Auntie s Magic House
- 4 years ago
- 68
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Jack couldn’t help smiling the rest of the evening. He had done it. He had her. And it was a relief to know that her resistance to letting their status as couple be known was not because she didn’t want a relationship, but because she thought she was some kind of diversion for him. The woman was anything but a diversion, he couldn’t keep his mind away from her.
He closed his laptop with a click, resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to get any more work done tonight. Instead he made his way into the cramped little kitchen—he had to find a way to get her to move in with him, he felt claustrophobic in this place—and made himself a gin and tonic. He tried not to concentrate on the way she looked as he held her head in place and bucked into her mouth. What had he been thinking? But the images flooded his mind and his groin tightened in response. It had felt so damn good. And watching her had felt so damn good. A thick mass of red hair cascading down her back and falling into her face against that smooth pale skin and, God help him, those freckles. The pert little nose struggling for breath. Had he hurt her? She was probably never going to let him in her mouth again.
Jack groaned. He could almost feel the hotness of her breath, feel the fullness of those pink lips brushing against his dick. His erection was in full force again and she hadn’t even left with Nicki half an hour ago to go prance around in that soft pink sweater that luxuriously hugged her curves. The swell of her bust, the accentuation of her waist, and those hips. The capped sleeves of the sweater accentuated those long, slender arms that ended in the most beautiful hands he’d ever seen. Every day she sat down and over-charged women to put acrylic nails on their hands, and all the while Ally sported her natural nails, well groomed but free from polish. Perfect without trying. And she had no idea. She and Nicki were perfect for each other. A package of truly lovely women, wandering about with shields of sarcasm and disinterest to hide insecurities that made absolutely no sense.
He wondered absently how Nicki was doing, lately, with her quest to keep every man at bay by letting that absolute loser ex-boyfriend of hers hang around. He’d never met the guy but was still disgusted by him.
Ally had told Nicki that she loved him. She loved him. That was probably the best part. He’d been so surprised he’d forgotten to say anything in response before Nicki shuttled her out the door. But say what? That he loved her? Loving her was one thing, but actually telling her? It was so much easier for women.
The shrill ring of his cell phone pulled Jack away from his thoughts. One glance at the caller ID had him rolling his eyes. Liam had been back in the states for a week now but insisted the entire office had changed in the 6 months he spent in Hong Kong and called Jack about thirty times a day to demand explanations for imaginary changes. It was too good to have him back in town for Jack to complain. He flipped open the cell phone, ‘Let me guess, ‘they’ moved the coffee filters.’
‘No, I was going to talk to you about your assistant, the law student.’
‘Uh huh?’
‘I bet we could get her enrolled in a good charm school. She’s a nasty little thing.’
Jack smiled. ‘What do you want, Liam?’
‘Ah, I’m bored. Are you at home? I was thinking about dropping buy. I can bring pizza.’
‘It’s eleven o’clock!’
‘It’s never too late for pizza. Come on—my treat.’
‘Nah, man, I’m not at home.’
‘It’s eleven o’clock!’
Jack laughed. ‘See you at the office tomorrow?’
‘Tomorrow’s Saturday.’
‘Like I said. See you at the office tomorrow.’
‘Yeah yeah. Hey, where are you? You’re not sleeping at your desk tonight, are you?’
Jack scoffed. He’d never slept at his desk– his office had a couch. ‘I’m at my girlfriend’s place.’
‘Figures. So when do I get to meet the woman who stole my drinking partner?’
‘I asked her, but she says she’d rather be strung up by her toenails than sit in a room with more than one lawyer in it.’
It was Liam’s turn to scoff. ‘That’s a figure of speech, I’m sure.’
After saying goodnight Jack snapped the phone shut, but opened it again almost immediately and dialed Ally’s cell phone.
‘Don’t look now but there’s a cool glass of water looking this way, and he ain’t looking at me. Behind your right shoulder.’ Nicki turned to look over her shoulder as Ally hissed, ‘I said don’t look!’
‘Remember I told you about my on-again-off-again guy-person?’
‘That’s Adam? But—he doesn’t look like a loser.’
‘No, that’s not Adam. That’s Adam’s friend Matt.’
‘Matt as in dog park guy?’
‘When did I tell you about dog park guy?’
‘When you were complaining that the one guy you were really crushing on turned out to be a friend of your crackpot ex. He keeps glancing over here. His with some girl and she’s starting to get annoyed.’
