The Making Of Tina, A TV Bride To Be - Part I free porn video

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The Making of Tina, a TV Bride to Be ? Part I By: Tina Crawford ([email protected]) Why did I say yes you wonder? I mean it's not every day you agree to become someone's wife. Especially when you were born with a penis between your legs. Let me tell you my story. My name is Stan, well it was Stan. My life has been pretty rough over the years. I was from a rather poor family, I begged, borrowed, and stole to get myself through college and after a series of unsuccessful relationships found myself engaged to Amber. In the beginning it was great. Her daddy owned a very successful pharmaceutical company and after Amber and I started going out I suddenly found myself living the good life, a nice apartment with Amber, a very nice job at the company. Things were looking good. But eventually life changed for me. I saw less and less of Amber. She seemed cold and distant towards me and finally we stopped having sex altogether. I figured she was having an affair so one day I followed her instead of going to work. She drove to some apartment downtown and after waiting for about an hour on the street I saw her and some redhead girl come out of the building and get into her car. I followed them to some seedy sex club on the strip. They parked and ducked inside. I followed and found a table, in the back area just close enough so that I could keep an eye on them. As I looked around I noticed quite a few women at the tables and only a handful of men. Amber and the redhead suddenly began to hold hands and the next thing I knew they were making out right there in the club. For the next two hours I watched as they pawed at each other, French kissed like it was going out of style, and stuff at least fifty bucks in singles into the g-strings of the dancing topless girls on stage. At one point the redhead paid a chick with tits bigger than my head for a lap dance for Amber and soon she was bumping and grinding her chest into Amber's face and rubbing herself all over her lap. This was too much and after adjusting my rock hard cock I left the club. I composed a dear Jane letter, packed up my meager things, and left the apartment. Now that was a hard move. I suddenly went from rather well off to living in my car with no job and only the little money I had managed to save in my checking account. After several days I knew that I wasn't going to be able to survive so I reluctantly paid a visit to my best friend Kevin's house. Now I've known Kevin all of my life. We were neighbors and best friends since we were 4. We grew up in the same poor neighborhood and have remained really close, almost like brothers, in the years since we grew up. But there were differences between us. Whereas I was a poor down on my luck bastard, Kevin had made it for himself and was a rather successful lawyer. Add that to a winning lotto ticket his folks left him when they died, and Kevin was rolling in cash. Normally I visit Kevin at least once a week for lunch, a baseball game, or something. But today was different. Now I was visiting him to see if I could crash at his place till I got my feet back under me. I knew Kevin would let me stay there, but I really hated to ask him for anything. Well to make a long story short he of course insisted I stay with him for as long as I needed. He said that he was lonely in his big place and that it would be like old times again. After settling into his guestroom we found ourselves in his den playing pool and drinking way too much. After spilling the entire story to him, we spent the next few hours trading bad love stories. Kevin was successful in life, but his luck with women was as bad as mine. He's had 2 divorces and more broken engagements than I can remember. After our 6th or was that 7th beer we both swore of women forever. At least till the next one came around. As I was taking my shot, Kevin asked me, "You know Stan, you are about the only person who's close to me." "Yep, you and me are tight Kev," I yelled back at him as I completely missed my target ball. Kevin moved to the table to take his shot and kind of looked at me funny. "No seriously I'm closer to you than I have been with any woman I've ever dated." I just smiled at him as he made a perfect bank shot and lined up another. "Too bad you're not a woman or I would marry you," he said. I started to laugh and soon Kevin was giggling too. "Well if you pay for my breast implants," I said laughing while holding my hands about two feet out from my chest, "and buy me new clothes, I'll think about it." Kevin looked at me funny again and put down his beer. "I'm tired of pool, want to go in the hot tub?" he asked. That sounded good so we both changed into some swim trunks and found our way into the hot tub. He handed me another beer and just stared at me. I asked him what he was looking at and he said, "Oh nothing, I was just trying to picture you with long hair and cock sucker lips." I splashed some water at him and told him to stop it because I wasn't that kind of girl. As we relaxed in the hot water, Kevin kept bringing the conversation back to me being a girl. In the beginning I was just joking around with him, telling him that I was out of his league, or that I didn't have the right curves for that kind of life, but after a while I began to think that Kevin really wasn't kidding around anymore. He handed me another beer and asked me what I was going to do with my life now that Amber had dumped me for a woman. I was already pretty drunk and being in that state of mind I began to rant and rave again about how she had treated me and how pissed and turned on I had been following her to that club. Kevin was quiet for a while then told me that if I was a girl maybe Amber would love me again. That kinda stopped me cold. I stared at him for a while but finally I shook my head no. "No, I still love her, but no amount of love can get me to get breast implants and hormones injected in me. I leaned over to set my beer on the ground and when I looked back Kevin lunged towards me and pinned me against the wall. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him. He just stared at me and then pushed me harder against the wall. Now Kevin has always been a bigger and stronger guy than me. He works out and has mountains of more muscles than I'll ever have. Plus now that I think of it, Kevin had stopped drinking long before we got in the hot tub, whereas he kept feeding the beer to me. So now I find myself stuck between the wall of the tub, and Kevin's hard wet body. After I finally stopped squirming I asked, "Ok what do you want Kev?" He smiled and said, "I only want to ask you a question, as soon as I do, I'll let you go ok?" I nodded for him to go ahead, not like I had much of a choice. He shifted his position and pushed his left forearm against my chest to pin me while he moved his right arm under the water. He continued to stare right at me as I felt his hand brush up against my knee and then slowly move up my leg. Finally he came into contact with my upper thigh and suddenly he was cupping my balls with his hand! "Kevin!" I yelled, "What the fuck are you doing?" He said nothing but continued to caress my balls with his hand. He did it very gently, and much to my dismay I felt myself getting aroused. My cock started to get hard (well not that I'm big in that department, but what I do have sure started to respond). I began to shift around trying to get away from him. "Stop squirming Stan, or I'll squeeze them off at the base," whispered Kevin, and to prove his point he began to apply steadily increasing pressure to my balls. It was starting to hurt when I finally stopped moving and told him I wouldn't squirm again. Satisfied he released his hold on my jewels and moved his hand up to my now hard cock. He traced my pole through my swim trunks before he reached up to my elastic waistband and stuck his hand down my shorts. He started to massage and stroke my cock and damn it, it felt good. I began to squirm again, but for a totally different reason. "Now if I let you go, you promise not to run?" Kevin asked. I told him I wouldn't run. He released me from his pin and spun me around so I was facing the wall and he was to my back. He gently pushed me into the wall and pressed his chest to my back. I could feel his rock hard cock against my leg and I could tell he was excited by what he was doing to me. With his right hand he continued to stroke my cock as his hand was still down my shorts. With his left hand he undid the tie on my trunks and pulled them down my legs. Now he had total access to me. He leaned in real close to me and started to whisper into my ear as his strong hand moved up and down my throbbing cock. "Now listen to me Stan, don't talk just listen. I know you want to be my girl for me. I've never met anyone who I'm more compatible with than you and I'm not letting the fact that you were born with this dick in my hand stop me from being happy. I learned at a young age that I could get the things that make me happy if I put my mind to it. And I want you Stan." My breathing was beginning to get shorter and quicker as I felt him continue to stroke me slowly. Suddenly I felt his left hand squeeze my ass and one of his fingers brush up against my asshole. Gently he stroked me and rubbed his finger over my hole. He moved to the other side of me and continued to whisper into my ear. "Now I'm not gay Stan, you are the first guy I've ever touched like this, and I know YOU'RE not gay, but were going to change that. See I believe that you can change a person's sexual orientation just by applying the right stimulus, as I'm doing to your ass and cock. Eventually you'll only want a man to do that to you, and more. Stan I'm going to make you cum now, and you are going to really enjoy it. But when you cum you are going to have to answer a simple question for me. When you spurt yell yes or no if you will become my wife for me." And with that he started to beat me off faster and began to worm his finger up into my ass. My mind was a blur as my cock was nearing eruption and my body was on fire from the pleasure he was giving me. "Think about it Stan, you wouldn't have to work anymore. You could live here all the time, not work, no responsibilities, except for being there for me. I mean you spend a lot of time with me anyway, why not make it more permanent? We have fun together, like the same movies and sports. We have similar tastes in food and art. I mean we are perfect for each other Stan. It will be just like it is now, except for a few differences. I'll adore you Stan. I'll wine and dine you each night, buy your expensive clothes and gifts. You'll drive a nice car and we'll take beautiful vacations all over the country. All you have to do is say yes. I know you are close, time is running out Stan. If you say yes, your life will be a piece of cake, no more job, no more debts and no more pain of not being loved, all in exchange for a simple change of wardrobe. But if you answer no, you'll be out of my life forever. Your one and only friend