Vengeance 1 free porn video

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Ellie came to quickest, her first instinct being to sit up, which she did, and quickly took notice of her predicament. Not only were her wrists bound, but her elbows were cinched together too. She was topless, but sill had on her white cotton panties. Ellie was about 5’6’’ tall, with a medium to large C-cup bust. Of Greek decent, she was olive skinned, and has shoulder length curly dark brown hair, and large brown eyes. Full of shit, I thought. Her stomach and legs were fat, but not in a bad way, in that way that somehow makes a girl sexier. I used to enjoy walking behind her in the halls of high school, just watching how her ass filled out skin-tight jeans. She also had luscious, absolutely incredible full lips, that I remembered staring at many, many times. The only thing she didn’t have going for her, was that she hadn’t fully shaved her pussy. She had trimmed down to a medium sized rectangle around her slit, but even a small amount of pubic hair turned me off.

Ramona was only a few minutes behind Ellie, coming back to consciousness. She too was topless, though she was wearing a seductive red thong on the bottom. Her body type was far different than that of Ellie. She looked like she was German, long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, wide, often malicious smile. She was tall pretty close to my own height of 5’10.’’ Her breasts had finally reached an A-cup, something she must have been happy about because the guys used to joke that their boobs were bigger than hers. Her stomach was toned through a lot of working out, a lot of high school sports, and the desire to look better, to be better than anyone around her. Her biggest asset was her long slender legs, culminating in one of the tightest asses you’ll ever see, and a completely bald, miniscule pussy.

Ramona looked around and, sitting about ten feet across from her, found Ellie. Their eyes met, and they studied the others situation, and the others body before looking away embarrassed. I was sitting in a darkened corner. They probably could have seen me if they really looked. We were in the empty garage of Ellie’s house.

You see, Ellie and Ramona had been friends and part of the same social clique throughout all of high school. I had been wanting to get into that clique ever since tenth grade, and had finally, the past year given up and accepted my status as a nobody. You see, I had always had a huge crush on Ellie, and she kind of led me on for a while, before eventually letting me down, snotty bitch that she was. As for Ramona? Well, I never liked her. I was friends with one or two of the guys in that clique, and every so often, she would walk right into the middle of us like it was a game of Red Rover, start talking to my friend, and ignore me completely. It pissed me off, and quite frankly I was tired of being a nobody.

It was perfect, Ellie’s parents were out of town for a week, and she had a party, anyone who found out was invited, though not many showed up, after all, Ellie was known to be a pretty big bitch. However, I did show up. Her and all her friends had a general disdain for me, though I went unnoticed at the party, after all, I’m a nobody. Well, Ramona, being Ellie’s best friend decided to spent the night. They didn’t notice that I never left, and they certainly didn’t wake up before the chloroform took effect.

The garage was fairly empty, the car being currently used by her parents, and as it was around 2am, and the only light came from a single bulb near the door leading to the house, it was creepily dark.

Ellie and Ramona managed to get to their feet and started to head towards the door when I decided to make myself known. I wasn’t wearing what I wore to the party, that would have been stupid. While they had been safely unconscious and bound in the garage, I had removed everything except my red and green plaid boxers. I was not only wearing a black hockey mask, but I had also painted my face completely black. Even if by some accident the mask came off, who I was wouldn’t be revealed.

“You should know that while there’s a decent chance screams will wake your neighbors,” their heads snapped towards me, “there’s a better chance that I will have shut you up before they do. In which case I will scrap completely what I have planned and torture you as long as I wish.” I pulled something out of my pocket and leg it dangle. “Nipple clamps, and you know that just about anything can be used as a paddle. Make any noise, and I’ll use them until someone physically stops me. Are you willing to gamble on how long that will be?”

They just looked at me for a few seconds, then dejectedly shook their heads and looked at the floor.
“Now, one of two things can happen. One: we can have a little contest. You can try to the best of your ability, and the winner will get to make me and the loser orgasm, and while the loser gets tortured. Then I’ll drug you again and leave you tied how you are. When you wake up, you will be able to loosen each others bonds and go on with your lives. Or, you can half-ass it. In which case, you will make me orgasm anyways, and both of you will get tortured. Then I will tie you however I want, open the garage door, and see what happens. Understand?” They both nodded, Ellie looked on the verge of tears, Ramona looked as haughty and bitchy as ever, yet said nothing.

