Kates Sex
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Kate pushed aside the last few strands of soaking blonde hair that tarnished the clear view of her face and stared harder in her wardrobe mirror. Her reflection smiled weakly back at her as she took in the view before her. The picture was that of a youthful 18 year old pretty girl’s face. Kate knew she wasn’t anything of a supermodel but her face had that innocent cute look that she knew appealed. Her plain blue eyes flickered slightly under her lashes, the curve of her dainty nose tracing down to her full upturned red lips. She had just emerged from the shower and at this precise moment her shoulder length dirty blond hair gave her the drowned rat look. Kate backed away from the mirror slightly and let her only garment of a towel fall to the floor in order for her to take in the full picture. She felt that old familiar twinge of shyness shoot through her as her slim but rounded 5’5 figure came into full view. She tilted her head to one side and looked hard at the girl before her in the glass: the unmistakable pear-shaped figure, narrow shoulders leading down to full firm 36C breasts. Her stomach was not flat but more shapely. Kate had always preferred this look to that which wiry glossy topless models offered. Her wide hips narrowed down to her toned thighs. Between these would normally be found a triangle of blond pubic hair tapering down to her puffy red labia. But this evening the triangle was gone, leaving a smooth patch of shaved skin and nothing to conceal her smooth clitoris. As she continued to stare her smile brightened as she remembered why exactly she’d gone to extra trouble to prepare herself for the night ahead.
‘I hope I won’t be the only one admiring you tonight like this honey,’ she said and giggled coyly.
Kate had recently turned 18 and over the last few years her life had undergone quite a lot of changes. She hadn’t been brought up necessarily a god-fearing child but her parents had always preached a strict regime on the sex front. Having older siblings, Kate had seen them follow these rules to the letter and was convinced she would wait for the love of her life before giving anything as sacred as her virginity away. Luckily for Kate her parents had never issued the same level of rigidity on masturbation seeing as she’d always enjoyed that even from an early age. When she had her first serious boyfriend, Pete, she thought she had found the perfect love and so after many months of deliberating combined with excruciating desperate visits to the brink of orgasmic heaven through the use of Pete’s expert tongue and fingers, she decided to give herself to him. And so, one weekend when Pete’s parents were away they used their privacy to the best advantage. She was more nervous that evening than she had ever remembered feeling before. She settled the nerves and any doubts she had in her mind by reminding herself that the couple were in love, that this was simply them showing how much they cared for each other. She loved sex after the first time she did it. She knew she would, she enjoyed masturbating so much she knew that it would be ecstasy for her to have a real man’s cock inside her pleasuring her the way her fingers did.
After the first time it became more and more regular. They’d snatch any time they had alone to fulfil their needs. For awhile she was satisfied, until she realised that her young teenage body was craving more than just routine sex day in day out with the same man. The stigma of sex being something very sacred which she’d always held in her mind began to disintegrate as she fully realised the pleasure it brought. Things between her and Pete were gradually becoming too permanent for Kate’s liking as well. She realised that she was still very young and that if she stayed with him she would probably end up doing the predicted thing and marrying him. She suddenly found that she couldn’t stand the idea of resigning the rest of her life to this one man and that she was desperate to have so many more experiences. She wanted to not just be turned on by, but live out some of the things she had begun to read about in forbidden sex stories and in pornographic clips she’d sneaked onto her computer when at home. This coupled with geographical changes brought about by her hoping to move away to university soon after her time at school, and Pete doing likewise meant that they were parting on sensible terms. For her few remaining months at home Kate simply studied hard for her A-levels to make sure she could get the grades to go away to university. She lived with her secret porn and her furious masturbations simply yearning to get away from the crowded home life. She felt like a caged lioness, desperate to escape her confines, stretch her lims and play with the exciting lions she’d seen through the bars for so long. All of her hard study paid of f and she’ easily got her grades. Now, as she stood before her full length wardrobe mirror in her slightly cramped university accommodation, she knew that tonight things were finally about to change.
