Square Dance Panties free porn video

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Square Dance Panties By Margaret Jeanette Sara Long stepped out of the truck stop restaurant door and got into her car. She had stopped at the edge of town for breakfast -- she needed her coffee to get going for the day. She was very happy, on her way to surprise her best friend Sally Morgan. They had been best friends in college. Sally had been maid of honor at her wedding five years previously. But they didn't see each other real often, as they lived 110 miles apart. Sara pulled onto the highway and then decided to call Sally on her cell phone. Sally answered on the first ring. Sara said, "Hi, what are you doing today?" Sally said, "I just got a call from a farmer that he had some sick cows. I was just getting my bag to head to his farm. Why?" Sara asked, "How long do you estimate it will take?" Sally said, "I was at his neighbors yesterday. If it's the same thing it will be all day. We have a bug going around here with the cows. I have to do a blood test to make sure but I suspect it's the same thing. I have injections but we have to watch for an hour and a half for any reactions. I've only had one cow so far have a reaction to the drug but you never want to take a chance." Sara said, "So you are going to be tied up all day then. Right?" Sally said, "Yes, it looks that way. Why?" Sara said, "Well, I was going to come up for a visit but I guess it can wait. Good luck on the cows!" Sara hung up and thought it must be hectic sometimes for a veterinarian. She knew Sally was good at her job but the hours were sometimes awful long. She was glad she had her job as head of human resources for a major manufacturer. She turned back for home at the next intersection, got home, and went into the house. It was quiet so she assumed Roger, her husband, was still sleeping. She thought she would slip into bed and surprise him as she had told him the night before she was going to spend the day with Sally and would be heading out early. Her jaw dropped when she passed the open door of the bathroom. There was her husband sitting on the toilet. Pulled down around his ankles were her red square dance panties with the red lace all around them. He also had on her nightgown. She remembered she had tossed the panties on top of the nightgown, which was on the chair in their bedroom. She said, "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Roger's head snapped up. His face flushed. He said, "What are you doing home? I thought you were going to visit Sally." Sara answered, "She's going to be busy all day so I came back. I never expected this. How long have you been wearing my things?" Roger said, "This is the first time. I saw these on the chair and I don't know what came over me. I just put them on to see what it felt like." Roger stood up and pulled the panties up. They walked into the bedroom and Roger started to take the clothes off. Sara said, "Leave them on. Come and lie on the bed." Sara quickly undressed down to her bra and panties. She slid into bed alongside Roger. She kissed him and then slid her hand down and started rubbing Roger's penis through the nightgown and panties. She said, "You like how that feels?" "Ye-e-e-s!" Roger replied dreamily. She said, "You want to wear them always?" "N-o-o-o!" was the reply. Sara said, "Wrong answer!" She stopped rubbing him. Then she asked him if he wanted her to continue. He said yes. She started to rub again. She said, "Now I better get the right answer. Do you want to wear them always?" He answered yes. Sara continued, "If you wear them you wear everything that goes with them. Understand?" He answered yes. She continued slowly rubbing him and said, "Are you going to keep wearing them?" He answered yes. Sara rubbed faster and soon he came in the panties. She had never ever thought about feminizing her husband but now she thought she would have some fun with him. He got up and went into the bathroom. When he returned Sara asked him if he was going to keep the cummy panties on or if he wanted a clean pair. Roger answered, "I want to get these off." Sara handed him a pair of black panties trimmed with red lace. He said, "What am I supposed to do with these?" Sara said, "Put them on. You agreed to wear panties and everything that goes with it just now in bed." Roger said, "I didn't know what I was agreeing to and you were taking advantage of me." Sara said strongly, "You agreed. Doesn't your agreement mean anything to you?" Roger said, "You know I honor any agreement honestly given." Sara said, "You mean you were being dishonest in bed?" Roger said, "No, I am saying you used me sexually to get me to agree to that." Sara said, "Am I to think you don't honor your agreements, no matter how you make them. Am I to believe you won't keep any agreements you tell me you will do?" Roger said, "No, it isn't that. Stop and think. Did you get that agreement honestly?" Sara said, "Did I threaten you. Did I hurt you? Did I put you in pain? Did I coerce you?" Roger said, "No you didn't do any of that. Are you going to admit you took advantage of me in a moment of weakness?" Sara said, "Only if you agree to wearing panties and everything that goes with it." Roger said, "I don't want to wear women's clothes. I was only trying to see what it felt like." Sara said, "Now's your chance. You can find out what it feels like with my blessings. You don't have to sneak around when I am not here." Roger said, "I wasn't sneaking around. I don't know what came over me. Can't we forget this whole thing?" Sara said, "Put on your panties. We have had ENOUGH of this discussion." Roger knew that voice. He slowly pulled the panties up his legs. He went into the closet and came out with a shirt. Sara said, "Put that back. You are going to wear everything that goes with the panties, remember?" Roger very slowly walked back to the closet. Sara felt a surge of power like she had never felt before. When he came back Sara was waiting with a black bra. She slid it up his arms and tried to hook it in the back. It wouldn't come together. Then she thought of something. She went to where she kept her bras and came back with a bra extender. With it, it was still a real tight fit but she got it hooked. She stuffed the cups with some of his socks. Sara said, "We will get some use out of your old socks. We'll have to get you some proper fitting bras though." She then hooked a suspender belt around his waist. Then she helped him put on some sheer black nylons. Next she got a nylon slip from the closet and slid it down over his head. Then she got a black sleeveless knit dress and helped him put it on. Sara told him to take a look in the mirror. As he was doing that she got a pair of backless heels from her closet. She slipped them on his feet saying, "I know your feet are bigger then mine but these will have to do until we can get some that fit you." He walked around the room in them and soon felt confident he could walk in them without falling. Then Sara set him down at her vanity. She showed him how to apply foundation, blush, eye shadow and lipstick. Sara said, "There, take a close look, I don't want to see your face anyway but like that when you are home. Understand?" He nodded that he understood. Sara told him, "Now take those panties and that nightgown and rinse them out in the sink. And you might as well do the wash while you are at it." He grabbed the clothes and headed out. Sara got dressed in a plain blouse and jeans and a pair of loafers. When he had the wash started he came by Sara who was sitting at the dining room table. Sara told him to get a cup of coffee then come back, as she had something for him. He got the coffee and sat by Sara at the table. Sara said, "I printed a little something out on the computer. I want you read it." He took it and read. It read- I, Roger Long, agree to wear panties, bra and stockings as prescribed by my wife, Sara. I will only wear men's clothes as she says. I agree to wear dresses or blouses and skirts whenever I am home. I will wear make-up at all times when I am home. I agree to do the housework normally done by the wife in a relationship. I agree to do whatever Sara asks without argument. Sara agrees not to send me to work in a dress or blouse and skirt. All other times when not at work I will wear whatever Sara says. Signed //s/ ______________________________________ Co-signed //Sara Long/ ________________________________ When he finished reading it Sara handed him a pen. He just sat there staring. Sara asked, "What's wrong? Why aren't you signing it?" He said, "There's no expiration date on it. How long do you intend to keep this up?" Sara said, "How does two months sound? I think it should be six months. The way it is now without that it can be forever. I even added about not sending you to work in a dress or skirt to give you some insurance that that would not happen." Roger said, "I think two weeks is plenty long enough. Really today is long enough." Sara said, "I'll add an expiration date. I offered two months. Now do you want six months or a year or what?" Roger asked, "What happened to the two months?" Sara said, "You argued that away. Six months or a year?" Roger said, "That isn't fair and you know it. You said two months before, and now you are saying six months or a year. Be reasonable. That two months is two thirds of this summer." Sara said, "OK. Two months it is. I'll be just a minute adding it and printing a new copy." She left and Roger got himself another cup of coffee. He thought, I just agreed to wear women's clothes for two months. Why? How did I let her maneuver me into this? Sara quickly was back and when he looked it over the two-month expiration date was there. He knew he would regret it but he signed it. Sara took it from him with one of her smug smiles. Sara said, "It's time for lunch. What are you going to make?" Roger replied, "How does toasted cheese sound?" Sara said it sound OK. Roger went and started making them. Sara knew Roger was an excellent cook. While he was cooking them Sara snapped a picture of him. He asked what that was for and she told him it was for them to look at years from now and laugh. The food didn't take long and soon they were eating. As they ate Sara Said, "We are going to have to get you some dresses and underwear. I guess you need just about everything." Roger replied, "Yeah, I guess so." They finished eating and Roger put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Then he went and got the wash and hung it on the line outside like Sara had told him to. He came back inside and Sara met him. She handed him a purse and told him to come along. Roger said, "Where?" Sara said, "Into town!" Roger said, "I can't go there looking like this! People will recognize me. Can't you go in and pick up whatever you think I will need?" Sara said, "I want you along to make sure everything fits right. I'll tell you what; we'll go to Smithville. They have a bigger mall there and I know we can find whatever we need there. Sound OK to you?" Roger said yes and a headed out to the car. Sara drove. As they were leaving the driveway Sara told him she was only loaning the purse to him until they got one for him. They made small talk as they drove the forty miles to Smithville. When they got there Sara stopped at a small strip mall. She led Roger into a small shop. Roger saw it was a wig shop. They picked out a short mass of curls in his hair color. Then Sara spotted one that was longer. When she placed it on his head it came down to the middle of his back. A saleslady appeared saying, "That one is on sale. It is a discontinued style. They discontinue styles more than they introduce new ones except at Oscar time. Then they copy every star's hair-do." When they left Roger was wearing the shorter one. As she started the car Sara said, "You look nice in that wig. It suits you. There is another shop two blocks down I want to stop at." She pulled up in front of a store called 'Carrie's Corsetry'. Sara led Roger in and she was soon engaged with the saleslady. Roger couldn't hear what was being said. He looked around and couldn't believe all the different items there were on display. Soon the saleslady was by Roger, giving him instructions and measuring him. When she finished she showed Sara a garment and motioned for Roger to follow her. The saleslady told Roger to undress down to his panties. Sara was there and helped him. Soon the lady was pulling the garment up Roger's legs. When she