Juniper JonesChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Juniper and I had a great dinner, even if, strictly speaking, it wasn't Italian. We agreed that Ramizotti's hours, varied menu, and prices all were superior, even to Sabatino's.
I had her home at a reasonable hour, teasing her a little about still living with her parents at her age -- almost twenty-four.
"They still want me around," she said, "and they're good people. I couldn't love Pops any more if he was my real dad, and ever since he came into our lives, Mom's been happier and a better mama than she was before, even."
"How long have they been together?"
"Ever since I was fourteen," she said. "And Franklin's been with the Orioles, in one capacity or another, for most of that time. He was a coach at Frederick, and then at Bowie for a year, and now he's been Paul Warren's bench coach for three years. Even when Pops was assigned to minor league clubs, we lived here in Baltimore for most of each year. It's been my home."
"I had a good time tonight. I thought I'd be pushing peas around a plate and listening to boring speeches. Instead, I meet a pretty girl and have an excellent Italian dinner."
"Next time we visit Ramizotti's Italian Restaurant," Juniper said, "we'll have to try the Kung Pao Chicken."
"Well, I'm pleased to hear you refer to a 'next time, '" I told her. "Would you like to give me your telephone number?"
Still seated in my car, she wrote down her name, cell phone number and her parents' address on a scrap of paper she'd found in her purse and handed it to me.
I figured it would be a little awkward, trying to reach up to her to bestow a goodnight kiss while standing at her front door, so before getting out of the car I leaned over and kissed her -- very gently -- half on the mouth, half on the cheek.
It was almost a brotherly smack. Deliberately innocent -- in case she had any sensitivities about kissing on the first date. It wasn't clear that this evening together could even be called a date. I just wanted to convey the fact that I felt warmly toward her. Nothing heavy.
I went for the door handle, preparing to leave the car, but the long-waisted Ms. Juniper Jones leaned way over into the driver's side and extended her right hand across my face, cupping my left cheek and pulling me back for a full-frontal adult-type kiss, into which Ms. Jones put a lot of pizzazz, not to mention considerable tongue.
"Damn!" I said when she finally released my face from her firm grasp. "I'm gonna remember that one!"
I escorted her to the front door, where she took out her own key and opened the door without further delay. "Enjoyed it," she said, and promptly disappeared inside.
Juniper Jones might be a good five inches taller than I was, but at that moment, I had sprouted a firm additional seven.
The Equalizer.
I carefully put her phone number note into my wallet where it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle with my grocery list and odd purchase receipts. I was most definitely going to call this girl back!
I played the full nine innings in the Orioles' annual exhibition game against the U.S. Naval Academy. We'd opened the season the day before and (in what seemed to me to be a peculiar practice) the Naval Academy game was sandwiched in between the first and second games of the regular season.
Well, I hadn't been called upon in the opener, not even to pinch hit, but I got four at bats against the Midshipmen and had two solid doubles, picking up a couple of ribbies. My spring training performance hadn't been half bad, either, and I figured by now Paul Warren ought to be pretty pleased to have me aboard as his spare outfielder.
After the game, I spotted Juniper just outside the players' entrance, talking to her step dad.
"Nice game!" she shouted as soon as she saw me.
"My first chance to play at Camden Yards," I said, nodding at Franklin Jones.
"It won't be your last," he said. "You looked solid out there tonight."
"Well, that kid pitcher for Navy wasn't exactly overwhelming."
"He was decent," Jones said. "He only gave up six hits all night, and you got two of them."
Juniper was through talking exhibition baseball. "Think you could give me a ride home tonight?" she said to me.
"You're not with your dad?"
"Sure, I'm... with him, but he won't mind if I drove home with you. Will you, FJ?"
Franklin Jones' expression was rueful. "Second time she's seen you, and both times, she drops the Old Guy like a hot brick and runs off with the young ballplayer."
