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The Organization’s attempt to get Slutty to set up in Italy was an attempt to take over the operation of one of my legal enterprises. That was one thing they had promised me they would never do. It was all the excuse I needed to wrap up my plans to take them out. For many years I had been planting slave spies into the Organization. It was time to get a hold of them all and compile the evidence against the Organization.

I was prepared for this. From the time The Slutty Resort Island opened until the end of the Organization, I used information fed to me by their various financial institutions to con and blackmail people to work at the resort. This gave me an excuse to diversify and invest in their financial institutions, giving me control and information over them.

The island was a real piece of work and enabled me to enhance my reputation as a ruthless bastard while allowing me to take some slime off the street and recruit more slaves to turn into spies.

After the opening of Slutty Europe, it took a year to build the resort in Morocco. The week it opened was the week of the premiere of The Slutty Game Show. Crystal and I hosted it and had a blast. It started as a once a month commitment but soon was up to once a week. When that happened, I stopped hosting.

One of the good things about the incident in Turkey was Crystal getting her clit burnt gave me a reason to act paranoid about my merchandise/slaves being devalued/hurt. It meant that I could provide them with more protection from the Organization under the guise of my overbearing excentricities in protecting my investments.

While all of this was going on, Slutty Europ grew at a phenomenal pace, as did our drug enterprises in Europe. In turn, so did my Island nation of Abd al Kuri. There were a few skirmishes with the other drug runners, but that was expected. Our forces at Abd al Kuri sank some known drug runner boats. In turn, Abd al Kuriwas attacked by Somali pirates. They were hopelessly defeated. Nobody knew how strong of a force we had there.

One of the biggest issues with cutting off the drug runners was it cut off the funding for at least one side of every conflict in the middle east. This attracted attention on the world stage. The UK, US and Saudi Arabia had been perpetuating those wars for profit. At first, the Taliban tried to take out Abd al Kuri. Then ISIS, which caused us to get involved in the Yemenese Civil war. Each attack was from a bigger and more professional force.

When the Saudis failed, the USN gave it a try. By then, the nation of Abd al Kurihad expanded to become the nation of Socotra, containing all the islands in the Socotra chain. It had more AA cover than any other place on the planet. There was no way to bomb or missile the island.

We recovered the remains of a Tomahawk Missile that was fired on the island as the Yanks retreated. It was a 455kt nuke. The Yanks claimed we fabricated the evidence. It didn’t matter. From that time on, nobody messed with Socotra.

Ultimately, we ended up blockading the Gulf of Aden. To say that pissed people off would be an understatement. We owned islands on either side of Bab al-Mandab Strait, so technically, you couldn’t go through the straight without going through our sovereign territory.

The UN called a special session to deal with it. Our blockade slowed trade from Europe to most of Asia, the middle east, Australia and the east coast of Africa.

By then, I had taken out the Organization. Everybody knew I owned Hathor Holding and Socotra. That gave me the third-largest navy in the world, the largest private military in the world and the most heavily fortified islands to protect it all.

Nobody wanted war. Having to freeze my assets would have crippled most of the developed world. In the end, a coalition was formed from nations I trusted. The UN agreed to pay for the coalition forces to blockade the Red Sea instead of Bab al-Mandab Strait. This gave more room for inspection teams to search for illegal arms shipments, slaves, drugs and other contraband.

The negotiations broke down a few times. Nobody wanted to take responsibility for any slaves discovered in the searches. Eventually, there was a fund set up that every Member Nation of the UN had to contribute. It was used to send the slaves home and reintegrate them back into society. There was also a rotation set up to determine where slaves would go if they didn’t have a home.

I was glad to see that all of this expanded the Canadian Armed Forces while having the UN pay for it. Canada was the main nation to run the blockade.

When Abd al Kuri and Slutty Europe was first established, It caused a time of unprecedented growth in both my legitimate business empire and my drug empire. All the growth caused the Organization to force me into the orient. Their strong-arming me was a blessing in disguise.

The easiest way to get to the Organization was financial. No group can operate with impunity on an international scale unless they have a significant amount of money to back them up.

The best way to hit the Organization financially was to get its Asian financial institutions shut down. Most countries in the orient do not like foreign interference. All those nations needed was an excuse, and they would close down foreign investors. The first step was to create an artificial recession. I did it by spending the money I earned from the drug expansions.

I would funnel money through shell companies so nobody would know it came from me, but the shell company would have links to banks in the Orient, run by the organization. The shell companies bought out local companies and then mismanaged them, having any real assets fire-sold to one of my other businesses. To make matters worse, I flooded the market with any stocks I owned in any of the Oriental companies that had ties with the Organization. This was the first time I tipped my hand that it was me coming after them. They didn’t notice. Nobody understood it was me that created the recession.

Once the recession was in full swing, all that needed to happen was to have some crucial evidence leaked, linking companies I wanted to go under to foreign investment. We sat back and watched arrogance and prejudice do our work for us.

The recession didn’t last long. It was less than a year, and the Organization pulled out of the Orient in all but slavery, drugs, and government corruption. Having inside knowledge of which of their investments could still be viable, when they were at their least valued, I bought them up.

I dealt a severe blow to the Organization while increasing my legal holdings and my power within the Organization.

Not all of the girls that I put through university ended up in the sex trade. Many worked for my other companies. There was another place I had sent those that were loyal to me that I didn’t let many people know about. We had educated thousands of people with political science degrees, putting them in every essential political office in North America. We rarely had elected officials in our pocket, but key people in their staff were ours. Most of them were fearcely loyal to Hathor, Slutty or me.