will be gone and you'll be forced to move back into your car, working yourself to death in some pitiful job, pining your life away for some two timing lesbo hussy. Is that what you want Stan? It's really a simple decision Stan, yes or no." By this time I was really squirming against the wall as Kevin's finger was moving in and out of my tight ass and his hand was going a mile a minute up and down my pole. In a matter of seconds I was going to explode and my life would change forever. Closer and closer I got till I screamed out that I was cumming. My cock erupted with a jet of cum and my whole body tensed up as I shot load after load into the hot steaming water. Kevin kept pumping my dick and my ass as I let out another moan of pleasure. I felt myself start to get weak and suddenly my vision began to blur and get black. I awoke lying on the side of the tub with Kevin looking down at me with a worried expression on his face. I asked him what was wrong and he said that I must have blacked out from the combination of hot water, beer, and my orgasm. Suddenly the memories of my forced cumming came flooding back to me and I quickly asked Kevin, "Oh my god, did I answer you?" He smiled and helped me up to my feet. I asked him again if I had answered his question before I blacked out and his reply was to get down onto one knee and take my hand. "Stan will you make me the happiest man on the planet and do me the honor of being my wife?" he asked. My jaw dropped as it dawned on me that I must have said YES! I stared at Kevin as my mind raced. I was almost passed out when I must have answered him. My conscious mind had stopped working long ago, so what I said must have come from my heart. Did I really want to be Kevin's wife for the rest of my life? Did I really want to have my body chemically and physically altered to be a gorgeous girl for this guy? Did I want to spend the rest of my life on my knees sucking his big dick, or on my back with my legs on his shoulders as he pounded into my ass? I remembered how gentle he had been while he stroked my ass and my cock. How sincere he sounded when he said that I was the most compatible person he knew and that he wanted to marry me. I recalled how scared I was at the prospect of returning to my meager life. My cock also remembered how good it had felt being stroked by this man. In fact it began to get aroused again just at the thought of it. I looked down at Kevin, and after taking a deep breath, told him, "Yes Kevin, I will be your wife till death do us part." A look of pure joy exploded across his face and he practically jumped off the ground in an attempt to hug me. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and I returned the hug. I felt his hard member dig into my thigh as he began to thank me for making him so happy. I finally pulled away from him and told him to listen to me. He took a step back and waited for me to speak. Suddenly I was nervous but managed to tell him, "Now I've chosen to be your wife, but now you are going to have to go slow with me. I'm still not totally sure what I've agreed to here. My heart and apparently my cock, seem to have answered for me, but my mind isn't making the jump quite as well. So am I just supposed to suddenly become a woman now? Don a pair of high heels, dab some lipstick on, and plant a wig on my head? Perhaps I need to pull on some nylons and garters and proceed to give you head? What do you expect of me now Kevin? I must admit I'm awfully frightened at the thought of having my body cut and remolded into some female version of me." I found myself feeling weak in the knees. I half fell, half sat down on the concrete and stared up at him. "Do I become some kind of freak now? Some half man half woman? What do I do if at the end you won't or can't love me and I'm out on my own again, only this time NO ONE will have me?" I finally broke down into tears and covered my face in my hands. I felt Kevin walk behind me and put his arms around me. "I'll never leave you Stan. I love you and will always love you. We were best friends who spent their whole lives together, and now we will be one better, lovers. We will be husband and wife, you and I, and we'll have even better times than we've had. And to answer your question, no you won't be some half and half freak. We'll take our time and gradually make you into my ideal woman, one who I'll be proud to call my wife, and one you'll be proud to be. We'll go slowly one step at a time. Diet and exercise, movement classes, dressing, talking, makeup it will all come in due time. Then we'll start on hormones, and eventually surgery to round you out. You'll enjoy these times Stan, it'll be fun! We'll make you the best woman on the planet one day at a time. Each day you'll be happier at the thought of being a woman. Of wearing nice and sexy clothes, of having your nails done, or going shopping. Eventually you'll come to love the attention men give you, that I'll give you. And in the end we will decide if we want to remove you penis in exchange for a pussy or not, but we will make that choice together, as man and wife." I turned to him and with a look of relief, joy, and appreciation I leaned into him and gave him a soft and gentle kiss on the lips. "What should we call you now?" Kevin asked as he helped me up. "I've always liked the name Tina" I said as he put his arm around me and we walked towards the house "Tina. I like the sound of that." He said as we went inside to get started. This Is Only The BEGINNING! To Be Continued!!! Comments? Ideas? email me at [email protected]