“Excellent, you can start by removing your panties,” I said sliding my chair into the light, and sitting back down in it. They both stared for a minutes, Ellie got the idea a bit quicker, and struggled to slide hers down. Eventually she got them past her hips so she could wiggle out of them. Ramona still stood there. I grabbed a notebook and marked down two points for Ellie, after all she did hesitate. Upon seeing this, Ramona blew her hair out of her face as though nothing should be allowed to bother her which I despised. Being slimmer and not as figured, she had a far easier time of it than Ellie. In seconds, her panties were also on the floor. She looked back up at me, still like a bitch, but her gaze cracked slightly. She was breaking.

I held out a bunch of different things, “Ellie, since you were quicker, what should I use on her?” Ramona looked sharply at Ellie, her mouth opening shock before turning back to me. I walked closer to give Ellie a better look as she mulled it over, clearly trying to choose the least painful device. “The red thing she finally said.”

I walked around behind the two of them who were now standing side by side, and before she could do anything about it, a ball gag was in Ramona’s mouth, and fastened tightly at the back of her head.
I walked back to the front of them, and saw tears pouring out of Ramona’s pathetic eyes. Good, the bitch deserved it. “Now, I’m going to use the nipple clamps. First to tell me they can’t take it anymore loses. Ramona, since you don’t have the luxury of speaking, you will let me know with three rapid grunts. Ellie’s nipples were far larger, (about the size of a roll of scotch tape) than Ramona’s (about nickel sized), and probably far less sensitive. I decided to attach Ramona’s first to make it sufficiently unfair. She started squealing in pain immediately. Ellie moaned in pain as I put them on, but didn’t seem as affected, and simply wore a general look of discomfort. Ramona’s eyes were tearing up and she was grunting like crazy.

“To keep you from unfairly giving in right away just to save the other, you have to last a minimum of five minutes.” I started the timer on my watch, and grabbed a wound spool of quarter inch thick rope. Tossing it up, I looped it around one of the beams near the ceiling, and pulled the end down until it was about head height. The rope ran up, around the beam and back down to the spool that I had placed on the chair.

I looked at my watch, two minutes passed, then looked at the girls, Ellie was standing there patiently, wincing every so often. Ramona was crying openly, and starting to shake. “You look like you need something to take your mind off the pain,” I said walking up to and around behind Ramona. I wrapped my hands around her and brought them up to the bottom of her small, perky breasts. She let out a loud, long squeal. “Quiet down,” I whispered, “I can do much worse.”

I ran my hands down her stomach, stopping for a moment to enjoy her toned abs, then suddenly moved downward, and jabbed a finger in her pussy. She squealed again, though not entirely of pain this time. After a few ‘thrusts,’ I started massaging her clit. She quickly grew wet, whether she was enjoying herself or not, it was very easy to get her horny. I leaned over my shoulder to get a look at my watch. Five minutes was thirty seconds passed. I pulled my hands back and walked around to face them.
“It’s been five minutes, you can give in whenever you want to.” Immediately I heard a series of grunts from Ramona, and removed her nipple clamps. She whined immediately through the gag at the far worse, but short lived pain of the blood rushing back. “Those don’t hurt?” I asked Ellie. She shook her head no. “I don’t have very sensitive nipples, it’s pretty hard to hurt them,” she said quietly.

I added a second piece of equipment to Ramona, a collar with four d-rings, each 90 degrees apart and walked Ellie over to the rope hanging from the ceiling. I tied it to the center of the chain that connected the nipple clamps, and grabbed the spool of rope. I walked over, unrolling the rope as I did to the door leading to the house. When I had unwound enough length, I cut the rope and tied it to the doorknob. I tightened it until it forced Ellie to move directly under the beam, and up onto her tiptoes. Then I walked over and grabbed Ramona by the hair. “You got pleasure and your friend didn’t, and she won, let’s even that out.” I brought her in front of Ellie and forced her to her knees. “Lick her pussy,” I commanded, “and lick it good.” Ramona looked up at me. She still had the gag on and I knew it.
“Not even willing to try?” I asked, “Fine.” I pulled her to her feet and sat her down in my chair. It was as simple a chair as you’ll ever see, wooden and low so her arms hung over the back when she sat in it. The seat was a simple square, and the back was the two vertical posts, and two horizontal rectangles to support the sitter’s back. The front two and back two legs had a bar connecting them halfway down for stability. I cut another length of rope and used it to bind her wrists to the bar connecting the rear legs. Then I grabbed another piece of equipment I had brought, a spreader bar. I got Ramona’s right leg in without too much trouble, but then she realized what I was doing and started to struggle. The downside to being that skinny is that you’re usually fairly weak. Ramona was no exception, I easily managed to grab her ankle and tighten in the other strap. At its shortest, the bar was three feet long. I extended it until it was about five feet, well within the tolerances of Ramona’s flexibility.