had it on him she zipped the zipper. Roger thought it was too tight. The saleslady then started to tighten the laces. Roger could hardly breathe. The saleslady was explaining the benefits of the garment to Sara. This garment made the wearer stay straight and held the shoulders back and the chest out. When Roger could only take a very small gulp of air the saleslady said it was tight enough. She told Sara that in a week she should be able to take two more inches off Roger's waist. She guessed that eventually they should be able to get six inches off his waist. Sara asked, "Where does that flesh go?" The saleslady said, "It goes into the breast and into the rear. That is what makes the feminine shape." Sara looked and thought Roger already had more of a feminine rear. She knew she was going to enjoy lacing him up. She smiled as she thought about how she could get it tighter. She asked the saleslady for tips on how to get it as tight as possible. The saleslady said, "You saw how I tightened it. That's the proper way to do it. IF you want it to tighten by itself you can use a leather lace. You soak it in water overnight then in the morning lace it into the corset. Lace it up the way I did as tight as you can possibly get it. The leather stretches because it is wet. As the day goes on it dries and constricts making the corset tighter." Sara paid the lady and helped Roger get dressed. She noticed that he walked straighter and his chest was definitely pushed out. She smiled thinking to herself- I bet he never thought about having this to put up with. Once in the car Roger said, "You have to get me out of this. I can hardly breathe." Sara said, "You'll be all right. It just takes some getting used to is all. Take little breaths and move slowly. You'll see it won't be long and you will forget you have it on." Roger thought she was nuts. There was no way he wouldn't know he had it on. He sat very still in the seat. Two miles later Sara parked the car in the mall parking lot. She told him they didn't have a lot of time so they had to be efficient in their shopping. In the first woman's apparel store they found three dresses. In the second Sara picked out two more for him. At he intimate apparel store they got seven pairs of panties with matching bras. They also got four camisoles. Then Sara led him into a shoe store. They quickly found a comfortable pair of red flats for him. Sara said he would need some heels and picked out a pair of strappy heels with a four and a half inch heel. They fit all right but Roger had trouble walking in them. Sara noticed he wiggled his rear more when he wore them; Sara checked them out and told him to keep the heels on. They left the store and as they were walking down the concourse Sara noticed a kiosk that featured necklaces with names on them. She told Roger to pick one out. Roger picked out one that said Sara. Sara said, "No, pick one out for you. Pick a name, any name." Roger looked at all the names and finally picked one that said Amanda. Sara said, "Amanda! What a wonderful name for you. Why did you pick Amanda?" Roger said, "I don't really know. It caught my eye." Sara paid the attendant and they continued down the concourse toward their car. Suddenly Sara stopped him. She led him up to a booth that sported a sign that proclaimed ears pierced and earrings for sale. Free piercing. Sara told the attendant she wanted each of his ears pierced in two places. The attendant explained that with their new method a small plastic ring with ointment to promote healing on the outside a person could wear any earrings they had for sale. Sara picked a pair of studs with a fake diamond in each. Then she saw the perfect first pair of dangly earrings. They were gold with a small gold bell hanging adown about two inches. She shook the set and laughed when she heard the little bells ring. When they left Roger couldn't keep the bells from ringing. He tried not to move his head but the bells kept ringing. He was surprised that the piercing didn't hurt anything like he expected. Sara slowed her pace so Roger could keep up with her. She was amused at the ringing of the little bells on his earrings. Then she spotted a shop she wanted to check out. She led Roger in and stopped at the hosiery department. She picked out four pair of black hose each with a different pattern woven into them. Then she picked out a pair of red nylons, bright blue, white with a rose pattern in them and four suntans all with different patterns in them. In the next aisle were suspender belts. She picked out a black, a red, a blue and two white ones. Roger asked, "Do we need so many of everything?" Sara said, "Yes, unless you are going to hand wash everyday. A woman never has enough clothes." They were leaving the store when Sara spotted swimsuits. She asked Roger if he wanted a one piece or a bikini swimsuit. He said he didn't need either. Sara picked out a bright yellow and red one-piece suit with built-in bra. Roger was getting more and more uncomfortable. Everything was happening so fast. He was trying to think of a way out of this mess. He knew Sara was a stickler for details. He had never seen this side of his wife before. They got all of their purchases to the car. Roger was never so glad to sit down. His legs ached from the walking in the heels, the corset compressed his body and that ringing seemed constant in his ears. Sara left the mall parking lot. They were headed home. Suddenly she turned into another parking lot. She parked in front of a store called Heavenly Dreams. She said they close in fifteen minutes so we have to hurry. Once inside she quickly picked out three long nightgowns and two lacy ruffled baby doll sets. They checked out right at closing time. In the car Roger asked, "Why did we have to get all those nightgowns?" Sara said, "You can't be stretching out all of my clothes. You can keep the stuff you have on now that you have stretched it out." Roger asked, "Why did we have to get that swimsuit?" Sara said, "You have vacation the first week of next month. We are going to go to the cottage aren't we? We sent half the rent as deposit." Roger had never even thought about that. He said, "Can't I wear my man clothes for the vacation?" Sara said, "You agreed to wear dresses except when at work. Didn't you?" Roger said, "Dear, Have a heart! You know I never thought of that. Can't you change just one little thing? You know I agreed to wear the dresses but I thought I was agreeing to wear them just at home." Sara said, "In the agreement you agreed to do whatever I wanted without argument, didn't you?" Roger said, "I guess. I just thought you could show a little sense is all." Sara said, "You keep talking like that and I'll show you very little sense. How would you like to keep that corset on for a week with out taking it off? You would sweat and itch and not be able to scratch. Would you like that?" Roger said, "No. I never knew you could be so mean." Sara said, "I'm not being mean. I'm just letting you find out what a woman has to go through every day to please a man. By the time the two months is up you will have a better appreciation of me and all women." Roger replied, "I have an appreciation of you and all women. Give me an example of not appreciating you." Sara answered, "Just last week when we went to your company picnic, you had me wear heels. Do you know how hard it is to walk on grass with heels? The heels sink in and you have to walk on your tiptoes all the time." Roger said, "I never realized that, I'm sorry. If you had said something I wouldn't have minded if you wore something else. You didn't say anything, so how was I to know." Sara said, "That's exactly it. After your two months is up you will know without being told." They were half way home when Sara pulled into a family diner in one of the many little towns they were to go through. They went in and the hostess seated them. They looked at the menus and Roger said he wasn't real hungry and that he didn't know if any food would fit in his stomach. Sara ordered a large cheeseburger and fries for her and a cottage cheese salad for Roger. She said, "The salad will help you get your weight down a little. Then the clothes will be more comfortable." While they were waiting for their food Sara got up and took something out of her purse. It was the necklace they had gotten at the mall. She fastened it around Roger's neck. She sat back down. Sara said, "There, from now on you are Amanda! Would you rather be called Amanda or Mandy?" Roger said, "What difference does it make? You think you are having fun so I don't care what you call me. One question though if I am to be Amanda or Mandy where does that leave Roger?" Sara said. "Oh, I guess Roger's out of town for the next two months." Roger said, "Do you really mean that? Do you think you are sharing a house with another woman?" Sara said, "Why not? I spent four years in college sharing a room with another girl. We didn't kill one another." Roger asked, "Did you sleep together in the same bed?" Sara responded, "No, what's that got to do with it?" Roger asked, "Are we going to be sleeping together in the same bed?" Sara thought for a minute then said, "Maybe we better sleep apart. I don't sleep with girls or women." Their food came. Roger ate quietly thinking about Sara's sexual drive. He knew she wouldn't be able to go two months without sex. They ate in silence, each to their own thoughts. When they were done eating Sara said they had to freshen their lipsticks. They went into the ladies room and thankfully, Roger thought, it wasn't being used by anyone else. The rest of the ride was quiet except for an occasional ring of the little bells. When they got home they both carried in the purchases and put hem away. Sara packed all of Roger's underwear in a box and told him she was putting it in the spare bedroom closet for the next two months. They finished putting everything away and the rigors of the day caught up to them. Roger said he was going in to take a shower. Sara told him to wait a minute. She helped him get undressed and unlaced the corset for him. She then accompanied him into the bathroom. She got out the hair remover and told him to wait at least fifteen minutes before he started his shower. Fifteen minutes later a shower never felt so good. Then he noticed his hair going down the drain. He started washing his hairless body. It was a feeling he didn't ever remember before. When he stepped out of the shower Sara was there. She patted him dry with a fluffy towel. Then she used a large puff and powdered him with a floral scented powder. He thought oh great now I smell like a bouquet of flowers. Then they went into the bedroom. Sara had laid a pair of panties out for him and a nightgown. He put them on. Roger asked, "Where are you going to sleep tonight. I am sleeping in here. I may have agreed to wear women's clothes but I didn't agree to give up the bed." Sara said, "Can't we change off every other night?" Roger said, "No, I am used to this bed. You are the one who doesn't sleep with girls or women, remember?" Sara was tired and didn't feel like arguing. She said she would sleep in the spare room until they could come to an understanding. Roger got into bed. He hadn't realized how tired he was. Within minutes he was fast asleep. At seven A.M. he awoke fully refreshed. He turned and was surprised that Sara wasn't beside him, then started to remember what had transpired the day before. He arose and went to the bathroom. He returned to the bedroom and started to get dressed. He pulled the corset up and after some difficulty managed to get the zipper tab and zipped it up. He thought that yesterday it zipped hard but today it wasn't bad. He pulled on the laces as best he could, and got it fairly tight. He finished dressing, putting on a blue floral sundress, then went over to Sara's vanity and applied his make-up. He was surprised at how easy it went. He thought to himself, if you just go slow and easy it works out fine. He went to the kitchen and started coffee. He munched on a bagel as the coffee was brewing. When the coffee was done he had a cup. As he sat there he thought about all this wearing a dress. It wasn't so bad, he thought to himself. As he got up to get another cup he enjoyed the sensation of the skirt brushing against his legs, did a twirl, and enjoyed the skirt settling back in place. As he enjoyed his second cup of coffee he thought about any possible way to get Sara to change her mind and throw out the agreement. He