As she rapidly dried her hair with her hairdryer and straightened it she began to feel the nervous twitches again. Nervous about if she could really do herself proud. She was still a shy girl inside, but she knew she’d have to take the bull by the horns as it were if she really did want to make all her fantasies come true. And she new that university was the breeding ground for these such fantasies that was for sure. She couldn’t believe that it was really as good as she’d heard it was. From what she could tell she could exercise her brain in classes then have her body do the work at night when she was let off the leash. People had always told her that she looked good, but she always passed it off as her girlfriends being sweet and was well aware that men were normally paying the compliment to her ample tits. Not that she would mind that tonight she thought as she scanned her wardrobe for what to wear. Finally she decided on a lacy push-up bra which eagerly hugged her breasts, a black strappy top, a jeanskirt which came just a few inches past her arse, sheer tights and her black strappy heels which helped emphasise the beauty of her cute feet with their painted toes. Her shyness prevented her from going out with no panties but she promised herself that if tonight went well she’d definitely consider it for another adventure. She applied a little lip gloss and eyeliner decided she was ready and glanced at her desk clock. She had arranged with some girls she’d met on moving in to meet outside the university union bar at around eightish. It was ten to now so she thought she’d take a slow walk down there. She slung her cardigan over her shoulders as she left her room. The chilly September wind would hardly be welcoming in her skimpy outfit.
Kate took a casual walk down to the entrance of her halls and out into the rapidly darkening night. She began to walk a little more briskly as the cold began to claw under her cardigan. Half the way along to the club she caught sight of one of the other girls. ‘Hey! Rachael?’ she called after the tall slender figure. The girl turned to face Kate and smiled as she recognised her. Rachael was a tall leggy brunette with sparkling blue eyes and a classic smile. Kate felt a strange pang of jealousy about Rachael as she had done the first time she had laid eyes on her. She was sure though that this wasn’t her usual insecurity and that Rachael really was that gorgeous.
‘Ah Hi Kate,’ she said as the shorter girl hurriedly approached her. ‘Wow you look great!’ she remarked as she took in the full picture of Kate. Kate thanked her and blushed slightly knowing that it was merely lip service. They began to walk together in the direction of the union building.
‘I’ve no idea where the others are,’ commented Rachael. ‘probably still getting ready or something.’
‘Probably,’ agreed Kate. They soon approached the heavy throng of eager students patiently queuing outside the union building keen to get inside and enjoy the freshers’ fun they’d heard so much about. <
The two girls joined the back of one of the queues and waited shivering slightly in the cold to also join in. Rachael’s outfit mirrored Kate’s own apart from that it seemed to Kate to be even skimpier, if it were possible. Kate thought however that if she had a figure like Rachael’s then her confidence would probably have grown enough for her to show it off so much like that.
‘Honestly,’ said Rachael as they gradually moved forward. ‘you do look stunning tonight babes.’ Kate thanked her again meekly. ‘You after getting that man we were talking about yesterday?’ A few of the girls who had met up the day before had had a long talk and naturally the subject of boyfriends and sex came up. The single girls amongst them decided that they’d make the most of university life and freshers’ week was a perfect way to start finding any hot talent the uni had to offer. Kate had remained quite quiet at the time but Rachael could tell even then that Kate was just as horny as the rest of the girls gathered there and her fuck-me outfit for this first night hardly did anything to detract from that. They had discussed finding a sexy stud who’d take them home and screw them right there and then. Rachael’s reminder of the conversation brought familiar images into Kate’s head. Images of being pounded into her mattress by a young muscular man, feeling his thick cock sliding so deep inside her mercilessly pumping her needy pussy.
‘Well maybe I’ll find him,’ Kate giggled as the images faded and the reality of the chilly night heaved back into view.
‘I should think he’ll find you, the way you look tonight Kate,’ Rachael reassured her.