“For that I should reattach the clamps,” I said as she squealed and shook her head. I stood spread legged over the helpless girl in the chair. Wondering for a second what I could do, I grabbed her chin with my left hand and held her head steady. Then with my right, I pulled my 6’’ hard cock out through the slit in my boxers and began rubbing it all over her face. She struggled, but it was a futile attempt, I held her tight, and was thoroughly enjoying the look of helplessness and displeasure in her eyes. I rubbed the tip, near her mouth, getting some pre-cum on the red ball and on her upper lip. Satisfied, I pulled it back and put it away. Ramona immediately started shaking her head when I let go, trying to rid herself of my juice.

I walked back over to Ellie who was whimpering. Her calves had grown tired, and every few seconds, she was dropping flat footed to ease the tension. Unfortunately for her, this increased the pressure on her boobs, and pulled them almost straight up. “I’m sorry baby,” I said walking around behind her, “let’s see If I can’t do something about that. Reaching down, I pulled outward at her thighs, and she complied by parting her legs slightly. I untied the rope, but left the clamps on, “Spread them more for me.” She did so as wide as she could while still keeping her balance. I sat in between her legs. Ellie was the type of girl where no guy would meet her standards, so I was fairly sure she’d never let one near her before.

To her shock I suddenly thrust two fingers in and began slowly moving them up and down. “Never been pleasured before?” She bit her lower lip and shook her head, no. I continued slowly thrusting in and out until I felt her start to get wet. I then stood up, and removed the clamps. Before she could wince in pain, I grabbed her boobs and started circling her nipple with my tongue. She gasped, and I knew she didn’t know what to feel, pain or pleasure. I moved on to the second one, and she let out a soft, “oh.” Her mouth was frozen open and here eyes were shut, it was now clearly pleasure.
While alternating between sucking both her nipples, I again entered her with two fingers. This time, I pressed them in as far as I could get and allowed my thumb to rest on her clit. Leaving my fingers inside her I began to massage her clit, while still working her breasts. My thumb did clockwise circles over her spot, pressing harder each time it reached the top. Each time it did, she let out a soft gasp and I sucked slightly harder on whatever nipple I was on. She grew wetter and wetter, but showed no signs of nearing climax, so I slowly wound her down and then stopped. She let out a half disappointed, half content sigh as I turned my attention back to Ramona who by now was trying to kill me with her eyes.

I put my hands around her back, and slid her forwards until her ass was at the very edge of the chair. I started playing with her lips with my middle finger, and her eyes instantly went from resentful to pleading. “You get horny very easily, don’t you?” She nodded. “Do you also orgasm easily?” Another nod. “I’ll tell you what,” I motioned Ellie over, “Ellie here is going to lick your nipples, and I’m going to be down lower. You’re not going to cum. If you do, I’m going to put one set of clamps on your nipples and the other on your lips. Then I’m going to tie them together, and tie that rope to the garage door. When the door goes up, it will pull them off, and it will hurt like hell, but all be over very quickly. Instead I’ll leave the door halfway, and let them slowly slip off. No orgasm until I say so, got it?” She nodded gravely.

Off to one side, Ellie bent over and began licking Ramona’s nipples. She was sloppy, and inexperienced, but it was still getting to the chair bound blonde. I knelt in front of her and immediately probed her vagina with two fingers. Ramona jumped and moaned softly. With every thrust I made, her moans grew louder into grunts. After a few seconds of going as fast as I could, I stopped, spread her lips and attacked her clit with my tongue. The grunts had turned into all out screams through the gag and I knew it was taking all she had to keep her from going over the top.

That was enough I decided, so I stopped and pulled Ellie back. Ramona let out a grateful sigh as she started to cool down. Before she could get too far, I brought Ellie around and forced her to her knees. “She likes it when you suck on her clit while brushing it with your tongue.” I knelt behind her, wanting another chance to toy with her beautiful breasts. Ellie hesitated, “the sooner you start, the sooner she’ll climax, she’s pretty close as it is.” Ellie went down searching for Ramona’s clit with her tongue, and I heard Ramona begin to moan and cry. How it must feel to be pleasured by your best friend. I harshly groped all over Ellie’s chest, making good use of her soft boobs. In no time, I could hear Ramona getting close again. I pinched Ellie’s nipples. Hard. Shocked, she inhaled sharply, sucking her friend’s clit extra hard and pushing her over the edge. Ramona screamed and screamed and screamed. If the orgasm was anything like the noise she was trying to put out, it was huge, lucky girl. I pulled Ellie to her feet, and began untying a panting Ramona from the chair. After the spreader bar came off, I picked up her limp form and laid her off to the side.