couldn't come up with any way that looked promising. He decided to roll with the punches and see if something developed. When he got his third cup of coffee he noticed it was five to eight. He knew in about five minutes Sara would be up. Sure enough a few minutes later Sara came into the dining area. She sat down by him. Sara said, "Good Morning, Amanda. You look very nice. Would you be a dear and get me a cup of that delicious smelling coffee?" He got up and got her a cup of coffee. They enjoyed their coffee in silence. When he finished his cup Sara said, "That wash has been hanging outside over night. The night dampness makes it wrinkly. It'll have to be ironed. You might as well get it in and get it ironed. He went out and got the clothes in. He set up the ironing board and plugged the iron in. Just then Sara asked him to get the Sunday paper in. He went out and walked down the long drive and got the paper. He took it in to Sara. Sara said, "Let me check your corset laces." He undressed to his corset and Sara started tightening. Sara said, "You didn't do too bad but I can get them tighter. Yesterday you had a fit that it was too tight but after while you didn't even notice it did you?" Roger answered, "I knew I had it on. But when I had to walk in those heels and that ear piercing time I did forget about it. It isn't comfortable, that's for sure." Sara said, "You'll come to enjoy its hold. Now I have them a lot tighter. Doesn't it feel like it is doing what it is supposed to?" Roger said, "If you mean I can't breathe then yes." Sara laughed and Roger returned to the ironing. He was busy ironing when he saw a flash. It was Sara taking another picture. Roger finished the ironing and put all the clothes away. Sara said, "The lawn needs mowing. You better get it mowed." Roger said, "I'm the wife, remember. Maybe you better do it." Sara said, "You know I'm not good at that. I'll tell you what, I'll untie the corset and you can take it off while you mow the lawn. How does that sound?" Roger said it sounded OK. They went to the bedroom and soon Roger was out of that constricting corset. Sara said, "I have just the thing for you to mow the lawn in. She went to her dresser and came back by him. "Ta-da. The perfect outfit for you to mow the lawn in. You can get some sun and body color at the same time." She held up a skimpy bikini bathing suit. It was powder blue with yellow polka dots. Roger protested but Sara told him to put it on. He put it on. He said, "You expect me to mow the lawn in just this?" Sara said, "No, you can wear your flats or my flip-flops. Which do you want to wear?" He chose his flats and went out and started the riding lawn mower This was the first time he wished they didn't have a three acre lawn. Living in the country with the nearest neighbor a half miles away was nice but it had its drawbacks sometimes. It took him two and a half hours to mow and do the trimming required for the lawn to look its best. He came in and grabbed a soda from the refrigerator. Sara told him it was time to make a late lunch after he changed. Sara was with him as he dressed. She tightened the corset tighter than she had gotten it earlier. She smiled to herself when she saw the bikini outline on his body. She knew he hadn't noticed it. When he was dressed he went and made toasted cheese sandwiches for them for lunch. As Sara was eating she noticed a smudge on the patio door window. She said, "After lunch the windows need washing. I see a smudge on the patio door. As long as you have to do that you might as well do all the rest of the windows." After lunch Roger was doing the windows. The corset seemed to restrict his movements quite a bit. He was very uncomfortable. When he finally finished with all the windows inside and out he sat down to rest. Sara said, "The windows look great. You do a fantastic job! What are you going to make for supper?" Roger said, "I was thinking about getting a couple of steaks out and making them on the grill. How does that sound?" Sara said, "That sounds great. I'm hungry!" Roger went and made the supper. After they had eaten Sara got up and went into the living room, leaving Roger to clean up. When he was finally done he went into the living room to read the Sunday paper. Soon it was time for his evening shower. Sara helped him out of his corset and he went in to shower. He was still amazed at this hairless body. He got his panties and nightgown on and was soon asleep. The next morning when he woke up he was surprised to see Sara in the room. He got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned he took his nightgown off. Sara said, "Oh good, you got your pink panties on. You can wear the matching bra and camisole." She handed him the bra and he put it on. He slid the camisole over his head. The whole upper part was a mass of lace. She handed his a black suspender belt and black sheer nylons. He put them on. She watched as he went over to his dresser. He got out some black socks. Sara said, "Unless you are going to use them to stuff your bra put them back. You all ready have stockings on." He put them back and got a shirt out of the closet. After he buttoned the shirt he looked at himself in the mirror. He couldn't see any evidence of the camisole or bra. He felt more relaxed. He pulled his pants on and got his shoes on. They were having a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice when Sara said, "Remember, as soon as you get home you have to change." Roger assured her that he knew that. They both left for work in their separate cars. Roger arrived at work and went straight to his office. Monday was always busy and this Monday was no exception. He must have dictated a dozen letters for his secretary to type out for his signature. The day went very fast. He left work and stopped at the grocery store to get some groceries. When he got home he went up to change. He noticed that the corset zipped up easy. He got the laces as tight as he could and finished dressing. He had supper started when Sara got home. She said, "You look very nice. Let me check your laces." She checked his laces and got them tighter. He didn't know if she found a new way or just did them different, as they were tighter than he ever remembered them before. She finished and went to change. He continued making supper. When she came back she was wearing jeans and one of his favorite shirts. He asked, "Isn't that my shirt?" Sara replied, "Amanda, it is one of Roger's. As long as he is gone I figure it is OK to wear anything of his I want to. Do you have a problem with that?" He answered no and went back to his cooking. They ate supper in silence. When they were done Sara got up and went into the living room to read the paper. Roger started the clean up. Sara sat reading the paper. She thought about how horny she was feeling. She thought about allowing Roger to be Roger for an hour then dismissed it, thinking it would ruin everything. Roger came in and started reading the paper. He watched Sara out of the corner of his eye. He could see the signs that she was getting horny. He smiled to himself. As Sara read she was having trouble concentrating on what was in the paper. She gave another thought about Roger. Then she thought about something and smiled to herself. She thought about how he would get a surprise he never thought of before. They watched a game show on TV then Roger went to take a shower. Sara helped him out of the corset. She looked at his manhood and almost was ready to discard the whole agreement but held herself in check. Roger went into the shower. He was still amazed at this hairless body. He finished his shower and dried off. He looked at himself in the mirror and for the first time noticed the bikini outline on his chest. He was horrified. He knew it would be winter before that was gone. He went into the bedroom and Sara was getting ready for bed. He put on a pair of black panties and a nightgown and crawled into bed. The next morning Sara was there and handed him the black bra to match his panties. Then he put the black camisole on. As he wad finishing getting dressed Sara sprayed him with some perfume. He asked, "What did you do that for? Everyone will notice I am wearing perfume." Sara handed him a copy of their agreement. She said, "No where in there does it say I can't have you wear perfume to work. If you give me one more word of argument I'll have you wear the heels to work. The agreement doesn't say I can't." Roger went into his closet and came out with a white nylon shirt. He put it on and then slipped his pants on. Sara noticed the camisole was very visible but didn't say anything. Roger knew he was defeated and stayed silent. Sara said, "Take that agreement to work with you. I want you to study it and think about what I can and can't do to you!" Roger folded the agreement and put it in his pocket. They left for work as usual. As Roger was passing his secretary's desk she asked, "Are you wearing perfume?" Roger said, "Oh. My wife got a little carried away when she applied her perfume. Some of it must have gotten on me." Roger was pretty proud of his quick thinking as he entered his office. He just sat down when his secretary, Carole, came in. She didn't knock as usual and she was carrying a box. She sat down in front of his desk with a smug smile on her face. Carole said, "Yesterday I noticed you were wearing women's nylons. Today I smell perfume and I can easily see your lace through your shirt. I have a present for you." She handed him the box. He opened it and saw a pair of brown pumps with a two and half-inch heel. He asked, "What do you expect me to do with these?" She answered, "I expect you to wear them or else!" He asked, "Or else what?" She said, "If you wear them I'll be quiet. If you refuse I'll tell a couple of people who I know will tell everyone else and you'll have more visitors today than you have ever had." He knew he was defeated again and put them on. Carole said, "I used to work in a shoe store and I think I am a good guesser at shoe sizes. How do they fit?" Roger answered, "They fit Ok, I guess." Carole left taking his other shoes with her. The middle of the morning he had to go to the bathroom. He couldn't hold it any longer. He went out by Carole's desk. He said, "I have to go to the bathroom. Can't I take these shoes off? The clicking of the heels on the tile will attract all sorts of attention. Carole told him he could take them off. He asked for his other shoes but she told him he could walk stocking foot to the bathroom. He felt like he was going to wet his pants so he took off. He made the trip to and back without incident. He put the heels back on and went into his office. He was thankful Tuesdays and Fridays were usually quiet. Right after lunch Carole buzzed him that Mrs. Adams wanted to see him. Mrs. Adams was his boss and he was slightly intimidated of her. She was a no-nonsense person and very demanding. He went out by Carole's desk and asked for his shoes so he could go by Mrs. Adams. Carole said, "You have shoes on. I'd get going if I were you. You know Mrs. Adams don't like to be kept waiting." Dejectedly he headed for Mrs. Adams office. He breathed a sigh of relief when he opened the door and heard her on the phone. He quickly scurried to the chair in front of her desk. He hoped when she glanced at him she didn't notice the heels. Mrs. Adams hung the phone up then said, "Roger, I just wanted to tell you how impressed I was with that last report. You hit every point on the head. Mr. Ferguson the President of our Corporation called me and told me how impressed he was with it. He was so happy with it when I asked he granted you a fifty dollar a month raise. Your work is excellent, keep it up." Roger said, "Why thank you. I appreciate the raise but more I appreciate you telling me how much you like my work." Mrs. Adams said, "You don't go half-way with anything do you?" Roger replied, "Not usually. I like to cover things completely. It isn't always easy to get information but I have been fortunate to find what I needed." Mrs. Adams said, "That isn't what I am talking about." Roger said, "I don't get you. What are you talking about?" Mrs. Adams said, "When you came in I noticed your heels right away and I can see the lace pattern through your shirt. You are wearing some women's clothes. Why?" Roger quickly decided to tell her the whole story. He said, "It all started Saturday. I thought my wife was going to be gone all day. When I got up she was gone. On the chair