L’Affaire C. 02 free porn video

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Jack couldn’t help smiling the rest of the evening. He had done it. He had her. And it was a relief to know that her resistance to letting their status as couple be known was not because she didn’t want a relationship, but because she thought she was some kind of diversion for him. The woman was anything but a diversion, he couldn’t keep his mind away from her.

He closed his laptop with a click, resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to get any more work done tonight. Instead he made his way into the cramped little kitchen—he had to find a way to get her to move in with him, he felt claustrophobic in this place—and made himself a gin and tonic. He tried not to concentrate on the way she looked as he held her head in place and bucked into her mouth. What had he been thinking? But the images flooded his mind and his groin tightened in response. It had felt so damn good. And watching her had felt so damn good. A thick mass of red hair cascading down her back and falling into her face against that smooth pale skin and, God help him, those freckles. The pert little nose struggling for breath. Had he hurt her? She was probably never going to let him in her mouth again.

Jack groaned. He could almost feel the hotness of her breath, feel the fullness of those pink lips brushing against his dick. His erection was in full force again and she hadn’t even left with Nicki half an hour ago to go prance around in that soft pink sweater that luxuriously hugged her curves. The swell of her bust, the accentuation of her waist, and those hips. The capped sleeves of the sweater accentuated those long, slender arms that ended in the most beautiful hands he’d ever seen. Every day she sat down and over-charged women to put acrylic nails on their hands, and all the while Ally sported her natural nails, well groomed but free from polish. Perfect without trying. And she had no idea. She and Nicki were perfect for each other. A package of truly lovely women, wandering about with shields of sarcasm and disinterest to hide insecurities that made absolutely no sense.

He wondered absently how Nicki was doing, lately, with her quest to keep every man at bay by letting that absolute loser ex-boyfriend of hers hang around. He’d never met the guy but was still disgusted by him.

Ally had told Nicki that she loved him. She loved him. That was probably the best part. He’d been so surprised he’d forgotten to say anything in response before Nicki shuttled her out the door. But say what? That he loved her? Loving her was one thing, but actually telling her? It was so much easier for women.

The shrill ring of his cell phone pulled Jack away from his thoughts. One glance at the caller ID had him rolling his eyes. Liam had been back in the states for a week now but insisted the entire office had changed in the 6 months he spent in Hong Kong and called Jack about thirty times a day to demand explanations for imaginary changes. It was too good to have him back in town for Jack to complain. He flipped open the cell phone, ‘Let me guess, ‘they’ moved the coffee filters.’

‘No, I was going to talk to you about your assistant, the law student.’

‘Uh huh?’

‘I bet we could get her enrolled in a good charm school. She’s a nasty little thing.’

Jack smiled. ‘What do you want, Liam?’

‘Ah, I’m bored. Are you at home? I was thinking about dropping buy. I can bring pizza.’

‘It’s eleven o’clock!’

‘It’s never too late for pizza. Come on—my treat.’

‘Nah, man, I’m not at home.’

‘It’s eleven o’clock!’

Jack laughed. ‘See you at the office tomorrow?’

‘Tomorrow’s Saturday.’

‘Like I said. See you at the office tomorrow.’

‘Yeah yeah. Hey, where are you? You’re not sleeping at your desk tonight, are you?’

Jack scoffed. He’d never slept at his desk– his office had a couch. ‘I’m at my girlfriend’s place.’

‘Figures. So when do I get to meet the woman who stole my drinking partner?’

‘I asked her, but she says she’d rather be strung up by her toenails than sit in a room with more than one lawyer in it.’

It was Liam’s turn to scoff. ‘That’s a figure of speech, I’m sure.’

After saying goodnight Jack snapped the phone shut, but opened it again almost immediately and dialed Ally’s cell phone.

‘Don’t look now but there’s a cool glass of water looking this way, and he ain’t looking at me. Behind your right shoulder.’ Nicki turned to look over her shoulder as Ally hissed, ‘I said don’t look!’

‘Remember I told you about my on-again-off-again guy-person?’

