Juniper JonesChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Juniper enjoyed Monday night so much she took a mental health day off from work on Tuesday and we spent most of the morning in bed. I called Mary Jane and asked her whether I could drop by on Wednesday morning to talk to her instead, and she raised no objection.
I hadn't been told that my talk with Juniper's mom was something I was supposed to keep a secret, but I kept it to myself anyway.
The Red Sox came in Tuesday night and thoroughly whipped our ass, 13-4. We were never in it, and once again our starting pitching was unreliable from the early innings.
I got two hits and drove in a run. Most of the regulars were hitting decently. If we had been getting any kind of pitching, I don't think the absence of our four-hundred-hitting first baseman would have been fatal to our prospects. But as it was, we were losing ground and seemingly dropping out of contention.
Sure, it was only mid-May and scarcely time to panic, but in recent years the Orioles and their fans had become accustomed to the return of the good times.
This didn't feel like the good old days.
Just after lunch Wednesday, while Juniper was at work, I called Mary Jane, verified that it was a good time to go out there, and drove to the Jones house.
She offered food, but I'd already had my lunch. I accepted the offer of fresh coffee, and she put on a pot.
As he had predicted, Franklin wasn't home when I arrived. I suspected his absence was deliberate. Whatever Mary Jane wanted to talk to me about, her husband regarded it as private. Or maybe he knew the story but felt the whole thing would go down better if he wasn't sitting there listening.
"Thanks for coming over," she said. "I guess Juniper doesn't even know you're here -- right?"
"That's right. I got the impression that's what you were ... expecting."
She seemed embarrassed. "Well, yes. I mean, I don't believe in keeping secrets from family members. Not usually, anyhow. But this is -- different. Franklin and I talked about it a lot in these past days, because Juniper has been behaving ... strangely. I mean, she's been behaving great, y'know? ... But, for her, it's been, it's seemed like, strange behavior."
I didn't say anything and the sound of the gurgling coffeemaker in the kitchen dominated.
"There are reasons why Juniper is ... the way she is," Mary Jane said. "They're not very pretty, but it doesn't take a PhD in psychology to see the connections."
More hesitation. Finally, she listened to the silence from the kitchen and said, "Let me go get the tray and the coffee."
"Why don't we just go out there and sit at the kitchen table and talk?" I suggested.
We did.
"Juniper was ... abused as a small child," she said. It came without preamble and she waited, probably expecting me to look shocked and appalled. I guess I was appalled, but to say I was shocked would be overstating it, because I'd already suspected something along these lines.
As Mary Jane had said, one didn't have to be a psychologist to read the situation. Early child abuse had been the most likely of causes for Juniper's behavioral aberrations -- if that wasn't too strong a word.
I kept reminding myself that to some degree, Juniper's defense of her own behavior -- that she was simply conducting her sexual life the way a man might -- had a modicum of merit. Who was I, after all, to impose standards on her?
Even her parents, I thought, had limited control over her behavior, and perhaps that's the way it should be. Juniper, after all, wasn't some teen-aged kid who'd fallen in with the wrong crowd. She was an adult with well-established patterns of behavior. Arguably, her behavior worked for her. She'd been making choices for herself for a long time -- evidently ever since back when she really had been that teen-aged kid.
But now Mary Jane was verifying what I had suspected. It wasn't that old "wrong crowd" cliché that had led Juniper astray.
It was a problem that had arisen right there in her own family.
Not all that unusual. Far too commonplace a problem, in fact -- if what the newspaper and magazine articles frequently suggested was really true.
"It was her father," Mary Jane continued. "Her real father. She was just a little girl then. The marriage was a complete mess almost from the start, and it was only a matter of time, I think, before Ross and I would have ended it for our own reasons.
"But when I found out ... what he'd been doing. Oh, God! I left him that same day! We were just -- gone, Juniper and I. I made damned sure he never so much as even saw her again, unless there were large men with guns in the immediate vicinity!"
"You said she was a little girl. How old was she?"
"When we left him -- her father -- she was eleven," Mary Jane said.