I walked over and stood in front of Ellie. “I want to be naked.” She turned around and reached towards my boxers. “No, not with your hands.” She dropped to her knees, and tugged at the waist with her teeth. Surprisingly deftly, she managed to get the boxers around my engorged cock and down to my ankles. I sat down a few feet off to the side in the chair and started slowly stroking myself. Getting the idea, she walked over and sat down just in front of me on her knees. “First, take me as deep as you can.”

She leaned towards my cock and opened her mouth wide. “No, don’t let those luscious lips go to waste, I want to see you wrap them tight. And if you don’t enjoy yourself now, just think how you’re going to feel later after I’ve received a shitty blowjob.” She paused when her mouth was over my head and wrapped her lips around my shaft. The feeling of them touching alone, the softness sent shivers through my body. Her sexy eyes locked with mine as she slowly started moving down. Halfway down she showed no signs of gagging so I stopped her. “Let’s see what that tongue has to offer.” What had been simply lying on my shaft suddenly came to life, and somehow seemed to be stroking my dick by itself while in her mouth. Repeatedly she ran my tongue up my shaft and down again, up and down again, it felt unbelievable. I let loose a throaty moan of my own as I felt myself getting closer. Not yet, I told myself, coming to my senses and ordering to move farther down. Another inch, and I felt my dick at the back of her throat, no gagging. Another inch and her lips were still wrapped tight, I was in heaven. Finally her nose hit my stomach. Shocked I looked down to see…she had managed to deepthroat me completely. No virgin should have that skill, hell most sluts don’t even have that skill. I grabbed her hair and pulled her off me. The girl kept her lips wrapped tight, and even sucked the whole way, causing another shudder to run through my body. Holding her head, I looked at her puzzled. She was breathing heavily, it hadn’t been completely effortless, though it had certainly looked it. The girl was doing a fantastic job, but… I looked over at Ramona, her chest still heaving from the orgasm as she lay on the floor. I wanted to force her to eat my cum, to torture her like the bitch she was, but Ellie…I couldn’t resist.

“You’re lucky,” I said to Ramona. I felt a pull on my arm and looked back at Ellie. Was she eager to continue, or was it a trick of gravity? I let go of her hair and let her continue. I shut my eyes and yelled out loud, the girl was amazing, there was no other word for it. She had taken both my balls into her mouth and was bathing them with her tongue. The sight of those lips wrapped around me along with those gorgeous eyes was almost too much. “Ohhh, ohhh, ohh my god,” I breathed, she had taken the head of my dick back into her mouth and dancing on it with her tongue. “OhhhhhhhaaAAHHHH, she was moving as fast as she could up and down all six inches of my dick, pulling off all but the very tip. I could feel my dick stiffen even more as it does when I have a very powerful orgasm. On one of her down strokes, I grabbed her hair and moved her up and down rapidly over the bottom inch of my dick, pleasuring my spot on some part of her throat. My dick hardened even more and stream after stream after stream of cum shot down her throat. With each shot, I pulled her nose into my stomach thrusting hard into her. Finally my orgasm died down, and I slowly pulled out of her. She knelt there, as I sat slouched, both of us breathing rapidly. Exhausted, I pointed towards Ramona. Ellie, getting the idea laid down next to her. Their wrists still behind their backs forced them off to opposite sides, each others wrists about four inches apart.

I tied Ramona’s right leg to Ellie’s left, then bound their other legs to opposite sides of the garage. Then after returning all my equipment to the bag I brought, I pulled out something I was going to let them keep. Twin grooved vibrators, with an attachment that could be adjusted to rest on the user’s clit. I inserted both the vibrators, and adjusted the attachments, Ellie’s clit being slightly higher than her friends.
“Now, with some effort you can untie each others wrists. That is, as soon as you want to,” I said turning both the vibrators on high. I moved over to Ellie and kissed her forehead. I hadn’t gotten revenge, I now longed for the girl like never before. I walked over to Ramona, “you can get more out of people if you stop being such an arrogant bitch.” I turned her vibrator down low. It would be a slow torture.

* * *

The next day, I ran into the both of them at a mutual friend’s graduation party. They didn’t recognize, nor did they even notice me. Like I said, I’m nobody. I overheard them talking.

“I can’t believe you actually liked it!” Ramona whispered as angrily as she could manage.

“You have to admit, he knew just how to push both our buttons. You’ve probably never orgasmed like that before, and that vibrator is amazing. It’s the only thing that’s ever even pleasured me, though he would have done far more if he’d kept at it.”
“You’re just saying that because you’ve never been with a guy. Try to find one that doesn’t basically rape you.” Ramona whisper-screamed, then stormed off.
“I felt a connection…” Ellie whispered to no one in particular, looking at the ground.