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The best way that Margie Jackson could describe the morning’s events to her husband was a car wreck, a slow-motion car wreck like something in a movie or on TV or just a NASCAR race on the late news. First one car would hit the wall, and then a bit later another car would hit the first, and then after a while longer another car would wreck, and just to spice things up, a car would explode every so often. And through it all, you knew with the same morbid fascination that people watched auto...

2 years ago
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My Life With Tina

My Life With Tina This is new tale. It is from my dark side. Peace Belle. My name is Anne. That is not the name I was born with. I was born Alan. To start my tale I must take you back in time. About five years ago. I just got off of work and decided to a couple of cold beers at my favorite bar and catch up on the ball scores. I walked in the bar and Tina was on duty. How can I describe Tina in ten words oe less. I can't. To say she beautiful is an understatement. She is tall for a...

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Tinas first time

As Tina spied on her parents having sex, she could see her dad’s huge cock slamming in and out of her mum’s pussy, her mum moaned and groaned as he rammed his log into her, she could see her mums huge tits swaying as Maureen (Tina’s mum) moaned begging for more Ted (Tina’s dad) spanked Maureen as she begged for a good fucking, Tina could feel her pussy getting wet, as she run her hands over her young tits, Tina was 18 and had just finished college and had the summer to rest before university,...

3 years ago
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Paula and Tina Our first time

For as long as I can remember I’ve been in love with Tina.Of course I didn’t always know her, wasn’t always friends with her. I bounced around when I was really young with a few foster families, spent a little time in a home with Nuns. But that time of my life is like a blur now. I don’t really remember much of it other than people always feeling sorry for me. I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me.Tina was different. I met her at a church function when we were both just girls really, girls...

2 years ago
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Tina and Paula The last days

I walk into Meredith’s bookstore expecting another afternoon of cleaning, pricing and stocking instead I find Meredith and Tina sitting behind the counter. Neither notices me when I walk in. I have a moment to watch them. Meredith is older, her face more mature and her body more womanly. Tina is losing her baby fat, her face becoming that of a woman. She has matured in other ways, her clothes are nicer now, she has become adept with powders and paints and, simply put, she makes more effort to...

4 years ago
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Wanting Tina Back

Randall sat on the park bench with his back straight and wearing crisp, freshly pressed clothes, as if he were about to have a job interview. However, the roses in his hand gave away that he was waiting for a woman he wanted to make his best impression on. One of his knees was bouncing up and down with nervous energy, which made him seem more like a teenager waiting for his first date than a college age man waiting for his girlfriend of over a year. Randall was good looking in a boyish way. He...

2 years ago
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My wife Tina

Introduction: Wife My wife Tina and I had just had the wildest sexual experience ever. Im Fred, I figured it was time to introduce myself. Tina let me watch and take part as she sucked off and fucked a foot long, coal black cock. Tina was worn out as I returned to our bedroom after seeing our guest, James, out. She opened her eyes and smiled as I entered the room. We really did it didnt we, babe? Are you relly OK with what went on? I assured her it was great and told her it was the hottest...

3 years ago
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MY WIFE TINA TAKES CARE OF HER NEEDS My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same...

3 years ago
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Tina Disciplined Again

Tina winced as she saw the annoyed look on Miss Cindy’s face. She tried to explain, though. “It was a mistake, Miss Cindy. I intended to pay for the tops but just forgot and set off the alarm as I left the department store.”Miss Cindy wasn’t impressed and angrily berated Tina. “Forgot? That isn’t good enough, my girl. Anyone can use that excuse. You need to remember or accept the consequences.”Tina knew Miss Cindy was right and judging from recent experiences she reckoned she knew that Miss...

1 year ago
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MY WIFE TINA TAKES CARE OF HER NEEDS My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same...

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Tinas First Time

This is Tina the Redhead that Mechanic Ray has written about. He asked me to write about the first time I had sex so I asked him to help me write about it as I’m not a writer. From here on out, it will be Ray writing what I tell him. Tina grew up in a conservative family with a hard working father, stay at home mom, two older brothers and one younger brother. In her home, no one talked about sex or anything considered improper. Her parents controlled what they watched on television at the...