Nicki sipped her Diet Coke. The girl probably had no reason to get her nose out of joint, he was probably just compiling a list of things to report back to Adam about. She noticed Ally studying her quizzically and sat up straight, making an effort to look neutral. So Adam had a cute friend. So what? It would be so tacky to go after him. Plus, he was with someone.
‘Maybe they aren’t together. Another guy just joined him and the girl went off.’
Nicki’s spine stiffened. Ally had never met Adam. She didn’t know what he looked like. Was Adam here, behind her? Inexplicably, her heart started pounding. He called every once in awhile, usually late in the evening after he’d had a few, and she’d stopped answering his calls. It was easy enough to do with caller ID because the man didn’t seem to know how to leave a voicemail. ‘You do realize you’re openly staring, right?’
‘I’m allowed. He’s not exactly the most discreet man on earth. I can totally tell his attention is only superficially on whatever new guy is saying. Oh, shit, he’s coming over.’
‘New guy is coming over?’
Ally looked puzzled. ‘No, old guy. The Matt guy. Why would new guy come over?’
Nicki turned in her seat and looked up at the man beside her. Ally was right. He was a cool glass of water. Even worse, he smelled delicious.
‘Matt. Hi.’ Nicki said, giving a small wave.
Matt leaned down so his head was in between the women and gestured to one of the empty chairs at the table, ‘Do you mind if I join you?’
Nicki was speechless. He wanted to sit with them? Why did he smell so good? Is he on a reconnaissance mission of some sort? Was Adam in the bar somewhere?
‘Not at all,’ Ally grinned, pushing a chair out with her foot. Matt smiled at her and took a seat as Ally worked to make eye contact with her friend, to no avail. Nicki seemed to be frozen in place, unable to move even her eyes. Before pulling her foot back in Ally gave Nicki a nudge under the table.
‘I have to go to the little girl’s room,’ Ally announced, rising. Once she had left Matt turned his full attention on Nicki.
‘So Adam’s been bitching because you haven’t been answering his calls for close to three months now. I haven’t seen you out walking that funny looking dog of yours, either. What is it you called her? A vespa?’
‘She’s a vizla. A Vespa is a motorized scooter. We go to the park in the mornings now.’
‘I thought maybe you’d moved.’
‘Nope. Still here. How are you?’
‘I was happy to run into you. Your friend seems nice.’
‘She’s not. Right now she’s hiding out in the bathroom so that I get to sit here alone with you.’
‘And you resent being alone with me?’
Nicki finally looked into his eyes, a blue so light she could sometimes swear they were gray. His dark brown hair was mussed but had been recently cut. ‘No, I’m just not sure why you’re here?’
Matt shrugged. ‘Well, they have goo
d music—’ Matt pointed to the stage where a jazz vocalist and her piano entertained the patrons who seemed to be paying little attention. ‘And the drinks aren’t too expensive.’
‘At my table. Why you’re here at my table.’
After a moment he said, ‘I guess I’m curious to know if you’re done with Adam.’
‘Ah.’ Nicki nodded. ‘So you are a spy.’
Matt leaned into her conspiratorially, a wide grin on his face. He had perfect teeth. Who had teeth that perfect? They had to be caps. No, one was chipped slightly. Could caps get chips? She didn’t know. ‘I come in peace. I’m afraid I’m not coming here as a friend of Adam.’
‘You aren’t friends anymore? That’s too bad.’
‘No, we are. I’m just here for some very unfriendly reasons.’
Nicki shook her head. ‘Are you always this obtuse?’
‘I want to know if you’re done with him—really done with him this time?’
‘You just said you weren’t here for Ad—’
Matt cut her off. ‘I’m here for me. I’m here because I like sitting next to you.’
Nicki opened her mouth to respond but, having nothing to say, closed it again.
‘Go ahead,’ Matt prompted.
‘You looked like you were about to ask me something.’
Nicki looked at him appraisingly and took a sip of her soft drink before asking, ‘So, and correct me if I’m wrong because lord knows you’re not being clear, you’re here trying to be my friend?’
Matt laughed softly, a warm musical sound. The warmth carried into his gaze as he looked at her. ‘Well, if you’re accepting new friends, then yes, I miss our chats at the park.’
Nicki started to relax and found herself leaning toward him, as well. ‘I see. I suppose we can all use more friends. But what does that have to do with Adam? You can’t be friends with me unless I’m not through with him?’