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She’s programmed herself to talk the talk, but walking the walk reveals she’s inexperienced. You have to read the body language closely: the widened eyes, the lack of grace in posture, the barely repressed nervous giggle. She tells you she’s had this Master and that Sir and maybe she has, but they’ve all been phonies and wanna-bes, poseurs who – like her – only think they’re in the lifestyle. But they’re not. And it shows. She doesn’t look comfortable on her knees yet. She’s not found her...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CursePrologue

The Phoenix Rising credits dissolve into a montage of images. The camera zooms in on a teaming city filled with cars. Smog obscures the image. The camera moves and images of the destruction in Afghanistan and Iraq flicker past. Cities, towns—entire peoples—are destroyed by war and conflict. Now we see images of the coastline; as images flicker past, buildings that were once on dry land are battered by waves. A low roar begins in the background. Scenes progress: the environmental riots, the...

4 years ago
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Rum Sodomy and the Lash

It had been relatively easy to slip unnoticed into the large chest of finest Nottingham lace that had lain unheeded on the bustling quayside. Such was the merry melee of jolly jack tars and haggling merchants that nobody had noticed a ragged youth picking a stealthy way over to where the goods were loaded high and wide, ready to be carried on board the East India Company clipper bound for the Americas. The Americas and a new life, away from all the trouble and danger of the present here in...

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Sex Sex Sex

Im Hotelzimmer Ich habe die Nacht mehr in Trance als schlafend verbracht, weil ich voller Geilheit mit steifem Kolben immer wieder im Halbschlaf feuchte Träume gehabt habe. Als ich aufwache, ist mein Kolben wieder (immernoch?) zum Bersten steif. Es schmerzt beinahe und ich kann mir kaum vorstellen, dass er jemals wieder schlaff werden soll. Wie ich selbst gerade erst feststelle, massiere ich ihn schon wieder. Ich bin von Geilheit durchdrungen, muss aber andererseits auch deutlich pissen. Nun,...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 13 Diplomacy and Suppression

"Perhaps we could ask for volunteers?" Michael asked, looking to Jon'a-ren. "Not necessary," Jon'a-ren responded. "When the first rumors were heard in the fleet, every ship's captain volunteered themselves and their crews. As I understand it, the crews themselves requested that their captains volunteer for them. Every vessel, every crew, and every captain, seek the honor of accompanying you to Earth. Each wishes to remain on station, in orbit, able to come to your assistance and to...

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Silent Night 2 The Bloody Claus

Alice a Christian born red head, who, admittedly, hated the religion. The only reason she was in it was because her parents were Catholics through and through. She went to catholic school, because the public schools were too vulgar and didn't teach her the things her parents wanted them to teach. However hating her religion she found ways to be a corrupt disobedient girl. Cutting her dresses a bit shorter then sowing a seem around it, not wearing bras half the time, and doing things in...

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The Wives Softball CoachChapter 9

The next game in the wives' softball league was another wild barnburner. It was two out in the bottom of the eighth inning. The score was 13-12 in favor of the Swordfish wives. We finished the regulation seven tied at twelve. So we had to get two runs to win. Roxie led off and singled to right. Hannah singled up the middle to move Roxie to second. Leticia filed out deep and Alicia followed with a grounder to first that moved Roxie to third and Hannah to second. I signaled for time out. I...

4 years ago
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A few hours of fun

As I entered your apartment I placed my holdall on the floor, it contained the results of hours and hours of self abuse.There were about 30 to 40 porn magazines that were in a disgusting state - just how I like them. Every magazine had stained pages, some of which had stuck and torn in places and the smell of stale cum could be intoxicating.I had been spraying my sperm over these girls for years and the record of my masturbating sessions was plain to see. Most pictures had several loads on...

3 years ago
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Call This A Castle

Ensign Harry Webb, newly commissioned in the Confederacy Space Navy, paused to look at the vessel docked alongside the space station and silently cursed his luck at being assigned to this pathetic specimen of a ship for his first assignment. Through the viewport the young man could clearly make out the less than sleek lines of the USS Maiden Castle. She was one of the many Castle class corvettes used by the Navy since its introduction to the inhabitants of the planet Earth and the revelation...