"Hey, you're not half bad -- for an old fart," Juniper said, punching her stepfather lightly on his chest. "But you're all taken. Mom, for reasons not entirely clear to me, still thinks you're a good-looking, sexy dude. I guess it must be her old age. Maybe her eyes are starting to go."
"Take her off my hands," Franklin told me. "You've already been to our house once. You probably know the way."
"Don't wait up, FJ," Juniper said. "I've got my key, and me and Travis, here, might be awhile."
When we got to the Mini-Cooper, I opened the passenger door and watched as Juniper gracefully folded her length into the seat. "You had ribs at Ramizotti's," I said. "Do you want some real Italian tonight?"
"You don't need to feed me," she said. "I know how you guys attack that fancy spread in the clubhouse before and after games. And I had a couple of Boog's beef sandwiches myself. Why don't we just go to your place, maybe have a glass of wine?"
"My place isn't anything to write home about," I told her. "I'm brand-new in town and haven't really even unpacked all my boxes yet."
"But you don't have any roommates, do you?" Juniper said. "And you don't live with your parents, like some people?"
"No roommates, no parents. Just two bedrooms and a bath in a second-rate apartment complex."
"Sounds fine. Take me home."
Well, it was late, and I'd played a full nine innings for the first time since the previous fall. I was a little tired and was thankful that Juniper didn't have her heart set on a night out on the town. It being only our second time together, I would never have even suggested going with her to my apartment, but if that was her idea of a good time, it was more than okay with me.
When we got there, Juniper left her shoes just inside the front door and padded barefoot across the living room, sprawling on my couch. She was casually dressed in a skirt and sweater, it being early April and still a bit nippy in Baltimore after sundown.
"You mind if I lose this sweater?" she asked. "It was nice for the ballpark but it's a little too warm for indoors."
"Not at all," I said, expecting her to be wearing a blouse or a T-shirt under the sweater.
Turned out she was wearing only a bra.
She was small-breasted, as I already had known, but I hadn't expected to see her down to skirt and bra in my apartment so soon after our first meeting only three days back.
"Can I get you a glass of wine?" I said.
"If this makes you nervous or something, you could lend me a T-shirt," she said.
"I'll get one for you, in case you want to wear it," I said, smiling, "but don't wear it on my account."
I brought her the T-shirt, and the glass of wine she hadn't bothered to ask for, and she promptly put the T-shirt on. However, as soon as she had done so she had both hands inside it, unfastening the bra and going through that mysterious girl-thing of removing the bra without removing her outer covering.
Her breasts were small, but her nipples, through my loaner T-shirt, were pokey and prominent.
"Much better!" Juniper said, sampling the wine. "If you'd have given me a bigger T-shirt, I could have lost the skirt, too!"
"Maybe I should just turn off the heat," I said, smiling.
"No, it's fine," she said, smiling broadly. " ... Although you seem to be sweating a little."
I think perhaps I was. Juniper's actions had been provocative and unmistakably flirtatious. For a girl with whom I'd spent a grand total of perhaps three hours, she was treating me like an old, old friend.
"Good wine," she said.
"It's just supermarket stuff," I protested. "I'm not exactly a connoisseur of fine wine."
"Maybe not, but it's not bad at all."
There was a pause while we both savored my supermarket white.
"Wanna fuck?" Juniper said.
Well, she didn't have to ask me twice. The T-shirt she'd just put on was whisked off again, and I got my first look at Juniper's long, long legs as the skirt and panties were quickly stripped off as well.
I was still sitting there, fully dressed. This was happening way too fast!
"I've shown you mine," she said.
I stripped off my clothes as hastily as I could, with Juniper watching me carefully throughout. When I unveiled my hardening cock, she took it in her outstretched hand and squeezed gently, bringing me up to a full erection. She used my penis as a convenient handle and pulled the rest of me down between her legs as she half-reclined on my living room couch.