in the bedroom was one of her nightgowns and a pair of square dance panties laying on it. I wanted to see what they felt like so I put them on. I went to the bathroom and she came home and caught me. She used her wiles and got me to agree to wear women's clothes, dresses and such at home and the underwear all the time. Here is a copy of the agreement she made up. Can you look at it and see if you can see a way out for me. I would really appreciate it." Mrs. Adams took the slip of paper and studied it. Roger saw her smile and thought she has found something. She handed him the paperback and said, "It is very simple language but it looks iron-clad. I am afraid you signed yourself in for two months as a woman. Why did she make you wear the heels today?" Roger said, "She didn't. Carole, my secretary, noticed the nylons yesterday and this morning she came into my office and said if I didn't wear them she would tell a couple of people about me and I would have more visitors today than I have ever had." Mrs. Adams said, "That's blackmail. When you leave send her in to me. She is going to get a severe reprimand. I will not tolerate that type of behavior by any employee." Roger said, "I didn't want to get her in trouble." Mrs. Adams said, "It's not me. The government has strict rules about harassment, anything sexual throws up red flags all over the place." Roger said, "I didn't know that." Mrs. Adams said, "Now back to you. If you are wearing the underwear why not go all the way and wear a dress to work?" Roger said, "I don't have anything that even resembles an office work outfit." Mrs. Adams asked, "If you did have would you wear it?" Roger said, "I don't know. What would people say or think?" Mrs. Adams said, "If anyone says anything derogatory to you I want you to tell me. I will handle it. Are you willing to come to work tomorrow in a dress?" Roger said, "With my job, it doesn't make any difference if you wear a suit or a swimsuit. I'll leave it up to you, but I don't have anything to wear tomorrow." Mrs. Adams said, "Excuse me a minute while I make a phone call." Roger listened to the one side of the phone conversation. "Hello, is Sue there? Sue, this is Alice Adams if I send someone over could you set them up with maybe four complete outfits suitable for office work like you do for me? OK, they'll be there within a half hour. Send the bill to me. Thank you." Mrs. Adams hung the phone up and said, "All you have to do is go the Business Clothing Salon. Do you know where that is?" Roger said yes that he had accompanied Sara there once. Mrs. Adams said, "If you are as smart as I hope you are you might get your wife to alter the agreement. Use your head and good luck! Take the rest of the day off and ask for Sue at the salon. She is a whiz at things like this. Send Carole in please." Having been dismissed Roger told Carole that Mrs. Adams wanted to see her and went into his office. He didn't bother getting his old shoes from behind Carole's desk. He went directly out to his car and drove over to the salon. He entered the salon and asked for Sue. The girl called Sue. Roger saw a pretty woman about thirty-five approaching. The girl told the woman that Roger was looking for her. Roger said, "Alice Adams sent me to see you. I'll bet it is a surprise, huh?" Sue said, "Nothing Alice Adams would surprise me. What are you looking for?" Roger honestly said, "I don't know. Something for the office, I guess." Sue said, "You know all we have is women's clothes, don't you?" Roger said, "Yes, I know. Mrs. Adams said I should come here and let you work your magic on me." Sue said, "Come on in back where we can have some privacy." She led him to the back of the store and into a very large dressing room. She told him to get his shirt and pants off. He took them off and Sue took all sorts of measurements. She soon left, then returned within five minutes carrying all sorts of clothes. She clicked her tongue, left and returned with something he never expected. A pair of silicone breast forms. She explained that a customer had ordered them then decided she didn't want them. She told him he was going to get them at cost. She placed them in his bra. He immediately noticed the additional weight. Sue slid a white slip over his head and then a skirt up his legs. It was a brown shirt with cream-colored lines running diagonally through it. She then had him put a cream colored blouse on. It was nylon and when buttoned the buttons were covered by a rufflely piece that hung down from the neck. There was a matching jacket that was tailored. When Roger looked in the mirror he was surprised at how good he looked. He told Sue that was one he would take. Next she brought a black skirt for him to try on. It was a straight cut and felt on the tight side. Sue went out and returned with an open bottomed girdle. He squeezed into it. It was tight but not as uncomfortable as his corset. Then the skirt fit perfectly. Sue handed him a pink blouse to try with it. There was material hanging down in front that Sue tied in a big bow at his neck. He liked the looks of that one also. Sue brought a gray outfit with a white blouse that Roger thought was perfect. Then she brought a pink one that Roger had reservations about. Sue told him it was the in color now and that he would be the envy of everyone when he wore it. He agreed to add it to the rest. Sue asked, "What shoes do you have with heels besides those?" Roger said he didn't have any other ones suitable for the office. Sue led him over to the shoe area. She measured his foot and came with black, gray and pink pumps. They all had three-inch heels. Roger asked about lower heels. Sue said, "These heels add class to your outfits. If you want lower heels we can get them but I recommend these." Roger agreed to keep the ones she recommended. Sue said to him, "It is going to take me a few minutes to total all of this. Why don't you look around and see if you can find an outfit for yourself for fun. On the house!" Roger walked around the store looking. He didn't get too far when he saw the outfit he knew he wanted. It was a red mini-dress with embroidered flowers on it. There was a girl standing there and he asked her what material it was. She told him it was sateen. He walked back to where Sue was packaging and totaling his order. When Sue had it all totaled he showed her the dress and asked if they had it in his size. Sue quickly found one in his size. Sue said, "You have more taste in dresses than most. With your shape and build it will look great on you. Have fun in it!" Roger thanked her for all her help. Sue said, "You are real nice, maybe too nice. I like you. Whenever you need something come in and ask for me." Roger said he would do that. He carried out all the purchases and headed home. He got home a half hour earlier than normal. He put all the clothes away. He then put on a housedress and went down to start supper. He prepared chicken to do on the grill. Usually when they had chicken all they had with it was a salad filling up on chicken. He prepared the salads putting them in the refrigerator next to where he had the chicken marinating. Sara came in and said, "I'm hungry as a horse. What's for supper?" Roger said, "Chicken on the grill with a side salad." Sara said, "You really look nice, Amanda. You did a fantastic job on your make-up." Sara headed to change and Roger went to start the grill. While the grill was heating he set the table putting the salads on with the dressing along side of them. Then he put the chicken on the grill. When it was done he took it in and called Sara. Sara came in wearing a pair of his cut-offs and one of his shirts. He decided not to say anything about that. After they started to eat Roger asked, "Is there any way we can change the agreement?" Sara said, "I guess if we both agree it can be changed." Roger said, "Then if I agree to allow you to have me wear a dress to work, then will you shorten the time?" Sara said, "If you agree to that then I can shorten it to five weeks." Roger said, "That doesn't add up. That's more hours than I have now. It should be three weeks!" Sara said, "You are willing to wear a dress to work to shorten the time of the agreement?" Roger said, "Yes, but not just shortening it by three weeks." Sara said, "How about making it a month then?" Roger said, "A month sounds better. I think it should be shorter than that but I will consider it." Sara said, "Think fast. When I am done eating the subject is closed." Roger said, "OK, if you want you can have me wear a dress to work and the agreement ends in one month. Agreed?" Sara said, "Agreed! Now why are you agreeing to wears dress to work?" Roger said, "I want to get it over with as soon as possible." Sara asked, "What do you think Mrs. Adams is going to say about you in a dress?" Roger said, "She won't care as long as I keep doing the job like I'm doing it now. She had me in her office today and they gave me a fifty dollar a month raise." Sara said, "Did she see your lacy camisole?" Roger said, "Yes, she saw it and we talked about it. She is a lot different person than I ever thought. She was extremely nice to me, friendly even." Sara said, "I'm glad they noticed your work and gave you a raise. I always knew you were a great worker and this proves it." Sara finished eating and got up and went into the living room to read the evening paper. Roger cleaned up the dishes. He was happy. He had gotten what he wanted- a shorter time. He would be out of dresses before vacation. He went in and sat reading the paper and watched Sara out of the corner of his eye. She had one of those smiles she has when she's anticipating something. He thought, she is horny and is going to want me as Roger tonight. Maybe I can get another week off the time. They watched a drama on the TV, then Roger went up to take his shower. When he came out and went into the bedroom he saw Sara in the bed. He put on a pair of panties and a nightgown. When he got into bed Sara said, "I don't know why you put all those clothes on when all I am going to do is take them off of you." Roger said, "OH, you want Roger back do you?" Sara said, "No I want Amanda tonight." Roger asked, "Do you expect me to wear a dress tomorrow?" Sara said with a smile, "Of course. You agreed to it remember?" Roger said, "I don't know what you expect from Amanda." Sara said, "Just let me take control. Remember, one of the rules is you will do what I want without question." Roger said OK. Sara started kissing him. Then she led his hand down to her crotch. Instead of a pussy he felt a lump. It felt like a penis. Sara said, "That is for you. You are going to graduate into womanhood tonight." Roger asked, "What about you. Your pussy needs attention also. How are you going to take care of that?" Sara said, "It is a double headed dildo. When I take you I'll be getting the same thing." Roger said, "I don't know about this. Where did you get that? When?" Sara said, "I went during my noon hour. I went to that adult store on Mason Street. Now let's get started." She peeled off his nightgown, then very slowly lowered his panties. She shed her panties and the dildo popped out in front of her. She took Roger's head and pushed it down by the dildo. She told him to suck it. He hesitated. She used more force and grabbed his ears and soon he had it in his mouth. She told him to suck it. He did and only tasted plastic. He could feel veins on it with his tongue. It didn't seem overly large but he felt like he was going to gag. She pulled it from his mouth. He was never so glad to be rid of something. She slid a finger into his rear opening. The next thing he knew she had two, then three fingers in there. She had him get into a crouching position and he saw her grab a tube from the nightstand. He figured it was a lubricant, and he was right. Then she started pushing the end at his rectum. It forced its way in slowly. He felt it close over the head of the instrument. Then he felt it slowly go in to its length. Then started the rhythmic in and out. He started to enjoy the feeling and started pushing back at it. He heard his wife moan just as he came. She slowly exited his rear. When she had returned to normalcy she asked, "Well how did you like it?" He replied, "It was OK. I guess. I don't think it's as good as the real thing. How about you?" Sara said, "It made me feel good. I think it will do what I want it to." He said, "Answer me truthfully- is it as good as the real thing?" Sara said, "Not really but it is good