The queue gradually disappeared and when the two girls got to the front they showed their room keys and were let into the bustling sweaty hot atmosphere of the union bar. Freshers’ week brought almost every fresher from the university into this building and tonight was the most popular night of the seven. Kate felt almost certain that most of the guys would have the same objective for being here tonight as her which calmed her nerves slightly. This didn’t however stop her, together with Rachael, fighting their way to the bar as soon as they got inside for a glass of alcoholic courage too. Over the noise she was just able to buy herself a double Malibu and coke. The music that pumped loudly through the whole building was mainly R&B mixed with some chart music. Basically anything that would be considered popular with the visitors to the union that night. The girls drank their drinks and were soon moving cautiously towards the dance-floor. Kate gently swayed to the music with the rest of the massive crowds. Both her and Rachael danced alone in the same vicinity for quite some time simply eying up the few attractive guys they saw amongst the crowds. This was until, after a few drinks Rachael had spied a guy looking at her and the last Kate saw of her was her pert round arse sauntering off into the distance, her arms wrapped tightly around the gyrating male. At that point Kate went for her fourth drink and was soon back on the dance-floor. The alcohol was beginning to get to her and the warm fuzzy feeling kept her mood from dropping at the idea that her friend had quite obviously pulled but she was still alone.
As she began to move a little more freely to the music she suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around her waist and a brisk kiss on her cheek. The drink had slowed her reactions and forced her not to flinch at the shock of it. She turned her head to see a tallish pale man with slick black hair and deep blue eyes staring at her.
‘Hi, I’m Dan,’ he slurred at her too loudly even over the booming music. ‘Can we dance?’ It was obvious to her that he had been drinking probably as much as she had been during the evening. She smiled widely and realised this was the beginning of the whole social side of her uni life. She dropped in her name as he wrapped his other arm around her waist and they glided further into the crowd. Their bodies gently swayed back and fourth to the music, his strong muscular chest pressed against her straining breasts in her flimsy top. Suddenly the events began to get to her, a combination of the intoxicating alcohol, the idea of her being free to do whatever she pleased and also the probable fucking she would get from this stud all forced her pussy to subtly dampen. The images of earlier began to filter through her mind again, only this time the face was clear, and the features belonged to Dan. She began to grind her pussy subtly against his crotch as they continued to move. She could tell even through her panties that this had turned him on and that the bulge in his trousers pushing against her sensitive clit promised an impressive cock. She stared up into his deep eyes and he moved forward to kiss her passionately. Their mouths opened and their tongues glided easily forwards into each others mouths, dancing together, writhing, mimicking the eager gyration of her hips against him. She put her arms around his neck, holding him closer. He broke the kiss to talk in her ear.
‘Wanna come back with me to my room and let me show you my cock?’ he asked candidly. Adrenalin suddenly shot right through her body and the mass of butterflies that had been supposedly drowned in the alcohol suddenly found their wings again and fluttered wildly in her stomach. Her heart began to beat much faster and the sound of it nearly drowned out the music in her head. She became slightly flushed despite herself. This man actually wanted to take her home. He’d seen her in her outfit, wanted to dance with her and now, after only this short time wanted to see her naked, wanted to actually get inside her! Her nerves nearly became too much for her, but she stood her ground. She had to overcome them and play it right.
‘No,’ she flatly answered. His eyes widened and he backed his head away slightly as he began to think he’d made a mistake. She ground her pussy harder against his cock as she pulled him close again.
‘I want you to come back with me to my room and show me it there.’ She teasingly smiled at him and took his hand in hers as she began to head for the exit.
The journey back was hazy and much quicker than the journey there. She’ resolved to take him back to hers to make sure she was safe with this man but also wanted to christen her uni bed. She would try to make sure her bed would be witness to every one of her conquests in the coming year. They stumbled into her block of flats, giggling and kissing as they went. Her high heels echoed noisily in the tall empty stairwell as they excitedly staggered up the steps to her floor. The reality of her situation hit her again and made her pussy flood. She was about to give herself to this stranger. One short hour ago they had never even met and soon she would be letting him see her naked body, and hopefully parting her tender lower lips with his throbbing shaft. The thrill of it all meant she could hardly wait.
After some fumbling with her keys she managed to unlock her bedroom door and they almost fell inside. As the door slammed shut behind them they tumbled onto the bed. A mass of flailing legs and arms as they kissed drunkenly but ardently. He lay on top of her and rhythmically drove his trouser covered member between her open legs, sending tingles of pleasure from her ever moistening pussy up her spine. He began to cup her left breast with his hand and played feverishly with her erect nipple through her top. In turn she reached down between them and sought out his cock over his trousers. He rolled off of her to give her easier access to him and as the smacking of their lips became louder and more frantic, she eagerly snapped open his trousers and reached inside his boxers to pull out his already engorged cock. It felt at only around 6.5′, the same length as Pete’s, but much thicker. She smiled inside at this revelation. She began pumping it slowly in her hand, feeling the smooth foreskin glide over his thick mushroom head. He reached under her top and resumed his playing with her s
tiff nipple.