With the political pull I had, it was easy to get the Canadian government to invest in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese banking. They did it at the right moment, so when we reversed direction on the recession, Canada benefited in the extreme. I was always loyal to the country of my birth and felt doing that paid her back anything I owed her.

In Russia, it was just a matter of showing the western roots along with the illegal activities and the Organization’s institutions were suddenly state-owned.

Europe started its own investigations, given the problems in Asia and the rumours of corruption in the US. Europe would never entirely weed out the corruption from their banking system, but they were starting to do my job for me, so I left them alone.

It was the US that was difficult to handle. Their laws were designed to promote corruption, and I didn’t think I could eliminate the Organization and keep my hands clean. I admit my plan had a lot of killing involved, most of which looked like suicide. I didn’t just go after companies affiliated with the Organization. Any company, politician, church or other body that I had proof of corruption was a target. Right before a CEO was killed, I would sell the stock, then the week after the death, I would buy it back at a fraction of the cost. That year, I made billions in the stock market and bought out a lot of financial institutions and other corrupt companies.

Once I gained control of the financial institutions, dealing with the Organization was easy. I already knew which banks kept their money. It was just a matter of falsifying transfers, crashing computers from the banks I didn’t own and dropping critical information on the doorstep of different law enforcement agencies. All that happened within a few days of each other. By the time the Organization realized what was going on, they didn’t have the money to fight me.

It also tripled my wealth as I was able to redirect their money into my accounts. They tried to use hackers to get it back. They got a portion of it, but unlike in the movies, not everything can be hacked.

If something is a closed circuit, it means it is not hooked up to anything and can not be interfered with unless you are on site. Parts of the banking systems are this way. There are parts exposed, but then only a limited amount can be messed with at any given time. If you had hackers watching, you could see the increase in traffic from another hacker, and you could trace the intruder. All their hacking did was tell me where they were operating.

When I took down the computers of banks I didn’t own, I had worked years to do it. Almost all every instance involved having somebody on the inside. Many of them were white-collar criminals I blackmailed. A few we threatened to kill their spouse, but in those cases, the spouse was the criminal, and I wouldn’t feel bad about killing them. Many instances, the bank used software they purchased from a third party that one of my companies developed. Within these programs was a timed smart trojan. Depending on what system it was installed in, it did different things.

When I first started taking them out, I didn’t realize it, but the Organization owned most of the tobacco industry. As they fell, the tobacco fields sold for cheap. It was another thing I bought up, only instead of continuing to grow poison, I turned a substantial chunk into ranch land.

This was when I started paying off the inspectors in the oilfields. Ironically, I paid them off so they would do their jobs. Traditionally inspectors throughout the world were being paid off to turn a blind eye, but my offer was better. Take my money to do your job or go to jail. It didn’t take long to convince most of the inspectors. Oil companies in the US, in particular, were closing left and right. My oil companies started out struggling because they were adhering to all the regulations. When the other companies started closing, due to all the infractions, my companies were hailed as environmentally conscious. I was able to buy up mineral rights for pennies on the dollar.

With the crash of the financial institutions, oil, and tobacco, the US was suffering one of the worst recessions in history. Given the stability of the Canadian financial institutions and the regrowth of the oil industry, Canada was sheltered from most of the recession.

With the recession in the US, I was able to buy a lot of real estate for cheap and made improvements on it. I was the only one building new projects. Any head office I could, I moved into Canada.

With the organization dwindling, the demand for slaves so to dwindled.

The rich and powerful that bought them weren’t rich and powerful anymore. The only slaves still traded were the crack whores, and I was coming down on them hard.

The only real downer was that Tara had been a bit ambitious and bit off more than she could chew. She was discovered snooping where she shouldn’t have been. She did hold out through the torture and made it look like it was another member of the organization that she was spying for. It caused a bit of infighting and weakened the Organization. Rain took it hard and hid in a bottle. I didn’t know what to do with her.

I think Mary had seen me do one too many horrific things. She understood why I had done the things I had done. She just couldn’t look me in the eye anymore. I stopped going to Slutty Headquarters or the Slutty Mansion we used to share. I hoped time would at least partially heal the wounds, and we could be friends again.

As things came to a close and the Organization fell. I sent Mary one last e-mail. I knew she wouldn’t answer my call, but she still read my messages. The email went something like this:

‘I know I have done some things you are ashamed of and hope that one day you can stand to see my face again. Attached are some papers you need to fill out and give to my lawyers. It gives you a controlling interest in Slutty. I have also split the insurance empire into two companies. I named one of the companies after your Mormon sisters, and it is yours. You have earned much more than this, but I know you well enough to know that you will have problems accepting this much. My last piece of advice for you is this. Even now, you have a big heart. You deserve to be loved. I know you will never accept another lover. Over the years, we have rescued plenty of children from slavery, and many of them still do not have a family. Adopt one. They need you as much as you need them. I hope that one day in the future, you will forgive me and will reach out. I’m sorry, my poor decisions have caused the death of so many of your friends. From the day you first accepted whatever fate I had planned for you, before we really knew each other, I have loved you and always will. My greatest hope is that my absence will help you heal.’

There were still some factions of the Organization that ran free. I wasn’t too concerned. I had my business empires, the island nation, it’s military and my private army. To them, I was untouchable.

The drug trade was a bit more complicated to deal with. Blockading Bab al-Mandab Strait crippled the world drug trade. At the same time, I closed my drug empire.