Despite her extremely slender figure, Juniper was an erotic sight with her legs spread invitingly below me and her guiding hand showing me where she wanted me to go with my erect penis.
I didn't want to just go for it without any preliminaries, but Juniper didn't appear to be in any mood for foreplay. She rubbed her shaven pussy with my glans, demonstrating to me that she was sufficiently lubricated for immediate penetration.
That's what she clearly wanted, and so that's what she got.
It worried me. I knew it was going to be difficult, holding back long enough to give her any kind of pleasure with this slam-bam, thank-you-ma'am approach to intercourse.
Just as I had feared, the searing heat of her interior and the tightness of her youthful body brought immediate, almost unbearable pleasure, and no sooner was I buried inside her than I was feeling the first urgent sensation of a desire to ejaculate.
Please, God, no! Not already.
I forced myself to stop moving, just holding fast, buried deep inside Juniper's body. Clamping both my hands on her butt, I held her tight, refusing to allow her to move her body.
I wanted to avoid the exquisite feeling of that tight pussy, squeezing me unmercifully. She was enthusiastic to a fault, but I knew she was going to get nothing out of this union unless I could immediately regain some control.
Cleveland was inhospitable, beating us three out of four at "Progressive" Field (formerly known as "Jacobs Field"). Along with Baltimore's fans in the stands, I found myself hoping that the Orioles never got so desperate for spare change that they would sell "naming rights" to Oriole Park at Camden Yards. I'd seen an Internet blog where one local man said that on the day Camden Yards was renamed something like Pillsbury Park or Folger's Field, he would be through showing up for ball...
It was in the wee hours of the morning when I finally drove Juniper home. We said goodnight at her family's front door without any further pyrotechnics. In contrast to my first night taking her to this door, this time she wasn't flirtatious or eager to bestow a kiss on me before we so much as left the car. We just walked up to the front door, she said goodnight, and that was the ballgame. Speaking of ballgames, I was due at Camden Yards in approximately eleven hours. It would behoove me...
Back at my apartment, Juniper and I had the most enchanting night together since we'd met. The sex was exhausting, almost desperate, but we managed to make it loving and tender at the same time. Afterward, we relaxed together, still lying naked on top of the sheets. Each of us was nursing one of my favorite treats -- a homemade root beer float. I felt contentment washing over me like a gentle ocean wave. I felt new confidence that we were going to really make this thing work. Happiness is...
It turned out that Mary Jane Jones (I still chuckled every time I uttered that name) was more than pleased to invite me to dinner. I was to arrive at seven p.m. for dinner at eight. Franklin was to entertain me with old war stories while she and Juniper prepared our meal. When I arrived, Juniper greeted me at the door all cheerful and friendly. I received a little hug and a kiss on the cheek, after which she led me into a very large room where Franklin was watching Jeopardy! on a big-screen...
Boston was only a game and a half behind the Yankees in the AL East race, and since the league's wild card playoff team was looking more and more likely to come from the AL West, the Red Sox knew their only sure path to the post-season was through Yankee Stadium. The same thing was technically true of the Orioles, but we were now five games back, and the likelihood of our overtaking both contenders was, in truth, very slender indeed. So the always-frenzied Red Sox faithful were a few...
When I got to the park, Franklin Jones found me in the clubhouse and told me, quietly, that Juniper had asked him to invite me over after the game. Evidently, she hadn't wanted to count on my hearing by telephone from Carla. "How'd she seem?" I asked Franklin. I was confident that Juniper's stepfather and I were on the same side of this issue. I could expect him to talk straight to me. "Not good," he said. "I got all encouraged when she told me to invite you to come by, but her...
I did go back to Colorado for a quick visit with my family during the All-Star break. I'd told them about Juniper, and they'd been pleased that perhaps I'd found somebody I really cared about. Earlier, before I went home, I'd also told them about our break-up, so when I got there they already knew the bare essentials -- that there'd been this brief romance, it hadn't worked out, and Number One Son was back to his bachelor ways once again. Like parents everywhere would have been, my...