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The Bitchs Daughter

“Good girl sweetheart,” Jack encouraged her, “now push back to meet him.” “Oh my god Daddy, he’s so deep inside me, Ooooh, what’s that!” “That’s his knot baby,” Jack replied, “he’s trying to force it into you, it’s perfectly normal baby, just relax and let him force it in, then he can cum inside you.” “Am l doing alright Daddy, are you proud of me?” “You’re doing brilliantly sweetheart,” he replied, “we’re all proud of you, just look how much my friends appreciate you.” Emma looked up at...

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1 Stormy MondayChapter 6

Julie sat looking at Bobby after Barbara and Sammy left his hospital room. He looked so peaceful lying there. She thought back to the call she'd gotten from Van Daddock about Bobby, before they'd met. He'd told her that Bobby was a dumb jock baseball player with an air headed girl friend in high school that Van wanted to fuck. He told her that Bobby would be easy to seduce for some fun sex for her, which would set his girl friend up for Van. Van promised to make it worth her while with...

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Needs and Wants

Needs and Wants by Lyssa The waitress placed a glass of white wine on the table in front of me. "I didn't order any wine," I said to her. "It is compliments of the gentleman there," she replied in an accented voice. I turned in my seat and looked the way she was facing. A man at a table in the back corner of the dark Italian restaurant raised a glass of wine towards me. "He also would like you to join him. You are both eating alone so maybe you have some nice company. I bring...

2 years ago
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Qisa cousin ki chudai ka

I am going to share with u. I am thankful to all those who have written me and encouraged me to continue. Saima is my cousin and 24 years old and studying in Delhi university at that time. I was 29 at that time and was employed in a faridabad based company I was living alone in a flat my uncle (saima’s father) was living in north faridaba and told me many times to live with them, but all the times i refused politely. Anyway i visited their house frequently. Saima was his eldest daughter and...

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Tiffany Comes Calling

Tiffany Comes Calling by Deputy Duffy Part 1 I got a call from my cousin Tiffany one night. It had been years since we'd spoken. She grew up around these parts but moved away years ago. It was an awkward conversation. I knew she wanted something, but she just couldn't seem to spit it out. She finally said that she'd write me. A week later, I got a large tan envelope containing some papers...old papers. I started reading.... ******************************** It's me again....

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Modern Dominating Divorcee

Hey all thanks for your comments on my previous experiences. It was great to read them and thanks for all new proposals that you made, surely gonna get unite and make your wishes true. Keep sending your response to This context is all about a lady who is independent and aged around 33. She has her own boutique in Mumbai and is divorced just a year back due to some complexions in marriage. She is fair with 5’7 height 70 KGS and 34 d- 26- 36 figure. I received her email on my Kolkata diaries...

4 years ago
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Nadan Neha

Hello dosto kese he aap, aap ka jay singh hazir he ek or aapne jivan ki ghatna le ke, meri pichali kahani ladakpan ki shararat ke dono bhag aap logo ko bahut pasand ayi isske liye me aap logo ka tahedil se shukriya ada karta hu aap mujhe apne vichar mujhe. Pe mail kar ke bhi bata sakte he ya aap mujhe par bhi join kar sakte he meri facebook id he jay singh ke naam se he or meri email id se mujhe search kar sakte he aap logo ka jada samye na kharab karte hue me khani pe aata hu ye khanai un logo...

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Journey With Aunt Ends Up In Bed

Hi ISS reader . This is Sameer age of 22 from Kathmandu Nepal. I am doing my bachelors in management. i have read a lot of stories here which are from India and found few from Nepal. As I am regular visitor of this site, I thought of sharing my own experience with you all. Hope you all will like this. For any feedbacks, my mail id is Aunties and girls from Nepal can contact me as confidentiality will be maintained in the relationship. Once I have to travel to Itahari which lies in the eastern...

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Fucking My Landlord8217s Indonesian Wife

Hey guys, this is my first story here. About me: I am a 30-year-old guy who is currently settled in Amsterdam. I am 6 feet tall and have an athletic body. This happened to me when I had just shifted to Amsterdam. I was 25 years old and it was my second job after graduation. It was a well-paying job but due to high rental costs, I was looking for a room to share rather than an entire apartment. I found an online Ad for a room rental in the area I liked with a reasonable price. I called up the...

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Lost Empire 46

0003 - Conner- Thomas                                0667 - Marco - Brown                   0097 - Ace - Zimmel                                      0778 - Jan                     0098 - Lucy                                                     0798 - Celeste  -  Shelby (human) 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick        0908 - Tara - Mara               0125 - Lars                                                      0999 - Zan                        0200 -...