1 year ago
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Stranded Tina and LisaChapter 3

The next morning I awoke to the smell of bacon and coffee. Lisa had just finished up the last of the dirty dishes. While Tina was setting up the bar with plates, I was amazed to see not only orange juice and bacon, but also pancakes and coffee. The tiny studio apartment was looking a lot cleaner, except for my bedroom. "Where the heck did all this come from girls?" "Tina and I walked up to the market and got a few things, Uncle Larry! We wanted to surprise you!" "LISA! Pulleeze,...

1 year ago
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My wife Tina takes care of her needs

My Wife (Tina) and I have been married for 27 Years and she has been telling me how she would like to spice up our sex life after it has become doll. (Tina does go out and FUCK other guys but she says getting FUCKED in the bed of a truck or in a car or on a car hood does not take care of here needs not one COCK at a time it is a turn on but she says she needs more.) So I ask her what she would like. She said she would like to FUCK Two COCKS at the same time. So one night we were talking and she...

Group Sex
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Taking Tina for a Circle Ride

“There’s a package for you on the dining table,” shouted Tina. I was upstairs checking my emails on the computer. I finished what I needed to do and rushed down to get the package. Tina was in the lounge watching TV as usual. She seemed to spend a lot of time watching TV these days. I picked up the package. “What’s on?” I asked. “X-Factor,” she replied without looking up at me. “We’re going out,” I said, firmly. “Really,” she replied, again without looking up at me. I walked to the TV and...

3 years ago
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Tina part 2

We ate in silence, we were both very hungry, then as we sat over our coffee, Tina pointed through the kitchen window. “It's such a beautiful day out there. I wish now that I had not left my bikini at Fred and Jenny's. We could have gone to the beach, this morning.” “I have a suggestion. There is a nudist beach just 10 minutes' walk from here. I'd much rather see you naked on the beach, than covered by a bikini, however skimpy.” “OK!” I put a very large beach towel, big enough for the...

4 years ago
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I saw them as they appeared in the station entrance, dragging pretty much the sum of their lives in two heavy suitcases. They looked tired and stressed and in the case of the youngest, close to tears, a pathetic sight, though I don't mean that in the nasty way some do, just worthy of pity I guess. "Hi Dad." Said Tina my daughter. "Thanks for coming to collect us it's been a hell of a day." "So I gathered." I replied before drawing the pair of them into a hug which seemed to open up...

4 years ago
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Tina VasquezChapter 5

Vasquez answered her phone just as she was locking the evidence kit in the trunk of her car. "Hi Tina, it's Prescott," the forensic psychologist said. "Anything new on your missing girl?" "Jeffrey, hey," Tina sighed, closing the trunk. "Nothing yet. What have you got?" "Nothing much, I'm afraid," the man replied with an apologetic shrug. "I went through some models, but we don't have much of a profile on her. That makes it tough to predict." "Yeah," Tina agreed, walking...

1 year ago
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Paula and Tina Shaving

Pubic hair, I’m not sure why we really have pubic hair. Why do we? I vaguely remember the little twisted dark growths of beginning puberty. A few strands around my otherwise naked little puss that soon sprouted into little tufts. Two little patches of thin hair that I played with as my experience with masturbation grew and matured. Then suddenly, FUMPT, a full patch of hair. “Shave it?” Tina asked.“Yeah, I don’t like it.” I said.“You are crazy, it’s going to grow back all funny.” “No it’s not!...

4 years ago
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The Infection Vector Chapter 2 Tina and Ellie

Author's Note 'The Infection Vector' is the concluding section of the story arc that began with 'The Transmigration Of Richard Brookbank'. It features a variety of protagonists, each of whom is affected by the activities of the kuzkardesh gara in a different way. Although this is by no means the end of the tale, enough of a line will be drawn to enable readers to treat it as such. This chapter contains extracts from the poem 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph. Raikesdale, North...

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My Cock Crazy Wife Tina

My Cock Crazy Wife Tina My wife, Tina, is five feet, one inch tall – a tiny lady. She is a beautiful, Brown-haired, green-eyed, sexy, young woman. Tina has great legs, a tight, round ass, and the biggest tits imaginable on such a petite frame. They don’t sag and look positively mouthwatering without a bra. I love Tina very much and respect her as a person, but I have to admit that what first caught my eye were these huge, firm 34-D’s on such a tiny girl. We’ve been married a little over five...