I drove directly to Franklin's house, calling him on the way to let him know I was coming and to ask Mary Jane to start softening Juniper up for a meeting with me. It still wasn't entirely clear whether she would be willing to see me. Franklin said he had spoken to the psychiatrist and that Dr. Mendelssohn had called Juniper afterward on her cell. "They might be still talking now," he said. When I got there, I gratefully accepted a steaming cup of coffee from Mary Jane and sat down...
On Friday morning, Juniper and I got up and dressed for the day. She seemed alert and less affected by her drug regimen, although when I asked her about it, she assured me that she was still taking the prescribed drug as her doctor had instructed. I put my Thursday clothes back on, and we walked into the kitchen together. Mary Jane greeted us without so much as a raised eyebrow and asked me if I was interested in breakfast. I was. "I have to be at Dr. Mendelssohn's office in forty-five...
We lost the Sunday game in Toronto and were back to six games under .500 for the season. My personal batting slump continued, and although Paul Warren was as inscrutable as always, I thought our hitting coach, B.J. Surhoff, was starting to show signs of concern about having to rely on me for other than occasional bench strength. I could tell he was casting about for something to say to me that might snap me out of it. If Warren and the coaches knew anything about the blowup with Juniper,...
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Hi indian sex stories dot net doston app k story ka kafi positive response aya hai.Toh mai apni aur ek story app k samne lekar aya hu. Ye story hai mere bajju wali (neighbour) k bhabhi ki abhi just new new shaddi ho k ayi thi bhabhi shaddi k din say he mera lund bajju bhabhi ko dekh k khada ho gaya tha .Jaise k hamre ghar amine samne hai toh samne he bedroom hai dono k toh mai ek subha naha k kapde phne raha tha maine towel nikl k khada tha room mai kyu k room mai koi nhi tha garmi zada thi toh...
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Alone again. Sometimes, well if I’m honest, oftentimes I hate when my husband travels for business. I guess I’m just spoiled, I want him here with me always. Robert’s the ultimate provider. He sees it as his life’s mission to protect and nurture me. Our relationship consumes us, but sometimes his job takes priority. I’ve accepted this and his seemingly constant business trips as the norm, and thus I found myself alone…again. Laptop in hand, I flopped down on my favorite chaise and logged into...
I had Ben on a contact site and we live surprisingly close together in Manchester. Ben is a 6’2” black man who has a large sex drive and likes women and girly trannys.I am a slim white guy who likes to dress like a smart woman, not a slut. I haven’t worn a wig for over 6 years and my hair is cut in a very female bob. But I like domain top men, especially those with large a cock who know what to do with it.We had some fun chats on line and eventually met which developed into me sucking him off...
This past Halloween a few of my co-workers and I had attended a costume after work that day. One of my co-workers Barb needed a ride and since we lived close to each other I offered to drive her. Barb I had found out later is 71 yrs old and we had worked with each other for about 8 years and we had become a bit friendly over the years. Well anyways it was about 10 that night when we decided to wrap it up and on the way to dropping her off at her house and at first she was a bit quiet almost...
Hello ISS Readers, This is my First story on ISS so kindly forgive me for any mistakes. I have been reading ISS stories for quite a few years now and I have been quite a big fan of all the stories. To introduce myself formally I am Rohit (name Changed) from Rajkot (Gujarat), 27 male with a slim yet handsome personality. My cock size is 7 inches long and 1.5 inches thick. Any girl / bhabhi / aunty / divorcee / Milf from Rajkot or anywhere in Gujarat can contact me for fun relationship on my ID ...
The next morning, Samantha escorted the older children in her care to the school. On the previous day the AI had processed the paperwork to enrol them, now she just needed to introduce them to the Principal, a once-again-young woman who went by the unfortunate name of Winnifred. Winnie had been a principal in her past life, of first an elementary and then a middle school, and had been picked up with her husband, her daughter Jolene and two sons back at the same Sault Ste. Marie hockey...