Nobody knew it was me taking down the Organization until it was too late. When Brad, the second in command of my drug empire, found out he came to me. He let me know the Organization had his loyalty because they held his family hostage. He played along, pretending he didn’t know it was me until we freed his family. Our success in freeing them caused my drug enforcers to confirm heir loyalty to me.

As I closed the drug empire, I offered all the men other jobs so they could survive. Most of them joined Hathor Defence. It was similar pay and similar work.

When I bowed out of the drug trade and blockaded the strait, I sent gifts to the appropriate authorities, turning over every piece of evidence and information I had on every criminal organization around the world. The drug trade, worldwide, came to a sudden standstill. I only wish it lasted longer.

My final act was to apply for a pardon in both Canada and the US. I didn’t hand the application into the proper office. Instead, I wrote my life story into a novel. I self-published. The first copy I walked into the Whitehouse. It was not every man that could walk in and see the President of the US without an appointment. Heck, most couldn’t get an appointment. If you were the wealthiest man in the world and what was left of the country’s economy depended on you, then you could walk in and see the President.

Once his secretary let me in, we greeted each other. I wouldn’t say we were friends, but we met before, and he knew my face. I placed the application and my book on his desk. I also handed him a letter which had a list of the reasons he needed to pardon me as well as a list of crimes I had committed with the reasons they were committed.

I did something similar to the Prime Minister. The difference was I stopped in on him when he was having supper with his family. The list of Canadian crimes was much shorter and happened many years before, but they were still the actions that started me out.

The President was the first to respond. Needless to say, he wasn’t impressed. It wasn’t that I took the law into my own hands that he had a problem with. It was the optics of the situation. I had plenty of American children in my custody, and they needed to be returned to families. Some of these children I was looking after for five years or more.

When I handed in my application for a pardon, I had already started returning the children, and Booze Allen was working on finding all the families the children belonged to.

The children were all taken care of and well educated to the point where they could easily get into the college of their choice. Those still in school could easily skip a grade or two.

All the programs Slutty had to help people were still running. All that responsibility I gave to Mary’s.

A number of years ago, I hurt Lucy, and she was no longer with me. She would not let her sisters tell me where she was. Her middle sister worked for me as a horse trainer. She loved animals. I convinced her to become a vet, and she took courses with my online university. Megan, the youngest, had lived in the mansion with me. When I moved out, she followed. I didn’t know what she saw in me. I hurt her sister, and I was more than twice her age. Crystal, Angel, Emery, Tara, Rain and the eight slaves were all still with me.

As was always the plan, Emily started working for Slutty, and she took care of the kittens, working to rescue human pets. Layla was constantly asking to move in with me. I kept turning her down because I really don’t have a place. How about that. I was the richest man in the world, and I didn’t have a place to hang my hat.

The President painted me as the bad guy. He made it look like I refused to return the children unless he gave me a pardon. Retuning the children was getting done faster than when he took that responsibility from me.

All at once, the children were collected by the USN and brought back to the continental US. There was a big confusion as to which child belonged to what family. He refused to let me help place the children back with their families.

I contacted every family I knew whose child was being held by their government. I let them know where their child was being held. Then I gave them a copy of my book with the letter I had given the President, so they could understand the entire story and make up their own mind as to what to think.

On the plus side, behind closed doors, the President helped to convince the Prime Minister to give me a pardon. He couldn’t be seen to be going to bat for me when he was publicly shaming me.

Even with the decrease in human trafficking, Turkey and India continued to refuse to police it.

My first priority was no longer world problems. It was Megan, Crystal, Emery, Angel, Tara, Rain and my eight slaves. Megan was 20; the rest were in their late 20s, and they were all begging to have my children. It was finally safe to do so. They don’t do adult entertainment anymore. The only people they had sex with was each other and me, and we didn’t have to worry about the Organization or pretending to be something we weren’t to take down slavers or other bad people.

I made them all promise not to go off birth control until Crystal was pregnant. She was the one that had kept us together and acted like our mother when needed. She deserved to be the first.

Since I got my pardons, I bought us a modest home in Kelowna with enough rooms for all of us. I suppose it was still a mansion. It had 17 bedrooms. That was one for each of us with 4 to spare. I insisted that all the girls got a part-time job so they would meet people and have something to do.

Since everything was over, it was starting to hit me. I couldn’t sleep at night, and I was always in a foul mood. I knew I couldn’t be treating these women like I was. I called them together for one last family meeting.

“I’m sorry girls, I am trying, but I can’t handle the things I have seen and done. I love you all and don’t want to hurt you. I’m not running away from you. I just need some space to work things out. I will always have my cell. You can contact me at any time, and I will come straight home.”

They all voiced their objections. Every time I phoned, they did ask me to come home. It was something I needed to hear. Another thing I needed to hear that they neglected to tell me was that Crystal was pregnant. I found out when I came home after I was gone for 18 months.

Since my girls were safely hidden away, I was ready to finish ridding the world of drugs and slavery. I figured I would deal with putting my head on straight once that was complete.

My first problem was that the President insisted I moved the headquarters for my army outside the continental US. He called it a foreign army that, by the constitution, had no right being on US soil and that by keeping it there, I was committing an act of war.

Moving the army ended a lot of my long term contracts. We lost a few hundred personnel. Thankfully they were only low-end jobs like mall cops. We had grown to over 256k troops. It was far too many to fit on our island nation. I went looking for a home.