‘That’s Adam? But—he doesn’t look like a loser.’

‘No, that’s not Adam. That’s Adam’s friend Matt.’

‘Matt as in dog park guy?’

‘When did I tell you about dog park guy?’

‘When you were complaining that the one guy you were really crushing on turned out to be a friend of your crackpot ex. He keeps glancing over here. His with some girl and she’s starting to get annoyed.’

Nicki sipped her Diet Coke. The girl probably had no reason to get her nose out of joint, he was probably just compiling a list of things to report back to Adam about. She noticed Ally studying her quizzically and sat up straight, making an effort to look neutral. So Adam had a cute friend. So what? It would be so tacky to go after him. Plus, he was with someone.

‘Maybe they aren’t together. Another guy just joined him and the girl went off.’

Nicki’s spine stiffened. Ally had never met Adam. She didn’t know what he looked like. Was Adam here, behind her? Inexplicably, her heart started pounding. He called every once in awhile, usually late in the evening after he’d had a few, and she’d stopped answering his calls. It was easy enough to do with caller ID because the man didn’t seem to know how to leave a voicemail. ‘You do realize you’re openly staring, right?’

‘I’m allowed. He’s not exactly the most discreet man on earth. I can totally tell his attention is only superficially on whatever new guy is saying. Oh, shit, he’s coming over.’

‘New guy is coming over?’

Ally looked puzzled. ‘No, old guy. The Matt guy. Why would new guy come over?’


Nicki turned in her seat and looked up at the man beside her. Ally was right. He was a cool glass of water. Even worse, he smelled delicious.

‘Matt. Hi.’ Nicki said, giving a small wave.

Matt leaned down so his head was in between the women and gestured to one of the empty chairs at the table, ‘Do you mind if I join you?’

Nicki was speechless. He wanted to sit with them? Why did he smell so good? Is he on a reconnaissance mission of some sort? Was Adam in the bar somewhere?

‘Not at all,’ Ally grinned, pushing a chair out with her foot. Matt smiled at her and took a seat as Ally worked to make eye contact with her friend, to no avail. Nicki seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move even her eyes. Before pulling her foot back in Ally gave Nicki a nudge under the table.

‘I have to go to the little girl’s room,’ Ally announced, rising. Once she had left Matt turned his full attention on Nicki.

‘So Adam’s been bitching because you haven’t been answering his calls for close to three months now. I haven’t seen you out walking that funny looking dog of yours, either. What is it you called her? A vespa?’

‘She’s a vizla. A Vespa is a motorized scooter. We go to the park in the mornings now.’

‘I thought maybe you’d moved.’

‘Nope. Still here. How are you?’

‘I was happy to run into you. Your friend seems nice.’

‘She’s not. Right now she’s hiding out in the bathroom so that I get to sit here alone with you.’

‘And you resent being alone with me?’

Nicki finally looked into his eyes, a blue so light she could sometimes swear they were gray. His dark brown hair was mussed but had been recently cut. ‘No, I’m just not sure why you’re here?’

Matt shrugged. ‘Well, they have goo
d music—’ Matt pointed to the stage where a jazz vocalist and her piano entertained the patrons who seemed to be paying little attention. ‘And the drinks aren’t too expensive.’

‘At my table. Why you’re here at my table.’

After a moment he said, ‘I guess I’m curious to know if you’re done with Adam.’

‘Ah.’ Nicki nodded. ‘So you are a spy.’

Matt leaned into her conspiratorially, a wide grin on his face. He had perfect teeth. Who had teeth that perfect? They had to be caps. No, one was chipped slightly. Could caps get chips? She didn’t know. ‘I come in peace. I’m afraid I’m not coming here as a friend of Adam.’

‘You aren’t friends anymore? That’s too bad.’

‘No, we are. I’m just here for some very unfriendly reasons.’

Nicki shook her head. ‘Are you always this obtuse?’

‘I want to know if you’re done with him—really done with him this time?’

‘You just said you weren’t here for Ad—’

Matt cut her off. ‘I’m here for me. I’m here because I like sitting next to you.’