‘I want to see your tits,’ he said breathlessly between kisses. She left his cock alone only to lift her arms high in the air. He lifted her black top up above her breasts and off over her head. He began kissing her again hard and unrelenting as his hands reached around her and deftly unsnapped her bra. She was conscious of the fact that she was about to show only the second man in her life her naked breasts, and it thrilled her to the core. All her shyness was now gone as her breasts fell from their lacy encasing. He bent his head low to take a hard nipple in his mouth. He sucked hard on the strawberry nub and rubbed his rough tongue over the puffy ariola. She allowed a small moan to escape her lips as she felt the tingles he caused shoot from her nipples down to her needy pussy. As he left her first nipple and moved to her other, clamping his wet lips over it and drawing the soft flesh into his suckling mouth from her full breasts he began kissing down her stomach until his head was inline with her waist. He then began urgently tugging at her waistband. She lifted slightly off the bed to make it easier for him to slide her skirt and tights down her legs. When he got to her feet he carefully slipped her dainty shoes off, pulled her skirt and tights over her feet and threw them aside. A mere three hours ago Kate had been pulling her skirt and tights on to get ready to go out for the evening./ Now to her amazement and delight someone else was pulling them off to see all her flesh underneath.
She lay before him on her back, naked except for her blue cotton panties. She tilted her gaze up to catch sight of him admiring her body. As he looked at her he smiled and began to unbutton his own shirt revealing his sinewy chest. After discarding his shirt he grasped Kate’s legs in his strong hands and moved them a little further apart, drinking in the view of her pantie-covered pussy. Kate flushed again a little as he kneeled between her legs and darted his head forward towards her hidden treasure. He opened his mouth and engulfed her crotch, his tongue lapping at the material covering her juicy opening. He rhythmically moved his hot tongue up and down, dragging the coarse material against her sensitive lips over and over. She cupped the back of his head in her hands and pulled him closer, desperate to feel his tongue on her naked sex. His teasing made her unbearably horny and her cunt was buzzing for his mouth.
‘Take my panties off,’ she panted, startling even herself with her boldness. Her hand pushed the elastic waistband in order to aid him. He pulled them down her slender legs, over her feet and cast them onto the floor. She felt ecstatic. Finally her dream was coming true, finally she was totally free. She was naked in front of another man letting him do whatever he wanted with her. She noticed his eyes sparkle as he saw her shaved pussy.
‘You like it?’ she asked assuredly. He smiled and nodded. ‘Then taste it,’ she said, half asking and half ordering. She wasn’t sure why her bashfulness had begun to return seeing as this man was obviously desperate to get any part of his body he could inside her. He needed no further encouragement and quick as a flash his head was back between her legs, his warm wet tongue licking feverishly up and down her quivering drenched labia. There was now barrier between his tongue and her opening and she could feel the wet roughness of his tongue lick up and down every inch of her most private area. Every now and then she felt it dip in between her lips to savour the sweet juice inside. For the first minute he deliberately avoided her sensitive clit. She was eager for more, the neglecting of her clit drove her wild and his tongue barely opened her needy hole.
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This encounter happened last weekend.....I was out with a few friends last weekend catching up and we end up at a popular club after dinner for a few drinks. As we arrived at the club it was quite empty as it is still early in the night, but the number start to pick up as the night go on. To put the story short around 11pm a group a girls wearing very skimpy clothing enter the club and by the look at them, they were out celebrating a hens night. All the guys in the club were checking the girls...
Hi friends, mera naam ronit ha, aur me iss ka bahut purana reader hu since 2007-08 or mene 1 story bhi post ki thi or aaj kal wo hot list me bhi h. Girls/bhabhis/aunties can contact me for any type of free service with 100% secrecy guaranteed. Ye story ha mere, meri maami or unki jawasn ladki ki waise to maami bhi bahut jwaan h. Me or stories ki tarah ye nhi kahu ga k unko dekh k log muth marte ha ya unko chodna chahte ha kyu ki mujhe kabhi kisi ne aisa kuch nhi kaha. Or han mere cock/lund k...