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Taming Tina part 2 of 3

I showered while waiting for Pam. After towelling off I put my boxers back on and made a drink. I returned to the bedroom and sat in the chair to relax and watched Tina as she slept. She hadn’t moved since I put her in the bed.Pam arrived and came to the bedroom. We kissed before she jumped into the shower. She came back and sat on my lap.”She looks worn out,” Pam observed. “How did it go?””Great,” I replied. “But she’s not there yet.””Doug is,” she giggled. “He is very submissive.”She told...

2 years ago
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My Cock Crazy Wife Tina

My Cock Crazy Wife Tina My wife, Tina, is five feet, one inch tall - a tiny lady. She is a beautiful, Brown-haired, green-eyed, sexy, young woman. Tina has great legs, a tight, round ass, and the biggest tits imaginable on such a petite frame. They don't sag and look positively mouthwatering without a bra. I love Tina very much and respect her as a person, but I have to admit that what first caught my eye were these huge, firm 34-D's on such a tiny girl. We've been married a little...

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Nerdy Brother Ao Tom Tina Angie

Tina came running in to Tom, “Please help us so dad does not find out please!!” Tom looked at his almost 17 year old sister, she was wearing her baby doll night clothes which were see thru. He could see her boobs with her lovely puffy nipples. He hid his hard on with his comic “What have you done now,” He knew it concerned her computer, it was, up to this time, the only thing in common between him and his sister. He got up as she ran back to her room. Following he realised she was not wearing...

2 years ago
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My wife Tina

We made arrangements to meet with James again. I took Tina out shopping for lingerie and picked out the outfit I wanted to see her get fucked in. I had purchased a video camera and I wanted the scene to be perfect. First, we got Tina a white sparkly garter belt and a pair of shimmering white, lace top stockings. Tina wasn't much in the breast dept. so I got her a white, sheer mesh, see through bra. I told her that I wanted her in all-white so that there would be even more contrast against...

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Taming Tina part 1 of 3

“She’s such a bitch,” Doug complained. “Fucking bossy all the time.” I laughed. “You knew that when you fucking married her!”“Yeah, well I thought she would lighten up a little,” he lamented. “We’ve been together twenty years.””Why bring this up now?” I asked as I sipped my drink.”It’s worse than ever these days. Her fucking promotion turned her into a ball-breaker.”Tina was now President of Operations at the corporation she worked at. She had started there right after college and before...

3 years ago
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Tina Finds Daniel

To get over the break up of the band Tina decided To go to a quiet little restaurant she knew in London. She knew no one would really take any notice of her because it was early evening and everyone would be more interested about getting home to notice her. As she sat down at her table she was glad to have left her boyfriend Tommy at home, she really needed to be on her own right now. As she ordered her meal she noticed a young boy walk into the restaurant Tina thought he looked quite...

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October With Tina a Musketeer Story

Friday morning brought the end of the week but the first of October and my first day with Tina. I’d spent a month with Fallon and one with LuAnn and they were great. I was certain I’d spend the rest of my life with one or the other of them but I still didn’t know which one. It was a pleasurable dilemma. But October was for Tina. I didn’t have high hopes for October. It wasn’t because I didn’t like Tina. I did. I really did. I just thought she was out of my league. She was the only one of the...

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Mrs Tina Vixens is created

On the wall in the living room hangs a picture of a pair of black pumps. They are shiny with high heels. One is standing; the other one lies on its side.  It is impressive how the photographer has found a nice composition and play of light with such simple objects. For those who know, the shoes are a reminder that Tina is not only the caring finance admin her colleagues see. In code, the picture shows her other side. The image is important to her because the shoes changed Tina the office girl...

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The Gigolo Chronicles VI Tina Part 1

Tina is a very sexy woman who really loves the attention I give to her breasts when we get together. Like most of my other ladyfriends, she usually cums several times with me, but what makes Tina unique is that she can cum simply from stimulation of her large and lovely breasts, especially their very sensitive nipples.She gets the most enjoyment from our love-making when her first climax is from my caressing, licking, and sucking her glorious tits so that is how we always start out. Of course,...

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Tina Beth

"It was Friday night and Beth’s friend Tina was sleeping over, They were a little drunk on the beer Beth’s older sister had left them when she went out earlier, they were on the couch watching porno and giggling when Beth’s sister walked in with Him, He was big and had long hair and tattoos! They laughed when they saw the young girls were watching a porno on the T V. “You two little girls need to go to bed now!” Her sister ordered. The big man just grinned at them with his hand moving...

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