Juniper JonesChapter 2
- 2 years ago
- 24
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It turned out that Mary Jane Jones (I still chuckled every time I uttered that name) was more than pleased to invite me to dinner. I was to arrive at seven p.m. for dinner at eight. Franklin was to entertain me with old war stories while she and Juniper prepared our meal.
When I arrived, Juniper greeted me at the door all cheerful and friendly. I received a little hug and a kiss on the cheek, after which she led me into a very large room where Franklin was watching Jeopardy! on a big-screen television.
Alex Trebek had never looked better -- or bigger.
Body language from Franklin gave me to know that he didn't really want to talk during the program, so I simply accepted a cold brew from Juniper, settled next to Franklin on the couch, and watched the show.
Franklin hollered out almost all the answers -- putting them into the form of questions as the format required, and I found myself somewhat impressed by the depth and scope of his knowledge. Lots of "baseball men" I had met were undeniably intelligent, but many were narrow in the focus of their interests -- likely the victims of early overemphasis on sports to the exclusion of other pursuits.
Franklin Jones didn't answer all the questions. He didn't even get all the ones he answered right, but he was smart enough to impress me, at least.
Maybe I shouldn't have dropped out of school without getting that degree.
When the Jeopardy! closing theme music came on, Franklin turned off the television and acknowledged my presence. "Sorry about that," he said. "I dearly love that show. Always have. I record it every night, and watch all the ones I've missed whenever I get a chance -- sometimes three or four in a row. This one was live, though. Well, probably not live, but I mean, we were seeing it at the scheduled time."
I was trying to think of something apt to say in response to all this information, but Franklin didn't seem to expect me to answer. "Mare-Jay wants you to talk to her at some point ... Not tonight, though," he said.
Had I heard right? Had he called her "Mare-Jay"?
"It's that damned name," Franklin said, probably reading my thoughts. "I just can't keep on saying it. 'Mary Jane Jones.' Jeez! I mean, why couldn't the woman have been named Nancy or Edna or some damned thing? Eunice, even? ... So I got to where I'll call her "Em-Jay" or "Mare-Jay" just to give it a little -- I don't know -- character, you know? 'Mary Jane Jones' just sounds so..."
He trailed off. I didn't tell him his wife's married name gave me the giggles, too. No use piling on.
"It's partly your own fault," I told him. "It's the last name that's the real clincher. I forget what Juniper told me was your wife's maiden name, or her name after her first marriage, but I remember that they sounded more -- serious -- than 'Jones' does."
"It's true," Franklin said.
That seemed to be the end of the topic.
"Anyway, call Em-Jay tomorrow, before you need to go to the park," he said. "I probably won't be here, but she wants you to come by and talk to her while Juni's still at work."
I agreed to make the call.
"Oh, and if you and Juni want to go out somewhere tonight after dinner, that'll be fine with us," Franklin said.
I couldn't be certain, but I think he was telling me that if I wanted to take Juniper back to my apartment and jump her bones, he would raise no objection.
"Maybe we'll want to, y'know, talk privately," I told him. "But we probably won't leave the house -- except to take a walk around the block or something."
"Nice night for it."
Back in high school and in college, when my baseball skills were beginning to suggest to some people that I might make the big bucks someday, it wasn't unusual for girls I dated to have parents who fussed over me.
For middle-class, middle-American parents, I guess I might have been viewed as a Good Prospect. If I were to fall in love with their daughter and marry her, it might not be quite as nice as her hooking up with a doctor, but it could be the next best thing.
After all, in those times, I had been a young man about whom much was expected.
So I had experienced social situations where members of the older generation did some fawning over me. Treated me perhaps a little better than they would some other Lothario who'd shown a passing interest in their daughter.
I was feeling some hints of that with the Jones family that evening. They were baseball people themselves, so they were hardly overawed by my status as a big-earner athlete. If anybody knew about my limitations as a jock, Franklin Jones did.
No, it wasn't economics that was making me the honored guest of the evening. It was my part in Juniper's recent behavioral sea change. My take on it was, her folks had probably just about given up on her, and now I had come along and had them back to hoping their daughter was going to "straighten out."