I needed to deal with Turkey, and Northern Cyprus was an illegal Turkish state, so I went on a diplomatic mission to Cyprus. I proposed using my troops to take back northern Cyprus. In exchange, we got to build a super base there. Until it was built, we got to use their airports for our military craft. They agreed because they wanted their country back. Housing that many troops would boost the economy and keep them safe. The British agreed to lend air support, and I talked the Greeks into sending ships.

The conflict consisted of 17k Turks with outdated tanks, no airforce and no navy vs 256k of the best-equipped troops with a navy and air support, complete with land, sea and air drones. We landed from every direction at the same time. Within the hour, the Turks surrendered.

The missiles built by Hathor’s defence contractor companies were sitting on hand. As soon as our troops moved forward, so did the AA missile systems. Turkey countered with an areal attack but was devastated. They never expected the extreme AA component of our forces. By the time Turkey was ready to mount a counter-attack, We had enough anti-ship and anti-aircraft systems; there was no way they could land.

We had a new headquarters for the army, and the Greeks had 16k Turkish prisoners. We still had all the training camps around the world. Unfortunately, the ones in the US could only train domestic security forces. We expanded, so we didn’t just train our own forces. We gave training for mall cops, courses for civilians in firearm safety and shooting. We even trained top-end, competitive shooters and militaries for smaller nations. All the extras had paid for the operation of the training centres. In essence, doing these extras paid for the training of our new recruits.

The Turks were now on notice. There was a new power in the west that wasn’t afraid to go after them. The Turks may have had 250 F-16s and 50 F-4s, but we had something up our sleeves. In 2012 a Canadian company proposed bringing back the CF-105 and modernizing it. It was a gimmick, and their design would never have done the things they claimed. It gave me an Idea. We redesigned the CF-105 as a three-engine craft. We kept the basic configuration of the Arrow, but the wings were heavier, so there could be internal ordinance. At the speeds it went, you couldn’t have weapon mounts under the wings or fuselage. The third engine was a scramjet, contained within the fuselage. The turbines would be used for takeoff, landing and dog fights, the scramjet, for high speed. This gave it the range, and speed people mistakenly claimed the Arrow could do. We were forced to use a German radar, but the rest of it was exclusively made Hathor Defence Industries. The CF-105 gave us a fighter/interceptor that could fly higher faster and farther than any fighter on the planet. We had no need for stealth, and because we flew so high, stealth aircraft were almost as visible as regular aircraft.

The Arrow out preformed most anything. They cost about 1/3 the price, the maintenance cost was almost 1/10, and the service life was double that of an F-35. Given the huge amount of time needed for maintenance on an F-35, it could only fly a mission every four days. The CF-105 Mk 4 could fly multiple missions a day. To do the job of a CF-105 Mk 4, you would need 16 F-35s. You still couldn’t fly as fast or as far and you would need groomed runways. I never understood why countries were so dumb that they bought F-35s. You couldn’t even leave it outside in the rain, or it wrecked the special paint used to help make it stealthy.

We had all kinds of defence projects on the go. The next best was The A-10D super warthog. Fairchild went under, and we bought the company for Hathor Defence to increased our aircraft production capabilities. We got it cheap because it was in receivership. Since we bought the entire company and not just some assets, we got all the intellectual properties as well, including the designs for the A-10.

The redesigned A-10 had the engines moved forward, onto the wings. The wings enlarged and extra supports built into the wings so the engines could tilt. Smaller engines were mounted on the tail. They were also tilt engines, giving the aircraft VTOL capabilities and a 15% increase in speed. It was a bigger aircraft but had a similar payload with a 50% increase in range. With modern engines, it was more fuel-efficient. Given the tilt engines, it could land on a destroyer, on the helicopter pad.

With everything happening with my defence industry and private army, I decided to expand and consolidate. All my defence companies were merged into Hathor Defence Industries, drastically expanding that company. Then I purchase 25% of Korean Aerospace Industries. They wanted the ability to build passenger liners and needed an influx of cash for the development of a new fighter. I saw their growth potential and the ability to start producing helicopters, F-16s and get my foot into the door with respect to space exploration. I also needed a new advanced fighter trainer. They have one of the best. It was just too expensive, so they lost most of their potential contracts to AA’s M-346.

I know when I say over the next three months I spent 26.5 billion, it sounds a little extreme, but think about it. I just liquidated a drug business worth well over 30 billion. I had also recently made a few billion more on the stock market. Yes, the US was in a recession, but it didn’t affect the price of beef, and the price of oil was at an all-time high. I had about 50 billion liquid, waiting to be spent. I saw the way countries were increasing their military spending, so I bought controlling interests in Mitsubishi, Rheinmetall, Booz Allen, Textron, Huntington Ingalls, Kawasaki, and Leonardo SpA. I didn’t interfere with operations except for one thing. Every one of the companies we had that was involved in the F-35 project pulled out. We also pulled out of the B-21 project. The reason being was those aircraft were extremely substandard and were obsolete when the prototype did its test flights. By the time they got into mass production, compared to what was available, they were useless POS. No company of mine would be involved in anything like that. The only countries that bought them did so because of the political pressure put on them by the US. I mean, I offered to sell Canada the CF-105 Mk 4 for cost, and they still went with the F-35, citing that I didn’t go through the proper bidding process.

One of the great things about Canadian law was government officials couldn’t record your conversations because they were deemed to have responsibility for you, in that they made laws that affected you. Having recordings of your conversations was thought to be leverage they could use against you. It was perfectly legal for you to record conversations you had with them. To a few independent news outlets, I leaked the conversation we had about why Canada was buying the F-35s. Canadians were outraged.

