36 she was 32 with mast figure from day I just talk politely to her I didn’t shown any of my intention her husband always in company tours so she was...
Hello! This is Love. I’m here to narrate my story which is my real experience. It happened a month back, which was unexpected. I never thought I would have that moment like that. Telling about myself:- looking: average, age: 24, height: 5’4”. And Her:- fair complexion, 5’ height, age 21, and … … she was beautiful. I know my narration sucks. But I just wanted to share my story with you. Hope you would like it. Please excuse my mistakes. This all happened out of a marriage ceremony, of a brother...
A JJ Submission: A Fallen Angel A big, hi to all of you. JJ back with hot story this weekend 5.00 am 9th October 2009 the rain devastated AP resulting in a cool pleasant morning here in Chennnai. Teacher’s colony in Adyar witness the news paper boy and the milkman crisscrossing the road delivering their duties, Dev apartments security guard fell prey to sleep sitting in his chair. The partly commercial building was still in eerie darkness & silent except for the occasional sound of traffic in...
Prologue?This tribunal find the defendant Alice the Goddess of true love guilty of having emotional attachments to the human being Duncan from the village of Nashim and sentence her to be the property of Devlin god of carnal love. Her terms of service are to be determined by her new owner.?The words rang through Alice’s head as she shook her head in disbelief. This could not be happening! She looked at Devlin. He held a smug expression on his face as he smiled at her, his eyes slowly moving up...
You watch me die in my fit of rage Note: This started out, not as my best erotica story to date, but as a blog. It all started with the sentence, ?You watch me corrode like a beast in repose,? (a line in one of MCR?s songs, the Sharpest Lives) and has evolved into this. I worked hard, and have strived to complete it. I think you all will enjoy this. -----------------------------------You watch me die in my fit of rage. You watch my eyes look to the skies. You watch me die, amongst the...
Phaeka watched as the two men circled warily, each clenching their knife. The gladiator named Wulfkar and the unnamed Xokothi slave were locked in a deadly dance. The wife and mother only hoped that the two men could provide a distraction long enough for her to free her husband, find her daughter, and get her family far away from here. The town of Bheketha had fallen, and everywhere the sounds of raping, pillaging, and the ransacking of once dignified family villas echoed in the distance. She...
The homes of the privileged Imperium – villas mostly – lined a cobblestone street in Bheketha, a town recently conquered by an angry army of gladiators and slaves risen in revolt. Now Shinatri Zaeda, of the proud, mercantilist Zaeda family, had become just another casualty of today’s destruction. The town had held out for as long as possible; Shinatri’s own father had been manning the walls, defending his family and many others with his life. But the town had fallen. The rebels had overrun it...
FALLEN ANGEL 1. Aunt Julene woke me up at 6:31 on the dot, sweeping lightly into the bedroom with a breakfast tray between her hands. This was nothing unusual in itself, I'd been subjected to these dawnlight raids for the past couple of couple of years. Her voice sliced through the air like a keen-edged blade. "Rise and shine, sleepy-head," she chimed in bright, tinkling tones that never failed to set my teeth on edge, "Your appointment's at nine, and we can't lie around all...