"And it was ... serious. He had been having actual adult sex with her. Right there in our home! And it had been going on for awhile before I found out about it. The miserable son of a bitch! I wanted to kill him! I actually tried to! It was the worst kind of scene that you could imagine! He must have known I was bent on hitting him with anything I could get my hands on, because he got out of there, real quick.
"And while the bastard was running for his life, I got Juniper and me both out of there -- right then. That same goddamned day! I wasn't really thinking very clearly, but in retrospect, it was the smartest way to handle it. The only way, really."
"So nothing ever happened to him? No lawsuits, no jail?"
"Nothing except a quick divorce and me putting about five hundred miles between him and Juniper."
"Christ! What a story. And I can see what you're saying ... about the kinds of effects that had to have on her."
"We really had to struggle, after," Mary Jane said. "Financially, I mean. I didn't have any skills, and there wasn't anything coming in from Ross -- that was his name, Ross McCarty.
"But at the time, I thought -- it seemed like -- Juniper was ... fine. I mean, it was like she had weathered it, you know? And later, when Franklin came into our lives, well, I was afraid of how she might react to that -- to there being another man around. A black man at that.
"But she seemed fine. She was real positive about Franklin right from the start. So that encouraged me, and I starting thinking about how Franklin and I could, y'know, give her a good home together, and maybe she'd be okay."
There was another one of those pregnant pauses. Mary Jane got up and refreshed our coffee cups and then sat back down at the kitchen table.
"But things weren't okay," I prompted.
"No. The way it's been, Franklin got more heartache from us than he had bargained for. There wasn't much sign of anything wrong around the time we were dating or when we got married. But not too long after -- Juniper was around thirteen by then -- she started up."
"With boys?"
"With boys in school. With much older boys than her, mostly. And with grown men a few times. It was terrible, Travis. Shocking and ... and terrible."
"A lot of kids have to go through some kind of teenaged rebellion," I offered. "I mean, Juniper told me you were a kind of latter-day flower child yourself."
"It wasn't like that," Mary Jane said. "It wasn't a rebellion. It was just -- odd. Juniper was a model student, and around the house, she acted like a model daughter. And she got along great with Franklin, and they developed this sweet, easygoing relationship. It just seemed ideal in every way.
"Except at the same time, she had this other life going on, where she was having frequent sex at a ridiculously young age, and with multiple partners, and, and... inappropriate partners.
"Oh, Travis, it's been awful. And now she's older and a grown woman and all, and you'd think that would make it easier. But it doesn't. It's almost -- I don't know -- it's almost worse than when she was just this wild kid. Because now it's like she really ought to know better, and you'd think that experience ought to have taught her something -- changed her. Only it hasn't. It's like she's still thirteen, and she's still just giving herself away like a ... like a..."
Mary Jane was in tears now. As usual, I didn't know how to react, so I did nothing. Sometimes nothing is the best thing.
"Maybe she's starting to change," I finally offered.
"It does look like it, a little bit, doesn't it?" Mary Jane said, making eye contact that was attempting to force me to say something else to her. Something else that was encouraging.
"I don't know her well enough yet to really ... know anything," I said. "I mean, for the moment, I feel kind of encouraged, but it's not like something magic has happened."
"She treats you ... differently. From the others, Travis. When you were in California, she was behaving strangely."
Mary Jane laughed out loud at her own statement. " ... She was behaving strangely because she was behaving so... normally.
She was behaving the way a young woman would be if her boyfriend was out of town.
"Normal -- for her -- would have been to forget you existed as soon as you left town. Normal would have been to hook up with some other guy. A guy she knew or just ... a guy she ... found."
"There aren't any guarantees that this will continue," I warned. "And I've got to tell you, Mary Jane, I'm kind of a fair-weather guy on this. I'm not going to hang around and watch her fall off the wagon repeatedly, like a confirmed alcoholic.
"For me, this is something I want to take on -- this reclamation thing. But I really doubt my ability to get knocked down and then get up for more. It's important to me -- it's critical to me -- that Juniper really change. And right away, too!