The next people I enraged were the Turks. Mitsubishi was building nuclear reactors for Turkey. I used this to apply pressure to the Turkish government to enforce their existing anti-slavery laws. This had varying degrees of success.

Since the President of the US felt it was ok to drag my name through the dirt, I felt no need to hold punches going in his direction. There was $8 million worth of fines to a subsidiary of one of the companies I had bought a controlling interest in. The company was Thales Alenia Space. It was a European Space Agency (ESA). The US government claimed ESA was an American company because it had an office in the US. They then claimed it sold a satellite to China that had tech that American companies were prohibited from selling to China.

My response was to demand the fines be retracted and an investigation held. The US Constitution demanded innocent until proven guilty. They were acting opposite that. In truth, ESA had built the Chinese a unique satellite that had a workaround, so it didn’t need the so-called US tech.

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Sometimes during sex I would tell my wife I wanted to watch her fuck another man and she would play along with my "fantasy." She thought it was just a fantasy but in reality I did want to watch her being fucked by not only another man but also a group of men. After 25 years of marrage we need to add a little spice to our sex life.Finally one day whe we were just sitting around talking I brought up the subject of watching another man fuck her. She was shocked at first that I would really want to...

2 years ago
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His Sissy Randi Part 2

Hey, guys, I’m back with part two of His Sissy Randi. Thank you for soo much love in the previous story. As always, please send feedback (positive or negative) to Please read part 1 before this, or you will not have full context.   I looked at the makeup bottles..liquid eyeliner and mascara, lipstick, and some jewelry. He came to me and asked if I wanted help. “The bottle says it’s waterproof, supposed to last the whole day. What if it doesn’t wash off?” “It’s okay. Everyone knows you’re a...

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Intermediary Angel

I was sitting in Phil’s Diner over on 34th Street, reading the afternoon edition and nursing my fourth cup of coffee, one cream, two sugars. The cold rain was rolling down the window of the decommissioned railroad dining car, causing the lights on the street to warp into funny shapes. It was almost like the beginning of that old show, The Twilight Zone, where the images warped and waved about before coming into focus. Every once in a while the street outside was illuminated by the bright flash...

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Oh Where Oh Where Could My Baby Be

My name is Lars Micheal Anderson and am about to graduate from Sanford University with a PhD. in Psychology. I will be working with the Transgendered Community to honor my dead girlfriend Katrina Leona Stewart who's Love for me led to my redemption and return to God. [-][+][-] I met Katrina after she had transitioned. She was an only child whose parents had passed away, leaving her to live with Pastor Franklin Rhodes, her uncle. He used to pastor the Gate City Baptist Church until...

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Ann Loses The Bet But Enjoys Her Loss

Ann and Will were an older couple that enjoyed sex and exploring their fantasies. Since meeting on Lush several years ago, they had gone from cyber-lovers to physical lovers. As they became physically connected, they had found many ways to enjoy each other. They never failed to try something new in their relationship if one or the other wanted to try it. This had broadened their sexual appetites in many ways and found them always stretching the boundaries of what each other would do. Today was...

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My Journey To The World Of Desires Part 6

The affair with seema and progress with teacher had made me confident. I came home and analyzed my actions.One point I had progressed that I had not cared for my fetish , rather cared for seema’s pleasure. But after careful thinking I realized , I am moving fast with teacher , and taking many factors for granted. The approach might have been good for a Ice-Break , but for a target , It was not just enough. Anyway , I had no more desire for her. That was good. I was approaching a relationship...

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The RescuedChapter 65 AS01Gamma Day 9 continued

When Steve entered the room where Annette and Joelle were waiting, he found them on their knees beside the bed, still naked, with their hair still damp from their shower. They looked up as he entered, then bowed their heads again, waiting to be instructed. Steve considered the best way to make his point, given the limited number of orgasms he was likely to be capable of, and then spoke in a commanding voice. "Stand, both of you," he said. "Put your hands behind your head, and spread your...

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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

3 years ago
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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 1 The Sexual Revolution

I have always been a sexual person. I have always been turned on by sex. When I was 16, I got my first “serious” girlfriend, meaning the first girl I ever tongue kissed, made out with and felt up. My dad sensed that I was a in the beginning stages of a hormone drenched relationship with a girl who was a bit more experienced than I and a year older. He had the “Sex Talk” with me where he discussed STD’s, pregnancy, and condoms. But he also instilled a bit of wisdom in me about sex. He told me...

2 years ago
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98 A PUNISHMENT IN CENTRAL PARK “So, Avis, Jon your husband has sent you to us for some much needed correction!” She stood erect, defiant even; well dressed, I am not good at sizes but 5ft 6 or so not a young woman it is true but tidy, Her shape was still feminine for her age which I suspect was very late 40s early 50`s, fairly good looking, though her features said that she had seen life and not always from the best side, she had something about her. breasts well defined, though I had as...

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2 Illawarra Flame Ch 0103

CHAPTER ONE Maya knew immediately that she had worn the wrong shoes. She could have gotten away with the business suit if she had have worn a pair of flats or a low heel, but the shiny patent leather high heels with the pointy toes that she’d chosen just screamed ‘New York elite’ when this office was clearly anything but elite. What she should be going for here was ‘friendly and approachable’. Shit. First impressions make a huge difference to your chances of success in taking over an office...

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Injustice IIChapter 11

The following character appears in the remainder of the story: Giovanni Giuffrida DeCavalcante Family Boss and next Don, called Johnny Tin Ear, 5’-9’’ tall, about 200 pounds, 40 years old, mostly bald with brown eyes and a Mediterranean complexion The Maitre D’ stopped at a door that we could faintly hear music coming from and knocked. “Come!” someone inside said, and he opened the door for us to enter. There was only one person inside, and he was seated at the head of a midsize table...