Anton – Rothin Forest, Kingdom of Athlos Almost nine months had passed since the last time I entered these woods. This time, I had no fear. I was beyond fear. After my leg recovered, I traveled to the island of Mictam and sought out the dread warlocks of Chevsa. I only had fleeting memories of the ... things performed on me by those dreadful men. In my dreams, flashes of pain, blood, and loss filled me. A scar ran down my chest like I had been gutted open like a fish and my insides hollowed...
Chapter Two: The Unicorn's Prowess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Anton – Tol Via Village, Kingdom of Athlos “You're blinded by Biaute's cunt,” cursed Stefan as I marched towards the dark edge of the Rothin Forest. “It's dangerous in there. The unicorns will gore you. They're monsters.” “She's in there,” I growled. My Cherise had always been so fascinated by the forest. “Something's happened to her.” “Yeah, the cursed unicorns gored her,” my friend snarled, seizing my arm....
Anton – Tol Via Village, Kingdom of Athlos "You're blinded by Biaute's cunt," cursed Stefan as I marched towards the dark edge of the Rothin Forest. "It's dangerous in there. The unicorns will gore you. They're monsters." "She's in there," I growled. My Cherise had always been so fascinated by the forest. "Something's happened to her." "Yeah, the cursed unicorns gored her," my friend snarled, seizing my arm. "And they'll gore you, too, Anton. She's dead. It's been two...
I continued stroking James’ rapidly growing erection and very soon my hand failed to close even halfway around him. He was now kneading my swollen breasts and nipples and his tongue was working its magic in and around my very sensitive left ear. His hot breath, his ministrations of my breasts and the feel of his enormous and weighty cock in my hand were combining to make my head spin with lust and anticipation. I felt his right hand travel down over my hip and onto my soft belly and I swear...
For once, it was Katie who woke up first. Despite Carolines bed being smaller than Tricia's both of them had managed a good nights sleep, Tricia more than Katie as she had still to wake up. She cuddled up close enjoying the feeling of just being close to Tricia something she had previously been denied. That morning snuggle in a bed with someone that loved you was so comforting to her. She considered starting a nipple hunt but decided that it wasn't her right to suckle when she decided...
Hey! New little story for you. I apologise if I offend anyone with my writing as I am not a guy, or a bisexual for that matter, so I have little experience, and I apologise if I come across as stereotypical. But apart from that, ENJOY! I have long known that I am a bisexual. It doesn’t bother me, and with my Dad being gay, he is completely for it, so I had nothing to worry about. The only thing is, starting a new university, especially half way through a semester, can be daunting enough for a...
Hi readers, this is Rahul again with my second incest story. Hope u all liked my first story titled “my sexy young little virgin sister” and I also hope that u will like this story too. This is a story about my crush on my aunt sunitha. Sunitha aunty is my chacha’s wife and she is a good looker without a doubt. Me and sunitha aunty are very close and we move in a very friendly manner. Sunitha anuty got married to my chacha at a very young age. She now has two daughters but she still looks...
IncestHi ISS readers. This is the Tale of the Twins Rajam and Suita and their debauchery in the family. This is all pure fiction. Enjoy. Rajam and Sunitha are twins; Rajam is my mother 47 years . I am Rahul doing third year BSc in Chemistry. My aunt Sunitha is a widower since last 5 years. I am the only son and my aunt too has a son of my age; name Pankaj and was doing his part time computer course and was in stock trading business. Sunitha aunt came to stay with us for a while. One day at night my...
IncestContinued… After 4 days, Rahul was back home. Sunitha had began to scheme of ways she could seduce him. One day Rajam went to buy some things and Sunita offered to stay home and make coffee and tiffin for Rahul. She timed her self after checking with Rahul on the mobile when he will be home. She took a bath and then covered herself in a towel that was just covering her tits and came just below her cunt.She was standing and combing her hair infront of the mirror. Rahul came up to his mothers...