enough to be a substitute." Roger got up and went to the bathroom. When he returned to the bedroom Sara was gone. He got dressed for bed and was soon asleep. When he awoke Sara was there. He started to get dressed when Sara came with the corset. Roger asked, "Are you really going to send me to work in a dress?" Sara said, "Why not? You agreed to it last night at supper didn't you?" Roger said yes, he had agreed to it. Sara said he was to wear the corset. She helped him pull it up. She noticed how easy it zipped. She pulled the laces as tight as she could get them. She saw Roger put the false breasts in his bra cups. "When and where did you get those?" She asked. He replied, "I got them yesterday. They were at cost, someone ordered them then changed their mind." He took a black slip and slipped it over his head. Sara went to start the coffee. He got the black skirt and put it on, then the pink blouse. He tied the bow the way Sue had tied it. He looked into the mirror and was satisfied with what he saw. He went over to the vanity and put on make-up and sprayed on some of Sara's perfume. He borrowed a pair of her dangly earrings and put them in. With the studs in he looked like a woman with short curly hair. He wondered about a ribbon for his hair then decided against it. He put on the black pumps and headed for his cup of coffee. He wished he had a camera when Sara saw him. Her jaw dropped a mile. She looked confused. He was happy he had fooled her completely. Sara asked, "Where did you get those clothes? They look stupendous on you. They look like they were made for you." He told her, "Mrs. Adams set it up for me to get clothes suitable for the office. She arranged it with a woman she buys from at Business Woman Salon. She had me talk to Sue there and had Sue help me with the selections. I got four outfits for work. Then Sue let me pick one for pleasure. Wait until you see that one!" Sara said, "That place is expensive. I have gotten a couple of things there but I thought it was too rich for my blood. How did you pay for all of the things you got?" Roger told her, "Mrs. Adams arranged for all of it. I don't know if they are going to take it out of my paycheck or what." Sara said, "Well, you look like you are ready to take on the world." Roger said he had to go. Sara noticed he was leaving fifteen minutes earlier than usual. He got to work and was in his office before anyone saw him. A short time later there was a knock on his door. He said "Come in" and Carole entered. Her jaw dropped when she saw him. It took her a good three minutes before she could talk. Carole said, "I came in here to apologize to you. I never should have blackmailed you into wearing those heels yesterday. From the looks of things it caused a lot more trouble than I ever thought. I am really truly sorry." Roger said, "Yesterday you took advantage of me. You don't know the whole story and I am not going to tell you it but everything worked out more perfect than I ever dreamed. I am going to be wearing clothes like this for about he next month. You can be assured I know you meant to humiliate me with those shoes but things have a way of working out. In this case it worked out to my advantage. That doesn't lessen what you did." Carole said, "What I did was wrong. I know that. I don't know what came over me. I wasn't thinking straight." Roger said, "The sad part is that I can no longer look at you the same way I did before. I will be questioning everything you say and do. I have lost trust in you. I know it is going to take a long time for that trust to return. It is a shame how a person's five minutes of foolishness can wipe out the five years of trust we have shared." Carole said, "I know, and now I'm ashamed of myself. I spent all of last night thinking about what I did and I hated myself for doing that. Actually it started for real when I left Mrs. Adams office and saw your shoes were still by my desk, and then I knocked and you didn't answer. I opened your door and didn't see you. Right then I felt sick. I wondered about what I had done and what happened to you. In my mind I saw all kinds of dreadful things. I am so sorry, so very sorry." Roger saw the tears in her eyes and knew she was being honest with him. He said, "Leave my shoes where they are for the rest of this week to remind you of what has happened." Carole said, "I will. I am so sorry, Mr. Long." Roger said, "Now, let's start over." He stood up and turned around and said, "What do you think of my outfit?" Carole said, "It is very chic. It looks like it was made for you." Roger said, "That's what my wife said. You two must be on the same wavelength." They laughed for a moment then Carole got up to leave. He sat there wondering if he was too hard on her. She was a good person normally. She must just have had a day of bad decisions. He remembered back in high school when he had one of those days where everything went terribly wrong. He remembered Mrs. Simson crying over a remark he made to her and how bad he felt. Then he thought, this is the business world and not high school. In the middle of the morning Carole buzzed him that Mrs. Adams wanted to see him. He went to her office. When he stepped in she said, "Wow, look at you. Turn around so I can see it from all sides." He did a twirl. When he stopped he could see her smiling at him. She asked how it went with his wife. He said, "It didn't go too bad. I got her to cut the time down to a month in exchange for her to have me wear a dress to work. She was so shocked when she saw me in this outfit she almost stepped on her jaw. I enjoyed every minute of it." Mrs. Adams said, "I'm glad I could help. You are a good man. There aren't many out there that would do what you are doing. I'll tell you, it impresses me. I never knew anyone like you. Most men would be swearing and carrying on about how mean and nasty their wives were and blaming everyone else except themselves. You are taking it like a man and are accepting the consequences gracefully. That tells a lot about a person and who they are inside. I'm proud to say you work for me and I mean that." Roger said, "Thank you. I don't know how I am ever going to repay you for your kind words." Mrs. Adams said, "You can repay me by not changing who you are." Roger said, "Speaking about repaying. How do you want me to pay for all those clothes I got yesterday?" Mrs. Adams said, "Don't worry about it. It is going to be paid by the corporation. Think of it as a bonus. It's too hot for Christmas so think of it as Christmas in July." They both laughed. Mrs. Adams said, "You look so nice you should show off a bit. How about you accompany me to lunch. Today I am doing lunch at Toni's. I don't know if you have ever been there but they have a tenderloin steak that is to die for. What do you say?" Roger agreed and Alice told him she would collect him about quarter to twelve. He left her office and stopped by Carole's desk. "I am going for lunch with Mrs. Adams. If anyone calls when I am gone take a message and tell them I'll get back to them." He went into his office happy as could be. Carole sat at her desk impressed with her boss. She wished she knew what was going on. Mrs. Adams came right on time. They left in her car. They got to Toni's and Roger could tell right away that she was a regular customer there, the way all the staff greeted her by name. They were seated in a quiet corner booth. Mrs. Adams told Roger to call her Alice when they were not in the office. Alice asked, "Do you have a feminine name?" Roger said, "I guess you could say that. When we were shopping at the mall there was a booth that sold name necklaces. My wife told me to pick one. I picked one with her name. She told me to pick one for myself. I don't know why but I picked one with the name Amanda on it. She's been calling me that ever since." Alice said, "Amanda! That's a beautiful name. My best friend in college name was Amanda. She was the one who I could always count on for support when I needed it." Roger said, "I can't imagine you needing support. You are so confident in everything." Alice said, "Everyone needs support at different times. Right now I think you can use some support." Roger said, "I guess you're right. I like to think I am in control of my own destiny, but this has shown me that it isn't always the case. I am trying to make the best of it." Alice said, "That's the spirit. You can always come out on top if you try to make the best of any situation. Positive thinking is the key. You probably don't realize it but I am sure this has changed your relationship with your wife, hasn't it?" Roger said, "Yes, I know that. Before, she wasn't as bossy. Before when she wanted me to do something it was 'please,' now she just says what I should do." Alice said, "Have you talked to her about how things are changing? You know, two people who live as one have to have communication between them. My husband and I take at least a half hour right after supper to talk about what happened each day with both of us and any other thing we want to talk about. It's amazing sometimes, the things we talk about. He surprises me sometimes with what concerns him and is a deep concern to him, something I would probably shrug off." Roger said, "Sara and I used to talk a lot more than we have lately. I don't know when it dropped off but now that you mention it we could and should talk more." Alice said, "You will come out on top. All you have to do is not get discouraged Amanda. You don't mind if I call you, Amanda do you. Every time I say that name it brings back pleasant memories." Roger said, "I don't mind. They say there's a reason for everything. Maybe you are the reason I picked the Amanda necklace. I don't know. Sometimes I like to think I'm like the farmer in the story who comes up with an answer to anything. Then sometimes I wonder." Alice said, "What's the story about the farmer?" Roger said, "Oh, one day this farmer goes down to check his pond in a lower field. When he gets there, there are three young teen-age girls skinny-dipping. They see him and ask what he is doing there. He tells them it is his pond. They say they are not coming out. He says its OK, he only came down to feed the alligator." Alice laughed heartily at that. She said, "That's exactly what you need to keep doing. You need to keep your sense of humor." They enjoyed some more small talk, then returned to work. As they parted Alice said, "Thank you, this has been one of the most enjoyable lunches I have ever had." Roger went into his office feeling buoyant and ready to lick his weight in wildcats. He was surprised when he looked at the clock on his desk. It was already three o'clock. He had just taken a three-hour lunch break. It seemed that the time went so fast. When he got home he didn't change. He started supper, cheeseburger casserole. He knew Sara liked it and he wanted to talk to her about important things. Sara came breezing in bubbly and exuberant. Roger asked her what so special happened to make her shine like that. She told him she had been promoted to Regional Head of Human Resources. She said she now had four different locations to be responsible for. She said there was a hefty raise with the new job. Roger kissed her and congratulated her. She asked what was for supper and he told her. She said it sounded perfect. As they were eating Roger said, "Sara, we have to talk! It is important to me that we have a talk." Sara replied, "Sure, what do you want to talk about?" Roger said, "I want to talk about us. There have been some changes here lately. I am not blaming you. No one is to blame. But we have to talk about where we are at. You have changed so much just lately I don't know how to take it." Sara asked, "How have I changed? I don't think there have been any major changes except you in dresses." Roger said, "That's one thing I want to clear the air about. I am wearing dresses not because I feel I have done anything wrong. I am wearing them because you want me to. In short, I am wearing them because of my love for you. Do you agree or do you see it different?" Sara said, "I never thought about the love angle but yes I guess I have to agree." Roger said, "Another thing that's changed is, before we did things together. I often helped you clean up after supper and I helped you clean and cook. Now you don't seem to want to do anything. You seem to me to be looking at me more as a maid and housekeeper than anything else." Sara replied, "You are right on the money. I look at you