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Aurora 3 dominating the toilet wanker

I gave him a ten minute wait, before I called him into my office. Darrell Atkinson was a freshman, the same age as Olivia, with a lean, athletic build, short brown hair, a square, almost manly face and a sad preference for baggy skater clothes. He was waiting on account of me giving him a stern warning to show up in my office on undisclosed charges. I made sure he was plenty nervous before I opened the door for him.When he finally was allowed to enter, he did the best he could to look cool and...

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Sibling Seduction Ch 07

It was after 1 o’clock, and Jeff was downstairs making a sandwich. Amy joined him soon after, coming downstairs wearing only her bikini. She still felt the need to get a reaction out of him! And react he did. It was a blue bikini, and his gaze kept falling on her cleavage. He did not yet see her ass because she sat down at the table. He threw a grilled cheese on the plate in front of her, and sat down at the other side of the table to eat his own. Sex still being a new thing between them, it...

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Finally a Princess Pt 01

The first part, of what will be a multi part story, of a crossdresser who loves Disney getting to step out of the closet. I like to develop the characters so if you are hoping to get straight the sex you will likely be disappointed. Finally a Princess (Part 1) You could feel the excitement on the bus as it traveled along the highway. The video showed a bunch of activities that waited for everyone once we got to our destination. We were headed to Port Canaveral and onto a Disney...

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Nanbanin Chithi Rani Sema

Hai friends, en nanban veetirku sendru irukum pozhuthu avanathu chithi sexyaana mulai vaithu irunthu mudu eeri avaludan kaama udal uravu eer pattu sex seithom. Eppadi avaludan thodarbu eer pattu sex nadanthathu enbathai intha tamil kamakathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, varungal ullasa kaama kathaikul selalam. Eppozhuthum en nanban veetirku sendru aratai adithu vitu varen, oru nal nanbanin chithapa pondati vanthu irunthaal. Aval parka miga sexyaaga irupaal, aanal thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal...

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Selena and JoeChapter 9

The buzz of the alarm startled Joe from his sleep and he quickly hit the snooze and lay back next to Selena. He looked over at her and she looked so sweet and innocent he could not resist propping up on an elbow to stare at the young beauty. After a few moments he leaned and kissed her cheek and then her lips in hopes of waking her. As she began to stir, he leaned and whispered in her ear, "... and the handsome prince kissed Sleeping Beauty to wake her from her deep sleep." Selena smiled...

4 years ago
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A Model Child 3

A Model Child By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three Out the door Ray went, feeling as self-assured as he could possibly be, as he made his way down the hallway and then over to the elevator. Down he went, double checking his phone on the ride before the doors parted at the ground floor and he noticed some of the other models making their way to a big stretch limo. Over he went, checking in with Miss Opal who casually gave him the once over before she nodded,...

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Island Of Desire Ch 11

He awoke he next morning and admired the lithe and curvaceous naked body that was entangled in the sheets next to him. He shook his head as he recalled the events of another unforgettable nights. Slowly she stirred from a deep sleep. ‘Hi beautiful,’ he said. ‘Hi sexy,’ she replied as he leaned over to softly kiss her. ‘Can I say that you are amazing!’ he offered. ‘You can! You’re pretty incredible yourself.’ ‘Thank you. Are you hungry.’ ‘For sex or food?’ ‘You’re incorrigible! I was...

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The Household Slave

The Household SlavePete looked at the address in the classified ad and compared it to the numbers on the house. After making sure the numbers matched, he read the ad once more: "Three roommates seek someone to help with housework, chores, etc. Must relocate." He considered leaving, but where would he go? He raised arm and knocked. He was about to knock again when the sound of the door unlocking stopped him. A cute red-haired girl greeted him."You here about the ad?""Yes, I am.""Come in and make...

5 years ago
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Flip-Flop By Cassandra Morgan In a small thatched hut in Borneo, I am sure they are talking about her. In a city office building in Nigeria, I am sure they are talking about her. In a backwoods shanty in Hawaii, I am sure they are talking about her. So, yeah, we were talking about her. My wife Debbie and I were sitting around, trying not to turn on the TV for one night, sipping coffee and talking about the world. And so she came up in our living room the same way she came up in...

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Mr Shukla and I

Dear Iss readers this is Aboli back again with my stories of adventure.That year was a very good year for the bank and I was promoted to become operations manager. Of course I was more than willing to show my gratitude to Shukla sir.One evening I was working on my terminal when sir came and stood behind me. I smiled and continued to work.Shukla sir put his hands on my shoulders and slowly started to rub me there. I turned around and pulled him down for a kiss. We kissed a long wet time. Sir’s...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 770

This one is compliments of Carl THE LIZARD... A monkey is sitting in a tree, smoking a joint, when a lizard walks past. The lizard looks up and says to the monkey “Hey! what are you doing?” The monkey says “Smoking a joint, come up and join me, my cold-blooded friend.” So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they have another joint. After a while the lizard says his mouth is ‘dry’, and that he’s going to get a drink from the river. At the riverbank, the lizard is so...