The next few hours were excruciating. I desperately wanted to attempt to deflower my sister, yet I had to wait. Celebrating my parents` 25th anniversary was fun. I especially enjoyed giving a speech called "Ten things you don't know about my parents!", but pretending to be civil to a bunch of relatives we usually only see at funerals and weddings was grating my nerves. Every once in a while, my sister and I would make eye contact and her face would flush. There was no doubt she was mine; the...
It was more of a shed really, but we all called it “The Clubhouse.” It was in the back of a friend’s house a few streets over from where I lived and it would become the place of many first experiences for many of us. All of us young, with parents away at work til the evening hours, we all found ourselves free, horny and curious.It started with Brian. He had some “girly” magazines he had taken from his father’s collection and Mike got some from his older brother, also. Of course, we all wanted...
Cupid's Correction "Oh, fu...." Cupid grumbled as his alarm clock buzzed far too early for his liking. "Why do all the new couples have to meet so early in the bloody morning?" He flopped out of bed, donned his wings and shuffled into his kitchen. His first appointment was in 3 minutes, which was plenty of time for a guy who could transport himself anywhere instantly. He opened his fridge and took out the last bottle of wine. "Shiiiit." Cupid's head was pounding from the...
Note to the reader: In this diary I have told the true stories of my sexual encounters that have come about thanks to the internet. Some more precise details such as names and places will be left out to protect mine and others’ privacy, and also because they don’t matter. Each entry in the diary can be read alone or as part of a series, but since I have a wide sexual appetite you may not find everything I’ve done to be such a turn on, so you may want to skip those chapters. This chapter,...
I dream of you. You excite my imagination and stimulate my mind. My body warms, yearning for the meaning of your words. You live in my mind, bringing joy and yet also an unfulfilled longing. There you stand before me, as radiant and glowing as I imagined. Your beauty stuns me, the twinkling in your eyes lights your face. Your mouth curves delicately in an inviting smile. Words are now unnecessary, the looks which pass between us convey all our needs. Our bodies lean towards each other with a...
Hello everyone and my name is Fahim age 26 from Dhaka, Bangladesh. This is my 1st story in ISS but I had read all the gay stories on ISS. Now I’m going to tell about my gay sex session which was with 2 aged guys in group and it has happened 2 months ago. Now I am going to share it with you. If you like you can reply me on my mail I use yahoo chat rooms for chatting with different people and try to find a gay partner to have sex with him. I am an oral sex lover and I like kissing, hug, I like...
Gay MaleLet me tell you a story .... Let me tell you a story. I think those are among the most wonderful phrases in the world. With just those six words, a person can be prepared to be transported to another world, or another time, or feel like a fly on the wall of a real life event. Which kind of story is this one? Well, let me tell you, and you can judge. My story starts when I was about sixteen years old, and I was not doing all that well. I had been struggling with my gender...
When I was first met Kat, I was with my ex-girlfriend. I was having a party, and she was standing in my kitchen, being super chatty and loud, and looking better than anyone else there, including my ex. She was a small Mexican girl that couldn't have been any taller than 5'1. Her skin was light-brown, her hair was long and black, and she had these gorgeous brown eyes which were accentuated by just the right amount of eye-liner. It was a chilly evening and she was bundled up, so I couldn't get...
This happened 2 weekends ago when my girlfriend got sent to a week training seminar over east, and due to the flight she had to leave on Friday night and spend the weekend in Melbourne before the seminar. As I found out she is going to be away for the weekend and the week I instantly thought of Zoe (GF's friend that I had a quickie with on NYE). Zoe and I had a few catch up for BJ since NYE in the gym sauna and once in the car while I was dropping her off. I have been waiting to fuck her...