IncestHi friend this s Herusen from chennai once again with my stories.. During the past 4 years, the one woman that I always had it in my mind was that I would love to taste the fullness of my aunt Sunitha. She was probably around 40 years old, but with the killer body that she has, she always looked younger. Let me describe her to you. She always had her hair in a bun with streaks of gray sprinkled throughout. Her breasts were pretty large -what I could say of them, because she always kept them...
IncestThis is rahul again coming to share my sex encounters with my hot sexy young girl Sunitha. Readers may recover the stories of my encounters had with my colleagues Madhavi and Sujatha and with Pranava, the horny daughter of Sujatha. I also submitted my other encounters/fuckings with my Aunt Lalitha and neighbour Aunt Seetha and horny servant Rajeswari. Now coming to Sunitha, she is a friend of our servant girl Rajeswari and of 18 years age with 32-28-38 size. Readers can imagine the figure of...
I met Sunitha at college. I had just graduated from High School three months previously and was in my Freshman Year at the Centennial College. I was seventeen at the time. Let me give you a mental image of myself. I’m an average-sized guy, about six foot; I lettered in three sports (Boxing, Basketball, Football), so I’m very athletic; I have black hair, brown colored eyes, and a visible tattoo that I’m very proud of. Now to describe Sunitha’s physical characteristics is hard enough, seeing as...
I was in my final year, I remembered I was at the cooler having a sip when a girl walked passed and smile at me. I smiled back and wondered who was she, her face rang a bell in my mind but I could not quite place a name to her. I watched her sat at the bench table near the cooler, studying. I decided to approach her as I just ended class and had nothing to do.As I walked nearer, I recalled her. She was the girl in my statistics class in year 1, named Jane(fake).I went up and asked her how she...
Hello Readers and this is my first story and what I write is my first ever sex experience. I started watching porn when I was in my 12th standard from there on I must have watched some thousands of hours of porn. I’ve a huge DVD collection and I always use to fantasise and masturbate. This is roughly about me, let’s dive deep into my sex experience with my aunt Sunitha. Sunitha is my Mother’s younger brother’s wife. She’s in her early 30s and stands 5.7″ tall with perfect weight and fair...
IncestSunita was worried and tensed. Tonight was her first marriage night. Hers was an arranged marriage. She remembered the time, she had seen her future husband(Ajay) for the first time. He was fair, tall and handsome looking, with a good job in US. Since he had limited holiday, he was keen to return back to US with his wife. The marriage was all held in a short time and now she was sitting on the bridal bed awaiting him. Sunita was tall 5’8” and had a slender body. She had round eyes, thick lips...
Juniper and I had a great dinner, even if, strictly speaking, it wasn't Italian. We agreed that Ramizotti's hours, varied menu, and prices all were superior, even to Sabatino's. I had her home at a reasonable hour, teasing her a little about still living with her parents at her age -- almost twenty-four. "They still want me around," she said, "and they're good people. I couldn't love Pops any more if he was my real dad, and ever since he came into our lives, Mom's been happier and...
We split the four-game series with the Sox and gratefully flew home Sunday night for a welcome open date on Monday to be followed by three night games against the Yankees. I hadn't been called upon again in Boston, but the way the season was progressing, I felt comfortable that I would be getting into games with reasonable frequency. The current ridiculous .200 batting average didn't prey on my mind, because I knew I was only one hit away from .333. Early-season batting averages are...
Juniper enjoyed Monday night so much she took a mental health day off from work on Tuesday and we spent most of the morning in bed. I called Mary Jane and asked her whether I could drop by on Wednesday morning to talk to her instead, and she raised no objection. I hadn't been told that my talk with Juniper's mom was something I was supposed to keep a secret, but I kept it to myself anyway. The Red Sox came in Tuesday night and thoroughly whipped our ass, 13-4. We were never in it, and...
We lost the final game in Minneapolis, but we managed to take some encouragement from it because for once it was our offense and not the pitching that had fallen down on the job. Sam Bailey had his first good outing since early April, giving up only two runs in seven innings. For Sam, it was a no-decision, but we still ended up on the short end, 3-2. For once, there were no delays at the airport, and we were on the ground in Toronto and busing in to our downtown hotel well before 9 p.m. I...