Nicki opened her mouth to respond but, having nothing to say, closed it again.

‘Go ahead,’ Matt prompted.


‘You looked like you were about to ask me something.’

Nicki looked at him appraisingly and took a sip of her soft drink before asking, ‘So, and correct me if I’m wrong because lord knows you’re not being clear, you’re here trying to be my friend?’

Matt laughed softly, a warm musical sound. The warmth carried into his gaze as he looked at her. ‘Well, if you’re accepting new friends, then yes, I miss our chats at the park.’

Nicki started to relax and found herself leaning toward him, as well. ‘I see. I suppose we can all use more friends. But what does that have to do with Adam? You can’t be friends with me unless I’m not through with him?’

Matt seemed to consider this a moment. ‘Not really. More like it’d be easier to be friends with you if I knew it was over between you two. ‘

‘How so?’ This was one of the strangest conversations Nicki had ever been apart of but she had to admit she was enthralled. What was wrong with him? Had he had too much to drink? He really wasn’t making any sense at all.

‘Well, what if you seduce me?’ he asked, completely straight-faced. ‘It would put strain on my relationship with Adam if his girlfriend put the moves on me.’

Nicki didn’t reply for a moment. She couldn’t. Suddenly Ally reappeared but stood next to the table rather than sitting. Nicki tore her eyes away from Matt and looked up at Ally. ‘What’s up?’

‘That was Jack. He wants me to come home.’

Nicki looked unimpressed. ‘So?’

Ally blushed. ‘Well, I’d kind of like to. It was a big night for us, I mean, telling you… Anyway, you guys both live near the same dog park. Could you give her a ride home?’ Ally looked at Matt with an innocent expression that didn’t fool Nicki for a second. The bitch. Jack probably hadn’t even called.

Matt spoke before Nicki had a chance to form a reply fit for an audience. ‘Not at all, I’d love to. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she gets home safe.’

‘Great!’ Ally said, deftly avoiding Nicki’s hand, which had reached out to grab her arm. ‘Gotta go. Talk to you later, Nicki.’

They both watched Ally leave and their gazes stayed on the entrance long after she left. Finally, Matt spoke. ‘She called you Nicki. I like that, do a lot of people call you Nicki?’

‘Yeah…my family…my friends.’

‘Really? Adam always called you Nicole when he was talking about you.’

Nicki looked him in the eyes. ‘Like I said. My friends call me Nicki.’

Matt was quiet for a moment, contemplating where the conversation was headed. ‘So what should I call you? Nicki or Nicole?’

‘Probably not Nicole. It’s not my name.’

Matt looked taken aback. ‘Adam calls you by the wrong name? How did that happen?’

Nicki smiled, actually recalling the story with good humor. She’d introduced herself to Adam as Nicki but on their first date they ran into one of her newer clients who mistakenly called her Nicole. Adam had picked it up and called her Nicole ever since.

Matt listened to the story with a look of wonderment on his face. ‘And you never corrected him? What’s your name? Nikita?’

Nicki laughed out loud. ‘No, not Nicki. Honestly, I didn’t correct him because it wasn’t far off from my name. My full name is Nicolette, so I’m either Nicki or Nicolette, but never really Nicole.’

‘Until Adam absentmindedly changed your name.’

Nicky was still smiling. ‘Yes, yes. Until Adam changed my name.’

‘I like Nicolette. It sounds so—’ His voice trailed off as he searched for an appropriate adjective.

‘So like a chewing gum designer for nicotine addicts?’

Matt turned to look at her, grinning mischievously. ‘I plead the fifth.’

To the surprise of them both, Nicki kissed him. Startled at first, Matt quickly regained his senses and deepened the kiss, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. When they finally pulled apart Nicki’s cheeks were flushed. Matt moved his hand from her cheek and rested it on her arm. She was wearing a long-sleeved plum-colored button-down knit shirt with a large enough scoop at the neck to reveal a tantalizing swell of breasts, and despite the fabric between them Matt’s body reacted as if he’d been touching bare skin.

‘I’m sorry, that was tacky of me.’