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Dance Class

The time that I spent with Lynn, the girl I had met at the gym after my divorce, was rather blissful in many ways. Not only was she fun to be around and a great conversationalist, but she loved to try new things. This I consider a very positive attribute in a woman. Not just new restaurants and the like, but actually learning new things. Expanding our horizons, so to speak. One of the things we did together as a couple was to take ballroom dance lessons. Prior to this time, my idea of dance was...

Wife Lovers
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Dance Class

Prior to this time, my idea of dance was something you did at weddings after a few drinks. I am admittedly not much of a dancer. I have to say I admire those dancers you see on TV. I often envied their grace and athleticism. I sometimes imagined myself at some event, tossing my date in the air in the middle of the dance floor while everyone present looked on in wonder. Hopefully, I would be able to catch her on the way down. Those occasional thoughts of wowing the audience on the dance...

4 years ago
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No Myth Someone to Dance With

Amiee Penn was happy. She just meet a charming man who prove to her that it was no myth, that some men who went to transgender nightclubs saw the women as just women. Even with being here to find someone to dance with she wanted to make make sure Mike knew she wanted to get to know him better. As she left the bar to make her way to the dance floor, Amiee Penn said to the man she has been chatting to, "I'm here every week, Mike. It was great talking with you and looking forward to chatting...

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Club Dance

This is my first attempt at writing fantasy fiction (though Lord knows I've read plenty.) I have enjoyed sharing this story with you and would love to know what you think. Any suggestions for changes in content or style would be appreciated as well as recommendations for a sequel or ideas for a new story. Hope you enjoy it! Yours in satin & lace, Becky Marie Club Dance by Becky Marie Prologue Bob was sitting in his favorite chair in front of the tv again. His...

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Wife exposed and fucked in Denver dance club

Introduction: The parts about Debbie wearing revealing clothes, flashing her panties, having her skirt lifter up her ass and it swirling above her cunt, her nipples being pushed out of her bra, having her cunt and ass humped on the dance floor, and being molested are true. She didnt fuck and suck in the club. She did dance in the cage. I chose the name Steve because my friend Steve cheated with Debbie and cuckolded me for two years. Bob operated a rafting business and Steve pimped her to his...

2 years ago
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The Dance of Makosha

Author's notes. I would like to thank Dawn (listed as commentator on volunteer's list) for editing this story. Thank you! The dance of Makosha. "Tell me again why I have to put on a dress. Why me? We have plenty of real girls!" "But none of our girls would be able to dance for a few hours nonstop." "Then replace them! Let them dance one girl at a time!" "No! We have only one dress for Makosha and we just have to do it according to the description. Makosha will dance...

4 years ago
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To Dance With Her Part 1 of 2

August Bailey sat quietly by himself in the office. Staring through the viewing window into the dance studio, he tried to quell the nervous longing in his gut. It was slowly swelling more and more the longer he gazed through the glass. He wasn’t used to this uncertain feeling. He hated it. His attentions were focused on a young woman in the far off corner, going through her stretching and flexing exercises alone in front of the mirrors. Attired in pastel pink, one-piece dance-tights, she slowly...

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Fall Harvest Dance

Fall Harvest Dance By Bill Hart Harry Trelayne wondered which of the girls he knew would be the most disappointed that he decided to go stag to the school's Fall Harvest dance tonight. He knew the exact girl he would like to take - her name was Lisa Stevens - but there were complications with asking her. Lisa was a babe, a fox, or any one of a hundred other synonymous names. But she also had a boyfriend - one really big and very jealous boyfriend - Hank "Big Moose" Williams the...

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Alisons Reluctant Lap Dance

Weighing around 110 lbs. with small breasts, and fine chestnut brown hair, Alison looked a bit like a young Jodie Foster. Her cute mouth included a little pink tongue she'd stick out at you for various reasons. Alison's slender legs and flat stomach were well-toned, and she had an amazing thigh gap that drew the eye. I was in my mid-twenties, and considered good-looking by my friends, acquaintances, and, at times, complete strangers. Standing 6' even 180lb, a shit job, and hair that...