It was the hope that springs eternal, within a parent's breast.
I recognized the attitude, and it made me feel a certain extra weight of responsibility. Not to "reform" Juniper. If there was going to be any permanent change in Juniper Jones, it was going to have to be Juniper herself who would effect it.
But having set my hand to the task of helping, I knew I had to try hard not to make a hash of the attempt. I owed that much to her mother and to Franklin.
So Juniper and I helped clear the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, and soon after dinner, we took that little walk around the neighborhood.
It was a nice neighborhood, and a great night to be outdoors, but neither of us was paying much attention to the environment. This was perhaps going to be a pretty important little talk.
"Guess you heard about my newfound virginity and virtue," she said.
"Franklin says you've been staying home a lot."
"Don't think I did it to impress you," she said. "It wasn't that. It's just a ... a scientific experiment."
"How so?"
"You know. Testing myself. Finding out how much pressure I put myself under ... by doing the save-it-for-marriage routine."
I laughed. "I never suggested you save it for marriage," I told her. "I just wanted you to consider ... rationing it a little."
"Save it for Travis, huh?"
"Not necessarily forever," I said. "It's not like you're doomed to nothing but Travis Horton for the rest of your days. I just wanted us to give it a try -- to be a couple, and to be exclusive, at least for as long as both of us wanted to be together."
Juniper seemed a little impatient with my point of view. "I don't think you ... I don't think anybody really understands what I'm like, deep down," she said. "I'm like a guy, y'know? I mean, I really enjoy sex. I'm not one of those girls, has to be persuaded and begged and cajoled."
"You're like a guy that way, huh?"
"That's right. And if I was a guy and I'd slept around and gotten off with a lot of women, I'd be Mr. Superstud, and the other guys would just think I was cool."
"Like Toby Marr, you mean?"
"I know the other players don't like Toby. Hell, I don't like him myself. But if you and the other guys on the team happened to like other things about him, then you'd all think it was just great that ol' Toby was getting laid, left and right, by every babe in sight."
"Ahh, Juniper, you're right -- but you're wrong at the same time. So, okay, there's a big double standard going on out there. That's not new. Everybody knows about it. You want me to say it's unfair? Okay. It's unfair. But, listen, you're suggesting that every guy is out trying to fuck anything that moves. That's just not true.
"I mean, sure, I think it's true that most guys are kind of ... predatory. We're always on the lookout for it. But that's not really saying the same thing. I know lots of guys -- I'm one of them -- who try to mostly keep it in their pants, you know? Guys who try not to be ready to unzip every time an opportunity pops up."
"Well, you and your friends are in a minority, then," Juniper said.
"Maybe. But there are a lot of men who have their ... their libido under some control. Most of our married guys on the club, far as I've been able to see, are faithful to their wives. And most of the other guys who are dating somebody on a regular basis -- they're faithful, too. Guys who are on the prowl are the ones who are a distinct minority."
She was skeptical. "In my experience, if you let a man know you're available, he's only too willing to go along."
"We're all pigs, then," I said.
"I don't see it that way," Juniper said. "I never said that men were pigs, or even implied it. I just said if an attractive girl offers sex, most guys are going to take her up on the offer. Hell, you did! We barely knew each other, but when I reached out for your cock, there it was, already standing up and ready for action."
I laughed -- maybe a little bitterly. "I guess you had me convinced I was irresistible," I told her.
"I wasn't kidding around with you," she said. "I did think you were attractive. It was mutual, and the sex was good, too. You're the one who got all unstrung when you found out I wasn't some tight-assed virgin who wanted you and only you."
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The idea that Cassie had been masturbating to Candace and me fucking had my blood on fire. Cassie’s constant flirting glances didn’t help either. The summer was beginning to wind to a close and with everything that had happened, I’d neglected my workouts. I hoped that some motivation from Lindsay would help clear my mind a bit so I called her the next day to come over. Sometimes I was really stupid. “Come on pretty boy, get to it! You’ve gone soft this summer!” Lindsay teased. “Bend over...