This pulled Matt back into the present. ‘Tacky?’

‘Ex-girlfriend hits on guy’s best friend. It’s such a cliché.’

Matt gazed at her, dark hair flowing down her back in tantalizing curls, toffee colored eyes framed by lush, dark lashes. ‘And what about guy wants friend’s ex?’

Nicki blinked and smiled, oddly comfortable in both his presence and their flirting. She found she liked sitting next to him, too. ‘Even worse.’

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Sam Weir calmly biked down the dark and empty street towards home. It wasn't every day that he got to ride around so late, so he was taking his time, enjoying the look and feel of the neighborhood at night. His parents had gone away for the weekend, visiting some ailing distant relative, so he had spent the evening at the Haverchuck home with Bill and Neal. They watched Saturday Night Live, played a little Dungeons and Dragons, ate some junk food, and talked about girls. All in all it had...

3 years ago
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Vegas Hotel Spanking Service Part 1

"Tell me again why we're going to Vegas together and you have signed up for a room in another wing of our hotel? Honestly Sheila you're taking this spanking kink a bit far don't you think," Christie asked earnestly."Tell me again why you don't want to sign up for the kink spanking service?" Sheila giggled. "Don't be such a worry wort. I've signed up for the vacation program so we'll have plenty of time to gamble, sight see, and take in some shows. We simply will have to schedule our time,...

3 years ago
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Naughty Secrets 8211 Episode 1

Hello all, This is Anant…. I am submitting the first installment of story, be generous with your comments as this is my first submission. Any feedback can also be sent to my mail – Beginning with the story – It was a cool summer night, the society compound was quite eventful even at 10:00 PM at night. Kids playing and screaming gleefully. Ladies of the society gathered and chatting. But she was not amongst them. She was aimlessly scrolling through her phone while walking around with her...

1 year ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 7 Fortune Teller

The excursion was great. 15 girls took me up on my offer. They were decorous seated in the galley with the teddybear in the corner of the lounge, supervising. The Bleeker girls, from Hart, Michigan, comprised over half the group. Mr. Bleeker, Superintendent of Schools for Oceania County, was combining business with pleasure. He was inspecting his schools while giving the family a break from the daily routine. Mr. Bleeker was prolific: of a family of nine children, eight were girls, aging...

3 years ago
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An Accidental Adventure

Even as she slammed her foot on the brake pedal, Dana Cosgrove knew it was already too late. She barely had time to curse before the sound of metal against metal drowned out her voice, the front end of her old Ford Escort slamming against the rear of the Mercedes Sedan that had suddenly appeared in front of her. The problem was, the sedan really hadn’t suddenly appeared, it had been there all along. The twenty-one year old redhead had been too busy arguing with her boyfriend on her cell phone...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alexis Fawx My Stepson Is Evil

With his father out of town, Seth Gamble detects some shady activity on the part of his busty stepmom, Alexis Fawx. He confronts her with evidence of her marital infidelity. Alexis desperately begs for his silence, but the only thing she has to offer her stepson is her voluptuous body! Seth shoves her to her knees to make her suck his hard cock. The MILF gives an expert, very taboo blowjob. Young Seth relentlessly fucks his stacked stepmother’s pussy as she moans in pleasure. He cums on...

3 years ago
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Brita Gets a Job

It was a perfectly ordinary street, but at the same time extraordinary, and what had to be number 37, had to be because although it didn't have a number on the door, the doors either side were 35 and 39, was perfectly ordinary except ... Like many city streets it wasn't particularly wide, it had three and four storey buildings on either side, joined to form long terraces. At one time all the properties had been residential, but now some were offices, some had been converted to apartments...

1 year ago
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Love Castle 1 Ava Interest Denied

*Small body, light hair, quiet, diligent, loyal. Maid and attendant* Despite his station there were still women beyond his reach. Indeed, it made them all the more appealing. Interestingly, there now a girl of low position but high potential who he was definitely interested in but certainly had no chance with in a fair situation. Ava was small for a woman, but proud and somewhat aloof. He'd known from the moment he met her that she would not trade favors for advancement, even...