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Start of a sissy night with fianceacute

(This is the start of a fantasy I have thinking about my fiancé, we have done lots of things like this together, I just thought I'd write down how it plays out in my head, I will continue it if I'm able to edit this story after submission)Mmm I keep thinking about it.. Getting home from work and my fiance already home and ready. She's dressed up. Black corset pushing up her DD tits, a black thong, thigh high black stockings, a pair of white frilly panties hugging her ass thong just poking over...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 23 Fulfilled and Yet Unsatisfied

When I knocked on the door, a middle-aged woman opened it. "Yes?" "Good morning. I am Kaiba Seto. Is Kajiki available?" "Good morning. Come in." She said cheerfully. "Ryota?" She yelled upstairs. "You have a guest, son." She looked at me again. "I'm sorry; you said your name was?" "Kaiba." I repeated, just a bit amused. No one had ever asked me twice. "Thank you. It's Kaiba." She yelled. From above a male voice – not my classmate – answered. "Tell him to wait, boy....

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One Bad WishChapter 4 Thanksgiving

It was only a week before Thanksgiving, when the change happened. Karen Connors realized that she only had one person to celebrate the holiday with, her mother-in-law, Edith. Her own mother lived in retirement community in Florida. Her arthritis made coming up north very difficult in the winter. She only visited in the summer. Karen was used to a large group for the annual feast; now it was just two. It suddenly occurred to her that many people were in the same boat as her. They had no one...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 8

“In a way, but it is not so simple as that. The peculiarities of varying figures often do not mean there is a crime. It can be as simple as an expansion of the work of a department, meaning extra expenditure on staff salaries and expenses; more spent on supplies, and so on. Finding the differences allows you to ask the questions that tell you whether there is an innocent explanation, and if not, you look into it further. Once you have dismissed all the innocent explanations, you start to...

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Vampire Erotica

I feel as though there is someone following me. I feel as though they are becoming closer to me. I am so scared, and with it being so dark I trip over a tree root. On the ground, I feel someone near me. I feel their hand grave mine, and I can feel them help me up. Within the moon light, I can only see the outline of this man’s frame. I am still frightened, not knowing who this man is, thinking he is the one that has been following me. After helping me up, he grabs me and holds me tight. One...

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How My Wife Was Tricked To Fuck

How a stranger fucked my wife.I left my wife tied to the window. Hands secured above her head. Eyes blindfolded and securely tied. I slowly opened the door and let him in.I had great fantasy of seeing my wife being fucked by someone else. I had tried to talk her into it but she was adamant. The more I read sex stories, the more determined I became. I began posting my stories online too to make up for my fantasies. Then I got an email from Bobby. He appreciated my stories. I sent him an email...

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Domination Fisting And Food Play With Guy From Tinder

Hey guys, this is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. Well, I will give you an image of myself first. I am Romi, 22 years old, and I live in Bangalore. I am a college girl, so I live in a PG. I have fair skin with red undertones, and my figure is 36-32-36. Got the picture? Now, onto the story. I had a boyfriend 3 years ago, and we used to have sex almost every time we used to meet. I liked it but wasn’t completely satisfied. My boyfriend never made me cum! I used to make myself cum by watching...

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Something Worth Fighting ForChapter 2

Hannah had no idea how long she had been sitting and rocking as she cried, but in reality it was about thirty minutes. Looking at the clock she realized it was now about fifteen minutes to eleven. Hannah quickly called her office and spoke to her supervisor. After quickly apologizing for not showing up, Hannah asked to get a few days off for sick leave. Hannah pointed out that she hadn't taken a single sick day off in the ten years she had been there. Jake her direct supervisor gave her...

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Hotwife in Stockings

Walking backwards through the party I bumped into her, she was absolutely stunning, instead of frowning she was smiling, she had beautiful blue eyes and without taking my eyes away I was dying to look down at her little dress and see her legs and heels. She held my arm steadying herself and as I instantly apologized. She said I was very bad and could make it up to her by giving her one of the drinks I was carrying. She looked back as she walked away, my wife’s drink in her hand and smiled but I...

1 year ago
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Fire in the club

Sophie felt a shiver go through her body as their eyes met across the crowded room. A good shiver. Their eyes locked and she could feel him appreciating her appearance. Short jean skirt, low-cut but not slutty black top, her skin glowing and hair perfectly tousled, she looked amazing without it being apparent that she had tried hard to do so. Sophie smiled at the gorgeous stranger coyly and sipped her drink, never taking her eyes off of him. Why wasn’t he coming over? Her thoughts were...

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Slutty Whore Fianceacutee Part 2

Slutty Whore Fiancée (Part 2) (see Part 1 first) There was that same avoidance after our second amazing night of perverse debauchery. By the time I woke up, stiff and sore, on the living room carpet, Helen had cleaned herself up and was her normal old self again and acted like nothing had happened. To tell the truth, I was thankful. I'd done and said things to her I was deeply ashamed of. I'd treated a smart, beautiful woman I really loved like she was nothing more important than three holes...

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Mistress Emmas Revenge

Mistress Emma's Revenge By Brenda Hi I'm Ken. Well I was, now I'm called Brenda. Here's a bit of my story for you. I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did. Because until I got caught misbehaving by my mistress, life was pretty good. At 38, I had a great job as an office manager in charge of 25 or so employees, mostly women, a really good salary, a nice office and plenty of job security. I was only 5'7" but made up for it with my good looks & great personality. Seriously I...

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Im Not Lisa Ch 1011

Chapter 10 Finishing Touches It was a happy trip back to the ranch. We were back in business again without the threat of our credit being withdrawn. We had immediate access to a full one-hundred-thousand-dollar line of credit, and Angus immediately drew on it to pay Tim Kleinhauser back. The relief after the tense moments of the past three days was plain for anyone to see. We were back on level ground. At least I thought we were until we crested the rise just before the ranch came into view...