Matt seemed to consider this a moment. ‘Not really. More like it’d be easier to be friends with you if I knew it was over between you two. ‘
‘How so?’ This was one of the strangest conversations Nicki had ever been apart of but she had to admit she was enthralled. What was wrong with him? Had he had too much to drink? He really wasn’t making any sense at all.
‘Well, what if you seduce me?’ he asked, completely straight-faced. ‘It would put strain on my relationship with Adam if his girlfriend put the moves on me.’
Nicki didn’t reply for a moment. She couldn’t. Suddenly Ally reappeared but stood next to the table rather than sitting. Nicki tore her eyes away from Matt and looked up at Ally. ‘What’s up?’
‘That was Jack. He wants me to come home.’
Nicki looked unimpressed. ‘So?’
Ally blushed. ‘Well, I’d kind of like to. It was a big night for us, I mean, telling you… Anyway, you guys both live near the same dog park. Could you give her a ride home?’ Ally looked at Matt with an innocent expression that didn’t fool Nicki for a second. The bitch. Jack probably hadn’t even called.
Matt spoke before Nicki had a chance to form a reply fit for an audience. ‘Not at all, I’d love to. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she gets home safe.’
‘Great!’ Ally said, deftly avoiding Nicki’s hand, which had reached out to grab her arm. ‘Gotta go. Talk to you later, Nicki.’
They both watched Ally leave and their gazes stayed on the entrance long after she left. Finally, Matt spoke. ‘She called you Nicki. I like that, do a lot of people call you Nicki?’
‘Yeah…my family…my friends.’
‘Really? Adam always called you Nicole when he was talking about you.’
Nicki looked him in the eyes. ‘Like I said. My friends call me Nicki.’
Matt was quiet for a moment, contemplating where the conversation was headed. ‘So what should I call you? Nicki or Nicole?’
‘Probably not Nicole. It’s not my name.’
Matt looked taken aback. ‘Adam calls you by the wrong name? How did that happen?’
Nicki smiled, actually recalling the story with good humor. She’d introduced herself to Adam as Nicki but on their first date they ran into one of her newer clients who mistakenly called her Nicole. Adam had picked it up and called her Nicole ever since.
Matt listened to the story with a look of wonderment on his face. ‘And you never corrected him? What’s your name? Nikita?’
Nicki laughed out loud. ‘No, not Nicki. Honestly, I didn’t correct him because it wasn’t far off from my name. My full name is Nicolette, so I’m either Nicki or Nicolette, but never really Nicole.’
‘Until Adam absentmindedly changed your name.’
Nicky was still smiling. ‘Yes, yes. Until Adam changed my name.’
‘I like Nicolette. It sounds so—’ His voice trailed off as he searched for an appropriate adjective.
‘So like a chewing gum designer for nicotine addicts?’
Matt turned to look at her, grinning mischievously. ‘I plead the fifth.’
To the surprise of them both, Nicki kissed him. Startled at first, Matt quickly regained his senses and deepened the kiss, bringing his hand up to cup her cheek. When they finally pulled apart Nicki’s cheeks were flushed. Matt moved his hand from her cheek and rested it on her arm. She was wearing a long-sleeved plum-colored button-down knit shirt with a large enough scoop at the neck to reveal a tantalizing swell of breasts, and despite the fabric between them Matt’s body reacted as if he’d been touching bare skin.
‘I’m sorry, that was tacky of me.’
This pulled Matt back into the present. ‘Tacky?’
‘Ex-girlfriend hits on guy’s best friend. It’s such a cliché.’
Matt gazed at her, dark hair flowing down her back in tantalizing curls, toffee colored eyes framed by lush, dark lashes. ‘And what about guy wants friend’s ex?’
Nicki blinked and smiled, oddly comfortable in both his presence and their flirting. She found she liked sitting next to him, too. ‘Even worse.’