Caroline was cumming again. It seemed as though she could feel every inch of her body all at once. Every bead of sweat running down her ever improving body, the pull of her hairband tight around her straight brown hair, her tits bouncing almost violently with the motion of her body. Caroline could feel it all as she looked behind her at her son Clayton, 22 years her junior and barely able to keep up with her. As her orgasm passed Caroline couldn't help but think of how much she loved their time...
This is one chapter of a longer crime/romance story that is connected to the other parts. To fully appreciate the story, please start at Part 1 and read through. Thanks Part 3 Jordan Meets a Strange Beautiful Woman Around mid-afternoon, detectives Gary Matthews and Casey Samson had completed the database search. They now had a list of 120 men who fit into the killer’s age group. Special Agent Conner, their boss for this investigation, then distributed the list to the Sheriff’s deputies all...
Hello folks, I'm back after a long break from posting. I hope you enjoy and please comment. I don't know why but for some reason I have always been very difficult to get off from a blow job. I absolutely love getting my dick sucked and have been with women who didn't mind a mouthful of cum. Recently as I've gotten older,my dick has gotten more sensitive or the places that are sensitive have changed. Usually I can lay back and get head for as long as a woman can endure giving it to me. It always...
--- The Lost Tribe, Part 2 (mf, mF, 1st, cons, interr, impreg?, reluc, sad) by Krosis of the Collective --- Jason was awakened in the morning by the sun shining through the open door of the cage. Why was it open? And where was Makayla? He was alone. He got up and shuffled to the door, tentatively poking his head out. No guards. He quietly exited the cage, keeping low. The girls' camp seemed to be empty. What was going on? Jason kept to the edge of the camp, which was framed on two sides...
"Do you think that Neal is all right?" Amy sounded as worried as she looked. It was growing late, and Neal was still with Prince Arragin. "I'm sure that he can take care of himself," Jewel reassured her, then stiffened as she heard a faint scratching from the back of their tent. A hand signal alerted Amy, and their knives glistened in the flickering lamplight. "Stand easy," a hoarse whisper cautioned. "Remember me?" "Jal?" It was Amy who first recognized the burly soldier who...
We open this week’s show with an establishing shot of a quiet suburb of a low-rise town... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “WOKING, ENGLAND.” The caption fades, as we focus in on a red transit van with our UK of Zoo logos on the side ... Then we cut inside – looking at the roads outside ... Ahead of us we can see an old church on the right side of the road, and a low-rise 1970s office building on the left ... We pass the office building, heading toward a roundabout,...
Hi mera naam rohan (26) hain, main Gujarat se hun, ye meri bahen khyati(20) ki story hain.zyada time na lete hue khyati ke bare mian batata hoon. Janta hoon aap meri bahen ke khubsurat jism ke bare main jan na chahate hain. Khyati 20 sall ki behead khubsurat ladki hain , uske boobs 34 ke aam jese rasile boobs hain, mast 30 ki gand hain kandhe tak laumbe baal hian, dikhne main ek dam slim or sunder hain . dekhte hi kisi ka bhi man usko chodne ka ho jaye ese nasili ankhe hain. Ab story pea at...
My name is Nisha, age: 22 years and today I am going to tell a real story or say incident of my life happened recently with me in which I’ll tell you that how my boyfriend turns me into a slut. I would like to tell you that before meeting my bf I was virgin and respect the Indian values. I’ll describe my story of “How I lose my virginity to my boyfriend?” some other time. I always have a very high sex desire in me but I always control and content myself in the Indian values and never ever try...
All these events, including the good and bad, have happened this wonderful year. The year is wonderful, because the characters tried many things for the first time in their lives. There were two young girls of 17 in India and everyone had a crush on them as they passed them anywhere: at high school, at malls, on streets or anywhere else. Something special was in those nymphets, but they never were too stuck-up. One of them was a striking beauty named Naina and she was 5’5?. At her young...
Saturday morning, Angelique was over at her best friend Shayna's house where she had spent the previous night. The two newly turned teenagers were playing on Shayna's brother's computer as Shayna's parents were out shopping with Shayna's younger sister. Shayna's brother, Johnny, was at softball practice. Both girls were fairly developed for their age. They were both slim with shapely legs, and both had medium sized breasts. Shayna had had several of the older boys at school hit on her...