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Altered Fates Dance Dance Dance

DANCE, DANCE, DANCE by Jennifer Adams ©Jennifer Adams, 1997 It was late November when Tim received a pink slip in his pay envelope. When he inquired as to why, he was told that he was just not able to meet the company's needs. So, he just went and cleaned out his locker and left quietly. Tim had been a factory worker all of his adult life. After being laid-off, a year ago, from the company he had hired into out of high school, he couldn't seem to find anything...

3 years ago
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More than a Dance

More than a Dance 4th installment in the ClubDance series By Becky Marie Prologue In our last installment, Bob/Missy experienced further humiliation at home and at work in his increasingly feminine attire. His dance classes continued and he was introduced to another sissy dancer, Dan/Daphne. Dan/Daphne was a forced-femme little sissy at the insistence of his stepmother and stepsister. Bob/Missy was also forced to endure much more time with his co-worker Joe...

4 years ago
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Wife exposed and fucked in Denver dance club

I met Debbie, when she was eighteen, in a small mountain town in Colorado. Long blondish hair, almost to her waist. Hazel bedroom eyes. Gorgeous face, with sexy lips and a mouth that looked like it was begging for a hard cock to suck. Big, ski jump, 36C tits. Her aureoles are about two inches in diameter. Her nipples about 3/8" in diameter and 1/2" long when aroused. Her waist is 26 inches and her hips 37 inches. Lying on her back, naked, you can see her abs and rib cage. Her...

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wife fucked in dance clup

I met Debbie, when she was eighteen, in a small mountain town in Colorado. Long blondish hair, almost to her waist. Hazel bedroom eyes. Gorgeous face, with sexy lips and a mouth that looked like it was begging for a hard cock to suck. Big, ski jump, 36C tits. Her aureoles are about two inches in diameter. Her nipples about 3/8" in diameter and 1/2" long when aroused. Her waist is 26 inches and her hips 37 inches. Lying on her back, naked, you can see her abs and rib cage. Her pubic mound is...

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The Dance of Passion

There was a very good reason that I was in Spain. I was intrigued by the history and culture of it, in particular I was intrigued by the music and dance, the flamenco, and that is why I had avoided the more popular tourist regions of Cadiz and Malaga in favour of Cordoba. I had driven from village to village seeking the grassroots flamenco, sure I could have sat in a concert hall and watched the professional flamenco artistes strutting their stuff, but that was not what I came to find. I...

2 years ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 6 The Halloween Dance and the New Friend

Chapter 6: The Halloween Dance and the New Friend The two awoke just as the setting sun cast a gentle crimson ambience across the grassland, the light filtering through the trees and casting ghastly shadows amongst the somewhat deserted streets. Althea was the first to awaken, feeling Cal's warm, naked flesh on top of her own. Yawning softly, she gently rolled Cal off of her so he rested at her side, where she could snuggle into his sleeping form. Cal woke up ten or so minutes later,...

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Save the First Dance Part 3

Chapter 7 The day away from the studio was a slow and lazy one for Charlotte and Jade. Without dance occupying most of the day, they spent a majority of it shopping. Jade wasn't really in need of anything, soon the ten days would be up and she would be back to her old life. So as an added bonus to Charlotte for all of her hard work she decided to take her shopping for whatever she wanted. Hours passed in clothing stores, shoe stores and lingerie stores. By now Jade was habituated...

5 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 27 I Wanna Dance With Somebody

5:18 PM Cindy and I were standing outside on our freshly raked front lawn in our dresses waiting for Mom and Dad. Mom came outside with her camera. "We're just waiting for Dad." Dad joined her. He was holding his camera as well. "Chris, honey. When you're done with the Internet, can you please log off of it." Whoops. "Sorry dad." I smiled. "This is the second time in two weeks I picked up the den phone only to realize you were still dialed-in. Hang up the Internet when you're...

2 years ago
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Stories of the students teachers and parents who attend a school dance

Mike smiled at the girl on the couch. She returned an inviting smile and he took a seat at her side, touching her from shoulder to thigh. He had always thought that Susan was the prettiest girl in his class, but he had never worked up the courage to tell her. He turned his face sideways and her face was right there, waiting to be kissed. So he did. He kissed her softly at first and then he moved his lips on hers and then he slipped his tongue in her mouth. He slid his hand across her flat...

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The Fuck Dance

I first spotted Jin at The Element a nightclub in town. For the first hour of our acquaintance I called her Lynne, Jen, Jim and possibly another half-dozen names all of which were wrong. Once out of the nightclub I ascertained her correct name: Jin – short for… Jin (her father was Chinese). Jin was a freak. She danced all night on her own – but she was not alone. She had several male and female friends with her and flit between several people – one of which was, thankfully, me! She also sampled...

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Bobbys First Dance as Joney

Bobbys First Dance as Joney by Joney Cunningham Bobby was getting excited. He was not only going to his first dance, but his first dance as Joney. The dance was tomorrow. He had already spent the most exciting week of his life dressed totally as a girl. I guess it was time to ask mom if he could go, and go as Joney. As I lay in bed, I rubbed my erect member through my pink nighty and panties. All I could think about was going to the dance with Carl. Was I becoming a girl in...

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Dance Trainer Ko Zabarjasti Choda

Hi friends I am Nikhil again, meri bahut sari stories upload ho chuki hai ISS par, agar aap mere pehele ki stories padhna chahate hai to yeh link hai https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/zenithdafucker/ padhe aur maja le. Aaj main jo story share karne jaa raha hu who pichle halte ki hai. Padhe maja le hilaye ya ragade par like aur comment karna na bhule aur mujhse contact karna hai toh par mail kar sakte hai. Toh ab story pe ate hai. Hamari sadi ki tisri salgira ane wali thi, aur maine...

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High School Disco Dance With Kelly

It was mid-May of 1978. Kelly and I were just a couple of short weeks away from high school graduation. We were the peak of the Baby Boomers and our small-town school was crammed to overflowing with over fifteen hundred teenagers. For reasons I can’t recall, the prom that year had been moved to early April (maybe it was band availability?) from its normal May slot. Every school has its cliques. At our school, the Barbie Dolls were at the top of the pecking order for all social events.Disco was...

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To Dance Together

She was a dancer. He loved dancing. He loved watching it. He loved doing it. He saw her, for the first time, at a restaurant. He had gone there to eat a meal and there she was, performing. At the sight of her, he was unable to eat his meal. All he could do was watch her. The stage was tiny, but she did not need much space to move. She could have danced her whole set in three square feet. That was how tight her moves were. Her arms, expressive. Her face, lost in the music. Her waist, supple and...

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The Dance

The Dance Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was a warm fall day when I stepped outside. The slight breeze lifted my skirt a little, but I walked along not showing any fear because I wasn't afraid. The first time I did this I had spent a long time getting ready, and I worked up enough daring to do it, then came the moment of truth which had finally arrived and I left the house dressed as a girl for the first time. That was when I was afraid. At the door I paid my...

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Hi, I'm Randy and this is my twisted tale on family sex, better known as i****t. It started 2 years ago when I was 22. At that time, I had been married only a year to a beautiful sexy woman whose profession happened to be a stripper. We actually met for the first time while she was dancing at a local gentlemen's club. After we married, Debra, or "D" as she likes to be called, wanted to keep dancing. I'm a very open-minded person and had no problem with her doing that. The greatest part about...

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Belly dance outdoor

It happened to me in Moscow, in the winter of 2011, where I was on a business trip. I worked all day in the office, but I had some free time in the evenings. I went on performances in different theaters with my Russian business partner Peter. Once, Peter and I booked tickets for the belly – dance performance of a beautiful dancer Elena. On the performance poster, we saw a picture of her. A woman danced on the stage in front of the eastern decorations, in the middle – eastern dance costume, with...

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He Likes To Watch Me Dance

Introduction: Janet tells us about herself He Likes To Watch Me Dance Ive never written anything before so please dont be too hard on me. I only took the required English courses in Texas, both in high school and at the University of Texas. I dont know where to begin so Ill start when I was in high school. My folks didnt have any money. My Dad worked at the newspaper in the circulation department and he never made more than four hundred dollars a month. I have an older sister and an older...

3 years ago
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Dance Magic

Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a 'house' party planned at the university which was just a short drive away. It wasn't long and we were at the party and there were students everywhere - Now this was a party! There was lots of dancing, music and people laughing everywhere. Soon Tom and Bill (my hubby) were engrossed in one of their conversations. Pam and I wandered downstairs to the rec room where everyone was dancing. We got out on...

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Dance Magic

Introduction: My first experience at cheating! My first experience at cheating was at a New Years Eve party. My husband was just finishing university and we were at a party with another couple that were close friends. Now, that party turned out to be pretty boring, and as a result I was drinking way too much. Since we had bought more booze than we would need I didnt worry about my excessive consumption. Part way through the evening our friend, Tom pointed out that he had heard of a house party...

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The Money Dance

Lounges always have been my ‘office’. I play guitar and sing for a living, and the fringe benefits are sometimes fantastic. I never know what's going to happen from one night to the next. This night started out no different than most others. I walked up to my little one-man bandstand, sat down on my stool, and adjusted the guitar and then the microphone. I primed my tip jar with a couple of small bills. I usually play guitar and sing to the accompaniment of what’s known as MIDI files. They...