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Heather welcomed the slow return to lucidity which accompanied her waning hours at Laura Bendon's house every other Sunday evening. The jeans and shirt felt strange at first, as did the underwear beneath. In her twilight state between slavery and freedom, she felt lingering shame that she was not dressed as her Mistress would have liked. "Are you quite done?" came Laura's sharp voice at the door. Heather spun away from the mirror. Her eyes shimmered, and for a second time she almost...
my name is nasty jay as i love to m***** and play with sexy sluts and whores.i am 58 y/o now and over the years of my live i have had fun playing around with all kinds of fun and kinky people in my life.i am retired from the army some i got to travel the world as see and play around.most people think that i am a nice kind of guy but when i get a change i love to be a nasty when i was 48 and had just gotten out of the army. i was taking it easy for a year and staying home with the k**
Hello friends, I’m Akshay from Mumbai.Ye meri real story hai.Mera lund 8″ ka hai agar meri story padhke kisi ladki ko mere saath sex karna ho to muze par mail kare.To ab me aapka waqt jaya na karte hue meri kahani shuru karta hu. Mera college day time pe aur maa,baap office hai isliye 2-3 ghante me gharpe akela rehta hu to us samay me sex story padhta tha to me nanga hokar muth marta tha usi beech har roz kachare wali aati thi to me chaddi pehenke use kachara deta tha par chaddi me mera lund...
This is the final part of the 'In the Library' trilogy“Stand up you little trollop.”With a groan, Cathy pushed herself off her knees. It seemed like a lifetime ago yet it had not even been an hour since the Dean had caught her masturbating in the university library. Now as she got slightly unsteadily to her feet, her face smeared with the Dean’s juices after being ordered to use her tongue to make her cum, the young girl wondered what was in store next.Her pussy ached. She had been so close to...
LesbianI was sitting at my computer playing a computer game when I suddenly had the urge to get my dick out and wank it off. I went to my bedroom door to make sure that nobody was watching, then I went over to my bed and took of all my cloathes, starting with my t-shirt, then my trousers then my underwear. I grabbed my dick with one hand and slowly started to rub my foreskin up and down, and within no time I had an erection. I got up from my bed with my proud boner and walked around my room, beating...
MasturbationFriday. Here again at this time of night with these same noisy, drunken fools. Why at 11pm every Friday night do I find myself sitting at this same stupid, crowded horrid little table with a the same damp beer mat covered bar jutting in to the back of my head? Three pints down and straining over the alcoholic hubbub to hear Steve telling me about the Hammers chance for glory this season. Steve has never played football and doesn't know anything more than what he gets off the telly. I...
Resha’s house, 49 Territory Monday June 9, 2008 4:00 PM Resha called my cell phone a week after she moved in. She said that a pimp, who the Scorpions drove off bleeding, had tracked her to her new home and was now snooping around. I cut her off and told her she had to talk to the block captain, that 49 had special rules for dealing with pimps in the area. She sounded dubious, because the block captain was a woman, but did as I asked. I heard the story later. In late summer of last year,...
This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics, which you can read . Ramesh was frustrated. He had left his job in the mafia to find a decent job. But the luck never favored him. Interviews after interviews, he was unemployed and rejected. He felt like his life was turning upside down. But Velamma knew how to handle the situation. A couple of hours later, she was in the college walking through the entrance. There she met Arjun making out with a girl on a bench. Arjun was an...
“Yes mamm, George Dawson” I said as I extended my hand for a shake. “I’m honored that you chose to own not one, but two of my pieces of work.” The woman looked at me, my smile radiant and friendly, hers equally as warm and cordial as she replied “Nice to meet you, I’m Melissa Johnson, I’ve admired your work for months at the gallery, but never dreamed I’d be able to actually own one chuckle*, I mean two. Arisol was so helpful in the decision to get them both done at the same time, she's...
IncestIt’s hot outside, Kate England’s car is broken down, her phone is dead, and she’s been walking and walking trying to get someone to help her. Luckily, Preston’s home and answers to the door to find a total stranger who happens to be a sexy hot damsel in distress! He invites her in and helps her with all her phone woes, and after she calls a tow truck, he even allows her to use his shower to rinse her sweaty, sticky body. Kate’s horny and knows her knight in shining armor is equally burning for...
xmoviesforyouAfter graduating from high school many things changed for Tony. Diun and the rest of Tony's family came out to the government and the public at large explaining who they were. While the government was told about Tony and his/hers nature the general populace did not know Tony's identity. It was decided that since Diun and his family were making an effort to help improve technology and medicine particularly in the area of genetics, that Tony deserved a little privacy. While they all...
This is the first of two sequels to The Lake House Lessons/Dana’s Side stories, so familiarity with at least one of those series is probably necessary to fully enjoy this. It bridges some of the time gap between the epilogues of those stories and the second sequel, which will be posted next. Although this story contains references to sex, there are no explicit descriptions of it. * I first noticed Jack Davis at a physics symposium in Indianapolis. He was presenting a paper on a topic that...