2 years ago
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Manny Spare Parts

Manny spare parts. By Manny34 It began with a job interview at Xenotrax, a pharmaceutical giant who had made a huge splash in the twenties with significant advances in molecular technology for medical use, they gave hospitals machines that could run scans and strip people of cancer in a single afternoon, their magic machines could heal tissue damage like burns and keep blood levels consistent eliminating anaemia and there are practical apps for a variety of other...

2 years ago
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That night with Groovi

So I moved to a new house with my family when I was about 6-7 years old. My parents and my sister and I. Me and my s*s made friends with all the k**s on the block, oh yeah and my s*s was two years younger than me. Well, anyways, our best friends on this neighborhood was two k**sdown the street, a brother and sisterr named Tushar and Groovi. Groovi was my sister's age, two years younger than me, and Tushar was even younger, and he was kind of annoying. So me and my s*s always hung out with...

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we meet francis for rmore fun

Introduction: the second nights gangbang Hi , This is Sue, biguys wife again, with biguys help this is what happned the second night we met Francis. Last night I was used by my lover and a load of guys, tonight was going to be just as good I hoped, with more guys using my body than ever before, Lunch time the next day Francis rang, he was the very well hung guy who had fucked me last night, to say he was staying over an extra day, just so he could meet me again, so did I want to meet him...

2 years ago
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18 Saal Ki American Gaand

Jaise ki Maine pichli kahani mein bataya hi tha k meri biwi India gayi hui hai aur main aajkal yaha California mein ghar pe akela hota hu. Issi beech maine apne ghar chori karne aaye pados k gore ladke ko bhi chod dala. Par 3 din pehle jo hua uski maine kalpana bhi nhi ki thi. Hua yu k meri job pe mere senior Mr. Sawant, jo ki mere pados mein bhi rehte hain, ko achanak India jana parh raha tha. Unki maa bauht bimar hain aur sirf unko hi bula rahi thi. Wo dono miya biwi jaana chahte the magar...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Brink of Extinction

No one ever expects or notices a disater until it is too late to save themselves. This was no exception. The virius had been around for decades, lurking silently until it couldn't be stopped. No one had thought it strange when families simply stopped having female children, thinking they were just more prone to having male successors. No one had even cared, as sons were more welcomed than daughters in most societies. No one cared, until it was too late to stop it. As females slowly died off,...

4 years ago
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Schoolgirl Slut 3

Part 3 We walked back up the stairs and back into the bedroom, handing the drinks round. Dan must have noticed that we were all still a little flushed as he said, "Been making more friends, Claire?" I blushed a little more, I'm not sure why, everyone knew what I'd been up to and most of them had seen me doing it to one person or another. But maybe I could use this to my advantage. "Um, yeah. I just get so horny sometimes." "You're still horny?" he asked surprised. "Well, yeah....

3 years ago
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Wife Trains My Ass Pegged

Friday had finally arrived. Time this week seemed to creep by after my wife Sarah had told me earlier this week that our k**s would be spending the weekend with the grandparents and that we had the weekend all to ourselves.As much as we love spending time as a family, we needed some adult time to pay attention to each other. When the k**s were younger, "adult time" meant basically sleeping all weekend with some occasional playtime. But as the k**s got older, we started to do less sleeping and...

3 years ago
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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 6

We left Las Cruces on our return trip home as scheduled, with a passel of kids dressed for the ride, and a wagon full of clothes for growing kids. Tom, Martin Amador and I rode along behind the wagon, as the ladies rode near the front of the wagon on either side, talking to Celia, Beth, Izabella and the rest of the kids. Celia hadn’t had a chance to see George during the trip, as he was back out on patrol early the next morning after our visit with the Colonel. Martin had reluctantly come...

2 years ago
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Work Experience for Morgan

My name is Morgan, and I am a 17 year old male student in my final year of high school. My family owns a gym, hence I have had ample opportunities to develop a finely toned body, which has held me in good stead when attracting the attentions of the opposite sex. You can gather from that comment that I’m not a virgin, having lost that status nearly a year ago courtesy of one of the slightly older female fitness instructors at the family gym. She continues to instruct me in the skills that send...