"I'll try to be clear: I think I can forgive and forget just about anything she's done before now ... But if this thing has such a tight grip on her that she continues the same behavior in the future? I'm afraid I'll give up on her pretty fast. I'm sorry. But that's the way I feel about it. If you're looking for a hero who's gonna save your daughter, you got the wrong guy. I'm not him. I'm not interested."
Mary Jane was still crying, but it seemed to be just residual sniffling from the emotional catharsis of discussing her daughter with -- of all people -- her daughter's latest lover.
"I hope you'll help her, Travis. Since you came along I've gotten a new shot of ... hope. I've gotten where I really believe again that she can change, and for a long while, I'd lost that. That belief.
"Franklin and I, we've been together almost ten years. Last few years, we've just ... given up on Juniper. On her changing, I mean. It's easy for us to do. In so many ways, she's like a normal daughter. She even still lives with us!
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It was in the wee hours of the morning when I finally drove Juniper home. We said goodnight at her family's front door without any further pyrotechnics. In contrast to my first night taking her to this door, this time she wasn't flirtatious or eager to bestow a kiss on me before we so much as left the car. We just walked up to the front door, she said goodnight, and that was the ballgame. Speaking of ballgames, I was due at Camden Yards in approximately eleven hours. It would behoove me...
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It turned out that Mary Jane Jones (I still chuckled every time I uttered that name) was more than pleased to invite me to dinner. I was to arrive at seven p.m. for dinner at eight. Franklin was to entertain me with old war stories while she and Juniper prepared our meal. When I arrived, Juniper greeted me at the door all cheerful and friendly. I received a little hug and a kiss on the cheek, after which she led me into a very large room where Franklin was watching Jeopardy! on a big-screen...
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When I got to the park, Franklin Jones found me in the clubhouse and told me, quietly, that Juniper had asked him to invite me over after the game. Evidently, she hadn't wanted to count on my hearing by telephone from Carla. "How'd she seem?" I asked Franklin. I was confident that Juniper's stepfather and I were on the same side of this issue. I could expect him to talk straight to me. "Not good," he said. "I got all encouraged when she told me to invite you to come by, but her...
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I drove directly to Franklin's house, calling him on the way to let him know I was coming and to ask Mary Jane to start softening Juniper up for a meeting with me. It still wasn't entirely clear whether she would be willing to see me. Franklin said he had spoken to the psychiatrist and that Dr. Mendelssohn had called Juniper afterward on her cell. "They might be still talking now," he said. When I got there, I gratefully accepted a steaming cup of coffee from Mary Jane and sat down...
On Friday morning, Juniper and I got up and dressed for the day. She seemed alert and less affected by her drug regimen, although when I asked her about it, she assured me that she was still taking the prescribed drug as her doctor had instructed. I put my Thursday clothes back on, and we walked into the kitchen together. Mary Jane greeted us without so much as a raised eyebrow and asked me if I was interested in breakfast. I was. "I have to be at Dr. Mendelssohn's office in forty-five...
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SpankingAlways at the Most Inopportune Moments Caterpillar Girl Ray was sitting in the living room on a Sunday afternoon watching a preseason baseball game. His mother was in the kitchen cleaning the sink, while Stacy, her daughter, was reading a newspaper at the kitchen table. Stacy had been sore at the two of them for months. Ray had been unkind to their mother for nearly a year. He was unhappy that she had re-married after their father's death. Tina, Ray's mother, often complained...
Another week of classes, another week of projects and assignments, and another week of domesticity seemed to fly by, and then the day of Clara and Jason's visit was upon us. They had decided to take a bus from the airport in San Francisco, and we agreed to pick them up at the bus depot in nearby Palo Alto. Of course, it was only by Rhonda's largesse that we were able to offer even that minor assistance to them. The greetings in the bus station were loud and friendly, with most of the noise...