Hello friends mera naam devraj hai or mai faridabad ka rehne wala hu.Abhi meri age 19 years hai.Waise to mai iss pe kareeb 2 saal se stories padta aa rha hu per ab apna b ek real sex experience share kar rha hu or ager aapko meri lund-chut ki katha acchi lage to pls muje per mail kare.Ab story pe aate hai.Ye story ek ladki pooja ke baare me hai ki kaise maine usse pata ke or lita ke choda. Baat jab ki hai jab mai 11th class me tha.April me mai apni bua ki ladki ki shadi me Mathura gya tha.Mai...
After our back seat get together, I was hoping that I would get chance to play with my big black stud in a more comfortable roomy spot. We chatted off and on flirting and teasing each other for a couple of weeks, and everytime I talked to him, my ass would quiver just thinking about how good that huge cock felt. One Saturday afternoon I got a message from him telling me to meet him that he was at a friends apartment and if I wanted to come over and play, he would love to. "have" me. I couldnt...
Mai simranjeet ek punjabi family sai belong karta hoon.yai baat koi 5 saal purani hai.meri wife kuch dino kai liyai apni causin kai ghar jammu gaye hui thi.un dino mai akaila hi ghar par tha.Sardiyo kai din thai.Muzai sexy books or blue film ka shonk books merai ghar par pari rahiti thi,jisay mai bed kai nichay rakhta tha. Achaanak meri saasu ji mumbai sai jo apnay bhai kai yahan gaye thi aa gaye.kuch baat cheet hui or mai unkai liyai chai bannanay chala gaya tab tak woh fresh ho kar...
Needless to say this didn't sit well with Kevin. I argued that I gaver her a damn fruitbar for gods sake! I used those words. Yes. To the man who wields the paddle."Watch it." He growled pulling down my pajama bottoms. I stood there in my underpants squirming like a c***d. The he lectured me for a solid 20 minutes about oversleeping and depriving our c***dren of a good breakfast- compromising THEIR school day because of my c***dish selfishness. Those words made me cringe. Bad. I was for some...
A big smile appeared the moment when I heard your car pull in the driveway. I looked in the mirror one last time, to make sure I looked perfect for you. I decided to wear a slutty cheerleader uniform. A very short skirt with no underwear and a tight shirt, showing very well that I did not have a bra. I hurried into the living room and kneeled on my knees. ‘Cum Slut, where are you?’ ‘I’m in the living room, Master.’ You entered and my heart started beating very fast. Were you going to use me or...
My name is Wendy, and this is the story of how I stepped out on my marriage, and fell hard for a black man. Let me start by first giving some background about myself. I am a 40 year old mother and wife. Currently I am still married, going on 19 years, to a wonderful husband who is unaware of my promiscuity. My daughter is 18 years old, and a senior in high school, which upon reflection may be the reason I got into my current situation.I was thinking about how sad it will be to see my daughter...
It has been over a year since my previous story, and while this tale has a few of the same characters involved, it isn’t necessary to have read the other story first, though I do hope this will stir you into reading the previous offering. For those of you who have emailed me in the past, I thank you, and hope to hear from you again, along with anyone else who likes my stories. SD ………………………….. I had been following her for a while now. I followed her to work, and watched her taking her kids...
Norma let Mary nap as long as she wanted to. She either stayed in the room with her, or was close by for the three hours that Mary stayed in bed, trying to sleep, but mostly tossing restlessly. When Mary's bladder forced her to get up, Norma scurried out to fetch Ryan while she was still in the bathroom. She timed it just right, and Mary screamed when she walked out of her bathroom to see Ryan standing there. Norma was right at her side to make sure she did not faint, but otherwise did a...
We were very clear in the idea that we both had a better life than we probably deserved. We were also clear we wanted the other person to be happy in the life they were already in – happier with our spouse, and much happier than he could be away from his daughter, or I could be without my two children. The kids should have kept us from doing what we did, that was absolutely our thinking and what I based all my confidence on that things would not get out of control. My kids have been my work,...
When awareness returned to Cumbag she was laying on a small bench. Cumbagnoticed she was tied into a ball. Her arms were free but her legs were spreadwide and her ankles were tied to stakes driven into the ground past her head.Her cunt and ass were spread wide. Her head hung off of the end of the tablewith her ankles by her ears. She looked up into the face of the little boy thatwas fucking her cunt. She noticed that he was around 9 or 10 years old. Shetightened her cunt muscles and rotated her...