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Just a Quick One

I was heading out to work, not wearing anything like what was necessary for me to wear on a cold night like tonight. My new boss, Sean had given all the girls at the club a new dress code, which consisted of next to no clothes -- all year round. A black polo shirt with our nightclub's emblem emblazoned onto the right side chest, the buttons got too tight for me around the top and so only two of the four of them were together; this was not, however, a new part of the expected dress code now. A...

Quickie Sex
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Dream to RealityChapter 2

Stuart came into the office for some samples before he left on the Monday. He packed the Mondeo estate with everything he needed. Kate had once wondered why he drove the Ford; after all he had a Jaguar that was only six months old. Stuart had explained. "Customers expect to see you in a relatively new car, but not a car that is superior to the one they drive. It's the same with the suits. Wear something too high class and they will think we are making too much money, and will want to...

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Petticoat Punishment of Timmy

"The Petticoat Punishment of Timmy" Timmy hurried home after being dropped by the school bus. His grandmother was coming by this afternoon to drop off a few things and he needed to get his homework done as fast as he could. "Is that you Timmy?" his mother called out from the other room when he opened the front door. "Yes mom, it's me." "Grandma is coming over, you might want get a move on it if you don't want her to see you doing your homework dressed like a girl," she...

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Soft Target The Heads punishment

Chrissie sat outside the head teacher’s office, shifting nervously. Even though she was now a parent, with a son at the school, the old memories still made her shiver. She could still remember standing outside the headmaster’s office, all those years ago, biting her lip in anticipation of the yet another harsh telling off about the latest indiscretion. But now she was here discuss her son’s behaviour. Mark was a typical teenager and, as such, visits to the head teacher were not uncommon. But...

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Dream MasterChapter 19

Christine was right; there was quite a bit of information about the theft on the web. Publicity was a double-edged sword for the insurance company. Making sure everyone knew the painting had been stolen made it hard to sell, but — when you're talking about million dollar works of art — it also had the negative impact of letting the more elite collectors know that the piece might be available. There were always those buyers that didn't care how they got the piece, as long as they got it,...

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Shadowsblade Dead Ringer part 2

Sunday April 16, 12:05 am Abandoned lab hallway With some effort, Sara slid the stone out of it's place a few inches and then it started to slide on it's own. When the stone had slid enough distance so that she could see it was being pulled out by two of her father's huge assistants. Once it was clear of the doorway, they shoved it aside and stepped out of her way with a bow of respect. "Mistress?" both asked. Gothmog smiled at her, as he leaned in a almost human like way against...

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Cottage Rental

My husband and I usually like to spend our summer vacations somewhere warm – Florida, Cuba, Mexico. Anywhere that we’ll find lots of sun, sand and surf. The prices are lower, the crowds are thinner, and we end up getting pampered by the staff, who are grateful for our business. However, this summer, my sister Marisa and her husband Paul had an opportunity at renting a beautiful cottage in the Muskoka’s for a fraction of the price. Her boss’ cottage is usually rented all summer long, but there...

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Parivar Mein Sabko Khush Kiya 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, toh yeh hai part meri series ka ka. Maine pichle part main apko story se introduce kiya tha. Toh isse pehle aap yeh padhe pehle aap part 1 padhiye. Toh chaliye continue karte hai. Itne mein woh boli ke, “Maine tujhe mujhe bathroom mein ghurte hue dekh liya.” Toh maine kaha, “Mujhe pata hai aur aap bhi toh mujhe dekh hi rahi thi.” Toh woh naughty si smile di aur boli, “Chalo fir to pakka hai tum bhi wahi chahte ho jo main toh fir…” Itna keh ke woh mujhe dhakka dekar lita diya...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 2 CatalystChapter 7

"Did you get what you needed?" asked Lori as they left Chris's home "Yes and no. I reported in and let them know what I found, but I know now even less about him than I did when I started," commented Dusty to Lori. Lori realized that Dusty probably wanted some privacy to ask some questions. One being why Lindsey was here and another about Chris, and she was sure he didn't want an audience. "Well thank god you came back when you did, we were running out of things to say to him while...

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sis and her best friend continued

Episode 2 – The FloodContinuing my story of youth and innocence from Episode 1.Jenny gave me a big hug and kissed me lightly on the forehead. ‘That was lovely Bill, don’t worry I won’t tell s*s’ she whispered as if reading my mind. ‘Night night, see you in the morning’. I was both emotionally exhausted and exhilarated but at a loss for words. As my mind replayed what had just happened I got hard again but quickly slipped off into a deep blissful slumber. I was awoken the next morning by the...

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Kurt The Girl Emerging

THE WALTZ Once in a while our school would hold a winter dance. It didn't happen every year, and I didn't know why, but this year was a special one and the dance was would be held on Saturday between Christmas and New Years. It would be a formal affair, more formal than a senior prom. It's purpose was mostly not for entertainment but rather for the development of some social skills: such as for girls and boys being polite with each other, those little smiles with 'thanks' and...

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Part 4 My husbands first business trip of th

My husband first business trip of the year part 4.Tuesday night after putting my daughter was asleep in her room, I was laying on my bed watching tv while thinking about the enjoyable time I had earlier that afternoon with my lover Nick. I really enjoyed it. While watching a series and thinking about earlier I found myself gently massaging my pussy for a while. I stopped before I became to horny and decided to wait for the morning for Kyla my private masseuse to give me a relaxing pleasurable...

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