Cleveland was inhospitable, beating us three out of four at "Progressive" Field (formerly known as "Jacobs Field"). Along with Baltimore's fans in the stands, I found myself hoping that the Orioles never got so desperate for spare change that they would sell "naming rights" to Oriole Park at Camden Yards. I'd seen an Internet blog where one local man said that on the day Camden Yards was renamed something like Pillsbury Park or Folger's Field, he would be through showing up for ball...
My roommate Shelley had given me two big orgasms. As I was recovering, she said, "Now about this Sandra..." She was referring to the note that someone had passed under our door after seeing us together.The note read, "You two were so hot. I didn't mean to perv, but I couldn't resist once I had a peek. We should have a threesome sometime. Sandra 205""I wonder who she is. I mean, we've probably seen her around," Shelley mused.I roused myself and took the note from her and read it. "I...
LesbianAfter my last class of the day, I was trudging in the heat to my dorm room. I walked up to my floor and down the hallway to my room. I slipped the key into the lock and opened it, nudging the door with my knee.As I opened the door, I heard a moan. I glanced over and saw the back of my roommate Shelley. She was sitting at her desk, facing away from me, and looking at her laptop. I stepped into the room and set down my backpack quietly.I then noticed a buzzing sound, and I had to investigate. I...
LesbianHi, I’m Robbie, I go to university in Kent, England. I’m 6ft 2”, 19 years old and well built. Now, going to university is hard, if you haven’t experienced it yet or never will, leaving your family behind for the first time is difficult, especially at 18. The most difficult part of it really is leaving your loved ones. For me it was my girlfriend, I’ll tell you a little bit about her, she’s blonde with purple bits at the end, slim and about 5ft 6” but that’s not her best attribute, she has 34D...
The next morning Kate woke gradually, with a heavy head and aching limbs. She stretched as she reluctantly greeted consciousness. She opened her eyes to the brilliant light of a new day coming in through her window. She shivered right through and goosebumps spread over her body as she suddenly noticed the chill of the room. She then quickly worked out why she was so cold. She had slept the whole night completely naked with no cover over her. For a fraction of a second the situation perplexed...
University was a tough transition for me. Having to leave behind all my family, my friends and my boyfriend. They’d all promised to visit me as soon as they could, but I was still teary-eyed as I said my goodbyes to my parents and siblings and pulled out of the drive to start the 4-hour car journey. I’d refused help with moving my stuff in, it would only drag out the inevitable moment when I’d have to say goodbye. I should introduce myself. My name’s Jessie, I’m 18 with brown eyes, black hair...
Chloe Russell couldn't sleep. It was a big day for her, moving away from the comfort and security of sleepy suburbia. Most of her friends had already left for their respective universities the previous weekend, and now it was Chloe's turn to leave her quiet, uneventful town behind. Weeks had gone into preparation for the "big move", endless checklists to make sure she had everything she needed for her new beginning. At least she wouldn't be alone, Chloe thought as her best friend, Megan would...
Teen“Alright. Thanks for helping me. I’m gonna miss you” you say with a grin on your face as you hug your Mum. “You better call every day...” she says as she begins gripping you hard and shedding some tears. “Alright mum. He’s old enough to live by himself” says your brother with a grin causing her to release you from the longest hug ever. He then extends his hand and you make contact using your hand before pulling eachother into a manly hug. “I’ve moved out already so there’s not much I can say”...
TeenMy sister was home form university for a long weekend, she was eighteen and I was a little younger. As she was home our parents decided to have a few days away with friends. It was early evening and I went for a shower, I had just started when the bathroom door opened and sis' walked in, she sat on the loo and was watching me. " I see you are still taking my panties while I have been away", I looked at her and felt very awkward. "It's o.k I don't mind, do you wank in them, do they give you a...
My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the eighth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls in our first year at university. My earlier stories were about my introduction to girl on girl sex and progression to three-way, four-way and then to five-way sessions when Fiona joined our group.I've written about the first two five-way sessions we had. We had two more before the end of out first year. The third was a similar...
My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the seventh story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls in our first year at university. My earlier stories were about my introduction to girl on girl sex with Sandra and progress to threesome sex. Later stories tell how we progressed to four-way sex sessions and also had a five-way. Our five-way happened when another of our housemates, Fiona, accidentally walked in on one of our four-way...