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Lustful ViceChapter 17

Later on in the night, hard as she tries, Zaria cannot fall asleep. Visions keep invading her head of being dressed slutty and deucing her father into fucking her. Frustrated, the girl gets up and retrieves a dildo that she and Yesenia had purchased during their mall trip earlier in the day. She turns it on and places the humming device on her clit and enjoys the sensation. As she rubs it all over her nether lips, she quickly moistens and coats the toy with her juices before working it inside...

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Justin and Steves Love

Justin and Steve were best friends. They had been best friends since high school but only recently had they shared a drunken kiss. Which made things a bit awkward between them as they were both very much into girls not guys. One night when Justin went to a club with some mates from college he noticed Steve within the crowd hunched over his glass at the bar in his black leather jacket. His golden blonde hair glistening underneath the light. Justin decided to walk over to him, ‘Hi,’ he...

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Hotel Room Telescope

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereThis true story was originally written a couple of days after it happened in late March, 2011.We’re staying in a hotel this weekend because of some work being done on our house. It’s a beautiful, clear night sky so I brought along my telescope to watch the stars from our room. Naturally, as would be done by any experienced telescope owner, I...

2 years ago
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A Thousand Bucks Ch 04

To understand this story you should read it from the beginning. A special thank you to Estragon for making my story a much better read. * After Jenny graduated she started working full time at the motel. I had a talk with Harold and he went in a couple hours a day to see if Jenny needed any help. He told me he felt like he was more in the way than helpful. Jenny was doing a great job. I raised Jen’s salary to six hundred a week. I gave Harold three hundred but he and Emma would be moving to...

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Fantasy At Work

Do you have any idea what you do to me every time you walk across the room? Your tight jeans highlighting your shapely ass, pussy lips on either side of the crotch. A little belly flesh and your tramp stamp showing under your t-shirt hem that rides up as you sit and you don't bother to pull it down when you get up, the bounce of your luscious breasts as you walk, the nipples poking out fully visible because the air conditioner is set a little too low.Sometimes you wear a lacy white top that...

Office Sex
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Romantic Love Making With Married ExGirlfriend

Hi Everyone, I am Nick coming out with my another experience with my Ex-Girlfriend. I just came here to pen down my experience and share my enjoyment with all people all around the world. Well for guys its obvious how would the girl look like? She is good fair girl, little short 5.5 ft., nick basically from Chennai. If u wanna contact me can ping me at Let’s come back to my experience which happened recently. I just went to my hometown to meet my Grannies, Grandpaas and other relatives. I was...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2112 Stones

ME: Where does our life go? I was a happy-go-lucky teen, playing basketball and dating really cute girls, enduring school so I could be with my friends, but not really interested in what was being taught. Well, mostly. I liked chemistry. And English Lit. One because I loved the subject and one because I loved the teacher. But all of a sudden, I’m counting down to thirty. I’ve got wives and kids and have been a full-time host of a television show for five years! In the greater scheme of...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Akari Asayiri Akari Asayiri and a friend go to the hot springs to spend an evening fucking

A bored housewife can be fun when they decide to break out and try something new. Akari Asayiri is our bored housewife and she wants to do something different than her normal daily routine. She is excited to do something that is wild and unexpected and not what a normal good wife would be doing. She and a friend have decided to take a short trip to a local hot spring and enjoy the evening together. She has never been unfaithful to her husband so this is all new to her. But she feels so trapped...

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Uncontrollable Cock 8211 Part 3 Facing My Sister

My sister Priyanka caught me masturbating inside the bathroom with my stepmom’s panty wrapped around my cock. It was an embarrassing moment, and I did not know how to face my sister after that. The next day, I woke up, but I was so scared to face anyone. I was still on my bed and thinking about how to clear things out with my sister. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. It was my stepmom. As I opened the door, she gave me a slight smile and walked inside. She was there to give me morning...

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Futanari Wife

You signed as the train hit another bump, it was late and the train car was almost completely empty. Normally you wouldn't be out this late, but it was your anniversary and you were on your way to get your wife her favorite flowers. You looked around for a moment before pulling out your phone and pulling up some porn. You were married, you had been for a few years and you both loved each other deeply but.... well who you loved and what you truly wanted were different. Ever since you were young...

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Jake sat at the dinner table looking at his son and daughter-in-law. They seemed such a happy couple and the love that Jake felt for both of them was obvious. It was Wednesday night and they were at Taylor's house having dinner. This had become a regular event.Taylor got up to help his wife Shannon clear the table. They never allowed Jake to help even though he always offered. When they came back, it was with a steaming pot of coffee and the sweet rolls that Jake loved so much.They watched as...