What’s up, Mylf fans? Ready for another Classics update? We’re pulling this awesome scene from our beloved Bad Milfs series. Jake’s stepmom Ryan is caring and dedicated, but she can be a little jealous and controlling. When Jake introduces his girlfriend, Anastasia, to his stepmom, she immediately sets intense house rules. One day, when Ryan catches Jake and Anastasia getting down and dirty in the bedroom, she puts herself in the middle to make sure Anastasia is good enough for her stepson.
xmoviesforyou-I dream about this on about one day!I can't give me enough to feeling free and be sexy for you and you will play with me ...this begin on the one summer day on the beach, home in the bed or kitchen, bathrooms, anywhere you like to take me...Are you Ready?I dream of a day when I can get love to feel free and to enjoy the most wonderful at sex because I can't get enough of the cool show.. think of the most sexy man in the whole world ... and it may be more time in life, if it finally becomes...
I have had a fantasy about eating a woman who had just been fucked by another man and then having sex with her myself. That sounds simple enough – and it sure is kinky – but finding a woman who wants to screw some other guy and then screw me right away isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. This little situation just sort of landed in my lap a number of years ago.I got to know Ricquie through some friends. We dated for a few months, and then she moved into my condo with me. She worked for...
Interested in Lets Doe It aka PornDoePremium? With countless numbers of porn sites to choose from on the web, it is no easy task to come up with a site that sets itself apart from the rest. Chances are, you have heard the saying ‘it’s all been done’ before. And, to a certain extent, that is true. Whether referring to art, music, writing, or porn, literally everything has been done before.Yet, somewhat paradoxically, people still write completely original sounding songs, create visually unique...
Top Premium Porn SitesHi, everybody, mai ek baat clear kar du, ye ek real stori hai , isme koi 8 ya 9 inch lamba organ nahi hai ya 45 min tak ka shot nahi hai, a pure Indian stori jo aapke dil ke karib lagegi, Mai prash It professional from Mumbai, meri marriage 2004 feb me sheetal se hue, hamari luv marriage thi, sheetal thodi chuuby gal hai, aur shayad isliye mai attract hua tha, hamara physical relation shadi ke 18 saal pehle se hi tha, uski bahot hi close friend aarti jo ek slim and perfect gal thi, uska looks...
After the holidays, plans for the wedding seemed to dominate their activities. Greg let Allison take the lead; he had never been big on weddings, so he simply did what she told him and gave input whenever she asked. It was just as well, because she seemed to enjoy planning everything. The first day of school after the break, all of Jeff's friends asked about the beautiful woman who had picked him up at school. At first he joked that she was his girlfriend, which of course they didn't...
my secound story, continuation of the last story. this is the next most memorable time with niki... read the last story to get caught up (if you want)first story: was a sunny Saterday morning and I thought while the weather was sunny I would go out to the beach and try to get a tan. so I threw on my pink bikini with a tanktop and short jean shorts over it and...
At an Officers Call back at the Crater, David addressed them. “Well gentlemen, we have done as much as we can to prepare. We hold strong positions in that the enemy will find it difficult to climb the flood banks in front of them. Our only weakness is if they get behind us. Their artillery could be a problem but if they are like the needle guns used in India they only have a range of about a mile. Our mortars could give them a nasty surprise so the only real problem will be the aircraft if...
This is more a reality check than a story, since it will deal more with attitudes and understandings than “I sucked him until his head caved in!” I will get to all that later. First, I am a published author, retired government type, and retired military type, and have literally gone around the world … I have sucked cocks in thirty seven countries! I am in my late sixties and grew up in a world of nuclear threat, segregation, and bigotry. But what was worse than all that was the fact that a gay...
Gay MaleI parked my bike and got to my office. I was on the third floor - it is a pretty office with a lot of glass windows and flowery curtains. The place had been originally intended for a gym, but the owner changed his mind at the last minute and let it out to the office. It is a largish room, bright and cheerful. There is a window which traverses almost half a wall and looks out onto the road; this even has a built in ledge where one can sit and gaze out at the traffic and passersby. Its very...
It was a Sunday night as I watched my pretty wife Lisa groan and shutter for a least the dozenth time as Garland's huge black cock began to pump his third load of the evening into her. Watching the scene got my cock hard again and ready to feel her wet warmth around my cock, however Garland was still inside her and still fucking. I must have already cum 10 times over the course of the weekend, what started on Friday night just carried on through until Sunday night and Lisa's pussy just...