Office Sex
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First Dance

My Philosophy of Dominance and Submission First Dance The invitation had been specific as to time and place, but I really did not know why she wanted me there. She had never invited me to the studio before, though she had shown me a few dance routines at her home. I knew she had been waiting for this day, the first that her doctor would allow her to go without the back brace. I had wanted to do something to help mark it as special for us both. I had thought long and hard about...

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Champions of the Square Dance

CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...

5 years ago
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Moms Lap Dance

Hi, I'm Randy, and this is my twisted tale on family sex, better known as incest. It started two years ago when I was twenty-two. At that time, I had been married only a year to a beautiful, sexy woman whose profession happened to be a stripper. We met for the first time while she was dancing at a local gentlemen's club.After we married, Debra, or "D" as she likes to be called, wanted to keep dancing. I'm a very open-minded person and had no problem with her doing that. The greatest part about...

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Salto Vorto The Dance of Change

Casey and his mother had eagerly anticipated the event for months, perhaps years, subconsciously - The Annual Autumn Mother/Son - Son/Mother Dance, held by their secluded little town's high school. During the Spring school recess, the town's elders assembled and issued its list of this year's "Selected", the high school seniors and their mothers, who were to eligible to participate in the dance. And while the thought of being one of The Selected surprised him, he never really had any...

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But honey it was just a dance

I doubt, very much, if I’m the perfect husband. I have a stressful job and I know I sometimes come home a little grumpy. Maybe I’m not the best provider, I’m certainly no millionaire, but we do alright. We have a nice home, two luxury cars, my wife has a closet full of beautiful clothes and my eight year old daughter, Jennifer, has tons of expensive toys. I also love my wife and daughter very, very much. My wife, Linda, and I have been married for almost twelve years. For the most part,...

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Sharing my Wife Another Fun Square Dance

We had a square dance weekend planned in Baker City March twelfth. We’d had it planned for a long time, to go with our square dance friends, Jim and Joan. We’d made hotel reservations at the Best Western a month earlier for Saturday night for a room with two queen beds as we enjoyed sharing a room with them. We’d been friends with them long before we started our sexual odyssey and our relationship with them was purely platonic, other than a little sexual teasing. They had no idea of how we’d...

Wife Lovers
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Dance Lessons1

Thursday came, and when I got home from school, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach beginning to form. I played baseball, and most other sports. Athletes didn’t dance. So I was torn between betraying my perceived manhood, and having my friends laugh at me, so I told nobody. I didn’t tell Denise, because I didn’t want to create unrealistic expectations. Better to surprise her I thought. The Doorbell rang, and I could see JoAnne through the thick glass. I guess I should tell you about...

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Dance Lessons0

Thursday came, and when I got home from school, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach beginning to form. I played baseball, and most other sports. Athletes didn’t dance. So I was torn between betraying my perceived manhood, and having my friends laugh at me, so I told nobody. I didn’t tell Denise, because I didn’t want to create unrealistic expectations. Better to surprise her I thought. The Doorbell rang, and I could see JoAnne through the thick glass. I guess I should tell you about...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Sexy Dance Partner In A Club

Hello Friends! I am Chahat Khanna. I am back again on this platform with another of my sexual escapade. Let me start with a brief description of myself. Chahat Khanna, height 5’7″, fair complexion, big eyes. I have been blessed with 34 size boobs and a 24 inches waist carved on a base of 34 inches with a glowing milk tone. Not boring you any longer, I will start with my story straightaway. I was always interested in extracurricular activities and dancing was one of my biggest passions growing...

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You Need to have Curves to Dance for Me

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....It was a slow night at the club. I was sitting in the far corner. I was tallying up the receipt for the night. It was about an hour before closing time. Nothing much had happen all night. The new girl I hired last week was working out just perfect. She was very voluptuous. You need to have curves to dance for me. She had all the right curves, in all the right places. I love women with curves. I was not sure how the customers would react. But she worked two...

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School Dance

Another chapter from my book Tales of Ginger and Quinn. Available on Amazon and Kindle in Ereader and paperback format. Under my pen name Raul MontanaThe first day of school is always special, but today is extra special because this is the first day of Quinn's freshman year. Although the town is small, the high school is not. It is a regional school, so students from miles away come there. This does add to ethnic diversity. However, the school is still mostly white, primarily a rural farming...

5 years ago
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You Dance

Chapter One RICK I was eating supper, when I heard the familiar sound of ball hitting pavement. Then I heard the same sound, but in rapid-fire bursts. That was my summons-well, not really, more like a request. But when I heard that sound, I generally followed it. Where it led me was to the driveway right next door to mine. I had grabbed a sweatshirt-it was only mid-March, in Massachusetts-and headed out. "Was wondering if you heard," came wafting over from the driveway. "Of...

3 years ago
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The Best Dance

Mandy moved with grace about the stage, her slim body moving in perfect sync with the music. The song was a powerful ballad about lost love and remembered passion. The dancer was perfectly in tune with the music and the story it told; the movements of her body capturing every nuance of the music and lyrics. I sat spellbound, unable to take my eyes from the sight of my friend’s twin sister. Seeing Mandy in action almost hypnotized me, stirring up feelings that I dared not express to her or to...

First Time
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The New Years Eve Dance I Will Survive

A somewhat personal story told in the third person...a story of hope...Never forget the music that is the soundtrack of our lives, for if we let the music die, something inside us dies along with it…for Mary…The New Year's Eve Dance (I Will Survive)Bill hated this time of year. He kept thinking about how much he hated it as he got himself ready for the dance that evening. It would do him good to get out though. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a dance. It was his friend Sam...

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Twisted But Precious The Morning After the Sunrise Dance

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.” Ferris Bueller Have you ever thought of hosting a party in the middle of the desert and inviting 70,000 people? Well Larry did and John finally went. _________________________________________ The Present- “Smelling the Roses” It was the morning after the Sunrise Dance. John’s head was pounding with the dull throbbing pain of a heavy hangover. What a spectacular fucking night. It had been years...

Love Stories
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 67 The Dancers Ebony Grace

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – The Black Tide, The Nimborgoth I stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the nixie crew moving about. I stared at the stark coast of the Halani Desert....

4 years ago
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Holy Dance Surprise

"Tony Morgan is a dick-head"This statement sat just below the toilet roll holder in one of the cubicles in the ladies toilets, matched two other similar sentiments elsewhere in the school and entirely agreed with my own views on the subject.Tony is my elder brother Greg's best friend, although the adjective and Tony did not sit well together in my mind, almost from the moment that Tony arrived at our school at the age of sixteen when his family moved into the area.Physically they were both...

2 years ago
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From Dance To Dirty Dance And More

Hello everyone on ISS, I am a regular follower of ISS and was waiting eagerly for the time that I can submit my real story and that time has come. Since it’s my first story and i pay attention to details, it may get a little lengthy. Let me introduce myself to start with. My name is Pooh (nickname), 22years old, from Ahmadabad, an engineer by qualification and I am a dance instructor in one of the renowned dance classes of Abad city. I am of fair skin complexion, 5′ 10″ tall and athletic build...

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the Dance Party

    The club was packed, and Kristi and I were stuck up against the wall, but that didn’t stop us from having a good time.   The band was in the middle of their set, and with the music blaring loudly from speakers that were positioned directly over our heads, Kristi spent most of the time grinding into me, pressing her ass right onto my cock.   Moving in sync with the band, it felt great.   Thankfully it was dark enough that nobody took notice of our own private dance, but the...

Group Sex
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Dancing On Daddys Shoes Chapter 13 First Dance Last Chance

Chapter 13 First Dance - Last Chance Friday after school, Kim returned home and charged up the stairs to her room without so much as a hello for her father who was waiting in the foyer to greet her. The better part of caution told him to just leave it alone. He returned to the living room. She would tell him what was wrong when she was ready. Tom had a good idea what the trouble was without having to be told, however. There had not been much he had been...

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All She Wants to Do is Dance

All She Wants to Do is Dance by Andrew J. Mellon "Hey having a good time!?" Bill yelled out over the thumping, head pounding music. Alex Cook took a swig of beer and then gave his friend a look of disgust, "I can't believe this piss cost five bucks." "Come on man, enjoy yourself, muscle up to the bar with some one dollar bills and get in on the action. That's what everybody else is doing." Alex took a look at the rest of the group, crowded around the bar, yelling and waving...

2 years ago
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Dance Lessons Continued

I put the shower on to cover up any sounds that might have escaped the bathroom that might sound like I was pleasuring myself. I put some lotion on my hand and began to stroke my already very hard cock. I sat on the toilet, closed my eyes, and my mind went right to the dance lesson. How good it felt to have my hands on Joanne’s soft body as I listened to her instructions on how to do the hustle. As my right hand continued to stroke my hard shaft, my minds eyes saw Joanne down on her...

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The New Years Eve Dance I Will Survive

Bill hated this time of year. He kept thinking about how much he hated it as he got himself ready for the dance that evening. It would do him good to get out though. Bill couldn’t remember the last time he had been to a dance. It was his friend Sam who had talked him into going out tonight. There was a New Year's Eve singles dance tonight at a local Sheraton Hotel and Sam thought it would do his friend some good. It had been a while since Bill had been to anything similar and he...

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