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Episode 138 Staying Alert

Now the outdoor exercising restrictions are being eased, Nicky and step-mum Steff have extended their daily running routes, pausing occasionally to chat with other joggers and dog-walkers from a safe distance.Today was particularly hot and the sweat had turned their matching, tight running tops almost transparent, showing four succulent nipples.Because all charity shops were still closed, many of the residents of Stockbridge and surrounding villages had put unwanted items out on the street for...

2 years ago
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Clover City is not the pristine metropolis that the fliers would indicate. Sure the city has a bustling business world and a gourmet flair, but crime and corruption run fairly rampant. You have slid into the less friendly side of life and the less picturesque part of town. Will you rise to power? Fall by the wayside? Give in to a life of lust? Clover City is a place that benefits the lucky. Toss the dice and hope for the best. Your name is: John Doe If you want to play someone of the opposite...

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Never Forget

Introduction: Twin Brother And Sister Struggle To Maintain A Secret Relationship It was never supposed to be anything more than what it became. Kyle had grown up with Katie. He had watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman that she was. She was his best friend. She was his twin sister. They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had...

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BlacksOnCougars Cindy Crawford 03122021

A bored and angry housewife heads to the park to be away from her husband when she spots a group of black men. Figuring what is better revenge than getting some dicking when you are upset, she goes over to meet the group and quickly gets her wish granted as they scoop her up and run off to her house to lay some serious pipe. This little piglet is not fucking around as she ravenously attacks those cocks like a starving hobo. She has cocks all over her face and is in pure heaven. Soon they are...

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Mels Celebration

Her brown hair was sticking to her face with sweat and cum. The make-up she’d carefully spent an age applying was smudged and smeared. Her usually sparkling blue eyes were tinged with red and slightly puffy from watering, but the look behind them was one of pure, dirty fulfillment. And she’d definitely been filled.As she regarded herself in the increasingly steamed up mirror of the rented, luxury studio apartment, the mist from the hot shower that was running behind her added to the blur of her...

Group Sex
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Something Worth Fighting ForChapter 3

By three in the afternoon Hannah had pretty much cried herself out. Realizing that her sons should have been home by now, Hannah raced upstairs to get dressed. She had been sitting naked in her home all day. At some point the bodywash and shampoo had dried onto her body. Jumping into the shower she started crying again and couldn't seem to stop herself. As she cried so pitifully in a hiccupping manner, she tried hard to scrub herself clean. But no matter what she did she still felt dirty....

2 years ago
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Being HumanChapter 7

Up until this moment, Rachele had considered her apartment a sanctuary, where the problems and sorrows of her life cannot plague her. So she is surprised to actually feel the immense weight of the prospect of a full-term pregnancy lift from her shoulders. She feels wonderful. She looks down at Ghok with an ear-to-ear grin frozen on her face. “I’m really glad you came tonight,” she reiterates at barely a whisper. She looks past his shifting head and notices that the alien is still sporting a...

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Halloween A Pussycats Tail

"The Literotica Annual Halloween Story Contest is on!" I smiled wistfully as I read the announcement on my computer screen. I loved erotic stories almost as much as I loved writing, but I unfortunately lacked the talent to combine my two interests together. While it was easy enough for me to write about things that I had personally experienced, when the time came to make something up, my mind would inevitably run into a blank, unscalable wall. A sparse and unexciting sexual history...

1 year ago
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The Pregnant Bride Part 3 Oscars Story

[ For Oscar and Alicia, and for their exciting decision to fight racism in the most effective, and definitive way possible---through choosing to promote the birth of more interracial (African) offspring, and fewer (if any) Caucasian offspring. Possibly the only truly substantive thing left in the struggle to end the pernicious concept of 'white supremacy' (racism)! ]It's now confirmed! My girlfriend, and soon-to-be wife (this February), is pregnant! The life growing inside of her is the fruit...

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