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mother in laws huge tits 2

Well i posted one on the mother in law her name is Mary just yesterday i went to her house to help her move some boxes from garage to the house.So i wwalk in and she said bring them to my bedroom so i walk in there she was naked sitting on the bed i just drop the box and she laughed and said i need a back massage.So strip down to nude she layed on her back and i was hard as rock so i hope on her with dick right in her ass.She just moan little started real slow rubbing her back legs and toes and...

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taken and sold

    TAKEN AND SOLD BY AMANDA WHILEY.Story codes: m-f, non-consensual, bondage, kidnapping, slavery, violent, torture, body mod,Humiliation, packaging .Author: Amanda whiley  ([email protected]).(forward: this story was written and is dedicated to the wonderful creators and players of the MMODamsel and villains abduction game, Nabbers Empire . Who’s amazing players and moderators helped give me inspiration and most of all courage to finally post my first ever story.Nabber's Empire is a...

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An Army View of Murphys Law

SNAFL SITUATION - NORMAL - ALL - FUCKED - UPPMost of these observances courtesy of Tim Heiss with some submitted by Eric Green and Brian Chapman and a few others. ------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are ignoring the skirmish in front of you, convinced it is a feint, it will turn out to be the main assault.Your ability to locate a speed loader for your clips will depend on whether someone is shooting at you.Tracers...

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Driving My Brother Crazy

Introduction: Fnd out how a teen deals with her sexual needs. My brother is my inspiration, hes a cross-country runner. I became a cross-country runner because of him, hes graduated, and Im going to graduate. Hes always sort of looked down on me, but Im going to make him look me in the eyes and moan with pleasure. Oh, Im 13 and hes 19. Yo, Sam. I called to my brother, he was staying for the summer and I had some surprises in store for him. What up, Sarah? Sam shouted, I had just gotten back...

2 years ago
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The New Guy Part One

It started out like every other first day back to school, the early mornings, scattering through her wardrobe trying to find something to wear, her mother screaming from downstairs to hurry up before she’s late for her first period. But this day wasn’t going to be like anything she expected. She grabbed her cell, car keys, bag and made her way to her car. She pulled out of the driveway and headed to some of her friends’ houses to pick them up. When they arrived at school she pulled up next to...

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Saali Seduction 8211 Part 3

What she said next really turned me on. She said,”Jiju, make me your slut today. I am all yours’ I gave her a nasty smile. I asked her,”you know who is a slut? And what would I do to you to make you my slut?” She replied,”Jiju, I know what it means to be your slut.” She smiled and bit her lower lip, staring at me like a slut. I told her,” You must be hungry. Let us first eat something. Get dressed and come to dining table.” Niharika replied,”Jiju, will you fuck me after having food? You will...

4 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 19

07:10 Thursday, August 29th, 1991 139 Meadow Ln Novato, CA 94947 Dan was still learning where everything was. Most of the furnishings and all of the agricultural equipment had conveyed with the sale, and he was finding new things daily. In this case, not everything he found was good. There was a hopper wagon, presumably for collecting cut grapes, and a dump wagon, presumably for fertilizer and everything else, and a small Deere tractor to pull them. The previous owners apparently hadn't...

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Gambit fucks the XWomen Marvel Comics XMen

Remy LeBeau pulled a long drag from the rolled cigarette he held between his lips, his gaze trained on nothing in particular. The evening air fresh and warm, he stood at the end of the walkway that extended out into the lake on which the boathouse where he lived lay. Not one for crowds Remy had chosen not to live in the mansion with the other members of the Xavier Institute, the boathouse providing him with all the solitude he required. His highly trained sense of awareness picked up someone...

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Runu Kakimar Duronto Chodon

Bell tiptei darja khule dilo runu kakima. Amake dekhe bollo – oma…eto dine tor ashar samay holo. Aye aye bhetore aye. Bhetore dhukte dhukte kakima bollo kemon achhish re? tor to kono patta nei. Tarpor kakima amake bollo je – tui boss boshar ghore…ami ranna chapiyechhi …shamle ashi…aj kheye jash….ami bollam ok. Boshar ghor theke proshno korlam….kaku nei…kakima bollo na re….bapir sathe dekha korte delhi gachhe …kaal firbe. Bapi runu kakimar chhele, Delhi te MBA porte gachhe. Kaku nei shunei amar...

3 years ago
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Mind controlled Janice meets Rob part 1

I often fantasise about women I meet the things I would like to do them, especially if I do not like them. This story starts in 2020 soon after the first lockdown ended. At the time we were living in a small terraced house in the Rodley area of Leeds. I was walking along the road heading towards the local takeaway. I became aware of a thin man walking very close behind me. As he started to walk past me he looked at me. “Rob,” he said. “Yes,” I answered. “Can we sit on a bench and...

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